N and W Global Technology RFID-IDENT600 Coffee Dispenser with RFID User Manual Operator manual

N&W; Global Technology Coffee Dispenser with RFID Operator manual

User Manual

35278100 - 2007/01Cafitesse 600Operator manual
01.2007 3IndexIntroduction ............................................................................................................ 4About the dispenser ............................................................................................................... 4About this document .............................................................................................................. 4Dispenser components .......................................................................................................... 5Safety instructions ................................................................................................. 6Food safety instructions (HACCP) ......................................................................................... 8Operation .............................................................................................................. 11Drink delivery ........................................................................................................................ 11Placing cups and pots correctly ........................................................................................... 12(Re)place ingredient packs .................................................................................................. 14Cleaning the dispenser ........................................................................................................ 15Status and error messages .................................................................................................. 20Switch the dispenser off or on .............................................................................................. 20Program the dispenser ........................................................................................ 22Start the operator mode ....................................................................................................... 23Navigate the operator menu ................................................................................................ 24Technical specifications ...................................................................................... 25Options.................................................................................................................. 26Trouble shooting .................................................................................................. 28Copyright © 2006 DECS International BV - all rights reservedDouwe Egberts Coffee Systems International is a Sara Lee Corporation.Cafitesse, Douwe Egberts, Merrild, Marcilla, Maison du Café are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sara Lee Corporation.
401.2007IntroductionAbout the dispenserThe Cafitesse 600 is a dispenser for the delivery of drinks in commercial applications.The dispenser works with special disposable ingredient packs. These patented "Bag-in-Box" (BIB)ingredient packs contain high quality liquid drink concentrates.The dispenser can contain two ingredient packs. According to the ingredient packs that you choose, thedispenser can deliver:• coffee and espresso• decaf coffee and decaf espresso• milk containing drink• cocoa containing drink• tea• drinks from 2 ingredients such as cappuccino, café au lait, or tea with milk.The dispenser is equipped with two mixers and three drink outlets to allow quick and easy delivery ofhigh quality drinks.The dispenser can deliver drinks in cups and pots of various sizes.Special dispenser versions provide also:• delivery into larger pots or pump-action thermos flasks (see „Options“).• delivery of cold drinks (see „Options“).Optionally you can request your Cafitesse system supplier to:• equip your dispenser with a payment system (see „Options“).• enable/disable specific dispenser versions (see „Options“).About this documentThis document describes the main features and functions of the dispenser. Before you start using thedispenser, read this document to ensure you understand the operation of the dispenser and themandatory safety instructions that apply.Throughout this document you may see the following symbols that require your attention:Note:Additional information that may be helpful for you during operation of the dispenser.Caution:Information that requires special attention to ensure food safety, avoid personal injury ordamage to the dispenser.Warning:Hazards that could lead to severe personal injury, death or severe damage to thedispenser.Danger:HAZARDS THAT WILL LEAD TO SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.
11.2006 5IntroductionDispenser Componentsa Housing coverb Dispenser doorc Mechanical lockd Touch screene Drink selection buttonsf Stop buttong Drink outletsh Hot water outleti Cup trayj Drip tray with drip gridk Air filterl Ingredient storagem Switch - ON/STANDBY/RESETn Outlet troughRear side of the dispenser:o Ventilation ingredient storagep Water connectionq Mains cable connectionRear sideabcdefghijoqpklmn
601.2007Safety InstructionsBefore you operate, fill, clean or move the dispenser, carefully read the instructions in this manual.Take special care that you and anyone else that needs to operate, clean or move the dispenserunderstands the safety and hygiene aspects of the dispenser and acts accordingly.You may only use the dispenser for the delivery of drinks according the instructions in this manual. Themanufacturer is not liable for any damage or injury if you use the dispenser for other purposes, or if youdo not follow the procedures described in this manual.• Installation, service, repair and programming of the dispenser is restricted to authorised and trainedservice technicians as assigned by your Cafitesse system supplier.• Use only original spare parts for the operation of the dispenser.• Operation, filling and cleaning of the dispenser must be restricted to authorised and trainedpersonnel.• Place the dispenser on a location where authorised and trained personnel can look after safe andhygienic operation of the dispenser.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser during delivery of drinks.Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser during the flush program.Never leave children unattended near the dispenser.InstallationInstallation and programming of the dispenser is restricted to authorised and trained service techniciansas assigned by your Cafitesse system supplier.The dispenser is designed for indoor installation on a stable flat surface such as a table or a counter.• Shield the dispenser from frost, rain and direct sunlight.• Shield the dispenser from running water, splashes, spray or steam, heat or heavy dust.• Make sure that there is sufficient space around the dispenser for ventilation.• Keep the front and back accessible for cleaning and service.• Connect the dispenser to the drinking water line in compliance with local regulations.Caution:If you plan to use the dispenser for the delivery of cold drinks, test the quality of the watersupply to ensure delivery of safe cold drinks according to local regulations.• Connect the dispenser to a secured electric circuit in compliance with local regulations.
