Nokia Solutions and Networks T6HG1 CDMA Base Station User Manual Exhibit 8b

Nokia Solutions and Networks CDMA Base Station Exhibit 8b


Exhibit 8b

R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Site v ericationSite verication■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Site installation checksV erify that the site is ready for BTS installation before performing the physical installation.A detailed layout of the site is provided with the site -specific documentation. Before installingthe hardware, compare the information presented here to the site -specific documentation layoutand verify with the Site Manager for the following:•All cable trays are installed.•All external signal cables are connected.•Site is clean.•Site specific documentation covering all site dependent installation information is available.•The installation area has restricted access. Equipment is meant to be installed andoperated in a restricted access location. In order to maintain UL listing, equipment mustbe installed in a restricted access area.•The site can maintain the required temperature range.•The layout meets the minimum clearance requirements for the equipment as listed inT able 2 -5 ,T able 2 -6 and T able 2 -7 .•All building DC power cables are connected.•The building meets the voltage and power requirements shown inSite description (asbuilt)documents.•P ower cables are present that meet the requirements shown in T able 2 -8 .•The procedure, tools, and equipment required to mount the rack to the floor are specifiedby a Structural Engineer .•The site can meet the footprint dimensions (as shown in Figure 2 -5 ) and not violate any ofthe required clearances.•Site grounding is according to Grounding Guidelines for Cellular R adio Installations(Motorola part number 68P81150E62).•The screen (outer shield) of the RF antenna coaxial cable must be connected to earth(grounded) at the entrance to the building. This should be done in accordance withapplicable national electrical installation codes (Section 820.93 of the National ElectricalCode, ANSI/NFP A 70.•V erify that the Master Ground Bar is connected to a solid earth ground. This is requiredto ensure protection from hazardous voltages by providing a high integrity protectiveearthing circuit when the frame is later grounded to the Master Ground Bar .68P09283A62 -2 2 -15PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Site v erication Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation Procedure•The frames can be mounted as specified in the site -specific documentation.•Each frame has its own main power cut off .Motorola recommends a separate main power cut off for each frame of thesystem.Temperature rangeThe site building must be able to maintain a temperature between 0° C and 50° C . The life spanof electronic equipment is shortened by environmental variations, even though it is designed tooperate at extreme temperatures.Frame physical dimensionsThe following table gives the frame dimensions.Table 2 -4 Fr ame dimensionsHeight W idth DepthMaximumW eight1800 mm(70.86 inches)575 mm(22.63 inches)700 mm(27.55 inches)312 kg(688 lbs)Frame clearancesThe following tables give the frame clearances for various configurations.Table 2 -5 Minimum fr ame clear ances for airowFront Rear T opLeft sideRight side Bottom150 mm(5.9 inches)150 mm(5.9 inches)300 mm(11.8 inches)0 mm(0 inches)0 mm(0 inches)0 mm(0 inches)Table 2 -6 Minimum fr ame clear ances for maintenance - front access onlyFront Rear T opLeft sideRight side Bottom700 mm(27.55 inches)150 mm(5.9 inches)300 mm(11.8 inches)75 mm(2.95inches)75 mm(2.95 inches)0 mm(0 inches)2 -16 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Site v ericationTable 2 -7 Minimum fr ame clear ances for maintenance - front and rear accessFront Rear T opLeft sideRight side Bottom700 mm(27.55 inches)150 mm(5.9 inches)300 mm(11.8 inches)0 mm(0 inches)0 mm(0 inches)0 mm(0 inches)Frame DC input power and power cabling informationT able 2 -8 gives DC input power cabling and circuit breaker information.F or frame maximum and typical power consumption, refer to theUBS (800 MHz) BTSSpecification (B1)document orUBS (1.9 GHz) BTS Specification (B1)documentwhichever is applicable.Table 2 -8 +27 V DC and –48 V DC Fr ame P ower Cabling and P ower Supply Break erInformationQty of XMIsMaximumcable lengthCablesize(A WG)Cable insulationtemperature rating(° C)Qty of powerfeeds (+ and- pairs)Breaker size perfeed (Amps DC)1 661.11 cm(21.69 ft)2/0 200 1 2501 833.63 cm(27.35 ft)3/0 150 1 2501 1051.25 cm(34.499 ft)4/0 150 1 2502 661.11 cm(21.69 ft)2/0 200 1 2502 833.63 cm(27.35 ft)3/0 150 1 2502 1051.25 cm(34.499 ft)4/0 150 1 2503 661.11 cm(21.69 ft)2/0 200 2 2503 833.63 cm(27.35 ft)3/0 150 2 2503 1051.25 cm(34.499 ft)4/0 150 2 250Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -17PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Site v erication Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTable 2 -8 +27 V DC and –48 V DC Fr ame P ower Cabling and P ower Supply Break erInformation (Continued)Qty of XMIsMaximumcable lengthCablesize(A WG)Cable insulationtemperature rating(° C)Qty of powerfeeds (+ and- pairs)Breaker size perfeed (Amps DC)4 661.11 cm(21.69 ft)2/0 200 2 2504 833.63 cm(27.35 ft)3/0 150 2 2504 1051.25 cm(34.499 ft)4/0 150 2 250Frame positioningTypically , equipment frames are positioned side -by -side, with the frame fronts facing the samedirection.Rack base description and dimensionsThe base of the rack consists of the following:•Isolation pads attached to the base to isolate the rack from the floor . The isolation pads arepositioned between the floor and the base.•Six 22 mm (0.87 inches) M12 mounting holes.•Plastic shoulder washer in each hole to isolate the frame from the floor . Figure 2 -5 showsthe footprint of the rack.2 -18 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Site v ericationFigure 2 -5 R ack footprintti-cdma-05689.eps(264.50)   2X 75.00(Clearance)6X M12 Fasteners(429.80)(284.20)(700.00)   700.00 (Clearance) (529.00)(447.00)(223.50)(101.60)2X 209.55 +/- 0.40226.60 +/- 0.402X 277.40 +/- 0.402X 50.80 +/- 0.40  150.00(Clearance)2X 209.55 +/- 0.40FRONTMeasurements are in mm.CL68P09283A62 -2 2 -19PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 1: Installing RGPS Head Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 1: Installing RGPS Head■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this procedure is to install the optional Remote GPS (RGPS) head and cables(NN and AA). The site configuration/characteristics determines whether an RGPS head andcables are to be installed.Any of the following RGPS heads may be used:•STLN6594 (Motorola part number)•0186012H04 (Motorola part number)Cable NN works with any of the above listed RGPS heads.RGPS head installationRequired itemsThe following tools are required:•Adjustable torque ratchet with metric socket set•Flat head screwdriver•Lightning Arrestor (Motorola part number CGDSO971017AA1 or equivalent)T able 2 -9 gives a list of the cables.Table 2 -9 List of required cables for RGPS head installationCable QuantityPart Number DescriptionAA1 SGKN4430(3086433H14)15 pin D -connector on one end and loosewires on the other end. Cable is Motorola P/N3086433H12.3086039H10RGPS cable, 15 m (50 ft); part of Option T472AG3086039H11RGPS cable, 38 m (125 ft); part of Option T472AH3086039H12RGPS cable, 76 m (250 ft); part of Option T472AJNN12 -20 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 1: Installing RGPS HeadTable 2 -9 List of required cables for RGPS head installation (Continued)Cable QuantityPart Number Description3086039H13RGPS cable, 152 m (500 ft); part of Option T472AK3086039H14RGPS cable, 304 m (1000 ft); part of OptionT472ALCabling diagramsThe following figures show the cabling for an RGPS head.Figure 2 -6 RGPS cabling diagr amti-cdma-05700.epsNNAARemote GPS HeadLightning ArrestorBTSSSIWhen wiring the Motorola P/N STLN6594 RGPS Head at a new B T S site, the Y ellowand Y ellow/Black wires on both sides of the lightning arrestor must be disconnected(see Figure 2 -7 and Figure 2 -8 ). Otherwise, the STLN6594 RGPS Head will bepermanently damaged.If a Motorola P/N 0186012H04 or 0186012H03 RGPS Head at an existing B T S siteis being replaced with the Motorola P/N STLN6594 RGPS Head, the Y ellow andY ellow/Black wires on both sides of the lightning arrestor must be disconnected (seeFigure 2 -7 and Figure 2 -8 ). Otherwise, the STLN6594 RGPS Head will be permanentlydamaged.68P09283A62 -2 2 -21PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 1: Installing RGPS Head Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureThe Motorola P/N 0186012H04 RGPS Head will work with the Y ellow and Y ellow/blackwires disconnected or connected on both sides of the lightning arrestor .Figure 2 -7 RGPS wiringBlue/BlackBlueYellow/BlackYellowGreen /BlackGreenWhite/Bla ckWhiteBrown/BlackBrown123456789101 1 12Earth Groun dRGPS C ABLE CO NNECTOR(VIEWED FROM CABLE PE RSPECTIVE)NN AACABLE DRAINLIGHTNING ARRESTOR(WNP CGDSO971017AA 1 OR E QUIVALENT)D-CONNECTORTO BTS11410241278159ALTERNATE RGPS HEAD  (MOTOR OLAP/N 0186012H04)CELL SITE GRO UND = Red Red/Black 311YellowYellow/BlackYellowYellow/BlackNo ConnectionNo Connectionti-cdma-05701.epsRGPS H EAD (MOTORO LAP/N STLN6594)- OR -2 -22 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 1: Installing RGPS HeadFigure 2 -8 RGPS lightning arrestor wiringti-cdma-06007.epsBlue/Blac kBlueGreen/Blac kGreenWhite/BlackWhiteRed /Blac kYellow/BlackYellowRedBrown/Blac kBrownCab le DrainBlue/Blac kBlueGreen/B lac kGreenWhite/BlackWhiteRed/Blac kRedBrown/BlackBrownCable Dra in+40VDC Line s +17VDCLines +17VDC Line s+17VDCEquipm e nt+17 VDCEqu ipme nt+ 40VDC E quipm e ntNO TE NN (RGPS ) TO RGPS ANTENNAEARTH GROUN D MOUNTING PL ATEBlue/Blac kBlueYellow/Blac kYellowGreen/B lac kGreenWhite/Blac kWhiteRed/Blac kRedBrown/BlackBrown123456789101112No Connection No Connec tionWh e n th e  lig h tn in g  a rre s to r is  p ro p e rly  wire d ,  th e  c o lo r  o f th e  wire  a tta ch e d  to  e a ch   "E q u ip m e n t"  s cre w te rm in a l  s h o u ld  m a tc h   th e  c o lo r  o f th e  wire  a tta c h e d  to  th e  c o rre s p o n d -in g   "Lin e s "  s cre w  te rm in a l.AA (RGP S) TO BTSCAUTIO N !All  lig htn in g  a rre s t o r  wire  c o n n e c t io n s  s ho u ld  b e  th o ro u g h ly in s pe c te d  fo r in te grity a nd   a c c u ra cy.   Ve rify th a t  th e  c o n ne ctio n s  a re  e xa ctly a s   s ho wn   in   th is  d ia g ra m .  P ro b le ms  d u e  to   wirin g   e rro rs  c a n  ra n g e  fro m   im p ro p e r BTS  o p e ra tio n   to   p e rm a ne n t d a ma ge  to  th e  R G P S   h e a d .  Th e  o p e ra tio n a l p ro b le ms  m a y n o t  b e  e a s ily  d e te c ta b le .Yellow/BlackYellowMounting diagramsFigure 2 -9 and Figure 2 -10 show the mounting details for the RGPS heads.68P09283A62 -2 2 -23PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 1: Installing RGPS Head Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -9 RGPS headsti-cdma-05702.epsTHREADED MOUNT ADAPTERTHREADED MOUNT ADAPTER 12-PIN DEUTSCH TYPE MMP CONNECTOR12-PIN DEUTSCH TYPE MMP CONNECTORALTERNATE RGPS HEAD (MOTOROLA P/N 0186012H04)             RGPS HEAD (MOTOROLA P/N STLN6594)2 -24 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 1: Installing RGPS HeadFigure 2 -10 Installing the RGPS headti-cdma-05740.epsWALL MOUNTING BRACKETS (2)CLAMP BRACKETS (2)U-BOLTSCABLE TO LIGHTNING ARRESTOR (CABLE NN)RGPS HEAD WITH 12 PIN MALE CONNECTORMATING CONNECTORSRGPS INTERFACE CABLE WITH 12 PIN FEMALE CONNECTOR ON ONE END AND UNTERMINATED WIRE ON OTHER ENDCABLE TO LIGHTNING ARRESTOR (CABLE NN)ALTERNATE RGPS HEAD  (MOTOR OLA                P/N 0186012H04)RGPS H EAD (MOTORO LA       P/N STLN6594)Cable pinoutFigure 2 -11 shows the connector pins on cables AA and NN . T able 2 -10 gives the pinout forcable AA and NN and signal names.68P09283A62 -2 2 -25PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 1: Installing RGPS Head Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -11 Connector pin numbering for cables NN and AAti-cdma-00047.eps1234567891011 12CONNECTOR FOR CABLE NNPIN 1CONNECTOR FOR CABLE AAPIN 9Table 2 -10 Pinout for cables NN and AACable NN (12-cond) Cable AA (12-cond)Pin(12-pins)Signal W ire ColorPin(15-pins)Signal9DC Ground 1 Blue-Black15 RGPS Return1 P ower 1Blue8RGPS +27 V Supply8Not Used Y ellow-Black14Not Used10Not Used Y ellow7Not Used4Transmit P ort (-) Green-Black9DA T A (-) From Head5Transmit P ort (+)Green 1DA T A (+) FromHead2Receive P ort (-) White-Black12DA T A (-) T o Head3Receive P ort (+) White4DA T A (+) T o Head7Not Connected Red-Black11TDR Ground6Not Connected Red3TDR (+)12PPS Timing (-) Brown-Black10SYNC (-) From Head11PPS Timing (+)Brown2SYNC (+) FromHeadCable Drain(Shield)13Ground5, 6Not ConnectedW ire colors are the same for both cables.2 -26 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 1: Installing RGPS HeadProcedureThe procedure to install the RGPS antenna is as follows:Procedure 2 -1 Procedure to install an RGPS head1Determine the mounting location for the RGPS head.The structure of the w all should be v eried b y a qualied structur alengineer . Mounting the RGPS head and hardw are to an inadequatew all structure and/or using inadequate installation methods canresult in serious personal injury .2Use the appropriate mounting bolts for the mounting surface and install thetwo wall mounting brackets. Refer to Figure 2-10 .3Route the 12-pin Deutsch (that is, circular) connector end of the RGPS cable(cable NN) to the RGPS head.4Connect the RGPS cable (cable NN) connector to the RGPS head 12-pincircular connector as shown in Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-10 . Tighten thespinning flange on the connector a quarter turn, to secure the connection.5Insert the RGPS mounting pipe into the threaded mount of the RGPS headand carefully tighten it manually .6Install the RGPS mounting pipe into the mounting brackets as shown inFigure 2-10 . Tighten the U -bolt clamps to secure the assembly . F or theSTLN6594 RGPS Head, tape or tie-wrap the cable to the mounting pipe.7Route the free end of the BTS RGPS cable (cable NN) to the RGPScable lightning arrester . Remove any excess cable length and strip offapproximately 15 cm of the cable outer insulation.8Connect the twelve (12) wires and cable drain of the cable end to thelightning arrester as shown in Figure 2-8 . Double check the lightningarrester connections for compliance as displayed in Figure 2-8 .RGPS cable AA gets connected to the UBS Macro BTS and thenrouted to the RGPS cable lightning arrester during T ask 8.68P09283A62 -2 2 -27PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 2 -3: Installing R ack & Ground Cable Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTasks 2 -3: Installing Rack & Ground Cable■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objectives of this procedure are as follows:•Mount the rack to the floor .