OEM Controls ST550 ST-550 Radio Product User Manual Contents

OEM Controls, Inc. ST-550 Radio Product Contents

User Manual

   User Guide                    ST-550 Radio Service Tracker                  10 Controls Drive, Shelton CT 06484 203.929.8431       www.oemdd.com
ii                                                    10 Controls Drive, Shelton CT 06484 203.929.8431 www.oemdd.com      WARNING:  It is the purchaser’s responsibility to determine the suitability of any OEM Controls, Inc. product for an intended application and to ensure that it is installed and guarded in accordance with all federal, state, local and private safety and health regulations, codes and standards.  We  can  advise  you  of  the  various  features  that  are  available,  but  we  believe  that  our  customer’s  engineering departments should be qualified experts in their own product field. If the product will be used in a safety critical application,  the  customer  must undertake  appropriate  testing  and evaluation  to  prevent  injury  to  the  ultimate user.  Should you have any questions or if any of the above warning is unclear, please contact OEM Controls, Inc. at 10 Controls Drive, Shelton, CT, 06484, FAX: 203.929.3867, TEL: 203.929.8431   WARNING:  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE:  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  A  digital  device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment complies with the FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This  equipment  should  be  installed  and  operated  with  a  minimum  distance  of  20  centimeters  between  the radiator and your body.  This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d'Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  appareils  radio  exempts  de licence.  L'exploitation  est  autorisée  aux  deux  conditions  suivantes  :  (1)  l'appareil  ne  doit  pas  produire  de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
  iii  Contents Overview of the ST-550 ....................................................................... 1 Features .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 ST-550 Assembly with a Vibration Sensor Shown ................................................................................................ 2 Technical Specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 3 ST-550 Outline Dimensions and Interface Connectors .......................................................................................... 4 ST-550 Cables with Vibration Sensor .................................................................................................................... 5 Field Wiring (Supplied) for the ST-550 W/O a Vibration Sensor .......................................................................... 6 ST-550 Wiring Diagram Options ........................................................................................................................... 7 Section 2  8 Installation Procedures ...................................................................... 8 Before Staring: ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Installing the ST-550 .............................................................................................................................................. 8 The Battery Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Installing the Vibration Sensor ............................................................................................................................. 10 Calibrating the ST-550 ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Upon Completion ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Trouble Shooting after the Installation of ST-550 W/O a Vibration Sensor ................................................. 12 Pass or Fail Counting Hours Test .................................................................................................................. 12 Setting the ST-550 Radio Program ....................................................................................................................... 13 Starting the Radio Program on the Supporting PDA ............................................................................................ 13 Selecting a Channel for Service Tracker .............................................................................................................. 14 Loading a New Profile .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Editing a Profile .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Copying a Profile to Another Service Tracker ..................................................................................................... 18 Deleting a Machine Profile ................................................................................................................................... 19 Downloading a Machine Profile ........................................................................................................................... 20 Communicating With the ...................................................................................................................................... 20 ST-550 .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Data Loading Modes ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Collecting Data – Polling ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Viewing Equipment Maintenance Schedules ................................................................................................ 24 Entering Notes for this Equipment Number .................................................................................................. 24 Viewing Equipment Activity ................................................................................................................................ 24 Viewing A+I Notes, History, Com-Link and Service Alerts records ............................................................ 25 Section 3  27 Index ................................................................................................. 27  Figures Figure 1.- ST-550  Service Tracker ........................................................................................................................ 1 Figure 2.- ST-550 Assembly with Vibration Sensor .............................................................................................. 2 Figure 3.- Table of Technical Specifications .......................................................................................................... 3 Figure 4.- ST-550 Outline and Dimensions ............................................................................................................ 4 Figure 5.- ST-550 Field Cables with a Vibration Sensor ........................................................................................ 5 Figure 6.- ST-550 OEM Manufactured Battery Cable-Optional ............................................................................ 6 Figure 7.- ST-550 Field Wiring without a Vibration Sensor using the Alternator Output ..................................... 6 Figure 8.- ST-550 Wiring Diagram  W/O the Vibration Sensor Option ................................................................. 7 Figure 9.- ST-550 Wiring Diagram with the Vibration Sensor Option .................................................................. 7
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  iv   Figure 10.- ST-550 Seven Segment Calibration Display Specifics ...................................................................... 11 Figure 11.- ST-550 Fast and Slow Pulse Display ................................................................................................. 12 Figure 12.- Setting the ST-550 Radio Tracker Program ....................................................................................... 13      Document Revision History  OEM Controls Inc; All rights reserved.  Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Document Number:  Revision: B Date of Revision: 4/26/2011 About this guide: This guide provides basic instruction on the installation and use of the ST-550     About the Cover   Shown on the cover are two (2) versions of the ST-550 Service Tracker supported by OEM Data Delivery, Inc. The ST-550 featured on the cover, (center) is an (I) version with an internal antenna. (ST-550 I)  Also pictured is the ST-550 (pictured lower right and still supported) with an external antenna. Both units are now furnished with a pigtail cable (not shown) and identified by P/N ST-550 IC- Internal antenna and cable and P/N ST-550 C External antenna and cable.
 Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc.| Section 2 1  Section 1 Overview of the ST-550  This document will serve the user of this equipment as a Manual of Operations and basic troubleshooting guide, thereby allowing for the proper installation and use of the ST-550 Service Tracker. This section provides an overview of the ST-550 Service Tracker System.          Features  Radio Terminal Downloader    Travel logs are logged every (6) minutes while the vehicle is in motion  Work/Idle/Run/Count and Duration logs recorded.  Cumulative Machine Hours (CMH) compiled.  7 User Programmable Service Alerts.  Power conservation (Sleep State). The Service Tracker (ST-550) is a radio device that compiles and stores work/ idle, run and maintenance logs; connectivity is accomplished in RS232 and USB format via a secure radio link. The ST-550 does not support IrDA communication.  In the operation mode, an ST-550 mounted on the dash board or on the top of the vehicle, has been logging in CMH (Cumulative Machine Hours), and compiling maintenance service times on the vehicle. Each maintenance procedure is assigned a Service Tracker number (up to seven different procedures can be tracked). The maintenance issues are displayed as service alerts. Each service alert has a designated identifier number (one through seven) that display on the “window eye” of the ST-550. The number indicates that a particular maintenance procedure should be completed. When the service alert is satisfied the counter is reset with any supporting PDA (Personal Data Assistant).  Retrieving the ST-550 data, such as the profile, service alerts, work/ idle/ run/ count/duration logs is accomplished with a supporting PDA, or by using the OEM Data Delivery manufactured mobile CPU called GoPOD. The GoPOD is configured with 512 MB Memory, 1 GB CF, Windows XP Embedded for ease of use. The housing is designed to be installed on a lube or fuel truck, low boy truck, mechanics’ truck or supervisor’s vehicle. The GoPOD is equipped with a GPS antenna, and a radio antenna. Information is collected passively, from the ST-550 and “hands-free”. GPS coordinates are automatically stamped into the record as hourly data is collected. Information is collected via drive-by, within a range of 300 ft. line of site, and transmitted via secure radio link. Figure 1.- ST-550  Service Tracker
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  2 Section 2 | Overview and Technical Specifications   Data is then downloaded into a web report each night, and made available on a password-protected website. Information easily integrates with any major back office management system. There is never an interruption of equipment operation. A supporting type PDA will also allow the user to update (modify) the real time clock, as well as capturing the Work/Idle/Run, Count/Duration logs. For systems without the GoPOD CPU: Use an external GPS antenna, if available, in the proximity of the communication between the (ST-550) and the servicing equipment, to gather location information.  When used with the OEM Data delivery Vibration Sensor, the service tracker can differentiate the subtle differences in engine vibration, between run/work and idle, and compile a report, for the user, on where fuel consumption occurs verses work output.   ST-550 Assembly with a Vibration Sensor Shown              `                 Figure 2.- ST-550IC Assembly with Vibration Sensor      ST-550 ASSEMBLY With a Vibration Sensor PIN # Description OEM Part Number Qty 1 SERVICE TRACKER ST-550 ST-550IC X 2 MAIN CABLE – SUPPLIED BY OEM STWH-100A 1 3 VIBRATION SENSOR-Optional ST-103A 1   1   2 OEM recommends use of the Vibration Sensor (ST-103) an OEM Controls, Inc. product, for accuracy in reading work and idle times and for ease of installation. If not used the OEM wiring supplied with the service tracker must be connected to the vehicle alternator. Cable shown is supplied for                                  Service Trackers with the Vibration Sensor option.   3
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc.| Section 2 3   Technical Specifications Figure 3.- Table of Technical Specifications  ST-550IC TECHNICAL SPECFICATIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Material  Zinc IP67 Mounting Hardware 8-32 x 3/4 (recommended) Manual Interface WAKE Push Button CH. 2 – Calibrating and radio channel switch during fuel mode. CH. 1 – Diagnostic  Display 7 Segment Display for alarms, communication diagnostics, fuel mode, radio GPRS, and connection status. Real Time Clock Date (+)Time Stamped Data Operating Voltage 12VDC to 24VDC  Range: 8-32v Harness Power (8 – 32 v DC), ground, ignition, 6 digital inputs, 2 digital outputs (1A, Max) Data Logs 2 optically isolated digital inputs. 4 standard digital inputs  Memory 4K bytes of RAM, 64K bytes of ROM, no external EEPROM Data Format Comma Separated Value (CSV)  Extensible Markup Language (XML), Open Database Connectivity (OBDC), Storage Up to 34 days of saved history for each Idle/Work/ Run/ Count/ Duration log.  Environmental  Temperature -40°C +70°C Radio  802.15.4 physical layer, normal operating frequency  (240.5 MHz) Antenna 2.4GHz Internally mounted.  Communication interfaces Radio, RS 232 serial and USB. The primary or the master devices mode of operation is radio mode. It does not support IrDA communication. In the radio mode the primary initiates the communication. The primary receives tokens from a PC/ PDA command interface. Warranty Standard 1 year
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  4 Section 2 | Overview and Technical Specifications  ST-550 Outline Dimensions and Interface Connectors                             Figure 4.- ST-550 IC Outline and Dimensions     Note:   All dimensions are in inches.     OEM P/N EPCN/1485 4 Position Socket,  VIEWED FROM THE SOCKET SIDE.  FOR WIRING INFORMATION SEE FIGURE 7. IF A VIBRATION SENSOR IS INCLUDED THEN THIS  CONNECTOR IS PRE-WIRED FROM OEM CONTROLS, INC.  ALIGN MATING CONNECTOR KEYWAYS, BEFORE STARTING TO MATE CONNECTORS  WIRE GROMMET
