Multi Tech Systems 92U12616852 MultiConnect Embedded PCIe Cellular Modem User Manual developer guide

Multi Tech Systems Inc MultiConnect Embedded PCIe Cellular Modem developer guide

developer guide

MultiConnectTM PCIeMTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
MULTICONNECT PCIE DEVELOPER GUIDEMultiConnect PCIe Developer GuideModels: MTPCIE-H5-xx, MTPCIE-BWPart Number: S000538, Version 1.2 USA and Canada EditionCopyrightThis publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific and express prior written permission signed by an executive officer ofMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013 by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, whether express, implied or by estoppels, with respect to the content, information,material and recommendations herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and non-infringement.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation ofMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.TrademarksMulti-Tech, SocketModem, and the Multi-Tech logo are registered trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect is a trademark of Multi-TechSystem. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Legal NoticesThe Multi-Tech products are not designed, manufactured or intended for use, and should not be used, or sold or re-sold for use, in connection withapplications requiring fail-safe performance or in applications where the failure of the products would reasonably be expected to result in personal injury ordeath, significant property damage, or serious physical or environmental damage. Examples of such use include life support machines or other lifepreserving medical devices or systems, air traffic control or aircraft navigation or communications systems, control equipment for nuclear facilities, ormissile, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons or other military applications (“Restricted Applications”). Use of the products in such RestrictedApplications is at the user’s sole risk and liability.MULTI-TECH DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA BY A PRODUCT OVER A CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK WILL BEUNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, SECURE OR ERROR FREE, NOR DOES MULTI-TECH WARRANT ANY CONNECTION OR ACCESSIBILITY TO ANY CELLULARCOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. MULTI-TECH WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSSES, DAMAGES, OBLIGATIONS, PENALTIES, DEFICIENCIES, LIABILITIES,COSTS OR EXPENSES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION REASONABLE ATTORNEYS FEES) RELATED TO TEMPORARY INABILITY TO ACCESS A CELLULARCOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK USING THE PRODUCTS.The Multi-Tech products and the final application of the Multi-Tech products should be thoroughly tested to ensure the functionality of the Multi-Techproducts as used in the final application. The designer, manufacturer and reseller has the sole responsibility of ensuring that any end user product intowhich the Multi-Tech product is integrated operates as intended and meets its requirements or the requirements of its direct or indirect customers. Multi-Tech has no responsibility whatsoever for the integration, configuration, testing, validation, verification, installation, upgrade, support or maintenance ofsuch end user product, or for any liabilities, damages, costs or expenses associated therewith, except to the extent agreed upon in a signed writtendocument. To the extent Multi-Tech provides any comments or suggested changes related to the application of its products, such comments or suggestedchanges is performed only as a courtesy and without any representation or warranty whatsoever.Contacting Multi-TechKnowledge BaseThe Knowledge Base provides immediate access to support information and resolutions for all Multi-Tech products. Visit PortalTo create an account and submit a support case directly to our technical support team, visit: Hours: M-F, 9am to 5pm CTCountry By Email By PhoneEurope, Middle East, Africa: +(44) 118 959 7774U.S., Canada, all others: (800) 972-2439 or (763) 717-5863WarrantyTo read the warranty statement for your product, visit For other warranty options, visit HeadquartersMulti-Tech Systems, Inc.2205 Woodale Drive, Mounds View, MN 55112Phone: (800) 328-9717 or (763) 785-3500Fax (763) 785-98742 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
CONTENTSContentsProduct Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 6About MultiConnect PCIe.............................................................................................................................................. 6Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................... 6Product Build Options ................................................................................................................................................... 6Developer Kit Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 6Attaching Power Supply Blades .................................................................................................................................... 7Power Supply and Blades............................................................................................................................................ 7Attaching the Blades ................................................................................................................................................... 7Pinout...................................................................................................................................................................... 8Multi-Tech Mini PCIe Pinout ......................................................................................................................................... 8Standard Mini-PCI Express Pinout ............................................................................................................................ 11Pinout for Cellular USB Only ....................................................................................................................................... 13Design Considerations............................................................................................................................................ 14Design Consideration .................................................................................................................................................. 14Noise Suppression Design........................................................................................................................................... 14PC Board Layout Guideline ......................................................................................................................................... 14Electromagnetic Interference .................................................................................................................................... 14Electrostatic Discharge Control................................................................................................................................... 15USB Design ................................................................................................................................................................. 15Developer Board and Schematics........................................................................................................................... 16Developer Board ......................................................................................................................................................... 16Assembly Diagram....................................................................................................................................................... 18Top ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18Bottom ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19Developer Board Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 20Developer Board Schematics ...................................................................................................................................... 21Board Components ..................................................................................................................................................... 30Installing a Communications Device onto the Board.................................................................................................. 31Installing a SIM Card .................................................................................................................................................. 31Safety Notices and Warnings ................................................................................................................................. 32Radio Frequency (RF) Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 32Sécurité des fréquences radio ................................................................................................................................. 32Vehicle Safety.............................................................................................................................................................. 32User Responsibility...................................................................................................................................................... 33Device Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 33Notice regarding Compliance with FCC and Industry Canada Requirements for RF Exposure .................................. 33MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 3
CONTENTSLabeling Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 34Approvals and Certification......................................................................................................................................... 34Example HSPA+ H5 Labels......................................................................................................................................... 34Host Labeling............................................................................................................................................................. 35Regulatory Statements .......................................................................................................................................... 36R&TTE Directive Compliance ...................................................................................................................................... 36Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ............................................................................................ 37International Modem Restrictions.............................................................................................................................. 37Industry Canada and FCC ............................................................................................................................................ 37Requirements for Cellular Antennas with regard to FCC/IC Compliance ................................................................. 38Industry Canada and FCC Identification Numbers ................................................................................................... 38Environmental Notices........................................................................................................................................... 39Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Statement .............................................................................................. 39WEEE Directive.......................................................................................................................................................... 39Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European Union ........................................................................ 39Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards ......................................................................... 40Information on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards (in Chinese) ...................................................... 