•Install the ground cable (DD).Rack requirementsThe UBS Macro BTS equipment is designed to be mounted in an open standard 19–inch rack.T o ensure proper equipment support, grounding, and easy installation, Motorola recommendsthat the UBS Macro BTS equipment be mounted in one of the following applicable Motorolaracks:•STHN4120 19–inch (1800 mm)•STHN4121 19–inch (1400 mm)•STHN4122 19–inch (1000 mm)Structural engineer prerequisiteEnsure that the procedure, tools, and equipment required to mount the rack to the floor arespecified by a Structural Engineer .2 -28 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 2 -3: Installing R ack & Ground CableRequired itemsThe following items are required:•R ack•10 mm socket•T orque driver•Flat blade screwdriver•6 carbon steel grade 8.8 bolts M12 - customer supplied•Other items, specified by the Structural Engineer , that are required to install the rack•Cable DD - customer supplied ground cable, 4 A WG or larger diameter•T wo -hole ground lug and mounting nuts - part of rack hardware kit (CGDSTB54205)68P09283A62 -2 2 -29PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 2 -3: Installing R ack & Ground Cable Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureLocation of rack earth ground terminalsFigure 2 -12 shows the location of the ground terminals on the rack.Figure 2 -12 Location of ground terminals on a Motorola r ackti-cdma-05691.epsEarth GroundTerminal StudsGround Cable With2-hole Lug Fastened To Ground Terminals           Rack(top/rear view, shownpartially cut away)ProcedureProcedure 2 -2 gives the procedure for performing T asks 2 -3.Procedure 2 -2 P erforming T asks 2 -31Mount the rack to the floor using the hardware, tools and proceduresdefined by the Structural Engineer .Motorola recommends using carbon steel grade 8.8 M12 bolts.Continued2 -30 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 2 -3: Installing R ack & Ground CableProcedure 2 -2 P erforming T asks 2 -3 (Continued)2Route the ground cable (cable DD) between the Master Ground Bar (MGB)and the rack.Ground cables must not have sharp bends.3Strip insulation from the frame end of cable DD .4A ttach the 2-hole lug to the rack -end of the cable DD .5A ttach the end of cable DD with the 2-hole lug to the 2 terminal studs at thetop of the rack. Using 2 nuts, 10 mm socket and ratchet, tighten the nuts to5.65 N-m (50 inch-lb). Refer to Figure 2-12 for location of ground terminalstuds on the rack.6Cut cable DD to length and connect it to the Master Ground Bar .7V erify that the Master Ground Bar is connected to a solid earth ground.68P09283A62 -2 2 -31PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 4: R ack Mounting the Optional PSM Shelf Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 4: Rack Mounting the Optional PSM Shelf■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this procedure is to perform task 4:•F or -48 V DC or 220 V AC UBS only .Install the PSM shelf to the bottom of the rack. The site configuration/characteristics willdetermine if a PSM shelf is to be installed.•Install the appropriate, -48 V DC or 220 V AC , PSMs into PSM shelf slots 1 and 2. Either upto two -48 V DC or up to two 220 V AC PSMs can be installed in the shelf . One PSM isrequired for the low capacity configuration and the second PSM is for redundancy .Required itemsThe following items are required:•Either a -48 V DC or 220 V AC PSM shelf (whichever is applicable)•Either up two -48 V DC or 220 V AC PSMs (whichever is applicable)•Eight (8) M5 x 12 mm screws for mounting the PSM shelf - these screws are included inthe STGN4034 Installation Kit that is packaged with the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly•T ape measure with millimeter scale, capable measuring up to 1200 mm or with inch scale,capable measuring up to 48 inches; for measuring screw location heights on rack•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driverProcedureProcedure 2 -3 gives the procedure for performing T ask 4.Procedure 2 -3 Procedure for T ask 41Locate the bottom RU that is to be used for the installation of the PSM shelf .2Using a tape measure, measure mounting screw location heights on eachside of the rack. Measure from the bottom of the RU determined in step 1(Refer to Figure 2-13 ). Mark the following screw locations:Continued2 -32 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 4: R ack Mounting the Optional PSM ShelfProcedure 2 -3 Procedure for T ask 4 (Continued)•136 mm (5.35 inches) for PSM shelf3P artially insert an M5 x 12 mm screw into each location marked on the rack.Leave the screw heads extending 7 mm out from the rack surface.4Remove the PSM shelf from its packaging.5Align the keyhole slots in the PSM shelf with the bottom screws, installed instep 3 above (Refer to Figure 2-14 ).6Insert screws in the 6 open slots of the PSM shelf and tighten all 8 PSMshelf screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).7PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling thePSM to prev ent damage to the equipment and personal injury .Install the appropriate PSMs into PSM shelf slots 1 and 2 as follows:1. Grasp the handle on the front panel of the PSM with one hand whilecarefully supporting the bottom of the module with the other hand.2. Properly orient the PSM and insert it into the slot.3. Slowly slide the module into the shelf until the rear connectors arefully seated. Make sure that the PSM is fully engaged with the shelfbackplane slot connectors.8Using a T25 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the PSM captive retainingthumbscrew to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).68P09283A62 -2 2 -33PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 4: R ack Mounting the Optional PSM Shelf Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureProcedural reference diagramsThe following diagrams help clarify certain steps in Procedure 2 -3 .Figure 2 -13 Hanger screw la y out for the optional PSM shelf136     Hanger Screw Layout for optional PSM ShelfHanger Screw   (Detail A)NOTE1.  All dimensions are in millimeters2. 1800 mm high rack shown. Dimension and hanger screw locations      are also applicable for the 1400 mm rack. ti-cdma-06011.eps            Detail A  Hanger Screw Extension72 -34 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 4: R ack Mounting the Optional PSM ShelfFigure 2 -14 Hanging the PSM shelfti-cdma-05869.epsPSM shelf keyholelocated on hanger screw NOTE1.  A keyhole/hanger screw is located on both the right and left sides.      Both keyholes/hanger screws should be engaged at the same time. 68P09283A62 -2 2 -35PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ame Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 5: Rack Mounting for Low -Capacity Frame■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of T ask 5 is to install the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly into an EIA 19 -inchrack.The UBS Macro carrier strip assembly contains all of the equipment required for configuring alow -capacity , +27 V DC starter frame. The layout of the equipment on the carrier strips allowscapacity expansion of the frame.The most common and preferred method is to install the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly intoan 1800 mm or 1400 mm high rack. This method requires that there be 600 mm of clearance onthe left and right sides of the rack.The UBS Macro carrier strip assembly requires a minimum of 27 R ack Units (RUs) ofcontinuous space.Required itemsThe following items are required:•UBS Macro carrier strip assembly•T ape measure with millimeter scale, capable measuring up to 1200 mm or with inch scale,capable measuring up to 48 inches; for measuring screw location heights on rack•T wenty -six (26) M5 x 12 mm screws for mounting the UBS carrier strip assembly - thesescrews are included in the STGN4034 Installation Kit that is packaged with the UBS Macrocarrier strip assembly•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driver•10 mm socket and ratchet2 -36 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ameProcedureProcedure 2 -4 gives the procedure for performing T ask 5.Procedure 2 -4 R ack Mounting the Low -Capacit y , +27 V DC UBS Macro B T S Assembly1Using a tape measure, measure mounting hanger screw location heights oneach side of the rack (see Figure 2-15 Hanger screw layout for UBS Macrocarrier strip assembly on page 2- 40 ). Measure down from the very top of therack. Mark the following screw locations:•95.25 mm (3.75 inches) for the top of the UBS Macro carrier stripassembly2P artially insert an M5 x 12 mm screw into each location marked on the rack.Leave the screw heads extending 7 mm out from the rack surface.3Move the pallet with the unpacked UBS Macro carrier strip assembly andsupport near the rack so as to allow movement on both sides of the supportand in front of the rack. Leave the carrier strip assembly on the support.4step 5 through step 7 are for the optional removal of the XMI from the UBSMacro carrier strip assembly . XMI removal should only be performed if theUBS Macro carrier strip assembly is too heavy for two people to lift.The preferred method is to skip the XMI removal steps and use asuitable device or 4 people to lift the assembly/carrier strips.The UBS Macro carrier strip assembly with the XMI installedweighs approximately 60 kg (132.3 lb) and the XMI weighs 23-28kg (50.7-61.7 lb) depending on the RF band.If you are skipping the XMI removal steps, go to step 8 . Otherwise, go tostep 5 .5Remove the XMI from the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly . Refer to thephotographs in Figure 2-16 Removing the XMI from the carrier strip assemblyon page 2- 41 . Disconnect all cables from the front of the XMI (see photographsA and B). Dress these disconnected cables away from the front of the XMI.6Using a T25 TORX driver , remove the four XMI mounting screws; two screwsat each of the top and bottom mounting tabs on the front of the module.Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -37PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ame Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureProcedure 2 -4 R ack Mounting the Low -Capacit y , +27 V DC UBS Macro B T S Assembly(Continued)7Using two hands, grasp the XMI by its handle and lift it straight up and outof the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly (see photographs C and D). Setthe XMI aside for later reinstallation.An XMI module that is not in a shelf should alw a ys be set on itsside and nev er on its edge. This will prev ent the XMI module fromtipping o v er and causing damage or injury .8The carrier strips allow up to four people to carefully lift the UBSMacro carrier strip assembly off the support and onto the rack. Theassembly can also be lifted via some mechanical aid (hoist, etc.)attached to the lifting loops on the ends of the carrier strips.F our people, two on each side, are needed to lift the carrier stripassembly with the XMI installed.T wo people, one on each side, are needed to lift the carrier stripassembly without the XMI installed.Lift the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly up and off of the support and ontothe rack (see Figure 2-17 Lifting and hanging the carrier strip assembly onthe rack (XMI shown removed) on page 2- 42 ).9Using the carrier strip hanger screws previously installed in the rack, alignthe top carrier strip keyhole slots with the two hanger screws. Hang thecarrier strip assembly on these two screws.10Insert a screw in the two bottom carrier strip keyhole slots (see Figure 2-18Carrier strip assembly keyhole screw locations on page 2- 43 ). Do not tightenthe screws in carrier strip keyhole slots.1 1Insert screws in the 22 open slots of the various shelves of the carrier stripassembly . Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten these 24 screws to 4.77 N-m(42 in-lb).12Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the four screws in carrier strip keyholeslots to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).13If the XMI was removed, go to step 14 .Continued2 -38 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ameProcedure 2 -4 R ack Mounting the Low -Capacit y , +27 V DC UBS Macro B T S Assembly(Continued)14Grasp the XMI by its handle with one hand and the XMI bottom edge with theother hand. Lift the XMI and fully insert it into slot 1 (left most slot) of the XMIshelf . See photograph A of Figure 2-19 Reinstalling the XMI on page 2- 44 .15Insert the four XMI mounting screws; two screws at each of the top andbottom mounting tabs on the front of the module. Using a T25 TORX driver ,tighten the screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).16Reconnect all cables to the XMI front panel.T o a v oid blocking exhaust air from the XMI, be certain that the XMIpower cable is routed to the outside of the XMI at the back of ther ack.See photographs B through D of Figure 2-19 Reinstalling the XMI on page2- 44 .17This step is optional and is only performed if there isa desire to remove the carrier strips from the frame.Remove the carrier strips from the frame as follows:•Using a 10 mm socket and ratchet, loosen and remove the 8 nuts thatsecure each carrier strip to the frame.