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  6 Section 2 | Overview and Technical Specifications              Figure 6.- ST-550 OEM Manufactured Battery Cable-Optional  Field Wiring (Supplied) for the ST-550 W/O a Vibration Sensor                                Figure 7.- ST-550 Field Wiring without a Vibration Sensor using the Alternator Output    ITEM  DESCRIPTION OEM P/N CONNECTION 1 ST-550C C18694 C18694 EPLB/1080 2 CONTACTS (5) FEMALE PINS EPWT/858  3 RING TONGUE EPWT/915  4 HEAT SHRINK 1/8 X 1/16 EPSU/706  5 WIRE- RED 20/19 AWG EPW8/252 POWER LINE BATTERY (+) TO J1-1,2 6 WIRE- YELLOW 20/19 AWG EPW8/256 FROM ALTERNATOR  (+) 12V 7 WIRE- GREEN 20/19 AWG EPW8/235 CHASSIS GROUND  8 WIRE- GREEN 20/19 AWG EPW8/255 MASTER SWITCH 9 WIRE- BLACK 20/19 AWG EPW8/258 POWER LINE BATTERY (-) AND MASTER SWITCH OEM- SUPPLIED HARNESS: WIRE IDENTIFICATION  Connect to the ST-550 Red and Black Wires
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc.| Section 2 7  ST-550 Wiring Diagram Options                        Figure 8.- ST-550 Wiring Diagram  W/O the Vibration Sensor Option                     Figure 9.- ST-550 Wiring Diagram with the Vibration Sensor Option
 8 Section 2 | Installation Procedures  Section 2 Installation Procedures How to… Correctly install the ST-550 (Radio Service Tracker) with the Engine Vibration Sensor and Battery Harness.   Before Installing:   RRecord Record the ST-550 SERIAL NUMBER, located on the side of the Service Tracker, and the MACHINE NUMBER that you are installing the Service Tracker on, for reference purposes. This information must be reported back to OEM Data Delivery for tracking purposes. Installing the ST-550 1. Turn off the engine and the master switch.  2. Visualize how to run the wires from the battery box and the engine to the ST-550 Service Tracker. Not recommended: Mounting the ST-550 in an enclosed environment such as a battery box, metal engine bays, and closed cabs.  3. Mount the ST-550 on a flat surface with the internal antenna pointed upward and secure   the enclosure using (4) four self- tapping screws. 4. Once the ST-550 is mounted, drill a hole (3) three inches below the ST-550, and (15/16 inches) in diameter. 5. Pull the pigtail harness from the battery and vibration sensor through this hole. This will protect the harness from the elements and road hazards. 6. Plug the connector (J1) from the pigtail STWH/200A into the ST-550 and push the two cables through the 15/16 inch drilled hole.   Check the machine frame voltage (e.g. positive or negative ground). The ST-550 operates with a negative ground.   Installing the ST-550 harness: Be aware of moving parts, provide adequate slack for wires around moving parts, then cable tie all wiring. Do not have unsecured or hanging wires.   When mounting the Service Tracker, beware of compartments that open; Example: Where a radiator assembly lifts up, as in a bob cat or other skid steers. Choosing a secure location will prevent damaging the ST-900.    Before drilling check for obstructions and sensitive equipment (e.g. radiators, hydraulic tanks, fuse boxes etc.).
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A    | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc | Section 2     9    If the ST-550 comes equipped with a Green ground wire   7. Connect the ring terminal “GREEN” wire to a chassis ground.  (e.g., frame, body, engine or frame side of master switch). NOTE: ST-550’s with a Vibration Sensor option will Not have a chassis ground ring terminal. The Battery Cable 1. Connect the battery harness ring terminal “RED” wire to the battery positive 12VDC or 24VDC post. 2.  Connect the battery harness ring terminal “BLACK” wire to the ground post on the battery.  3. Run the battery cable back to the ST-550 and connect it to the pigtail (supplied by OEM, See Figure 5).  4. Put a 3 or 5 Amp Fuse (supplied by OEM) in the fuse holder and close the cap. The window eye  light should be blinking on the ST-550. 5. The ST-550 now has power.             Red Wire 6. Only if you’re Not using a Vibration Sensor, you will need to connect the Yellow wire to a positive +12v or +24v power source that ONLY has power while the machine is running (use Alternator “R” DC terminal, to get both work and idle reading inputs if available). OEM recommends use of the Vibration Sensor (ST-103) an OEM Controls, Inc. product, for accuracy in reading work and idle times and for ease of installation. Only if you’re Not using a Vibration Sensor, You will need at least 7.0 volts “Motor Run” voltage when you connect to the Alternator with the yellow wire. If the voltage source is adequate (Service Tracker will start counting hours). 7. Secure the harness using cable-ties, leaving adequate slack in the wires.  Plug the drilled hole with the rubber grommet attached to the harness.   Grommet
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  10 Section 2 | Installation Procedures    Mobile radios and high power AC equipment or transmission lines are potential sources of interference. If interference is a problem a shielded cable which is connected to chassis ground is advised. Contact OEM Data Delivery for further assistance. Installing the Vibration Sensor Warning: This installation should not be attempted while the engine is running. 1. Find a smooth surface on the engine block away from any excessive heat source. The vibration sensor must be securely mounted perpendicular to the engine crankshaft, or parallel to the belts. A good location is the alternator bracket or some other belt-driven accessory bracket. Best results will be obtained when the two mounting holes sit on a horizontal plane. The sensor must be mounted on the engine side of the engine mounts (not on the chassis or frame). 2. Secure the Vibration Sensor using cable-ties. 3.  Run the Vibration Sensor cable back to the ST-550, and plug the supplied connector into the harness of the ST-550. (See Item 2 in Figure 5).  4. Using Ty-wraps secure the harness, giving adequate slack in the wires. Be sure to keep the wires away from exhausts and moving parts. Do not block filters or routinely serviced parts.   Calibrating the ST-550 Step 1:   Start the engine and keep it idling. Once the engine is warmed: Step 2:   Press & Hold the  Wake  button on Service Tracker. (10 to 15 seconds).  “Window Box Eye” display will cycle from       to         to  Note:  If        is not visible on the display during calibration, check the wire connections to the Vibration Sensor or to the vehicle alternator and ground.  Otherwise: Once the      disappears, two (2)     bars should display in the “Window Box Eye”.
