Multi Tech Systems 92U18H30862 MTCDTIP-LAT1-275x-915 User Manual MultiConnect ConduitTM Base Station IP67

Multi Tech Systems Inc MTCDTIP-LAT1-275x-915 MultiConnect ConduitTM Base Station IP67

User Manual

MultiConnect®ConduitTM BaseStation IP67Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1
MULTICONNECT CONDUIT IP67 BASE STATION GETTING STARTED GUIDE2 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1MultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station Getting Started GuideModels: MTCDTIP-xxx-266x-xxx, MTCDTIP-xxx-267x-xxx, MTCDTIP-xxx-270x-xxx, MTCDTIP-xxx-275x-xxxPart Number: S000665, Version 2.2CopyrightThis publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific and express prior written permission signed by an executive officer ofMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019 by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, whether express, implied or by estoppels, with respect to the content, information,material and recommendations herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and non-infringement.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation ofMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.Trademarks and Registered TrademarksMultiTech, MultiConnect, and the MultiTech logo are registered trademarks and Conduit is a trademark of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All other products andtechnologies are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.Legal NoticesThe MultiTech products are not designed, manufactured or intended for use, and should not be used, or sold or re-sold for use, in connection withapplications requiring fail-safe performance or in applications where the failure of the products would reasonably be expected to result in personal injury ordeath, significant property damage, or serious physical or environmental damage. Examples of such use include life support machines or other lifepreserving medical devices or systems, air traffic control or aircraft navigation or communications systems, control equipment for nuclear facilities, ormissile, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons or other military applications (“Restricted Applications”). Use of the products in such RestrictedApplications is at the user’s sole risk and liability.MULTITECH DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA BY A PRODUCT OVER A CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK WILL BEUNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR ERROR FREE, NOR DOES MULTITECH WARRANT ANY CONNECTION OR ACCESSIBILITY TO ANY CELLULARCOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. MULTITECH WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSSES, DAMAGES, OBLIGATIONS, PENALTIES, DEFICIENCIES, LIABILITIES,COSTS OR EXPENSES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION REASONABLE ATTORNEYS FEES) RELATED TO TEMPORARY INABILITY TO ACCESS A CELLULARCOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK USING THE PRODUCTS.The MultiTech products and the final application of the MultiTech products should be thoroughly tested to ensure the functionality of the MultiTechproducts as used in the final application. The designer, manufacturer and reseller has the sole responsibility of ensuring that any end user product intowhich the MultiTech product is integrated operates as intended and meets its requirements or the requirements of its direct or indirect customers.MultiTech has no responsibility whatsoever for the integration, configuration, testing, validation, verification, installation, upgrade, support or maintenanceof such end user product, or for any liabilities, damages, costs or expenses associated therewith, except to the extent agreed upon in a signed writtendocument. To the extent MultiTech provides any comments or suggested changes related to the application of its products, such comments or suggestedchanges is performed only as a courtesy and without any representation or warranty whatsoever.Contacting MultiTechKnowledge BaseThe Knowledge Base provides immediate access to support information and resolutions for all MultiTech products. Visit PortalTo create an account and submit a support case directly to our technical support team, visit: Hours: M-F, 8am to 5pm CTCountry By Email By PhoneEurope, Middle East, Africa: +(44) 118 959 7774U.S., Canada, all others: (800) 972-2439 or (763) 717-5863WarrantyTo read the warranty statement for your product, visit For other warranty options, visit HeadquartersMulti-Tech Systems, Inc.2205 Woodale Drive, Mounds View, MN 55112Phone: (800) 328-9717 or (763) 785-3500Fax (763) 785-9874
CONTENTSMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 3ContentsChapter 1 – MultiConnect® ConduitTM IP67 Base Station........................................................................................ 5Installation..................................................................................................................................................................... 5Advanced Information .................................................................................................................................................. 5V2.1 Features ................................................................................................................................................................ 5Chapter 2 – Getting Started with mLinux Models..................................................................................................... 7Accessing the Terminal Interface.................................................................................................................................. 7Setting Time Zone, Time, and Date............................................................................................................................... 7Setting the Custom IP Address, Network Information, and Ethernet Internet Access ................................................ 8Configuring the Cellular Connection............................................................................................................................. 8Starting Cellular Connection on Boot ......................................................................................................................... 10Configuring the LoRa Network Server for mLinux ...................................................................................................... 10Configuring the LoRa Packet Forwarder ..................................................................................................................... 11Additional LoRa and mLinux Information ................................................................................................................... 11Chapter 3 – Getting Started with AEP Models ........................................................................................................ 12Logging in to AEP......................................................................................................................................................... 12Setting the Password .................................................................................................................................................. 12Setting Date and Time................................................................................................................................................. 12Configuring PPP........................................................................................................................................................... 12Setting Up PPP Authentication ................................................................................................................................... 13Entering IP Address and Network Information........................................................................................................... 13Configuring Access ...................................................................................................................................................... 13Finishing Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 14Using DeviceHQ for Device Management................................................................................................................... 14Chapter 4 – Specifications and Related Information............................................................................................... 15MultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station Specifications............................................................................................. 15All Models ................................................................................................................................................................. 15LoRa Specifications.................................................................................................................................................... 15-LAT1 Models ............................................................................................................................................................ 16-LEU1 Models ............................................................................................................................................................ 17-LEU1 Frequency Bands ............................................................................................................................................ 18-LVW2 Models........................................................................................................................................................... 18-LAT3 Models ............................................................................................................................................................ 19-LVW3 Models........................................................................................................................................................... 19Dimensions.................................................................................................................................................................. 21V1.5 Power Draw ........................................................................................................................................................ 22V2.1 Power Draw ........................................................................................................................................................ 22LE910 Telit Transmission Output Power..................................................................................................................... 23