Safety Instructions11.2006 7If you connect the dispenser to a wall outlet power supply:• Use a grounded safety plug socket complying with local regulations.• Ensure the electric circuit is secured by means of a fault current safety switch.• Take care that the power supply plug remains accessible after installation.Warning:Never touch the power supply or power supply plug when your hands or the power cordor plug are wet.If you connect the dispenser with a permanently wired power supply (without mains plug) ensure theelectric circuit is equipped with a circuit breaker with a contact opening of at least 3 mm that controls allpoles.Transport, storage and operationAlways store and transport the dispenser in its original packaging.Before you store or transport the dispenser:• Store the ingredient packs in a refrigerator.• Clean the dispenser.• Contact your Cafitesse system supplier and request an authorised and trained service technician todrain the boiler and prepare the dispenser to prevent damage due to frost.Warning:The dispenser may not be subject to frost during operation, storage and transport.• If you suspect damage due to frost after storage or transport request your Cafitesse systemsupplier  to check the dispenser and perform a functional test.Service the dispenserService, repair and programming of the dispenser is restricted to authorised and trained servicetechnicians as assigned by your Cafitesse system supplier.Warning:If the power supply cable of the dispenser is damaged, switch off the dispenser andcontact your Cafitesse system supplier to replace the cord.
Safety Instructions811.2006Food Safety Instructions (HACCP)As operator of the dispenser you are responsible for safe and hygienicoperation. Follow the instructions in this section to comply with food safetystandards.Storage of ingredient packs• Store ingredient packs for coffee, tea or cocoa containing drink in afreezer at -18°C (0°F).• Store ingredient packs for milk containing drink in a refrigerator at+6 °C/43 °F. (Fig. 1)Note:To use packs for coffee, tea or cocoa containing drink, you must thawthe packs in a refrigerator at +6°C (43°F). This may takeapproximately 3 days.Before you thaw a pack, read the "Best before" date on the label ofthe pack. (Fig. 2)• Thaw packs according to the "first-in-first-out" principle.• Do not use packs for which the "Best before" date has expired.• Shake thawed packs at least 10 times before placement in thedispenser. (Fig. 3)Handling of ingredient packs1. Wash your hands before you touch ingredient packs. (Fig. 4)2. Read the instructions on the rear of the ingredient pack.3. Check ingredient packs for damage.Do not use damaged ingredient packs.4. Read the date on the "Best before" label on the pack.If the "Best before" date has passed, do not use the pack.5. Consult the ingredient pack for instructions.Write the "Expiry Date" on the pack. (Fig. 5)Note:When you handle open ingredient packs, avoid spills of ingredient onclothes, floor, or equipment.Caution:Do not touch the tips of the dosing tubes with your hands or cloth youuse for cleaning.If the dosing tubes need cleaning, rinse them with clean water only.12345
Safety Instructions11.2006 9If you plan not to use the dispenser for a short period of time (e.g. over theweekend), use the ON/STANDBY/RESET-switch to set the dispenser inSTANDBY mode.• This will switch off the boiler and drink delivery to save energy• This will keep the cooling of the ingredient storage unit operational topreserve the quality of the ingredient packs.If  you plan not to use the dispenser for a long period of time (e.g. duringworks holidays) follow the instructions  as described in ‚Switch the dispenseroff or on‘.
