Nokia Networks R242-V01 Rooftop Spread Spectrum Wireless Router User Manual

Nokia Networks Inc Rooftop Spread Spectrum Wireless Router


Revised Installation

GSDU 468845A (paper)WREM 070700A (on CD 468846A)August, 2000Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless RoutingInstallation Guide
COPYRIGHT© 2000 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGENDUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.IMPORTANT NOTE TO USERSThis device has been certified by the FCC as a Class B device and as such must be installed and/or moved by a profes-sional. TRADEMARKSNokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Nokia RoofTop™ is a registered trademark of Nokia Networks.Other products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. COMPLIANCE STATEMENTSThis hardware complies with the standards listed in this section. Emission Standards UNINTENTIONAL EMISSIONS: FCC Part 15 CLASS BINTENTIONAL EMISSIONS: FCC Part 15, Section 15.247This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the fol-lowing measures:—Reorient or locate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Any modifications made to the unit, unless expressly approved by Nokia could void the user’s authority to operate the equip-ment.DISCLAIMER:TO THE INSTALLER: THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED IN THIS GUIDE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NOKIA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-POSE OR INFRINGEMENT, INCLUDING ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY NOKIA THAT THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE GUIDE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY NOKIA THAT THE INSTRUCTIONS AND STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide vContentsCHAPTER 1 System Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1CHAPTER 2 Antenna Installation   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.2 Site Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.2.1 RF Link Feasibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.3 Line of Sight Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.3.1 Visual Line of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.3.2 Radio Line of Sight  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.3.3 Fresnel Zone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.3.4 Antenna Height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.4 Antenna Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.4.1 Omnidirectional Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.4.2 Directional Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.5 Cables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.6 Outdoor Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.6.1 Safety Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.6.2 Required Installation Components. . . . . . . . . . . 132.6.3 Polarization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.6.4 Test Installation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.6.5 Grounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.6.6 Weatherproofing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.6.7 Weatherproofing Flexible RF Jumper Cables  . . 192.6.8 Amplifier Weatherproofing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.7 Indoor Installation Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.7.1 Weatherproofing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.7.2 Antennas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.7.3 Grounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21CHAPTER 3 Wireless Router Installation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.1.1 Preinstallation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
vi Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation GuideContents3.1.2 Physical Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.1.3 Physical Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.1.4 Connection Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.1.5 Amplifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263.2 Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.2.1 LED Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.2.2 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.3 Rear Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30APPENDIX A Cables   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31APPENDIX B Network Planning Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33APPENDIX C Technical Specifications   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  1CHAPTER 1 System Overview1.1 IntroductionThis chapter provides:•A basic understanding of how a wireless router system functions•How wireless systems self-configure Wireless router networks bypass the wired local loop with fast “always-on” wireless Internet access. The Nokia AIR™ Operating System (OS) provides intelligence, security and ease of use to make wireless networks practical, simple to deploy, and cost effective. Wireless Internet or intranet access across a network is completely transparent to the end user.The Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routers, Models R242/242A, are both wireless Internet access devices and IP routers. The wireless router units operate in a mesh network where line of sight access is required to only one other wireless router.
