Nokia Solutions and Networks T5GX1 UBS CDMA XMI Transceiver at 800 MHz User Manual Exhibit 122c

Nokia Solutions and Networks UBS CDMA XMI Transceiver at 800 MHz Exhibit 122c

Exhibit 122c

XMI (T r ansceiv er Module Internal) Module Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresFigure 7 -3 T wo P eople Properly Carrying an XMI (remo v able XMI handle attached)ti-cdma-05891.eps7 -18 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU XMI (T r ansceiv er Module Internal) ModuleXMI Installation ProcedureF ollow the steps in Procedure 7 -2 to install the XMI.Procedure 7 -2 XMI Installation ProcedureA T THE BTS SITEThe XMI module is hea vy . T wo people are required to lift, carry , or handle theXMI module.•Be sure the remo v able XMI handle is attached to the front of the XMI beforeph ysically handling the module.•Be sure two people use both hands and wear protectiv e footwear whenhandling the XMI.•Be sure to use two people to support the module while sliding the moduleout of or into the shelf slot.An XMI module that is not in a shelf should alw a ys be set on its side and nev er onits edge. This will prev ent the XMI module from tipping o v er and causing damageor injury .1The replacement XMI module should already have the removal handle attached.If handleis notattached, go to step 2 .If handle is attached, go to step 3 .2A ttach the removable XMI handle to the front of the replacement XMI module (see Figure 1-9800 MHz XMI Module Front P anel I/O Detail on page 1- 38 or Figure 1-10 1.9 GHz XMIModule Front P anel I/O Detail on page 1- 39 for location of XMI handle mounting screwholes) as follows:•Align handle screw holes with handle mounting screw holes on the XMI front panel.(Note handle orientation; handle is not symmetrical.)•Insert two M5 screws.•Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the screws to 3.2-3.6 N-m (28-32 in-lb).Continued68P09283A64 -3 7 -19FOA SEP 2007
XMI (T r ansceiv er Module Internal) Module Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 7 -2 XMI Installation Procedure (Continued)3This step requires two people. P erform the following:•(See Figure 7-3 T wo P eople Properly Carrying an XMI (removable XMI handle attached)on page 7- 18 .) One person grasp the XMI by the handle with both hands. The secondperson grasp the XMI fan tray sides with both hands. Using safe lifting technique (i.e.lift with your legs not your back), Use legs to lift (Do not use your back) pick up the XMIand carry it over to the front of the frame.•(See Figure 7-2 T wo P eople Properly Removing/Installing an XMI (removable XMIhandle attached) on page 7- 17 .) While one person holds the XMI by the handle withboth hands, the second person supports the bottom of the module with one hand and thetop of the module with the other hand. Lift the XMI into the appropriate slot rails andgently slide it all of the way into the shelf slot.4Insert the four XMI mounting screws; two screws at each of the top and bottom mounting tabson the front of the module. Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).5If desired, remove the handle from the front of the replacement XMI module as follows:•Using a T25 TORX driver , remove the two screws that secure the handle to the XMIfront panel.•Retain the two screws with the XMI handle for future use.6F or 800 MHz XMI only , install the TXD attenuator , previously removed from the failed XMI,into the TXD connector on the front panel of the replacement XMI.7Reconnect all cables to the XMI front panel.8Restore power to the XMI by setting the corresponding XMI PDU DC circuit breaker toON (pushed in).9This completes the physical installation of the FRU . If optimization is to be performed at thistime, see Optimization Recommended following this table.A T THE OMCR10Open a CLI window . Refer to Accessing OMCR CLI window on page 3- 3 .11Display the overall status of all devices at the BTS , includingthe XMI, by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> DISPLAY BTS-<bts#> STATUS12Determine the status of XMI 1 by observing the BTS ST A TUS report.13Unlock the replacement XMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> UNLOCK XMI-<bts#>-<xmi#> UNC14Display the status of the XMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> DISPLAY BTS-<bts#> STATUSV erify that the replacement XMI is in an INS_ACTIVE state.15From the OMCR, monitor the Alarm Manager . V erify that old alarms are cleared and nonew alarms are reported.7 -20 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU XMI (T r ansceiv er Module Internal) ModuleOptimization RecommendedP erform the following BTS Optimization/A TP procedures:•BTS Device Database Audit•BTS Device Database Update•TX P ath Calibration Audit•Spectral Purity TX Mask A TP (optional)•W aveform Quality (Rho) A TP (optional)•Code Domain P ower A TP (optional)•RS SI T est (FER T est is optional)Refer to the1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual for the optimization procedures.68P09283A64 -3 7 -21FOA SEP 2007
XMI F an T r a y Assembly Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresXMI Fan Tray Assembly■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■XMI Fan Tray Assembly DescriptionThe XMI fan tray assembly consists of five 27 V DC fans mounted in a housing. This housing isthe removable rear panel of the XMI. (See Figure 7 -4 and Figure 7 -5 .)The fan tray assembly mounted on the rear of the XMI draws cooling air in from air vents on theXMI front panel through the XMI and exhausts air out the XMI rear panel.The XMI fan housing contains five fan mounting locations. Each fan mounting location has thefollowing:•built -in fan grille/finger -guard•four vibration isolator fan mounting posts•fan connector bracketEach individual fan has a electrical wiring and connector . The connector mounts in thecorresponding fan connector bracket.The XMI fan tray assembly is attached to the rear of the XMI and secured with four screws.When the XMI fan tray assembly is attached to the rear of the XMI, the five fan connectors matewith connectors on the XMI F an Interconnect Board (FIB).The XMI FIB provides a DC voltage connection to each fan in the fan tray assembly and is aconduit for fan speed information and control.The XMI P A Controller (XP AC) provides central control of the three LP A sections. In addition,the XP AC gathers LP A alarms and provides XMI fan speed control.System Impact/ConsiderationsTypically the XMI fan tray assembly replacement requires that the affected XMI be physicallyremoved from the UBS Macro BTS frame. However , if the rear of the frame is accessible, the XMIfan tray assembly can be replaced without physically removing the affected XMI from the frame.P erforming this replacement procedure on a frame with only one XMI will cause BTSdowntime and suspend call processing.If the frame is equipped with only one XMI, BTS service will be interrupted during the XMI fantray assembly replacement. If the frame is equipped with more than one XMI, only the affectedXMI will be out -of -service and the BTS will remain in service.Alarms will be reported during the replacement procedure.7 -22 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU XMI F an T r a y AssemblyTable 7 -4 FRU R eplacement ConditionsFRUWhat to Shut Down...XMI fan tray assembly From the OMCR, lock the XMI being removed. Then shutdown XMI DC input power .XMI Fan Tray DiagramsFigure 7 -4 shows how the fan tray assembly is attached to the rear of the XMI.Figure 7 -5 shows the fan tray assembly with five fans, built -in fan grille/finger -guards and fivefan connector brackets with individual fan connectors and wiring.68P09283A64 -3 7 -23FOA SEP 2007
XMI F an T r a y Assembly Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresFigure 7 -4 XMI F an T r a y Assembly (R emo v al & Installation)ti-cdma-05918.epsXMI (Rear View)XMI Fan TrayAssemblyMounting Screws   (T20 Head)Mounting Screws    T20 Head)7 -24 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU XMI F an T r a y AssemblyFigure 7 -5 XMI F an T r a y Assembly (External & Internal Views)ti-cdma-05919.epsFan ConnectorBracket (5)Fan Grille/Finger-GuardXMI FanHousingInternal ViewFanFan ConnectorBracket (5)Fan ConnectorFan Wiring XMI FanHousing68P09283A64 -3 7 -25FOA SEP 2007
XMI F an T r a y Assembly Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresRequired ItemsManpower•T wo people are required to lift, carry , or handle the XMI module.Documents•NoneTools•T20 TORX Bit•T25 TORX Bit•T orque Driver•XMI removable handle with two M5 screws•Heat protective gloves for handling/touching a “HOT" XMIReplacement Unit•XMI fan tray assembly with five 27 V DC fans (Motorola model STLN6404)PrerequisitesDo not touch the XMI with unprotected hands when the “HO T" label is fully visible. Ifthe “HO T" label is fully visible, wear heat protectiv e glo v es when touching the metalcase of the XMI. The “HO T" label becomes fully visible when the temper ature of themetal case of the XMI reaches 50 degrees C. Howev er , the label ma y be partiallyvisible at lower case temper atures.XMI fans must be completely stopped before remo ving the XMI fan tr a y assembly .7 -26 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU XMI F an T r a y AssemblyThe XMI should be lock ed b y the OMCR oper ator just prior to remo ving the XMI or theXMI fan tr a y assembly .Coordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .Before You BeginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in the following table (see T able 7 -5 ):Table 7 -5 Item Number R eplacement ListItemNumberBTS numberXMI numberXMI Fan Tray Assembly ReplacementF ollow the steps in Procedure 7 -3 to replace an XMI fan tray assembly .Procedure 7 -3 XMI F an T r a y Assembly R eplacement ProcedureA T THE BTS SITE1Notify the OMC-R operator that you are replacing the XMI fan tray assembly .Do not touch the XMI with unprotected hands when the “HO T" label is fully visible.If the “HO T" label is fully visible, wear heat protectiv e glo v es when touching themetal case of the XMI. The “HO T" label becomes fully visible when the temper atureof the metal case of the XMI reaches 50 degrees C. Howev er , the label ma y bepartially visible at lower case temper atures.2If the affected XMI is going to be removed from the frame in order to replace theXMI fan tray assembly , go to Procedure 7-1 XMI Removal Procedure on page 7- 14and perform the steps starting at step 2 . Then return to step 3 of this procedure.If the affected XMI is going to be accessed from the rear of the frame in order to replaceContinued68P09283A64 -3 7 -27FOA SEP 2007
XMI F an T r a y Assembly Chapter 7: XMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 7 -3 XMI F an T r a y Assembly R eplacement Procedure (Continued)the XMI fan tray assembly , go to Procedure 7-1 XMI Removal Procedure on page 7- 14 andperform the steps starting at step 2 , but stop after step step 8 . Then return to step step 3 ofthis procedure.XMI fans must be completely stopped before remo ving the XMI fan tr a y assembly .3W orking at the rear of the affected XMI, make sure that all five of the XMI fans havecompletely stopped.4Using a T20 TORX driver , remove the four XMI fan tray assembly mounting screws (seeFigure 7-4 for screw locations.)5Grasp the XMI fan tray assembly and firmly pull it away from the rear of the XMI.6Properly position the replacement XMI fan tray assembly at the rear of the XMI. Make surethat all five fan connectors are properly aligned with the mating connectors on the XMI.7Firmly push the XMI fan tray assembly onto the rear of the XMI. Make sure that all five fanconnectors are fully seated.8Insert the four XMI fan tray assembly mounting screws. Using a T20 TORX driver , tightenthe screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 - 16 in-lb).9If the affected XMI is removed from the frame, go to Procedure 7-2 XMIInstallation Procedure on page 7- 19 and perform the steps starting at step 3 .If the affected XMI is being accessed from the rear of the frame, go to Procedure 7-2 XMIInstallation Procedure on page 7- 19 and perform the steps starting at step 8 .There is no optimization required for XMI fan tray assembly replacement.7 -28 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
C h a p t e r8DMI Replacement Procedures■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A64 -3 8 -1SEP 2007 FOA
DMI R eplacement Procedures Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresDMI Replacement Procedures■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IntroductionThis chapter includes FRU replacement procedures for the following:•DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly – This section covers the following:Preparing the replacement DMI assembly in the Field.Replacing the DMI.Dismantling the failed DMI assembly in the Field.and more•Modem Boards – This section covers the replacement of a failed 1X CDMA or EV -DOmodem board in a UBS Macro BTS DMI.8 -2 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyDMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■The R20 UBS Macro BTS only supports frame configurations with up to two DMIsand up to two XMIs.DMI DescriptionThe UBS Macro BTS frame must be equipped with at least one instance of the DMI. A secondDMI is optional. The DMIs are located in the right side of the XMI shelf in the UBS Macro BTSframe (see Figure 1 -1 UBS Macro BTS low -tier/low -capacity frame (1000 mm rack) on page1 - 27 ,Figure 1 -2 Low capacity UBS Macro BTS starter frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 28 andFigure 1 -3 UBS Macro BTS mid -capacity frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 ). The DMIs arestacked vertically in an XMI shelf slot. DMI 1 is on the top and DMI 2 is on bottom. If theoptional second DMI is not equipped, an empty DMI outer housing is in the DMI 2 position.The DMI includes a DMI assembly that slides into a DMI outer housing. The DMI assemblyconsists of a chassis with a controller board, two rear mounted cooling fans and a front panel.The DMI assembly may also be equipped with up to two modem boards. When the UBS MacroBTS frame equipment is shipped from the factory the DMI assembly is equipped with at least onemodem board. A second modem board is optional and may be either factory or field installed.The DMI can be equipped with either 1X CDMA modem boards, EV -DO modem boards, or acombination of one 1X CDMA modem board and one EV -DO modem board.Each modem board mounts on opposite sides of the controller board. Modem board -to -controllerboard electrical connection is via a printed circuit board mounted High Density Mezzanine(HDMEZZ) type connector . Each modem board is secured to the DMI assembly chassis withseven screws that are captivated to the modem board.Figure 8 -1 Removing and installing Modem 1 on page 8 - 13 and Figure 8 -2 Removing andinstalling Modem 2 on page 8 - 14 show the locations of Modem 1 and Modem 2 within theDMI assembly .The following rules apply to modem board location within the DMI:•F or a DMI equipped with one 1X CDMA modem board, the 1X CDMA modemboard is always Modem 1 location•F or a DMI equipped with one EV -DO modem board, the EV -DO modem boardis always Modem 2 location•F or a DMI equipped with a combination of one 1X CDMA modem board and oneEV -DO modem board, the 1X CDMA modem board is always Modem 1 locationand the EV -DO modem board is always Modem 2 location68P09283A64 -3 8 -3FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresThe DMI assembly is the FRU (i.e., spare) that is used for DMI replacement. This assemblyincludes a chassis with a controller board, fans, front panel and two modem boards. Thisassembly does not include an outer housing. The DMI outer housing in the UBS Macro BTSframe is reused.The DMI FRU that is used for DMI replacement can be either of the following:•F actory built DMI assembly – consisting of a DMI chassis, controller board, fans, frontpanel and two modem boards (i.e., 1X CDMA, EV -DO , or a combination of both).