41Antennas, Cables, GPS ........................................................................................................................................... 42Antenna System Cellular Devices................................................................................................................................ 42FCC and IC Antenna Requirements Toward License Exempt Radio Transmitters (Bluetooth/Wlan)....................... 42Notice regarding Compliance with FCC and Industry Canada Requirements for RF Exposure ................................ 42Cellular Antenna Information ................................................................................................................................... 42Antenna Cable Information ...................................................................................................................................... 43GPS Antennas............................................................................................................................................................ 44Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Antenna Specifications ............................................................................................................ 44OEM Integration ....................................................................................................................................................... 45Device Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 47Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 47Product Build Options ................................................................................................................................................. 47Account Activation for Cellular Devices ..................................................................................................................... 47Bluetooth/Wi-Fi .......................................................................................................................................................... 47Mechanical Drawing .............................................................................................................................................. 49MTPCIE-H5-xx.............................................................................................................................................................. 49MTPCIE-BW ................................................................................................................................................................. 50Specifications......................................................................................................................................................... 51MTPCIE-H5 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 51MTPCIE-H5 DC Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 53Absolute Maximum Rating........................................................................................................................................ 53PCIE Connector Leads ................................................................................................................................................. 53Typical Power Flow .................................................................................................................................................... 594 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
CONTENTSPower Measurements................................................................................................................................................. 60MTPCIE-H5 ................................................................................................................................................................ 60MTPCIE-H5-V-BW...................................................................................................................................................... 60MTPCIE-BW ............................................................................................................................................................... 60Application Notes .................................................................................................................................................. 61RF Performances ......................................................................................................................................................... 61Receiver Features for Cellular Devices ..................................................................................................................... 61Frequency Bands......................................................................................................................................................... 62Installing Drivers for Non-UIP HSPA+ Devices......................................................................................................... 63HSPA+ Device Driver Installation ................................................................................................................................ 63Installing on Linux ..................................................................................................................................................... 63Windows Release Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 64Downloading the Windows USB Driver ................................................................................................................... 64Windows Notes ........................................................................................................................................................ 64Installing on Windows 8, 7 or Vista ......................................................................................................................... 65Installing on Windows XP ......................................................................................................................................... 66Uninstalling Windows Drivers................................................................................................................................... 67Remove Microsoft Installed Drivers.......................................................................................................................... 67Developer Note......................................................................................................................................................... 68Using Linux with H5 Devices .................................................................................................................................. 69Shell Commands.......................................................................................................................................................... 69Testing Serial Ports.................................................................................................................................................... 69Create a PPP Connection ............................................................................................................................................ 69Example..................................................................................................................................................................... 69C Programming............................................................................................................................................................ 70open()........................................................................................................................................................................ 70read()......................................................................................................................................................................... 71write()........................................................................................................................................................................ 72close()........................................................................................................................................................................ 72Test Program() .......................................................................................................................................................... 73Index...................................................................................................................................................................... 75MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 5
PRODUCT OVERVIEWProduct OverviewAbout MultiConnect PCIeThe MultiConnect™ PCIe embedded cellular modem is a complete, ready-to-integrate communications device thatoffers standard-based penta-band HSPA+ 21, dual-band EV-DO Rev A, or CDMA performance. This quick-to-marketcommunications device allows developers to add wireless communication and GPS tracking to products with aminimum of development time and expense. The MultiConnect PCIe embedded cellular modem is based onindustry-standard open interfaces and utilizes a PCI Express Mini Card form factor.DocumentationThe following documentation is available by email to or by using the Developer GuideRequest Form at■MultiConnect PCIe Developer Guide – This document. Provides an overview, safety and regulatoryinformation, design considerations, schematics, and device information for developers.■AT Command Guide – Device specific AT command reference guide.Product Build OptionsProduct DescriptionMTPCIE-H5 HSPA+ Embedded Cellular ModemMTPCIE-H5-V HSPA+ Embedded Cellular Modem with digital voice and GPS.MTPCIE-H5-V-BW HSPA+ Embedded Cellular Modem with digital voice, GPS, Wi-Fi, and BluetoothMTPCIE-BW Wi-Fi and BluetoothDeveloper KitMTPCIE-DK Developer KitNote:■These units ship without network activation.■To connect them to the cellular network, you need a cellular account. For more information, refer toAccount Activation.■GP devices have a dedicated GPS receiver.■The complete product code may end in .Rx. For example, MTPCIE-H5.Rx, where R is revision and x isthe revision number.■All builds can be ordered individually or in 50-packs.Developer Kit ContentsYour Developer Kit (MTPCIE-DK1) includes the following:Developer Board 1 - MTPCIE-DK Developer BoardPower Supply 1 - 100-240V 9V-1.7A power supply with removable blades, 1 - US blade/plug, 1 - EUROblade/plug, 1 - UK blade/plug6 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
PRODUCT OVERVIEWCables 1 - RS-232 DB9F-DB9M serial cable, 1 - RJ-45 Ethernet cable, 2 -USB cable 2 - SMA-to-UFLantenna cables (1 - for cellular, 1 - for GPS) 1 - RSMA-to-UFL antenna cable forBluetooth/Wi-FiAntennas 1 - 3.3V magnetic GPS antenna , 1 - HEPTA band SMA antenna, 1 - 2.4GHz, dipole Wi-FiantennaCustomer Notices Modem activation noticeAdditional One promotional screwdriverAttaching Power Supply BladesPower Supply and BladesIf your device shipped with a power cord, attach the blades for your region.Power Supply no Power Supply with Power Supply with Power Supply withblades EU blade NAM blade UK bladeAttaching the BladesTo attach a power supply blade:1. Remove the power supply cover (not shown). To do this, slide the lock down and hold it while you lift offthe cover.2. Insert the latch on the blade into the notch on the power supply.3. Slide the lock down and hold it while you press the blade in place. Then, release it.1 - Latch2 - Notch3 - Sliding lockMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 7
PINOUTPinoutMulti-Tech Mini PCIe PinoutNote:Some modems do not include all the pins shown above. Refer to your model’s Device Guide for modelspecific pinout information.SDIO can operate up to 25Mhz. Treat the SDIO traces to Host like a bus and keep the bus length as short aspossible. Multi-Tech recommends adding series termination resistors on all the SDIO traces.Pin # Name I/O Function MTPCIE-H5 MTPCIE-H5-V-BW MTPCIE-BW1 SDIO_D0 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D0 X X2 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux X X X3 SDIO_D1 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D1 X X4 GND Ground X X X5 SDIO_D2 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D2 X X6 BT_TXD I Bluetooth Transmit X Xdata7 SDIO_D3 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D3 X X8 BT_RTS I Bluetooth RTS X X9 GND Ground X X X10 BT_CTS O Bluetooth CTS X X11 SDIO_CMD I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_CMD X X12 BT_RXD O Bluetooth Receive data X X13 SDIO_CLK I Wi-Fi SDIO_CLK X X14 BT_EN I Bluetooth enable (low X Xdisable)15 GND Ground X X X16 GPIO_2 I/O 3G Cellular General Xpurpose I/O17 WLAN_EN I Wi-Fi enable (low X Xdisable)18 GND Ground X X X19 WLAN_IRQ O Wi-Fi interrupt (low X Xactive)20 3G_ONOFF I 3G Cellular On/Off (low X Xactive)8 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