Safety Instructions10 11.2006Cleaning of the dispenserClean your dispenser at regular intervals.1. Clean the surface around the dispenser.2. Wash your hands before you touch the dispenser or ingredient packs.(Fig. 6)3. Clean the dispenser according to the instructions in the operator manual(see „Cleaning the dispenser“).4. During cleaning, always check the ‚Best before‘ and ‚Expiry date‘ of theingredient packs in the dispenser. Replace ingredient packs, for whichthe ‚Best before‘ or ‚Expiry date‘ has passed.5. Schedule, record and file cleaning activities. (Fig. 7)Caution:Clean dispenser parts which are in contact with the ingredients with acleaning agent.Use cleaning agents that are approved by the food industry andrecommended by your Cafitesse system supplier.For safe handling, dosing and use of cleaning agents, follow theinstructions on the label of the cleaning agent. (Fig. 8)Danger:DO NOT SPRAY OR SPLASH THE DISPENSER WITH WATER.DO NOT USE A WATER JET TO CLEAN THE DISPENSER.NEVER SUBMERGE THE DISPENSER IN WATER.Danger:NEVER TILT THE DISPENSER TO CLEAN BEHIND ORUNDERNEATH THE DISPENSER. AVOID SCALDING! THEBOILER OF THE DISPENSER CONTAINS VERY HOT WATERTHAT MAY FLOW OUT OF THE BOILER WHEN YOU MOVE ORTILT THE DISPENSER.TrainingTrain new staff regarding the food safety instructions (HACCP). (Fig. 9)• Train new staff on cleaning schedules and cleaning activities.• Take care that new staff reads the operator manual before they operatethe dispenser.Keep the manual close to the dispenser for future reference.If there are any further questions please contact your Cafitesse systemsupplier.7689
01.2007 11OperationDrink DeliveryTo take a drink from the dispenser:1. Place a cup on the cup tray. (Fig. 10)2. Select a drink button. (Fig. 10)The dispenser will dispense the drink via the corresponding outlet.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser.Never leave children unattended near the dispenser.To abort drink delivery, press the STOP button.Portion controlled or continuous deliveryUpon installation, the service technician has set the dispenser to operate with one of the deliveryoptions listed below.• Portion controlled delivery Single press delivery. The dispenser automatically stops after deliveryof one portion (typically one cup).• Continuous delivery Keep the drink button pressed until the cup or pot is full. The dispenserstops when you release the drink button.Note:In self-service situations where consumers may not be familiar with the operation of thedispenser, we recommend portion delivery with fixed cup sizes.Consult your Cafitesse system supplier if you would like to change the portion size or type of drinkdelivery.Drink delivery with preset drink delivery optionsYour dispenser supports preset drink delivery options. Upon installation, theservice technician may have programmed the touch screen of your dispenserto show one of the presets listed below:• drink size (small - medium - large) (Fig. 11)• drink strength (mild- normal-strong)  (Fig. 12)To use the preset drink delivery options:1. Place a cup on the cup tray2. Select a preset drink delivery option on the touch screen display.3. Select a drink button.The dispenser will dispense the drink via the corresponding outlet.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser.Note:If you select a preset option but do not select a drink button, thedispenser will return to default state after a few seconds.To abort drink delivery, press the STOP button.101112small medium largemildnormalstrong
Operation12 11.2006Placing cups and pots correctlyThe dispenser has three product outlets.• The left outlet is for hot water• The middle and the right outlet are for coffee, tea or cocoa containingdrink.Note:Place your cup or pot underneath the outlet of the drink button of yourchoice.• Place your cup on the cup tray. (Fig. 13)• Place your pot on the drip tray (tilt the cup tray upwards to make roomfor the pot). (Fig. 14)• For large pots, you may need a special dispenser foot (see „Options“).(Fig. 15)Adjusting the cup stopFor accurate cup placement, the cup tray has special cup stops.For safe operation the cup stop position should match the size of the cup.This means that when a consumer places the cup on the drip tray the centreof the cup will be exactly underneath the outlet.To adjust the cup stop position: (Fig. 16)1. Squeeze both ends of the cup stop to release it from the cup tray grid.2. Place the cup stop onto the desired position.3. Place a cup.4. Select a drink to verify the correct position.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser.5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each product outlet.13141516
Operation11.2006 13Adjusting the cup tray positionAt installation your Cafitesse system supplier will install the cup tray at aspecific height. If you would like to use different cups, you can change thevertical position of the cup tray:1. Open the dispenser door.2. Press the ON/STANDBY/RESET switch to set the dispenser toSTANDBY mode.3. Tilt the cup tray upwards and lift it from the cup tray support. (Fig. 17)4. Move the cup tray position as follows:a. Use a screw driver to loosen the 2 screws of the cup tray support.(Fig. 18)b. To move the cup tray upwards, hold the support on both sides andpush it upwards. (Fig. 19)c. To move the cup tray downwards (fig. 20):a. Use one hand to press the notch in the recess of the cup carrier.This will unlock the current carrier position.b. Use the other hand to push the support downwards.d. Use a screwdriver to fasten the 2 screws to secure the cup trayposition. (Fig. 21)5. Place the cup tray on the support and verify correct position.Caution:Do not fasten the screws too tightly.6. Press the ON/STANDBY/RESET switch again to reactivate thedispenser.1819202117