2 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide1.1.1 ConfigurationWhen the units are configured and deployed, they adapt to the network automatically to learn the network topology. The operating system then builds and maintains the network topology and routing tables, and continually updates them as the network changes. Line of sight problems, common in point-to-multipoint networks, are eliminated by routing traffic through other units. If a node cannot connect directly to the AirHead, multihop routing protocols forward traffic through another wireless router. Operating system protocols optimize wireless links providing hop-by-hop data integrity and efficient, intelligent multicasting. Protocols control channel scheduling, neighbor authentication, and link maintenance, as well as optimize routing in the wireless environment. By scheduling traffic streams to non-conflicting transmission times and Radio Frequency (RF) channels, quality-sensitive and/or bandwidth intensive applications co-exist with standard applications.1.1.2 Installation ComponentsEach installation consists of a Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Router, RF cabling, lightning protection, and an amplifier (optional). The antennas mount on the roof, or in a location in line of sight to other antennas in the network. RF cabling is run from the antenna to the wireless router, which is mounted indoors.A successful installation requires:•Site analysis and proper planning (section 2.3)•Placement of the antenna with line of sight to at least one antenna in the network (section 2.3)•Using appropriate antenna and cabling (Sections 2.4 and 2.5)•Proper installation technique, including grounding and weatherproofing (Section 2.6)
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 3Introduction•Proper placement and mounting of the wireless router (Section 3.1)•Proper use of cabling between the wireless router and the subscribers’ PC/network (Section 3.1.7)
4 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  5CHAPTER 2 Antenna Installation2.1 IntroductionChapter topics include:•Site Analysis•Line of Sight Analysis•Antenna Selection•Cables•Outdoor Installation Procedures•Safety Guidelines•Required Installation Components•Polarization•Test Installation•Grounding•Weatherproofing•Indoor Installation Procedures
6 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide2.2 Site AnalysisThe goals of site analysis are:•To determine the feasibility of RF links at each site•To determine the antenna and cable requirements necessary to provide service2.2.1 RF Link FeasibilityWireless routers operate in a “mesh” network—line of sight is required to only one other radio in the network. The IP routing capability allows all units to act as repeaters for other units.Survey all obstructions to potential sites. For most installations use an omnidirectional antenna. This assures maximum connectivity and allows the unit to forward packets for existing and future needs. NOTE:  To maintain broadband data rates, it is recommended thatnetworks be kept within three hops. Site Survey Steps1. Determine if there are Line of Sight (LOS) paths for each proposed link. Line of sight exists if there are no obstructions (for example, trees, buildings, etc.) between the antennas. For best results, there should be no obstructions between the two antennas. For long distance paths there should be no obstacles close to the RF path.2. Determine the antenna location and maximum possible antenna height. The height of the antenna is often dependent on the physical limitations of the site. For example, an antenna mast can be placed on a rooftop, an antenna can be installed on an existing structure or tower, or the mast and antenna can be installed on the ground.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 7Site Analysis3. Determine the RF paths between the antenna at the site and the antennas at adjacent sites. For a directional link with a single antenna, there is only one RF path. For an omnidirectional antenna, determine all RF paths. The RF path can be determined by knowing the relative bearing from the current site to adjacent sites. 4. The feasibility of an RF link can be estimated based on: •Distances between the potential sites •The line of sight for the RF paths•Antenna RF gains •Cable losses 5. After one or more sites have been installed and are operational, test each new site before completing the installation. 6. After determining the feasibility of the RF link, consider the following:•Hardware and tools necessary to complete the installation•Wireless router installation location•The RF cable routing between the wireless router and the antenna•Power for the wireless router•Ethernet cable routing•Antenna grounding and lightning arrestor requirements
