Nokia Solutions and Networks T5CS1 Cellular CDMA Base Station User Manual IHET5SC1 GLI3 4 of 4

Nokia Solutions and Networks Cellular CDMA Base Station IHET5SC1 GLI3 4 of 4

IHET5SC1 GLI3 User Manual 4 of 4

CDMA Operating Frequency Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYD-3Calculating 1900 MHz Center FrequenciesTable D-1 shows selected 1900 MHz CDMA candidate operatingchannels, listed in both decimal and hexadecimal, and the correspondingtransmit, and receive frequencies. Center frequencies (in MHz) forchannels not shown in the table may be calculated as follows:TX = 1930 + 0.05 * Channel#Example: Channel 262TX = 1930 + 0.05 * 262 = 1943.10 MHzRX = TX - 80Example: Channel 262RX = 1943.10 - 50 = 1863.10 MHzActual frequencies used depend on customer CDMA system frequencyplan.Each CDMA channel requires a 1.77 MHz frequency segment. Theactual CDMA carrier is 1.23 MHz wide, with a 0.27 MHz guard band onboth sides of the carrier.Minimum frequency separation required between any CDMA carrier andthe nearest NAMPS/AMPS carrier is 900 kHz (center-to-center).Table D-1: 1900 MHz TX and RX Frequency vs. ChannelChannel NumberDecimal       Hex Transmit Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency Receive Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency25 0019 1931.25 1851.2550 0032 1932.50 1852.5075 004B 1933.75 1853.75100 0064 1935.00 1855.00125 007D 1936.25 1856.25150 0096 1937.50 1857.50175 00AF 1938.75 1858.75200 00C8 1940.00 1860.00225 00E1 1941.25 1861.25250 00FA 1942.50 1862.50275 0113 1943.75 1863.75300 012C 1945.00 1865.00325 0145 1946.25 1866.25350 015E 1947.50 1867.50375 0177 1948.75 1868.75400 0190 1950.00 1870.00425 01A9 1951.25 1871.25450 01C2 1952.50 1872.50475 01DB 1953.75 1873.75500 01F4 1955.00 1875.00525 020D 1956.25 1876.25550 0226 1957.50 1877.50575 023F 1958.75 1878.75600 0258 1960.00 1880.00625 0271 1961.25 1881.25650 028A 1962.50 1882.50. . . continued on next pageD
CDMA Operating Frequency Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYD-4Table D-1: 1900 MHz TX and RX Frequency vs. ChannelChannel NumberDecimal       Hex Receive Frequency (MHz)Center FrequencyTransmit Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency675 02A3 1963.75 1883.75700 02BC 1965.00 1885.00725 02D5 1966.25 1886.25750 02EE 1967.50 1887.50775 0307 1968.75 1888.75800 0320 1970.00 1890.00825 0339 1971.25 1891.25850 0352 1972.50 1892.50875 036B 1973.75 1893.75900 0384 1975.00 1895.00925 039D 1976.25 1896.25950 03B6 1977.50 1897.50975 03CF 1978.75 1898.751000 03E8 1980.00 1900.001025 0401 1981.25 1901.251050 041A 1982.50 1902.501075 0433 1983.75 1903.751100 044C 1985.00 1905.001125 0465 1986.25 1906.251150 047E 1987.50 1807.501175 0497 1988.75 1908.75 D
CDMA Operating Frequency Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYD-5800 MHz CDMA ChannelsFigure D-2 shows the valid channels for the North American cellulartelephone frequency spectrum. There are 10 CDMA wireline ornon-wireline band channels used in a CDMA system (unique percustomer operating system).Figure D-2: North American Cellular Telephone System Frequency Spectrum (CDMA Allocation).RX FREQ(MHz)991 1023 1 333 334 666 667 716 717 799 CHANNELOVERALL NON-WIRELINE (A)  BANDSOVERALL WIRELINE (B)  BANDS824.040825.000825.030834.990835.020844.980845.010846.480846.510848.970869.040870.000870.030879.990880.020889.980890.010891.480891.510893.970TX FREQ(MHz)1013694 689 311 356 644 739 777 CDMA NON-WIRELINE (A)  BANDCDMA WIRELINE (B)  BANDFW00402Calculating 800 MHz Center FrequenciesTable D-2 shows selected 800 MHz CDMA candidate operatingchannels, listed in both decimal and hexadecimal, and the correspondingtransmit, and receive frequencies. Center frequencies (in MHz) forchannels not shown in the table may be calculated as follows:Channels 1-777TX = 870 + 0.03 * Channel#Example: Channel 262TX = 870 + 0.03*262 = 877.86 MHzChannels 1013-1023TX = 870 + 0.03 * (Channel# - 1023)Example: Channel 1015TX = 870 +0.03 *(1015 - 1023) = 869.76 MHzRX = TX - 45 MHzExample: Channel 262RX = 877.86 -45 = 832.86 MHzTable D-2: 800 MHz TX and RX Frequency vs. ChannelChannel NumberDecimal   Hex Transmit Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency Receive Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency1 0001 870.0300 825.030025 0019 870.7500 825.750050 0032 871.5000 826.5000. . . continued on next pageD
CDMA Operating Frequency Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYD-6Table D-2: 800 MHz TX and RX Frequency vs. ChannelChannel NumberDecimal   Hex Receive Frequency (MHz)Center FrequencyTransmit Frequency (MHz)Center Frequency75 004B 872.2500 827.2500100 0064 873.0000 828.0000125 007D 873.7500 828.7500150 0096 874.5000 829.5000175 00AF 875.2500 830.2500200 00C8 876.0000 831.0000225 00E1 876.7500 831.7500250 00FA 877.5000 832.5000275 0113 878.2500 833.2500300 012C 879.0000 834.0000325 0145 879.7500 834.7500350 015E 880.5000 835.5000375 0177 881.2500 836.2500400 0190 882.0000 837.0000425 01A9 882.7500 837.7500450 01C2 883.5000 838.5000475 01DB 884.2500 839.2500500 01F4 885.0000 840.0000525 020D 885.7500 840.7500550 0226 886.5000 841.5000575 023F 887.2500 842.2500600 0258 888.0000 843.0000625 0271 888.7500 843.7500650 028A 889.5000 844.5000675 02A3 890.2500 845.2500700 02BC 891.0000 846.0000725 02D5 891.7500 846.7500750 02EE 892.5000 847.5000775 0307 893.2500 848.2500NOTEChannel numbers 778 through 1012 are not used.1013 03F5 869.7000 824.70001023 03FF 870.0000 825.0000 D
Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-1Appendix EPN Offset/I & Q Offset RegisterProgramming InformationE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-2PN Offset Programming InformationPN Offset BackgroundAll channel elements transmitted from a BTS in a particular 1.25 MHzCDMA channel are orthonogonally spread by 1 of 64 possible Walshcode functions; additionally, they are also spread by a quadrature pair ofPN sequences unique to each sector.Overall, the mobile uses this to differentiate multiple signals transmittedfrom the same BTS (and surrounding BTS) sectors, and to synchronizeto the next strongest sector.The PN offset per sector is stored on the BBXs, where thecorresponding I & Q registers reside.The PN offset values are determined by BTS sector (antenna) based onthe applicale CDF data field content. A breakdown of this information isfound in Table E-1.PN Offset Usage There are three basic RF chip delays currently in use. It is important todetermine what RF chip delay is valid to be able to test the BTSfunctionality. This can be done by ascertaining if the CDF FineTxAdjvalue was set to “on” when the MCC was downloaded with “imagedata”. The FineTxAdj value is used to compensate for the processingdelay (approximately 20 mS) in the BTS using any type of mobilemeeting IS-97 specifications.Observe the following guidelines:If the FineTxAdj value in the CDF is 101 (65 HEX), the FineTxAdjhas not been set. The I and Q values from the 0 table MUST be used.If the FineTxAdj value in the cdf file is 213 (D5 HEX), FineTxAdj hasbeen set for the 14 chip table.If the FineTxAdj value in the CDF file is 197 (C5 HEX), FineTxAdjhas been set for the 13 chip table.NOTE CDF file I and Q values can be represented in DECIMAL orHEX. If using HEX, add 0x before the HEX value. If necessary,convert HEX values in Table E-1 to decimal before comparingthem to cdf file I & Q value assignments.- If a Qualcomm mobile is used, select I and Q values from the 13chip delay table.- If a mobile is used that does not have the 1 chip offset problem,(any mobile meeting the IS-97 specification), select from the 14chip delay table.NOTE If the wrong I and Q values are used with the wrong FineTxAdjparameter, system timing problems will occur. This will causethe energy transmitted to be “smeared” over several Walsh codes(instead of the single Walsh code that it was assigned to),causing erratic operation. Evidence of smearing is usuallyidentified by Walsh channels not at correct levels or presentwhen not selected in the Code Domain Power Test.E
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-3Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)0 17523 23459 4473 5BA3 29673 25581 73E9 63ED 4096 4096 1000 10001 32292 32589 7E24 7F4D 16146 29082 3F12 719A 9167 1571 23CF 06232 4700 17398 125C 43F6 2350 8699 092E 21FB 22417 7484 5791 1D3C3 14406 26333 3846 66DD 7203 32082 1C23 7D52 966 6319 03C6 18AF4 14899 4011 3A33 0FAB 19657 18921 4CC9 49E9 14189 2447 376D 098F5 17025 2256 4281 08D0 28816 1128 7090 0468 29150 24441 71DE 5F796 14745 18651 3999 48DB 19740 27217 4D1C 6A51 18245 27351 4745 6AD77 2783 1094 0ADF 0446 21695 547 54BF 0223 1716 23613 06B4 5C3D8 5832 21202 16C8 52D2 2916 10601 0B64 2969 11915 29008 2E8B 71509 12407 13841 3077 3611 18923 21812 49EB 5534 20981 5643 51F5 160B10 31295 31767 7A3F 7C17 27855 28727 6CCF 7037 24694 28085 6076 6DB511 7581 18890 1D9D 49CA 24350 9445 5F1E 24E5 11865 18200 2E59 471812 18523 30999 485B 7917 30205 29367 75FD 72B7 6385 21138 18F1 529213 29920 22420 74E0 5794 14960 11210 3A70 2BCA 27896 21937 6CF8 55B114 25184 20168 6260 4EC8 12592 10084 3130 2764 25240 25222 6298 628615 26282 12354 66AA 3042 13141 6177 3355 1821 30877 109 789D 006D16 30623 11187 779F 2BB3 27167 23525 6A1F 5BE5 30618 6028 779A 178C17 15540 11834 3CB4 2E3A 7770 5917 1E5A 171D 26373 22034 6705 561218 23026 10395 59F2 289B 11513 23153 2CF9 5A71 314 15069 013A 3ADD19 20019 28035 4E33 6D83 30409 30973 76C9 78FD 17518 4671 446E 123F20 4050 27399 0FD2 6B07 2025 31679 07E9 7BBF 21927 30434 55A7 76E221 1557 22087 0615 5647 21210 25887 52DA 651F 2245 11615 08C5 2D5F22 30262 2077 7636 081D 15131 18994 3B1B 4A32 18105 19838 46B9 4D7E23 18000 13758 4650 35BE 9000 6879 2328 1ADF 8792 14713 2258 397924 20056 11778 4E58 2E02 10028 5889 272C 1701 21440 241 53C0 00F125 12143 3543 2F6F 0DD7 18023 18647 4667 48D7 15493 24083 3C85 5E1326 17437 7184 441D 1C10 29662 3592 73DE 0E08 26677 7621 6835 1DC527 17438 2362 441E 093A 8719 1181 220F 049D 11299 19144 2C23 4AC828 5102 25840 13EE 64F0 2551 12920 09F7 3278 12081 1047 2F31 041729 9302 12177 2456 2F91 4651 23028 122B 59F4 23833 26152 5D19 662830 17154 10402 4302 28A2 8577 5201 2181 1451 20281 22402 4F39 578231 5198 1917 144E 077D 2599 19842 0A27 4D82 10676 21255 29B4 530732 4606 17708 11FE 452C 2303 8854 08FF 2296 16981 30179 4255 75E333 24804 10630 60E4 2986 12402 5315 3072 14C3 31964 7408 7CDC 1CF034 17180 6812 431C 1A9C 8590 3406 218E 0D4E 26913 115 6921 007335 10507 14350 290B 380E 17749 7175 4555 1C07 14080 1591 3700 063736 10157 10999 27AD 2AF7 16902 23367 4206 5B47 23842 1006 5D22 03EE37 23850 25003 5D2A 61AB 11925 32489 2E95 7EE9 27197 32263 6A3D 7E0738 31425 2652 7AC1 0A5C 27824 1326 6CB0 052E 22933 1332 5995 053439 4075 19898 0FEB 4DBA 22053 9949 5625 26DD 30220 12636 760C 315C40 10030 2010 272E 07DA 5015 1005 1397 03ED 12443 4099 309B 100341 16984 25936 4258 6550 8492 12968 212C 32A8 19854 386 4D8E 018242 14225 28531 3791 6F73 18968 31109 4A18 7985 14842 29231 39FA 722F43 26519 11952 6797 2EB0 25115 5976 621B 1758 15006 25711 3A9E 646F44 27775 31947 6C7F 7CCB 26607 28761 67EF 7059 702 10913 02BE 2AA145 30100 25589 7594 63F5 15050 32710 3ACA 7FC6 21373 8132 537D 1FC446 7922 11345 1EF2 2C51 3961 22548 0F79 5814 23874 20844 5D42 516C47 14199 28198 3777 6E26 19051 14099 4A6B 3713 3468 13150 0D8C 335E48 17637 13947 44E5 367B 29602 21761 73A2 5501 31323 18184 7A5B 470849 23081 8462 5A29 210E 31940 4231 7CC4 1087 29266 19066 7252 4A7A50 5099 9595 13EB 257B 22565 23681 5825 5C81 16554 29963 40AA 750B. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-4Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)51 32743 4670 7FE7 123E 28195 2335 6E23 091F 22575 6605 582F 19CD52 7114 14672 1BCA 3950 3557 7336 0DE5 1CA8 31456 29417 7AE0 72E953 7699 29415 1E13 72E7 24281 30543 5ED9 774F 8148 22993 1FD4 59D154 19339 20610 4B8B 5082 29717 10305 7415 2841 19043 27657 4A63 6C0955 28212 6479 6E34 194F 14106 17051 371A 429B 25438 5468 635E 155C56 29587 10957 7393 2ACD 26649 23386 6819 5B5A 10938 8821 2ABA 227557 19715 18426 4D03 47FA 30545 9213 7751 23FD 2311 20773 0907 512558 14901 22726 3A35 58C6 19658 11363 4CCA 2C63 7392 4920 1CE0 133859 20160 5247 4EC0 147F 10080 17411 2760 4403 30714 5756 77FA 167C60 22249 29953 56E9 7501 31396 29884 7AA4 74BC 180 28088 00B4 6DB861 26582 5796 67D6 16A4 13291 2898 33EB 0B52 8948 740 22F4 02E462 7153 16829 1BF1 41BD 23592 28386 5C28 6EE2 16432 23397 4030 5B6563 15127 4528 3B17 11B0 19547 2264 4C5B 08D8 9622 19492 2596 4C2464 15274 5415 3BAA 1527 7637 17583 1DD5 44AF 7524 26451 1D64 675365 23149 10294 5A6D 2836 31974 5147 7CE6 141B 1443 30666 05A3 77CA66 16340 17046 3FD4 4296 8170 8523 1FEA 214B 1810 15088 0712 3AF067 27052 7846 69AC 1EA6 13526 3923 34D6 0F53 6941 26131 1B1D 661368 13519 10762 34CF 2A0A 19383 5381 4BB7 1505 3238 15969 0CA6 3E6169 10620 13814 297C 35F6 5310 6907 14BE 1AFB 8141 24101 1FCD 5E2570 15978 16854 3E6A 41D6 7989 8427 1F35 20EB 10408 12762 28A8 31DA71 27966 795 6D3E 031B 13983 20401 369F 4FB1 18826 19997 498A 4E1D72 12479 9774 30BF 262E 18831 4887 498F 1317 22705 22971 58B1 59BB73 1536 24291 0600 5EE3 768 24909 0300 614D 3879 12560 0F27 311074 3199 3172 0C7F 0C64 22511 1586 57EF 0632 21359 31213 536F 79ED75 4549 2229 11C5 08B5 22834 19046 5932 4A66 30853 18780 7885 495C76 17888 21283 45E0 5323 8944 26541 22F0 67AD 18078 16353 469E 3FE177 13117 16905 333D 4209 18510 28472 484E 6F38 15910 12055 3E26 2F1778 7506 7062 1D52 1B96 3753 3531 0EA9 0DCB 20989 30396 51FD 76BC79 27626 7532 6BEA 1D6C 13813 3766 35F5 0EB6 28810 24388 708A 5F4480 31109 25575 7985 63E7 27922 32719 6D12 7FCF 30759 1555 7827 061381 29755 14244 743B 37A4 27597 7122 6BCD 1BD2 18899 13316 49D3 340482 26711 28053 6857 6D95 26107 30966 65FB 78F6 7739 31073 1E3B 796183 20397 30408 4FAD 76C8 30214 15204 7606 3B64 6279 6187 1887 182B84 18608 5094 48B0 13E6 9304 2547 2458 09F3 9968 21644 26F0 548C85 7391 16222 1CDF 3F5E 24511 8111 5FBF 1FAF 8571 9289 217B 244986 23168 7159 5A80 1BF7 11584 17351 2D40 43C7 4143 4624 102F 121087 23466 174 5BAA 00AE 11733 87 2DD5 0057 19637 467 4CB5 01D388 15932 25530 3E3C 63BA 7966 12765 1F1E 31DD 11867 18133 2E5B 46D589 25798 2320 64C6 0910 12899 1160 3263 0488 7374 1532 1CCE 05FC90 28134 23113 6DE6 5A49 14067 25368 36F3 6318 10423 1457 28B7 05B191 28024 23985 6D78 5DB1 14012 24804 36BC 60E4 9984 9197 2700 23ED92 6335 2604 18BF 0A2C 23951 1302 5D8F 0516 7445 13451 1D15 348B93 21508 1826 5404 0722 10754 913 2A02 0391 4133 25785 1025 64B994 26338 30853 66E2 7885 13169 29310 3371 727E 22646 4087 5876 0FF795 17186 15699 4322 3D53 8593 20629 2191 5095 15466 31190 3C6A 79D696 22462 2589 57BE 0A1D 11231 19250 2BDF 4B32 2164 8383 0874 20BF97 3908 25000 0F44 61A8 1954 12500 07A2 30D4 16380 12995 3FFC 32C398 25390 18163 632E 46F3 12695 27973 3197 6D45 15008 27438 3AA0 6B2E99 27891 12555 6CF3 310B 26537 22201 67A9 56B9 31755 9297 7C0B 2451100 9620 8670 2594 21DE 4810 4335 12CA 10EF 31636 1676 7B94 068C. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-5Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)101 6491 1290 195B 050A 23933 645 5D7D 0285 25414 12596 6346 3134102 16876 4407 41EC 1137 8438 18087 20F6 46A7 7102 19975 1BBE 4E07103 17034 1163 428A 048B 8517 19577 2145 4C79 20516 20026 5024 4E3A104 32405 12215 7E95 2FB7 28314 23015 6E9A 59E7 19495 8958 4C27 22FE105 27417 7253 6B19 1C55 25692 16406 645C 4016 17182 19143 431E 4AC7106 8382 8978 20BE 2312 4191 4489 105F 1189 11572 17142 2D34 42F6107 5624 25547 15F8 63CB 2812 32729 0AFC 7FD9 25570 19670 63E2 4CD6108 1424 3130 0590 0C3A 712 1565 02C8 061D 6322 30191 18B2 75EF109 13034 31406 32EA 7AAE 6517 15703 1975 3D57 8009 5822 1F49 16BE110 15682 6222 3D42 184E 7841 3111 1EA1 0C27 26708 22076 6854 563C111 27101 20340 69DD 4F74 25918 10170 653E 27BA 6237 606 185D 025E112 8521 25094 2149 6206 16756 12547 4174 3103 32520 9741 7F08 260D113 30232 23380 7618 5B54 15116 11690 3B0C 2DAA 31627 9116 7B8B 239C114 6429 10926 191D 2AAE 23902 5463 5D5E 1557 3532 12705 0DCC 31A1115 27116 22821 69EC 5925 13558 25262 34F6 62AE 24090 17502 5E1A 445E116 4238 31634 108E 7B92 2119 15817 0847 3DC9 20262 18952 4F26 4A08117 5128 4403 1408 1133 2564 18085 0A04 46A5 18238 15502 473E 3C8E118 14846 689 39FE 02B1 7423 20324 1CFF 4F64 2033 17819 07F1 459B119 13024 27045 32E0 69A5 6512 31470 1970 7AEE 25566 4370 63DE 1112120 10625 27557 2981 6BA5 17680 31726 4510 7BEE 25144 31955 6238 7CD3121 31724 16307 7BEC 3FB3 15862 20965 3DF6 51E5 29679 30569 73EF 7769122 13811 22338 35F3 5742 19241 11169 4B29 2BA1 5064 7350 13C8 1CB6123 24915 27550 6153 6B9E 24953 13775 6179 35CF 27623 26356 6BE7 66F4124 1213 22096 04BD 5650 21390 11048 538E 2B28 13000 32189 32C8 7DBD125 2290 23136 08F2 5A60 1145 11568 0479 2D30 31373 1601 7A8D 0641126 31551 12199 7B3F 2FA7 27727 23023 6C4F 59EF 13096 19537 3328 4C51127 12088 1213 2F38 04BD 6044 19554 179C 4C62 26395 25667 671B 6443128 7722 936 1E2A 03A8 3861 468 0F15 01D4 15487 4415 3C7F 113F129 27312 6272 6AB0 1880 13656 3136 3558 0C40 29245 2303 723D 08FF130 23130 32446 5A5A 7EBE 11565 16223 2D2D 3F5F 26729 16362 6869 3FEA131 594 13555 0252 34F3 297 21573 0129 5445 12568 28620 3118 6FCC132 25804 8789 64CC 2255 12902 24342 3266 5F16 24665 6736 6059 1A50133 31013 24821 7925 60F5 27970 32326 6D42 7E46 8923 2777 22DB 0AD9134 32585 21068 7F49 524C 28276 10534 6E74 2926 19634 24331 4CB2 5F0B135 3077 31891 0C05 7C93 22482 28789 57D2 7075 29141 9042 71D5 2352136 17231 5321 434F 14C9 28791 17496 7077 4458 73 107 0049 006B137 31554 551 7B42 0227 15777 20271 3DA1 4F2F 26482 4779 6772 12AB138 8764 12115 223C 2F53 4382 22933 111E 5995 6397 13065 18FD 3309139 15375 4902 3C0F 1326 20439 2451 4FD7 0993 29818 30421 747A 76D5140 13428 1991 3474 07C7 6714 19935 1A3A 4DDF 8153 20210 1FD9 4EF2141 17658 14404 44FA 3844 8829 7202 227D 1C22 302 5651 012E 1613142 13475 17982 34A3 463E 19329 8991 4B81 231F 28136 31017 6DE8 7929143 22095 19566 564F 4C6E 31479 9783 7AF7 2637 29125 30719 71C5 77FF144 24805 2970 60E5 0B9A 24994 1485 61A2 05CD 8625 23104 21B1 5A40145 4307 23055 10D3 5A0F 22969 25403 59B9 633B 26671 7799 682F 1E77146 23292 15158 5AFC 3B36 11646 7579 2D7E 1D9B 6424 17865 1918 45C9147 1377 29094 0561 71A6 21344 14547 5360 38D3 12893 26951 325D 6947148 28654 653 6FEE 028D 14327 20346 37F7 4F7A 18502 25073 4846 61F1149 6350 19155 18CE 4AD3 3175 27477 0C67 6B55 7765 32381 1E55 7E7D150 16770 23588 4182 5C24 8385 11794 20C1 2E12 25483 16581 638B 40C5. