Users Manual Revised

APPLICANT: MOTOROLA MOBILITY, INC.                                      FCC ID: IHDT56MF3   INSTRUCTION MANUAL  A representative version of the user's manual follows: Exhibit 8
1Co ngratu latio nsCongratulationsDROID3™ Global by MotorolaMake  calls from over 2 00 countries with DROID3 Global by Motoro la. Your new ph one has international roaming, so you can stay in touch wherever you travel.•Experience  lightning fast access to websites, d ocumen ts, and videos, com ple ments of you r p hone’s 1.2 GHz processor.•View yo ur p hoto s and  videos, YouTube™ videos, and  other m edia downloads in  stunning clarity on your large scree n, fou r-inch HD  display.•Advanced intellig ence su ggests thin gs to do, places t o visi t,  an d offer s  that suit  y ou.Note: Ce rtain apps and features  may not  be available in all countries.Caution: Before asse mbling, charging or using your phon e for th e first time, please  read the im portant legal and  safety information  packag ed with  you r product.More•Answers: Touch > Help Center .You can also flick your home screen  left or right to see the Tips &  Tricks widget.• Updates: Pho ne update s, PC software, user gu ide s, on line he lp  and  more at ww m/mydro id3 glo bal.• Accessories: Find acce ssorie s for your phon e at ww w.m otor m/products.Notes:•All screen shots  in this guide are  simulated. Actual displays may vary. •Instructions to perform  tasks in this guide may chan ge dep ending on  the software  versio n on your phone.•U nle ss specified otherwise, all instructions to  pe rform tasks in this  guide assume that you are starting fro m the ho me screen.
2Your phoneYour phoneth e importan t keys & co nnectors1:53PMBrowserB72ºCHICAGO72º72º72ºCHICAGOCHICAGOCHICAGO72ºCHICAGO3.5mmHeadset ConnectorMicrophoneVolume/ Zoom KeysPower/Lock KeyBack KeySearch KeyMicro USB ConnectorHDMIConnectorMenu KeyHome Key To u chscreen1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0?Scroll &SelectEnterSpace@ KeyAlternateShiftDeleteSearchTab Voice Recognition
3Let’s g oContentsLet’s go  . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . .   3Touchscreen  & keys . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . .   5Home screen  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . 7Apps   . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . 10Call s  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . 12Contacts. . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . .  15Text entry . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . .  19Tips  & tricks   .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . 21Messaging  . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .  22Ch at   . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .  24Social networking  . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    25Digital l iving   .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .   26Photos &  videos. . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    27Music . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    32Web .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .   34Personalize   .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    36Google  Maps™   .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    38Google  Latitude™. . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    40Apps for  al l   .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . 41Bluetooth ® wireless  .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .  43Wi-Fi® . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .   45Memory  card &  file managem ent .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    47Tools . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .   48Managem ent .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    53Security . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    55Global Phone  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    57Troubleshooting  . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .    58Safety, Regulatory & Legal . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .  .  .  .   59Let’s gole t’s ge t you up  and  runn ingAssemble & charge1cover off 2m ic ro SD  in3SIM in (already in ) 4ba tte ry  i n5cover on 6charge upHD VIDEO1080p|8MPHD VIDEO1080p|8MPHD VIDEO1080p|8MPHD VIDEO1080p|8MPHD VIDEO1080p|8MP3H
4Let’s goCaution: Please read “Ba tte ry Use  & Safe ty ” on page 59 .Note: G SM  and  UMTS-based global services work only with a SIM card supplie d by Verizon W ireless® or by anoth er G SM o r U MTS service  provider. W hen you set your p hone to use a G SM 9 00/180 0 or U MTS 2100 network ( see  “Se le ct a network” on page 12), you may be p rom pted to  enter a subsidy co de. To  get this code, contact  Veriz on W ireless.Tip: To save battery life, see “Battery tips” on page 21 .Set up & goThe first time you turn  on your  phone,  a setup wizard guides yo u through signing in  to your Gmail™ acco unt.  If you  don’t have one, d on’t worry, th e wizard  will help you create one.After you log into Gmail , you can set up social networking , or you can do  it later.Note: Th is pho ne supports data-intensive  app s and  services. It  is strongly recommended  that  you purchase a data plan that meets your needs. Co ntact your service provider for details.  1Press and hold Pow er/Lock  on  top  of your phone  to turn  it on .2Select a lang uage.3Follow the setup  w iz ard to create or log in to you r G mail account.Note: If yo u have an existing G mail account, yo ur co ntacts from that acco unt are syn ced  to your phone. Whe never you  choose to select all con tacts for the one you  want, your phon e shows eve ry contact, in every gro up.Wi-Fi® connectIf you want to  use a Wi-Fi network  for even  faster Inte rnet access, touch  Menu  > Settings >Wirel ess & n etwo rks  > Wi-Fi s ettin gs . Tou ch Wi-Fi to se arch for  and  co nnect to wirele ss networks.  There’s mo re in “ Wi-Fi®” on  pag e 45.Cool content & moreBrowse and download th ousan ds of the coolest app s on the planet fro m  An droid Market™.Down load n ew apps with “ Apps for all” on page 41.
5Touchscree n & keysTouchscreen & keysa few essentialsTouchscreen on/offYo ur touch screen is o n when you ne ed it and off when you don’t.•To make your tou chscreen  sleep  or wake up,  just p ress Power/Lock .•W hen you  hold the  phone  to your ear du ring calls, your to uchscreen slee ps to prevent accid ental touches.•To ch ang e how long  you r pho ne waits before the scre en goes to sleep autom atically, to uch Menu  >Settings > Display > Screen timeout.•To make the screen  lo ck when  it goes to slee p, use “Scre en  loc k” on pag e 55. To unlock the scree n, p ress Power/Lock  or open  the  phone.  Then, d rag   to  the right.Note: Your to uchscreen migh t stay dark if the sensor just ab ove it is covered. Don't use covers or screen protectors ( even  clear o nes) th at cover th is sensor. To  find Motorola acce ssorie s for your phone, v isit w ww.m oto rol a .c om/p rodu ct s.Touch tipsIt’s all in  the touch:• Tou ch : Choo se  an  icon or op tion.• Tou ch  &  Ho ld : Open op tions.•Drag: Scroll or move slowly.•Flick: Scroll or move quickly.• Pinch-to-zoom: Get a closer look at  G oogle Maps™, web  pages, or  photos.MarketE Ohio StN Park StN New StE Grand AveE Randolph StrD submuloC NRandolphSt MetraE S WaterStpphhrranndoSSStt MMeettanddokEMMEEEERRRaanndddooolllhh pph SStttphhhaMessagingStWacker DrMn StW Lake StE Wacker PlState/LakeLake Randolph/WabashMME Randolph StBrowser72ºCHICAGO72º72º72ºCHICAGOCHICAGOCHICAGO72ºCHICAGOTouch to open.To zo om in or out, slide two fingersapart or together.Drag or flick to scroll.Touch & holdto show options.
6Touchscreen  & ke ysKey tipsMenu, home, back, & searchTo u ch  H o me  to  close any m enu or app and return to  the  home screen. In th e hom e screen, touch and ho ld Home  to show the last few  apps you  used , th en to uch an app  to open  it.Tou ch Men u  to  open m enu  options.Tou ch Back  to  go back.Touch Search  for text search, or tou ch and ho ld for voice search.Power/LockPress and  hold Power/Lock  to  turn Airp lane m ode  or Sil ent mo de on or off,  or turn  off your smartphone (Power off).To save  you r battery, preven t acciden tal touches, or when  yo u want to wipe sm udges off your to uchscree n, put the touch screen to sleep  by pressing Power/Lock . To wake up the touchscreen, just press Po wer/Lo ck  again  or touch Home .MenuKeySearchKeyBackKeyHomeKeyTo ch an ge how long your sm artphone waits before the screen goes  to sleep automatically,  touch Menu  >Settings > Display > Screen timeout .Tip :  To  lock the  screen wh en it go es  to sleep, u se “Sc ree n l ock ” o n page 55.VolumePress the vo lum e keys to  change the ring volume (in the  home screen),  or the earpiece volume (during a call).Whe n playing m usic or vide o files, press the volume keys  to adjust media volume.Rotate the screenWhe n you tu rn your ph one, th e touchscreen can rotate to stay rig ht-side up:Find it:  Menu  >Settings > Display > Auto-rotate screenQuick tipsIf you’re not sure w hat to do ne xt, try one  of these:
7Home scree nTo . . .Get the  details— Open a text message, see details for a contact, or o pen item s in  other lists.Touch  the  message, con tact, or item.See screen menu — Open a me nu for the current screen.Touch  Menu .See item options — Open an optio ns  men u (if available) for an item on th e screen.Touch  & ho ld the item.Start aga in— Go back to th e home screen .Touch  Home .Wake up your phone— Turn on  a slee pin g to uchscree n.Pre ss Powe r/Lock   o r op en the phon e.Home screenquick access to  the things you need mo stQuick start: Home screenThe  home scre en give s you all  your latest information in  one place . It’s what you see  when you turn  on your phone  or touch Home  from  a menu. It’s basically li k e th is :1:53PMBrowser72ºCHICAGO72º72º72ºCHICAGOCHICAGOCHICAGO72ºCHICAGOFlick left or right tosee more panels.ShortcutsTouch to open.StatusIndicatorsNotificationsFlick this bar downto see details.Open the app menu.Touch Back       to close.
8Home scre enNote: Your home screen  might look a little d ifferen t.The h ome  screen extends le ft and right to give you more room fo r adding shortcuts, widgets, and  more. Flick the home screen left and right to see mo re panels or to add  wid gets or shortcuts.Use & change your home screenOn your  home  screen,  shortcuts are icons that open your favorite apps, web  bookmarks, contacts, mail labe ls, or music playlists. Widgets show you new s, weath er, messages, and other updates.Flick the home screen left o r right to ope n othe r panels of sh ortcu ts and widge ts.•To open something , touch it. Touch Home  to return to the home scree n.Tip: Whe n yo u open  a w id get,  touch Menu  to show  any op tions or se ttings (you can cho ose  accounts for Soc ial Ne tw orki ng , Social Status, Messages, or Calen dar  widge ts).Th ere’s more about social networking widge ts in “Social networking ” on page 25 .•To  re si z e  Motorola widgets,  touch and hold the widget until you  feel a vibration,  then  drag.•To  add  something  or chan ge your  wallpaper, touch  an d hold an empty spot until you see th e Add  to Home screen menu.You can add a folder to  org anize  your shortcuts.•To  move or delete someth ing , to uch and  hold it un til you feel a  vibration, then drag  it to  an othe r spot, an other panel, or the trash  at the bottom of the screen .SearchTouch Search   on th e front of the p hone, o r touch Search  on  you r phone’s slide-o ut keypad.Kristine KelleyNot even ready to go back to school83pmBudget MeetingTHUJUL3pmBudget MeetingTHUJULQuick Search BoxTouch here to enter text,then touch        to search.Touch        to search by voice.
9Home scree nSmartphone status & notifi cati onsThe status bar at the  top o f the screen  has icons th at te ll you about me ssages and sm artp hone status. To view  your notifications, to uch the status bar and drag  it down . Touch a notification to select it.2:50 PM2:47 PM2:45 PM2:41 PMMary MorganCopy RevisionsJim Somers  Meet me outside the theater...New voicemailDial *86NotificationsClear11:35 PMVerizon WirelessTip :  To  see  today’s date , tou ch and ho ld the status bar at the to p of  the screen.Bluetooth® active  network (full signal)GPS active n etwo rk (roam ing)Wi-Fi® active G PRS (fast d ata)downloading  EDG E ( faster data)vibrate  3 G (faste st data)silent airplane modemute call sync activesp eakerphone  ac t iv eb attery (chargin g)alarm set  battery (full charge)
10 Ap psAppsget the ap p yo u wantQuick start: Apps & updatesYo u can  find all o f your ap ps  in o ne place . From the home screen , tou ch   to ope n th e app m enu.Tip:  From the app  men u, to uch All apps > New groupto  create spe cial  grou ps  of apps or to  se e yo ur most re cen tly used apps.To close the ap p menu, touch  Home  or Back .Want m ore? No p roblem: To  download more  app s, tou ch  >   M arket.You r pho ne can tell yo u when  the re’s an up dated app or o ther phon e software. To in stall t he upd ate, just follow th e in struction s o n yo ur scree n.Choose theapps you wantto see.Touch to open. Touch & hold to drag a shortcut to the home screen.
11AppsBrowse & install appsTip: Cho ose yo ur apps and updates carefully,  from trusted sites like Market , a s  so me m a y i m pa ct  y our phon e’s performance— see  “Ch oos e caref ully ” on  page 42 .Find it:  >  Marke tWhen installing an app, make sure  you  read the alerts that tell you what information  the app  will access. If you don’t  wan t the app to have  access  to this information , cancel the installation .Manage & restore appsFind it:  >  Marke t >My downloadsThere are  lots of apps available and  many are free. So  you might find that you have dow nload ed and in stalled lots of apps on your phone.  That’s fin e, but yo u may want  to un install apps th at yo u no longe r use.To u nin stall touch  an  ap p in  the  list, and then touch Unin stall .If you  have trou ble  rem ovin g an ap p, turn off your phon e, th en press and hold  the   key wh ile you tu rn on your ph one. Your screen  w ill show  Safe Mode in the lower left corn er, and you can  rem ove th e app.To resto re an app,  touch th e app in th e list  - the  My dow nl oads  list shows previously in stalled apps.SFor other app m an ag ement fe atures including cle arin g ap p data and cache , tou ch Men u >  Settings > App licati ons  > Manage app licatio ns, then  touch an ap p i n the  li s t.
