Motorola Mobility T6JC1 Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Bluetooth User Manual Exhibit 8 Users Manual Part3

Motorola Mobility LLC Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Bluetooth Exhibit 8 Users Manual Part3

Exhibit 8 Users Manual Part3

144145Organizer1 Morning call/Alarms .....................  1462 Calendar  .........................................  1483 Scheduler ........................................  1494 Memo   .........................................  1505 Diary    .......................................  1516 Calculator ........................................  1537 World Time .....................................  15409
146Note09 Organizer1471. Morning call/Alarm The phone provides bell or vibrates at the designated time.Easy Alarm󰥇                                 If the designated timer for easy alarm expires, the alarm rings once. - After alarm rings once, it automatically turns off.󰥇                 You can set time by 1~999min. Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press ▶Press   after selecting Easy Alarm When the time reaches to the period user have set, the alarm rings once.• If an alarm is on, is displayed on the screen and when it is off, icon is no longer displayed on the screen.• If the phone is set to ‘Vibrate’ or ‘Etiquette mode’, the phone vibrates instead of rings. (The phone rings for morning call.) • When alarms set to the same time, operate in the following priority order:(Easy Alarm → Morning Call → My Alarm 1~5)• You can turn off the alarm by opening/closing the folder when alarm rings.- You can also turn off the alarm by pressing the Volume button, Camera button,   ,   , Hold switch or   (Right).• If you set the morning call to repeat more than once, you must press (Right) to turn off the morning call.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press Morning Call󰥇                                 Even if you open or close the folder or press the Volume button and Camera button,  the phone is set to Morning Call Standby and the morning call is sounded at the time of repeat previously set.󰥇                 If you press   upon Morning Call sounding, Morning Call of the day will be cleared regardless of a repeat time previously set.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press ▶Press   after selecting Morning CallYou can set the repeat count and cycle for morning call at the required time.󰥇                 You can set alarm at the desired day of a week by selecting a day with   (Right) and setting the desired time in the cycle field.󰥇                 If a morning call sounded with one or more repeat times previously set, you can set Morning Call Standby function by pressing   .-  If the repeat time set is ended or you do not press   (Right), the internal and external screens are waiting for Morning Call. My Alarm󰥇                 You can set an alarm to be sounded at a desired time by setting a time and interval.󰥇                 You can enter maximum 20 Korean characters and 40 English character for memo, a message content will be displayed when an alarm is sounded.󰥇                 You can set alarm at the desired day of a week by selecting a day with (Right) and setting the desired time in the cycle field.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press ▶Press   after selecting My AlarmYou can set the Alarm to ring at a desired time.󰥇You can set an alarm to be sounded at a desired time by setting a time and 󰥇If the designated timer for easy alarm expires, the alarm rings once.
14809 Organizer1492. CalendarIf you set and save a schedule, alarm rings on a corresponding date and displays the stored content.New schedule :  The phone provides the alarm and displays memo in accordance with the alarm cycle until the cycle is expired.New to-do : The to-do item is displayed as a block from the start date to the end date.New anniversary : The phone provides the alarm and displys memo at the designated anniversary.New D-Day :  Days remaining to or passed from a specific day is displayed on the standby screen. The alarm rings on the designated date.New meeting planner :  If you enter a time, the times of major cities of the world are displayed. The alarm rings and the memo appears until the end date of the selected period.Menu description󰥇 You can select New Schedule, New Things To-do, New Anniversary Date, New D-Day, and New Meeting Planner by pressing   (Right) at a desired date.(You can add 180 items for schedule, things to do and anniversary date, 30 items for d-day and 50 items for meeting planner.)󰥇  If you select ‘Calendar top/bottom’ or ‘3 Months top/bottom’ in ‘Set Standby’, the current month is displayed with the scheduled dates in different color.󰥇                 When schedules set to the same time, alarm operate in the following priority order:- D-Day → Anniversary → Schedule → Meeting Planner󰥇                 Schedule start up page is the montly calendar.- Press   (Left) to find the schedules by Day/Month/Year.󰥇                 Press   (Left) to use Month, Week, Go to a date, Delete, Delete by day or month, and Delete all.- When setting View by week, select a day of a week and press   to check the daily schedule.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press Schedule󰥇 Press   (Left) to use View by month, Delete or Delete all.󰥇 Press   (Right) to add a new schedule.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 3. SchedulerYou can view or add schedule you have entered in.To-doPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇 Press   (Left) to use View by month, Delete or Delete all.󰥇 Press   (Right) to add a new to-do.AnniversaryPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇 Press   (Left) to use View by month, Delete or Delete all.󰥇 Press   (Right) to add a new schedule.
15009 Organizer151D-day󰥇 Press   (Left) to use View by month, Delete or Delete all.󰥇 Press   (Right) to to add a new d-day.󰥇 If you select the calculation by date for D-day setting, D-day will be indicated from a current date based on the date entered. If you select the calculation by a certain date, entering remaining dates or passing dates based on the date entered will indicate D-day..Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 3. Scheduler (Cont’d)You can view or add schedule you have entered in.Meeting Planner󰥇 Press   (Left) to use View by month, Delete or Delete all.󰥇 Press   (Right) to add a new meeting plan.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 4. MemoYou can store upto 50 memos in the phone.󰥇 Press   (Right) to add a new meeting plan.󰥇            You can enter a memo of upto 48 Korean letters or 96 English letters.󰥇            When checking a written memo,ou can edit it by pressing   .󰥇             Press   (Left) on the list to delete, protect/lock or delete all.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 5. DiaryYou can write the photo diary or diet diary on the phone.Photo DiaryPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can write and manage diary with the photos.➊ Write Diary• The photos used in the photo diary are not deleted even if the same photos are deleted from ‘Photo Album’.• You can store upto 180 photo diaries and cannot duplicate diaries on the same date.• You cannot use photos saved in the external memory.➋ Read Diary• You can check, delete, or edit the stored photo diary.➌ Settings• You can set font color and diary background.
