Ohsung Electronics URCMX650N RF REMOTE CONTROLLER User Manual I

Ohsung Electronics Co., Ltd. RF REMOTE CONTROLLER I


EUT Type: RF Remote Controller   FCC ID.: OZ5URCMX650NTest Report No.: GETEC-E3-08-002 FCC Part 15 Subpart B,C APPENDIX I : USER’S MANUAL
Omega Owner’s Manual © 2004 Universal Remote Control, Inc.The information in this manual is copyright protected. No part of this manual may be copied or reproducedin any form without prior written consent from Universal Remote Control, Inc. UNIVERSAL REMOTE CON-TROL, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR OPERATIONAL, TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS/OMIS-SIONS MADE IN THIS MANUAL. The information in this manual may be subject to change without priornotice. Omega is a registered trademark of Universal Remote Control, Inc. Power of Simple is a trademarkof Universal Remote Control, Inc.  All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarksof their respective companies or organizations.500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532 Thank You!Thank you for purchasing the Omega   Pre-Programmed andLearning Remote Control. This manual is designed to assist youstep-by-step as you setup the Omega to replace all of yourremote controls and automate your home entertainment system.TM
Table of ContentsGetting Started 2Button Layout 3Basic Setup 5Pre-Programmed Method 5Learning Method 9Volume Control Punch Through  12Advanced Operation 14Advanced Setup 16Editing Button Labels 16Macro Button Setup 19Favorite Channel Setup 21Hiding and Adding Pages 23Erasing 25Cloning One Omega to Another 26Recalling Pre-Programmed Settings 27Utilizing Optional RF Base Stations 28IR/RF Signal Setting 31ID # - Setting Base Station Address 33EMITT - Setting IR Emitter Outputs 34BLAST - Setting the Front Panel Blaster On or Off 35Pre-Programmed Code Tables 37Frequently Asked Questions 57Warranty 57Specifications 57
2Getting StartedCongratulations!You’ve purchased one of the most advanced and easy to setup control sys-tems available. The Omega’s built-in library includes thousands of differentbrands and models of remote controls. In most systems, all you have to doto setup the Omega is enter which brands and models you own. If youown a component too new to be in the library, the Omega uses advancedlearning technology to quickly set each Omega button, one at at time.Setting up your Omega to replace all your existing remote controls can bedone in a few minutes. Basic Setup is described on pages 5 to 13.The Omega’s exciting advanced features automate and customize opera-tion in many ways. You could use Macro Setup to power on all of yourcomponents and start the show with the press of one button!  With theOmega’s unique Favorite Channel capability, you can tune in a channelwith the press of one button instead of entering the entire channel number.Any of the button names on the display can be edited as you like. It is bestto delay any Advanced Setup (described on pages 14 to 36) until after youfinish Basic Setup. Battery InstallationRemove the battery compartment cover by pressing up the cover lock.Insert four AAA batteries into the battery compartment as shown in thediagram.The Omega++++----
3Universal Remote Control, Inc.MAINButtontakes youto theMAINMenu.ScreenLabeledDisplayButtonsScreenLabeledDisplayButtonsLIGHTButtonPAGENumbersFUNCTIONButtonsTITLEPOWERONButtonFAVORITECHANNELButtonPAGEButtonschange thepage ofDisplayButtons.Button Layout Transmitting“Busy” SignalIndicator**Note: When a command, macro or favorite channel is being transmitted, an icon will appearin the top right corner of the display. While the Omega is “busy”, it will ignore a button push.POWEROFFButton
4The OmegaSelecting a New DEVICE Changes All Button Commands InstantlyThe Omega can operate twenty different devices even though it is onlyone remote control. Let’s try it now! Press the MAIN button, then pressthe TV DEVICE button.The top of the screen changes from MAIN to TV. Now all of the buttonschange their function to operate a TV. Press the PAGE button. Watch thelabels of the display buttons change with each press. There are fourpages of display buttons already labeled for TV operation. To operateanother component (e.g., VCR, DVD etc.), press the MAIN button toreturn to the MAIN menu. The MAIN menu displays ten of your Deviceson the screen. Simply press one of the screen-labeled Device buttons tooperate another device. If you don’t see the device name you want, thenuse the PAGE buttons to display the remaining ten devices on page 2 ofthe MAIN menu. Light ButtonPress the LIGHT button to backlight all the buttons. To turn off the back-lighting, press the LIGHT button again, or just wait ten seconds (the back-lighting automatically shuts itself off).TVDEVICEButtonMAINButtonLIGHTButton
5Universal Remote Control, Inc.Basic SetupYou can start setting up your Omega using either the Pre-ProgrammedMethod or the Learning Method. However, all the buttons of the Omegaare setup at once with the Pre-Programmed Method, so it is usually fasterthan the one-button-at-a-time Learning Method.Pre-Programmed MethodPower on the A/V component you wish to setup, so that you can testcodes by sending power off commands.Refer to the pre-programmed code tables on pages 37 - 52 andwrite down the code numbers listed for your A/V component. Thecode numbers are listed by categories of devices, then by brand.See page 37 for a category list. Code tables with model numbersare available at www.universalremote.com in the MX-650 area.Press and hold both the MAIN and ENT (Enter) buttons for approxi-mately three seconds. The top of the display will show “SETUP”.You are in SETUP mode now.Note: You have 30 seconds to perform a step while you are in SETUP mode. Ifyou don’t press a button within that time, the Omega will time out and return tonormal operation.MAINButton ENTButton123
6Press the P-PRO button to select the Pre-Programmed Method.The display changes so that you can select which Device button tosetup.Press the device button you’d like to setup.The bottom of the display will now flash “FROM TABLE”. P-PROButtonThe Omega45Press thePage buttonto displaythe other tenDevicenames.First tenDevice Names
7Universal Remote Control, Inc.In this step you select which code table to use. Thus, you can pro-gram a device named “TV” with codes from the CABLE code tablesand a device named” VIDEO” with codes from the TV code table.If you don’t see the code table you need, press the PAGE buttons toreveal the other page of code table categories, then select the codetable you want to use.Note: Each name that appears in the display may include several types ofcomponents. For example, the AUX category includes many types of cus-tom installation devices.  See page 37 for a list of component types eachCode Table contains.Point the Omega at the component, then enter the first three digitcode number from your notes using the numbered buttons. Afteryou enter each three digit number, look at the component to see ifit turned off.Continue to enter code numbers until the component turns off. For Example: I have a Sony TV. I found the code numbers 070, 139,147,126, 185, 194 and 085 under Sony in the TV TABLE. Using the numberedbuttons on the Omega, I entered  070 and looked at the TV. It didn’t turnoff, so I entered 139, then 147 and so on, until I found the code that pow-ered off the TV. 67Use thenumberbuttons toenter the codenumber.
8Note: If a component fails to turn off after you have entered all of the codenumbers listed for your brand, your component might actually be manu-factured by another brand. You can scan through the other brands in thetable using the UP and DOWN buttons to change the code number dis-played, then tapping either the Power ON, OFF or any other button to seeif the component responds to any command. Alternatively, you can opt touse the Learning Method on Page 9 if you can’t find a code set in the built-in database.When the component turns off, save the code number you enteredby pressing the SAVE button that appears on the screen. Exit SETUP mode by pressing the MAIN button two times. Whenthe display shows “MAIN”, you are back in normal operatingmode.SAVEButtonCode Number YouEnteredMAINButtonThe Omega89Scan Up to thenext CodeNumberScan Down to thepreviousCode NumberPress Power Onor Power Off totest if the devicepowers off.