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A    | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc | Section 2     11  Rev the engine. Three (3)      bars will display in the Window Box Eye.  Bring the engine back to the idle position, two (2)        bars will display.  The ST-550 will now start generating run logs. Upon Completion 1. Observe the Radio Service Tracker (ST-550) 2. If the alert light flashes on a one second interval, then it is counting hours. 3. If the alert light flashes on a three second interval, then it is Not counting hours. This indicates that the ST-103 Vibration Sensor is incorrectly positioned or not functioning. 4. If the bars do not change from two (2) bars to three (3), move the Vibration Sensor until they display. 5. To obtain Idle and Work Logs, if a Vibration Sensor is Not used, a pulsed output from the alternator is required.  Note: If alternator does not have a pulsed (RPM) output, the ST-550         display will cycle     to       to       (No pulses) to     again. In this case there will be a Run Log generated.                                                        Window Box Displays with Functions Display Definition Display Definition   CALIBRATION WHEN F1 IS DEPRESSED FOR (10) SECONDS  NO PULSES DETECTED  NO IDLE/WORK LOGS TRACKED             to SERVICE ALARMS DUE, TURNED OFF BY DEFAULT   UN-CALIBRATED – IGNITION ON  PERFORM CALIBRATION STEPS LISTED ABOVE.  GPRS CELLULAR ERROR (NOT NETWORKED)  FUEL MODE – CHANNEL 2 OPERATING FREQUENCY – 2410 MHZ WHEN “F1” IS DEPRESSED FOR ABOUT 3 SECONDS   GPS ERROR-NO POWER, A MALFUNCTION, NO LOCATION  RADIO/SERIAL DOWNLOADER – RADIO OPERATING CHANNEL 6   ENTERING DIAGNOSTIC  MODE - ACTIVE AFTER UNIT IS CALIBRATED- THEN ERROR CODES DISPLAYED  ENGINE IDLING - CALIBRATION  COMPLETE    GPS OR GPRS COMMUNICATION  STATUS IS GOOD  ENGINE WORKING - CALIBRATION  COMPLETE  Figure 10.- Seven Segment display
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  12 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   Trouble Shooting after the Installation of ST-550 W/O a Vibration Sensor  1. If the motor is OFF, and Master Switch is ON and there is a fast-pulse** - check the Yellow wire connection point. Verify the voltage between the YELLOW and GREEN wire is less than (6) VDC. 2. If the motor is ON, and Master Switch is ON, and there is a slow-pulse* - check the Yellow or Green wire connections for breaks.   If the motor is OFF, and the Master Switch is OFF, and there is fast-pulse** - separate the Green and Black wires. Connect the Green wire to a chassis ground. 3. If the Service Tracker will not turn on or wake, check the Red and Black wires for breaks and correct installation. Check for fuse failure at the Red Wire attachment point to the battery. Using a multi-meter check for 12 or 24v across the Red and Black wires.  4. Important:  In using an external battery to “jump” power into the system and with the coils frame grounded, be sure to connect the external battery negative to the frame of the vehicle being jumped. This is to keep the external battery ground and the vehicle frame at the same ground potential.  Pass or Fail Counting Hours Test  Observe the ST-550 at Turn ON  If the alert light flashes, - on a one (1) second interval, then it is counting hours.  If the alert light flashes, - on a (3) three second interval, then it is NOT counting hours. ** Fast Pulse - : LED flashes once every one (1) seconds *  Slow Pulse - : LED flashes once every three (3) seconds        Figure 11.- ST-550 Fast and Slow Pulse Display    Observe LED Flashes; at the bottom right corner of the “Window box eye” cube.
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 13  Setting the ST-550 Radio Program   Record the following information: 1. CMH- Cumulative Machine Hours. 2. Service tags (if applicable)   Starting the Radio Program on the Supporting PDA             Figure 12.- Setting the ST-550 Radio Tracker Program        Step 1.  Plug in the Primary Antenna to the PDA.  Step 2.  On the PDA press the Power Button   Step 3.  Tap on Radio Tracker Icon, for the List of Programs.     Power Direction Arrows Touch Sensitive  Screen Calculator Find Backlight Graffiti Pad Primary Antenna 3. Serial number of this ST-550. 4. Equipment number.