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-6Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)151 14726 10878 3986 2A7E 7363 5439 1CC3 153F 15408 32087 3C30 7D57152 25685 31060 6455 7954 25594 15530 63FA 3CAA 6414 97 190E 0061153 21356 30875 536C 789B 10678 29297 29B6 7271 8164 7618 1FE4 1DC2154 12149 11496 2F75 2CE8 18026 5748 466A 1674 10347 93 286B 005D155 28966 24545 7126 5FE1 14483 25036 3893 61CC 29369 16052 72B9 3EB4156 22898 9586 5972 2572 11449 4793 2CB9 12B9 10389 14300 2895 37DC157 1713 20984 06B1 51F8 21128 10492 5288 28FC 24783 11129 60CF 2B79158 30010 30389 753A 76B5 15005 30054 3A9D 7566 18400 6602 47E0 19CA159 2365 7298 093D 1C82 21838 3649 554E 0E41 22135 14460 5677 387C160 27179 18934 6A2B 49F6 25797 9467 64C5 24FB 4625 25458 1211 6372161 29740 23137 742C 5A61 14870 25356 3A16 630C 22346 15869 574A 3DFD162 5665 24597 1621 6015 23232 32310 5AC0 7E36 2545 27047 09F1 69A7163 23671 23301 5C77 5B05 32747 25534 7FEB 63BE 7786 26808 1E6A 68B8164 1680 7764 0690 1E54 840 3882 0348 0F2A 20209 7354 4EF1 1CBA165 25861 14518 6505 38B6 25426 7259 6352 1C5B 26414 27834 672E 6CBA166 25712 21634 6470 5482 12856 10817 3238 2A41 1478 11250 05C6 2BF2167 19245 11546 4B2D 2D1A 29766 5773 7446 168D 15122 552 3B12 0228168 26887 26454 6907 6756 25939 13227 6553 33AB 24603 27058 601B 69B2169 30897 15938 78B1 3E42 28040 7969 6D88 1F21 677 14808 02A5 39D8170 11496 9050 2CE8 235A 5748 4525 1674 11AD 13705 9642 3589 25AA171 1278 3103 04FE 0C1F 639 18483 027F 4833 13273 32253 33D9 7DFD172 31555 758 7B43 02F6 27761 379 6C71 017B 14879 26081 3A1F 65E1173 29171 16528 71F3 4090 26921 8264 6929 2048 6643 21184 19F3 52C0174 20472 20375 4FF8 4F97 10236 27127 27FC 69F7 23138 11748 5A62 2DE4175 5816 10208 16B8 27E0 2908 5104 0B5C 13F0 28838 32676 70A6 7FA4176 30270 17698 763E 4522 15135 8849 3B1F 2291 9045 2425 2355 0979177 22188 8405 56AC 20D5 11094 24150 2B56 5E56 10792 19455 2A28 4BFF178 6182 28634 1826 6FDA 3091 14317 0C13 37ED 25666 19889 6442 4DB1179 32333 1951 7E4D 079F 28406 19955 6EF6 4DF3 11546 18177 2D1A 4701180 14046 20344 36DE 4F78 7023 10172 1B6F 27BC 15535 2492 3CAF 09BC181 15873 26696 3E01 6848 20176 13348 4ED0 3424 16134 15086 3F06 3AEE182 19843 3355 4D83 0D1B 30481 18609 7711 48B1 8360 30632 20A8 77A8183 29367 11975 72B7 2EC7 26763 22879 688B 595F 14401 27549 3841 6B9D184 13352 31942 3428 7CC6 6676 15971 1A14 3E63 26045 6911 65BD 1AFF185 22977 9737 59C1 2609 32048 23864 7D30 5D38 24070 9937 5E06 26D1186 31691 9638 7BCB 25A6 27701 4819 6C35 12D3 30300 2467 765C 09A3187 10637 30643 298D 77B3 17686 30181 4516 75E5 13602 25831 3522 64E7188 25454 13230 636E 33AE 12727 6615 31B7 19D7 32679 32236 7FA7 7DEC189 18610 22185 48B2 56A9 9305 25960 2459 6568 16267 12987 3F8B 32BB190 6368 2055 18E0 0807 3184 19007 0C70 4A3F 9063 11714 2367 2DC2191 7887 8767 1ECF 223F 24247 24355 5EB7 5F23 19487 19283 4C1F 4B53192 7730 15852 1E32 3DEC 3865 7926 0F19 1EF6 12778 11542 31EA 2D16193 23476 16125 5BB4 3EFD 11738 20802 2DDA 5142 27309 27928 6AAD 6D18194 889 6074 0379 17BA 20588 3037 506C 0BDD 12527 26637 30EF 680D195 21141 31245 5295 7A0D 30874 29498 789A 733A 953 10035 03B9 2733196 20520 15880 5028 3E08 10260 7940 2814 1F04 15958 10748 3E56 29FC197 21669 20371 54A5 4F93 31618 27125 7B82 69F5 6068 24429 17B4 5F6D198 15967 8666 3E5F 21DA 20223 4333 4EFF 10ED 23577 29701 5C19 7405199 21639 816 5487 0330 31635 408 7B93 0198 32156 14997 7D9C 3A95200 31120 22309 7990 5725 15560 26030 3CC8 65AE 32709 32235 7FC5 7DEB. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-7Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)201 3698 29563 0E72 737B 1849 30593 0739 7781 23557 30766 5C05 782E202 16322 13078 3FC2 3316 8161 6539 1FE1 198B 17638 5985 44E6 1761203 17429 10460 4415 28DC 29658 5230 73DA 146E 3545 6823 0DD9 1AA7204 21730 17590 54E2 44B6 10865 8795 2A71 225B 9299 20973 2453 51ED205 17808 20277 4590 4F35 8904 27046 22C8 69A6 6323 10197 18B3 27D5206 30068 19988 7574 4E14 15034 9994 3ABA 270A 19590 9618 4C86 2592207 12737 6781 31C1 1A7D 18736 17154 4930 4302 7075 22705 1BA3 58B1208 28241 32501 6E51 7EF5 26360 28998 66F8 7146 14993 5234 3A91 1472209 20371 6024 4F93 1788 30233 3012 7619 0BC4 19916 12541 4DCC 30FD210 13829 20520 3605 5028 19154 10260 4AD2 2814 6532 8019 1984 1F53211 13366 31951 3436 7CCF 6683 28763 1A1B 705B 17317 22568 43A5 5828212 25732 26063 6484 65CF 12866 31963 3242 7CDB 16562 5221 40B2 1465213 19864 27203 4D98 6A43 9932 31517 26CC 7B1D 26923 25216 692B 6280214 5187 6614 1443 19D6 23537 3307 5BF1 0CEB 9155 1354 23C3 054A215 23219 10970 5AB3 2ADA 31881 5485 7C89 156D 20243 29335 4F13 7297216 28242 5511 6E52 1587 14121 17663 3729 44FF 32391 6682 7E87 1A1A217 6243 17119 1863 42DF 24033 28499 5DE1 6F53 20190 26128 4EDE 6610218 445 16064 01BD 3EC0 20750 8032 510E 1F60 27564 29390 6BAC 72CE219 21346 31614 5362 7B7E 10673 15807 29B1 3DBF 20869 8852 5185 2294220 13256 4660 33C8 1234 6628 2330 19E4 091A 9791 6110 263F 17DE221 18472 13881 4828 3639 9236 21792 2414 5520 714 11847 02CA 2E47222 25945 16819 6559 41B3 25468 28389 637C 6EE5 7498 10239 1D4A 27FF223 31051 6371 794B 18E3 28021 16973 6D75 424D 23278 6955 5AEE 1B2B224 1093 24673 0445 6061 21490 32268 53F2 7E0C 8358 10897 20A6 2A91225 5829 6055 16C5 17A7 23218 17903 5AB2 45EF 9468 14076 24FC 36FC226 31546 10009 7B3A 2719 15773 23984 3D9D 5DB0 23731 12450 5CB3 30A2227 29833 5957 7489 1745 27540 17822 6B94 459E 25133 8954 622D 22FA228 18146 11597 46E2 2D4D 9073 22682 2371 589A 2470 19709 09A6 4CFD229 24813 22155 60ED 568B 24998 25977 61A6 6579 17501 1252 445D 04E4230 47 15050 002F 3ACA 20935 7525 51C7 1D65 24671 15142 605F 3B26231 3202 16450 0C82 4042 1601 8225 0641 2021 11930 26958 2E9A 694E232 21571 27899 5443 6CFB 31729 30785 7BF1 7841 9154 8759 23C2 2237233 7469 2016 1D2D 07E0 24390 1008 5F46 03F0 7388 12696 1CDC 3198234 25297 17153 62D1 4301 24760 28604 60B8 6FBC 3440 11936 0D70 2EA0235 8175 15849 1FEF 3DE9 24103 20680 5E27 50C8 27666 25635 6C12 6423236 28519 30581 6F67 7775 26211 30086 6663 7586 22888 17231 5968 434F237 4991 3600 137F 0E10 22639 1800 586F 0708 13194 22298 338A 571A238 7907 4097 1EE3 1001 24225 17980 5EA1 463C 26710 7330 6856 1CA2239 17728 671 4540 029F 8864 20339 22A0 4F73 7266 30758 1C62 7826240 14415 20774 384F 5126 19959 10387 4DF7 2893 15175 6933 3B47 1B15241 30976 24471 7900 5F97 15488 25079 3C80 61F7 15891 2810 3E13 0AFA242 26376 27341 6708 6ACD 13188 31578 3384 7B5A 26692 8820 6844 2274243 19063 19388 4A77 4BBC 29931 9694 74EB 25DE 14757 7831 39A5 1E97244 19160 25278 4AD8 62BE 9580 12639 256C 315F 28757 19584 7055 4C80245 3800 9505 0ED8 2521 1900 23724 076C 5CAC 31342 2944 7A6E 0B80246 8307 26143 2073 661F 16873 32051 41E9 7D33 19435 19854 4BEB 4D8E247 12918 13359 3276 342F 6459 21547 193B 542B 2437 10456 0985 28D8248 19642 2154 4CBA 086A 9821 1077 265D 0435 20573 17036 505D 428C249 24873 13747 6129 35B3 24900 21733 6144 54E5 18781 2343 495D 0927250 22071 27646 5637 6BFE 31435 13823 7ACB 35FF 18948 14820 4A04 39E4. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-8Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)251 13904 1056 3650 0420 6952 528 1B28 0210 23393 1756 5B61 06DC252 27198 1413 6A3E 0585 13599 19710 351F 4CFE 5619 19068 15F3 4A7C253 3685 3311 0E65 0CEF 22242 18507 56E2 484B 17052 28716 429C 702C254 16820 4951 41B4 1357 8410 18327 20DA 4797 21292 31958 532C 7CD6255 22479 749 57CF 02ED 31287 20298 7A37 4F4A 2868 16097 0B34 3EE1256 6850 6307 1AC2 18A3 3425 17005 0D61 426D 19538 1308 4C52 051C257 15434 961 3C4A 03C1 7717 20444 1E25 4FDC 24294 3320 5EE6 0CF8258 19332 2358 4B84 0936 9666 1179 25C2 049B 22895 16682 596F 412A259 8518 28350 2146 6EBE 4259 14175 10A3 375F 27652 6388 6C04 18F4260 14698 31198 396A 79DE 7349 15599 1CB5 3CEF 29905 12828 74D1 321C261 21476 11467 53E4 2CCB 10738 22617 29F2 5859 21415 3518 53A7 0DBE262 30475 8862 770B 229E 27221 4431 6A55 114F 1210 3494 04BA 0DA6263 23984 6327 5DB0 18B7 11992 16999 2ED8 4267 22396 6458 577C 193A264 1912 7443 0778 1D13 956 16565 03BC 40B5 26552 10717 67B8 29DD265 26735 28574 686F 6F9E 26087 14287 65E7 37CF 24829 8463 60FD 210F266 15705 25093 3D59 6205 20348 32574 4F7C 7F3E 8663 27337 21D7 6AC9267 3881 6139 0F29 17FB 22084 17857 5644 45C1 991 19846 03DF 4D86268 20434 22047 4FD2 561F 10217 25907 27E9 6533 21926 9388 55A6 24AC269 16779 32545 418B 7F21 28949 29100 7115 71AC 23306 21201 5B0A 52D1270 31413 7112 7AB5 1BC8 27786 3556 6C8A 0DE4 13646 31422 354E 7ABE271 16860 28535 41DC 6F77 8430 31111 20EE 7987 148 166 0094 00A6272 8322 10378 2082 288A 4161 5189 1041 1445 24836 28622 6104 6FCE273 28530 15065 6F72 3AD9 14265 21328 37B9 5350 24202 6477 5E8A 194D274 26934 5125 6936 1405 13467 17470 349B 443E 9820 10704 265C 29D0275 18806 12528 4976 30F0 9403 6264 24BB 1878 12939 25843 328B 64F3276 20216 23215 4EF8 5AAF 10108 25451 277C 636B 2364 25406 093C 633E277 9245 20959 241D 51DF 17374 26323 43DE 66D3 14820 21523 39E4 5413278 8271 3568 204F 0DF0 16887 1784 41F7 06F8 2011 8569 07DB 2179279 18684 26453 48FC 6755 9342 32150 247E 7D96 13549 9590 34ED 2576280 8220 29421 201C 72ED 4110 30538 100E 774A 28339 22466 6EB3 57C2281 6837 24555 1AB5 5FEB 23690 25033 5C8A 61C9 25759 12455 649F 30A7282 9613 10779 258D 2A1B 17174 23345 4316 5B31 11116 27506 2B6C 6B72283 31632 25260 7B90 62AC 15816 12630 3DC8 3156 31448 21847 7AD8 5557284 27448 16084 6B38 3ED4 13724 8042 359C 1F6A 27936 28392 6D20 6EE8285 12417 26028 3081 65AC 18832 13014 4990 32D6 3578 1969 0DFA 07B1286 30901 29852 78B5 749C 28042 14926 6D8A 3A4E 12371 30715 3053 77FB287 9366 14978 2496 3A82 4683 7489 124B 1D41 12721 23674 31B1 5C7A288 12225 12182 2FC1 2F96 17968 6091 4630 17CB 10264 22629 2818 5865289 21458 25143 53D2 6237 10729 32551 29E9 7F27 25344 12857 6300 3239290 6466 15838 1942 3DDE 3233 7919 0CA1 1EEF 13246 30182 33BE 75E6291 8999 5336 2327 14D8 16451 2668 4043 0A6C 544 21880 0220 5578292 26718 21885 685E 557D 13359 25730 342F 6482 9914 6617 26BA 19D9293 3230 20561 0C9E 5051 1615 26132 064F 6614 4601 27707 11F9 6C3B294 27961 30097 6D39 7591 26444 29940 674C 74F4 16234 16249 3F6A 3F79295 28465 21877 6F31 5575 26184 25734 6648 6486 24475 24754 5F9B 60B2296 6791 23589 1A87 5C25 23699 24622 5C93 602E 26318 31609 66CE 7B79297 17338 26060 43BA 65CC 8669 13030 21DD 32E6 6224 22689 1850 58A1298 11832 9964 2E38 26EC 5916 4982 171C 1376 13381 3226 3445 0C9A299 11407 25959 2C8F 6567 18327 31887 4797 7C8F 30013 4167 753D 1047300 15553 3294 3CC1 0CDE 20400 1647 4FB0 066F 22195 25624 56B3 6418. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-9Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)301 17418 30173 440A 75DD 8709 29906 2205 74D2 30380 10924 76AC 2AAC302 14952 15515 3A68 3C9B 7476 20593 1D34 5071 15337 23096 3BE9 5A38303 52 5371 0034 14FB 26 17473 001A 4441 10716 22683 29DC 589B304 27254 10242 6A76 2802 13627 5121 353B 1401 13592 10955 3518 2ACB305 15064 28052 3AD8 6D94 7532 14026 1D6C 36CA 2412 17117 096C 42DD306 10942 14714 2ABE 397A 5471 7357 155F 1CBD 15453 15837 3C5D 3DDD307 377 19550 0179 4C5E 20844 9775 516C 262F 13810 22647 35F2 5877308 14303 8866 37DF 22A2 19007 4433 4A3F 1151 12956 10700 329C 29CC309 24427 15297 5F6B 3BC1 32357 21468 7E65 53DC 30538 30293 774A 7655310 26629 10898 6805 2A92 26066 5449 65D2 1549 10814 5579 2A3E 15CB311 20011 31315 4E2B 7A53 30405 29461 76C5 7315 18939 11057 49FB 2B31312 16086 19475 3ED6 4C13 8043 26677 1F6B 6835 19767 30238 4D37 761E313 24374 1278 5F36 04FE 12187 639 2F9B 027F 20547 14000 5043 36B0314 9969 11431 26F1 2CA7 17064 22639 42A8 586F 29720 22860 7418 594C315 29364 31392 72B4 7AA0 14682 15696 395A 3D50 31831 27172 7C57 6A24316 25560 4381 63D8 111D 12780 18098 31EC 46B2 26287 307 66AF 0133317 28281 14898 6E79 3A32 26348 7449 66EC 1D19 11310 20380 2C2E 4F9C318 7327 23959 1C9F 5D97 24479 24823 5F9F 60F7 25724 26427 647C 673B319 32449 16091 7EC1 3EDB 28336 20817 6EB0 5151 21423 10702 53AF 29CE320 26334 9037 66DE 234D 13167 24474 336F 5F9A 5190 30024 1446 7548321 14760 24162 39A8 5E62 7380 12081 1CD4 2F31 258 14018 0102 36C2322 15128 6383 3B18 18EF 7564 16971 1D8C 424B 13978 4297 369A 10C9323 29912 27183 74D8 6A2F 14956 31531 3A6C 7B2B 4670 13938 123E 3672324 4244 16872 1094 41E8 2122 8436 084A 20F4 23496 25288 5BC8 62C8325 8499 9072 2133 2370 16713 4536 4149 11B8 23986 27294 5DB2 6A9E326 9362 12966 2492 32A6 4681 6483 1249 1953 839 31835 0347 7C5B327 10175 28886 27BF 70D6 16911 14443 420F 386B 11296 8228 2C20 2024328 30957 25118 78ED 621E 28070 12559 6DA6 310F 30913 12745 78C1 31C9329 12755 20424 31D3 4FC8 18745 10212 4939 27E4 27297 6746 6AA1 1A5A330 19350 6729 4B96 1A49 9675 17176 25CB 4318 10349 1456 286D 05B0331 1153 20983 0481 51F7 21392 26311 5390 66C7 32504 27743 7EF8 6C5F332 29304 12372 7278 3054 14652 6186 393C 182A 18405 27443 47E5 6B33333 6041 13948 1799 367C 23068 6974 5A1C 1B3E 3526 31045 0DC6 7945334 21668 27547 54A4 6B9B 10834 31729 2A52 7BF1 19161 12225 4AD9 2FC1335 28048 8152 6D90 1FD8 14024 4076 36C8 0FEC 23831 21482 5D17 53EA336 10096 17354 2770 43CA 5048 8677 13B8 21E5 21380 14678 5384 3956337 23388 17835 5B5C 45AB 11694 27881 2DAE 6CE9 4282 30656 10BA 77C0338 15542 14378 3CB6 382A 7771 7189 1E5B 1C15 32382 13721 7E7E 3599339 24013 7453 5DCD 1D1D 32566 16562 7F36 40B2 806 21831 0326 5547340 2684 26317 0A7C 66CD 1342 32090 053E 7D5A 6238 30208 185E 7600341 19018 5955 4A4A 1743 9509 17821 2525 459D 10488 9995 28F8 270B342 25501 10346 639D 286A 24606 5173 601E 1435 19507 3248 4C33 0CB0343 4489 13200 1189 3390 22804 6600 5914 19C8 27288 12030 6A98 2EFE344 31011 30402 7923 76C2 27969 15201 6D41 3B61 2390 5688 0956 1638345 29448 7311 7308 1C8F 14724 16507 3984 407B 19094 2082 4A96 0822346 25461 3082 6375 0C0A 24682 1541 606A 0605 13860 23143 3624 5A67347 11846 21398 2E46 5396 5923 10699 1723 29CB 9225 25906 2409 6532348 30331 31104 767B 7980 27373 15552 6AED 3CC0 2505 15902 09C9 3E1E349 10588 24272 295C 5ED0 5294 12136 14AE 2F68 27806 21084 6C9E 525C350 32154 27123 7D9A 69F3 16077 31429 3ECD 7AC5 2408 25723 0968 647B. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-10Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)351 29572 5578 7384 15CA 14786 2789 39C2 0AE5 13347 13427 3423 3473352 13173 25731 3375 6483 18538 31869 486A 7C7D 7885 31084 1ECD 796C353 10735 10662 29EF 29A6 17703 5331 4527 14D3 6669 24023 1A0D 5DD7354 224 11084 00E0 2B4C 112 5542 0070 15A6 8187 23931 1FFB 5D7B355 12083 31098 2F33 797A 17993 15549 4649 3CBD 18145 15836 46E1 3DDC356 22822 16408 5926 4018 11411 8204 2C93 200C 14109 6085 371D 17C5357 2934 6362 0B76 18DA 1467 3181 05BB 0C6D 14231 30324 3797 7674358 27692 2719 6C2C 0A9F 13846 19315 3616 4B73 27606 27561 6BD6 6BA9359 10205 14732 27DD 398C 16958 7366 423E 1CC6 783 13821 030F 35FD360 7011 22744 1B63 58D8 23649 11372 5C61 2C6C 6301 269 189D 010D361 22098 1476 5652 05C4 11049 738 2B29 02E2 5067 28663 13CB 6FF7362 2640 8445 0A50 20FD 1320 24130 0528 5E42 15383 29619 3C17 73B3363 4408 21118 1138 527E 2204 10559 089C 293F 1392 2043 0570 07FB364 102 22198 0066 56B6 51 11099 0033 2B5B 7641 6962 1DD9 1B32365 27632 22030 6BF0 560E 13816 11015 35F8 2B07 25700 29119 6464 71BF366 19646 10363 4CBE 287B 9823 23041 265F 5A01 25259 22947 62AB 59A3367 26967 25802 6957 64CA 25979 12901 657B 3265 19813 9612 4D65 258C368 32008 2496 7D08 09C0 16004 1248 3E84 04E0 20933 18698 51C5 490A369 7873 31288 1EC1 7A38 24240 15644 5EB0 3D1C 638 16782 027E 418E370 655 24248 028F 5EB8 20631 12124 5097 2F5C 16318 29735 3FBE 7427371 25274 14327 62BA 37F7 12637 21959 315D 55C7 6878 2136 1ADE 0858372 16210 23154 3F52 5A72 8105 11577 1FA9 2D39 1328 8086 0530 1F96373 11631 13394 2D6F 3452 18279 6697 4767 1A29 14744 10553 3998 2939374 8535 1806 2157 070E 16763 903 417B 0387 22800 11900 5910 2E7C375 19293 17179 4B5D 431B 29822 28593 747E 6FB1 25919 19996 653F 4E1C376 12110 10856 2F4E 2A68 6055 5428 17A7 1534 4795 5641 12BB 1609377 21538 25755 5422 649B 10769 31857 2A11 7C71 18683 28328 48FB 6EA8378 10579 15674 2953 3D3A 17785 7837 4579 1E9D 32658 25617 7F92 6411379 13032 7083 32E8 1BAB 6516 17385 1974 43E9 1586 26986 0632 696A380 14717 29096 397D 71A8 19822 14548 4D6E 38D4 27208 5597 6A48 15DD381 11666 3038 2D92 0BDE 5833 1519 16C9 05EF 17517 14078 446D 36FE382 25809 16277 64D1 3F95 25528 20982 63B8 51F6 599 13247 0257 33BF383 5008 25525 1390 63B5 2504 32742 09C8 7FE6 16253 499 3F7D 01F3384 32418 20465 7EA2 4FF1 16209 27076 3F51 69C4 8685 30469 21ED 7705385 22175 28855 569F 70B7 31391 30311 7A9F 7667 29972 17544 7514 4488386 11742 32732 2DDE 7FDC 5871 16366 16EF 3FEE 22128 28510 5670 6F5E387 22546 20373 5812 4F95 11273 27126 2C09 69F6 19871 23196 4D9F 5A9C388 21413 9469 53A5 24FD 30722 23618 7802 5C42 19405 13384 4BCD 3448389 133 26155 0085 662B 20882 32041 5192 7D29 17972 4239 4634 108F390 4915 6957 1333 1B2D 22601 17322 5849 43AA 8599 20725 2197 50F5391 8736 12214 2220 2FB6 4368 6107 1110 17DB 10142 6466 279E 1942392 1397 21479 0575 53E7 21354 26575 536A 67CF 26834 28465 68D2 6F31393 18024 31914 4668 7CAA 9012 15957 2334 3E55 23710 19981 5C9E 4E0D394 15532 32311 3CAC 7E37 7766 28967 1E56 7127 27280 16723 6A90 4153395 26870 11276 68F6 2C0C 13435 5638 347B 1606 6570 4522 19AA 11AA396 5904 20626 1710 5092 2952 10313 0B88 2849 7400 678 1CE8 02A6397 24341 423 5F15 01A7 32346 20207 7E5A 4EEF 26374 15320 6706 3BD8398 13041 2679 32F1 0A77 18600 19207 48A8 4B07 22218 29116 56CA 71BC399 23478 15537 5BB6 3CB1 11739 20580 2DDB 5064 29654 5388 73D6 150C400 1862 10818 0746 2A42 931 5409 03A3 1521 13043 22845 32F3 593D. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-11Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)401 5850 23074 16DA 5A22 2925 11537 0B6D 2D11 24457 28430 5F89 6F0E402 5552 20250 15B0 4F1A 2776 10125 0AD8 278D 17161 8660 4309 21D4403 12589 14629 312D 3925 18758 21166 4946 52AE 21314 2659 5342 0A63404 23008 29175 59E0 71F7 11504 30407 2CF0 76C7 28728 8803 7038 2263405 27636 13943 6BF4 3677 13818 21767 35FA 5507 22162 19690 5692 4CEA406 17600 11072 44C0 2B40 8800 5536 2260 15A0 26259 22169 6693 5699407 17000 29492 4268 7334 8500 14746 2134 399A 22180 8511 56A4 213F408 21913 5719 5599 1657 31516 17687 7B1C 4517 2266 17393 08DA 43F1409 30320 7347 7670 1CB3 15160 16485 3B38 4065 10291 11336 2833 2C48410 28240 12156 6E50 2F7C 14120 6078 3728 17BE 26620 13576 67FC 3508411 7260 25623 1C5C 6417 3630 31799 0E2E 7C37 19650 22820 4CC2 5924412 17906 27725 45F2 6C4D 8953 30746 22F9 781A 14236 13344 379C 3420413 5882 28870 16FA 70C6 2941 14435 0B7D 3863 11482 20107 2CDA 4E8B414 22080 31478 5640 7AF6 11040 15739 2B20 3D7B 25289 8013 62C9 1F4D415 12183 28530 2F97 6F72 17947 14265 461B 37B9 12011 18835 2EEB 4993416 23082 24834 5A2A 6102 11541 12417 2D15 3081 13892 16793 3644 4199417 17435 9075 441B 2373 29661 24453 73DD 5F85 17336 9818 43B8 265A418 18527 32265 485F 7E09 30207 28984 75FF 7138 10759 4673 2A07 1241419 31902 3175 7C9E 0C67 15951 18447 3E4F 480F 26816 13609 68C0 3529420 18783 17434 495F 441A 30079 8717 757F 220D 31065 10054 7959 2746421 20027 12178 4E3B 2F92 30413 6089 76CD 17C9 8578 10988 2182 2AEC422 7982 25613 1F2E 640D 3991 31802 0F97 7C3A 24023 14744 5DD7 3998423 20587 31692 506B 7BCC 31205 15846 79E5 3DE6 16199 17930 3F47 460A424 10004 25384 2714 6328 5002 12692 138A 3194 22310 25452 5726 636C425 13459 18908 3493 49DC 19353 9454 4B99 24EE 30402 11334 76C2 2C46426 13383 25816 3447 64D8 19443 12908 4BF3 326C 16613 15451 40E5 3C5B427 28930 4661 7102 1235 14465 18214 3881 4726 13084 11362 331C 2C62428 4860 31115 12FC 798B 2430 29433 097E 72F9 3437 2993 0D6D 0BB1429 13108 7691 3334 1E0B 6554 16697 199A 4139 1703 11012 06A7 2B04430 24161 1311 5E61 051F 32480 19635 7EE0 4CB3 22659 5806 5883 16AE431 20067 16471 4E63 4057 30433 28183 76E1 6E17 26896 20180 6910 4ED4432 2667 15771 0A6B 3D9B 21733 20721 54E5 50F1 1735 8932 06C7 22E4433 13372 16112 343C 3EF0 6686 8056 1A1E 1F78 16178 23878 3F32 5D46434 28743 21062 7047 5246 27123 10531 69F3 2923 19166 20760 4ADE 5118435 24489 29690 5FA9 73FA 32260 14845 7E04 39FD 665 32764 0299 7FFC436 249 10141 00F9 279D 20908 24050 51AC 5DF2 20227 32325 4F03 7E45437 19960 19014 4DF8 4A46 9980 9507 26FC 2523 24447 25993 5F7F 6589438 29682 22141 73F2 567D 14841 25858 39F9 6502 16771 3268 4183 0CC4439 31101 11852 797D 2E4C 28014 5926 6D6E 1726 27209 25180 6A49 625C440 27148 26404 6A0C 6724 13574 13202 3506 3392 6050 12149 17A2 2F75441 26706 30663 6852 77C7 13353 30175 3429 75DF 29088 10193 71A0 27D1442 5148 32524 141C 7F0C 2574 16262 0A0E 3F86 7601 9128 1DB1 23A8443 4216 28644 1078 6FE4 2108 14322 083C 37F2 4905 7843 1329 1EA3444 5762 10228 1682 27F4 2881 5114 0B41 13FA 5915 25474 171B 6382445 245 23536 00F5 5BF0 20906 11768 51AA 2DF8 6169 11356 1819 2C5C446 21882 18045 557A 467D 10941 27906 2ABD 6D02 21303 11226 5337 2BDA447 3763 25441 0EB3 6361 22153 32652 5689 7F8C 28096 16268 6DC0 3F8C448 206 27066 00CE 69BA 103 13533 0067 34DD 8905 14491 22C9 389B449 28798 13740 707E 35AC 14399 6870 383F 1AD6 26997 8366 6975 20AE450 32402 13815 7E92 35F7 16201 21703 3F49 54C7 15047 26009 3AC7 6599. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-12Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)451 13463 3684 3497 0E64 19355 1842 4B9B 0732 17460 5164 4434 142C452 15417 23715 3C39 5CA3 20428 24685 4FCC 606D 17629 17126 44DD 42E6453 23101 15314 5A3D 3BD2 31950 7657 7CCE 1DE9 10461 21566 28DD 543E454 14957 32469 3A6D 7ED5 19686 29014 4CE6 7156 21618 21845 5472 5555455 23429 9816 5B85 2658 31762 4908 7C12 132C 11498 28149 2CEA 6DF5456 12990 4444 32BE 115C 6495 2222 195F 08AE 193 9400 00C1 24B8457 12421 5664 3085 1620 18834 2832 4992 0B10 16140 19459 3F0C 4C03458 28875 7358 70CB 1CBE 27061 3679 69B5 0E5F 13419 7190 346B 1C16459 4009 27264 0FA9 6A80 22020 13632 5604 3540 10864 3101 2A70 0C1D460 1872 28128 0750 6DE0 936 14064 03A8 36F0 28935 491 7107 01EB461 15203 30168 3B63 75D8 19553 15084 4C61 3AEC 18765 25497 494D 6399462 30109 29971 759D 7513 27422 29877 6B1E 74B5 27644 29807 6BFC 746F463 24001 3409 5DC1 0D51 32560 18580 7F30 4894 21564 26508 543C 678C464 4862 16910 12FE 420E 2431 8455 097F 2107 5142 4442 1416 115A465 14091 20739 370B 5103 19029 26301 4A55 66BD 1211 4871 04BB 1307466 6702 10191 1A2E 27CF 3351 24027 0D17 5DDB 1203 31141 04B3 79A5467 3067 12819 0BFB 3213 21549 22325 542D 5735 5199 9864 144F 2688468 28643 19295 6FE3 4B5F 26145 27539 6621 6B93 16945 12589 4231 312D469 21379 10072 5383 2758 30737 5036 7811 13AC 4883 5417 1313 1529470 20276 15191 4F34 3B57 10138 21399 279A 5397 25040 8549 61D0 2165471 25337 27748 62F9 6C64 24748 13874 60AC 3632 7119 14288 1BCF 37D0472 19683 720 4CE3 02D0 30625 360 77A1 0168 17826 8503 45A2 2137473 10147 29799 27A3 7467 16897 29711 4201 740F 4931 20357 1343 4F85474 16791 27640 4197 6BF8 28955 13820 711B 35FC 25705 15381 6469 3C15475 17359 263 43CF 0107 28727 20159 7037 4EBF 10726 18065 29E6 4691476 13248 24734 33C0 609E 6624 12367 19E0 304F 17363 24678 43D3 6066477 22740 16615 58D4 40E7 11370 28239 2C6A 6E4F 2746 23858 0ABA 5D32478 13095 20378 3327 4F9A 18499 10189 4843 27CD 10952 7610 2AC8 1DBA479 10345 25116 2869 621C 17892 12558 45E4 310E 19313 18097 4B71 46B1480 30342 19669 7686 4CD5 15171 26710 3B43 6856 29756 20918 743C 51B6481 27866 14656 6CDA 3940 13933 7328 366D 1CA0 14297 7238 37D9 1C46482 9559 27151 2557 6A0F 17275 31547 437B 7B3B 21290 30549 532A 7755483 8808 28728 2268 7038 4404 14364 1134 381C 1909 16320 0775 3FC0484 12744 25092 31C8 6204 6372 12546 18E4 3102 8994 20853 2322 5175485 11618 22601 2D62 5849 5809 25112 16B1 6218 13295 26736 33EF 6870486 27162 2471 6A1A 09A7 13581 19183 350D 4AEF 21590 10327 5456 2857487 17899 25309 45EB 62DD 29477 32594 7325 7F52 26468 24404 6764 5F54488 29745 15358 7431 3BFE 27592 7679 6BC8 1DFF 13636 7931 3544 1EFB489 31892 17739 7C94 454B 15946 27801 3E4A 6C99 5207 5310 1457 14BE490 23964 12643 5D9C 3163 11982 22157 2ECE 568D 29493 554 7335 022A491 23562 32730 5C0A 7FDA 11781 16365 2E05 3FED 18992 27311 4A30 6AAF492 2964 19122 0B94 4AB2 1482 9561 05CA 2559 12567 6865 3117 1AD1493 18208 16870 4720 41E6 9104 8435 2390 20F3 12075 7762 2F2B 1E52494 15028 10787 3AB4 2A23 7514 23341 1D5A 5B2D 26658 15761 6822 3D91495 21901 18400 558D 47E0 31510 9200 7B16 23F0 21077 12697 5255 3199496 24566 20295 5FF6 4F47 12283 27039 2FFB 699F 15595 24850 3CEB 6112497 18994 1937 4A32 0791 9497 19956 2519 4DF4 4921 15259 1339 3B9B498 13608 17963 3528 462B 6804 27945 1A94 6D29 14051 24243 36E3 5EB3499 27492 7438 6B64 1D0E 13746 3719 35B2 0E87 5956 30508 1744 772C500 11706 12938 2DBA 328A 5853 6469 16DD 1945 21202 13982 52D2 369E. . . continued on next pageE
PN Offset Programming Information68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-13Table E-1: PnMaskI and PnMaskQ Values for PilotPn14-Chip Delay 13-Chip Delay 0-Chip Delay Pilot I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q I Q  PN (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.) (Hex.) (Dec.)   (Hex.)501 14301 19272 37DD 4B48 19006 9636 4A3E 25A4 11239 25039 2BE7 61CF502 23380 29989 5B54 7525 11690 29870 2DAA 74AE 30038 24086 7556 5E16503 11338 8526 2C4A 214E 5669 4263 1625 10A7 30222 21581 760E 544D504 2995 18139 0BB3 46DB 21513 27985 5409 6D51 13476 21346 34A4 5362505 23390 3247 5B5E 0CAF 11695 18539 2DAF 486B 2497 28187 09C1 6E1B506 14473 28919 3889 70F7 19860 30279 4D94 7647 31842 23231 7C62 5ABF507 6530 7292 1982 1C7C 3265 3646 0CC1 0E3E 24342 18743 5F16 4937508 20452 20740 4FE4 5104 10226 10370 27F2 2882 25857 11594 6501 2D4A509 12226 27994 2FC2 6D5A 6113 13997 17E1 36AD 27662 7198 6C0E 1C1E510 1058 2224 0422 08B0 529 1112 0211 0458 24594 105 6012 0069511 12026 6827 2EFA 1AAB 6013 17257 177D 4369 16790 4534 4196 11B6 E
PN Offset Programming Information 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYE-14NotesE
Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-1Appendix FTest Equipment PreparationF
Test Equipment Preparation 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-2Test Equipment PreparationPurposeThis appendix provides information on pre-testing set-up for thefollowing test equipment items (not required for the Cybertest test set):Agilent E4406A transmitter test setAgilent E4432B signal generatorAdvantest R3267 spectrum analyzerAdvantest R3562 signal generatorAgilent 8935 analyzer (formerly HP 8935)HP 8921 with PCS interface analyzerAdvantest R3465 analyzerHP 437 power meterGigatronics 8541C power meterGPIB adapterPre-testing set-up information covered includes verification and settingGPIB addresses, inter-unit cabling, connectivity testing, pre-test controlsettings, and equipment calibration for items which are not calibratedwith the Calibrate Test Equipment function of the LMF.F
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-3Setting GPIB AddressesProcedures for Verifying and Setting CDMA Support Equipment GPIBAddressesThe following procedures cover verification and changing GPIBaddresses for the various items of CDMA test equipment supported bythe LMF.Agilent E4406A Transmitter Tester GPIB AddressFigure F-1: Setting Agilent E4406A GPIB AddressSystemKey Bk SpKeyEnterKeyData EntryKeypadSoftkeyButtonsSoftkey LabelDisplay AreaActive FunctionAreaRefer to Figure F-1 and follow the procedure in Table F-1 to verify and,if necessary, change the Agilent E4406A GPIB address.Table F-1: Verify and Change Agilent E4406A GPIB AddressStep Action1In the SYSTEM section of the instrument front panel, press the System key.- The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen will change.2Press the Config I/O softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.- The softkey labels will change.- The current instrument GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Address softkey label.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 18, perform the following to change it:3a - Press the GPIB Address softkey button.-- In the on-screen Active Function Area, GPIB Address will be displayed followed by thecurrent GPIB address.. . . continued on next pageF
Setting GPIB Addresses 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-4Table F-1: Verify and Change Agilent E4406A GPIB AddressStep Action3b - On the front panel Data Entry keypad, enter the communications system analyzer GPIB address of18.-- The GPIB Address label will change to Enter.-- Characters typed on the keypad will replace the current GPIB address in the Active FunctionArea.NOTETo correct an entry, press the Bk Sp key at the upper right of the keypad to delete one character at atime.3c - Press the Enter softkey button or the keypad Enter key to set the new GPIB address.-- The Config I/O softkey labels will reappear.-- The new GPIB address will be displayed under the GPIB Address softkey label. Agilent E4432B Signal Generator GPIB AddressFigure F-2: Setting Agilent E4432B GPIB AddressNumericKeypadSoftkeyButtonsSoftkey LabelDisplay AreaActive EntryAreaBackspaceKeyUtilityKeyRefer to Figure F-2 and follow the procedure in Table F-2 to verify and,if necessary, change the Agilent E4432B GPIB address.Table F-2: Verify and Change Agilent E4432B GPIB AddressStep Action1In the MENUS section of the instrument front panel, press the Utility key.- The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen will change.2Press the GPIB/RS232 softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.- The softkey labels will change.- The current instrument GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Address softkey label.. . . continued on next pageF
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-5Table F-2: Verify and Change Agilent E4432B GPIB AddressStep Action3If the current GPIB address is not set to 1, perform the following to change it:3a - Press the GPIB Address softkey button.-- The GPIB Address label and current GPIB address will change to boldface.-- In the on-screen Active Entry Area, Address: will be displayed followed by the currentGPIB address.3b - On the front panel Numeric keypad, enter the signal generator GPIB address of 1.-- The GPIB Address label will change to Enter.-- Characters typed on the keypad will replace the current GPIB address in the Active Entrydisplay.NOTETo correct an entry, press the backspace key at the lower right of the keypad to delete one character ata time.3c - Press the Enter softkey button to set the new GPIB address.-- The new GPIB address will be displayed under the GPIB Address softkey label. Advantest R3267 Spectrum Analyzer GPIB AddressFigure F-3: Setting Advantest R3267 GPIB AddressonREMOTELEDLCL KeyCONFIGKeySoftkey LableDisplay Area SoftkeyButtonsKeypad BSKey ENTRKeyRefer to Figure F-3 and perform the procedure in Table F-3 to verifyand, if necessary, change the Advantest R3267 spectrum analyzer GPIBaddress.F
Setting GPIB Addresses 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-6Table F-3: Verify and Change Advantest R3267 GPIB AddressStep Action1If the REMOTE LED is lighted, press the LCL key.- The LED extinguishes.2Press the CONFIG key.- The CONFIG softkey labels will appear in the softkey label display area of the instrumentdisplay.- The current GPIB address will be displayed below the GPIB Address softkey label.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 18, perform the following to change it:3a - Press the GPIB Address softkey.-- A GPIB Address entry window will open in the instrument display showing the currentGPIB address.3b - Enter 18 on the keypad in the ENTRY section of the instrument front panel.-- Characters typed on the keypad will replace the address displayed in the GPIB Addressentry window.NOTETo correct an entry, press the BS (backspace) key at the lower right of the keypad to delete onecharacter at a time.3c - Press the ENTR key to the lower right of the keypad to set the new GPIB address.-- The GPIB Address entry window closes.-- The new address is displayed in the bottom portion of the GPIB Address softkey label. Advantest R3562 Signal Generator GPIB AddressSet the GP-IB ADDRESS switch on the rear of the Advantest R3562signal generator to address 1 as shown in Figure F-4.Figure F-4: Advantest R3562 GPIB Address Switch Setting123 4567 854321GP-IP  ADDRESS10GPIB Address set to “1”F
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-7Agilent 8935 Series E6380 (formerly HP 8935) Test Set GPIB AddressFigure F-5: Agilent 8935 Test SetPresetCursor ControlShiftInst ConfigLocalFW00885Refer to Figure F-5 and follow the procedure in Table F-4 to verify and,if necessary, change the Agilent 8935 GPIB address.NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-4: Verify and/or Change Agilent 8935 (formerly HP 8935) GPIB AddressStep Action1NOTEThe HP I/O configuration MUST be set to Talk & Listen, or no device on the GPIB will beaccessible. (Consult test equipment OEM documentation for additional information as required.)To verify that the GPIB addresses are set correctly, press Shift and LOCAL on the Agilent 8935.- The current HP-IB address is displayed at the top of the screen.NOTEHP-IB is the same as GPIB.2If the current GPIB address is not set to 18, perform the following to change it:2a - Press Shift and Inst Config.2b - Turn the Cursor Control knob to move the cursor to the HP-IB Adrs field.2c - Press the Cursor Control knob to select the field.2d - Turn the Cursor Control knob as required to change the address to 18.2e - Press the Cursor Control knob to set the address.3 Press Preset to return to normal operation.F