PINOUTPin # Name I/O Function MTPCIE-H5 MTPCIE-H5-V-BW MTPCIE-BW21 GND Ground X X X22 3G_RST I 3G Cellular Reset line X X(low active)23 1.8V O 1.8V output X X24 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux X X X25 GPIO_1 I/O Bluetooth General X Xpurpose I/O26 GND Ground X X X27 GND Ground X X X28 3G_DVI_WA0 I/O 3G Cellular digital voice Xcontrol line29 GND Ground X X X30 3G_DVI_CLK I/O 3G Cellular digital voice Xclock31 3G_DVI_RX I 3G Cellular digital voice Xreceive32 RI O 3G Cellular UART RI X33 3G_DVI_TX O 3G Cellular digital voice Xtransmit34 GND Ground X X X35 GND Ground X X X36 USB_D- I/O 3G USB Negative Data X X37 GND Ground X X X38 USB_D+ I/O 3G USB Positive Data X X39 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux X X X40 GND Ground X X X41 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux X X X42 LED_WWAN# O 3G Cellular STAT LED X XOutput43 GND Ground X X X44 DCD O 3G Cellular UART DCD X45 CTS O 3G Cellular UART CTS X46 GPIO_3 I/O 3G Celllular General Xpurpose I/O47 RTS I 3G Cellular UART RTS XMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 9
PINOUTPin # Name I/O Function MTPCIE-H5 MTPCIE-H5-V-BW MTPCIE-BW48 DTR I 3G Cellular UART DTR X49 RXD O 3G Cellular UART XReceive data50 GND Ground X X X51 TXD I 3G Cellular UART Xtransmit data52 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux X X X10 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
PINOUTStandard Mini-PCI Express PinoutPin # Function I/O Description1 WAKE# O WAKE2 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux3 COEX1 I Co-existence pin, not defined4 GND GND5 COEX2 I Co-existence pin, not defined6 1.5V I 1.5V7 CLKREQ# O CLKREQ#8 UIM_PWR I UIM_PWR9 GND GND10 UIM_DATA I/O UIM_DATA11 REFCLK+ I PCI Express reference clock12 UIM_CLK I UIM_CLK13 REFCLK- I PCI Express reference clock14 UIM_RESET I UIM_RESET15 GND GND16 UIM_VPP 0 UIM_VPP17 Reserved Reserved18 GND GND19 Reserved Reserved20 W_DISABLE# I W_DISABLE#21 GND GND22 PERST# I PERST#23 PERn0 O PCI Express receiver differential pair signal24 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux25 PERp0 O PCI Express receiver differential pair signal26 GND GND27 GND GND28 1.5V I 1.5V29 GND GND30 SMB_CLK I SMB_CLK31 PETn0 I PCI Express transmitter differential pair signal32 SMB_DATA I/O SMB_DATAMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 11
PINOUTPin # Function I/O Description33 PETp0 I PCI Express transmitter differential pair signal34 GND GND35 GND GND36 USB_D- I/O USB Negative Data37 GND GND38 USB_D+ I/O USB Positive Data39 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux40 GND GND41 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux42 LED_WWAN# O LED Output43 GND GND44 LED_WLAN# O LED Output45 Reserved Reserved46 LED_WPAN# O LED Output47 Reserved Reserved48 1.5V I 1.5V49 Reserved Reserved50 GND GND51 Reserved Reserved52 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux12 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
PINOUTPinout for Cellular USB OnlyPin # Name I/O Description2 3.3 Vaux I 3.3 Vaux4 GND Ground9 GND Ground15 GND Ground18 GND Ground20 3G_ONOFF I 3G cellular on/off21 GND Ground22 3G_RST I 3G cellular reset line24 3.3 Vaux I 3.3 Vaux26 GND Ground27 GND Ground29 GND Ground35 GND Ground36 USB_D- I/O 3G USB Negative Data37 GND Ground38 USB_D+ I/O 3G USB Positive Data39 3.3 Vaux I 3.3 Vaux40 GND Ground41 3.3 Vaux I 3.3 Vaux42 LED_WWAN O 3G Cellular STAT LED Output43 GND Ground50 GND Ground52 3.3 Vaux I 3.3 VauxMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 13
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSDesign ConsiderationsDesign ConsiderationWhen using the Multi-Tech MiniPCIe form factor:■Consult your modem’s device guide for device dimensions. With the modem, the Multi-Tech Mini PCIe formfactor exceeds the standard Mini PCIe maximum component height for top and bottom.■If you need to install components under the module, use taller connectors to avoid conflict. Multi-Techrecommends not installing components under the module.■Check the Pinout table for pins that differ from the MiniPCIe spec.Noise Suppression DesignAdhere to engineering noise-suppression practices when designing a printed circuit board (PCB) containing theMultiConnect PCIe. Noise suppression is essential to the proper operation and performance of the modem andsurrounding equipment.Any OEM board design that contains the MultiConnect PCIe must consider both on-board and off-board generatednoise that can affect digital signal processing. Both on-board and off-board generated noise that is coupled on-board can affect interface signal levels and quality. Noise in frequency ranges that affect modem performance is ofparticular concern.On-board generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise that can be radiated or conducted off-board isequally important. This type of noise can affect the operation of surrounding equipment. Most local governmentagencies have certification requirements that must be met for use in specific environments.Proper PC board layout (component placement, signal routing, trace thickness and geometry, and so on)component selection (composition, value, and tolerance), interface connections, and shielding are required for theboard design to achieve desired modem performance and to attain EMI certification.Other aspects of proper noise-suppression engineering practices are beyond the scope of this guide. Consult noisesuppression techniques described in technical publications and journals, electronics and electrical engineering textbooks, and component supplier application notes.PC Board Layout GuidelineIn a 4-layer design, provide adequate ground plane covering the entire board. In 4-layer designs, power and groundare typically on the inner layers. Ensure that all power and ground traces are 0.05 inches wide.Electromagnetic InterferenceThe following guidelines are offered specifically to help minimize EMI generation. Some of these guidelines are thesame as, or similar to, the general guidelines. To minimize the contribution of device-based design to EMI, youmust understand the major sources of EMI and how to reduce them to acceptable levels.■Keep traces carrying high frequency signals as short as possible.■Provide a good ground plane or grid. In some cases, a multilayer board may be required with full layers forground and power distribution.■Decouple power from ground with decoupling capacitors as close to the device's power pins as possible.14 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS■Eliminate ground loops, which are unexpected current return paths to the power source and ground.■Decouple the power cord at the power cord interface with decoupling capacitors. Methods to decouplepower lines are similar to decoupling telephone lines.■Locate high frequency circuits in a separate area to minimize capacitive coupling to other circuits.■Locate cables and connectors to avoid coupling from high frequency circuits.■Lay out the highest frequency signal traces next to the ground grid.■If using a multilayer board design, make no cuts in the ground or power planes and be sure the groundplane covers all traces.■Minimize the number of through-hole connections on traces carrying high frequency signals.■Avoid right angle turns on high frequency traces. Forty-five degree corners are good; however, radius turnsare better.■On 2-layer boards with no ground grid, provide a shadow ground trace on the opposite side of the board totraces carrying high frequency signals. This will be effective as a high frequency ground return if it is threetimes the width of the signal traces.■Distribute high frequency signals continuously on a single trace rather than several traces radiating fromone point.Electrostatic Discharge ControlHandle all electronic devices with precautions to avoid damage due to the static charge accumulation.See the ANSI/ESD Association Standard (ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999) – a document “for the Development of anElectrostatic Discharge Control for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment.” Thisdocument covers ESD Control Program Administrative Requirements, ESD Training, ESD Control Program PlanTechnical Requirements (grounding/bonding systems, personnel grooming, protected areas, packaging, marking,equipment, and handling), and Sensitivity Testing.Multi-Tech strives to follow these recommendations. Input protection circuitry is incorporated in Multi-Techdevices to minimize the effect of static buildup. Take precautions to avoid exposure to electrostatic dischargeduring handling.Multi-Tech uses and recommends that others use anti-static boxes that create a faraday cage (packaging designedto exclude electromagnetic fields). Multi-Tech recommends that you use our packaging when returning a productand when you ship your products to your customers.USB DesignMulti-Tech recommends that you review Intel's High Speed USB Platform Design Guidelines for information aboutUSB signal routing, impedance, and layer stacking. Also:■Shield USB cables with twisted pairs (especially those containing D+/D-).■Use a single 5V power supply for USB devices. See the Power Draw section in your model’s Device Guide forcurrent (ampere) requirements.■Route D+/D- together in parallel with the trace spacing needed to achieve 90 ohms differential impedancefor the USB pair and to maintain a 20 mil space from the USB pair and all other signals.■If power is provided externally, use a common ground between the carrier board and the device.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 15
DEVELOPER BOARD AND SCHEMATICSDeveloper Board and SchematicsNote: Third-party components shown in the following drawings are included as examples only.Developer BoardThis developer board drawing shows the major board components.16 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
DEVELOPER BOARD AND SCHEMATICSDeveloper Board Block Diagram20 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
DEVELOPER BOARD AND SCHEMATICSDeveloper Board SchematicsMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 21
DEVELOPER BOARD AND SCHEMATICSBoard ComponentsJumper DescriptionJP3, JP4, JP5, JP48 Selects CGND or GND for antenna holder grounding. Default is CGND.JP6 JP6 allows you to select either the internal 5V regulator (INT PWR) or to choose EXT5V (EXT PWR). For the EXT PWR, you can use your own external 5V power sourceand plug it into J11.JP43, JP44 Not used by PCIe devices.JP45 Board Power. Default is installed.JP49 Probes for connecting speaker.JP50 Probes for connecting microphone.JP51, JP52 Debugging probes for PCIE connector J23.JP53, JP54 Selects USB host connected to PCIe device. Pins 1 & 2 jumpered selects external USBhost connected to J4.JP57, JP58 Selects USB host connected to quad serial UART U20. Pins 1 & 2 jumpered selectsexternal USB host connected to J24.JP59, JP60, JP61,JP63,JP64, Selects serial connection for PCIe device. Pins 1 & 2 jumpered selects DB9 connectorJP69 J1 connected to PCIe device. Pins 2 & 3 jumpered selects quad UART U20 connectedto PCIe device. All jumpers must be moved to the same position.JP65, JP66, JP67, JP68 Selects serial connection for PCIe Bluetooth device. Pins 1 & 2 jumpered selects DB9connector J14 connected to PCIe Bluetooth device. Pins 2 & 3 jumpered selects quadUART U20 connected to PCIe Bluetooth device. All jumpers must be moved to thesame position.JP70 Probes for PCIe GPIO2 & GPIO3. The pin next to the text "GPIO_3.3V" is GPIO3. Thecenter pin is GPIO2.JP73, JP74 Not used by PCIe devices.JP75, JP76, JP77, JP78 When these jumpers are installed, DVI interface of audio codec U84 is connected toDVI interface of PCIe device. By removing these jumpers when connecting anexternal DVI device.JP79, JP80 Use these jumper pins to connect an external DVI device.JP81, J82 Selects source for programming audio codec U84. Pins 1 & 2 jumpered selectsMICRO U84 as source. Default is MICRO.JP83, JP84 These pins can be used for programming MICRO U84.JP85 Selects power source for MICRO U85. Default is 1.8vJP86 May be used to manually reset PCIe Bluetooth device by briefly installing and thenremoving a jumper. Default is no jumper installed.JP87 Not applicable for this device.JP88 May be used to manually reset PCIe Wi-Fi device by briefly installing and thenremoving a jumper. Default is no jumper installed.JP89 This jumper, when installed, connects power to PCIe device.30 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