12 CallsCallsit’s go od to talkSelect a networkDROID3 Global by  M ot oro la  s wi tc hes  effo rt les s l y between  CDMA, G SM 9 00, G SM 180 0, and UMT S 2100  networks, so you can  make calls in  over 200  co untries  worldwide.Note: To use  your phone  on a G SM or UMTS network, you need  to insert a SIM card (see “ As se m b le & ch arg e ” o n page 3),  sup plied  by Ve rizon W ireless® or a co mpatib le G SM  or U MTS  network service provid er.To set your p hone to roam globally:Find it:  Menu  > Settings >Wireles s & networks  >Mo bile networks > Network Mod e > GlobalQuick start: CallsDialing optionsFrom  the home screen, to uch Pho ne .51:53 PMDialer FavoritesRecent ContactsTUVPQRS WXYZ879*#+0GHI MNO465JKLABC DEF123Recent Calls ListTouch to open, thentouch an entry to call.BackspaceCallVoicemailCallVoice Dial
13CallsIn- call optionsConnected 00:12 Verizon Wireless Add callBluetooth MuteDialpadEnd callMobile (555) 555-7931Chicago, ILKristine KelleySpeaker11:35Call TimerMute Touch to mute orunmute the call.End Call Touch to hang up.SpeakerTouch to turn the speaker on or off.Dial PadTouch to enter numbers during a call.BluetoothSwitch to a Bluetoothdevice.Add CallCreate a 3-way call.Dur in g a call:•To  use a Blu etoo th device, to uch Bluetooth. (The device must be turned on and p reviously paired —see “Connect new devices” on p ag e 44.•To mute a call, touch Mute .•To  use th e speakerphon e, to uch Speaker.Note: U sing a mobile device o r acce ssory while drivin g may cau se  distraction and may b e illegal. Always o bey the  laws and drive safely.Tip :  You can touch H ome  or Back  to leave the active call display. To re open it, tou ch H ome  >Phone >Return to  call in progress.Make & answer callsTo make a call, touch Ph one,  enter a num ber, then tou ch  Cal l.Tip :  If the  screen is lo cked, drag    to the right.To answer a  call while the display is active, touch . Whe n the  display is not active, answer by dragging   to th e right.To ignore a call, to uch Ignore.Answer
14 CallsMake calls (outsid e the U.S.)Yo ur p hone has an assisted  dialing feature that m akes dialing easy. For local calls,  just dial the local num ber. For  international calls, dial the coun try co de, the area code (if  app licab le) , the n the  phone  num ber.End callsTo u ch .Note: W hen you  hold your p hone to your ear, th e d isplay goes dark to preven t acciden tal to uches. W hen you move the p hone away from yo ur ear, the display lig hts up again.Recent callsFind it:  Ph one > Recent•To call a num ber, touch  it.•To send a text message,  create a contact, view a con tact, or other options, touch and hold an en try.•To cle ar th e list,  touch Menu   > Clear lis t.Frequent callsFind it:  Ph one > FavoritesAdd callBluetooth MuteDialpadEnd callSpeakerEnd call•To  call a n umb er, to uch it.•To  se nd a text me ssage, view a contact, or o ther op tions, to uch and  hold an entry.•To add  a contact to Favorites, select th e contact and touch  the star in the u pper right corner until the  star is gre en.Conference callsTo start a conferen ce  call,  dial th e first number. After the  call con nects, touch Add  C all . D ial the  next number, or sele ct it from  contacts or favorites. Whe n the  next number answers, touch Merge cal ls .Your phone numberFind it:  Menu  > Settings > A bou t p hone > St atu s >My phone numberTTY modeYou r pho ne can use an optio nal teletypew riter (TTY) device, for p eople who  are hard of  hearing or have  a sp eech im pairm ent.  1Plu g th e TTY  device into th e phone’s headset conne ctor.2To uch M enu  > Settings > Call settin gs > TTY mode and  choose a TT Y settin g.
15ContactsEmergency callsNote: Your service provider programs one or m ore  emerg ency p hone n umb ers (such  as 911 or 112) that you can call unde r any circumstances, even  w hen your phon e is locked. Emerge ncy nu mbe rs vary by cou ntry. Yo ur p re-programmed emergency number(s)  may not work  in all  locations, and som etim es an em erg ency call cann ot b e placed  due to network,  environmental, or interference issues.  1Touch   Phone (if your phone  is locked, touch Emergency Call).2Enter the emergency number.3Touch     to call the emergency number.Note: Your mobile d evice can use GPS an d AG PS sign als to  help emerg ency services fin d yo u. See “Loc ation Se rvic es  (GPS & AGPS )” on  page 64.Cool downIn very limited circumstances, such as where your phon e has  been exposed  to extrem e heat, “Cool Dow n” message scree ns will appear. To avo id possible  damage  to your batte ry and phone, you shou ld  follow  th ese  in struction s u ntil the p hone is within its re commended  temperature range . Whe n yo ur phone is in “Co ol D own” m ode, on ly emergency calls can be made.Contactsco ntacts like you’ve never had  beforeQuick start: ContactsFind it:  Pho ne  > ContactsTip :  You can also touch  > Contacts.Tip :  To  se arch the list, touch  and  hold Menu   to open a touch screen keypad , the n type  a n ame. W hen ContactsRecent FavoritesDialerDisplaying 297 contactsIn case of emergencyAAbe BaudoAllie SmythAnna MedinaAstrid Fanning#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO11:35GroupCreate and viewgroups of contacts.Create ContactsContacts  ListTouch to view contact information. Touch & hold to call, send a text message, & more.
16 Contactsyou flick or drag the list, drag  the  scroll bar that appears to move the list faste r.Call or email contactsFind it:  Ph one > ContactsFor  View contac t, Cal l c on tac t, Send text message, Send email, or other o ptions, touch  an d hold the contact.View & use contactsWh en you set up a so cial  networking acco unt (see  “Social networking” on p age 25), you’ll kn ow what everybody’s up to and whe n. Every time you pick up a call, che ck a message, or look up a friend’s contact info, you’ll see their name and num ber, b ut you can see their social network  status and smiling face, too.Find it:  Ph one > Contacts•To find  a contact, just type the name.Touch  a  con tact to ope n its details. While view ing  details, you can start a call or message by touching a p hone n umbe r or other info. Flick the  screen left or right to see Social Networking update s o r  History.Tip: To change wh ich account provide s the p ictures for your contacts,  from  the h ome  screen touch    >My Accounts, then touch Menu  > Picture source.•To  change  which group  of contacts is shown  (All , Fac ebook, and  so  on) touch  the  filter  nam e at the  top.•To  change  how you view th e list o f contacts, flick left or right  at th e bottom of the scree n to  select History (recently  use d), A-Z (list w ithout status), o r Status (list with status).Edit or delete contactsFind it:  Pho ne  > Co ntactsTouch th e contact, the n tou ch Men u  > Edit  or Delete. Transfer contactsGet all your contacts, all in one place. Here’s a few helpfu l hints:•Use MOTOBLURW hen you create a MOTOBLU R account, all your contacts from the  online  accounts you  ad d (like
17ContactsGmail, Facebook, etc.) are auto matically d ownloaded to your p hone.If you already have a MOTOBLUR accou nt, just sign-in on  you r new  Motorola phone and  all of you r con tacts will be re-loaded.To add an email or social networking acco unt  to MOTOBL UR, see XREF.•Use GmailAll your Gmail  contacts will automatically get synced to your p hone. Various co mpu ter app licatio ns for mo bile ph ones and email accou nts allo w yo u to  exp ort yo ur contacts as a “.CS V”  file . You can then use G mail to im port the file. For mo re d etails, g o to sfercon tacts o r log in to yo ur Gmail account on your comp uter and  select ”Help”.•Use a SIMYou can transfer co ntacts from your old phone  to your new Moto rola ph one usin g your SIM card—see  “Transfer contacts using your SIM” on  page 17.•MoreTh ere  are other methods and tools to help  you  at contacts using your SIM  1On your old phon e, copy all the co ntacts you want to your S IM card.Tip: Fo r Motorola And roid pho nes, to uch  >Manage SIM card > Export contacts to save your contacts to your SIM card.2Insert your SIM card in yo ur n ew phon e, see “Assemble & char ge” on page 3.3Import the contacts from you r SIM card, touch Ph one > Contacts, then touch Menu  > Settings > Import from SIM card .Link contactsYou  might have  two o r more Con tacts  for  the sa m e person , maybe a Facebook friend wh o is also stored on your SIM card , or o ne friend w ith two email ad dresses. To  combine these contacts:Find it:  Pho ne  > ContactsTouch a contact  to open it, then touchMenu  > Li nk co ntact  and touch th e seco nd entry. Create contactsFind it:  Pho ne  > Contacts, th en touch  Menu  >Ad d con tact
18 ContactsSlide ou t the keyp ad,  or touch any e ntry area to open  th e tou chscreen keypad.Wh en you’re  finishe d, to uch Save.Where are co ntacts save d? Your p hone save s n ew contacts in its m emory an d to  your Go ogle™ accoun t. It also updates you r  social networking account.Synchronize contactsWh en you ch ang e one o f your co ntacts, your phone  autom atically updates your other  social ne two rkin g SaraWalkerContactsPhoneGoogle contactfrom youraccount@gmail.comHomeEmailHomePostal addressSave CancelMoreaccounts. Also, your phone  updates your co ntacts and so cial n etw orking accou nt w henever you change a frie nd in yo ur social networking  accounts.GroupsFind it:  Pho ne  > Co ntacts , then touch Menu  >Display groupYou  can p ut your contacts into groups th at yo u create (like “friends”, “family”,  or “ work”). Th en, you can find co ntacts faster by showing o ne group at  a time.
19Text entryText entrythink keyboard,  now think smallerTyping tipsTo u se  the  full keypad, just open your phone:To . . .Enter alternate characters in the  upper corn ers of keysPress Alternate .Enter symbols ch osen from alistPress Alternate , th en press .Enter on e cap ital  l ett er Pr es s  Shi ft .Enter only capital  letters Press Shift  twice. Press again to revert to lowercase.Select t ext Ho ld S hift   and  press a navig atio n key.Cut , Copy, or Paste selected textTou ch and h old  the text box to  open the editing men u.Touchscreen keypadWhe n yo ur ph one is closed, you can open a tou chscreen  keypad by to uching a text box, or touching an d holding Menu . To close th e keypad, touch Back .Input methodsTo select an input method for a to uchscree n keypad, tou ch and hold a text entry area on  the screen to o pen the  Edit te xt  m enu . Touch Input method, th en to uch the  method you  wan t:Sw ype™  t e xt  e ntr ySwype  lets yo u enter wo rds with one continuous mo tion. To  enter a word, just drag your finger ove r the le tter s  in  the w ord.Dele te   a character (hold to delete  more)Pr es s D elete .Jum p  to th e beginning/e nd of a linePr es s Al t erna t e , then press a navigation key.St a rt  a  new lin e Pr es s E nt er .To...
20 Text entryTips:•To enter apo stro phes in common w ords (like “ I’ll”), d rag throu gh the n as th ough it  was an apostroph e.•To enter several symbo ls, touch SYM .•To correct a word, do uble-tap it. Sw ype  sh ows a small m enu of other  word  options. Swype might also show a menu if it can’t g uess your word.•I f Sw ype doe sn’t  know  a word , you  can still tou ch the letter  keys  to en ter it. Swype reme mbers, so n ext time you can ju st drag  over th e le tters.Multi-touch keyboardEnter text on a to uchscree n keypad o ne lette r at  a tim e. As yo u type , you r ph one sugge sts  words from  your d ictionary and ch ose n lang uage. Your phone also autom atically enters apostrophes in some words, like “don t.”  You  can also  touch two keys at the same time, such as Shift  with a  letter.Text entry settingsWh en you enter  text, your phone autom atically corrects or su ggests words. To change these settings, to uch  Me nu  > Settings > Language & ke yboard, th en:•To edit  your word suggestio n dictionary, tou ch User dictionary.•To  change  the  language  and  the style  for yo ur touch screen keyp ad , tou ch Select lo cale.•To  change  the  sou nds, corrections, and other settin gs  for you r touchscre en keyp ad,  touch Swype or Multi-touch keyboard.•To  change the autom atic co rre ction settings for yo ur full keypad, touch Device keyboard.
21Ti ps & tricksTips & tricksa few hand y h intsGeneral tips•I f you can’t to se e the  screen wh ile wearin g sun glasses, take them off. Screen b rightness changes as you r pho ne senses th e cu rrent lighting  c on dit io ns .•To re turn to  home screen, touch Ho me .•To see recently dialed  numbers, touch   Ph one >Recent.•To sle ep/wake  you r pho ne, press  Power/ Lock .•To set screen timeout, touch M enu  > Settings >Display > Screen  timeout. •To search, tou ch Search .•To show last few app s, touch and hold Home .•To turn sou nd on/off, p ress and  h old  Pow er/Lock  >Silen t mod e.•To turn airplane m ode on /off, press an d hold Power/Lock  >Air plane m ode .Battery tipsWant to extend your battery life?  Try these:•To  se lect a battery p rofile that suits yo ur ph one use, touch  Menu  > Settings > Battery Manager.•To  turn off autom atic applications sync,  touch Menu  > Se ttin gs  > Data manager > Data Delivery.•To  turn off Blueto oth®  p ower, to uch Me nu  >Settings >Wireles s & netw orks  > Bluetooth.•To  turn off W i-Fi® , touch  Menu  > Settings >Wireless & networks > Wi-Fi.
