N V Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP VELOS4 RFID Reader for Livestock User Manual manual

N. V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP RFID Reader for Livestock manual


Service manual For installation, operation and service   ISO Reader I/O      VP1007                   April 2009 / Manual version 0.4
  VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4      Version overview  Manual version 0.4 / 4 - 2009                                           This information is furnished for guidance, and with no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness; its publication conveys no license under any patent or other right, nor does the publisher assume liability for any consequence of its use; specifications and availability of goods mentioned in it are subject to change without notice; it is not to be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.  © Nedap N.V., AGRI  P.O. Box 104 NL-7140 AC GROENLO The Netherlands
  VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4          VP1007 ISO Reader I/O     Contents  1 Introduction  1 2 Description and functioning  2 3 Safety  3 4 Installation  3 4.1 Mounting  3 4.2 Connections  4 5 Adjustments  5 5.1 Check after power up  5 5.2 Address  5 5.3 Antenna  6 5.4 Software setup  6 6 Advanced  7 6.1 Testing inputs and outputs  7 6.2 Advanced antenna adjustment  7 6.3 Identification test options  8 7 Trouble shooting  9 8 Maintenance, cleaning and disposal  10 Appendix A: Specifications  11 Appendix B: Display and push button  12 Appendix C: Overview display menu  13 Appendix D: LED indicator overview  14 Appendix E: RS485 connection  15 Appendix F: RS232 connections  16
  VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 1    Preface This manual is part of the service documentation for Nedap Velos. Reference is also made to other manuals that are part of the Nedap Velos documentation. For an overview of available Nedap Velos manuals see the manual “Nedap Velos General Description”, or visit the Nedap Agri website www.nedap-agri.com.    1 Introduction The Velos VP1007 is used for identification of animals for feeding, weighing, milking, heat detection etc. The VP1007 must be connected to a computer (controller) and can communicate by a CAN, RS485 or RS232 protocol. The connected computer must give controlling commands to the VP1007 to operate inputs, outputs and identification.   The VP1007 has the following main tasks: - Identification of tags (ISO 134.2 kHz FDX/HDX) Two antenna connections available, 1 active at the time -  Controlling outputs  5 outputs are available to activate e.g. lights, motors, valves, relays 5 protected outputs for continues 25V, e.g. power for sensors - Reading inputs 5 inputs available for e.g. sensors, switches - Communication RS232 or RS485 to connect e.g. a weigh computer  Following antenna types can be used: V-sense antennas  The VP1007 must be installed in a housing suitable for farm conditions, for example in a V-box.   Reference manuals : PS0000-200PM-00 Velos general description  VP1007 VP1007 VP1007 VP1007 VPU  To PC (LAN ethernet) CAN-bus channel 1   CAN-bus channel 2  Power Supply max 3m Max number of V-packs and cable length depends on configuration used
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 2    Compliance statement (part 15.19)  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and to RSS210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  Warning (part 15.21) Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for  a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when  the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment  generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful  interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential  area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required  to correct the interference at his own expense.     2   Description and functioning A VP1007 has 5 inputs used for reading e.g. sensors or switches.   There are also 5 outputs available to activate e.g. lights, motors, valves or relays. The VP1007 can read tags FDX/HDX 134.2 kHz.  The VP1007 must be connected to a computer and can communicate by a CAN, RS485 or RS232 protocol. The connected computer must give controlling commands to the VP1007 to operate inputs, outputs and identification.           Figure : Sticker on the VP1007 with indication of the connections  Operation of the VP1007 Antenna : for reading tags, normally on Inputs : read continuously with status change sent to the controller Outputs : switched on or off by commands from the controller LEDs : switched on or off by the VP1007 according to the status Error : errors are sent to the controller  All inputs and outputs can be tested by the use of the push button and display. For operation of the push button and display see appendix B.