Motorola Mobility T6NE1 Mobile Satellite Transceiver User Manual Sample Cover Page for User s Manual Ex

Motorola Mobility LLC Mobile Satellite Transceiver Sample Cover Page for User s Manual Ex


Motorola Satellite Series Mobile Accessory Antenna Installation Guideline

APPLICANT:  MOTOROLA, INC. FCC ID:  IHDT6NE1EXHIBIT 7ADRAFT ANTENNA INSTALLATION GUIDELINEThe following document is the Antenna Installation Guide for the Mobile AccessoryAntenna.
21.  Scope of ManualThis document covers the procedures for installing the Satellite Series Mobile Antennas, bothpermanent mount and magnetic mounted versions.  This manual is intended for use by experiencedtechnicians familiar with installation of antennas for similar types of equipment.2.  How to use this ManualThis manual covers the procedures for installing and mounting the Satellite Series Mobile Antennas,and for routing and connecting associated cabling.  Before  installing the 9520 Mobile Phone or it’santenna, read the information related to installation planning and lightning/surge protection coveredfurther in this manual.3. General Safety PrecautionsDuring normal use, the Satellite Series 9520 Mobile Telephone will emit radio energy substantiallybelow the level where any kind of harm is reported.  However, to ensure personal safety and toavoid equipment damage, please observe the following simple rules:• To assure that radio frequency (RF) energy exposure to bystanders near the antenna is lowerthan that recommended by the adopted standard, operate the 9520 Mobile Phone only whenbystanders are at least 60 cm (24 inches) away from a properly installed externally mountedantenna.• For proper Iridium system operation, do not operate 9520 Mobile Phone when someone iswithin 20 cm (8 inches) of the antenna.• DO NOT operate the telephone unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors areproperly terminated.• DO NOT operate the 9520 Mobile Phone near electrical blasting caps or in an explosiveatmosphere.• All equipment should be serviced and installed only by a qualified technician.• Refer to the appropriate section of the product service manual for additional pertinent safetyinformation.   4. Installation Safety Warning  When choosing a location for the 9520 Mobile Phone and the antenna, be sure to consider theoperator and bystander’s safety.  Be sure to mount the 9520 Mobile Phone and the antenna such thatthe General Safety Precautions outlined in Section 3 above are not violated during normal use byoperators and bystanders.  Be sure to route the cable between the 9520 Mobile Phone and theantenna in such a way that it does not pose an obstruction to the users.  Take steps to insure that theantenna is mounted in such a way that it will not become detached from it’s supporting surface onthe vehicle under normal conditions to which the vehicle will be subjected.
3 5.  Operational Safety Warnings• WARNING - For vehicles equipped with electronic anti-skid systems, see “ANTI-SKIDBRAKING PRECAUTIONS” Publication, Motorola Number 68P81109E34.• WARNING - For vehicles equipped with electronic ignition systems, check the service manualfor warnings about the use of radiotelephone equipment in the vehicle.• WARNING - It is mandatory that radiotelephone installations in vehicles, fueled by liquefiedpetroleum gas, conform to the following standard: National Fire Protection Association standardNFPA 58 applies to radio installations in vehicles fueled by liquefied petroleum (LP) gas with LPgas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of the vehicles. Thisstandard requires that:1. Any space containing radio equipment shall be isolated by a seal from the space inwhich the LP gas container and its fittings are located.2. Remote (outside) fitting connections shall be used.3. The container space shall be vented to the outside.• Airbag Warning StatementInstallation of vehicle communication equipment should be performed by a professionalinstaller/technician qualified in the requirements for such installations. An air bag’s size, shapeand deployment area can vary by vehicle make, model and front compartment configuration(e.g., bench seat vs. bucket seats).  Contact the vehicle manufacturer’s corporate headquarters,if necessary, for specific air bag information for the vehicle make, model and front compartmentconfiguration involved in your communication equipment installation.WARNING--VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH AIR BAGSAn air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, includingcommunication equipment, in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deploymentarea. If the communication equipment is improperly installed and the air bag inflates,this could result in serious bodily harm to vehicle occupants.5. Antenna Installation PlanningThe Satellite Series Mobile Antenna system consists of a mobile antenna and a coaxial cable thatconnects the 9520 Mobile Phone to the antenna .  It is suitable for both vehicular and marineapplications, and is designed to meet Iridium system performance requirements when installed perthis manual.  A typical vehicular application is depicted in the Diagram “A” below.The Satellite Series Mobile Antenna is a “patch” type antenna contained inside a weatherproofhousing, and is intended to be mounted on a horizontal conductive surface. For proper performancein the Iridium system, the antenna must have a clear view of the sky from the horizon on up andmust be mounted horizontally.  It’s location should be such that at least 40 cm (15.8 in.) ofconductive horizontal surface extends in all directions from the center of the antenna, and theantenna should be located on the highest horizontal surface on the vehicle.In almost all vehicles, these requirements are best satisfied by mounting the antenna at the center ofthe roof.  Some vehicles have a large trunk lid that provides a suitable antenna location, but thislocation is only desirable if the roof fails to provide the adequate conductive surface needed
4As depicted in Diagram “A”, the connection between the Satellite Series Mobile Antenna and the9520 Mobile Phone is accomplished using the attached coaxial cable system.6. Antenna Installation—Magnetic Mounting Base  The Satellite Series Mobile antenna with the magnetic mounting base is designed to be mounted to avehicle with a steel exterior surface.  The location of the antenna should follow therecommendations from Section 5 above.  To insure good adhesion of the magnet to the vehiclesurface, be certain the surface is free of excessive foreign material, and is reasonably flat.  7. Antenna Installation—Fixed Mounting Base  The Satellite Series Mobile antenna with the fixed mounting base is designed to be mounted to avehicle with a metallic exterior. The location of the antenna should follow the recommendationsfrom Section 5 above.   A single hole of 17mm (0.669 in.) diameter should be drilled on the chosensurface, and the cable routed through this hole from the outside.  The attaching nut and lockwashershould be installed on the inside surface, and tightened to 6.75 to 7.88 N-m (60 to 70 in-lbs.). Mobil eAntenna5 meter Coaxial CableSatellite SeriesPortable PhoneDiagram A--Typical Mobile Antenna Installation
58. Cable InstallationCables should be routed and restrained so as to avoid vibration or movement under normalconditions which could result in damage to either the antenna, the 9520 Mobile, or the coaxial cableconnections.  Where the cables come in contact with vehicle structures, chafing or abrasion of theouter surface of the cable should be prevented.  All cable bends must be done in such a manner as toavoid  kinking the cable, and bend radii should be no less than 19mm (0.75 in.).  All cableconnections must be sealed appropriately to prevent moisture and corrosion damage due to weatherexposure.  The Type “TNC” connector on the cable should be tightened to a torque to 0.45 to 0.68N-m (4 to 6 in-lbs.).

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