Motorola Mobility T5ZX1 Mobile Cellular Transceiver User Manual Motorola Exhibit 8 Users Manual

Motorola Mobility LLC Mobile Cellular Transceiver Motorola Exhibit 8 Users Manual

Motorola Exhibit 8 Users Manual

APPLICANT: MOTOROLA, INC. FCC ID: IHDT5ZX1EXHIBIT 8USERS MANUAL INFORMATION1. The following Antenna Installation Guidelines will be shipped with eachproduct:.ANTENNA INSTALLATION GUIDELINESIMPORTANT:To meet the FCC’s RF Exposure Guidelines, theantenna should be installed so there is at least 30cm of separation between the occupants of thevehicle and the antenna.2. A draft copy of the users manual follows:
2950USER'S GUIDEMobileCellularTelephoneMOBILE/CARRY PHONE415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 1
Getting Started.....................................................4Welcome ................................................................4General Safety Information....................................6Introduction ..........................................................11Phone Overview ..................................................12Basic Operation .................................................15Turn Phone On and Off .......................................15Place a Call..........................................................17Automatic Redial..................................................18End a Call ............................................................19Receive a Call......................................................19Call in Absence Indicator.....................................19Hands Free Operation (with optional HF Microphone) ...................................................20Place a Hands Free Call......................................20Receive a Hands Free Call..................................20Manual Handset to Hands Free Operation..........20Automatic Hands Free  ........................................21Enhanced Simplex Hands Free...........................21Signal Strength Meter ..........................................22Volume Meter ......................................................22Speaker Volume ..................................................23Earpiece Volume .................................................23Ringer Volume .....................................................24Display Own Phone Number ...............................24Switch to Second Phone Number........................24Memory ...............................................................26Storing Information in Memory ............................26Selecting a Memory Location ..............................26Store to a Location Number.................................26Memory Autoload.................................................27Storing a Phone Number and a Name ................27Table of Contents1415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 2
Cumulative Call Timer .........................................48Individual Display Timer.......................................48One-Minute Timer................................................49Security Features.................................................49Electronic Lock ....................................................49Change Unlock Code...........................................50Display Unlock Code ...........................................50Automatic Lock ....................................................50Theft Alarm ..........................................................51Auxiliary Alert.......................................................52Change Service Level..........................................53Master Reset .......................................................54Master Clear ........................................................56Reference............................................................57The Cellular System ............................................57Service Area ........................................................57Weak Signal Alert ................................................57Switchhook and Enhanced System Services ......58Roaming...............................................................58Selectable System Registration...........................58Troubleshooting ...................................................63Quick Reference Feature Guide..........................64Message Glossary ...............................................66Index ....................................................................72Table of Contents3Memory Protect ...................................................29Recalling/Scrolling from Memory .........................29Recalling/Scrolling by Location Number..............29Last Number Recall .............................................30Recalling Last 10 Numbers Dialed ......................30Super Speed Dialing............................................31Turbo Dial ............................................................31One-Touch Dialing Keys......................................32One-Touch Emergency Dialing............................33Scratch Pad Memory ...........................................33Tone Dialing (Two-Part Calling)...........................34Pause Dialing (Memory Linking)..........................35Edit a Memory Location.......................................37Clear Memory Entries ..........................................38Features ..............................................................39Select/Cancel Menu Features .............................39Signal Strength Meter (SSM)...............................39Feature Status Review ........................................40Battery Indicator...................................................40Extended Talk Time.............................................41Microphone Muting ..............................................41Name Preference.................................................41Automatic Answer................................................42Multiple Key Answer ............................................42Incoming Call Screening......................................43Silent Ringer ........................................................43Distinctive Ringer.................................................44Silent Keypad.......................................................45Silent Scratch Pad ...............................................45PIN Code Activation.............................................46Timers ..................................................................47Individual Call Timer ............................................47Resettable Call Timer ..........................................47Table of Contents2415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 2
• You will need to have the following informationwhen you inquire about your phone or service.Your ESN (electronic serial number) and MSN(mechanical serial number) are located on thetransceiver of your telephone.ESN Number_____________________________MSN Number ____________________________Model Number ___________________________Cellular Phone Number ____________________• Unlock Code — The sequential code of 123 isthe standard unlock code programmed into allphones by the factory. It is often changed to thelast three digits of your cellular phone number bythe carrier. For easy access to this unlock codein the future, please list it here now: __ __ __.(Please contact your place of purchase if yourunlock code has been changed and you do nothave this information.)Warranty Expiration Date ________________Date of Purchase ______________________Getting Started5Thank you for selecting Motorola –a world leaderin cellular technology.All Motorola cellular phones are designed andmanufactured in the United States to meetMotorola’s exacting specifications and world-classquality standards. These phones withstand ourrigorous durability tests including temperature,humidity, shock, dust, vibration, and a drop test.Product superiority is yours with Motorola.•For information about your product or accessoriesfor your product, please call Motorola at:1-800-331-6456   TTY: 1-888-390-64561-800-461-4575 (Canada)Please visit us• For any information about your cellular service,please call your service provider (Carrier).Carrier’s Name ________________________Carrier’s Phone Number_________________WelcomeGetting Started4415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 4