152Note09 Organizer1535. Diary (Cont’d)You can write the photo diary or diet diary on the phone.Diet DiaryPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press Set goals for weightloss, this can help from this function or diet.➊ My Diet DiaryHow to Record My Body Info  Press   (Left) to select a desired date on the calendar and press   to record.  Press   (Right) to Input the body info.   -You can check standard weight, B.M.I, and B.M.R.➋ My Food Log• The records are displayed.• Press   to check the monthly record.• Press   (Right) to add a record.• Press   (Left) to view/delete/delete all of diet records lists and graphs.• When searching dates on the calendar, you can search daily/monthly/yearly/records by pressing   (Left).• Dates indicating that body and meal records are kept on the calendar are displayed in color, and you can check their contents on the bottom of the screen.➌ My Body History• The records are displayed.• Press   to check the monthly record.• Press   (Right) to add a record.•  Press   (Left) to view/delete/delete all of diet records lists and graphs.6. CalculatorYou can make simple calculation with the phone.󰥇 Press   (Right) to make the calculation again.󰥇  When entering numbers or symbols, press   to delete a character, press and hold to delete all.󰥇 You can use the operators several times in a calculation.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press  : + : x : - : ÷: ( : ) (Left): . : =OperatorsHow to Record Food Log  Press   to select the food, press   (Right) to find out the total calories. Press   (Left) to select [User Input] or [Add Food].
154155  Summer Time(DST)  You can set summer time periods by cities. World Clock •The local time of your area and the selected city are displayed on the standby screen. •You can change the clock type on the standby screen, and you can see preview by pressing   (Right).   (However you cannot use this function if a phone theme or flash is selected.) City Info.  You can check desired city information.Menu description7. World TimeYou can check a current time of world main cities (50 countries) and city information, and set various functions.󰥇 Press   to display the country, country code, area code, emergency number/information of the selected cities.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press  Message1 Message Box ................................. 1562 New Message ................................ 1603 Mobile Messenger .......................  1634 e-mail    .......................................  1635 Report Spam/Service ..................  164 6 Contents Box .................................  165 7 Settings   .........................................  16610
15610 Message1571. Message BoxPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press  󰥇     When you receive the message, the icon is displayed on the standby screen.- The information on the latest message received is shown at the top.󰥇   When you receive the messsage with the phone number shown on the screen, press   to make a call to the person who sent the message.󰥇   If you press   when receiving a voice message, you are connected to the voice mailbox, and you can listen to the recorded voice message.󰥇  When checking the message, press   to move to the previous or the next message.- When checking the message, press   to move to the other message box.- When checking the text message, press Volume button to zoom in/out the screen.You can view and manage the received messages.󰥇  You can check and manage the received messages. (Including voice messages)󰥇  Select a message and press   to read the message.󰥇  The content attached to the multi-mail is automatically played.INBOXunconfirmed SMS Message confirmed SMS Messageunconfirmed MMS Message confirmed MMS Message unconfirmed Movie Message confirmed Movie Message Icon descriptionPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Select  INBOXNote• If the capacity for received message is exceeded, the oldest message deleted first.• You can check the received message in the standby screen using the Message Alarm and Preview. (Settings, see p.166)Reply : You can reply the message to the sender.Delete : You can delete the selected message.Forward : You can forward the received message to other person.Save Number :  You can save the phone number indicated in the message in the phonebook.Save Message : You can save the selected message in SAVED box.Save to USIM :  If the selected message is SMS, you can save the message in USIM box.Add to Spam List :  Register a selected message as a spam number to block the message.Sort Message :  You can sort the message into name/time/size order.Message Search :  You can search and find the message by name/number/string.Delete All : You can delete all saved message in the inbox.Menu description
1581591591. Message Box (Cont’d)You can view and manage the received messages.󰥇  You can manage sent message, draft message, and failed message.󰥇  Select the message and press   to check the content of the message.󰥇  While writing the message, press   (Left) to save the message.- You can press   to continue and rewrite the message.OUTBOX Temporary saved message SMS sent meesage MMS sent message Icon description󰥇   You can move the selected messages from the inbox or outbox to the saved box.󰥇  For outbox message, press   to delete, forward, save number, save message, and delete all.󰥇  For inbox message, press   to reply, delete, forward, save number, save message, save to USIM, add to spam list, sort message, message search, and delete all.SAVED󰥇  You can manage and save the message by selecting a message In the inbox, and select the menu ‘Save to USIM’.USIM10 MessagePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Select OUTBOXPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Select SAVEDPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶ Select USIM159Delete : You can delete the selected message.Forward : You can forward the received message to other person.Save Number :  You can save the phone number indicated in the message in the phonebook.Save Message : You can save the selected message in SAVED box.Delete All : Delete All : You can delete all saved message in the inbox.Menu description
