Nokia Solutions and Networks T5GX1 UBS CDMA XMI Transceiver at 800 MHz User Manual Exhibit 123d

Nokia Solutions and Networks UBS CDMA XMI Transceiver at 800 MHz Exhibit 123d

Exhibit 123d

1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Acceptance T est Procedures - TX & RXP erform the procedure in Procedure 4 -6 for all -inclusive RX test.Procedure 4 -6 All RX A TP T est1Set up the test equipment for abbreviated acceptance tests per Procedure 4-32On LMF , select devices to be tested.T o select multiple items, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key whilemaking the selections.3Click on T ests in the UBS Menu bar , and select All RX T est... from pull-downmenu.4Select the appropriate carrier from those displayed in the Channels/Carrierpick list.5Select the appropriate RX Branch (Both,Main, or Diversity ) from the drop-down menu.In the R ate Set box, select the appropriate data rate (1=9600, 2= 14400, 3 =9600 1X) from the drop-down list.6Click OK to display a status bar followed by a Directions pop-up window .7F ollow the cable connection directions as they aredisplayed, and click the Continue button to begin testing.As the A TP process is completed, results will be displayed in a status reportwindow .8Click the Save Results or Dismiss button.If Dismiss is used, the test results will not be saved in the testreport file.68P09283A63 -5 4 -13FOA A UG 2007
Individual T ests Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresIndividual Tests■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■TX and RX TestingThe following individual A TP tests can be used to evaluate specific aspects of UBS operationagainst individual performance requirements. All testing is performed using the LMF GUIenvironment.TX TestingTX tests verify transmit antenna paths and output power control. All tests are performed usingthe external, calibrated test equipment. All measurements are made at the appropriate UBSTX OUT connector(s).TX tests verify TX operation of the entire CDMA forward link using selected sector -carriersassigned to respective sector antennas. Each sector -carrier is keyed up to generate a CDMAcarrier (using BLO) at the NEC file -specified carrier output power level.RX TestingRX testing verifies receive antenna paths for the sector -carriers selected for the test. All testsare performed using the external, calibrated test equipment to inject a CDMA RF carrier withall zero long code at the specified RX frequency at the appropriate UBS RX IN connector(s).RX tests verify RX operation of the entire CDMA reverse link.Individual TestsStandard P attern (per the 3GPP2 standard) - F or UBS Macro, the standard pattern isthe total digital gain of the signal (383) that includes the following channels (9 in all) andtheir individual digital gain:•Pilot -171•P age - 165•Sync - 83•6xTCH - 117In the UBS Macro, the pilot is set to 36dBm, which brings the total power of this pattern to43dBm - 7dB higher .Spectral Purity TX MaskThis test verifies that the transmitted CDMA carrier waveform generated on each sector meetsthe transmit spectral mask specification with respect to the assigned NEC file values.4 -14 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Individual T estsWaveform Quality (Rho)This test verifies the transmitted Pilot channel element digital waveform quality of eachsector -carrier enabled at a specific frequency per the current NEC file assignment. All testsare performed using the external calibrated test set controlled by the same command. Allmeasurements are via the appropriate TX OUT connector .Pilot Time OffsetThe Pilot Time Offset is the difference between the CDMA analyzer measurement interval (basedon the UBS system time reference) and the incoming block of transmitted data from the UBS .Code Domain Power/Noise FloorThis test verifies the Code Domain P ower/Noise of each sector -carrier is enabled at a specificfrequency per the current NEC file assignment. All tests are performed using the externalcalibrated test set controlled by the same command. All measurements are via the appropriateTX OUT connector .Frame Error Rate (FER)The Frame Error R ate (FER) test verifies RX operation of the entire CDMA Reverse Linkusing all equipped DMIs assigned to all respective sectors/antennas. This test verifies theUBS sensitivity on all traffic channel elements currently configured on all equipped DMIs atan RF input level of -123.0 dBm.TX AuditThe TX Audit is a power out test that will pass within +/ -2dB of the expected power . Thestandard power per S -C is 43dBm and the Audit test will pass, if the output power is within thelimits listed above.CalibrationIt is optional, but supported. The calibration in UBS is always a negative number representingthe LOS S between the output of the XMI to the top of the frame. In this frame, it is typically-1dB to –2dB depending on RF elements in the frame.68P09283A63 -5 4 -15FOA A UG 2007
Individual T ests Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresReceive Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)This test verifies the gain for UBS reverse (RX) paths for each carrier -sector selected is withinrequirements for correct operation for the operating band of the UBS as follows:•1900 MHz: –80 dBm ( -86 dBm or greater)•800 MHz: –80 dBm ( -86 dBm or greater)The LMF injects a -80 dBm signal (default) input to the UBS . The RS SI must be+/ -6 dB.4 -16 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP TX Spectr al Purit y T r ansmit Mask Acceptance T estTX Spectral Purity Transmit Mask Acceptance Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■TX Mask TestThis test verifies the spectral purity of each sector -carrier at a specific frequency ,per thecurrent NEC file assignment. All tests are performed using the external calibrated test set,controlled by the same command. All measurements are via the appropriate TX OUT connector .The standard pattern is used (pilot 171 and 43dBm)The parameters of the TX Mask are as follows:> -45.0 dBc / 30 kHz@>750 kHz offset> -60.0 dBc / 30 kHz@ 1.98 MHz offsetThe sector -carrier is keyed or dekeyed during the test.Figure 4 -3 TX Mask V erication Spectrum Analyz er Displa y (1900 MHz)ti-cdma-00150-A.eps- 900 kHzCenter Frequency ReferenceAttenuation level of all spurious and IM products with respect to the mean power of the CDMA  channel.5 MHz Span/DivAmpl 10 dB/DivMean CDMA  Bandwidth Power Reference+750  kHz- 750 kHz- 1.98 MHz+1.98 MHz68P09283A63 -5 4 -17FOA A UG 2007
TX W a v eform Qualit y (Rho) Acceptance T est Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresTX Waveform Quality (Rho) Acceptance Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Rho TestThe Pilot Gain is set to 171 for each antenna. The sector -carrier is enabled using both rflvl andbay level offsets, to generate a CDMA carrier (with pilot channel element only , W alsh code 0).Sector -carrier power output is set to 36 dBm as measured at the TX OUT connector (on theUBS directional coupler).The calibrated communications test set measures and returns the Pilot channel element digitalwaveform quality (rho) in dB, verifying that the result meets system tolerances:•W aveform quality (rho) should be greater than or equal to 0.97 ( -0.4 dB).Figure 4 -4 Rho Signalti-cdma-rho_p to.eps4 -18 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP TX Pilot Time Offset Acceptance T estTX Pilot Time Offset Acceptance Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■PTO Acceptance TestThis test verifies the transmitted Pilot channel element Pilot Time Offset of each sector -carrierkeyed up at a specific frequencyper the current NEC file assignment. All tests are performedusing the external calibrated test set controlled by the same command. All measurementsare via the appropriate TX OUT connector .The Pilot Gain is set to 171 LSB for each antenna. The sector -carrier is enabled, using bothrfLvl and bay level offsets, to generate a CDMA carrier (with pilot channel element only , W alshcode 0). Sector -carrier power output is set to 36 dBm as measured at the TX OUT connector(on the UBS directional coupler).The calibrated communications test set measures and returns the Pilot Time Offset in us,verifying results meet system tolerances:•Pilot Time Offset should be within +/– 3 us of the target PT Offset (0 us).68P09283A63 -5 4 -19FOA A UG 2007
TX Pilot Time Offset Acceptance T est Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresFigure 4 -5 Pilot Only Signalti-cdma-pilot_only.eps4 -20 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP TX Code Domain P ower/Noise Floor Acceptance T estTX Code Domain Power/Noise Floor Acceptance Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Code Domain Power TestF or each sector/antenna under test, the Pilot Gain is set to 383 LSB. All channel elements undertest are configured to generate Orthogonal Channel Noise Source (OCNS) on standard pattern -only 9 channels where the 6 Traffic channels (TCH) can be anywhere across the code domainThe maximum number of channel elements (CEs) to be tested at any one time is 32 (32 oddW alsh codes). If more than 32 CEs exist, then multiple sets of measurements are made; so allchannel elements are verified on all sectors.Sector -carrier power output is set to 43 dBm as measured at the TX OUT connector .•CD_PILOT_RA TIO: -6.5dB to -7.5dB•CD_P AGING_RA TIO: -6.8dB to -7.8dB•CD_SYNC_RA TIO: -12.8dB to -13.8dB•CD_TRAFFIC_ON_MAX_RA TIO: -9.8dB to -10.8dB•CD_TRAFFIC_ON_MIN_RA TIO: -9.8dB to -10.8dB•CD_TRAFFIC_OFF_MAX_RA TIO: -27dB (none)Refer to Figure 4 -6 .If using Advantest test equipment, Code Domain T est MUST be configured in RC -1mode.See Procedure 4 -5 to perform this test.68P09283A63 -5 4 -21FOA A UG 2007
TX Code Domain P ower/Noise Floor Acceptance T est Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresFigure 4 -6 Code Domain P ower and Noise Floor Lev elsti-cdma-standa rd_pa ttern.epsPILOT PAGING SYNC TRAFFICTRAFFIC4 -22 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP RX Fr ame Error R ate (FER) Acceptance T estRX Frame Error Rate (FER) Acceptance Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■FER TestThis test verifies the UBS FER on all traffic channel elements is currently configured (fullrate at 1% FER) at an RF input level of -123 dBm. All tests are performed using the externalcalibrated test set as the signal source controlled by the same command. All measurementsare via the LMF .The sector -carrier is enabled, using only rflvl level offsets, to generate a CDMA carrier (withpilot channel element only). Sector -carrier power output is set to +27.5 dBm as measured at theTX OUT connector . The UBS must be keyed to enable the RX receive circuitry .The LMF prompts the CE under test to measure all zero long code and provide the FER reporton the selected reverse link for both the main and diversity RX antenna paths, verifying thatresults meet the following specification:•FER returned <1% @ –123 dBm and total frames measured is 1500All CEs selected are tested on the specified RX antenna path. See Procedure 4 -6 to performthis test.68P09283A63 -5 4 -23FOA A UG 2007