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 3   3  Safety Installation and service only by trained personnel. Always turn off the main power when working on the electrical installation.  4 Installation Installation consits of the following steps: 1. Mounting 2.  Installation of all wiring (connections) 3. Power up 4.  Set address (when more then one VP1007) 5.  Check antenna adjustment (green LED on) 6.  Check the connected equipment like lamps, motors, sensors etc. 7.  Configuration in the PC Follow this manual to complete the steps.  4.1 Mounting See the relevant equipment manual relating to where the VP1007 is to be installed.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 4    4.2 Connections See the relevant equipment manual relating to where the VP1007 is to be installed.    Figure : I/O of the VP1007. The input and output connections are shown above as an example.   Details VP1007 inputs and outputs  Vin  +  Power   -  Minus  RS232 / 485  RxD / B- Data receive  TxD / A+ Data send  - /   Minus for RS232 / shield for RS485 SYNC  ~  Synchronisation for HDX, AC (no plus or minus, cable must be twisted pair)  ~  See above I/O 1 .. 5  +  Output max 400mA  O  Output max 400mA / 1.7A input  -  Minus for output (O) and minus input (I)  I  Input ANTENNA  +  Antenna F SYNC  FI/FO  Frequency synchronisation FI=in  FO=out  -  Antenna minus (shield of coax cable)  IMPORTANT : Use power supply with a fused output such as Velos VP2001, VP2002.  Details Velos cable  orangeblue white blue black red orange white Velos cable SwitchLight Velos cable OUT (same connection as IN) Red (+) Black (-)  Blue (Ch) Blue/white (Cl) Shield  Orange (Sync) Orange/white (Sync) Shield Power 1,5 mm2  Communication 0,34 mm2 Twisted pair shielded  HF Synchronisation 0,34 mm2 Twisted pair shielded Part No. 7705310
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 5    5 Adjustments  Before starting with adjustments first install all components and wiring. Follow the sequence as indicated in this chapter. 5.1  Check after power up Check if the VP1007 has power after power up. This means 3 green LED’s are on, see figure below.    For more details about the LED indicators see Appendix D.  If LED’s are green, continue with address settings  5.2 Address Each VP1007 requires a unique address on the communication bus. Use the display and push button to set the address. How to use the display and push button is shown in appendix B. See appendix C for the complete overview of the display menu. The display will indicate the actual address at startup (01 for a new unit). If an address is accepted by the communication bus the display goes blank. If there is no communication with the controller also the address is shown. If the address is not accepted, the display will show the address.  How to change an address (for example set address to 12) 1.  Short press on the button. Ad will appear.  2.  Now hold the button till the display starts blinking. dA will appear. 3.  Short press on the button. SA will appear. 4.  Now hold the button until the display starts blinking. 0- will appear. 5.  Short press on the button. The 0- is now changed into 1-. 6.  Hold the button until the display starts blinking. 10 will appear. 7.  Short press on the button. The 10 is now changed into 11. 8.  Short press on the button again. The 11 is now changed into 12. 9.  Hold now the button until the display starts blinking. The 12 is now stored in the memory. 10. There will now be 12 blinking on the display now. If the address is accepted by the process unit the display goes blank.  How to check the address 1.  Short press the button. Ad will appear.  2.  Now hold the button until the display starts blinking. dA will appear. 3.  Hold the button again until the display starts blinking. The actual address will be shown. 4.  Leave the menu by pressing the button until the display goes blank.   If the display does not go blank (address remains on the display), the address in not accepted. When the address setting is ok continue with the antenna adjustment.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 6    5.3 Antenna After power up the antenna tuning starts automatically. LEDs are indicating the status.      Green on  Antenna tuning ok     Red on  Antenna out of range     Red on  Antenna out of range     Red blinking  No antenna connected or low antenna signal     All off  Antenna switch off by the software     5.4 Software setup The software in the connected controller determines how the inputs and outputs on the VP1007 are controlled. See manual with the relevent settings to configure the software for this VP1007. When the software setup is done the VP1007 is ready for use.