22 MessagingMessagingsome time s it ’s best to text, or IM, or email . . .Quick start: MessagingFind it:  Lau nc he r ico n   > Mes saging  > Universal In boxTip: To see more  messages, flick or drag u p.11:35 PM2:50 PM2:47 PM2:45 PM2:41 PMCopy RevisionsHi Paul, Please take a look at the ...Arthur BandoMeeting invitationMeeting is set for next Thursday at...Mary MorganfreelancersPaul, We’re going to need help w...Universal Inbox (3)Jim Somers  Meet me outside the theater at 8and don’t forget your ID. Would yo...Anna MedinaCreate a message.Touch to open a message. Touch & hold to move, delete, & more.Check for messages now.Message TypeRead & reply to messagesFind it:   Launcher icon  > Mes saging  >Universal  InboxNote: Unive rsal Inbox show s all o f your me ssages together—text, email, and social networking me ssages. To show only on e type of m essag e, touch a me ssage type instead of Univers al Inbox.•To  open a text message  or social ne tworking  message  an d all of its rep lies, to uch it.•To  respon d to a m essage, just op en it and en ter your response  in  the text box at  the b otto m.To  forward  a  text messag e, to uch and hold a message  in  the conversation , the n to uch Forward message.For em ail, to uch  to choose a reply o r forward op tion.•To  open o ptions, touch  an d hold a message.Create messagesFind it:  Launcher icon  > Mess aging  >Choose a m essage type, such as  Text Messaging or Facebook. Then, ente r the recipient and m essage . In text messages and emails,  touch Me nu  fo r option s li k e Insert... or Attach Files.
23Me ssagingSend & receive attachmentsTo send a  file  in a m essage , open a new  me ssage and to uch  Me nu  > Insert.Wh en you re ce ive a message w ith an attachment, open  the  message and touch  the  file  name to down load it.  Then, touch the  name  again to open  it. Some file fo rmats can be converted to  HTML for faster view ing , and your  sm artphone  will show  Get HTML version.Wh ile viewing the attach men t, to uch it to  save  it, share  it, and m ore.Tip: To send and receive large  attachments faster, use a Wi-Fi connectio n, in “Wi-Fi®”  on page 4 5.Set up messagingTo add email accounts, tou ch  Launcher icon  >My Accounts > Ad d acc oun t.•Corporate Sync is for Exchange server wo rk email accounts.  Enter  details fro m your IT administrator.Tip: Yo u might nee d to  ente r your domain name w ith your  use r nam e (like do main/usernam e).•Email is for most personal e mail accounts.  Fo r account details, co ntact the account provider.Note: To add  othe r email acco unts to your Messaging widget and  Universal Inbox, touch  Launcher i con  > Mess aging > Menu  > M anage accoun ts > Add account > Email.To change your se ttings,  touch Launcher icon  >Mes saging  > Me nu , then touch:•M anage accoun ts to add or remove an account.•Edit Un ive rsal Inbox to ch oose which  accounts show messages in  the Universal Inbox.•M essagin g S ettings to set th e notification  for each acco unt  type (along w ith other preferen ce s, for email).Instant messagesTo send and  receive in stant  messages, yo u can  use  Go og le Ta lk ™ . Find it:  Launcher icon  >  TalkTip :  You can also downlo ad  an instant messaging app from the An droid Market:VoicemailWhe n you have a new voice mail,  appears at th e top of your screen. Drag down the status  bar and touch  the  notification.If you n eed to change  you r voice mail n umb er, in  the  home screen  touch Menu  > Settings > C all settings > Voicemai l Settin gs.
24 ChatChatvoice, video, I M—it’s  good to ch at :)Quick start: ChatChat w ith your frien ds,  anywh ere and everywhere.Google Talk™W ith Go ogle Talk™,  you  can chat by text, voice, o r vide o with  othe r G oogle Talk users.Find it:   > TalkTo start a  Google Talk ch at:  1Touch  name  in the Google Talk list of friends, or touch  > Invite a friend to chat an d enter a friend ’s name .Tip: Look for these statu s icons beside the nam es o f your Goog le Talk contacts:   = availab le  for video chat,  = available  for voice ch at,   = o ffline.2For a text chat , touch the  text  entry box, typ e a messag e, and touch .For a voi ce chat, to uch .For a video chat, to uch .Wh en some one inv ite s you to a Google Talk chat:•For a te xt chat, touch  the text en try box, type  a message , an d to uch .•For a voice cha t or a  video chat, touch  Ac cep t.Note: To  find ou t m ore, visit w gle .co m/talk.
25So cial networkingSocial networkingmy life, your lifeYour social networking accountYo u can  se t up  a social ne twork account that integrates and syncs all yo ur contacts, emails, and social networking sites, and serves the m up ju st th e way you want them.  No ope nin g and clo sing apps and menus. You can  in teract by using  the  Soc ial Networkin g and Social Status widgets o n yo ur home screen. These widgets are your windows into  the social networking sites and o ther accounts you entered in to your social status.Add accountsYo u can  ad d yo ur m ore accoun ts to you r social networking account. If  you  don’t have  accounts on th ese  sites , visit t heir web sit es  to s et  the m up .For email accounts,  se e “Se t up mes sa ging ” on  page 23 .Find it:   > My Ac co unts  > Ad d acc oun tAdd an acco unt b y touchin g it. Then  enter your user name  an d passwo rd for that account.Wh en you sig n in to social ne tworkin g accounts, you’ll see yo ur friends and  contacts in your Contacts list, and you r status an d updates  can appe ar in  yo ur  Social Networkin g and  So cial Status  w idg ets on  your home screen.Twitte r  and MySp ace messages  will  always appear as “read” on  you r phone, but your phone n otifies you when  you  receive  a n ew m essage. M ySpace marks you r message s as “read” online.Tip :  To  download upd ates faster, u se  “Wi-Fi®” o n page 45.Edit & delete accountsFind it:   > My Ac cou ntsTouch and hold an account, the n tou ch  Open account to e dit it, or touch  Del ete ac co unt  to remove it (along with its contacts and messages).Note: You can’t delete the G oogle™ accoun t you used or created w hen you set up your phone. That acco unt is locked w hen you set it up.
26 D igi tal livi ngDigital livingconnect an d enjoyNote: Copyright—d o you  have  the  right? Always  follow  th e rules. See “Con tent Copyright” in your  leg al and s af ety  i nfo rm at i on.Share, copy, & play mediaShare your p hotos, videos, and songs with  friend s and family easily. Find it:  Lau nc he r ico n  > DLNANote: Co nnect to a W i-Fi ne twork or use  your ow n W i-Fi hotsp ot (see  “Wi-Fi®” on p age 45). You’ll need  to allow  access to  othe r devices  to down load media from your smartphone and  to  sh ar e you r  fi le s. I f you want  to access media files on  othe r devices, they m ust allow access. DLNAPlay media Copy media  to serverShare mediaCopy media  to phone11:35•Play media— Select  med ia fo r playback o n anoth er device in  a  Wi-Fi network.•Copy media to server—Sync the m edia files on yo ur smartph one with other d evices.•Copy media to phone—Copy a picture from one smartph one to another.•Sh are me dia— Allow  ot her de vices to  access  m edia files on your sm artphone . With out d ownloadin g any media from  you r smartph one, other people can view your pictures or video s,  or play  your songs, on  their ow n devices.HD  vie wingYou  can create your own H D videos (see “ HD videos” on page 3 0) to  view o n yo ur w ide  screen HDTV or mo nit or.  1Adjust the viewable  area on the H DMI screen by touch ing  Menu  > Settings > HDMI.2Con nect an H DMI cable (sold  se parately) from the H DMI conne ctor on your  smartphone  (se e “Your phone” on page 2) to  an  HDM I port on the T V monito r.
27Pho tos & vide osMirror modeConne ct your sm artphone to your HD TV, monitor, or proje ctor  so  you  can view and interact w ith your smartpho ne on the big scre en. Show off your photos,  vide os, an d downloaded  movies. En joy the big screen  for gaming , movies,  the web , and  more. Just attach  an HDMI cab le  (so ld sep arately) to your smartpho ne and plug it into your b ig  screen.Note: You cannot play D RM-pro tected files in  mirror mode.Photos & videosse e it, capture it, share it!PhotosTake & share photosTake  that family photo, and post it online for everyon e to s ee .Find it:   > CameraTo take the photo , tou ch  .Note: Photo s are  stored  o n you r smartpho ne’s in ternal me mor y  unl es s  you  sw it ch it  to a  m i cr oS D m em o r y 3333333333333333333333333333PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 333336666338MP 53655536533333333555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555535555533666666666666666666666333333333336333333333533333333333333353333333333333333333333333333366633366666666333366663636666366333333333333336633336666666666666633333333333333333333333333336666333333333333333333333333333366666666666666333333333333366333336666666666666666666666666666666666666666ScenesFlashEffectsSwitch toChicago,IllinoisWSWSWS2989ScenesFlashEffectsSwitch toAChicago, IllinoisPhoto CaptureSettingsAdjust for greatercreative contol.Tag photos withyour location.Go to your picture gallery.Zoom in or out.
28 Pho tos & vide oscard (sold separately).  Picture Resolution is  Wi descreen  or 6MP,  unless you change it.  (See “Came ra se tt ings”  on page 2 8.)Open your gallery and touch a ph oto  to view options:•To set the photo as a w allpaper, contact photo, or social ne twork photo, touch  > Set as.•To upload the photo to an online photo albu m, touch .•To send  the pho to in a m essage o r po st it online, touch . For more in fo on sharing your photos,  see “Share photos &  videos” on page 31 .•To delete th e photo, touch  > Delete.Photo options Yo u can adjust the  came ra to optim ize yo ur shot. Touch  th e right side  of the scre en to se e th ese  options: •Scenes—Adjust in different environments: Auto , Portrait, Landscape, Sp ort, and more . Touch the scre en whe n finished to re turn  to the viewfind er.•Effects—Change photo lo ok: Norm al , Black  and White, Negativ e, and m ore .•Flash—Set Flash On, Flash Off, or  Auto Flash.•Switch to—Tog gle  between p hoto  an d cam corde r.Camera settingsIn th e viewfinder, touch Me nu  > Settings to adjust the se settings: •Pi cture Resolution— Adju st for optimal resolution .•Exposure—Increase or decre ase the amount of a per tur e ti m e.•Shutter Tone—S et  you r c a mer a  to m a ke  a  sou nd wh en you take a pho to.•Storage Lo cation— Save ph otos to camera or memory card.•Shutter Animation—  Set your viewfinde r  to  look like a camera shutter.Picture modesIn the view finder, touch Menu  > Picture mo des  to change pictu re mode:  •Single shot— Take  one shot at a time.•Pan orama—Take mu ltip le shots of wide scenes and join th em  together to make one larg e im age. U se Capture Direction to specify how sho ts will be joined: Move up, Move right,  Mo ve left, Move do wn.•Multi-shot—Take  several shots in  rapid succession wh en you touch and  hold  .
29Pho tos & vide osTagging photo sTag your photos so yo u can  grou p th em in differen t folders.To create a tag:   1I n the  viewfin der, touch  Menu   > Ta g s  > Ac tiv e Custom Tags.2Enter a tag name under Edit custom tags, to uch Done, then touch  Done again.3If necessary, activate the tag you created by touchin g Cu stom  Tags . (An arrow on  the right turns g reen  when activated.)4Touch  Back  to  return to the camera viewfinder.The tag you created will b e applied  to any photo you take, until you d eactivate  the tag.Note: To add a locatio n tag to your photo, touch Menu  > Settings > Lo ca ti on  &  se cu rit y and sele ct a lo cation  se rvice to  turn on.Picture modesIn the view finder, touch Menu  > Pi cture modes to set p icture m ode:VideosRe co rd  &  s hare  v id eo sFind it:   > Cam cord erNote: To get the clearest videos, wipe the  came ra len s clean with a so ft, d ry cloth  before you record a video.option sSin gle sho t Take one shot at a time.Panorama assi stTake mu ltip le shots of wide scenes an d join  them  together  to m ake  one large image.  Use Cap ture Direc ti on  to spe cify how  shots will b e join ed: Move up , Move right , Move left, Move down .Self portrait Set the camera to detect yo ur face in the  viewfin der and  ad just image quality.Multi-shot Take several shots in  rapid su ccessio n w hen  yo u p ress and  ho ld Camera .
