Users manual

FCC  NOTICEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by Netwave Technologies, Inc. mayvoid the user’s authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry and Science Canada. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Netwave reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes in the products and programsdescribed in this User’s Guide at any time without notice.The software described in this User’s Guide is furnished under a license and may be used or copiedonly in accordance with such license.©1998  Netwave Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Neither this publication nor any part ofthis publication may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronicmedium or machine readable form without the prior written permission of Netwave.Netwave® and AirSurfer® are a trademarks of Netwave Technologies, Inc. All other trademarksused in this publication are the property of their respective trademark holders.
CONTENTSQUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR WINDOWS 95 ................. 1QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR WINDOWS NT ................. 3INTRODUCTION................................................................ 5Software .......................................................................... 6Introduction to Netwave Networking ............................... 6HARDWARE INSTALLATION............................................. 11Unpacking and Inspection ............................................. 11Package Contents ......................................................... 11Additional Requirements ............................................... 12Netwave AirSurfer PC Card Installation ........................ 12Inserting the AirSurfer PC Card .................................... 12Removing the AirSurfer PC Card .................................. 13SYSTEM SETUP AND CONFIGURATION.............................. 15Netwave AirSurfer Networks ......................................... 15How to Modify the SSID ................................................ 16Card and Socket Services............................................. 18NETWORK DRIVER INSTALLATION.................................... 19Network Drivers............................................................. 19Installation for Microsoft Windows 95............................ 20Installation for Microsoft Windows NT ........................... 22NETWORK DRIVER REMOVAL.......................................... 25NETWAVE AIRSURFER PRO UTILITIES............................... 31Planning the Netwave Site ............................................ 32DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING........................... 41AirSurfer PC Card LED Indicators................................. 41Troubleshooting ............................................................ 41
APPENDIX A: Glossary of Netwave Terms.......................... 45APPENDIX B: 24-Hour Global Suport Services..................... 53APPENDIX C: Limited Warranty......................................... 55APPENDIX D: Software License Agreement......................... 59APPENDIX E: Specifications............................................. 61
1Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideQUICK INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS 951. Boot your PC and wait until Windows 95 is up and running.NOTEIf you have previously installed an AirSurfer® or anAirSurfer Plus® PC Card on your computer please followthe instructions in the Network Driver Removal section ofthis manual before proceeding with the installation.2. Insert your AirSurfer Pro Wireless LAN PC Card into yourPCMCIA Slot.3. Windows 95 will automatically detect your card and display a“New Hardware Found” dialog box, identifying the “NetwaveAirSurfer PRO Wireless LAN PC Card”.4. Insert the AirSurfer Wireless LAN PC Card Windows 95/NTInstallation disk into your 3_ floppy drive (A:).5. Click “Next”.6. Select the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” option.7. If Windows 95 asks for the Windows 95 CD-ROM, enter the pathto the Windows 95 setup files—either the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive or the directory of your Windows CAB files (these areoften in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS).8. If Windows 95 asks for the ASPNDIS3.SYS file, enter “A:”.9. If you are running Novell’s IntraNetware Client 32, place theIntraNetware Installation CD in your CD-ROM drive whenprompted.10. Windows 95 will now ask you to restart. Select “No”.11. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.
2Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideQuick Installation Guide for Windows 9512. Double click the “Network” icon.13. Within the Configuration tab, select the “Netwave AirSurferWireless LAN in 802.11 Mode Adapter” item in the networkcomponents list and click on Properties.14. Select the Advanced tab, and select the appropriate values for yourSSID (default = “Default SSID”) and DS Preferred Channel(default = “1”). If you do not know which values to choose, contactyour network administrator. Improper values will result in a failureto communicate with the wireless LAN. Select the “NetworkMode” to “Ad Hoc” or “Infrastructure” dependent upon the typeof network you are using. Change other parameters only as directedby the network administrator.15. After changing the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11Mode Adapter” configuration, click OK.16. Go to the Protocol tab. Add the appropriate protocol(s) for yournetwork.. Contact your network administrator if you have anyquestions regarding protocols on your network. Follow theprompts for the Windows 95 setup files to add protocols to yoursetup. Click “OK”.17. Click “OK” in the Networks dialog box.18. Click “Yes” when prompted to restart your computer.19. When Windows 95 restarts, the AirSurfer PRO Adapter will beoperational. Look for the green link integrity LED on the AirSurferPRO PC Card. This indicates a connection with an 802.11-compliant Direct Sequence Access Point (when setup inInfrastructure mode) or another 802.11 Direct Sequence WirelessLAN Adapter (when setup in Ad Hoc mode).NOTEIf you experience any difficulties with installation, see theDiagnostics and Troubleshooting section of this manualfor more detailed instructions and troubleshooting notes.
3Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideQuick Installation Guide for Windows 95QUICK INSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS NTWORKSTATION 4.01. Boot your PC and wait until Windows NT Workstation 4.0 is upand running.NOTEIf you have previously installed an AirSurfer or anAirSurfer Plus PC Card on your computer please followthe instructions in the Network Driver Removal section ofthis manual before proceeding with the installation.2. Insert your AirSurfer Pro Card into your PC Card Slot.3. Insert the AirSurfer Wireless LAN PC Card Windows 95/NTInstallation disk into your 3_ floppy drive (A:).4. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.5. Double click the “Network” icon.6. Click on the Adapters tab.7. Click Add.8. When the Network Adapter Option List has been built, click on“Have Disk”, then type in A: when prompted.9. Select the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” option.10. When the Netwave adapter configuration dialog box appears, selectthe appropriate values for your SSID (default = “Default SSID”)and DS Preferred Channel (default = “1”). If you do not knowwhich values to choose, contact your network administrator.Improper values will result in a failure to communicate with thewireless LAN. Select the “Network Mode” to “Ad Hoc” or
4Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide“Infrastructure” dependent upon the type of network you areusing. Change other parameters only as directed by the networkadministrator.11. Click OK. The appropriate files will then be copied to your laptop.12. Go to the Protocol tab. Add the appropriate protocol(s) for yournetwork.. Contact your network administrator if you have anyquestions regarding protocols on your network. (You will mostlikely need your NT Workstation Setup CD to add protocols toyour setup. Click “OK”.13. Click “Yes” when prompted to restart your computer.14. When Windows NT restarts, the AirSurfer PRO Adapter will beoperational. Look for the green link integrity LED on the AirSurferPRO PC Card. This indicates a connection with an 802.11-compliant Direct Sequence Access Point (when setup inInfrastructure mode) or an other 802.11 Direct Sequence WirelessLAN Adapter (when setup in Ad Hoc mode).NOTEIf you experience any difficulties with installation, see theDiagnostics and Troubleshooting section of this manualfor more detailed instructions and troubleshooting notesQuick Installation Guide for Windows NT Workstation 4.0
5Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideThe Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card, shown in Figure 1, allows wirelessconnection of a PCMCIA-capable laptop, notebook, or other portablecomputer to an IEEE 802.11 industry standard local area network (LAN)utilizing DS radios. Netwave supports fully wireless networking or wirelessaccess to a cable-based network (access to a wired network requires aseparate companion product called the AirSurfer PRO Access Point).The Airsurfer PRO products support the highest data rates permitted underthe IEEE 802.11 specification. The AirSurfer PRO PC Card connects to thecomputer internally upon insertion into a PCMCIA slot conforming to thePersonal Computer Memory Card International Association’s (PCMCIA)PC Card Standard, Release 2.1.The Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card is compatible with Type II and largerPC Card slots.Figure 1. Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC CardNOTEThis manual applies to the following adapter type: AirSurfer Pro.INTRODUCTION
6Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideSOFTWARENDIS3 drivers for Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT areincluded on the “For Windows 95/NT Installation” disk. An NDIS4 driverfor Microsoft Windows CE and Windows 98 and an ODI driver will beavailable from Netwave’s website in a future release.Operation with server-based networks requires one or more AirSurfer PROAccess Point units (sold separately) for connection to the wired network.See the Network Driver Installation section for instructions on how toconfigure and use the AirSurfer PRO PC Card with each network operatingsystem.In addition to the Installation Program, the AirSurfer PRO PC Cardincludes additional software on the Netwave Utilities Disk for PC Cardconfiguration, diagnostics and network management. See the sectionNetwave Utilities for information on this software.INTRODUCTION TO NETWAVE NETWORKINGNetwave’s AirSurfer PRO PC Card and its companion unit the AirSurferPRO Access Point (sold separately), provide freedom from network cablingfor users of “Independent” or “Ad Hoc” networks or “Infrastructure”networks implemented with Access Points and using peer-to-peer andserver-based local area networks. There are several ways wireless networkingcan occur:AirSurfer PRO Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum ProductsThe Netwave Airsurfer PRO PC Card and AirSurfer Pro Access Point use anRF transmission technique known as Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS), often abreviated as DS. DSSS modulation has the effect of sup-pressing radio frequency interference in the same frequency band.NOTEIEEE 802.11 DS Product will only interoperate with otherDS type IEEE 802.11 products.The IEEE 802.11 DSSS service is a channelized service which uses channels1 through 11 in the U.S. and Canada, channels 1 through 13 in Europe,channel 10 and 11 in Spain, channels 10 through 13 in France and channel14 in Japan.Introduction
7Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideMobile User’s PC Cards must be set to thesame channel as the Access Points to whichthey are connected. Access Points may be co-located in the same area to accommodatemore users. When Access Points arecolocated, they should be set to channelsseparated by at least five channels (eg: AccessPoint #1 set to Channel 1, Access Point #2set to channel 6, Access Point #3 set tochannel 11). Upon completion of installa-tion, the AirSurfer PRO PC Card is initially set to default channel 1.Independent networking without an Access Point: This is a purely wireless,standalone network set up between two or more workstations equipped withan AirSurfer PRO PC Card. Peer-to-peer network software such asMicrosoft Windows 95 or Microsoft NT is required. This is also called an“ad hoc” network because it can be set up for a specific but temporary task,such as a meeting of the Finance Committee, then dissolved when the task iscomplete.“Infrastructure” networking with either peer-to-peer or server-basednetworking with an Access Point: The AirSurfer PRO Access Pointprovides wireless access to an existing wired network. This could be a peer-to-peer network running, for example, Windows 95, or a server-basednetwork such as Novell NetWare. The wireless Netwave workstation musthave the corresponding network software to communicate on the wiredNetwave Workstations (with AirSurfer PRO PC Cards Installed)IntroductionSERVER BASED (WIRED)NETWORKACCESS POINT SERVERAD HOCNETWORK
8Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideIntroductionSite Survey UtilityA Site Survey utility is provided to assist with the process ofdetermining the optimum number and location of Access Pointsfor your environment. See the section Netwave Utilities for information onthis procedure.Netwave UtilitiesThe Netwave Utilities supplied on the Netwave Utilities Disk are designedto facilitate Netwave network design and operation.▲The Site Survey utility assists you in planning and installing aNetwave wireless network. The Connection Quality utility providesinformation about the connection quality of the Netwave wirelessnetwork.▲The Site Survey utility monitors not only the signal strength, but alsothe availability of the AirSurfer PRO Access Point, and the traffic onthe wired, and it must be configured to communicate with the Access Point.This is also called an “infrastructure” network because the wireless portionof the network interacts with an existing cabled network.On a network with multiple AirSurfer PRO Access Points installed, themobile user can roam freely within the Extended Service Area (ESA) of theAccess Points without losing connection to the wired network. An ExtendedService Area is the total area of coverage of all Access Points in the networkwith the same SSID.Transmission RangeThe transmission range of the Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card is approxi-mately 100 meters (about 300 feet) indoors, and up to 500 meters in anopen environment. AirSurfer Plus Access Point range is also about 100meters. Building structure and electrical interference may affect transmis-sion, resulting in a range of more or less than 100 meters. These factorsshould be considered and tested when planning a Netwave network, andespecially before permanently installing any AirSurfer PRO Access Points.
9Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide▲The AirSurfer Properties utility allows you to configure your NetwaveAdapter for different SSID (networks) in real time without rebootingyour computer.NOTEThe Netwave Utilities require Windows 95 or NT.For a complete description of the Netwave Utilities and how to use them,see the section Netwave Utilities.The Netwave Access PointFor information on installation and operation of the Netwave Access Point,see the Netwave Access Point User’s Guide supplied with that product.Introduction
10Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide
11Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideHARDWARE INSTALLATIONFollow the instructions in this section to unpack and install the NetwaveAirSurfer PRO PC Card hardware.UNPACKING AND INSPECTIONAfter opening the Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card box, remove thecontents and make certain that all components are included and that nonehave been damaged during transportation. Retain the packing materials incase you have to return the unit for service.PACKAGE CONTENTSUse the following list to check the contents of the package:▲Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card▲Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card User’s Guide▲Product Registration Card▲License Agreement envelope containing a 3.5-inch Installation andUtilities DiskettesNOTEPlease fill out the Product Registration Card supplied withthe AirSurfer PRO PC Card and return it immediately. Yourinformation will be entered into our support database.
12Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideINSERTING THE AIRSURFER PRO PC CARD1. Power down the computer. For Windows 95, see the QuickInstallation Guide.2. Grasp the PC Card by the edges with the Netwave logo facingupward and the 68-pin connector next to the insert slot.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSTo operate the Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card on a network, you willneed the following:1. For independent networking without an Access Point, at least oneother Netwave workstation running the same supported networkoperating system. See the section on Network Driver Installation forinformation about systems for which drivers are supplied.2. For wireless access to an existing wired network, a NetwaveAirSurfer PRO Access Point (sold separately) attached to thenetwork and the appropriate workstation driver software forconnection to the network. See the section on Network DriverInstallation for information about systems for which drivers aresupplied.NETWAVE AIRSURFER PRO PC CARD INSTALLATIONThe AirSurfer PRO PC Card is compatible with Type II and larger PC Cardslots. Installation and removal procedures vary on different computers.CAUTIONIf you are using Card and Socket Services on yourPC Card computer, the computer can be powered on or offwhen you insert or remove the AirSurfer Plus PC Card. Ifyou are not using Card and Socket Services, the computershould always be turned OFF whenever the AirSurfer PlusPC Card is inserted into or removed from the PC Card slot.Windows 95 always uses Card and Socket Services, butalways "stop" the PC Card before removing it from thecomputer.Hardware Installation
13Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideHardware Installation3. Insert the card into a PC Card slot and push it in until it is firmlyseated. The PC Card default is slot or socket 1. See your computerdocumentation for slot information. To change the default setting,use the Netwave Installation Program or see the System Setup andConfiguration section.4. Turn the computer back on.REMOVING THE AIRSURFER PRO PC CARD1. Power down the computer.2. Follow the PC Card removal instructions specified in thedocumentation for your computer.Figure 1. Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card
14Netwave® AirSurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide
15Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideNETWAVE AIRSURFER NETWORKSNetwave’s AirSurfer PRO PC Card provides standalone wireless networkingor, with the addition of a Netwave Access Point, access to existing wirednetworks. The wired network can be a peer-to-peer network OS such asMicrosoft Windows 95 or server-based running software such as MicrosoftWindows NT. Wireless access to and interaction with these networks ismanaged through a network identifier called an SSID. The NetwaveInstallation Program will use the default SSID value of “Default SSID”under the “Install” option or allow you to modify the SSID settings underthe “Custom” option. Every LAN accessible by the AirSurfer PRO PC Cardis identified by an SSID string. SSIDs allow for the deployment of multipleindependent wireless LANs in the same shared location.Network users can change SSID numbers in the Netwave InstallationProgram. Access Point SSIDs can be changed by the Network Administratorusing utilities supplied with the Access Point.Individual network users can indicate which of the available SSIDs ornetworks they want to access from their workstation by including the SSIDkeyword in their network configuration file along with the SSID number ofthe network they wish to access.System Setup and ConfigurationSERVER BASED (WIRED)NETWORKACCESS POINT SERVERSYSTEM SETUP AND CONFIGURATION
16Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideSystem Setup and ConfigurationNetwave Network GuidelinesNOTEIn order for a mobile unit to roam seamlessly from oneAccess Point to another, the SSIDs of the AirSurfer PROPC Card and the Access Point must be the same, and theAccess Points must be installed on the same logicalEthernet segment.To avoid login confusion, use different SSID strings forAccess Points belonging to different Netwave networksthat may or may not be on the same logical Ethernetsegment. This will prevent a mobile unit from connectingto the wrong Access Point.The SSID keyword is placed in the configuration file for your networkdriver. PROTOCOL.INI is the configuration file for the NDIS driver. Youcan have one SSID listed at a time. The software will attempt to connect tothe stated SSID.To connect to a wired network through a Netwave Access Point, theAirSurfer PRO PC Card must be configured with the same SSID number asthe Access Point. The factory default SSID is “default SSID”.Appropriate network software must also be installed and loaded on theNetwave PC Card workstation before a connection to a network can beestablished.For additional information on default and custom settings and the use ofkeywords in configuration files, see the heading Driver Parameters later inthis section.HOW TO MODIFY THE SSIDSSID is a Netwave security feature. Only mobile units and Access Pointswith the same SSID number can communicate with each other.Setting the SSID with the Installation Program1. Choose CUSTOM install and specify whether or not the workstationis connected to the network via an Access Point (Y or N).2. Enter the SSID (it must match the SSID of the network the userswish to access).
17Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideSSID = Johnny’s GroupThe network SSID will be computed by the installer program anddisplayed in the SSID field. This SSID setting will be incorporatedinto the driver configuration file (PROTOCOL.INI for the NDIS3driver).Setting the SSID Temporarily with the AirSurfer PROProperties Utility1. Run the Windows-based utility AirSurfer PRO Properties (see theNetwave Utilities section).2. Tab to the Network SSID field (or press Alt+N) and change theSSID string, then choose Connect (or press Alt+C),Netwave SSID Settings for Netwave Networks with and without an AccessPointSSID = MarketingSSID = Jerry’s PadSystem Setup and ConfigurationSSID = Engineering
18Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideSystem Setup and ConfigurationOR3. Select a different SSID (network) from the list at the bottom of thescreen (press Alt+D to go to the list field), and choose connect.If you use the AirSurfer Plus Properties utility to modify the SSID,do not reboot your computer. The new SSID will remain effectiveonly until you reboot. After rebooting, the SSID used will be the onedefined in the driver configuration file.Setting the SSID Manually Using a KeywordEdit the PROTOCOL.INI file with the SSID of the network the users wishto access.The PROTOCOL.INI file is usually in the C:\WINDOWS directory.The factory default SSID setting is “Default SSID”. SSID strings may befrom 0 to 32 characters. After modifying the SSID manually, you must rebootthe computer.CARD AND SOCKET SERVICESThe Personal Computer Memory Card International Association(PCMCIA) has developed two software specifications governing the use ofPCMCIA cards (also called PC Cards) in personal computer systems. Thesoftware components that implement these specifications are called SocketServices and Card Services. This software supports the ability of PCMCIA-aware device drivers (known as clients) to share PC Cards, sockets (alsocalled slots), and system resources. Card and Socket Services provide acentralized resource in support of the common functionality required bydifferent clients.Netwave recommends that Card and Socket Services be used with theAirSurfer PRO PC Card. If your PCMCIA computer is not equipped withCard and Socket Services, ask your computer manufacturer or dealer fordetails on how to obtain them.
19Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNETWORK DRIVER INSTALLATIONThis section provides detailed installation instructions for the networkdrivers supplied on the Netwave Network Drivers Disk. These instruc-tions are designed to be used for manual installation without theNetwave Installation Program. Read the section System Setup andConfiguration before attempting to install and load a network driver.NETWORK DRIVERSThe Netwave AirSurfer PRO PC Card supports an NDIS3 networkdriver. An ODI driver will be available on our web site in the near future.An NDIS4 driver supporting Windows CE and Windows 98 will also beavailable soon on our web site. To determine which of these drivers youneed for your networking environment, find your network operatingsystem in the alphabetical listing by vendor in this section under theheading “Installing Network Drivers.” Examples of network operatingsystems referenced are Microsoft NT and Microsoft Windows 95.The network driver installation instructions in this section are designedto be used with AirSurfer PRO PC Card factory-default settings. For adetailed technical discussion of the parameters required for configurationof your PC Card, see the section System Setup and Configuration.Installing Network DriversAn alphabetical listing by vendor of network operating systems supportedby the AirSurfer PRO PC Card follows. Under each listing are instruc-tions for installing the PC Card driver as part of your initial installationfor that type of network.See the section System Setup and Configuration for information oninstallation and configuration procedures that may be required prior todriver installation.
20Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork Driver InstallationINSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS 951. Boot your PC and wait until Windows 95 is up and running.NOTEIf you have previously installed an AirSurfer® or anAirSurfer Plus® PC Card on your computer please followthe instructions in the Network Driver Removal section ofthis manual before proceeding with the installation.2. Insert your AirSurfer Pro Wireless LAN PC Card into yourPCMCIA Slot.3. Windows 95 will automatically detect your card and display a“New Hardware Found” dialog box, identifying the “NetwaveAirSurfer PRO Wireless LAN PC Card”.4. Insert the AirSurfer Wireless LAN PC Card Windows 95/NTInstallation disk into your 3_ floppy drive (A:).5. Click “Next”.6. Select the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” option.7. If Windows 95 asks for the Windows 95 CD-ROM, enter the pathto the Windows 95 setup files—either the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive or the directory of your Windows CAB files (these areoften in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS).8. If Windows 95 asks for the ASPNDIS3.SYS file, enter “A:”.9. If you are running Novell’s IntraNetware Client 32, place theIntraNetware Installation CD in your CD-ROM drive whenprompted.10. Windows 95 will now ask you to restart. Select “No”.11. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.12. Double click the “Network” icon.
21Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork Driver Installation13. Within the Configuration tab, select the “Netwave AirSurferWireless LAN in 802.11 Mode Adapter” item in the networkcomponents list and click on Properties.14. Select the Advanced tab, and select the appropriate values for yourSSID (default = “Default SSID”) and DS Preferred Channel(default = “1”). If you do not know which values to choose, contactyour network administrator. Improper values will result in a failureto communicate with the wireless LAN. Select the “NetworkMode” to “Ad Hoc” or “Infrastructure” dependent upon the typeof network you are using. Change other parameters only as directedby the network administrator.15. After changing the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11Mode Adapter” configuration, click OK.16. Go to the Protocol tab. Add the appropriate protocol(s) for yournetwork.. Contact your network administrator if you have anyquestions regarding protocols on your network. Follow theprompts for the Windows 95 setup files to add protocols to yoursetup. Click “OK”.17. Click “OK” in the Networks dialog box.18. Click “Yes” when prompted to restart your computer.19. When Windows 95 restarts, the AirSurfer PRO Adapter will beoperational. Look for the green link integrity LED on the AirSurferPRO PC Card. This indicates a connection with an 802.11-compliant Direct Sequence Access Point (when setup inInfrastructure mode) or another 802.11 Direct Sequence WirelessLAN Adapter (when setup in Ad Hoc mode).NOTEIf you experience any difficulties with installation, see theDiagnostics and Troubleshooting section of this manualfor more detailed instructions and troubleshooting notes.
22Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork Driver InstallationINSTALLATION FOR WINDOWS NT WORKSTATION 4.01. Boot your PC and wait until Windows NT Workstation 4.0 is upand running.NOTEIf you have previously installed an AirSurfer‘ or anAirSurfer Plus‘ PC Card on your computer please followthe instructions in the Network Driver Removal section ofthis manual before proceeding with the installation.2. Insert your AirSurfer Pro Card into your PC Card Slot.3. Insert the AirSurfer Wireless LAN PC Card Windows 95/NTInstallation disk into your 3_ floppy drive (A:).4. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.5. Double click the “Network” icon.6. Click on the Adapters tab.7. Click Add.8. When the Network Adapter Option List has been built, click on“Have Disk”, then type in A: when prompted.9. Select the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” option.10. When the Netwave adapter configuration dialog box appears, selectthe appropriate values for your SSID (default = “Default SSID”)and DS Preferred Channel (default = “1”). If you do not knowwhich values to choose, contact your network administrator.Improper values will result in a failure to communicate with thewireless LAN. Select the “Network Mode” to “Ad Hoc” or“Infrastructure” dependent upon the type of network you areusing. Change other parameters only as directed by the networkadministrator.
23Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork Driver Installation11. Click OK. The appropriate files will then be copied to your laptop.12. Go to the Protocol tab. Add the appropriate protocol(s) for yournetwork.. Contact your network administrator if you have anyquestions regarding protocols on your network. (You will mostlikely need your NT Workstation Setup CD to add protocols toyour setup. Click “OK”.13. Click “Yes” when prompted to restart your computer.14. When Windows NT restarts, the AirSurfer PRO Adapter will beoperational. Look for the green link integrity LED on the AirSurferPRO PC Card. This indicates a connection with an 802.11-compliant Direct Sequence Access Point (when setup inInfrastructure mode) or an other 802.11 Direct Sequence WirelessLAN Adapter (when setup in Ad Hoc mode).NOTEIf you experience any difficulties with installation, see theDiagnostics and Troubleshooting section of this manualfor more detailed instructions and troubleshooting notes
24Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide
25Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNETWORK DRIVER REMOVALThis section provides detailed instructions on the removal of the AirSurfer®and AirSurfer Plus® drivers from your Windows 95 and NT systems. Pleasefollow the instructions completely. If you have any questions regarding theloading or removal of network drivers in your system, please contact yournetwork administrator.AirSurfer Driver Removal Instructions For Windows 95Netwave AirSurfer® and AirSurfer Plus® products both operate with our2.5x and our 2.60 drivers. Removal procedures are different, however,depending on the driver you have loaded. To determine which driver youhave please do the following:1. Click on you Start Button, select the Find submenu, select the Filesor Folders option.2. Type in ASA*.*3. If the system finds files named ASANDIS3.SYS andASAVXD.VXD you have the 2.60 drivers installed. Proceed to the2.60 Driver Removal for Windows 95 section.4. If the system fails to find the files named above, type in CNW*.*5. If the system finds files name CNWNDIS3.VXD, you have the2.54 (or lower) drivers installed. Proceed to the 2.5x DriverRemoval for Windows 95 section.2.60 Driver Removal For Windows 95/NT1. Begin by shutting down card socket services for the Netwave PCcard.a. Click the PC Card icon in the taskbar.b. Click the “Stop AirSurfer” button, then REMOVE the cardfrom the slot when prompted. (Removal of the card is essentialat this point!)
26Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork Driver Removal1. Click on the “Start” button, go to “Settings”, “Control Panel”,“Network”, highlight the Netwave AirSurfer Plus Wireless LAN inNetwave Mode adapter, and click remove.2. For Windows 95 (assuming 95 is installed in the WINDOWSdirectory):Delete these files: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ASA*.*Delete these files: C:\WINDOWS\INF\NETASA.INFDelete these files: C:\WINDOWS\INF\DRVDATA.BIN     and DRVIDX.BIN (for Win95 versions 9.5.00b or later)Run sysedit:a. Select the SYSTEM.INI window;b. Menu select: Search, Find, and enter “ASA”.c. Delete the line that reads “device=ASAVXD.VXD”d. Menu select: File, Savee. Menu select: File, Exit1. For Windows NT (assuming NT is installed in the WINNTdirectory):Delete these files: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ASA*.*2. Click “Run” and type “regedit” to open the registry editor.The user is advised to consult their network administrator for assistancewhile performing any modifications to the Windows 95/NT Registry.Removing any settings other than the instructions listed below can makeyour Windows 95/NT system unusable.a. Menu select: Edit, Find, and enter “netwave”.b. Delete any entries that are found (by pressing the DEL key)NOTE: If the “found” selections show up in the right portion of thewindow, press F6 to toggle to the left window, then press the DEL key.c. Press F3 to continue searching (deleting all found entries).d. Menu select: Edit, Find, and enter “asandis”.e. Delete any entries that are found (by pressing the DEL key)NOTE: If the “found” selections show up in the right portion of thewindow, press F6 to toggle to the left window, then press the DEL key.
27Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guidef. Press F3 to continue searching (deleting all found entries).g.Menu select: File, Exit1. Delete the C:\NETWAVE directory2. Delete the Netwave AirSurfer Program GroupFor Windows 95: from C:\WINDOWS\STARTMENU\PROGRAMSFor Windows NT: from C:\WINNT\PROFILES\ALLUSERS\PROGRAMS3. Delete the ASASTA32.EXE fileFor Windows 95: from C:\WINDOWS\STARTMENU\PROGRAMS\STARTUPFor Windows NT: Hit Ctrl-Alt-Del,  Select Task Manager, Clickon the Process tab,Highlight ASASTA32.EXE, click End Process, Yes, then CloseTask Manager,Delete the file from C:\WINNT\PROFILES\ALLUSERS\PROGRAMS\STARTUP4. SHUT DOWN the PC, do not warm boot or use restart from theshut down menu. The reason for this is to let Windows 95/NT“clean” the registry while shutting down.2.5x Driver Removal for Windows 951. Begin by shutting down card socket services for the Netwave PCcard.a. Click the PC Card icon in the taskbar.b. Click the “Stop AirSurfer” button, then REMOVE the cardfrom the slot when prompted. (Removal of the card is essential atthis point!)1. Remove the Card from Windows Network definition.a. Click on Windows Start Button, then Settings, and thenControl Panel.Network Driver Removal
28Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guideb. Double click on the Network icon to open Network dialog box.c. Single click on the Xircom Netwave Credit Card Adapter thenclick on remove. Select “Yes” to confirm deletion of thisNetwave adapter.1. For Windows 95 (assuming 95 is installed in the WINDOWSdirectory):Delete these files: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CNW*.*Delete the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\NETCNW.INF2. Run sysedit:a. Select the SYSTEM.INI window;b. Menu select: Search, Find, and enter “CNW”.c. Delete the line that reads “device=CNWVXD.386”d. Menu select: File, Savee. Menu select: File, Exit1. For Windows NT (assuming NT is installed in the WINNTdirectory):Delete the file C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\CNW*.*2. Remove card configurations from the Windows/NT registryThe user is advised to consult their network administrator forassistance while performing any modifications to the Windows 95/NT Registry. Removing any settings other than the instructionslisted below can make your Windows 95/NT system unusable.a. Click on Windows Start Buttonb. Click “Run” and type “regedit” to open the registry editor.c. Double click on the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folder.d. Double click on the folder “Enum”ii. Double click on the folder “PCMCIA”iii.Place focus (click) on the folder “XIRCOM-CREDITCARD-NETWAVE-F441”iv. Press “delete” key on the keyboard and click “yes” to confirmdeletion.Network Driver Removal
29Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guidea. Double click on the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folderi. Double click on the folder “System”ii. Double click on the folder “CurrentControlSet”iii.Double click on the folder “Services”iv. Double click on the folder “Class”v. Double click on the folder “Net”vi. Under the folder “Net” find which folder contains informa-tion in the right window which references “DriverDescription”.This description would contain “Xircom CreditCard NetwaveAdapter”. Place focus (click) on this folder under “Net” andpress “delete” on the keyboard and click “Yes” to confirmdeletion.a. Close the registry1. Run sysedit;a. Select the SYSTEM.INI window;b. Menu select: Search, Find, and enter “CNW”.c. Delete the line that reads “device=CNWNDIS3.VXD”d. Menu select: File, Savee. Menu select: File, Exit1. Delete the C:\XIRCOM directory2. Delete the Xircom CreditCard Program Group fromC:\WINDOWS\START MENU\PROGRAMS\3. SHUT DOWN the PC, do not warm boot or use restart from theshut down menu. The reason for this is to let Windows95 “clean”the registry while shutting down.Network Driver Removal
30Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide
31Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNETWAVE AIRSURFER PRO UTILITIESThis section provides information on utilities supplied with the AirSurferPRO PC Card. The Netwave Utilities include Netwave Control Panel andNetwave Connection Agent. These are designed to facilitate Netwavenetwork design and operation. In particular, these utilities•Assist you in planning and installing an AirSurfer PRO wireless network.•Provide information about the link quality of the AirSurfer PROwireless network.•Allow you to configure your AirSurfer PRO PC Card for differentSSIDs (networks), in real time without rebooting your computer.•Provide notification of loss of network services when you move out ofrange of your AirSurfer PRO network and restoration of the connec-tion when you move back into range.NOTEThe Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities require Windows 95or Windows NT.The Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities include “client” utilities that can beused to configure the Netwave mobile workstation itself, and “client/server”utilities that support the link between the workstation and a NetWare serveron the wired network. A brief description of these two types of utilitiesfollows.Netwave Control PanelThe Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities setup program NWSETUPinstalls the Netwave Control Panel and Netwave ConnectionAgent Client on your mobile unit. It adds icons to the Netwave AirSurferProgram Group for the Netwave Control Panel, Site Survey, ConnectionQuality, and AirSurfer Properties utilities, described later in this section.The Netwave Control Panel places a toolbar on the screen for single-clickaccess to the utilities in the Program Group.
32Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwave AirSurfer PRO UtilitiesThe Netwave Control Panel ToolbarTo activate the Netwave Control Panel toolbar,double click on the Netwave Control Panel iconin the Netwave PC Card Program Group. A toolbar with four icons willappear at the top of the screen. The name of the utility will pop up whenthe cursor is placed over the icon for that utility.This toolbar can be moved around the screen, but it will always float on topof all other windows, for easy access to the Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities.Each Netwave Control Panel utility can be launched by clicking once on theappropriate icon in the toolbar. They can also be run by double clicking theicon in the Program Group or using the menu that displays on the toolbarwhen the Control Panel icon is clicked. The name Netwave Control Panelrefers both to the toolbar and to the entire “suite” of Netwave AirSurferPRO Utilities.Moving the ToolbarTo move the toolbar, click on the NetwaveControl Panel icon (the button farthest to theright on the toolbar) to display a menu.Choose “Move Netwave Control Panel” fromthe menu. A miniature title bar will appearacross the top of the toolbar. Place the cursoron the title bar, hold down the mouse button and drag the toolbar to thelocation of your choice, then release the mouse button. The new locationwill be saved. To remove the title bar, click “Move Netwave Control Panel”again on the menu.NOTEThe Control Panel utilities can also be added to theMicrosoft Office toolbar. See your Microsoft Office userdocumentation for instructions.PLANNING THE AIRSURFER SITEFor more detailed information on site planning and installation, see theAirSurfer PRO Planning and Installation Guide supplied with the NetwaveAccess Point. The following is an overview of site planning using the SiteSurvey utility.
33Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwave AirSurfer PRO UtilitiesWhat is a Sit e Survey?A site survey is part of the planning process for installing an AirSurfer PROwireless LAN at your site using the Netwave Access Points to connect toyour wired network. It will help you determine how many Access Points areneeded at their optimal placement for the best wireless connection in yourdesired area. Before starting the site survey, some preliminary site evaluationand calculations have to be done. Both the initial site survey and laterevaluations of results can be facilitated with the Site Surveyutility provided on the AirSurfer PRO Utilities Disk supplied with theAirSurfer PRO PC Card.Site Survey Preliminary RequirementsThe following items are needed for an AirSurfer PRO site survey:•A set of blueprints or floor plans of your building environment•A Netwave AirSurfer PRO Access Point connected to a power outlet(the Access Point does not need to be connected to the wired LAN toconduct a site survey)•AirSurfer PRO PC Card hardware and software (including the SiteSurvey utility) installed in your portable computer•AC power extension cordAdditional items such as a ladder, drawing tools, or paper and scissors maybe needed, depending on the planning and site survey methods chosen.Refer to the Netwave AirSurfer PRO Planning and Installation Guide forwireless network planning and installation instructions.
34Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideThe AirSurfer Site Survey UtilityThe AirSurfer Site Survey utility helps Netwave users to:•See the link quality between the mobile unit and the Access Point•Determine how many Access Points are needed to cover the desiredservice area, and where they should be placed•Verify wireless link quality after the initial installation, and makeadjustments to optimize coverage and minimize interference due tobuilding structure and materials or other radio devices.A ROAM NOW function is included. This permits the user to force themobile unit to roam and select the Access Point which provides the bestperformance.To start the Site Survey utility, click the leftmost button on theNetwave Control Panel toolbar, or double-click the Site Surveyicon in the Netwave AirSurfer Program Group.Netwave Site Survey is a tool to help plan the installation of a Netwavenetwork. It displays a list of all the Access Points the AirSurfer PROPC Card has access to in the SSID (network) it is configured for, providingthere is more than one Access Point in that SSID.If your mobile unit is registered with an Access Point, you will see the linkquality updated in a bar gauge on the right side of the Site Survey window asyou move around an Access Point’s Basic Service Area. A numeric value,description, and color are also shown.Green Good link quality between the mobile unit and attached AccessPoint. For best results, Link quality should register “good” most ofthe time at the locations where the AirSurfer Plus PC Card will beused to access the wired LAN.Yellow Fair link quality between mobile unit and Access Point. Linkquality is less strong, but unit is functional and performance isacceptable. Further weakening could be due to distance from theAccess Point, obstacles (such as steel, brick, concrete), or radiointerference. If the gauge consistently displays only “fair” linkquality, consider adding an Access Point in that area, or relocatingAccess Points to improve coverage.Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
35Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideRed “On-the-fringe” link quality between the mobile unit and attachedAccess Point. Link quality is very weak because the mobile unit isclose to the edge of the Access Point’s coverage area or because ofobstacles (steel, brick, concrete) or radio interference. If the gaugeconsistently displays “fringe” quality, an additional Access Point isrecommended for that area.You can record the link quality at a particular location in your site byclicking Record. A dialog box pops up as the link quality is sampled once asecond for ten seconds. Click OK when the sampling is complete to recordthe link quality and the survey list at the bottom of the window. Or clickCancel at any time to stop sampling. If you click Cancel at the end of thesampling, the average link quality is not added to the list.Site Survey ScreenNetwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
36Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideTo survey your site, make a list of key locations within the Access Pointcoverage area you will survey, record the link quality at each one, then savethe survey in a file. Later you can open the file in Site Survey or with aspreadsheet or word processor. Site Survey can also print a survey report.You may want to take notes about the placement of the Access Point for aresults comparison later. Repeat this process for each Access Point coveragearea you want to survey.Using the AirSurfer Site Survey UtilityBefore performing a site survey, the AirSurfer PRO PC Card must beinstalled on the mobile unit and a AirSurfer PRO Access Point must bepositioned and powered on. Refer to the AirSurfer PRO Planning andInstallation Guide for additional instructions for wireless network planningand installation.1. Choose File/New2. Click in the Survey Location box or Press Alt+L.3. Type the name of the first location in your survey.4. Click Next or press Alt+N to add the location to the list. (If youuse Alt+N, the cursor will stay in the Survey Location box, readyfor entry of the next location.)5. When you have added all the locations you want to survey, chooseFile/Save to save the survey.6. Proceed to one of the locations on the list and highlight it.7. Press Enter or Alt+R to choose the Record button and check thelink quality.8. Press enter to accept the measurement when it is done. The linkquality and registered AP are saved in the list for that location.9. Press Alt +N to go to the next location.10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 until your survey is finished.11. Enter notes in the Survey Notes box if you want to record somedetails about your setup for the survey.Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
37Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide12. Choose File/Save to save your survey. (If you choose File+Save Asyou can save the survey in a new file and leave the original, blankfile with all the locations ready for another survey. You might wantto do several surveys with Access Points in different locations andcompare the results.)13. Move on to the next Basic Service Area, with the AirSurfer PlusAccess Point, and repeat steps 1 through 12 for that area.You can always record a new measurement at an existing location in your listby selecting that location then choosing Record. Click Cancel if you don’twant to replace the measurement. There is a blank item at the end of the listfor new measurements. If you choose the last item then choose Record, anew measurement is added to the list.AirSurfer Connection QualityThe AirSurfer Connection Quality utility indicates the quality of thewireless connection between the AirSurfer PRO PCCard in the portablePC and the AirSurfer PRO Access Point with which it is connected. Quality can beaffected by distance, radio interference, and how “busy” the Access Point is. AROAM NOW button is included to enable the user to force the unit toroam and select the Access Point which provides the best performance.This utility can be run in the background, so the user can check theconnection quality to the network at any point while moving around in theNetwave service area.When you first run AirSurfer Connection Quality, you will see a windowthat shows the connection quality, the Access Point your mobile unit isregistered with, and SSID. The window will display green, yellow, or reddepending on the connection quality which is a factor that determines whena mobile unit will be “handed-off” to the next Access Point that providesbetter connection.Green indicates a good connection between the mobile unit and AccessPoint. The connection quality should be green most of the time atthe locations where the AirSurfer PRO PC Card will be used toaccess the wired LAN.Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
38Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideYellow indicates fair connection quality between the mobile unit andAccess Point. Connection quality is less strong, but unit is func-tional and performance acceptable. Further weakening could bedue to distance from Access Point, obstacles (steel, brick, concrete),radio interference, or how busy the Access Point is. If the windowconsistently displays yellow, consider adding an Access Point inthat area, or relocating Access Points to improve coverage.Red indicates poor connection quality between the mobile unit andAccess Point. Connection quality could be poor because the mobileunit is close to the edge of the Access Point’s coverage area, becauseof obstacles (such as steel, brick, concrete), radio interference, orbecause the Access Point’s utilization is high. If the windowconsistently displays red, an additional Access Point is recom-mended for that area.Cyan  (light blue) indicates that the mobile unit is configured to operatein “ad hoc” mode and another mobile unit is detected in range.The window displays this message: “Netwave ad hoc network inrange” and the SSID number.If you minimize the window into an icon, you will see a square of theappropriate color with the connection quality description inside: good, fair,poor. Using the minimized display, you can keep the utility running andvisually check the connection quality at any time. To return to the standardwindow, double click on the icon or click once on the toolbar icon. Win-dow position and state (minimized, maximized) are saved automaticallywhen you exit the program.AirSurfer PropertiesThe AirSurfer Properties utility allows you to change the SSIDsettings for the AirSurfer PRO PC Card without rebooting yourPC.  You may create independent service areas (networks) by entering anSSID string that will be used by all members  of the independent wirelessnetwork.You may connect to an SSID (network with Access Points) by entering theSSID for that wireless network segment. If there are several AirSurfer PROgroups within an organization, you can switch from one group to anotheron the fly, simply by changing to the SSID of the new group, or selecting itfrom a stored list, without having to modify configuration files or reboot thecomputer.Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
39Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideNOTEIf the Access Points for the new SSID you select in theASP Properties window are on a different Ethernetsegment from the Access Point you are currently con-nected to, you may not be able to log on to that networksegment. Also, while you can change the SSID , ASPProperties does not allow you to select a particularAccess Point to connect to.To make a list of frequently used SSIDs, type in the SSID, then click Add.Your settings will be added to the list at the bottom of the window. Whenyou click Close, the list is saved.To use an SSID in the list, select the SSID you want and click Connect. Theutility will connect you to that SSID. (If you double-click a SSID, you willbe connected and the utility will close).If you enter an invalid SSID, you will get a message box telling you theproper range. If you select an SSID already saved in the list, the SSID willalso appear in the corresponding fields above.The AirSurfer Surf Start UtilityThe Airsurfer Surf Start Utility is placed in the startup folder so it is loadedautomatically when Windows 95 starts. Surf Start is a utility that resides inthe WIN95 system tray on the task bar. It indicates visually the quality ofthe wireless connection. Double-clicking on the Surf Start icon will launchthe more detailed AirSurfer Connection Quality Utility.Netwave AirSurfer PRO Utilities
40Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide
41Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideDIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTINGThis section describes LED indicators, a diagnostic utility that can be usedto verify AirSurfer PRO PC Card operation, and basic troubleshootingmeasures. For error messages, see Appendix B.AIRSURFER PRO PC CARD LED INDICATORSLED indicators on the antenna of the AirSurfer PRO PC Card will operatewhen: (1) the card is inserted into a PC Card slot, (2) the computer ispowered on, and (3) a network driver has been loaded.Green (solid) indicates connection to an AirSurfer PRO Access PointGreen (flashing) indicates connection to an independent “ad hoc”AirSurfer PRO network (NOT used with Access Point).Amber Intermittent ON indicates the driver has been loaded andthere is no transmit or receive activity on the AirSurferPRO segment of the network. Rapidly flasing indicatestransmit and receive activity on the AirSurfer PROsegment of the network.TROUBLESHOOTINGProblem: The Green LED flashes once on power-up, but does not stay onor intermittently flash.Either your Network Drivers are not properly loaded or your AirSurferWireless PC Card adapter parameters are not configured properly for yournetwork.Driver Installation TroubleshootingYour drivers will not load properly if your AirSurfer PRO card  resourceshave a conflict. Ensure that there are no resource conflicts.For Windows 95:1. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.2. Double click the System icon.3. Click on the Device Manager tab
42Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s GuideDiagnostics and TroubleshootingAirSurfer PRO Network ActivityNETWAVE NETWORK ACTIVITY (AMBER)ACCESS POINT LINK (SOLID GREEN) ORAD HOC NETWORK LINK (FLASHING GREEN)4. Double click on the Network Adapters option5. Double click on the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11Mode Adapter”6. Check in the Device Status box to see if the device is workingproperly7. If not, click on the Resources tab8. In the Conflicting device list, verify that there are no resourceconflicts with the Input/Output range, the Interrupt Request orthe two Memory Range settings.9. If there are, for each conflict, highlight the category (e.g. Input/Output Range), then click Change Setting.  Scroll on the valueselection until the Conflict Information window indicates that “Nodevices are conflicting.” Again, do this for each conflict.For Windows NT Workstation 4.0:1. Click the Start button, select Administrative Tools, Diagnostics2. The first window displays the resource usage for IRQs. Ensure thatthere are no conflicts. If there are, note the conflict, and look forunused IRQs.
43Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide3. Click on the “I/O” button. Again, ensure that there are no con-flicts. Note any, and the open I/O ranges.4. Click on the “Memory” button. Again, ensure that there are noconflicts. Note any, and the open Memory ranges.5. Click “OK”6. To change the resource use of your AirSurfer Wireless PC Cardadapter, click on Start, Settings, Control Panel7. Double click the Network icon8. Select the Adapter tab.9. Highlight the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” and click on Properties.10. Make any required changes to your IRQ, I/O, or Memory Ranges.11.  Click “OK”12. Restart your computer.If  there are no device conflicts, your adapter drivers may have not installedproperly. Please follow the removal instructions in the Network DriverRemoval section of this manual, and follow the installation instructions foryour operating system.Card Configuration TroubleshootingIf your adapter has the incorrect wireless network settings, it will fail tocommunicate. Ensure that the configuration is correct. If you do not knowyour SSID and PYH Parameter settings, please contact your networkadministrator. These settings must match the other wireless resources—Access Points (Infrastructure Mode) or other wireless network adapters (AdHoc)—in order to work properly.For Windows 95:1. Click the Start button, select Settings, Control Panel.2. Double click the Network icon.3. Highlight the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” and click on Properties.Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
44Netwave® Airsurfer® PRO PC Card User’s Guide4. Ensure that the SSID and PHY Parameters are set correctly. Makeany changes, if necessary.5. Click “OK”6. Restart your computer.For Windows NT Workstation 4.0:1. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel2. Double click the Network icon3. Select the Adapter tab.4. Highlight the “Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN in 802.11 ModeAdapter” and click on Properties.5. Ensure that the SSID and PHY Parameters are set correctly. Makeany changes, if necessary.6.  Click “OK”7. Restart your computer.If you continue to have problems, please contact Netwave TechnicalSupport department at (925) 737-1613 or at drivers are loaded but the PC Card cannot access the network.1. Verify that the PC Card is configured with the same SSID as theAccess Point through which it is attempting to access the network,or as the other workstations on the ad hoc standalone network youwish to connect to.2. Be sure the PC Card is an authorized user of the Access Pointthrough which it is attempting to connect. If “User Authentica-tion” has been enabled on the Access Point, the PC Card’sEthernet address must be on the User List of the Access Point.The amber LED on the AirSurfer PRO PC Card is not blinking, or noLEDs are blinking.Reboot the computer.Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
45Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAPPENDIX A:␣GLOSSARY OF NETWAVE TERMSAccess Point A Netwave device providing access to awired network from workstations withAirSurfer PRO PC Cards installed.Ad hoc (independent) network A standalone AirSurfer PRO networkconsisting of two or more AirSurferPRO workstations but no AirSurferPRO Access Point and, therefore, noconnections to a wired network. An adhoc AirSurfer PRO network generallyrequires peer-to-peer network softwaresuch as Windows for Workgroups orWindows 95. See Peer-to-peer networkand Server-based network.AirSurfer LAN A cordless local area network technol-ogy designed by Netwave for mobilecomputing users who want cable-freeaccess to a corporate network or theability to set up a temporary cordlessnetwork at any time or place.AirSurfer PRO PC See AirSurfer PRO workstation.AirSurfer PRO PC Card Netwave’s cordless network adapter,using PC Card technology, anddesigned for cable-free networkingamong standalone workstations orcordless access to a wired networkthrough a AirSurfer PRO Access Point.AirSurfer PRO workstation An IBM PC desktop or portablecomputer with AirSurfer PROPC Card hardware and AirSurfer PROsoftware installed.
46Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideCard Services PCMCIA-compliant software thatinterfaces with Socket Services andautomatically provides management ofsystem resources (such as interrupts andmemory windows) for PC Cardsinitialized in a PCMCIA computer.Configuration utility A Netwave utility program designed tofacilitate initialization of an AirSurferPRO PC Card in any PCMCIAenvironment. Also called a resourcemanager. The AirSurfer PRO versionof this program is designatedASPCFG.EXE.Driver software See Network driver.Ethernet address See IEEE address.IEEE address A unique hardware address assignedthrough the IEEE to each and everydevice that can be attached to anEthernet network. This address consistsof six hexadecimal numbers, sometimesseparated by spaces or dashes, forexample, AE-34-2C-1D-69-F1. It issometimes referred to as the hardware,MAC, network, or Ethernet address.IEEE 802.11 Standard A standard developed by the Instituteof Electrical and Electronic Engineerswhich defines the requirements forimplementation of wireless LANs.Independent Network See Ad Hoc (Independent) Network.Installation program A Netwave utility designed to facilitateAirSurfer PRO PC Card configurationand installation of network driversoftware.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
47Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideKeyword A text string used with a value in aconfiguration file, to set a parameter forthe AirSurfer PRO PC Card. Keywordsare only required when the factory-default value of the parameter cannot beused in a particular PCMCIA environ-ment. These parameters can be set withthe AirSurfer Installation Program ormanually by including the requiredkeyword and setting in the appropriatedriver configuration file (for example thePROTOCOL.INI file for the NDISdriver).MAC layer The media access control (MAC) layer ordata link layer of the ODI referencemodel is the interface to higher softwarelevels. The AirSurfer PRO MAC layerprovides an asynchronous data deliveryservice that is equivalent to the serviceprovided by Ethernet. It is a best effortdatagram delivery service with low delaythat supports typical bursty LANapplications such as file access, client/server applications, printing, and email.Mobile Unit See AirSurfer PRO Workstation.NDIS The Microsoft Network Driver InterfaceSpecification (NDIS) defines a hardware-independent MAC-layer network devicedriver. The AirSurfer PRO NDIS driverconforms to version 3 of this specifica-tion.Network driver The software that makes it possible for anetwork adapter card such as theAirSurfer PRO PC Card to operate on anetwork.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
48Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideNetwork operating system (NOS) The software that providesmanagement of local area networkoperations and services. Examples ofnetwork operating systems areMicrosoft Windows NT and NovellNetWare.ODI The Open Data-Link Interface (ODI)network driver specification fromNovell allows several protocols to runsimultaneously on one LAN adapter.OSI reference model A seven-layer scheme describing thevarious functions required for networkand computer communications. OSIstands for Open Systems Interconnec-tion, which is the InternationalStandards Organization’s (ISO)program for standardization of datacommunications.PCMCIA The Personal Computer Memory CardInternational Association (PCMCIA) isa standards organization that hasdeveloped standards for a “PC Card”that fulfills the same function as the ATbus on standard desktop computers: itprovides universal, non-proprietaryexpansion capability.Peer-to-peer network A network consisting only of worksta-tions and peripheral devices, with nocentralized, dedicated server. Anexample of peer-to-peer networkoperating system is Microsoft Windows95. In AirSurfer networks, if a peer-to-peer network does not include access toa wired network through an AirSurferPRO Access Point is called an ad hocor standalone network. See Ad hocnetwork, Server-based network.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
49Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuidePhysical layer The physical layer is the lowest level ofthe OSI reference model for datacommunications. It includes transmis-sion media such as cabling or, in thecase of AirSurfer, radio waves.Netwave’s AirSurfer technology hasbeen designed to provide a level ofreliability at the physical level compa-rable to that of wired LAN adapters.Resource manager See Configuration utility.ROAM NOW A function button which permits theoperator to force the mobile unit toroam and select the Access Point whichprovides the best performance at themoment the button is pressed.Roaming This is a feature of an AirSurfernetwork that allows the AirSurfer userto move about freely within range ofthe other AirSurfer workstations orAccess Points on the network, withoutlosing connection to the network. In anetwork with multiple AirSurfer PROAccess Points, for example, a “roaming”user can move out of range of onenetwork-attached AirSurfer PROAccess Point and into range of anotherAirSurfer PRO Access Point withoutbeing disconnected.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
50Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideServer-based network A server-based network is a local areanetwork on which network processingand storage are located on a dedicatedworkstation or “server” to which otherdevices on the network are connected. InAirSurfer PRO terminology, a server-based AirSurfer PRO network, bydefinition, must include at least oneAirSurfer PRO Access Point givingNetwave workstations access to the wirednetwork on which the server is located. AAirSurfer PRO network that does notinclude an Access Point is called an “adhoc” network. See also Peer-to-peernetwork and Ad hoc network.Service area An AirSurfer PRO Access Point con-nected to a wired network provides aservice area with a radius of 100 meters(approximately 300 feet) indoors and upto 500 meters in an open environmentaround the Access Point. A PC equippedwith an AirSurfer PRO PC Card canaccess the wired network from withinthat service area. Additional AccessPoints can be added to the network toprovide a larger service area. PC userscan “roam” from one service area toanother without losing connection to thenetworkSocket Services A PCMCIA BIOS-level interface thathides the hardware implementation fromPC Card vendors’ drivers. It identifiesthe number of PCMCIA sockets in thecomputer and detects when a card isinserted into or removed from a socket.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
51Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideSpread spectrum A radio technology used by AirSurferproducts that transmits and receivesover a bandwidth of several megahertz,allowing for avoidance of both interfer-ence and eavesdropping through atechnique known as Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum. Spread-spectrumradio can penetrate walls and othersolid obstacles. Netwave products havebeen approved to operate in thesections of the radio spectrum used bythe AirSurfer products.SSID/ESSID Service Set Identifier. An identificationstring of 1 to 32 characters defining alogical network. If the users areoperating with an Access Point, thelogical network is defined by anExtended SSID (ESSID).Transmission range The maximum distance from anAirSurfer PRO Access Point orAirSurfer PRO PC Card at whichcommunication with another AccessPoint or PC Card can still be expectedto occur. This distance can be madegreater or less by environmental factorssuch as building structure or thepresence of electrical interference. Theindoor range of the AirSurfer PROPC Card and Access Point is approxi-mately 100 meters (300 feet) indoorsand up to 500 meters in an openenvironment.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
52Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideWired LAN A local area network in which compo-nents (workstations, servers, printers,bridges, routers, etc.) are connected bycabling.Wired network A transmission network, such as atelephone system or local area com-puter network, in which transmissionoccurs over physical wires or cablesconnecting the components.Wireless Without cables or wires. Generally usedto refer to communication operationsin which transmission occurs by radioand not through a system of wiresconnecting transmission devices. SeeCordless.Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
53Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAPPENDIX B:24-HOUR GLOBAL SUPPORT SERVICESCustomer FirstNetwave Technologies, Inc. is committed to delivering complete CustomerSatisfaction. We endeavor to make all of our products reliable, easy toinstall, and easy to use. If you need additional technical assistance afterreading the user documentation and README file, Netwave Technologiesprovides global access to a wide range of service and support offerings.Telephone numbers and electronic addresses for worldwide access toNetwave service and support are listed on the following pages.www.netwave-wireless.comOur website provides access to current network drivers and associatedsoftware, driver installation instructions, technical bulletins, and a widevariety of company and product information.Call InYou may also speak with a Support Engineer during the local TechnicalSupport hours listed.Internet E-mailIf you have a connection to the Internet, you can leave a message for aSupport Engineer at fill out and return the Product Registration Cardsupplied with the product. Your information will beentered into our support database.
54Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAppendix B: 24-hour Global Support ServicesNetwave Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Accesswww.netwave-wireless.comThe Americas and Asia-PacificNetwave Technologies, Inc.6663 Owens DrivePleasanton, California 94588Direct Line to Technical Support925-737-1617 Technical Support(8 a.m. to 5 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time)925-847-8744 Fax to Technical Supportsupport@netwave-wireless.comEurope, Middle East, and AfricaNetwave Technologies, Ltd.Brooklands House65 Park StreetCamberleySurrey  GU15 3HEUnited KingdomPhone (in UK): +44-1276-671707Fax: +44-1276-676676
55Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAPPENDIX C: LIMITED WARRANTYWarrantiesAs the original purchaser, you receive these warranties fromNetwaveTechnologies, Inc.:HardwareYour AirSurfer PRO Wireless LAN PC Card, including any AirSurferPRO AC power supply component(s) (collectively, “Products”), will befree from defects in material and workmanship and will perform insubstantial compliance with your user’s manual(s) accompanying theProducts for a period of five years of your date of purchase as long as youproperly use the products.SoftwareSoftware accompanying these Products (including driver, utility software,etc.) and the magnetic media containing the software are warranted toperform in substantial compliance with the specifications contained inyour user’s manual(s) for two years from your purchase date. Ourwarranty does not cover or provide you with rights to upgrades orupdates.You are responsible for your choice of applications programs or relatedreference materials. Given the wide range of third party hardware andapplications software products you might use our software with, youunderstand that Netwave does not warrant the compatibility or theuninterrupted or error free operation of our software.Upon our confirmation of a covered defect or failure, at our option we willrepair or replace the affected item or will refund your purchase price if repairor replacement is not possible or practical. Replacement products or repaireditems may be a new or a refurbished item. Our warranty on items servicedunder warranty will be five years for hardware and, two years for software,90 days from return to you of software/magnetic media or the remainder ofthe original warranty, whichever is longer. Repair, replacement, or refundare the exclusive remedies available to you from Netwave for products andsoftware.
56Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAppendix C: Limited WarrantyYour ObligationsYour warranty rights will be honored provided you1. Read and follow your user’s manual(s) for installation, setup,software setup, and operating guidelines,2. Use the Products and software only in suitable physical or operatingenvironments as described in your user’s manual(s) and for purposesfor which the Products and software are intended.Warranty ServiceIf you think there is a problem or defect with your purchased item, yourpoint of contact will beIn the U.S.A.Netwave’s Technical Support department at (925) 737–1613or email the U.S.A.Contact your local Netwave supplier or Netwave regional officeor email Netwave contact will discuss your problem to confirm the defect. Ifwarranty or return service is needed, you’ll receive a Return MaterialAuthorization (RMA) number.Ship your return Product, with the RMA number clearly visible on theoutside of the shipping package, to:From the U.S.A.Netwave Technical Support6663 Owens DrivePleasanton, CA 94588RMA # _______________From outside the U.S.A.Contact your local Netwave supplier or Netwave regional centerfor shipping instructions.
57Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideReturned Products must include all other components from your originalpackage, including the Product and any power adapters, software diskettes,and user manual(s). Be sure to enclose a copy of your purchase receipt orother proof of purchase confirming that you are the original purchaser.LIMITATIONSOur warranty is subject to the following limitations:a. We do not cover or accept liability for any injury, damage or failurecaused by misuse, abuse, acts of Nature, accidents (e.g., dropping theProducts or software diskettes), electrical mishaps, causes beyond ourcontrol, or claims by other than the original purchaser.b. We will not honor, and will consider our warranty voided, if therehas been any (1) tampering with the Product’s external label or serialnumber, (2) attempt to open the Product’s case, (3) attempted oractual repair by anyone other than an authorized Netwave techni-cian, or (4) installation or use with any AC power supplycomponent(s) other than the original Netwave AC power supplycomponents(s) provided in the product package.DISCLAIMERTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY WE MAKEFOR THE PRODUCT AND SOFTWARE. TO THE EXTENT AL-LOWED BY LAW, NO OTHER WARRANTY APPLIES, WHETHEREXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WAR-RANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT.NETWAVE WILL NOT BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYINCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (e.g.,LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO ANY COMPUTEREQUIPMENT OR RELATED DATA).Additional RightsSome states or countries do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, or limitations on the length of an implied warranty,so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Our warrantygives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which varyfrom state to state or country to country.Appendix C: Limited Warranty
58Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s Guide
59Netwave® AirSurfer™ PRO PC Card User’s GuideAPPENDIX D:SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTNetwave Technologies grants you a nonexclusive license to use the copies ofsoftware programs supplied with this product on the following terms:YOU MAY:a. Use the software program on any computer or network but only inconjunction with any Netwave hardware product;b. Permit any other individuals to use the software program eitherdirectly or on a computer network, but only if there is no more thanone user for each Netwave hardware product in use in conjunctionwith such use;c. Make only those number of backup and archival copies of thesoftware program in machine readable form as are essential to backupuse of the software program, provided that you reproduce allproprietary notices on each copy.YOU MAY NOT:a. Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, createderivative works based on, or copy (except for archival purposes) theprogram or the accompanying documentation;b. Rent, transfer, sublicense or grant any rights in the program oraccompanying documentation (including any time-sharing arrange-ment) in any form to any other person without the prior writtenconsent of Netwave;c. Remove any proprietary notices, labels, or marks on the program andaccompanying documentation.Failure to comply with any of the above restrictions will terminate thislicense. This is not a sale. Title and copyrights to the program and accompa-nying documentation and any copies remain with Netwave except that titleto software programs shipped by Netwave through an agreement withanother manufacturer is owned and retained by the original manufacturer
and no title to the intellectual property contained in such programs istransferred hereunder. The human readable code of the software program(source code), including the source code of programs shipped by Netwavethrough an agreement with another manufacturer, is not sublicensedhereunder.U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTSThe SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTEDRIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject torestrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l)(ii) of the Rights in TechnicalData and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subpara-graphs (c)(l) and (c)(2) of the Commercial Computer Software-RestrictedRights at 48 CFR52.227-19, as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer isNetwave Technologies, Inc., 6663 Owens Drive, Pleasanton, California94588.This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California.Appendix E: Software License Agreement
APPENDIX E: SPECIFICATIONSAIRSURFER PRO PC CARD SPECIFICATIONSSize: 4.0 in x 2.13 in x 0.20 in(101.6 mm x 54.0 mmx 5.0 mm)Weight: 1.6 oz (45 g)Operating Temperature Range: 32 °F to 131 °F(0 °C to 55 °C)Storage Temperature Range: -4 °F to 149 °F(-20 °C to 65 °C)Humidity: 95% maximumnoncondensingMemory Size: 128K SRAM packet bufferTransmission Range (indoors): 50 m to 100 m(200 to 300ft indoors)(1500 - 2000 in open space)FCC Certification47CFR PART 15, Class BETSI CertificationTO BE OBTAINEDCE MARKTO BE OBTAINED
G 800–1020–001

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