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  14 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   Step 4.  Tap Equipment Set Up icon from the list of programs. Step 5.  When the Load screen launches,  Tap the Radio Box to be sure the PDA is set on Channel 2.   Selecting a Channel for Service Tracker        To use the Radio Com-Link Program with the (ST-550) Service Tracker: Set the Service Tracker on Channel 2 by holding down the WAKE button for about (5) five seconds.            On the PDA press the Com-Link button. Once communication is complete Polling will disappear and the PDA will beep once.   Now that the communication is in place, the Service Tracker can accept program loading from the PDA. The following steps are required for a first time schedule loading. Loading a New Profile      To add a Profile With power on the PDA tap the House icon.  and then select the Equip Setup icon.  Channel 1: Is the default channel for Service Tracker and is used for most polling. Channel  2: Is used for the Service Tracker Set-up and Com-link. Channel 2  Is only used for polling when the user is trying ascertain what is in Channel  2.   Note: If the Service Tracker is set on Channel 2 and does not connect with a primary antenna, it will return to Channel 1 after (15) fifteen seconds. The Service Tracker is in CH. 2 when the Alert Light starts blinking quickly and “F” is displaying in the “Window Eye”.  Alert Light
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 15  Edit ProfileOK KEYBOARD CANCELTag Edit OK CANCELGREASE DESC:          Actual ScheduledNew            Equipment#Ok CANCEL MEMO Cumulative Machine Hours -----------R-------R-------R-------R Step 1. From the Load Screen tap the Set Up box, now tap New Profile.  Tap in the Equipment # dotted area, and see the Master List of all equipment stored on the PDA. Tap Edit and launch the Profile List Modify screen and then tap New. Figure 12.- Loading a New Profile Screen                             The Edit Profile screen will launch. Tap New, now tap Keyboard and tap in the new description. For any numbers associated with the description entered, tap the abc-123 graffiti pad, and tap in numbers and characters that identify this entry. When the complete description is entered tap Done, then Ok.  The new Equipment # will appear in the Profile List screen. Step 2. To add a Desc: Record tap the blank record box  under this heading.  This will launch the Tag Edit screen. On the Tag Edit screen enter a service description, such as Oil, Hydraulic Fluid, by tapping the abc-123 alpha numeric’s, in the lower corners of the graffiti pad and tapping the description in the keyboards that appear. When complete tap OK, to save the description on the new screen.  Step 3. To add the Actual Hours or Schedule times, for this equipment number, tap the box where this information is shown. Doing this for Actual Hours will launch the Actual Hours Edit screen.   On the Actual Hours Edit screen, tap the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the hours displayed. Tap OK for the hours to appear on the New Profile Screen for this equipment number. Step 4. To add Schedule times, tap the R box, in the New Profile Screen, (See Figure 12). This will launch the Reset screen. Actual Hours Edit OKMACHINES/NPERIODIC SERVICE #1UpDown   NEW ACTUAL HOURS -0CANCEL
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  16 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   When data is transferring, observe the “Window Box” on the ST-550 and see the rotating LED segments. While the transfer is in progress the Polling screen will appear. When the transfer is complete the polling screen will show a (1) in the Captured box of the screen. Verifying the transfer is complete to the Service Tracker.  Machine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  RESETIR [ RADIOLOADPROFILE LISTCOM-LINKNEW PROFILELast Com-Link on 10/04/2010 Please Wait       0Polls  CapturedPolling                                                  Tap the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the scheduled hours for service. Tap Ok for the time to appear next to the R box for this equipment number. To enter a start point for Cumulative Machine Hours, tap on the line to the right of Cumulative Machine Hours (see Figure 12). When a blinking cursor is present; tap the abc-123 corners in the graffiti keypad and enter the number amounts.  Then tap Ok and see the Write Warning message appear.    The Write Warning message tells the user that any old information will be overwritten. Tap Ok and the Set Up screen will launch with a  Com-Link button visible, prompting a data transfer to the Service Tracker ST-550. Step 5. To load the new profile into the ST-550, press and hold the Wake button on the Service Tracker until it switches to Channel 2, (See the “F”  in the “Window Box”). Tap the Com-Link button to start the data transfer to the ST-550.  Step 6. The Set Up screen will launch with the Com-Link arrow pointing down. The new transfer is complete.    Set Up SELECT EQ# ST7-550 Demo Record-> 1 1234 EAService AlertsRETURN ALERTS VIEWMachine: S/N          Reset Actual TimeResetOk CANCEL          Change Schedule ------
