Ohsung Electronics URC200 Universal Remote Control User Manual URC200 Owners Manual Rev 5

Ohsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Universal Remote Control URC200 Owners Manual Rev 5


Users Manual

URC-200 Owner’s Manual © 2003 Universal Remote Control, Inc.The information in this manual is copyright protected. No part of this manual maybe copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from UniversalRemote Control, Inc. UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL, INC. SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR OPERATIONAL, TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS/OMISSIONSMADE IN THIS MANUAL.  The information in this manual may be subject tochange without prior notice. Automator is a registered trademark of UniversalRemote Control, Inc. Power of Simple is a trademark of Universal Remote Control,Inc. DoubleTap Learning is a trademark of Universal Remote Control,  Inc. All otherbrand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectivecompanies or organizations.500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532 Thank You!Thank you for purchasing the Automator URC-200 Pre-Programmed and Learning RemoteControl. The DVD tutorial supplied with theAutomator demonstrates the process of program-ming and automating a home entertainment sys-tem. Watch the DVD first to familiarize yourselfwith the capabilities of the Automator and theprocess of programming. This manual is designedto assist you step-by-step as you program theAutomator to replace all of your remote controlsand automate your home entertainment system.TM
Table of ContentsGetting Started 2Button Layout 3Basic Set Up 5Pre-programmed Standard Method 5Pre-programmed Scan Method 9Learning Method 10Punch Through Volume Control 13Advanced Operation 15Advanced Set Up 17 Editing Button Labels 17Macro Button Setup 20Favorite Channel Setup 22Hiding/Adding Pages 24Erasing Mistakes 26Cloning One Automator to Another 28Recalling Three Digit Pre-Programmed Codes 29Expanding Via the Expander 30Pre-Programmed Code Notes 32Pre-Programmed Code Tables 33Frequently Asked Questions 48Specifications/Warranty 49
Getting StartedCongratulations!You’ve purchased one of the most advanced controlsystems available! The Automator comes pre-pro-grammed with over one thousand devices. All youhave to do is set the Automator to the brand and modelof each of your components. You’ll find instructions forquick set up on page five.In addition, the Automator buttons can also learn anybutton from any remote control.The Automator’s many exciting advanced features willhelp you enjoy the home entertainment experience. Asan example, by using Macro programming, you canpower on all of your components and start the showwith the press of one button! You can even programyour favorite channels to tune in with the press of onebutton instead of entering the channel number eachtime.The Automator’s features can help you make operatingyour home entertainment system fun and easy foreveryone in your family. We hope you will review this manual carefully and take fulladvantage of all the Automatorhas to offer. Battery InstallationRemove the battery compartmentcover by pressing up the coverlock. Insert four AAA batteries intothe battery compartment as shownin the diagram. 2The Automator++++----
3URC-200MAINButtontakes youto theMAINMenu.TheseLabeledButtonschangetheirfunctionswhen thePage is changed.PAGE numbersof the DeviceFUNCTIONbuttonschangetheir commandswhenever anewDEVICE isselected.TITLEFAVORITEChannelButtonPAGEbuttonschange thepage ofbuttonsdisplayed.Button Layout
4The AutomatorSelecting a New DEVICE Changes All Button Commands InstantlyThe Automator can operate ten different devices eventhough it is only one remote control. Let’s try it now!Press the MAIN button, then press the TV Device button.The TITLE changes to TV. Now all of the buttons arededicated to TV functions. If you press the PAGE but-tons, you can see that the TV DEVICE has a total of fivepages. If you go back to the MAIN Menu by pressingthe MAIN button, then select any of the other tenDEVICES, each of which contains five pages total.In the next few pages, you’ll set up the Automator tocontrol all the devices in your home theater system!Light ButtonThe LIGHT button will backlight all the buttons.Pressing it again will turn off the light, or just wait tenseconds (the backlighting automatically shuts itself off).TVDEVICEButtonLIGHTButton
5URC-200Basic Set UpYou can set up your Automator using either the learningor the pre-programmed method. Because all the buttonscan be set up in one quick operation rather than one button at a time, we recommend you start with pre-programmed set up before you do any learning.Pre-Programmed Standard MethodTurn on the component you wish to set up in yourAutomator (TV, VCR, DVD, etc.)Look up the code table shown on pages 33 - 49 andtake note of the three digit codes listed for yourcomponent and brand.Press and hold the MAIN and ENT (Enter) buttonsat the same time for approximately three seconds.The top of the display screen will show “SET UP”.You are in SET UP mode now.Note: You have 30 seconds to perform a step while you are inSET UP mode. If you don’t press a button within that time, theAutomator will time out and return to normal operation.MAINButtonENTButton123
Press the P-PRO button to select thePre-Programmed Code method.The display will show a list of the first five devices.  Move the blinking cursor to the device you wishto program by using the cursor UP or cursorDOWN button shown below, then press SELECT. For Example: If you want to program your TV,make “TV” blink by pressing the cursor up ordown, then press the SELECT button.P-PROButtonPressing the Page Up or Down button will displaya list of the next five devices.FirstFiveDevices6The Automator456UPSELECTDOWN