Repeat steps one through nine for each of your devices. Test all thecommands you’ve programmed. If you are missing any commands,use the learning method, described next:109Universal Remote Control, Inc.Learning MethodThe Omega can learn commands from your old remote controls one-button-at-a-time on any button of any device, on the MAIN or FAV LCDbuttons or on the MAIN hard buttons, by following these simple steps:Line-up the Omega with your old remote control, head-to-head,one or two inches apart.On the Omega, press and hold the MAIN and ENT (Enter) buttonsat the same time for approximately three seconds. The top of thedisplay will show “SETUP”. You are in SETUP mode now.Note: You have 30 seconds to perform a step while you are in SETUP mode. Ifyou don’t press a button within that time, the Omega will time out and return tonormal operation.Press the LEARN button. The top of the screen will change to “LEARN”.LEARNButton123
10The OmegaThe display will show a list of the first ten devices. If you would liketo teach a command to a device on Page 2, press the PAGE button.Select the device you would like to teach commands to by pressingthe Device button.You’ve selected the Device you want, no select any button you wantto teach a command to (if it is on another page, press the page button). Note: The only buttons you can’tteach IR commands are thePAGE, MAIN  and FAV buttons. Once you press a button, the top of the display will change from“LEARN” to “READY”.456Press any Button.Press thePage buttonto displaythe other tenDevicenames.First tenDevice Names
11Universal Remote Control, Inc.Press and hold the button you want on your old remote control untilthe display changes to either “GOOD” or “FAILED”.If the “GOOD” label appears on top of the display, you were successful.Now, press the next button you wish to teach. Keep repeating steps 6through 7 until you have learned all the buttons you want.If the “FAILED” label appears on top of the display, try to teach thesame button in Omega once again by repeating steps 6-7. Continue to teach any commands from any of your remote controlsby repeating steps 5-7 (to go back to step five, press MAIN once).Once you completed teaching all the buttons, return to normal opera-tion by pressing the MAIN button twice. Test all your new commands.If any of them don’t work, try learning again using these notes:789Move to another room. Plasma TVs, sunlight, halogen orquartz lighting can interfere with the learning process.Although the old remote control seems to work fine,change the batteries to fresh alkaline batteries.Vary the distance between the remote controls gradually. Try 1/4”, 1”, 2”and so on, up to 4 feet.Tap the button on the original remote control instead ofpressing and holding it during the learning process.
12The OmegaVolume Control Punch Through In most home entertainment systems, the sound volume is only con-trolled by one device. In some systems, it is the TV speakers that makethe sound, so you would use the TV device on the Omega to raise andlower the volume. In another system, it might be a surround soundreceiver and speakers that control the sound, so you would use theOmega’s AUDIO device to adjust the volume. Constantly switching theOmega to TV or AUDIO to adjust the volume is inconvenient in dailylife.You can use Punch Through to set the Omega’s volume buttons toalways control the sound in your system. That way when the Omega isset to VCR or DVD, the volume up, down and mute buttons will workperfectly without switching back to AUDIO or TV. Here’s how:Enter Setup mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENT forthree seconds. The top of the display show you are in SETUP modenow.Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically. Press the PUNCH button.Press the VOL button. The display confirms by displaying “VOL” at thetop of the screen. This sets up the group of three buttons (Volume Up,Volume Down and Mute) in one action!The bottom of the display flashes ”PUNCH TO”. 123Select theTransport group(Play, Pause,Stop, Rew, FFwd)Select the VOL-UME group (VolUp, Down & Mute)Select the CHANNEL group(Channel Up,Channel Down and PREV CH)Select the POWER group(ON and OFF)Select the MENUgroup (Menu, Guide,Info, Exit, Up, Down,Left, Right, Sel)
13Universal Remote Control, Inc.Press the device button for the device that doesn’t have volumecontrol commands yet (i.e.,DVD). This is the device you are goingto PUNCH TO for the volume and mute commands.Note: If you wish to PUNCH to the MAIN device, press the POWER OFFbutton at this time.The bottom of the display will then flash “PUNCH FROM”. Nowyou select the device that has the volume commands you want(i.e.,TV for systems using the TV speakers, AUDIO for systems withsurround sound receivers). The bottom of the display will flash “SAVED”.Repeat steps 3-5 until all your devices operate the volume perfect-ly. Press the MAIN button twice to  return to normal operatingmode and test your Punch Through settings.Note: The Punch Through feature is not limited to volume and can also be applied to channel or other functions. If you findyourself switching to a particular device frequently to use a group of con-trols, consider using Punch Through for another group, as listed here:POWER - Power On and Power OffMENU - Menu, Guide, Info, Exit and the four cursor buttons.VOL - Volume Up, Volume Down and MuteCH  - Channel Up, Channel Down, Previous Channel, all of the numericPLAY - Play, Stop, Pause, Rewind and Fast Forward645Selectthe Deviceyou want to“Punch To”Press thePage buttonto displaythe other tenDevicenames.
14Advanced OperationSetting Backlight OptionsYou can adjust the amount of time that the Omega backlight stays on byentering the SETUP mode, then pressing the LIGHT button on the dis-play. Then enter the amount of time you would like the light to stay onusing the number pad (0-99 seconds). After making your selection, pressthe SAVE button. If you don’t want backlighting at all (this extends battery life), press the ONbutton that appears on the screen. The ON will change to OFF. Press theSAVE button. Exit the setup mode by pressing the MAIN button.The FAV ButtonWhen you press the FAV button, the display changes to a list of yourfavorite TV channels. Each button can be set to instantly select the channelon your TV. There are five pages of ten favorite channel buttons for a totalof 50. Simply touch the PAGE or the FAV button to display the other pagesof favorite channels. To return to the last device you viewed, press MAINonce (a second press will take you to the MAIN menu). To setup your Favorite Channel buttons go to page 21.The OmegaFavoriteChannelButtonsFAVButton
15Universal Remote Control, Inc.Adjusting ContrastYou can make the text darker by pressing both the MAIN and cursor UPbuttons at the same time. To make the text appear lighter, press both theMAIN and cursor DOWN buttons at the same time.Transmitting (Busy Signal) IconWhen a command is being transmitted, an icon will appear inthe top right corner of the display. It is a useful aid when settingup Macros and FAVs, since it flashes with every step of asequence of commands.Contrast set low.CursorUp & Down ButtonsMAINButtonContrast set high.
The OmegaAdvanced SetupAfter you’ve finished all your basic setup, you can choose to make opera-tion easier by customizing the Omega just the way you want, using theAdvanced Setup features described in this section.Editing Button LabelsYou can change the name of any of the display buttons (includingFavorite Channels) by following these steps:Press and hold both the MAIN and ENT (Enter) buttons  for approx-imately three seconds. The top of the display will show “SETUP”.You are in SETUP mode now.Note: You have 30 seconds to perform a step while you are in SETUP mode. If you don’tpress a button within that time, the Omega will time out and return to normal operation.Press the EDIT button.The display changes to the EDIT menu. Press the TEXT button.Note: The screen displays the list of devices and “EDIT” will appearat the top of the screen. TEXTButton123EDITButton16
17Universal Remote Control, Inc.Navigate to the device and page where there is a button label youwant to EDIT, selecting between the FAV, MAIN, DEVICE, thenusing the PAGE button. Press the button you wish to edit. The firstcharacter of your button label blinks.BlinkingCharacterA,B,C,1 D,E,F,2 G,H,I,3J,K,L,4 M,N,O,5 P,Q,R,6S,T,U,7 V,W,X,8 Y,Z,9Change the character byusing any of the numberkeys. Each press of thesame number button selectsthe next character of thatnumber’s group, as shownhere.Once the character youwant appears, move to thenext space by pressing theRIGHT cursor button.EDIT flashesat the bottomof the screen.DOWN Cursorbutton deletes the currentlyblinking character.UP Cursorbutton deletes ALL text.LEFT Cursor buttonmoves blinkingcharacter left.RIGHT Cursor buttonmoves blinkingcharacter right.45
18The OmegaWhen you are finished editing the button, press the button youedited and “SAVED” will flash at the bottom of the display.To change any other button labels on the same device, press the nextbutton, then repeat steps 5-7. If you wish to edit a button on anotherdevice, press the MAIN button once, then repeat Steps 3-7.Once you’ve finished editing buttons, press the MAIN button fourtimes to return to normal operation.Edit the MAIN Menu Title or a MAIN Menu Device LabelYou can change the title of the MAIN Menu or a MAIN Menu devicelabel by following these steps after you’ve entered TEXT Edit mode(described in the steps one through four in the preceding pages).Once you’ve entered TEXT Edit mode, the top of the screen displaysEDIT and the first ten devices of the MAIN Menu. There are fivepages you can access via the Page UP or DOWN buttons. When thetop of the screen says EDIT, pressing a device button jumps to the pages forthat device so that you can edit a device’s LCD buttons normally. However,if you continue to tap the Page button, the top of the screen will changefrom EDIT to MAIN. While it says MAIN, there are two pages of LCD but-tons. The first two list the Devices of the MAIN Menu and enable you tochange the device names when pressed. The last page titled MAIN has onlyone entry for the LCD buttons; “MAIN”. When you press the correspondinghard button, you can relabel the MAIN title to the room the Omega controls.Select the title to edit by pressing the adjacent hard button.Edit the text (described on steps 4 and 5 on page 17).Press the button you edited to save the changes. Here’s an example: 6781234Each of the MAIN menudevice buttons has been cus-tom labeled for the activitiesthe user likes to use in theDEN. Unused devices arerenamed with spaces andthe pages of the unuseddevices are hidden so that anaccidental press of a blankbutton does nothing.The MAIN Menu titlehas been changed toDEN, so whenever theMAIN button ispressed, the user isreminded that this isthe DEN remote.