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 17  Tag Edit OK CANCELGREASE Desc: Record 1  Actual SchedEdit          Equip# ST7-550Ok CANCEL MEMO Cumulative Machine Hours: 14Timeout: 5Grease                     500  --50--ROil                             250 --50--RTransmission            100 --50--RHydraulic                    50 --50--R      Editing a Profile                                      To Edit an existing Profile With power on the PDA tap the House icon and select the Equip Setup icon.  See the Load screen and tap the Set Up box. When the Set Up screen appears, tap the Profile List box.  Step 1. From the Profile List tap the Equipment (#) number you wish to edit. Tap the Edit box and the edit profile screen will launch.     Step 2. To change or add a Desc: Record tap an existing or blank record box.  This will launch the Tag Edit screen. On the Tag Edit screen enter   or change a service description, such as Oil, Hydraulic Fluid. Tap Ok for it to appear on a new Edit screen.  Step 3. To change the Actual Hours or Schedule times, for this equipment number, tap the box where this information is displayed. Doing this for Actual Hours will launch the Tag Edit screen.  On the Actual Hours Edit screen, tap the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the hours displayed. Tap OK for the hours to appear on the new profile screen for this equipment number. To enter or change the number of hours that should occur between each servicing, tap the R box in the Edit Equipment # screen.  The Reset screen will appear, tap the up or down arrows next to Change Schedule line to increase or decrease the hours displayed. Tap Ok for the hours to appear on the new profile screen for this equipment number.    Step 4. The Edit screen will also show the Cumulative Machine Hours (CMH) by tapping the number line on the right side of the CMH. Change or add numbers, by using the abc-123 corners on the graffiti pad of the PDA. Enter or change the total hours and tap Ok. The CMH total will now appear on the new screen. Enter the Timeout value in the timeout section of the Edit Field, by tapping the number line and using the graffiti pad enter or change the number value.   Actual Hours Edit OKMACHINES/NPERIODIC SERVICE #1UpDown   NEW ACTUAL HOURS -0CANCEL
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  18 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   When data is transferring, observe the “Window Box” on the ST-550 and see the rotating LED segments. While the transfer is in progress the Polling screen will appear. When the transfer is complete the polling screen will show a (1) in the Captured box of the screen.   Please Wait       0Polls  CapturedPolling                                    Copying a Profile to Another Service Tracker This is used when there are (2) two or more identical machines with similar maintenance schedules in a fleet. The copy function creates a new machine profile The Timeout value is a settable time period the ST-550 waits, with no activity, before going to sleep. In the Edit Field, tap the number line. Using the abc-123 corners of the graffiti pad enter or change the number value.  Timeout is measured in hours.   Step 5. Tap on the Memo button to enter some special service instructions, or parts required, for machine maintenance.  Tap Ok when all changes and additions have been entered for this equipment number.      The Write Warning message tells the user that any old information will be overwritten. Tap Ok and the Set Up screen will launch with a  Com-Link button visible prompting a data transfer to the Service Tracker ST-550. Step 6. To load the new profile into the ST-550, press and hold the Wake button on the Service Tracker until it switches to Channel 2, (See the “F”  in the “Window Box”). Tap the Com-Link button to start the data transfer to the ST-550.  Step 7. The Set Up screen will launch with the Com-Link arrow pointing down. The new transfer is complete    Machine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  RESETIR [ RADIOLOADPROFILE LISTCOM-LINKNEW PROFILELast Com-Link on 10/04/2010Set Up
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 19  from the one previously set up.  All information from the previous profile is copied to the new with the exception of the serial number and cumulative machine hours. Step 1. From the Set Up screen select the Profile List box. Step 2. From the Profile List screen tap the profile to be copied, then tap the Copy button and the new screen will appear. Step 3. Enter the new equipment number, by tapping on the dotted box to the right of the Equipment number, the Master List will launch. Tap any equipment number, then, tap the Edit button. The Profile List Modify screen will display. Step 4. On the Profile List Modify screen, tap the New button and the Edit Profile screen will show. Step 5. On the Edit Profile screen enter a serial number unique to this equipment. Use the abc-123 alpha numeric keyboards from the graffiti pad to enter this information. Enter a description of this equipment and tap OK. Step 6. To enter other service tags follow the directions from the Editing a Profile section. Upload this new equipment profile to the Service Tracker ST-550, following the directions in Editing a Profile section, steps 5, 6, and 7. Deleting a Machine Profile  This is used to delete a stored profile on the PDA. Profiles can only be deleted on the PDA and not the Service Tracker. Profiles on the Service Tracker can only be overwritten. Step 1. From the Set Up screen, select the Profile List box. Step 2. From the Profile List screen, select the profile to be deleted, then, tap the Delete box. Continue tapping the Delete button until the profile is deleted from the screen.        Note: Once the Delete button is tapped the total field will be reduced by one; but the unique field will remain the same until all the Com-Link records for that profile are gone. Each time the PDA is beamed at the Service Tracker a record is created within the Com-Link database. The total field, on the profile screen displays the total number of records within the Com-Link database. The unique field is the total number of machine profiles within the database.   12623        Excavator 987-654                  Dozer 456-897   Dozer123621      ExcavatorEDIT DELETE CANCELProfile List: 7 total, 4 uniqueCOPY