Continuous W a v eform Mode Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresContinuous Waveform Mode■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ObjectiveThis test verifies that the UBS frames can generate an unmodulated carrier tone on a singlesector at any single channel number within the supported carrier frequency range of the frame.Unlock Continuous Waveform ModeW inLMF must be connected to the UBS frame to be tested and logged in.Procedure 4 -7 Procedure to Unlock Continuous W a v eform Mode1On the menu, click on UBS -> Unlock Continuous W aveform Mode2Click the Y es button in the confirmation dialog box.3A status report window will appear that shows the result of the action request.WinLMF will fail to set up Continuous W a v eform Mode for Modemdevices pro visioned in the congur ation les on DMI, but notph ysically installed in the fr ame, and for Modem devices under reset.4Select tested Sector/Carrier and click Device->X CVR->K ey menu item.5In K ey window:Enter the desired power level [dBm] in the X CVR Gain boxEnter the desired channel in the X CVR Channel box6Click the OK button in K ey window .A status report window will appear that shows the result of the action request.7P erform the required testing on the selected Sector/Carrier .8Select Sector/Carrier keyed in step 4 andclick Device->X CVR->Dekey menu item.A status report window will appear that shows the result of the action request.9T o perform unmodulated carrier mode test onother Sector/Carrier repeat procedure from step 4 .If testing using unmodulated carrier mode is completed follow LockContinuous W aveform Mode Procedure4 -24 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Continuous W a v eform ModeLock Continuous Waveform ModeProcedure 4 -8 Procedure to Lock Continuous W a v eform Mode1On the menu, click on UBS -> Lock Continuous W aveform Mode2A status report window will appear that shows the result of the action request.WinLMF will fail to disable Continuous W a v eform Mode for Modemdevices pro visioned in the congur ation les on DMI, but notph ysically installed in the fr ame and for Modem devices under reset.68P09283A63 -5 4 -25FOA A UG 2007
Gener ate A TP R eport Chapter 4: Acceptance T est ProceduresGenerate ATP Report■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BackgroundEach time an Acceptance T est Procedure (A TP) report is updated to include the results of themost recent A TP tests if the Save Results button is used to close the status report window . TheA TP reportis notupdated if the status reports window is closed using the Dismiss button.The A TP report for a UBS will contain test results saved with Save Results button.Results will be saved for the last test performed on the same:•Sector•Carrier•ChannelWhen an A TP report for a UBS is generated,allsaved test results will be includedin the report.ATP ReportEach time an A TP test is run, a report may be created for the UBS being tested. If a previousreport exists for the UBS , it is updated with the new test results as noted above. The reportincludes the following for each test:•T est name•Channel number•Carrier number•Sector number•T est result•P AS S or F AIL•Description information•Time stamp•Details/W arning information (if applicable)The report can be printed if the LMF computer is connected to a printer . F ollow the procedurein Procedure 4 -9 to view and/or print the A TP report for a UBS .4 -26 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Gener ate A TP R eportProcedure 4 -9 Gener ating an A TP R eport1Click Util .Save T est Report from the LMF menu.2Click on a column heading to sort the report.3Dooneof the following:•If a printable file copyis notdesired, click on the Dismiss button.•If a printable copyisrequired, select the desired file type in the picklist and click on the Save button.68P09283A63 -5 4 -27A UG 2007 FOA
Gener ate A TP R eport Chapter 4: Acceptance T est Procedures4 -28 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
C h a p t e r5Leave the Site■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A63 -5 5 -1A UG 2007 FOA
Conguring Backhaul Chapter 5: Lea v e the SiteConguring Backhaul■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Before disconnecting the LMF and test equipment, the span backhaul must be configured toallow the UBS to communicate with the OMC -R.IntroductionGeneralThis section allows the Cellular Field Engineers (CFEs) to pre -configure the UBS backhaulparameters prior to cutting over the UBS . It also contains information on how to makeadjustments to individual backhaul parameters.Conguring the UBS BackhaulPrior to BTS cutover , some span configuration and connection parameters must be set to matchthe type of backhaul chosen for the particular BTS . These parameters can be checked andchanged if required using the LMF Configure Backhaul Basic Screen. W ith these values setcorrectly , the OMC -R should be able to establish communications with the BTS . In the eventthat communication between the OMC -R and the BTS is lost and cannot be re -established, theLMF Configure Backhaul Advanced Screen can be used to restore the backhaul configurationto default values. See Figure 5 -1 .The default mode is Full Configuration Backhaul unless the Fractional Span box ischecked.Backhaul Conguration ProcedurePrior to executing Procedure 5 -1 , the information determined and gathered while workingthrough the System Engineering Section of the UBS Set -up Procedure should be available. Thisinformation documents the intended backhaul configuration for the site and should match theconfiguration the OMC -R is expecting to use for the UBS .F ailure to congure the UBS backhaul correctly with the LMF using the same DS0congur ation ma y result in the OMC -R being unable to establish communication withthe UBS at cuto v er .5 -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Conguring BackhaulFigure 5 -1 Congure Backhaul Basic Screenti-cdma-06184.epsProcedure 5 -1 Fr actional Span Backhaul Congur ation Procedure1Go to the LMF Configure Backhaul Screen. See Figure 5-1The default value for both theLcpNcpNegRetryIntand thePPPK eepAliveMsgparameters is 1000 ms. If the UBS will usesatellite backhaul, the value for these parameters must be set to2000 ms.2If the UBS will use Fractional Span backhaul, click on the F ractional Span box.The Start DS0 and End DS0 boxes will now accept operator - entered values.3Enter the starting DS0 and ending DS0 intended for Span 1 into theappropriate boxes. The LMF will configure Span 1, which is sufficient toallow the cutover to succeed. Span 2 will be configured from the OMC-Rafter cutover .4Select the correct span type, frame type, coding type and span equalizationfrom the pull-down menus in the Span Configuration section.5Click on the OK button.68P09283A63 -5 5 -3FOA A UG 2007
Conguring Backhaul Chapter 5: Lea v e the SiteUsing the LMF Congure Backhaul Advanced ScreenIn the event that a backhaul configuration entered at the Operation and maintenanceCenter -R adio (OMC -R) results in the OMC -R being unable to communicate with the BTS , it maybe necessary to reset backhaul parameters to their default values using the LMF . The LMFConfigure Backhaul Advanced Screen is used to reset these values.Prior to executing Procedure 5 -2 , the information determined and gathered while workingthrough the System Engineering Section of the BTS Set -up Procedure should be available. Thisinformation documents the intended backhaul configuration for the site and should match theconfiguration the OMC -R is expecting to use for the BTS . Default values for those parametersnot covered above are listed below:•Muxing: enabled•Header Compression: enabled•Max Transport Unit Size (bytes): 512•Hello Interval Timer (seconds): 30•P eriodic Transmission intervals for join/prune messages (seconds): 60Connection Configuration (ubsCon)•Interval between LCP/IPCP retries during PPP link negotiation (milliseconds): 1000F or satellite backhaul: 2000•Time between PPP keep -alive messages (milliseconds) 1000F or satellite backhaul: 2000•Number of PPP keep -alive messages that can be lost before link is marked down: 5•Number of retries for LCP/IPCP negotiations: 10•Fractional Span backhaul: P er SE config5 -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Conguring BackhaulSpan configuration (ubsSpan)•Span type: T1•Frame type: ESF , Extended ...•Coding type: B8ZS , Bipolar 8–...•T ermination type: TX131, 131 to 2...•Link alarm set threshold (bit errors / second): 30•Link alarm set duration (seconds): 10•Link alarm clear threshold (bit errors / second): 30•Link alarm clear duration (seconds): 10•Link removal threshold (bit errors / second): 75•Link removal duration (seconds): 10•Link recovery threshold (bit errors / second): 75•Link recovery duration (seconds): 10Procedure 5 -2 R esetting Backhaul P ar ameters to their Default V alues1Go to the LMF Configure Backhaul Screen.2Click on the Show Advanced box at the bottom of the screen. A full list ofbackhaul parameters will now be displayed. See Figure 5-23Change the values in the entry boxes to align with the default values notedabove.4Click on the OK button.68P09283A63 -5 5 -5FOA A UG 2007
Conguring Backhaul Chapter 5: Lea v e the SiteFigure 5 -2 Congure Backhaul Adv anced Screenen ter_filena me_her e_and_mo ve_per_st ep_85 -6 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Prepare to Lea v e the SitePrepare to Leave the Site■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■External Test Equipment RemovalP erform the procedure in Procedure 5 -3 to disconnect the test equipment and configure theUBS for active service.Procedure 5 -3 External T est Equipment R emo v al Procedure1Disconnect all external test equipment from all TX and RX connectors onthe UBS .2Reconnect and visually inspect all TX and RX antenna feed lines on the UBS .V erif y that all sector antenna feed lines are connected to the correct ports on thefr ame. Crossed antenna cables will cause system degr adation of call processing.LMF RemovalBefore removing the LMF , verify that the UBS code load is synched with the code load in theOMC -R.DO NOT power down the LMF without performing the procedure below .Corrupted/lost data files may result, and in some cases, the LMF may lock upF ollow the procedure in Procedure 5 -4 to terminate the LMF session and remove the terminal.Continued68P09283A63 -5 5 -7FOA A UG 2007
Prepare to Lea v e the Site Chapter 5: Lea v e the SiteProcedure 5 -4 LMF T ermination and R emo v al Procedure1From the Local T erminal window select File > Exit .Anytime the LMF is exited from the UBS , the DMI controller(s)will automatically reboot within 1 minute in order to clear out anytest configurations and boot up under the original configuration inthe NECB and NECJ files.2From the W indows T ask Bar click Start > Shutdown .Click Y es when the Shut Down W indows message appears.3Disconnect the LMF terminal Ethernet connector from the UBS cabinet.4Disconnect the LMF serial port, the RS -232 to GPIB interface box, and theGPIB cables as required for equipment transport.Reset All Devices and Initialize Site RemotelyDevices in the UBS should not be left with data and code loaded from the LMF . The configurationdata and code loads used for normal operation could be different from those stored in the LMFfiles. P erform the procedure in Procedure 5 -5 to reset all devices and initialize site remotely .Procedure 5 -5 R eset UBS Devices and R emote Site Initialization1T erminate the LMF session by following the procedure in Procedure 5-42V erify that the OMC-R operator has re-activated the spans.3V erify at the OMC-R that the UBS has been integrated and has synchronizedits code and data.4Account for all tools used and all parts removed.5V isually inspect the UBS for any foreign objects and remove them.6V isually inspect all cable connections, ensuring that they are connected asrequired for normal UBS operation.7V erify no alarm conditions are being reported to the OMC-R.8A fter all activities at the site have been completed, contact the OMC-R andconfirm that the UBS is under OMC-R control.5 -8 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xAData Sheets68P09283A63 -5 A -1A UG 2007 FOA