IMPORTANTSafety Information For Wireless Mobile PhonesExposure to Radio Frequency SignalsYour wireless mobile telephone is a low powerradio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, itreceives and also sends out radio frequency (RF)signals. In August, 1996, the Federal CommunicationsCommissions (FCC) adopted RF exposureguidelines with safety levels for wireless phones.Those guidelines are consistent with the safetystandards previously set by both U.S. andinternational standards bodies:ANSI C95.1 (1992)*NCRP Report 86 (1986)*ICNIRP (1996)*Those standards were based on comprehensiveand periodic evaluations of the relevant scientificliterature. For example, over 120 scientists,engineers, and physicians from universities,government health agencies, and industryreviewed the available body of research todevelop the ANSI Standard (C95.1).The design of your phone complies with the FCCguidelines (and those standards) when used asdescribed under “Phone Operation”.*American National Standards Institute; National Council on RadiationProtection and Measurements; International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.General Safety InformationGetting Started6Phone OperationDo not operate your mobile telephone when aperson is within 4 inches (10 centimeters) of theantenna.A person or object within 4 Inches (10centimeters) of the antenna could impair callquality and may cause the phone to operate at ahigher power level than necessary and exposethat person to RF energy in excess of thatestablished by the FCC RF Exposure Guidelines.Antenna CareUse only the supplied or an approved replacementantenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, orattachments could damage the phone and mayviolate FCC regulations.DrivingCheck the laws and regulations on the use ofwireless telephones in the areas where you drive.Always obey them. The use of these devices maybe prohibited or restricted in certain areas. Also, ifusing your phone while driving, please:• Give full attention to driving -- driving safely isyour first responsibility;• Use hands-free operation, if available;• Pull off the road and park before making oranswering a call if driving conditions so require.Electronic DevicesMost modern electronic equipment is shieldedfrom RF signals. However, certain electronicequipment may not be shielded against the RFsignals from your wireless phone.Getting Started7415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 6
also consult the manufacturer of any equipmentthat has been added to your vehicle.Posted FacilitiesTurn your phone OFF in any facility where postednotices so require.AircraftAirline regulations prohibit using your phone whilein the air. Switch OFF your phone before boardingan aircraft. Blasting AreasTo avoid interfering with blasting operations, turnyour phone OFF when in a “blasting area” or inareas posted: “Turn off two-way radio”. Obey allsigns and instructions.Potentially Explosive AtmospheresTurn your phone OFF and do not remove thebattery when in any area with a potentiallyexplosive atmosphere and obey all signs andinstructions. Sparks, from your battery, in suchareas could cause an explosion or fire resulting inbodily injury or even death.Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere areoften but not always clearly marked. They include(but are not limited to) fueling areas such asgasoline stations; below deck on boats; fuel orchemical transfer or storage facilities; areas wherefuel odors are present, i.e. if a gas/propane leakoccurs in a car or home; areas where the aircontains chemicals or particles, such as grain,dust, or metal powders; and any other area whereyou would normally be advised to turn off yourvehicle engine.Getting Started9PacemakersThe Health Industry Manufacturers Associationrecommends that a minimum separation of six (6”)inches be maintained between a wireless phoneantenna and a pacemaker to avoid potentialinterference with the pacemaker. Theserecommendations are consistent with theindependent research by and recommendations ofWireless Technology Research.Persons with pacemakers:• Should ALWAYS keep the phone antenna morethan six inches from their pacemaker when thephone is turned ON;• If you have any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place, turn your phoneOFF immediately.Other Medical DevicesIf you use any other personal medical device,consult the manufacturer of your device todetermine if they are adequately shielded fromexternal RF energy. Your physician may be ableto assist you in obtaining this information.Turn your phone OFF in health care facilities whenany regulations posted in these areas instruct youto do so.  Hospitals or health care facilities may beusing equipment that could be sensitive toexternal RF energy.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles. Check with the manufacturer or itsrepresentative regarding your vehicle. You shouldGetting Started8415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 8
The cellular telephone you have selectedrepresents the state-of-the-art in cellular telephonestoday. The listing below shows just a few of theexceptional features that your telephone provides.• Seven-character 14-segment LCD display• 104 memories, including last number recall andscratch pad• Three One-Touch Dial Keys• Auto Answer• Five Call Timers• Two-system Registration• Multiple Key Answer• Distinctive Ringer TonesTo help you become familiar with your telephone’sfeatures, this manual will take you through alogical step-by-step learning procedure. The tabsat the edge of the manual mark the differentcategories that the telephone’s operations havebeen broken into. The respective sub-categoriesare noted in black bars. IntroductionGetting Started11For Vehicles Equipped with an Air BagAn air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT placeobjects, including both installed or portablewireless equipment, in the area over the air bag orin the air bag deployment area. If in-vehiclewireless equipment is improperly installed and theair bag inflates, serious injury could result.Getting Started10415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 10
Recall Clear SENDPower Store END1menu2ABC3DEF4GHI5JKL6MNO7PQRS8TUV9WXYZ0oprFcnGetting Started13Operating Display and Status IndicatorsProvide a visual indication of telephonenumbers and messages associated withmobile telephone service.Power Light – Displays when a call is inprogress.In Use – Displays when a call is in progress.No Svc – Displays when the unit is out ofservice range of a cellular system. Callscannot be placed or received.Roam – Displays when the unit is withinrange of a cellular system other than yourhome registered system.Three One-Touch Dialing KeysAllow direct access to important phonenumbers and carrier network services.Volume KeysAdjust earpiece, ringer, and speaker volume.Also:Gscrolls forward.Hscrolls backward.Phone OverviewGetting Started12415A79-O  9/22/99 9:39 AM  Page 12
1. If installed in your vehicle, your phoneshould turn on and off with the vehicle’signition. If it does not, or if the phone is in abag configuration, press P.2. Press Pagain to turn unit off.Start-up Self TestsEach time the telephone is turned on, it performsa series of self tests, sounds a tone, and lights alldisplay positions and status indicators to checktheir operation.Display Messages • If your phone is programmed fortwo cellular systems, one of thesemessages will appear in thedisplay upon power up.• These are reminders as to whichsystem and phone number arecurrently in use.• Indicates that the phone has beenlocked and cannot send or receivecalls until unlocked. Refer to page49, "Electronic Lock".ExplanationMessage ExplanationLOCKEDA1 A2B1 B2Turn Phone On and OffBasic Operation15Control KeypadRRecalls and displays telephonenumbers stored in memory.CClears the last digit entered whenpressed and released. Press and holdto clear the entire display.SInitiates a call or answers a call.PTurns the phone on and off.sStores telephone numbers into any ofthe memory locations.ETerminates a call in progress.FFunction KeyUsed in combination with other buttons forspecific user-programmed functions (e.g.,F, 5activates lock mode).Getting Started14415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 14
1. With power on, enter the number you wishto call.2. Press S. (You may leave the handsetmounted while dialing if an externalmicrophone is present.)The IInn  UUsseeindicator will illuminate. Once yourparty answers, bring the handset to your ear. Orleave the handset mounted and direct yourconversation to the Hands Free microphone (ifpresent) for a hands free call. To Correct an ErrorTo clear the last digit entered, press andquickly release C. To clear the entire entry, press and hold Cuntil the entire entry is erased.If Entering More Than Seven DigitsYou can call a phone number with up to 32 digits, butonly the last seven digits will display.When recalling a stored phone number that is longerthan seven digits, the display will flash the memorylocation number and the last ten digits of the number.EXAMPLE Recall memory location 01 thatcontains the 14-digit number 12345678901234.01 567 / 8901234 will alternately display.To review the overflow digits from the aboveexample, press R. The phone will take you backto the beginning of the phone number, then flash upto seven digits at a time –1234567 / 8901234 –until the end of the stored phone number is reached.Place a CallBasic Operation17Start-up Status IndicatorsOn/Lock Indicator(dot)• Lights steadily to indicatethe phone is on and fullyoperative• Lights steadily to indicatethe phone is locked and willnot place callsIn Use Indicator• Lights steadily while a callis in progressNo Svc (No Service)Indicator• Lights steadily if phone isbeyond range of a cellularservice area• Calls cannot be placed orreceived while No Svc is litRoam Indicator• If flashing, you areaccessing a service areaoutside of your homesystem.•Steady Illumination —Roaming on a home typesystem•Flashing — Roaming on anon-home type systemIn Use     No Svc     RoamIn Use     No Svc     RoamIn Use     No Svc     RoamIndicators ExplanationIn Use     No Svc     RoamBasic Operation16415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 16