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  20 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   Downloading a Machine Profile  Use this option to download a profile from a Service Tracker for viewing or modification on the PDA. After the changes to the Profile are made, the profile can then be uploaded back to the Service Tracker. Step 1. Start at the Load screen. The load screen is accessed when the Radio Com-Link software is started at the Set Up screen. Refer to the Loading a New Profile section. Step 2. With the PDA at the Set Up screen, point the PDA at the Service Tracker to be accessed. Tap the Com-Link box to start the download process of the Service Tracker’s equipment information.      Communicating With the  ST-550           Step 3. When the download is complete, the PDA will beep once. The Status screen and Operator logs can now be viewed. To change any portion, use the Editing a Profile instructions to change the profile of this down loaded equipment number. From the Load screen find the Com-Link and the Com-Link Log boxes. Com-Link button: This box is used to read service information or upload profile changes to the Service Tracker. Com-Link Log button: Displays a list of records for each the Service Tracker was beamed. It shows the equipment number, date, time and hours on the equipment when the information was beamed. Note: This log can be transferred to another PDA by tapping on the beam box of the Com-Link Log screen and aligning the PDA’s infrared panels.   Machine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  RESETIR [ RADIOLOADPROFILE LISTCOM-LINKNEW PROFILELast Com-Link on 10/04/2010Set Up
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 21  Machine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  OPERATOR LOG COM-LINKMACHINE LIST PROFILE LISTSTATUSSET UPLast Com-Link on 10/04/2010LoadLOADMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  OPERATOR LOG COM-LINKMACHINE LIST PROFILE LISTSTATUSSET UPLast Com-Link on 10/04/2010LoadLOADMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  OPERATOR LOG COM-LINKMACHINE LIST PROFILE LISTSTATUSSET UPLast Com-Link on 10/04/2010LoadLOAD Data Loading Modes                            The Down Load Mode: Recognizable by a single down pointing arrow toward the Com-Link box on either the Load or Set Up screens. This indicates that the last action performed was a download from the Service Tracker.  This indicates that information has been changed in the Status screen. Changed Information, such as Actual Hours (the hours between servicing for this equipment number), Reset, (this is used to reset an alarm, if this set to zero no alarms will occur for this equipment number), or the Scheduled Hours (used in conjunction with the Reset box to change the scheduled hours), will update the Service Tracker through the Com-Link software. The Com-Link software will synchronize this changed information and then update the Service Tracker through the Com-Link box, as noted by the upward pointing The Overwrite Mode: Recognizable by the two up pointing arrows above the Com-Link box on either the Load or Set Up screens, indicates that the Com-Link software will overwrite any profile on the Service Tracker with the profile as displayed in the Machine List screen.    The Update Load Mode:  Recognizable by a single up pointing arrow above the Com-Link box on either the Load or Set Up screens.
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  22 Section 2 | Installation Procedures    Equip# Desc: 07-31-10-2 07310707-31-10-17 07310707-31-10-16 07107Capture 3/12 DB 3STATUS RUN LOG ALERTSPOLL CAPTUREMISSING DONE DESC:          Actual ScheduledStatus            Equipment#Ok CANCEL MEMO Cumulative Machine Hours -----------R-------R-------R-------R Please Wait       0Polls  CapturedPolling 07-31-10-16     073107Ok BucketsCollecting Data – Polling From the main PDA menu screen tap EquipHours to download a profile from a Service Tracker for viewing or modification on the PDA. After the changes to the Profile are made, the profile can then be uploaded back to the Service Tracker.                                      Tapping either Poll, Poll Cont, Continuous, or Run Log: the PDA will go to the polling screen. “Syncing” will appear on the PDA. During this process the PDA is searching for all Service Trackers in its range. This may take a few moments.         From the Capture screen, scroll down and select and tap the Service Tracker to view by Equipment Number.  Tap Status on the PDA. This will switch to the Status Screen, showing the equipment profile.  This screen is also available from the Data and Logs menu. See the selected number description, actual and scheduled hours for Service Alerts and the cumulative machine hours (CMH) for the equipment number selected.  Tap Run Log and the Buckets screen will appear. This screen will display run log information, or the work and idle time times associated with the equipment selected.   Tap Ok to return to the Capture screen.                 JOB LOCATION:Radio Tracker User: MGPOLL CONTCONTINOUSDATA & LOGSRUN LOGPOLL ONCERSTCh 1 Ch 2The process is complete when the Captured information appears.
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 23   ST7-550 Demo Record-> 1 1234 EAService AlertsRETURN ALERTS VIEW Equip# Desc: 07-31-10-2 07310707-31-10-17 07310707-31-10-16 07107Capture 3/12 DB 3STATUS RUN LOG ALERTSPOLL CAPTUREMISSING DONE Equip# Desc: 07-31-10-2 07310707-31-10-17 07310707-31-10-16 07107Capture 3/12 DB 3STATUS RUN LOG ALERTSPOLL CAPTUREMISSING DONE                                        Tap Missing and the Missing List screen will launch. This screen displays a list of Service Trackers that have previously been polled but have not been captured in this round of polling. Tapping the Poll box; visible from the Capture or Missing List screen, initiates a cycle through stored information.   This action overwrites the information on the PDA, that was previously stored, with the latest polled data configuration.  Tapping the Capture box; visible from the Capture or Missing List screen, retains all previous polled information rather than resets it; as the Poll feature does. A poll cycle will occur to capture any Service Trackers that were not detected during the first round of tracking and this new information will be added to the existing list.     Tap Alerts and the Service Alerts screen will appear. This screen notifies the user when a maintenance function on this equipment number is required. It will give the option to service now or later. This Service Tracker will also indicate a service alert at the LED display window (see Figure 10).    EQ#   Desc 90789 Red truckST7-550 Demo Record-> 130017 Scraper99900 Prod ST5-500Missing ListREMOVEPOLL CAPTUREREMOVE