Setting GPIB Addresses 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-8Setting HP 8921A and HP 83236A/B GPIB AddressFigure F-6: HP 8921A and HP 83236A/BPresetCursor ControlShiftLocalRefer to Figure F-6 and follow the procedure in Table F-5 to verify and,if necessary, change the HP 8921A HP 83236A GPIB addresses.NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-5: Verify and/or Change HP 8921A and HP 83236A GPIB AddressesStep Action1To verify that the GPIB addresses are set correctly, press Shift and LOCAL on the HP 8921A.- The current HP-IB address is displayed at the top of the screen.NOTEHP-IB is the same as GPIB.2If the current HP-IB address is not set to 18, perform the following to change it:2a - Turn the Cursor Control knob to move the cursor to More and press the knob to select the field.2b - Turn the Cursor Control knob to move the cursor to I/O Config and press the knob to select thefield.2c - Turn the Cursor Control knob to move the cursor to Adrs and press the knob to select the field.2d - Turn the Cursor Control knob to change the HP-IB address to 18 and press the knob to set theaddress.F
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-9Table F-5: Verify and/or Change HP 8921A and HP 83236A GPIB AddressesStep Action2e - Press Shift and Preset to return to normal operation.3To set the HP 83236A (or B) PCS Interface GPIB address=19, set the DIP switches as follows:- A1=1, A2=1, A3=0, A4=0, A5=1, HP-IB/Ser = 1Advantest R3465 GPIB AddressFigure F-7: R3465 Communications Test SetBNC“T”REF UNLOCK EVENSEC/SYNC IN CDMATIME BASE INPOWEROFF ONLCL Shift PresetGPIB and othersVernierKnobREF FW00337Refer to Figure F-7 and follow the procedure in Table F-6 to verify and,if necessary, change the GPIB address for the Advantest R3465.NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-6: Verify and/or Change Advantest R3465 GPIB AddressStep Action1To verify that the GPIB address is set correctly, perform the following:1a - Press SHIFT then PRESET.1b - Press LCL.1c - Press the GPIB and Others CRT menu key to view the current address.2If the current GPIB address is not set to 18, perform the following to change it:2a - Turn the vernier knob as required to select 18.2b - Press the vernier knob to set the address.3To return to normal operation, press Shift and Preset.F
Setting GPIB Addresses 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-10Motorola CyberTest GPIB AddressFollow the steps in Table F-7 to verify and, if necessary, change theGPIB address on the Motorola CyberTest. Changing the GPIB addressrequires the following items:Motorola CyberTest communications analyzer.Computer running Windows 3.1/Windows 95.Motorola CyberTAME software program “TAME”.Parallel printer port cable (shipped with CyberTest).NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-7:  Verify and/or Change Motorola CyberTest GPIB AddressStep Action1On the LMF desktop, locate the CyberTAME icon. Double click on the icon to run the CyberTAMEapplication.2In the CyberTAME window taskbar, under Special, select IEEE.488.2.3CyberTAME software will query the CyberTest Analyzer for its current GPIB address. It then willopen the IEEE 488.2 dialog box. If the current GPIB address is not 18, perform the followingprocedure to change it:3a - Use the up or down increment arrows or double-click in the field and type the number to set theaddress to 18.3b - Click on the OK button.-- The new address will be written to the CyberTest through the parallel port and saved.4Verify that the address has been set by repeating steps 2 and 3.- The new address should now appear in the IEEE 488.2 dialog box Address field.F
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-11HP 437 Power Meter GPIB AddressFigure F-8: HP 437 Power MeterENTERPRESETSHIFT (BLUE) PUSHBUTTON -ACCESSES FUNCTION ANDDATA ENTRY KEYS IDENTIFIEDWITH LIGHT BLUE TEXT ONTHE FRONT PANEL ABOVETHE BUTTONSFW00308REFRefer to Figure F-8 and follow the steps in Table F-8 to verify and, ifnecessary, change the HP 437 GPIB address.NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-8: Verify and/or Change HP 437 Power Meter GPIB AddressStep Action1 Press Shift and PRESET.2Use the  arrow  key to navigate to HP-IB ADRS and press ENTER.The HP-IB address is displayed.NOTEHP-IB is the same as GPIB.3If the current GPIB address is not set to 13, perform the following to change it:- Use the   arrow keys to change the HP-IB ADRS to 13.- Press ENTER to set the address.4 Press Shift and ENTER to return to a standard configuration. F
Setting GPIB Addresses 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-12Gigatronics 8541C Power Meter GPIB AddressFigure F-9: Gigatronics 8541C Power Meter DetailMENU ENTER ARROWKEYS1REF FW00564Refer to Figure F-9 and follow the steps in Table F-9 to verify and, ifnecessary, change the Gigatronics 8541C power meter GPIB address.NOTE This procedure assumes that the test equipment is set up andready for testing.Table F-9: Verify and/or Change Gigatronics 8541C Power Meter GPIB AddressStep Action1! CAUTIONDo not connect/disconnect the power meter sensor cable with AC power applied to the meter.Disconnection could result in destruction of the sensing element or miscalibration.Press MENU.2Use the  arrow key to select CONFIG MENU and press ENTER.3Use the  arrow key to select GPIB and press ENTER.The current Mode and GPIB Address are displayed.4If the Mode is not set to 8541C, perform the following to change it:Use the    arrow keys as required to select MODE.Use the  arrow keys as required to set MODE to 8541C.5If the GPIB address is not set to 13, perform the following to change it:Use the  arrow key to select ADDRESS.Use the  arrow keys as required to set the GPIB address to 13.6 Press ENTER to return to normal operation.F
Setting GPIB Addresses68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-13RS-232  GPIB Interface AdapterBe sure that the RS-232 GPIB interface adapter DIP switches are set asshown in Figure F-10.Figure F-10: RS232 GPIB Interface AdapterRS232-GPIBINTERFACE BOXS MODEDATA FORMATBAUD RATEGPIB ADRSONDIP SWITCH SETTINGSG MODEF
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-14Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and ControlInter-unit  Connection, Testing, and Control SettingsThe following illustrations, tables, and procedures provide theinformation necessary to prepare various items of CDMA test equipmentsupported by the LMF for BTS calibration and/or acceptance testing.HP 8921A with PCS Interface Test Equipment ConnectionsThe following diagram depicts the rear panels of the HP 8921A testequipment as configured to perform automatic tests. All test equipmentis controlled by the LMF via an IEEE-488/GPIB bus. The LMF expectseach piece of test equipment to have a factory-set GPIB address (refer toTable F-5 and Figure F-6). If there is a communications problembetween the LMF and any piece of test equipment, verify that the GPIBaddresses have been set correctly and that the GPIB cables are firmlyconnected to the test equipment.Figure F-11 shows the connections when not using an external 10 MHzRubidium reference.Table F-10: HP 8921A/600 Communications Test Set Rear Panel Connections Without Rubidium ReferenceFrom Test Set: To Interface:8921A 83203B CDMA 83236A PCS Connector TypeCW RF OUT CW RF IN SMC-female - SMC-female114.3 MHZ IF OUT 114.3 MHZ IF IN SMC-female - SMC-femaleIQ RF IN IQ RF OUT SMC-female - SMC-femaleDET OUT AUX DSP IN SMC-female - SMC-femaleCONTROL I/O CONTROL I/O 45-pin custom BUS10 MHZ OUT SYNTH REF IN BNC-male - BNC-maleHPIB INTERFACE HPIB INTERFACE HPIB cable10 MHZ OUT REF IN BNC-male - BNC-maleF
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-15Figure F-11: HP 8921A/600 Cable Connections for 10 MHz Signal and GPIB without Rubidium ReferenceREAR PANELCOMMUNICATIONS TEST SETREF INHP 83203B CDMACELLULAR ADAPTERHP 8921A CELLSITE TEST SETHP 83236A PCSINTERFACEHP-IBTO GPIBINTERFACEBOXTO POWERMETER GPIBCONNECTORFW00368 F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-16Figure F-12 shows the connections when using an external 10 MHzRubidium reference.Table F-11: HP 8921A/600 Communications Test Set Rear Panel Connections With Rubidium ReferenceFrom Test Set: To Interface:8921A 83203B CDMA 83236A PCS Connector TypeCW RF OUT CW RF IN SMC-female - SMC-female114.3 MHZ IF OUT 114.3 MHZ IF IN SMC-female - SMC-femaleIQ RF IN IQ RF OUT SMC-female - SMC-femaleDET OUT AUX DSP IN SMC-female - SMC-femaleCONTROL I/O CONTROL I/O 45-pin custom BUS10 MHZ OUT REF IN BNC-male - BNC-maleHPIB INTERFACE HPIB INTERFACE HPIB cable10 MHZ INPUT 10 MHZ OUT BNC-male - BNC-maleF
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-17Figure F-12: HP 8921A Cable Connections for 10 MHz Signal and GPIB with Rubidium ReferenceREF INREAR PANELCOMMUNICATIONS TEST SETTO POWERMETER GPIBCONNECTORTO GPIBINTERFACEBOX10 MHZ WITHRUBIDIUM STANDARDHP 83203B CDMACELLULAR ADAPTERHP 8921A CELLSITE TEST SETHP 83236A PCSINTERFACEHP-IBFW00369F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-18HP 8921A with PCS Interface System Connectivity TestFollow the steps outlined in Table F-12 to verify that the connectionsbetween the PCS Interface and the HP 8921A are correct and cables areintact. The software also performs basic functionality checks of eachinstrument.NOTE Table:note. Note 10pt HelveticaDisconnect other GPIB devices, especially system controllers,from the system before running the connectivity software.Table F-12: System ConnectivityStep ActionNOTE- Perform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for aminimum of 60 minutes.1Insert HP 83236A Manual Control/System card into memory card slot.2Press the [PRESET] pushbutton.3Press the Screen Control [TESTS] pushbutton to display the “Tests” Main Menu screen.4Position the cursor at Select Procedure Location and select it by pressing the cursor control knob. Inthe Choices selection box, select Card.5Position the cursor at Select Procedure Filename and select it by pressing the cursor control knob. Inthe Choices selection box, select SYS_CONN.6Position the cursor at RUN TEST and select it. The software will provide operator prompts throughcompletion of the connectivity setup.7Do the following when the test is complete,position cursor on STOP TEST and select itOR press the [K5] pushbutton.8To return to the main menu, press the [K5] pushbutton.9Press the [PRESET] pushbutton.Pretest Setup for HP 8921ABefore the HP 8921A CDMA analyzer is used for LMF-controlledtesting it must be set up correctly for automatic testing.Table F-13: Pretest Setup for HP 8921AStep Action1Unplug the memory card if it is plugged in.2Press the CURSOR CONTROL knob.3Position the cursor at IO CONFIG (under To Screen and More) and select it.4Select Mode and set for Talk&Lstn.F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-19Pretest Setup for Agilent 8935Before the Agilent 8935 analyzer is used for LMF controlled testing itmust be set up correctly for automatic testing.Table F-14: Pretest Setup for Agilent 8935Step Action1Unplug the memory card if it is plugged in.2Press the Shift button and then press the I/O Config button.3Press the Push to Select knob.4Position the cursor at IO CONFIG and select it.5 Select Mode and set for Talk&Lstn.F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-20Advantest R3465 ConnectionThe following diagram depicts the rear panels of the Advantest R3465test equipment as configured to perform automatic tests. All testequipment is controlled by the LMF via an IEEE-488/GPIB bus. TheLMF expects each piece of test equipment to have a factory-set GPIBaddress (refer to Table F-6 and Figure F-7). If there is a communicationsproblem between the LMF and any piece of test equipment, verify thatthe GPIB addresses have been set correctly and that the GPIB cables arefirmly connected to the test equipment.Figure F-13 shows the connections when not using an external 10 MHzRubidium reference.Figure F-13: Cable Connections for Test Set without 10 MHz Rubidium ReferenceADVANTEST R3465REAR PANELGPIBCONNECTORSERIAL I/OLOCAL INSERIAL I/OSYN REF IN 10 MHZ OUTPARALLELEXT TRIGGER10 MHZ REFGATE INGPIBCDMA  CLOCK OUTAC POWERAC POWERR3561LREAR PANELR3465REAR PANELTO T-CONNECTORON FRONT PANEL(EVEN/SEC/SYNC IN)XYZIF OUT421 MHZTO POWER METERGPIB CONNECTORTO GPIBINTERFACE BOXFW00370F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-21Figure F-14 shows the connections when using an external 10 MHzRubidium reference.Figure F-14: Cable Connections for Test Set with 10 MHz Rubidium ReferenceSERIAL I/OGPIBCONNECTOR ADVANTEST R3465REAR PANELFROM 10 MHZRUBIDIUM REFERENCELOCAL INSERIAL I/OIF OUTSYN REF IN 10 MHZ OUTPARALLELEXT TRIGGER10 MHZ REFGATE INGPIBCDMA  CLOCK OUTAC POWERAC POWERR3465/3463REAR PANELR3561LREAR PANELTO T-CONNECTORON FRONT PANEL(EVEN SEC/SYNC IN)XYZ421 MHZTO POWER METERGPIB CONNECTORTO GPIBINTERFACE BOXFW00371R3465 GPIB Clock Set-upTable F-15 describes the steps to set the clock for the Advantest R3465equipment.Table F-15: Advantest R3465 Clock SetupStep Action1Observe the current date and time displayed in upper right of the CRT display.2If the date and time are incorrect, perform the following to change them:2a - Push the Date/Time CRT menu key.2b - Rotate the vernier knob to select and set.2c - Push the vernier knob to enter.2d - Push the SHIFT then PRESET pushbutton (just below the CRT display). F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-22Pretest Setup for Advantest R3465Before the Advantest R3465 analyzer is used for LMF-controlled testingit must be set up correctly for automatic testing.Table F-16: Pretest Setup for Advantest R346Step Action1Press the SHIFT button so the LED next to it is illuminated.2Press the RESET button.Agilent 8932/E4432B Test Equipment InterconnectionTo perform FER testing on a 1X BTS with the Agilent 8935, a1X-capable signal generator, such as the Agilent E4432B, must be usedin conjunction with the CDMA base station test set. For properoperation, the test equipment items must be interconnected as follows:10 MHz reference signal - Connect a BNC (M)-BNC (M) cable fromthe 8935 10 MHz REF OUT connector to the E4432B 10MHz INconnector as shown in Figure F-15Even second pulse reference - Refer to Figure F-15, and connect aBNC “T” connector to the 8935 EVEN SEC SYNC IN connector.Connect a BNC (M)-BNC (M) cable from one side of the BNC “T” tothe E4432B PATTERN TRIG IN connector. Connect the other side ofthe BNC “T” to the CSM board SYNC MONITOR connector using aBNC (M)-BNC (M) cable.Figure F-15: Agilent 8935/E4432B 10MHz Reference and Even Second Tick ConnectionsE4432B10 MHz INTO GPIBE4432BPATTERN TRIG INTO CSM BOARDSYNCH MONITOR(EVEN SEC TICK)893510 MHzREF OUT8935EVEN SECONDSYNC INWITH BNC “T”TDME0011-1F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-23Agilent E4406A/E4432B Test Equipment InterconnectionTo provide proper operation during testing when both units are required,the 10 MHz reference signal from the E4406A transmitter test set mustbe provided to the E4432B signal generator. Connect a BNC (M)-BNC(M) cable from the E4406A 10 MHz OUT (SWITCHED) connector tothe E4432B 10MHz IN connector as shown in Figure F-16.Figure F-16: Agilent 10 MHz Reference ConnectionsE4406A10 MHz OUT(SWITCHED)E4432B10 MHz INTO GPIB BOXTDME0009-1F
Test Equipment Inter-unit Connection, Testing, and Control 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-24Advantest R3267/R3562 Test Equipment InterconnectionTo provide proper operation during testing when both units are required,the R3257 spectrum analyzer must be interconnected with the R3562signal generator as follows:10 MHz reference signal - Connect a BNC (M)-BNC (M) cablebetween the R3562 SYNTHE REF IN connector and the R3267 10MHz OUT connector as shown in Figure F-17.Serial I/O - Using the Advantest cable provided, connect the R3267SERIAL I/O connector to the R3562 SERIAL I/O connector as shownin Figure F-17.Figure F-17: Advantest 10 MHz Reference and Serial I/O ConnectionsTDME0010-1R3562SYNTHE REF IN TO GPIBBOX R3562SERIAL I/OTO GPIB BOXR326710 MHZ OUT R3267SERIAL I/OF
Equipment Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-25Equipment CalibrationCalibration Without the LMFSeveral test equipment items used in the optimization process requirepre-calibration actions or calibration verification which are notsupported by the LMF. Procedures to perform these activities for theapplicable test equipment items are covered in this section.Agilent E4406A Transmitter Tester Self-alignment (Calibration)SystemKeySoftkeyButtonsSoftkey LabelDisplay Areag Agilent E4406Ation)Refer to Figure F-18 and follow the procedure in Table F-17 to performthe Agilent E4406A self-alignment (calibration).Table F-17: Perform Agilent E4406A Self-alignment (Calibration)Step Action1In the SYSTEM section of the instrument front panel, press the System key.- The softkey labels displayed on the right side of the instrument screen will change.2Press the Alignments softkey button to the right of the instrument screen.- The softkey labels will change.3Press the Align All Now softkey button.- All other instrument functions will be suspended during the alignment.- The display will change to show progress and results of the alignments performed.- The alignment will take less than one minute. F
