Ocean Signal MOB1 Maritime Survivor Locator Device User Manual MOB1

Ocean Signal Ltd. Maritime Survivor Locator Device MOB1

Users Manual

        User Manual  MOB1 Maritime Survivor Locating Device English
         © 2014 Ocean Signal Ltd  The technical data, information and illustrations contained in this manual were believed to be correct at the time of print. Ocean Signal Ltd reserve the right to change specifications and other information contained in this manual as part of our continual improvement process. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of Ocean Signal Ltd. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in this manual. Ocean Signal® and rescueME® are registered trademarks of Ocean Signal Ltd.
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  3 Version 00.03 08/10/2014 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY  Use only in situations of grave or imminent danger  NOTE: Refer to section  5.4 for deactivation instructions.
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  4  Part No 912S-01365 CONTENTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY............................................................................................................................3 1. GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Energy .................................................................. 5 1.3 Warnings..................................................................................................................... 5 2. Lifejacket Installation .................................................................................................................5 3. MMSI configuration.....................................................................................................................7 3.1 Self Identification........................................................................................................ 7 3.2 User MMSI .................................................................................................................. 7 4. MOB1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................9 5. OPERATION...............................................................................................................................10 5.1 Automatic Activation................................................................................................. 10 5.2 Manual Activation ..................................................................................................... 10 5.3 DSC transmission..................................................................................................... 10 5.4 Deactivation .............................................................................................................. 11 6. TESTING ....................................................................................................................................11 6.1 Beacon test............................................................................................................... 12 6.2 DSC transmission test.............................................................................................. 12 6.3 AIS transmission test ............................................................................................... 12 7. APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................14 7.1 Maintenance and Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 14 7.2 Batteries ................................................................................................................... 14 7.3 Transport .................................................................................................................. 14 7.4 Disposal .................................................................................................................... 14 7.5 Specifications............................................................................................................ 15 7.6 Approvals .................................................................................................................. 16 7.7 Limited Warranty...................................................................................................... 18
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  5 Version 00.03 08/10/2014 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction The rescueME range of products provides the user with the latest technology specifically designed for compact size and ease of operation.  1.2 Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Energy This product also complies with EN62479 (EU) and RSS-102 (Canada). This product has been evaluated for compliance with the FCC RF exposure limits given in CFR 47 part 1.307(b) at a distance of greater than 2cms. 1.3 Warnings   An AIS-MOB Man OverBoard device is only intended for short range signalling to an AIS receiver installed onboard your own vessel. It will not directly alert the emergency services or other vessels.  This equipment is not intended for routine tracking of persons or property. This includes routine tracking of divers.  If self-test is performed more frequently than once a month, then battery life may be reduced.  This radio device is designed to only provide an effective alerting and locating capability in close proximity to a vessel. This radio beacon is NOT an EPIRB.  Cette radiobalise est conçue uniquement dans le but de fournir une fonction d’alerte et de localisation efficace à proximité immédiate d’un navire. Cette radiobalise n’est PAS une RLS.
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  6  Part No 912S-01365 2. Lifejacket Installation If your rescueME MOB1 is not already pre-installed lifejacket, please follow the instructions below carefully. • Loop the strap through the operating clip.     • Clip the bracket to the MOB1 so that the MOB will be on the outside of the inflation tube.   The following diagrams assume that the mounting is to the left of the inflation tube.  On most occasions it is preferable to mount to the outside of the tube.     • Clip the MOB1 to the inflation tube     • Wrap the strap around the life jacket.  When looping the strap through the bracket, make sure that the strap is not twisted.  Tighten the strap when complete.      •  Mounting the MOB to the right.  Follow steps 2-4 but swap over to the right.  When looping the strap through the bracket, make sure is has not twisted in the process.