7URC-200The bottom of the display should now be flashingFROM TABLE. This prompts you to select theCODE TABLE via the Cursor and SELECT buttons. For Example: Let’s pretend you are programming aTV. You would find the the three digit codes forTelevisions in the TV CODE TABLE. So you wouldpress the cursor buttons until “TV” is flashing,then press the SELECT button. This selects the TVCODE TABLE. Now you are ready to test codes!Point the remote control at the component, thenenter the first three digit code number from yournotes using the numbered buttons. Continue toenter codes until the component powers off. For Example: Let’s pretend you have a Sony TV. Youwould find the the three digit codes 070, 139,147,126, 185, 194 and 085 under Sony in the TV CODETABLE. Using the numbered buttons on the Automator,enter the 070 and watch the TV. If it doesn’t turn off,enter 139, then try 147 and so on.Note: If none of the codes turn off the component, youshould try the Scan Method (see page 9).78UPSELECTEnter theCode viatheNumberedButtonsDOWN
When the component turns off, save the codenumber you entered by pressing the SAVE buttonthat appears on the screen. Exit SET UP mode by pressing the MAIN buttontwo times. When the display shows “MAIN”, youare back in normal operating mode. Now it’s timeto test the all the buttons. If some buttons don’twork, try another three digit code to see if it givesbetter operation.For Example: My Sony TV powers off with code139. However after trying 139, not all buttonswork. I repeated steps 1 to 10 trying other codesets and eventually discovered that the 185 codeset operates ALL my buttons.Repeat steps one through ten for each of yourdevices. In most systems, you can finish basicprogramming in just a few minutes and put allyour old remote controls away. Once you have finished all of the devices, you can move on topage 13 to set up your volume punch through.If you can’t find any code that powers off a component, try the Scan method on the nextpage. If you are missing one or two commands,use the learning method on page 10. SAVEButtonCode YouEntered8The Automator10119
9URC-200Pre-Programmed Scan MethodIf none of the codes listed for your brand in the CodeTable powered off your component, you can scan theentire Code Table for a working code set. Often a codeset for another brand will operate a device (somebrands contract manufacture for other brands). Here’show to scan an entire Code Table:Put the Automator in Setup Mode andselect P-PRO, then the Device you’d liketo program, then the Code Table you want to scan.This is described in steps one through eight of theStandard Method on pages five through seven.When you see the P-PRO display shown below(we used TV as an example), use the UP orDOWN buttons instead of entering the three-digitcode. You’ll see the code number on the displaychange as you press the either UP or the DOWNbutton. Each time the number changes, you’vetested another power off command.Watch your component. When it powers off,press the SAVE button to save the code you test-ed. Press the MAIN button twice to return to nor-mal operating mode and test all the buttons. Usethe learning method described on the next pageto correct any problems.1 89toSAVEButtonCode YouTestedUP &DOWNButtons10
10The AutomatorThe Learning MethodThe Automator can learn commands from your oldremote controls one at a time, via this simple process: Line-up the Automator with your old remote con-trol, head-to-head, one or two inches apart.Press and hold the MAIN and ENT (Enter) buttonsat the same time for approximately three seconds.The top of the display screen will show “SET UP”.You are in SET UP mode now.Note: You have 30 seconds to perform a step while you are inSET UP mode. If you don’t press a buton within that time, theAutomator will time out and return to normal operation.Press the LEARN button to select the Learningmethod. The top of the display screen will change to “LEARN”.Press theLEARNButton123
11URC-200The display will show a list of the first five devices. Select the device you’d like to teach a few com-mands to by pressing the Device button directly.Now, navigate to the page you want and press anybutton you want to teach a command to. Note: The only buttons you can’t teach are the PAGE,MAIN and FAV buttons. Once you select a button, the top of the screen willchange from “LEARN” to “READY”.456Selectany oftheDevicesdirectly.Select anybutton you’dlike to teacha commandto by pressingit.
12The AutomatorPress and hold the button on your old remote con-trol until the display changes to “RETRY”.Press and hold the same button on your old remotecontrol once again.Note: DoubleTap learning is exclusive Automator tech-nology bringing you the most reliable operation.Once you have taught the button twice, the displaywill change to either “GOOD” or “FAILED”.If the “GOOD” label appears on top of the displayand “SAVED” flashes on the bottom, you were suc-cessful. Now, you can select another button to teach.If the “FAILED” label appears on top of the displayscreen, try to teach the same button in Automatoronce again by repeating steps six and seven. Continue to teach any commands from any of yourremote controls by repeating steps five, six andseven (to go back to step five, press MAIN once).Once you completed teaching all the buttons youwish, return to normal operation by pressing theMAIN button twice. Test all your new commands, ifany of them don’t work, try learning again usingthese notes:789Move to another room. Plasma TVs, sunlight, halogen orquartz lighting can interfere with the learning process.Although the old remote control seems to work fine,change the batteries to fresh alkaline batteries.Vary the distance between the remote controls gradually. Try 1/4”, 1”, 2”and so on, up to 4 feet.Tap the button on the original remote control instead ofpressing and holding it during the learning process.