•Field prepared DMI assembly – consisting of a DMI chassis, controller board, fans, frontpanel and up to two modem boards (i.e., 1X CDMA, EV -DO , or a combination of both)that are added to the assembly in the field.This chapter provides a procedure describing how to field prepare a DMI assembly , byinstalling up to two modems, so that it matches the configuration of the failed DMI.The DMI assemblies do not include an outer housing. The DMI outer housing in the UBS MacroBTS frame is reused.The typical DMI replacement scenario is as follows:1. Remove the failed DMI assembly from its outer housing in the UBS Macro BTS frame.2. Remove the replacement DMI assembly from its packaging and install it into the outerhousing in the UBS Macro BTS frame.3. Place the failed DMI assembly into the packaging that the replacement DMI came in.The DMI assembly FRU is used as a replacement for a DMI with an internal DMIcomponent failure (including controller board, modem board, fan, or front panelfailure). Although, a DMI with a modem board failure can just have the failed modemboard replaced. This is covered in the Modem Board section of this chapter .This chapter also provides a procedure describing how to dismantle a failed DMIassembly in the field. This procedure is used if it is desired to reclaim known goodFRUs from the failed DMI assembly . A fter dismantling the DMI assembly , the failedportion may be returned to Motorola for repair and the reclaimed known good FRUsmay be restocked.8 -4 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblySystem impact/considerationsIf the UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with one DMI, then performing thisreplacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and suspend all call processing .If the UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with two DMIs, then performing thisreplacement procedure for the Site Master DMI will temporarily cause BTS downtime.This is due to soft reset of the non -Site Master DMI during the DMI swap procedure.As soon as the DMI swap procedure is finished, the non -Site Master DMI becomesthe Site Master DMI and call processing resources are available, but temporarilyreduced until the failed DMI is replaced.P erforming this replacement procedure for a non -Site Master DMI will not causeBTS downtime, but call processing resources will be temporarily reduced until thefailed DMI is replaced.Call traffic processing through the site will be temporarily interrupted by the DMI replacementprocedure.Alarms will be generated during the DMI replacement procedure.The DMI is not hot swappable.DMI removal requires shutting down DC power to the DMI as well as disconnection of allDMI cables.Table 8 -1 DMI R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...Digital ModuleInternalDMIFrom the OMCR, lock the DMI being removed.Then shut down the DMI DC input power .Required itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.68P09283A64 -3 8 -5FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresTools•T20 TORX bit.•T orque driver .•ESD wrist straps.•ESD floor and bench top mats.•ESD containers.Replacement UnitsAll models of DMI assemblies include: DMI chassis with controller board, fans andfront panel.F actory built DMI assemblies:•DMI assembly with one 1X CDMA modem board (Motorola model STLN6681).•DMI assembly with one EV -DO modem board (Motorola model STLN6682).•DMI assembly with two 1X CDMA modem boards (Motorola model STLN6683).•DMI assembly with one 1X CDMA modem board and one EV -DO modem board (Motorolamodel STLN6684).•DMI assembly with two EV -DO modem boards (Motorola model STLN6679).— OR —Field prepared DMI assembly consisting of:•DMI assembly without modem boards (Motorola model STLN6325). Up to two modemboards are added to the assembly in the field. Add the appropriate quantities of thefollowing:CDMA 1X Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6336).— AND/OR —EV -DO Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6494).8 -6 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyDMI I/O Panel Connectors/Ports & LEDsDMI I/O PanelFigure 1 -11 DMI Module Front P anel Detail on page 1 - 41 shows I/O connectors on the frontpanel of the UBS Macro BTS DMI. The top -to -bottom positioning of the DMI shown in the figureis the same as when it is installed in the rack. This figure shows connector/port locations,connector types and brief cabling details.DMI Connectors/PortsThe following text describes each connector/port on the DMI front panel.•+27VDC - DMI DC input power connections. Connects to corresponding DMI DC powerconnector on the PDU of the UBS Macro BTS frame. The PDU DMI DC power connectorsupplies protected +27 V via a 20 A circuit breaker .•IDI/S SI 1 and S SI 2 - Serial backhaul traffic and control data connectors provide serialdata links between the DMI and the corresponding S SIs. The S SI 2 port is currently notused.The R20 UBS Macro BTS does not support frame configurations with an IDI(Interworking DMI Interconnect) application.•XMI 1/BSI and XMI 2 - High -speed Serial data Link (HSL) port connectors that eachprovide a 1.2288 Gbps high -speed serial data links between the DMI and the respectiveXMI. The high -speed serial data links support the transfer of baseband I & Q data as wellas control data between the DMI and XMI. These connectors are cabled to the appropriateHSL 1 or HSL 2 high -speed serial data link connector on the XMI front I/O panel.The R20 UBS Macro BTS does not support frame configurations with a BSI(Baseband Switch Interface) application.The MMI and LMT ports are intended to be used primarily for testing or debuggingpurposes b y Motorola. These ports ma y be used in the eld for maintenance purposesb y customers. Carefully follow written procedures when using these ports in the eld.F ailure to do so could result in an inoper able FRU .68P09283A64 -3 8 -7FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement Procedures•RS232 -1 and RS232 -2 - Debug RS -232 ports allow MMI access to the DMI controllerboard via a computer terminal through either a modem or a null modem cable. These MMIports are 8 -pin RJ -45 connectors.•LMT and TEST - These ports are intended for development use only . These debug portsare configured for full -duplex fast Ethernet 10/100BaseT and allows local MMI accessto the DMI controller board via a Local Maintenance T erminal (LMT) with an Ethernetinterface. The LMT and TEST ports are 8 -pin RJ -45 connectors.DMI LEDsT able 8 -2 shows the possible states for the DMI front panel LEDs and the correspondingindications. These LED indicators are located on the DMI front panel next to the DMI +27 VDC connector (see Figure 1 -11 DMI Module Front P anel Detail on page 1 - 41 ) and are labeledas follows:•ALM (ALARM)•INST (INST ANCE)•ST (ST A TUS)Table 8 -2 DMI LEDs States and IndicationsALM (Red) LED State INST LED StateST A (Green) LEDStateIndicationOff Off OffNo DC P ower to FRUOn Orange OnLED Indicator T est (temporary; 0.5 secto 1 sec)OnN/AOff FRU F ailureOffN/A N/ANo FRU F ailureFlashing(1.5 sec-On/1sec-Off)N/A N/AP artial (soft) FRU F ailureN/A N/AFlashing(250 ms-On/250ms-Off)FRU Booting up (not active)N/A N/AOn FRU ActiveN/AGreen Flashing(0.5 sec-On/0.5sec-Off cycle count)followed by 3sec-OffN/AInstance Indicator and No FRUCabling Connection Errors Detected.Cycle count equals FRU type instance;where: 1 flash = 1st instance, 2 flashes= 2nd instance, 3 flashes = 3rd instance,so on and so forth.N/ARedN/AFRU Cabling Connection Error DetectedN/A = LED state is Not Applicable to indication8 -8 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyPrerequisitesESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling and working on the DMIassembly or the modem boards. W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str apduring handling. All work performed on the DMI assembly and modem boards mustbe done in an ESD protected work area.The procedures in this chapter requires working on or around circuitry that is extremelysensitive to ESD .Coordinate the DMI replacement task with the OMCR operator .Before You BeginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in the following table (see T able 8 -3 ):Table 8 -3 Item Number R eplacement ListItem NumberBTS numberDMI numberIf the failed DMI is to be replaced with a “field prepared DMI assembly”, it will be necessaryto have a work area that meets the criteria described in DMI Preparation Area on page 8 - 10 .Then it will be necessary to prepare the complete DMI assembly by performing Procedure 8 -1Preparing the replacement DMI assembly in the Field on page 8 - 11 prior to performing theProcedure 8 -2 Replacing the DMI on page 8 - 15 .68P09283A64 -3 8 -9FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresDMI Preparation AreaThe DMI preparation area should provide the following ESD protection and the properenvironmental conditions.•ESD Protection:Always wear a ground strap which must be connected to the electrostatic point onthe equipment.Leave any conductive foam pieces on connectors or leads until the last moment.Remove these pieces just before installing the device.Do not wear outer clothing made of nylon or similar man made material. A cottonoverall is preferable.If possible work on an grounded metal surface or anti -static mat. W ipe insulatedplastic work surfaces with an anti -static cloth before starting the operation.All metal tools should be used and when not in use they should be placed on angrounded surface.T ake care when removing components connected to electrostatic sensitive devices.These components may be providing protection to the device.When mounted onto printed circuit boards (PCBs), MOS devices are normally lesssusceptible to electrostatic damage. However PCBs should be handled with care,preferably by their edges and not by their tracks and pins, they should be transferreddirectly from their packing to the equipment (or the other way around) and neverleft exposed on the workbench.•Proper Environmental Conditions:Preparation surface should be clean and dry .Preparation environment should be clean and dry and provide protection such thatcontaminates will not enter the equipment.W ork environment should allow enough space and adequate lighting to accuratelyalign components during assembly .DMI Field Preparation ProcedureP erform Procedure 8 -1 Preparing the replacement DMI assembly in the Field on page 8 - 11 inthe DMI preparation area. This procedure describes how to prepare a complete DMI assemblyfrom spares inventory that matches the failed DMI assembly . Up to two modems may beinstalled into the DMI assembly . The following spares are required:•DMI assembly without modem boards (Motorola model STLN6325) includes DMI chassiswith controller board, fans and front panel.•CDMA 1X Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6336); up to two modem boards asrequired.— AND/OR —•EV -DO Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6494); up to two modem boards as required.8 -10 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyProcedure 8 -1 Preparing the replacement DMI assembly in the FieldA T THE OMCR1Ask the OMCR operator to get the EID information for thefailed DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> DISPLAY BTS-<bts#>- EIDObserve the displayed response. Record the model number ofthe failed DMI and its modem board quantity and model numbers. Modem boards aredesignated as HDMODEM. Check values for both HDMODEM numbers (i.e., 1, 2 forDMI 1 and 21, 22 for DMI 2) on the affected DMI. If an HDMODEM number has ablank value, then it does not exist.IN THE DMI PREP ARA TION AREA2Based on the failed DMI EID information, determine the quantity and type of modem boardsneeded to match that of the failed DMI.3Obtain the needed replacement units.ESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling and working onthe DMI assembly or the modem boards. W ear a conductiv e, high impedancewrist str ap during handling. All work performed on the DMI assembly and modemboards must be done in an ESD protected work area.4Remove the DMI assembly , without modems, from its shipping packaging. Set the DMIassembly handle side up (see Figure 8-1 Removing and installing Modem 1 on page 8- 13 )onto a clean, ESD protected surface. Retain the packaging for later reuse.5Remove the modem board(s) from its shipping packaging. Retain the packaging for laterreuse.6Install Modem 1 into the DMI assembly by performing the following:1. Carefully place the front edge of Modem 1 under the lip of the DMI front panel.2. Align the modem-to-controller connector halves so that they will mate together . Inorder to ensure proper connector alignment prior to connector insertion, verify thatthe modem screws are aligned with chassis mounted standoffs and that screws arenot at an angle.3. Press down firmly on the black plastic modem connector handle until the connectorhalves are fully seated. Approximately 70 N (15 lbs) of force is required to fully seat theconnector halves.4. Using a T20 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the seven captive screws that retainModem 1 to the replacement DMI assembly . Tighten the screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 -16 in-lb).5. A fter tightening the screws, firmly squeeze the modem connectors together to makesure that it is well seated. This may help prevent problems/errors that may not bevisible from the OMCR.Continued68P09283A64 -3 8 -11FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 8 -1 Preparing the replacement DMI assembly in the Field (Continued)7If the failed DMI assembly to be replace is equipped with Modem 2, go to step 8 otherwisego to step 11 .8P osition the DMI assembly on its side with the front panel handle at the bottom (seeFigure 8-2 Removing and installing Modem 2 on page 8- 14 ).9Remove the modem board from its shipping packaging. Retain the packaging for later reuse.10Install Modem 2 from the failed DMI assembly into the replacement DMI assembly byperforming the following:1. Carefully place the Modem 2 in the rear half of the DMI assembly .2. Align the modem-to-controller connector halves so that they will mate together . Inorder to ensure proper connector alignment prior to connector