1602. New MessageThe integrated MMS function enables you to attach content to the long text message and send to the mobile phone or e-mail address.󰥇                 A message can be sent to upto 20 people at a time.󰥇                 You can answer a call while you are writing a message, and return to the message screen after the call.󰥇                 You can send 3 image files (photo or picture) and 1 music and movie file.󰥇                 After writing a message, you can preview the message with   (Right).※  MMS is an SKT’s new multimedia transmission service integrating the text message function and the color mail function.Letter PaperSelect   ▶Press You can select the various background.Image Background :  You can select a image stored in the phone and set the image as a background.Photo Background :  You can select a photo stored in the photo album and set the photo as a backround. (Press   to select.)Color Background :  You can select the background color of the letter paper. (Note that the content might not be identified if the letters are written on the paper of the same color.)No Background : You can set the background as a white paper.Contents Download :  You can connect to NATE content shop and download the latest contents.AvartarSelect   ▶Press The character or  the  photo  of the sender is displayed on the  message receiver’s phone.Character Avatar : You can set a character in the photo album as a avartar.Photo Avatar :  You can set the photo in the photo album as a avartar. (Press   to select.)No Avatar : No avartar is displayed on the receiver’s phone.An Avatar? : Description on avartar is displayed.Contents Download :  You can connect to NATE content shop and download the latest contents.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 10 Message161MessageMessageNoteCautions in writing messages• Messages are sent as SMS in default. However In the following cases, they are changed to MMS and additional data fee is charged: message exceeding 40 Korean letters/80 English letters, font color changed, emoticon added, avatar added, paper set, content attached (photo, movie, background music, etc.). • If a message is changed to MMS, a message ‘Converted to MMS’ is displayed on the message windown.MMS fee• The same information fee is charged for long text message, changed font color, paper set, avatar set, and emoticon added between MMS and SMS.• Additional service fee is charged. No data call fee is charged for sending and receiving MMS. Visit SKT T-World homepage ( or contact SKT Customer Center for further information.
162Set Text Color Use   or   to set the color of the text.Picture Emoticon Press   to move page, and press the number key pad to select the emoticon.Text Emoticon Press   to move page, and  press the number key pad to select the emoticon.Add Number Select the phone number in the phonebook and press   to input the phone number automatically.Used wordYou can store and use the frequently used word.- You can edit the word in settings.  (Settings, see p.166)Save to Draft boxYou can save the draft message in the outbox.(OUTBOX, see p.158)Using menu in the message writing fieldPress   (Right) to change the writing mode  (Korean, Symbol, Number, English upper/lower case).2. New Message (Cont’d)The integrated MMS function enables you to attach content to the long text message and send to the mobile phone or e-mail address.Menu description Attach Photo  You can attach the photo stored in the attachment box. Attach Video  You can attach the video stored in the attachment box.  Attach Music/Voice  You can attach the music or voice stored in the attachment box.  Attach Image  You can attach the image downloaded from NATE.  Take Photo  You can take a photo and attach in the message.  Record Video  You can take a video and attach in the message.  Record Voice  You can record a voice and attach in the message.Using menu in the attachment fieldMenu description• If you select and press , you can connect to NATE content shop and download the most latest contents. • You can check and manage contents in Attachment box.(Contents Box, see p.165) Press (Left) on the window.Using menu in the receiver fieldYou can use the various functions such as search by name, recent addresses, add group, enter e-mail, read-reply rqst, send receiver’s list by pressing   (Left).3. Mobile MessengerYou can use the real time messenger function without registering friends.󰥇  If you press   (Right), you can add an entry by searching name/number or entering number.󰥇  If you press   (Left), you can use talk, delete, message box, settings, help, update functions.4. e-mailUsing the phone, you can manage inbox and outbox of the e-mail.󰥇 When writing the email, you can attach the photo.󰥇 You can check recived contents, images, attachments.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press  Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 10 Message163Press   (Left) in the  (Attachment) fieldMessageMessageNoteNote• The mobile messenger service is charged with the fixed service fee per message, and no data fee will be charged.-  Use Help or visit the messenger homepage ( for further information.• In order to use e-mail service, you have to register and make a e-mail account. Additional service fee is charged.