13URC-200Punch Through Volume ControlThe one feature that will really make life easy for youand your family is Punch Through. It’s worth setting upright away! In most home entertainment systems, thesound volume is controlled by only one device. Insome systems it is the TV device that controls thesound; in others it would be the AUDIO device (for theA/V surround sound receiver). Now, imagine you are watching a DVD, so theAutomator is set to operate the DVD. If you want tolower the volume you have to press MAIN, then thedevice that controls the sound (TV or AUDIO), then theVolume Down button. After you adjust the volume,you would have to press MAIN, then the DVD devicebutton to get back to your DVD controls! This is very inconvenient. You can fix this very quicklyby using Punch Through.Punch Through Volume Control Set UpEnter Set Up mode by pressing MAIN and ENT,then select PUNCH from page 2 of Set Up. (Useone of the PAGE buttons to get to page 2).The display changes to “PUNCH”. Press VOL toprogram Volume Punch Through.1SelectVolumetoPunchThrough2
14The AutomatorThe bottom of the display flashes ”PUNCH TO”.Press the device button for the device that doesn’thave volume control commands yet (i.e. DVD).This is the device you are going to PUNCH TO forthe volume and mute commands.Note: If you wish to PUNCH to the MAIN device, press thePOWER OFF button at this time.The bottom of the display will then flash “PUNCHFROM”. Now you select the device that has thevolume commands you want. The bottom of thedisplay will flash “SAVED”.Repeat steps one to three until all your devicesoperate the volume perfectly. Press the MAIN but-ton twice to  return to normal operating mode andtest your Punch Through programming.Note: The Punch Through feature is not limited to volumeand can also be applied to channel or other functions. If youfind yourself switching to a particular device frequently to usea group of controls, consider using Punch Through for anoth-er group, as listed here:VOL - Volume Up, Volume Down and MuteCH - Channel Up, Channel Down and Prev. ChannelPLAY - Play, Stop, Pause, Rewind and Fast ForwardVOD - Guide, Menu, Info, Exit, Up, Down, Left, Right, SelectPOWER - Power On and Power Off534Selectthe Deviceyou want to“Punch To”
15URC-200Advanced OperationSetting Backlight OptionsYou can adjust the amount of time that the Automatorbacklight stays on by entering the SET UP mode and proceeding to page two and press the LIGHT button on display. Simply enter the duration time from 0 - 99 seconds using the number pad. After making your selection, press the SAVE button. If you do not want the backlight feature activated, press the ON button that appears on the display screen.The ON will automatically change to OFF. Press theSAVE button. Exit the programming mode by pressingthe MAIN button.The FAV ButtonWhen you press the FAV button, the screen changes to alist of your favorite TV channels. You can automate chan-nel surfing by recording the channel numbers for yourfavorites with one touch.  There are eight pages of fivefavorite channel buttons for a total of 40. Simply touchthe PAGE buttons to display the other favorite channels.When you would like to return to the last device youviewed, press MAIN once (a second press will take youto the MAIN menu). To set up your Favorite Channel buttons go to page 24.FavoriteChannelButtonsFAVButton
16The AutomatorAdjusting ContrastYou can make the text darker by pressing both theMAIN and cursor UP buttons at the same time. Tomake the text appear lighter, press both the MAIN andcursor DOWN buttons at the same time.Transmitting (Busy Signal) IconWhen a command is being transmitted, anicon will appear in the top right corner of the display. It is a useful aid when setting upMacros and FAVs, since it flashes with everystep of a sequence of commands.Contrast set low.CursorUp & Down ButtonsMAIN ButtonContrast set high.
17URC-200Advanced Set UpAfter you’ve finished all your basic programming, youcan choose to make operation easier for everyone bycustomizing the Automator just the way you want, usingthe Advanced Set Up features described in this section.Editing Button LabelsYou can change the name of any of the screen labeledbuttons (including Favorite Channels) by followingthese steps:Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Press the EDIT button.The screen changes to the EDIT menu. Press theTEXT button.EDITButtonTEXTButton132
18The AutomatorThe screen displays the MAIN menu of deviceswhile flashing “EDIT” at the top of the screen.Navigate to the device and page where there is abutton label you want to edit using the FAV,MAIN, DEVICE, and PAGE buttons.Note: If you wish to change the name of one of the DEVICEbuttons, press the Page Up button twice. The top of the displaychanges to MAIN, and you can navigate to MAIN page 1 orpage 2 before going on to Step 5. Press the button you want to edit. The first charac-ter of your button label blinks.45BlinkingCharacterEDIT flashes at the bottom of the screen.DOWN Cursorbutton deletes the currentlyblinking character.UP Cursorbutton deletes ALL text.LEFT Cursor button moves blinkingcharacter left.RIGHT Cursor button moves blinkingcharacterright.
19URC-200Enter text using the number buttons shown below.Each press of the SAME number button stepsthrough the characters available (as shownbelow). Once the character you want appears,move to the next space by pressing the Right cursor button.When you are finished editing the button, pressthe button you edited and “SAVED” will flash atthe bottom of the display.To change any other button labels, press theMAIN button once to return to Step 4. RepeatSteps 4 to 8. Press the MAIN button four times to return to normal operation.678A,B,C,1D,E,F,2 G,H,I,3J,K,L,4M,N,O,5 P,Q,R,6S,T,U,7V,W,X,8 Y,Z,9
Macro Button Set UpImagine pressing just one button but watching your TVturn on, then the DVD player and then the A/V sur-round sound receiver. What would normally take threeremotes and three button pushes, the Automator canaccomplish with the press of one button. We call that a“Macro”. Any labeled button, the Power On or thePower Off buttons (on any Device or Page) can be setto be Macro buttons! To set up a macro button, follow these easy steps:Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Press the MACRO button. The  top of the display screen will show “MACRO”.The bottom of the display screen will flash“SELECT”. Navigate to the Device and Page where there is abutton you would like to set as a Macro buttonusing the MAIN, DEVICE and PAGE buttuns. Note: If you wish to set up one of the DEVICE buttons asa macro, press the Page Up button twice. The top of thedisplay changes to MAIN, and you can navigate to MAINpage 1 or page 2 before going on to Step 4. 20The Automator12MACROButton3