minutes is insufficient time, press Sto beginanother cycle. If the call attempt is successful, thephone will ring to alert you of the connection.Youmay terminate Automatic Redial by turning off thephone or by pressing E. NOTE Automatic Redial applies when the systemis busy and will not engage when the calledparty’s line is busy.Press Eor return the handset to its mount.The IInn  UUsseeindicator will extinguish. If you haveactivated the Automatic Hands Free feature, youmust press Eto terminate the call.Lift the handset to your ear or press Sif an external microphone is present.Power must be on to receive calls.If your phone is on and an incoming call isunanswered, Call is displayed. Press Cor Eto cancel the message andclear the display.In carry phone configuration, the display will goblank after 6 seconds in order to conserve batteryenergy. Reactivate the display by pressing any keyexcept C, E, or P.NOTEThe phone will not display or retrieve thephone number of the calling party.Call in Absence IndicatorReceive a CallEnd a CallBasic Operation19Unsuccessful Call AttemptsIf you hear one of the following signals, you havenot successfully completed your call.Your telephone includes a convenient featuredesigned to make repetitive call attempts when acellular system is busy. If you receive an alternating high/low signal(intercept) or the fast busy tone (reorder signal)followed by snd to redial in the display whenattempting to place a call and wish to retry thecall, press Sbefore ending the unsuccessful callattempt. Redial is then displayed.Your telephone will make the call attemptcontinuously over the next four minutes. If fourAutomatic RedialFast Busy(reordersignal)SystemBusyCellular System BusyPress S again before ending theunsuccessful call attempt toautomatically redial the call (see"Automatic Redial", below), or pressE and dial the call again.Cellular System Could NotComplete the CallYou may have tried to place a callbefore the ON/LOCK indicator was lit tolet you know your phone was fullyoperative. Either press S again toredial, or press E and dial the callagain.Called Party’s Line is BusyToneAlternatingHigh/LowTone(intercept)NoServiceSlow BusySignalTone DescriptionBasic Operation18415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 18
1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Gor HuntilHF AUTO NOSWTCH displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.This feature allows you to automatically go toHands Free operation without pressing F, 6. To switch from Hands Free to Handset operation,just lift the handset while in a call. To return toHands Free operation, hang up the handset andbegin speaking.In certain systems, you may experience audiofeedback while using Full Duplex Hands Freeoperation, the normal operating mode. Thissituation can usually be alleviated by slightlyreducing the speaker volume. In extreme cases,you may want to switch to Enhanced SimplexHands Free operation. This operation will not allowinterruption of the party that is speaking.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilHF PREFOFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.Enhanced Simplex Hands FreeAutomatic Hands FreeBasic Operation211. Leaving the handset mounted, dial thenumber you wish to call.2. Press S.3. When the called party answers, direct yourconversation to the Hands Free microphonetypically mounted on your vehicle’s sunvisor. The In Use indicator will remain on andHF will display for the duration of the call.4. Press  Eto terminate the call.1. Press S. 2. Direct your conversation to the Hands Freemicrophone. The In Use indicator willremain on and HF will display for theduration of the call. 3. Press Eto terminate the call.1. To switch from the handset to Hands Freeoperation, press F, 6. Mute will display. Note that Mfor Mute appears on 6. 2. Return the handset to its mount. 3. Press F, 6again and HF will display. 4. Direct your conversation to the microphone. Manual Handset to Hands Free OperationReceive a Hands Free CallPlace a Hands Free CallHands Free Operation (with optional HF Microphone)Basic Operation20415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 20
The number of bars represents the number ofvolume steps for speaker, earpiece, and ringervolume. The volume levels can be adjusted by theuse of Gand H.1. With the handset mounted, press and holdGto raise the volume. 2. To lower the volume, press and hold H.The number of bars on the Volume Meterwill decrease. The maximum number of bars that will display is four.Lift the handset and use Gand Hasdescribed above. The maximum number of bars that will display is five.v––=  =  ≠Earpiece Volumev––=  =Speaker VolumeLowest VolumeSettingHighest VolumeSettingv v––==≠≠Basic Operation23The Signal Strength Meter (SSM) represents therelative strength of the signal received by yourphone. The SSM is displayed as a bar graphfollowing the letter S at the left side of the display.The S alone represents the lowest strength witheach additional bar representing a stronger signal.The SSM appears every time you turn your phoneon, unless this feature is turned off through the"Feature Menu" (refer to page 39).To best utilize the SSM, you should familiarizeyourself with the relative signal strength levels andtheir associated call-in-progress qualities.Any messages, such as LOCKED, which display asa result of activation of a feature will take priorityover the SSM. You will not see the SSM displayedin these cases.The Volume Meter represents the current volumesetting and will display whenever you adjust thevolume control. The volume level is displayed as abar graph following the letter V at the left side ofthe display, with each additional bar representinga higher volume setting.Volume MeterWeak Signal Strong SignalS s––==≠≠Signal Strength MeterBasic Operation22415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 22
If you have two phone numbers programmed intoyour phone, each time the telephone is turned on,it displays a message indicating which homesystem type and phone number is currently active. The message shows the system type and phonenumber applied, as follows:If a call is placed to the inactive phone number,the caller will receive the recorded "Not In Service"message.When you turn your phone on, the telephone willremember which system was active when youturned it off. That system will stay active until youchange to the other system with the sequence R,#, s. However, you cannot switch systemsduring a call.System Type andPhone Number DisplayNon-wireline or A typewith phone number 1Non-wireline or A typewith phone number 2Wireline or B type withphone number 1Wireline or B type withphone number 2B2B1A2A1Basic Operation25Press Fand use Gand Has describedin the "Volume Meter" on page 23.The maximum number of bars that will display is six.1. Press R, #.The phone number that is currently active will bedisplayed.2. When you have finished viewing, press C.1. Press R, #, s. The display will go blank to confirm the switch andthe newly activated number will display.2. When you have finished viewing, press C.Your telephone can operate over two differenthome systems, if you have made properarrangements with your Cellular System Operator.Both are designated as your "home system" butare accessed with separate telephone numbers.While you may switch from one system to theother, only one of the two can be active at anygiven time. Calls are placed and received throughthe active system only.Switch to Second Phone NumberDisplay Own Phone Numberv––=  =  ≠  ≠Ringer VolumeBasic Operation24415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 24
Memory22661. Enter phone number to be stored. 2. Press s, *.3. The phone is automatically in Alpha EntryMode. Enter a name or continue to step 4.4. Press s.Phone will confirm storage by displaying theautoload memory location number.NOTE If FulL displays, refer to "Memory Protect"on page 29.This procedure automatically stores memoryentries into the next available memory location.This method serves particularly well if you do notremember the next available memory location.1. Enter phone number to be stored.2. Press s.3. Enter two-digit location number or press *for Autoload.The phone will then automatically prompt foralphabetic name input. The Alpha Entry Modedisplay will flash ALPHA –.4. Utilize the alphanumeric keypad to enter upto 7 letters as described in the example onpage 28. #advances to the next position.*backspaces, if necessary. Repeat until name tag is complete.5. Press s. Phone will confirm storage by displaying memorylocation number.Storing a Phone Number and a NameMemory AutoloadMemory27Your telephone provides memory capable ofstoring up to 99 frequently called phone numbersas well as a seven-character name tag. Uponentering a phone number in memory, the phonewill prompt you to store an associated name. Ifyou are not interested in creating a name tag forthe selected location, alpha entry may bebypassed and the phone number alone can bestored. There are two ways to select a memory location:• select a specific location number• autoload to store the information in the nextsequentially available location. 1. Enter phone number to be stored, up to 32digits. 2. Press s. 3. Enter the two-digit location number in whichyou wish to place the entry.4. The phone is automatically in Alpha EntryMode. Enter a name, or bypass Alpha, go tostep 5.5. Press s.Phone will confirm storage by displaying memorylocation number.NOTE If FulL displays, refer to "Memory Protect"on page 29.Store to a Location NumberSelecting a Memory LocationStoring Information in Memory415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 26