16410 MessagePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 6. Contents BoxYou can manage and check attachment of the received MMS.NoteSpam Messages  You can check received spam messages.Report Msg. Spam  You can report spam by selecting the spam message and press   (Right).Report Voice Spam  You can report spam by selecting the spam number and press   (Right).Spam Settings  You can block the number or message to set as a spam.Help You can check the guide for spam report.Menu description• Visit the spam handling center of Korea Information Security Agency ( for further information.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇   If you select and press  , you can connect to NATE content shop and download the latest contents.󰥇  Press   (Left) to use Send MMS, Set Background, Rename, Delete, Protect/Release, and Delete All functions.165Menu description5. Report Spam/ServiceTo promote convenience of the user and to prevent damage caused by illegal spam, you can report the received spam messages to the spam handling center of Korea Information Security Agency. Photo  You can view and manage the attachable photos. Image   You can store and manage the images downloaded from NATE. Music/Voice   You can view and manage the attachable music, and voice files. Movie  You can view and manage the attachable movie files. Nate Shop   You can connect to NATE content shop and download the latest contents.Menu description
1661677. SettingsYou can set preferences for the message functions.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press MMS Settings  : You can select and set various contents when writing messages.    •Background Settings : You can select the background of the message. (Letter Paper, see p.161)    •Avartar Settings : You can send the character or photo with the message. (Avartar, see p.161)    • Font Color Settings : You can select the font color. (Press   or   to select font color.)    • Photo Size Settings : You can set the size of photos transmitted from the phone via wireless Web (Internet).    •Set Name Card : You can determine whether to attach your phone name card to all the messages.    •MMS mode change : You can set alarm when switching SMS to MMS message.Signature Settings  :  You can attach the designated sentence at the end of the message.    •Edit Signature :  You can change font color or enter emoticon by pressing   (Left),  and change letter input mode by pressing   (Right).    • Signature Setting : You can set the designated sentence at the end of the message.MSG Noti. Setting   : You can set ring volume, alarm type, and alarm on calls.Msg. Notification   : You can set to display the message on the standby screen when a message is received.Sent Msg. Auto Save   : You can set auto save option on/off for sent messages.Spam Settings   : You can block the message from the designated phone number and string.    •Number Block : You can check the number, or cancel block, add, or delete all by pressing   (Left).    • String Block : You can check the blocked phone number and use cancel block, add, delete all by pressing   (Left).    • Spam Setup/Release : You can set to block spam number or sentence.Phrase Settings   : You can set the frequently used phrase.167Phonebook1 Search Number .............................  1682 Add New Contact ........................  1703 Edit Group ......................................  1714 Edit Speed Dial .............................  1715 Call History/Time ..........................  1726 Block Calls ......................................  1727 Memory Usage .............................. 1738 Automatic Backup .......................  1739 My Number ....................................  17411
1681. Search NumberYou can search the saved phone number list.󰥇                                 You can check or edit phone numbers.󰥇  If you press   (Right) on the standby screen,  ‘Search All’, ‘Group’, ‘Speed Dial’, and ‘Number’are displayed.󰥇 Select a phone number and press   to place a call to the number.󰥇 You cannot delete the default mobile security number.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press Search AllPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press • Phone numbers beginning with the entered character are listed.• If you enter the first sound of a name, all the names starting with the sound are searched.GroupPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press • It is displayed in the order of groups. You can search for the phone number by moving to a group you want.• If you enter the first sound of a name, all the names starting with the sound are searched.Speed DialPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press • Saved speed dial number is searched when entering speed dial key.NumberPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press •  Pressing the number you want to search for displays the phone number including the number you entered.11 Phonebook169Note• You can see the phone number and group saved in USIM card only when USIM card is mounted in the phone.  New Message  Send message to selected number.  ⓜMessenger  Real-time messenger service. (ⓜMessenger, see p.163)  Video Call  Place a video call to selected number.  Cyworld  Connect to the mobile homepage. (NATE Mobile Homepage, see p.81)  Send/Connect  Use e-mail, Voice Message Call, Call Me Free, Number Via Message, and Via Bluetooth functions for selected number. (Bluetooth, see p.130)  Add New Contact  Save the phone number in the phonebook, if it’s not saved in the USIM card.  Add Speed Dial  Assign selected number as a speed dial.  Set as Primary #  Assign a specific number as a primary number.  View  Set view of the number saved in the phone or USIM card. (This will affect search all and number screen.)  Move/Copy to USIMCopy or move the saved phone number in USIM card to the phone.(You can only save the phone number and email information when copy/move USIM file.- Depends on the USIM card capacity, some data may not be stored due to availabe space.)  Delete Delete all or delete the selected number.Menu description
170Save by phone󰥇   Press   (Left) to set the primary number, and   (Right) to assign as a speed dial number.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 2. Add New ContactYou can save phone numbers in the phone or USIM card.󰥇  Including mobile security numbers, you can save upto 2000 numbers.󰥇  When saving as a new contact, you can select the saving location (phone, USIM card).󰥇  If you select ‘Add to Contact’ when saving phone number on the standby screen, you can add or modify the existing phone number of the phonebook.Save by USIMPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇  You can save the phone number upto USIM card capacity.󰥇  When saving as a new contact, you can select the saving location (phone, USIM card).󰥇   If you select ‘Add to Contact’ when saving phone number on the standby screen, you can add or modify the existing phone number of the phonebook.󰥇  Press   (Left) to set the primary number, and   (Right) to assign as a speed dial number.󰥇  When saving by USIM, you can save name, group, mobile1, mobile2, and e-mail. Depends on the USIM card capacity, some data may not be stored due to availabe space.3. Edit GroupYou can manage the groups in the phonebook.󰥇  Press   (Right) to select the saving location (by phone or by USIM) and add a group.󰥇  If you press   (Left), you can use ‘Edit’, ‘Move Members’, ‘Move/Copy to USIM’, and ‘Delete Members’.󰥇  If you delete a group, the phone numbers in the group are moved to ‘Other’ group. For group saved in USIM, numbers are moved to ‘None’.󰥇  You cannot delete or rename the default groups.- Phone: Family, Other, Office, Friend- USIM: NonePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 11 Phonebook1714. Edit Speed DialYou can assign speed dial numbers to the frequently used phone numbers.󰥇  On the standby screen, if you press the registered speed dial number, holding the last digit, the phone dials the registered phone number. (Placing a call with speed dial, see p.46)󰥇   You can store upto 200 speed dial numbers (including mobile security numbers) in the phonebook.󰥇  If you press   (Left), you can use ‘Edit Speed Dial’, ‘Change Speed Dial’, ‘View List’, and ‘Delete’.󰥇   You cannot delete the mobile security number.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press󰥇󰥇󰥇󰥇󰥇󰥇󰥇Press  (Left) to set the primary number, and  (Left) to set the primary number, and NameOtherAnniversary dateGroupRingtoneMobileImageMemoHomee-mailFaxOfficeAnniversary typeIcon descriptionNote• You can visit Motorola homepage (, download PC Sync program, and save, edit, and send phone number to PC.