21URC-200Press the button you want to set as a Macro button. The top of the screen will display the labelof the button you selected. At the bottom of thescreen it displays “STEP0”, indicating that nomacro steps are set up yet. Now you navigate to the Device and Page thathas a button you want in your macro using theMAIN, DEVICE and PAGE buttons. When youpress a button, you set another Macro step. Thedisplay at the bottom will flash the total number ofsteps you have set up in this macro button.Don’t worry about the number of steps. Eachmacro button can store up to 190 steps, so youare not likely to run out of steps!Note: You can program delays in between commands bypressing the PAUSE button. Each press adds half a second tothe delay.Press the LIGHT button to end your macro. A newscreen appears:If you are happy with your macro, press the SAVEbutton. If not, the UNDO button lets you erase thelast step. The EXIT button erases all the macrosteps.Press the MAIN button twice to return to normal operation.45678SAVEButton
22The AutomatorFavorite Channel SetupImagine surfing all your favorite channels, without evertyping in a channel number. By simply setting up eachof the FAV channel buttons to surf for you, you canreally make cable or satellite operation fun and easy.To program a FAV button, follow these easy steps:Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Press the FAV button. The  top of the display screen will show “FAV”. Thebottom of the display screen will flash “SELECT”. Use the Page buttons until you can see the name(i.e ABC, CBS, NBC) of the favorite channel youwould like to set up.Press the favorite channel button you’d like to setup. The top of the screen now displays its name.The bottom of the screen displays “STEP0”, indi-cating that you haven’t set any steps for the chan-nel numbers yet.Press the Device button that has the commandsyou use to tune in the channel.Note: You probably set up either the TV, CABLE or SATDEVICE with the actual channel number commands). 12FAVButton345
23URC-200Press each of the number buttons for the channel.  Note: If you are programming a channel that has thesame numbers in it (like “33” or “522”) it is sometimesbest to set a half second delay in between the identicalnumbers by pressing the PAUSE button. Each press ofthe PAUSE button increases the delay by a half second.Note: Some brands of television require an ENT(Enter) command after the channel numbers. Press the LIGHT button after you enter the channel number. A new screen appears:To save the channel you entered, press the SAVEbutton. The UNDO button lets you erase the lastentry. The EXIT button erases the entire channel.When you are finished setting up FAV buttons,press the MAIN button twice to return to normaloperation.6789SAVEButtonPAUSEButton
24The AutomatorHiding/Adding PagesEach of your Automator Devices actually contains eightpages. However, only five pages are visible now (in thefactory default setting). Three pages are hidden in eachdevice. If you wish to use the hidden pages, you canADD them. If you don’t want to use some of your exist-ing pages, you can HIDE them. You can add or hidepages on devices OR on your favorite channel pages. Note: Be sure to program a macro before you hidepages with macro commands on them. You can’taccess hidden pages during macro programming, but itis fine to hide a page with macro steps on it afterwards.Hiding and Adding PagesEnter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Press the EDIT button.Press the PAGE button.123EDITButtonPAGEButton
25URC-200Each page asks whether you want to ADD? orHIDE? at the top of the page. Navigate to any page,using the MAIN, FAV, and PAGE buttons.When you would like to change a page’s visibility,press the LIGHT button.You can continue adding or hiding pages on otherdevices by repeating Steps 4 and 5. To return to normal operation, press the MAIN button four times.456This page is hidden, to ADD it press theLIGHT button.This page is visible, to HIDE it press theLIGHT button.
26The AutomatorErasing Mistakes You can erase an individual button with a learnedcommand, a macro or a favorite channel. You canerase an entire Device’s learned command or macrobuttons. You can also erase ALL your learned com-mands on all devices or all your macros or favs every-where. You cannot erase a pre-programmed button,but you can replace one by teaching a command.If you really want a fresh start, you can even eraseeverything (including all your pre-programmed buttons).Erasing Learned Buttons, Macros or FavsEnter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Press the PAGE UP button to display page two ofSet Up.Press the ERASE button.Press either the LEARN, MACRO or FAV button.The following screen appears:1234ALL —DEVICE—KEY— Erases all of the specified (Learned, Macro orFAV) buttons everywhere in the Automator. Erases all Learned or Macro buttons in a Device(this option doesn’t appear for FAVS)Erases one button only.
27URC-200If you pressed the ALL display button, the Automatordisplay screen will ask you if you are sure.If you pressed the DEVICE display button, a list ofDevices will appear. Press the device button thatyou wish to erase. The bottom of the screen willflash ERASE twice, then ERASED.If you pressed the KEY display button, you’ll haveto navigate to the Device and Page you wantusing the MAIN, DEVICE and PAGE buttons. Pressa button to erase it. The bottom of the screen willflash ERASE twice, then ERASED.To return to normal operating mode, press theMAIN button four times.Erasing the Entire AutomatorTo erase EVERYTHING, press and hold both the MAINand the STOP buttons for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds,the RESET screen appears. If you press the SURE button,the Automator will reset itself to the factory default con-figuration, erasing all of your work!56If you wishto erase all,press theSURE button.Press theSURE buttonto reset theAutomator tofactorydefault condition.