30 Pho tos & vide osTo record a video,  touch  .  Touch   to stop  the re cording.Open your gallery and touch a video to view  option s:•To play th e vide o, to uch  .•To upload the  video  to an on line album, to uch .•To send  the vid eo in a message or post it online, touch . For mo re info on sharing your vid eo, see “Share photos &  videos” on page 31 .•To delete th e vide o, to uch  > Delete.HD videosYo u can  capture  HD-q uality videos to watch  on an HDTV or m onito r.Chicago,ScenesLightEffectsSwitch toChicago Illinois02:54:34Video CaptureSettingsAdjust for greatercreative contol.Tag videos withyour location.Go to your gallery.Zoom in or out.To record  an  HD q uality video, b e sure to select the co rr ect  Video resolution. From the active camcorder viewfinder, touch  Menu  > Settings > Vid eo resolution >High Defi nition (720p).To en han ce  the  video  quality, to uch  Scenes or Effects on the right sid e of the  cam co rder view finder. ( You may need  to touch  the  screen to see these optio ns. )Video options You  can make  ad justmen ts to optimize your video. Touch one of the bu ttons on  the  right side o f the viewfinder to make  changes (you may n eed to to uch the  screen to make the buttons appear): •Scenes— Adju st for better au dio  capture  in d ifferen t environ ments: Everyday, Outd oors , Concert, Narrative, or  Su bject .•Effects— Change video look: Normal, Black and White, Negative, an d more.•Light— Turn a light on or off to adjust fo r the ligh ting wh ere you are reco rding.•Switch to— Togg le b etw een camcorder an d camera.Camc ord er  s e tt ingsIn the view finder, touch Menu  > Settings to open  the  camco rder m enu and adjust settings like Vid eo
31Pho tos & vide osRes olutio n , Shutter  A nimation, Focus Options, and  more.View photos & videosFind it:   > Gal leryrichieUploadYesterdrichieUploaded a photoYesterdayieieeeeaadddeeded d d d a a a a a pppphhhhooererrddadayayayayayyFriends DLNA serversMy library OnlinerichieUploaded a photoYesterday3Camera roll11:35View your captured photos & videos.Sort your photos & videos.See your online albums (like Picasa, Flickr, or Facebook). Go to your friends’ online albums.See media from DNLA Connected devices on your Wi-Fi network.Share photos & v ideosFind it:   >  Gall ery  1To uch a ph oto  or video, then touch .2Cho ose  how you want to  share—like Bluetooth, Email,  Text Messaging, or an online alb um.Manage photos & videosFind it:   > Gall eryTouch a thumbn ail image from your cam era roll o r library, then :•To  delete  the  photo or  video,  touch Menu  > Delete.•To  set the  ph oto as a contact picture, social network profile picture, or wallpaper, touch  Menu  > Set as.Tip :  To  co py p hoto s to/from a comp uter,  go to “USB conn ec tion” on  page 47.Edit photos & videosFind it:   > Gall ery> picture > Men u  > EditYou  can choose advance d editing feature s to resize, crop, o r chan ge the color.
32 MusicMusicwhen  mu sic is w hat you nee d...Quick start: MusicNote: Copyright—d o you  have  the  right? Always  follow  th e rules. See “Con tent Copyright” in your  leg al and s af ety  i nfo rm at i on.Find it:  >Mu sicTou ch a category,  then  tou ch the song o r playlist you want  to play.  Tou ch Me nu  > Party shuffle to  rando mly play all your so ngs, or touch  Search to  fi nd a  song.Tip: W hen a so ng is playing, you can ad d it to a playlist by tou ching  Men u  > Add to playlis t.Brook Fairfax2 songsAlbums Songs PlaylistsMax Keppler And AnnaLee...Miller Heaton/Sprinklesky3 songsRunning Roughshod1 song2 songsGenresArtistsCategoriesTouch to selectmusic by artist,album, song,or playlist.Last PlayedTouch to playagain.Set up musicWhat music transfer tools do I need?To pu t music on  you r com puter and then  load it on you r smartph one, you n eed:•Microsoft® W ind ows® co mpu ter or  Apple® Macin tosh™.•U SB data cable (included w ith your smartphone).Note: You r smartph one supports o ptional, rem ovable microSD memory cards (sold separately) up  to 32GB capacity. To  make sure your memory card is installed, go to “Assemble &  charge” on  page 3.Tip: To see the available memory  on your m emory card, touch Menu  > Settings > SD   c a rd &  Ph one  storage.What a udio file formats can I play?You r smartph one can play many types of files:  AAC, AMR, MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC+, and MIDI.What  headphones  c an I  use?You r smartph one has a 3.5m m headset jack for wire d stereo listen ing (required for FM radio). You can also go wireless with  Bluetooth® stereo headp hones or sp ea ker s  (se e “Bluetooth® wirel ess” on  page 43).
33Mu sicGet musicTran sfer music fro m your comp uter to  you r smartpho ne using a USB cab le.  See  “USB conn ection” on p age 47 to le arn how.Or, download your favorite music fro m V CAST Music.Find it:  Lau nc he r ico n   > VCAST MusicPlay musicTou ch a song or playlist to  start playing m usic.Max Kepler And AnnaLee...Running RoughshodLibby Went Trailriding Without  Me1:14 3:45Open PlaylistShuffle On/OffRepeat Off/All/CurrentTo t al Song T imeProgress BarUse these music player co ntrols:•Play/pause—To uch / .•Previous/next—Touch  / .•Fast forward/rewind—Touch  an d hold  / .•View p laylist— Touch .•Shuffle—Touch .•Rep eat— Touch .•Vol ume—Press  the side volume keys.•View l ibrary— Touch Menu  > Library.•Manage speakers—Touch Menu    > Audio effects.•Add to playlist—Touch Menu  > Add to playlist.•Set as ringtone— Touch Menu  > Use  as ringto ne.•Delete—Touch  Menu  > Delete.Hide, wake, turn offTouch Ho me  to use another ap p. Your m usic co ntinues to play.Whe n yo u see   in the status  bar,  a song  is playing . Flick d own to see details. Tou ch the song to return to the music controls.To turn o ff your music, touch .
34 WebPlaylistsTo add a son g from the music library to a playlist, touch  and hold the song  then  touch  Add to playlis t. Choose an existing  playlist,  or touch New  to create  one.To add a son g to the p laylist you're playing,  touch Menu  > Add to playlis t  in the music p laye r.To edit, d ele te and ren am e playlists, touch and hold the  playlist in  the  music library.Websu rf the  web with you r smartp honeQuick start: BrowserFind it:  Bro ws erTip:  To  zoom, touch the display with tw o fingers, th en move them apart.  11:35 PMSign inNew windowRefreshBookmarksForwardWindowsMoreWeb ImagesLocal NewsmoreupdateChicago  -GoogleSee places near:Touch        for browser options.Touch a link to select  it. Touch and hold for more options.
35WebConnectYo ur smartpho ne uses the mob ile phone  ne twork (over th e air) or a W i-Fi connection to automatically access th e Web.Note: Your service provider may ch arge to surf the Web  or dow nload  data.To use a wireless network, touch Me nu  > Settings >Wi reless  &  n etwork s. To uch  Wi-Fi t o turn it o n and to uch  Wi-Fi settings to search  for nearby wireless networks. Touch  a n etwo rk to  co nnect. Note: I f you can’t connect, co ntact your service provider.Play web videosThe b rowser features the  Adobe® Flash® Player,  which  ad ds  anim ation, video, and interactivity to web pages. To uch   to b egin vide o playback. D ouble-tap  th e vide o during  playback to enlarge it for better viewing. Browser optionsTou ch Men u  to see browser  options:YouT ube™Share vide os with YouTube users everywhere. You don’t ne ed a Yo uTube  account to  brow se  an d view vi deo s.Find it:   > YouTubeNote: If yo u want a YouTu be accou nt, g o to tube .co m. To create an accoun t or sign  in , touch Menu  >  My account. To  Brow se  or Upload video s, touch Menu .option sNew  Win dow Open  a n ew browser w ind ow.Boo kmarks See your bookmarks.Win dow s View  the browser windows that are  cu rre ntly open.Refresh Reload th e current page.Bac k/ Forward G o to  previously viewed pages.More V iew  ad ditio nal browser option s.
36 PersonalizePersonalizeadd your personal to uchWidgetsAdd widgets  1Touch  an d hold the empty spo t on  your screen .Tip: Yo u can  flick  left or right to  open o ther panels o n yo ur h ome screen.2Touch  Motoro la wid gets  or  And roid widgets  and choose a widget.Set up  widgetsYo u can  cu stomize  so me  wid gets. Touch  a w idg et to open  it, th en  touch  Menu .  Yo ur h ome  screen may already have  the se  wid gets:•Messages: Change the widget name  or choose how long  it shows new messag es. To add email accounts, “Se t up  m es sa ging ” on p ag e 23.•Music: Set this widget to  an  artist, album, song, p laylist, or just touch Menu  > Shuffle all. Th ere’s more about “Music” on  page 32.•News: Change th e wid get nam e, choo se  ho w long  it show s n ew storie s,  or choose a news source. To choose a source , tou ch  , th en cho ose pre se t B und les or Channels, o r choose Cu stom  to  enter a URL for a Web page or  an  RSS feed .•Weather: Chang e temperature units or add locations. To add locations, touch  , enter a city, and touch Se arch .  When  you  open the we ather widge t, flick left to see  oth er locations you added.ShortcutsTo add shortcuts for ap ps,  b ookmarks, and more to the home screen,  touch and ho ld an e mpty spot  on th e home screen,  touch  Shortcuts, a nd  se lec t  a  sh o rt cut .Tip :  To  change one of the  docked sho rtcuts that always appears  at th e bottom  of the ho me scre en (no matter w hat panel you’re  viewing),  touch and hold the sh ort cu t.RingtonesTo pe rsonalize  you r ring tone s:Find it:  Menu  > Settings >So und  > Phone ringtone or  Notification ringtoneTo set you r vibrate option s:Find it:  Menu  > Settings > So und  > VibrateWallpaperTo apply a new wallpape r:
37Pe rsonal ize  1Touch  and  h old  an e mpty sp ot on your home screen.2Touch  Wallp apers .3Touch  Li ve wallpap ers , Media gallery, or W allpap ers, and choose a wallpape r.Soun ds•To play dial  pad  ton es,  touch Menu  > Settings >Sound > A ud ible touc h ton es.•To play sound  on a screen  selection , tou ch Menu  > Settings > S ound  > Au dibl e s electi on .•To customize the sound settings for media and videos, touch  Menu  > Settings > Sound >Media audio effects.Display settings•To set d isplay brightn ess, touch Menu  >Settings > Display > Brightness.•To set o rientation, touch  Menu  > Settings >Display >Auto-rotate screen.•To set anim ation, touch  Menu  > Settings >Display > Animation.Note: Some  app s are designed so that your smartphone  can “animat e” them by  rotating , fading , moving, and stretching on e or more im age s.Date & timeSet date , tim e, tim e zone, and formats:Find it:  Menu  > Settings > Date &  timeLanguage & regionSet your  men u languag e and re gio n:Find it:  Menu  > Settings > La nguage & keyboard  >Sel ect locale
38 G oog le M aps™Google Maps™where you are , where you’re  goingQuick start: MapsWh ere am I? Wh at’s arou nd here? Don’t worry—let Goo gle  Maps  help yo u explo re your surroundings and find w hat you’re lo oking  for.Find it:   > Map sNote: Th e map  image you see m ay be  a little d ifferen t.200OakftSt3:00 PMSet your loca tion  sourcesSet your  phone to determine your locatio n usin g GPS satellite  signals  (highly accurate , but uses  battery power) or using the  mobile network (less accu rate , b ut co nserves battery p ower).To set you r location, touch  Menu  > Settings >Location & security > Use GPS satellites  an d/or Use wire less n etwork s.Find your locationNote: D on’t fo rget to  se t your lo cation  sou rces.From th e main  Go ogle Maps screen, touch Menu  >My Lo cation . Yo ur location is sh own on  the map as . The b igg er the circle , the  le ss accu rate  the lo cation.Find any location  1To uch M enu  > Search.2Ente r text in the search box, like an address, bu siness, or city, then touch  Search .Tip: If it’s an address you have visited befo re, select from the list sh own.3To uch the search box to view  all the  results, then touch  the  one you want.
39Goo gle  Maps™Get directionsFind your way with turn-by-turn navigation . You  can even have directions spoke n so  you  can keep your eye on the road.  1Touch  Menu  > Directions.2Enter a startin g point address or touch   an d select My curren t l ocatio n,  Contacts, or  Points  on map.3Enter an end point ad dress or tou ch   and select Contacts or Poin ts on map .4Select your mo de of transp ort (car,  public transport o r walk),  then  tou ch Go.  Your dire ctio ns are shown as a list.  To view yo ur d irections on a m ap, to uch Show on map.5W hen you  have finished,  touch Menu   > More  >Clear map.Select map modeTouch Menu  > Layers to  se lec t  fr om  Traffic, Sate llite,  Latitude or recent searches, viewed positions or directions.Touch Menu  > Layers > More  layers to  sel ec t  fr om  My Maps , Wi kipedi a, or  Transit Lines.To u ch  Clear Map to clear your  selection s.Map viewShows a map, complete with names of streets, rivers, lakes, mou ntains, and borders. Th is is the de fault view.Sat el lite viewShow s  map on  top o f aerial photo.Tr aff ic  v ie wIf availab le in your area, real-time traffic conditions are sh own on  the roads as color-coded lines.