insertion, verify thatthe modem screws are aligned with chassis mounted standoffs and that screws arenot at an angle.3. Press down firmly on the black plastic modem connector handle until the connectorhalves are fully seated. Approximately 70 N (15 lbs) of force is required to fully seat theconnector halves.4. Using a T20 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the seven captive screws that retainModem 2 to the replacement DMI assembly . Tighten the screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 -16 in-lb).5. A fter tightening the screws, firmly squeeze the modem connectors together to makesure that it is well seated. This may help prevent problems/errors that may not bevisible from the OMCR.1 1Place the field prepared DMI assembly , with modems, into the original packaging that theDMI assembly was received in.T o speed up code and data synchronization when this replacement DMI is placedinto the BTS (especially if it is the only DMI in the BTS), it is recommended to setup a staging area for upgrading the code and base file for this replacement DMI tothe same version that is used at the site. A fterwards, the DMI may be packagedand taken to the site.12T ake the field prepared DMI assembly , in it’s packaging, to the BTS site having the failedDMI. P erform Procedure 8-2 Replacing the DMI on page 8- 15 .Reference DiagramsThe following diagrams are used to aid the DMI replacement procedures.8 -12 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyFigure 8 -1 shows the DMI assembly with its bottom side up for access to Modem 1.Figure 8 -1 R emo ving and installing Modem 1ti-cdma-06168.eps7X Captive ScrewsModem 1Front PanelHD MEZZ ConnectorModem Connector HandleHD MEZZ ConnectorController BoardHandle68P09283A64 -3 8 -13FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresFigure 8 -2 shows the DMI assembly with its top side up for access to Modem 2.Figure 8 -2 R emo ving and installing Modem 2ti-cdma-06169.eps7X Captive ScrewsModem 2Front PanelHD MEZZ ConnectorModem Connector HandleHD MEZZ ConnectorController BoardHandleDMI Replacement ProcedureProcedure 8 -2 Replacing the DMI on page 8 - 15 includes:1. Removing the failed DMI assembly from the UBS Macro BTS frame.2. Removing the replacement DMI assembly from its packaging.3. Installing the replacement DMI assembly , equipped with modems, into the UBS MacroBTS frame.8 -14 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyProcedure 8 -2 R eplacing the DMIA T THE OMCR1If you have not already asked the OMCR operator to getthe EID information for the failed DMI, then have theOMCR operator enter the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> DISPLAY BTS-<bts#>- EIDObserve the displayed response. Record the model number ofthe failed DMI and its modem board quantity and model numbers. Modem boards aredesignated as HDMODEM. Check values for both HDMODEM numbers (i.e., 1, 2 forDMI 1 and 21, 22 for DMI 2) on the affected DMI. If an HDMODEM number has ablank value, then it does not exist.2F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with one DMI, go to step 3 .F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with more than one DMI, go to step 4 .3Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdownsite signaling functions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A fter this step is completed, go to step 8 .4Determine if the failed DMI is the Site Master or notby entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> STATUS DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- PHYObserve the displayed response. SITECTRL=YES means the DMI is Site Master .SITECTRL=NO means the DMI is not Site Master .5F or a failed DMI thatisthe Site Master , go to step 6 .F or a failed DMI thatis notthe Site Master , go to step 7 .6Reset the failed DMI Site Master and force the other DMI to becomethe Site Master by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> RESET DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNC7Lock the failed DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> LOCK DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNCA T THE BTS SITE8Based on the failed DMI EID information, determine the type of DMI that matches thefailed DMI.9Obtain the needed replacement DMI.10Set the replacement DMI assembly , in its packaging, near the UBS Macro BTS frame.Continued68P09283A64 -3 8 -15FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 8 -2 R eplacing the DMI (Continued)1 1P ower down the failed DMI by setting the corresponding PDU DMI 20A circuit breaker tothe off position (pulled out).Mak e sure the PDU DMI circuit break er is set to OFF .Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables from connectors. If necessary , usemasking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.12ESD handling precautions must be adhered to during this procedure. W ear aconductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap .Plug the end of the ESD wrist strap into the UBS Macro BTS frame ESD jack This jack islocated in the middle of the upper XMI shelf bracket. A ttach the wrist strap to your wrist.13Disconnect all of the cables connected to the front panel connectors on the failed DMI.14Turn the retaining fastener , located in the upper right corner of the failed DMI front panel,CCW (Counter Clockwise) until resistance is felt. This indicates that the retaining fasteneris disengaged.15Grasp the failed DMI by the handle with one hand and pull outward. While supporting thebottom of the DMI assembly with the other hand, slide the failed DMI assembly completelyout of its housing.16ESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling the DMI assembly .Set the failed DMI assembly onto a clean, ESD protected surface.17Remove the replacement DMI assembly from its packaging.Continued8 -16 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyProcedure 8 -2 R eplacing the DMI (Continued)18Install the replacement DMI assembly , with modems, into the appropriate empty DMIhousing in the UBS Macro BTS frame by performing the following:1. P osition the replacement DMI assembly on its bottom edge so that the front panelhandle is on the right and the retaining fastener is at the top.2. Pick up the replacement DMI assembly with two hands.3. Insert the rear of the replacement DMI assembly into the empty housing.4. Slide the replacement DMI assembly completely into the housing.5. Turn the retaining fastener CW (Clockwise) until finger tight to secure the DMIassembly in the housing.19Place the failed DMI assembly , with modems, into the packaging that the replacement DMIassembly came in.20Reconnect all of the cables to the corresponding connectors on the DMI front panel.21P ower up the DMI by setting the corresponding PDU DMI 20A circuit breaker to the onposition (pushed in).A T THE OMCR22F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with one DMI, go to step 23 .F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with more than one DMI, go to step 24 .23Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restoresite signaling operations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .A fter this step is completed, go to step 25 .24Unlock the replacement DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> UNLOCK DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNC .A T THE BTS SITE25P erform the recommended optimization and testing on the UBS Macro BTS frame (seeOptimization Recommended on page 8- 17 ).26Remove the failed DMI assembly , in its packaging, from the BTS site and do either of thefollowing:•Transport it to the DMI Preparation Area for dismantling (see Dismantling the failedDMI assembly in the Field on page 8- 18 ).•Return it to Motorola for repair .Optimization RecommendedP erform the following BTS Optimization/A TP procedures:68P09283A64 -3 8 -17FOA SEP 2007
DMI (Digital Module Internal) Assembly Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement Procedures•BTS Device Database Audit•BTS Device Database Update•Timing Initialization/V erification•TX P ath Calibration Audit•Spectral Purity TX Mask A TP (optional)•W aveform Quality (Rho) A TP (optional)•Code Domain P ower A TP (optional)•FER T est•Alarm V erificationRefer to the1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual for the optimization procedures.Dismantling the failed DMI assembly in the FieldP erform Procedure 8 -3Dismantling the failed DMI assembly in the Field on page 8 - 18 only ifit is desired to reclaim known good FRUs from the failed DMI assembly . This procedure mustbe performed in a work area that meets the criteria described in DMI Preparation Area onpage 8 - 10 .Procedure 8 -3 Dismantling the failed DMI assembly in the FieldIN THE DMI PREP ARA TION AREAESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling and working onthe DMI assembly or the modem boards. W ear a conductiv e, high impedancewrist str ap during handling. All work performed on the DMI assembly and modemboards must be done in an ESD protected work area.1Remove the failed DMI assembly , with modems, from its packaging. Set the DMI assemblyhandle side up (see Figure 8-1 Removing and installing Modem 1 on page 8- 13 ) onto aclean, ESD protected surface.Continued8 -18 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU DMI (Digital Module Internal) AssemblyProcedure 8 -3 Dismantling the failed DMI assembly in the Field (Continued)2Remove Modem 1 from the failed DMI assembly by performing the following:1. Use a T20 TORX bit/driver to completely loosen the seven captive screws that retainModem 1 to the failed DMI assembly .2. Grasp the modem connector handle with one hand and hold the assembly down withthe other hand.3. Pull up on the modem connector handle until the modem-to-controller connectordisengages.4. Carefully lift Modem 1 out of the failed DMI assembly .5. Place Modem 1 in the packaging that the replacement modem came in.6. If this modem is the failed module, return it to Motorola for repair , otherwise return itto stock.3If the failed DMI assembly is equipped with Modem 2, go to step 4 otherwise go to step 6 .4W ith the failed DMI assembly sitting on the clean ESD protected surface, turn the assemblyover so that the front panel handle is at the bottom (see Figure 8-2 Removing and installingModem 2 on page 8- 14 ).5Remove Modem 2 from the failed DMI assembly by performing the following:1. Use a T20 TORX bit/driver to completely loosen the seven captive screws that retainModem 2 to the failed DMI assembly .2. Grasp the modem connector handle with one hand and hold the assembly down withthe other hand.3. Pull up on the modem connector handle until the modem-to-controller connectordisengages.4. Carefully lift Modem 2 out of the DMI assembly .5. Place Modem 2 in the packaging that the replacement modem came in.6. If this modem is the failed module, return it to Motorola for repair , otherwise return itto stock.6Place the dismantled DMI assembly , without modems, into the packaging that thereplacement DMI assembly came in.7If the dismantled DMI assembly is the failed module, return it to Motorola for repair ,otherwise return it to stock.68P09283A64 -3 8 -19FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresModem Boards■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■The R20 UBS Macro BTS supports frame configurations with DMIs having up to twomodem boards that can be either 1X CDMA modem, EV -DO modem, or one of each.1X Modem Board DescriptionThe UBS Macro BTS frame DMIs may be equipped with up to two modem boards maximum.These modem boards can be either 1X CDMA modem, EV -DO modem, or one of each.The DMIs are located in the right side of the XMI shelf in the UBS Macro BTS frame (seeFigure 1 -1 UBS Macro BTS low -tier/low -capacity frame (1000 mm rack) on page 1 - 27 ,Figure 1 -2Low capacity UBS Macro BTS starter frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 28 and Figure 1 -3 UBSMacro BTS mid -capacity frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 ).Each frame DMI includes a DMI assembly that slides into a DMI outer housing. The frameversion DMI assembly consists of a chassis with a controller board, two rear mounted coolingfans, a front panel and up to two modem boards that can be either 1X CDMA modem, EV -DOmodem, or one of each.Each modem board mounts on opposite sides of the controller board. Modem board -to -controllerboard electrical connection is via a printed circuit board mounted High Density Mezzanine(HDMEZZ) type connector . Each modem board is secured to the DMI assembly chassis withseven screws that are captivated to the modem board.Figure 8 -3 Removing and installing Modem 1 on page 8 - 28 and Figure 8 -4 Removing andinstalling Modem 2 on page 8 - 29 show the locations of Modem 1 and Modem 2 within theDMI assembly .The following rules apply to modem board location within the DMI:•F or a DMI equipped with one 1X CDMA modem board, the 1X CDMA modemboard is always Modem 1 location•F or a DMI equipped with one EV -DO modem board, the EV -DO modem boardis always Modem 2 location•F or a DMI equipped with a combination of one 1X CDMA modem board and oneEV -DO modem board, the 1X CDMA modem board is always Modem 1 locationand the EV -DO modem board is always Modem 2 location8 -20 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Modem BoardsThe modem replacement scenario is as follows:1. Remove the affected DMI assembly from the DMI outer housing located in the UBSMacro BTS frame.2. Replace Modem 1 or Modem 2, whichever is applicable, in the affected DMI assembly .3. Install the affected DMI assembly equipped with the replacement modem into the DMIouter housing located in the UBS Macro BTS frame.System impact/considerationsIf the UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with one DMI, then performing thisreplacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and suspend all call processing .If the UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with two DMIs, then performing thisreplacement procedure for the Site Master DMI will temporarily cause BTS downtime.This is due to soft reset of the non -Site Master DMI during the DMI swap procedure.As soon as the DMI swap procedure is finished, the non -Site Master DMI becomesthe Site Master DMI and call processing resources are available, but temporarilyreduced until the failed DMI is replaced.P erforming this replacement procedure for a non -Site Master DMI will not causeBTS downtime, but call processing resources will be temporarily reduced until thefailed DMI is replaced.The affected DMI assembly must be removed from the UBS Macro BTS frame.Call traffic processing through the site will be temporarily interrupted by the modem boardreplacement procedure.Alarms will be generated during the modem board replacement procedure.The DMI is not hot swappable.DMI removal requires shutting down DC power to the DMI as well as disconnection of allDMI cables.All call traffic processing through the site will be interrupted by the DMI removal.Table 8 -4 Modem Board R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...1X Modem Board Modem 1 or Modem2From the OMCR, lock the affected DMI beingremoved. Then shut down the DMI DC inputpower .68P09283A64 -3 8 -21FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresRequired itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•T20 TORX bit.