CONTENTS4 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1LoRa Transmission Output Power............................................................................................................................... 24868 Models ............................................................................................................................................................... 24915 Models ............................................................................................................................................................... 24I2C Addresses.............................................................................................................................................................. 24IO Exp V2.1 Board ....................................................................................................................................................... 25Chapter 5 – Regulatory Information....................................................................................................................... 2647 CFR Part 15 Regulation Class B Devices ................................................................................................................. 26FCC Notice................................................................................................................................................................... 26Industry Canada Class B Notice................................................................................................................................... 26Chapter 6 – Safety Notices ..................................................................................................................................... 28EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive (RED) Compliance ............................................................................................... 28Installation Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 28Warnings and Cautions ............................................................................................................................................ 28Lithium Battery ........................................................................................................................................................... 29User Responsibility...................................................................................................................................................... 30Device Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 30Vehicle Safety.............................................................................................................................................................. 30Notice regarding Compliance with FCC, EU, and Industry Canada Requirements for RF Exposure........................... 31Radio Frequency (RF) Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 31Sécurité relative aux appareils à radiofréquence (RF)................................................................................................ 31Interference with Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices ...................................................................................... 32Potential interference............................................................................................................................................... 32Precautions for pacemaker wearers ........................................................................................................................ 32Chapter 7 – Environmental Notices........................................................................................................................ 33Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Statement .............................................................................................. 33WEEE Directive.......................................................................................................................................................... 33Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European Union ........................................................................ 33Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ............................................................................................ 33REACH Statement ....................................................................................................................................................... 34Registration of Substances........................................................................................................................................ 34Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) ................................................................................................................ 34Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards (in Chinese) ...................................................... 35Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards ......................................................................... 36
MULTICONNECT® CONDUITTM IP67 BASE STATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 5Chapter 1 – MultiConnect® ConduitTM IP67 BaseStationThe MultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station (MTCDTIP) is a LoRa IoT gateway device designed for outdoordeployments.InstallationAn installation guide ships with the MCDTIP and is also available at InformationFor additional information on the mLinux platform, go to additional information on the AEP platform, go to FeaturesV2.1 refers to the Semtech reference design; the previous reference design was V1.5.Models MTCDTIP xxx266x-xxx and xxx-267x-xxx are V1.5.Models MTCDTIP xxx270x-xxx and xxx-275x-xxx are V2.1.The V2.1 hardware design differs from the previous V1.5 design in the following ways:The custom, single purpose Semtech RF front-end ASIC was replaced by a popular wideband generalpurpose single-chip RF front-end from Analog Devices – the AD9361. This change transitionedSemtech's LoRa offering from a purely custom chipset to an SDR (Software-Defined Radio) architecture.The Semtech SX1301 baseband processor chips were retained in the design, but now provide muchmore limited functionality, essentially becoming hardware accelerator blocks whose purpose is todetect and synchronize the preamble (fixed symbol sequence present at the start of every LoRa packet)for incoming packets on multiple frequency slots with multiple spreading factors. This necessaryfunctionality (essentially multiple concurrent FFTs) was more economical in the original ASICs than in anFPGA or a set of general-purpose DSPs.Following a popular pattern for SDR architectures, a large FPGA (a lower-end, but still relatively largeAltera / Intel part) is at the center of the system, with all the other system components, including theAnalog Devices RF front-end, the Semtech SX1301 ASICs, and a set of TI OMAP-L138 ARM/DSP SoC chipsconnected to it.The DSP core of the TI SoCs are used for packet symbol detection, decoding, etc.At system startup, the FPGA must first be configured from its associated SPI Flash memory device. Thesame SPI flash device also contains code which will run on the TI DSPs. After the FPGA is configured, astate machine within the FPGA reads this code from the Flash memory, loads it into the DSP memoryspace, and starts the DSP.The V2.1 design includes provisions to connect a 48-Channel Extension Board, which increases thenumber of simultaneous receive channels from 16 to the US maximum of 64. Note that the currentLoRa V2.1 reference design allows only simultaneous transmit channels, provided by the two SX1301son the main V2.1 board only.
MULTICONNECT® CONDUITTM IP67 BASE STATION6 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1The V2.1 design includes a GPS receiver module to provide timing synchronization betweengeographically-dispersed gateways. The high-accuracy one-pulse-per-second (PPS) output from thisreceiver module maintains an accurate internal 250 MHz (4 ns period) timing counter within the FPGA.The GPS receiver and the associated high-speed counter were added specifically to enable a server-layer application to estimate the physical location of a node based on the Time Difference-of-Arrival(TDOA) of the same packet transmitted by the node at multiple (at least three) gateways. This TDOAgeolocation scheme works successfully, but accuracy is limited by topography and the number ofgateways providing timing information. Multi-path (reflected) signals constitute the primary challengefor this scheme since they arrive at different times based on the different path lengths.For this initial V2.1 release:V2.1 hardware supports geolocation.To get the fine timestamp for geolocation, you will need the AES keys. These can be obtainedfrom Semtech, which has licensed the geolocation resolver software.Multitech supplies the chip ID that can be used by the network service providers for obtainingthe AES keys.The packet format of the LoRa V2.1 is not backward-compatible with the LoRa V1.5 packet format. Therefore,packet processing at the server layer (which sends/receive packets to/from LoRa gateways) fails for V2.1 packets ifthe code has not been upgraded to handle them. Our MultiTech server code has not been upgraded yet, andtherefore cannot be used to process LoRa V2.1 packets. Therefore, if the customer does not have additionalserver-layer support, the MultiTech LoRa V2.1 gateway can only be used as a packet forwarder. Also, unlike theprevious LoRa V1.5 packet format (and packet processing source code), this information is not publicly available.Only LoRa operators or service providers having NDA agreements with Semtech currently have the informationrequired for processing V2.1 packets.
GETTING STARTED WITH MLINUX MODELSMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 7Chapter 2 – Getting Started with mLinux ModelsAccessing the Terminal InterfaceAfter connecting Ethernet and power, access the terminal interface:1. On your PC, configure a static IP address for the network interface that is connected to the device withinthe following range: - Open an SSH connection and log in.Default IP address: (DHCP is disabled) credentials for mLinux version 3: username:rootand password:rootDefault credentials for mLinux version 4: username:mtadmand password:rootNote: The above credentials do NOT have root privileges. As a result, many commands may not work unlessyou use sudo (for super user permissions).To use sudo, either execute :sudo [command]or start the root shell:sudo -sThen enter the mtadm password. The prompt changes to mtcapmtcdtmtcdtip:/home/mtadm#For tips on using sudo, go to following commands require sudo:ln -sf /usr/share ...hwclockifdownifupmlinux-set-apnpppdkillall/etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarderSetting Time Zone, Time, and DateTo set the time zone, date, and time:1. Create a symbolic link from the zone info file for your location to /etc/localtime:
GETTING STARTED WITH MLINUX MODELS8 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich /etc/localtime2. Update the date and time to the current time:date "2016-12-11 14:58:01"3. Update the hardware clock:hwclock -u -wSetting the Custom IP Address, Network Information, and EthernetInternet AccessNetwork configuration is defined in /etc/network/interfaces.1. To change the static IP, change the address and netmask fields in /etc/network/interfaces, (use vi ornano).2. To apply changes, either reboot the device or issue:ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0Note: You will lose your SSH session by doing this.3. To enable DHCP with default settings, edit /etc/udhcpd.conf (using vi or nano) by entering, starting, andending IP addresses for DHCP range.mlinux-dhcpd start4. Issue this command to start DHCP:mlinux-dhcpd startNote: To stop or restart, issue:mlinux-dhcpd stopormlinux-dhcpd restart5. To configure Internet access via the Ethernet port, modify /etc/network/interfaces as follows:a. Add gateway beneath the netmask line, where is the IP address ofyour network router.b. To apply changes, either reboot the device or issue:ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0Note: You will lose your SSH session by doing this.c. Test Internet access with ping the Cellular ConnectionTo establish a cellular data link, you must configure and initiate a PPP connection. Sample options, files, and chatscripts are provided in the ppp peers directory /etc/ppp/peers. Anything specific to the network or connectionshould be placed in one of these files. Global options should be placed in /etc/ppp/options.1. Set up a cellular data connection.
