Novatel Wireless NRM6833 MINSTREL 540 Wireless CDPD Modem User Manual Minstrel 540 User Guide

Novatel Wireless, Inc. MINSTREL 540 Wireless CDPD Modem Minstrel 540 User Guide



1Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914User Guide
2Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not beconstrued as a commitment by Novatel Wireless, Inc. unless such commitment is expressly givenin a covering document.The information herein is the exclusive property of Novatel Wireless Inc. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic storage, repro-duction, execution, or transmission without the prior written consent of Novatel Wireless, Inc.© 2000 Novatel Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved.Microsoft®,Windows®,Microsoft®Pocket Internet Explorer,Microsoft®Pocket Outlook,andMicrosoft®ActiveSync®are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation inthe United States and/or other countries. All other brand names and product names used in thisdocument are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respec-tive owners.
3Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Welcome.................................................................................................................................4Getting Started.......................................................................................................................5Requirements .............................................................................................................6Overview of the Minstrel 540 Modem.........................................................................7Overview of the Minstrel 540 Software..................................................................... 11Charging the Battery.................................................................................................12Installing the Software ..............................................................................................13Attaching the Minstrel to the Jornada.......................................................................14Configuring the Minstrel............................................................................................17Connecting to the Internet ........................................................................................21Working with the Minstrel 540............................................................................................23Managing the Network Connection ..........................................................................24Using the Minstrel 540 Help .....................................................................................28Using the HP Jornada Software...............................................................................30Glossary...............................................................................................................................32Glossary A-Pp ..........................................................................................................33Glossary Pr-Si ..........................................................................................................34Glossary Sl-Z............................................................................................................35
4Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914WelcomeWelcome to the Minstrel 540 User Guide. This guide provides information on the many compo-nents and features of your Minstrel 540 Wireless IP modem, including the following:• A general overview of the Minstrel 540 modem and software• Instructions to help get you started with your Minstrel 540 so you can downloadweb pages and send and receive email almost immediately• Detailed information about working with your Minstrel 540CautionTo satisfy FCC RF exposure compliance requirements for portable transmitting devices, the usershould generally maintain a separation distance of 4 cm between the person’s body, and thedevice and its antenna. The hands and wrists have a higher exposure limit because they areextremities, and the device should be used in a hand-held, hand-operated configuration only.This device has been tested for compliance with a separation distance of 4 cm from a person'sbody. The operating configurations of this device generally do not support normal transmissionswhile it is carried in pockets or holsters next to a person’s body.Technical SupportIf you have any questions or comments about your Minstrel 540, please contact the Novatel Wire-less Technical Support team.WWW: support@novatelwireless.comPhone: 1-888-888-9231Fax: 1-888-812-2888
5Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Getting Started
6Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914RequirementsThe following is required to set up and use your Minstrel 540 for sending and receiving data acrossthe Internet:• An HP Jornada 540-series Pocket PC•Microsoft®ActiveSync®software to allow you to communicate between yourdesktop PC and the Jornada• Modem application software for the Jornada (included with your Minstrel)• An account with a Wireless IP service provider in your area• Application software for your Jornada such as an email client and web browserWireless IP service is available from your local cellular carrier in most North American cities.Check your product packaging or for service provider contact informa-tion.
7Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Overview of the Minstrel 540 ModemThe Minstrel 540 Wireless IP modem has many important features, including three status indicatorLEDs, a latch for attaching the unit to the Jornada, and a DC jack for powering the unit and charg-ing the battery using the supplied AC adapter.Information on the LEDs is provided in the section following. For more information on the latchand the DC jack, refer to sections Attaching the Minstrel to the Jornada and Charging the Bat-tery, respectively.
8Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Status Indicator LEDsThe Minstrel 540 has three LED indicators that allow you to easily determine the status of variousmodem parameters.Service LEDThe LED labeled with the icon below indicates the status of the connection to the Wireless IP net-work.The table below explains the various states of this LED.Color State MeaningGreen Solid The Minstrel is registered to the Wire-less IP network and, therefore, datacan be sent and received across theInternet.Green Solid but flashes offevery 5 seconds The Minstrel is registered to the net-work but is in sleep mode.Green Flashing quickly The Minstrel is attempting to registerto the network.Green Flashing slowly TheMinstrelisattemptingtolocateaservice provider.
9Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Data/Message Waiting LEDThe LED labeled with the icon shown below is used to indicate the transfer of data and providenotification of waiting messages.The table below shows the various states of this LED and their meanings.Color State MeaningGreen Flashing The Minstrel is sending or receivingdata.Red Flashing The Minstrel has received a pushmessage notification. Push messag-ing must be enabled for this to occur.For more information on push mes-saging, refer to the Minstrel 540 Helpfile included with the software.
10Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Battery LEDThe LED labeled with the icon below indicates the state of the Minstrel’s internal battery.The table below describes the various states of this LED.For more information on charging the battery, refer to the section entitled Charging the Battery.Color State MeaningGreen Flashing The Minstrel’s battery is beingcharged. The Minstrel is being pow-ered by the AC adapter.Green Solid The Minstrel’s battery is fully chargedand the AC adapter is still plugged inand, therefore, powering the unit.Red Flashing The Minstrel’s battery is low andrequires charging.
11Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Overview of the Minstrel 540 SoftwareIn order for you to configure and operate your wireless modem, the software described below isprovided on the CD-ROM included with your Minstrel 540. This software can be installed on yourJornada following the instructions provided in the section Installing the Software.Configuration WizardThe Configuration Wizard utility is designed to guide you step-by-step through the setup of yourMinstrel 540. Once you have a Wireless IP account established with a service provider, you canuse the Configuration Wizard to enter and save the settings required for operation. For more infor-mation about this program and the configuration process, refer to the Minstrel 540 Help file.Modem ManagerThe Modem Manager software provides you with complete status information about the Minstrel540 and control over its connection to the Wireless IP network. It also contains screens for moreadvanced users to configure their modem without the use of Configuration Wizard. For more infor-mation about this program and its many features, refer to the Minstrel 540 Help file.
12Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Charging the BatteryThe Minstrel 540 contains a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. This battery is shipped only partiallycharged, so it is necessary to charge the battery to its full capacity before using the unit.To charge the battery, plug the supplied AC adapter into an outlet and insert the barrel connectorat the end of the adapter cord into the DC jack. The DC jack is found at the bottom of the right sideof the Minstrel.It will take approximately 3 hours to charge the battery from a zero charge state. With sleep modeenabled, the battery will provide power to the unit for a full day of web browsing under normal con-ditions. When the battery LED starts flashing red, the battery requires charging again. If the bat-tery charge goes lower than a pre-set threshold, the modem will automatically disconnect from thenetwork and power off in order to preserve the settings in its internal memory.NOTE: Only Novatel Wireless-approved AC adapters should be used for charging the battery.Other third-party AC adapters may cause damage to the Minstrel or the Jornada and willvoid the warranty.Charging the HP JornadaWhen the Minstrel is attached to the Jornada, the supplied AC adapter will also provide power tocharge the Jornada’s internal battery when plugged in. When the modem is actively transmittingdata, charging of the Jornada may be temporarily disabled for short periods of time to conservepower. However, charging will be re-enabled immediately once the data has been transmitted.When the Minstrel is being charged by the AC adapter and the Jornada is not attached, no powerwill be applied to the external connectors.
13Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Installing the SoftwareTo install the application software required to configure and use your Minstrel 540, first establish aconnection between the Jornada and your desktop computer using the cradle or sync cable andthe Microsoft®ActiveSync®software included with the Jornada. For information on how to con-nect your Jornada to your desktop computer, refer to the documentation provided with your Jor-nada.Once a connection has been made, insert the Minstrel 540 Software CD into the CD-ROM drive ofyour desktop computer. The installation program will automatically launch, displaying the followingscreen.<INSERT SPLASH SCREEN>If the installation program does not launch automatically, view the contents of your CD-ROM drivein Windows®Explorer and double-click on the autorun?? executable.Once the installation program initializes, select Install ...?? from the menu provided.<INSERT FIRST SCREEN WITH INSTALL... SELECTED>Next, select Minstrel CDPD Modem??.<INSERT SECOND SCREEN WITH MINSTREL CDPD MODEM SELECTED>Select Pocket PC?? from the Minstrel CDPD Modem Software Installation?? window.<INSERT MINSTREL INSTALLATION WINDOW WITH POCKET PC SELECTED>The ... will launch.
14Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Attaching the Minstrel to the JornadaThe Minstrel 540 attaches to the HP Jornada to create a single, integrated unit using a systemconsisting of a footmount and a latch mechanism. The footmount is installed on the Jornada andthe Minstrel latches to this footmount to secure the unit in place. In order to configure and useyour wireless modem, attach the Minstrel to the Jornada as described below.Installing the FootmountTo install the footmount, remove the top two screws on the back of the Jornada using the screw-driver included in the Footmount Installation Kit. Next, place the footmount flat against the back ofthe Jornada, with the hollow side facing down. Ensure that the holes in the footmount are alignedwith the newly opened screw holes on the Jornada. Insert the screws provided in the installationkit through the holes in the footmount and into the holes on the Jornada. Tighten the screws withthe included screwdriver to secure the footmount in place.NOTE: The screws provided in the installation kit must be used for installing the footmount. Thescrews removed from the Jornada unit cannot be used. However, be sure to keep theoriginal Jornada screws in a safe place as they must be used in the Jornada if thefootmount is removed.
15Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914The steps provided on the previous page will only need to be completed once, as the footmount isdesigned to stay permanently attached to the Jornada. Once the footmount is installed, the Jor-nada can be inserted into and removed from the Minstrel quite easily.Inserting the JornadaTo insert the Jornada into the wireless modem cradle, position the devices so that the back of theJornada lies flat against the front of the Minstrel. Ensure the two connectors of the Minstrel arealigned with the connector slots on the bottom edge of the Jornada. Then, slide the Jornadadownwards until the latching mechanism “clicks” into place.
16Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Removing the JornadaTo remove the Jornada from the wireless modem, depress the two buttons on the sides of the Min-strel and slide the Jornada in an upwards direction.The footmount is designed to stay permanently attached to the Jornada unit. There is no need toremove the footmount when the Jornada is not inserted into the Minstrel.
17Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Configuring the MinstrelIn order to connect to the Internet, the Minstrel 540 must first be configured with the necessaryparameters to be able to register to the Wireless IP network. The Configuration Wizard utilityguides you through this configuration.To configure the Minstrel, first connect the Minstrel to the Jornada as explained in Attaching theMinstrel to the Jornada. Then, start the Configuration Wizard utility. To start the ConfigurationWizard, select Programs from the Start menu and then tap the Modem Manager icon.
18Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Once Modem Manager starts, a window will appear stating that the modem requires configurationand asking if you wish to run Configuration Wizard.TapYes.NOTE: If your modem has been configured previously, this prompt will not appear. SelectConfiguration Wizard from the Modem menu to start the Configuration Wizard utility inthis case.
19Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914The Configuration Wizard will launch, displaying the Welcome screen. To configure the modem,complete the steps provided on each of the screens that follow, tapping the Next > and < Backbuttons to move between screens.Once the modem has been configured successfully, the Successful! screen will appear. Tap Fin-ish to close the Configuration Wizard and return to the Modem Manager.
20Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914For more information on Configuration Wizard and the configuration process, refer to the Minstrel540 Help file included with the Configuration Wizard software on your HP Jornada. The sectionentitled Using the Minstrel 540 Help contains information on how to access this file.
21Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Connecting to the InternetIn order to send and receive data across the Internet, the Minstrel register to the Wireless IP net-work. To connect to the network once configuration has been completed, start the Modem Man-ager program. When Modem Manager launches, the modem will automatically attempt to register.To start Modem Manager, select Programs from the Start menu and then tap the Modem Man-ager icon.
22Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914The Modem Manager will launch, displaying status information about the Minstrel and its connec-tion to the Wireless IP network in the Status tab. When all three check boxes at the top of the Sta-tus tab are checked, the modem is registered and ready to send and receive data.You can now start any third-party applications you have installed to send and receive email anddownload web pages. For more information on using the software provided with the Jornada forthis purpose, refer to the section entitled Using the HP Jornada Software.For information on the Modem Manager software, refer to the Minstrel 540 Help file included withthe Modem Manager software. The section Using the Minstrel 540 Help provides information onaccessing this file.
23Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Working with the Minstrel 540
24Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Managing the Network ConnectionIn order to send and receive data across the Internet, the modem must be connected, or regis-tered, to the Wireless IP network. The Modem Manager software allows you to control this con-nection in the following ways:• establishing the network connection• disconnecting from the network• closing the PPP sessionConnectingtotheNetworkTo establish a connection to the Wireless IP network, start the Modem Manager program. WhenModem Manager launches, the modem will automatically attempt to register to the Wireless IPnetwork. Select Programs from the Start menu and then tap the Modem Manager icon to startModem Manager.
25Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914The Modem Manager will launch, displaying status information about the Minstrel and its connec-tion to the Wireless IP network in the Status tab. When all three check boxes at the top of the Sta-tus tab are checked, the modem is registered and ready to send and receive data.
26Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Disconnecting from the NetworkTo disconnect, or de-register, from the Wireless IP network and power off the modem, select Shut-down from the Modem menu of the Modem Manager software.The Modem Manager software will exit as the modem de-registers.
27Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Closing the PPP SessionTo close the active PPP session but remain registered to the Wireless IP network, tap the Menuicon and select Disconnect from the Minstrel menu.The Modem Manager software will exit as soon the PPP session closes.Closing the PPP session means that the modem cannot send and receive data across the Inter-net. However, because the modem is registered, it can still communicate with the Wireless IP net-work, including receiving push message notifications.NOTE: If Auto Power-Off is enabled, tapping Disconnect will close the active PPP sessioncausing the modem to de-register from the Wireless IP network and power off. If AutoPower-Off is disabled, tapping Disconnect will close the PPP session but the modem willremain registered to the Wireless IP network. For more information on the Auto Power-Offand Push Messages features, refer to the Minstrel 540 Help file included with the ModemManager software.
28Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Using the Minstrel 540 HelpFor easy reference, the Minstrel 540 Help file is included with the Modem Manager software.This Help file provides general information about the Minstrel 540, as well as detailed informationabout the Modem Manager and Configuration Wizard applications, including the following:• Detailed descriptions of the various parameters displayed by the software• Instructions on entering values for the various network settings required by themodem during configuration• Information about the function of menu bars and buttons
29Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Accessing the Help FileTo access the Minstrel 540 Help, select Help from the Start menu.If the Modem Manager or Configuration Wizard applications are active, the Help system will auto-matically open to the section specific to the screen you are working with at the time. Otherwise,select All Installed Help from the View menu once the Help system is active. Then, select Min-strel 540 by Novatel Wireless from the list displayed.Working with the Help FileAt the bottom of each page, navigation icons are included to help you move through the topicseasily.To advance to the next topic, tap the right-facing arrow. Tap the left-facing arrow to move to theprevious topic and tap the home icon to display the main contents of the Minstrel 540 Help.
30Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Using the HP Jornada SoftwareThe HP Jornada comes with a variety of applications that can be used with the Minstrel 540. Dueto the fact these applications are constantly being upgraded, please download the most recentversion of any third-party software from the software vendors’ web sites. Having the most recentversion will ensure that the applications work effectively with the Minstrel.Microsoft®Pocket Internet ExplorerTo use Microsoft®Pocket Internet Explorer to download web pages, you must first set up the appli-cation to use the Minstrel 540 for the remote connection. To do this, select Internet Explorer fromthe Start menu. Then, select Options... from the Tools menu. Tap on the Connections tab andselect Minstrel from the Type: drop-down list.The Minstrel connection is automatically created the first time you start the Modem Manager soft-ware and it contains the settings required for communication between your Jornada and variousnetworks using the Minstrel 540. Once it is selected, tap OK to close the window. You can nowuse Microsoft®Pocket Internet Explorer with your configured Minstrel.
31Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Microsoft®Pocket OutlookTo use the Inbox portion of Microsoft®Pocket Outlook for sending and receiving email with yourwireless modem, you must first set up the application to use the Minstrel 540 for the remote con-nection to your mail server. To do this, select Minstrel from the Connection: drop-down list onpage (1/4) when setting up the new service.For information on setting up new services, consult the Help file included with the Inbox programor the documentation provided with the HP Jornada.
32Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Glossary
33Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Glossary A-Ppauto power-offAuto power-off is a feature of the Minstrel 540 that, when enabled, will cause the modemto de-register and power off whenever the active PPP session is closed.CDPDCDPD, or Cellular Digital Packet Data, is a Wireless IP technology developed for use oncellular phone frequencies. CDPD uses unused cellular channels to transmit data in pack-ets. To send and receive data across the Internet, the Minstrel 540 must first register tothe CDPD network.channelThe range of Wireless IP frequencies used to transmit and receive data is broken up intochannels, which act as individual paths for communication. Each of these channels isassigned a involves disconnecting and closing the communication path being used onthe CDPD network. When the modem is de-registered, it can no longer send or receivedata across the network.Equipment Identifier (EID)Every Wireless IP modem manufactured has a unique serial number associated with it,which is referred to as the Equipment Identifier or EID. Each EID consists of six sets oftwo hexadecimal numbers that are often separated by a period (“.”), as in the sample EID00.60.D6.04.BC.FE.IP addressAs with personal computers that access the Internet, modems using CDPD technologyalso have a static Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is used to identify the node oraccess point for the modem on the Internet. The service provider assigns this IP address.pingPING stands for Packet Internet Groper and is a utility used to determine if a specific IPaddress is accessible. It works by sending a packet of data to the IP address in questionand waiting for a reply.PPP sessionPPP, or Point-to-Point Protocol, is a method of connecting a device to the Internet. Inorder for the Minstrel to send and receive information across the Internet, a PPP sessionmust first be established. A session is automatically opened when the modem registers tothe network.
34Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Glossary Pr-Siprimary DNS addressAs with personal computers that access the Internet, modems using CDPD technologymust also have access to a Domain Name Server (DNS). The DNS translates UniversalResource Locators (URLs) such as World Wide Web addresses or domain names into IPaddresses and is shared by multiple devices. In order to get the translated IP addresses,the modem will try to connect to the primary DNS. If the modem cannot connect to thisaddress, it will try to connect to the secondary DNS.push messagingPush messaging is a technology that allows you to receive notification of a waiting mes-sage through the Wireless IP network without having a PPP session open. Auto power-offmode must be disabled for this feature to work.registrationIn order to send and receive data across the Internet, a CDPD modem must first register tothe CDPD network. This involves selection of an appropriate channel to use and interac-tion with various systems in the CDPD network to set up a path for communication.scanningThe Minstrel 540 will look for the best cellular channel to use for data transmission byscanning through the channels. This involves measuring the signal strength of variouschannels to determine which is the strongest and, therefore, most reliable.secondary DNS addressAs with personal computers that access the Internet, modems using CDPD technologymust also have access to a Domain Name Server (DNS). The DNS translates UniversalResource Locators (URLs) such as World Wide Web addresses or domain names into IPaddresses and is shared by multiple devices. If the modem cannot connect to the primaryDNS, it will try to connect to the secondary DNS.service providerThe Minstrel 540 modem works with the Wireless IP network. To access the Internet usingthis network, an account with a service provider must be set up. For information on avail-ability and rates, contact a service provider in the area.sideEach Wireless IP service area is divided into two sides, which are labeled Aand B.Asin-gle carrier or service provider is assigned to each side. However, the side associated witha selected service provider may change with the service area.
35Minstrel 540TM User Guide Version 1GU-01016914Glossary Sl-Zsleep modeThe Minstrel 540 can be configured to automatically enter sleep mode when the modem isnot actively transmitting or receiving data. In this mode, the modem will consume very lit-tle power, thus extending the host device's battery life.SPIThe SPI is an identifier for a Wireless IP service provider and is called the Service Pro-vider Identifier. This number is used globally for each specific service provider.SPNIThe SPNI is the Service Provider Network Identifier, which is used to identify a specificnetwork region or domain for a Wireless IP service provider.WASIThe WASI, or Wide Area Service Identifier, is a unique identifier for a group of service pro-viders that have agreed to provider service over a large geographic area comprising ofmany SPNIs.Wireless IPWireless IP is a group of wireless protocols used to access the Internet. CDPD, which isused by the Minstrel 540, is one of these protocols.

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