Operation14 11.2006(Re)place ingredient packsDetect an empty ingredient packWhen an ingredient pack is empty, the  symbol will appear on the display.(Fig. 22)• When you touch the i symbol on the display, the dispenser will indicate:xxxx is empty, please call the operator.(where xxxx indicates the empty ingredient pack).• When a user selects a drink and a required ingredient pack is empty, thedispenser will display the message: Sorry this selection is not available.Please make another selection and call the operator. xxxx is empty(where xxxx indicates the empty ingredient pack).Note:You can customise part of this message using the operator menu(see „Program the dispenser“).Replace an empty ingredient packCaution:Please follow the „Food Safety Instructions (HACCP)“ when you thawingredient packs.1. Wash your hands before you tough the ingredient packs. (Fig. 23)2. Take a thawed ingredient pack.Caution:Read the instructions on the back side of the ingredien pack.Do not use damaged ingredient packs.Do not use ingredient packs, if the „Best before“ date has passed.(Fig. 24)3. Shake the pack at least 10 times (Fg. 25)4. Remove the plastic wrapper and write the „Expiry date“ on the pack.(Fig. 26)5. Follow the instructions on the pack to unfold the dosing tube.Check that the dosing tube is positioned straight and that the coloredring on the tube covers the corresponding circle on the pack. (Fig. 26)6. Open the dispenser and ingredient storage door.7. Place the pack in the dispenser. (Fig. 27)8. Close the ingredient storage and dispenser door.9. Dispense a drink and check color, aroma and taste.Note:If your dispenser uses two identical ingredient packs (for examplecoffee-coffee) your Cafitesse system supplier can enable anautomatic pack switch-over mode. In this mode, the dispenser willautomatically start dispensing from the second ingredient pack after itdetects the first pack is empty.If this applies to your situation, always switch the dispenser off withthe ON/STANDBY/RESET button and again on after replacing aingredient pack to reset the switch-over sensor.222324252627
Operation11.2006 15Cleaning the dispenserYou must clean your dispenser at regular intervals. The dispenser has a built-in timer that will promptyou when cleaning is due. The cleaning interval may differ according to the type of dispenser.Note:For dispenser models that only deliver hot drinksyou must carry out each of the cleaning procedures „Flushing“ and „Cleaning & Flushing“ once aweek.There may not pass more than 3 days between two cleaning procedures.When you set weekday and time of the cleaning procedures via touch screen, you can onlychoose respective combinations.When is cleaning required?• You can clean the dispenser at any time you like.• You must clean the dispenser when the display indicates that cleaning is required.When the  symbol appears on the display, touch it to read the required cleaning procedure. (Fig. 28)• When cleaning is due, the display will show the remaining time before the dispenser will blockdelivery of drinks. (Fig. 29)• When cleaning is overdue, the dispenser will block the delivery of all drinks except water. (Fig. 30)Note:Your Cafitesse system supplier can customize the weekday and time when the dispenser willprompt you to clean the dispenser. For food safety regulations, it is not possible to disable thecleaning timer.Cleaning and flushing is requiredwithin 3 hours and 57 minutes.Sorry, only hot water is availablePlease call the operator72: Cleaning & flushing is required28 29 30
Operation16 11.2006The dispenser supports two cleaning procedures, „Flushing“ and „Cleaning & Flushing“. The display willindicate which procedure is required, and will provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through theprocedure.•Flushing is an automatic program of the dispenser that takes approximately one minute. Flushingis required at least once a week. During flushing the dispenser will flush all parts that come intocontact with liquid ingredients with hot water.Caution:Dispenser models that also deliver cold drinks (café cool) require flushing 6 times a week.For hygienic reasons these dispenser models will also dose small amounts of liquid ingredientduring the cold water flushing procedure. Therefore there will always be hints of ingredientconcentrate in the flush water.•Cleaning and flushing is an intensive cleaning procedure that takes approximately 3-15 minutes.Cleaning and flushing is required at least once a week.During the program „Cleaning & Flushing“ you must:• remove the ingredient packs from the ingredient storage• clean the ingredient storage and re-insert the ingredient packs into the ingredient storage• Remove all parts that come in contact with liquid ingredients from the dispenser.