Motorola Solutions 89FT7003 Handheld Data Terminal with WAN, LAN & Bluetooth User Manual Latest Users Manual

Motorola Solutions, Inc. Handheld Data Terminal with WAN, LAN & Bluetooth Latest Users Manual

Latest Users Manual

Owner’s ManualHDT 600Handheld Data Terminal68P02966C70-A 68P02966C70-A@6802966C70@aInca very small  Page 1  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
Commercial, Government and Industrial Solutions Sector1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, IL 6019668P02966C70-AJune, 2003© Motorola Inc., 2003ContentsCOMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS...................... iiiFCC INTERFERENCE WARNING.................................  viWhat is the HDT 600 Terminal ........................................ 1HDT 600 Parts ................................................................  3Unpacking .......................................................................  4HDT 600 Cradle Connections ......................................... 5Installing the Battery........................................................  6Removing the Battery...................................................... 6First Time Battery Charge ...............................................  7Charging the Battery ....................................................... 8 Battery Maintenance  ...................................................... 9Turning on the HDT 600................................................  10Suspend Mode ..............................................................  10Turning off the HDT 600................................................ 10Using the HDT 600........................................................  11Using the Stylus Pen.....................................................  11Scanning With the HDT 600 (Optional).........................  12Resetting the HDT 600.................................................. 13Cradle Installation ......................................................... 14Maintaining the HDT 600 .............................................. 16Accessories...................................................................  17What to Do If .................................................................  18Battery Warnings and Disposal.....................................  20Inca very small  Page i  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
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iiiCOMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTSThe Motorola products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Motorola computerprograms stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countriespreserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclu-sive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copy-righted Motorola computer programs contained In the Motorola products described in this instructionmanual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Motor-ola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or byimplication, estoppel. or otherwise. any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications ofMotorola, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of lawin the sale of a product.EPS – 34440- BThis warranty applies within the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia and Canada.LIMITED WARRANTYMOTOROLA COMMUNICATION PRODUCTSIf the affected product is being purchased pursuant to a written Communications System Agreementsigned by Motorola, the warranty contained in that written agreement will apply.  Otherwise, the follow-ing warranty applies.I. WHAT THIS WARRANTY COVERS AND FOR HOW LONG:Motorola Inc. or, if applicable, Motorola Canada Limited ("Motorola") warrants the Motorola manu-factured radio communications product, including original equipment crystal devices and channel ele-ments ("Product"), against material defects in material and workmanship under normal use and servicefor a period of One (1) Year from the date of shipment.Motorola, at its option, will at no charge either repair the Product (with new or reconditioned parts),replace it with the same or equivalent Product (using new or reconditioned Product), or refund the pur-chase price of the Product during the warranty period provided purchaser notifies Motorola accordingto the terms of this warranty.  Repaired or replaced Product is warranted for the balance of the originalapplicable warranty period.  All replaced parts of the Product shall become the property of Motorola.This express limited warranty is extended by Motorola to the original end user purchaser purchasingthe Product for purposes of leasing or for commercial, industrial, or governmental use only, and is notassignable or transferable to any other party.  This is the complete warranty for the Product manufac-tured by Motorola.  Motorola assumes no obligations or liability for additions or modifications to thiswarranty unless made in writing and signed by an officer of Motorola.  Unless made in a separate writ-ten agreement between Motorola and the original end user purchaser, Motorola does not warrant theinstallation, maintenance or service of the Product.Motorola cannot be responsible in any way for any ancillary equipment not furnished by Motorolawhich is attached to or used in connection with the Product, or for operation of the Product with anyancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from this warranty.  Because eachsystem which may use the Product is unique, Motorola disclaims liability for range, coverage, or oper-ation of the system as a whole under this warranty.Inca very small  Page iii  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