DEVELOPER BOARD AND SCHEMATICSJumper DescriptionJP90 Not used by PCIe device.This jumper, when installed, connects power to OCG-Edevice. (When using Developer Kit with OCG-E devices).J6 Not used by PCIe device.J23 Socket for installing PCIe device.J8, J9, J10, J13 Oscilloscope probe ground connectionsS1 Not used by PCIe device.S3 Reset button for PCIe device.S4 Button for on/off of PCIe.Installing a Communications Device onto the BoardTo install a device on the board:1. Align the device pin with Pin 1 of the socket connector on the board and press firmly.2. Use the optional antenna lead to connect to the device's antenna connector.Installing a SIM CardTo install a SIM card:■Install the SIM card into the SIM card holder on the radio.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 31
SAFETY NOTICES AND WARNINGSSafety Notices and WarningsThe following safety statements may be relevant and required in the host product literature.Radio Frequency (RF) SafetyDue to the possibility of radio frequency (RF) interference, it is important that you follow any special regulationsregarding the use of radio equipment. Follow the safety advice given below.■Operating your device close to other electronic equipment may cause interference if the equipment isinadequately protected. Observe any warning signs and manufacturers’ recommendations.■Different industries and businesses restrict the use of cellular devices. Respect restrictions on the use ofradio equipment in fuel depots, chemical plants, or where blasting operations are in process. Followrestrictions for any environment where you operate the device.■Do not place the antenna outdoors.■Switch OFF your wireless device when in an aircraft. Using portable electronic devices in an aircraft mayendanger aircraft operation, disrupt the cellular network, and is illegal. Failing to observe this restrictionmay lead to suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.■Switch OFF your wireless device when around gasoline or diesel-fuel pumps and before filling your vehiclewith fuel.■Switch OFF your wireless device in hospitals and any other place where medical equipment may be in use.Sécurité des fréquences radioEn raison de la possibilité d'interférences de radiofréquence (RF), il est important que vous suiviez une quelconqueréglementation concernant l'utilisation du matériel radio. Suivez les conseils de sécurité ci-dessous.■Fonctionnement de votre appareil à proximité d'autres appareils électroniques peuvent causer desinterférences si l'équipement est insuffisamment protégé. Respectez les panneaux d'avertissement et lesrecommandations du fabricant.■Différentes industries et les entreprises limitent l'utilisation des appareils cellulaires. Respectez lesrèglements sur l'utilisation des équipements radio dans les dépôts de carburant, les usines chimiques, oulorsque des opérations de dynamitage sont en cours. Suivez restrictions pour n'importe quel environnementoù vous utilisez l'appareil.■Ne pas placer l'antenne à l'extérieur.■Éteignez votre appareil sans fil dans un avion. Utilisant des dispositifs électroniques portables dans un avionpeut mettre en danger le fonctionnement de l'avion, peut perturber le réseau cellulaire, et est illégal. Lenon-respect de cette restriction peut entraîner la suspension ou le refus des services cellulaires aucontrevenant, une action en justice, ou les deux.■Éteignez votre appareil sans fil lorsque autour de l'essence ou pompes diesel-carburant et avant de remplirvotre véhicule avec du carburant.■Éteignez votre appareil sans fil dans les hôpitaux et tout autre endroit où l'équipement médical peut êtreutilisé.Vehicle SafetyWhen using your device in a vehicle:32 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
SAFETY NOTICES AND WARNINGS■Do not use this device while driving.■Respect national regulations on the use of cellular devices in vehicles.■If incorrectly installed in a vehicle, operating the wireless device could interfere with the vehicle’selectronics. To avoid such problems, use qualified personnel to install the device. The installer should verifythe vehicle electronics are protected from interference.■Using an alert device to operate a vehicle’s lights or horn is not permitted on public roads.■UL evaluated this device for use in ordinary locations only. UL did NOT evaluate this device for installation ina vehicle or other outdoor locations. UL Certification does not apply or extend to use vehicles or outdoorapplications or in ambient temperatures above 40° C.User ResponsibilityRespect all local regulations for operating your wireless device. Use the security features to block unauthorized useand theft.Device MaintenanceWhen maintaining your device:■Do not attempt to disassemble the device. There are no user serviceable parts inside.■Do not expose your device to any extreme environment where the temperature or humidity is high.■Do not expose the device to water, rain, or spilled beverages. It is not waterproof.■Do not place the device alongside computer discs, credit or travel cards, or other magnetic media. Theinformation contained on discs or cards may be affected by the device.■Using accessories, such as antennas, that Multi-Tech has not authorized or that are not compliant withMulti-Tech's accessory specifications may invalidate the warranty.If the device is not working properly, contact Multi-Tech Technical Support.Notice regarding Compliance with FCC and Industry CanadaRequirements for RF ExposureThe antenna intended for use with this unit meets the requirements for mobile operating configurations and forfixed mounted operations, as defined in 2.1091 of the FCC rules for satisfying RF exposure compliance. If analternate antenna is used, consult user documentation for required antenna specifications.Compliance of the device with the FCC and IC rules regarding RF Exposure was established and is given with themaximum antenna gain as specified above for a minimum distance of 20 cm between the devices radiatingstructures (the antenna) and the body of users. Qualification for distances closer than 20 cm (portable operation)would require re-certification.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 33
LABELING REQUIREMENTSLabeling RequirementsApprovals and CertificationYour Multi-Tech device is an industry and/or carrier approved modem.■PTCRB Requirements (GPRS and HSPA/HSDPA only).The antenna system cannot be altered. If altered, additional PTCRB testing may be required.■For HSPA+, HSPA, HSDPA and GPRS DevicesThe modem's 15-character IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is printed on themodem's label.Example HSPA+ H5 LabelsNote: Actual labels will vary depending on the regulatory approval markings and content.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.The label shown is larger than actual size.1 - Multi-Tech Model Identification.2 - Multi-Tech Ordering Part Number.3 - IMEI (International Mobile EquipmentIdentity).34 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
LABELING REQUIREMENTSLabels are positioned on the device as follows:Host LabelingThe following statements are required to be on the host label:■This device contains FCC ID: {Add the FCC ID of the specific device}■This device contains equipment certified under IC ID: {Add the IC ID of the specific device}MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 35
REGULATORY STATEMENTSRegulatory StatementsR&TTE Directive ComplianceThe CE mark is affixed to this product to confirm compliance with the following European Community Directives:Council Directive 2004/108/EC of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of Member Statesrelating to electromagnetic compatibility;andCouncil Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the harmonization of the laws of Member Statesrelating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits;andCouncil Directive 1999/5/EC of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminalequipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.RF spectrum use (R&TTE art. 3.2) EN 301 511 V9.0.2EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1EMC (R&TTE art. 3.1b) EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1Health & Safety (R&TTE art. 3.1a) EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + AC:2011EN 62311:200836 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
REGULATORY STATEMENTSRestriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)Multi-Tech Systems, IncCertificate of Compliance2011/65/EUMulti-Tech Systems confirms that its embedded products comply with the chemical concentration limitations setforth in the directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament (Restriction of the use of certain HazardousSubstances in electrical and electronic equipment - RoHS).These Multi-Tech products do not contain the following banned chemicals1:■Lead, [Pb] < 1000 PPM■Mercury, [Hg] < 1000 PPM■Hexavalent Chromium, [Cr+6] < 1000 PPM■Cadmium, [Cd] < 100 PPM■Polybrominated Biphenyl, [PBB] < 1000 PPM■Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether, [PBDE] < 1000 PPMEnvironmental considerations:■Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) =1■Maximum Soldering temperature = 260C (in SMT reflow oven)1Lead usage in some components is exempted by the following RoHS annex, therefore higher lead concentrationwould be found in some modules (>1000 PPM);- Resistors containing lead in a glass or ceramic matrix compound.International Modem RestrictionsSome dialing and answering defaults and restrictions may vary for international modems. Changing settings maycause a modem to become non-compliant with national regulatory requirements in specific countries. Also notethat some software packages may have features or lack restrictions that may cause the modem to become non-compliant.Industry Canada and FCCThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s) and part 15 of the FCC rules. Operationis subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thedevice.Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada RSS exemptes de licence standard (s) et la partie 15 des règles dela FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 37