•T orque driver .•ESD wrist straps.•ESD floor and bench top mats.•ESD containers.Replacement Units•CDMA 1X Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6336).— OR —•EV -DO Modem Board (Motorola model SGLN6494).PrerequisitesESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling and working on the DMIassembly or the modem boards. W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str apduring handling. All work performed on the DMI assembly and modem boards mustbe done in an ESD protected work area.The procedures in this chapter requires working on or around circuitry that is extremelysensitive to ESD .Coordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .8 -22 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Modem BoardsBefore You BeginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in the following table (see T able 8 -5 ):Table 8 -5 Item Number R eplacement ListItem NumberBTS numberDMI numberModem numberMuch of the modem board replacement procedure must be performed in a work area that meetsthe criteria described in DMI Preparation Area on page 8 - 10 .Modem Board Replacement ProcedureProcedure 8 -4 Replacing a Modem Board on page 8 - 23 includes:1. Removing the affected DMI assembly from the UBS Macro BTS frame.2. Replacing Modem 1 or Modem 2, whichever is applicable, in the affected DMI assembly .3. Installing the affected DMI assembly equipped with the replacement modem into theUBS Macro BTS frame.Procedure 8 -4 R eplacing a Modem BoardA T THE OMCR1Ask the OMCR operator to get the EID information for theaffected DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> DISPLAY BTS-<bts#>- EIDObserve the displayed response. Record the model number ofthe failed DMI and its modem board quantity and model numbers. Modem boards aredesignated as HDMODEM. Check values for both HDMODEM numbers (i.e., 1, 2 forDMI 1 and 21, 22 for DMI 2) on the affected DMI. If an HDMODEM number has ablank value, then it does not exist.2F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with one DMI, go to step 3 .F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with more than one DMI, go to step 4 .3Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdownsite signaling functions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A fter this step is completed, go to step 8 .4Determine if the affected DMI is the Site Master ornot by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> STATUS DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- PHYObserve the displayed response. SITECTRL=YES means the DMI is Site Master .SITECTRL=NO means the DMI is not Site Master .Continued68P09283A64 -3 8 -23FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 8 -4 R eplacing a Modem Board (Continued)5F or an affected DMI thatisthe Site Master , go to step 6F or an affected DMI thatis notthe Site Master , go to step 7 .6Reset the affected DMI Site Master and force the other DMI to becomethe Site Master by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> RESET DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNC7Lock the affected DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> LOCK DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNCA T THE BTS SITE8Based on the affected DMI EID information, determine the type (i.e., 1X CDMA or EV -DO) offailed modem board in the affected DMI.9Obtain the needed replacement modem board and keep it in an ESD container . Also obtainan ESD container to put the DMI assembly in.10P ower down the affected DMI by setting the corresponding PDU DMI 20A circuit breaker tothe off position (pulled out).Mak e sure the PDU DMI circuit break er is set to OFF .Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables from connectors. If necessary , usemasking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.1 1ESD handling precautions must be adhered to during this procedure. W ear aconductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap .Plug the end of the ESD wrist strap into the UBS Macro BTS frame ESD jack This jack islocated in the middle of the upper XMI shelf bracket. A ttach the wrist strap to your wrist.12Disconnect all of the cables connected to the affected DMI front panel connectors.13Turn the retaining fastener , located in the upper right corner of the affected DMI frontpanel, CCW (Counter Clockwise) until resistance is felt. This indicates that the retainingfastener is disengaged.14Grasp the affected DMI by the handle with one hand and pull outward. While supporting thebottom of the DMI assembly with the other hand, slide the DMI assembly completely outof its housing.Continued8 -24 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Modem BoardsProcedure 8 -4 R eplacing a Modem Board (Continued)15ESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling the DMI assembly .Place the affected DMI assembly into an ESD container .16Transport the affected DMI assembly in its ESD container and the needed replacementmodem board in its ESD container to the DMI preparation area.IN THE DMI PREP ARA TION AREA17ESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling and working on theDMI assembly or the modem boards. All work performed on the DMI assembly andmodem boards must be done in an ESD protected work area.Set the affected DMI assembly in its ESD container and the replacement modem board in itsESD container onto a clean, ESD protected surface.18Remove the DMI assembly and the replacement modem board from the ESD containers.Retain the ESD containers for later reuse.19If replacing Modem 1, go to step 20 .If replacing Modem 2, go to step 24 .20P osition the DMI assembly on its side with the front panel handle at the top (see Figure 8-3 ).21Remove Modem 1 from the DMI assembly by performing the following:1. Use a T20 TORX bit/driver to completely loosen the seven captive screws that retainModem 1 to the DMI assembly .2. Grasp the modem extraction handle with one hand and hold the assembly down withthe other hand.3. Pull up on the modem extraction handle until the modem-to-controller connectordisengages.4. Carefully lift Modem 1 out of the DMI assembly .Continued68P09283A64 -3 8 -25FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 8 -4 R eplacing a Modem Board (Continued)22Install the replacement modem board into Modem 1 position of the DMI assembly byperforming the following:1. Carefully place the front edge of Modem 1 under the lip of the DMI front panel.2. Align the modem-to-controller connector halves so that they will mate together .3. Press down firmly on the modem just above the modem-to-controller connector untilthe connector halves are fully seated.4. Using a T20 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the seven captive screws that retainModem 1 to the DMI assembly . Tighten the screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 - 16 in-lb).5. A fter tightening the screws, firmly squeeze the modem connectors together to makesure that it is well seated. This may help prevent problems/errors that may not bevisible from the OMCR.23A fter Modem 1 is replaced, go to step 30 .24P osition the DMI assembly on its side with the front panel handle at the bottom (seeFigure 8-4 ).25Remove Modem 2 from the DMI assembly by performing the following:1. Use a T20 TORX bit/driver to completely loosen the seven captive screws that retainModem 2 to the DMI assembly .2. Grasp the modem extraction handle with one hand and hold the assembly down withthe other hand.3. Pull up on the modem extraction handle until the modem-to-controller connectordisengages.4. Carefully lift Modem 2 out of the DMI assembly .26Install the replacement modem board into Modem 2 position of the DMI assembly byperforming the following:1. Carefully place the Modem 2 in the rear half of the DMI assembly .2. Align the modem-to-controller connector halves so that they will mate together .3. Press down firmly on the modem just above the modem-to-controller connector untilthe connector halves are fully seated.4. Using a T20 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the seven captive screws that retainModem 2 to the DMI assembly . Tighten the screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 - 16 in-lb).5. A fter tightening the screws, firmly squeeze the modem connectors together to makesure that it is well seated. This may help prevent problems/errors that may not bevisible from the OMCR.27Insert the DMI assembly and the failed modem board into ESD containers. Transport both ofthese items to the BTS site.Continued8 -26 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Modem BoardsProcedure 8 -4 R eplacing a Modem Board (Continued)A T THE BTS SITE28ESD handling precautions must be adhered to when handling the DMI assembly .Plug the end of the ESD wrist strap into the UBS Macro BTS frame ESD jack This jack islocated in the middle of the upper XMI shelf bracket. A ttach the wrist strap to your wrist.29Remove the DMI assembly from the ESD container .30Install the DMI assembly with replacement modem into its housing in the UBS Macro BTSframe by performing the following:1. P osition the DMI assembly on bottom edge so that the front panel handle is on the rightand the 1/4-turn retaining fastener is at the top.2. Pick up the DMI assembly with two hands.3. Insert the rear of the DMI assembly into its housing.4. Slide the DMI assembly completely into the housing.5. Turn the 1/4-turn retaining fastener one-quarter turn CW (Clockwise) to secure theDMI assembly in the housing.31Reconnect all of the cables to the corresponding connectors on the DMI front panel.32P ower up the DMI by setting the corresponding PDU DMI 20A circuit breaker to the onposition (pushed in).A T THE OMCR33F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with one DMI, go to step 34 .F or a UBS Macro BTS equipped with more than one DMI, go to step 35 .34Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restoresite signaling operations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .A fter this step is completed, go to step 25 .35Unlock the affected DMI by entering the following command at the prompt:omc-000000> UNLOCK DMI-<bts#>-<dmi#>- UNCA T THE BTS SITE36P erform the recommended optimization and testing on the UBS Macro BTS frame (seeOptimization Recommended on page 8- 29 ).37Return the failed modem board in its ESD container to Motorola for repair .Reference DiagramsThe following diagrams are used to aid the modem board replacement procedure.68P09283A64 -3 8 -27FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement ProceduresFigure 8 -3 shows the DMI assembly with its bottom side up for access to Modem 1.Figure 8 -3 R emo ving and installing Modem 1ti-cdma-06168.eps7X Captive ScrewsModem 1Front PanelHD MEZZ ConnectorModem Connector HandleHD MEZZ ConnectorController BoardHandle8 -28 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Modem BoardsFigure 8 -4 shows the DMI assembly with its top side up for access to Modem 2.Figure 8 -4 R emo ving and installing Modem 2ti-cdma-06169.eps7X Captive ScrewsModem 2Front PanelHD MEZZ ConnectorModem Connector HandleHD MEZZ ConnectorController BoardHandleOptimization RecommendedP erform the following BTS Optimization/A TP procedures:68P09283A64 -3 8 -29FOA SEP 2007
Modem Boards Chapter 8: DMI R eplacement Procedures•BTS Device Database Audit•BTS Device Database Update•Timing Initialization/V erification•TX P ath Calibration Audit•Spectral Purity TX Mask A TP (optional)•W aveform Quality (Rho) A TP (optional)•Code Domain P ower A TP (optional)•FER T est•Alarm V erificationRefer to the1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual for the optimization procedures.8 -30 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
C h a p t e r9PDU Replacement Procedures■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A64 -3 9 -1SEP 2007 FOA
P ower Distribution Unit (PDU) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresPower Distribution Unit (PDU)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■PDU DescriptionThe PDU distributes +27 V DC output operating power to the UBS Macro BTS frame electronics.The PDU is located near the bottom of the UBS Macro BTS frame. Figure 1 -1 UBS Macro BTSlow -tier/low -capacity frame (1000 mm rack) on page 1 - 27 ,Figure 1 -2 Low capacity UBS MacroBTS starter frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 28 and Figure 1 -3 UBS Macro BTS mid -capacityframe (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 show the location of the PDU within the UBS Macro BTSframe.Figure 1 -12 PDU front panel detail on page 1 - 42 shows the location of +27 V DC output powerconnectors and circuit breakers on the front of the PDU .Figure 1 -13 PDU rear panel detail on page 1 - 43 shows the location of +27 V DC input powercable/connector and +27 V DC input filter capacitor on the rear of the PDU .The PDU filters the +27 V DC input power and then splits the filtered +27 V DC input powerinto +27 V DC branch circuits. Each branch circuit may be equipped with an integratedcircuit breaker and +27 V DC output power connector . Distribution is via output power cablesconnected between the PDU +27 V DC output power connectors and the correspondingequipment +27 V DC input power connector .The circuit breakers provide current overload protection for the +27 V DC branch circuitsdistributed to the corresponding UBS Macro BTS equipment. The circuit breakers also provideON/OFF switching of the +27 V DC output operating power to the corresponding equipment.The PDU is shipped with the 1st +27 V DC input power cable/connector and filtercapacitor installed. The 2nd +27 V DC input power cable/connector and filtercapacitor are installed, on site, when a 3rd XMI is added to the frame.The PDU is shipped with a circuit breaker and +27 V DC output power connectorinstalled for: XMI 1, DMI 1, DMI 2 and S SI 1. When other equipment is added to theframe, the corresponding circuit breaker and +27 V DC output power connectoris installed on site.9 -2 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Distribution Unit (PDU)The PDU contains the following:•Internal DC input reverse polarity/over -voltage/surge protection, filtering, input/outputbus bars.•Up to two DC input power cables/connectors for +27 V DC input to the rear of the PDU .•PDU front panel with cutouts for integrated circuit breaker and +27 V DC output powerconnectors. There are cutouts for the following circuit breakers/power connectors:F our 90A circuit breakers/power connectors for XMI 1 through XMI 4.Five 20A circuit breakers/power connectors for DMI 1 through DMI 5.T wo 20A circuit breakers/power connectors for S SI 1 and S SI 2.T wo 10A circuit breakers/power connectors for ACC 1 and ACC 2. Each ACC branchcircuit has three DC power connectors. Up to three accessories can share the 10Abranch circuit.System impact/considerationsP erforming this replacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and interrupt allcall processing.Prior to replacing the PDU , the UBS Macro BTS site signaling is shutdown (i.e., disable the BTSsite) then the UBS Macro BTS frame is powered down.Table 9 -1 PDU R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...P ower DistributionUnit (PDU)PDUShutdown site signaling functions and then powerdown the frame.Required itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.68P09283A64 -3 9 -3FOA SEP 2007