GETTING STARTED WITH MLINUX MODELSMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 9Note: With a Sprint SIM, your device uses Sprint's OTA activation to register the SIM to their network. Sprintautomatically sets the correct APN values automatically. For more information, go to Sprint Device Activation.Set "APN" to the APN for your cellular provider. (Not necessary forVerizon SIMs)# mlinux-set-apn APN# Before establishing PPP connection, modify the file, /etc/ppp/optionssudo -secho -e '+ipv6\nipv6cp-use-ipaddr' >>/etc/ppp/options# Dial the connection (using /etc/ppp/peers/xxx# config)# pppd call xxx#(where xxx# is your radio, LSP3 for Sprint or LEU1 for EuropeLSP3 forSprintLEU1 for Europe)2. Use the Linux route utility to verify ppp0 is up.# routeKernel IP routing tableDestination Gateway Genmask Flags MetricRef Use Ifacedefault UG 0 0 0 ppp033.140.12.18* 0 0 0 ppp0192.168.2.0 * U 0 0 0 ethp0The Linux ifconfig utility can be used to inspect the ppp0 interface details.# ifconfig ppp0ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocolinet addr: P-t-P: Mask: POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:3RX bytes:106 (106.0 B) TX bytes:145 (145.0 B)Additionally, you can view the pppd logs in /var/log/messages to see the modem dialing and assigned IPaddress or errors if the connection was unsuccessful.To Stop a PPP Connection# send SIGTERM to pppd, which causes it to hang up and exit cleanly# killall pppd
GETTING STARTED WITH MLINUX MODELS10 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Starting Cellular Connection on BootAutomatically starting pppd on boot requires (1) setting the peer file to use and (2) telling the system to run theppp init script on boot.1. To see the available peers files (leu1) to set the peer file, issue:ls /etc/ppp/peers2. Edit /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot (with vi or sudo) and change:#PPPD call providerto your desired provider (where xxx# is your radio, LSP3 for Sprint or LEU1 for EuropeLSP3 for SprintLEU1for EuropeLNA3 for North America.)#PPPD call xxx#3. Manually start the init script and check your Internet connection to test your change.ppp_on_boot# /etc/init.d/ppp start4. To set init script to auto start, issue:# update-rc.d ppp defaults5. Restart and test your connection.Stop Automatic Start UpTo stop ppp from automatically starting, issue:# update-rc.d -f ppp removeConfiguring the LoRa Network Server for mLinuxNote: This section applies to LoRaWAN V1.5 devices only.To configure the LoRa Network Server:1. Install the LoRa mCard. Refer to Attach the LoRa antenna to the LoRa mCard.3. Use the power cable to connect power to the Conduit and wait for the Conduit to boot up.4. Log in to the console. Refer to if needed.5. Issue these commands:# cp /opt/lora/lora-network-server.conf.sample /var/config/lora/lora-network-server.conf6. Edit /var/config/lora/lora-network-server.conf and modify these settings as needed (use vi or nano).Field LoRa-915 (NA, AU, AS, KR) LoRa-868 (EU, IN)lora["frequencyBand"]: "915" "868"lora["channelplan"]: "US915", "AU915", "AS923", or"KR920""EU868" or "IN865"lora["frequencySubBand"]: (integer. 1 to 8) Not applicable
GETTING STARTED WITH MLINUX MODELSMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 11Field LoRa-915 (NA, AU, AS, KR) LoRa-868 (EU, IN)lora["frequencyEU"]: Not Applicable default 869500000range: [863500000 - 867500000] and[869100000 - 869500000]network["name"] Name of your LoRa network (string, 8-character minimum, case-sensitive).network["passphrase"] Security passphrase for your LoRa network (string, 8-character minimum,case-sensitive).network["public"] Choose from 0: Private MTS, 1: Public LoRaWAN or 2: Private LoRaWAN,Private Options use SyncWord 0×12 vs Public SyncWord 0×["joinDelay"]: Set to desired Join Delay, default 5 seconds7. Restart the network server.# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart8. Start mosquitto client.# mosquitto_sub -t lora/+/+ -vFor advanced LoRa settings, go to the LoRa Packet Forwarder1. Log in to the console, if you are not logged in.2. Establish an Internet connection via Ethernet or cellular.3. Edit the packet forwarder configuration as necessary by modifying /opt/lora/globallocal_conf.json(version 2.1) or /opt/lora/local_conf.json (version 1.5) with vi or nano.gateway_conf["server_address"] Set your LoRa network server addressgateway_conf["serv_port_up"] Set the up port used by your LoRa network servergateway_conf["serv_port_down"] Set the down port used by your LoRa network server4. Start the packet forwarder:# /etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarder startAdditional LoRa and mLinux InformationFor additional information, including how to configure LoRa devices to communicate with your gateway, visit help using LoRa, go to: an introduction to Lora, go to : getting started with LoRa, go to help using mLinux, go to: additional packet forwarder information, go to:
GETTING STARTED WITH AEP MODELS12 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Chapter 3 – Getting Started with AEP ModelsLogging in to AEPAfter connecting and powering up your device, log in to AEP:1. Open an Internet browser. In the browser’s address field, enter the device's default address for thedevice: login page appears.2. Type the default user name: admin.3. Type the default password: admin.4. Click Login to start the First Time Setup Wizard.NOTE: For AEP firmware, the DHCP client is enabled by default. If no address is acquired within 20seconds, then the device switches to static IP address for 20 seconds. If no access to the WebUI Initial Setup Wizard is made, then the device tries the DHCP client again for 20 seconds and alternatesback and forth like this until either an address is acquired through DHCP or the Web UI is accessed.Setting the PasswordNote: For security reasons, we recommend changing the default password.To set a new password:1. Click Next on the Welcome panel.2. In the Current Password field, enter the default password, admin.3. In the New Password field, enter a new password.4. Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password field.5. Click Next.Setting Date and TimeTo set date and time:1. Type today’s Date in the format shown or use the calendar (data picker).2. Type the current Time (24-hour format).3. Select the Time Zone in which the Conduit operates.4. Click Next.Configuring PPPNote: For models with cellular radios only.To configure the Cellular PPP:1. To use PPP, check Enable. When enabled, your device functions as a cellular device.2. If using two cellular antennas, check Diversity. Do not check this option if using one antenna.