28The AutomatorCloning (Copying) The AutomatorIf you own two or more Automators, you can copy andtransfer all the programming from one to anotherAutomator. Just follow these easy steps:Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Go to page 2 of the SET UP menu via the PAGEUP button.Press the CLONE button. Align the two remote controls head-to-head, aboutan inch apart.Press the RECV display button on the new remotecontrol you would like to program by cloning.Press the SEND display button on the remote con-trol you previously programmed.Press the START button on the new remote controland then press the START button on your pro-grammed remote control. Note: Typically cloning takes about 40 seconds.After completion, the cloned remote control willflash “GOOD”.Return to normal operation by pressing the MAINbutton twice.12345678
29URC-200Recalling the Pre-Programmed Three Digit Code NumberIf you didn’t write down the three digit codes you setup your Automator with, you can recall them via thissimple process:Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holdingMAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.Go to page 2 of the SET UP menu via the PAGEUP button.Press the RECAL button. The display changes tothe recall screens. They alternately flash all of thethree digit codes for the first five devices, then allof the three digit codes for the second five devicesas follows:Note: You can keep track of which of the two pages you arelooking at via the page numbers at the bottom of the screen.Write down the three digit codes as they appear.Page 32of this manual is set up for your notes.Return to normal operation by pressing the MAINbutton twice.12345
30The AutomatorExpanding With the ExpanderYou can use the Automator as you would your otherremote controls. It transmits very powerful line-of-sightoutput using infrared light commands (invisible to thenaked eye). Typically, when you use the Automatorline of sight like this, expect a range of between 30 and50 feet when it is pointed at the components. Whenthe remote is not pointed in the general direction of thecomponents, the range will vary (depending on reflec-tive surfaces, lighting, etc.). However, the Automator also sends omnidirectionalradio signals compatible with the  MRF-100 Expanderkit. By purchasing the optional Expander kit, you canoperate your equipment with the Automator 50 to 100feet away (through walls, doors, cabinets, inside oroutside). Since the Expander picks up the Automator'sradio signals from any direction, regardless of dis-tance, you don't have to point the Automator at all.Nothing has to be done to the Automator for this feature to work. Every time you press a button on theAutomator, it sends both a standard infrared AND aradio command. If you install the Expander kit, theMRF-100 will receive the Automator’s radio signalsand translate them into the infrared commands thatcontrol your components.Note: The Automator's radio signals will not control components directly. You must have an Expander to receive the Automator's radio signals. Components that came with "no pointing" radio remote controls cannotbe operated by the Automator unless the component can be switched to standard infrared control via its internalmenus. Some remote control ceiling fans are radio only andcannot be operated by the Automator.
31URC-200The Expander converts radio to standard infraredcommands and sends them out via a built-in frontblaster to components in the same cabinet space.The Automator sendsradio signals to theExpander, which is aradio receiver.Self-adhesive “flashers” (included in theExpander kit) affix to the front panels of yourcomponents. The flashers relay infrared com-mands to components out of sight of theMRF-100 front blaster. The flashers plug intothe MRF-100 rear flasher line output jacks.Each flasher has a 10’ cable to easily reachcomponents on nearby shelves.
32The AutomatorPre-Programmed Code NotesRecord the three digit codes for your system here:AUDIO      DVDVCR1TVCABLECDDVRVCR2SAT    AUX
33URC-200Pre-Programmed Code TablesThe Automator’s built in library of remote control com-mands is classified by category (TV, VCR, DVD etc.)and by brand (Sony, B & K, Panasonic, etc.). You sim-ply find the correct category, then the brand you own.Often there will be more than one three digit code foryou to try. Just circle the correct row and refer to itwhile programming (step-by-step instructions for usingthree digit codes. If you have a brand that doesn’t appear or if you havealready tried all of the listings for your brand, it may bethat the component is actually manufactured by anoth-er company. Because the Automator library includesmany codes from manufacturers who make compo-nents for other companies, you may find that a searchof the pre-programmed codes for a particular categorywill be successful by using the Code Scanning method,refer to the Basic Programming section for instructions.Amps, Preamps and A/V Receivers    Pages 34-35DVD Players and TV/DVDCombo  Page         36DVD Players and Laser Disc Players Page         37VCRs and TV/VCR Combo  Pages   38-39TVs, Plasmas, Projectors, Monitors  Pages   40-42Cable Descramblers/Tuners Pages   42-43CD Players and Changers Pages 44-45Satellite Receivers, PVR and DVR Page          46Tape Decks, Lighting Control  Pages  46-47and custom products includes multi-zone controllers, line doublers, video processors, remote controlled screens and automation systems.