17211 Phonebook1735. Call History/TimeYou can view the call history and time.󰥇   If you press   (Left) while viewing the call time, the call time is reset to zero.󰥇  The call time is counted from the point the ringer is generated, and charging begins after the call is connected.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 6. Block CallsYou can register a phone number you want to block.󰥇   Press   (Right) to add a phone number to the block phone number list.󰥇  Press   to set/release and edit block calls.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 7. Memory UsageYou can check the memory status of the phonebook.󰥇   Press   (Left) to reset memory.-  All phone numbers in the phone except mobile security are deleted.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 8. Automatic BackupThe phone updates the phonebook everyday to the server.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press All Calls : You can block all incoming calls.Hidden Numbers :  You can block all restricted calls.060* :  You can block calls starting with 060 numbers. Menu description
1741758. Automatic Backup (Cont’d)9. My NumberYou can view your own number.󰥇 Press   to register user information in the phone.󰥇   Press   (Left) to send via message or send via bluetooth. (Bluetooth, see p.127)Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press Settings1 Phone Settings ..............................  1762 Call Settings ...................................  1773 Nate Settings .................................  1784 Powersave ......................................  1795 USIM Setting .................................  1796 Set Time  .........................................  1807 Lock/Password ............................. 181 8 언어/Language ...............................  182 9 Reset   .........................................  18310 Moto Customer Service .......... 183 11 About     ........................................ 18412NoteUpload Address Book :  You can view changed address and upload to the server.Download Address Book :  You can download saved address in the server. (Additional fee is charged when downloading.)Address Book Info :  You can check the information of the most recent saved address book to the server.Move to NATE :  You can view phonebook saved in the phone or NATE web phonebook. The phonebook in the phone is synchronized with NATE.Settings :  You can set various preferences such as password, phonebook automatic backup, time, delete, and update.Help :  You can view guidelines on the phone automatic backup services.Menu description•  In order to use automatic backup service, you have to register first and additional service fee is charged. Contact SKT Customer Center for further information.
1761. Phone SettingsIntegrated menu for phone setting.SoundsPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the sound functions in the sound menu.DisplayPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the display functions in the display menu.󰥇 (Display, see p.92)󰥇  (Sound, see p.84)MessagePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the message functions in the message menu.󰥇  (Settings, see p.166)CameraPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 카메라환경설정 메뉴로 이동하여 카메라 기능 관련 환경을설정할 수 있습니다 .󰥇   (Camera, see p.125)june SettingPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the june  contents  box  functions in the june contents  box menu.Play Setting :  You can set the preference for content play.Display :  You can change settings for skin, preview, or recommended content.Live screen sound :  You can select the background sound when a live screen is set in the standby screen.Memory :  You can check the total space, used space, and free space of internal/external memory.BluetoothPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the bluetooth functions in the bluetooth menu.󰥇  (Preference, see p.132)T LivePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can set the T Live functions in the T Live menu.󰥇 (T LIVE Settings, see p.41)2. Call SettingsIntegrated menu for call setting.Answer OptionsPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press    ▶Press You can set the call answer mode.12 Settings177Open Phone : Receive a call when opening the folder.Any Key : Receive a call when pressing any buttons except  .[Send] Key Only : Press   to receive calls.After 3 Seconds :  The call is connected automatically in 3 seconds after  the ringtone.Auto Area CodePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press    ▶Press You can set an area code that you use frequently.󰥇   If you enter a number starting with ‘0’ on the standby screen after setting an auto area  code, the area code is not displayed and only the number you entered is displayed. (Ex : Mobile phone number, international call number, and other area codes)󰥇      If you select ‘Off’ in  area code list, the area code display will be cleared.󰥇  You can enter upto 5 numbers for auto area code.