Equipment Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-26Calibrating HP 437 Power MeterPrecise transmit output power calibration measurements are made usinga bolometer-type broadband power meter with a sensitive power sensor.Follow the steps outlined in Table F-18 to enter information unique tothe power sensor before calibrating the test setup. Refer to Figure F-19as required.NOTE This procedure must be done before the automated calibration toenter power sensor specific calibration values.Figure F-19: Power Meter DetailCONNECT POWERSENSOR WITH POWERMETER TURNED OFFCONNECT POWER SENSORTO POWER REFERENCEWHEN CALIBRATING UNIT.POWER REFERENCE ISENABLED USING THE SHIFT KEYSSHIFT (BLUE) PUSHBUTTON -ACCESSES FUNCTION ANDDATA ENTRY KEYS IDENTIFIEDWITH LIGHT BLUE TEXT ONTHE FRONT PANEL ABOVETHE BUTTONSFW00308Table F-18: HP 437 Power Meter Calibration ProcedureStep Action1! CAUTIONDo not connect/disconnect the power meter sensor cable with AC power applied to the meter.Disconnection could result in destruction of the sensing element or mis-calibration.Make sure the power meter AC LINE pushbutton is OFF.2Connect the power sensor cable to the SENSOR input.3Set the AC LINE pushbutton to ON.NOTEThe calibration should be performed only after the power meter and sensor have been allowed towarm-up and stabilize for a minimum of 60 minutes.4Perform the following to set or verify the correct power sensor model:4a - Press [SHIFT]  then [] to select SENSOR.4b - Identify the power sensor model number from the sensor label.4c - Use the [] or [] button to select the appropriate model; then press [ENTER].5Refer to the illustration for step 8, and perform the following to ensure the power reference output isOFF:5a - Observe the instrument display and determine if the triangular indicator over PWR REF isdisplayed.5b - If the triangular indicator is displayed, press [SHIFT] then [] to turn it off.. . . continued on next pageF
Equipment Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-27Table F-18: HP 437 Power Meter Calibration ProcedureStep Action6 Press [ZERO].- Display will show “Zeroing ******.”- Wait for process to complete.7Connect the power sensor to the POWER REF output.8Turn on the PWR REF by performing the following:8a - Press [SHIFT] then [].8b - Verify that the triangular indicator (below) appears in the display above PWR REF.9Perform the following to set the REF CF%:9a - Press ([SHIFT] then [ZERO]) for CAL.9b - Enter the sensor’s REF CF% from the sensor’s decal using the arrow keys and press [ENTER].(The power meter will display ”CAL *****” for a few seconds.)NOTEIf the REF CAL FACTOR (REF CF) is not shown on the power sensor, assume it to be 100%.10 Perform the following to set the CAL FAC %:10a - Press [SHIFT] then [FREQ] for CAL FAC.10b - On the sensor’s decal, locate an approximate calibration percentage factor (CF%) at 2 GHz.10c - Enter the sensor’s calibration % (CF%) using the arrow keys and press [ENTER].-- When complete, the power meter will typically display 0.05 dBm. (Any reading between0.00 and 0.10 is normal.)11 To turn off the PWR REF, perform the following:11a - Press [SHIFT] then [].11b - Disconnect the power sensor from the POWER REF output. F
Equipment Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-28Calibrating Gigatronics 8541C Power MeterPrecise transmit output power calibration measurements are made usinga bolometer-type broadband power meter with a sensitive power sensor.Follow the steps in Table F-19 to enter information unique to the powersensor.Table F-19: Calibrate Gigatronics 8541C Power MeterStep Action1! CAUTIONDo not connect/disconnect the power meter sensor cable with AC power applied to the meter.Disconnection could result in destruction of the sensing element or miscalibration.Make sure the power meter POWER pushbutton is OFF.2Connect the power sensor cable to the SENSOR input.3Set the POWER pushbutton to ON.NOTEAllow the power meter and sensor to warm up and stabilize for a minimum of 60 minutes beforeperforming the calibration procedure.4Connect the power sensor to the CALIBRATOR output connector.5 Press ZERO.- Wait for the process to complete. Sensor factory calibration data is read to power meter during thisprocess.6When the zeroing process is complete, disconnect the power sensor from the CALIBRATOR output.Figure F-20: Gigatronics 8541C Power Meter DetailCONNECT POWER SENSORWITH POWER METERTURNED OFFCONNECT POWER SENSOR TOCALIBRATOR POWER REFERENCEWHEN CALIBRATING/ZEROING UNITFRONT View REAR ViewGPIB CONNECTIONAC POWERFW00564F
Manual Cable Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-29Manual Cable CalibrationCalibrating Test Cable SetupUsing HP PCS Interface (HP83236)Table F-20 covers the procedure to calibrate the test equipment using theHP8921 Cellular Communications Analyzer equipped with the HP83236PCS Interface.NOTE This calibration method must be executed with great care. Somelosses are measured close to the minimum limit of the powermeter sensor (-30 dBm).PrerequisitesEnsure the following prerequisites have been met before proceeding:Test equipment to be calibrated has been connected correctly for cablecalibration.Test equipment has been selected and calibrated.Table F-20: Calibrating Test Cable Setup (using the HP PCS Interface)Step ActionNOTEVerify that GPIB controller is turned off.1Insert HP83236 Manual Control System card into memory card slot.2Press the Preset pushbutton.3 Under Screen Controls, press the TESTS pushbutton to display the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.4Position the cursor at Select Procedure Location and select it. In the Choices selection box, selectCARD.5Position the cursor at Select Procedure Filename and select it. In the Choices selection box, selectMANUAL.6Position the cursor at RUN TEST and select it. HP must be in Control Mode Select YES.7If using HP83236A:Set channel number=<chan#>:- Position cursor at ChannelNumber and select it.- Enter the chan# using the numerickeypad; press [Enter] and thescreen will go blank.- When the screen reappears, thechan# will be displayed on thechannel number line.If using HP83236B:Set channel frequency:- Position cursor at Frequency Band and press Enter.- Select User Defined Frequency.- Go Back to Previous Menu.- Position the cursor to 83236 generator frequency andenter actual RX frequency.- Position the cursor to 83236 analyzer frequency andenter actual TX frequency.8Set RF Generator level:- Position the cursor at RF Generator Level and select it.- Enter -10  using the numeric keypad; press [Enter] and the screen will go blank.- When the screen reappears, the value -10 dBm will be displayed on the RF Generator Level line.. . . continued on next pageF
Manual Cable Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-30Table F-20: Calibrating Test Cable Setup (using the HP PCS Interface)Step Action9Set the user fixed Attenuation Setting to 0 dBm:- Position cursor at Analyzer Attenuation and select it- Position cursor at User Fixed Atten Settings and select it.- Enter 0 (zero) using the numeric keypad and press [Enter].10 Select Back to Previous Menu.11 Record the HP83236 Generator Frequency Level:Record the HP83236B Generator Frequency Level:- Position cursor at Show Frequency and Level Details and select it.- Under HP83236 Frequencies and Levels, record the Generator Level.- Under HP83236B Frequencies and Levels, record the Generator Frequency Level (1850 - 1910MHz).- Position cursor at Prev Menu and select it.12 Click on Pause for Manual Measurement.13 Connect the power sensor directly to the RF OUT ONLY port of the PCS Interface.14 On the HP8921A, under To Screen, select CDMA GEN.15 Move the cursor to the Amplitude field and click on the Amplitude value.16 Increase the Amplitude value until the power meter reads 0 dBm ±0.2 dB.NOTEThe Amplitude value can be increased coarsely until 0 dBM is reached; then fine tune the amplitudeby adjusting the Increment Set to 0.1 dBm and targeting in on 0 dBm.17 Disconnect the power sensor from the RF OUT ONLY port of the PCS Interface.NOTEThe Power Meter sensor’s lower limit is -30 dBm. Thus, only components having losses ≤30 dBshould be measured using this method. For further accuracy, always re-zero the power meterbefore connecting the power sensor to the component being calibrated. After connecting thepower sensor to the component, record the calibrated loss immediately.18 Disconnect all components in the test setup and calibrate each one separately by connecting eachcomponent, one-at-a-time, between the RF OUT ONLY PORT and the power sensor. Record thecalibrated loss value displayed on the power meter.Example: (A) Test Cable(s) = -1.4  dB(B) 20 dB Attenuator  = -20.1  dB(B) Directional Coupler = -29.8  dB19 After all components are calibrated, reassemble all components together and calculate the total testsetup loss by adding up all the individual losses:Example: Total test setup loss = -1.4 -29.8 -20.1 = -51.3 dB.This calculated value will be used in the next series of tests.20 Under Screen Controls press the TESTS button to display the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.21 Select Continue (K2).22 Select RF Generator Level and set to -119 dBm.. . . continued on next pageF
Manual Cable Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-31Table F-20: Calibrating Test Cable Setup (using the HP PCS Interface)Step Action23 Click on Pause for Manual Measurement.24 Verify the HP8921A Communication Analyzer/83203A CDMA interface setup is as follows (fieldsnot indicated remain at default):Verify the GPIB (HP-IB) address:- under To Screen, select More- select IO CONFIG- Set HP-IB Adrs to 18- set Mode to Talk&LstnVerify the HP8921A is displaying frequency (instead of RF channel)- Press the blue [SHIFT] button, then press the Screen Control [DUPLEX] button; this switches tothe CONFIG (CONFIGURE) screen.- Use the cursor control to set RF Display to Freq25 Refer toChapter 3 for assistance in setting the cable loss values into the LMF. F
Manual Cable Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-32Figure F-21: Cable Calibration Using HP8921 with PCS Interface(A)(C)(A)POWERSENSOR(C)30 dBDIRECTIONALCOUPLER150 WNON-RADIATINGRF LOADPOWERSENSOR(B)POWERSENSOR(B)MEMORYCARDSLOT20 dB / 20 WATTATTENUATORFW0029250 ΩTERMINATIONPOWERSENSORF
Manual Cable Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-33Calibrating Test Cable Setup Using Advantest R3465NOTE Be sure the GPIB Interface is OFF for this procedure.Advantest R3465 Manual Test setup and calibration must be performedat both the TX and RX frequencies.Table F-21: Procedure for Calibrating Test Cable Setup Using Advantest R3465Step Action* IMPORTANT- This procedure can only be performed after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up andstabilize for a minimum of 60 minutes.1Press the SHIFT and the PRESET keys located below the display2Press the ADVANCE key in the MEASUREMENT area of the control panel.3Select the CDMA Sig CRT menu key4Select the Setup CRT menu key5Using the vernier knob and the cursor keys set the following parametersNOTEFields not listed remain at defaultGenerator Mode: SIGNALLink: FORWARDLevel Unit: dBmCalCorrection: ONLevel Offset: OFF6Select the return CRT menu key7 Press FREQ key in the ENTRY area8Set the frequency to the desired value using the keypad entry keys9Verify that the Mod CRT menu key is highlighting OFF; if not, press the Mod key to toggle it OFF.10 Verify that the Output CRT menu key is highlighting OFF; if not, press the Output key to toggle itOFF.11 Press the LEVEL key in the ENTRY area.12 Set the LEVEL to 0 dBm using the key pad entry keys.13 Zero power meter. Next connect the power sensor directly to the “RF OUT” port on the R3561LCDMA Test Source Unit.14 Press the Output CRT menu key to toggle Output to ON.15 Record the power meter reading  ________________________. . . continued on next pageF
Manual Cable Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-34Table F-21: Procedure for Calibrating Test Cable Setup Using Advantest R3465Step Action16 Disconnect the power meter sensor from the R3561L RF OUT jack.* IMPORTANTThe Power Meter sensor’s lower limit is -30 dBm.  Thus, only components having losses < 30 dBshould be measured using this method. For best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter beforeconnecting the power sensor to the component being calibrated.  Then, after connecting thepower sensor to the component, record the calibrated loss immediately.17 Disconnect all components in the the test setup and calibrate each one separately.  Connect eachcomponent one-at-a-time between the “RF OUT” port and the power sensor (see Figure F-22,“Setups A, B, and C”).  Record the calibrated loss value displayed on the power meter for eachconnection.Example:  (A) 1st Test Cable =  -0.5 dB(B) 2nd Test Cable  =  -1.4 dB(C) 20 dB Attenuator  =  -20.1 dB(D) 30 dB Directional Coupler  =  -29.8 dB18 Press the Output CRT menu key to toggle Output OFF.19 Calculate the total test setup loss by adding up all the individual losses:Example:  Total test setup loss  =  0.5 + 1.4 + 20.1 + 29.8  =  51.8 dBThis calculated value will be used in the next series of tests.20 Press the FREQ key in the ENTRY area21 Using the keypad entry keys, set the test frequency to the RX frequency22 Repeat steps 9 through 19 for the RX frequency.23 Refer to Chapter 3 for assistance in setting the cable loss values into the LMF. F
Manual Cable Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-35Figure F-22: Cable Calibration Using Advantest R3465POWERSENSOR20 DB / 2 WATTATTENUATOR(A)(C)POWERSENSOR(D)30 DBDIRECTIONALCOUPLER(C)100 WNON-RADIATINGRF LOADPOWERSENSORRF OUTPOWERSENSOR& (B)FW0032050 ΩTERMINATIONF
Manual Cable Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYF-36NotesF
Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYG-1Appendix GDownload ROM CodeG
Downloading ROM Code 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYG-2Downloading ROM CodeException Procedure - Downloading ROM CodeThis procedure is not part of a normal optimization.Perform this procedure only on an exception basis when no alternativeexists to load a BTS device with the correct version of ROM code.NOTE One GLI must be INS_ACT (bright green) before ROM codecan be downloaded to non-GLI devices.CAUTION The correct ROM and RAM codes for the software release usedon the BSS must be loaded into BTS devices. To identify thecorrect device ROM and RAM code loads for the softwarerelease being used on the BSS, refer to the Version Matrixsection of the SC CDMA Release Notes (supplied on the tapesor CD-ROMs containing the BSS software).All devices in a BTS must be loaded with the ROM and RAMcode specified for the software release used on the BSS beforeany optimization or ATP procedures can be performed.If a replacement device is loaded with ROM code which is notcompatible with the BSS software release being used, the deviceROM code can be changed using the LMF before performing theBTS optimization and ATPs. A device loaded with later releaseROM code can not be converted back to a previous release ROMcode in the field without Motorola assistanceIf it is necessary to download ROM code to a device from the LMF, theprocedure in Table G-1 includes steps for both ROM and RAM codedownload using the LMF.PrerequisitesPrior to performing this procedure, ensure the correct ROM and RAMcode files exist in the LMF computer’s applicable <x>:\<lmf homedirectory>\cdma\loads\<codeload#>\code folder for each of the devicesto be loaded (refer to Table 3-3).CAUTION The Release level of the ROM code to be downloaded must bethe one specified for the software release installed in the BSS.The release level of the ROM code resident in the other devicesin the BTS must also be correct for the BSS software releasebeing used. ROM code must not be downloaded to a frameloaded with code for a BSS software release with which it is notcompatible.This procedure should only be used to upgrade replacementdevices for a BTS. It should NOT be used to upgrade all devicesin a BTS. If a BTS is to be upgraded from R15.x to R16.0, theupgrade should be done by the OMC-R using the DownLoadManager.G
Downloading ROM Code68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYG-3Table G-1: Download ROM and RAM Code to DevicesStep Action1Click on the device to be loaded.NOTEMore than one device of the same type can be selected for download by either clicking on each one tobe downloaded or from the BTS menu bar Select pull-down menu, select the device item that applies.Where:  device  =  the type of device to be loaded (BBX, CSM, GLI, MCC)2From the BTS menu bar Device pull-down menu, select Status.- A status report window will appear.3Make a note of the number in the HW Bin Type column.NOTE“HW Bin Type” is the Hardware Binary Type for the device. This code is used as the last four digits inthe filename of a device’s binary ROM code file. Using this part of the filename, the ROM code filecan be matched to the device in which it is to be loaded.4 Click OK to close the status window.5Click on the device to be loaded.NOTEROM code is automatically selected for download from the <x>:\<lmf homedirectory>\version folder>\<code folder> specified by the NextLoad property inthe bts-#.cdf file. To check the value of the NextLoad property, click on Util > Examine >Display Nextload. A pop-up message will show the value of the NextLoad.6From the BTS menu bar Device pull-down menus, select Download > ROM.- If the file matching the Hardware Binary Type of the device is found in the code folder, a statusreport shows the result of the download. Proceed to Step 11.- If a file selection window appears, select the ROM code file manually.7Double-click on the version folder with the desired version number for the ROM code file (forexample 2.16.0.x).8Double-click the Code folder.- A list of ROM and RAM code files will be displayed.9! CAUTIONA ROM code file with the correct HW Bin Type must be chosen. Using a file with the wrong HW BinType can result in unpredictable operation and damage to the device.Click on the ROM code file with the filename which matches the device type and HW Bin Typenumber noted in step 3 (for example, file bbx_rom.bin.0604 is the ROM code file for a BBX with aHW Bin Type of 0604).- The file should be highlighted.10 Click on the Load button.- A status report window is displayed showing the result of the download.NOTEIf the ROM load failed for some devices, load them individually by clicking on one device, performsteps 6 through 10 for it, and repeat the process for each remaining device.11 Click OK to close the status window.. . . continued on next pageG