ivII. GENERAL PROVISIONS:This warranty sets forth the full extent of Motorola’s responsibilities regarding the Product.  Repair,replacement or refund of the purchase price, at Motorola’s option, is the exclusive remedy.  THISWARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. MOTOROLA DIS-CLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUD-ING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR DAM-AGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, FOR ANY LOSS OF USE,LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS OROTHER INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCHMAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.III.HOW TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE:Purchaser must notify Motorola’s representative or call Motorola’s Customer Response Center at 1-800-247-2346 within the applicable warranty period for information regarding warranty service.IV. WHAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER:A) Defects or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner.B) Defects or damage from misuse, accident, water, or neglect.C) Defects or damage from improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, alteration, modifica-tion, or adjustment.D) A Product subjected to unauthorized Product modifications, disassemblies or repairs (including, with-out limitation, the addition to the Product of non-Motorola supplied equipment) which adversely affectperformance of the Product or interfere with Motorola’s normal warranty inspection and testing of theProduct to verify any warranty claim.E) Product which has had the serial number removed or made illegible.F) Batteries (they carry their own separate limited warranty).G) Freight costs to the repair depot.H) A Product which, due to illegal or unauthorized alteration of the software/firmware in the Product,does not function in accordance with Motorola’s published specifications or with the FCC typeacceptance labeling in effect for the Product at the time the Product was initially distributed fromMotorola.I) Scratches or other cosmetic damage to Product surfaces that does not affect the operation of the Prod-uct.J) That the software in the Product will meet the purchaser’s requirements or that the operation of thesoftware will be uninterrupted or error-free.K) Normal and customary wear and tear.L) Non-Motorola manufactured equipment unless bearing a Motorola Part Number in the form of analpha numeric number (i.e., TDE6030B).Inca very small  Page iv  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
vV. GOVERNING LAWIn the case of a Product sold in the United States and Canada, this Warranty is governed by the laws ofthe State of Illinois and the Province of Ontario, respectively.VI.PATENT AND SOFTWARE PROVISIONS:Motorola will defend, at its own expense, any suit brought against the end user purchaser to the extentthat it is based on a claim that the Product or its parts infringe a United States patent, and Motorola willpay those costs and damages finally awarded against the end user purchaser in any such suit which areattributable to any such claim, but such defense and payments are conditioned on the following:A) that Motorola will be notified promptly in writing by such purchaser of any notice of such claim;B) that Motorola will have sole control of the defense of such suit and all negotiations for its settlement orcompromise; andC) should the Product or its parts become, or in Motorola's opinion be likely to become, the subject of aclaim of infringement of a United States patent, that such purchaser will permit Motorola, at its optionand expense, either to procure for such purchaser the right to continue using the Product or its parts orto replace or modify the same so that it becomes non-infringing or to grant such purchaser a credit forthe Product or its parts as depreciated and accept its return.  The depreciation will be an equal amountper year over the lifetime of the Product or its parts as established by Motorola.Motorola will have no liability with respect to any claim of patent infringement which is based uponthe combination of the Product or its parts furnished hereunder with software, apparatus or devices notfurnished by Motorola, nor will Motorola have any liability for the use of ancillary equipment or soft-ware not furnished by Motorola which is attached to or used in connection with the Product.  The fore-going states the entire liability of Motorola with respect to infringement of patents by the Product orany its parts thereof.Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copy-righted Motorola software such as the exclusive rights to reproduce in copies and distribute copies ofsuch Motorola software.  Motorola software may be used in only the Product in which the softwarewas originally embodied and such software in such Product may not be replaced, copied, distributed,modified in any way, or used to produce any derivative thereof.  No other use including, without limi-tation, alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, or reverse engineering of such Motorolasoftware or exercise of rights in such Motorola software is permitted.  No license is granted by impli-cation, estoppel or otherwise under Motorola patent rights or copyrights.EPS – 48759 – OInca very small  Page v  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