REGULATORY STATEMENTS1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptibled'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Warning: Changes or modifications to this radio device not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Note: In Wi-Fi operation, the modem cannot operate on Channels 12, 13, or 14 due to FCC regulations.Requirements for Cellular Antennas with regard to FCC/IC ComplianceAlterations to the antenna system may require additional testing at a certified lab. The antenna system mustmaintain the same specifications. The antenna must be the same type, with similar in-band and out-of-bandradiation patterns.This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below and having a maximum gain for 850 Mhzof <= 6.4 dBi , for 1700 Mhz of <= 6.5 dBi, and for 1900 Mhz of <= 3 dBi. Antennas not included in this list or thathave a gain greater than specified are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedanceis 50 ohms.Industry Canada and FCC Identification NumbersAdditional device information is available on the Industry Canada and FCC websites.Model Canada ID FCC IDMTPCIE-H5 125A-0047 AU792U12616852MTPCIE-H5-V 125A-0047 AU792U12616852MTPCIE-H5-V-BW 125A-0048 AU792U1261683638 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICESEnvironmental NoticesWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment StatementNote: This statement may be used in documentation for your final product applications.WEEE DirectiveThe WEEE Directive places an obligation on EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and importers to take-back electronics products at the end of their useful life. A sister directive, ROHS (Restriction of HazardousSubstances) complements the WEEE Directive by banning the presence of specific hazardous substances in theproducts at the design phase. The WEEE Directive covers all Multi-Tech products imported into the EU as of August13, 2005. EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers are obliged to finance the costs of recoveryfrom municipal collection points, reuse, and recycling of specified percentages per the WEEE requirements.Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European UnionThe symbol shown below is on the product or on its packaging, which indicates that this product must not bedisposed of with other waste. Instead, it is the user's responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment by handingit over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separatecollection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resourcesand ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more informationabout where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city office, yourhousehold waste disposal service or where you purchased the product.July, 2005MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 39
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICESInformation on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese StandardsIn accordance with China's Administrative Measures on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic InformationProducts (EIP) # 39, also known as China RoHS, the following information is provided regarding the names andconcentration levels of Toxic Substances (TS) or Hazardous Substances (HS) which may be contained in Multi-TechSystems Inc. products relative to the EIP standards set by China's Ministry of Information Industry (MII).Hazardous/Toxic Substance/ElementsName of the Component Lead Mercury Cadmium Hexavalent Polybromi Polybrominat(PB) (Hg) (CD) Chromium nated ed Diphenyl(CR6+) Biphenyl Ether (PBDE)(PBB)Printed Circuit Boards O O O O O OResistors X O O O O OCapacitors X O O O O OFerrite Beads O O O O O ORelays/Opticals O O O O O OICs O O O O O ODiodes/ Transistors O O O O O OOscillators and Crystals X O O O O ORegulator O O O O O OVoltage Sensor O O O O O OTransformer O O O O O OSpeaker O O O O O OConnectors O O O O O OLEDs O O O O O OScrews, Nuts, and other X O O O O OHardwareAC-DC Power Supplies O O O O O OSoftware /Documentation CDs O O O O O OBooklets and Paperwork O O O O O OChassis O O O O O OXRepresents that the concentration of such hazardous/toxic substance in all the units of homogeneousmaterial of such component is higher than the SJ/Txxx-2006 Requirements for Concentration Limits.ORepresents that no such substances are used or that the concentration is within the aforementioned limits.40 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICESInformation on HS/TS Substances According to Chinese Standards (inChinese)依依照照中中国国标标准准的的有有毒毒有有害害物物质质信信息息根据中华人民共和国信息产业部 (MII) 制定的电子信息产品 (EIP) 标准-中华人民共和国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》(第 39 号),也称作中国 RoHS, 下表列出了 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 产品中可能含有的有毒物质 (TS) 或有害物质 (HS) 的名称及含量水平方面的信息。有有害害//有有毒毒物物质质//元元素素成成分分名名称称 铅铅 (PB) 汞汞 (Hg) 镉镉 (CD) 六六价价铬铬 (CR6+) 多多溴溴联联苯苯 多多溴溴二二苯苯醚醚(PBB) (PBDE)印刷电路板 O O O O O O电阻器 X O O O O O电容器 X O O O O O铁氧体磁环 O O O O O O继电器/光学部件 O O O O O OOICs O O O O O O二极管/晶体管 O O O O O O振荡器和晶振 X O O O O O调节器 O O O O O O电压传感器 O O O O O O变压器 O O O O O O扬声器 O O O O O O连接器 O O O O O OLEDs O O O O O O螺丝、螺母以及其它五金件 X O O O O O交流-直流电源 O O O O O O软件/文档 CD O O O O O O手册和纸页 O O O O O O底盘 O O O O O OX表示所有使用类似材料的设备中有害/有毒物质的含量水平高于 SJ/Txxx-2006 限量要求。O表示不含该物质或者该物质的含量水平在上述限量要求之内。MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 41
ANTENNAS, CABLES, GPSAntennas, Cables, GPSAntenna System Cellular DevicesThe cellular/wireless performance depends on the implementation and antenna design. The integration of theantenna system into the product is a critical part of the design process; therefore, it is essential to consider it earlyso the performance is not compromised. If changes are made to the device's certified antenna system, thenrecertification will be required by specific network carriers.FCC and IC Antenna Requirements Toward License Exempt Radio Transmitters(Bluetooth/Wlan)The license-exempt Blutooth/WLAN radio transmitter contained in this equipment may only be operated with anantenna of a type, a maximum gain and the required antenna impedance as approved and specified below. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, choose the antenna type and it's gain so that the equivalentisotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.Notice regarding Compliance with FCC and Industry Canada Requirements for RFExposureThe antenna intended for use with this unit meets the requirements for mobile operating configurations and forfixed mounted operations, as defined in 2.1091 of the FCC rules for satisfying RF exposure compliance. If analternate antenna is used, consult user documentation for required antenna specifications.Compliance of the device with the FCC and IC rules regarding RF Exposure was established and is given with themaximum antenna gain as specified above for a minimum distance of 20 cm between the devices radiatingstructures (the antenna) and the body of users. Qualification for distances closer than 20 cm (portable operation)would require re-certification.Cellular Antenna Information3G Authorized AntennasThe cellular radio portion was approved with the following antenna:Manufacturer: Laird Technologies.Description: HEPTA-SMModel Number: MAF94300Multi-Tech ordering information:Model QuantityANHB-1HRA 1ANHB-10HRA 10ANHB-50HRA 5042 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
ANTENNAS, CABLES, GPS3G Antenna Requirements/SpecificationsCategory DescriptionFrequency Range 824 – 960 MHz / 1710 – 1990 MHz / 1920 – 2170 MHzImpedance 50 OhmsVSWR VSWR should not exceed 2.0:1 at any point across the bands of operationTypical Radiated Gain 850 MHz 3.17 dBi950 MHz 3.51 dBi1800 MHz 3.55 dBi1900 MHz 3.0 dBi2100 MHz 3.93 dBiRadiation Omni-directionalPolarization Linear VerticalAntenna Cable InformationUse the following UFL to SMA RF cable to connect the device to the antenna.Description: Coax SMA to UFL 8.5inch (216mm)Multi-Tech Part Number: 45009575LMulti-Tech ordering information:Model QuantityCASMA-UFL-1 1CASMA-UFL-10 10CASMA-UFL-50 50Average Cable LossThe table shows the average cable loss for each cell band.Band Loss800 0.37MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 43
ANTENNAS, CABLES, GPSBand Loss900 0.401800 0.701900 0.632100 0.70GPS AntennasGPS Antenna SpecificationsCategory DescriptionFrequency Range 1575.24 MHzImpedance 50 OhmsVSWR 2.0:1 maxGain 10-30 dBiLNA Current Consumption 40 mA maxNoise Figure < 2dBPolarization RHCPInput voltage 3.0V ± 0.2VBluetooth and Wi-Fi Antenna SpecificationsManufacturer: Taoglas Antenna SolutionsManufacturer's Model Number: GW.11.A153Category DescriptionFrequency Range 2.4000 to 2.4835 GHzImpedance 50 OhmsVSWR VSWR should not exceed 2.0:1 at any point across the bands of operationPeak Radiated Gain 2.3 dBi on azimuth planeRadiation Omni-directionalPolarization Linear VerticalConnector RP-SMA(M)Multi-Tech Ordering InformationModel Number QuantityANWF-1HRA 1ANWF-10HRA 10ANWF-50HRA 5044 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
ANTENNAS, CABLES, GPSBluetooth and Wi-Fi Antenna Cable InformationUse the following UFL to R-SMA RF cable to connect the device to the antenna.Description: Coax R-SMA to UFL 6 inch (152.4mm)Multi-Tech Part Number: 45009628LMulti-Tech ordering information:Model QuantityCARSMA-UFL-1 1CARSMA-UFL-10 10CARSMA-UFL-50 50Average Cable LossThe table shows the average cable loss for each cell band.Band Loss2.4MHz 0.63OEM IntegrationNote: This device is for OEM integration only.FCC and Industry Canada Information to End-usersFCC & IC Information to End-users The user manual for the end-users must contain the statements required by thefollowing FCC and IC regulations: 47 C.F.R. 15.19(a)(3), 15.21, 15.105 and RSS-Gen Issue 3, Dec 2010; 7.1.2 and7.1.3MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 45
ANTENNAS, CABLES, GPSFCC Grant NotesThe OEM should follow all the grant notes listed below. Otherwise, further testing and device approvals may benecessary.Installing in Portable EquipmentThe available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using low powerwireless devices. There is no proof, however, that these low power wireless devices are absolutely safe. Low powerwireless devices emit low levels of radio frequency energy (RF) in the microwave range while being used. Whereashigh levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposure of low-level RF that does not produceheating effects causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low-level RF exposures have not foundany biological effects. Some studies have suggested that some biological effects might occur, but such findingshave not been confirmed by additional research. MTPCIE-H5 has been tested and found to comply with FCCradiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF)Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65.FCC DefinitionsPortable: (§2.1093) — A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that theradiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user.Mobile: (§2.1091) — A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than fixedlocations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normallymaintained between the transmitter’s radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons.Grant LimitationsThis device is a mobile device with respect to RF exposure compliance. The antenna(s) used for this transmittermust be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons, and must not be collocated oroperate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitterproduct guidelines. Installers and end-users must be provided with specific information required to satisfy RFexposure compliance for installations and final host devices. (See note under Grant Limitations.) Compliance of thisdevice in all final host configurations is the responsibility of the Grantee.Note: Host design configurations constituting a device for portable use (<20 cm from human body) requireseparate FCC/IC approval.Note: Host devices incorporating unlicensed radio transmitters must be provided with the related antenna fixedmounted or, if coming with an external antenna connector, this connector must be of a non-standard type. Inany case must an antenna be provided with the unlicensed transmitter.Note: Only use antennas approved respectively as listed for the unlicensed radios (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi)46 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
DEVICE OVERVIEWDevice OverviewDescriptionThe MultiConnect PCIe embedded cellular modem is a complete, ready-to-integrate communications device thatoffers standards-based penta-band HSPA+ 21 performance. This quick-to-market communications device allowsdevelopers to add wireless communication and GPS tracking to products with a minimum of development time andexpense. The MultiConnect PCIe embedded cellular modem is based on industry-standard open interfaces anduses a PCI Express Mini Card form factor.Product Build OptionsProduct DescriptionMTPCIE-H5 HSPA+ Embedded Cellular ModemMTPCIE-H5-V HSPA+ Embedded Cellular Modem with digital voice and GPS.MTPCIE-H5-V-BW HSPA+ Embedded Cellular Modem with digital voice, GPS, Wi-Fi, and BluetoothMTPCIE-BW Wi-Fi and BluetoothDeveloper KitMTPCIE-DK Developer KitNote:■These units ship without network activation.■To connect them to the cellular network, you need a cellular account. For more information, refer toAccount Activation.■GP devices have a dedicated GPS receiver.■The complete product code may end in .Rx. For example, MTPCIE-H5.Rx, where R is revision and x isthe revision number.■All builds can be ordered individually or in 50-packs.Account Activation for Cellular DevicesSome Multi-Tech cellular modems are pre-configured to operate on a specific cellular network, such as Sprint orVerizon Wireless. Before you can use the modem, you must set up a cellular data account with your serviceprovider. Each service provider has its own process for adding devices to their network. Refer to Multi-Tech'sCellular Activation site for step-by-step instructions on activating yourcellular modem with your service provider.Bluetooth/Wi-FiAll Wi-Fi and Bluetooth drivers and stacks are based on Linux open source.■For Wi-Fi, use the Linux calibrator tool. The WiFi drivers are compat-wireless drivers for TI WL12XX buildunder Linux kernel For more information see■For BlueTooth, use the Linux hcitool.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 47