GETTING STARTED WITH AEP MODELSMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 133. To enable dial-on-demand, check Dial-on-Demand. This tells the device to only make a PPP connectionwhen there is outgoing IP traffic, and it brings the PPP connection down after a given idle timeout.4. The default Idle timeout is 180 seconds. If desired, you can enter a different value.5. Type the APN (Access Point Name). The APN is assigned by your wireless service provider.6. Leave the APN, the radio gets the APN from the carrier when the device registers.Note: When the LSP3 radio registers, the APN is usually set on dial context #2, but it can be set on context #3.To use the correct context, you need to know which context Sprint set the APN on. By default, the LSP3 scriptuses context #2.7. Click Next.Setting Up PPP AuthenticationTo set up cellular PPP authentication:1. Select an authentication protocol Type used to negotiate with the remote peer: pap, chap, or pap-chap.The default is None.2. Type the Username for the remote peer to use for authentication. Optional. Username is limited to 60characters.3. Type the Password for the remote peer to use for authentication. Optional. Password is limited to 60characters.4. Click Next to exit the wizard.Entering IP Address and Network InformationSet the IP address and network information for the Ethernet port:Note: Leave the interface static unless using a DHCP server on the network that the device is connecting to. Ifyou select DHCP client, you need to know which address is assigned to the Conduit. For information on DHCPsettings, refer to DHCP in the AEP Help.1. Type the device's IP Address2. Enter the network Mask.3. Enter the Gateway address (optional and not displayed when Cellular is enabled).4. Enter the Primary DNS server address (optional and not displayed when Cellular is enabled).5. Enter the Secondary DNS server address (optional and not displayed when Cellular is enabled).6. Click Next.Configuring AccessWhen Cellular is disabled, the default settings enable HTTPRedirect to HTTPs via LAN.Note: Enabling HTTPs via WAN can increase security risk including allowing web users to access the WANinterface.1. Under HTTP Redirect to HTTPs, check Enabled to turn on or uncheck to turn off.2. Enter Port or use default value.3. Check either Via LAN or Via WAN.4. Under HTTPs, enter Port or use default value.
GETTING STARTED WITH AEP MODELS14 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.15. Click Finish.Finishing ConfigurationComplete the following steps after you have finished entering the basic settings.1. To save and apply the settings, click Save and Restart near the top of the left sidebar. The device restarts.2. After restart, log back into the AEP interface. On the Dashboard under Cellular, the PPP state displaysLink is Up. You may have to wait for short time.3. To configure a LoRa Network, refer to Getting Started with LoRaUsing DeviceHQ for Device ManagementDeviceHQ is a cloud-based device management tool for remote monitoring, upgrades, and configuration AEPdevices. For information on creating and using a DeviceHQ account, go to the
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 15Chapter 4 – Specifications and Related InformationMultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station SpecificationsMultiConnect Conduit IP67 Base Station specifications depend on the hardware configuration for your model.All ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneralUSB USB Port with Type A Receptacle, USB Interface is CDC-ACM compliantSIM Micro-SIM HolderPhysical DescriptionWeight V1.5: 5.15 lbs (2.34 kg)V2.1: 5.65 lbs (2.56 kg)Dimensions Refer to Dimension Drawing.Environment*Operating Temperature -30° C to +70° CHumidity 20%-90% RH, non-condensingPower RequirementsInput Power Power over Ethernet 37-57 Volts DC.*Please consult with MultiTech if interested in extended temperatures.LoRa SpecificationsDepending on the model, your device has one or two LoRa radios. If the model number includes -868/2 or -915/2,the device has two LoRa radios.Category DescriptionGeneralStandards LoRaWAN 1.0.2 specificationsRadio Frequency 915 MHz ISM band for US, AU, and Canada, 868 MHz for Europe, 865 MHz forIndia, 923 MHz for Japan, and 920 MHz for KoreaCertifications and Compliance
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATION16 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Category DescriptionEMC and Radio Compliance EN 55032:2012RSS-210FCC 15.247FCC 15.109FCC 15.109(g)FCC 15.107ICES-003EN 61000-3-3:2013EN 61000-3-2:2006 (Amended by A1:2009 and A2:2009)EN 55022:2010EN 300 220-1 v3.1.1EN 300 220-2 v3.1.1EN 301 489-1 v2.2.0EN301 489-3 V2.1.1 (2017-3)Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 2nd EDcUL 60950-1 2nd EDIEC 60950-1 2nd Ed. Am.1 and Am.2-LAT1 ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneralStandards LTE 3GPP Release 9HSPA+ 21/GPRS fallbackTCP/IP Functions FTP, SMTP, SSL, TCP, UDPFrequency Bands 4G: 700 (B17)/850 (B5)/AWS 1700 (B4)/1900 (B2)3G: 850 (B5)/1900 (B2)2G: 850/1900SpeedData Speed LTE: 100 Mbps downlink/50 Mbps uplinkHSPA+: 21 Mbps downlink/5.76 Mbps uplinkSMSSMS Point-to-Point messagingMobile-Terminated SMSMobile-Originated SMS