8 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide2.3 Line of Sight AnalysisA quality antenna installation includes:•Clear visual line of sight between antennas•Clear radio line of sight between antennas•Antenna and cable selection and mounting based on the site requirements and limitations2.3.1 Visual Line of SightVisual line of sight exists when an imaginary straight line can be drawn between two antennas without passing through any physical obstructions. Verifying visual line of sight is the first step in planning. Observation points must be high enough to allow the viewer to see over obstructions.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 9Line of Sight Analysis2.3.2 Radio Line of SightProvide a clear radio path by raising the antenna as high as possible and away from objects near the radio path. A radio wave is not like a laser with a narrow, pointed beam. RF waves fan out from a single source and are diffracted or absorbed by objects that are near the visual line of sight. This area is called the Fresnel Zone. Clear radio line of sight exists when there are no physical obstructions in the Fresnel Zone. 2.3.3 Fresnel ZoneElevate antennas as high as practical above physical obstacles to avoid obstructing the Fresnel Zone, the elliptical area adjacent to the path, that could reflect unwanted signals into the primary path and reduce signal levels. The Fresnel Zone must be considered when installing antennas.2.3.4 Antenna HeightAll antennas have a limited vertical radiation pattern. If nearby antennas are placed at different heights, verify that the vertical line of sight angle falls within the antenna specifications for a good link. Fresnel Zone
10 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide2.4 Antenna Selection2.4.1 Omnidirectional AntennasOmnidirectional antennas radiate spherically, providing equal coverage in all directions, and are best for multi-point links and forwarding sites. Because they receive and transmit signals in all directions, they are the best antenna for most installations.Omnidirectional Antennas - Radiation Pattern 2.4.2 Directional Antennas Directional antennas focus their RF beam in narrow patterns in one direction. Directional antennas provide communications over longer ranges than omnidirectional antennas, but are much more limited in the areas they cover. Directional antennas maximize link distances. They are also effective for simple, dedicated, point-to-point links. NOTE: Directional antennas limit future growth and prevent the wirelessmodem from repeating signals to other units. They should be used onlywhere an omnidirectional antenna will not work.Side View Top View
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 11Antenna SelectionDirectional Antennas - Radiation Pattern Side View
12 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide2.5 Cables Nokia provides two types of RF cabling for wireless router installations:1. Low Loss RF Cable - rigid low attenuation cable for long cable runs.2. Flexible Jumper Cables - flexible cables, up to six feet long, that connect the wireless router to the low loss RF cable or connect amplifier components with the wireless router and antenna.NOTE: Only use the RF cables provided by Nokia. Using cables or RFequipment other than that provided by Nokia may void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 13Outdoor Installation Procedures2.6 Outdoor Installation ProceduresWARNING:  Use extreme caution when installing antennas in areaswith overhead power lines. Outdoor antennas and their supportingmasts, guy wires, and cables are electrical conductors. Contact withhigh-voltage electrical wires can cause serious injury or death.2.6.1 Safety Guidelines•Plan the entire procedure before starting•If necessary, obtain appropriate assistance•Wear a hard hat and gloves•Wear heavy toe boots to protect your feet from falling objects•Do not install antennas on windy or rainy days•Assemble the antenna components at or near the final site•Ground the antenna support structure prior to erecting the antenna•Firmly anchor the base of the support structure•Keep the antenna at least twice the mast height from power lines•If you start to drop an antenna, let it fall and back away from it•Installations must be performed by a professional•Maintain at least six feet (two meters) distance from the antenna while the wireless router is on•Install antennas at least six feet (two meters) above ground 2.6.2 Required Installation Components•RF cabling•Lightning protector•Antenna•Antenna mounting hardware
14 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide•Antenna mast and hardware2.6.3 Polarization Polarization refers to the direction of antenna element alignment. For antennas to properly communicate with each other, all antenna must be aligned (polarized) in the same direction. Omnidirectional Antenna This vertically polarized antenna can only be mounted vertically. Directional Panel Antenna •Polarization is identified by an arrow on the rear panel•Radiates from the front side and away from the mounting bracket•Can be vertically or horizontally polarized; the elements can be vertical or horizontal NOTE: If you have a combination of vertical omnidirectional antennasand directional antennas, the directional antennas must be polarizedvertically.2.6.4 Test InstallationConnect and test all of the equipment prior to completing the permanent installation. After confirming operation, disassemble only as much of the equipment as is necessary to permanently reinstall it.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 15Outdoor Installation Procedures2.6.5 GroundingWARNING:  Because antennas are elevated metal objects withconnections to ground, they attract lightning. Attach an effectiveground to the antennas to provide a path for the lightning. Effectiveantenna grounding also minimizes electrical noise and interference,which can degrade system performance.1. Provide a good, very low resistance wire connection from the antenna mount and wireless router to earth ground. 2. Use #12 copper or aluminum wire connected to the metal antenna support and a ground rod next to the building.Grounding diagramAntennaAntenna Lead-in WireLightning ArrestorElectrical Service EquipmentGround RodWeatherproof ConnectionGrounding Conductors#12 Copper or AluminumGround Clamps