NOTE Your phone is capable of storing up to 32numeric characters or a combination of 16numeric and seven alpha characters per memorylocation.Details on Utilizing Alpha Entry ModeOnce in Alpha Entry Mode, you can enter lettersusing your numeric keypad. For example, "A" is atthe first press of 2, "B" is at the second press of2, and "C" is at the third press of 2. EXAMPLE To enter "Bob" and his phone number555-1234 into memory location 01: 1. Enter phone number by pressing 5, 5, 5,1, 2, 3, 4.2. Press s, 0, 1. The display will flash ALPHA –.3. Press 2twice to select "B". Press #toadvance to the next position. Press 6threetimes for "O". Press #. Press 2twice more to select the second "B". ADGJMPTW23456789BEHKNQUXCFILORVYSZ1stPressKey 2ndPress3rdPress4thPressMemory284. Press s. The display will flash 01 to confirmthat the name and phone number weresuccessfully stored in memory location 01.NOTE If FulL displays, refer to "Memory Protect"below.The directory has an automatic memory protectfeature which prevents the accidental overwritingand loss of previously stored names and numbersin memory. If you attempt to store a number orname in a location that already contains an entry,the phone will display FULL, and the name/numberin that memory location. The display will thenalternate between the previously stored numberand CHANGE?. If you wish to save to that location, thus erasingthe old information, press s. If you wish to storethe entry in an alternate location, Press E, sand the alternate location number. Information stored in memory can be recalled orreviewed by location number. You may also scrollthe memory during a call. Pressing Eonce in this case will cancel scrolling, but not the call.1. Press R.2. Enter the desired two-digit location number. orRecalling/Scrolling by Location NumberRecalling/Scrolling from MemoryMemory ProtectMemory29415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 28
This feature allows you to refer to or redial any ofthe last ten numbers to which calls were placed.The numbers are stored in the order placed andalways represent the ten most recent calls.Successive calls to the same number are storedonly once, and all are retained when the unit isshut off.NOTEWhen scrolling, you may observe that alocation number is skipped. This may be causedby pressing Swhen the display is empty anddoes not mean that a number has been lost.1. Enter the location number.2. Press S. Memory locations 1-99 are equipped with SuperSpeed Dialing capability. Once information isstored in these locations, Super Speed Dialingallows you to place a call without pressing R.The number dialed will not display for review.NOTEDo not attempt the sequence 0, S. Thiswill place a call to the local operator.Press and hold for one second any one ofthe digit buttons 2through 9.The digit buttons 2through 9(1is reservedfor Emergency Dialing) provide an advanced formof Super Speed Dialing. Once numbers have beenstored in memory locations 2-9, calls can beplaced from these locations by pressing theTurbo DialSuper Speed DialingMemory31Press 0, 1and press #or Gto beginscrolling from the beginning of the storedlocations.The display will show the location number, thenthe first ten digits of the number. If NamePreferred is selected, up to seven characters ofthe name will display. (Refer to "NamePreference" on page 41 for more details.)3. Press Sto place a call to the numberdisplayed.Use Gand Hto scroll forward and backward.To scroll from a specific two-digit location, pressR, then the location number where you wish tobegin scrolling.The phone will display an apostrophe (’) after thememory location number to indicate that memoryscrolling is active.1. Press R,and the last number entered onthe keypad will appear.2. Press Sto place a call to the last numberdisplayed.1. Press R, 0, 0. The display will show L0’ followed by the name ornumber of the most recently placed call.2. Scroll the last ten numbers dialed with *and #.3. To place a call to this number, press S.Recalling Last 10 Numbers DialedLast Number RecallMemory30415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 30
placed to the number stored in that position. Torecall the number, press R, and the specificOne-Touch Key. To clear the number, press C,s, and the specific One-Touch Key. ALPHA – willdisplay. Press s. The unit will display the nameand number along with the prompt CHANGE?.Press sto clear both name and number.STORED will display to indicate that the numberhas been cleared.1. Press and hold 1. EMERGCY will display.Memory location 01, a Turbo Dial location, may beused for 911 or any other emergency number youmay wish to dial even if your phone is locked. Emergency dialing can be deactivated by usingthe "Feature Menu" found on page 39. When thisfeature is deactivated, the number stored inmemory location 01 will still be dialed if the phoneis unlocked and if you press and hold 1, butEMERGCY will not display.NOTE Do not select Call Restriction ServiceLevels 1, 2, or 3 if you wish to use One-TouchEmergency Dialing.NOTE Automatic Redial does not work withemergency dialing while the phone is locked.The scratch pad permits entry of numbers fromthe keypad during conversation.Scratch Pad MemoryOne-Touch Emergency DialingMemory33associated key and holding for approximately onesecond. There is no need to press S.NOTE If you wish to use memory location 1 for anon-emergency number, the Emergcy messagemay be deactivated through the "Feature Menu"found on page 39. In order to prevent theaccidental pressing of these keys, Turbo Dial canbe deactivated through the feature menu also.NOTE Turbo Dialing is affected by "CallRestriction" Service Levels 1, 2, and 3. See"Change Service Level" found on page 53. Do notselect these service levels if you wish to useTurbo Dialing.Your phone has three special dialing keys, A,B, D, which allow for easy one touch access tonumbers stored in these locations.To store a number:1. Enter phone number to be stored. 2. Press s.3. Press specific one touch key.4. The phone is automatically in Alpha EntryMode. Enter a name or bypass by pressings.Phone will confirm storage by displaying Stored.To place a call:1. Press and hold the One-Touch Dial Key A,B, or D. These keys function like Turbo Dial keys. Whenyou press and hold A, B, or D, a call is One-Touch Dialing KeysMemory32415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 32
Two-part calling can be automated by a uniquefeature which permits the programming andpauses between groups of numbers. Whenrecalled or sent, the telephone stops transmittingat the pause and waits for your response (i.e.,secondary dial tone).1. Enter the first group of numbers from thekeypad or recall them from memory usingR.2. Insert a pause by pressing F, S. insert paus ø will appear. Press sand a øwill display where thepause in inserted.3. Enter the next group of numbers, or recallthem from memory by pressing F, R,two-digit location number. 4. Repeat this sequence for as many groupsas you wish up to a maximum of 32 digits.(Each pause occupies a digit.)EXAMPLE To construct a number sequencewhich you might use to inquire about your bankbalance, follow this example. The entry sequencerequired by the bank is to call the access number,wait for the tone, enter your ID number followedby #, wait for the tone, then enter your accountnumber followed by #.The bank’s telephone number is 123-4567. YourID number is 888. Your account number is 22.Pause Dialing (Memory Linking)Memory35If your party gives you another number to call,simply enter this from the keypad. If you make anerror, press Cto erase the last digit entered orhold Cto erase the entire entry.Advise your party that they will hear tones as youstore the number. To call the scratch pad number atthe end of an ongoing conversation, press E, S.NOTE Refer to "Silent Scratch Pad" on page 45for details on silencing the tones.Your telephone provides the standard Dual ToneMulti-Frequency (DTMF) signals typically used toaccess alternate long distance services, signalpagers, answering machines, etc. Generally, theseservices use a two-part procedure: First, a call isplaced from the memory or through the keypad to acentral telephone number.Then a secondary dialtone is heard, and the additional tone digits are sent.To tone dial from the keypadEnter the desired number and press S. Append additional digits using the keypad onceprompted. The tones are automatically sent asyou press the keys. Do not press Sagain. EXCEPTION If you have selected silent scratchpad, you must press R, safter entering theadditional digits.To tone dial from a memory location, recall frommemory the number you wish to send using R,location number. Then press S. To sendadditional groups of numbers recall the locationnumber and press R, S. Repeat as needed.Tone Dialing (Two-Part Calling)Memory34415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 34