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 7    6 Advanced Tests and adjustments described in this chapter are not used for a standard startup and configuration of the VP1007.  6.1  Testing inputs and outputs Output test Use the test L1, L2, .. L5 to test the connected equipment e.g. lights, valves or relays. This test will switch on the selected output. The test is stopped by a short press on the button. Example of a light test (connected to output 5) 1.  Short press on the button until “It” appears.  2.  Now hold the button until the display starts blinking. “dE” will appear. 3.  Short press on the button until “L5” appears. 4.  Now hold the button until the display starts blinking. Output 6 will be switched on. To switch off, a short press on the button.  Input test Use the test i1, i2, .. i5 to test the connected equipment e.g. switches and sensors. This test will read the selected input. The results are indicated with a “0” or “1”. Open or closed depends on the settings from the behavior component. The test is stopped by a short press on the button. Example of a switch test (connected to output 5) 1.  Short press on the button until “It” appears.  2.  Now hold the button till the display starts blinking. “dE” will appear. 3.  Short press on the button until “i5” appears. 4.  Now hold the button until the display starts blinking. Input 5 will be read. 5.  Activate the switch on and off. If ok, the display value will show zero and one   6.2  Advanced antenna adjustment  Antenna power The antenna power default is set to maximum (99) and needs no adjustments. Lowering the antenna power will reduce the reading distance of the antenna.  Check the antenna power The antenna power level is shown on the display in the service menu at HF option AP (Adjust Power) 1.  Select menu option AP (Adjust Power) on the display by using the push button 2.  Push the button until the display starts to blink, a value will appear on the display 3.  The value on the display is the actual power setting. 99 is the default factory setting. 4.  To leave the menu without modifying the settings press the button until the display goes blank (press about 4 seconds)  Modify the antenna power 1.  Select the actual antenna power on the display (see above antenna power check) 2.  Short press on the button and the first digit of the value will change  3.  Continue to press until the desired value, then hold the button until blinking 4.  The second digit can be changed in the same way 5.  When the desired value is on the display, press until the display blinks 6.  The next menu item AS is now indicated. 7.  To leave the service menu and return to normal operation, press the button until the display goes blank (press about 4 seconds)
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 8    Antenna squelch Antenna squelch is a possibility to set a threshold for the ID level of a tag. It means the antenna power is still the same, but the software will not transfer weak received tag numbers. The antenna squelch default is set to minimum (-0). This means no threshold. Maximum is -9.  Check the antenna squelch level The antenna squelch level is shown on the display in the service menu at HF, option AS (Adjust Squelch) 1.  Select menu option AS (Adjust Squelch) on the display by using the push button 2.  Push the button until the display starts to blink, a value will appear on the display 3.  The value on the display is the actual setting. -0 is the default factory setting. 4.  To leave the menu without modifying the settings press the button until the display goes blank (press about 4 seconds)  Modify the antenna squelch level 1.  Select the actual antenna squelch level on the display (see above squelch level check) 2.  Short press on the button and the value will change  3.  Continue to press until the desired value, then hold the button until blinking 4.  The next menu item “df” is now indicated. 5.  Hold a tag in the antenna and determine the maximum reading distance 6.  If reading distance is ok leave the menu. If not ok try another level. 7.  To leave the service menu and return to normal operation, press the button until the display goes blank (press about 4 seconds)   6.3  Identification test options  Identification test with option “id” When a tag is in the antenna field, the green LED used for the antenna tuning will be blinking. There is also a test in the internal test menu called “id”. This test will also show the green LED blinking but also shows the last two digits of the tag number on the display.     