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 17Category DescriptionCertifications and ComplianceEMC and Radio Compliance FCC Part 15 Class BFCC Part 22, 24, 27Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 2nd EDcUL 60950-1 2nd EDIEC 60950-1 2nd EDNetwork Compliance PTCRBCarrier AT&TEnvironment IEC/CSA/UL60950-22 and IP67-LEU1 ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneralStandards LTE 3GPP Release 9HSPA+ 21/GPRS fallbackTCP/IP Functions FTP, SMTP, SSL, TCP, UDPFrequency Bands Refer to the following Frequency Bands table for details.SpeedData Speed LTE: 100 Mbps downlink/50 Mbps uplinkHSPA+: 42 Mbps downlink/5.76 Mbps uplinkInterfaceSMSSMS Point-to-Point messagingMobile-Terminated SMSMobile-Originated SMSCertifications and ComplianceEMC and Radio Compliance EN55032:2012EN 301 511 v12.5.1EN 301 908-1 v11.1.1EN 301 908-2 v11.1.1EN 301 489-1 v2.1.1EN 301 489-52 v1.1.0CE RED Radio/SAR
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATION18 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Category DescriptionSafety Compliance IEC 60950-1 2nd EDAS/NZS 60950.1Environment IEC/CSA/UL60950-22 and IP67-LEU1 Frequency BandsMode Freq. TX (MHz) Freq. RX (MHz) Channels TX - RXoffset(MHz)EGSM900 890 - 915 935 - 960 0 - 124 45880 - 890 925 - 935 975 - 1023 45DCS1800 1710 - 1785 1805 - 1880 512 - 885 95WCDMA850 (band V) 824 - 849 869 - 894 Tx: 4132 - 4233 45Rx: 4357 - 4458WCDMA900 (band VIII) 880 - 915 925 - 960 Tx: 2712 - 2863 45Rx: 2937 - 3088WCDMA2100 (band I) 1920 - 1980 2110 - 2170 Tx: 9612 - 9888 190Rx: 10562 - 10838LTE800 (band XX) 832 - 862 791 - 821 Tx: 24150 - 24449 -41Rx: 6150 - 6449>LTE1800 (band III) 1710 - 1785 1805 - 1880 Tx: 19200 - 19949 95Rx: 1200 - 1949>LTE2600 (band VII) 2500 - 2570 2620 - 2690 Tx: 20750 - 21449 120Rx: 2750 - 3449-LVW2 ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneralStandards LTE 3GPP Release 9USB Interface is CDC-ACM compliantTCP/IP Functions FTP, SMTP, SSL, TCP, UDPFrequency Bands 4G: 700 (B13) / AWS 1700 (B4)SpeedData Speed LTE: 100 Mbps downlink/50 Mbps uplinkSMS
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 19Category DescriptionSMS Point-to-Point messagingMobile-Terminated SMSMobile-Originated SMSCertifications and ComplianceEMC and RadioComplianceFCC Part 15 Class BFCC Part 27Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 2nd EDcUL 60950-1 2nd EDIEC 60950-1 2nd EDCarrier VerizonEnvironment IEC/CSA/UL60950-22 and IP67-LAT3 ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneralStandards LTE FDD Cat 1, 3GPP release 9 compliantHSPA+ 21/GPRS fallbackSMS is based on CS/Packet-Switched (PS) domain of GSM and WCDMATCP/IP Functions FTP, SMTP, SSL, TCP, UDPFrequency Bands 4G: 700 (B12/B13)/850 (B5)/AWS 1700 (B4)/1900 (B2)3G: 850 (B5)/1900 (B2)SpeedData Speed LTE: 10 Mbps downlink/5 Mbps uplinkHSPA+: Up to 21 Mbps downlink/5.76 Mbps uplinkCertifications and ComplianceEMC and RadioComplianceFCC Part 15 Class BFCC Part 22, 24, 27Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 2nd EDcUL 60950-1 2nd EDEnvironment IEC/CSA/UL60950-22 and IP67-LVW3 ModelsCategory DescriptionGeneral
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATION20 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Category DescriptionStandards LTE FDD Cat 1, 3GPP release 9 compliantFrequency Bands 4G: 1900 (B2) / 700 (B13) / AWS 1700 (B4)SpeedData Speed LTE: 10 Mbps downlink / 5 Mbps uplinkCertifications and ComplianceEMC and RadioComplianceFCC Part 15 Class BFCC Part 22FCC Part 24Safety Compliance UL 60950-1 2nd EditioncUL 60950-1 2nd Edition Am. 1 and Am. 2Environment IEC/CSA/UL60950-22 and IP67
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 21Dimensions
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATION22 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1V1.5 Power DrawPower draw for model MTCDTIP-LAT3-267A-915/2 with two LoRa cards and an LTE radio with power over Ethernet:Voltage Cellular Call BoxConnection No DataMeasured Current atMaximum Power1TX Pulse 2(AVG)Amplitude Current forGSM850 or PeakCurrent for HSDPATotal Inrush Charge3Measured inMilliCoulombs56.0 68 mA 187 mA 256 mA 213 mC42.0 (Safetytesting limit)88 mA 246 mA 316 mA 230 mCNote:1Maximum Power: The continuous current during maximum data rate with the radio transmitter atmaximum power.2TX Pulse: The average peak current during a GSM850 transmission burst period or HSDPA connection. Thetransmission burst duration for GSM850 can vary, depending on what transmission scheme is beingdeployed.3Inrush Charge: The total inrush charge at power on.V2.1 Power DrawPower draw for model MTCDTIP-LAT1-275L-915:Voltage Radio Protocol Sleep ModeCurrent (IfApplicableCellular CallBoxConnection NoDataIP Connectionto Cellular CallBox with Data:(AVG)MeasureCurrent atMax PowerTX Pulse(AVG)AmplitudeCurrent forGSM850 orPeak Currentfor HSDPATotal InrushChargeMeasured inMillicoulombs56.0 Volts LTE NA 154 mA 246 mA 312 mA 4.93 mC42.0 Volts(Safety TestingLimit)LTE NA 207 mA 332 mA 404 mA 4.4 mCTx Pulse: The average peak current during a GSM850 transmission burst period or HSDPA connection. Thetransmission burst duration for GSM850 can vary depending on what transmission scheme is being deployed (GPRSClass 8, Class 10, GSM, etc.).Max Power: The continuous current during maximum data rate with the radio transmitter at maximum power.Inrush Charge: The total inrush charge at power on.