viFCC INTERFERENCE WARNINGThe FCC requires that manuals pertaining to Class A and Class B computing devices must contain warn-ings about possible interference with local residential radio and TV reception. This warning reads as fol-lows:NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class B digital device, pur-suant to Part 90 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial or residential environment. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accor-dance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. This device complies with Part 90 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Caution: Changes or modifications made in the radio terminal, not expressly approved by Motorola, willvoid the user's authority to operate the equipment.For detailed product safety and RF exposure for portable terminals with two-way radios, refer to Electro-magnetic Emission (EME) safety leaflet, Motorola publication number  68P02965C93.TrademarksMotorola and the Motorola logo are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. iDEN is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.FlashFile is a trademark of Intel Corporation.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows CE are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Table 1 FCC Grant Of Equipment AuthorizationNomenclature Wireless SystemFrequency Band Power Antenna FCC IDF4415 Bluetooth 2.4 GHz 1 mW Internal AZ489FT7003VA00024 Wireless LAN (USA)2.4 GHz 100 mW Internal AZ489FT7003VA00016 GPRS on GSM/DCS900/1800 MHz2 W / 1 W Internal AZ489FT7003VA00052 Private DataTAC806-825 MHz1.8 W Internal AZ489FT7004VA00010 iDEN 806-821 MHz600 mW Internal AZ489FT7007Inca very small  Page vi  Tuesday, June 10, 2003  7:10 PM
1What is the HDT 600 TerminalThe HDT 600 is a handheld terminal designed for field applications where fast data acquisition is required. Its ergonomic design is easy to hold and carry. Its unique shape fits the hand, and the back strap provides extra grip. The Windows®  CE 3.0 operating system with touch screen and soft-keys provides easy access to various applications. The HDT 600 is equipped with a 3.6 inch color LCD screen with LED front-light, viewable in all light conditions, including direct sunlight. The touch sensitive screen enables signature capture as well as easy selection from an on-screen menu. A LASER beam barcode reader (optional) enables one-hand bar-code reading on both vertical and horizontal labels. The barcode is activated by one of four dedicated trigger keys, made for right or left handed users.The unit operates in all weather conditions and is protected against hostile environment factors, such as impact, rain, vibrations and electrostatic discharge. An RS232 port serves for uploading and downloading data between the HDT 600 and a PC via the HDT 600 Cradle. Connec-tions for external power supply are also provided. The 1400mA Lithium-Ion battery pack provides at least one shift of operation (10-hour duty cycle for typical use) before charging is needed.The HDT 600 uses the following methods of communication:• Short distance: Each HDT 600 contains a Bluetooth™ radio module for short distance communication with peripheral devices such as printers etc.• Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) communication: An optional Spread Spectrum 2.4GHz radio module provides cov-erage within a local distribution hub.Inca very small  Page 1  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
2• Wide Area Network (WAN) communication:1. An optional General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) radio module provides coverage within cellular infrastructure. 2. An optional private DataTAC™ radio module provides coverage within the private DataTAC network infrastruc-ture.3. An optional iDEN (Harmony) radio module provides coverage within the private iDEN network infrastructure.It is also possible to use GPRS and WLAN communication by installing both radios within the HDT 600.Inca very small  Page 2  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
3HDT 600 Parts LED Indicator BuzzerTouch Sensitive Screen Function Soft Keys Battery Charge ContactsBarcode Scanner Power Button (On/Off/Suspend)Barcode Scanner Triggers  Battery LockLASER WindowTerminal Release Button Stylus Pen Stylus Pen Silo & Communication Front View Back View Terminal Release Button Battery Hand Strap HDT 600 CradleRed LED indicating HDT 600 locked into Cradle Inca very small  Page 3  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
4UnpackingThe HDT 600 Data Terminal and HDT 600 Cradle are shipped in separate packages. The HDT 600 Data Terminal package includes the following items:• One HDT 600 Data Terminal unit• One 7.2V 1400mAH Li-ion battery pack• One Stylus pen• This Owner’s ManualThe HDT 600 Cradle package includes the following items:• HDT 600 Cradle• 12/24 VDC vehicle power cable with 3 Amps fuse or Cigarette lighter adapter• This Owner’s ManualIf ordered, you may also receive optional accessories such as: • Cigarette Lighter Cable for vehicle Cradle • Desktop Adaptor for vehicle Cradle• Wall Mount BracketCarefully unpack each item from the shipping carton. Retain the shipping carton until you have checked all items for shipping dam-age, and checked that you have received all items ordered. If there is damage or missing items, return in the shipping carton.The battery is shipped from factory uncharged and not installed. Charge the battery before using the HDT 600 for the first time. See “First Time Battery Charge” on page 7.The HDT 600 is shipped with a plastic film protecting the screen. Before using, remove the film and use a soft cloth to buff the dis-play. This ensures smooth gliding of the Stylus pen over the sur-face.Inca very small  Page 4  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