• Clean these parts outside the dispenser with a special cleaning agent.• Re-insert the parts into the dispenser• Start the automatic flushing program.Note:To reduce cleaning time at the dispenser to 3 minutes, we recommend the use of troughexchange kits, existing of a clean trough and lid.Without exchange kit the cleaning time is determined by the time for soaking the trough and lidin cleaning agent.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenser during the automatic flushprogram.Start the cleaning procedure1. Touch and hold the top centre of the touch screen display for 3 seconds. (Fig. 31)2. Touch the display to select the cleaning procedure:• ‚FLUSHING‘ or• ‚CLEANING & FLUSHING‘Note:If a cleaning procedure is due or overdue, the dispenser will automatically start the requiredprocedure.3. Proceed as described in the corresponding section below.Note:To cancel the cleaning program, touch the small arrow in the upper left corner. (Fig. 32)31 32FLUSHING CLEANING&FLUSHINGCLEANING
Operation11.2006 17FlushingWhen you start the program „Flushing“ you can select:• FLUSH WATER SIDE to flush the hot water outlet,or• FLUSH PRODUCT SIDE to flush the drink outlets.Note:You may skip the hot water flush. This will not block the delivery ofdrinks by the dispenser. We recommend however to flush the hotwater outlet after long periods of inactivity, for example after theweekend.To flush the water outlet1. Place an empty container of 3 litre (3/4 gal) underneath the hot wateroutlet. (Fig. 33)2. Touch the field 'FLUSH WATER SIDE'.The dispenser will flush the outlet for approximately 5 seconds.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenserduring the automatic flush program.To flush the product outlets1. Place an empty container of 3 litre (3/4 gal) underneath both productoutlets. (Fig. 34)2. Touch the field 'FLUSH PRODUCT SIDE'.The dispenser will flush the outlet for approximately 45 seconds.Warning:The liquids delivered by the dispenser are hot! Avoid scalding!Keep hands and other body parts away from the dispenserduring the automatic flush program.After the flushing procedure, the dispenser will automatically return to normaldelivery mode.3. Select a drink button to test delivery for each hot drink4. Check color, aroma and taste of each drink.• If the drink quality is not ok, perform the„Cleaning & „Flushing procedure.If the problem persists, consult your Cafitesse system supplier.• If the drink quality is ok, this will complete the flushing procedure.3334
Operation18 11.2006Cleaning & flushingClean the dispenser with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaningagents.Caution:Clean dispenser parts which are in contact with the ingredients with acleaning agent.Use cleaning agents that are approved by the food industry andrecommended by your Cafitesse system supplier.For safe handling, dosing and use of cleaning agents, follow theinstructions on the label of the cleaning agent.Warning:Do not spray or splash the equipment with water, or clean itunder a water jet.Never submerge the dispenser in water.When you start the „Cleaning & Flushing“ program, follow the instructions onthe display of the dispenser.1. Remove the ingredient packs.a. Open the door of the dispenser. (Fig. 35)b. Open the ingredient storage door. (Fig. 36)c. Remove all ingredient packs and place them on a clean surface.(Fig. 37)d. Check the „Expiry date“ of all ingredient packs.If the „Expiry date“ of an ingredient pack has passed, replace it by anew ingredient pack.2. Clean the ingredient storage:a. Clean the doser holes in the bottom of the ingredient storage with aclean moist brush (supplied with the dispenser). (Fig. 38)b. Clean the ingredient storage with a clean moist cloth.c. Dry the ingredient storage with a clean dry cloth.d. Re-insert the ingredient packs.Note:Take care that you re-insert the packs on the correct position,corresponding to the product placement stickers on the dispenser.e. Close the ingredient storage door and the dispenser door.35363738
Operation11.2006 193. Clean the trough and lid:Note:To reduce cleaning time at the dispenser to 3 minutes, werecommend the use of trough exchange kits, existing of a cleantrough and lid.Without exchange kit the cleaning time is determined by the time forsoaking the trough and lid in cleaning agent.a. Remove the cup tray. (Fig. 39)b. Pull the outlet cover down. (Fig. 40)c. Pull the red bar with yellow sticker to release the trough.d. With your other hand, tilt the trough downwards. (Fig. 41)e. Remove trough and lid from the dispenser.f. Clean the trough and lid: (Fig. 42)• Clean the trough and lid in a dishwasher, or• Soak the trough and lid in warm water with cleaning agent for 15minutes.g. Flush the trough and lid with clean water and dry them with a cleanpaper cloth.4. Re-insert the trough and lid. Press trough and lid upwards until you heara clic.5. Close the door of the dispenser and clean the trays:a. Clean the cup and drip tray gridsb. Empty and clean the drip tray.c. Re-insert the cup and the drip tray.6. Continue with flushing the dispenser.Cleaning of the air filterClean the air filter of the dispenser in regular intervals depending on theambient conditions to enable a constant cooling of the ingredient storage.1. Open the dispenser door.2. Tilt the housing cover upwards. (Fig. 43)3. Pull the air filter and the support out of its position behind the ingredientstorage. (Fig. 43)4. Remove the air filter from its support. (Fig. 44)5. Wash the air filter with water and some cleaning agent, and soak at withclear water.6. Insert the dry air filter into the support, and insert both parts into thedispenser.Caution:Take care, that the designation ‚FRONT‘ on the air filter supportshows to the ingredient storage.413940424443