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  7 Version 00.03 08/10/2014   • Arm the MOB.  Once the MOB is fully attached to the life-jacket, you are ready to arm the device.    • Testing • MOB Installation sticker  3. MMSI configuration 3.1 Self Identification The MOB1 is supplied with the self identification number pre programmed.  This number is specific to each MOB1 and cannot be changed.  The MMSI displayed on the AIS receiver will always start with ‘972’ irrespective of the country it was purchased in. 3.2 User MMSI (Applies to DSC enabled units only) To be able to send DSC messages to your vessel, the MMSI number of the vessel needs to be programmed into the MOB.  This is achieved using a PC based application and the PC screen. 3.2.1 Installation The programming software for the can be downloaded from www.oceansignal.com/installers/MOBconfig.msi Save the file to your computer and open it to run the installer.  Follow the instructions on screen. 3.2.2 Configuration Run the application from the desktop icon.  The screen shown will appear.  Select the Screen button.   Enter the nine digit MMSI of the vessel in the box provided and select update beacon.  After the MMSI has been
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  8  Part No 912S-01365 entered, a second box for a group MMSI will appear.  Enter you group MMSI here if available.   On completion press the Update Device button to proceed.  A new screen with further instructions will appear. Slide the arming key down to the armed position and fit the black rubber programming adaptor so that the push button is over the test key and the aperture is over the clear indicator window.  To put the MOB1 into programming mode, press the test key for at least fifteen seconds.  The LED will start flashing xxxxxxx.  When ready press the Yes key on screen. The screen will now change to the programming mode.  Place the MOB1 over the screen so that the clear indicator window is over the white box.  Press the <F10> key on your keyboard to commence programming.     When the programming is complete, the screen will change.  Remove the MOB1 and check that the LED starts flashing green.  Turn the MOB2 off by pressing the Test key for one second.  The LED will blink red twice.  Press the <F12> key to exit the programming mode. If the programming fails, the Led will start flashing Red after a short period of time.  Turn the unit off and retry. Return the arming tab to the locked position.  Your MOB1 is now ready for use.
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  9 Version 00.03 08/10/2014 4. MOB1 OVERVIEW  1) Antenna behind activation slide 2) Activation slide 3) Manual Activation Button 4) Arming Slide (in safe position) 5) Strobe and Indicator LED 6) Test (and Off) button 7) Arming Slider (in armed position)                    1 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 MOB1 Controls shown in activated condition
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  10  Part No 912S-01365 5. OPERATION WARNING:  Use only in situations of grave and imminent danger. Misuse may result in a severe penalty. Ensure that your MOB1 is always fitted with an unused battery that is within the marked expiry date.  Failure to do so may result in reduced operating time when used in a real emergency.  Please observe the recommendations on testing in section  0 6. 5.1 Automatic Activation When correctly packed in a lifejacket the MOB1 will automatically activate when the lifejacket inflates.  Should the lifejacket fail to fully inflate, it may be necessary to assist  the activation slide to fully release. 5.2 Manual Activation Only activate your MOB1 in situations requiring emergency assistance.  Deliberate misuse of your MOB1 may result in a fine. • To activate your MOB in an emergency, slide the red arming tab down.  Slide the grey tab to the Left or Right.  The strobe light will start flashing.  The MOB will automatically start transmitting AIS after [20seconds]. Warning: the antenna will be automatically released.  Keep the MOB well away from your eyes when activating. • To manually activate, press the ON key down.  The Indicator LED will start flashing Green.  Release the ON key.  The strobe light will start flashing.  AIS transmissions will commence after [20 seconds]. • During activation the Indicator LED will five a short flash during AIS transmissions and a long flash for a DSC transmission.  The colour of the flash will be Red during position acquisition and green when the GPS position is being received. • When operating the MOB1, tether the beacon to your body or the life - jacket. • Hold your beacon with the antenna standing vertically.  Keep the area marked ‘GPS Antenna’ free from obstruction, which would interfere with the GPS reception.  5.3 DSC transmission  Applies to DSC enabled units only
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  11 Version 00.03 08/10/2014 • Press and hold the ON key for over 5 seconds to transmit a single DSC All Ships Distress Alert.  This should only be done in a dire emergency, if it is obvious that your alert is not being acted upon by you own vessel.  After the key is pressed, the Green LED will start flashing then become steady.  Release the key to commence transmission of a single DSC transmission.  The LED will blink rapidly to indicate a DSC Distress is being transmitted, Red if the is no position available land green when the GPS position is being received. 5.4 Deactivation To deactivate your MOB1 after use or if it is accidentally activated, press the TEST until LED flashes red twice, then release.