P ower Distribution Unit (PDU) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresTools•10 mm socket and ratchet•T orque driver•T25 TORX driverTorque requirements•PDU mounting screws; 4.77 N -m (42 in -lb)Replacement unit•PDU (Motorola model STPN4038)PrerequisitesCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .Before you beginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in T able 9 -2 .Table 9 -2 Item number replacement listItemNumberBTS numberF ailed PDUPDU replacement procedureThis procedure requires working on or around circuitry which is extremely sensitiv eto ESD . W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap during the procedure. Useappropriate safet y measures.9 -4 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Distribution Unit (PDU)T o replace the PDU perform Procedure 9 -1 and then Procedure 9 -2 .Procedure 9 -1 R emo ving the failed PDUA T THE OMCR1Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdown site signalingfunctions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A T THE BTS SITE2P ower down the UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P owering Down theFrame on page 2- 3 .Mak e sure the facilit y circuit break er controlling external AC or DC power , whichev eris applicable, to the UBS Macro B T S fr ame is set to the OFF position.Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables from connectors. If necessary , usemasking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.3Disconnect the +27 V DC output power cable from the +27 V DC input power cable on therear of the PDU by separating the orange connectors.4Disconnect all of the cables connected to the PDU front panel connectors.5If UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with carrier strips go to step 6 .If UBS Macro BTS frame is not equipped with carrier strips go to step 7 .6Remove the carrier strips from the frame as follows:•Using a 10 mm socket and ratchet, loosen and remove the 8 nuts that secure eachcarrier strip to the frame.•Remove the carrier strip.7Loosen the two rack mounting screws in the keyhole slots of the PDU rack mounting flanges.Do not remove these two screws. Leave the screw heads extending 8 mm out from the racksurface. These two screws will serve as hanger screws.8Completely loosen and remove the remaining two rack mounting screws in the PDU rackmounting flanges.9Grasp the PDU and lift it up and off of the hanger screws. Pull the PDU out of the rackand set it out of the way .68P09283A64 -3 9 -5FOA SEP 2007
P ower Distribution Unit (PDU) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 9 -2 Installing the replacement PDUA T THE BTS SITE1Properly position the replacement PDU in the rack location.Align the keyhole slots of the PDU mounting flanges with the two hanger screws andhang the replacement PDU on the rack.2Insert screws in the two open slots of the PDU rack mounting flanges.Tighten all four PDU rack mounting screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).3Reconnect all applicable cables to the PDU front panel connectors.4Connect the +27 V DC output power cable to the +27 V DC input power cable on the rear ofthe PDU by mating the orange connectors.5P ower up the UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P ower-up the Frame onpage 2- 3 .There is no optimization required for the PDU replacement.A T THE OMCR6Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restore site signalingoperations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .9 -6 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Break er Module Assembly (BMA)Breaker Module Assembly (BMA)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BMA DescriptionThe BMA is an integrated circuit breaker and output power connector . The circuit breakerprovides current overload protection for the output power connector .The BMAs are located on the PDU front panel (see Figure 1 -12 PDU front panel detail on page1 - 42 .)The BMAs provide current overload protection for the +27 V DC branch circuits distributedto the corresponding UBS Macro BTS equipment. The circuit breakers also provide ON/OFFswitching of the +27 V DC output operating power to the corresponding equipment.The PDU in the UBS Macro BTS may be equipped with the following BMAs:•up to four 90A for XMI 1 – XMI 4.•up to five 20A for DMI 1 – DMI 5.•up to two 20A for S SI 1 – S SI 2.•up to two 10A for ACC 1 – ACC 2. This BMA has three output power connectors foraccessories.The actual BMA equipage in the PDU is customer dependent.Each BMA is arranged so that the circuit breaker is just below the corresponding DC outputpower connector .The PDU front panel cover must be removed to gain access to the BMAs (see Figure 9 -1 PDUFront P anel Removal/Installation Detail on page 9 - 12 .)Each BMA is screw mounted to the PDU output bus bars (i.e., +27 V DC and –0 V DC). Thisphysical mounting provides electrical contact between the bus bars and the BMA. Refer toFigure 9 -2 PDU Front P anel (cover removed) on page 9 - 12 for BMA screw mounting details.System impact/considerationsP erforming this replacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and interrupt allcall processing.68P09283A64 -3 9 -7FOA SEP 2007
Break er Module Assembly (BMA) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresPrior to replacing a BMA, the UBS Macro BTS site signaling is shutdown (i.e., disable the BTSsite) then the UBS Macro BTS frame is powered down.Table 9 -3 PDU R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...Breaker ModuleAssembly (BMA)XMI 1 – XMI 4, DMI1 – DMI 5, S SI 1 –S SI 2, ACC 1 – ACC2Shutdown site signaling functions and then powerdown the frame.Required itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•T orque driver•T25 TORX driverTorque requirements•BMA mounting screws; 4.8 N -m (42.25 in -lb) ±10%Replacement unit•90A BMA (Motorola model STLN4093), for XMIs•20A BMA (Motorola model STLN6472), for DMIs and S SIs•10A BMA (Motorola model STLN6475), for ACCsMounting screws are provided with each BMA; four screws with the 90A BMA,two screws with the 20A BMA and two screws with the 10A BMA.9 -8 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Break er Module Assembly (BMA)PrerequisitesCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .Before you beginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in T able 9 -4 .Table 9 -4 Item number replacement listItemNumberBTS numberF ailed BMABMA replacement procedureBMA mounting screws must be tightened to the specied torque to prev ent arcingand possible re hazard.T o replace a BMA perform Procedure 9 -3 and then Procedure 9 -4 .Procedure 9 -3 R emo ving the failed BMAA T THE OMCR1Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdown site signalingfunctions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A T THE BTS SITE2P ower down the UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P owering Down theFrame on page 2- 3 .Continued68P09283A64 -3 9 -9FOA SEP 2007
Break er Module Assembly (BMA) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 9 -3 R emo ving the failed BMA (Continued)Mak e sure the facilit y circuit break er controlling external AC or DC power , whichev eris applicable, to the UBS Macro B T S fr ame is set to the OFF position.Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables from connectors. If necessary , usemasking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.3Set all PDU front panel circuit breakers to the off (pulled out) position.4Disconnect all DC power cables from the PDU front panel. Dress these cables away fromthe PDU front panel.5Remove the PDU front panel as follows:•See Figure 9-1 PDU Front P anel Removal/Installation Detail on page 9- 12 .•While depressing the front panel cover latch tab on the left and right front ends of thePDU , slide the PDU front panel forward and off of the PDU .6Remove the BMA as follows:•See Figure 9-2 PDU Front P anel (cover removed) on page 9- 12 .•Locate the BMA to be removed.•Using a TORX T25 driver , remove the BMA mounting screws.•Remove the BMA from the PDU .Procedure 9 -4 Installing the replacement BMAA T THE BTS SITE1BMA mounting screws must be tightened to the specied torque to prev ent arcingand possible re hazard.Install the replacement BMA as follows:•See Figure 9-2 PDU Front P anel (cover removed) on page 9- 12 .Continued9 -10 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU Break er Module Assembly (BMA)Procedure 9 -4 Installing the replacement BMA (Continued)•Properly position the replacement BMA on the PDU output bus bars.•Align the BMA screw holes with the appropriate screw holes on the PDU output busbars.•Insert the mounting screws.•Using a TORX T25 driver , tighten all BMA mounting screws to 4.8 N-m (42.25 in-lb).2Reattach the PDU front panel cover to the PDU as follows:•See Figure 9-1 PDU Front P anel Removal/Installation Detail on page 9- 12 .•Align the PDU front panel cover with the PDU circuit breaker actuators and powerconnectors while inserting the PDU front panel cover latch tabs into the retainer onthe left and right front ends of the PDU .•Slide the PDU front panel cover onto the front of the PDU .•Firmly press on the ends of the PDU front panel until each end tab snaps into place.3Set all PDU front panel circuit breakers to the off (pulled out) position.4Reconnect all applicable cables to the PDU front panel connectors. Make sure that eachcable is connected to the proper PDU front panel power connector .5P ower up the UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P ower-up the Frame onpage 2- 3 .There is no optimization required for the BMA replacement.A T THE OMCR6Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restore site signalingoperations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .Reference diagramsFigure 9 -1 shows details for removing and installing the PDU front cover . Figure 9 -2 showsBMA mounting details.68P09283A64 -3 9 -11FOA SEP 2007
Break er Module Assembly (BMA) Chapter 9: PDU R eplacement ProceduresFigure 9 -1 PDU Front P anel R emo v al/Installation Detailti-cdma-06382.epsFront Panel Cover Latch TabPDUFigure 9 -2 PDU Front P anel (co v er remo v ed)ti-cdma-06383.eps 4X  Mounting Screws 2X  Mounting Screws  2X Mounting Screws2X  Mounting Screws DMI 20A BMA  SSI 20A BMA   ACC 10A BMAXMI 90A BMA +27 V DC Bus Bar  -0 V DC Bus Bar  NOTE: 1. This diagram shows mounting details for each kind of BMA.  It does not to show the exact BMA equipage.  9 -12 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
C h a p t e r1 0PSM Shelf Replacement Procedures■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A64 -3 10 -1SEP 2007 FOA
–48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement Procedures–48 V DC Power Supply Module (PSM) Shelf■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■–48 V DC PSM Shelf DescriptionThe –48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) shelf is optional. It is used to convert –48 V DCinput power to +27V DC output operating power for distribution to the UBS Macro BTS frameelectronics.The –48 V DC PSM shelf is located at the bottom of the UBS Macro BTS frame. Figure 1 -1 UBSMacro BTS low -tier/low -capacity frame (1000 mm rack) on page 1 - 27 ,Figure 1 -2 Low capacityUBS Macro BTS starter frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 28 and Figure 1 -3 UBS Macro BTSmid -capacity frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 show the location of the –48 V DC PSM shelfwithin the UBS Macro BTS frame.Figure 1 -15 –48 V DC and 220 V AC PSM shelves front panel detail on page 1 - 46 shows thelocation of I/O port connectors and PSM slots on the front of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .Figure 1 -16 –48 V DC PSM shelf rear panel detail on page 1 - 47 shows the location of inputconnector and output cable on the rear of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .The –48 V DC PSM shelf provides interconnection between the PSM slots DC I/O and the PSMshelf DC I/O as well as interconnection between the PSM slots alarm/status I/O and the PSMshelf alarm & control I/O .The plug -in PSMs provide DC -DC conversion and +27V DC power output capabilities.Up to three PSMs can be housed in the PSM shelf . A minimum of two PSMs are equipped forredundancy . An empty PSM 3 slot is covered with a filler panel.PSM shelf plug -in modulesThe –48 V DC PSM is a DC–DC converter . It operates from a nominal –48 V DC (–39 to –72 V)input and provides a 2700 W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output. The output is designed to supportload current sharing when configured for parallel output operation with other –48 V DC PSMs.Three PSMs can provide a maximum of 8100 W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output from the –48 VDC PSM shelf .Each PSM has internal fans that circulate cooling air from the front to the rear of the module.Each PSM slides into a slot in the shelf . Blade type contacts, on the rear of the PSM, mate withthe DC I/O bus bar contacts in the PSM slot.10 -2 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU –48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfPSM shelf DC I/O interconnectionEach PSM slot in the –48 V DC PSM shelf has two contacts (– feed and + return) for 48 V DCinput and two contacts (+ feed and – return) for +27 V DC output.The –48 V DC PSM shelf has DC I/O bus bars at the rear of the shelf . The 48 V DC input contactsof the three PSM slots are parallel connected to the DC input bus bars. The +27 V DC outputcontacts of the three PSM slots are parallel connected to DC input bus bars.The DC input bus bars are interconnected to the –48 V DC input power connector on the rear ofthe PSM shelf .The DC output bus bars are interconnected to the +27 V DC output power cable on the rearof the PSM shelf . This cable connects to the +27 V DC input power cable on the rear of theUBS Macro PDU . The PDU distributes the +27V DC operating power to the UBS Macro frameelectronics.PSM shelf alarm and control I/O interconnectionEach PSM slot has a bulkhead connector . The I/O signals of each of these slot connectors areinterconnected to the ALARM & CONTROL connector on the front of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .Each –48 V DC PSM has a rear panel status/alarm drawer connector that mates with thebulkhead connector in the PSM slot of the PSM shelf . The I/O signals of this connector areinterconnected to the ALARM & CONTROL connector on the front of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .This connector is cabled to the S SI front panel PSM connector . This allows the PSM alarm &status to be monitored by the S SI. It also allows the front panel LEDs and module enable tobe controlled by the S SI.PSM alarm & status signal inputs are current share, temp alarm, converter fail, fan fail, hightemp, low bus voltage, input voltage loss, presence, and EID .The current share signal goes directly from one PSM to the others via PSM shelf backplanelooping without going to the S SI. Based on PSM alarm & status, the S SI outputs signals tocontrol the state of the LEDs.The PSM shelf ALARM & CONTROL cable also contains the PSM enable line whichmust be grounded at the S SI in order for the PSM to operate.System impact/considerationsP erforming this replacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and interrupt allcall processing.68P09283A64 -3 10 -3FOA SEP 2007