Operation20 11.2006Status and error messagesWhen the  symbol appears on the screen, touch the symbol to display the active status message.In most cases the message will indicate an empty ingredient pack or a reminder to clean the dispenser.Follow the instructions on the display to resolve the error.Alternatively you can set the dispenser in operator mode to display all active status and error messages.Note:To reset error messages, start the operator mode. Press the ON/STANDBY/RESET switch toreset the messages.Switch the dispenser off or onSwitch off the dispenserIf you plan not to use the dispenser for a short period of time (e.g. over the weekend), use the ON/STANDBY/RESET switch to set the dispenser in STANDBY mode.• This will switch off the boiler and drink delivery to save energy.• This will keep the cooling of the ingredient storage unit operational to preserve the quality of theingredient packs.If you plan not to use the dispenser for a long period of time (e.g. during works holidays):1. Remove the ingredient packs and read the written "Expiry Date" on the packs.• If the expiration date is before you plan to use the dispenser again, dispose the ingredientpacks.• If the expiration date is after you plan to use the dispenser again, store the ingredient packs in arefrigerator until you switch on the dispenser again.Warning:Do not freeze thawed ingredient packs again.2. Clean and flush the dispenser.3. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.4. Close the water tap.45
Operation11.2006 21Putting into operationIf the dispenser is in standby mode:1. Open the door of the dispenser.2. Press the button ON/STANDBY/RESET to activate the dispenser.The dispenser will re-activate the boiler. Delivery of drinks will remain blocked until the boiler hasreached the correct temperature.3. Wait until the message "boiler is heaing up, please wait" has disappeared (10-30 minutes).4. Flush both hot water and product outlets of the dispenser.5. Select a drink button to test delivery for each drink.6. Check color, aroma and taste of the drink.If the dispenser was switched off:1. Open the water tap.2. Plug in the mains plug power cord.The dispenser will start heating the boiler water and cooling the ingredient storage compartent.Note:Subject to the electrical specifications of the dispenser (see „Technical specifications“) and theambient temperature, heating the boiler may take 30-120 minutes. Cooling the ingredientstorage may take 24 hours or more.3. Wait until the dispenser display indicates the ingredient storage has reached the correcttemperature.4. Insert the ingredient packs.a. Read the "Best before" and "Expiry Date" on the pack.Do not use packs for which the "Best before" or "Expiry Date" has passed.b. Mark the product placement stickers on the dispenser and insert the packs on the correspondingposition.5. Clean and flush the dispenser to ensure safe and hygienic operation.Caution:If the dispenser has been out of operation for a very long time (for example during the holidays),repeat the flushing procedure for hot water at least 4 times.6. Select a drink button to test delivery for each drink.7. Check color, aroma and taste of the drink.
22 01.2007Program the dispenserThe dispenser has a special operator menu mode, that allows you to view/modify settings using thetouch screen display of the dispenser. The menus of the operator mode will guide you through theoptions listed below.Note:Possibly not all of the below mentioned options are available for your dispenser.In case of questions please consult your Cafitesse system supplier.CLEANING Start the cleaning programmes 'Flushing' and 'Cleaning and Flushing'DRINK CNTRS View the counter values of individual drinks and the total counter valueDRNK PRICES Set the drink prices for sales, and Happy Hour 1, 2, 3BLOCK KEYS Lock and unlock the delivery buttonsSTRENGTH Set the drink strength for individual drinksDATE&TIME Set the date and timeHAPPY HOUR Set the day of the week, the starting and ending times for up to 3 HAPPYHOUR intervals•ENERGY SVNG Set the starting and ending conditions for energy saving intervalsCLEAN.MMNTS Customise the schedule timer for the two cleaning programmes.TEMPERATURS View temperature values of hot water (boiler) and ingredients (coolingcompartment).MESSAGES Customise dispenser messages such as:• The name and telephone number of the operator.• Commercial welcome messages on the displayWATERFILTR View the water filter: water quantity flown through or time period usedMACHINE NR Input an operator-internal machine number for the dispenserAUDIT DATA Exchange data with an accounting system, if applicable.PAYMENT Customise the options if the dispenser is equipped with a payment system:• Enable/disable payment• Drink prices• Happy Hour