40 G oog le Lati tude ™Google Latitude™where are  you r friends &  family?Join Google LatitudeKe ep track of where your friend s and  family are on Goo gle  Maps™ . Plan to  mee t up , check that you r paren ts got home safely, or ju st stay in  touch.Don’t worry,  you r location is n ot shared unless you  agree  to it. Yo u need  to join  Go ogle Latitud e, and then invite you r friends to view your lo cation  or accept their invitations. Whe n usin g Goo gle  Map s ( in any mode excep t street view ), tou ch Men u  > Join Latitude. Read th e privacy policy and if you  ag ree with it,  touch Agree & Share .Add & remove friendsFind it:   > Map s, then touch Menu  >LatitudeTo add friends:  1Touch Menu  > Add friend s.2Touch  Sel ect  fr om C ont ac ts , th en touch a contact. Or, touch Ad d vi a email add ress, then  enter an email address.3Touch  Add  frien ds .If your friends already use Goo gle  Latitude,  they’ll receive an email request an d a notification . I f they have not yet jo ine d Goo gle L atitude , they’ll receive an email req uest that invites them  to sig n in  to  G oogle Latitude with their  G oogle™ acco unt.To remove friends:  1To uch M enu  > Latitude to show your friend’s list, th en to uch a friend  in your list.2To uch R emo ve  th is  friend.Share locationWhe n yo u receive a req uest to share location de tails you  can choose to:•Accept and share back—See your frie nd’s location, and your friend can see yours.•Accept, but hi de my location—Se e yo ur friend' s location, but they  can't see yours.•Don't accept— Location inform ation is n ot shared be twee n yo u and your friend .Hi de yo ur  loc atio nTo hide your locatio n from a frien d, to uch Me nu  >Latitude to show your frien d’s list. Touch your co ntact n am e, then touch Menu   > Ed it privacy settings > Hide your lo cation.
41Apps for al lTurn off Google Lati tudeTouch Menu  >L ati tu de  to show a friend’s list. Touch Menu  > Edit privacy se ttings  > Turn off Latitude.Apps for allget the app  you  wantAndroid Market™Find it:   > MarketGet all the fun gam es and co ol apps you  want! Andro id Market p rovid es access  to applicatio ns  from deve lop ers worldwide, so you can find the app you want. If you nee d help or have q uestions about Android  Marke t, touch Menu  > He lp.Browse & install appsTip :  Choo se  you r apps and upd ates carefully, fro m trusted sites like  Market , as some may impact your phone’s perform ance—see “ Choose c arefully” on page 42.Find it:   > MarketSelect a cate gory or touch  Searc h  to find  the  ap p yo u want. Th en, touch  Install (if  app  is free)  or Buy.Whe n in stalling an app, make  su re you read th e alerts that tell yo u what information the app will access. If you  don’t want th e app to  have access to this in formation,  cancel th e in stallation.
42 Apps for allManage & restore appsFind it:   > Mark et >My download sThere are  lots of apps available and  many are free. So  you might find that you have dow nload ed and in stalled lots of apps on your phone.  That’s fin e, but yo u may want  to un install apps th at yo u no longe r use.To u nin stall touch  an  ap p in  the  list, and then touch Unin stall .If you  have trou ble  rem ovin g an ap p, turn off your phon e, th en press and hold  the   key wh ile you tu rn on your ph one. Your screen  w ill show  Safe Mode in the lower left corn er, and you can  rem ove th e app.To resto re an app,  touch th e app in th e list  - the  My dow nl oads  list shows previously in stalled apps.For  othe r app management features  including clearing app data and  cach e, to uch M enu >  Settings > Ap plic ations  > Manage ap plicati ons, the n tou ch a n app in th e list.Choose carefullyApps are  great. There's so mething for everyo ne. Play, communicate, w ork, or just fo r fun. But re member, cho ose yo ur apps carefully. Here's a few tip s to help:S•To  help preven t spyware, p hishing or viruses affectin g yo ur phone or privacy, use apps from truste d sites, like  Ma rket.•In Market , check the apps’ ratings and com ments be fore in stalling. Th is will h elp  you  choose the best on es for you .•If yo u doub t the safety o f an app, do n't install it.•Like all app s, dow nload ed apps w ill u se  u p memory, data,  battery, and  processing power—som e more than others. For exam ple, simple settings widget will  use  less than  a  stream ing music player app. After  installin g an app, if you're not happy with how much  memory, d ata, batte ry or processing pow er it's using, unin stall it. You can always install it again l a ter.Important customer informationPlease be advised that m any services and applications offered thro ugh this un iqu e device are provided  by Goog le   and  various applicatio n develo pers. If you use, link to or d ownload a Goog le   service , or an app lication su ch as a non-Verizon Wireless  location b ased GPS-type service, chat room, marke tplace  or social network from this device, you should carefully review the  terms of such se rvice or application . I f you use any of these non-Verizon W ireless services or applications, person al inform atio n yo u subm it may be read,
43Bluetooth® wirelesscollected, or used by th e service or ap plication provider and/or other u sers of  those forum s. Mot orol a  M obilit y, In c.  and  Verizon  Wi re les s  a re n ot re spo nsible for your use of those  ap plications or information  you ch oose to submit or share with  others. Specific terms and conditions, terms of use, and privacy polices  app ly to th ose  ap plications and services. Please review carefully any and all terms and conditions applicable to th ose  ap plications and services in cluding those related to any  location-b ased services for any particular privacy policies, risks or waivers.Yo ur Ve rizon W ireless cu stomer agreement terms and conditions and certain other spe cifically identifie d te rm s  gove rn your use of any Verizon Wireless products and services.Bluetooth® wirelesslo se  the w ires and go w irelessQuick start: Bluetooth wirelessFind it:  Menu  > Settings > Wireless & networks >Bluetooth se ttin gsTurn Bluetooth power on or offFind it:  Menu  > Settings > Wireless & networks >BluetoothBluetooth devicesBluetooth settingsDROID2Device nameScan for devicesMake device discoverableDiscoverableEnhanced StereoBluetoothImproved battery life and MP3 audio quality for supporting devicesPair with this deviceDROID2Touch to turn on/off& to scan.Touch to re-scan.Touch to connect.
44 Bluetooth® wirelessNote: To exten d batte ry life, turn Bluetooth power off when  not  in u se .Connect new devicesNote: Th is feature requires  an  optional accessory.To connect with a new device, yo u need to pair with it. Yo u only need to do  this once fo r each  device— to connect ag ain, just turn  on the device .  1Make sure  the device you are pairin g with  is in d iscove rable m ode.Note: Refer to  the  guide th at cam e w ith th e device for details.2Touch Menu  > Settings > Wirel ess & netw orks  >B lue to oth settin gs.3Touch  Blu etooth  to tu rn on an d scan. I f Bluetooth power is already on, touch Sc an f or device s.4Touch  a  device to connect.5If necessary, touch OK, or enter the device passkey (like 0000 ) to connect to the d evice. W hen the d evice is  con nected,  the Blue tooth  indicator   app ears in  the  status bar.Note: Using  a mobile device or accessory while driving may cause distraction and  may be illegal. Always obey th e laws and drive safely.Note: The  Blue tooth  Enhanced Audio settin g is no t recom mended for  old er  Bluetooth headsets, as it may not deliver acceptable  so und quality.Reconnect devicesTo automatically reco nnect your phone with a paire d device, simply turn on  the  device.To m anually recon nect your phone  with a paired  device, touch the  device name in the Bl uetooth dev ices  list.Disconnect devicesTo automatically disco nnect your phone  from a p aired device, simply turn off the device .To m anually discon nect your phone  from a paire d device, touch  the device name  in the devices list, then touch Menu  >Disconnect .Edit propertiesTouch Menu   > Settings > Wi reless  &  n etwork s >Bluetooth se ttin gs  > Device name. Enter  a name an d to uch OK.
45Wi-Fi®Wi-Fi®home, office , or  hotspotQuick start: Wi-FiFind it:  Menu  > Settings >Wireles s & networks  >Wi-Fi settingsNote: Your phon e's Wi-Fi features and powe r leve ls are n ot allow ed for outdoor operation in France. To avoid un lawful interferen ce  with rad io  signals,  do not use the Wi-F i feature s in France unle ss you are  indoors.Use a wireless network for fast Internet access and to down load data.Wi-Fi networksWi-Fi settingsNotify me when an open network is availableNetwork notificationYour networkAdd Wi-Fi networkWi-Fi Touch to turn on/off& to scan.Touch to connect.Turn Wi-Fi on or offFind it:  Touch Menu  > Settings >Wireles s & netw orks  > Wi-FiNote: To exten d b attery life, turn off Wi-Fi powe r when not in  use .Wi-Fi search & connectTo fin d networks in your range:  1To uch M enu  > Settings > Wireless & networks >Wi-Fi settings.2To uch Wi-Fi to tu rn on an d scan. If Wi-Fi is already on , tou ch Men u  > Sc an . Your phon e lists the ne tworks it finds within  range.Tip: To see your phone’s MAC address or o ther W i- Fi d etails, touch Menu   > Advanc ed .3To uch a ne two rk to  con nect.4If necessary, e nter Network SSID, Security, and W ireless  pass word, and touch  Connect. W hen  your ph one is co nnected  to the ne two rk, th e wireless indicator   appe ars in  the  status bar.Tip :  When you are  in  range and Wi-Fi is o n, yo u will au tomatically reconne ct to  available  networks you’ve  co nnected to b efore.
46 Wi-F i®Wi-Fi hotspotNote: You n eed to subscribe to Wi-Fi hotspot  service  to  use this featu re. Co ntact your service provider.Yo u can  se t up  your pho ne as  a  W i-Fi hotspo t to provide p ortable , conven ien t interne t acce ss to other W i-Fi  en abled  devices.SetupNote: Risks can be  associated with  co nnecting to the public  internet.  Your pho ne allows you to create  a  3G Mobile Hotspot, which m ay b e accessib le  by unauthorized  use rs. It is hig hly recommende d that you use a passwo rd and o ther possible  steps to protect your computer  from unautho rized access. To add security to your Wi-Fi hotsp ot:Find it:   > 3G Mobile Hotspot > >Ad van ced  >Wi Fi  A P mo de Se ttin gsTou ch a setting  to modify it:•SSID—Enter a un iqu e name for you r ho tspot an d touch Next .•Se curity—Select  the  t ype  of securit y you  want, and  touch Save: WEP , WPA, or WPA2.  Enter  a u niq ue password. Othe r users  can access your Wi-Fi hotspot only if they enter the correct password .Note: WEP  is the weakest option because it is highly vulnerable  to  hackin g. WPA 2 is recommended by IE EE.•Channel— Se lect a ch an nel that m in im izes potential interfe rence. You m ay nee d to try d ifferen t chann els after your hotspot is active for a time.Touch Save  when the settin gs are com ple te.Activate hotspotFind it:   > 3G Mo bile Hotsp ot > Tap to start Mob ile Hotspo t serviceWhe n your Wi-Fi hotsp ot is active, othe r W i-F i enabled devices can connect by e nterin g yo ur hotspot’s SSID, se lec t ing  a  Se c ur it y  typ e, and entering  the  co rre ct Wirel ess password,
47Me mory card & fil e manag eme ntMemory card & file managementcopy photos, mu sic, and more  to your phon eMemory cardNote: You n eed the m emory card  installed for som e features on your phon e, like  Camera.To   insert a memory card, see “As se m b le & c ha r g e”  on page 3.To   see th e files on your phone an d memory card,  touch   > Fi l es . Touch  a file o r fold er to ope n it. To uch and hold a file to Share, Rename, or Delete it.Note: D o not re move your me mory card wh ile your phon e is using it  or w riting files on it.Warning: W hen you format a memory card, all data on  th e card is  deleted .To   remove or fo rma t you r memory card , you  need to unmount it. Touch  Menu  > Settings >SD card  & phone storage  > Unmo unt SD card . Th en, to form at your m emory card, touch  Format SD cardUSB connectionYou  can connect your phone to a com puter w ith a U SB cable.Note: The  first time you  use a USB co nnection,  your co mpu ter may in dicate  that d rivers are being installed. Follow any promp ts you see to comp lete the in stallation. Th is m ay take a few  minutes.  1W ith a mem ory card inserted , and your p hone showing the h ome  screen, conne ct a Motorola micro USB data cable  from your phone’s m icro U SB po rt to a USB po rt on your  computer. Your phone  should show    in  the  status bar.Note: Make sure to connect the phone to a high powe r USB port. Typically, these are located directly on  you r computer.2On your phone , flick down the status bar to see the U SB conn ection optio ns. 3To uch an o ption:•PC Mode.•W ind ows  Media S ync—Use W indows Med ia Player to sync media files on  your computer and p hone.•USB mass storage—D rag and d rop files b etwe en your  computer an d me mory card folders. W hen you’re done , use “Safely
48 T ool sRe move H ardware” before  disconn ecting the USB cable.No te:  You can’t use th e files on your mem ory card while it is  connected.•Charge On ly—Use  the  con nection to ch arge you r pho ne’s batte ry.Toolsstay  on to p of  thingsAlarm clockFind it:   > Alarm  & Ti merTo turn on an alarm, touch the check box.Whe n an alarm sound s, slide  to Dismiss to t urn  it off  or  Snooze to d ela y  for five m inu tes.To add an alarm, touch Menu  > Add alarm, then enter alarm details.To en able o r disab le  an  alarm, tou ch the ch eck box.Note: Your phone’s  clock au tomatically adjusts to the lo ca l  ti m e  when  you  tr av el  in te r na ti o na ll y.2:17Alarm Name7:00Alarm Name8:30Alarm Name9:00XXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVIIVVIIIIVVIIIIIIIIXXXXXXIIAlarm TimerTuesdayAMAMAMTue. Fri
49Too lsCalendarFind it:   > Cal endarYo ur calendar events can b e viewe d in different ways: Touch Menu  >Agen da, Day, or  Week . W hen you highlig ht an event, more details appear.Add calendar eventsFrom  any view, touch Menu  > More  > New event. E nter  th e eve nt s t ar t  ti me  an d oth er d eta i ls. You can even set a remind er so you don’t forget about the event. ( When  you  se t the reminder time to 0minutes, it plays at the event start tim e.) Tip: Reminders w ill play only if you’ve sele cted a notification  ringtone (see “ Ringtones” on page 36).Wh en you finish entering  event details, touch  Save.Manage calendar eventsTo e dit an event, touch and ho ld it, the n to uch Edit event . When you’re done , tou ch Save.To d ele te an event, to uch and hold it, then to uch Dele te event.To g o to  today,  touch Menu  > Today.January 2010Sun     Mon     Tue      Wed     Thu       Fri       Sat27 28 29 30 31CalculatorFind it:   > Calc ulat orYour calculator has basic and advanced  views. To change views, touch Menu  > A dvanc ed panel or Bas ic pan el. To  clear history, tou ch Men u  > Cle ar his to ry .AccessibilitySee , hear, speak, feel, and use. Accessibility features are there  for eve ryone, helpin g to  make th ing s e asier.Note: For general info rmation, acce ssorie s, and more, visit reco gnit io nUse your voice—just  touch and speak.• D ialing and co mmands: Double-touch  Home  or touch  > Voice Commands. To dial, say “Call” and then  a contact name or phone  number. Or, say a com mand  from the list shown, like  “Se nd Text” or “Go To”.•Search:  Touch and hold Search  , then say  what you want to  search for, like “Motorola accessories”.• Text entry: Tou ch a text entry fie ld to open th e touch screen keyp ad . Touch  , th en say what yo u want to  type.