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 23LE910 Telit Transmission Output PowerBand Power ClassGSM 850/900 MHz 4 (2W)DCS 1800, PCS 1900 MHz 1 (1W)EDGE, 850/900 MHz E2 (0.5W)EDGE, 1800/1900 MHz Class E2 (0.4W)WCDMA/FDD 800/850/900, 1900/2100 MHz Class 3 (0.25W)LTE FDD 700/800/850/900, 1800/1900/2100/2600MHzClass 3 (0.2W)
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATION24 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1LoRa Transmission Output Power868 ModelsMax output 25 dBmPower Frequency On Power-up (dBm) 18 Hours AfterPower-up (dBm)Bandwidth27 869.525 MHz 24.18 25 125 kHz27 869.525 MHz 24.18 24.83 250 kHz915 ModelsMax output 27 dBmPower Frequency On Power-up (dBm) 18 Hours AfterPower-up (dBm)Bandwidth26 923.3 MHz 26.58 25.88 500 kHz26 925.1 MHz 26.76 26.34 500 kHz26 927.5 MHz 27.22 26.8 500 kHzI2C AddressesComponent I2C Address (V2.1Board)I2C Address (48-Channel ExtensionBoard)I2C Address(Processor Board)CommentsTCA9535 I/OExpander0100000 0100001LM 75AIM TempSensor1001001 1001011LPS25HB PressureSensor1011100 101110124C04 EEPROM 101011x LSB is A8 memoryaddress bitTMP102A TempSensor (U2)1001000TMP102A TempSensor (U94)1001001 Not populatedTMP102A TempSensor (U95)1001010 Not populatedTMP102A TempSensor (U96)1001011 Not populatedGPS Receiver 1000010 (default) Can be changed bysoftware
SPECIFICATIONS AND RELATED INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 25IO Exp V2.1 BoardPin Name Signal Name Direction Comments Where UsedP00 FPGA_nCE Output FPGA configuration chipenable (active low)V2.1 boardP01 FPGA_nCONFIG Output Pull low to begin FPGAconfigurationP02 FPGA_RSTn Output Input to FPGAP03 GPS_RSTn Output Input to FPGAP04P05 FPGA_CONF_DONE Input Goes high to indicate theFPGA configuration iscomplete (V2.1 board)P06P07OutputP10 CPU_EPCS_EN Output Enables SPI programmingdata to V2.1 bandP11 EXT_EPCS_EN Enables SPI programmingdata to 48-channelextension boardP12 48-ChannelextensionboardP13P14 FPGA_EXT_RSTn Output Input to FPGA on 48-channel extension boardP15 EXT_SPI_PROG NA Not used (test point on 48-channel extension boardonlyP16 EXT_CONF_DONE Input Goes high to indicate theFPGA configuration iscomplete (48-channelextension board)P17Outputs are active-low.
REGULATORY INFORMATION26 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Chapter 5 – Regulatory Information47 CFR Part 15 Regulation Class B DevicesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC NoticePer FCC 15.19(a)(3) and (a)(4) This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device is open development based product that contains a sub GHz radio technology. MultiTech has certifiedfor compliance with US and Foreign compliance bodies including FCC, R&TTE and others. (e.g. FCC 15.247:2015 &IC RSS-210:2010)MultiTech provides software code meant to operate the radio to a level that maintains compliance with theoperating modes under which these radio devices were certified. To ensure this level of compliance, the softwarecode is provided in binary form only. Users are prohibited from making any changes that affect the operation ofthe radio performance. Accessing or controlling the radio through any means other than the provided binarysoftware will require the user to obtain their own intentional radiator license from the certification body governingtheir locality, as all pre-certification provided with Conduit Base Station IP67 mDot will have been made invalid.Industry Canada Class B NoticeThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement Canadien sur le matérielbrouilleur.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). The operation is permitted for thefollowing two conditions:1. the device may not cause interference, and2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation ofthe device.
REGULATORY INFORMATIONMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 27Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et2. l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’encompromettre le fonctionnement.
SAFETY NOTICES28 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Chapter 6 – Safety NoticesEMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive (RED) ComplianceThe CE mark is affixed to this product to confirm compliance with the following European Community Directives:Council Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electricaland electronic equipment;andCouncil Directive 2014/53/EU on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and themutual recognition of their conformity.andCouncil Directive 2014/35/EU on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to ElectricalEquipment designed for use within certain voltage limits.MultiTech declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisionsof Directive 2014/53/EU. The declaration of conformity may be requested at SafetyThis information is also available in the Installation Guide.Warnings and CautionsWarning and Caution symbols mean potential danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Beforeworking on any equipment, be aware of hazards in the installation area and be knowledgeable about electricalcircuitry. Be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents.For translations of key cautions and warnings, refer Appendix A.Warning: Only trained and qualified personnel should install, replace, or service this equipment. Installationmust comply with local and national electrical codes.When installing or replacing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first anddisconnected last.Disconnect POE power (Ethernet POE port) before servicing IP67 Base Station.Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity.This device is not designed or approved to be used in any Hazardous Locations. Do not install oroperate device if area is known to be an explosive environment.Externally ground this equipment using a customer-supplied ground wire before applying power.Contact an electrician if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available. Refer to Installingthe Ground Wire instructions. < All wall mounting installations are subject to the acceptance oflocal jurisdiction.Do not locate antenna near overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, orwhere it can come into contact with such circuits. When installing the antenna, take extreme
SAFETY NOTICESMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 29care not to come into contact with such circuits, because they may cause serious injury or death.For proper installation and grounding of the antenna, please refer to national and local codes.CAUTION:Power over Ethernet (PoE) Certification does not apply or extend to voltages outside of standard PoErange. Any PoE voltages beyond 0vdc to 60Vdc have not been evaluated by UL or MULTITECH. NominalPoE voltage is 48Vdc to 57 VDC. The end user supplies the PoE cable. If the cable is to be usedoutdoors, the cable must be certified for outdoor or burial use.For models:MTCDTIP-270x-xxx, MTCDTIP-275x-xxxRecommended PoE: 802.3bt-compliant Type 4 Class 7 Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) PoweredDevices (PDs) and require PoE Power Supply Equipment (PSE) that is 802.3bt-compliant withminimum 60W output power capability.For models:MTCDTIP-266x-xxx, MTCDTIP-xxx-266x-xxx, MTCDTIP-267x-xxx, MTCDTIP-xxx-267x-xxxRecommended PoE: 802.3at-compliant Type 2 Class 4 Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) PoweredDevices (PDs) and require PoE Power Supply Equipment (PSE) that is 802.3at-compliant withminimum 25.5W output power capability.Ethernet port is not designed to be connected to a public Telecommunication (PSTN) or any otherconnection other than IEEE 802.3-2012 power over Ethernet devices.Do not remove product labels.Warning:HOT SURFACE DO NOT TOUCHNote: This symbol is included on the serial label. UL evaluated this device to a safety and outdoorcertification temperature of -30c to +70c.Lithium BatteryA lithium battery (3V, coin cell, CR1632) located within the product provides backup power for thetimekeeping. This battery has an estimated life expectancy of ten years.When this battery starts to weaken, the date and time may be incorrect.Battery is not user replaceable. If the battery fails, the device must be sent back to MultiTech Systems forbattery replacement.Lithium cells and batteries are subject to the Provisions for International Transportation. Multi-TechSystems, Inc. confirms that the Lithium batteries used in the MultiTech product(s) referenced in this manualcomply with Special Provision 188 of the UN Model Regulations, Special Provision A45 of the ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR (Air), Special Provision 310 of the IMDG Code, and Special Provision 188 of the ADR and RID (Road andRail Europe).