•Remove the carrier strip.Procedural reference diagramsThe following diagrams help clarify certain steps in Procedure 2 -4 .•Figure 2 -15 Hanger screw layout for UBS Macro carrier strip assembly on page 2 - 40•Figure 2 -16 Removing the XMI from the carrier strip assembly on page 2 - 41•Figure 2 -17 Lifting and hanging the carrier strip assembly on the rack (XMI shownremoved) on page 2 - 42•Figure 2 -18 Carrier strip assembly keyhole screw locations on page 2 - 43•Figure 2 -19 Reinstalling the XMI on page 2 - 4468P09283A62 -2 2 -39PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ame Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -15 shows hanger screw layout used for mounting the UBS Macro carrier strip assemblyonto a 1400 mm or 1800 mm high EIA 19 -inch rack.Figure 2 -15 Hanger screw la y out for UBS Macro carrier strip assemblyHanger Screw Layout for UBS    Carrier Strip Assembly Hanger Screw(Detail A)NOTE1.  All dimensions are in millimeters2. 1800 mm high rack shown. Dimension and hanger screw locations are also applicable for the 1400 mm rack ti-cdma-06012.eps              Detail A  Hanger Screw Extension95.257 2 -40 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ameFigure 2 -16 shows the optional removal of the XMI from the UBS Macro carrier strip assemblyjust prior to rack mounting the carrier strip assembly .Figure 2 -16 R emo ving the XMI from the carrier strip assemblyti-cdma-06028.epsA BDC68P09283A62 -2 2 -41PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ame Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -17 shows two people lifting and hanging the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly onthe rack.Figure 2 -17 Lifting and hanging the carrier strip assembly on the r ack (XMI shownremo v ed)ti-cdma-06029.epsABC2 -42 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ameFigure 2 -18 shows the keyhole screw locations in a rack mounted UBS Macro carrier stripassembly .Figure 2 -18 Carrier strip assembly k eyhole screw locationsti-cdma-05870.epsBottom keyhole of carrier strip located on hanger screw NOTE1.  Another carrier strip keyhole/hanger screw is located at the top of the right side carrier strip/rack rail.      The left side carrier strip/rack rail has a top and bottom keyholes/hanger screws at the same heights as the right side.      All four keyholes/hanger screws should be engaged at the same time.68P09283A62 -2 2 -43PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 5: R ack Mounting for Low -Capacit y Fr ame Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -19 shows how to reinstall the XMI into the frame if the XMI was previously removedfrom the UBS Macro carrier strip assembly .Figure 2 -19 R einstalling the XMIti-cdma-06030.epsA BCD2 -44 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 6: Expanding the Low -capacit y Fr ameTask 6: Expanding the Low -capacity Frame■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■If the initial UBS Macro BTS installation is for a low -capacity frame configuration,skip this task and go to T ask 7: Cabling the Optional PSM Shelf on page 2 - 46 .P erform this task only if the initial UBS Macro BTS installation is for a mid -capacityframe configuration.ObjectiveThe objective of T ask 6 is to install the additional equipment required to expand the UBS MacroBTS low -capacity starter/expansion frame to the mid -capacity frame configuration.Currently a UBS Macro BTS low -capacity starter/expansion frame can only beexpanded to mid -capacity . In the future, the low -capacity starter/expansion framesand mid -capacity frames will be expandable to high -capacity .ProcedureGo to Chapter 3 Low -to -Mid Capacity Frame Expansion Procedures and perform all of theapplicable procedures for expanding the low -capacity UBS Macro BTS starter/expansion frameto the mid -capacity frame configuration.A fter all of the additional expansion equipment is installed, go to T ask 7: Cabling the OptionalPSM Shelf on page 2 - 46 and continue performing the remaining tasks in sequential order .68P09283A62 -2 2 -45PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 7: Cabling the Optional PSM Shelf Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 7: Cabling the Optional PSM Shelf■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objectives of this procedure are to perform T asks 7:•F or -48 V DC or 220 V AC UBS only .Connect the +27 V DC power output cable from the rear of the PSM shelf to the +27 V DCpower input cable on the rear of the PDU .•F or -48 V DC or 220 V AC UBS onlyConnect the 50 -conductor cable (supplied with PSM shelf) between the PSM shelf frontpanel ALARM/CONTROL connector and S SI front panel PSM connector .Required itemsThe following items are required:•50 -conductor cable (supplied with PSM shelf)•Flat blade screw driverProcedureProcedure 2 -5 gives the procedure for performing T ask 7.Procedure 2 -5 Procedure for T ask 71Connect the +27 V DC power output cable from the rear of the PSM shelfto the +27 V DC power input cable on the rear of the PDU . Mate Orangeconnectors together .2Connect the 50-conductor cable (supplied with PSM shelf) between the PSMshelf front panel ALARM/CONTROL connector and S SI front panel PSMconnector . Refer to Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4 for the connector locations onthe PSM shelf front panel and on the S SI.2 -46 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 8 -9: Connecting TX/RX AntennasTasks 8 -9: Connecting TX/RX Antennas■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objectives of performing T asks 8 -9 are as follows:•Install the external antenna cables to the Integrated Duplexer RX Filters (IDRFs).•Install terminators on the IDRFs.The site configuration/characteristics determines the IDRF usage.Required itemsThe following items are required:•External TX and RX 50 Ohm coaxial cables with type N connectors (customer supplied)•0.25 W , 50 Ohm, SMA -type male terminators (customer supplied) for unused directionalcoupler port connectors•50 W N -type male terminator (customer supplied) for unused TX/RX connectors•SMA breakover wrench•19 mm open–end hex wrench (N–type connector)Location of antenna connectorsThe top view of Figure 2 -1 and Figure 2 -2 show the location of the UBS Macro BTS antennaconnectors on the top of the IDRF .ProcedureThe procedure for performing the T asks 8 -9 is as follows.Procedure 2 -6 Procedure for T asks 8 -91Route the customer supplied TX/RX main and RX diversity antenna cablesto the top of the Integrated Duplexer RX Filters (IDRFs), located at thetop of the frame.Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -47PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 8 -9: Connecting TX/RX Antennas Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureProcedure 2 -6 Procedure for T asks 8 -9 (Continued)2Connect each antenna cable to the corresponding IDRF type N connector .Refer to Figure 2-1 or Figure 2-2 , whichever is applicable, for the location ofthe UBS Macro BTS antenna connectors on the top of the IDRF . Using a 19mm open–end hex wrench, tighten the cable connectors to 4.3 N-m (38 in-lb).The IDRFs are not labeled for a sector . T o determine the sectorfor each IDRF , look at the color code of the XMI TX and RX cablesconnected to the bottom of the IDFR. Refer to T able 2-2 for themapping of the cable color to the sector (Red = sector 1, Blue =sector 2, Y ellow = sector 3). The sectors can also be determinedby tracing those XMI cables back to the XMI TX and RX ports,which are labeled as TX1 and RX1 for sector 1, TX2 and RX2 forsector 2, and TX3 and RX3 for sector 3.3Connect customer supplied 0.25 W , 50 Ohm, SMA-type terminators to anyunused directional coupler port connectors on the top of the IDRFs.4F or any unused TX/RX connector on an IDRF , install a 50 W N-typeterminator (customer supplied).2 -48 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer AlarmsTasks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS, Spans, CustomerAlarms■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe S SI pro vides only secondary surge protection for the RGPS and T1/E1 spanconnections. The customer is responsible for pro viding primary surge protection.The objectives of performing T asks 10–13 are as follows:•Install RGPS cable AA between the RGPS cable lightning arrester and UBS Macro BTS .•Install T1/E1 balanced Span I/O cable (W) between the UBS Macro BTS the site span lineinterconnect equipment.•Install E1 unbalanced Span I/O coaxial cables (customer supplied) between the UBS MacroBTS the site span line interconnect equipment.•Install Customer Alarm Input/Output (IP/OP) cables (X) between the UBS Macro BTS theCustomer IP/OP interconnect equipment.The site configuration/characteristics determines whether the cables in T asks 10 -13 are to beinstalled.Cabling optionsThe site characteristics determine the use of cables AA, W and X.The RGPS cable (AA) is optional and used only when the optional RGPS head is used.The T1/E1 balanced Span I/O cable (W) can carry up to 8 spans, but the UBS Macro BTScurrently supports only up to 4 spans. This is also true for E1 unbalanced Span I/O coaxialcables (customer supplied).F or Span I/O cable (W), the minimum size of span line wires is 26 A WG .The usage and quantity of Customer Alarm Input/Output (IP/OP) cables (X) is determined by thecustomer .68P09283A62 -2 2 -49PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer Alarms Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureRequired itemsThe following items are required:•Cable AA - P art number 3086433H12•Cable W - P art number CGDS19797321•Cable X - P art number CGDS19797321All S SI cable connectors with jack -screws require a flat -blade driver and should betightened to 1.02 N -m (9 in -lb).Location of cables AA, W and XFigure 2 -3 shows the connector locations on the front panel of the S SI for: RGPS cable (AA),T1/E1 balanced span line cable (W), E1 unbalanced span line coaxial cables, and customeralarm cable (X).The optional RGPS cable (AA) has a 15 -pin D -connector on one end that connects to the RGPSconnector , located on the front of the S SI. The other cable end has loose wires. This end isrouted to the RGPS lightning arrester , where the wires connect. Refer to Figure 2 -6 throughFigure 2 -11 ,T able 2 -9 and T able 2 -10 for RGPS cable (AA) details.Details for cables (W) and (X ) are provided in this task section.Balanced T1/E1 cable (W) detailsFigure 2 -20 and T able 2 -11 show the pin and signal information for cable W .Figure 2 -20 T1/E1 balanced span line cable (W) pin numberingti-cdma-05692.epsLOOSE WIRES, NO CONNECTOR37-Pin-Type   (Male)119 3720Figure 2 -20 shows E1 unbalanced 75 -Ohm BNC connectors and labeling on the daughter card.2 -50 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer AlarmsT able 2 -11 also shows the correlation between spans and the E1 unbalanced Span I/O coaxialBNC connectors.Table 2 -11 T1/E1 I/O cable W (span) signal and pin informationT1/E1 Balanced Span 36-CondShielded T wisted Pair Cable (W)37-Pin D-Sub ConnectorE1 Unbalanced75-Ohm Coaxial CableBNC Connection(RING is GND/shield)SpannumberSignal namePinW ire ColorTX1_TIP 1White/BlueTX1_RING 20Blue/WhiteTX1RX1_TIP 12Black/Orange1RX1_RING 30Orange/BlackRX1TX2_TIP 2White/OrangeTX2_RING 21Orange/WhiteTX2RX2_TIP 13Black/Green2RX2_RING 31Green/BlackRX2TX3_TIP 3White/GreenTX3_RING 22Green/WhiteTX3RX3_TIP 14Black/Brown3RX3_RING 32Brown/BlackRX3TX4_TIP 4White/BrownTX4_RING 23Brown/WhiteTX4RX4_TIP 15Black/Gray4RX4_RING 33Gray/BlackRX4TX5_TIP 5White/GrayTX5_RING 24Gray/WhiteTX5RX5_TIP16Y ellow/Blue5RX5_RING 34Blue/Y ellowRX5TX6_TIP 6Red/BlueTX6_RING 25Blue/RedTX6RX6_TIP 17Y ellow/Orange6RX6_RING 35Orange/Y ellowRX6TX7_TIP 7Red/OrangeTX7_RING 26Orange/RedTX7RX7_TIP18Y ellow/Green7RX7_RING 36Green/Y ellowRX7Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -51PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer Alarms Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTable 2 -11 T1/E1 I/O cable W (span) signal and pin information (Continued)T1/E1 Balanced Span 36-CondShielded T wisted Pair Cable (W)37-Pin D-Sub ConnectorE1 Unbalanced75-Ohm Coaxial CableBNC Connection(RING is GND/shield)SpannumberSignal namePinW ire ColorTX8_TIP 8Red/GreenTX8_RING 27Green/RedTX8RX8_TIP 19Y ellow/Brown8RX8_RING 37Brown/Y ellowRX8Ground9Red/BrownGround28Brown/RedNotConnected10Ground11Black/BlueGround29Blue/BlackCustomer alarm input/output (IP/OP) cable (X) detailsAlarm connectorsThere are two ALARM connectors on the UBS Macro S SI:•CUSTOMER IP 1 -12 OP 1 -4 connector•CUSTOMER IP 13 -24 OP 5 -8 connectorEach ALARM connector provides 12 inputs and 4 outputs. A total of 24 inputs and 8 outputs areavailable.FunctionALARM connectors provide for Customer Defined Alarm Inputs and Outputs. The customer canconnect BTS site alarm input sensors and output devices to the UBS Macro BTS , thus providingalarm reporting of active sensors as well as controlling output devices.The S SI detects signals from customer input sensors and reports the detected signals to theDMI controller , which in turn reports the detected alarm to the OMC -R, where it is displayed asdefined by the customer .The S SI also provides switched relay contacts to customer output devices. The S SI controlsrelay contacts according to output control signals from the DMI controller , in response tocustomer defined commands entered at the OMC -R.2 -52 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer AlarmsInput connectionsEach input consists of a wire/pin pair (that is, input/Gnd). T o ensure proper operation, eachpair to be used must be connected to an external sensor that provides a dry -contact closure.The customer sensor output connects between an optically isolated 5 V DC signal and anisolated return.F or an OPEN circuit (logic 0) between pins:•There is 10 K Ohms or greater across the input pair .