send the second group of numbers. Continue topress R, Suntil all digit groups are sent.If the PIN code feature is activated the PIN codewill automatically be sent after the first pause bypressing S.NOTE Do not add the PIN code to the linkedsequence. Your phone will automatically insert thePIN code when placing a linked call. Follow theinstructions in "PIN Code Activation" on page 46.1. Press Rand the two-digit locationnumber.2. Press Ragain, if name only displays, sothat the phone number to be changed isdisplayed. 3. Edit phone number by pressing Cto backout the digits to be changed. Enter newdigits.4. Press sand the same two-digit locationnumber.The display will flash ALPHA and then the nameyou have stored or –if no name is stored.5. Change or add alpha name tag if desired. Toedit name, press Cto back out the lettersto be changed. Enter new alpha characters.(Enter alphabetic characters as describedon page 28.)6. Press s.Edit a Memory LocationMemory37To place a linked call, press Sto transmit thefirst group of numbers, prior to the first pause. (Ifyour number is stored in a One-Touch Dialing Keyor a Turbo Dial location, simply press the key.) Afterwaiting for the system response, press R, StoTo store number, press sand the Memory Location or OneTouch Key. Press s again tobypass Alpha display. Thememory location number will bedisplayed to confirm storage. If youstored the number in a One TouchDial location, STORED will bedisplayed to confirm storage.6Enter the account number and apound sign — 2, 2, #5Create another pause —F, S, s4Enter the ID number and a poundsign — 8, 8 8, #or recall it from memory locationxx — F, R, x, x3Create a pause —F, S, s2Enter the phone number of thebank — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7 or recall it from memorylocation xx — R, x, x1Instruction andKey Sequence Display88Cø22C7ø888Cø67ø888C234567ø1234567–ALPHAMemory36415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 36
FeaturesAdditional features that may be available with yourphone but are not accessed through the featuremenu, are also described in this section.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor Guntilthe desired feature displays. 3. Press Cto change the status of thedisplayed feature between on and off.4. Press Eto exit the Feature Menu.EXAMPLE To activate silent keypad, press  F,1, and scroll with #or Guntil the display showsKEYPAD TONE ON. Press Cto activate this feature.The display will then show KEYPAD TONEOFF. Press Eto exit the menu.To Disable the SSM from Displaying1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilSIGNAL MTR ON displays. 3. Press Conce to disable the SSM, again tore-enable.4. Press Eto exit the Feature Menu.Once the SSM is disabled, on will appear in placeof the See "Signal Strength Meter" on page 22 for moredetails.s––==≠≠Signal Strength Meter (SSM)Select/Cancel Menu Features398. You will see a Memory Protect message;press sto overwrite.Memory location number will display asconfirmation.NOTE See "Name Preference" on page 41 formore details on step 2.1. Press C, s, and the two-digit locationnumber to be cleared. 2. The phone will display ALPHA –. Press stobypass.The phone will display Full, flash number inmemory, followed by Change?.3. Press sto clear.or Press Eto exit without deleting the entry.Clear Memory EntriesMemory38415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 38
The extended talk time feature allows you toconserve battery power when operating in a strongsignal area. To enable this feature, refer to "FeatureMenu" on page 39.To mute microphone while in a call:Press F, 6. To disable mute while in a call:Press F, 6again. This feature allows you to confer privately withothers in the car during a call. It will disable themicrophone and display Mute. Note that MforMute appears on 6. The mute feature iscanceled if you end your call.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilNAME PREFOFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.The Name Preference feature reverses the displayorder of memory entries so that the name will bedisplayed before the number.Name PreferenceMicrophone MutingExtended Talk TimeFeaturesTo Review Status1. Press F, 0, 9, R.2. Press Gor Hto scroll through activated features.To End ReviewPress E.Status review permits you to scroll through youroperating settings for your reference.Listed on the page 60 are the status messagesyou may see if any advanced features areselected or changed from their standard setting.If your cellular telephone is being used in a carryphone configuration,Press F, 4to display a battery indicator. This allows you to review the battery charge level.The battery indicator is displayed as a bar graph.The B alone represents the lowest voltage witheach additional bar representing a stronger charge.NOTE In the carry phone configuration, the displaywill go blank after six seconds. You may reactivatethe display by pressing any key except P.B ––==≠≠Battery IndicatorFeature Status ReviewFeatures4140415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 40
1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilCALL RCV ON displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on(call rCv off). 4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.Use this feature if you prefer not to receive incomingcalls but wish to be informed of the attempt. When the phone is on and this feature is selected,incoming calls are signaled by several short burstsof tone, Call in the display, and the black onindicator. The caller will receive the "Not inService" recording.As a reminder that incoming call screening isselected, the unit will sound the special tone bursteach time it is turned on.NOTE We suggest you do not select IncomingCall Screening and Silent Ringer simultaneously,since the incoming call will not be signalled by ashort burst of tone.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilRINGER ON displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,(ringer off) and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.Silent RingerIncoming Call ScreeningFeatures1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilAUTO ANSROFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.This feature permits you to answer calls withoutpressing S. When your phone receives a call, itwill ring twice, then answer the call.NOTE We suggest that you do not select theAutomatic Answer and Silent Ringer simultaneouslysince incoming calls will then be announced only bythe flashing Call in the display. Also, this featuremay be incompatible with certain enhanced systemservices, such as no-answer transfer. Consult yourCellular Service Provider.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilMULTKEY ANSROFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.The Multiple Key Answer feature allows you toanswer an incoming call by pressing Sor anydigit key 1though 9. Multiple Key AnswerAutomatic AnswerFeatures4342415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 42
The telephone’s ring tones may be silenced wherethey could prove a distraction, as during a businessconference, etc. In this case, incoming calls areannounced only by a flashing Call in the display.NOTE We suggest you do not select the SilentRinger and Automatic Answer simultaneously,since the phone will then answer a call withoutaudible indication. This feature allows you to select one of ninedifferent ringer styles to differentiate when yourphone is ringing. When selected, the phone willgive you a brief sample of that ringer style.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilRinger Style displays. 3. Press Conce to select this feature. The selected ringer will sound as an example ofthis ringer style. The ringer style will displaySelect 1-9.4. Press 1- 9to sample the different ringerstyles.5. Press *or #to scroll through the ringerstyles. The display will show the number of the selectedringer style.6. Press sto select the desired ringer style. The display will show: Ringer X Set where the Xis the number of the ringer style selected.7. Press Eto exit the menu.Distinctive RingerFeatures441. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor Guntil KEYPAD TONEOn displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,(keypad tone off) and again to toggle thisfeature off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.When selected, this feature silences the tonesused to indicate keypad depressions.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilSCRPAD TONE ON displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on,and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.Use this feature to enter scratch pad numbersduring a call without transmitting tones. You willhear the tones, but your called party will not. NOTE Should you wish to transmit DTMF tones(to access answering machines, pagers, automaticmenus, etc.) while Silent Scratch Pad is activated,enter the digits and press R, S.Silent Scratch PadSilent KeypadFeatures45415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 44