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  12  Part No 912S-01365 6. TESTING Routine testing of your MOB1 is recommended to ensure it is in good working order if needed, but please follow the guidance notes below on the frequency that tests should be carried out.  Please remember that each test will reduce the battery capacity slightly and reduce the operation time of your MOB1 during an emergency. 6.1 Beacon test To test your MOB1 is functioning correctly, press and hold the TEST key for one second. The red LED will start flashing, indicating test mode is activated.  The switch may now be released.  After a short pause, the indicator LED will flash green or amber to show a pass or red to show fail status. The strobe will flash and then the unit will automatically turn off. The number of green/amber flashes in each group indicates the number of hours the battery has been used for as shown in the table below.            Green / Amber  Indicator. Changes to Amber after 1 hour of use Red indicator  status No of Flashes No of Hours Used Type of Failure Passed 1   Fail 2     3     4     5     6       It is recommended to test your MSLD once a month.  The amber test result indicates the battery has been used for over one hour or the allowed number of tests has been exceeded.  The MSLD will still operate normally in distress, but the battery should be replaced to ensure the full operating life when your MSLD is needed.6.2 DSC transmission test To initiate a DSC test transmission, press and hold the TEST key.  The red LED will start flashing, then after five seconds become steady.  Release the ON key.  After a short delay the test results will be indicated by the LED flashing Green or Red, plus a single flash of the strobe light. 6.3 AIS transmission test To initiate an AIS transmission test with GPS, press and hold the TEST key.  The RED LED will start flashing and then become steady after five seconds.  After a further five seconds, the LED will start flashing slowly.  Release the TEST key.  The LED will give a long red flash followed by a short green flash until GPS lock is achieved.  The test results will be indicated by the LED flashing Green or Red, plus a single flash of the strobe light.  The message “MOB TEST” will be displayed on a suitable AIS display.
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  13 Version 00.03 08/10/2014  The AIS/GPS test should only be attempted with a clear view of the sky.
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  14  Part No 912S-01365 APPENDIX 6.4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Your MSLD will require little maintenance except periodic cleaning, if required.  Always use a damp cloth to clean the case and dry thoroughly.  Do not use solvents or other cleaning fluids as this may cause the plastics to deteriorate.  Ensure the antenna is free to unwind. 6.5 Batteries The MOB1 contains Lithium batteries for long operating life.  Your battery must be replaced either after the expiry date or after the MSLD has been activated, even if only for a short period of time.  Battery replacement must be done at an Ocean Signal authorised battery replacement centre. 6.6 Transport When shipping your MSLD the following guidance and regulations should be followed, but you are advised to contact your nearest battery replacement centre or Ocean Signal prior to shipping as regulations may have changed. • Always pack your MSLD securely in a stout cardboard carton.  Ocean Signal advises that you keep the original packaging in case of return for service. • For surface transport the MSLD may be shipped under special provision 188. • For air transport the MSLD should be shipped as category UN3091 and packed under IATA packing instruction 970 section II.  If you are hand carrying your MSLD on an aircraft please contact you airline for advice. 6.7 Disposal Care should be taken when disposing of your MSLD when it is no longer required.  It is recommended to remove the battery from the MSLD by removing the case lid.  The case screws are covered by the top label.  Dispose of the battery in accordance with local waste regulations.  Please note that the MOB1 is not user serviceable and opening the case will invalidate the warranty.
