Navico Auckland GPS4000 GPS Bluetooth Receiver User Manual MN215A GPS Bluetooth reciever final pmd

Navico Auckland Limited GPS Bluetooth Receiver MN215A GPS Bluetooth reciever final pmd

Users Manual

1GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation Manual NAVMANInstallation andOperation Manualwww.navman.comGPS BLUETOOTH RECEIVERGPS 4400 and GPS 4500NAVMAN
3GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation Manual NAVMANIt is the owner’s sole responsibility to install and use the GPS Bluetooth Receiver in a manner that will notcause accidents, personal injury or property damage; will not obstruct your view; and will not interferewith the operation of the vehicle or the vehicle safety equipment.Using the GPS Bluetooth Receiver:• The US government is solely responsible for the operation, accuracy and maintenance of the GPSsatellites. The GPS system is subject to changes that will affect the performance and accuracy ofall GPS receivers.• The GPS signals may very occasionally be turned off. This antenna unit will not work if its batteriesare flat. You must guard against these events by always having another way of navigating.• The GPS Bluetooth Receiver complies with CE and FCC standards for radio frequencyinterference. However, the unit receives and generates radio frequency energy. For reliableoperation it must be mounted correctly, as described in this manual.• The performance of the receiver can be affected by the failure of a part, environmental conditionsand improper installation and use.NAVMAN NZ LIMITED DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN A WAY THATMAY CAUSE ACCIDENTS OR DAMAGE OR THAT MAY VIOLATE THE LAW.This manual represents the receiver as at the time of printing. Navman NZ Limited reserves the right tomake changes to specifications without notice.Governing Language: This statement, any instruction manuals, user guides and other information relatingto the product (Documentation) may be translated to, or has been translated from, another language(Translation). In the event of any conflict between any Translation of the Documentation, the Englishlanguage version of the Documentation will be the official version of the Documentation.Copyright © 2003 Navman NZ Limited, New Zealand. All rights reserved. NAVMAN is a registered trademarkof Navman NZ Limited.FCC StatementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a normal installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver•Connect the equipment into an output on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected•Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help•A shielded cable must be used when connecting a peripheral to the serial ports.Compliance is subject to approvalImportant
4GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation ManualNAVMAN1 IntroductionThe US Government operates the GPS system.Twenty-four satellites orbiting the earth broadcasttiming signals which are freely available to use. Thepositions of these satellites are constantly changing.The GPS receiver tracks signals from all satellitesvisible above the horizon and uses measurementsfrom all satellites more than 10° above the horizonto calculate exactly where it is on earth. This is calledthe GPS position.A GPS receiver can receive signals from the GPSsatellites when it is almost anywhere on earth.The receiver is accurate even at high speeds andaccelerations.• Extremely long battery life; around 40 hours ofoperation from one set of AAA alkaline batteries.(2 second update, trickle power mode)• No operator setup or adjustment required; theonly operator control is the On/Off switch.• 25 x 25 x 4 mm (1 x 1 x 0.2 in) patch GPSantenna with sensitive 12-channel GPSreceiver chipset.• Available in two versions. These are identicalexcept for resistance to water:The GPS 4500 is fully waterproof and isdesigned to be mounted outdoors, for exampleon the roof of a vehicle.The GPS 4400 is not waterproof and isdesigned to be mounted indoors.• An MCX connector for an external GPSantenna and a connector for an external powersupply (GPS 4400 only).Cleaning and maintenanceClean the receiver with a damp cloth or milddetergent. Avoid abrasive cleaners, petrol or othersolvents.Do not paint the receiver.Bluetooth is an industry standard wireless networkfor linking peripherals to Bluetooth enabled portablecomputers or PDAs. Bluetooth is fast, economicalThe GPS Bluetooth Receiver is a peripheral for aportable computer or PDA  which calculates wherethe receiver is on earth. The receiver has:• A GPS antenna and GPS chipset to receiveGPS signals and calculate the GPS position ofthe receiver.• A Bluetooth link to send the GPS position to aportable computer or PDA.The receiver is powered by its own internal batteries.In a typical land navigation application (see below),the GPS Bluetooth Receiver is mounted on a vehicleand sends the GPS position to a portable computeror PDA in the vehicle for use by a navigationapplication.GPSantennaGPS Bluetooth Receiver Portable computer or PDA(Bluetooth enabled)BluetoothlinkBatteriesGPSchipsetRadio signals fromGPS satellitesBluetooth networkradio signalsBluetoothlinkNavigationapplicationand uses little power. The GPS Bluetooth Receiveruses a Class 2 Bluetooth link, with a range of at least10 m (33 ft).Features of the GPS Bluetooth ReceiverWhat is Bluetooth ?What is GPS ?
5GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation Manual NAVMAN2 The GPS Bluetooth ReceiverOn/Off push switchTo turn GPS receiver on: press and release.To turn off: press for half a second and release.Indicator LED under On/Off switchOff: GPS receiver power is offTwo blinks every 1.5 seconds: the receiver is notconnected to a portable computer or PDA viaBluetooth.Blink every 1.5 seconds: the receiver is connectedto a portable computer or PDA via Bluetooth.LED is blue: battery voltage is good.LED is red: battery voltage is low, change thebatteries.To change or insert the batteries (change the batteries when the LED turns from blue to red)Remove backPress the two lugs with yourfingers and pull the back and mainunit apart.Fit batteriesRemove the old batteries. Insert3 x new AAA alkaline cells or 3 xcharged rechargeable AAAbatteries. Observe the batterypolarity shown above.Replace backInsert the clip on the back into theslot on the main unit. Snap theback and main unit together.External GPS antenna MCX connector(GPS 4400 only)To connect an external GPS antenna.If an external GPS antenna is plugged inthen the GPS receiver will automaticallyuse the external antenna instead of theinternal antenna.External power supply connector(GPS 4400 only)To connect an external 5 V DC powersupply (such as the NAVMANuniversal in-vehicle power cable). If anexternal power supply is plugged inthen the receiver will automatically usethe external power supply instead ofthe internal batteries. Note: theexternal power supply can not chargethe internal batteries.Internal batteriesClipSlot
6GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation ManualNAVMAN3 Using the GPS Bluetooth ReceiverPressOn/Offswitch toturn onPower offThe GPS chipsetpower and theBluetooth link areboth off.The LED is off.No connectionThe receiver waits fora connection toanother Bluetoothdevice. The GPSchipset is turned off.LED flashes twiceevery 1.5 seconds.ConnectedThe GPS chipset isturned on. The GPSreceiver sends GPSdata to the otherbluetooth device.The LED flashesonce every 1.5seconds.No connectionestablished within2 minutesorpress On/Offswitch to turn offAnother Bluetoothdevice, such as aportable computer orPDA, establishes aconnection to the GPSBluetooth ReceiverThe other Bluetoothdevice drops theconnection or movesout of rangePressOn/Offswitch toturn offNote• When another Bluetooth device establishes aconnection with the GPS Bluetooth Receiver,the receiver’s GPS chipset is turned on.• If the signals from the GPS satellites areblocked, for example in a tunnel, the receivercan not send GPS positions. When the blockis removed, it might be a few seconds beforethe receiver calculates GPS positions again.•Pairing: The GPS Bluetooth Receiver willaccept all requests to pair. The password isNAVMAN. However, the unit will not honour thepairing, and will establish a connection withany other Bluetooth device that requests aconnection. This is because there is no way ofmanually cancelling pairing on the GPSBluetooth Receiver.To use the GPS Bluetooth Receiver in a typicalapplication (a portable computer or PDA running anavigation application):1 When the navigation application is started, turnthe GPS Bluetooth Receiver on by pressing thereceiver On/Off switch.2 If the navigation application is closed or theportable computer or PDA moves out of rangeof the receiver (about 10 m (33 ft)), then thereceiver will automatically turn itself off after 2minutes.When the navigation application is restarted,turn the receiver on again by pressing thereceiver On/Off switch.3 If the receiver LED changes from blue to red,change the batteries (see previous page).4 When the navigation application is finishedwith, either press the receiver On/Off switch toturn the receiver off or allow the receiver toautomatically turn itself off after 2 minutes.GPS Bluetooth Receiver operation
7GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation Manual NAVMAN4 What comes with your GPS Bluetooth ReceiverTwo-sided permanentmounting tapeUniversal in-vehiclepower cable(12 V DC to 5 V DC)Vehicle mount suctioncup and cradle3 x AAA alkalinebatteriesMain unit, with backThis manualMagnetic mountingstrip(GPS 4500 only)Arm band and lanyardOther partsThe GPS Bluetooth Receiver can be powered bythree optional rechargeable AAA batteries. Usingrechargeable batteries requires a suitable externalbattery charger. The GPS Bluetooth Receiver doesnot recharge the internal batteries when it isconnected to an external power supply.
8GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation ManualNAVMAN5 Installing the GPS Bluetooth ReceiverThe GPS Bluetooth Receiver has several mountingoptions:• Suction cup, for example to attach the unit tothe inside of a vehicle windscreen.• Magnetic mount, to attach the unit to a metalsurface, for example the roof of a vehicle(GPS 4500 only)• Double sided tape, for permanent mounting.• Armband, to attach the receiver to the user’sarm.• Lanyard, for holding the receiver.Locating the GPS Bluetooth ReceiverFind a suitable location for the receiver:• With as good a view of the sky and horizon aspossible. The receiver can be under glass,perspex, fibreglass or fabric, but not undermetal or wood.• Where it will not obstruct your view; and willnot interfere with the operation of the vehicle orthe vehicle safety equipment.• Accessible to change the batteries and operatethe On/Off switch.• Away from any source of electrical interferenceor noise.• Away from excessive vibration or shock.• Within 10 m (33 ft) of the Bluetooth device thatthe unit will connect to.• A GPS 4400 is not waterproof and must bemounted where it will not get wet and wherethere will be no condensation.If the GPS 4400 is mounted in the vehicle, the inside,top of the windscreen is usually a good location.The GPS 4500 is waterproof. If the GPS 4500 ismounted on the vehicle, outside on the roof is usuallya good location because the receiver has a goodview of the sky. A GPS 4500 mounted on the roof willusually have better performance than a GPS 4400mounted in the vehicle, because the metal roof willshield the receiver inside from the GPS signals.TIP: If you are not sure if a location is suitable, mountthe receiver temporarily and check that the receiveroperates properly. Then mount the receiverpermanently.Installing the suction cup mount1 Find a suitable location for the receiver (seeabove) on a smooth panel.2 Use an alcohol swab to clean where thesuction cup will be fitted.3 Press the suction cup firmly onto the surface.4 Slide the receiver into the cradle.Installing the magnetic mount(GPS 4500 only)1 Find a suitable location for the receiver (seeabove) on a smooth steel panel.2 Use an alcohol swab to clean the depressionon the back of the receiver and the panelwhere the receiver will be fitted.3 Peel the backing from the magnetic patch andpress it firmly into the depression on the backof the receiver.4 Attach the receiver to the panel.Installing the permanent mount1 Find a suitable location for the receiver (seeabove) on a smooth panel.2 Use an alcohol swab to clean the depressionon the back of the receiver and the panelwhere the receiver will be fitted.3 Peel the backing from one side of the doublesided tape and press it firmly into thedepression on the back of the receiver.4 Peel the backing from the double sided tapeand press the receiver firmly onto the surface.Installing the armbandThread the armband through the slots on either sideof the back of the receiver.Installing the lanyardPush one end of the lanyard through the lanyard holein the receiver case. Loop the end of the lanyardthrough the other side and pull it tight.
9GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation Manual NAVMAN6 SpecificationsSize95 x 62 x 26 mm (3.7 x 2.4 x 1 in)Weight223 g (7.9 oz) (No batteries, without magnet base)CaseUV stable plasticMounting options• Suction cup• Magnetic (GPS 4500 only)• Double sided tape, permanent mounting• Armband• LanyardInternal batteries3 x AAA alkaline suppliedRechargeable AAA batteries can be used; theGPS Bluetooth Receiver does not recharge theinternal batteries when it is connected to anexternal power supply.External power supply (optional)5 V DC, centre pin is positiveLow battery indicationThe LED is blue when the battery voltage isabove 3.2 V DC and red when it is lower.Change the batteries when the LED turns red.Operating temperature-10 to + 60°C (14 to 140°F)Standards complianceSubject to approvalEMC complianceUSA (FCC): Part 15 Class B, 15.247.Europe (CE): EN301489, 300328-2Environment:GPS 4500: IP43GPS 4400: not waterproofGPS antenna25 x 25 x 4 mm (1 x 1 x 0.2 in) ceramic patchGPS receiverSiRF low power chipsetBluetoothClass 2Bluetooth rangeAt least 10 m (33 ft) with no obstructions
10 GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation ManualNAVMANConditions of Sale & Manufacturer’s WarrantyIMPORTANT: Some of the following terms and conditions vary from country to country. Please check withyour NAVMAN dealer from whom you purchased your product.International/Manufacturer:NAVMAN NZ Limited13-17 Kawana St, Northcote, Auckland,New Zealand.PO Box 68155, Newton, Auckland,New Zealand.Tel: (64) 9 481 0500 Fax: (64) 9 480 3176e-mail: support@navman.comNorth AmericaNavman USA Incorporated18 Pine Street Ext., Nashua, NH 03060U.S.ATel: (1) 603 577 9600 - outside US and Canada866-NAVMAN1 [866-628-6261]866 628 6261 Toll Free from US or CanadaFax: (1) 603 577 9600Support: Mobile LimitedThe Office BuildingGatwick Road, Manor RoyalCrawley, West SussexRH10 9RZUnited KingdomTel: (44) 1293 449 882  Fax: (44) 1293 459 735e-mail: support.europe@navman.comA. Conditions of SaleExcept to the extent otherwise required by the lawsof the country in which the accompanying product(“the product”) is sold the manufacturer of the productNAVMAN NZ Limited (“NAVMAN”) - has no liabilityin respect of the product beyond the warrantyhereunder provided. Where liability may not beexcluded but may be limited to repair or replacementor the supply of equivalent goods or for the paymentof the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiringequivalent goods, liability is so limited.B. Manufacturer’s warrantyWarranty Period - 1 year from the date of purchase.Extent of warranty - Subject to the following conditionsNAVMAN will rectify any defect occurring in theproduct of which notice in writing is received byNAVMAN or its approved distributor within theWarranty Period.Conditions:1 Repairs may only be carried out by a ServiceCentre approved by NAVMAN.2 Repairs as above will be carried out at no costto the owner subject to these conditions.3 The cost of returning the goods to an approveddealer shall be met by the owner.4 Warranty does not extend to accessories ordefects or injuries caused or resulting fromcauses not attributable to faulty parts or themanufacturer of the product including, but notlimited to, defect or injuries caused by orresulting from misuse, abuse, neglect,accidental damage, incorrect installation,water damage, use of consumables other thanthose approved by NAVMAN or any alterationsto the product not approved by NAVMAN.5 No warranty claim accepted without salesdocumentation.6 NAVMAN may, at its discretion, replace theproduct instead of repairing it.C. Acceptance of Conditions of SaleIn consideration of this warranty the purchaseraccepts the limitations of liability as set out in theconditions of sale.How to contact usMore information is available on-line at our website
12 GPS Bluetooth Receiver  Installation and Operation ManualNAVMANLon 174° 44.535’ELat 36° 48.404’SMade in New ZealandMN000215AGPS Bluetooth ReceiverNAVMANCompliance is subject to approval

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