16 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide3. Mount the antenna on a mast or tower that is well grounded to earth.4. Weatherproof all ground connectors to prevent corrosion, which interferes with the grounding connection.5. Connect all power and antenna grounds to a common single point such as an equipment rack, cabinet enclosure chassis, or antenna tower. Connect this single-point ground to a solid ground connection to earth.6. Install a lightning arrestor where the antenna cable enters the building or cabinet. Ground the lightning arrestor to a single point chassis ground. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.2.6.6 Weatherproofing Good weatherproofing is the key to antennas that work well in all weather conditions. If water or moisture enters a cable or connector, it significantly reduces signal levels and often ruins the cable and/or connectors. All connections that may be exposed to outdoor weather conditions or moisture, including condensation must be weatherproofed.NOTE:  Whenever possible, connect and weatherproof the cables,antennas, and any accessories on the ground. Minimize the amount ofwork performed on a roof or a ladder. Weatherproofing Supplies•Self-vulcanizing weatherproofing tape (available from Nokia)•Scissors2.6.6.2 Weatherproofing StepsFor all outdoor connections, use the following procedures to weatherproof the connections.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 17Outdoor Installation Procedures1. Connect the antenna and RF cable. Only connect cables at this step, attaching other mounting hardware will make applying the weatherproofing tape more difficult. See the NOTE for an exception.NOTE: When using a flat rectangular antenna mounting bracket you mustattach the antenna to the mounting bracket before weatherproofing, oryou will be unable to attach the antenna to the mount, because theweatherproofing will prevent the antenna from passing through theantenna mounting hole.Mounting Bracket2. Cut an 8-inch section of the weatherproofing tape and remove the black plastic film from the back of the tape. 3. Stretch and apply the tape to the connection, wrapping the tape in the direction of the connector threading. Pull the tape tight while wrapping.
18 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide4. Apply the tape so that it covers the bottom of the antenna and the top of the connector without gaps. To be certain that there are no gaps apply the tape so that it overlaps half the width of the tape on each wrap. (The gaps can allow water to enter the connector and cable). 5. Continue applying the tape to at least 2” below the connector.6. Squeeze the tape against the antenna and connector to remove any air gaps.7. Attach the antenna to the mast or other mounting solution.8. Attach the antenna to the mast or other structural support
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 19Outdoor Installation ProceduresNOTE: Be careful when weatherproofing RF connectors. Do not stress orbend the cable during the process.2.6.7 Weatherproofing Flexible RF Jumper CablesWhen using flexible RF jumpers in the installation, weatherproof all connectors and connections that are exposed or could potentially be exposed to outdoor conditions (including condensation). Use the same technique described for weatherproofing antenna connections. Extend the weatherproofing tape at least two inches beyond each connection on the cable.Properly weatherproofed antenna connection. Antenna mounting brackets may vary.
20 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide2.6.8 Amplifier WeatherproofingThe amplifier is designed to be mounted outdoors. The connectors must be weatherproofed using the same technique described for weatherproofing antenna connections. To prevent rain or snow from falling directly on the connectors, mount the amplifier with the connectors facing down. The DC injector is designed to be mounted indoors and must be protected from moisture and excessive heat and cold.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 21Indoor Installation Procedures2.7 Indoor Installation ProceduresThe procedures for an indoor installation are the same as those for an outdoor installation as described in section 2.6, with the following exceptions:2.7.1 WeatherproofingAn indoor installation does not require weatherproofing as described in section 2.6.6. All equipment must be installed away from moisture from outside doors, open windows, faucets, and so on. Do not install equipment in bathrooms.2.7.2 AntennasFor indoor directional panel antenna installations, install the antenna at least six feet (two meters), high and six feet from human access.2.7.3 GroundingThe antenna may be appropriately grounded in the building. It does not require a ground rod connection as described in section 2.6.5.