50 T ool sTip: Speak naturally, but clearly. Use th e microph one in  a similar w ay to  a  spe akerphone,  so  no nee d to  sho ut or hold the phone  close to your  mou th.To change your voice settings, see “ Voic e settings” on page 50 .Voice readouts (TalkBack)Yo ur n avigation and selections, read out lou d.To turn  on voice  readouts (sim ilar  to TalkBack), to uch Menu  > Settings > Access ibility. Touch Ac ce ssib ility to e nable  the settings, th en touch Voi ce readou ts .Note: You may b e asked to dow nlo ad  add itio nal “text-to -sp eech”  so ftware (data charge s m ay app ly).To u se  voice read outs:• Menus and screens: In menus and screens, to uch an item to highlight it (th e item will be  read out loud ), and doub le- touch to open  it.Note: Tou ch a home scree n widget or  sho rtcu t to o pen it.• Dialer & text entry: As you typ e, each n umber or letter is read out lou d.• No tificatio n: When you  flick the  notifications bar d own, all n otifications are read out loud.Tip :  Navigate through your  apps and menus to hear how voice  readou ts work o n yo ur p hone.To chan ge your voice se ttings, see “ Voic e s et tings” on page 50.Cal ler IDWhe n yo u want to  hear who’s  calling:• Rea d o ut lo ud: Have yo ur caller an nounced— tou ch Menu  > Settings >Call settings  > Caller ID readout.•Ringtones: Assig n a unique rin gtone to  a contact—touch  Phone > Contacts, open  a contact, th en touch Menu  > Edit . Ringtones are listed under Addi ti onal info.To chan ge your voice se ttings, see “ Voic e s et tings” on page 50.Voice settingsPerson alize your voice setting s:• Voi ce rec o gn itio n: Touch Menu  > Settings >Voice input & o utput > Voice recognizer  setti ngs. Fro m h ere,  you  can set option s like  language an d censorsh ip.• Voi ce commands: Touch  > Voic e C omman ds >Menu  >Settings. From here, you can refine
51Too lsrecognition  of your vo ice (Adaptation) and set o ptions like prompts and shortcuts.• Text-to-sp eech: Touch  Menu  > Settings >Voice input & output > Text-to-speech settings. From  here , yo u can set optio ns like speed and language.Volume &  vibrateChoose volum e and vib rate settings that work for you. Touch Menu  > Settings >Sou nd :•Volume: Touch  Vol ume an d use the sliders.Tip: To set separate ring and n otification volumes, uncheck Use incomi ng call volume fo r notificatio ns.• Vibrate: Select Vibrate to  feel your  phone ring.ZoomGet a closer look. Open a magnification  window that you can drag around the screen, or pinch to zoom in on  maps, we b pages, and ph otos.• Magnification window: Touch Menu  >Settings > Acces sibi lity. Touch Acce ssib ility to e nable  the settings, th en to uch Zoom Mode.• P inch  to zoom: To zoom in, touch  the screen with  two fin gers and then slide  them  apart. To zo om o ut, d rag your fingers  toge ther.Display brightnessSet a brightness level that works for you.  Touch Menu  > Settings > Display > Brigh tness . Make su re t ha t  Automatic brightness is  unche cked so you can set your ow n level.Touchscreen & keysAll these to uch feature s are great, and sometimes it’s nice  to hear or feel your touches too . Touch Menu  >Settings > Sound:• Tou ch screen : To hear scre en touche s (click), sele ct Audib le selection.• Keys: To  feel key t ouches (vibrate),  se lect Haptic feedback.• Screen lock: To hear w hen you lock/un lock the screen (click), select Scr een lock sounds.MessagesFrom a sim ple text message to IM, em ail, and more. Create, send, and receive  them all, in on e place.Find it:    > Mes sagin g > Universal in boxAnd to make text entry even e asier, you can  use features like auto- com plete, auto -co rre ct, and au to-p unctuate—to uch Me nu  > Settings >Lan g ua ge &  ke yb oard . Of course if yo u d on’t wan t to
52 T ool stype  at all, then u se  your voice—to uch   on  the to uchscree n keypad.Hearing aidsTo h elp  get a clear soun d when  using  a h earing aid or cochlear  im plan t, your phone may have b een rated for use with  hearing aids. If  your phone’s box has “Rated for Hearin g Aids”  printed on  it, th en please  read the following guidance.Note: Ratings are not a gu arantee  o f comp atibility, see  ”He aring Aid Com patibility w ith Mobile Phones” in your legal and safety information . You may also want to  consult your hearing he alth pro fessional, who  sh ould be able to help you get the best results.•Settings: Touch  Menu  > Settings > Call settings > HAC mode  settings. Select Microphone to op timize your phon e for micro phone  cou pling , or select Telecoil to o pti mi ze  you r pho ne fo r t ele coi l  cou pling.• Ca ll volume: During a call, press the side volume keys to set a  call volume that works for you.• Position: D uring a call, hold the ph one to your e ar as normal, and then rotate/move it to g et the be st po sition  for sp eaking and listening.TTYYou  can u se  your pho ne in TTY mode with standard  teletype machines. Touch Menu  > Settings > Call settings  > TTY  mode and select the mode you ne ed:•TTY full: Type  an d read  text o n yo ur TTY device.•TTY HCO: Hea r ing -Car r y-O ver— ty pe  tex t o n yo ur TT Y device and liste n to voice replies on  you r ph one’s speake r.•TTY VCO: Voice-Carry-Over— speak  into your phone and read text re plies on your TTY device.Note: You’ll  need a cable /ad ap ter to  con nect your TTY device to the headset jack on you r ph one.Refer to your TTY device g uid e for mode and u sage in formation.
53Manag eme ntAppsWant more? No  prob lem .  And roid Market™ provides access to thousands of app s, and  many provide useful accessibility features.Find it:  >  MarketSelect a category or touch Search   to  find the app you want.Tip: Choo se  your ap ps care fully, from trusted sites like Market, as so me may im pact your phone’s performance.Managementstay in controlWireless man agerFind it:  Menu  > Settings > Wireless & networksManag e all your w ireless con nections:  W i-F i®, Blu etoo th® , airplane mode,  & mobile  networks (“Ne tw ork ” o n page 53 ).Airplane modeUse airplane m ode to turn all your wireless co nnections off—u se ful whe n flyin g. Press Power/Lock  > Airplane mode.Note: W hen you select airplane mode,  all wireless se rvices  are disab led . You  can then turn Wi-Fi and/or Blu etoo th  back o n, if permitted by your airline. Other wireless voice and data services  (such  as calls  an d  text me ssages) re main off in airplane  mo de. Emergency calls to your region's em ergency num ber (e.g. , 911) can still be made.NetworkYou  sh ould not need to change any network settin gs.  Contact you r service p rovid er for h elp .
54 Manag eme ntTouch Menu  >Se ttin gs  > Wireless & networks >Mo bile networks to show  options for roaming networks, ne two rk sele ction, ope rator selection, and access point names.Data roaming (outside the U.S.)Data  roaming  is turned  off for this phone.  You can turn it on  to connect to data services whe n ro aming globally.Find it:  Menu  > Settings >Da t a  m a nag e r  > Data delivery  > Data roamingNote: You may incur signficant roamin g charg es when th is featu re is turned o n. Go  to verizon m/global for rates, countries, coverage lim itation s,  and  features.Upd ate my phoneS ta y  up to  da te w ith t he lat est soft ware  for  you r phon e. Yo u can  check,  download, and install updates usin g your p hone or your  computer:•U sing your phon e:You m ay get an auto matic notification of an  available up date on  you r pho ne. Follow  the  in structions to dow nlo ad  an d in stall.To  manually check for u pdates, touch Menu  >Settings > Abo ut phon e > Sys tem updates .Your phone  downloads any up dates over your mobile network. Remember, these upd ates can  be qu ite large (25MB or more) and may not be available in all coun tries. If yo u don’t h ave an unlimited data plan, or m obile n etwo rk updates are no t available in your co untry,  you  can up date using a com puter.•U sing your com puter:On your comp uter, g o to  ww m/mydro id2 glo bal and check the “Software” lin ks. If an update is availab le,  sim ply follow the installation instruction s.
55SecuritySecurityhelp keep your phon e safeQuick start: SecurityFind it:  Menu  > Settings >Location &  security1:53 PMLocation & security settings SecurityManage restriction lockPasswordsDevice administrationSet up screen lockLock screen with a pattern, PIN, or passwordSecurity lock timerSet up restriction lockVisible passwords20 minutesShow password as you typeSelect device administratorsSIM card lockSIM network lock settingsAdd or remove device administratorsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssLock your GSM SIM card& change SIM PIN.Touch to see the passwords you enter.Select & set up ascreen lock method.You can set a pattern, PIN, or password to prevent unauth orized access to your device.Screen lockNote: You can make emergency calls o n a locked phone  (se e “Em erg en cy  ca l ls ”  on page 15). A  locked  phone  still rings,  b ut you nee d to un lock it to answer.Lock the screen  in the following  ways:•Press Power/Lock .•Let the screen time o ut (d on’t press anyth ing ).•Switch  the power off.To un lock the  scre en, press  Power/ Lock . Then , drag   to the  right.Lock patternTo set the  lock pattern,  touch Menu  >  Settings >Location & security > Set up  scree n loc k > Pattern. Follow the instructions to draw your lo ck pattern.Whe n pro mpted, d raw th e patte rn to unlock the phone .
56 SecurityPasscode lockTo set th e passcode, tou ch Men u  > Settings >Location & security > Set up screen lock >Pas swo rd.Enter th e password, then confirm it.When prompted, enter the password  to unlock the phon e.Fo rgo t  your  pa tt er n o r  pass co de ?If you forget  your pattern or passcode, contact your service provider.ResetTo reset your phone to factory settings and erase all th e data on  you r pho ne, touch  Menu  > Settings >Privacy > Factory data reset > Res et phon e.Warning: All data  on your p hone w ill be deleted. (Nothing on  you r memory  card  is de leted.)Remote wipe a lost or stolen phoneDon 't you just h ate it w hen your life is on your phon e and it all g oes wrong? Lost, o r even worse—stole n! If necessary,  you  can use your email account on  a Microsoft™ Exchange ActiveSync 20 07 server to  clear th e perso nal data from  your phone and memory card .You  need to be assig ned pe rmissions befo re you can rem ote wipe data from  your pho ne and memory card . Contact your IT system administrator for the in formation and  perm issions you need to  perform the rem ote wipe procedure.Warning:  All down loaded ap ps and  user d ata on your phone  an d me mory card w ill  be deleted.
57Glo bal P hon eGlobal PhoneGlobal Ph one offers you reliable, consistent voice service at home  an d abroad. U se one p hone and o ne number for voice  coverage in mo re than  2 20 co untries.  Get one bill for b oth do mestic an d international calls. In  order to ge t the full ben efits of Global Phone service you must subscribe to a Global Pho ne callin g plan  an d ensure th at yo u have  a S IM card installed. G o to verizon m/global for rates, countries, coverage lim itation s and  features.Yo ur p hone comes with  an  installed SIM card that enables yo u to  make and rece ive calls an d text messages wh ile traveling ou tsid e of the  U.S. in supported  destinations. Should your SIM  card be lost or damaged,  ple ase follow  these instructions to  in stall a new SIM card:  1Rem ove th e batte ry cover and remove  the  battery.2Rem ove th e SIM card from its packagin g.3H ol d th e SIM  car d s o th at the m etal contacts on the SIM card face  down and the cutoff co rner of the  SIM card  points toward the top-left corne r of your phon e.HD VIDEO1080p|8MP4Slide  the SIM card into the SIM card holder until it stops.5Insert the battery so  that the m etal contacts on the battery align with the  metal contacts on your phone.6Place the battery cover into the slots and push up, so that the cove r clicks into place.Yo u r  S I M  ( Subscriber Identity Module) card  is a small rectan gular plastic card that sto res yo ur phon e number an d other important in formation.  Do no t ben d or scratch  your SIM card. Avo id exposing your SI M card to static  ele ctricity, wat er o r dirt . If yo ur SIM card is lo st or  dam aged w hile in the U .S., please dial  *611 from you r Veriz on W ireless d evice or 1-8 00-922 -0204 from any ph one to speak w ith a Custo mer Service Represen tative. From  ou tsid e of the U.S., p lease refer to the Ve rizon W ireless Global  Supp ort Guide, welco me letter an d calling  card th at cam e w ith your device. This will enable you  to m ake calls toll free  fro m landlines in mo st countries where we  offer Global Pho ne service.HD VIDEO1080p|8MPHD VIDEO1080p|8MP
58Troubleshootingwe’re here to helpCrash recoveryIn the unlikely even t that your ph one stops responding to touches and key p resses, try a quick reset. Remove th e back cover and battery  (“Asse mb le  & c harg e” on page 3),  then  rep lace and switch yo ur p hone on  as usual.Service & RepairsIf you  have qu estions or  need assistance,  we're  here  to  help.Go to w ww.m oto rol a .c om/r epa ir (United States) or www .mo tor /support  (C an a da ), w here  you  ca n sele ct from a number of custome r care op tions. You can  also contact th e Motorola Customer Su pport Center at 1-8 00-73 4-5870  (Unite d States), 1-888-39 0-6456  (TTY/TDD  United States for h earing impaired ), or 1-80 0-461-457 5 (Canada) .