Signal level indication option “SF” and “SH” There is a test available to give an indication about the signal received on the reader of the VP1007. This test is separated in a FDX (SF) and HDX (SH) noise indication test. This test is mainly used for HDX because at HDX there is a greater risk of external influence on the antenna field.  How to use the signal level test 1.  Select option “SH” on the display and press the button until the display starts to blink. A value will appear on the display.  2.  Now move a HDX tag slowly into the antenna field. The display value will normally increase when getting closer to the antenna. If there is negligible or little increase in display value this is an indication something external is causing noise.  The possible cause of  noise can be frequency controlled electric motors or a transmitter operating on or close to 134.2 kHz
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 9    7 Trouble shooting Errors / malfunctioning is indicated by the indicator LED’s or the display.  Error by indicator LED Indicator LED’s are normally green or switched off. A red or orange indicator LED means normally there is something not ok. See Appendix D for the explanation of the different colors.  Errors indicated at menu option “dE” In menu option “dE” it is possible to see actual error codes. When entering the display menu option “dE” the errors code will be shown and the error will be cleared. If the error is not cleared it means there is still an error. There can be more than one error. Further errors are displayed one after another with a short delay between each code.    “dE” code on the display  Description  00 No errors   01  Max I out error, next module shut off   02  Short circuit detected at reset   03  Max I out high-side   04  Max I out low-side   05  CAN over voltage   06  CAN offset too high  07 -  08 -   09  Short circuit out5 <-> minus   10  Short circuit out4 <-> minus   11  Short circuit out3 <-> minus   12  Short circuit out2 <-> minus   13  OUT1 off : +24V on OUT1   14  Short circuit out1 <-> minus   15  IO5 off: +24V on OUT5   16  IO5 on: short circuit IO5   17  IO4 off: +24V on OUT4   18  IO4 on: short circuit IO4   19  IO3 off: +24V on OUT3   20  IO3 on: short circuit IO3   21  IO2 off: +24V on OUT2   22  IO2 on: short circuit IO2   23  IO1 off: +24V on OUT1   24  IO1 on: short circuit IO1     Identification performance and disturbance  Identification performance can be reduced by disturbance caused by variable-frequency drives used for ventilation, milk pumps, vacuum pumps, etc. Also ballasts used for fluorescent tube lighting may interfere. If there is interference one can locate the source by switching off all the equipment on a farm and then switch them on again one by one. Most of the time when a variable-frequency drive is causing a problem it is due to bad installation or without the mandatory main filters.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 10     8  Maintenance, cleaning and disposal  Maintenance No regular maintenance required.  Software update A VP1007 is equipped with software to activate inputs and outputs, display / push button and a motor safeguard. This software is called firmware. During manufacturing the firmware is programmed and ready for use. In case of an update it is possible to download new firmware thru the CAN-bus. In the Velos system the web browser interface of the VPU (VP8001) is used to handle this. For more details about downloading new firmware see also the manual of the VPU (VP8001).  Cleaning A VP1007 must be installed in a suitable housing (V-box) so cleaning of the VP1007 is not required.  Disposal Discard according to the regulations prevailing at the time of disposal
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 11    Appendix A: Specifications    Specifications VP1007 (part no 9926542) Dimensions  143 x 120 x 68 mm LxWxH (excluding mounting rail) Weight: ± 360 gr Power  Input voltage 25 VDC, +20% -20% Minimal power consumption 300 mA with antenna switched on Maximum power consumption 4,5 A Protected against reverse connection power supply Communication  CAN, RS485 and RS232  Software  Downloadable thru network Inputs  Reading inputs, analog (0-40V) and digital.  Suitable for NPN and PNP sensors. Outputs  Max. +0.4 / -1.7 Amp by current limiter, short-circuiting protected I/O safe-guard when total I/O current > 4A Antennas  Different types possible Detection distance  Varies per antenna Synchronisation  Synchronization according to ISO 11785 Environment  Temperature: Operating: -10 – 50 °C, Storage: -25 – 70 °C  Relative humidity: 10 – 93% non condensing IP class  IP 30. When installed in V-box IP 65 (cover and cables installed correctly!)   