22 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  23CHAPTER 3 Wireless Router Installation3.1 IntroductionA wireless router system consists of two or more antennas, antenna cables, and wireless routers. One of the units is the AirHead which connects with wire to the Internet. All other units are Subscriber units that connect to remote computers or LANs. This chapter describes how to connect the system and verify the hardware installation.3.1.1 Preinstallation Requirements•Professional installers are responsible for moving and re-installing all equipment.•All antenna installations on towers require licensed tower climbers. •Use only Nokia approved accessories for all installations.•Ground the antenna support to a ground rod or other suitable earth ground.•Avoid placing the wireless router unit in excessively hot, cold, dusty, wet, or humid environments.
24 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide•The wireless router must be installed with its mounting bracket whether it is placed on a wall or desktop. The holder provides ventilation and helps drain spilled liquids.•Place the wireless routers DC power unit out of the way, or tape it to the side of a vertical surface to prevent it from being stepped on or damaged. •The wireless router can cause interference to (and interfere with) other devices operating in the 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz radio spectrum.•Changing the Ethernet configuration from a LAN connection to a direct PC connection requires changing from a standard Ethernet cable to a crossover cable.NOTE:  The Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Router and its associatedcomponents are Class B devices that must be installed by a professional.3.1.2 Physical LocationWireless routers must be installed indoors.Install the wireless router as close to the entry point of the RF cable into the building as is practical. Keep the cable length from the antenna to the wireless router as short as possible.Ambient temperature must be 32-104 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid mounting the wireless router in an environment that gets extremely hot.3.1.3 Physical MountingThe wireless router installs in its mounting bracket. Securely attach the mounting bracket to a wall or flat surface with two screws. Typical mounting is vertical with the mounting flange and cable strain relief facing down. This forces the RF cable to bend and extend below the wireless router, creating a “drip loop”. Drip loops prevent water from running down the RF cable and into the wireless router.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 25IntroductionMounting Bracket3.1.4 Connection OptionsThere are two ways to connect the wireless router to the subscriber’s network/PC:1. Network connection2. Direct Personal Computer connection3.1.4.1 NetworkUse a standard Ethernet cable with an RJ45 connector at the wireless router and the appropriate connector at your LAN Ethernet connection.
26 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide3.1.4.2 Network ConnectionConnect an Ethernet crossover cable between the wireless router and the Personal Computer Ethernet connection. Use an RJ45 connector at the wireless router and the appropriate connector for your Personal Computer Ethernet connection.3.1.5 AmplifiersAmplifiers may be used in some installations. An Amplifier kit consists of the amplifier, which is mounted next to the antenna, and a DC injector, which requires AC power, and is mounted indoors next to the wireless router. Flexible RF jumpers connect the antenna cable to the amplifier and connect the wireless router to the DC injector. Low-loss RF cable connects the DC injector to the amplifier, usually through a small jumper cable.NOTE: Use only amplifiers supplied by Nokia and certified for use withthe wireless router. Use of any other amplifier is a violation of FCC rules.
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 27IntroductionDC Injector (Mounts Indoors)AmplifierAntennaAmplifier Wiring
28 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide3.2 Front Panel3.2.1 LED Indicators1. LAN: Blinking indicates packets are being transmitted between the wireless router and the LAN or PC.2. Radio: Blinking indicates packet transmission and reception over the wireless interface. 3. Anchor: If the configured device is the AirHead, there will be no indication until another wireless router is configured. If the device is a remote, the following LED indications occur:Front Panel Wireless Router
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide 29Front Panel•LED steady on: The link to the next-hop (neighbor) in the path to the AirHead has a Data Rate of two Mbps and the path is <=3 hops.•Slow Flash - The link to the next-hop (neighbor) in the path to the AirHead has a Data Rate of one Mbps and the path is <=3 hops.•Fast Flash - Either •Connected to one or more neighbors but not to an AirHead, or •Connected to an AirHead with four or more hops in the path.•LED off - The router has no neighbors.4. Power Steady on: the wireless router is on.3.2.2 ConfigurationRefer to the Nokia Wireless Router Manager Configuration Guide for configuration instructions.