19Universal Remote Control, Inc.Macro Button SetupImagine turning on your TV, your DVD player and your surround soundreceiver by pressing a single button on your Omega!  What would nor-mally take three remotes and three button pushes, the Omega canaccomplish with the press of one button. We call that a “Macro”. Anyof the Display buttons, the Power On or the Power Off buttons (on anyDevice or Page) can be set to be Macro buttons! To setup a macro button, follow these easy steps:Enter the SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN andENT for three seconds. Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically. Press the MACRO button. The  top of the display will show“MACRO”. The bottom of the display will flash “SELECT”. Navigate to the Device and Page where there is a button you wouldlike to set as a Macro button using the MAIN, DEVICE, and PAGE but-tons.Advanced Options: If you wish to set one of the DEVICE buttons as a macro, on step 3, tap thePage button until the top of the display changes to MAIN. Using the PAGEbutton you can navigate to MAIN page 1 or page 2 before going on to Step 4. Another option for DEVICE button macros is to only send the macro if the but-ton is pressed and held. This is setup by entering a delay as the first step of themacro. The amount of delay determines how long the user must press the but-ton before the macro is sent. The advantage of this option is that a normalpress of the DEVICE button will simply switch devices without issuing themacro.Press the button you want to set as a Macro button. The top of thescreen will display the label of the button you selected. At the bot-tom of the screen it displays “STEP0”, indicating that no macrosteps have been entered yet. 1234
20The OmegaNavigate to the Device and Page that has a button you want in yourmacro using the MAIN, DEVICE and PAGE buttons. Then press thebutton with the command you want. Whenever a button is pressed,another Macro step is counted and displayed at the bottom of thescreen.Don’t worry about the number of steps. Each macro button canstore up to 190 steps, so you are not likely to run out of steps!Note: You can program delays in between commands by pressing thePAUSE button. Each press adds half a second to the delay.Press the Channel UP button to SAVE your macro. The screenreturns to the SETUP menu.Press the MAIN button twice to return to normal operation.567
21Universal Remote Control, Inc.Favorite Channel SetupImagine surfing all your favorite channels, without ever typing in achannel number. By simply setting up each of the favorite channel but-tons, you can make TV, cable or satellite operation fun and easy. Tosetup a Favorite Channel button, follow these steps:Enter SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENTfor three seconds. Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically. Press the FAV display button. The  top of the display will show “FAV”. The bottom of the displaywill flash “SELECT”. Use the PAGE or FAV buttons until you can see the name (i.e., ABC,CBS, NBC) of the favorite channel you wish to setup.Press the favorite channel button you wish to setup. The top of thescreen changes to show the channel name. The bottom of thescreen displays “STEP0”, indicating that you have not entered thechannel number yet.Press either the TV, SAT or CABLE Device button (select the device youuse to enter channel numbers).Press each of the number buttons for the channel.Note: Some brands of television (for example: SONY) require anENT(Enter) command after the channel numbers for the favorite macro towork correctly.FAVButton123456
22The OmegaNote: If a number is repeated when setting the channel (for example,channel“33” or “522”) it is usually best to set a half second delay in between theidentical numbers by pressing the PAUSE button. Each press of the PAUSEbutton increases the delay by a half second.Press the Channel UP button to SAVE your macro. The screenreturns to the SETUP menu.Press the MAIN button twice to return to normal operation.78Use the PAUSE Button to setdelays between steps, each pressof the pause button increases thedelay by a half second.
25Universal Remote Control, Inc.ErasingYou can erase an individual button with a learned command, a macroor a favorite channel. You can erase an entire Device’s learned com-mand or macro buttons. You can also erase ALL your learned com-mands on all devices or all your macros or favorite channels every-where. If you really want a fresh start, it is possible to reset everything tothe factory default condition.Erasing Learned Buttons, Macros or FavsEnter SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENTfor three seconds. Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically.Press the ERASE button.Press either the LEARN, MACRO or FAV button.The following screen appears:If you press ALL, the Omega displays a SURE? button. After theSURE button is pressed, all the buttons will be erased.If you press DEVICE, a list of Devices will appear. Press thedevice button that you wish to erase. The bottom of the screenwill flash ERASE twice, then ERASED.If you press KEY, you’ll have to navigate to the Device and Pageyou want using the MAIN, DEVICE and PAGE buttons. Press abutton to erase it. The bottom of the display will flash ERASEtwice, then ERASED.To return to normal operating mode, press the MAIN button fourtimes.1234ALL —DEVICE—KEY—
26The OmegaErasing the Entire OmegaTo erase EVERYTHING, press and hold both the MAIN and the STOPbuttons for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, the RESET screen appears.Press the SURE button to erase all of your settings and return to the fac-tory default setup.ALL Buttonerases allsettings.PROG Buttonerases three digitcodes, Page, Textand PunchThrough settings.Cloning One Omega to AnotherIf you own two or more Omega, you can copy and transfer all the setupfrom one Omega to another. Just follow these easy steps:Enter SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENTfor three seconds.Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically.Press the CLONE button. Align the two Omega head-to-head, about an inch apart.Press the RECV display button on the new Omega you would liketo setup by cloning.Press the SEND display button on the Omega you previously setup.Press the START button on the new Omega and then press theSTART button on the Omega you previously setup. Note: Cloning typically takes about 40 seconds.After completion, the cloned Omega will flash “GOOD”.Return to normal operation by pressing the MAIN button twice.1234567
27Universal Remote Control, Inc.Recalling Pre-Programmed SettingsIf you didn’t write down the code numbers you setup your Omega with,you can recall them via this simple process:Enter SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENTfor three seconds. Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically. Press the RECAL button. The display changes to the first page of thefour recall screens. Press the PAGE button to see the other pages.Write down the code numbers as they appear. Return to normal operation by pressing the MAIN button twice.1234PAGEButton
28The OmegaUtilizing Optional RF Base StationsYou can use the Omega as you would your other remote controls. It trans-mits very powerful line-of-sight output using infrared light commands(invisible to the naked eye). When you point the Omega at the compo-nents, expect the range to be between 30 and 50 feet. When the remote isnot pointed in the general direction of the components, the range will vary(depending on reflective surfaces, lighting, etc.). However, the Omega also sends radio signals in every direction. By pur-chasing the MRF-100 or the addressable MRF-250 or MRF-300 base sta-tions, you can operate your equipment with the Omega 50 to 100 feetaway (through walls, doors, cabinets, inside or outside). Since the RF BaseStation picks up the Omega's radio signals from any direction, regardlessof distance, the Omega doesn’t have to be pointed!Using MRF-250 or MRF-300 Addressable Base Stations By installing an MRF-250 or MRF-300 base station you gain freedom frominterference from a nearby room, house or condo where someone elsemight be using an RF remote control.  Addressable base stations areassigned one of 15 unique ID#’s.  This allows multiple equipment loca-tions in one house to be controlled by any Omega. In operation it’s simple:when you select a device located in the Den, the Omega only talks to thebase station in the Den.  When you select a device located in the FamilyRoom, the Omega only talks to it!When used with an MRF-250 or MRF-300 base station, the Omega can beprogrammed to control identical components, for example, a media roomarray of TV’s .  The intelligent routing of the MRF-250 or the MRF-300 basestation will send your commands only to the TV you want to control. Theother identical TV’s will not receive commands. Of course, if your systemutilizes identical satellite receivers, cable boxes, VCR’s or disc changersyou can utilize IR routing just as easily for them. If you have more than sixidentical components, up to 15 addressable MRF-250’s or MRF-300’s canbe installed to control them (thus allowing up to 90 identical componentsin one house). Note: The Omega's radio signals will not control components directly.Components that came with "no pointing" radio remote controls cannotbe operated by the Omega unless the component can be switched to standardinfrared control via its internal menus. Some remote control ceiling fans areradio only and cannot be operated by the Omega.