5HDT 600 Cradle ConnectionsRS232 Cable to DesktopCigarette Lighter Cable  (To 12/24VDC   3 Amps fuse The HDT 600 terminal can communicate with a host PC directly through its communication port    3 Amps Fuse inside Important Note: This product should be installed according to local    applicable laws and directives.PC COM PortPower Cable for vehicle power system)Vehicle Cradlefor HDT 600 CradleAdapterInca very small  Page 5  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
6Installing the BatteryThe battery is shipped from the factory uncharged and not installed. Charge the battery before using the HDT 600 for the first time.1. Before installing the battery, release the terminal hand strap, as shown below.2. Verify that the battery lock is in Unlock position.3. To install the battery, position the battery in the right-hand side of the battery compartment and lower it downward to its place.4. Use a coin to lock the battery by turning the battery lock clock-wise to the Lock position. Note that the battery is locked only when the two dots align (See figure below). Removing the BatteryImportant Note: The HDT 600 enables you to replace batter-ies without losing information stored in its memory. To avoid los-ing information stored in the memory, charged battery must be installed within 2 minutes after removing empty battery.Battery LockPower Button Hand StrapLockUnlockInca very small  Page 6  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
71. Turn the HDT 600 off by holding the Power button pressed for at least two seconds.2. Release the terminal hand strap as shown in the figure above.3. Use a coin to unlock the battery by turning the battery lock counter-clockwise.4. To remove the battery, lift the left-hand side of the battery and pull it out.First Time Battery ChargeThe battery charges when installed in the HDT 600. Charge your new battery for at least six continuous hours before using it or until the LED indicator of the HDT 600 changes from red to green. The first time charge is referred to as initializing and will ensure maxi-mum battery start capacity. The HDT 600 Cradle charges your bat-tery effectively when it is at room temperature [approx. 68°F (20° C)]. The battery will charge in a temperature range of 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C). Inca very small  Page 7  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
8Charging the BatteryThe LED indicator displays your charge status (See figure below). Please note that the HDT 600 can  be On, Off or in Suspend mode while charging. To avoid damage and provide optimal performance of the HDT 600 and Cradle, use only a Motorola approved power supply.To charge the battery, perform the following steps:1. Connect the power cable to the socket at the base of the Cradle.2. Slide the HDT 600 into the Cradle and lock the HDT 600 inside by pushing it towards the back of the Cradle.Press to unlock Red LED indicating HDT 600 lockedPush back to lock HDT 600 into Cradle     into CradlePress to unlockRed: charging Green: battery full  Red blinks: charging problem   LED indicator HDT 600    HDT 600  !CautionInca very small  Page 8  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
9When installed in a vehicle, the HDT 600 must be locked into the Cradle. If not locked, the HDT 600 may be propelled with great force and may cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle. Important Note: The HDT 600 will not charge if not locked into the Cradle. Once the HDT 600 is locked, the Cradle red LED will turn on, indi-cating lock status.3. To remove the HDT 600 from the Cradle, press the unlock but-ton(s) until the HDT 600 unlocks, and remove the HDT 600 from the Cradle. Battery MaintenanceThe performance of the rechargeable battery delivered with your HDT 600 depends on the way the battery is treated. Therefore, to comply with the Motorola warranty for batteries and to assure high performance and a long life for your Motorola rechargeable battery, please read and follow the maintenance rules stated below.Battery StorageDo not store your battery where the temperatures will exceed 65°C or fall below -20°C.New Lithium-Ion batteries (i.e. batteries that have never been charged before) may be stored for up to 3 months in well-venti-lated, cool and dry areas without significant loss in lifespan.Batteries which have already been charged and then stored for more than 2 months should be recharged before use.Extending Battery LifeA battery is an expendable part and may need replacing during the life of the HDT 600. To ensure maximum service life of your HDT !WarningInca very small  Page 9  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