Cable specifications Power CAN-bus  Min. 1.5 mm2 Min. 0.34 mm2 twisted pair shielded Antenna  Coax RG58. Max. length depending on antenna type. Outputs  CE approved at cable length < 3m Inputs  CE approved at cable length < 3m Synchronisation  Twisted pair min. 0.34mm2 shielded Total max. 500m   Always use a NEDAP power supply The Nedap guarantee-regulations are only valid when is installed as indicated in this manual. Install data cables at a safe distance from (high) powered cables  More information For more detailed information contact your local Nedap supplier or check the internet site.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 12    Appendix B: Display and push button            DISPLAY ADDRESS Shows the actual address         SET ADDRESS Change the address        ANTENNA POWER Min/max 10 / 99. Normally set to 99. Possible to set a lower value.        ANTENNA SENSITIVITY SQUELCH Min/max 9 / 0. Normally set to 0. Possible to set a lower value.  Figure: a section of a display menu     Press button until blinking  Short press on button  To leave menu: Press button until display goes blank   How to use the display and push button Normally the display is off. If there is no connection to the VPU the address is shown. It is also possible some program states of a behavior component are shown during operation.  Activate the menu   short  press on the button, the display menu is shown Scroll down    short press on the button Select      press button until blinking Change and store  select item to change, open item by pressing button until blinking, change by        short press on button, store by pressing button until blinking Check a setting   select the item to check, press button until blinking, first value shown is actual     setting  The display is normally automatically switched off after 30 minutes. Display         Push button
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 13    Appendix C: Overview display menu     DISPLAY ADDRESS Shows the actual address         SET ADDRESS Change the address        ANTENNA POWER Min/max 10 / 99. Normally set to 99. Possible to set a lower value.        ANTENNA SENSITIVITY SQUELCH Min/max 9 / 0. Normally set to 0. Possible to set a lower value.        SIGNAL LEVEL FDX Shows signal level measured by the FDX receiver        SIGNAL LEVEL HDX Shows signal level measured by the HDX receiver        TEST IDENTIFICATION Shows last 2 digits of a tag number        SETTINGS TO DEFAULT All HF settings back to factory settings        DISPLAY ERROR Shows error code         TEST OUTPUT L1 … L5         TEST INPUT I1 … i5   REMARK    Press button until blinking  Short press on button  To leave menu: Press button until display goes blank
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 14     Appendix D: LED indicator overview        POWER  Green on  Power on   off No power STATUS  Blue Slow blinking  Fast blinking 1 short flash 2 short flashes  3 short flashes   Operating ok Downloading or error during download V-pack not coupled Firmware present but not active No firmware present Display on Address indicated  No communication   off    Communication status ok Vi  Green on  Input power applied   off No power   Orange  Low power, less than 20V   Orange blinking  Wrong CAN-bus connection, Vin and Vout swapped   Red  Error, plus and minus swapped / overload Vo  Green on  Output power   off No power   Orange blinking  Low power   Red blinking  Error, plus and minus swapped COM  Green on  V-pack is last one on the bus   off  V-pack is not last one on the bus    Orange blinking  CAN-bus error and last V-pack on the bus   Red   CAN-bus error   Red blinking  CAN-bus warning / connected wrong O1 .. O5  Green on  Output on   off Output off   Red blinking  Output error / overload I1 .. I5  Green on  Input contact open   off  Input contact closed TUNING /ID   Green on Green blinking  Antenna ok Antenna ok and tag identified   Red on  Antenna not tuned correctly   Red on  Antenna not tuned correctly   Red blinking  Antenna error / not connected
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 15    Appendix E: RS485 connection                                            RS 485 port of computer B A shield  Power supply  RS485 cable specifications (computer to first VP1007): Wires : min. 0.34 mm2 twisted pair shielded Max length between computer and VP1007 100m. Longer length depends on used baudrate used.
   VP1007-200PM-00 ISO Reader I/O Manual version 0.4 / Page 16    Appendix F: RS232 connections                                           RS 232 port of computer RxD  TxD GND  RS232 cable specifications :  Shielded cable  Wires min. 0.34 mm2  Max length between Computer and VP1007 3m.  Power supply

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