•The signal to ground voltage is +5 V DC .F or a CLOSED circuit (logic 1) between pins:•There is 1 K Ohms or less across the input pair .•The signal to ground current is a maximum of 9 mA.Either of the above states can be defined by the customer in system software as an alarmcondition.Output connectionsEach output consists of 3 -wires/pins:•COM•NC•NOThe customer output device control inputs connect between the common (COM) and either thenormally closed (NC) or normally open (NO) contacts of a relay . The NC and NO state for relaycontacts occurs when the relay coil is not energized.Relay contacts are load rated for a maximum of 1 A at 24 V DC and 0.5 A at 50 V DC .The toggling of relay contacts to the opposite state is controlled by system software.Pins and signalsFigure 2 -21 ,T able 2 -12 and T able 2 -13 show the pin and signal information for cable X.68P09283A62 -2 2 -53PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer Alarms Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -21 Customer alarm cable (X) pin numberingti-cdma-05692.epsLOOSE WIRES, NO CONNECTOR37-Pin-Type   (Male)119 3720Table 2 -12 Customer alarm cable (X) pinout for customer IP 1 -12 OP 1 -437-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color37PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color1 CustomerInput 1White/Blue20Input 1 Gnd Blue/White2 CustomerInput 2White/Orange21Input 2 Gnd Orange/White3 CustomerInput 3White/Green22Input 3 Gnd Green/White4 CustomerInput 4White/Brown23Input 4 Gnd Brown/White5CustomerInput 5White/Gray24Input 5 Gnd Gray/White6 CustomerInput 6Red/Blue25Input 6 Gnd Blue/Red7CustomerInput 7Red/Orange26Input 7 Gnd Orange/Red8 CustomerInput 8Red/Green27Input 8 Gnd Green/Red9 CustomerInput 9Red/Brown28Input 9 Gnd Brown/Red10NotConnected29 CustomerOutput NC1Blue/Black11 CustomerOutputNO 1Black/Blue30 CustomerOutputCommon 1Orange/Black12 CustomerOutputNO 2Black/Orange31 CustomerOutputCommon 2Green/BlackContinued2 -54 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer AlarmsTable 2 -12 Customer alarm cable (X) pinout for customer IP 1 -12 OP 1 -4 (Continued)37-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color37PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color13 CustomerOutputNC 2Black/Green32 CustomerOutput NC3Brown/Black14 CustomerOutputNO 3Black/Brown33 CustomerOutputCommon 3Gray/Black15 CustomerOutputNO 4Black/Gray34 CustomerOutputCommon 4Blue/Y ellow16 CustomerOutputNC 4Y ellow/Blue17 CustomerInput 10Y ellow/Orange35 Input 10GndOrange/Y ellow18 CustomerInput 11Y ellow/Green36 Input 11GndGreen/Y ellow19 CustomerInput 12Y ellow/Brown37 Input 12GndBrown/Y ellowTable 2 -13 Customer alarm cable (X) pinout for customer IP 13 -24 OP 5 -837-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color37-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color1 CustomerInput 13White/Blue20 Input 13GndBlue/White2 CustomerInput 14White/Orange21 Input 14GndOrange/White3 CustomerInput 15White/Green22 Input 15GndGreen/White4 CustomerInput 16White/Brown23 Input 16GndBrown/White5CustomerInput 17White/Gray24 Input 17GndGray/White6 CustomerInput 18Red/Blue25 Input 18GndBlue/Red7CustomerInput 19Red/Orange26 Input 19GndOrange/Red8 CustomerInput 20Red/Green27 Input 20GndGreen/Red9 CustomerInput 21Red/Brown28 Input 21GndBrown/RedContinued68P09283A62 -2 2 -55PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer Alarms Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTable 2 -13 Customer alarm cable (X) pinout for customer IP 13 -24 OP 5 -8(Continued)37-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color37-PinD-Sub PinnumberSignalDescriptionW ire Color10NotConnected29 CustomerOutput NC 5Blue/Black11 CustomerOutput NO 5Black/Blue30 CustomerOutputCommon 5Orange/Black12 CustomerOutput NO 6Black/Orange31 CustomerOutputCommon 6Green/Black13 CustomerOutput NC 6Black/Green32 CustomerOutput NC 7Brown/Black14 CustomerOutput NO 7Black/Brown33 CustomerOutputCommon 7Gray/Black15 CustomerOutput NO 8Black/Gray34 CustomerOutputCommon 8Blue/Y ellow16 CustomerOutput NC 8Y ellow/Blue17 CustomerInput 22Y ellow/Orange35 Input 22GndOrange/Y ellow18 CustomerInput 23Y ellow/Green36 Input 23GndGreen/Y ellow19 CustomerInput 24Y ellow/Brown37 Input 24GndBrown/Y ellowProcedureP erform T asks 10 -13 as given in Procedure 2 -7 .Procedure 2 -7 Procedure for T asks 10 -131Connect the 15-pin D -connector end of cable (AA) to the RGPS connector onthe front of the S SI. Refer to Figure 2-3 for the connector location on the S SI.2Route the loose end of cable (AA) to the RGPS lightning arrester and connectthe wires there. Refer to Figure 2-6 through Figure 2-11 ,T able 2-9 andT able 2-10 .3F or T1/E1 balanced span line connections, go to step 4 . F or E1 unbalancedspan line connections, go to step 7 .Continued2 -56 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T asks 10 -13: Connecting RGPS , Spans, Customer AlarmsProcedure 2 -7 Procedure for T asks 10 -13 (Continued)4Connect the 37-pin D -connector end of cable (W) to the SP AN connector onthe front of the S SI. Refer to Figure 2-3 for the connector location on the S SI.5Route the loose end of cable (W) to the customer span line interconnectequipment and connect the wires. Refer to T able 2-11 .The UBS Macro BTS currently supports only up to 4 spans.6Go to step 9 .7Connect E1 unbalanced Span I/O coaxial cables (customer supplied) tothe corresponding BNC connector on the S SI E1 daughter card. Referto Figure 2-3 for the BNC connector locations on the S SI. Also, refer toT able 2-11 for correlation between spans and the E1 unbalanced span I/Ocoaxial BNC connectors.8Route the other ends of the span I/O coaxial cables to the customer span lineinterconnect equipment and connect the cables.The UBS Macro BTS currently only supports up to 4 spans.9Connect the 37-pin D -connector of the Customer Alarm Input/Output (IP/OP)cables (X) to the corresponding CUSTOMER IP 1-12 OP 1-4 connector andCUSTOMER IP 13-24 OP 5-8 connector on the front of the S SI.10Route the loose end of cable (X) to the Customer IP/OP interconnectequipment and connect the wires. Refer to Figure 2-3 for the CUSTOMERIP/OP connector locations on the S SI. Also, refer to T able 2-12 andT able 2-13 .68P09283A62 -2 2 -57PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 14: Connecting +27 V DC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 14: Connecting +27 V DC Power■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveT ask 14 is performed for +27 V DC UBS Macro BTS only .The objective of this procedure is to perform T ask 14, which includes:•A ttaching the contact/lugs, connector and cable clamp on the +27 V DC power inputcable wires.•Connecting the +27 V DC input power cable to the rear of the PDU .•Routing the loose ends of the wires to the site +27 V DC source for connection.Frame power cables and connector informationThe wire gauge (that is, diameter) depends on the required length of the DC power cable (DC).Refer to T able 2 -8 for the correct wire size.The DC connector contact/lug size depends on the wire gauge used for the DC power cable (DC).Refer to T able 2 -14 for DC connector contact/lug part information.In order to minimize current imbalance between the feed (+V) and return ( -V) wires used inthe cable:•Ensure that the wire size, length and gage, of each wire used in the cable are the same.•Ensure that contacts/lugs used in the connector are identical and match the gauge ofthe wire.Motorola recommends using 2/0 A WG cables for short cable runs; less than 661.11cm (21.69 ft).Table 2 -14 +27 V DC connector (Or ange) parts informationItem Description Part NumberQtyOrange DC connector housing Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 932, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-00971 per +27 V DC power feedContinued2 -58 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 14: Connecting +27 V DC P owerTable 2 -14 +27 V DC connector (Or ange) parts information (Continued)Item Description Part NumberQtyA WG 2/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 907, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05002 per DC connector housingA WG 3/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 916, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05022 per DC connector housingA WG 4/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 908, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05042 per DC connector housingCable clamp for two singleconductors with hardwareAnderson P ower Products MfrP art# 996G11 per +27 V DC power feedRequired itemsThe following items are required:•One +27 V DC P ower Input Cable (DC) - customer supplied. The wire size, length andgauge, used for cable (DC) depends on site characteristics (see T able 2 -8 ).Motorola recommends the use of Red wire for feed (+V) and Black wire forreturn ( -V).•T wo contacts/lugs – customer supplied. Contact/lug fastens to wire end and is inserted intoDC connector housing. F or contact/lug part number (refer to T able 2 -14 ). Contact/lug sizemust match the gauge of the wire being used.•One DC connector housing – customer supplied. Use Anderson SB350 connector housing(Orange color) or equivalent.•DC connector cable clamps for power cable (see T able 2 -14 or T able 2 -15 for partinformation).•Crimper tool - Anderson P ower Products part number 1368 - Hydraulic hand tool,maximum cable size of 300 MCM•W ire stripper/cutters.•Digital Multi -Meter (DMM) Fluke Model 8062A with Y8134 test lead kit or equivalent; usedfor precision DC and AC measurements, requiring 4 -1/2 digits.68P09283A62 -2 2 -59PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 14: Connecting +27 V DC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedurePower cabling and tie down requirementsT o control the inductance at the BTS DC power input due to the spacing between wires usedin the +27 V DC P ower Input Cable (DC), the feed (+V) and return ( -V) wires must be boundtogether at intervals of 1 meter or less. Refer to Figure 2 -22 .Figure 2 -22 +27 V DC power input cable (DC) wire tie -wr ap exampleti-cdma-05693.epsTIE ALL CABLES AT 1 METER INTERVALS+27 V Power SourceBREAKER 1+27 V DCPDU (Top View)FRONTREAR+27 V DC- 0 V DC+27 V DC Power Input Connector (ORANGE)- 0 V DCContact/lug, DC connector housing and PDU input powerFigure 2 -23 shows the lugs and DC connector housing. This figure also shows the location atwhich the +27 V DC Input P ower Cable (DC) connects to the rear of the PDU .2 -60 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 14: Connecting +27 V DC P owerFigure 2 -23 +27 V DC power input cable (DC) connector and connection to PDUti-cdma-05694.epsPDU(rear view, shownpartially cut away)ConnectorHousing(Orange)(+)(-)(-)Crimp-onContact/Lugs+27 VDC PowerInput (Orange)RED Wire(Typical)(+)2-Wire +27 VDCPower Cable(Customer Supplied)BLACK WIRE(Typical)Cable ClampProcedureP erform the T ask 14 as given in Procedure 2 -8 .•Do not wear a wrist str ap when servicing the power supplies or power distributioncabling.•Ensure that the source for the DC power is in the OFF position.•Ensure that all of the PDU circuit break ers are OFF .Procedure 2 -8 Procedure for T ask 141Ensure that the BTS ground cable (DD) is connected between the rack andthe Master Ground Bar (refer to T ask 3).Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -61PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 14: Connecting +27 V DC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureProcedure 2 -8 Procedure for T ask 14 (Continued)2Ensure that the +27 V DC P ower Input Cable (DC) is NOT connected to themain +27 V DC power source. Turn OFF the main +27 V DC power source.3Remove the components from the DC connector package.4Strip 35 mm of insulation from the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wires ofthe power cable.5Place a DC contact/lug on the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wires of thepower cable. Refer to Figure 2-23 .6Using the appropriate crimping tool, crimp the DC contact/lug on to thewires.7Observe the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wire polarities and insert theDC contacts/lugs into the DC connector housing until an audible click isheard. Refer to Figure 2-23 .8V erify the positive (+V) wire is installed in the positive position and thenegative (- V) wire is installed in the negative (-) position on the connectorhousing.9Ensure that the wires are firmly fastened to the DC connector housing.10Tie the positive (+V) and negative (- V) wires of the cable together as shownin Figure 2-22 .1 1Route the loose end of the +27 V DC P ower Input Cable (DC) to the site +27V DC source and connect the wires to the source.12V erify that proper polarity is maintained from the +27 V DC power source tothe UBS Macro BTS .13Use a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) to measure the voltageof the DC connector housing that was installed in step 7 .P erform the following:•Set the DMM to measure 27 V DC .•Connect the DMM negative (GND/common) lead to the (-) terminal ofthe cable connector .