59Safety, Regulatory & LegalBattery Use & SafetyBat ter y Us e & Sa f et yIm portant: Handle and store batteries properly to avoid  injury or damage. Most battery issues arise  from improper handling of batteries,  and particularly from the co nt inu ed  us e o f  da ma ge d b at t er ies.DO N’ Ts• Don’t disassemble, crush, puncture, shred, or otherwise attempt to change the form of your  battery.• Don’t let the mobile device  or  battery  come in contact with  liquids.* Li qui ds can get  into the mobile device’s circuits, leading t o c orrosion.• Don’t allow the  battery  to touch metal objects. I f metal objects, such as  jewelry, stay  in  prolonged contact with the battery  contact  points,  the battery could become ve ry hot.• Don’t place your mobile device or battery near  a  heat source.* Hi gh temperatures can  cause  the battery to swell, l eak, or  malf uncti on.• Don’t dry a wet or damp battery with an appliance or heat source, such as a ha ir  dr ye r o r  mi cro wave  ov en .DO s• Do avoid leaving your mobile device in your car in high  temperatures.*• Do avoid dropping  the mobile  device or battery.*  Dropping these items, especially on  a hard  surface, can potentially cause damage.*• Do contact  your service provider or Motorola if your mobile device or battery has been  damaged by dropping,  liquids  or  high  temperatures.* Note: Always make sure that the battery  compartment  and any  connector covers are closed and secure to  avoid direct  exposure of the battery  to any of  these conditions, even if  yo ur  pr od uct  in fo rma tio n  sta te s t ha t y ou r mobile device can resist damage from these conditi ons.Im portant: Motorola recommends  you always  use Motorola-branded batteries and  chargers for quality assurance and  safeguards. Motorola’s warranty does not co ver  da mag e t o  th e mo bil e d evi ce  cau sed  b y no n- Mo to ro la  ba tt er ie s an d/ o r  cha rg er s. T o he lp  you  id en ti fy  au th en tic  Mo to ro la  ba tt er ies  fr om n on -o ri gin al  or  co un te rf ei t b at te ri es (t ha t ma y n ot  ha ve  ad eq ua te  saf e ty p r ot ect ion ),  Mot o ro la  pr ovid es  ho log r ams o n i ts ba tt er ie s. You  sho ul d c on fir m th at  a ny  bat t er y yo u p ur ch ase  ha s a  “M ot or ola  Or igi na l” hologram.If  you see a mes sage on  your  display such  as Invalid Battery or Unable to Charge,  take t he foll owing s teps:•Remove  t he  ba tt er y a nd  in spe ct  it  to  co nf ir m  th at  it  ha s a  “M ot or ola Or igi na l” hologram;•If there  is no hologram, the  battery is not a Motorola battery;•If  th er e  is a  ho lo gr am, r ep la ce t h e b at te ry  an d t r y ch ar gin g  it  ag ain ;•If the  message remains, c ontact  a Mot orola authorized s ervice center.Warni ng: Use  of  a  no n- Mot or ol a b at t er y or  ch ar ge r  ma y p re sen t  a r isk  of  f ire , e xp losi on , leakage, or other hazard.Proper and safe  battery  disposal and recycling:  Pr op er  ba tt er y d isp osa l i s n ot  on ly impo rt an t f or  sa fe t y,  it  be ne fi ts  th e envi ro nmen t.  Yo u  can  r ecyc le  your u se d bat teri es  in ma ny  re ta il  or  ser vic e p ro vid er  lo cat io ns.  Add it ion al  in fo rmat io n o n  pr op er  dis po sal  an d recycli ng can b e found  at www.motorola .com/recyclingDisposal: Pr o mp tl y di spo se  of  us ed  ba tt er ie s in  ac cor da nce  wit h l oca l regulations.  Contact  your l ocal rec ycling  center  or nati onal rec ycling or ga niza ti ons  fo r  mo re  in fo r ma ti on  on  ho w to  d ispo se  of  b at te rie s.Warni ng: Ne ver  di spo se  of  ba tt e rie s in  a  fi re  be ca use  th ey  may e xp lod e.Battery ChargingBat ter y Chargi ngNotes for  charging your product’s battery:•Dur in g c har g ing , ke ep  yo ur  ba tt e ry a nd  ch ar ge r  ne ar  ro om t emp er at ur e f or  e ff icie nt  ba tt er y ch ar gi ng .•Ne w  ba tt er ies  ar e  no t f ul ly ch ar ge d.•New  batteries or batteries stored for a long time may  take  more time to  charge.•Mo to ro la  ba tt er ies  an d  cha rg ing  sys te ms  ha ve  cir cui tr y t ha t p ro te ct s t he  ba tt er y f ro m damage from  overcharging.Third Party AccessoriesUse  of  t hir d p ar t y ac cess or ies , in clu din g  bu t n ot  li mi te d t o  bat t er ies , ch ar ge rs,  he ad set s, cov ers, cases , scr een  prot ect or s and memory c ards,  may i mpac t y our mobile devi ce’s pe rf or manc e.  In  some  cir cumst an ces , t hir d  par t y ac cess or ies  can  b e d an ge ro us  an d ma y voi d your  mobile devic e’s warranty. F or  a  list of Motor ola accessories, vi sit
60Driving PrecautionsResponsible  and s afe dri ving is your  pr imary responsibilit y when behind  the wheel of a ve hicl e.  Usin g a  mob ile  de vic e o r  acce sso ry  fo r a  ca ll  or  ot he r  ap pli cat ion  whi le  dr ivin g may  cau se  dist r act ion . Us ing  a  mo bi le  de vice  or  a cces sor y may  be  pr oh ib ite d  or  re st ric te d in certain areas,  always obey the laws  and regulations on the use  of these products.While driving, NEVER:•Type or read texts.•Enter or review written data.•Sur f th e we b.•In pu t n av iga ti on  in fo rmat io n.•Perform any other functions that divert your attention  from driving.While driving, ALWAYS:•Keep your eyes on the road.•Use a  handsfree device if available or required by law in  your  area.•En t er  de sti na tio n  inf or mat ion  in to  a  na vig at ion  d evi ce before driving.•Use  vo ice  act iva te d  fe at ur es  (su ch a s vo ice  d ial ) an d  spe aki ng  fe at ur es  (su ch  as au di ble  d ire ct ion s), if ava ila bl e.•Obey all  loc al  laws and regulati ons for  the  use of  mobile devic es and acces sor ies in the vehicle.•End  your  call or other task  if  you cannot concentrate on driving.Remember to f oll ow the “Smar t Practices  Whil e Drivi ng” in this  guide and  at (in English only).Seizures/BlackoutsSome  people  may be s uscept ible  to epileptic s eizures or blackouts when exposed to fl ash in g l igh ts,  su ch a s wh en  pla yin g  vide os  or  g ames.  Th es e may  oc cur  ev en  if  a  pe rso n has never  had a previous seizure or blackout.If  you have experi enced seizures  or bl acko ut s,  or  if  you have a family h istor y of  such  oc cur re nce s,  ple ase  co nsu lt  with  yo ur  p hysi cia n b ef or e  pla yin g v ide os  or  ga mes o r  enabling  a flashing-lights feature (if available) on your mobile device.Disc on tin ue  u se a nd  co nsu lt  a  ph ysici an  if  an y o f t he  f oll owin g s ymp to ms o ccur : convulsio n,  eye or muscle twitching, l oss  of  aware ness, i nvolunt ar y movements,  or di sor ie nt at ion . I t i s al wa ys  a g oo d i de a t o  ho ld t h e sc re en  awa y fr om y ou r e ye s, le av e t he  lig ht s o n  in t h e r oo m,  t ake  a  15 -min ut e b re ak  eve ry  ho ur,  an d  sto p u se  if  yo u a re  t ire d.Caution About High Volume UsageWarni ng: Exposure to loud noise from any  source for extended periods of  time may affect your  hear ing. The louder  the  vol ume s ound level,  the  les s time is  requir ed before your  he ar ing  co uld  b e a ff ec te d.  To p ro te ct  yo ur  he ar in g:•Limit the  amount of time  you use headsets or headphones at high volume.•Avoi d t ur ni ng  up  t he  vol ume  to  bl ock  ou t n oi sy su rr ou nd in gs.•Turn  the volume down  if  you can’t hear people speaking near  you.If  you  e xpe rie nc e h ea ri ng  dis comf or t,  inc lud ing  t he  se nsa ti on  of  pr e ssur e  or  fu lln es s in  you r  ea rs,  ri ng ing  in  yo ur  ea rs , or  muf f led  sp ee ch,  you  sh ou ld  sto p  list en in g t o  th e d evi ce th ro ug h y ou r h ea dse t  or  he ad ph on es  an d h av e yo ur  h ea rin g  che cke d.For  mor e  inf or mat ion  a bo ut  he ar in g, s ee  ou r  we bsi te  at  direct. ellomoto/nss/Aco usticSafety.a sp (in Engl ish only).Repetitive MotionWhen you repetitively perform actions such  as  pressing keys or entering finger-written cha ra cter s, you  ma y experi ence  occasional discomf or t in your  ha nds, arms,  should er s, ne ck, o r  ot he r  par t s of  yo ur  b od y. If  yo u c on tin ue  t o h ave  d isco mf or t  du ri ng  or  af t er  su ch use , st o p u se  an d se e  a p hys icia n.ChildrenKeep your  mobile device and its accessories away  from small children. These pr od uct s a re  n ot  to ys a nd  may  be  ha zar do us  to  smal l ch ild re n.  For  e xampl e:•A ch oki ng  ha z ar d ma y e xist  fo r  small , d et ach ab le  pa rt s.•Impr op er  us e c ou ld r es ult  in  lo ud  so un ds,  po ssib ly c au sin g h ea rin g  inj ur y.•Impr op er ly h an dl ed  ba tt er ie s co uld  o ver he at  an d  cau se  a b ur n.Si mi lar to a computer, if a child does  use your mobile device, y ou  may want to monit or  th eir  a cce ss t o h el p p re ven t  exp os ur e t o  ina pp ro pr iat e  ap ps  or  co nt en t.Glass PartsSo me p ar ts  of  yo ur  mob ile  de vic e may  be  mad e o f  gla ss.  Th is g la ss co ul d b re ak  if  th e product receives a substantial impact.  If  glass breaks, do not touch  or attempt to remove. Stop using your mobile device until  the glass is replaced by a qualified service center.Operational WarningsObey all posted signs when using  mobile devices in public areas.