–48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresPrior to replacing the –48 V DC PSM shelf , the UBS Macro BTS site signaling is shutdown (i.e.,disable the BTS site) then the UBS Macro BTS frame is powered down.Table 10 -1 –48 V DC PSM Shelf R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...–48 V DC P owerSupply Module(PSM) shelf–48 V DC PSM shelf Shutdown site signaling functions and then powerdown the frame.Required itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•T orque driver•T25 TORX driverTorque requirements•PSM shelf mounting screws; 4.77 N -m (42 in -lb)•PSM captive M4 retaining thumbscrew , 2.37 N -m (21 in -lb)Replacement unit•–48 V DC PSM shelf assembly (Motorola model STHN4089)PrerequisitesCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .10 -4 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU –48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfBefore you beginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in T able 10 -2 .Table 10 -2 Item number replacement listItemNumberBTS numberF ailed –48 V DC PSM shelfnumber–48 V DC PSM shelf replacement procedureThis procedure requires working on or around circuitry which is extremely sensitiv eto ESD . W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap during the procedure. Useappropriate safet y measures.T o replace the –48 V DC PSM shelf perform Procedure 10 -1 and then Procedure 10 -2 .Procedure 10 -1 R emo ving the failed –48 V DC PSM shelfA T THE OMCR1Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdown site signalingfunctions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A T THE BTS SITE2P ower down the –48 V DC UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P owering Downthe Frame on page 2- 3 .Mak e sure the facilit y circuit break er controlling external 48 V DC power to the –48V DC PSM shelf is set to the OFF position.3Using a T25 TORX bit and driver , loosen the captive retaining thumbscrews on all of the PSMmodules until the thumbscrews are disengaged from the shelf .Continued68P09283A64 -3 10 -5FOA SEP 2007
–48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 10 -1 R emo ving the failed –48 V DC PSM shelf (Continued)4PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling the PSM to prev entdamage to the equipment and personal injury .Remove all the PSMs from the slots of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .Grasp the handle on the front panel of the PSM with one hand. Slowly pull the PSM out ofthe shelf slot while carefully supporting the bottom of the module with the other hand.5Remove the filler panels (if used) from the slots of the –48 V DC PSM shelf . Using a T25TORX bit and driver , loosen the captive retaining thumbscrew on the filler panel until it isdisengaged from the shelf .Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables from connectors. If necessary , usemasking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.6Disconnect the +27 V DC output power cable on the rear of the PSM shelf from the +27 VDC input power cable on the rear of the PDU by separating the orange connectors.7Disconnect the –48 V DC input power cable from the rear of the –48 V DC PSM shelf byseparating the blue connectors.8Disconnect all of the cables connected to the –48 V DC PSM shelf front panel connectors.9Loosen the two rack mounting screws in the keyhole slots of the –48 V DC PSM shelf rackmounting flanges. Do not remove these two screws. Leave the screw heads extending 8 mmout from the rack surface. These two screws will serve as hanger screws.10Completely loosen and remove the remaining rack mounting screws in the –48 V DC PSMshelf rack mounting flanges.1 1Grasp the –48 V DC PSM shelf and lift it up and off of the hanger screws. Pull the –48 V DCPSM shelf out of the rack and set it out of the way .Procedure 10 -2 Installing the replacement –48 V DC PSM shelfA T THE BTS SITE1Properly position the replacement –48 V DC PSM shelf in the rack location.Align the keyhole slots of the PSM shelf rack mounting flanges with the two hanger screwsand hang the shelf on the rack.2Insert screws in the 6 open slots of the PSM shelf rack mounting flanges.Tighten all 8 PSM shelf rack mounting screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).Continued10 -6 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU –48 V DC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfProcedure 10 -2 Installing the replacement –48 V DC PSM shelf (Continued)3Reinstall all of the PSMs.Properly orient each PSM and insert it into the appropriate PSM shelf slot.Slowly slide the module into the shelf until the rear connectors are fully seated.Make sure that the PSM is fully engaged with the shelf backplane slot connectors.4Using a T25 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the captive retaining thumbscrews ofeach PSM to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).5Reinstall filler panels over any empty PSM slots of the –48 V DC PSM shelf .Using a T25 TORX bit and driver , tighten the captive retaining thumbscrew on the fillerpanel to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).6Reconnect all applicable cables to the –48 V DC PSM shelf front panel connectors.7Connect the –48 V DC input power cable to the rear of the –48 V DC PSM shelf by matingthe blue connectors.8Connect the +27 V DC output power cable on the rear of the PSM shelf to the +27 V DCinput power cable on the rear of the PDU by mating the orange connectors.9P ower up the –48 V DC UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P ower-up theFrame on page 2- 3 .10Observe the LEDs on the front of the PSMs.The green LED should be on and the red LED should be off . This indicates normal operation.There is no optimization required for the PSM shelf replacement.A T THE OMCR1 1Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restore site signalingoperations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .68P09283A64 -3 10 -7FOA SEP 2007
220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement Procedures220 V AC Power Supply Module (PSM) Shelf■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■220 V AC PSM Shelf DescriptionThe 220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) shelf is optional. It is used to convert 220 V ACinput power to +27V DC output operating power for distribution to the UBS Macro BTS frameelectronics.The 220 V AC PSM shelf is located at the bottom of the UBS Macro BTS frame. Figure 1 -1 UBSMacro BTS low -tier/low -capacity frame (1000 mm rack) on page 1 - 27 ,Figure 1 -2 Low capacityUBS Macro BTS starter frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 28 and Figure 1 -3 UBS Macro BTSmid -capacity frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 show the location of the 220 V AC PSM shelfwithin the UBS Macro BTS frame.Figure 1 -15 –48 V DC and 220 V AC PSM shelves front panel detail on page 1 - 46 shows thelocation of I/O port connectors and PSM slots on the front of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .Figure 1 -17 220 V AC PSM shelf rear panel detail on page 1 - 48 shows the location of inputconnector and output cable/connector on the rear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .The 220 V AC PSM shelf provides interconnection between the PSM slots AC input/DC outputand the PSM shelf AC input/DC output as well as interconnection between the PSM slotsalarm/status I/O and the PSM shelf alarm & control I/O .The plug -in PSMs provide AC -DC conversion and +27V DC power output capabilities.Up to three PSMs can be housed in the PSM shelf . A minimum of two PSMs are equipped forredundancy . An empty PSM 3 slot is covered with a filler panel.PSM shelf plug -in modulesThe 220 V AC PSM is an AC–DC power supply . It contains AC line input filtering and AC–DCrectification. The rectifier output is applied to a DC–DC converter .The 220 V AC PSM operates from a nominal 220 V AC (154 to 300 V) input and provides a 2700W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output. The output is designed to support load current sharing whenconfigured for parallel output operation with other 220 V AC PSMs.Three PSMs can provide a maximum of 8100 W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output from the 220 VAC PSM shelf .Each PSM has internal fans that circulate cooling air from the front to the rear of the module.Each PSM slides into a slot in the PSM shelf . The AC input & status/alarm drawer connector , onthe rear of the PSM, mates with a bulkhead connector in the PSM slot. Also blade type contacts,on the rear of the PSM, mate with the DC output bus bar contacts in the PSM slot.10 -8 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU 220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfPSM shelf AC input interconnectionEach PSM slot in the 220 V AC PSM shelf has a bulkhead connector . The 220 V AC line input pinsfrom the bulkhead connector of the three PSM slots are parallel connected to the AC input buses.Each 220 V AC PSM has a rear panel AC input & status/alarm drawer connector that mates witha bulkhead connector in the PSM slot of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .The AC line input buses in the 220 V AC PSM shelf are connected to the AC input terminal blockon the rear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf . This terminal block is wired to the AC input lines.The 220 V AC PSM shelf and 220 V AC PSMs can operate with any one of the following ACpower inputs:•Single -Phase•3 -Phase ST AR•3 -Phase DEL T APSM shelf DC output interconnectionEach PSM slot in the 220 V AC PSM shelf has two contacts (+ feed and – return) for +27 VDC output.The 220 V AC PSM shelf has DC output bus bars at the rear of the shelf . The +27 V DC outputcontacts of the three PSM slots are parallel connected to DC input bus bars.The DC input bus bars are interconnected to the 220 V AC input power connector on the rear ofthe PSM shelf .The DC output bus bars are interconnected to the +27 V DC output power cable on the rearof the PSM shelf . This cable connects to the +27 V DC input power cable on the rear of theUBS Macro PDU . The PDU distributes the +27V DC operating power to the UBS Macro frameelectronics.In addition, the DC output bus bars are interconnected to the +27 V DC output power connectoron the rear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf . Usage of this connector is optional. It can be cabled toback -up batteries for battery charging purposes.68P09283A64 -3 10 -9FOA SEP 2007
220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresPSM shelf alarm and control I/O interconnectionEach PSM slot has a bulkhead connector . The status/alarm I/O signals of each of these slotconnectors are interconnected to the ALARM & CONTROL connector on the front of the 220 VAC PSM shelf .Each 220 V AC PSM has a rear panel status/alarm drawer connector that mates with thebulkhead connector in the PSM slot of the PSM shelf . The I/O signals of this connector areinterconnected to the ALARM & CONTROL connector on the front of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .This connector is cabled to the S SI front panel PSM connector . This allows the PSM alarm &status to be monitored by the S SI. It also allows the front panel LEDs and module enable tobe controlled by the S SI.PSM alarm & status signal inputs are current share, temp alarm, converter fail, fan fail, hightemp, low bus voltage, input voltage loss, presence, and EID .The current share signal goes directly from one PSM to the others via PSM shelf backplanelooping without going to the S SI. Based on PSM alarm & status, the S SI outputs signals tocontrol the state of the LEDs.The PSM shelf ALARM & CONTROL cable also contains the PSM enable line whichmust be grounded at the S SI in order for the PSM to operate.System impact/considerationsP erforming this replacement procedure will cause BTS downtime and interrupt allcall processing.Prior to replacing the 220 V AC PSM shelf , the UBS Macro BTS site signaling is shutdown (i.e.,disable the BTS site) then the UBS Macro BTS frame is powered down.Table 10 -3 220 V AC PSM Shelf R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...220 V AC P owerSupply Module(PSM) shelf220 V AC PSM shelf Shutdown site signaling functions and then powerdown the frame.10 -10 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU 220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfRequired itemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•T orque driver•T25 TORX driver•T20 TORX bit with 12 -inch extension•Flat blade screwdriverTorque requirements•PSM shelf mounting screws; 4.77 N -m (42 in -lb)•PSM captive M4 retaining thumbscrew , 2.37 N -m (21 in -lb)•T erminal block cover box screws, 1.6 - 1.8 N -m (14 - 16 in -lb)Replacement unit•220 V AC PSM shelf assembly (Motorola model STHN4092)PrerequisitesCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .68P09283A64 -3 10 -11FOA SEP 2007