•Connect the DMM positive lead to the (+) terminal of the cableconnector .14Turn on the main +27 V DC power source.15Observe the DMM and verify that the voltage is nominally +27 V (range =+26 to +28 V).16Turn off the main +27 V DC power source.17Disconnect the DMM from the cable connector .18Connect +27 V DC P ower Input Cable (DC) connector to the +27 V DCinput power cable on the rear of the PDU ; Orange connectors mate. Referto Figure 2-23 .2 -62 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 15: Connecting -48 V DC P owerTask 15: Connecting -48 V DC Power■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveT ask 15 is performed for -48 V DC UBS Macro BTS only .The objective of this procedure is to perform T ask 15, which includes:•A ttaching the contact/lugs and connector on the -48 V DC power input cable wires.•Connecting the -48 V DC input power cable to the rear of the -48 V DC PSM shelf .•Routing the loose ends of the wires to the site -48 V DC source for connection to the source.V erify that the +27 V DC output power cable from the PSM shelf is alreadyconnected to the PDU +27 V DC input power cable. This was performed duringT asks 4 -7.Frame power cables and connector informationThe wire gauge (that is, diameter) depends on the required length of the DC power cable (CC).Refer to T able 2 -8 for the correct wire size.The DC connector contact/lug size depends on the wire gauge used for the DC power cable (CC).Refer to T able 2 -15 for DC connector contact/lug part information.In order to minimize current imbalance between the feed ( -V) and return (+V) wires used inthe cable:•Ensure that the wire size, length and gauge, of each wire used in the cable are the same.•Ensure that contacts/lugs used in the connector are identical and match the gauge ofthe wire.Motorola recommends using 2/0 A WG cables for short cable runs; less than 661.11cm (21.69 ft).68P09283A62 -2 2 -63PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 15: Connecting -48 V DC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTable 2 -15 –48 V DC connector (Blue) parts informationItem Description Part NumberQtyBlue DC connector housing Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 912, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-04921 per –48 V DC power feedA WG 2/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 907, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05002 per DC connector housingA WG 3/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 916, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05022 per DC connector housingA WG 4/0 connector contact/lug Anderson P ower Products MfrP art# 908, or Allied ElectronicsStk# 803-05042 per DC connector housingCable clamp for two singleconductors with hardwareAnderson P ower Products MfrP art# 996G11 per –48 V DC power feedRequired itemsThe following items are required:•One -48 V DC P ower Input Cable (CC) - customer supplied. The wire size, length andgauge, used for cable (CC) depends on site characteristics (see T able 2 -8 ).Motorola recommends the use of blue wire for feed ( -V) and black wire forreturn (+V).•T wo Contacts/Lugs – customer supplied. Contact/lug fastens to wire end and is insertedinto DC connector housing. F or contact/lug part number (refer to T able 2 -15 ). Contact/lugsize must match the gage of the wire being used.•One DC Connector Housing – supplied with UBS BTS . Use Anderson SB350 connectorhousing (blue color) or equivalent.•Crimper tool - Anderson P ower Products part number 1368 - Hydraulic hand tool,maximum cable size of 300 MCM•W ire stripper/cutters.•Digital Multi -Meter (DMM) Fluke Model 8062A with Y8134 test lead kit or equivalent; usedfor precision DC and AC measurements, requiring 4 -1/2 digits.2 -64 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 15: Connecting -48 V DC P owerPower cabling and tie down requirementsT o control the inductance at the BTS DC power input due to the spacing between wires usedin the -48 V DC P ower Input Cable (CC), the feed ( -V) and return (+V) wires must be boundtogether at intervals of 1 meter or less. Refer to Figure 2 -24 .Figure 2 -24 48 V DC power input cable (CC) wire tie -wr ap exampleti-cdma-05695.epsTIE ALL CABLES AT 1 METER INTERVALS-48 V Power SourceBREAKER 1-48 V DC -48 V DC PSM SHELF         (Top View)-48 V DC Power Input Connector (BLUE)+27 V DC Power Output Connector (ORANGE)+0 V DC+0 V DCREARFRONT-48 V DCContact/lug, DC connector housing and PDU input powerFigure 2 -25 shows the lugs and DC connector housing. This figure also shows the location atwhich the -48 V DC Input P ower Cable (CC) connects to the rear of the PDU .68P09283A62 -2 2 -65PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 15: Connecting -48 V DC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -25 48 V DC power input cable (CC) connector and connection to PSM shelfti-cdma-05696.eps-48 VDC PSM SHELF(rear view, shown partially cut away)ConnectorHousing (Blue)(+)(-)(-)???Crimp-onContact/Lugs-48 VDC PowerInput (Blue)(+)2-Wire -48 VDCPower Cable(Customer Supplied)BLACK Wire(Typical)BLUE Wire(Typical)+27 VDC PowerOutput Cable (To PDU)Cable ClampProcedureP erforming T ask 15 as given in Procedure 2 -9 .•Do not wear a wrist str ap when servicing the power supplies or power distributioncabling.•Ensure that the source for the DC power is in the OFF position.•Ensure that all of the PDU circuit break ers are OFF .2 -66 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 15: Connecting -48 V DC P owerProcedure 2 -9 Procedure for T ask 151Ensure that the BTS ground cable (DD) is connected between the rack andthe Master Ground Bar (refer to T ask 3).2Ensure that the -48 V DC P ower Input Cable (CC) is NOT connected to themain -48 V DC power source. Turn OFF the main -48 V DC power source.3Remove the components from the DC connector package.4Strip 35 mm of insulation from the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wires ofthe power cable.5Place a DC contact/lug on the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wires of thepower cable. Refer to Figure 2-25 .6Using the appropriate crimping tool, crimp the DC contact/lug on to thewires.7Observe the negative (- V) and positive (+V) wire polarities and insert theDC contacts/lugs into the DC connector housing until a click sound is heard.Refer to Figure 2-25 .8V erify the positive (+V) wire is installed in the positive position and thenegative (- V) wire is installed in the negative (-) position on the connectorhousing.9Ensure that the wires are firmly fastened to the DC connector housing.10Tie the positive (+V) and negative (- V) wires of the cable together as shownin Figure 2-24 .1 1Route the loose end of the -48 V DC P ower Input Cable (CC) to the site -48 VDC source and connect the wires to the source.12V erify that proper polarity is maintained from the -48 V DC power source tothe UBS Macro BTS .13Use a Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) to measure the voltageof the DC connector housing that was installed in step 7 .P erform the following:•Set the DMM to measure 48 V DC .•Connect the DMM negative (GND/common) lead to the (-) terminal ofthe cable connector .•Connect the DMM positive lead to the (+) terminal of the cableconnector .14Turn on the main –48 V DC power source.15Observe the DMM and verify that the voltage is nominally +48 V (range =+40 to +60 V).16Turn off the main –48 V DC power source.17Disconnect the DMM from the cable connector .18Connect -48 V DC P ower Input Cable (CC) connector to the -48 V DC inputpower connector on the rear of the PSM shelf; blue connectors mate. Referto Figure 2-25 .68P09283A62 -2 2 -67PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 16: Connecting 220 V AC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureTask 16: Connecting 220 V AC Power■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveT ask 16 is performed for 220 V AC UBS Macro BTS only .The objective of this procedure is to perform T ask 16, which includes:•A ttaching customer supplied wiring and conduit for 220 V AC lines.•Connecting wires and required insertion bridges to the AC INP UT terminal block on therear of the AC PSM shelf .•Routing the loose ends of the wires to the site 220 V AC source for connection to the source.V erify that the +27 V DC output power cable from the PSM shelf is alreadyconnected to the PDU +27 V DC input power cable. This was performed duringT asks 4 -7.Frame AC power cables and wiring informationThe AC PSM shelf and AC PSMs can operate with the following AC power inputs:•Input AC V oltage R ange: 154 V AC to 300 V AC•Single -Phase•3 -Phase ST AR•3 -Phase DEL T AConsider the following AC power input circuit characteristics:•The AC PSM shelf terminal block has seven terminals; one for Ground plus six for ACline wires and insertion bridges.•The AC PSM shelf terminal block Ground terminal can accommodate a wire size range of2 A WG to 10 A WG .•The AC PSM shelf terminal block AC line terminals can accommodate a wire size range of2 A WG to 10 A WG .2 -68 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 16: Connecting 220 V AC P ower•Input AC cable sizing should be determined by Local Electrical Codes, using 90 C minimumrated conductors, and de–rating for 50 C operation.•The customer must provide a disconnect device and an over current protection device forthe AC circuit supplying the UBS Macro BTS . A circuit breaker size of 30 Amperes isrecommended, or as appropriate set by Local Electrical Code.Required itemsThe following items are required:•Conduit - customer supplied•W ire for Ground and AC lines - customer supplied•Insertion bridges – supplied with AC PSM shelf; two 3 -position bridges and three 2 -positionbridges•T20 TORX bit with 12 -inch extension•Flat blade screwdriver•W ire stripper/cuttersAC PSM shelf AC power input detailFigure 2 -26 shows the location of the AC PSM shelf AC power input terminals and wiringdetails for:•Single -Phase•3 -Phase ST AR•3 -Phase DEL T A68P09283A62 -2 2 -69PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 16: Connecting 220 V AC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureFigure 2 -26 AC PSM shelf AC power input terminal block and wiring detailsti-cdma-05697.eps                         AC PSM Shelf(rack mounted, rear view, shown partially cut away)+27 VDC PowerOutput Connectorfor Battery BackupAC Input Terminal Block Protective                     Cover Box (See Detail A for Wiring Configurations)Conduit/WireEntry Hole2 Screws On Each SideSecure Protective Cover   Box To PSM ShelfDetail A - AC Input Terminal Wiring Configurations (protective cover box removed)Single-PhaseGroundGroundGroundAC Input Terminal Block(terminal screw access       holes on top)  Two 3-positionInsertion BridgesOne 3-positionInsertion BridgeThree 2-positionInsertion Bridges3-Phase  STAR3-Phase  DELTAL3     L2     L1    NL3         L1          L2      L1         N2 -70 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation T ask 16: Connecting 220 V AC P owerProcedureP erform T ask 16 as given in Procedure 2 -10 .•Do not wear a wrist str ap while servicing the power supplies or power distributioncabling.•Ensure that the source for the AC power is in the OFF position.•Ensure that all of the PDU circuit break ers are OFF .Procedure 2 -10 Procedure for T ask 161Set the source for the AC voltage to the OFF position.2Ensure that the BTS ground cable (DD) is connected between the rack andthe Master Ground Bar (refer to T ask 3).3On the rear of the PSM shelf , locate the AC input terminal block cover box.Using a TORX T20 bit and driver , remove the 4 screws securing the coverbox to the PSM shelf (refer to Figure 2-26 ).4Remove the cover box from the PSM shelf to expose the AC input terminalblock.5A ttach conduit to the cover box.6Route the AC wires and the earth ground wire through the conduit and thecover box. Leave wires extending to reach the AC input terminal block.7Strip 25 mm of insulation from each of the AC supply line wires and theearth ground wire.8Locate the ground terminal on the AC input terminal block (refer toFigure 2-25 ).9Using a flat blade screwdriver , turn the ground terminal screw counterclockwise (CCW) until the terminal is fully open. Insert the earth groundwire into the ground terminal. Turn the ground terminal screw clockwise(CW) to close the terminal and secure the wire. Tighten the terminal screwto 4.0 - 4.5 N-m (35 - 40 in-lb).10Determine if the AC input terminal block already has insertion bridgesproperly installed for the desired AC supply configuration:•Single-Phase•3-Phase ST AR•3-Phase DEL T ARefer to Figure 2-26 as needed.Continued68P09283A62 -2 2 -71PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
T ask 16: Connecting 220 V AC P ower Chapter 2: UBS Macro B T S Installation ProcedureProcedure 2 -10 Procedure for T ask 16 (Continued)1 1Open the six line terminals as follows:•Insert a flat blade screwdriver into each screw hole on top of theterminal block.•Turn the terminal screw CCW until the terminal is fully open..F ailure to fully open the terminals can cause improper placementof the insertion bridges in later steps.12Place an insertion bridge into the proper terminals. While holding thebridge with one hand, turn the corresponding terminal screws CW until thebridge is securely clamped.13Repeat step 12 for any remaining terminals requiring an insertion bridge.14Connect the AC supply line wires to the proper terminals as follows:•Insert a flat blade screwdriver into the appropriate screw hole on topof the terminal block.•Turn the terminal screw CCW until the terminal is fully open.•Insert the appropriate wire into the terminal.•While holding the wire with one hand, turn the corresponding terminalscrew CW until the wire is securely clamped. Tighten the terminalscrew to 4.0 - 4.5 N-m (35 - 40 in-lb).Refer to Figure 2-26 as needed.15Repeat step 14 for any unconnected AC supply line wires.16V isually inspect all insertion bridge(s) and wires for proper placement. Allconductors must be inside the clamp of each terminal block.17Place the cover box, with conduit attached, in position over the AC inputterminal block.18Insert the 4 screws to secure the cover box to the PSM shelf . Ensure thatthe wires are not pinched.19Using a TORX T20 bit and driver , tighten the 4 screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 -16 in-lb).20Complete the installation of the AC wiring at the AC P ower source.2 -72 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