30 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide3.3 Rear Panel1. Antenna Connector: Connect a small vertical antenna directly to the antenna jack or connect a cable to an external antenna. The connector is a reverse-polarized TNC female unit. You may need a jumper converter to attach cables to the wireless router. Most cables are supplied with reverse-polarized TNC male connectors. For systems with an amplifier, connect a small jumper cable to the DC Injector “To Radio” connector.2. LAN: The LAN interface is a standard 10/100 BaseT Ethernet RJ45 jack. Connect the LAN interface on the wireless router to either:•The network using a standard Ethernet cable, or•A PC via an Ethernet crossover cable. See Appendix A for a wiring description for the Ethernet crossover cable.3. Power Port: Connects the wireless router to the 12 VDC power connector.4. Strain Relief: For the 12 VDC power cable.Rear Panel ConnectionsWireless Router
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  31APPENDIX A CablesEthernet Crossover CableThe wiring for an Ethernet Crossover cable for 10Base-T is as follows:RJ45 Plug Pin 1 (Tx+)  to Pin 3 (Rx+) Pin 2 (Tx-) to Pin 6 (Rx-)Pin 3 (Rx+) to Pin 1 (Tx+)Pin 6 (Rx-) to Pin 2 (Tx-)
32 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  33APPENDIX B Network Planning GuidelinesThis appendix includes Network Planning Guidelines for Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routers.To maintain broadband speeds in a Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless network follow these guidelines:•Keep networks within three hops of the AirHead•Do not connect more than 40 subscriber units to each AirHead•Do not connect more than 6 networks to each AirHeadNOTE: Subscribers that are one hop away from the AirHead that act as arelay for customers behind them should have 2Mbps links.NOTE:  Subscribers who are two or three hops from the AirHead canhave 1Mbps links without negatively affecting their performance, providedthey do not act as a repeater for more than two other subscribers.
34 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  35APPENDIX C Technical SpecificationsThis appendix describes technical specifications for Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routers R242/242A.Typical Minimum MaximumTransmit Power without Amplifier (dBm)a25.2 23.0 26.5Transmit Power with Amplifier (dBm)b29 28 30Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) -72 -70.5 -73Ambient Temperature Range CelsiusFahrenheit03240104Raw Channel Data (Mbps) 1 & 2 (Adaptive)RF Frequency Band 2.400 to 2.479 GHz, frequency hopping, spread spectrumRF Signal Bandwidth 1 MHzRF Channels 12 non-overlapping hopping sets with 6 channels per setModulation Type 4-Level GFSK Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
36 Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation GuideLAN Interface 10/100Mbps Ethernet, RJ45 connectorInternet Protocols IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, SLIP, PPP, RIPv1, RIPv2, SNMP, TFTP, IGMP, ARP, Proxy-ARP, TelnetPower 12VDCDimensions 5 1/4"W x 4 1/2"D x 1 1/2"HWeight 9 ouncesRouter RF Connector TNC femalea.As measured at the RF output connector of the radio, excluding cable loss.b.As measured at the RF output connector of the amplifier, excluding cable loss.Typical Minimum Maximum
Nokia RoofTop™ Wireless Routing Installation Guide  37IndexAAntenna InstallationGrounding 15Polarization 14Required Installation Components 13Safety Guidelines 13Weatherproofing 16Jumper Connection 19Steps 16Supplies 16Antenna SelectionDirectional Antennas 10Omnidirectional Antennas 10FFresnel Zone 9Front PanelLED Indicators 28Front Panel Diagram 28HHardware InstallationAntenna Connector 30ConnectionNetwork 25Physical Location 24Physical Mounting 24Preinstall Requirements 23LLAN Interface 26Line of Sight AnalysisFresnel Zone 9Radio Line of Sight 9Visual Line of Sight 8PPower Port 30SSite Analysis 6RF Link Feasibility 6Site Survey Steps 6

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