29Universal Remote Control, Inc.The RF Base Station converts radio signals to stan-dard infrared commands and sends them out via a built-in front blaster and/or the flashers to compo-nents. The blaster is useful when a number of com-ponents are in the same cabinet shelf space.The Omega sends radio signal tothe MRF-100, MRF-250 or theMRF-300 RF Base Stations.Self-adhesive “flashers” (included with the MRF-250 or theMRF-300) affix to the front panels of your components. Theflashers relay infrared commands to components out-of-sight ofthe front blaster. The flashers plug into the rear flasher line out-put jacks. Each flasher has a 10’ cable to easily reach compo-nents on nearby shelves.
30RF Settings OverviewThe Omega is factory set to  ID#0. Although this will work with any basestation set to ID#0, it does not allow any emitter or blaster configuration.Before changing any emitter or blaster settings, you must reset the ID# toan address other than 0. By setting the RF addresses for each device you can operate identicaldevices (like a stack of satellite receivers, cable boxes, or an array of iden-tical TV sets). You do this by assigning a valid ID#, then selecting a partic-ular IR Emitter Output via EMITT settings. To ensure that the identical com-ponents are not affected by line of sight commands, you set the IR/RF forthe device to RF Only. Many components with on-screen GUI’s (guides, menus etc.) are extreme-ly sensitive to IR overload/saturation. The best way of positioning emittersfor these devices is to set the IR/RF setting to RF only and to set the EMITTto a specific line output, not the default setting of ALL.Here are the factory default RF settings of the Omega:IR/RF (Type of Signal) - All devices are factory set to send both an IR line ofsight signal and an omnidirectional RF signal.ID# (Base Station Address) - All devices are factory set with ID #0.EMITT (IR Emitter Line Output) - All devices are factory set to output IR com-mands through ALL IR Emitter Line Outputs. BLAST (Base Station Front Panel Blaster) - The blaster is factory set to be on.Testing for Interference - When ID#0 is set on the bottom of the base station, theSTATUS LED will flicker if interference is present. Once the base station is moved toa location where the LED does not flicker, the ID# can be changed to one of thevalid addresses (1-9 or A-F).Changing the RF SettingsEnter SETUP mode by pressing and holding both MAIN and ENTfor three seconds.Note: You have 30 seconds for each step, otherwise the Omega will timeout automatically. Press the PAGE button until page two of Setup is displayed (RF is theonly choice on Page 2).The Omega12
31Universal Remote Control, Inc.Press the RF button. The RF Settings Menu appears. See the notes on the followingpages for more info on each option. Make your selection by press-ing the button you want:After you’ve made a new setting and SAVED your change, use theEXIT button to return to the Setup menu. Use the MAIN button toreturn to normal operation.IR/RF Signal SettingYou can set the signal to be IR line-of-sight only, RF only or IR and RFsimultaneously. Additionally, you can set the signal the same way for ALLten of your devices OR you can set the signal differently for each device(the plasma TV could be set to be IR line-of-sight only, while the DVDplayer and the Satellite receiver are set to be RF only). A good reason to setthe signal to RF only is to prevent too much IR being sent to a sensitivecomponent from two arrivals at the front panel (one directly from theOmega, one from the RF base station). A good reason to set the signal toIR only is that another room has an MRF-100 base station (no RF address)so it will receive commands from the Omega unless it is set to IR only. 345RF Button Signal (IR,RF or Both) Base StationID #Emitters - ALLor a specificEmitterBlaster - Turnthe BlasterOn or OffExit this Menu
32From the RF Settings Menu, select IR/RF.Decide whether you are changing the Signal for all devices or justone of the devices of the Omega.Select ALL to change the signal settings toALL devices in the Omega. Then, go to Step4.Select DEVIC to change the signal settings tojust one of the devices in the Omega. Then,go to Step 3.The display changes to a list of the names of your devices. If you havetwo pages of devices, pressing either of the page buttons will displaythe other page. Select the device you would like to change IR/RF set-tings, then go to Step 4.Select the new setting by pressing the desired button, then press SAVEto save your new setting and return to the RF settings menu.The Omega1243Change IR from ON to OFF. Change RF from ON to OFF. Save the new settingSelect a device Page Buttondisplays theother pageof devices. Exit this Menu without changingthe IR/RF settings
33Universal Remote Control, Inc.ID # - Setting Base Station AddressWhen you are installing a system within 100 feet of another equipmentlocation in the same home OR near a home, condo, yacht or motorhome that might potentially have an RF remote control of any kind, it isrecommended that you use an addressable base station and set theaddress as described here.You can operate up to 15 different equipment locations, each with anMRF-250 or MRF-300 assigned a unique Receiver ID#.  You programeach or all of your Omega devices to the appropriate equipment loca-tion by assigning the corresponding ID# in the RF Settings Menus.From the RF Settings Menu, select ID#.Decide whether you are changing the ID# for all devices or just oneof the devices of the Omega.Select ALL to change the ID# for ALL devicesin the Omega. Then, go to Step 4.Select DEVIC to change the ID# for just oneof the devices in the Omega. Then, go to Step3.The display changes to a list of the names of your devices. If you havetwo pages of devices, pressing either of the page buttons will displaythe other page. Select the device you would like to change the ID#,then go to Step 4.123Select a device Page Buttondisplays theother pageof devices.
34EMITT - Setting IR Emitter OutputsThe MRF-250 and MRF-300 Base Stations enable you to route orsteer the IR commands from any Device to any or all of the IRLine Outputs. This allows you to control identical devices usingthe exact same IR commands (such as an array of television setsin a media room or a stack of identical satellite receivers installedin a central location with one satellite receiver dedicated to eachroom with a television). Each button push (or macro step) is rout-ed to the specific IR Line Output you’ve assigned to a device. Inthe factory set default settings, the Omega is set to route IR com-mands from any device to ALL IR Line Outputs simultaneously. Tochange the Omega default settings follow these steps:From the RF Settings Menu, select EMITT.Decide whether you are changing the Emitter settings for all devicesor just one of the devices of the Omega.Select ALL to change the Emitter settings toALL devices in the Omega. Then, go to Step4.Select DEVIC to change the Emitter settingsto just one of the devices in the Omega.Then, go to Step 3.The Omega12Select the new setting by pressing the desired button, then press SAVEto save your new setting and return to the RF settings menu.4Change ID#using UP andDOWN buttonsDisplays thecurrent ID# Save the new settingExit this Menu with-out changing theIR/RF settings
35Universal Remote Control, Inc.The display changes to a list of the names of your devices. If you havetwo pages of devices, pressing either of the page buttons will displaythe other page. Select the device you would like to change theEmitter settings, then go to Step 4.Select the new setting by pressing the desired button, then pressSAVE to save your new setting and return to the RF settings menu.BLAST - Setting the Front Panel Blaster On or OffThe MRF-250 and MRF-300 Base Stations have a configurablefront panel high power IR LED or “blaster” for controlling compo-nents in the same cabinet space without emitters attached to theirfront panel. The front panel blaster can overpower or saturate thesensors of some A/V components, so if intermittent operationoccurs, the blaster should be turned off.The blaster is incompatible with a stack of identical components,since all components will receive IR commands at once, no mat-ter what device is selected. Turn off the front panel blaster by fol-lowing the steps described on the next page:34Change the IRline outputusing UP andDOWN buttonsDisplays thecurrent IR lineoutput Save the new settingExit this Menu with-out changing theEMITT settingsSelect a device Page Buttondisplays theother pageof devices.