Optimization/A TP Checklist Appendix A: Data SheetsOptimization/ATP Checklist■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Verication of Test Equipment UsedTable A -1 T est Equipment Used ChecklistManufacturerModelSerial NumberA -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Optimization/A TP ChecklistChecklistTable A -2 Procedure ChecklistParameterSpecication CommentsP ower Up ProceduresPre-P ower Up T estP er Procedure 2-1Initial P ower Up T est P er Procedure 2-2and Procedure 2-3Optimization/A TP ProceduresLMF -to-UBSConnectionP er Procedure 3-2UBS GUI LoginP er Procedure 3-3UBS GUI LogoutP er Procedure 3-4Generate A TP ReportP er Procedure 4-9Leave the SiteT est EquipmentRemovalP er Procedure 5-3 ,Procedure 5-5Reset Devices andInitialize Site RemotelyP er Procedure 5-568P09283A63 -5 A -3A UG 2007 FOA
A -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xBFRU Optimization/ATP Matrix68P09283A63 -5 B -1A UG 2007 FOA
FRU Optimization/A TP T est Matrix Appendix B: FRU Optimization/A TP MatrixFRU Optimization/ATP Test Matrix■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Usage & BackgroundRe -optimization of specific portions of the site may be required. An outline of some basicguidelines is included in the following tables.Re -optimization steps listed for any assembly detailed in the tables below must beperformed anytime an RF cable associated with it is replaced.UBS Optimization RequiredTable B -1 When Optimization is R equiredItem ReplacedOptimizeXMI, IDRF , DMI, S SI, CRMSAll sector / carrier TX / RX pathsDetailed Reduced ATPThere Reduced A TP consists of the TX Audit and RS SI tests.Detailed Optional Full ATP Test MatrixT able B -2 outlines the optional A TP tests that would need to be performed if the user wants tofully test the UBS components or if the reduced A TP fails. It is also assumed that all modulesare placed in a Locked State via the LMF .The following guidelines should also be noted when using this table.B -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP FRU Optimization/A TP T est MatrixNot every procedure required to bring the site back on line is indicated in T able B -2 .It is meant to be used as a guidelineONL Y. The table assumes that the user isfamiliar enough with the UBS Optimization/A TP procedure to understand which testequipment set ups, test set calibrations, and UBS site preparation will be requiredbefore performing the T able # procedures referenced.V arious passive UBS components (such as the TX and RX directional couplers, etc.) only call fora TX or RX calibration audit to be performed in lieu of a full path calibration. If the RX or TXpath calibration audit fails, the entire RF path calibration will need to be repeated. If the RFpath calibration fails, further troubleshooting is warranted.Whenever any unit is replaced, it is assumed that only power to the unit being replaced isturned off via the breaker supplying that unit.Table B -2 Full A TP T est MatrixT estProcedure DescriptionReferenceRX Cables Run the appropriate LMF applicationsRS SI T estFER T est55TX Cables Run the appropriate LMF application TX Audit4GPSRun the appropriate LMF applicationsGPSInitialization/V erificationTX AuditRS SI T estW aveform Quality A TPPilot Time Offset A TPCode DomainP ower/Noise FloorFER T est•*6**66OPTIMIZA TION AND TEST LEGEND•Required* P erform if necessary for additional fault isolation, repair assurance, or site certification1 P erform on all carrier and sector TX paths to the UBS .2 P erform on all carrier and sector RX paths to the UBS .3 P erform on all primary and redundant TX paths of the affected carrier .4 P erform on the affected carrier and sector TX paths.5 P erform on the affected carrier and sector RX paths.6 V erify performance by performing on one sector of on carrier only .68P09283A63 -5 B -3A UG 2007 FOA
B -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xCCDMA Operating Frequency68P09283A63 -5 C -1A UG 2007 FOA
800 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating Frequency800 MHz CDMA Operating Frequency ProgrammingInformation■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IntroductionProgramming of each of the BTS XMIs is performed by the BTS DMI modules over theConcentration Highway Interface (CHI) bus. This programming data determines the transmitand receive operating frequencies (channels) for each XMI.800 MHz ChannelsFigure C -1 shows the total channels for the 800 MHz frequency spectrum and the channelsallocated to CDMA. There are 10 CDMA channels used in a CDMA system. The channels usedare unique to each customer system.T able C -1 shows the channel allocations and frequencies covered by the UBS Macro .Table C -1 800 MHz Channel AllocationsSystemDesignatorCDMA Channel V alidity Channel No. RX (MHz) TX (MHz)A(see NOTEbelow)Not V alidConditionally V alidV alid991–10121013–10201021–1023824.04–824.67824.70–824.91824.94–825.00869.04–869.67869.70–869.91869.94–870.00AV alidConditionally V alidNot V alid1–303304–311312–333825.03–834.09834.12–834.33834.36–834.99870.03–879.09879.12–879.33879.36–879.99BNot V alidConditionally V alidV alidConditionally V alidNot V alid334–355356–363364–636637–644645–666835.02–835.65835.68–835.89835.92–844.32844.11–844.32844.35–844.98880.02–880.65880.68–880.89880.92–889.32889.11–889.32889.35–889.98A ’Not V alidConditionally V alidNot V alid667–688689–694695–716845.01–845.64845.67–845.82845.85–846.48890.01–890.64890.67–890.82890.85–891.48B’Not V alidConditionally V alidV alidConditionally V alidNot V alid717–738739–746747–769770–777778–799846.51–847.14847.17–847.38847.41–848.07848.10–848.31848.34–848.97891.51–892.14892.17–892.38892.41–893.07893.10–893.31893.34–893.97India Conditionally V alidV alid1013–10201021–594824.70–824.91824.94–842.82869.70–869.91869.94–887.82C -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP 800 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming InformationTable C -1 800 MHz Channel Allocations (Continued)SystemDesignatorCDMA Channel V alidity Channel No. RX (MHz) TX (MHz)China V alid37–283 826.11–833.49 871.11–878.49The UBS supports all valid channels within the 800 MHz band and two Conditionally V alid channels: 1019and 1020. On any other conditionally valid channels within the 800 MHz band, full TX Output powercannot be supported.68P09283A63 -5 C -3A UG 2007 FOA
800 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating FrequencyFigure C -1 800 MHz Frequency Spectrum (CDMA Allocation)ti-cdma-05810.eps1644(MHz)F R E Q U E N C Y   I N C R E A S ECHANNELS824.700824.910833.490844.140RX TX825.000869.700834.090 879.090889.320844.110 889.110897.330880.6806373562833031013824.880 869.880 1019869.910 1020870.000 1023825.030 870.03037825.110 870.110878.490835.860834.120 879.120 304311834.330835.680880.860 362363098.088098.538638889.140844.320847.170694689890.670845.670845.820 890.820746770739847.410847.380892.170892.380 747892.410848.100 893.100 771777848.130 893.130848.330 893.330C -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP 800 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information800 MHz Channel Center FrequenciesT able C -2 shows the valid 800 MHz CDMA channels, listed in both decimal and hexadecimal,and the corresponding transmit and receive frequency for each.Actual frequencies used depend on customer CDMA system frequency plan.Other channels and frequencies can be calculated using the following formula:F or channels 1–799:•TX Freq = 870.00 + (0.03 x Channel)•RX Freq = (0.03 x Channel) + 825.00F or channels 991–1023:•TX Freq = 870.00 + [0.03 x (Channel - 1023)]•RX Freq = [0.030 x (Channel - 1023)] + 825.00F or channels 1024–1323:•TX Freq = 860.04 + [0.03 x (Channel - 1024)]•RX Freq = [0.030 x (Channel - 1024)] + 815.04F or channels 1324–1490:•TX Freq = 860.04 + [0.03 x (Channel - 1024)]•RX Freq = [0.030 x (Channel - 1024)] + 815.04Table C -2 800 MHz TX and RX Channel Center FrequenciesDecimal HexT ransmit Center Frequency (MHz) Receive Center Frequency (MHz)1021 03FD 869.94 824.941023 03FF 870.00 825.001 0001 870.03 825.03303 012F 879.09 834.09364 016C 880.92 835.92636 027C 889.32 844.32666 029A 889.99 844.35716 02CC 891.49 844.98747 02EB 893.10 847.71769 0301 893.31 848.0768P09283A63 -5 C -5A UG 2007 FOA
1900 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating Frequency1900 MHz CDMA Operating Frequency ProgrammingInformation■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IntroductionProgramming of each of the BTS XMIs is performed by the BTS DMI modules over theConcentration Highway Interface (CHI) bus. This programming data determines the transmitand receive operating frequencies (channels) for each XMI.1900 MHz ChannelsFigure C -2 shows the total channels for the 1900 MHz frequency spectrum and the channelsallocated to CDMA. The channels used are unique to each customer system.T able C -3 shows the channel allocations and frequencies covered by the UBS Macro .Table C -3 1900 MHz Band Class 1 Channel AllocationsCDMA Channel V alidity Channel Number TX (MHz) RX (MHz)Not V alid0–24 1930.00–1931.20 1850.00–1851.20V alid25–1175 1931.25–1988.75 1851.25–1908.75Not V alid1176–1199 1988.80–1989.95 1908.80–1909.95C -6 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP 1900 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming InformationFigure C -2 1900 MHz Frequency Spectrum (CDMA Allocation)ti-cdma-05810-B.eps4501100(MHz)F R E Q U E N C Y   I N C R E A S ECHANNELS1851.251860.00RX TX1867.501931.251882.50 1962.501985.001902.50 1982.501967.501971.251050825525650251855.00 1935.00 1001940.00 2001947.50 3501872.501956.251895.007501887.501891.251975.00 9001905.0011751988.751908.751952.501876.2568P09283A63 -5 C -7A UG 2007 FOA
1900 MHz CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating Frequency1900 MHz Channel Center FrequenciesT able C -4 shows some of the valid 1900 MHz CDMA channels, listed in both decimal andhexadecimal, and the corresponding transmit and receive frequency for each.Actual frequencies used depend on customer CDMA system frequency plan.Other channels and frequencies can be calculated using the following formula:F or channels 0–1199:•TX Freq = 1930.00 + (0.05 x Channel)•RX Freq = 1850.00 + (0.05 x Channel)Table C -4 1900 MHz TX and RX Channel Center FrequenciesDecimal HexT ransmit Center Frequency (MHz) Receive Center Frequency (MHz)25 0019 1931.25 1851.25100 0064 1935.00 1855.00200 00C8 1940.00 1860.00350 015E 1947.50 1867.50450 01C2 1952.50 1872.50525 020D 1956.25 1876.25650 028A 1962.50 1882.50750 02EE 1967.50 1887.50825 0339 1971.25 1891.25900 0384 1975.00 1895.001050 041A 1982.50 1902.501100 044C 1985.00 1905.001175 0497 1988.75 1908.75C -8 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming InformationCDMA Operating Frequency Programming Information■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IntroductionProgramming of each of the BTS XMIs is performed by the BTS GLI cards over the ConcentrationHighway Interface (CHI) bus. This programming data determines the transmit and receiveoperating frequencies (channels) for each XMI.68P09283A63 -5 C -9A UG 2007 FOA
CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating Frequency2100 MHz ChannelsFigure C -1 Figure C -3 shows the total channels for the 2100 MHz frequency spectrum andthe channels allocated to CDMA. There are 10 CDMA channels used in a CDMA system. Thechannels used are unique to each customer system.Figure C -3 2100 MHz Frequency Spectrum (CDMA Allocation)ti-cdma-00115.eps FREQ (MHz)RX              TXCHANNEL1926.251251978.752116.252168.751CDMACDMA2100MHZ-111751199C -10 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming InformationCalculating 2100 MHz Channel Center FrequenciesT able C -5 shows the valid 2100 MHz CDMA channels, listed in both decimal and hexadecimal,and the corresponding transmit and receive frequencies for each. Center frequencies (in MHz)for channels not shown in the table may be calculated as follows:•TX = 2110 + 0.05 * Channel# Example: Channel 262 TX = 2110 + 0.05 * 262 = 2123.10MHz•RX = 1920 + 0.05 * Channel# Example: Channel 262 RX = 1920 + 0.05 * 262 = 1933.10MHzActual frequencies used depend on customer CDMA system frequency plan.Each CDMA channel requires a 1.77 MHz frequency segment. The actual CDMA carrier is 1.23MHz wide, with a 0.27 MHz guard band on both sides of the carrier .Minimum frequency separation required between any CDMA carrier and the nearestNAMPS/AMPS carrier is 900 kHz (center -to -center).Table C -5 2100 MHz TX and RX Channel Center FrequenciesChannel NumberDecimalHexTransmit CenterFrequency (MHz)Receive CenterFrequency (MHz)125 007D 2116.25 1926.25150 0096 2117.50 1927.50175 00AF 2118.75 1928.75200 00C8 2120.00 1930.00225 00E1 2121.25 1931.25250 00F A 2122.50 1932.50275 0113 2123.75 1933.75300 012C 2125.00 1935.00325 0145 2126.25 1936.25350 015E 2127.50 1937.50375 0177 2128.75 1938.75400 0190 2130.00 1940.00425 01A9 2131.25 1941.25450 01C2 2132.50 1942.50475 01DB 2133.75 1943.75500 01F4 2135.00 1945.00525 020D 2136.25 1946.25550 0226 2137.50 1947.50575023F 2138.75 1948.75600 0258 2140.00 1950.0068P09283A63 -5 C -11A UG 2007 FOA
CDMA Oper ating Frequency Progr amming Information Appendix C: CDMA Oper ating FrequencyTable C -5 2100 MHz TX and RX Channel Center Frequencies (Continued)Channel NumberDecimalHexTransmit CenterFrequency (MHz)Receive CenterFrequency (MHz)625 0271 2141.25 1951.25650 028A 2142.50 1952.50675 02A3 2143.75 1953.75700 02B C 2145.00 1955.00725 02D5 2146.25 1956.25750 02EE 2147.50 1957.507750307 2148.75 1958.75800 0320 2150.00 1960.00825 0339 2151.25 1961.25850 0352 2152.50 1962.50875 036B 2153.75 1963.75900 0384 2155.00 1965.00925 039D 2156.25 1966.25950 03B6 2157.50 1967.50975 03CF 2158.75 1968.751000 03E8 2160.00 1970.001025 0401 2161.25 1971.251050 041A 2162.50 1972.501075 0433 2163.75 1973.751100 044C 2165.00 1975.001125 0465 2166.25 1976.251150 047E 2167.50 1977.501175 0497 2168.75 1978.75C -12 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xDTest Equipment Preparation68P09283A63 -5 D -1A UG 2007 FOA
T est Equipment Prepar ation Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationTest Equipment Preparation■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■This section provides pre–testing set–up information for test equipment supported by the LMF .PurposePretesting set–up information covered includes verification and setting GPIB addresses,inter–unit cabling, connectivity testing, pre–test control settings, and equipment calibration foritems which are not calibrated with the Calibrate T est Equipment function of the LMF .GPIB addressesThis appendix provides information on verification and changing GPIB addresses for thefollowing test equipment items:•Agilent E7495A/B test equipment set–up•Agilent E4406A transmitter test set•Agilent E4432B signal generator•Advantest R3267 spectrum analyzer•Advantest R3562 signal generator•Agilent 8935 analyzer (formerly HP 8935)•Advantest R3465 analyzer•Gigatronics 8541C power meter•Agilent E4418 power meter•GPIB adapterCalibration actionsThe following calibration–related subjects are also covered for the test equipment itemsindicated:Cable calibration set -up – Calibrating T est Cable Set–up using Advantest R3465D -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP T est Equipment Prepar ationCalibrating test sets –•Agilent E4406A Transmitter T ester Self -alignment (Calibration)•Gigatronics 8541C power meter (Calibration)68P09283A63 -5 D -3A UG 2007 FOA
Agilent E7495A/B T est Equipment Setup Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationAgilent E7495A/B Test Equipment Setup■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Initial RequirementThis test equipment requires a warm -up period of at least 30 minutes before BTS testing orcalibration begins.Using the Agilent E7495A/B with the LMFThe Agilent E7495A/B does not require the use of the 19MHz frequency reference; if connected,it will be ignored. The Even Sec SYNC connection is required.The Agilent E7495A/B signal generator is only calibrated down to -80dB. In order to achieveaccurate FER testing, be sure the RX setup includes at least 40dB of attenuation. This willensure the signal generator will output sufficient power to operate in the calibrated range.Set the IP Address in the test set as described in .Procedure D -1 Set IP Address on Agilent E7495A/B test set1Use the System Button >Controls >IP Admin to set an IP address on the E7495A/B as128.0.0.11 , and Netmask to .2If the IP addressed was changed, reboot the E74953F or compatibility , change the LMF computer Network Interface Card (NIC) IP address to128.0.0.48, subnetmask the E7495A/B test set as described in the Figure 3 -29 T est Equipment Connection tothe LMF .Power Sensor CalibrationProcedure D -2 describes the E7495A/B P ower Sensor Calibration.Procedure D -2 E7495A/B P ower Sensor Calibr ation1Display the power meter screen.2Make sure equipment is connected as shown in Figure D -1 .D -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Agilent E7495A/B T est Equipment SetupProcedure D -2 E7495A/B P ower Sensor Calibr ation (Continued)3Zero the power meter by doing the following:1. Press the Zero softkey .2. Press the Continue softkey .4Calibrate the power meter by doing the following:1. Press Ref CF .2. Enter the reference cal factor , reading it off the label on the power sensor head.3. Press Calibrate .4. Connect the power sensor (see Figure D -2 ).5. Press Continue .6. Press Cal Factor .7. Enter the cal factor from the label on the power sensor head. Select a cal factor that iswithin the operating frequency of the base station being calibrated.Figure D -1 Agilent E7495A/B Pre -P ower Sensor Calibr ation Connectionti-cdma-00116.epsUse onlyAgilent suppliedpower adapterGPSGPIOSerial 1Serial 2Power REF50 MHzSensorExt RefInEven SecondSync InAntennaPort 1RF Out / SWRPort 2RF InPOWER SENSOR NOT CONNECTEDFigure D -2 Agilent E7495A/B P ower Sensor Calibr ation Connectionti-cdma-00117.epsUse onlyAgilent suppliedpower adapterGPSGPIOSerial 1Serial 2Power REF50 MHzSensorExt RefInEven SecondSync InAntennaPort 1RF Out / SWRPort 2RF InPOWER SENSOR CONNECTED68P09283A63 -5 D -5A UG 2007 FOA
Agilent E7495A/B T est Equipment Setup Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationCable CalibrationF ollow the directions in the LMF application program to calibrate cables.Additional cable calibration details - Calibrate the short cable (see Figure 3 -25 )and two 10 dB attenuators to establish a baseline and then calibrate the TX and RX set -ups.Because at least 40 dB of attenuation is needed when testing the FER, the set -up for RX isthe same as for TX.D -6 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4406A T r ansmitter T esterVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4406ATransmitter Tester■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -3 Setting Agilent E4406A GPIB Addressti-cdma-00118.epsSystem KeyBk Sp KeyEnter KeyData Entry KeypadSoftkey ButtonsSoftkey Label Display AreaActive Function Areati-CDMA-WP-00085-v01-ildoc-ftwRefer to Figure D -3 when performing the following:Procedure D -3 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent E4406A T r ansmitter T ester GPIBAddress1In the SYSTEM section of the instrument front panel, press the System key .Result: The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen willchange.2Press the Config I/O softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.Result:•The softkey labels will change.•The current instrument GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Addresssoftkey label.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 18 , perform the following to change it:1. Press the GPIB Address softkey button.Result: In the on-screen Active F unction Area, GPIB Address will be displayedfollowed by the current GPIB address.68P09283A63 -5 D -7A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4406A T r ansmitter T ester Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationProcedure D -3 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent E4406A T r ansmitter T ester GPIBAddress (Continued)2. On the front panel Data Entry keypad, enter the communications system analyzerGPIB address of 18Result:The GPIB Address label will change to Enter .Digits entered with the keypad will replace the current GPIB address in thedisplay .T o correct an entry , press the Bk Sp key at the upper right of thekeypad to delete one character at a time.3. Press the Enter softkey button or the keypad Enter key to set the new GPIB address.Result:The Cong I/O softkey labels will reappear .The new GPIB address will be displayed under the GPIB Address softkey label.D -8 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4432B Signal Gener atorVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4432BSignal Generator■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -4 Setting Agilent E4432B GPIB Addressti-cdma-00119.epsNumeric KeypadSoftkey ButtonsSoftkey Label Display AreaActive Entry AreaBackspace KeyUtility Keyti-CDMA-WP-00086-v01-ildoc-ftwRefer to Figure D -4 when performing the following:Procedure D -4 V erif y and Change Agilent E4432B Signal Gener ator GPIB Address1In the MENUS section of the instrument front panel, press the Utility key .Result:•The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen will change.2Press the GPIB/RS232 softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.Result:•The softkey labels will change.•The current instrument GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Addresssoftkey label.