178Note2. Call Settings (Cont’d)Integrated menu for call setting.Airplane ModePress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶PasswordYou can use all the mobile phone functions (MP3, game, organizer). -  Except the communication services (sending/receiving call/message, network communication including internet).Network SettingsPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press You can use this setting only in international roaming.󰥇  Press (Left) to see the description on the plane mode.󰥇  You can edit/change network setting to use the phone in the foreign contry.󰥇  You can have difficuties of using the phone regarding of phone call services if you change it within your own discretion.3. Nate SettingsYou can change NATE preferences.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press Home URL :  You can set the initial access address for wireless internet.Proxy :  If the service provider extends the proxy, and adds or deletes address, you can set the proxy at your own discretion.Reset :  If you correct Home URL and Proxy, you can recover them to the factory-set default.• Proxy is the server located between the user and the service server to speed up date transmission. When the user request a specific data, the data in the proxy, rather than the concerned server, are sent to the user.4. PowersaveWhen the folder is opened without using it, backlight turns off and change to powersave mode.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 5. USIM SettingTo prevent loss of information when lost or stolen the phone, you can set lock and PIN.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 12 Settings󰥇  Powersave mode manages backlight of display and keypad to increase battery life.󰥇  You can press   to move and select on/off by pressing  .    179NATE Setting MenuSettingsSettings󰥇Powersave mode manages backlight of display and keypad to increase PIN Lock :  You can set PIN code when turning on/off the mobile phone.Change PIN Code :  You can change PIN code.(Set PIN lock to use this function)Menu Access :  You can lock the menu when USIM card is not mounted in the phone.(Set PIN lock to use this function)
18012 Settings5. USIM Setting (Cont’d)To prevent loss of information when lost or stolen the phone, you can set lock and PIN.6. Set TimeYou can set current time in the phone.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇   If you set to manual, you have to input the time or select city info and summer time(DST).Auto : Set the time automatically from service provider.Manual : The user inputs the information manually.7. Lock/PasswordYou can set the password of the phone to prevent unapproved use. (The default password is ‘0000’)Phone LockPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Input Password ▶Press All the phone functions are locked. (except receiving the call)󰥇     When you receive a call, the lock mode is released temporarily, and the phone returns to the lock mode after the call.󰥇   In order to release the lock mode completely, press and hold   and enter the password, or select ‘Unlock’ in the Phone Lock menu.󰥇  You can set phone lock by pressing and holding   on the standby screen. - You can still receive the call even when the phone is locked.󰥇  The phone maintains the lock even if you switch on/off the phone.󰥇  You can still place the emergency calls (111, 112, 113, 119, 125, 127) or use the Speed Dial 1 and 9 (Mobile Security) even when phone is locked.Privacy LockPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Input Password ▶Press You can select the menu and set lock.󰥇   If you set lock for a menu, you need to enter the password to use the selected function. This will protect your privacy.󰥇  Press   (Left) to select all and lock all menu. In order to unlock the menu press   (Left) again.󰥇  Press   (Right) to select and lock several menu. In order to unlock the menu press   (Right) again.󰥇    If you select ‘Hide Phonebook Name’, sender names stored in phonebook are not displayed. However the calling number is displayed. (When a message is received, the ‘Hide Phonebook Name’ function is not applied.)Service Key LockPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Input Password ▶Press When connecting to wireless internet, you have to input the password.󰥇  You need to enter the password to use the one-touch dial button (NATE, W, T MAP, GXG, ⓜPlayon, etc). This will protect your privacy, and prevent from paying additional fee for unwanted wireless internet service.181󰥇  󰥇󰥇Note• If you have entered in wrong PIN code for 3 times, it turns to PIN unlock code (PUK). If you have entered in wrong PUK code 10 times, you have to replace USIM card.  -  PIN(Personal Identification Number) Code : This is to prevent others from using your phone.(Upon purchasing the product, the passwrod is ‘0000’.)-  PUK(PIN Unlock Key) Code : This code is 8 digit number to reset USIM code, if you have entered in wrong PIN code for 3 times. This number can be found on the USIM card envelope or card holder.• If you have lost PIN/PUK code, visit SKT retail center to reset the password.
1827. Lock/Password (Cont’d)You can set the password of the phone to prevent unapproved use. (The default password is ‘0000’)Restric CallPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Input Password ▶Press You can restrict origination to overseas of 700/060 numbers.Change PasswordPress   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Input Password ▶Press You can change the password.󰥇     Be sure not to forget your password.-  If you lose your password, you have to visit the service center in person with the ID card.󰥇   Motorola takes no responsibility for any damage caused by leakage of password.8. LanguageYou can select the language to be used in the phone.(Language : Korean/English)Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇  Even if you select English, some functions are displayed in Korean.9. ResetYou can reset the phone to default setting.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇 To reset the phone, you need to input the password.󰥇  The phone gets automatically switched off and rebooted.-If the phone fails to reboot, press   to turn on the power.󰥇  You can view function description of the item you wish to reset by pressing   (Left).10. Moto Customer ServiceYou can receive the service guide about the phone.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press󰥇   to place a call to the customer center.12 Settings183Call CenterRepresentative number and business hours of Motorola Customer Call Center is displayed.󰥇Even if you select English, some functions are displayed in Korean.󰥇To reset the phone, you need to input the password.󰥇 to place a call to the customer center.