10600, always replace the battery with a genuine Motorola replace-ment.Your Cradle will charge your battery effectively when it is at room temperature (approx. 20° C). Battery charging temperature range is 0°C to 45°C.Turning on the HDT 600 Press the Power button to start the HDT 600. The HDT 600 also powers on immediately when the battery is inserted. As the HDT 600 initializes its unique flash file system, the Motor-ola logo displays for about one minute. Note that this screen also appears every time you perform a restart.Suspend ModeThe Suspend mode is used for saving the HDT 600 battery power by turning off the display and computer sections of the HDT 600, while keeping the radio(s) powered on.When the HDT 600 is on, press the Power button to toggle between Suspend and Resume modes. During the Suspend mode, the dis-play turns off and the LED indicator blinks green. When the HDT 600 resumes, it returns to the screen displayed prior to the Suspend mode. Use the Suspend mode as often as possible to save battery power.Turning off the HDT 600When the HDT 600 is on or in Suspend mode, hold the Power but-ton pressed for at least two seconds, to turn off the HDT 600.Inca very small  Page 10  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
11Using the HDT 600When using the HDT 600, the hand strap on the back of the unit provides stability. Insert your left or right hand under the strap while holding the stylus pen in the other hand.Using the Stylus PenThe Stylus pen selects items and enters information. Use the pen as you use your PC mouse.• To open and select screen items, tap on the item twice with the pen.• To drag text or image items, hold the pen on the item and drag across the screen. • To see a list of actions available for specific item, tap-and-hold the pen on an item. When the pop-up menu appears, tap the action you want to perform.Inca very small  Page 11  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
12Scanning With the HDT 600 (Optional)The HDT 600 is equipped with four scan trigger buttons, designed for left-handed and right-handed users. The buttons are located on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the terminal and on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the upper front panel.The HDT 600 has an integrated scanner which gathers data by scanning barcodes. To scan barcodes with the HDT 600, aim the scanner at the barcode.Press one of the four scan trigger buttons. Ensure the red scan beam covers the entire barcode. The green scan LED lights and a beep sounds to indicate a successful decode.Scan Trigger Buttons45° Scan AngleScan Trigger ButtonsLASER LIGHT DO NOT STARE INTO BEAMCLASS 2 LASER PRODUCT LUMIERE LASER NE PAS REGARDER LE RAYON FIXEMENT PRODUIT LASER DE CLASSE 2 Inca very small  Page 12  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
13Resetting the HDT 600At times, you may need to reset your HDT 600. If your HDT 600 stops respond-ing, perform the following actions:Warm BootImportant Note: When HDT 600 is warm booted, all informa-tion remains stored in memory.1. Simultaneously, press soft keys 1, 2 and the Power but-ton for at least 5 seconds; the HDT 600 will function again. If your HDT 600 still does not respond perform:Cold ResetImportant Note: When HDT 600 is cold reset, all information stored in its memory will be lost.2. Simultaneously, press soft keys 2, 3 and 4 for at least five sec-onds to restart your HDT 600. The operation system will reboot in approximately one minute. 1234Power ButtonInca very small  Page 13  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
14Cradle InstallationThe Cradle can be installed by using the four threaded holes on its back side (See figure in page 15). Use the holes to attach the Cradle to any surface, such as: vehicle dashboard. Planning is the key to fast, easy HDT 600 Cradle installation. Before a hole is drilled or a wire is run, inspect the vehicle and determine how and where you intend to mount the Cradle and accessories. Plan wire and cable runs to provide maximum protec-tion from pinching, crushing and overheating. Overheating my occur when running wires too close to a heat generating substance.The installation planning should only be undertaken by persons who are competent and able to ensure that the complete installation fulfills its regulatory requirements, such as EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility).Please note that it is the responsibility of the installing party to ensure that the inclusion of mount accessories and connections to the battery system is according to local standards and is not in vio-lation of applicable safety specifications. When routing the power cable to the Cradle, it is important to use as much cable as needed and cut off the remainder. Using the exact cable length ensures proper power supply to the Cradle. Make sure that the power cable has a 3 Amps fuse (See “HDT 600 Cradle Connections” on page 5). The power cable must be connected to the vehicle current protec-tion system. In order to prevent continuous consumption from the vehicle's battery, route the power cable after the ignition switch. Note that the input voltage to the Cradle may range from 10.6 to 32 VDC (Max peak current: 2 Amps). The Cradle output voltage is 12 VDC (Max continuous current: 1 Amp at -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to +50°C), 0.5 Amp at 122°F to 140°F (50°C to 60°C).Inca very small  Page 14  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