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 1, perform the following to change it:1. Press the GPIB Address softkey button.Result:68P09283A63 -5 D -9A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4432B Signal Gener ator Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationProcedure D -4 V erif y and Change Agilent E4432B Signal Gener ator GPIB Address(Continued)The GPIB Address label and current GPIB address will change to boldface.In the on-screen Active Entry Area, Address: will be displayed followed by thecurrent GPIB address.2. On the front panel Numeric keypad, enter the signal generator GPIB address of 1.Result:The GPIB Address label will change to Enter .Digits entered with the keypad will replace the current GPIB address in theActive Entry display .T o correct an entry , press the backspace key at the lower right of thekeypad to delete one character at a time.3. Press the Enter softkey button to set the new GPIB address.Result:The new GPIB address will be displayed under the GPIB Address softkey label.D -10 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Adv antest R3267 Spectrum Analyz erVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – AdvantestR3267 Spectrum Analyzer■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -5 Setting Adv antest R3267 GPIB Addressti-cdma-00120.epsonREMOTE LEDLCL KeyCONFIG KeySoftkey Lable Display Area Softkey ButtonsKeypad BS Key ENTR Key ti-CDMA-WP-00083-v01-ildoc-ftwRefer to Figure D -5 when performing the following.Procedure D -5 V erif y and Set/Change Adv antest R3267 GPIB Address1If the REMOTE LED is lighted, press the LCL key .Result:•The LED extinguishes.2Press the CONFIG key .Result:•The CONFIG softkey labels will appear in the softkey label display area of theinstrument display .•The current GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Address softkey label.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 18 , perform the following to change it:1. Press the GPIB Address softkey .Result: AGPIB Address entry window will open in the instrument display showing thecurrent GPIB address.68P09283A63 -5 D -11A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Adv antest R3267 Spectrum Analyz er Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationProcedure D -5 V erif y and Set/Change Adv antest R3267 GPIB Address (Continued)2. Enter 18 on the keypad in the ENTR Y section of the instrument front panel.T o correct an entry , press the BS (backspace) key at the lower right of thekeypad to delete one character at a time.Result: Characters typed on the keypad will replace the address displayed in the GPIBAddress entry window .3. Press the ENTR key to the lower right of the keypad to enter the address.Result:The GPIB Address entry window closes.The new address is displayed in the bottom portion of the GPIB Addresssoftkey label.D -12 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Adv antest R3562 Signal Gener atorVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – AdvantestR3562 Signal Generator■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Set the GP -IB ADDRES S switch on the rear of the Advantest R3562 signal generator to address1as shown in Figure D -6 .Figure D -6 Adv antest R3562 GPIB Address S witch Settingti-cdma-00121.epsSERIALI/OGPIBCLOCK OUT12MAINPOWER10SYNTHEREFIN 10MHZREFOUTONOFFQIN/OUTIIN/OUTLOCALOUTGP-IBADDRESSES543211 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 4 3 2 1GP-IP ADDRESS10GPIB Address set to ?1"68P09283A63 -5 D -13A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent 8935 Series E6380 T est Set Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent 8935Series E6380 Test Set■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -7 Setting Agilent 8935 T est Set GPIB Addressti-cdma-00122.epsFW00885PresetCursor ControlShiftInst ConfigLocalThis procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up and ready for testing.Refer to Figure D -7 when performing the following.Procedure D -6 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent 8935 Series E6380 T est Set GPIBAddress1The HP I/O configuration MUST be set to T alk & Listen, or NO device onthe GPIB bus will be accessible. (Consult test equipment manufacturer’sdocumentation for additional information as required.)D -14 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent 8935 Series E6380 T est SetProcedure D -6 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent 8935 Series E6380 T est Set GPIBAddress (Continued)T o verify that the GPIB addresses are set correctly , press Shift and LOCAL on the 8935.The current HP -IB address is displayed at the top of the screen.HP -IB is the same as GPIB.2If the current GPIB address is not set to 18 , perform the following to change it:1. Press Shift and Inst Cong .2. Turn the Cursor Control knob to move the cursor to the HP -IB Adrs field.3. Press the Cursor Control knob to select the field.4. Turn the Cursor Control knob as required to change the address to 18.5. Press the Cursor Control knob to set the address.3Press Preset to return to normal operation.68P09283A63 -5 D -15A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Gigatronics 8541C P ower Meter Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Gigatronics8541C Power Meter■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -8 Gigatronics 8541C P ower Meter Detailti-cdma-00128.epsCONNECT POWER SENSOR WITH POWER METER TURNED OFFCONNECT POWER SENSOR TO CALIBRATOR POWER REFERENCE WHEN CALIBRATING/ZEROING UNITCALIBRATORZEROCAL FREQRELMENUESCAPEdB/MWRECALLLOCALENTERAMODEGPIBPOWERIOGiga-tronics8542CUniversalPowerMeterdB m- 1 0 0LINEVOLTAGESELECTION GPIB120VACFRONT View REAR ViewGPIB CONNECTIONAC POWERABRefer to Figure D -8 when performing the following:This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up and ready for testing.Procedure D -7 V erif y and Set/Change Gigatronics 8541C P ower Meter GPIB Address1Do not connect/disconnect the power meter sensor cable with AC power appliedto the meter . Disconnection could result in destruction of the sensing elementor miscalibr ation.Press MENU .2Use the [Symbol_arrowblackdown] arrow key to select CONFIG MENU and press ENTER .3Use the [Symbol_arrowblackdown] arrow key to select GPIB and press ENTER .Result: The current Mode and GPIB Address are displayed.D -16 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Gigatronics 8541C P ower MeterProcedure D -7 V erif y and Set/Change Gigatronics 8541C P ower Meter GPIB Address(Continued)4If the Mode is not set to 8541C , perform the following to change it:1. Use the ◄ ◄◄► ►►arrow keys as required to select MODE .2. Use the arrow keys as required to set MODE to 8541C.5If the GPIB address is not set to 13 , perform the following to change it:1. Use the ► ►►arrow key to select ADDRES S .2. Use the arrow keys as required to set the GPIB address to 13 .6Press ENTER to return to normal operation.68P09283A63 -5 D -17A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4418 P ower Meter Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4418Power Meter■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Figure D -9 Agilent E4418B P ower Meter V erif y and Set/Change GPIB Addressti-cdma-05962.epsLEFT DOWN UP RIGHTARROWKEYSPRESET/LOCALSYSTEM/INPUTSSTATUSREPORTINGLINESOFTKEYLABELAREASOFTKEYMENUTITLESOFTKEYMENU PAGENUMBERRefer to Figure D -9 when performing the following:Procedure D -8 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent E4418 P ower Meter GPIB Address1If RMT (remote operation) is displayed on the left end of the instrument screen statusreporting line, press the Preset/Local front panel button.Result: The status line entry will change to LCL (local or front panel operation).2On the instrument front panel, press the System/Inputs key .Result: The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen willchange.3Press the Remote Interface >Congure Interface >GPIB softkeys to the right of theinstrument screen.Result:•The softkey labels will change.•The current instrument GPIB address will be displayed below the GP -IB Addrsoftkey label.D -18 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – Agilent E4418 P ower MeterProcedure D -8 V erif y and Set/Change Agilent E4418 P ower Meter GPIB Address(Continued)4If the current GPIB address is set to 13 , skip to step step 8 .5If the current GPIB address isnotset to 13 , press the GP-IB Addr softkey .Result: A pop-up window will appear and display the current GPIB address.6Modify the GPIB address in the pop-up as necessary using the following front panelkeys to perform the indicated functions:•Up and down arrow keys to change the digit on which the cursor is currently located•Left and right arrow keys to move the cursor to other digits7When the GPIB address is correct, press the Enter softkey .8Return the instrument to the required setup configuration for testing.68P09283A63 -5 D -19A UG 2007 FOA
V erif ying and Setting GPIB Addresses – RS232 GPIB Interface Bo x Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationVerifying and Setting GPIB Addresses – RS232 GPIBInterface Box■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Be sure that the RS232 GPIB interface box DIP switches are set as shown in Figure D -10 .Figure D -10 RS232 GPIB Interface Bo xti-cdma-00125.epsRS232-GPIB Interface BoxS MODEDATA FORMATBAUD RATEGPIB ADRSONDIP SWITCH SETTINGS G MODED -20 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP T est Equipment Calibr ation – Agilent 4406 Self -alignmentTest Equipment Calibration – Agilent 4406Self -alignment■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Refer to Figure D -11 when performing the following.Figure D -11 Agilent E4406A Self -alignmentSystemKeySoftkeyButtonsSoftkey Label Display Areati-cdma-00126.epsProcedure D -9 Agilent E4406A Self -alignment (Calibr ation)1In the SYSTEM section of the instrument front panel, press the System key .Result: The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen willchange.2Press the Alignments softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.Result: The softkey labels will change.3Press the Align All Now softkey button.Result:•All other instrument functions will be suspended during the alignment.•The display will change to show progress and results of the alignments performed.•The alignment will take less than one minute.68P09283A63 -5 D -21A UG 2007 FOA
T est Equipment Calibr ation – Gigatronics 8542 P ower Meter Appendix D: T est Equipment Prepar ationTest Equipment Calibration – Gigatronics 8542 PowerMeter■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Precise transmit output power calibration measurements are made using a bolometer -typebroadband power meter with a sensitive power sensor . F ollow the steps in Procedure D -10 toenter information unique to the power sensor . Refer to Figure D -12 as necessary .Figure D -12 Gigatronics 8541C P ower Meter Calibr ationti-cdma-00128.epsCONNECT POWER SENSOR WITH POWER METER TURNED OFFCONNECT POWER SENSOR TO CALIBRATOR POWER REFERENCE WHEN CALIBRATING/ZEROING UNITCALIBRATORZEROCAL FREQRELMENUESCAPEdB/MWRECALLLOCALENTERAMODEGPIBPOWERIOGiga-tronics8542CUniversalPowerMeterdB m- 1 0 0LINEVOLTAGESELECTION GPIB120VACFRONT View REAR ViewGPIB CONNECTIONAC POWERABProcedure D -10 Calibr ate Gigatronics 8542 P ower Meter1Do not connect/disconnect the power meter sensor cable with AC power appliedto the meter . Disconnection could result in destruction of the sensing elementor miscalibr ation.Make sure the power meter POWER pushbutton is OFF .2Connect the power sensor cable to the SENSOR input.3Set the POWER pushbutton to ON .Allow the power meter and sensor to warm up and stabilize for a minimum of60 minutes before performing the calibration procedure.D -22 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP T est Equipment Calibr ation – Gigatronics 8542 P ower MeterProcedure D -10 Calibr ate Gigatronics 8542 P ower Meter (Continued)4Connect the power sensor to the CALIBRA TOR output connector .5Press ZERO , and wait for the process to complete.Result: Sensor factory calibration data is read to power meter during this process.6When the zeroing process is complete, disconnect the power sensor from theCALIBRA TOR output.68P09283A63 -5 D -23A UG 2007 FOA