Downloading ROM Code 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYG-4Table G-1: Download ROM and RAM Code to DevicesStep Action12 From the LMF window menu bar Tools pull-down menus, select Update NextLoad > CDMA.13 In the left-hand pane of the window which opens, click on the BTS number for the frame being loaded(for example, BTS-14 ).14 On the list of versions displayed in the right-hand pane, click the button next to the version number ofthe folder that was used for the ROM code download (for example, 2.16.0.x) and click Save.- A pop-up message will appear showing the CDF has been updated.15 Click on the OK button to dismiss the pop-up message.16 Click on the device that was loaded with ROM code.17 NOTERAM code is automatically selected for download.From the BTS menu bar Device pull-down menus, select Download > Code/Data to download RAMcode and dds file data.- A status report is displayed showing the result of the download.18 Click OK to close the status window.19 Observe the downloaded non-GLI device to ensure it is OOS_RAM (yellow).20 Click on the device which was loaded with code.21 From the BTS menu bar Device pull-down menu, select Status.Verify that the correct ROM and RAM version numbers are displayed in the status report window.22 Click OK to close the status window. G
Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-1Appendix HIn-service  CalibrationH
Introduction 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-2IntroductionPurposeThis procedure is a guide to performing calibration of new BTSexpansion carriers while the system remains in service. This procedurealso supports BTS recalibration following replacement of RF chaincomponents while the remainder of the site stays in service.Motorola recommends performing this procedure during a maintenancewindow.This procedure cannot be performed on BTSs with 2-to-1 combiners.The procedure can only be performed on one carrier of the BTS at atime. That is, LPAs 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D can be calibrated while LPAs3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D remain in service and vice versa.Equipment Stabilization and CalibrationNOTE Calibration of the communications test set (or equivalent testequipment) must be performed at the site before calibrating theoverall test equipment set. Calibrate the test equipment after ithas been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimum of 60minutes.CAUTION If any component of the test equipment set (for example, a testcable, RF adapter, signal generator) has been replaced, the testequipment set must be recalibrated. Failure to do so couldintroduce measurement errors which ultimately result indegradation of system performance.1X Test Equipment RequirementsIn-Service  Calibration (ISC) of 1X carrier functions requires using thefollowing test equipment for the purposes indicated:An Advantest R3267 spectrum analyzer to perform TX calibrationAn Advantest R3562 signal generator for R3267 Delta PowerCalibrationAn Agilent E4406A Transmitter Test Set to perform TX calibrationAn Agilent E4432A signal generator for E4406A Delta PowerCalibrationAn Agilent 8935 series E6380A equipped with option 200 (ifpurchased new) or option R2K (if retrofitted) to perform TXcalibrationThe CDMA communications system analyzers listed above are capableof calibrating the BTS for both IS-95 A and B mode operation as well asCDMA2000 1X operation.NOTE IS-95A/B communication test sets such as the HP8921A/600and Advantest R3561L can not calibrate 1X carrier functions.Calibration and test set-up for the HP 8921A/600 and AdvantestR3561L test sets is included only for situations where it is necessary touse them for calibration of IS-95A/B mode operation.H
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-3Power Delta CalibrationIntroductionThe ISC procedure has several differences from a normal calibrationprocedure. One of these is the use of a spectrumanalyzer/communications test set instead of a power meter to measurepower. Power meters are broadband measurement devices and cannot beused to measure power during ISC because other carriers are operating.A spectrum analyzer can be used because it measures power at a givenfrequency. Measuring power using a spectrum analyzer is less accuratethan using a power meter, therefore, compensation is required for theaccuracy difference (delta) between the power meter and the spectrumanalyzer.Agilent E4406A Power Delta CalibrationThe Agilent E4406A transmitter tester and E4432B signal generator testequipment combination can be used for ISC of IS-2000 CDMA 1X aswell as IS-95A/B operation modes. The power delta calibration isperformed on the E4406A, but the E4432B is required to generate thereference signal used to calculate the power delta offset. After the offsetvalue has been calculated, add it to the TX cable loss value in the LMF.Preliminary Agilent Test Equipment Set-upTo provide proper operation during power delta calibration, be sure theE4406A and E4432B are connected as shown in Figure F-16.Power Delta CalibrationFollow the procedure in Table H-1 to perform the Agilent E4406APower Delta Calibration procedure.Table H-1: Agilent E4406A Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep ActionNOTEPerform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimumof 60 minutes. After it is warmed up and stabilized, calibrate the test equipment as described in the“Test Set Calibration” section of Chapter NO TAG.1Zero the Power Meter prior to connecting the power sensor to the RF cable from the signal generator.NOTEFor best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter before connecting the power sensor to thecomponent being calibrated.2Be sure the E4406A and E4432B are connected as shown in Figure F-16.3Connect a short RF cable from the E4432B RF OUTPUT connector the HP437 power meter powersensor (see Figure H-1).. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-4Table H-1: Agilent E4406A Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action4Set the E4432B signal generator as follows:- Press  Preset  to exit any modes for which the signal generator is configured- Press  Frequency  and enter the frequency of the channel to be calibrated on the numeric keypad- Using the soft keys to the right of the screen, select the frequency range to be measured; forexample  MHz- Press  Amplitude  and, using the numeric keypad, set signal amplitude to  0 (zero)- Using the soft keys, set the measurement type to  dBm5On the E4432B, press RF On/Off to toggle the RF output to  RF ON.- Note that the RF On/Off status in the screen display changes.6Measure and record the value reading on the HP437 power meter as result A____________________.7On the E4432B, press RF On/Off to toggle the RF output to  RF OFF.- Note that the RF On/Off status in the screen display changes.8Disconnect the short RF cable from the HP437 power meter power sensor, and connect it to the RFINPUT connector on the E4406A transmitter tester (see Figure H-2).9NOTEDo not change the frequency and amplitude settings on the E4432B when performing the followingsteps.Set the E4406A as follows:- Press  Preset  to exit any modes for which the transmitter tester is configured- Press  MODE  and, using the soft keys to the right of the screen, select  cdmaOne- Press  MEASURE  and, using the soft keys, select  spectrum- Press  Frequency  and, using the soft keys, select  Center Frequency- Enter the frequency of the channel to be calibrated using the numeric keypad- Using the soft keys, select the frequency range to be measured; for example,  MHz- Press Input/Output and, using the soft keys, select  Input Atten- Using the numeric keypad, set Input Atten  to  0 (zero) and, using the soft keys, select  dB- Using the soft keys, select  External Atten  and then select Mobile- Using the numeric keypad, set Mobile to  0 (zero) and, using the soft keys, select  dB- Using the soft keys, select  Base- Using the numeric keypad, set Base to  0 (zero) and, using the soft keys, select  dB- Press  MEASURE  and, using the soft keys, select  Channel Power10 On the E4432B signal generator, press RF On/Off to toggle the RF output to  RF ON.- Note that the RF On/Off status in the screen display changes.11 Read the measured Channel Power from the E4406A screen display and record it as result B____________________.12 On the E4432B, press RF On/Off to toggle the RF output to  RF OFF.- Note that the RF On/Off status in the screen display changes.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-5Table H-1: Agilent E4406A Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action13 Calculate the Power Calibration Delta value. The delta value is the power meter measurement minusthe Agilent measurement.Delta = A - BExample: Delta = -0.70 dBm - (-1.25 dBm) = 0.55 dBmExample: Delta = 0.26 dBm - 0.55 dBm = -0.29 dBmThese examples are included to show the mathematics and do not represent actual readings.NOTEAdd this delta value to the TX Cable Loss value during In-Service Calibration (see step 4 inTable H-6). Figure H-1: Delta Calibration Setup - Agilent E4432B to HP437PowerSensorAgilent E4432B and E4406AShort RF CableHP437BSENSORRF OUTPUTFigure H-2: Delta Calibration Setup - Agilent E4432B to Agilent E4406AShort RF CableRF INPUTAgilent E4432B and E4406ARF OUTPUTH
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-6Advantest R3267 Power Delta CalibrationThe Advantest R3267 spectrum analyzer and R3562 signal generator testequipment combination can be used for ISC of IS-2000 CDMA 1X aswell as IS-95A/B operation modes. The power delta calibration isperformed on the R3267. After the offset value has been calculated, addit to the TX cable loss value.Preliminary Advantest Test Equipment Set-upTo provide proper operation during power delta calibration, be sure theR3267 is connected to the R3562 as shown in Figure F-17.Power Delta CalibrationFollow the procedure in Table H-2 to perform the Advantest R3267Power Delta Calibration procedure.Table H-2: Advantest R3267 Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action1NOTEWarm-up test equipment for a minimum of 60 minutes prior to this procedure. After it is warmed upand stabilized, calibrate the test equipment as described in the “Test Set Calibration” section ofChapter NO TAG.Be sure the R3267 and R3562 are connected as shown in Figure F-17.2Press the SHIFT and the PRESET keys located on the right side of the control panel.3Press the ADVANCE key in the MEASUREMENT area of the control panel.4On the CRT, select RX Control by pressing ACTIVE key 1.5On the CRT, select Frequency Setup by pressing ACTIVE key 3.6On the CRT, highlight Frequency by adjusting the DISPLAY CONTROL knob.7 Press FREQ key in the ENTRY section of the control panel.8Set the frequency to the desired value using the keypad ENTRY section keys.9Press the LEVEL key in the ENTRY section of the control panel.10 Set the level to 0 dBm using the keypad ENTRY section keys.11 On the CRT, verify OFF is highlighted in Modulation, if not press the ACTIVE key 5 to toggle itOFF.12 On the CRT, verify OFF is highlighted in Output, if not press the ACTIVE key 6 to toggle it OFF.13 Zero the Power Meter prior to connecting the power sensor to the RF cable from the signal generator.NOTEFor best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter before connecting the power sensor to thecomponent being calibrated.14 Connect the RF cable from the R3562 signal generator RF OUT port to the power sensor, refer toFigure H-4.15 On the R3562 CRT, set the Output to ON by pressing ACTIVE key 6.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-7Table H-2: Advantest R3267 Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action16 Record the Power Meter reading as result A________________________17 On the R3562 CRT, set the Output to OFF by pressing ACTIVE key 6.18 Connect the RF cable from R3562 signal generator RF OUT port to the R3267 spectrum analyzerINPUT Port, refer to Figure H-5.19 On the R3562 CRT, set the Output to ON by pressing ACTIVE key 6.20 On the R3267, press the POWER key in the MEASUREMENT section of the control panel.21 Press the LEVEL key in the ENTRY section of the control panel.22 Set the REF LEVEL to 10 dBm using the keypad ENTRY section keys.23 On the CRT, select dB/div by pressing ACTIVE key 1.24 On the CRT, select 10 dB/div by pressing ACTIVE key 1.25 Press the FREQ key in ENTRY section of the control panel.26 Set the frequency to the desired value using the keypad ENTRY section keys.27 On the CRT, select more 1/2 by pressing ACTIVE key 7.28 Press the Preselector CRT menu key to highlight 3.66G.29 Press the POWER key in the MEASUREMENT section of the control panel.30 Press the SPAN key in the ENTRY section of the control panel.31 On the CRT, select Zero Span by pressing ACTIVE key 2.32 Press the COUPLE key in the ENTRY section of the control panel.33 On the CRT, select RBW and highlight MNL by pressing ACTIVE key 3.34 Set RBW to 30 kHz using keypad ENTRY section keys.35 On the CRT, select VBW and highlight MNL by pressing ACTIVE key 2.36 Set VBW to 1 MHz using keypad ENTRY section keys.37 Press the MKR key in the DISPLAY CONTROL section of the control panel.38 On the CRT, select Normal Marker by pressing ACTIVE key 1.39 Record the Marker Level reading as result B________________________40 Press Single in ENTRY section of control panel.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-8Table H-2: Advantest R3267 Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action41 Calculate the Power Calibration Delta value. The delta value is the power meter measurement minusthe Advantest measurement.Delta = A - BExample: Delta = -0.7 dBm - (-1.25 dBm) = 0.55 dBExample: Delta = 0.26 dBm - 0.55 dBm = -0.29 dBmThese examples are included to show the mathematics and do not represent actual readings.NOTEAdd this delta value to the TX Cable Loss value during In-Service Calibration (see step 4 inTable H-6). Figure H-3: Delta Calibration Setup - Advantest R3562 to HP437PowerSensorAdvantest R3562 and R3267Short RF CableHP437BSENSORRF OUTFigure H-4: Delta Calibration Setup -Advantest R3562 to HP437Figure H-5: Delta Calibration Setup - Advantest R3562 to R3267Advantest R3562 and R3267Short RF CableRF OUTRF INH
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-9Agilent 8935 series E6380A Power Delta CalibrationThe Agilent 8935 (formerly HP 8935) communications test set modifiedwith either option 200 or R2K and E4432B signal generator testequipment combination can be used for ISC of IS-2000 CDMA 1X aswell as IS-95A/B operation modes. The power delta calibration isperformed on the Agilent 8935. After the offset value has beencalculated, add it to the TX cable loss value.Follow the procedure in Table H-3 to perform the Agilent 8935 PowerDelta Calibration procedure.Table H-3: Agilent 8935 Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep ActionNOTEPerform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimumof 60 minutes. After it is warmed up and stabilized, calibrate the test equipment as described in the“Test Set Calibration” section of Chapter NO TAG.1Zero the Power Meter prior to connecting the power sensor to the RF cable from the signal generator.NOTEFor best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter before connecting the power sensor to thecomponent being calibrated.2Connect a short RF cable between the Agilent 8935 Duplex Out port and the HP437 power sensor(see Figure H-6).3Set the Agilent 8935 signal source as follows:- Measure mode to CDMA Gen- Frequency to the CDMA Calibration target frequency- CW RF Path to IQ- Output Port to Dupl- Data Source to Random- Amplitude to 0 dBm4Measure and record the power value reading on the HP437 Power Meter.5Record the Power Meter reading as result A ________________________.6Turn off the Agilent 8935 signal source output, and disconnect the HP437.NOTELeave the settings on the source Agilent 8935 for convenience in the following steps.7Connect the short RF cable between the Agilent 8935 Duplex Out port and the RF-IN/OUT  port (seeFigure H-7).8Ensure that the source Agilent 8935 settings are the same as in Step 3.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-10Table H-3: Agilent 8935 Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action9Set the Agilent 8935 as follows:- Measure mode to CDMA Anl- Frequency to the CDMA calibration target frequency- Input Attenuation to 0 dB- Input port to RF-IN- Gain to Auto- Anl Dir to Fwd10 Turn on the Agilent 8935 signal output.11 Set the Chn Pwr Cal to Calibrate and select to calibrate.12 Measure and record the channel power reading on the measuring Agilent 8935 as resultB ________________________.13 Turn off the Agilent 8935 signal output and disconnect the equipment.14 Calculate the Power Calibration Delta value. The delta value is the power meter measurement minusthe Advantest measurement.Delta = A - BExample: Delta = -0.70 dBm - (-1.25 dBm) = 0.55 dBmExample: Delta = 0.26 dBm - 0.55 dBm = -0.29 dBmThese examples are included to show the mathematics and do not represent actual readings.NOTEAdd this delta value to the TX Cable Loss value during In-Service Calibration (see Step 4 inTable H-6). Figure H-6: Delta Calibration Setup - Agilent 8935 to HP437 PowerSensorAgilent Agilent8935DUPLEX OUTShort RF CableHP437BSENSORFW00805H