18418510. Moto Customer Service (Cont’d)You can receive the service guide about the phone.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press 󰥇   Press   to place a call to the customer center. -  Press   (Left) to save the local customer center number.Search Service CenterYou can check the local customer center number and how to get there.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press   ▶Press TroubleshootingYou can check the solution against phone failure.11. AboutYou can check the S/W version of the phone.Press   (Left) ▶Press   ▶Press S/W upgradeIf you wish to upgrade the software to the recent version, or if you need to upgrade software due to a bug, you can visit Motorola homepage ( and easily upgrade it with the Moto Upgrade program without having to visit a Motorola service center.•Visit the Motorola homepage, sign up and log in.•  Select ‘MOTOPRODUCT INFORMATION’and click Version Upgrade.• Before starting the Moto Upgrade program, make sure to read  ‘Prerequisites’, and run the program in accordance with the procedure. (Some software versions require you to visit the service center for upgrade. If you visit the nearest Motorola service center for free  Moto Upgrade. Contact the Motorola Customer Center (1588-6633) for details.185Appendix01 Accessories ......................  18602 Troubleshooting ..........................  18603 Spec and Feature ......................  18704 Authentication label ..................  187 05 Specific Absorption Rate ........  18806 Collecting wasted-mobile phones ..  18913
1861. AccessoriesYou can purchase optional items at the nearest Motorola service center or accessory shop. Contact the service provider or visit Motorola homepage ( for details.Standard-type batteryBattery charger Stereo earphoneBattery adapter5PIN USB  data cableCar chargerTravel charger Bluetooth headset2. TroubleshootingNothing is displayed on the screen- Check the battery.No antenna bar is displayed on the screen- Move to other place and then attempt a call again.It sounds ‘Toot-Toot’ when a call is placed-  There is no communication channel available or your phone has failed in communicating with a base station. Press   to clear the call and press to redial the number.The charging lamp of the charger blinks in red-  Check the battery position or clean the terminals before reattempting charging. If the lamp keeps blinking, contact the nearest service center.Battery operating time does not comply with the User Manual-  The battery operating time reduces slowly as the battery repeats charging and discharging. The operating time reduces rapidly if the battery is left in a cold or hot place for a long time.Malfunction or failure to power On- Remove the battery and reinstall it, and then turn the power on.13 Appendix1873. Spec and FeatureWireless communications service BluetoothTransmit frequency 1942.8~1977.2MHz 2402~2480MHzReceive frequency 2132.8~2167.2MHz 2402~2480MHzTX power 230mW 0.1mWNumber of channel 8CH 79CHType of emission G7W F1DModulation system QPSK GFSKCommunication mode duplex operation system semi-duplex operationTransformerPLLPower DC 3.7VExterior, weight53.00(W)mmX102.90(L)mmX14.99(T)mm, 112gRelative humidity -20℃~+50℃, 0%~95%4. Authentication label1. Name of the model :  Wireless communications service device  (MS500W)2. Authentication number : MOT-W-MS500W-01093. Authentication Trade name : Motorola Korea Inc.4. The date of manufacture :     .  .  .5. Manufacturer/country : Motorola Korea Inc. / China  Notice to Users※  The manufacturer and the installer are not allowed to provide the service that affects people’s lives since there can be an interference of in this equipment.
1885. Specific Absorption RateThis mobile phone satisfies the Standard of Human Body Protection against Electromagnetic Wave specified on No.2008-37 notified by Ministry of Information and Communication Republic of Korea.The phone is designed and manufactured to limit or not to exceed RF exposure level as a wireless transceiver.The limit requirement is a part of the synthetic guidline to define the permissible value of high frequency for general users.The guidelines are based on the standard developed through regular and thorough research & evaluation at a separate research institute.One of them is the practical safety limit which is to seek everybody’s safety regardless of age and health condition.The exposure standard of mobile phone has been established by the use of Specific Absortion Rate (SAR), a measuring unit.SAR limit is set to 1.6 W/kg in this model. SAR test is done; the mobile phone in normal operation is tested under which transmission is done at the maximum output level authorized in all tested frequency band.SAR is set at authorized maximum output level, but real SAR level of a phone in operation is likely to be lower than the maximum level.Because the phone is designed to be operated at various output levels in order to use only output required to reach wireless base station.In general, the nearer the base station, power gets lower.We test our products to confirm if they satisfy these requirements before sales for general users.The phones are tested at the position subject to the test method determined by professional standard institute.The maximum SAR level is 0.41 W/kg when the phone is tested under which it is placed on a user’s ear.SAR level is subject to change depending on places where each phone is used, but it satisfies our governments safety exposure requirements. SAR level of next models may vary thanks to improved functions of the phone but we hope you understand our products are designed to satisfy the above guidelines in any case.13 Appendix1896. Collecting wasted-mobile phonesThe collected wasted-mobile phones are utilized as resources and the resides are treated ecologically. Motorola is willing to do its best to protect environment not only today but in the future also. We kindly inviting you to participate in this movement for the protection of environment.M otorola phone collecting centers▶ ▶Wasted-mobile phones collecting centersRecycling Plant RecyclingRecycling of wasted-mobile phone▒ Return the old one to the distributor when you purchase a new phone.  ▒ Visit a near-by representative of the manufacturer or A/S center.▒ Return your mobile phone to a representative of mobile service provider.  ▒ Utilize a collecting bag with no charger (arranged in provincial office, distributor, representative)Guidelines for collecting discarded Motorola mobile phonesPlease think of environment when you discard your phones and accessories.Do not discard old mobile phones or accessories such as battery pack, battery charger, etc. together with household waste.In some countries and areas, they have established a system to treat useless electronic and electrical products and batteries.Please contact your area for more information. If there is no appropriate system available, please send useless mobile phone and accessories to a near-by Motorola service center.