220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresBefore you beginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in T able 10 -4 .Table 10 -4 Item number replacement listItemNumberBTS numberF ailed 220 V AC PSM shelfnumber220 V AC PSM shelf replacement procedureThis procedure requires working on or around circuitry which is extremely sensitiv eto ESD . W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap during the procedure. Useappropriate safet y measures.T o replace the 220 V AC PSM shelf perform Procedure 10 -3 and then Procedure 10 -4 .Procedure 10 -3 R emo ving the failed 220 V AC PSM shelfA T THE OMCR1Shut down site signaling functions according to Procedure 3-2 Shutdown site signalingfunctions procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 5 .A T THE BTS SITE2P ower down the 220 V AC UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P owering Downthe Frame on page 2- 3 .Mak e sure the facilit y circuit break er controlling external 220 V AC power to the220 V AC PSM shelf is set to the OFF position.3Using a T25 TORX bit and driver , loosen the captive retaining thumbscrews on all of the PSMmodules until the thumbscrews are disengaged from the shelf .Continued10 -12 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU 220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfProcedure 10 -3 R emo ving the failed 220 V AC PSM shelf (Continued)4PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling the PSM to prev entdamage to the equipment and personal injury .Remove all the PSMs from the slots of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .Grasp the handle on the front panel of the PSM with one hand. Slowly pull thePSM out of the shelf slot while carefully supporting the bottom of the module with theother hand.5Remove the filler panels (if used) from the slots of the 220 V AC PSM shelf . Using a T25TORX bit and driver , loosen the captive retaining thumbscrew on the filler panel until it isdisengaged from the shelf .Y ou will be disconnecting multiple cables/wires from connectors. If necessary ,use masking tape and a marker and temporarily tag each cable as to the properconnector before disconnection.6Disconnect the +27 V DC output power cable on the rear of the PSM shelf from the +27 VDC input power cable on the rear of the PDU by separating the orange connectors.7Disconnect the back -up battery cable (if used) from the +27 V DC output power connectoron the rear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf by separating the orange connectors.8Using a TORX T20 bit and driver , remove the 4 screws securing the terminal block cover boxto the 220 V AC PSM shelf . Remove the terminal block cover box from the PSM shelf .The terminal block cover box may have conduit attached to it. It may be necessaryto free the conduit so that the box can be moved out of the way .9Using a flat blade screwdriver , turn the ground terminalscrew counter clockwise (CCW) to open the terminal.Disconnect the ground wire from the terminal.10Using a flat blade screwdriver , turn each AC supply line wireterminal screw counter clockwise (CCW) to open the terminals.Disconnect the AC supply line wires from the terminals.1 1Disconnect all of the cables connected to the 220 V AC PSM shelf front panel connectors.12Using TORX T25 driver , loosen the two rack mounting screws in the keyhole slots of the220 V AC PSM shelf rack mounting flanges. Do not remove these two screws. Leave thescrew heads extending 8 mm out from the rack surface. These two screws will serve ashanger screws.Continued68P09283A64 -3 10 -13FOA SEP 2007
220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) Shelf Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresProcedure 10 -3 R emo ving the failed 220 V AC PSM shelf (Continued)13Using TORX T25 driver , completely loosen and remove the remaining rack mounting screwsin the 220 V AC PSM shelf rack mounting flanges.14Grasp the 220 V AC PSM shelf and lift it up and off of the hanger screws. Pull the 220 V ACPSM shelf out of the rack and set it out of the way .Procedure 10 -4 Installing the replacement 220 V AC PSM shelfA T THE BTS SITE1Using a TORX T20 bit and driver , remove the 4 screws securing the terminal block coverbox to the rear of the replacement 220 V AC PSM shelf . Remove the terminal block coverbox from the PSM shelf .2Make sure that the AC line terminal block on the replacement 220 V AC PSM shelf is properlyconfigured with insertion bridging. It should match that of the failed 220 V AC PSM shelf .If necessary , use a flat blade screwdriver to open terminals (turn screws CCW) for insertionbridge placement. Place an insertion bridge into the proper terminals. While holdingthe bridge with one hand, turn the corresponding terminal screws CW until the bridgeis securely clamped.3Properly position the replacement 220 V AC PSM shelf in the rack location.Align the keyhole slots of the PSM shelf rack mounting flanges with the two hanger screwsand hang the shelf on the rack.4Insert screws in the 6 open slots of the PSM shelf rack mounting flanges.Using TORX T25 driver , tighten all 8 PSM shelf screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).5Reinstall all of the PSMs.Properly orient each PSM and insert it into the appropriate PSM shelf slot.Slowly slide the module into the shelf until the rear connectors are fully seated.Make sure that the PSM is fully engaged with the shelf backplane slot connectors.6Using a T25 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the captive retaining thumbscrews ofeach PSM to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).7Reinstall filler panels over any empty PSM slots of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .Using a T25 TORX bit and driver , tighten the captive retaining thumbscrew on the fillerpanel to 2.37 N-m (21 in-lb).8Reconnect all applicable cables to the 220 V AC PSM shelf front panel connectors.9Connect the 220 V AC input lines to the proper terminals on therear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf by performing the following:•Use a flat blade screwdriver to open the terminals (turn screws CCW)•Insert the appropriate wire into the terminal.•While holding the wire with one hand, turn the corresponding terminal screw CW untilthe wire is securely clamped. Tighten the terminal screw to 4.0 - 4.5 N-m (35 - 40 in-lb).Continued10 -14 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU 220 V AC P ower Supply Module (PSM) ShelfProcedure 10 -4 Installing the replacement 220 V AC PSM shelf (Continued)10Using a flat blade screwdriver , turn the ground terminal screw counter clockwise (CCW)until the terminal is fully open. Insert the earth ground wire into the ground terminal.Turn the ground terminal screw clockwise (CW) to close the terminal and secure the wire.Tighten the terminal screw to 4.0 - 4.5 N-m (35 - 40 in-lb).1 1Place the cover box, with conduit attached, in position over the AC input terminal block.12Insert the 4 screws to secure the cover box to the PSM shelf . Ensure that the wires are notpinched.13Using a TORX T20 bit and driver , tighten the 4 screws to 1.6 - 1.8 N-m (14 - 16 in-lb).14Connect the back -up battery cable (if used) the +27 V DC output power connector on therear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf by mating the orange connectors.15Connect the +27 V DC output power cable on the rear of the PSM shelf to the +27 V DCinput power cable on the rear of the PDU by mating the orange connectors.16P ower up the 220 V AC UBS Macro BTS frame according to the section: P ower-up theFrame on page 2- 3 .17Observe the LEDs on the front of the PSMs.The green LED should be on and the red LED should be off . This indicates normal operation.There is no optimization required for the PSM shelf replacement.A T THE OMCR18Restore site signaling operations according to Procedure 3-3 Restore site signalingoperations procedure for a packet BTS on page 3- 10 .68P09283A64 -3 10 -15FOA SEP 2007
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresPower Supply Modules (PSMs)■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■PSM DescriptionsUp to three PSMs can be housed in the PSM shelf . A minimum of two PSMs are equipped forredundancy . An empty PSM 3 slot is covered with a filler panel. Refer to Figure 1 -15 –48 V DCand 220 V AC PSM shelves front panel detail on page 1 - 46 .There are two types of PSMs that can be used with the UBS Macro BTS PSM shelf . Theseare as follows:•–48 V DC PSM•220 V AC PSMThe –48 V DC PSMs are only used in a –48 V DC PSM shelf .The 220 V AC PSMs are only used in a 220 V AC PSM shelf .Nev er plug a –48 V DC PSM into a 220 V AC PSM shelf .Nev er plug a 220 V AC PSM into a -–48 V DC PSM shelf .10 -16 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Supply Modules (PSMs)–48 V DC PSM DescriptionThe –48 V DC PSM is a DC–DC converter . It operates from a nominal –48 V DC (–39 to –72 V)input and provides a 2700 W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output. The output is designed to supportload current sharing when configured for parallel output operation with other –48 V DC PSMs.The PSM has internal fans that circulate cooling air from the front to the rear of the module.Each –48 V DC PSM slides into a slot in the –48 V DC PSM shelf . Blade type contacts, on therear of the –48 V DC PSM, mate with the DC input/output bus bars at the rear of the –48 VDC PSM shelf .Each –48 V DC PSM has a rear panel status/alarm drawer connector that mates with a bulkheadconnector in the PSM slot of the PSM shelf . The I/O signals of this connector are interconnectedto the ALARM & CONTROL connector on the front of the –48 V DC PSM shelf . This connectoris cabled to the S SI front panel PSM connector . This allows the PSM alarm & status to bemonitored by the S SI. It also allows the front panel LEDs and module enable to be controlledby the S SI.PSM alarm & status signal inputs are current share, temp alarm, converter fail, fan fail, hightemp, low bus voltage, input voltage loss, presence, and EID .The current share signal goes directly from one PSM to the others via PSM shelf backplanelooping without going to the S SI. Based on PSM alarm & status, the S SI outputs signals tocontrol the state of the LEDs.The PSM shelf ALARM & CONTROL cable also contains the PSM enable line whichmust be grounded at the S SI in order for the PSM to operate.68P09283A64 -3 10 -17FOA SEP 2007
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement Procedures220 V AC PSM DescriptionThe 220 V AC PSM is an AC–DC power supply . It contains AC line input filtering and AC–DCrectification. The rectifier output is applied to a DC–DC converter .The 220 V AC PSM operates from a nominal 220 V AC (154 to 300 V) input and provides a 2700W , +27 V DC (+/– 0.1 V) output. The output is designed to support load current sharing whenconfigured for parallel output operation with other 220 V AC PSMs. The PSM has internal fansthat circulate cooling air from the front to the rear of the module.Each 220 V AC PSM slides into a slot in the 220 V AC PSM shelf . Blade type contacts, on the rearof the 220 V AC PSM, mate with the DC output bus bars at the rear of the 220 V AC PSM shelf .Each 220 V AC PSM has a rear panel AC input & status/alarm drawer connector that mates witha bulkhead connector in the PSM slot of the 220 V AC PSM shelf . The AC line input buses inthe 220 V AC PSM shelf connect to the AC input lines of the AC input & status/alarm drawerconnector . The status/alarm I/O signals of this connector are interconnected to the ALARM &CONTROL connector on the front of the PSM shelf . This connector is cabled to the S SI frontpanel PSM connector . This allows the PSM alarm & status to be monitored by the S SI. It alsoallows the front panel LEDs and module enable to be controlled by the S SI.PSM alarm & status signal inputs are current share, temp alarm, converter fail, fan fail, hightemp, low bus voltage, input voltage loss, presence, and EID .The current share signal goes directly from one PSM to the others via PSM shelf backplanelooping without going to the S SI. Based on PSM alarm & status, the S SI outputs signals tocontrol the state of the LEDs.The PSM shelf ALARM & CONTROL cable also contains the PSM enable line whichmust be grounded at the S SI in order for the PSM to operate.System impact/considerationsThis replacement procedure does not require system downtime. However , alarms may begenerated.T wo PSMs provide N + 1 redundancy and load sharing for its respective PSM shelf . In the eventof a PSM failure, one PSM is capable of providing operating power for its respective PSM shelf .However , a failed PSM should be replaced as soon as possible to maintain redundancy .The PSM is hot–swappable.Table 10 -5 FRU replacement conditionsFRURef Designator What to Shutdown...–48 V DC P owerSupply Module–48 V DC PSMNothing; FRU is hot swappable and redundant.220 V AC P owerSupply Module220 V AC PSMNothing; FRU is hot swappable and redundant.10 -18 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Supply Modules (PSMs)PSM Front and Rear Panel Details–48 V DC PSM Front & Rear PanelsFigure 10 -1 shows the –48 V DC PSM front and rear panel details.The figure below shows the PSM front and rear panels rotated 90 degrees CounterClockwise (CCW) from when it is installed in the PSM shelf .68P09283A64 -3 10 -19FOA SEP 2007
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresFigure 10 -1 –48 V DC PSM Front & R ear Detailsti-cdma-05920.epsFrontPort (-) Port (+)Test TestRedLEDGreenLEDHandleAir InletCaptive M4 RetainingThumbscrewStatus/AlarmDrawer Connector48V DCInput27V DCOutput (+)Return(-)Feed(+)Feed(-)ReturnAir OutletRear220 V AC PSM Front & Rear PanelsFigure 3 -6 shows the 220 V AC PSM front and rear panel details.10 -20 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Supply Modules (PSMs)The figure below shows the PSM front and rear panels rotated 90 degrees CounterClockwise (CCW) from when it is installed in the PSM shelf .68P09283A64 -3 10 -21FOA SEP 2007
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresFigure 10 -2 220 V AC PSM Front & R ear Detailsti-cdma-05921.epsFrontPort (-) Port (+)Test Test RedLEDGreenLEDHandleAir InletCaptive M4 RetainingThumbscrew   AC Input and    Status/AlarmDrawer Connector27V DCOutput(+)Feed(-)ReturnAir OutletRear10 -22 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Supply Modules (PSMs)Front Panel LEDsT wo LEDs are on the front panel of each PSM with the following functionality:•A GREEN LED is displayed when the PSM is enabled and the output voltage is present.This LED remains on during a minor alarm condition.•A RED LED is displayed when a hard failure occurs (for example; a F an failure or Converterfailure).Front Panel Test PortsA high impedance DC voltmeter can be connected between the two test ports on the front panelto monitor the DC output voltage.Rear Panel ConnectorsBlade type contacts, on the rear of the PSM, mate with the DC input/output bus bars at therear of the PSM shelf .The status/alarm drawer connector on the rear of the PSM mates with a bulkhead connectorat the rear of the PSM shelf . This connector is cabled to the PSM alarm connector on thefront of the PSM shelf .Required itemsDocuments•NoneTools•T orque driver•T25 TORX driverTorque requirements•PSM captive M4 retaining thumbscrew , 2.37 N -m (21 in -lb)Replacement unit•–48 V DC P ower Supply Module (–48 V DC PSM) — Motorola model STPN4037•220 V AC P ower Supply Module (220 V AC PSM) — Motorola model STPN403668P09283A64 -3 10 -23FOA SEP 2007