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-11Figure H-7: Delta Calibration Setup - Agilent 8935 to Agilent 8935Agilent E6380AShort RF CableDUPLEX OUT RF IN/OUTFW00806H
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-12HP8921A Power Delta CalibrationUse the HP8921A communications test set to measure power during ISConly for IS-95A and B operation of 800 MHz systems. After the offsetvalue has been calculated, add it to the TX cable loss value.Follow the procedure in Table H-4 to perform the HP8921A Power DeltaCalibration procedure.NOTE This procedure requires two HP8921A communication test sets.Table H-4: HP8921A Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep ActionNOTEPerform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimumof 60 minutes. After it is warmed up and stabilized, calibrate the test equipment as described in the“Test Set Calibration” section of Chapter NO TAG.1Zero the Power Meter prior to connecting the power sensor to the RF cable from the signal generator.NOTEFor best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter before connecting the power sensor to thecomponent being calibrated.2Connect a short RF cable between the HP8921A Duplex Out port and the HP437 power sensor (seeFigure H-8).3Set the HP8921A signal source as follows:- Measure mode to CDMA Generator- Frequency to the CDMA Calibration target frequency- CW RF Path to IQ- Output Port to Dupl- Data Source to Random- Amplitude to 0 dBm4Measure and record the power value reading on the HP437 Power Meter.5Record the Power Meter reading as result A ________________________.6Turn off the source HP8921A signal output, and disconnect the HP437.NOTELeave the settings on the source HP8921A for convenience in the following steps.7Connect the short RF cable between the source HP8921A Duplex Out port and the measuringHP8921A RF-IN  port (see Figure H-9).8Ensure that the source HP8921A settings are the same as in Step 3.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-13Table H-4: HP8921A Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action9Set the measuring HP8921A as follows:- Measure mode to CDMA Anl- Frequency to the CDMA calibration target frequency- Input Attenuation to 0 dB- Input port to RF-IN- Gain to Auto- Analyzer Direction to Fwd10 Turn on the source HP8921A signal output.11 Measure and record the channel power reading on the measuring HP8921A as resultB ________________________.12 Turn off the source HP8921A signal output and disconnect the equipment.13 Compute the delta between HP437 and HP8921A using the following formula:Delta = A - BExample: Delta = -0.70 dBm - (-1.25 dBm) = 0.55 dBmExample: Delta = 0.26 dBm - 0.55 dBm = -0.29 dBmThese examples are included to show the mathematics and do not represent actual readings.NOTEAdd this delta value to the TX Cable Loss value during In-Service Calibration (see Step 4 inTable H-6). Figure H-8: Delta Calibration Setup - HP8921A to HP437Short RF CableHP 8921ADUPLEXOUTHP437BPowerSensorSENSORFW00801H
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-14Figure H-9: Delta Calibration Setup - HP8921A to HP8921AMeasurement HP8921A Source HP8921AShort RF CableDUPLEXOUTRFIN/OUTFW00802H
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-15Advantest R3465 Power Delta CalibrationUse the Advantest R3465 spectrum analyzer to measure power duringISC only for IS-95A and B operation. After the offset value has beencalculated, add it to the TX cable loss value.Follow the procedure in Table H-5 to perform the Advantest 3465 PowerDelta Calibration procedure.Table H-5: Advantest Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep ActionNOTEPerform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimumof 60 minutes. After it is warmed up and stabilized, calibrate the test equipment as described in the“Test Set Calibration” section of Chapter NO TAG.1Press the SHIFT and the PRESET keys located below the CRT display.2Press the ADVANCE key in the Measurement area of the control panel.3Press the CDMA Sig CRT menu key.4Press the FREQ key in the Entry area of the control panel.5Set the frequency to the desired value using the keypad entry keys.6Press the LEVEL key in the Entry area of the control panel.7Set the LEVEL to 0 dBm using the keypad entry keys.8Verify the Mod CRT menu key is highlighting OFF, if not press the Mod key to toggle it OFF.9Verify the Output CRT menu key is highlighting OFF, if not press the Output key to toggle it OFF.10 Zero the Power Meter prior to connecting the power sensor to the RF cable from the signal generator.NOTEFor best accuracy, always re-zero the power meter before connecting the power sensor to thecomponent being calibrated.11 Connect the RF cable from the R3561L CDMA signal generator RF OUT port to the power sensor,refer to Figure H-10.12 Press the Output CRT menu key to toggle the Output to ON.13 Record the Power Meter reading as result A________________________.14 Press the Output CRT menu key to toggle the Output to OFF.15 Connect the RF cable from the R3561L signal generator RF OUT port to the R3465 INPUT Port,refer to Figure H-11.16 Press the Output CRT menu key to change the Output to ON.17 Press the CW key in the Measurement area of the control panel.18 Press the LEVEL key in the Entry area of the control panel.19 Set the REF LEVEL to 10 dBm using the keypad entry keys.20 Press the dB/div CRT menu key.21 Press the 10 dB/div CRT menu key.. . . continued on next pageH
Power Delta Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-16Table H-5: Advantest Power Delta Calibration ProcedureStep Action22 Press the FREQ key in Entry area of the control panel.23 Set the frequency to the desired value using the keypad entry keys.24 Press the more 1/2 CRT menu key.25 Press the Preselector CRT menu key to highlight 3.0G.26 Press the FORMAT key in the Display Control area of the control panel.27 Press the TRACE CRT menu key.28 Press the AVG A CRT menu key.29 Set AVG to 20 using keypad entry keys.30 Press the return CRT menu key.31 Press the SPAN key in the Entry area of the control panel.32 Press the Zero Span CRT menu key.33 Press the BW key in the Entry area of the control panel.34 Press the RBW CRT menu key to highlight MNL. using keypad entry keys enter 30 kHz.35 Set RBW to 30 kHz using keypad entry keys.36 Press the VBW CRT menu key to highlight MNL.37 Set VBW to 1 MHz using keypad entry keys.38 Press the Marker ON key in the Display Control area of the control panel.39 Record the Marker Level reading as result B________________________.40 Calculate the Power Calibration Delta value. The delta value is the power meter measurement minusthe Advantest measurement.Delta = A - BExample: Delta = -0.70 dBm - (-1.25 dBm) = 0.55 dBmExample: Delta = 0.26 dBm - 0.55 dBm = -0.29 dBmThese examples are included to show the mathematics and do not represent actual readings.NOTEAdd this delta value to the TX Cable Loss value during In-Service Calibration (see Step 4 inTable H-6). H
Power Delta Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-17Figure H-10: Delta Calibration Setup - R3561L to HP437Advantest PowerSensorRF OUTShort RF CableHP437BSENSORR3561LFW00803Figure H-11: Delta Calibration Setup - R3561L to R3465R3561LRF OUTINPUTShort RF CableR3465FW00804H
In-Service  Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-18In-Service  CalibrationCAUTION This feature does NOT have fault tolerance at this time. Thesystem has no safe-guards to prevent actions which will put theBTS out of service. If possible, perform this procedure during amaintenance window.Follow the procedures in this section precisely, otherwise theentire BTS will most likely go OUT OF SERVICE.At the CBSC, only perform operations on expansion hardwarewhen it is in the OOS_MANUAL state.The operator must be trained in the LMF operation prior toperforming this procedure.PrerequisitesAny applicable expansion hardware has been added in the CBSCdatabase, and a CDF which includes the additions has been generated.Any expansion devices have been inserted into the SCCP cage and arein the OOS_MANUAL state at the CBSC MM.The site specific CDF (with any expansion hardware) and CAL fileshave been loaded onto the LMF.The LMF has the same device binary code and dds files as the CBSC.CAUTION Do not download code or data to any cards other than thosebeing worked on. Downloading code or data to other cards willtake the site OUT OF SERVICE.The code file version numbers must match the current BSSsoftware release version numbers required for the equippeddevices (refer to Table 3-3). If the numbers do not match, the sitemay go OUT OF SERVICE.It is mandatory that the bts-#.cdf and cbsc-#.cdf fileson the LMF computer for this BTS are copies of thecorresponding files created in the CBSC database (seeTable 3-2).The CAL file loaded on the LMF computer for this BTS musthave come from the CBSC.Test equipment has been connected as shown in Figure H-12 orFigure H-13.An RFDS (or as a minimum, a directional coupler), whose loss isalready known, must be in the applicable TX antenna path to performthe in-service calibration.Test equipment has been calibrated after a 60-minute warm up.A short RF cable and two BNC-N adapters are available to performCable Calibration.N-SMA cable adapters are available to connect to TRDC or DRDCBTS CPLD connectors, and are included in cable loss measurements.H
In-Service  Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-21Follow the procedure in Table H-6 to perform the In-ServiceCalibration.Table H-6: In-Service CalibrationStep ActionNOTEPerform this procedure after test equipment has been allowed to warm-up and stabilize for a minimumof 60 minutes.1Set up the LMF for In-Service Calibration:- Start the LMF by double-clicking the LMF icon on the Windows desktop.- Click Tools > Options from the menu bar at the LMF application window.- In the LMF Options window, check only the applicable communications system analyzer checkbox on the Test Equipment tab.- Ensure that the GPIB address is 18.- Uncheck any other other equipment that is selected.- Click the Apply button.- Select the BTS Options tab in the LMF Options window.- Check the In-Service Calibration check box.- Click the Apply button.- Click the Dismiss button to close the LMF Option window.2Log into the target BTS:- Select the target BTS icon.- Click the Login button at the login screen.3Measure the Cable Loss using the Cable Calibration function:- Click Util > Cable Calibration... in the BTS menu bar at the main window.- Set the desired channel(s) and select TX and RX CABLE CAL from the Cable Calibrationwindow drop-down list.- Click the OK button to perform cable calibration.- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cable loss measurement.NOTE- The measured value is input automatically to the cable loss file.- To view the cable loss file, click Util > Examine > Cable Loss from the BTS menu bar.4Add the communications system analyzer power delta to the TX Cable Loss.- In the BTS menu bar, click Util > Edit > Cable Loss... > TX.- Add the value computed in Table H-4, Table H-5, or Table H-3 to the TX Cable Loss.NOTEBe sure to include the sign of the value. The following examples are included to show the mathematicsand do not represent actual readings:- Example: 5.65 dBm + 0.55 dBm = 6.20 dBm- Example: 5.65 dBm + (-0.29 dBm) = 5.36 dBm- Example: -5.65 dBm + 0.55 dBm = -5.10 dBm- Example: -5.65 dBm + (-0.29 dBm) = -5.94 dBm. . . continued on next pageH
In-Service  Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-22Table H-6: In-Service CalibrationStep Action5Input the Coupler Loss for the TX tests:- In the BTS menu bar, click Util > Edit > Coupler Loss... from the menu bar at the main window.- Select the TX Coupler Loss tab if not in the foreground.- Enter the appropriate coupler loss for the target carrier(s) by referring to the information taken atthe time of BTS installation.- Click the Save button.- Click the Dismiss button to close the window.- To view the coupler loss file, click Util > Examine > Coupler Loss in the BTS menu bar.6Input the Coupler Loss for the RX tests:- In the BTS menu bar, click Util > Edit > Coupler Loss... from the menu bar at the main window.- Select the RX Coupler Loss tab if not in the foreground.- Enter the appropriate coupler loss for the target carrier(s) by referring to the information taken atthe time of BTS installation.- Click the Save button.- Click the Dismiss button to close the window.- To view the couper loss file, click Util > Examine > Coupler Loss in the BTS menu bar.7If it was not previously done, have the CBSC operator put the redundant BBX OOS_MANUAL.! CAUTIONBe sure to download OOS devices only. Loading in-service devices takes them OUT OF SERVICEand can result in dropped calls.The code file version numbers must match the version numbers on the other cards in the frame. If thenumbers do not match, the site may go OUT OF SERVICE.NOTEBe sure to include the redundant BBX in steps 8, 9, and 10.8Download code and data to the target devices:- In the LMF window menu bar, click Tools > Update NextLoad > CDMA to set the code versionthat will be downloaded.- Check the appropriate code version in the popup window and click the Save button to close.- Select the target BBX(s) on the SCCP cage picture.- In the BTS menu bar, click Device > Download > Code/Data to start downloading code and data.. . . continued on next pageH
In-Service  Calibration68P09255A69-3Aug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-23Table H-6: In-Service CalibrationStep Action9! CAUTIONPerform the All Cal/Audit procedure on OOS devices only.Run the All Cal/Audit procedure:- Select the target BBX(s) on the SCCP cage picture.- In the BTS menu bar, click Tests > All Cal/Audit... from the menu bar at the main window.- Select the target carrier and confirm the channel number in the pop up window.- Leave the Verify BLO check box checked.- Be sure the Test Pattern box shows Pilot.- Click the OK button to start calibration.- Follow the on-screen instructions, except, do not connect to the BTS antenna port. Connect to theDRDC or TRDC BTS CPL port associated with the on-screen prompted antenna port.10 Save the result, and download the BLO data to the target BBX(s):- Click the Save Result button on the result screen.-- The window closes automatically.11 Logout from the BTS and close the LMF session:- In the BTS menu bar, click Select > Logout to close the BTS connection.- Close the LMF application program by selecting File > Exit from the window menu bar.12 Disconnect all test cables from the BTS, and reconnect RFDS cables or termination loads, asapplicable, to the DRDC or TRDC BTS CPL ports used for the calibration.13 Advise the CBSC to enable the target device(s).14 Restore the new “bts-*.cal” file to the CBSC (refer to Table 5-2). H
In-Service  Calibration 68P09255A69-3Aug 20021X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYH-24NotesH
PRELIMINARYAug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.x Index-1Index