36From the RF Settings Menu, select  BLAST.Decide whether you are changing the Blaster for all devices or justone of the devices of the Omega.Select ALL to change the blaster settings toALL devices in the Omega. Then, go to Step4.Select DEVIC to change the blaster settings tojust one of the devices in the Omega. Then,go to Step 3.The display changes to a list of the names of your devices. If you havetwo pages of devices, pressing either of the page buttons will displaythe other page. Select the device you would like to change IR/RF set-tings, then go to Step 4.Select the new setting by pressing the desired button, then press SAVEto save your new setting and return to the RF settings menu.The Omega1243Select a device Page Buttondisplays theother pageof devices. Changes the cur-rent front panelBLASTER settingSave the new settingExit this Menu with-out changing theEMITT settings
37Pre-Programmed Code TablesThe Omega’s Pre-Programmed code library is divided into categories (TV, VCR,AUX, etc.). Each category actually includes many types of components. Forexample, the VCR category includes TV/VCR combo units.Within each category, the code numbers are listed in rows by brand(Sony, Panasonic, B & K, etc.). Some brands have more than one threedigit code for you to try. Just circle the correct row and refer to it whileyou setup (step-by-step instructions for using Pre-Programmed codes arefound on page 5).TVs, Plasmas, Projectors and Monitors Cable TV Descramblers/TunersDVD Players, TV/DVD Combos, TV/DVD/VCR Combos,DVD/VCR Combos, DVD Recorders, and Laser Disc PlayersVCRs and TV/VCR Combos Amps, Preamps and A/V Receivers and XM RadiosSatellite ReceiverCD Players and Changers Digital Video Recorders (TiVo, Replay) Lighting SystemsMultimedia PCS, Xbox, iPod and CustomInstallation ProductsInternet Browsers for TVTape, Cassette and Reel to Reel recordersPages 38-40Pages 40-42Pages 42-45Pages 45-47Pages 47-50Pages 50-51Pages 51-53Page 53Pages 53Pages 54-55Page 55Page 55-56TVCABLEDVDVCRAUDIOSATCDDVRLIGHT AUXWEBTV TAPEUniversal Remote Control, Inc.
38ADMIRAL 072 081 161 160ADVENT 247AKAI 197 146 248AMARK 112 143AMPRO 073 167 157 183AMSTRAD 052ANAM 043 054 056 080 112 131AOC 197 004 112 058APEX DIGITAL 006 310AUDIOVOX 076 103 273BARCO 233BLAUPUNKT 088BOXLIGHT 266BROKSONIC 238CAIRN 201CANDLE 197 002 003 004CAPEHART 058CETRONIC 043CITIZEN 197 002 003 004 043 101 103 143CLASSIC 043CONCERTO 004CONTEC 043 050 051CORONADO 143CRAIG 043 054CROWN 043 143CURTIS MATHES 197 101 004 143CXC 043DAEWOO 004 016 043 044 076 103 114 125 127 143 269DAYTRON 004 143DELL 319 320 321DIBOSS 329DREAMVISION 235 312 313 314 343 344 345DWIN 177 226 257DYNASTY 043DYNATECH 062EIKI 187ELECTROHOME 024 076 143 196EMERSON 197 004 005 028 043 047 048 050 051 076 096 143 151 153 154 155EPSON 324ESA 323FISHER 007 057FUJITSU 198 223 219 246 299 346 396FUNAI 028 043 052FUTURETECH 043GATEWAY 242 268GE 197 008 009 034 056 073 074 130 144 155 160 161 165 004 091 157 183GOLDSTAR 004 102 106 112 113 116 119 127 143GRUNDIG 220 083HALL MARK 004HANNSPREE 381HITACHI 004 009 010 011 012 023 075 143 158 163 166 072 221 250 311 361 380HP 316 327 378 379HYUNDAI 337 338INFINITY 164INFOCUS 230 330 331 332 333 252INSIGNIA 350 399 400 401 402 403JBL 164BRAND CODE NUMBERSTV - TVs, Plasmas, Projectors and Monitors
3939JCPENNEY 197 004 008 009 024 030 065 101 143 156 160JENSEN 013JVC 034 038 070 083 145 199 210 240 241 244 245 317 318KEC 043KENWOOD 197 070KLOSS 002 059KMC 143KNOLL SYSTEMS 230KTV 197 043 143 154LG 363 364 365 243 284 283 286 LODGENET 072LOEWE 222 223 224 164 322LOGIK 072LUXMAN 004LXI 166 007 015 052 081 160 164MAGNAVOX 197 003 004 022 059 060 061 063 064 127 160 164 094 226MARANTZ 197 164 184MATSUI 164MAXENT 242MEMOREX 007 072 004METZ 088MGA 197 004 024 028 042MINERVA 088MITSUBISHI 004 024 028 040 042 109 124 146 191 225 267 300 348MTC 197 004 062 101NAD 015 025NEC 132 130 134 197 040 016 024 056 019 236 237 262 272 281NIKEI 043NUVISION 351ONKING 043ONWA 043OPTOMA 249 265 270 360OPTONICA 019 081ORION 096PANASONIC 034 056 080 092 164 208 261 296 295 297 298 377 383PHILCO 197 003 024 056 059 060 063 064 164 004PHILIPS 197 003 004 005 038 059 093 164 127 184 206 259 260 264 274 294PHILIPS/MAGNAVOX239PIONEER 197 018 023 025 116 135 190 203 204 209 234 237 334 335 336 374 385393 397POLAROID 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 388PORTLAND 004 143PROSCAN 144 160 161 165 167PROTON 004 058 131 143 171 173 193 392PROTRON 392 398QUASAR 034 056 092RADIO SHACK 019 043 143 004 127RCA 160 161 165 065 156 144 197 004 023 024 056 074 152 333REALISTIC 007 019 043 047ROCTEC 186RUNCO 168 169 178 179 180 181 182 183 073 157 340 341 342 395SAMPO 197 058 004 202SAMSUNG 258 275 309 375 384 004 050 089 101 105 127 143 160 211 228 229 253254SANYO 166 007 020 053 057 082 187 266 347SCEPTRE 276SCOTT 004 028 043 048 143BRAND CODE NUMBERSTV - TVs, Plasmas, Projectors and Monitors
40SEARS 015 030 004 007 028 057 143 094 160 082 165 166SELECO 189 200 212 227 205SHARP 170 081 019 028 029 014 004 022 143 175 214 251 306 307 308 326SHERWOOD 349SIEMENS 088SIGNATURE 072SIM2 205 200 313SOLE 231 232SONY 277 278 279 070 085 139 147 126 185 194 207 213 SOUNDESIGN 004 028 003 043SPECTRICON 112SSS 004 043SUPRE MACY 002SVA 328SYLVANIA 197 003 059 060 063 064 164 044 160 127 052SYMPHONIC 052SYNTAX OLEVIA 376 394TANDY 081TATUNG 056 062TECHNICS 034 080TECHWOOD 004TEKNIKA 002 003 004 024 028 043 072 101 143TELEFUNKEN 037 046 086 087TELERENT 072TERA 172THOMPSON 215TMK 004TOSHIBA 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 315 237 325 382 007 015 030 040 062 101138 216 230 TOTEVISION 143UNIVERSAL 008 009VIDEO CONCEPTS146VIDIKRON 174 184 188 192 340 342VIDTECH 004VIEWSONIC 271 242 389 390VIZIO 386 387WARDS 004 008 009 019 028 060 061 063 064 072 074 143 164 034WESTINGHOUSE 076 280WINBOOK 339YAMAHA 197 004 370 371 372 373YORK 004YUPITERU 043ZENITH 072 073 095 103 157 183 217 243 282 283 284 285 286ZONDA 112ABC 103 003 004 039 042 046 053ADELPHIA 043 074ADVANCED NEWHOUSE043ALTRIO 043AMERICAST 099ANTRONIX 014ARCHER 005 007 014ARMSTRONG 074AT&T BROADBAND074BRAND CODE NUMBERSTV - TVs, Plasmas, Projectors and Monitors CABLE - Cable TV Descramblers/Tuners