Activate PIN Code1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilPIN INACTIV displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.Store PIN Code in Memory Location 071. Enter PIN code.2. Press s. 3. Press 0, 7.Place a Call With PIN Code Active1. Enter number to be called, or recall frommemory.2. Press S. Wait for double tone –“beep, beep.”3. Press S. The phone will automatically send the PIN code stored in memorylocation 07.Your cellular carrier may require a personalidentification number (PIN) when placing outboundcalls. This code assures the cellular system thatthe person placing the call is an authorized user.Ask your cellular service provider if this is requiredin your system. Only select this feature if yourcellular service provider requires it.This feature will allow you to automatically sendyour PIN code with all outbound calls. If InvalidPIN displays, check to see if you have activatedthe feature in the menu without storing a PINPIN Code ActivationFeatures46number in memory location 7. The PIN code mustbe less than seven digits.If you enter a service area which does not require aPIN code, disable the feature in the feature menu.Call timers provide a useful means of monitoringthe air-time spent in conversation. Several ofthese operate in the background and can bedisplayed at any time. Another offers beep tonesheard only on your side of the conversation.Each timer begins counting as a cellular channelis assigned, or when the phone rings to signal anincoming call. If an incoming call is not answered,the timers revert to their previous values.To Display the Time of Your Last CallPress R, #, #.This timer accumulates the air-time of a call inminutes and seconds.It automatically resets before a new call is placedand when the phone is turned off.To DisplayPress R, #, #, #.To ResetPress F, 0, 7, C.Resettable Call TimerIndividual Call TimerTimersFeatures47415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 46
4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.This feature automatically displays theaccumulated time in minutes and seconds duringand after each call.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilONE MIN TIMROFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.This timer provides a tone ten seconds before theend of each minute during calls.Your telephone offers several forms of securityagainst unauthorized use. These require eitheryour three-digit unlock code, or the six-digitsecurity code. The factory programmed unlockcode is 123 and the factory programmed securitycode is 000000.To Lock1. Press F, and hold 5until Lock?displays.2. Press sto lock. Locked will display.To UnlockEnter your three-digit unlock code. If youmake an error, press Cand start again.Electronic LockSecurity FeaturesOne-Minute TimerFeatures49This timer accumulates the air-time in minutesfrom the point at which it is reset.This resettable timer is generally utilized to trackmonthly air-time usage and is set in conjunctionwith the monthly billing cycle.NOTE If you have two phone numbersprogrammed in your phone, each phone numberhas its own resettable call timer. To view theresettable call timer associated with the otherphone number, switch your phone to that number,then use the sequence on the previous page.To DisplayPress R, #, #, #, #. This is a non-resettable timer which accumulatesthe phone’s total air-time in minutes, starting withthe initial factory setting.NOTE If you have two phone numbersprogrammed in your phone, each phone numberhas its own cumulative call timer. To view thecumulative call timer associated with the otherphone number, switch your phone to that number,then use the sequence above.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Hor GuntilINDIV TIMR OFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.Individual Display TimerCumulative Call TimerFeatures48415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 48
To Select (On)1. Press F, 1. 2. Scroll the menu by pressing  Gor HuntilTHEFT ALRMOFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.4. Press Eto exit the feature menu. Thephone will display Armed.5. Enter the phone number to be called orrecall a number from memory.6. Turn off the phone by pressing P.To Cancel (Off)1. Turn on the ignition.2. Enter your three-digit unlock code within 30seconds.When the theft alarm is selected, and anunauthorized person turns on your phone anddoes not enter your unlock code within 30seconds, an alerting call will be placed to thephone number you have stored in this feature. Ifthe phone receives a busy signal, it will repeat thecall automatically. Anyone answering the call will hear alternatinghigh and low pitched tones (siren).The removal of the control unit will not preventyour mobile telephone from attempting to placethe call. However, if the antenna has beenremoved, the phone will be prevented fromsuccessfully completing the call. Theft AlarmFeatures51The electronic lock prevents use of the telephoneby disabling both incoming and outgoing calls. Tohelp remember which key to use, note that LforLock appears on 5.If a call is received during this period, the phonewill ring, and you must enter the unlock codebefore the call can be answered.1. Press F, 0.2. Enter your six-digit security code.3. Enter the new desired three-digit unlockcode. 4. Press s. The new unlock code will displayto confirm storage.1. Press F, 0.2. Enter your six-digit security code.3. Press R. The phone will display Loc andthe three-digit unlock code.NOTE Use this procedure if you have forgottenyour current three-digit unlock code.1. Press F, 1.2. Scroll the menu by pressing Gor HuntilAUTO LOCKOFF displays. 3. Press Conce to toggle this feature on, and again to toggle it off.4. To exit the Feature Menu, press E.This feature automatically locks your phone eachtime it is turned off. Automatic LockDisplay Unlock CodeChange Unlock CodeFeatures50415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 50
The Auxiliary Alert mode is automatically disabledthe next time the ignition is turned from off to on.The Auxiliary Alert mode can also be disabled bypressing Por by pressing F, 4again. ALERT will turn off when the feature is disabled.1. Press F, 0.2. Enter your six-digit security code.3. Enter the number of the service level youwish to use.4. Press s.The phone will display Level and the numberselected.Your telephone can be set to restrict callplacement (as when lending the phone to anotherperson). Using the six-digit security code, you mayselect one of the levels of restriction shown on thepage 54.Change Service LevelFeatures53NOTE If you inadvertently trip the theft alarm andthe alarm call is placed, you can stop the alarm byentering your three-digit unlock code. This featuremust be reset in the feature menu each time thephone is disarmed.If the PIN code is activated, the theft alarm will notwork as the PIN code must be sent manually inorder to complete a call.1. Press F, 4with the unit on, unlocked,and Theft Alarm and Silent Ringer inactive. ALERT will display. 2. Turn off the vehicle ignition. The Auxiliary Alert feature allows an additionalalerting device (horn or lights) to be activated forthe first five rings (20 seconds) of an incomingcall. This is useful if you intend to be outside ofthe vehicle and expect a call.NOTE A call cannot be in progress when youenable Auxiliary Alert. Auto Answer is disabledduring Auxiliary Alert.When the Auxiliary Alert mode is enabled, themobile telephone remains on despite the vehicleignition being turned off. Calls may be placed whilein the Auxiliary Alert mode unless the unit has alsobeen locked subsequent to pressing F, 4.Auxiliary Alert (mobile configurations only)Features52415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 52
This feature allows you to reset most or all the userselectable options to their standard settings.Master reset will perform the functions listed below.Cancel Automatic Hands FreeCancel Automatic AnswerCancel Individual Display TimerCancel Automatic LockCancel Incoming Call ScreeningCancel Multiple Key AnswerCancel Name Preference FeatureCancel One-Minute TimerCancel Silent Scratch PadCancel Theft AlarmReinstate Emergency MessageReinstate Keypad TonesReinstate Signal Strength MeterReinstate Ringer TonesReinstate Turbo DialingReset Service Level to Level #4 (Standard setting)Return System Type to StandardCancel PIN Activation214248504342414945513345394331535846Master Reset will Performthese Functions Pg.Features55To change the phone to unrestricted operation, usethe procedure above and enter service level 4.CAUTION Once begun, this procedure cannot becanceled or reversed.1. Press F, 0.2. Enter your six-digit security code twice. 3. Press 1, s.Master ResetNo restrictions (Standard setting)• Full keypad and directory dialing• No storage in directory locations1-10 or One Touch Dial locations• Keypad dialing only• No directory or Turbo Dial accessPhone will place calls from all directorylocations (R, 0 1 - 9 9, S).No keypad dialing. No directory change orstorage.Seven-digit (local) dialing only,including directory and message calls(if seven digits or less)Phone will place calls only from directorylocations 1-10 (R, 0 1 - 1 0, S).If locations 1-10 are cleared, no outgoingcalls can be made. No keypad dialing. Nodirectory or One Touch Dial storage.463251Restrictions LevelFeatures54415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 54