C h a p t e r3Low -to -Mid Capacity Frame ExpansionProcedures■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■The R20 UBS Macro BTS supports single band 800 MHz or 1.9 GHz RF band, up totwo XMIs, up to two DMIs and one S SI. UBS Macro BTS frame configurations with upto four XMIs and up to five DMIs will be available in the future.68P09283A62 -2 3 -1A UG 2007 PRELIMINARY
Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion Ov erview Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresLow -to -Mid Capacity Frame Expansion Overview■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■This chapter provides information and procedures needed for expanding the low -capacity UBSMacro BTS starter/expansion frame to the mid -capacity frame configuration.The mid -capacity frame consists of the low -capacity frame equipment plus the followingadditional expansion equipment:•second XMI, required.•second DMI, required.•circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies; one required for each of the following:second XMI and second DMI.•second set of IDRFs, required.•optional RX splitter or RX share cable.•second/third PSM, required for –48 V or 220 V AC only . T wo PSMs are required for the midcapacity configuration and the third PSM is for redundancy .Cabling of the RX splitter to the XMIs will be performed after all of the additional expansionequipment (i.e., XMI, DMI, S SI, circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies, etc.) isinstalled in the frame.How to use this chapterTypically the installer is directed to this chapter via T ask 6: Expanding the Low -capacity Frameon page 2 - 45 of Chapter 2 UBS Macro BTS Installation Procedure .P erform all of the applicable procedures, in this chapter , for expanding the low -capacity UBSMacro BTS starter/expansion frame to the mid -capacity frame configuration.A fter all of the additional expansion equipment is installed, go to T ask 7: Cabling the OptionalPSM Shelf on page 2 - 46 of Chapter 2 UBS Macro BTS Installation Procedure , and continueperforming the remaining tasks in sequential order .3 -2 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding Circuit Break ers/Connectors to PDUAdding Circuit Breakers/Connectors to PDU■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to install additional circuit breaker/output power connectorassemblies in the PDU . These additional circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies arerequired to allow the PDU to provide DC power to the expansion equipment being added tothe UBS Macro BTS frame.The circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies are located on the PDU front panel.Each circuit breaker/output power connector assembly is arranged so that the circuit breakeris just below the corresponding DC output power connector .The PDU can be equipped with the following circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies:•up to four 90A for XMI 1 – XMI 4•up to five 20A for DMI 1 – DMI 5•up to two 20A for S SI 1 – S SI 2•up to two 10A for accessory groups ACC 1 – ACC 2The PDU in the UBS Macro BTS low -capacity starter/expansion frame is already equipped withthe following circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies:•one 90A for XMI 1•two 20A for DMI 1 – DMI 2•one 20A for S SI 1•zero 10A for no accessoriesThe type and quantity of circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies required dependson which circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies are not already equipped in thePDU , but are needed to support the additional expansion equipment.Required itemsThe following items are required:•Appropriate type and quantity of circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies tobe added for expansion purposes90A circuit breaker/output power connector assembly (Motorola model STLN4093)20A circuit breaker/output power connector assembly (Motorola model STLN6472)68P09283A62 -2 3 -3PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding Circuit Break ers/Connectors to PDU Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresMounting screws are provided with each circuit breaker/output powerconnector assembly; four screws with the 90A assembly and two screwswith the 20A assembly .•Side cutters; diagonal pliers or wire cutter•Small knife•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driverProcedureProcedure 3 -1 contains the steps for adding a circuit breaker/output power connector assemblyto the PDU .Procedure 3 -1 Adding a Circuit Break er/Output P ower Connector Assembly to thePDUMak e sure DC input power is not applied to the PDU before performing Procedure 3 -1 .1Set all PDU front panel circuit breakers to the off (pulled out) position.2Disconnect all DC power cables from the PDU front panel. Dress these cablesaway from the PDU front panel.3Remove the PDU front panel as follows:•See Figure 3-1 Adding a Breaker Assembly Module to the PDU on page3- 6 photograph A.•While depressing the retaining tab on the left and right front ends of thePDU , slide the PDU front panel forward and off of the PDU .4Install the additional circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies inthe required locations on the PDU front panel DC output power bus (seeFigure 3-1 Adding a Breaker Assembly Module to the PDU on page 3- 6photograph B.Continued3 -4 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding Circuit Break ers/Connectors to PDUProcedure 3 -1 Adding a Circuit Break er/Output P ower Connector Assembly to thePDU (Continued)5P osition the circuit breaker/output power connector assembly as follows:•Circuit breaker actuator at the bottom and the DC output powerconnector at the top•Circuit breaker actuator facing toward the front of the frame•Align mounting screw holes of the circuit breaker/output powerconnector assembly with the corresponding screw holes on the PDUfront panel DC output power bus.6Insert the supplied mounting screws into the screw holes.T wo screws on top and bottom for the 90A assembly . One screw ontop and bottom for the 20A assembly .Using a TORX T25 driver , tighten the mounting screws to 4.8 N-m (42.25in-lb) ±10%.7Using side cutters, cut out the applicable circuit breaker actuator and thecorresponding connector covers on the PDU front panel (see Figure 3-1Adding a Breaker Assembly Module to the PDU on page 3- 6 photograph C.It may be necessary to use a small knife to remove any of the tabsthat do not cut cleanly .8Reattach the PDU front panel to the PDU as follows:•See Figure 3-1 Adding a Breaker Assembly Module to the PDU on page3- 6 photograph D.•Align the PDU front panel with the PDU circuit breaker actuators andpower connectors while inserting the PDU front panel retaining tabs intothe retainer on the left and right front ends of the PDU .•Slide the PDU front panel onto the front of the PDU .•Firmly press on the ends of the PDU front panel until each end tab snapsinto place.9Set all PDU front panel circuit breakers to the off (pulled out) position.10Reconnect all DC power cables that were disconnected in step 2 of thisprocedure. Make sure that each cable is connected to the proper PDU frontpanel power connector .68P09283A62 -2 3 -5PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding Circuit Break ers/Connectors to PDU Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedural reference diagramThe following diagram helps clarify certain steps in Procedure 3 -1 .Figure 3 -1 Adding a Break er Assembly Module to the PDUti-cdma-06031.epsA BC D3 -6 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding an XMIAdding an XMI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to mount an additional XMI into the XMI shelf .Cabling of the additional XMI will be performed after all of the additional expansionequipment (i.e., IDRFs, DMI, circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies, etc.)that connects to the additional XMI is installed in the frame.Required itemsPartsThe following applicable additional XMI is required:•800 MHz XMI assembly with removable XMI handle attached (Motorola model SGTF4194).•1.9 GHz XMI assembly with removable XMI handle attached (Motorola model STWG4000).ManpowerThe XMI module is hea vy . T wo people are required to lift, carry , or handle the XMImodule.The XMI weighs 23 -28 kg (50.7 -61.7 lb) depending on the RF band.68P09283A62 -2 3 -7PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding an XMI Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresToolsThe following tools are required:•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driverProcedureProcedure 3 -2 contains the steps for adding a 2nd XMI to the XMI shelf .Procedure 3 -2 Adding a 2nd XMI to the XMI ShelfThe XMI module is hea vy . T wo people are required to lift, carry , orhandle the XMI module.•Be sure the remo v able XMI handle is attached to the front ofthe XMI before ph ysically handling the module.•Be sure two people use both hands and wear protectiv efootwear when handling the XMI.•Be sure to use two people to support the module while slidingthe module out of or into the shelf slot.An XMI module that is not in a shelf should alw a ys be set on itsside and nev er on its edge. This will prev ent the XMI module fromtipping o v er and causing damage or injury .1Remove the XMI from its packaging and inspect it for damage.2XMI 2 mounts in the XMI shelf slot just to the right of XMI 1. XMI3 mounts in the XMI shelf slot just to the right of XMI 2. XMI 4mounts in the XMI shelf slot just to the right of XMI 3.This step requires two people. P erform the following:Continued3 -8 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding an XMIProcedure 3 -2 Adding a 2nd XMI to the XMI Shelf (Continued)•One person grasp the XMI by the handle with both hands. The secondperson grasp the XMI fan tray sides with both hands. Using safe liftingtechnique (i.e. lift with your legs not your back), pick up the XMI andcarry it over to the front of the frame.•While one person holds the XMI by the handle with both hands, thesecond person supports the bottom of the module with one hand and thetop of the module with the other hand. Lift the XMI into the appropriateXMI shelf slot rails and gently slide it all of the way into the shelf slot.3Insert the four XMI mounting screws; two screws at each of the top andbottom mounting tabs on the front of the module. Using a T25 TORX driver ,tighten the screws to 4.8 N-m (42.25 in-lb) ±10%.Procedural reference diagramThe following diagram helps clarify certain steps in Procedure 3 -2 .Figure 3 -2 Installing a 2nd XMIti-cdma-06032.eps68P09283A62 -2 3 -9PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding a DMI Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresAdding a DMI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to mount an additional DMI into the XMI shelf .Cabling of the additional DMI will be performed after all of the additional expansionequipment (i.e., XMI, circuit breaker/output power connector assemblies, etc.) thatconnects to the additional DMI is installed in the frame.Required itemsPartsThe additional DMI is application dependent. Use one of the following factory built DMIassemblies as applicable:All models of DMI assemblies include: DMI chassis with controller board, fans andfront panel.•DMI assembly with one 1X CDMA modem board (Motorola model STLN6681).•DMI assembly with one EV -DO modem board (Motorola model STLN6682).•DMI assembly with two 1X CDMA modem boards (Motorola model STLN6683).•DMI assembly with one 1X CDMA modem board and one EV -DO modem board (Motorolamodel STLN6684).•DMI assembly with two EV -DO modem boards (Motorola model STLN6679).3 -10 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding a DMIToolsThe following tools are required:•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driver•ESD wrist strapPrerequisiteESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling the DMI assembly . W eara conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap during handling.The procedures in this chapter requires working on or around circuitry that is extremelysensitive to ESD .ProcedureProcedure 3 -3 contains the steps for adding a 2nd DMI to the XMI shelf .Procedure 3 -3 Adding a 2nd DMI to the XMI Shelf1Set the additional DMI assembly , in its packaging, near the UBS Macro BTSframe.2ESD handling precautions must be adhered to during thisprocedure. W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap .Plug the end of the ESD wrist strap into the UBS Macro BTS frame ESD jackThis jack is located in the middle of the upper XMI shelf bracket. A ttachthe wrist strap to your wrist.3Remove the additional DMI from its packaging and inspect it for damage.4Install the DMI assembly into the appropriate empty DMI housing in the UBSMacro BTS frame by performing the following:1. P osition the DMI assembly on its bottom edge so that the front panelhandle is on the right and the retaining fastener is at the top.Continued68P09283A62 -2 3 -11PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding a DMI Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedure 3 -3 Adding a 2nd DMI to the XMI Shelf (Continued)2. Pick up the DMI assembly with two hands.3. Insert the rear of the DMI assembly into the empty housing.4. Slide the DMI assembly completely into the housing (see Figure 3-3Installing a 2nd DMI on page 3- 13 .5. Turn the retaining fastener CW (Clockwise) until finger tight to securethe DMI assembly in the housing.3 -12 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding a DMIProcedural reference diagramThe following diagram helps clarify certain steps in Procedure 3 -3 .Figure 3 -3 Installing a 2nd DMIti-cdma-06033.eps68P09283A62 -2 3 -13PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding a Second Set of IDRFs Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresAdding a Second Set of IDRFs■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to mount a second set of IDRFs into the IDRF shelf .Cabling of the second set of IDRFs to the second XMI will be performed after all ofthe additional expansion equipment (i.e., XMI, DMI, circuit breaker/output powerconnector assemblies, etc.) is installed in the frame.The second set of IDRFs consists of:•one IDRF for an omni antenna configuration.