41ATLANTIC BROADBAND043 074BELL SOUTH 099BLUE RIDGE 043 074BRESNAN 074BRIGHT HOUSE 043 110BUCKEYE COMM 074CABLEVISION 108 043 074CENTURION 092CENTURY 007CHARTER 043 074CITIZEN 007COGECO 074COMBANO 080 081COMCAST 110 043 074COMSAT 074COMTRONICS 030COX DIGITAL CABLE043 074DIGICABLE 101EAGLE 020 030 040EASTERN 057 066ELECTRICORD 032GEMINI 008 054GE 072GENERAL INSTRUMENT103 002 003 004 008 009 010 069 074 104GNC 099GOLDEN CHANNEL030HAMLIN 049 050 055HITACHI 103 055INSIGHT 074JERROLD 103 002 003 004 008 009 010 069 074 104 109 110M-NET 037MAGNAVOX 010 012 064 079 094MASSILLON 074MEDIA ONE 107MEDICOM 074MEMOREX 052MOTOROLA 103 002 003 004 008 009 010 069 074 104 109 110 111MOVIE TIME 028 032MOXI 111NCTC 074NOVAPLEX 092NSC 015 028 038 071OAK 031 037 053PACE 043 074PANASONIC 044 047PARAGON 052PHILIPS 006 012 013 020 085PIONEER 103 034 051 063 076 105 043PRUCER 059PTS 011 071 074PULSAR 052RCA 047RCN 074RECOTON 098REGAL 049 050REGENCY 057RODGERS 043BRAND CODE NUMBERSCABLE - Cable TV Descramblers/Tuners
42SAMSUNG 030SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA003 011 041 042 043 045 046SEREN 043SERVICE ELECTRIC074SHAW 074SIGECOM 043SIGNAL 030SIGNATURE 103SL MARX 030SONY 108SPRUCER 047 078STARCOM 002 004 008 009STARGATE 008 030 097 104SUSQUEHANNA 043 074TADIRAN 030TIMELESS 030TIME WARNER 043 074TOCOM 039 040 056TOSHIBA 052UNIKA 007 014UNITED CABLE 004 053UNIVERSAL 005 007 014 032 035VIDEOTRON 043VIEWSTAR 012 015 018 086 087 088 089WIDE OPEN WEST043 099ZENITH 052 060 093 100ADCOM 157AIWA 136 146ALPINE 098APEX DIGITAL 087 111 112 115 116ARCAM 122CALIFORNIA AUDIO021 124CAMBRIDGE AUDIO215 216CARY AUDIO DESIGN174CINEVISION 219CLASSE 167COBY 258CYBER HOME 133 227DAEWOO 132DENON 007 080 138 173 181GATEWAY 175GE 026 027GRADIENTE 021GRUNDIG 083GO VIDEO 137 091 217 218 219 220 221 222 224HARMAN KARDON084 140HITACHI 101FUNAI 143ILO 268INSIGNIA 143INTEGRA 142 180 192 280JVC 012 168 203 212 257KENWOOD 123 151BRAND CODE NUMBERSCABLE - Cable TV Descramblers/TunersDVD-DVD Players
43KISS 179 279KLH 135KRELL 104LECSON 126LEXICON 148LG 091 057 074LITEON 264 265MAGNAVOX 096 066 143MALATA 267MARANTZ 083 105 201 202MCINTOSH 125MEMOREX 163MERIDIAN 153MINTEK 111MITSUBISHI 017MYRYAD 134 102NAIM 226NAD 088 155NAKAMICHI 103ONKYO 076 035 180OPPO 266PANASONIC 021 042 138 139 144 150 198 199 205 259PHILIPS 066 095 105 166 176PIONEER 023 092 099 107 108 131 162 172 178 213 232 272POLAROID 233 234 235 236 237PRIMARE 193 194PROCEED 086PROSCAN 026 027RCA 026 027RJTECH 269ROTEL 204SAMSUNG 056 070 119 137 159 165 170 200 254SANSUI 154SANYO 147SENSORY SCIENCE217 222 223SHARP 094SHERWOOD 245 246 247 248 249 250SONY 033 118 126 145 160 189 190 191 238 239 240 241 242 243 251 252 253261 262 263SYLVANIA 143SYMPHONIC 143TAG MCLAREN 156TEAC 270THETA DIGITAL 023THOMPSON 026 027THULE 177TOSHIBA 035 034 128 141 130 164 183 184 185 186 187 188 214VENTURER 149VINC 161YAMAHA 042 089 066 158 166 195 196 197ZENITH 057 074 091 182AIWA 146FUNAI 143INSIGNIA 143BRAND CODE NUMBERSDVD-DVD PlayersDVD-TV/DVD Combos
45SANYO 075SHARP 152 013SONY 053 110TECHNICS 113THETA DIGITAL 032TOSHIBA 152 106YAMAHA 043 129AIWA 034 161 169AKAI 016 043 046 124 125 142 146AMPRO 072ANAM 031AUDIO DYNAMICS012 023 039 043BROOKSONIC 035 037 129CANON 028 031CAPEHART 108CRAIG 003 040 135CURTIS MATHES 031 041DAEWOO 005 007 010 065 108 110 111 112 116 117 119DAYTRON 108DBX 012 023 039 043DYNATECH 034 053ELECTROHOME 059EMERSON 005 006 017 025 027 029 031 034 035 036 037 046 101 116 129 131 138153 162FISHER 003 008 009 010FUNAI 034GE 031 063 072 107 109 144 147GO VIDEO 132 136 155 040 115GOLDSTAR 012 013 020 101 106 114 123HARMAN KARDON012 045HITACHI 004 018 026 034 043 063 137 150 160 013INSTANTREPLAY 031JCL 031JCPENNEY 012 013 015 040 066 101JENSEN 043JVC 012 031 043 048 050 055 060 130 150 152 166 172 173KENWOOD 014 048 034 047LG 171LLOYD 034LXI 003 009 017 034 106MAGIN 040MAGNAVOX 031 034 041 067 068 156 164MARANTZ 012 031 067 069 156MARTA 101MATSUI 027 030MEI 031MEMOREX 003 010 014 031 034 053 072 101 102 134 139MGA 045 046 059MINOLTA 013 020MITSUBISHI 013 020 045 046 051 059 061 142 151 049 168MTC 034 040MULTITECH 024 034NEC 012 023 039 043 048BRAND CODE NUMBERSDVD - Laser Disc PlayersVCR - VCRs
46NORDMENDE 043OPTONICA 053 054ORION 025PANASONIC 066 070 083 133 140 145 157 163 074 167PENTAX 013 020 031 063PHILCO 031 034 067PHILIPS 031 034 054 067 071 101 156PILOT 101PIONEER 013 021 048PORTLAND 108PULSAR 072QUARTZ 002 014QUASAR 066 145 075RADIO SHACK 123RCA 013 020 041 107 109 140 144 145 147 034 040 158REALISTIC 003 008 010 014 031 034 040 053 054 101RICO 058RUNCO 148SALORA 014SAMSUNG 032 040 066 102 104 107 109 112 113 115 120 122 125SANSUI 022 043 048 135SANYO 003 007 010 014 134 102SCOTT 017 037 112 129 131SEARS 003 008 009 010 013 014 081 101 017 073 112SHARP 031 054 149 159 165SHINTOM 024SIGNATURE 034SONY 003 031 052 056 057 058 076 077 078 149 154SOUNDESIGN 034STS 013SYLVANIA 031 034 059 067SYMPHONIC 034TANDY 010 034TATUNG 039 043TEAC 034 039 043TECHNICS 031 070TEKNIKA 019 031 034 101THOMAS 034TMK 006TOSHIBA 008 013 042 047 059 079 082 112 131 081 170TOTEVISION 040 101UNITECH 040VECTOR RESEARCH012VICTOR 048VIDEO CONCEPTS012 034 046 141VIDEOSONIC 040WARDS 003 013 017 024 031 034 040 053 054 131YAMAHA 012 034 039 043ZENITH 034 048 056 058 072 080 101 171DAEWOO 005 117EMERSON                 153FUNAI 034GOLDSTAR 101 123BRAND CODE NUMBERSVCR - VCRsVCR - TV/VCR Combos
47HITACHI 034JCPENNEY 101LG 101 123LLOYD 034MAGNAVOX 034 067MEMOREX 101PANASONIC 070 167PHILIPS 034 067RADIO SHACK 123RCA 034SEARS                    101SONY 057 154SYLVANIA 067SYMPHONIC 034THOMAS                   034ZENITH                   034ADC 007ADCOM 082 092 225 161 269 355 356 366AIWA 018 104 170 202 203 213 211 188AKAI 138 189AMC 038 125 126 127 128 258 281 282AMEND 054AMX 196ANGSTROM 142ANTEX ELECTRONICS588ANTHEM 335 336 337 338 339ARAGON 157 158 042 043 081 112ARCAM 141 325 418 419 504ATLANTIC TECHNOLOGY342AUDIO ACCESS 147AUDIO ALCHEMY 135AUDIO CONTROL 448 572AUDIO DESIGN ASSOCIATES194 221 011AUDIO EASE 021 196 207AUDIO FILE 071AUDIO MATRIX 167AUDIO RESEARCH399 406 423 424 425 426AUDIO SOURCE 273AUDIO TECHNICA134B & K 096 097 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312313 314 315BOSE 070 170 224 347 409 459 460 532 548BOSTON ACOUSTICS447BRYSTON 023 551CAMBRIDGE AUDIO522 523 524 525CARVER 006 027 028 061 071 201 214 226 180 185 022 029 077 284CARY AUDIO DESIGN443 519CASIO 076CHIRO 140CINEMA SOUND 034 134CITATION 148 272CLASSE 410 411 484 537 538CLARION 026BRAND CODE NUMBERSVCR - TV/VCR CombosAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and A/V Receivers