15For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with same type and rating of fuse. Back side of HDT 600 CradleThreaded holesOffice AdapterThreaded holes1.96 “ (50 mm)4.92” (125 mm)M4X10Dashboard MountingWall Mount Bracket for installationM4X10(Pedestal)Inca very small  Page 15  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
16Maintaining the HDT 600 The HDT 600 is built for rugged environment. However, please use the following guidelines to keep the HDT 600 in good condition:• Do not scratch the screen. Use only Motorola supplied stylus pen with the touch-sensitive screen.• Never use a pen or pencil or any sharp object on the screen.• Your HDT 600 is water and dust resistant, still, do not expose it to rain or moisture for long periods of time.• Protect your HDT 600 from temperature extremes. Do not leave the HDT 600 on the dashboard of a car on a hot day, and keep the HDT 600 away from hot places.• Although the HDT 600 is ruggedized, try not to subject your HDT 600 to extreme impact.• Do not store or use your HDT 600 in any location that is extremely dusty, damp or wet.• If the battery contacts, screen or surface of the HDT 600 becomes dirty, use a soft lint free cloth, moistened with diluted Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) solution, for removing dirt. The IPA can be diluted with water up to 20%. Inca very small  Page 16  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
17AccessoriesMotorola is not responsible for the use of accessories not approved for the HDT 600 (part number F4415). The following Motorola approved accessories are for use with your terminal.Table 1: HDT 600 model F4415 - Motorola Approved AccessoriesMotorola Approved Accessory Part NumberSpare Battery FNN5105Spare Stylus FLN9805Cigarette Lighter Cable for Vehicle Cradle FKN6009Power Cable for Vehicle FKN8044Wall Mounting Kit FLN9782HDT 600 Cradle F4416RS232 Cable DB9 Female FKN4736Desktop Adapter FLN9783ABelt Holster, Leather, HDT 600 FHN6394Carrying Case, Leather, HDT 600 (shoul-der strap, D-Ring belt loop)FHN6395Carrying Case, Leather, HDT 600 (shoul-der strap, fixed belt loop)FHN6396Table 2: HDT 600 Cradle - Desktop OptionsDescription  Part NumberDesktop Option (110V) VA00054AADesktop Option (220V)VA00055AAInca very small  Page 17  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
18What to Do If Table 3: TroubleshootingProblem Cause SolutionHDT 600 does not turn onBattery not charged Ensure proper battery instal-lation in HDT 600.Charge or replace the batteryHDT 600 in Sus-pend modePress the Power Button HDT 600 red LED does not stop blinking or battery refuses to chargeHDT 600 is not locked in CradleReinstall HDT 600 in Cradle. Lock the HDT 600 properly in Cradle (See that the HDT 600 and Cradle red LEDs are on) and charge for 6 hoursBattery tempera-ture is incorrectEnsure that the battery is in a temperature range 32°F to 113°F (0° to 45°C) and will charge properlyBad battery Replace batteryHDT 600 does not detect scan inputLASER beam does not cover the entire barcode symbolScan again and make sure that the entire barcode sym-bol is coveredUnreadable bar-codeBe sure the barcode symbol is not coveredInca very small  Page 18  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
19HDT 600 stops respond-ingProblem in HDT 600 operating sys-tem or communica-tion networkSimultaneously press soft keys 1, 2 and the Power but-ton for at least 5 seconds; the HDT 600 should function againIf still does not respond, simultaneously press soft keys 2, 3 and 4 to restart your HDT 600. The operation sys-tem will reboot for about a minuteIncomplete or no data trans-mission between HDT 600 and PCHDT 600 is not locked in Cradle Lock the HDT 600 properly in Cradle (See that the red LED is on)Cradle contacts are not cleanClean contacts and remove dust and objects from within the CradleBad RS232 cable Replace the RS232 cableCommunication software was incor-rectly installed or configuredSee your System Administra-torTable 3: TroubleshootingProblem Cause SolutionInca very small  Page 19  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
20Battery Warnings and DisposalHDT 600 On Board AircraftAlways remove the battery from the HDT 600 when shipped via air. Any use of the HDT 600 must be in accordance with applicable regulations per airline regulations.Battery Disposal Batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly in accordance with local requirements. Recycling facilities may not exist in all areas. Please contact your local environmental agency for more information regarding proper disposal.To Prevent Injury Or Burns• USE ONLY SPECIFIED BATTERIES AND CHARGERS.• DO NOT DISPOSE OF ANY BATTERIES IN FIRE, AS THEY MAY EXPLODE!• DO NOT PUNCTURE OR ALLOW METAL TO CONTACT THE BATTERY TERMINALS.• DO NOT DISPOSE OF IN WATER.• DO NOT DISASSEMBLE.• DO NOT STORE ABOVE 140°F (60°C)Inca very small  Page 20  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM
HOW TO REACH US:Commercial, Government and Industrial Solutions Sector1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, IL 60196Tel: 1-888-567-7347 (inside the US)Tel: 1-847-576-5000 (outside the US)Visit our Web site atwww.motorola.comMOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are regis-tered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the prop-erty of their respective owners.Copyright © 2003 Motorola all rights reserved.Inca very small  Page 21  Thursday, May 22, 2003  7:57 PM

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