Motorola Mobility T6EE1 Portable PCS GSM Transceiver w/ Embedded Bluetooth User Manual outbind 1

Motorola Mobility LLC Portable PCS GSM Transceiver w/ Embedded Bluetooth outbind 1


Supplemental Users Manual Response to TC4252 and TC4253

Unknown From: Bachler Andrew-WLAB00 []Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:08 AMTo: 'Gregory Czumak'Cc: PCTEST - Accounting; PCTEST - Al Cirwithian; PCTEST - Courtenay; PCTEST - Randy OrtanezSubject: RE: FCC ID: IHDT6EE1 (Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Embedded Bluetooth)Page 1 of 5Message7/29/2004Hi Gregory,   Yes, Anna has the PO number, NP1325040 (financial aspects resolved).   I can not find the manual language either.  We went through this same thing a little while ago.  I'll contact our manual publications group again.  I expect the issue is due to the English translation of the manual going to China (our first customer).  It literally "got lost in the translation".     Response: Yes, the final user's manual will comply with the following:  §15.21 Information to user. The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  Typical language follows:  Caution: Changes or modifications made in the radio phone, not expressly approved by Motorola, will void the user's authority to operate the equipment.      Andrew Bachler Motorola PCS  847 523-6167 -----Original Message----- From: Gregory Czumak []  Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:06 AM To: Bachler Andrew-WLAB00 Cc: PCTEST - Accounting; PCTEST - Al Cirwithian; PCTEST - Courtenay; PCTEST - Randy Ortanez Subject: RE: FCC ID: IHDT6EE1 (Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Embedded Bluetooth)  Andy,   I've reviewed your response submittal- everything looks good EXCEPT I cannot find the statement required by Section 15.21 in the manual supplement that you submitted.  The Bluetooth application (15.247) is required to have this statement in the manual.  Once you confirm that it will be included, we will be able to issue the grant (assuming all of the financial aspects have been resolved- I am not involved with those).   Sincerely,
 Gregory Czumak Quality Manager Senior Certification Engineer  PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. 6660-B Dobbin Road Columbia, MD 21045 410-290-6652 410-290-6654 (Fax)  This communication and its attachments contain information from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc., and is intended for the exclusive use of the recipient (s) named above. It may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. Any unauthorized use that may compromise that confidentiality via distribution or disclosure is prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this communication in error, and delete it from your computer system.  Usage of PCTEST email addresses for non-business related activities is strictly prohibited. No warranty is made that the e-mail or attachment(s) are free from computer virus or other defect.  Thank you.    -----Original Message----- From: Bachler Andrew-WLAB00 [] Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:25 PM To: 'Gregory Czumak' Cc: PCTEST - Randy Ortanez; PCTEST - Courtenay; PCTEST - Al Cirwithian Subject: RE: FCC ID: IHDT6EE1 (Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Embedded Bluetooth)  Our response is attached.   Thanks, Andy     Andrew Bachler Motorola PCS  847 523-6167 -----Original Message----- From: Gregory Czumak []  Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:14 PM To: Andrew Bachler Cc: PCTEST - Randy Ortanez; PCTEST - Courtenay; PCTEST - Al Cirwithian Subject: FCC ID: IHDT6EE1 (Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Embedded Bluetooth)  To:                    Andrew Bachler/Motorola, Inc. From:               Gregory Czumak/PCTEST TCB  Re:                    FCC ID: IHDT6EE1 (Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Page 2 of 5Message7/29/2004
Embedded Bluetooth) Applicant:       Motorola, Inc.  Application Received:                                           07/16/2004 Correspondence Reference Number:                  240727A.IHD Confirmation Number:                                          TC4252 and 4253 Date of Original Email:                                          07/27/04  Subject:          Request for additional information  In regards to your recent response to our request for additional information regarding your TCB application referenced above, we kindly request that you provide the following additional information.  Bluetooth application:  1.  There is no radiated emission data for emissions in the restricted band at 2483.5 - 2500 MHz, however, the spurious conducted emission plots show a relatively strong strong spur (42 dBc) in this band.  Please provide radiated emission data for all emissions in the referenced restricted band.  2.  What is the gain of the antenna used with the BT transmitter?  3.  The statements listed in Sections 15.21 and 15.19(a)(3) are required to be in the user's manual, however, they are not.  Please include them in the manual.   PCS GSM application:  4.  Page 3 of the SAR report lists the Bluetooth output power as 0 dBm, however, the BT test report lists the measured level as 3.7 dBm.  Please correct the SAR report. 5.  The left tilt, right touch and right tilt SAR plots list tissue parameters not shown in the Table on p.5 of the SAR report.  It appears that a line of tissue parameter data is missing from the Table.  Please address.       Proposed Grant Listings:  Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Embedded Bluetooth  24E             1850.2 - 1909.8  MHz         0.971    W          0.1ppm    239KGXW Page 3 of 5Message7/29/2004
 Output power listed is EIRP.  SAR compliance for body-worn operating configuration is limited to the specific belt-clip/holsters tested for this filing. End-users must be informed of the body-worn operating requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance. SAR compliance was evaluated with the integral Bluetooth active. The highest reported SAR values are: Head: 1.16 W/kg; Body-worn: 0.27 W/kg. This device contains 900/1800 MHz GSM functions that are not operational in U.S. Territories. This filing is only applicable for 850/1900 MHz GSM operations.  15C             2402 - 2480        MHz         0.0023  W       The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced application.  Failure to provide the requested information within 60 days of the original e-mail date may result in application dismissal and forfeiture of the filing fees.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.   Sincerely,   Gregory Czumak Quality Manager Senior Certification Engineer  PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. 6660-B Dobbin Road Columbia, MD 21045 410-290-6652 410-290-6654 (Fax)  This communication and its attachments contain information from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc., and is intended for the exclusive use of the recipient (s) named above. It may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. Any unauthorized use that may compromise that Page 4 of 5Message7/29/2004
confidentiality via distribution or disclosure is prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this communication in error, and delete it from your computer system.  Usage of PCTEST email addresses for non-business related activities is strictly prohibited. No warranty is made that the e-mail or attachment(s) are free from computer virus or other defect.  Thank you. Page 5 of 5Message7/29/2004

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