•three IDRFs, one per sector , for a 3 -sector antenna configuration.The second set of IDRFs mounts in the right -half of the IDRF shelf . The second set of IDRFs aredesignated as sector 1, 2 and 3 from left to right.Required itemsPartsThe proper quantity , for omni or 3 -sector antenna configuration, of the following applicableIDRF is required:•China Full Band 800 MHz IDRF (Motorola model STFN4009)•India Full Band 800 MHz IDRF (Motorola model STFN4010)•US Full Band 800 MHz IDRF (Motorola model STFN4015)•US A -band 800 MHz IDRF (Motorola model STFN4016)•US B -band 800 MHz IDRF (Motorola model STFN4017)•1.9 GHz IDRF (Motorola model STFG4055)3 -14 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding a Second Set of IDRFsToolsThe following tools are required:•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driverProcedureProcedure 3 -4 contains the steps for adding a second set of IDRFs to the IDRF shelf .Procedure 3 -4 Adding a second set of IDRFs to the IDRF shelf1Remove the additional IDRFs from their packaging and inspect them fordamage.2While working at the front/top of the UBS Macro BTS frame, pick up anadditional IDRF and mount it into the IDRF shelf as follows:•P osition the IDRF with the IDRF mounting plate on top/facing upwardand the mounting plate flange is on the right side (see Figure 3-4Installing the second set of IDRFs on page 3- 16 photograph B).•Insert the first IDRF into the sector 1 position on the right half of the topof the IDRF shelf (see photograph A).•Slide the IDRF down into the IDRF shelf .3Repeat step 2 for the remaining IDRFs, but insert them in sector 2 and sector3 positions.4Insert four mounting screws through each IDRF mounting plate and into theIDRF shelf . Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the mounting screws for all ofthe additional IDRFs to 4.8 N-m (42.25 in-lb) ±10%.68P09283A62 -2 3 -15PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding a Second Set of IDRFs Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedural reference diagramThe following diagram helps clarify certain steps in Procedure 3 -4 .Figure 3 -4 Installing the second set of IDRFsti-cdma-06035.epsA B3 -16 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding an Optional RX SplitterAdding an Optional RX Splitter■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to mount the optional RX splitter onto the bottom of the XMI shelf .Cabling of the RX splitter to the XMIs will be performed after all of the additionalexpansion equipment (i.e., XMI, DMI, circuit breaker/output power connectorassemblies, etc.) is installed in the frame.Required itemsPartsThe following part is required:•W ide band (800 MHz through 2.1 GHz RF bands) single band RX splitter (Motorolamodel STRG4029)ToolsThe following tools are required:•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driverProcedureProcedure 3 -5 contains the steps for adding the RX splitter to the bottom of the XMI shelf .Procedure 3 -5 Adding an RX splitter to the XMI shelf1Remove the RX splitter from its packaging and inspect it for damage.Continued68P09283A62 -2 3 -17PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding an Optional RX Splitter Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedure 3 -5 Adding an RX splitter to the XMI shelf (Continued)2While working at the front of the UBS Macro BTS frame, pick up the RXsplitter and mount it onto the bottom of the XMI shelf as follows:•See Figure 3-5 Mounting the RX splitter on page 3- 18 .•P osition the RX splitter as follows:RX splitter I/O connectors facing toward front of the frame.RX splitter mounting tabs, one on each end of splitter , facing up.In front of the XMI shelf bottom bracket.•Align the guide pins on each RX splitter mounting tab with thecorresponding hole located on the XMI shelf bottom bracket (seephotograph A).•Insert the guide pins into the holes and hold the RX splitter mountingtabs against the XMI shelf bottom bracket.•Insert a mounting screw through each RX splitter mounting tab and intothe XMI shelf bottom bracket. (see photograph B).3Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the mounting screws to 4.8 N-m (42.25in-lb) ±10%.Procedural reference diagramThe following diagram helps clarify certain steps in Procedure 3 -5 .Figure 3 -5 Mounting the RX splitterti-cdma-06036.epsA B3 -18 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Adding a second/third PSM (–48 V or 220 V AC only)Adding a second/third PSM (–48 V or 220 V AC only)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■A second/third PSM is required when expanding a –48 V DC or 220 V AC UBS MacroBTS frame from low capacity to mid capacity . T wo PSMs are required for the midcapacity configuration and the third PSM is for redundancy .ObjectiveF or –48 V or 220 V AC only , install the appropriate PSM into slot 2. If applicable, remove thefiller plate that covers slot 3 of the PSM shelf and then install the appropriate PSM into slot 3.Required itemsPartsNev er plug a –48 V DC PSM into a 220 V AC PSM shelf .Nev er plug a 220 V AC PSM into a -–48 V DC PSM shelf .Up to two of either the following parts are required:•–48 V DC P ower Supply Module (–48 V DC PSM) — Motorola model STPN4037•220 V AC P ower Supply Module (220 V AC PSM) — Motorola model STPN4036ToolsThe following tools are required:•TORX T25 bit and driver•T orque driver68P09283A62 -2 3 -19PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Adding a second/third PSM (–48 V or 220 V AC only) Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedureProcedure 3 -6 contains the steps for adding a second/third PSM to the PSM shelf .Procedure 3 -6 Adding a 2nd/3rd PSM to the PSM shelf1If a PSM is to be installed in PSM shelf slot 3, use a T25 TORX bit and driverto completely loosen the captive retaining thumbscrew on the filler plate thatcovers slot 3 of the PSM shelf . Remove the filler plate.2PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling the PSMto prev ent damage to the equipment and personal injury .Install the appropriate PSM into PSM shelf slot 2 and 3 as follows:1. Grasp the handle on the front panel of the PSM with one hand whilecarefully supporting the bottom of the module with the other hand.2. Properly orient the PSM and insert it into the slot.3. Slowly slide the module into the shelf until the rear connectors arefully seated. Make sure that the PSM is fully engaged with the shelfbackplane slot connectors.3Using a T25 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the captive retainingthumbscrew to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).3 -20 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingMid -capacity Expansion Interconnect Cabling■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThe objective of this section is to route and connect all require cabling between the additionalmid -capacity expansion equipment (i.e., 2nd XMI, 2nd DMI, optional RX splitter , circuitbreaker/output power connector assemblies) that is installed in the frame.The RX splitter is optional equipment for expansion to mid -capacity . An RX sharecable can be used instead of the RX splitter for interconnecting RX RF signalsbetween XMI 1 and XMI 2.Installing DC power cablesLocate the required DC power cables and then perform Procedure 3 -7 through Procedure 3 -8as needed.Required DC power cables•XMI DC power cable (Motorola part number 3088319T03)•DMI DC power cable (Motorola part number 3088961T05)DC power cabling proceduresProcedure 3 -7 Installing the XMI 2 DC power cable1Locate the XMI DC power cable (Motorola part number 3088319T03).2Connect the appropriate end of the XMI DC power cable to the +27 V DCinput power connector on the top of XMI 2 front panel.Continued68P09283A62 -2 3 -21PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedure 3 -7 Installing the XMI 2 DC power cable (Continued)3Route the loose end of the XMI DC power cable as follows:1. Through the opening above XMI 2 between the XMI shelf and the IDRFshelf to the back of the XMI shelf .2. Down and around the left side of the rear of XMI 2.T o avoid blocking exhaust air from the XMI, the XMI DC powercable must not be routed directly behind the XMI.3. Down to the PDU and over the top of the PDU to the PDU front panel.4Connect the loose end of the XMI DC power cable to the XMI 2 DC outputpower connector on the PDU front panel.Procedure 3 -8 Installing the DMI 2 DC power cable1Locate the DMI DC power cable (Motorola part number 3088961T05).2Connect the appropriate end of the DMI DC power cable to the DMI 2 DCoutput power connector on the PDU front panel.Continued3 -22 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingProcedure 3 -8 Installing the DMI 2 DC power cable (Continued)3Route the loose end of the DMI DC power cable as follows:1. Up the right side of the frame/rack and around to the back of the frame.2. Through the opening between the XMI shelf and the IDRF shelf and overthe XMI shelf top bracket.3. Down to the front panel of the appropriate DMI.Excess cable should be coiled up and placed on top of the XMIshelf top bracket.4Connect the loose end of the DMI DC power cable to the +27 V DC inputpower connector on the front panel of DMI 2.Installing/Connecting RF cables (XMI to IDRF)Locate the required RF cables and then perform Procedure 3 -9 and Procedure 3 -10 as needed.Required RF cablesThe required TX RF cables are as follows:•TX sector -1 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T73)•TX sector -2 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T74)•TX sector -3 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T75)68P09283A62 -2 3 -23PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresRF cabling proceduresP erform Procedure 3 -9 to install the TX RF cables between XMI 2 and the second set of IDRFs.Procedure 3 -9 Installing TX RF cables1Locate the following TX RF cables:•TX sector-1 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T73)•TX sector-2 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T74)•TX sector-3 RF cable (Motorola part number 3088160T75)2Install the TX sector-1 RF cable as follows:1. Connect one end of the cable to the TX1 connector on the XMI 2 frontpanel.2. Route the loose end of the cable through the opening between the XMIshelf and the IDRF shelf .3. Loop the cable around under the second set of IDRFs.4. Connect the loose end of the TX sector-1 RF cable to the TX inputconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-1 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.3Install the TX sector-2 RF cable as follows:1. Connect one end of the cable to the TX2 connector on the XMI 2 frontpanel.2. Route the loose end of the cable through the opening between the XMIshelf and the IDRF shelf .3. Loop the cable around under the second set of IDRFs.4. Connect the loose end of the TX sector-2 RF cable to the TX inputconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-2 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.4Install the TX sector-3 RF cable as follows:1. Connect one end of the cable to the TX3 connector on the XMI 2 frontpanel.2. Route the loose end of the cable through the opening between the XMIshelf and the IDRF shelf .3. Loop the cable around under the second set of IDRFs.4. Connect the loose end of the TX sector-3 RF cable to the TX inputconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-3 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.3 -24 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingP erform Procedure 3 -10 to connect the RX RF cables between XMI 2 and the second set of IDRFs.Procedure 3 -10 Connecting RX RF cables1Disconnect the following RX RF cables from the front panel of XMI 1:1. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T79 cable from the RX1 D connectoron the XMI 1 front panel.2. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T80 cable from the RX2 D connectoron the XMI 1 front panel.3. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T81 cable from the RX3 D connectoron the XMI 1 front panel.2Connect the RX RF cables that were disconnected in step 1 to the front panelof XMI 2 as follows:1. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T79 cable to the RX1 D connectoron the XMI 2 front panel.2. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T80 cable to the RX2 D connectoron the XMI 2 front panel.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T81 cable to the RX3 D connectoron the XMI 2 front panel.3Disconnect the following RX RF cables from the bottom of the first (original)set of IDRFs as follows:1. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T79 cable from the RX DIV connectoron the bottom panel of the sector-1 IDRF of the first set of IDRFs.2. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T80 cable from the RX DIV connectoron the bottom panel of the sector-2 IDRF of the first set of IDRFs.3. Disconnect the end of the 3088160T81 cable from the RX DIV connectoron the bottom panel of the sector-3 IDRF of the first set of IDRFs.4Connect the RX RF cables that were disconnected in step 3 to the bottompanel of the second set of IDRFs as follows:1. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T79 cable to the RX MAINconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-1 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.2. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T80 cable to the RX MAINconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-2 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088160T81 cable to the RX MAINconnector on the bottom panel of the sector-3 IDRF of the second set ofIDRFs.68P09283A62 -2 3 -25PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresInstalling XMI to DMI cablesLocate the required XMI to DMI cables and then perform Procedure 3 -11 .F or the mid -capacity frame, there are four 3088791T02 cables used to interconnectXMIs to DMIs. One of these cables is already installed/connected in the low -capacityconfiguration.Required XMI to DMI cablesThe required XMI to DMI cables are as follows:•Three XMI to DMI cables (Motorola part number 3088791T02)XMI to DMI cabling procedureP erform Procedure 3 -11 to install the XMI to DMI cables between two XMIs and two DMIs.Procedure 3 -11 Installing XMI to DMI cables1V erify that an XMI to DMI cable (Motorola part number 3088791T02) isalready installed/connected between XMI 1 front panel connector HSL 1 andDMI 1 front panel connector XMI 1/BSI.2Locate the following cables:•Three XMI to DMI cables (Motorola part number 3088791T02)3Install an XMI to DMI cable between XMI 1 and DMI 2 as follows:1. Connect the appropriate end of the 3088791T02 cable to the HSL 2connector on the XMI 1 front panel.2. Route the loose end of the cable up above XMI 1, through the openingbetween the XMI shelf and IDRF shelf , and behind the hooks on thetop XMI shelf bracket. Continue routing over to the XMI shelf DMI slotand then down to DMI 2.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088791T02 cable to the XMI 1/BSIconnector on the DMI 2 front panel.4Install an XMI to DMI cable between XMI 2 and DMI 1 as follows:1. Connect the appropriate end of the 3088791T02 cable to the HSL 1connector on the XMI 2 front panel.Continued3 -26 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingProcedure 3 -11 Installing XMI to DMI cables (Continued)2. Route the loose end of the cable up above XMI 2 through the openingbetween the XMI shelf and IDRF shelf , and behind the hooks on thetop XMI shelf bracket. Continue routing over to the XMI shelf DMI slotand then down to DMI 1.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088791T02 cable to the XMI 2 connectoron the DMI 1 front panel.5Install an XMI to DMI cable between XMI 2 and DMI 2 as follows:1. Connect the appropriate end of the 3088791T02 cable to the HSL 2connector on the XMI 2 front panel.2. Route the loose end of the cable up above XMI 2 through the openingbetween the XMI shelf and IDRF shelf , and behind the hooks on thetop XMI shelf bracket. Continue routing over to the XMI shelf DMI slotand then down to DMI 2.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088791T02 cable to the XMI 2 connectoron the DMI 2 front panel.Installing DMI to SSI cablesLocate the required DMI to S SI cables and then perform Procedure 3 -12 .F or the mid -capacity frame, there are two 3088792T01 cables used to interconnectS SI 1 to DMI 1 and DMI 2. One of these cables is already installed/connected inthe low -capacity configuration.Required DMI to SSI cablesThe required DMI to S SI cable is as follows:•One DMI to S SI cable (Motorola part number 3088792T01)DMI to SSI cabling procedureP erform Procedure 3 -12 to install the DMI to S SI cable between S SI 1 and DMI 2.Procedure 3 -12 Installing DMI 2 to S SI 1 cableContinued68P09283A62 -2 3 -27PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion Procedures1V erify that a DMI to S SI cable (Motorola part number 3088792T01) is alreadyinstalled/connected between DMI 1 front panel connector IDI/S SI 1 and S SI1 front panel connector DMI 1/IDI .2Locate the following cables:•One DMI to S SI cable (Motorola part number 3088792T01)3Install the DMI to S SI cable between DMI 2 and S SI 1 as follows:1. Connect the appropriate end of the 3088792T01 cable to the IDI/S SI 1connector on the DMI 2 front panel.2. Route the loose end of the cable up above the XMI shelf DMI slot,through the opening between the XMI shelf and the IDRF shelf , andout the right side of the opening. Continue routing upwards along theright rack rail and over in to S SI 1.Excess cable should be coiled up and placed on top of theXMI shelf top bracket.3. Connect the loose end of the 3088792T01 cable to the DMI 2 connectoron the S SI 1 front panel.Installing RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables or RX share cableExpansion to mid -capacity requires interconnection of RX RF signals between XMI 1 and XMI 2.This can be accomplished by using an optional RX splitter or RX share cable.If the optional RX splitter is used, locate the required RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables and thenperform Procedure 3 -13 .If the optional RX splitter is not used, locate the required RX share cable and then performProcedure 3 -14 .Required RX splitter to XMI RX RF cablesThe required RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables are as follows:•RX splitter to XMI 1 RX RF cable (Motorola part number 3088407T10)•RX splitter to XMI 2 RX RF cable (Motorola part number 3088407T11)3 -28 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingRequired RX share cableThe required RX share cable is as follows:•RX share cable (Motorola part number SGLN6345)The RX share cable cross -connects XMI 1 RX EXP OUT to XMI 2 RX EXP INand XMI 2 RX EXP OUT to XMI 1 RX EXP IN .RX splitter to XMI cabling procedureP erform Procedure 3 -13 to install the RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables between RX splitter andthe two XMIs.Procedure 3 -13 Installing RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables1Locate the following cables:•RX splitter to XMI 1 RX RF cable (Motorola part number 3088407T10)•RX splitter to XMI 2 RX RF cable (Motorola part number 3088407T11)2Install the RX splitter to XMI 1 RX RF cable (Motorola part number3088407T10) as follows:The 3088407T10 cable contains two separate cables bundledtogether . The 3088407T10 cable has two connectors on each endof the bundle. The ends of each separate cable can be determinedby observation.1. P osition the 3088407T10 cable so that two connectors on one end of thebundle are in front of XMI 1 (i.e., XMI end) and the two connectors onthe other end of the bundle are in front of the RX splitter .2. Connect an XMI end connector to the RX EXP OUT connector on theXMI 1 front panel.3. Connect the loose end of the same separate cable to the XMI 1 RX EXPIN connector on the RX splitter front panel.4. Connect the remaining XMI end connector to the RX EXP IN connectoron the XMI 1 front panel.Continued68P09283A62 -2 3 -29PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion ProceduresProcedure 3 -13 Installing RX splitter to XMI RX RF cables (Continued)5. Connect the loose end of the same separate cable to the XMI 1 RX EXPOUT connector on the RX splitter front panel.3Install the RX splitter to XMI 2 RX RF cable (Motorola part number3088407T11) as follows:The 3088407T11 cable contains two separate cables bundledtogether . The 3088407T11 cable has two connectors on each endof the bundle. The ends of each separate cable can be determinedby observation.1. P osition the 3088407T11 cable so that two connectors on one end of thebundle are in front of XMI 2 (i.e., XMI end) and the two connectors onthe other end of the bundle are in front of the RX splitter .2. Connect an XMI end connector to the RX EXP OUT connector on theXMI 2 front panel.3. Connect the loose end of the same separate cable to the XMI 2 RX EXPIN connector on the RX splitter front panel.4. Connect the remaining XMI end connector cable to the RX EXP OUTconnector on the XMI 2 front panel.5. Connect the loose end of the same separate cable to the XMI 2 RX EXPIN connector on the RX splitter front panel.XMI 1 to XMI 2 RX cabling procedureP erform Procedure 3 -14 to install the RX share cable to interconnect RX RF signals betweenXMI 1 and XMI 2.Procedure 3 -14 Installing RX share cable1Locate the following cable:•RX share cable (Motorola part number SGLN6345)Continued3 -30 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect CablingProcedure 3 -14 Installing RX share cable (Continued)The SGLN6345 cable contains two separate cables bundledtogether . The SGLN6345 cable has four ends with a connector oneach end.The ends of the RX share cable are labeled as follows:•XMI 1 RX EXP OUT•XMI 1 RX EXP IN•XMI 2 RX EXP OUT•XMI 2 RX EXP IN2Install the RX share cable as follows:1. Connect the XMI 1 RX EXP OUT cable connector to the RX EXP OUTconnector on the XMI 1 front panel.2. Connect the XMI 1 RX EXP IN cable connector to the RX EXP INconnector on the XMI 1 front panel.3. Connect the XMI 2 RX EXP OUT cable connector to the RX EXP OUTconnector on the XMI 2 front panel.4. Connect the remaining XMI 2 RX EXP IN cable connector to the RXEXP IN connector on the XMI 2 front panel.68P09283A62 -2 3 -31A UG 2007 PRELIMINARY
Mid -capacit y Expansion Interconnect Cabling Chapter 3: Low -to -Mid Capacit y Fr ame Expansion Procedures3 -32 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
C h a p t e r4What’s Next■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A62 -2 4 -1A UG 2007 PRELIMINARY
Installation completion Chapter 4: What ’ s NextInstallation completion■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■A t this point the hardware installation is complete. P erform the following tasks to complete thesystem installation.•Clean up the site•Fill out the installation completion checklist•Record As -Built information•P erform the A TP s•Load the softwareP erform the clean up of the site and fill out the checklist, first. Then perform the rest of thetasks or perform them later .Clean up the siteClean up the site by following the instructions given in Procedure 4 -1 .Procedure 4 -1 Cleaning the site1Remove protective coveringRemove any cardboard from the walls that was used to protect the walls.Remove any antistatic plastic or cloth sheet used to cover the equipment.2Lighting fixturesRemove any masking tape from the fluorescent light fixtures.3T oolsPlace all hand and power tools in the installation tool kit or other appropriateplace. Check for any tools requiring replacement, cleaning, or adjustment.4MaterialsPlace any leftover materials in a location specified by the site manager .5Remove debrisT o remove the debris, perform the following:•Remove any packing material.•Ensure that all scrap materials are removed from any tables or stands.•Clean/sweep the floor . Ensure all chalk -line marks are removed.Continued4 -2 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
R20 1X UBS Macro B T S Hardw are Installation Installation completionProcedure 4 -1 Cleaning the site (Continued)6EnvironmentP erform the following to check the environment:•Check whether all covers, frame doors and fan housings are in place.•Confirm all power connections are tight.•Organize any items (such as manuals, materials, etc.) left on site andplace them in a safe location specified by the site manager .Fill out the installation completion checklistA fter the site is cleaned up, fill out the installation completion checklist and make any necessarycopies. Copy this check sheet as required.Installation completion checklistDate Hardware Installation Completed: _________________Site: _________________BTS Frame Serial Number: _________________Checklist Completed By: _________________Checklist Reviewed By: _________________Table 4 -1 Installation completion checklistStatusNo. Item Notes1Frames are bolted down.2DC power cabling completed.3Each frame has its own earth ground.4RX RF cables installed.5TX RF cables installed.6Span line cables installed.7Alarm cables installed.8RGPS head installed (if required).9RGPS cabling installed (if required).10All connectors (power , signal, RF ,internal and external) are tight.11All cables dressed and tied.12Installation and site specific manuals atsite.Continued68P09283A62 -2 4 -3PRELIMINARY A UG 2007
Installation completion Chapter 4: What ’ s NextTable 4 -1 Installation completion checklist (Continued)StatusNo. Item Notes13Cable racks properly grounded.14 Static wrist straps are present.15Site cleaned, swept, and trash removed.16Any deficiencies reported to theappropriate people.17Correct polarity has been maintainedfrom the DC power source to the frame.18P ower has not been applied to any frame.Record “As -Built” informationRecord the site specific information on how the unit was installed and cabled.Performing the ATPsThis manual does not cover the procedure of performing the A TP s. F or this procedure, refer tothe1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TP(68P09283A63) manual.Loading the softwareThis manual does not cover the procedure for loading the software. Refer to the appropriatesoftware release manual for procedure for loading the software.4 -4 68P09283A62 -2PRELIMINARY A UG 2007

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