DEVICE OVERVIEWBoth tools are currently available inside our embedded Linux systems. These tools do not run on PCs. To invoke thetools, secure shell into the device using putty or another tool from your Windows computer. Once you secure shelland login, you can invoke the tools and test. You will need Ethernet connectivity to the development board for thesecure shell and login.48 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
MECHANICAL DRAWINGMechanical DrawingMTPCIE-H5-xxMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 49
SPECIFICATIONSSpecificationsMTPCIE-H5 SpecificationsCategory DescriptionGeneralStandards Penta-band HSPA+ 21Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGESMS is based on CS/Packet-Switched (PS) domain of GSM and WCDMAUSB Interface is CDC-ACM compliantFrequency Bands Penta-band HSPA: 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHzQuad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHzSpeedData Speed HSDPA data service of up to 21.0 Mbps downlink/5.76 Mbps uplinkInterfaceUSB Interface USB 2.0 high speed compatibleUART Interface 0-1.8VPhysical DescriptionWeight 0.4 oz. (10 g)Dimensions 1.892" x 1.181" (48.057 mm x 29.997 mm)Note: With the form factor, dimensions exceed the standard MiniPCIe maximumcomponent height for top and bottom.ConnectorsAntenna Connector 1 surface mount UFL connector for cellular1 surface mount UFL connector for GPSBluetooth and Wi-Fi: share 1 UFL connectorSIM 1.8V and 3V SIM holder for mini-SIM cardEnvironmentOperating Temperature -35° C to +85° CStorage Temperature -35° C to +85° CHumidity 20%-90% RH, non-condensingPower RequirementsOperating Voltage 3.1 V to 3.5 V, normal is 3.3 VInput Power 3.3VDCSMS, Wi-Fi, BluetoothMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 51
SPECIFICATIONSCategory DescriptionSMS Point-to-Point messagingMobile-Terminated SMSMobile-Originated SMSWi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b,g, n, compliantSDIO host interface (0-1.8V)Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol (SPP)UART Interface 1.8VGPS High-sensitivity of indoor reception, better than -165Cold start autonomous -147 dBmHot start autonomous -161 dBmTracking mode -166 dBmAccuracy 3 mTTF from cold start 42 sTTF from warm start 30 sTTF from hot start 1.8 sMulti-channel GPSL1 1575.42 MHzGPS NMEA 0183 output formatDatum WGS-84Certifications and ComplianceEMC Compliance FCC Part 15 Class BEN55022 Class BEN55024Radio Compliance FCC Part 22FCC Part 24FCC Part 15C (BT & Wi-FI intentional radiators)RSS 132RSS 133Part 27 resp. RSS-139EN 301 511 complete by EN301908-1 & -2EN 301 489-1EN 301 489-7EN 301 489-24 and by EN301489-352 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
SPECIFICATIONSCategory DescriptionSafety Compliance UL 60950-1cUL 60950-16tEN 60950-1Network Compliance GCF Certified ModuleMTPCIE-H5 DC Electrical CharacteristicsUnits: VoltsParameter Minimum Maximum3.3 Volt Powered 3.0 3.6Input Low Level 0 0.35Input High Level 1.5 1.9Output Low Level 0 0.2Output High Level 1.6 1.9Absolute Maximum RatingVoltage at any signal pin: 0.0V to +1.9VPCIE Connector LeadsPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V1 SDIO_D0 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D0 1.8V SDIO can operate no noup to 25Mhz. The function functionSDIO traces to Hostmust be treatedlike a bus and thebus length shall beas short aspossible.Recommendadding seriesterminationresistors on all theSDIO traces.2 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux3 SDIO_D1 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D1 1.8V no nofunction function4 GND GroundMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 53
SPECIFICATIONSPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V5 SDIO_D2 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D2 1.8V no nofunction function6 BT_TXD I Bluetooth 1.8V no noTransmit data function function7 SDIO_D3 I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_D3 1.8V no nofunction function8 BT_RTS I Bluetooth RTS 1.8V no nofunction function9 GND Ground10 BT_CTS O Bluetooth CTS 1.8V no nofunction function11 SDIO_CMD I/O Wi-Fi SDIO_CMD 1.8V no nofunction function12 BT_RXD O Bluetooth 1.8V no noReceive data function function13 SDIO_CLK I Wi-Fi SDIO_CLK 1.8V Upto 25mhz no nofunction function14 BT_EN I Bluetooth enable 1.8V low disable no no(low disable) function function15 GND Ground16 GPIO_2 I/O 3G Cellular 1.8V AT#GPIO=2,x,x noGeneral purpose functionI/O17 WLAN_EN I Wi-Fi enable 1.8V Low disable no no(low disable) function function18 GND Ground19 WLAN_IRQ O Wi-Fi interrupt 1.8V Low active no no(low active) function function54 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
SPECIFICATIONSPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V20 3G_ONOFF I 3G Cellular 1.8V Active Low:On/Off (low Properly turn offactive) and detach fromthe carriernetwork. Initialpower on needs atleast 5.5 secondsbefore ATcommand areissued. Low for atleast 1 secondturns off the 3Gradio. It can take atleast 8 seconds toturn off 3G radio.High turns on the3G radio and itneeds at least 13seconds before ATcommanda areissued.. No connectif not used.21 GND Ground22 3G_RST I 3G Cellular Reset 1.8V Active Low:line (low active) Emergency resetwithout propershutdown andwithout detachfrom the network.Low for at least 50ms resets the 3Gradio. It takes atleast 2.5 secondsto reset and turnthe 3G radio off.High turns on the3G radio and needsat least 7.5 secondsbefore ATcommand areissued. No connectif not used23 1.8V O 1.8V output 100mA no nooutput function functioncurrentat 1.8VMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 55
SPECIFICATIONSPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V24 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux25 GPIO_1 I/O Bluetooth 1.8V No connect no noGeneral purpose function functionI/O26 GND Ground27 GND Ground28 3G_DVI_W I/O 3G Cellular 1.8V noA0 digital voice functioncontrol line29 GND Ground30 3G_DVI_CL I/O 3G Cellular 1.8V noK digital voice functionclock31 3G_DVI_RX I 3G Cellular 1.8V nodigital voice functionreceive32 RI O 3G Cellular UART 1.8V noRI function33 3G_DVI_TX O 3G Cellular 1.8V nodigital voice functiontransmit34 GND Ground35 GND Ground36 USB_D- I/O 3G USB Negative 3.3VData37 GND Ground38 USB_D+ I/O 3G USB Positive 3.3VData39 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux40 GND Ground41 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux56 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
SPECIFICATIONSPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V42 LED_WWA O 3G Cellular STAT 1.8V Command toN# LED Output enable LEDfunction,AT#GPIO=1,0,2.This pin needs anexternal transistorto drive an externalLED. Therefore,status indicated isreversed withrespect to the pinstatus:Permanently off =Device offFast blinking(Period 1s, Ton0.5s) = Net search /Not registered /turning offSlow blinking(Period 3s, Ton0.3s) = Registeredfull servicePermanently on = avoice call is active43 GND Ground44 DCD O 3G Cellular UART 1.8V noDCD function45 CTS O 3G Cellular UART 1.8V noCTS function46 GPIO_3 I/O 3G Celllular 1.8V AT#GPIO=3,x,x noGeneral purpose functionI/O47 RTS I 3G Cellular UART 1.8V Avoid having any noRTS HIGH logic level functionsignal applied toany 3G input digitalpins when the 3Gmodule is poweredoff or during anON/OFF transition.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 57
SPECIFICATIONSPIN # Name I/O Function Type Notes MTPCIE-H5- MTPCIE- MTPCIE-V-BW H5 H5-V48 DTR I 3G Cellular UART 1.8V Avoid having any noDTR HIGH logic level functionsignal applied toany 3G input digitalpins when the 3Gmodule is poweredoff or during anON/OFF transition.49 RXD O 3G Cellular UART 1.8V noReceive data function50 GND Ground51 TXD I 3G Cellular UART 1.8V Avoid having any notransmit data HIGH logic level functionsignal applied toany 3G input digitalpins when the 3Gmodule is poweredoff or during anON/OFF transition.52 3.3Vaux I 3.3Vaux58 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
SPECIFICATIONSTypical Power Flow■Peak inrush current is a fast rising pulse at power start up on board supplies or modem cap charging. It isinfluenced by the design and limits of the power supply providing power to the device.■Radio initialization is a lower value steady current phase that occurs while the radio gets initialized andready to talk to the cell network.■Once connected to the network, there is a steady idle current state.■When data is transmitted to the network, power peaks from this idle state. Peak data values are influencedby the distance from the towers and decided by the carrier network.■Power starts dropping when the device is disconnected.■After it is disconnected, power draw lowers if the device is told to enter sleep mode. Sleep mode keeps thereceiver active and the device periodically wakes up long enough to tell the network it is still available.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 59
SPECIFICATIONSPower MeasurementsMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. recommends that you incorporate a 10% buffer into your power source when determiningproduct load.MTPCIE-H5Radio Cellular Call Box Average Measured Current TX Pulse (Avg) Total Inrush ChargeProtocol Connection No (Amps) at Maximum Power Amplitude Current Measured inData (Amps) (Amps) for GSM850 or MillicoulombPeak Current for HSDPA3.3 VoltsGSM850 0.056 0.629 2.5 5.27HSDPA 0.057 0.727 0.804 5.27Note: Inrush Current:The input current during power up, or a reset.MTPCIE-H5-V-BWRadio Cellular Call Box Average Measured Current TX Pulse (Avg) Total Inrush ChargeProtocol Connection No (Amps) at Maximum Power Amplitude Current Measured inData (Amps) (Amps) for GSM850 or MillicoulombPeak Current for HSDPA3.3 VoltsGSM850 0.062 1.058 2.9 2.51HSDPA 0.062 0.970 1.052 2.51Note: Inrush Current:The input current during power up, or a reset.MTPCIE-BWVoltage Inrush Current Idle Mode after MT100EOCG Max Power with Bluetooth and Wi-(Amps) Boots Up (Amps) Fi in Broadcast Mode (Amps)3.3 Volts 0.056 0.0064 0.326Note: Inrush Current:The input current during power up, or a reset.60 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
APPLICATION NOTESApplication NotesRF PerformancesRF performances are compliant with the ETSI recommendation 05.05 and 11.10. The module’s radio transceivermeets the requirements of 3GPP Release 5 & 6. All values indicated are conducted.Receiver Features for Cellular DevicesCategory DescriptionGSM 850 Sensitivity < -109 dBmE-GSM 900 Sensitivity < -106 dBmDCS 1800 Sensitivity < -105 dBmPCS 1900 Sensitivity < -105 dBmUMTS Band I 2100 Sensitivity < -109 dBmUMTS Band II 1900 Sensitivity < -108 dBmUMTS Band V 850 Sensitivity < -110 dBmUMTS Band VI 800 Sensitivity < -110 dBmMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 61