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  15 Version 00.03 08/10/2014 6.8 Specifications AIS transmission  Transmit Power (EIRP ...............................................................................................................1Watt  Frequency ............................................................................................ 161.975/162.025MHz ±500Hz  Baud rate ............................................................................................................................ 9600baud  Synchronisation ........................................................................................................................... UTC   DSC Transmission1  Transmit Power (EIRP) ............................................................................................................. 1Watt  Frequency ......................................................................................................................  156.525MHz  Messages  ................................................................................................  Individual Distress Relay*  ...................................................................................................................  All Ships Distress Alert*  Baud rate ............................................................................................................................ 1200baud  *Single call made on press of the activation button.   Environmental    Temperature range (operational)......................................................................... -20°C - +55°C    Temperature range (storage) ...............................................................................  -30°C -+70°C    Damp Heat (humidity) .............................................................................................  40°C at 93%    [Drop (hard surface)................................................................................................ 1m : 6 sides]    Designed to meet Drop (water)............................................................................... 20m : 3sides    Water immersion .......................................................................................... 2 bar : >60minutes    Thermal Shock...................................................................... 45° into 100mm of water : >1hour   Physical     Weight ........................................................................................................................... 92grams     Dimensions ...........................................................................................134mm x 38mm x27mm     ...................................................................................................................... 59mm over bracket                                                                     1 DSC functionality is subject to the regulations of the country.
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  16  Part No 912S-01365 6.9 Approvals  TBD 6.9.1 European Declaration of Conformity English   Hereby, Ocean Signal Ltd declares that this MOB1 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC Finnish  Ocean Signal Ltd vakuuttaa täten että MOB1 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen Dutch   Hierbij verklaart Ocean Signal Ltd dat het toestel MOB1 in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG French  Par la présente Ocean Signal Ltd déclare que l'appareil MOB1 est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE Swedish  Härmed intygar Ocean Signal Ltd att denna MOB1 står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG Danish   Undertegnede Ocean Signal Ltd erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr MOB1 overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF German  Hiermit erklärt Ocean Signal Ltd, dass sich diese MOB1 in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet". Greek  ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Ocean Signal Ltd ∆ΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ MOB1 ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩ∆ΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ∆ΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Ο∆ΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ Italian  Con la presente Ocean Signal Ltd dichiara che questo MOB1 è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE Spanish   Por medio de la presente Ocean Signal Ltd declara que el MOB1 cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE Portuguese  Ocean Signal Ltd declara que este MOB1 está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE  0560
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  17 Version 00.03 08/10/2014
     MOB1 USER MANUAL  18  Part No 912S-01365 6.10 Limited Warranty Your Ocean Signal MOB1 is warranted against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of purchase and in accordance with the following conditions. Ocean Signal will at its discretion, repair or replace faulty product free of charge excluding the cost of shipping.  Proof of purchase shall be required in order for a warranty claim to be valid from the original purchaser.  All claims shall be made in writing to Ocean Signal or an approved service dealer. Ocean Signal shall not be liable to the buyer under the above warranty: • for any repairs or modifications carried out on the MSLD using parts that are not supplied or approved by the manufacture Ocean Signal including batteries and for work carried out other than by Ocean Signal or approved service dealers, • for any part, material or accessory that is not manufactured by Ocean Signal the consumer will be covered by the guarantee / warranty offered to Ocean Signal by the manufacturer or supplier, • for product which has not been fully paid for,  • for any product supplied by Ocean Signal to a customer under an alternative warranty agreement, • for the cost of shipping product to and from the customer. The Battery is only warranted until the date of expiry and provided the unit is tested in accordance with the information in the user manual.  This warranty does not apply to a used battery as indicated by the electronic witness (see page 8). The following specific items are excluded from this warranty: • Activation flap • Antenna This warranty does not affect your statutory rights.   This warranty is to be interpreted under English law. For further assistance please contact our Technical Service Department. Email: service@oceansignal.com
    MOB1 USER MANUAL  19 Version 00.03 08/10/2014

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