Index 68P09255A69-31X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYAug 2002Index-2Numbers10 MHz Rubidium Standard, optional test equipment,1-1110BaseT/10Base2 converterLMF to BTS connection, 3-22remove from BTS, 5-42:1 combiners, description, 1-202:1 TX combiner location, 1-302-way  splitter, optional test equipment, 1-1120-pair punchblockdescription, 1-20location, 1-20punchdowns, 3-2050-pair punchblockdescription, 1-21location, 1-21, 3-17RGPS punchdownsnon-expansion frame, 3-19primary expansion frame, 3-20secondary expansion frame, 3-19AAbbreviatedRX acceptance test, all-inclusive, 4-8TX acceptance test, all-inclusive, 4-8Acceptance Test Procedure. See ATPACTIVE LEDGLI, 6-30MCC, 6-32Advantest R3465, setting GPIB address, F-8Agilent E4406A, calibration, F-24Alarm and Span Line Cable Pin/Signal Information,3-17ALARM LED, GLI, 6-30Alarm Monitor window, 3-103Alarm Reporting Display, 3-103All Cal/Audit procedure, 3-86All RX ATP Test Procedure, 4-11All tests fail on a single antenna, Troubleshooting,RFDS, 6-26All TX ATP Test Procedure, 4-10All TX/RX ATP Test Procedure, 4-9Applying AC Power, 2-12ATPall inclusive TX acceptance test outline, 4-8automated introduction, 4-1code domain noise floor acceptance test procedure,4-23code domain power acceptance test procedure, 4-23failure report generation, 4-27FER test, frame error rate testing, 4-25pilot time offset, 4-20prerequisites, 4-2spectral purity TX mask, 4-16test matrix/detailed optimization, B-1test set-up, 3-61Advantest R3267/R3562DRDCs, 3-64TRDCs, 3-66Advantest R3465, 3-61Agilent 8935, DRDCs, 3-61Agilent 8935/E4432B, DRDCs, 3-63, 3-65Agilent E4406A/E4432BDRDCs, 3-63TRDCs, 3-65CyberTest, 3-61HP 8921A, 1.9 GHz, 3-62HP 8921A, 800 MHz, 3-62waveform quality (Rho), 4-18waveform quality (RHO) acceptance test procedure,4-18ATP - Reduced, 4-1Attenuator, required test equipment, 1-9BBasic Troubleshooting Overview, 6-1Battery Charge Test (Connected Batteries), 2-15Battery Discharge Test, 2-16Bay Level Offset calibrationdescription, 3-78purpose, 3-78when to calibrate, 3-79Bay Level offset calibration failure, 6-9BBXcarrier spectral purity, 4-15gain set point vs SIF output considerations, C-1primary and redundant, TX tests to be performed,4-13BBX LED status combinations, 6-32BBX2 Connector, 6-19BLO. See Bay Level Offset calibrationBringing modules into service, prepare to leave thesite, 5-4
Index68P09255A69-3PRELIMINARYAug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.x Index-3Broad Band Receiver. See BBXBTSdownload, 3-33Ethernet LAN interconnect diagram, 3-30LMF connection, 3-15, 3-22log out of session, 5-4RX sensitivity/frame error rate, 4-14system software download, 3-3BTS Frame Erasure Rate. See FERBTS Log In Procedure, GUI, 3-24BTS loginCLI environment, 3-26General, 3-24GUI environment, 3-24BTS LogoutCLI environment, 3-28GUI environment, 3-27Create CAL File, File, 3-11Ccable calibration, automatic, test set-up, 3-55, 3-56Advantest R3267/R3562, 3-56Advantest R3465, 3-55Agilent 8935, 3-55Agilent E4406A/E4432B, 3-56, 3-57CyberTest, 3-55HP 8921A, 3-55CAL file. See calibration data fileCalibrating Cables, 3-71Calibrating Test Cable Setup, PCS InterfaceHP83236B, F-28Calibrating Test Equipment, 3-71Calibration, In-Service, H-20calibrationcalibration data file, 3-79Gigatronics 8542B, F-27Calibration Audit failure, 6-10calibration data file, description of, 3-79Cannot communicate to Communications Analyzer,6-6Cannot communicate to Power Meter, 6-5Cannot Download DATA to any device card, 6-7Cannot ENABLE device, 6-8Cannot Log into cell-site, 6-2Cannot perform carrier measurement, 6-15Cannot perform Code Domain Noise Powermeasurement, 6-15Cannot perform Rho or pilot time offsetmeasurement, 6-14Cannot perform Txmask measurement, 6-14cbsc folder, 3-11CDFsite configuration, 3-2site equipage verification, 3-3site type and equipage data information, 2-1CDMAallocation diagram for the North American, cellulartelephone frequency spectrum, D-4optimization/ATP test matrix, B-1subscriber mobile radiotelephone, optional testequipment, 1-11cdma Folder, 3-10Cell Siteequipage verification, 2-1types configuration, 3-2Cell Site Data File. See CDFChannel Service Unit, 3-15CIO Connectors, 6-20Clock Sync Module. See CSMCode domain power/noise flooracceptance test, 4-23analyzer display, 4-24code Folder, 3-12Communication test set, rear panel, F-14, F-16Communications test set. See Test equipmentcommunications test set, TX acceptance tests, 4-6Connect BTS E1/T1 spans, 5-5Connect BTS T1/E1 spans, 5-5Connecting test equipment to the BTS, 3-50Connector FunctionalityBackplane, Troubleshooting, 6-19Troubleshooting, Backplane, 6-19Control, TX output verification, 4-6Copy CBSC CDF Files to the LMF, 3-5Copying CAL files from CDMA LMF to the CBSC,5-1Copying CAL files to the CBSC, 5-1CSMclock source, select, 3-36
Index 68P09255A69-31X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYAug 2002Index-4enable, 3-37system description, 3-40CSM clock source, select, 3-36CSM frequency verification, 3-42CSM LED Status Combinations, 6-28Ddata Folder, 3-13DC Power Pre-test (BTS Frame), 2-7DC Power Problems, SCCP BackplaneTroubleshooting, 6-23DC/DC Converter LED Status Combinations, 6-27Detailed, optimization/ATP test matrix, B-1Devices, download. See DownloadDigital Control Problems, 6-21SCCP Backplane Troubleshooting, 6-21Digital multimeter, required test equipment, 1-9Directional coupler, required test equipment, 1-9diversity receive path, definition, 3-78companion frame, 3-78stand-alone frame, 3-78diversity RX path. See diversity receive pathDocuments, required, 1-12DownloadSee also DevicesBTS, 3-33BTS system software, 3-3Download BLO Procedure, 3-89Download from the CBSC, prepare to leave the site,5-3download ROM and RAM code. See ROM codeDownload/Enable MCCs, 3-39Download/Enable MGLIs, 3-35Duplexer, optional test equipment, 1-10EE1, isolate BTS from the E1 spans, 3-14E4406Acalibration, F-24setting GPIB address, F-2E4432B, setting GPIB address, F-3Enable CSMs. See CSMEnd LMF session, 5-4Equipment Overview, 1-16Equipment warm-up, 3-54establish MMI communication, 3-28Ethernet LANinterconnect diagram, 3-30transceiver, 1-7Ethernet LAN termination, 2-3Every test fails, Troubleshooting, RFDS, 6-25FFailure report generation, 4-27FER, acceptance test, 4-25Files, intermediate file, 4-27files, calibration data, 3-79Filtronics, low IM Duplexer (Cm035-f2) orequivalent, optional test equipment, 1-10Fluke, model 8062A with Y8134 test lead kit, testequipment, 1-9Folder Structure Overview, 3-10Foreword, xviiiforward link problem after passing reduced ATP, 6-14Frame, equipage preliminary operations, 2-1FREQ Monitor Connector, CSM, 6-29Frequency counter, optional test equipment, 1-10GGain set point, C-1General Safety, xxiiiGenerating an ATP Report, 4-27General optimization checklist, test data sheets, A-4Gigatronics 8541C, setting GPIB address, F-11Gigatronics 8542 power meter, calibration, F-27GLI Connector, 6-19GLI Ethernet A and B Connections, 6-19GLI LED Status Combinations, 6-30GLI Pushbuttons and Connectors, 6-31GLI2 Front Panel Operating Indicators, 6-31GPIB, F-13, F-17, F-19cables, 1-9HP8935, F-6interface adapter, switch settings, F-12
Index68P09255A69-3PRELIMINARYAug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.x Index-5set address, F-2Advantest R3267, F-4Advantest R3465, F-8Advantest R3562, F-5Agilent 8935, F-6Agilent E4406A, F-2Agilent E4432B, F-3Gigatronics 8542B, F-11HP 437B, F-10HP 8921, F-7HP83236A/B, F-7Motorola CyberTest, F-9GPIB box, switch settings, F-12GPS, receiver operation, test data sheets, A-5GPS Initialization/Verificationestimated position accuracy, 3-43surveyed position accuracy, 3-43GPS satellite system, 3-38Group Line Interface. See GLIHHardware Requirements, 1-6High Stability 10 MHz Rubidium Standard, optionaltest equipment, 1-11High-impedance conductive wrist strap, required testequipment, 1-10HP 437Pre-calibration, F-25setting GPIB address, F-10HP 83236A, F-17HP 8921A PCS interface, Cables Connection for 10MHz Signal and GPIB , F-14, F-16HP 8921A/600 test set, 1-8HP83236A/B, setting GPIB address, F-7HP 8921A, setting GPIB address, F-7HP8921A, F-17Test equipment connections , F-13HP8935, GPIB, F-6HSO Initialization/Verification, 3-41Huber & Suhner, required test equipment, 1-9HyperTerminal, Creating named HyperTerminalconnection, 3-8HyperTerminal , create named connection, 3-8II and Q values, E-1In-Service Calibration, H-20preliminary Agilent test equipment set-up, H-2,H-5test set-up diagramsDRDC, Advantest, 3-64TRDC, Advantest, 3-66Initial HP8921A setup, F-28Initial Installation of Boards/Modules, preliminaryoperations, 2-1Initial power tests, test data sheets, A-3Intermediate file, generate ATP file using, 4-27IS-97 specification, E-1LLAN, optional test equipment, 1-10LAN connectors, external, 2-3LAN termination, 2-3LED Status Combinations for all Modules exceptGLI2 CSM BBX2 MCC24 MCC8E, 6-27LFR, receiver operation, test data sheets, A-6LMF, F-13, F-191X FER acceptance test, 4-61X upgrade preparationchecking for required HW Bin files, 3-7home directory, 3-5BTS connection, 3-22logout procedure, 5-4platform requirements, 1-6remove from BTS, 5-4terminal, 1-6to BTS connection, 3-14, 3-15TX acceptance tests, 4-6view CDF information, 3-3LMF BTS displays, 3-23lmf Folder, 3-10loads folder, 3-11Local Maintenance Facility. See LMFLog outof BTS, 5-4of LMF PC, 5-4Logging Into a BTS, 3-24Logging Out, 3-27logical BTS numbering, 1-16
Index 68P09255A69-31X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYAug 2002Index-6LORAN-C  Initialization/Verification, 3-48LPA errors, 6-8LPA Module LED, 6-33LPA Shelf LED Status Combinations, 6-33MMaster Group Line Interface. See MGLIMASTER LED, GLI, 6-30MCC LED Status Combinations, 6-32MMI common connections, 3-29MMI ConnectorCSM, 6-29GLI, 6-31MMI Connectors, MCC, 6-32MMI equipment setup, 3-29Module status indicators, 6-27Motorola CyberTest, setting GPIB address, F-9Multi Channel Card. See MCCMulti-FER test Failure, 6-16NNew installations, 1-4No AMR control, 6-21No BBX2 control in the shelf, 6-22No DC input voltage to  Power Supply Module, 6-23No DC voltage +5 +65 or +15 Volts to a specificGLI2 BBX2 or Switch board, 6-24No GLI2 Control through span line connection, 6-21No GLI2 Control via LMF, 6-21No or missing MCC24 channel elements, 6-22No or missing span line traffic, 6-22North American, cellular telephone system frequencyspectrum, CDMA allocation, D-4OOnline Help, 3-29optimization/ATP, test set-upHP 8921A, 800 MHz, H-19HP 8921A, 1.9 GHz, H-19Optional test equipment, 1-1010 MHz rubidium standard, 1-112-way splitter, 1-11CDMA subscriber mobile or portableradiotelephone, 1-11duplexer, 1-10frequency counter, 1-10LAN tester, 1-10oscilloscope, 1-11RF circular, 1-11RF test cable, 1-11spectrum analyzer, 1-10Oscilloscope, optional test equipment, 1-11PPatent Notification, xxviPCMCIA, Ethernet adapterLMF to BTS connection, 3-22remove from BTS, 5-4Periodic optimization, 1-4Pilot Time Offset. See PNPilot time offset, acceptance test, 4-20Ping, 3-30PNoffset programming information, E-1offset usage, E-1PN offset per sector, E-1PN Offset Usage , E-1powerapplying, 2-20AC, 2-20DC, 2-21removal, 2-18AC power, 2-19DC power, 2-18Power Delta CalibrationAdvantest, H-14Agilent 8935, H-8HP8921A, H-11Power Input, 6-19Power Meter, setting GPIB address, HP437B, F-10Power meterrequired test equipment, 1-9setting GPIB address, Gigatronics 8542B, F-11TX acceptance tests, 4-6Power Supply Module Interface, 6-19power-up, BTS. See power, applyingPre-calibration, HP 437, F-25
Index68P09255A69-3PRELIMINARYAug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.x Index-7Pre-power tests, test data sheets, A-3Preliminary operationscell Site types, 2-1test data sheets, A-2Prepare to leave siteconnect BTS E1/T1 spans, 5-5connect BTS T1/E1 spans, 5-5remove external test equipment, 5-3Prepare to leave the sitebringing modules into service, 5-4download code and data from CBSC, 5-3Prerequisites, automated acceptance tests, 4-2Procedures to Copy CAL Files From Diskette to theCBSC, 5-1, 6-7Procedures to Copy Files to a Diskette, 5-1Pseudorandom Noise. See PNPWR/ALM and ACTIVE LEDs, MCC, 6-32PWR/ALM LEDBBX-1X, 6-32BBX2, 6-32CSM, 6-28DC/DC Converter, 6-27generic, 6-27MCC, 6-32RR3267, setting GPIB address, F-4R3562, setting GPIB address, F-5RAM code, described, 3-33receive pathcalibration, 3-78component verification, 3-79definition, 3-78Reduced ATP, 4-1Remote GPS distribution. See RGPS distributionReport generation, ATP report, 4-27Required test equipmentcommunications system analyzer, 1-6, 1-8digital multimeter, 1-9directional coupler, 1-9Ethernet LAN transceiver, 1-7GPIB cables, 1-9high-impedance conductive wrist strap, 1-10power meter, 1-9RF adapters, 1-10RF attenuator, 1-9RF load, 1-10RS232 to GPIB interface, 1-7timing reference cables, 1-9Required test equipment and software, list, 1-6RESET Pushbutton, GLI, 6-31Revision History, xxvRFattenuator, 1-9Circular - optional test equipment, 1-11load for required test equipment, 1-10required test equipment load, 1-10test cable, 1-10RF path, fault isolation, 6-11RF path calibration. See Bay Level Offset calibrationRFDS - Fault Isolation, 6-25RFDS calibrationdescription, 3-100procedure, 3-101RFDS Location, 1-29RFDS parameters, 3-93checking, 3-94setting, 3-94RFDS Test Subscriber Unit, 3-34RFDS TSU Calibration Channel Frequencies, 3-100RGPS distributiondescription, 1-20punchdowns20-pair punchblock, 3-2050-pair punchblocknon-expansion frame, 3-19primary expansion frame, 3-20secondary expansion frame, 3-19RhoTX waveform quality acceptance test, 4-18waveform quality requirements, 4-18ROM codedescribed, 3-33downloading, G-1procedure, G-2RS232 to GPIB interfacemodifications required for Automated Testing, 1-7required test equipment, 1-7RXacceptance tests, FER, 4-25antenna VSWR, test data sheets, A-11sensitivity/frame error rate, 4-14RX and TX paths fail, Troubleshooting, RFDS, 6-26
Index 68P09255A69-31X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYAug 2002Index-8RX path. See receive pathSSC 4812 BTS Optimization/ATP Test Matrix, B-2SCCP Backplane Troubleshooting, Procedure, 6-20SCLPA, convergence test data sheets, A-7Selecting Test Equipment, 3-68Set Antenna Map Data, 3-98Set RFDS Configuration Data, 3-99Setting Cable Loss Values, 3-76Setting Control Port, 3-15Setting TX Coupler Loss Value, 3-77shut-down, BTS power. See power, removalSIF, output considerations vs BBX gain set point, C-1signal generator, 1X FER acceptance test, 4-6Site, equipage verification, 3-3Site checklist, verification data sheets, A-2Site documents, 1-12site equipage, CDF file, 3-2Site expansion, 1-4Span lineT1/E1 verification equipment, 1-11troubleshooting, 6-34Span line configuration, troubleshooting, 6-36Span Line connector , 6-19SPANS LED, 6-30Spectral purity, TX mask - primary and redundantBBX, 4-13Spectral purity transmit mask, acceptance test, 4-16Spectrum analyzer, optional test equipment, 1-10STATUS LED, GLI, 6-30Supported Test Sets, 3-51SYNC Monitor Connector, CSM, 6-29System Connectivity Test, F-17TT1, isolate BTS from the T1 spans, 3-14Tektronics model 2445 test equipment, 1-11Test data sheetsAlarm verification, A-11general optimization checklist, A-4GPS receiver operation, A-5initial power tests, A-3LFR receiver operation, A-6pre-power tests, A-3preliminary operations, A-2RX antenna VSWR, A-11SCLPA convergence, A-7site checklist, A-2TX antenna VSWR, A-9TX BLO, A-8verification of test equipment used, A-1Test equipmentSee also Optional test equipment; Required testequipmentset up, TX output verification/control, 4-6system analyzer, 1-8TX acceptance tests, 4-6verification data sheets, A-1Test equipment connections , preliminary AgilentE4406A/E4432B set-up, F-22Test Equipment Setup Calibration for RX Bay LevelOffset, signal generator and spectrum analyzer,3-74Test Equipment Setup Calibration for TX Bay LevelOffset, F-32Test Equipment Setup Chart, 3-52Test equipment setup RF path  calibration, 3-82Timing reference cables, required test equipmentModel SGLN1145A/4132A CSMs, 1-9Model SGLN4132B CSMs, 1-9transmit pathcalibration, 3-78component verification, 3-79definition, 3-78Transmit TX path audit, 3-90Transmit TX path calibration, 3-83TroubleshootingDC Power Problems, 6-23RF path fault isolation, 6-11Set span configuration, 6-36span problems, 6-34TX and RX Signal Routing, 6-24TX level accuracy fault isolation, 6-13troubleshootingcommunications system analyzer communication,6-6Ethernet LAN, 6-2GLI IP address, 6-3
Index68P09255A69-3PRELIMINARYAug 2002 1X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.x Index-9LMF login failure, 6-2power meter communication, 6-5signal generator communication, 6-6TSU NAM, programmingdescription, 3-96parameter ranges, 3-97parameters, 3-96procedure, 3-102TXacceptance testscode domain power/noise floor, 4-22equipment setup, 4-6pilot time offset, 4-20spectral purity mask, 4-15spectrum analyzer display, 4-17waveform quality (rho), 4-18all inclusive TX ATP test, 4-8antenna VSWR, test data sheets, A-9, A-11BLO test data sheets, A-8level accuracy fault isolation, 6-13output acceptance testscode domain power noise, 4-13pilot time offset, 4-13waveform quality, 4-13TX and RX Frequency vs Channel , D-2TX and RX Signal Routing, SCCP BackplaneTroubleshooting, 6-24TX Audit Test, 3-90TX Bay Level Offset and TX ATP test equipmentsetup calibration, signal generator and spectrumanalyzer, 3-73TX calibration, 3-86All Cal/Audit, 3-86set-up, 3-58Advantest R3267, 3-60, H-18Advantest R3465, 3-59Agilent 8935, 3-58Agilent E4406A, 3-60, H-18CyberTest, 3-58HP 8921A, 3-59TX calibration procedure, 3-88TX combiners. See 2:1 combinerstx fine adjust, E-1TX path. See transmit pathTX path calibration, 3-86TX/RX OUT Connections, 4-3UUpdating CDMA LMF Files, 5-1UTP, LMF to BTS connection, 3-22Vverification during calibration, 3-79Verifytest equipment used, test data sheets, A-1TX output, 4-6Verify GLI ROM code load, 3-34version Folder, 3-12WWaveform quality (Rho), acceptance test procedure,4-18XXCVR Backplane Troubleshooting, 6-19Xircom Model PE3-10B2LMF to BTS connection, 3-22remove from BTS, 5-4
Index 68P09255A69-31X SC4812ET Lite BTS Optimization/ATP Software Release 2.16.1.xPRELIMINARYAug 2002Index-10Notes

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