SAFETY NOTICES30 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1CAUTION: Risk of explosion if this battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of batteries according toinstructions.Attention: Risque d'explosion si vous remplacez la batterie par un modèle incompatible. Jetez les piles usagéesselon les instructions.User ResponsibilityRespect all local regulations for operating your wireless device. Use the security features to block unauthorized useand theft.Device MaintenanceDo not attempt to disassemble the device. There are no user serviceable parts inside.When maintaining your device:Do not misuse the device. Follow instructions on proper operation and only use as intended. Misuse couldmake the device inoperable, damage the device and/or other equipment, or harm users.Do not apply excessive pressure or place unnecessary weight on the device. This could result in damage tothe device or harm to users.Do not use this device in explosive or hazardous environments unless the model is specifically approved forsuch use. The device may cause sparks. Sparks in explosive areas could cause explosion or fire and mayresult in property damage, severe injury, and/or death.Do not expose your device to any extreme environment where the temperature or humidity is high. Suchexposure could result in damage to the device or fire. Refer to the device specifications regardingrecommended operating temperature and humidity.Do not expose the device to water, rain, or spilled beverages. Unless the device is IP67 rated, it is notwaterproof. Exposure to liquids could result in damage to the device.Do not place the device alongside computer discs, credit or travel cards, or other magnetic media. Theinformation contained on discs or cards may be affected by the device.Using accessories, such as antennas, that MultiTech has not authorized or that are not compliant withMultiTech's accessory specifications may invalidate the warranty.If the device is not working properly, contact MultiTech Technical Support.Vehicle SafetyWhen using your device in a vehicle:Do not use this device while driving.Respect national regulations on the use of cellular devices in vehicles.If incorrectly installed in a vehicle, operating the wireless device could interfere with the vehicle’selectronics. To avoid such problems, use qualified personnel to install the device. The installer should verifythe vehicle electronics are protected from interference.Using an alert device to operate a vehicle’s lights or horn is not permitted on public roads.UL evaluated this device for use in ordinary locations only. UL did NOT evaluate this device for installation ina vehicle or other outdoor locations. UL Certification does not apply or extend to use in vehicles or outdoorapplications.
SAFETY NOTICESMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 31Notice regarding Compliance with FCC, EU, and Industry CanadaRequirements for RF ExposureThe antenna intended for use with this unit meets the requirements for mobile operating configurations and forfixed mounted operations, as defined in 2.1091 of the FCC rules for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This devicealso meets the European RF exposure requirements of EN 62311. If an alternate antenna is used, consult userdocumentation for required antenna specifications.Compliance of the device with the FCC, EU and IC rules regarding RF Exposure was established and is given withthe maximum antenna gain as specified above for a minimum distance of 35 cm between the devices radiatingstructures (the antenna) and the body of users. Qualification for distances closer than 35 cm (portable operation)would require re-certification.Wireless devices could generate radiation. Other nearby electronic devices, like microwave ovens, may alsogenerate additional radiation to the user causing a higher level of RF exposure.Radio Frequency (RF) SafetyDue to the possibility of radio frequency (RF) interference, it is important that you follow any special regulationsregarding the use of radio equipment. Follow the safety advice given below.Operating your device close to other electronic equipment may cause interference if the equipment isinadequately protected. Observe any warning signs and manufacturers’ recommendations.Different industries and businesses restrict the use of cellular devices. Respect restrictions on the use ofradio equipment in fuel depots, chemical plants, or where blasting operations are in process. Followrestrictions for any environment where you operate the device.Do not place the antenna outdoors.Switch OFF your wireless device when in an aircraft. Using portable electronic devices in an aircraft mayendanger aircraft operation, disrupt the cellular network, and is illegal. Failing to observe this restrictionmay lead to suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.Switch OFF your wireless device when around gasoline or diesel-fuel pumps and before filling your vehiclewith fuel.Switch OFF your wireless device in hospitals and any other place where medical equipment may be in use.Sécurité relative aux appareils à radiofréquence (RF)À cause du risque d'interférences de radiofréquence (RF), il est important de respecter toutes les réglementationsspéciales relatives aux équipements radio. Suivez les conseils de sécurité ci-dessous.Utiliser l'appareil à proximité d'autres équipements électroniques peut causer des interférences si leséquipements ne sont pas bien protégés. Respectez tous les panneaux d'avertissement et lesrecommandations du fabricant.Certains secteurs industriels et certaines entreprises limitent l'utilisation des appareils cellulaires. Respectezces restrictions relatives aux équipements radio dans les dépôts de carburant, dans les usines de produitschimiques, ou dans les zones où des dynamitages sont en cours. Suivez les restrictions relatives à chaquetype d'environnement où vous utiliserez l'appareil.Ne placez pas l'antenne en extérieur.Éteignez votre appareil sans fil dans les avions. L'utilisation d'appareils électroniques portables en avion estillégale: elle peut fortement perturber le fonctionnement de l'appareil et désactiver le réseau cellulaire. S'il
SAFETY NOTICES32 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1ne respecte pas cette consigne, le responsable peut voir son accès aux services cellulaires suspendu ouinterdit, peut être poursuivi en justice, ou les deux.Éteignez votre appareil sans fil à proximité des pompes à essence ou de diesel avant de remplir le réservoirde votre véhicule de carburant.Éteignez votre appareil sans fil dans les hôpitaux ou dans toutes les zones où des appareils médicaux sontsusceptibles d'être utilisés.Interference with Pacemakers and Other Medical DevicesPotential interferenceRadio frequency energy (RF) from cellular devices can interact with some electronic devices. This iselectromagnetic interference (EMI). The FDA helped develop a detailed test method to measure EMI of implantedcardiac pacemakers and defibrillators from cellular devices. This test method is part of the Association for theAdvancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standard. This standard allows manufacturers to ensure thatcardiac pacemakers and defibrillators are safe from cellular device EMI.The FDA continues to monitor cellular devices for interactions with other medical devices. If harmful interferenceoccurs, the FDA will assess the interference and work to resolve the problem.Precautions for pacemaker wearersIf EMI occurs, it could affect a pacemaker in one of three ways:Stop the pacemaker from delivering the stimulating pulses that regulate the heart's rhythm.Cause the pacemaker to deliver the pulses irregularly.Cause the pacemaker to ignore the heart's own rhythm and deliver pulses at a fixed rate.Based on current research, cellular devices do not pose a significant health problem for most pacemaker wearers.However, people with pacemakers may want to take simple precautions to be sure that their device doesn't causea problem.Keep the device on the opposite side of the body from the pacemaker to add extra distance between thepacemaker and the device.Avoid placing a turned-on device next to the pacemaker (for example, don’t carry the device in a shirt orjacket pocket directly over the pacemaker).