48COLORADO VNET539COMPAQ 382CURTIS MATHES 076DELPHI 415 515DENON 002 034 109 215 229 230 027 037 234 259 316 330 340 341 349 350 353396 400 401 402 422 444 564 568 569EIGER 149ELAN 057 290 371 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 481 482 483 508509EAD 099 098 466 467ESCIENT 368 381 393 451 452 453 454FANFARE 352FISHER 047 214 180 182 297FLEXTRONICS 378FOSGATE 062 231 342GE 056 260GOLDSTAR 008HAFLER 174HARMAN KARDON231 233 254 153 154 118 121 227 277 317 318 329 365HITACHI 020IMERGE 371INKEL 197INSIGNIA 589INTEGRA 354 371 438 439 440 441 442 486 487 586JAMO 398JBL 263JCPENNEY 076 216JEFF ROWLAND 206JENSEN 058JVC 240 163 191 114 266 279 291 389 390KEF 530KENWOOD 026 066 145 146 181 190 197 192 182 199 151 222 180 005 280 319 320367 374 412 413 414 420 517 550KINERGETICS 220 140KLH 331KLIPSCH 157 158 042 043 081 112KNOLL 531KOSS 216 573KRELL 150 072 321 376 384 497 498 499 500KYOCERA 007LEXICON 120 235 236 237 324 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364LINN 124 377LUXMAN 137 139 052 165 115 004 009LXI 076 056MAGNAVOX 086 164 152 208MARANTZ 006 028 031 040 063 185 186 251 265 119 289 326 327 328 385 488 489490 491 492 493 563MARK LEVINSON 322MCINTOSH 238 286 496MCS 076MERIDIAN 100 012 013MICRO LAB 394MICROMEGA 119MITSUBISHI 242 243 204MONDIAL 157 158 042 043 081 112MOTOROLA 386MUSICAL FIDELITY407 408BRAND CODE NUMBERSAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and A/V Receivers
49MYRYAD 276 293 455 456 457NAD 186 113 283 478 479NAIM 533 534 535NAKAMICHI 111 244 245 172 183 287 323 450NEC 176NILES 403NIRO 343NUVO 404 405ONKYO 017 046 064 107 108 187 079 080 090 179 209 270 275 438 439 440 441442 486 487 536 552 586OPTIMUS 026 041 138OUTLAW 342PANASONIC 032 195 219 177 292 383 516PARASOUND 129 130 132 261 294 295 333 334 553 554PASS LABS 431PHAST 196PHILIPS 249 250 251 063 119 296PIONEER 014 033 039 044 045 050 069 159 168 116 035 078 198 397 480 513 518520 521 542 543 544 545 546 547PLINIUS 458POLKAUDIO 029 514PRIMARE 461 462 463 464 465PROCEED 144 268QUAD 526RCA 010 048 117 156 067 288REALISTIC 019 056 073 075 095REQUEST 351 511ROKU 506 507REVOX 162ROTEL 074 083 085 501 502 503RUSSOUND 379 391 392 445 446 527 528 529SAMSUNG 016 571SANSUI 040 048 110 119 065 228SANYO 047 059SCOTT 019 091SEARS 076SHARP 026 051 094 131 175 181SHERWOOD 024 038 055 102 103 105 106 051 030 388 447 562SIMAUDIO 449SLIM DEVICES 512SONY 018 084 093 223 247 248 160 166 015 101 184 218 271 353 369 372 380395 417 421 574 575 576 577SOUNDESIGN 036SOUNDSTREAM 084 088SOUNDMATTERS 375SSI 068STS 007SUGDEN 430SUMO 171SUNFIRE 344 345 346 494 495TAEKWANG 138TAG MCLAREN 387TEAC 005 019 049 111 212 217TECHNICS 122 176 193 219 178 177 200 257 262THETA DIGITAL 136THULE 505TOSHIBA 060 087 198 278 510BRAND CODE NUMBERSAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and A/V Receivers
50TURTLE BEACH 416WARDS 180XANTECH 508 509YAMAHA 026 253 169 067 173 205 264 232 089 274 285 332 373 427 428 429 432433 434 435 436 437 540 541 557 558 559 560 561 565 566 567 578 579580 581 582 583YBA 485ZENITH 143 210AIWA 170 BOSE 170 532DELPHI 415 515FANFARE 352KENWOOD 550POLKAUDIO 514SONY 380ALPHASTAR 123AMPLICA 050BIRDVIEW 129 113 051 126BSR 053CABLEVISION 148CAPETRONICS 053CHANNEL MASTER013 014 015 018 036 055CHAPARRAL 008 009 012 077CITOH 054CURTIS MATHES 050DISH NETWORK 122 167 168 184 185 186 187 188DIRECTV 173DRAKE 005 006 007 010 011 112 116 141 052DREAM MULTIMEDIA191DX ANTENNA 024 046 056 076ECHOSTAR 038 040 057 058 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 122 167 168 184 185186 187 188ELECTROHOME 089EURO PLUS 114EUROSAT 114EXPRESSVU 122FORCE 176FORTEC STAR 177 178FUJITSU 017 021 022 027 133 134GE 151 106 150GENERAL INSTRUMENT003 004 016 029 031 059 101 148GOI 122HITACHI 139 140HOME CABLE 080 044 029HOUSTON TRACKER033 037 039 104 057 051HTS 122HUGHES 068 154 161 162 165 166HYTEK 053HYUNDAI 149BRAND CODE NUMBERSAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and A/V ReceiversAUDIO - XM Radios & TunersSAT - Satellite Receivers
51ICR 023JANIEL 060 147JERROLD 148JVC 122KATHREIN 108LEGEND 057LG 170LUTRON 132LUXOR 144 062MACOM 010 059 063 064 065MARANTZ 152 153MEMOREX 057MITSUBISHI 068 154MOTOROLA 148 171NEXT LEVEL 148NEXTWAVE 028 124 125NORSAT 069 070PACE 143PANASONIC 142 060 160PANSAT 121 172PERSONAL CABLE117PHILIPS 071 152 153 068 154 156PL 023 026PRESIDENT 019 102PRIMESTAR 110 030PROSAT 072PROSCAN 151 106 150RADIOSHACK 148RCA 151 106 150REALISTIC 043 074SAMSUNG 155 123 163 169 175SATELLITE SERVICE028 035 047 085SKY 164 171 174SONY 103 104STARCAST 041STAR CHOICE 148SUPERGUIDE 020 124 125TEECOM 023 026 075 087 088 090 107 130 137TOSHIBA 002 127 157 158 068 154TOWN & COUNTRY023 026UNIDEN 016 025 042 043 044 045 048 049 078 079 080 086 101 135 136VIEWSTAR 115VOOM 148WINEGARD 128 146ZENITH 081 082 083 084 091 120 159ADCOM 062 042AIWA 059 012 065 088 089 105 122 170 187AKAI 085 195 202AMC 231 232AMEND 118ARCAM 238AUDIO ACCESS 119 147AUDIO EASE 165BRAND CODE NUMBERSSAT - Satellite ReceiversCD - CD Players and Changers
52AUDIO TECHNICA046BSR 037 057CALIFORNIA AUDIO103 008CAPETRONIC 063CARRERA 057 080CARVER 185 041 044 050 086 107 130 134 135 138 139 203 204 167CASIO 111 182CARY AUDIO DESIGN261 262CLASSE 267CLARINETTE 182CREEK 159CROWN 035DENON 002 123EMERSON 042 069 102FISHER 050 185 134 008FRABA 111GENEXXA 010 069 102GOLDSTAR 080HAITAI 093HARMAN KARDON018 033 047 208 272HITACHI 042 175INKEL 130 143 144INTEGRA 030 273JCPENNEY 014 061 092 141JENSEN 158JVC 004 022 136 163 213 214 242 243KENWOOD 185 007 023 055 071 072 142 137 254KOSS 061KRELL 241KYOCERA 005LOTTE 102LUXMAN 011 028 070 076 249 252LXI 059MAGNAVOX 044 107MARANTZ 027 041 044 051 077 107 209 246 274MCINTOSH 212 247MCS 014 073 092MEMOREX 010MISSION 044 107MITSUBISHI 179MITSUMI 153MODULAIRE 182MONDIAL 147MUSICAL FIDELITY258MYRYAD 244 265NAD 006 005 067 178NAIM 271NAKAMICHI 217 218 219 095NEC 014 062NIKKO 046NSM 044 107ONKYO 030 038 039 168 169 273OPTIMUS 010 050 057 058 081 082 083 085 093 195PANASONIC 103 201 172 008 068 248PARASOUND 233 240PHILIPS 041 044 107 246 253PIONEER 010 020 025 056 174 175 176 257 263BRAND CODE NUMBERSCD - CD Players and Changers