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement ProceduresPrerequisitesBefore you beginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in T able 10 -6 .Table 10 -6 Item number replacement listItemNumberBTS numberF ailed –48 V DC PSM numberF ailed 220 V AC PSM numberPSM replacement procedureThe PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling the PSM to prev entdamage to the equipment and personal injury .W earing anti–static wrist str aps during this procedure is not recommended.Occasionally during this procedure, touch the fr ame ground to dissipate staticelectricit y .P erform the steps described in Procedure 10 -5 to replace either a –48 V DC PSM or a 220 VAC PSM.Procedure 10 -5 R eplacing a PSM1Notify the OMC–R operator that you are replacing the -48 V DC/220 V AC PSM.2It will be helpful if the OMC–R operator executes “ENABLE EVENTS” command at the CLIsession of the OMC–R to monitor alarms. This command is optional and may not be useful ifexecuted during a high CP U utilization time.3Using a T25 TORX bit and driver , loosen the captive retaining thumbscrew until it isdisengaged from the shelf .Continued10 -24 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU P ower Supply Modules (PSMs)Procedure 10 -5 R eplacing a PSM (Continued)4PSM weighs appro ximately 5 kg. Be careful when handling the PSM to prev entdamage to the equipment and personal injury .Grasp the handle on the front panel of the PSM with one hand. Slowly pull the PSM out ofthe shelf slot while carefully supporting the bottom of the module with the other hand.5Properly orient the replacement PSM and insert it into the slot. Slowlyslide the module into the shelf until the rear connectors are fully seated.Make sure that the PSM is fully engaged with the shelf backplane slot connectors.6Using a T25 TORX bit and torque driver , tighten the captive retaining thumbscrew to 2.37N-m (21 in-lb).7Observe the LEDs on the PSM.The green LED should be on and the red LED should be off . This indicates normal operation.There is no optimization required for the PSM replacement.8Notify the OMC–R operator that the procedure is complete and that alarms should be cleared.9OMC–R operator execute “DISABLE EVENTS” command to discontinue monitoring of alarms.68P09283A64 -3 10 -25SEP 2007 FOA
P ower Supply Modules (PSMs) Chapter 10: PSM Shelf R eplacement Procedures10 -26 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
C h a p t e r1 1RX Splitter Replacement Procedure■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A64 -3 11 -1SEP 2007 FOA
RX Splitter Chapter 11: RX Splitter R eplacement ProcedureRX Splitter■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■RX Splitter DescriptionThe RX splitter is only used in UBS Macro BTS frames equipped with more than one XMI.The RX splitter used in the UBS Macro BTS frame is wide band and handles either 1.9 GHz or800 MHz RX signals.The RX splitter is a passive device requiring no DC input operating power .F or the RX splitter location in the UBS Macro frame, refer to Figure 1 -3 UBS Macro BTSmid -capacity frame (1800 mm rack) on page 1 - 30 .Figure 1 -14 RX splitter front panel detail on page 1 - 44 shows the location of the RX splitter RFI/O port connectors.The XMI RX expansion ports (EXP OUT and EXP IN) are connected to the RX splitter .Currently , UBS Macro BTS frames do not support XMI 3 and XMI 4. These will besupported in the future.In frames equipped with an RX splitter , XMI 1 provides RX main RF antenna signal outputs foreach sector to the RX splitter and XMI 2 provides RX diversity RF antenna signal outputsfor each sector to the RX splitter . The RX splitter splits the RX main RF antenna signals intooutputs to XMI 2, XMI 3 and XMI 4. The RX splitter splits the RX diversity RF antenna signalsinto outputs to XMI 1, XMI 3 and XMI 4.The RX splitter XMI 3 and XMI 4 EXP OUT and EXP IN connectors are not currently used.System impact/considerationsP erforming this replacement procedure will not cause BTS downtime or suspendany call processing.Receive diversity on all sectors will be interrupted during the procedure.TX RF output power on each sector is not affected.Because the RX splitter is completely passive, the likelihood of its failure is minimal.11 -2 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU RX SplitterThe RX splitter is not redundant.The following strategy is used during replacement of the RX splitter . When the RX splitteris disconnected/removed:•XMI 1 remains connected to the RX main RF antenna signal outputs for each sector , buthas no connection to the RX diversity RF antenna signal outputs for each sector .•XMI 2 remains connected to the RX diversity RF antenna signal outputs for each sector ,but has no connection to the RX main RF antenna signal outputs for each sector .Alarms will be reported during the replacement procedure.A fter the RX splitter is replaced, all affected RX paths must be tested, and if necessaryreoptimized to ensure accurate RF power levels. Refer to the1X UBS Macro BTSOptimization/A TPmanual for test and optimization procedures.A thorough troubleshooting of the RX antenna paths and all associated XMIs and cables isrequired to pinpoint a failure to the RX splitter .Table 11 -1 FRU R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shut Down...RX Splitter Not Applicable NothingRequired ItemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•T25 TORX bit•T orque driverTorque Requirements•M5 mounting screws - 4.77 N -m (42 in -lb)Replacement Unit•W ide band (800 MHz through 2.1 GHz RF bands) RX splitter (Motorola model STRG4029)68P09283A64 -3 11 -3FOA SEP 2007
RX Splitter Chapter 11: RX Splitter R eplacement ProcedurePrerequisiteCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .Before you beginBefore you begin, enter the information into the following replacement list table.Table 11 -2 Item Number R eplacement ListItemNumberBTS numberF ailed RX splitter numberRX Splitter Replacement ProcedureThis procedure requires working on or around circuitry which is extremely sensitiv e toESD . W ear a conductiv e, high impedance wrist str ap during the procedure.Use appropriate safet y measures.11 -4 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU RX SplitterP erform the steps in Procedure 11 -1 to replace an RX splitter .Procedure 11 -1 R eplacing an RX SplitterA T THE BTS SITE1W ear a conductive, high impedance wrist strap.2Disconnect all cables from the front panel of the RX splitter and move them out of the way .3Using a T25 TORX driver , remove the two RX splitter mounting screws; one screw at each ofthe end mounting tabs on the front of the module.4Carefully remove the RX splitter from the bottom of the XMI shelf .5Mount the replacement RX splitter to the bottom of the XMI shelf . Use the two RX splittermounting screws; one screw at each of the end mounting tabs on the front of the module.6Using a T25 TORX driver , tighten the two RX splitter mounting screws to 4.77 N-m (42 in-lb).7Reconnect all cables to the front panel of the RX splitter .8This completes the physical installation of the FRU . If optimization is to be performed at thistime, see Optimization Required following this table.Optimization RequiredP erform the following BTS Optimization/A TP procedures:•RS SI T est (FER T est is optional)Refer to the1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual for the optimization procedures.68P09283A64 -3 11 -5SEP 2007 FOA
RX Splitter Chapter 11: RX Splitter R eplacement Procedure11 -6 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
C h a p t e r1 2RGPS Head Replacement Procedure■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■68P09283A64 -3 12 -1SEP 2007 FOA
RGPS (R emote GPS) Head Chapter 12: RGPS Head R eplacement ProcedureRGPS (Remote GPS) Head■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■RGPS Head DescriptionThe optional RGPS head is remotely located from the UBS Macro BTS frame. The RGPS headis typically mounted outside on a mast/pole. (See Figure 1 -18 RGPS Head Mounting Detailson page 1 - 50 .)The RGPS head contains a GPS Receiver (GPSR) and built -in GPS RF antenna.The RGPS head 12–pin Deutsch type MMP connector is cabled to the S SI RGPS connector . Thisconnection allows the S SI to supply DC power to the RGPS head. In addition, control/datasignals are exchanged between the UBS Macro BTS frame and RGPS head via this connection.The RGPS head successfully tracks and acquires GPS satellites. The RGPS head detects GPSRF signals and extracts a 1 Pulse P er Second (1PPS) timing signal. This 1PPS signal is appliedto the DMI controller via the S SI connector . The DMI controller contains an internal MediumStability Oscillator (MSO) that is synchronized to the 1PPS timing signal and locked to the GPStime base. If satellite tracking is lost or if the RGPS head fails, the MSO can maintain systemtiming for up to 8 hours.If the UBS Macro BTS frame is equipped with an optional Quartz High Stability Oscillator(QHSO) that is mounted to the rear of the S SI, the DMI controller selects the QHSO as thebackup synchronization source instead of the MSO . The QHSO can maintain system timingfor up to 24 hours.Motorola RGPS HeadsCurrently there are two Motorola RGPS heads that may be used with UBS Macro BTS equipment(see Figure 1 -19 RGPS Head Equipment on page 1 - 51 ). These are as follows:•A later version Motorola RGPS head is typically installed at a new UBS Macro BTS site.•An earlier version Motorola RGPS head already installed at and existing Motorola equippedBTS site that is being upgraded with UBS Macro BTS equipment.The installed RGPS cabling supports operation of either version RGPS head. However , the laterversion RGPS head requires that the cabling to the head be routed outside the RGPS mountingmast/pole while the earlier version RGPS head requires that the cabling to the head be routedthrough the RGPS mounting mast/pole.12 -2 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU RGPS (R emote GPS) HeadSystem Impact/ConsiderationsP erforming this replacement procedure should not require BTS downtime or impactcall processing because of MSO or QHSO backup. However RGPS head downtimewill occur . And alarms will be reported.A failed RGPS head should be replaced immediately after failure detection andwithin the applicable MSO/QHSO backup time period (i.e., up to 8 hours MSO andup to 24 hours QHSO).A fter the replacement RGPS head is re -connected and powered up, it may take up to30 minutes for the replacement RGPS head to successfully track and acquire satellites.Table 12 -1 FRU R eplacement ConditionsFRURef Designator What to Shut Down...RGPS headRGPSNothing; FRU is hot swappable and BTSsystem timing is backed up by either MSO(for up to 8 hours) or QHSO (for up to 24hours).Required ItemsDocuments•1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual.Tools•Adjustable wrench68P09283A64 -3 12 -3FOA SEP 2007
RGPS (R emote GPS) Head Chapter 12: RGPS Head R eplacement ProcedureReplacement Unit•RGPS Head (Motorola model SLN6594), later version•RGPS Head (Motorola part number 0186012H04), earlier versionIf you need to replace the mounting hardware and/or the cable assembly with the RGPS head,contact your Motorola sales representative for the appropriate kits.PrerequisiteCoordinate this repair task with the OMCR operator .Before You BeginBefore you begin, record the pertinent information in the following table (see T able 12 -2 ):Table 12 -2 Item Number R eplacement ListItemNumberBTS numberF ailed RGPS Head numberReplacement RGPS HeadnumberRGPS head Replacement ProcedureP erform the steps in Procedure 12 -1 to replace the RGPS Head.Procedure 12 -1 RGPS Head R eplacement ProcedureA T THE BTS SITE1Notify the OMCR operator that you are starting the replacement procedure and thatassociated alarm reports can be expected.2•F or removal of the earlier RGPS head (Motorola part number 0186012H04), go to stepstep 3 .•F or removal of the later RGPS head (Motorola model SLN6594), go to step step 12 .Continued12 -4 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU RGPS (R emote GPS) HeadProcedure 12 -1 RGPS Head R eplacement Procedure (Continued)3Create slack in the RGPS cable so that 2 feet of cable can be extended out of the RGPS headend of the mounting pipe/conduit.4Loosen the pipe/conduit mounting hardware until the pipe/conduit is free to be unscrewedfrom the RGPS head.5T o prevent twisting of cables, do not turn the RGPS head while holding thepipe/conduit.Grasp the RGPS head with one hand and the pipe/conduit with the other hand.While holding the head still, unscrew the pipe/conduit fromthe head and separate the head from the pipe/conduit.Grasp the cable just below the head and pull about 16 inches of cable out of the pipe/conduituntil the mating cable connectors are exposed.6Separate the mating cable connectors to disconnect the RGPS head from the RGPS cable.The UBS Macro BTS frame automatically switches over to the backup referencesource, QHSO/MSO , after disconnecting a working RGPS head. Alarm/eventmessages are also triggered.7Connect the cable connector of the replacement RGPS head to the RGPS cable connector .Secure the connection by tightening the spinning connector flange.A fter connecting the replacement head, the UBS Macro BTS frame automaticallyswitches over to the primary reference source, Remote GPS .8F eed the cable slack into the RGPS head end of the mounting pipe/conduit.9T o prevent twisting of cables, do not turn the RGPS head while holding thepipe/conduit.Grasp the RGPS head with one hand and the pipe/conduit with the other hand.Being careful not cross-thread the fitting on the RGPS head, screw the pipe/conduit into thehead. Hand tighten only!10Tighten the pipe/conduit mounting hardware until the pipe/conduit is securely mounted.Continued68P09283A64 -3 12 -5FOA SEP 2007
RGPS (R emote GPS) Head Chapter 12: RGPS Head R eplacement ProcedureProcedure 12 -1 RGPS Head R eplacement Procedure (Continued)11 Go to step step 1612Disconnect the RGPS cable from the RGPS head connector . It may be helpful to create someslack in the RGPS cable.The UBS Macro BTS frame automatically switches over to the backup referencesource, QHSO/MSO , after disconnecting a working RGPS head. Alarm/eventmessages are also triggered.13Remove the RGPS head by grasping the head and unscrewing it from the mountingpipe/conduit.Turn the RGPS head Counter-Clockwise (CCW), as viewed from the top of thehead, to loosen/unscrew .14Screw the replacement RGPS head onto the mounting pipe/conduit. Securely tighten thehead.15Connect the RGPS cable connector to the replacement RGPS head connector . Secure theconnection by tightening the spinning connector flange.A fter connecting the replacement head, the UBS Macro BTS frame automaticallyswitches over to the primary reference source, Remote GPS .16A fter the replacement RGPS head is re-connected and powered up, it may take upto 30 minutes for the replacement RGPS head to successfully track and acquiresatellites.Notify the OMCR operator that you have completed the replacement procedure.A T THE OMCR17V erify that old alarms are cleared and no new alarms are reported.18If optimization is to be performed at this time, see Optimization Requiredfollowing this table.12 -6 68P09283A64 -3FOA SEP 2007
1X UBS Macro B T S FRU RGPS (R emote GPS) HeadOptimization RequiredConsult the1X UBS Macro BTS Optimization/A TPmanual for the following optimization/testinstructions:•Timing Initialization/V erification68P09283A64 -3 12 -7FOA SEP 2007
Standard Printing InstructionsPart Number 68P09283A64-3Manual T itle1X UBS Macro BTS FRUDateSEP 2007CSD/CND (US)Binder- 3 Slant D-ring binder - letter size 1 1.75in x 1 1.5in) white PVC.- Capacity depends on size of document. (no larger than 3 in)- Clear pockets on front and spinePrinting- Cover / spine text overprinted onto Motorola cover stock.- Body printed double sided onto white letter size (8.5in x 1 1in) 70lb.Finishing- Shrink wrap contents.FOA SEP 2007
Barcode68P09283A64 68P09283A6468P09283A64-3 -3-3SEP 2007 FOA

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