APPLICATION NOTESFrequency BandsMode Freq. TX (MHz) Freq. RX (MHz) Channels TX-RX offsetGSM850 824.2- 848.8 869.2 - 893.8 128 - 251 45 MHzEGSM900 890.0 - 914.8 935.0 - 959.8 0 - 124 45 MHz880.2 - 889.8 925.2 - 934.8 975 - 1023 45 MHzDCS1800 1710.2 - 1784.8 1805.2 - 1879.8 512 - 885 95 MHzPCS1900 1850.2 - 1909.8 1930.2 - 1989.8 512 - 810 80 MHzWCDMA850 (band V) 826.4 - 846.6 871.4 - 891.6 Tx: 4132 - 45 MHz4233 Rx: 4357- 4458WCDMA900 (band 882.4 - 912.6 927.4 - 957.6 Tx: 2712 - 45 MHzVIII) 2863 Rx: 2937- 3088WCDMA1700 (band 1710.4 - 1755.6 2112.4 - 2167.6 Tx: 1312 - 400MHzIV) 1513 Rx: 9662- 9938WCDMA1900 (band II) 1852.4 - 1907.6 1932.4 - 1987.6 Tx: 9262 - 80MHz9538 Rx: 9662- 9938WCDMA2100 (band I) 1922.4 - 1977.6 2112.4 - 2167.6 Tx: 9612 - 190MHz9888 Rx:10562 - 1083862 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICESInstalling Drivers for Non-UIP HSPA+ DevicesHSPA+ Device Driver InstallationInstalling on LinuxThe Linux OS includes a generic USB driver for modems supporting CDC/ACM.Multi-Tech tested the following Linux operating systems and all used port ttyACM0. If your system has anotherdevice using this port, your port numbers may be different.■Ubuntu■Debian■Centos■Ubuntu 13.04■Debian 6.0.6■Fedora 15■openSUSE 11.4■CentOS 6.0To install the device on any Linux Kernel with CDC/ACM support, connect USB cable from the device to a USB porton your computer. For most recent Linux distributions, there are no drivers to install.If the operating system recognizes the modem, seven devices are created (assuming no other ACM values havebeen assigned):■/dev/ttyACM0■/dev/ttyACM1■/dev/ttyACM2■/dev/ttyACM3■/dev/ttyACM4■/dev/ttyACM5■/dev/ttyACM6Only the following devices can be used for AT commands:■/dev/ttyACM0 (data port for PPP connections and AT commands)■/dev/ttyACM3 (generic port for AT commands)Troubleshooting LinuxIf Linux does not create devices, check for the kernel module:# lsmod | grep cdc_acmIf entries aren't found, load the kernel module with root privileges:# modprobe cdc-acmMultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 63
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICESIf this returns an error response, such as # FATAL: Module cdc-acm not found, the kernel module is not on yoursystem. You will need to build the driver.Building a Linux DriverIf your system is missing the Linux driver:1. Retrieve the appropriate kernel source code version for your system. This should be in your OSdistribution package. Unpack it.2. In its root directory type: # make menuconfig3. Configure the kernel according to your system configuration,4. Browse to menu Device Driver > USB Support and select USB Modem (CDC ACM) support.5. To start the build once configured, type # makeThe kernel module cdc-acm.ko is in the directory drivers/usb/class. If the kernel was built previously, compile themodule by typing:# make M=drivers/usb/classTo load the module use modprobe or insmod.Windows Release NotesWe tested driver on the following Windows operatingsystems.■Windows 8 x86 and x64, Windows 7 x86 and x64, Vista x86 and x64, XP x86 and x64, Windows Server2012, Windows Server 2008 x86 and x64, and Windows Server 2003 x86■Drivers install correctly, but may require .NET Framework version 3.5 or older.■After installing the driver for this device, the device may not be available when Windows comes out of asleep/hibernate state. To correct this issue, unplug the device from the USB port and then plug it back into the same port.■Windows Server 2003 x64■Not supported with version 8.00.04.Downloading the Windows USB DriverIf you haven't downloaded the driver:1. Go to the Multi-Tech Support page, and select your product from theProduct Families drop down list.2. Click Drivers.3. Select and Save the driver to your computer.4. Extract the files to your computer.Windows NotesInstalling on USB Host Powered DevicesWhen you connect a USB host powered device to a computer through a USB cable, the Windows Add NewHardware Wizard may display Cannot Install this Hardware. If this occurs, click Finish. Windows detects additionaldevices and prompts you to install them.64 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICESInstalling on Non-USB Powered DevicesTurn on the device and wait 15 seconds before connecting the USB cable. If you connect the USB cable beforesupplying power to the device, the Windows Add New Hardware Wizard may appear and show Cannot Install thisHardware. If this occurs, click Finish. Windows detects additional devices and prompts you to install the additionaldevices. If Windows does not detect new device, unplug the USB cable, turn the device off and on, wait 15seconds, insert the USB cable, and install devices when prompted.Installing on Windows 8, 7 or VistaThis process installs multiple drivers and ports.Note: If you previously installed USB drivers for this device, uninstall them before installing or re-installing thisdriver. Uninstall all existing drivers for this device. Refer to Uninstall Windows Drivers for details.Before you connect the device (disconnect the device if you connected it):CAUTION: If you connected the device before installing the drivers, Windows may install drivers automatically.Your device may not operate correctly with these drivers. Uninstall the drivers before proceeding. See RemoveMicrosoft Installed Drivers for details.1. Go to the location where you extracted the driver and open the H5-USB\Driver folder.2. Right-click on TelitUSBInstaller_In_U8.00.04.exe and select Run as Administrator.3. Click Yes or Allow to allow the installer to make changes to your computer.4. Click Next and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.5. Click the Install option when prompted, for example, Install this driver software anyway.6. Click Finish.7. Connect USB cable from the device to a USB port on your computer. Windows indicates when the deviceis ready to use.8. Signal strength LEDs require a device reboot after installing software. Disconnect the device from thecomputer's USB port for a few seconds and reconnect the device to the same USB port.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 65
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICESInstalling on Windows XPThis process installs four drivers.Note: If you previously installed USB drivers for this device, uninstall them before installing or re-installing thisdriver. Uninstall all existing drivers for this device. Refer to Uninstall Windows Drivers for details.Before you connect the device (disconnect the device if you connected it):1. Go to the location where you extracted the driver and open the H5-USB\Driver folder.2. Right-click on TelitUSBInstaller_In_U8.00.04.exe and select Run.3. Click Next and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.4. Click Continue Anyway each time this screen appears.5. Click Finish.6. Connect USB cable from the device to a USB port on your computer. After it detects the hardware,Windows opens the New Hardware Wizard.7. Select No, not this time and click Next.8. Select Install the software automatically (Recommended) and click Next.9. Select Finish.10. Repeat Steps 7-9 for each additional New Hardware Wizard. Windows indicates when the device is readyto use.11. Signal strength LEDs require a device reboot after installing software. Disconnect the device from thecomputer's USB port for a few seconds and reconnect the device to the same USB port.66 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICESUninstalling Windows DriversNote: Disconnect the device before uninstalling drivers.Windows 8To uninstall drivers from Windows 8:1. Open Windows Programs and Features.2. Uninstall Windows Driver Package – Intel Mobile Communications (flashusb) USB.3. Uninstall all Telit modems, ports, and USB drivers.Windows 7 or VistaTo uninstall drivers from Windows 7 or Vista:1. Open Programs and Features from the Windows Control Panel.2. Uninstall the Windows Driver Package – Telit Wireless Solutions (telitusbser) Modem.3. Uninstall all Telit modems, ports, and USB.Windows XPTo uninstall drivers from Windows XP:1. Open the Control Panel and go to Add or Remove Programs.2. Uninstall Windows Driver Package – Telit Wireless Solutions (telitusbser) Modem.3. Uninstall all other Telit modems, Ports and USB.Remove Microsoft Installed DriversIf using Windows 7 and connect the device before installing drivers, Windows Update automatically installs drivers.Your device may not operate correctly with these drivers. To remove these drivers:1. With the device plugged in, open the Device Manager.MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 67
INSTALLING DRIVERS FOR NON-UIP HSPA+ DEVICES2. Right-click on the Telit Mobile Modem and select Uninstall.3. Select Delete the driver software for this device and click OK.4. Repeat the removal steps to uninstall each Telit port and the Telit Universal Serial Bus Control.Developer NoteBy default each time an H5 device with a different IMEI value is connected using this USB driver, the operatingsystem will not require searching for the drivers again and uses the same ports created in a previous installation.To prevent this, use the utility included with the driver download to manage port creation as follows.To enable USB IMEI identification, where the operating system creates a new set of ports with different COMenumeration for each H5 device with a different IMEI value:1. Uninstall the driver if already installed.2. Double-click H5_enable_USB_IMEI_indentification.reg in the folder where you extracted the driver files.3. Install the driver as normal.To disable USB IMEI identification (driver default setting):1. Uninstall the driver if already installed.2. Double-click H5_disable_USB_IMEI_indentification.reg in the folder where you extracted the driver files.3. Install the driver as normal.68 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICESUsing Linux with H5 DevicesShell CommandsTesting Serial PortsTo test the serial ports created by the driver, type in a shell:# cat /dev/ttyACM0 &# echo –en "ATE0\r" > /dev/ttyACM03# echo –en "AT\r" > /dev/ttyACM0Note: Sending ATE0 is required, to avoid issues in the terminal output. It prevents the sending/receivingspurious characters to/from the modem when used with the Linux commands “echo” and “cat”You can perform the same test using the other interface (ttyACM1 ttyACM3).Create a PPP ConnectionMost recent Linux distributions have GUI tools for creating PPP connections; the following instructions are forcreating a PPP connection through command line interface.PPP support must be compiled into the kernel; pppd and chat programs are also required.pppd needs two scripts: the first script performs the environment setting and calls the second script, which is usedby the chat program. For creating a PPP connection type:# pppd file /etc/pppd_script &Example# Debug info from pppddebug#kdebug 4# Most phones don't reply to LCP echoslcp-echo-failure 3lcp-echo-interval 3# Keep pppd attached to the terminal# Comment this to get daemon mode pppdnodetach# The chat script (be sure to edit that file, too!)connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/hsdpa_connect"# Serial Device to which the modem is connected/dev/ttyACM3# Serial port line speed115200dump# The phone is not required to authenticate#noauthuser <insert here the correct username for authentication>name <insert here the name of the connection>password <insert here the correct password for authentication>MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 69
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICES# If you want to use the HSDPA link as your gatewaydefaultroute# pppd must not propose any IP address to the peer#noipdefaultipcp-accept-localipcp-accept-remote# Keep modem up even if connection fails#persist# Hardware flow controlcrtscts# Ask the peer for up to 2 DNS server addressesusepeerdns# No ppp compressionnovjnobsdcompnovjccompnopcompnoaccomp# For sanity, keep a lock on the serial linelock# Show password in debug messagesshow-passwordThis script calls the option connect using the script hsdpa_connect, for example: #!/bin/sh# Connection to the network'' AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<insert here the correct APN provided byyour network operator>"# Dial the number.OK ATD*99***1## The modem is waiting for the following answerCONNECT ''After launching a PPP connection is possible to use ftp protocol or other utilities that allow the access to theInternet.C ProgrammingThe following topics show all the functions that can be used from C source code to perform read/write operationson the serial open() function shall establish the connection between a file and a file descriptor. The file descriptor is used byother I/O functions to refer to that file.Header Filefcntl.hPrototype:int open(const char *pathname, int flags)Parameters:70 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICESpathname – file name with its own path.flags – is an int specifying file opening mode: is one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR which request openingthe file read-only, write-only or read/write, respectively.Returns:The new file descriptor fildes if successful, -1 otherwise.ExampleOpen the /dev/ fd; // file descriptor for the /dev/ttyACM0 entryif((fd = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_RDONLY) < 0){/* Error Management Routine */} else {/* ttyACM0 Device Opened */}read()The read() function reads nbyte bytes from the file associated with the open file descriptor, fildes, and copies themin the buffer that is pointed to by buf.Header Fileunistd.hPrototype:ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)Parameters:fildes - file descriptorbuf - destination buffer pointernbyte - number of bytes that read() attempts to readReturns:The number of bytes actually read if the operation is completed successfully, otherwise it is -1.ExampleRead sizeof(read_buff) bytes from the file associated with fd and stores them into read_buff.char read_buff[BUFF_LEN];if(read(fd, read_buff, sizeof(read_buff)) < 0){/* Error Management Routine */} else {/* Value Read */}MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 71