D -24 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xEOptimization and Calibration Procedures68P09283A63 -5 E -1A UG 2007 FOA
Introduction to Calibr ation Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresIntroduction to Calibration■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■OverviewThis appendix is not normally applicable to the UBS , but is provided for reference.This section describes procedures for isolating the UBS from the span lines, preparing andusing the LMF , downloading system operating software, set up and calibration of the supportedtest equipment, and transmit/receive path verification.Before using the LMF , use a browser to view theCA VEA TSsection in thereadme.htmlfile in the LMF home directory (e.g., c:\wlmf) for any applicable information.Optimization Process SummaryA fter a UBS is physically installed and the preliminary operations, such as power up, havebeen completed, the LMF is used to optimize the UBS . The basic optimization process consistsof the following:E -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Introduction to Calibr ation1. Use the status function and verify that all of the installed devices of the following typesrespond with status information: HDModem and DMI.2. V erify the code load of all the devices.3. V erify the operation of the GPS and QHSO or MSO signals.4. Unlock the following devices:UBS5. Connect the required test equipment for a full optimization.6. Select the test equipment.7. P erform the TX Audit.8. If the TX Audit fails, there is a hardware problem, correct the problem that caused thefailure and repeat the optimization for the failed path.9. If the TX Audit portion of the optimization passes for the RF path, but some of the TX orRX tests fail, correct the problem that caused the failure and run the individual tests asrequired until all TX and RX tests have passed for all the paths.68P09283A63 -5 E -3A UG 2007 FOA
T ak e Control of UBS R esources Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresTake Control of UBS Resources■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■UBS ControlIn a UBS , the DMI controls all UBS resources, such as the Modem and QHSO , which werepreviously managed by the Central Base Station Controller (CBSC) and Mobility Manager(MM) in BTSes. As a result, the LMF cannot perform any of the normal code/data download,optimization, or test functions with the UBS until the DMI gives up control of these items.Taking Control of UBS ResourcesA fter logging into a UBS for optimization or acceptance testing, the first action which must beperformed is transferring control of the UBS from the Controller to the LMFPrerequisitesLMF must be logged into the UBS .after logging into the UBS , the LMF will be operating in monitoring mode. (It allows the user toview status/monitor all UBS cards and Site Controller (SC))T o take control of all devices from the UBS , perform UBS -> EnterInvasive Mode(DMI comesunder the control of the LMF and disconnects it from the UBS span lines).E -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Code S yncing to the UBSCode Syncing to the UBS■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■General InformationBefore a UBS can operate, each equipped device must contain device application (RAM) codeand must be code sync’d to each equipped device by the user before the UBS can be made fullyfunctional for the site where it is installed68P09283A63 -5 E -5A UG 2007 FOA
Ba y Lev el Offset Calibr ation Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresBay Level Offset Calibration■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■T o avoid over -driving the XMIs, the BLO for UBS must be -2 dB or greater .IntroductionBay Level Offset (BLO) calibration is used to optimize non -standard UBS installations. F actorycalibration of the UBS components assures proper TX performance of the UBS system in allinstallations that use Motorola supplied hardware in the TX path. In the event of a non -standardinstallation, BLO calibration can be used to compensate for TX path loss variations due tonon -standard equipment.RF Path Bay Level Offset CalibrationCalibration identifies the accumulated gain in every transmit path (sector–carrier) at the UBSsite and stores that value in a BLO data base calibration table in the LMF .F or single frames, each receive path starts at an RX antenna port and terminates at the UBS .Calibration identifies the accumulated gain in every transmit path at the UBS site and storesthat value in a BLO database. Only those slots (sectors) actually equipped in the current NECfile are tested.When to TX AuditTX Audit will be performed:•A fter initial UBS installation•A fter UBS replacementTX Path CalibrationThe TX P ath Calibration assures correct site installation, cabling, and the first order functionalityof all installed equipment. The proper function of each RF path is verified during calibration.The external test equipment is used to validate/calibrate the TX paths of the UBS .E -6 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Ba y Lev el Offset Calibr ationBefore connecting an y test equipment directly to an y TX OUT connector y ou mustrst v erif y that there are no CDMA channels k ey ed. Ha v e the OMC –R place allsectors under test OOS . F ailure to do so can result in serious personal injury and/orequipment damage.Alw a ys wear an appro v ed anti–static wrist str ap while handling an y circuitcard/module. If this is not done, there is a high probabilit y that the card/modulecould be damaged b y ESD .BLO Calibration Data FileDuring the calibration process, the LMF creates a UBS– calibration (BLO) offset datafile (CAL file) in the UBS–# folder . A fter calibration has been completed, Cal file has to bedownloaded to the UBS using UBS–>Upload CAL File function. An explanation of the fileis shown below .Test Equipment Set -up for RF Path CalibrationF ollow the procedure in Procedure E -1 to set up test equipment.Procedure E -1 T est Equipment Setup (RF P ath Calibr ation)1V erify the GPIB controller is properly connected and turned on (does notapply to the Agilent E7495A/B).T o prev ent damage to the test equipment, all tr ansmit (TX) testconnections must be via the 30 dB directional coupler . T otal cableloss should be no less than 30 dB .2If it has not already been done, connect the LMF computer to the UBS LMTconnector on the UBS .68P09283A63 -5 E -7A UG 2007 FOA
Ba y Lev el Offset Calibr ation Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresTransmit (TX) Path Calibration DescriptionThe Line Maintenance F acility (LMF) will automatically use the channel numbers and powerlevels assigned to the UBS if the UBS has been connected to an Operation MaintenanceCenter — R adio (OMC -R) and brought into service. If the OMC -R connection has not yet beenestablished, the LMF operator will have to manually select each calibration point using aspecific channel number and power level for that channel. Bay Level Offset (BLO) calibrationis only applied to the specific channel numbers, thus calibration must be done on the exactchannel number to be used when the site is operational.TX Calibration and the LMFThe LMF T ests > TX > TX Calibration... and T ests > All Cal/Audit... selections perform TXBLO calibration testing for the installed RDF . The All Cal/Audit... selection initiates a series ofactions to perform TX calibration, and, if calibration is successful, download BLO and perform TXaudit. The TX Calibration... selection performs only TX calibration. When TX used, BLO download and TX Audit must be performed as separate activities. The CDMAT est P arameters window which opens when TX Calibration... or All Cal/Audit... is selectedcontains several user–selectable features which are described in the following subsections.Pilot GenerationChannels / Carrier pick–list containing the list of carriers available for the selectedSector/Carriers. The list is derived from NECB file. DMI pick–list containing the list of DMIsbeing able to generate Pilot signal of selected Sector/Carrier . The list is derived from NECBfile. The list is derived from NECB file. PN non–modifiable text box(es). The value is thePilotPn derived from NECB files Carrier # Channels: text box(es). Carrier numbers and defaultchannels are derived from NECB file. Frequency Band non–modifiable text box(es). The value isthe frequency band derived from NECB files.Verify BLOIn both the TX Calibration and All Cal/Audit dialog boxes, a V erify BLO checkbox is providedand checked by default. A fter the actual TX calibration is completed during either the TXCalibration or AllCal/Audit process, the BLO derived from the calibration is compared to astandard, acceptable BLO tolerance for the UBS . In some installations, additional items may beinstalled in the transmit path. The additional change in gain from these items could cause BLOverification failure and, therefore, failure of the entire calibration. In these cases, either theV erify BLO checkbox should be unchecked or the additional path losses should be added intoeach applicable sector using the Util > Edit > TX Coupler Loss... function.E -8 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Ba y Lev el Offset Calibr ationSingle–sided BLO CheckboxAnother option that appears in the pull–down menu is Single–sided BLO . Normally validBLO values are some value plus–or–minus some offset. Single–sided BLO spec is >–3.5 dB.Double–sided BLO spec is –1.5 +/– 2.0 dB. T o get the more stringent conditions, the operatorchecks Single–sided BLO when calibrating non -redundant transceivers. Single–sided BLOcarries the likelihood of more failures. This option should only be used by experienced CFEs.The T ests > TX > TX Calibration... menu window has a T est P attern pull–down menu. Thismenu has the following choices.•Pilot (default) – performs tests using a pilot signal only . This pattern should be used whenrunning in–service tests. It requires the DMIs to do the test.•Standard – performs the tests using pilot, synch, paging and six traffic channels.•CDFPilot – performs the tests using the pilot signal, however , the gain is specified in theNEC file. Advanced users may use CDFPilot to generate a Pilot pattern using the valuespecified by the Pilot Gain parameter in the NEC file instead of a predetermined value.•CDF – performs the tests using pilot, synch, paging and six traffic channels, however , thegain for the channel elements is specified in the NEC file. Advanced users may use NEC togenerate a standard pattern. Instead of using the values specified by IS–97, the settingsfor the following NEC parameters are used:PilotGainPchGainSchGainNomGain1W ay68P09283A63 -5 E -9A UG 2007 FOA