34ADC                     ADCOM                   AIWA                    AKAI                    AMC                     AMENDAMXANGSTROM             ANTHEMARCAM                   ATLANTICTECHAUDIO ACCESS       AUDIOALCHEM       AUDIO DESIGN        AUDIO EASEAUDIO FILE              AUDIO MATRIX        AUDIOSOURCEAUDIO TECHNIB & K                   BOSE                    BRYSTONCARVER                  CASIO                   CHIRO                   CINEMA SOUND      CITATION                CLARIONCOMPAQCURTISMATHE        DENON                   EIGERELANENLIGHTAUDIO       ESCIENTFANFAREFISHER                  FLEXTRONICSFOSGATE                 GE                      GOLDSTAR              HAFLERHARMAN KARD       HITACHI                 IMERGEINKEL                   INTEGRAJBLJCPENNEY               JEFFROWLANDJENSEN                  JVC                     KENWOOD               007082 092 225 161 269 355 356 366170 018 104 202 203 213 211 188138 189125 126 127 128 258 281 282 038054196142335 336 337 338 339141342147135194 221 011021 196 207071167273134096 097070 170 224 347023006 028 061 071 201 214 226 180 185 022 029 077284076140034 134148 272026382076002 034 109 215 229 230 027 037 234 259 330 340341 349 350149057 290099 098368352047 214 180 182 297378062 231 342056 260008174231 233 254 153 154 118 121 227 277 317 318 365020371197354263076 216206058240 163 191 114 266 279 291026 066 145 146 181 190 197 192 182 199 151 222 180BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and Receivers
35KENWOOD(continued)KINERGETICSKLHKOSSKRELL                KYOCERA         LEXICON           LINN                   LUXMAN            LXI                     MAGNAVOX      MARANTZ          MCINTOSH        MCS                   MERIDIAN          MITSUBISHI       MONDIAL           MYRYADNADNAKAMICHI       NEC                    NIROONKYO              OPTIMUS           OUTLAWPANASONIC      PARASOUND    PHASTPHILIPS              PIONEER           POLKAUDIOPROCEED         RCA                    REALISTIC         REQUESTREVOXROTEL               SAMSUNG         SANSUI              SANYO              SCOTT               SEARS               SHARP               SHERWOOD     SONY                 SOUNDESIGN   SOUNDMA-TRSSNDSTREAMSSI                     SUMO                SUNFIRETAEKWANG      TEAC                  TECHNICS         005 280 374220 140331216150 072 376007120 235 236 237 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364124 377137 139 052 165 115 004 009076 056086 164 152 208006 028 031 040 063 185 186 251 265 119 289 296238 286076100 012 013242 243 204157 158 042 043 081 112276 293186 113 283111 244 245 172 183 287176343017 046 064 107 108 187 079 080 090 179 209 270 275026 041 138342032 195 219 177 292129 130 132 261 294 295 333 334196249 250 251 063 119014 033 039 044 045 050 069 159 168 116 035 078 198029144 268010 048 117 156 067 288019 056 073 075 095351162074 083 085016040 048 110 119 065 228047 059019 091076026 094 131 175 181024 038 055 102 103 105 106 051 030018 093 223 247 248 160 166 015 101 184 218 271 353369 372036375084 088068171344 345 346138005 019 049 111 212 217122 176 193 219 178 177 200 257 262BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSAUDIO - Amps, Preamps and Receivers (cont.)
36146098087 111 115007 080143026 027137084 140101142012151135104148091 057 074066 096083 095153017102 134088103076 035021 042 138 139 144 150066 083 095 105023 092 099 107 108 131086026 027026 027056 070 119154147094033 118 145143143102026 027035 034 130 141149042 089057 074 091BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSDVD - DVD Players and Changers AIWAALPINEAPEX DIGITALDENONFUNAI                GEGOVIDEOHARMAN KARDONHITACHIINTEGRAJVCKENWOOD        KLHKRELLLEXICONLGMAGNAVOXMARANTZMERIDIANMITSUBISHIMYRYADNAD                   NAKAMICHIONKYOPANASONICPHILIPSPIONEERPROCEEDPROSCANRCASAMSUNGSANSUISANYO              SHARP              SONYSYLVANIASYMPHONICTATUNGTHOMPSONTOSHIBAVENTURERYAMAHAZENITH
38146098087 111 115007 080143026 027137084 140101142012151135104148091 057 074066 096083 095153017102 134088103076 035021 042 138 139 144 150066 083 095 105023 092 099 107 108 131086026 027026 027056 070 119154147094033 118 145143143102026 027035 034 130 141149042 089057 074 091BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSDVD - DVD Players and Changers AIWAALPINEAPEX DIGITALDENONFUNAI                GEGOVIDEOHARMAN KARDONHITACHIINTEGRAJVCKENWOOD        KLHKRELLLEXICONLGMAGNAVOXMARANTZMERIDIANMITSUBISHIMYRYADNAD                   NAKAMICHIONKYOPANASONICPHILIPSPIONEERPROCEEDPROSCANRCASAMSUNGSANSUISANYO              SHARP              SONYSYLVANIASYMPHONICTATUNGTHOMPSONTOSHIBAVENTURERYAMAHAZENITH
40ADMIRAL               ADVENTAKAI                    A MARK                 AMPRO                  AMSTRAD             ANAM                    AOC                     AUDIOVOXBARCOBLAUPUNKT         BROKSONICCAIRNCANDLE                 CAPEHART           CETRONIC            CITIZEN                 CLASSIC                CONCERTO          CONTEC                CORONADO          CRAIG                   CROWN                 CURTIS MATH      CXC                     DAEWOO               DAYTRON             DREAMVISIONDWIN                    DYNASTY              DYNATECH           EIKIELECTROHOME  EMERSONFISHER                  FUJITSUFUNAI                   FUTURETECH       GE GOLDSTAR           HALL MARK           HITACHI                 INFINITY                INFOCUSJBL                     JCPENNEY            JENSEN                 JVC                     KEC                     KENWOOD            KLOSS                   KMC                     KTV                     LG072 081 161 160247197 146 248112 143167 073 157 183052043 054 056 080 112 131197 004 112 058076233088238201197 002 003 004058043197 002 003 004 043 101 103 143043004043 050 051143043 054043 143197 101 004 143043004 016 043 044 076 103 114 125 127 143004 143235177043062187143 024 076 196028 048 043 155 005 197 004 047 050 051 076 096143 151 153 154007 057198 246028 043043160 144 165 073 197 008 009 034 056 074 130 155161 004 091 157 183113 116 102 004 106 112 119 127 143004011 163 166 004 009 010 012 023 075 143 158 072164230164004 024 197 008 009 030 065 101 143 156 160013038 034 070 083 145 199 210 240 241043197 070002 059143043 197 143 154113 116 102 004 106 112 119 127 143BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSTVs, Projectors, Plasmas and Monitors