Reference5577There are generally two types of cellular systemsserving any metropolitan area. One of these willmost likely be operated by the telephone companythat provides telephone service to your community,generally referred to as a wireline carrier. Theother cellular service provider is a radio commoncarrier, referred to as a non-wireline carrier.Your Cellular Service Operator will provideinformation concerning specific features,procedures, and coverage in your particular area.The area within which the telephone operates isdefined by your cellular service provider. Sincethis is a radio system, no exact boundaries (as ona map) can be drawn. The black NNoo  SSvvcc(NoService) lights if you are beyond range of aservice area. There may be locations within yourarea, such as tunnels and underground parkingfacilities, where the phone may act as if it werebeyond range.If you are called while in a location the systemdetermines is inadequate for high quality service,you may hear a series of beeps to inform you ofthe call attempt. The caller will receive therecorded "not in service" message, Call willdisplay, and the black on indicator will flashquickly. If this occurs, you must press Cbeforethe phone will operate. Most systems do notimpose air-time charges for such call attempts.Weak Signal AlertService AreaThe Cellular SystemCAUTION Master Clear performs all the functionsof Master Reset, in addition to erasing all namesand numbers stored in memory, and clearing theResettable Call Timer. Once begun, thisprocedure cannot be canceled or reversed.1. Press F, 0.2. Enter your six-digit security code twice. 3. Press 9, s. Busy may display. 4. Wait for this to clear before using thephone. It may take several minutes,depending on how full your memory is. Do not turn the phone off during thisoperation.Master ClearFeatures56415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 56
Reference5599Reference5588To Select1. Press R, *. The display will show thecurrent active system choice.2. Repeatedly press *to review the systemtype modes. (Press Eto exit withoutchanging selections.)3. Press sto activate the displayedselection.4. Press Eto exit.System Type SelectionYour telephone seeks cellular service according tothe mode you have selected. If you have selectedtwo-system operation, the phone seeks cellularservice according to the system type modeselected for each phone number.Constant flashing of RRooaamm, or a steadily lit NNoo  SSvvccwhile within your home service area may indicatean unintentional choice has been made. If thisoccurs, re-enter system type selection to see if theunit is operating in standard mode, or if analternate selection has been made.Press S.During a call, pressing Sperforms a switchhookfunction used to access enhanced Cellular Systemfeatures, such as call waiting and conferencecalls. For the functioning of these features withS, consult your Cellular Service Provider.The term Roamingapplies to the use of cellulartelephones within systems other than thosedesignated as their Home system. RRooaammlightswhenever the phone comes within range of avisited system. As your phone begins to roam, itseeks service according to the conditions youhave selected. See "System Type Selection" onpage 60.Steady illumination of Roam signals that yourphone is accessing a home type system, whileflashing indicates the phone is attemptingconnection through a non-home type system.Contact your system operator, or that of the visitedsystem, for information on dialing and billingprocedures.To Review Current Setting1. Press R, *. The display will show thecurrent active system choice.2. Press Eto exit without changing selection.Selectable System RegistrationRoamingSwitchhook and Enhanced System Services415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 58
C ScanYour Motorola cellular telephone has beenequipped with a special level of A/B SystemSelection called C Scan. This feature will limit thesystems on which you can inadvertently operateand thus minimize billing problems.If you review the roam characteristics of your phonewith the R, *sequence, C SCAn will be the firstchoice which appears in the display if you have atleast one negative System I.D. entered. Repeatedlypressing #or *will scroll through the other fiveSystem Selection choices as shown above. Youmay press sto select an alternate choice when itappears in the display. Your choice will remain ineffect until you turn off your telephone. On everypower-up cycle, the telephone will automaticallyrevert back to C Scan mode of operation.When the NNoo  SSvvccindicator blinks, it indicateseither that you are in an area that cannot give youservice due to the C Scan mode or an area whereno cellular service is available. In this case, youmay select another level of A/B "System Selection"as described on page 60. Reference6611DisplayC ScanAppears if programmed by your carrier.This is  the default setting.Standard ModeYour phone first seeks a home type system,then a non-home type.If home system is non-wireline (type A)If home system is wireline (type B)Invert Preference ModeYour phone first seeks a non-home typesystem, then home type. (Select this mode ifin a fringe area of your home system or incertain roaming situations.)If home system is non-wireline (type A)Fast flashing Roam = call on B systemSlow flashing Roam = call on hometype systemSlow flashing In Use = call on home systemIf home system is wireline (type B)Fast flashing Roam = call on A systemSlow flashing Roam = call on hometype systemSlow flashing In Use  = call on home systemHome Only ModePhone will not operate outside its home system.Scan A ModePhone will operate only within non-wireline (A)systems.Scan B Mode will operate only within wireline (B) systems.Preferred SID's ModeUnit will operate only within specificallyidentified systems. This choice requires entryof up to 15 System ID numbers for thosesystems over which you wish to operate. TheSID digits are entered as obtained from yourCellular Service Operator.Scan A BCScanStd A BStd B AScan B AHomeScan ASystem Type Selection DisplayScan BPREF'D SIDSReference6600415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 60
To enter Preferred SID’s:1. Press R, *.2. Press *or #to scroll to pref’d sids3. Press sto enter first 5 digit System ID(40000 will display as the default).4. Press #to enter each SID until all desiredSID’s are entered (up to 15).5. Press sto store your entries.Preferred SID’sReference66221. Is the unit locked? See "Electronic Lock", page 49.2. Is the No Svc (No Service) indicator lit? See "Status Indicators", page 16.3. Is your Roam Indicator lit?Constant flashing of the RRooaammindicator whilein your home service area may indicate that anincompatible system type has been selected.See "Roaming", page 58.4. Are you having difficulty accessing devicessuch as answering machines which requirelonger access tones? Check to see if Silent Scratchpad is enabled. Ifso, disable through the Feature Menu, asdescribed in "Select/Cancel Menu Features" onpage 39, and try the call again.TroubleshootingReference63415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 62
Feature MenuEnter MenuF, 1. Hor Gtoscroll.Select FeatureC. Cancel FeatureC. ExitE.AdditionalFeaturesStatus ReviewF, 0, 9, R. Hor Gto scroll.Last NumberR, S.RecallDisplay OwnR, #.NumberActivate OtherR, #, s.NumberMute MicrophoneF, 6.Scratch Pad Enter numbers during call.Eto terminate call andSto place call to scratchpad number.Reference6655Basic OperationTurn It OnP.LockF, 5.Unlock Three-digit unlock code.Turn It OffP.Place a Call Enter number, S.Receive a CallS, or lift handset to ear.End CallE, or return handset to itsmount.Volume ControlEarpiece Lift handset, Gor H.Speaker With handset mounted,press and hold Gor H.RingerF, then Gor H.Store to MemoryNumber and Phone number, s, Name two-digit location, alphacharacters, s. To store in next available location,s, *.Memory RecallBy LocationR, two-digit location. Sto place call.Super Speed Memory location, S.DialingTurbo Dialing Press and hold memorylocation (1-9) for onesecond.Quick Reference Feature GuideReference6644415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 64
CALL Shows incoming call (also used toindicate call in absence) CHANGE? Used when memory protect isactivated to prevent accidentaloverwriting of a memory location Clear? Memory Protect is activated toprevent accidental overwriting of amemory location.EMERGCY Emergency Dialing is initiated.EMERGCYCALL On Emergency Call is active.EMERGCYCALLOFF Emergency Call is disabled.EMPTY Name Directory is empty.EXTENDTALK ON Extended Talk Time is active.EXTENDTALKOFF Extended Talk Time is disabled.FULL Indicates all directory locations arefull, requested block is unavailable,or location has a number alreadystored in it HF AUTONOSWTCH Automatic Hands Free is selected.HF AUTOSWTCH Automatic Hands/free is disabled.HF- Enhanced Simplex Hands Free isselected.HOME System Type Selection –HomeMode INDIVTIMR ON Individual Timer is active.INDIVTIMROFF Individual Timer is disabled.Reference6677’(Apostrophe) Scrolling activated A*displayed as “A” A1 Two-System Operation (Activesystem is non-wireline, using phonenumber 1.)A2 Two-System Operation (Activesystem is non-wireline, using phonenumber 2.)ALPHA Alpha Entry is selected. ARMED Theft Alarm selected.AUTOANSR ON Automatic Answer is active.AUTOANSROFF Automatic Answer is disabled.AUTOLOCK ON Automatic Lock is active.AUTOLOCKOFF Automatic Lock is disabled.B––==≠≠ Battery Voltage Meter (Number ofbars indicates relative level ofvoltage.) B1 Two System Operation (Activesystem is wireline, using phonenumber 1.)B2 Two System Operation (Activesystem is wireline, using phonenumber 2.)BUSY Master Clear functioning CPrecedes Cumulative Timer display(also used to display #) C Scan System type selectedMessage GlossaryReference6666415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 66