53BRAND CODE NUMBERSCD - CD Players and ChangersPRIMARE 266PROCEED 239PROTON 044 107 228QUAD 269QUASAR 103 008RADIO SHACK 182RCA 017 042 150REALISTIC 042 050 051 102 181 182 187ROTEL 044 107 161 178 250SAE 044 107SANSUI 044 069 107 128 171 190 125SANYO 050SCOTT 069 102SHARP 026 031 051 066SHERWOOD 003 019 051 096 112 115 119 166SIGNATURE 033SONY 048 081 097 126 133 177 225 226 164 259 260SOUNDESIGN 251SUGDEN 264SUMO 155SYLVANIA 044 107SYMPHONIC 052 181TAEKWANG 195 085TANDY 010TEAC 015 034 036 051 052 101 131 140 079TECHNICS 060 103 200 172 184 008 068TECHWOOD 076THETA DIGITAL 234 235 270TOSHIBA 006 067 091 160 148VECTOR RESEARCH080VICTOR 004 022 114 124WARDS 185 033YAMAHA 024 046 054 186 183 245YORX 182DIRECTV 117HUGHES 108 117HUMAX 118PHILIPS 108 090 117PIONEER 117RCA 109REPLAY TV 075SONY 104 105TIVO 090 117 118X-10 093 183 257LITE TOUCH 208 212LIGHTOLIER CONTROLS307LUTRON 077 158 159 306RAKO 301 302 303 304 305XANTECH 188 189DVR - Digital Video Recorders (TiVo, Replay) LIGHT - Lighting Systems
54BRAND CODE NUMBERSAUX - Custom Installation Products3M 152ADS TECH 404AHANIX 260AIWA 164APPLE 412 401 ARCHER 155AURORA 300AUTON 191AURORA MULTIMEDIA220BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG221BOSE 409CALYPSO 491 492 493 494CE LABS 298CELADON 211CRESTRON 213 214 215 216 217 218DA LITE 269DDI 403DELL 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268DMX 156DRAPER SCREEN204DREAMVISION 097DVDO 299DWIN 080 253EVERQUEST 206EXTRON 151FAROUDJA 184 254FUJI 209GATEWAY 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268HAUPPAUGE 294 295HP 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 252HUNTER DOUGLAS219IOGEAR 407JERROLD 153JVC 185KALEIDESCAPE 259KENSINGTON 406KENMORE 251KENWOOD 185KEY DIGITAL 273 274 275KEYSPAN 297LG 296LINKSYS 270MAKITA 186 201MICROSOFT 408 107 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 252MINDPATH 205NILES 160 187 272NSM 161PIANO DISC 085PINNACLE 405POLK AUDIO 162PRIMARE 402RCA 258RUSSOUND 081SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA156 163SIMA 082SOLO ELECTRONICS207SOMFY 078 079 411
55BRAND CODE NUMBERSAUX - Custom Installation ProductsSONY 164 165 166 271 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 414STARCOM 153TOSHIBA 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268TURBOSCAN 167VELODYNE 203 413WINBOOK 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268WURLITZER 410XANTECH 168 169 170 171 172 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287288 289 290 291 292 293DELL 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268GATEWAY 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268HAUPPAUGE 294 295HP 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 252KEYSPAN 297MICROSOFT 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 252SONY 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268TOSHIBA 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268WINBOOK 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268MICROSOFT/XBOX408 107APPLE/iPod 412 401BOSE 409KENSINGTON 406ECHOSTAR 106MITSUBISHI 102SONY 096PHILIPS/MAGNAVOX095AIWA 015 071 100 114CARVER 006 008 027 024 036 137DENON 105 227 229FISHER 064GOLDSTAR 011HARMAN KARDON233JVC 106 116 239 240KENWOOD 005 013 023 026 064 145 146 181 190LINN 124LUXMAN 035 137 139MAGNAVOX 027AUX - Media PC Controls AUX - XBox ControlsAUX - iPod ControlsWEBTV - Internet Browsers for TVTAPE - Tape, Cassette and Reel to Reel recorders
56BRAND CODE NUMBERSTAPE - Tape, Cassette and Reel to Reel recordersMARANTZ 014 027 056 065 087MCINTOSH 238MITSUBISHI 242 243NAD 029 048NAKAMICHI 244 245 025ONKYO 002 012 016 017 018 019 115OPTIMUS 026 054 055PANASONIC 007 010 032 088 195PHILIPS 027 087PIONEER 003 039 047 050 066 098 222QUASAR 007 088SANSUI 027 113 119 224SHARP 026 057 131 175 181SHERWOOD 038 004 028 030 033 034SONY 020 022 052 084 089TEAC 009 059 212TECHNICS 007 010 076 088 109 122 193TOSHIBA 112VICTOR 106YAMAHA 021 026 031 067 040
57Universal Remote Control, Inc.Frequently Asked QuestionsIf the batteries run out, will I lose my settings?No. The Omega stores all of your settings in non-volatile FLASH memo-ry. You could remove the batteries for months, replace them at yourconvenience and the Omega would still remember your settings.Who can I call for more answers?The Universal Remote Control technical support and customer servicestaff are ready to answer any questions you might have. Call us at 1-914-835-4484Monday - Friday, 9AM to 6PM (EST) WarrantyThe Omega is covered against any manufacturers defects or workman-ship for a period of one year from the date of purchase if purchasedfrom an authorized Universal Remote Control dealer. Units purchasedfrom online auction sites or other unauthorized resellers have no war-ranty. This warranty does not cover the following items:- Damage from misuse, neglect, or acts of nature.- Products that have been modified or incorporated into other products.- Products purchased more than 12 months ago.- Units purchased from unauthorized dealers or companies.SpecificationsLearning Capability - 1585 IR commands Macro Capability - 913 Macros of up to 190 steps eachRange - Line of Sight via Infrared): 30-50 feet, - Radio frequency): 50 to 100 feetNote: Both line of sight and RF range vary, depending upon the environmentRF Frequency: 418MHzWeight: 8 oz. (with batteries)Size: 8.5” x 2 7/16” x 1”Batteries: Four AAA Alkaline batteries includedLCD Size: approximately 7/8” x 1-7/8”
500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532 OCE-0031BRev03The Complete ControlRemote Control SystemTM
Information To The UserThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one more of thefollowing measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differ-ent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV techni-cian for help.WarningChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the manufac-turer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Note : The manufacturer is not responsible for any Radio or TVinterference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equip-ment. Such modifications could void the user's authority to oper-ate the equipment.Universal Remote Control, Inc.500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532Universal Remote Control®

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