41LODGENET          LOEWELOGIK                   LUXMAN              LXI                     MAGNAVOX        MARANTZ            MATSUI                MEMOREX           METZ                    MGA                     MINERVA             MITSUBISHI         MTC                     NAD                     NEC                     NIKEI                   ONKING               ONWA                  OPTONICA           ORIONPANASONIC        PHILCO                PHILIPS                PIONEER             PORTLAND          PROSCAN            PROTON              QUASAR              RADIO SHACK     RCA                     REALISTIC           ROCTECRUNCO                SAMPO                SAMSUNG           SANYO                 SCOTT                 SEARS                 SELECOSHARP                 SIEMENS             SIGNATURE        SOLESONY                   SOUNDESIGN     SPECTRICON      SSS                     SUPRE MACY     SYLVANIA            TANDY                 TATUNG               TECHNICS           TECHWOOD        TEKNIKA              072164072004166 007 015 052 081 160 164164 059 197 003 060 061 004 063 064 127 022 160 094239197 164 184164007 072 004088197 004 024 028 042088109 124 024 004 028 040 042 146 191197 004 062 101015 025132 130 134 197 040 016 024 056 019 236 237043043043019 081096034 056 080 092 164 208197 003 059 060 064 164 004 024 056 063164 005 093 038 197 003 004 059 127 184 206 239135 025 197 018 023 116 190 234004 143144 160 161 165 167004 131 058 143 171 173 193034 056 092019 004 143 043 127160 165 065 156 144 161 197 004 024 056 152 023 074007 019 043 047186168 169 178 179 180 181 182 183 073 157197 058 004 202050 089 101 105 004 127 143 160 228 229166 007 020 053 057 082 187028 043 004 048 143015 030 004 007 028 057 143 094 160 082 165 166189 200 205 227081 019 014 170 028 029 004 022 143 175088072231 232070 139 147 126 185 194 085028 004 003 043112004 043002197 003 059 060 063 064 164 044 160 127081056 062034 080004002 003 004 024 028 043 072 101 143BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSTVs, Projectors, Plasmas, Monitors (continued)
42TELEFUNKEN   TELERENT         TERA                  TMK                    TOSHIBA            TOTEVISION      UNIVERSAL       VIDEO CONC    VIDIKRON          VIDTECH            WARDS              WESTINGHOUSEYAMAHA            YORK                 YUPITERU         BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSTVs, Projectors, Plasmas, Monitors (continued)037 046 086 087072172004015 138 030 007 040 062 101143008 009146174 184 188 192004004 008 009 019 028 060 061 063 064 072 074 143 164034076197 004004043ABC                     AMERICASTANTRONIX                ARCHER                  BELL SOUTHCENTURION               CENTURY                 CITIZEN                 COMBANO                 COMSATCOMTRONICS             COX DIGITAL DIGICABLEEAGLE                   EASTERN                 ECHOSTARELECTRICORD            GEMINI                  GENERAL ELECTRICGENERAL INSTRUMENTGNCGOLDEN CHANNEL          HAMLIN                  HITACHI                 JERROLD                 MAGNAVOX                MEDIA ONEMEMOREX                 MITSUBISHIM-NET                   004 103 003 039 042 046 053099014005 007 014099092007007080 081074030074101020 030 040057 066106032008 054072103 074 104099030049 050 055103 055103 002 003 004 008 009 010 069 074010 012 064 079 095 094107052102037BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSCABLE - Cable Descramblers and Tuners
43MOVIE TIME    NOVAPLEXNSC                 OAK                 PANASONIC    PARAGON       PHILIPS            PIONEER         PRUCER          PTS                  PULSAR           RCA                 RECOTONREGAL             REGENCY        SAMSUNG       SCIENTIFICATLANTA      SIGNAL            SIGNATURE     SL MARX         SONY               SPRUCER        STARCOM       STARGATE      TADIRAN          TIMELESSTIME WARNERTOCOM            TOSHIBA          UNIKA              UNITEDCABLE            UNIVERSAL     VIEWSTAR       ZENITH028 032092015 028 038 071031 037 053044 047052006 012 013 020 085 095103 034 051 063 076 105059011 071 074052047098049 050057030003 011 041 042 043 045 046030103030096 108047 078002 004 008 009008 030 097 104030030043039 040 056052007 014004 053005 007 014 032 035012 015 018 086 087 088 089052 060 093 100BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSCable Descramblers/Tuners (continued)
44ADCOM              AIWA                  AKAI                   AMC                   AMENDARCAM              AUDIOACCESS   AUDIO EASEAUDIO TECH-NI        BSR                    CALIFORNIAAUDIO     CAPETRONIC   CARRERA         CARVER            CASIO                CLARINETTE     CREEKCROWN             DENON              EMERSON         FISHER              FRABA               GENEXXA          GOLDSTAR       HAITAI                HARMANKARD       HITACHI             INKEL                 JCPENNEY        JENSEN             JVC                    KENWOOD        KOSS                 KRELL                KYOCERA         LOTTE                LUXMAN            LXI                     MAGNAVOX      MARANTZ          MCINTOSH        MCS                   MEMOREXMISSION            MITSUBISHI       MITSUMI            MODULAIRE      MONDIAL           MYRYADNAD                    NAKAMICHI       062 042059 065 088 089 105 122 170 187085 195 202231 232118238119 147165046037 057103 008063057 080185 041 044 050 086 107 130 134 135 138 139 203 204167111 182182159035002 123042 069 102050 185 134 008111010 069 102080093018 033 047 208042 175130 143 144014 061 092 141158004 022 136 163 213 214 242 243185 007 023 055 071 072 142 137 254061241005102011 028 070 076 249 252059044 107027 041 044 051 077 107 209 246212 247014 073 092010044 107179153182147244 155006 005 067 178217 218 219 095BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSCD - CD Players and Changers