Reference6699KEYPADTONE ON Keypad Tones are active.KEYPADTONEOFF Keypad Tones are disabled.LEVEL 1 Service level selected LEVEL 2 Service level selected LEVEL 3 Service level selected LEVEL 4 Service level selected LEVEL 5 Service level selected LEVEL 6 Service level selected LOC Precedes unlock code whendisplayed LOCKED Unit is locked. MULTKEYANSR ON Multiple Key Answer is active.MULTKEYANSROFF Multiple Key Answer is disabled.MUTE Microphone is muted. NAMEPREF ON Name Preference is activated. NAMEPREFOFF Name Preference is disabled.ON Telephone is on.ONE MINTIMR ON One Minute Timer is active.ONE MINTIMROFF One Minute Timer is disabled.PIN ACTIVE PIN is active.PININACTIV PIN is disabled.RPrecedes display of ResettableTimer REDIAL Automatic Redial is selected.Reference6688REMINDMSG ON Remind Message is active.REMINDMSGOFF Remind Message is disabled.RINGER OFF Ring Alert is canceled. RINGERSTYLE Ringer Style is selected.S––==≠≠ Signal Strength Meter (SSM)(Number of bars indicates relativesignal strength.)SCAN A System Type Selection (scan non-wireline “A” only) SCAN AB System Type Selection (scan “A”type first, then “B”) SCAN B System Type Selection (scanwireline “B” only) SCAN BA System Type Selection (scan “B”type first, then “A”) SIGNALMTR ON Signal Strength Meter is active.SIGNALMTROFF Signal Strength Meter is disabled.STD All user features set to standard STD AB System Type Selection (non-wireline standard mode) STD BA System Type Selection (wirelinestandard mode) System Busy Cellular system is busy. SCRPADTONE ON Scratch Pad Tones are active.SCRPADTONEOFF Scratch Pad Tones are disabled. 415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 68
Reference7711THEFTALARM ON Theft Alarm is active.THEFTALARMOFF Theft Alarm is disabled.TIMER Automatic Display Timer isselected.TURBODIAL ON Turbo Dialing is activated. TURBODIALOFF Turbo Dialing is disabled. V––==≠≠ Volume Meter (Number of barsindicates relative volume level.)Reference7700415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 70
Master Reset .......................................................54Memory Autoload.................................................27Memory Linking ...................................................35Memory Protect ...................................................29Message Glossary ...............................................66Microphone Muting ..............................................41Multiple Key Answer ............................................42Name Preference.................................................41One Minute Timer ................................................49One-Touch Dialing Keys......................................32One-Touch Emergency Dialing............................33Pause Dialing.......................................................35Phone Overview ..................................................12PIN Code Activation.............................................46Place a Call..........................................................17Place a Hands Free Call......................................20Preferred SID’s ....................................................62Quick Reference Feature Guide..........................64Recalling by Location Number.............................29Recalling from Memory........................................29Recalling Last 10 Numbers Dialed ......................30Receive a Call......................................................19Receive a Hands Free Call..................................20Resettable Call Timer ..........................................47Ringer Volume .....................................................24Roaming...............................................................58Scratch Pad Memory ...........................................33Scrolling by Location Number..............................29Scrolling from Memory.........................................29Security Features.................................................49Select Menu Features..........................................39Selectable System Registration...........................58Selecting a Memory Location ..............................26Service Area ........................................................57Reference7733Automatic Answer................................................42Automatic Hands Free .........................................21Automatic Lock ....................................................50Automatic Redial..................................................18Auxiliary Alert.......................................................52Battery Indicator...................................................40Call in Absence Indicator.....................................19Cancel Menu Features ........................................39Change Service Level..........................................53Change Unlock Code...........................................50Clear Memory Entries ..........................................38Cumulative Call Timer .........................................48Display Own Phone Number ...............................24Display Unlock Code ...........................................50Distinctive Ringer.................................................44Earpiece Volume .................................................23Edit Memory Location ..........................................37Electronic Lock ....................................................49End a Call ............................................................19Enhanced Simplex Hands Free...........................21Extended Talk Time.............................................41Feature Status Review ........................................40General Safety Information...............................6-10Hands Free Operation (withoptional HF Microphone) .....................................20Incoming Call Screening......................................43Individual Call Timer ............................................47Individual Display Timer.......................................47Introduction ..........................................................11Last Number Recall .............................................30Manual Handset to Hands Free Operation..........20Master Clear ........................................................56IndexReference7722415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 72
NotesReference7755Signal Strength Meter....................................22, 39Silent Keypad.......................................................45Silent Ringer ........................................................43Silent Scratch Pad ...............................................45Speaker Volume ..................................................23Store to a Location Number.................................26Storing a Phone Number and a Name ................27Storing Information in Memory ............................26Super Speed Dialing............................................31Switch to Second Phone Number........................24Switchhook and Enhanced System Services ......58The Cellular System ............................................57Theft Alarm ..........................................................51Timers ..................................................................47Tone Dialing.........................................................34Troubleshooting ...................................................63Turbo Dial ............................................................31Turn Phone On and Off .......................................15Two-Part Calling ..................................................34Volume Meter ......................................................22Weak Signal Alert ................................................57Welcome ................................................................4Reference7744415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 74
NotesReference7766415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 76
Personal Communication Sector600 North U.S. Highway 45Libertyville, Illinois 600481-800-331-6456 (in U.S.A.)1-800-461-4575 (in Canada)www.mot.com68P09415A79-O9/98 - SGS©1998 Motorola, Inc.Printed in U.S.A.,       and Turbo Dial are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc.This product may be powered by arechargeable battery which must berecycled or disposed of properly.• Refer to the battery label      for battery type.• Recycling facilities may notbe available in all areas.• For additional informationregarding disposal or recycling, call 1-800-331-6456 (in U.S.A.).415A79-O  9/22/99 9:40 AM  Page 78

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