Program the dispenser11.2006 23Start the operator modeYour dispenser type will work with one of the two methods listed below to access the operator mode:• Access the operator mode with the operator tag.• Access the operator mode with the access code.Note:To avoid unauthorised access to the operator mode, we recommend you keep the operator tagor access code in a safe place.Access the operator mode with the operator tagUse this method if your dispenser was delivered with operator tag.1. Press and hold the stop button. (Fig. 46)2. Hold the operator tag in front of the area to the right of the touch screen until the dispenser willdisplay the access screen for the operator mode. (Fig. 46)• The dispenser will display:• software version of the dispenser• Active error code (if applicable)• Next day and time when you will need to flush or clean and flush the dispenser.3. Press the field CONTINUE to see the operator mode.4. Navigate the operator menu to select the option you wish to view or change.Access the operator mode with the access codeUse this method if your dispenser was delivered without operator tag.The access code for the operator mode is printed on the last page of this document.1. Open the door of the dispenser.2. Press and hold the STOP button. (Fig. 47)3. Press and hold the ON/STANDBY/RESET switch until the dispenser will display the access screenfor the operator mode.4647CANCEL CLEAR1234567890OPERATOR MODE (v X.xx) Tu 11:10Active error code: 30Next flushing: Fr 10:30Next cleaning & flushing: Mo 10:30  MORE ERROR INFORMATION     CONTINUEOPERATOR MODE (v X.xx) Tu 11:10Active error code: 30Next flushing: Fr 10:30Next cleaning & flushing: Mo 10:30  MORE ERROR INFORMATION     CONTINUE
Program the dispenser24 11.2006Navigate the operator menuThe operator mode has more options than can fit in the touch screen display of the dispenser. To scrollthrough all options use the navigation controls to display all options (fig. 48):a. Touch the top left arrow icon to exit operator mode.b. Touch a menu button to enter a dialog or program screen.c. Touch the arrow icons on the right to scroll for more items in the operator mode. In some of the dialog screens, you will also find left and right arrow icons (fig. 49):a. Touch the top left arrow icon to return to the main menu of the operator mode.b. Touch the arrow icons on the right to select the different items of the dialog screen.4. Close the door of the dispenser and use the numeric fields to enter the 4-digit access code.• When you enter the wrong code, the "Enter Access Code" screen will remain on the display.a. Select the field CLEAR to clear the input.b. Enter the correct access code and try again.• When you enter the correct code, dispenser will display:• software version of the dispenser• Active error code (if applicable)• Next day and time when you will need to flush or clean and flush the dispenser.5. Press the field CONTINUE to see the operator mode.6. Navigate the operator menu to select the option you wish to view or change.xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX (v X.xx)ab c48xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXab49XXXXXX XXXXXX
01.2007 25Technical specificationsThe features and options listed in this section may not apply in each country. Please consult yourCafitesse system supplier for more information.Dispenser versions • Standard version hot drinks - cup & pot delivery.• Café Cool version hot and cold drinks - cup & pot delivery.Dimensions cup and pot cup and large pot NSF version• Height 806 mm/31.7 in 915 mm/36.0 in 812 mm (32.0 in)• Width 506 mm/19.9 in 506 mm/19.9 in 506 mm (19.9 in.)• Depth 450 mm/17.7 in 450 mm/17.7 in 450 mm (17.7 in.)Weight• empty 50 kg/110.2 lbs 52 kg/114.6 lbs• filled 65 kg/143.3 lbs 67 kg/147.7 lbsMaximum cup/pot height: • Cups: 9-16 cm (3,5-6,3 in) using the cup tray• Pots: 22 cm (8,8 in.) with cup tray folded• Air pots: 33 cm (13,4 in.) when using the optional air pot extension.(„Options“)Ingredient capacity: 2 disposable Bag-in-Box (BIB) ingredient packs with a capacity of:• 2 litre/0.53 gal, or• 1.25 litre/0.33 gal. (Use the small optional adapters for ingredientpacks („Options“))Drink capacity: 100 cups at 100 cc (3.3 fl. oz. USA) per hour per kW heating capacity(see electrical specifications below)Standard water connection: • 1/2'' or 3/8'' supply line with 3/4'' BSP connecting piece.• Drinking water line with stop valve.• max. water inlet temperature 60ºC/140°F• Dynamic pressure : min. 0.8 bar at 10 l/min.• Static pressure : max. 10 bar• Boiler capacity: 10 litre/2,6 galHot water connection: • Via copper pipes only.(with a pre-heater • only with a special inlet valvesee „options“) (please consult your Cafitesse system supplier)• max. water inlet temperature 75 °C/167 °FConnection water cooling unit: Dynamic pressure: min. 0.8 bar at 1.2 l/min.Electrical Specifications • By power cord and plug (1.80 m/70.9 in.)• Direct power connection according to the Safety InstructionsFor the connected loads refer to the rating plate.1-phase operation Europe: max. 3.5 kW at AC 230V-240V3-phase operation Europe: max. 8.1 kW at 3N AC 400V1-phase operation USA: max. 1.71 kW at AC 120V2-phase operation USA: • max. 2.77/3.65 kW at AC 208/240 V• max. 4.30/5.70 kW at AC 208/240 V• max. 6.42/8.62 kW at AC 208/240 VConsult your Cafitesse system supplier for alternative settings.Environmental specifications• Acoustic Emission The A-weighted sound pressure level of the dispenser is below 70 dB.