45NEC                    NIKKO                NSM                   ONKYO              OPTIMUS           PANASONIC      PARASOUND    PHILIPS              PIONEER           PROCEED         PROTON            QUASAR            RADIOSHACK             RCA                    REALISTIC         ROTEL               SAE                    SANSUI              SANYO              SCOTT               SHARP               SHERWOOD     SIGNATURE      SONY                 SOUNDESIGN   SUMO                SYLVANIA          SYMPHONIC     TAEKWANG      TANDYTEAC                  TECHNICS         TECHWOOD     THETA DIGI-TAL           TOSHIBA           VECTORRESEARCH       VICTOR              WARDS              YAMAHA            YORX014 062046044 107030 038 039 168 169010 050 057 058 081 082 083 085 093 195103 201 172 008 068 248233 240041 044 107 246 253010 020 025 056 174 175 176239044 107 228103 008182017 042 150042 050 051 102 181 182 187044 107 161 178 250044 107044 069 107 128 171 190 125050069 102026 031 051 066003 019 051 096 112 115 119 166033048 081 097 126 133 177 225 226 164251155044 107052 181195 085010015 034 036 051 052 101 131 140 079060 103 200 172 184 008 068076234 235006 067 091 160 148080004 022 114 124185 033024 046 054 186 183 245182BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSCD - CD Players and Changers (continued)
46HUGHESPHILIPSRCAREPLAY SONYTIVOBRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSSAT (continued) - DVR, PVR (i.e., TiVo,Replay)108 117108 090 117109075104 105090 117ECHOSTARGENERALELECTRICHITACHIHUGHESPANASONICPHILIPSPROSCANRCASAMSUNGSKYSONYTOSHIBAUNIDENZENITH122151 106 150139 140068 154 161 162 165 166142 060 160071 152 153 156151 106 150151 106 150123 155 163164103002 127 157 158136091 081 082 083 084 120 159BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSSAT - DSS Satellite ReceiversAIWACARVERDENONFISHERGOLDSTARHARMANKARDONJVCKENWOODLINNLUXMANMAGNAVOXMARANTZMCINTOSHMITSUBISHINADNAKAMICHIONKYOOPTIMUSPANASONICPHILIPSPIONEERQUASAR015 071 100 114006 008 027 024 036105 227 229064011233106 116 239 240005 013 023 026 064 145 146 181 190124035 137 139027014 027 056 065 087238242 243029 048244 245 025002 012 016 017 018 019 115026 054 055007 010 032 088 195027 087003 039 047 050 066 098 222007 088BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSAUX - Tape Decks
47SANSUISHARPSHERWOODSONYTEACTECHNICSTOSHIBAVICTORYAMAHA027 113 119 224026 057 131 175 181038 004 028 030 033 034020 022 052 084 089009 059 212007 010 076 088 109 122 193112106021 026 031 067 0403MAIWA                ARCHERAURORAMULAUTONCELADONCRESTRONDMXDRAPER DREAMVI-SIONDWINEVERQUESTEXTRONFAROUDJAFUJIHUNTER-DOUGJERROLDJVC                  KENWOOD      LITE-TOUCHLUTRONMAKITAMINDPATHNILESNSMPIANO DISC+POLKAUDIORUSSOUNDSCIENTIFICATL.SIMASOLO SOMFYSONY               STARCOM152164155220191221213 214 215 216 217 218156204097080206151184209219153185185208 257158 159 077186 201205160 187161085162081163 156082207078 079164 165 166153167203183 093168 169 170 171 172 188 189BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSAUX  - Tape Decks (continued)BRAND THREE DIGIT CODE NUMBERSAUX - Custom Installation Products (continued)
48Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is a “macro” button?It is an Automator button you set to make a lot ofthings happen when you press it. For example, towatch a DVD in most home theaters requires severalremote controls and many button presses (power upthe TV, power up the surround sound, power up theDVD player, set the TV to the correct video input, setthe surround sound to the correct audio input andfinally; press play on the DVD player remote control).Instead of pressing all of those buttons one at a time,the Automator enables you to set up one button thatdoes it all automatically with one press. For more infor-mation on how and why you should set up macro but-tons, watch the DVD tutorial or read pages 19-22.If the batteries run out, will I lose my settings?No. The Automator stores all of your settings in non-volatile FLASH memory. You could remove the batter-ies for months, replace them at your convenience andthe Automator would still remember your settings.Who can I call for more answers?The Universal Remote Control technical support andcustomer service staff are ready to answer any ques-tions you might have. Call us at 1-914-835-4484Monday - Friday, 9AM to 6PM (EST) The Automator
49WarrantyThe URC-200 is covered against any manufacturersdefects or workmanship for a period of one year fromthe date of purchase if purchased from an authorizedUniversal Remote Control dealer. Units purchasedfrom online auction sites or other unauthorizedresellers have no warranty. This warranty does notcover the following items:- Damage from misuse, neglect, or acts of nature.- Products that have been modified or incorporatedinto other products.- Products purchased more than 12 months ago.- Units purchased from unauthorized dealers or companies.SpecificationsURC-200 Automator Pre-Programmed and LearningRemote ControlLearning Capability - 720 IR commands at standard frequencies (15kHz to 100kHz)Macro Capability - 472 Macros of up to 190 steps eachIR Range (Line of Sight via Infrared): 30-50 feet,depending on the environmentRF Range (radio frequency): 50 to 100 feet, dependingupon the environmentRF Frequency: 418MHzWeight: 8 oz. (with batteries)Size: 9.6” x 3.75” x 1”Batteries: Four AAA Alkaline batteries includedLCD Size: approximately 7/8” x 1-7/8” URC-200

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