190FCC Notice to Userencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •   Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. •   Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The following statement applies to all products that have received FCC approval. Applicable products bear the FCC logo, and/or an FCC ID in the format FCC-ID:IHDT6JC1 on the product label.Motorola has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the user. Any changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.21.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause  undesired operation. See 47 CFR Sec. 15.19(3).This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This  equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  interference to radio or television reception, which can be  determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is European Union Directives Conformance StatementHereby, Motorola declares that this product is in compliance with:• The essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.• All other relevant EU DirectivesThe above gives an example of a typical Product Approval Number.You can view your product’s Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to Directive1999/5/EC (to R&TTE Directive) at To find yourDoC, enter the product Approval Number from your product’s label in the“Search” bar on the web site.IMEI : 350034/40/394721/90168Type : MC2-41H14ProductApprovalNumber191
192193Summary TableBluetooth•Bluetooth mode :   (Left)[Menu] ▶  ▶   ▶ •Connect bluetooth :   (Left)[Menu]  ▶   ▶   ▶ •Settings :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ •My Device Info :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ Dictionary• English-Korean :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • Korean-English :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • My Vocabulary :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • Previous Key Word :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • Settings :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ Photo Capture• In standby screen, press and hold Camera button.Movie Capture• In standby screen, press and hold  Camera button ▶  ▶192MEMO
194195Saving Phone Number•Save number from menu  :  (Right)[Phonebook] ▶   (Right)[Add New]•Save number in standby screen: Enter number ▶   (Right)[Save]Searching Phone Number• In the standby screen, press and hold   (Right)[Phonebook]  and select Speed/All/Group/Number ▶ Messages• Checking message :   ▶ • Writing meesage :   ▶ T LIVE• Recent video list :   ▶ • Video message box :   ▶ • VTC contents box :   ▶ • Movie/Photo album :   ▶ • T LIVE settings :   ▶ Main Menu Setting• Sounds :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • Display :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶ • Message :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶   • Camera :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶   • june setting :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶   • Bluetooth :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶   • T LIVE settings :   (Left)[Menu] ▶   ▶   ▶   One-Touch Dial• Set/Release Etiquette : In standby screen, press and hold • Lock/Unlock : In standby screen, press and hold • W : In standby screen, press • Moneta : In standby screen, press • My Menu : In standby screen, press • T MAP : In standby screen, press and hold • NATE : In standby screen, press and hold •  Operation Effects :  In standby screen, press the  Volume button• T interactive : In standby screen, press and hold    Warranty PolicyThank you for purchasing a Motorola product.This product has passed a strict quality control and inspection of the Motorola Tehchnology Team. If a defect is found in your product during the warranty period, it will be repaired free of charge at a Motorola Service Center.■ Terminal Equipment : 1 year                      ■ Other Accessories : 1year  ■ Lithium ion battery : 6 monthsFree warranty service will be provided for one year (warranty period) after purchasing.※  When you purchase the product, please fill the blanks on the Warranty Policy and keep it together with the receipt in order to obtain more beneficial service.■  Reasons other than defects Service requests for symptoms other than defects will be charged after expiry of the warranty period. Carefully read the User’s Manual before you visit a service center. ■  Defects resulting from user’s errors -  Defects caused by careless handling (soaking, impact) or improper repairing and remodeling.   -  Defects caused by using improper power supply.   -  Defects caused by repairs done at a place other than the Motorola Service Centers.   -  Defects caused by using accessories not provided by Motorola.  (hands free, quick charger, charger, battery, stereo headset, battery cover, etc.)  -  Defects or damages resulting from dropping while moving the product.  ■  Others - Defects resulting from natural disasters such as fire, earthquake, flodd, etc.  -  Expiry of life time of consumables (battery, stereo headset, external memory, antenna, and various accessories)Warranty Period Free Warranty Service Paid Service Model Serial No. Purchase Date Year    Month    Day   CustomerDistributor Price Type of defects or troubleCompensationUnder warranty After expiry of warrantyCritical repair service request resulting from performance and function failures occurred in normal operation within 10 days after purchasingExchange or refundN/ACritical repair service request resulting from performance and function failures occurred in normal operation within  1 month after purchasingExchange or repairCritical repair service request within 1 month of exchangeRefundExchange the product is impossibleRepairablePerformance and function failures occurred Free service Paid serviceThree times of repair and  four times  of detects resulting from the same reasonExchange or refundPaid serviceFour times of repair and five times of detects resulting from the different reasonsNon-repairableA/S parts are available but repair is impossibleExchange or refundRefund the price deducted by the depreciation amountRepair is impossible because A/S parts are not in stock.Refund the price deducted by the depreciation amount and added by its 10%lost of repair request product by the userExchange or refundRefund the price deducted by the depreciation amount and added by its 10%
196Safety InformationSafety and General InformationSafet y In formati onThis section contains important information on the safe and efficient operation of your mobile device. Read this information before using your mobile device.Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) EnergyYour mobile device contains a transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and transmits RF energy. When you communicate with your mobile device, the system handling your call controls the power level at which your mobile device transmits.Your Motorola mobile device is designed to comply with local regulatory requirements in your country concerning exposure of human beings to RF energy.Operational PrecautionsFor optimal mobile device performance, and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the guidelines set forth in the relevant standards, always follow these instructions and precautions.Product OperationWhen placing or receiving a phone call, hold your mobile device just like you would a landline phone.If you wear the mobile device on your body, always place the mobile device in a Motorola-supplied or approved clip, holder, holster, case, or body harness. If you do not use a body-worn accessory supplied or approved by Motorola, keep the mobile device and its antenna at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) from your body when transmitting.Using accessories not supplied or approved by Motorola may cause your mobile device to exceed RF energy exposure guidelines. For a list of Motorola-supplied or approved accessories, visit our Web site at: Energy Interference/CompatibilityNearly every electronic device is subject to RF energy interference from external sources if inadequately shielded, designed, or otherwise configured for RF energy compatibility. In some circumstances your mobile device may cause interference with other devices.

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