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  24 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   Last Com-Link onMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  MACHINE LISTMAIN RADIOCAPTURED LOGSSTATUSInfo User: MGreenACTION+INFOLast Com-Link onMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  MACHINE LISTMAIN RADIOCAPTURED LOGSSTATUSInfo User: MGreenACTION+INFO 07-31-10-16   073107 07-31-10-2 07310707-31-10-17 07310707-31-10-16 07107Vinny 5897Nick 160HSTATUS RUN LOG ALERTS: 97 total, 12 uniqueOkViewing Equipment Maintenance Schedules                      Entering Notes for this Equipment Number      Viewing Equipment Activity          From the Radio Tracker Main Menu tap Data & Logs and Launch this Info screen.  Tap Status to view a Machine Profile (See Monitoring the Equipment Section).   Tap Machine List to launch the machines screen. This screen displays a list of machines you have stored in the PDA.      From the Main Menu (above) tap the Data & Logs box, to launch Info screen (upper right) and tap Action +Info. From this screen (see right), select the machine/equipment type record and tap Ok. The info screen will return; now tap Action +Info again and launch the note screen for this equipment number. Enter the pertinent information for this equipment, by selecting the keyboard or by using the abc graffiti corner keys. Tap Ok to save. From the Radio Tracker Main Menu tap Data & Logs and Launch this Info screen.  Tap Logs Tap Captured to view all previously polled and captured equipment maintenance schedules.            JOB LOCATION:Radio Tracker User: MGPOLL CONTCONTINOUSDATA & LOGSRUN LOGPOLL ONCERSTCh 1 Ch 2          JOB LOCATION:Radio Tracker User: MGPOLL CONTCONTINOUSDATA & LOGSRUN LOGPOLL ONCERSTCh 1 Ch 2
 Contents –STIB 22549 Rev. A  | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls, Inc| Section 2 25  Viewing A+I Notes, History, Com-Link and Service Alerts records The following options show current maintenance records of operational field equipment:                      Tap  A+I History to launch the A+I History screen. This screen displays all the note activity that has been entered through the A+I feature as well as all other activity information.  Tap A+I Notes to launch the notes screen. This screen displays all the note activity that has been entered through this activity.  Tap Service Alerts to launch the Service Alerts.  This screen displays the service alerts for all the pieces of  equipment stored on the PDA.  Tap Com-Link to launch the Com-Link Log  screen.  This screen displays a list of  Service Trackers  that have been com-linked most recently.  From this list, select any Service Tracker, (within range), and view its status by tapping Status box.   Tap Return  to launch the Data & Logs  screen again.  From the Data & Logs main screen  tap Radio to return to the Main Menu.                  COMLINKLogsA+I HISTORYA+I NOTES          SERVICE ALERTS                  RETURNSELECT EQ# ST7-550 Demo Record-> 1 1234 EARETURN ALERTS VIEW12623                      Excavator6/12/2010   13:00 hours 590312623                      Excavator6/12/2010    10:26 hours 7563Com-Link LogBEAM CANCELSTATUS ST7-550 Demo Record-> 1 1234 EAService AlertsRETURN ALERTS VIEW User    Date    Hours    Notes Notes                  record 0 of 0RETURN VIEW
 Contents -STIB 22549 Rev. A  26 Section 2 | Installation Procedures   Machine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  OPERATOR LOG COM-LINKMACHINE LIST PROFILE LISTSTATUSSET UPLast Com-Link on 10/04/2010LoadLOAD DESC:          Actual ScheduledNew            Equipment#Ok CANCEL MEMO Cumulative Machine Hours -----------R-------R-------R-------R  NOTES:                            Actual Hours Edit OKMACHINES/NPERIODIC SERVICE #1UpDown   NEW ACTUAL HOURS -0CANCELMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  RESETIR [ RADIOLOADPROFILE LISTCOM-LINKNEW PROFILELast Com-Link on 10/04/2010Set Up ZMachine:                  ExcavatorEquip# 123623  OPERATOR LOGCOM-LINKMACHINE LISTPROFILE LISTSTATUSSET UPLast Com-Link on 10/04/2010LOAD
 27 Section 3 | Confidential and Proprietary, Property of OEM Data Delivery a Division of OEM Controls,    Section 3 Index 7 7 Segment Display, 12, 13 A A+I Notes, 27 Actual Hours, 17 Antenna, 4 C Calibration., 12 Capture Box, 25 CH. 1, 4 CH. 2, 4 Com-Link, 18 Cumulative Machine Hours, 1 E Edit Profile, 21 F Fast Pulse., 14 G GoPOD, 1 graffiti keypad, 17 I Installation Procedures, 9 IrDA communication., 1 M Machine List, 26 Motor Run Voltage., 10 O Operating Temperature 4 Operating voltage, 4 Overview of the ST-550, 1 P Polling, 25 Profile, 16 Profile Download, 22 R Radio, 4 S Service Alerts, 27 Service Tracker serial number, 9 Set Up, 22 Slow Pulse., 14 ST-103., 12 Status., 26 T tag edit., 19 V Vibration Record Box., 19 Vibration Sensor ST-103., 2, 10 W Window Box, 20 Window Box Eye., 12
 28 Section 3 |                                              If you have any questions regarding this product, we will be happy to assist you. Please contact us at:  OEM Controls, Inc. 10 Controls Drive Shelton, CT  06484  (203) 929-8431 Fax:  (203) 929-3867 www.oemdd.com

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