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICESwrite()The write() function writes nbyte bytes from the buffer that are pointed by buf to the file associated with the openfile descriptor. fildes.Header Fileunistd.hPrototype:ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte)Parameters:fildes – file descriptorbuf – destination buffer pointernbyte – number of bytes that write() attempts to writeReturns:The number of bytes actually written if the operation is completed successfully, otherwise it is -1.ExampleWrite strlen(value_to_be_written) bytes from the buffer pointed by value_to_be_written to the fileassociated with the open file descriptor, fd.char value_to_be_written[] = “dummy_write”;if (write(fd, value_to_be_written, strlen(value_to_be_written)) < 0){/* Error Management Routine */} else {/* Value Written */}close()The close() function shall deallocate the file descriptor indicated by fildes. To deallocate means to make the filedescriptor available for return by subsequent calls to open() or other functions that allocate file descriptors.Header Fileunistd.hPrototype:int close(int fildes);Parameters:fildes - file descriptorReturns:0 if successful, otherwise it is -1.72 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICESExampleClose the ttyACMx file.if(close(fd) < 0){/* Error Management Routine */} else {/* File Closed */}Test Program()The following simple C program is useful to test the modem issuing an AT command. The program opens the/dev/ttyACM0 interface and calls the write() and the read() function to send an AT command and receive thesubsequent output.#include <stdio.h> /* Standard input/output definitions */#include <string.h> /* String function definitions */#include <unistd.h> /* UNIX standard function definitions */#include <fcntl.h> /* File control definitions */#include <errno.h> /* Error number definitions */#include <termios.h> /* POSIX terminal control definitions */#define USB "/dev/ttyACM0"#define BUFSIZE 1000#define BAUDRATE B115200int open_port(char *port){struct termios options;int fd;fd = open(port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);if (fd == -1){printf("open_port: Unable to open the port - ");}else{printf ( "Port %s with file descriptor=%i",port, fd);fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);tcgetattr( fd, &options );cfsetispeed( &options, BAUDRATE );cfsetospeed( &options, BAUDRATE );options.c_cflag |= ( CLOCAL | CREAD);options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB | CSTOPB | CSIZE);options.c_cflag |= CS8;options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG);options.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY | ICRNL | INLCR |IGNCR);options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;if ( tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &options ) == -1 )printf ("Error with tcsetattr = %s\n", strerror ( errno ));MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 73
USING LINUX WITH H5 DEVICESelseprintf ( "%s\n", "succeed" );}return (fd);}int main(){int serialFD = open_port(USB);char buf[BUFSIZE];memset(buf,0,BUFSIZE);write(serialFD, "AT\r" , strlen("AT\r"));sleep(1);read( serialFD, buf, BUFSIZE );printf("The string is: %s\n", buf);close(serialFD);return 0;}The sleep instruction is required because the modem response after issuing the AT command is not immediate, soyou need to wait a bit before reading. There are more efficient ways to do this, for example, you can put the readcall in a while loop and exit when the read buffer contains a certain string.74 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide
INDEXIndexAESD ................................................................................15European Community Directives ..................................36account activation.........................................................47activationcellular devices.........................................................47 Fantenna .........................................................................42 FCCcable....................................................................43 45 grant notes...............................................................45cellular devices.........................................................42 frequency bands ...........................................................62GPS...........................................................................44Wi-Fi RF....................................................................44assembly diagram .........................................................18 GGPSBantenna....................................................................44ground plane.................................................................14Bluetooth ......................................................................47build options ..............................................................6 47HChandling precautions due to ESD..................................15hazardous substances ...................................................37cable.........................................................................43 45 host labeling..................................................................45CAD drawing.............................................................49 50 HSPA+............................................................................34CE mark .........................................................................36 HSPA+21........................................................................47Chinese hazardous substancesChinese version........................................................41English version .........................................................40 IC programming IMEI ...............................................................................34close .........................................................................72 installopen .........................................................................70 SIM card ...................................................................31read..........................................................................71 installingtest program ............................................................73 device on board .......................................................31write.........................................................................72JDjumpers .........................................................................30developer board............................................................16devicemaintenance ............................................................33 Ldialing restrictions.........................................................37drawing ....................................................................49 50 labelinghost ..........................................................................45labels .............................................................................34ELinuxbuilding driver..........................................................64electrical C programming ........................................................70characteristics..........................................................53 driver........................................................................47electromagnetic interference .......................................14 install........................................................................63electrostatic discharge..................................................15 PPP connection ........................................................69EMI ................................................................................14MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide 75
INDEXshell commands .......................................................69 Ttroubleshoot driver..................................................63 transmitter features......................................................61MUmaintenance .................................................................33 uninstall.........................................................................67mechanical drawing .................................................49 50 USB...........................................................................13 67design consideration................................................15driver download.......................................................64Nnotes ........................................................................64noise suppression..........................................................14 USB driverinstall..............................................................63 65 66uninstall ...................................................................67Puser responsibility.........................................................33PC board layout.............................................................14pinout............................................................................53VUSB...........................................................................13pinout table.....................................................................8 vehicle safety ................................................................32standard...................................................................11 Vista .........................................................................65 67power draw...................................................................60PTCRB ............................................................................34WWi-Fi ..............................................................................47RWi-Fi RF specifications ..................................................44radio frequency interference........................................32 Windowsreceiver features...........................................................61 release notes............................................................64RoHS..............................................................................37 USB driver download ...............................................64USB driver release notes..........................................64Windows 7 ...............................................................65 67SWindows 8 ....................................................................65safety uninstall ...................................................................67RF interference ........................................................32 Windows XP .............................................................66 67vehicle......................................................................32safety standards............................................................14XSIM card ........................................................................31specifications.................................................................51 XP ..................................................................................6676 MultiConnectTM PCIe MTPCIE-H5/MTPCIE-BW Developer Guide

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