• Ambient Temperaturefor installation & operation Between 5 °C/41 °F and 32 °C/90 °F.Compliancy European market: CE label (Directive about electrical equipment oflow voltage, directive about electromagneticcompatibility, EC machine directive)USA and canadian market: UL/cUL labelFCC Statements (for USA):Labeling Requirements (FCC 15.19)This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Modifications (FCC 15.21)Changes or modifications to this equipment not expresslyapproved by the manufacturer may void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.The manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
26 01.2007OptionsThe features and options listed in this section may not apply in each country.Please consult your Cafitesse system supplier for more information.Software optionsOn customer demand the service technician can enable or disable specificfunctions of your dispenser. For example:* Dual language support for the touch screen (like English and French)* Acoustic signals for special events such as drink delivery completed,ingredient pack empty, dispenser errors or confirmation of touch screenselection.* Alternative settings for drink recipes, varieties, strength or cup volume.* Enable/disable preset selections such as drink strength (mild, normal,strong) or cup size (small, medium, large).* Portioned or continuous delivery.* Single or double drink dispensing.* Automatic ingredient pack switch (when using 2 equal ingredient packs).* Custom energy saving moments.* Custom cleaning moments according to your preference.Hardware accessoriesAdapters for small ingredient packsTo use the dispenser with 1.25 litre/0.33 gal ingredient packs, your Cafitessesystem supplier can provide special magnetic adapters for the ingredientstorage to secure the packs into their position. (Fig. 50)Dispenser feetTo allow easy cleaning underneath the dispenser, the service technician caninstall special dispenser feet to raise the position of the dispenser withapproximately 4.5 cm (1.77 in.) from the counter surface.Air pot ExtensionTo allow the use of large pots like pump-action pots, the service techniciancan install a special dispenser foot to increase the delivery height of thedispenser outlets to 33 cm (13.4 in.). (Fig. 51)5051
Options11.2006 27Drainage footTo minimize the need for emptying the drip tray the service technician caninstall a special drainage foot to connect the drip tray directly to a sewer ordrain tank.Water cooling unitFor the additional delivery of cold water, the service technician can equip yourdispenser with a special water cooling unit.Caution:Test the quality of the water supply to ensure delivery of safe colddrinks according to local regulations.Hot water valveIf you would like to operate your dispenser with a pre-heater, the servicetechnician must equip your dispenser with a special hot water valve.Water tankIn situations where there is no water supply available near the dispenser, orwater supply does not supply water of drinking quality the service techniciancan equip the dispenser with a water tank. (Fig. 52)A dispenser with water tank requires you to (re)fill the tank with fresh drinkingwater at regular intervals. If the tank is empty, the dispenser will automaticallydisplay an error message.Caution:A dispenser with water tank requires you to renew the water in thetank every day.Payment systemIf you would like to enable your dispenser for vending of drinks, the servicetechnician can extend your dispenser with various payment systems. At yourrequest the service technician can program specific prices per drink andschedule "happy hour" moments for vending at reduced prices.52
28 01.2007Trouble shootingSymptomAn  symbol appears in theupper left corner of the displayOne of the messages‚Flushing is required‘or‚Cleaning and flushing isrequired‘appears on the display.Error 30 is shown on thedisplay.Milk leaks from the productoutlet.Water leaks from the hot wateroutlet or a product outlet.The dispenser does notrespond to pressing a buttonor touch screen input.CauseThe dispenser indicates thatuser intervention is required.The respective cleaningprogram must be performed.The temperature inside theingredient storage is too high.Incorrectly installed ingredient(milk) pack.Scale particles block therespective outlet valve, itcannot close completely.A software jam has occured.Possible solutionTouch the  symbol and follow theinstuctions on pages 15 and 20 ofthis manual.Press the upper center of the touchscreen and follow the instructions,see page 16 of this manual.Check / clean the air filter(see page 19).If the problem persists contact yourCafitesse-system-supplier.Check if the red ring of the dosingtube is turned completely (see theinstructions on the package).Perform the program ‚Flushing‘.If the problem persists contact yourCafitesse-system-supplier.Reset the dispenser:Disconnect the power supply andconnect again after 5 seconds.If the problem persists contact yourCafitesse-system-supplier.

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