UBS R edundancy/Alarm T esting Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresUBS Redundancy/Alarm Testing■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Test Equipment SetupF ollow the procedure in Procedure E -2 to set up test equipment:All alarm tests are performed using the sector 1 IDRF .Procedure E -2 T est Equipment Setup for R edundancy/Alarm T ests1Connect the LMF computer to the CRMS/LMT CUSTOMER ENET connector on the S SI.2Login to the UBS .3Set up test equipment for TX Audit at the sector 1 IDRF TX/RX M connector (see Figure 3-23 ,Figure 3-24 ,Figure 3-25 , or Figure 3-26 ).4Display the alarm monitor by selecting Util > Alarm Monitor .5Unequip all customer–defined alarms reported through the S SI Customer I/O connectors(IN 1–12 OUT 1–4 and IN 13–24 OUT 5–8) then selecting Device > Set Alarm Relays >Unequipped .During alarm reporting, spurious alarms may report. Allow the UBS to stabilize for10 seconds. If any alarms are actively being reported after the UBS has stabilized,determine the cause before proceeding further .GPS and QHSO Redundancy/Alarm TestsF ollow the procedure in Procedure E -3 to verify the manual redundancy of the GPS and QHSOboards. V erification of alarms reported is also covered.E -10 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP UBS R edundancy/Alarm T estingDO NOTperform Procedure E -3 , unless the site is configured with an QHSO orMSO time base as a backup for the GPS .Procedure E -3 GPS and QHSO/MSO R edundancy/Alarm T ests1Before enabling an y XMI, alw a ys v erif y that the TX output is terminated into a 200W non-r adiating RF load! F ailure to do so could result in serious personal injuryand/or damage to the equipment.If the XMI is not INS (green), enable it by selecting it and then selecting Device > Unlock .2Click OK to close the status report window .3K ey the XMI by selecting it and then selecting Device > X CVR > K ey .4Disconnect the cable from the S SI RGPS connector . This forces the QHSO board time base tobecome the CDMA timing source.5Observe that a CDMA timing reference alarm and source change are reported in the AlarmMonitor .6Allow the QHSO/MSO to become the active timing source, and verify the following:•The XMI remains keyed and INS .•No other modules went OOS due to the transfer to QHSO/MSO reference.7Reconnect the cable to the S SI RGPS connector .8Allow the GPS to become the active timing source, and verify the following:•The XMI remains keyed and INS .•No other modules went OOS due to the transfer to GPS reference.9De-key the UBS by selecting Device > X CVR > Dekey .10Disable the XMI by selecting it and then selecting Device > Lock .Result: The XMI color changes to yellow (OOS).68P09283A63 -5 E -11A UG 2007 FOA
Alarms T esting Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresAlarms Testing■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Alarm VericationALARM connectors provide Customer Alarm Inputs and Outputs. The customer can connectUBS site alarm input sensors and output devices to the UBS , thus providing alarm reporting ofactive sensors as well controlling output devices.Alarm Reporting DisplayThe Alarm Monitor window can be displayed to list alarms that occur after the window isdisplayed. T o access the Alarm Monitor window , select Util>Alarm Monitor .The following buttons are included:•The Options button allows for a severity level (W arning, Minor , and Major) selection.The default is all levels. T o change the level of alarms reported click on the Optionsbutton and highlight the desired alarm level(s). T o select multiple levels press the Ctrlkey (for individual selections) or Shift key (for a range of selections) while clicking onthe desired levels.•The Pause button pauses/stops the display of alarms. When the Pause button is clickedthe name of the button changes to Continue . When the Continue button is clicked, thedisplay of alarms continues. Alarms that occur between the time the Pause button isclicked and the Continue button is clicked are not displayed.•The Clear button clears the Alarm Monitor display . New alarms that occur after the Clearbutton is clicked are displayed.•The Dismiss button dismisses/closes the Alarm Monitor display .E -12 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Alarms T estingFigure E -1 Alarm Connector Locationti-cdma-05698-A.epsCUSTOMER EQUIPMENT 68P09283A63 -5 E -13A UG 2007 FOA
Alarms T esting Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresPurposeThe following procedures verify the customer defined alarms and relay contacts are functioningproperly . These tests are performed on all alarms/relays in a sequential manner until all havebeen verified. P erform these procedures periodically to ensure the external alarms are reportedproperly . F ollowing these procedures ensures continued peak system performance.Study the site engineering documents and perform the following tests only after first verifyingthat the alarm cabling configuration required to interconnect the UBS frame with externalalarm sensors and/or relays meet requirements called out in the 1X UBS Macro BTS HardwareInstallation .Motorola highly recommends that you read and understand this procedure in itsentirety before starting this procedure.Alarm input and output informationAlarm connectorsThere are two ALARM connectors on the UBS Macro S SI:•CUSTOMER IP 1 -12 OP 1 -4 connector•CUSTOMER IP 13 -24 OP 5 -8 connectorEach ALARM connector provides 12 inputs and 4 outputs. A total of 24 inputs and 8 outputs areavailable.FunctionALARM connectors provide for Customer Alarm Inputs and Outputs. The customer can connectUBS site alarm input sensors and output devices to the UBS , thus providing alarm reporting ofactive sensors as well as controlling output devices.The S SI detects signals from customer input sensors and reports the detected signals to theDMI controller , which in turn reports the detected alarm to the OMC -R, where it is displayed asdefined by the customer .The S SI also provides switched relay contacts to customer output devices. The S SI controlsrelay contacts according to output control signals from the DMI controller , in response tocustomer defined commands entered at the OMC -R.E -14 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Alarms T estingInput connectorsEach input consists of a wire/pin pair (that is, input/Gnd). T o ensure proper operation, eachpair to be used must be connected to an external sensor that provides a dry -contact closure.The customer sensor output connects between an optically isolated 5 VDC signal and anisolated return.F or an OPEN circuit (logic 0) between pins:•There is 10 K Ohms or greater across the input pair .•The signal to ground voltage is +5 VDC .F or a CLOSED circuit (logic 1) between pins:•There is 1 K Ohms or less across the input pair .•The signal to ground current is a maximum of 9 mA.Either of the above states can be defined by the customer in system software as an alarmcondition.Output connectorsEach output consists of 3 -wires/pins:•COM•NC•NOThe customer output device control inputs connect between the common (COM) and either thenormally closed (NC) or normally open (NO) contacts of a relay . The NC and NO state for relaycontacts occurs when the relay coil is not energized.Relay contacts are load rated for a maximum of 1 A at 24 VDC and 0.5 A at 50 VDC .The toggling of relay contacts to the opposite state is controlled by system software.Figure E -2 Alarm Connector Pin Numberingti-cdma-05692.epsLOOSE WIRES, NO CONNECTOR37-Pin-Type   (Male)119 372068P09283A63 -5 E -15A UG 2007 FOA
Alarms T esting Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresCustomer Alarm Input VericationProcedure E -4 describes how to test the Customer alarm input verification. F ollow the steps asinstructed and compare results with the LMF display .It may take a few seconds for alarms to be reported. The default delay is 5 seconds.When shorting alarm pins wait for the alarm report before removing the short.Procedure E -4 Customer Alarm Input V erication1Connect the LMF to the UBS and log into the UBS .2Select the Controller .3Click on the Device menu.4Click on the Set Alarm Relays menu item.5Click on Normally Open .A status report window displays the results of the action.6Click on OK to close the status report window .7Refer to Figure E -2 and sequentially short the ALARMA connector CA IN 1 through CA IN 12 pins together .Sequentially short the ALARM B connectorCA IN 13 through CA IN 24 pins together .An alarm should be reported for each pair of pins that are shorted.A clear alarm should be reported for each pair of pins when the shortis removed.8Select the Controller .9Click on the Device menu.10Click on the Set Alarm Relays menu item.1 1Click on Normally Closed .A status report window displays the results of the action.12Click on OK to close the status report window .Alarms should be reported for alarm inputs 1 through24.13Sequentially short the ALARM B connectorCA IN 13 through CA IN 24 pins together .A clear alarm should be reported for each pair of pins that are shorted.An alarm should be reported for each pair of pins when the short is removed.14Select the Controller .15Click on the Device menu.E -16 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Alarms T estingProcedure E -4 Customer Alarm Input V erication (Continued)16Click on the Set Alarm Relays menu item.17Click on Unequipped .A status report window displays the results of the action.18Click on OK to close the status report window .19Refer to Figure E -2 and sequentially short the ALARMA connector CA IN 1 through CA IN 12 pins together .Sequentially short the ALARM B connectorCA IN 13 through CA IN 24 pins together .No alarms should be displayed.20Load data to the Controller to reset the alarm relay conditions accordingto the NEC file.Pin and Signal Information for Alarm ConnectorsT able E -1 and T able E -2 lists the pins, wire color codes, and signal names.Table E -1 Connector Pinout for Cable T IP 1–12 OP 1–4Pin NameRecommended W ire Color for Cable1 CA IN 1White/Blue2 CA IN 2White/Orange3 CA IN 3White/Green4 CA IN 4White/Brown5CA IN 5White/Gray6 CA IN 6Red/Blue7CA IN 7Red/Orange8 CA IN 8Red/Green9 CA IN 9Red/Brown10 NCNA11 CA NO 1Black/Blue12 CA NO 2Black/Orange13 CA NC 2Black/Green14 CA NO 3Black/Brown15 CA NO 4Black/Gray16 CA NC 4Y ellow/Blue17 CA IN 10Y ellow/Orange18 CA IN 11Y ellow/Green19 CA IN 12Y ellow/Brown68P09283A63 -5 E -17A UG 2007 FOA
Alarms T esting Appendix E: Optimization and Calibr ation ProceduresTable E -1 Connector Pinout for Cable T IP 1–12 OP 1–4 (Continued)Pin NameRecommended W ire Color for Cable20 GND 1Blue/White21 GND 2Orange/White22 GND 3Green/White23 GND 4Brown/White24 GND 5Gray/White25 GND 6Blue/Red26 GND 7Orange/Red27 GND 8Green/Red28 GND 9Brown/Red29 CA NC 1Blue/Black30 CA COM 1Orange/Black31 CA COM 2Green/Black32 CA NC 3Brown/Black33 CA COM 3Gray/Black34 CA COM 4Blue/Y ellow35 GND 10Orange/Y ellow36 GND 11Green/Y ellow37 GND 12Brown/Y ellowCA IN— Customer Alarm signal into the M810 BTS , NO — Normally Open, NC — Normally Closed,COM — CommonTable E -2 Connector Pinout for Cable T IP13–24 OP5–8Pin NameRecommended W ire Color for Cable1 CA IN 13White/Blue2 CA IN 14White/Orange3 CA IN 15White/Green4 CA IN 16White/Brown5CA IN 17White/Gray6 CA IN 18Red/Blue7CA IN 19Red/Orange8 CA IN 20Red/Green9 CA IN 21Red/Brown10 NCNAE -18 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP Alarms T estingTable E -2 Connector Pinout for Cable T IP13–24 OP5–8 (Continued)Pin NameRecommended W ire Color for Cable11 CA NO 5Black/Blue12 CA NO 6Black/Orange13 CA NC 6Black/Green14 CA NO 7Black/Brown15 CA NO 8Black/Gray16 CA NC 8Y ellow/Blue17 CA IN 22Y ellow/Orange18 CA IN 23Y ellow/Green19 CA IN 24Y ellow/Brown20 GND 13Blue/White21 GND 14Orange/White22 GND 15Green/White23 GND 16Brown/White24 GND 17Gray/White25 GND 18Blue/Red26 GND 19Orange/Red27 GND 28Green/Red28 GND 21Brown/Red29 CA NC 5Blue/Black30 CA COM 5Orange/Black31 CA COM 6Green/Black32 CA NC 7Brown/Black33 CA COM 7Gray/Black34 CA COM 8Blue/Y ellow35 GND 22Orange/Y ellow36 GND 23Green/Y ellow37 GND 24Brown/Y ellowCA IN— Customer Alarm signal into the M810 BTS , NO — Normally Open, NC — Normally Closed,COM — Common68P09283A63 -5 E -19A UG 2007 FOA