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICESMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 33Chapter 7 – Environmental NoticesWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment StatementNote: This statement may be used in documentation for your final product applications.WEEE DirectiveThe WEEE Directive places an obligation on EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and importers to take-back electronics products at the end of their useful life. A sister directive, ROHS (Restriction of HazardousSubstances) complements the WEEE Directive by banning the presence of specific hazardous substances in theproducts at the design phase. The WEEE Directive covers all MultiTech products imported into the EU as of August13, 2005. EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers are obliged to finance the costs of recoveryfrom municipal collection points, reuse, and recycling of specified percentages per the WEEE requirements.Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European UnionThe symbol shown below is on the product or on its packaging, which indicates that this product must not bedisposed of with other waste. Instead, it is the user's responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment by handingit over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separatecollection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resourcesand ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more informationabout where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city office, yourhousehold waste disposal service or where you purchased the product.July, 2005Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Certificate of Compliance2011/65/EUMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. confirms that its embedded products comply with the chemical concentration limitationsset forth in the directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament (Restriction of the use of certain HazardousSubstances in electrical and electronic equipment - RoHS).These MultiTech products do not contain the following banned chemicals1:Lead, [Pb] < 1000 PPMMercury, [Hg] < 1000 PPM
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICES34 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Hexavalent Chromium, [Cr+6] < 1000 PPMCadmium, [Cd] < 100 PPMPolybrominated Biphenyl, [PBB] < 1000 PPMPolybrominated Diphenyl Ether, [PBDE] < 1000 PPMEnvironmental considerations:Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) =1Maximum Soldering temperature = 260C (in SMT reflow oven)1Lead usage in some components is exempted by the following RoHS annex, therefore higher lead concentrationwould be found in some modules (>1000 PPM);- Resistors containing lead in a glass or ceramic matrix compound.REACH StatementRegistration of SubstancesAfter careful review of the legislation and specifically the definition of an “article” as defined in EC Regulation1907/2006, Title II, Chapter 1, Article 7.1(a)(b), it is our current view that Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. products wouldbe considered as “articles.” In light of the definition in § 7.1(b) which requires registration of an article only if itcontains a regulated substance that “is intended to be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditionsof use,” our analysis is that Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. products constitute nonregisterable articles for their intendedand anticipated use.Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)Per the candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) published October 28, 2008 we have reviewedthese substances and certify the Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. products are compliant per the EU “REACH”requirements of less than 0.1% (w/w) for each substance. If new SVHC candidates are published by the EuropeanChemicals Agency, and relevant substances have been confirmed to be greater than 0.1% (w/w), Multi-TechSystems, Inc. will provide updated compliance status.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. also declares it has been duly diligent in ensuring that the products supplied are compliantthrough a formalized process which includes collection and validation of materials declarations and selectivematerials analysis where appropriate. This data is controlled as part of a formal quality system and will be madeavailable upon request.
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICESMultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1 35Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards (inChinese)依依照照中中国国标标准准的的有有毒毒有有害害物物质质信信息息根据中华人民共和国信息产业部 (MII) 制定的电子信息产品 (EIP) 标准-中华人民共和国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》(第 39 号),也称作中国 RoHS, 下表列出了 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 产品中可能含有的有毒物质 (TS) 或有害物质 (HS) 的名称及含量水平方面的信息。有有害害//有有毒毒物物质质//元元素素成成分分名名称称 铅铅 (PB) 汞汞 (Hg) 镉镉 (CD) 六六价价铬铬 (CR6+) 多多溴溴联联苯苯(PBB)多多溴溴二二苯苯醚醚(PBDE)印刷电路板 O O O O O O电阻器 X O O O O O电容器 X O O O O O铁氧体磁环 O O O O O O继电器/光学部件 O O O O O OICs O O O O O O二极管/晶体管 O O O O O O振荡器和晶振 X O O O O O调节器 O O O O O O电压传感器 O O O O O O变压器 O O O O O O扬声器 O O O O O O连接器 O O O O O OLEDs O O O O O O螺丝、螺母以及其它五金件 X O O O O O交流-直流电源 O O O O O O软件/文档 CD O O O O O O手册和纸页 O O O O O O底盘 O O O O O OX表示所有使用类似材料的设备中有害/有毒物质的含量水平高于 SJ/Txxx-2006 限量要求。O表示不含该物质或者该物质的含量水平在上述限量要求之内。
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICES36 MultiConnect®ConduitTM Base Station IP67 Getting Started Guide for Versions 1.5 and 2.1Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese StandardsIn accordance with China's Administrative Measures on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic InformationProducts (EIP) # 39, also known as China RoHS, the following information is provided regarding the names andconcentration levels of Toxic Substances (TS) or Hazardous Substances (HS) which may be contained in Multi-TechSystems Inc. products relative to the EIP standards set by China's Ministry of Information Industry (MII).Hazardous/Toxic Substance/ElementsName of the Component Lead(PB)Mercury(Hg)Cadmium(CD)HexavalentChromium(CR6+)PolybrominatedBiphenyl(PBB)Polybrominated DiphenylEther (PBDE)Printed Circuit Boards O O O O O OResistors X O O O O OCapacitors X O O O O OFerrite Beads O O O O O ORelays/Opticals O O O O O OICs O O O O O ODiodes/ Transistors O O O O O OOscillators and Crystals X O O O O ORegulator O O O O O OVoltage Sensor O O O O O OTransformer O O O O O OSpeaker O O O O O OConnectors O O O O O OLEDs O O O O O OScrews, Nuts, and otherHardwareX O O O O OAC-DC Power Supplies O O O O O OSoftware /Documentation CDs O O O O O OBooklets and Paperwork O O O O O OChassis O O O O O OXRepresents that the concentration of such hazardous/toxic substance in all the units of homogeneousmaterial of such component is higher than the SJ/Txxx-2006 Requirements for Concentration Limits.ORepresents that no such substances are used or that the concentration is within the aforementioned limits.

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