E -20 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xFMSO Calibration68P09283A63 -5 F -1A UG 2007 FOA
MSO Calibr ation Appendix F : MSO Calibr ationMSO Calibration■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MSO Calibration StatusThe check the status of the Motorola Standard (Medium Stability) Oscillator (MSO) perform thefollowing:•Log into the UBS with the LMF .•Click on BTS > MSO Calibration Status menu item•MSO status is displayed.MSO Calibration ProcedureP erform the following procedure only if the BTS is inIsland Modeconfiguration, the system hasno configured references, and HSO , GPS , or external reference is connected.Procedure F -1 Procedure to Calibr ate the MSO1Log into the UBS .2Click on BTS Menu . Select Enter Invasive Mode (Figure F -1 ). W ait forMessage window to appear ( Figure F -2 ).3From BTS Menu, select MSO Calibration Status (Figure F -3 ). MSO status isdisplayed ( Figure F -4 )4From BTS Menu, select MSO Calibration Figure F -5 )5Select Clock reference HSO-1 to start MSO calibration ( Figure F -6 ).W ait for start ( Figure F -7 )6The calibration takes about 15 minutes tocomplete (it can take up to an 60 minutes).Read the calibration status ( Figure F -8 )7Logout of UBS . Click on File->Exit (Figure F -9 ).8Login to UBS (do not enter invasive mode).9From BTS Menu, select MSO Calibration Status (Figure F -10 ).F -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP MSO Calibr ationFigure F -1 B T S Menu - Enter In v asiv e ModeFigure F -2 Message WindowFigure F -3 B T S Menu - MSO CAL StatusFigure F -4 R ead MSO Cal StatusFigure F -5 Select MSO Calibr ationFigure F -6 Select Clock R eferenceFigure F -7 MSO Calibr ation (In v asiv e Mode)Figure F -8 R ead MSO StatusFigure F -9 Exit Local T erminalFigure F -10 MSO Status (Non -In v asiv e Mode)68P09283A63 -5 F -3A UG 2007 FOA
F -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
A p p e n d i xGSSI Loopback Connector Information68P09283A63 -5 G -1A UG 2007 FOA
S SI Loopback Connector Appendix G: S SI Loopback Connector InformationSSI Loopback Connector■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■There are two loopback connectors required, one for the Span and one for the Customer Input /Output. This appendix section provides the information necessary for making a 37 pin D -sub forthe span and customer input / output connectors.PurposeThe purpose of the S SI loopback connector is to enable the user to determine if the receive andtransmit lines of the span cable circuitry are operating correctly .Required PartsShould a 37 pin D -sub loopback connector not be available, one can be made by the user tointerface with the 37 pin D -sub on the S SI board.Table G -1 P arts R equired to F abricate Loopback ConnectorItem Part NumberQtyDescriptionCustomer Supplied237 pin, D -sub plugFigure G -1 Loopback Connectorti-cdma-05692-A.eps37-Pin-Type   (Male)1193720SSI Span Loopback ConnectorThe pinouts for the S SI Span Loopback Connector are listed in T able G -2 . Recommended wire is22 A WG , solid or 24 A WG , stranded.G -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP S SI Loopback ConnectorTable G -2 S SI Span Loopback Connector PinoutsPin #SignalDescriptionLoopbackConnection PinPin #SignalDescriptionLoopbackConnection Pin1 TX1 TIP 12 20 TX1 RING 302 TX2 TIP 13 21 TX2 RING 313 TX3 TIP 14 22 TX3 RING 324 TX4 TIP 15 23 TX4 RING 335 TX5 TIP16 24 TX5 RING 346 TX6 TIP 17 25 TX6 RING 357 TX7 TIP18 26 TX7 RING 368 TX8 TIP 19 27 TX8 RING 379 GND 28 GND10 GND 29 GND11 GND 30 RX1 RING 2012 RX1 TIP 1 31 RX2 RING 2113 RX2 TIP 2 32 RX3 RING 2214 RX3 TIP 3 33 RX4 RING 2315 RX4 TIP 4 34 RX5 RING 2416RX5 TIP 535 RX6 RING 2517 RX6 TIP 6 36 RX7 RING 2618RX7 TIP 737 RX8 RING 2719 RX8 TIP 868P09283A63 -5 G -3A UG 2007 FOA
S SI Loopback Connector Appendix G: S SI Loopback Connector InformationFigure G -2 S SI Span Loopback Connector Wiring Diagr amti-cdma-05692-C.eps20 371913012SSI Customer Input / Output Loopback ConnectorThe pinouts for the S SI CIO Loopback Connector are listed in T able G -3 . Recommended wire is22 A WG , solid or 24 A WG , stranded.G -4 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S Optimization/A TP S SI Loopback ConnectorTable G -3 S SI CIO Loopback Connector PinoutsPin #SignalDescriptionLoopbackConnection PinPin #SignalDescriptionLoopbackConnection Pin1 CA IN 1 30 20 GND 132 CA IN 2 30 21 GND3 CA IN 3 30 22 GND4 CA IN 4 31 23 GND 165CA IN 5 31 24 GND6 CA IN 6 31 25 GND7CA IN 7 33 26 GND 328 CA IN 8 33 27 GND9 CA IN 9 33 28 GND 2910 NC 29Relay NC 12811Relay NO 1NC 30Relay COM 11,2,312Relay NO 2NC 31Relay COM 24,5,613Relay NC 220 32Relay NC 32614Relay NO 3NC 33Relay COM 37,8,915Relay NO 4NC 34Relay COM 417,18,1916Relay NC 423 35 GND17 CA IN 10 34 36 GND18 CA IN 11 34 37 GND19 CA IN 12 3468P09283A63 -5 G -5A UG 2007 FOA
S SI Loopback Connector Appendix G: S SI Loopback Connector InformationFigure G -3 S SI CIO Loopback Connector Wiring Diagr amti-cdma-05692-B.eps11934209231326G -6 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
IndexIndex■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■AAbbreviations and AcronymsComputer Requirements, Minimum . . . 1 - 13Acceptance T esting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 5Advantest R3267GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 11Advantest R3465Calibrating T est Cable . . . . . . . . . . D - 2Advantest R3562GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 13Agilent 8935 Series E6380 (formerly HP 8935)T est Set GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . D - 14Agilent E4406Acalibration . . . . . . . . . D - 3 , D - 21 to D - 22GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 7Agilent E4432B Signal GeneratorGPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 9A TP T est MatrixFRU Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . B - 2BBackhaul Configuration Procedure . . . . . 5 - 2Bay Level Offset CalibrationBay Level Offset Calibration (contd.)Calibration, BLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . E - 6CCableCalibrating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 64Setting Loss V alues . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 72Cable CalibrationManual ................. 3-35Cable Calibration Set -upAutomatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 35Calibrate T est CablingCommunications System Analyzer . . . 3 - 64CalibratingCables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 64T est Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 56Calibrating T est CableAdvantest R3465 . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 2Calibrating T est CablingCalibrating T est Cabling using CommunicationsSystem Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 69calibrationGigatronics 8542B . . . . . . . . . . . D - 22Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 4Calibration Procedures IncludedAutomatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 56Calibration, T est Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 7Calibration, T est Equipment . . . . . . . . 1 - 7Code Domain A TPNoise Floor A TP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 21Continuous W aveform, Lock . . . . . . . . 4 - 25Continuous W aveform, Unlock . . . . . . 4 - 24DDocuments, Required . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 13EE4406A68P09283A63 -5 IX -1A UG 2007 FOA
IndexE4406A (contd.)calibration . . . . . . . . . D - 3 , D - 21 to D - 22FFER ATP ................. 4-23GGenerate A TP Report . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 26Gigatronics 8541C power meter . . . . . . D - 3Gigatronics 8542 power metercalibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 22Gigatronics 8542B power meterillustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 16GPIBpower meterGigatronics 8542B . . . . . . . . . . D - 16GPIB AddressAdvantest R3267 . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 11Advantest R3562 . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 13Agilent (formerly HP) 8935 . . . . . . . D - 14Agilent E4406A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 7Agilent E4432B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D - 9IIP AddressesAgilent E7495A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 47LLMF Hardware RequirementsComputer Requirements, Minimum . . . . 1 - 9LMF Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1MMSO CalibrationCalibration MSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . F - 2MSO Calibration ProcedureCalibration Procedure, MSO . . . . . . . F - 2OOptimization and Calibration Procedures . . E - 1Optimization, P eriodic . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6Optimization/A TP ChecklistCHecklist, Optimization/A TP . . . . . . . A - 2Optimization/A TP Setup . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 40Optional Full A TP T est MatrixFull A TP T est Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . B - 2PPilot Time Offset A TPIX -2 68P09283A63 -5FOA A UG 2007
IndexPilot Time Offset A TP (contd.)PTO A TP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 19P ower meterGPIBGigatronics 8542B . . . . . . . . . . D - 16P ower meter (contd.)illustrationGigatronics 8542B . . . . . . . . . . D - 16RReduced A TP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B - 2Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 13Rho A TPRho A TP (contd.)TX W aveform Quality A TP . . . . . . . . 4 - 18RS232 GPIB Interface Box . . . . . . . . D - 20SSelecting T est Equipment . . . . . . . . . 3 - 47Setting Cable Loss V alues . . . . . . . . . 3 - 72Setup for Optimization/A TP . . . . . . . . 3 - 40Signal Generator . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 71 , 3 - 4Spectrum Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 71 , 3 - 4Spectrum Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 33TT est EquipmentAutomatically Selecting . . . . 3 - 50 , 3 - 52 , 3 - 54Calibrating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 56Connecting test equipment to the BTS . . 3 - 32Selecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 48T est Equipment GPIB Address SettingsGPIB Address Settings, T est Equipment .................. 3-32T est Equipment Preparation . . . . . . . . D - 2T est Equipment Setup, Agilent E7495Agilent E7495 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . D - 4T est Equipment, Supported . . . . . . . . 3 - 33T est Set CalibrationBackground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 55TX and RX A TP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4TX Mask A TPTX Spectral Purity Transmit Mask A TP . . 4 - 17UUBS Component Identification . . . . . . 1 - 21WW arm -up Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3468P09283A63 -5 IX -3A UG 2007 FOA

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