61Potentially Explosive AtmospheresAreas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often, but not  always, posted and can include  fueli ng ar eas,  such as below  decks on  boat s, fuel or c hemi cal  tran sfe r or storage facilities, or areas where the air  contains chemicals or  particles, such as grain dust,  or met al po wd er s.Whe n yo u  ar e i n s uch  an  a re a,  tu rn  of f  you r  mo bi le d ev ice , an d  do  no t  re mo ve , in sta ll,  or  ch ar ge  ba tt er ie s un le ss it  is  a r a dio  pr od uc t t yp e e spe cia lly  qu alif ie d f or  u se  in s uch  ar ea s as  “Intrinsically Safe” (for  example,  Fac tory  Mut ual,  CSA,  or UL  approved).  In such areas , sp ar ks ca n  occu r  an d c aus e a n  exp los ion  o r f ir e.Symbol KeyYour battery,  charger, or mobile device may contain symbols, defined as follows:Radio Frequency (RF) EnergyExposure to RF EnergyYour mobile device cont ains a t ransmitter  and rec eiver.  When it is  ON,  it  recei ves  and tr ansmits  RF energ y.  When you  commun icate  with your  mob ile de vice, t he sys te m handling your call  control s the  power  lev el  at which your  mobile device transmits.Your mobile device is  designed t o  compl y with l ocal r egulatory  requirements  in  your cou nt ry  con ce rn ing  e xpo sur e  of  hu man  be ing s t o  RF  en er gy.Symbol DefinitionImpo rt an t s af et y informa tio n  fo llo ws.Do not dispose of your battery  or mobile device in a fire.Your  ba tt er y or  mo bi le  device may r eq ui re r ecyc ling in accordanc e wi th local  laws.  Contact  your  local r egul ator y authorities for mor e information.Do n ot  d isp ose  of  yo ur  b at te ry  or  mob ile  de vice  wit h y our  h ou seh ol d waste. See “Recycling” for more information.Do not use  tools.For  in do or  u se o nl y.032374o032376o032375o
62RF Energ y Op eratio nal Prec autionsFo r o pt imal  mobi le  de vice  pe rf or man ce,  an d  to  be  su re  th at  h uman  e xpo sur e  to  RF e ne rg y do es  no t  exce ed  t he  gu ide lin es  set  f or th  in  t he  re le van t s ta nd ar ds,  al wa ys f ol low t he se in str uc tio ns an d p re ca ut ion s:•When placing or r ec eiv ing a  phone call,  hold your  mobi le  device just  like you would a landline phone.•If  yo u we ar  th e  mo bi le  dev ice  on  yo ur  bo dy,  alwa ys p lac e t he  mob ile  de vic e in  a  Motorola-supplied or approved cl ip,  holder, hols ter, case,  or  body har ness.  If y ou do not use a body-worn accessory supplied or approved by Motorola, keep the mobile  device an d  its  an te nn a  at  le ast  2. 5 c m  (1 inch ) f ro m yo ur  bo dy  wh en  t ra nsmit ti ng .•Using  accessories not supplied or approved by Motorola may cause your mobile device t o e xce ed  R F en er gy  ex pos ur e g ui de lin es.  For  a  list  o f  Mot or ol a- sup pl ied  or  a pp ro ved  ac cess or ies , vis it  ou r we bsi te  at : Energy Interference/CompatibilityNearly every electronic device is subject to RF energy interference from external sources if in ad eq ua te ly sh ie lde d,  de sig ne d,  or  ot he rwise  co nf ig ur ed  fo r  RF  en er gy  comp at ibi lit y.  In  some  circums tances, y our mobile devi ce may cause inte rf er ence with other  devices.Follow Inst ructions to Avoid I nterf erence ProblemsTurn of f  your mobil e dev ice  in  any lo cat ion wh ere p ost ed notices instr uc t y ou to do so.In an airc raft, turn off your mobile devic e whenever i nstructed to do so by airl ine staf f.  If yo ur  mob ile  de vice  of f er s a n a irp la ne  mod e o r  simila r f ea t ur e,  con sul t a ir lin e st af f  ab ou t us ing it in flight.Implantable Medical DevicesIf you have an i mplant able medic al  device, such  as a pacemaker or  defibrillator, consult yo ur  ph ysic ian  be f or e u sin g t hi s mob ile  de vice .Pe rs on s with  imp lan ta bl e me dica l d ev ices  sho ul d o bs er ve t he  f oll owin g p re ca ut ion s:•ALWAYS ke ep  t he  mo bi le  de vice  mor e t ha n  20 cen ti me te rs  (8 in che s) f ro m th e impl antable medical devi ce when the  mobi le dev ice is turned  ON.•DO N OT  car ry  th e  mo bi le  dev ice  in  th e b r eas t p oc ket .•Use  t he  ea r  opp os ite  t he  impl an ta ble  med ica l d evic e t o  mi nimize  th e  po te nt ial  fo r in te rf er en ce .•Tu rn  OFF  the mob ile devi ce i mmedia tely i f  you  have  any reason to suspect tha t in te rf er en ce  is t ak ing  p lace .Read and follow  the directions from the manufacturer  of your  implantable medical device. If  you  h ave  an y q ue sti on s a bo ut  usi ng  yo ur  mobi le  de vice  with  yo ur  imp lan ta bl e med ica l de vice , co nsu lt  yo ur  he al th car e  pr ovid er .Specific Absorption Rate (IEEE)SAR (I EEE)YOUR MOBILE DEVICE MEETS FCC LIMITS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Your mobile device is  a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed  not to  exceed the limit s f or  exp os ur e t o r ad io  wave s (r ad io  fr eq ue ncy  ele ct ro ma gn et ic f ie lds ) ad op te d  by t he  Fed er al  Communi cat io ns  Co mmi ssio n ( FCC) . Th es e l imits  inc lud e  a su bs ta nt ial  saf e ty ma rg in  de sig ne d t o  ass ur e t he  sa fe ty  of  al l p er son s, r eg ar dl ess  of  a ge  an d h ea lt h.Th e r ad io  wave  ex po sur e g ui de lin es u se  a  un it  of  mea sur emen t  kno wn a s t he  S pe cif ic Absorption Rate,  or SAR. The SAR limit f or  mobile  devices is  1. 6W/kg.Test s f or  SAR  a re  co ndu ct ed  us ing  st an da rd  op er at in g p osi ti ons  with  t he  de vice  tr an smitt in g a t  its  hi gh est  ce rt ifi ed  po wer  le vel  in  all  te st ed  fr eq ue ncy  ba nd s. T he  hi gh est  SA R  val ues  un de r  th e F CC g ui del ine s f or  yo ur  d evic e mo de l ar e  list ed  b elo w:Dur ing use,  the  actual SAR values for your devi ce are usually  well  below the values state d.  This i s beca use, for  purposes  of system eff ici ency and to mini mi ze interfe rence  on the network, the operating  power  of your  mobile  device is  automatically decreased when full power is not needed for the call. The lower the power output of the device, the lower its  SAR val ue.Bo dy -wor n  SA R  te sti ng  ha s b ee n ca rr ie d o ut  u sin g a n  app r ove d a cce sso ry o r  at  a sep ar at io n d ist an ce  of  2. 5 c m ( 1 i nch ).  To me et  RF ex po sur e  gui de lin es  dur in g b od y- wo rn  operation, the device should be in an approved accessory or  positioned at least 2.5 cm (1 inc h) a way  fr om t he  bo dy.   If  yo u a re  n ot  us ing  an  a pp ro ved  ac cess or y, e nsu re  th at  wh at ev er  pr od uct  i s us ed  is f r ee  of  an y me ta l a nd  th at  it  p osit io ns  th e p ho ne  a t l ea st 2.5 cm (1inch) away from  the body.The World Health Organization has  stated that present scientific information does not ind ica te  t he  ne ed  f or  an y sp eci al  pr eca ut io ns f or  t he  u se o f  mo bi le  de vice s. T he y re commen d t ha t i f y ou  ar e in te re st ed  in f u rt he r r ed uci ng  you r e xp osu re  th en  you  ca n e asi ly Head SAR CDMA 800/1900, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth       0.77W/kgBo dy -wor n  SA R CDMA 8 00 / 19 00 , Wi- Fi, B lu et oo th       1. 36W/kg
63do so by  limiting your usage or si mply using a hands-free kit to keep the device away from th e he ad  an d bod y.Ad dit ion al  in fo rmat io n c an  be  f ou nd  at t/emf (Wor ld  Health Or ga niz a tio n)  or m/ rfhe alth (Motorola Mobili ty, Inc. ).Information from the World Health OrganizationWHO Inf or mat i on“A large number of  studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones  pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects ha ve  be en  es ta bli she d f or  mob ile  p ho ne  use .”Source: WHO Fact Sheet 193Fu rt he r i nf or ma ti on : Union Directives Conformance StatementEU Conf or manceThe  followi ng CE compli ance i nf or mat ion is  appli cable  to Motorola  mobi le  devices that carry one of the following CE marks:He re by, Mot or ol a d ecl ar es  th at  th is  pr od uct  is  in  compl ian ce  wi th :•Th e  ess ent ia l r eq uir eme nt s a nd  ot he r  re lev ant  p ro visi on s of  Di re cti ve 1 99 9/ 5 /EC•All  ot her  relev ant EU Direc tiv es0168 [Only Indoor Use Allowed In Francefor Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi]0168Th e a bo ve  giv es a n  exa mple  of  a  t ypic al  Pr od uct  Ap pr ova l N umbe r.Yo u c an  vie w  you r  pr od uct ’s  Dec lar at io n o f  Co nf or mity  (Do C) t o Di re cti ve  199 9/ 5 /EC (t o R& TT E Dire ct ive ) a t To  fi nd  yo ur  DoC,  en te r t h e P ro du ct App ro val  Nu mber  f ro m you r  pr od uct ’s la be l i n t he  “Sea rc h”  bar  o n t he  web sit e.FCC Declaration of ConformityFCC DoCPe r F CC CFR  4 7  Pa rt  2  Se ct ion  2 .10 77 (a)Responsibl e Party  Name: Mot or ol a Mobility, I nc.Address:  8000 West Sunrise Boulevard, Suite  A,Plantation,  FL 33322 USAPh on e N umbe r:  1  (80 0)  45 3- 09 20Her eb y d ecl ar es t h at  th e  pr od uct :Pr od uct  N ame:  XX XXModel  Number:  XXXXXXXXXXXXFCC ID: XXXXXXXXXConforms to t he following regulations : FCC Part 15, subpart  B,  sec tion 15. 107(a), 15. 107(d) an d s ect ion  1 5.1 09 (a )FCC Notice to UsersFCC Not iceThe following statement applies to all  products  that  bear the FCC logo  on the product label.This equipment has been tested and found to comply  with the  limits for a  Class  B  digital de vice , p ur sua nt  t o p ar t  15  of  t he  FC C R ule s.  Se e  47  CFR  Sec.  15 .10 5( b).  Th ese  li mi ts a r e de sig ned  t o p r ovid e  re aso na ble  p ro te cti on  ag ai nst  ha r mf ul  int e rf er en ce i n a  r esi de nt ial  installation. This equipment generates,  uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if  no t i nst al led  a nd  use d  in  acco rd an ce  wi th  t he  ins tr uct io ns,  may c au se h ar mfu l interference to  radio communications.  However,  there is no guarantee that interference 0168 Product Approval Number
64will  not occur i n a partic ular  installat ion.  If this equipment does cause harmful in te rf er en ce  to  ra di o o r  te lev isio n r ec ep tio n,  which  ca n  be  de te rmin ed  by  tu rn in g t he  eq ui pmen t  of f a nd  o n,  th e u ser  is  en cou ra ge d  to  tr y t o  cor re ct  th e  int er f er enc e b y o ne  or  mor e o f  th e f ol lowin g  me asu re s:•Reorient or  relocate the receiving  antenna.•In cre as e t he  se pa ra tio n  be twee n  th e e qu ip me nt  an d  th e r ec eiv er.•Connect  the equipment to an  outlet  on a circuit different from that  to which the receiver i s connected.•Consult the dealer or an  experienced radio/TV technician for help.This  dev ice complies with part  15 of  the FCC Rules. O per ation  is subj ect t o t he foll owing two conditi ons: (1) Thi s devic e may  not  cause  harmful i nter ference, and (2) thi s device must  a ccep t  an y in te rf er en ce  re cei ved , i nclu di ng  in te rf er en ce  th at  may  cau se  und es ire d op er at io n. Se e 47  CFR Sec. 15 .19 (a )(3 ).Mo to ro la  ha s n ot  ap pr ov ed  an y ch an ge s o r mo dif ica ti ons  to  t his  de vice  b y t he  use r.  Any ch an ges  or  mod if icat io ns  cou ld  void  t he  us er ’s  au th or ity  to  o per a te  th e e qu ip me nt . Se e 4 7 CFR Sec. 15.21.For products that support  W-Fi 802.11a (as defined in the product  specifications  available at , the followi ng information applies. Thi s equipment  has the ca pa bili ty  to  op er at e  Wi -Fi  in  th e  5 GHz   Unli cen sed  N at ion al  Inf or mat io n In fr a str uct ur e  (U-NII ) band.  Because this  band  is s hared with  MSS  (Mobil e Satellite  Service), t he FCC ha s r est r ict ed  suc h d evi ces  to  in do or  us e o nl y (se e  47  CFR  15 .40 7( e)) . Sin ce wir el ess  ho t sp ot s op er at in g i n t hi s b an d h ave  t he  sa me  r est ri ctio n,  ou td oo r  ser vice s a re  n ot  of fe re d.  Ne ver t he less , p lea se  do  no t  op er at e t hi s d evic e i n Wi- Fi mo de  wh en  o ut do or s.Industry Canada Notice to UsersIn dus try C ana da NoticeOp er at ion  is  sub je ct t o  th e  fo llowin g  two  con di tio ns:  (1 ) T his  de vice  may  no t c aus e in te rf er en ce  an d ( 2)  Th is d evi ce mu st  acce pt  a ny  int er fe re nc e,  incl ud ing  in te rf er en ce  th at  may  cau se  un des ire d  op er at ion  o f t he  d evi ce.  Se e  RSS- GEN  7. 1.5 . T his  C lass  B di git al  ap pa ra tu s co mpli es  wi th  Can adi an  IC ES- 00 3.Location Services (GPS & AGPS)GP S  & AG P SThe  followi ng informat ion is  appl icable to Motor ola mobile devices that  pr ovi de locat ion based (GPS and/or  AGPS)  functionality.Your mobile device can  use  Global Positioning System (GP S) si gnals  fo r l oca ti on -b ase d appl ications.  GPS  uses satellit es  cont rolled by the U.S.  government  that ar e  subject  to ch an ges  impl emen te d  in a cco rd an ce  wi th  th e  Dep ar tmen t  of  De fe nse  p olic y a nd  th e Fed er al  Rad io  Nav iga ti on  Pla n.  Th es e ch an ge s may  af fe ct  th e  pe rf or ma nc e o f  loca t ion  technol ogy on your  mob ile de vice.Your  mobile device can also use  Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS), which ob ta ins  in fo rmat io n f ro m th e  cel lula r  ne twor k t o  impr ove  GP S  pe rf or ma nc e.  AGPS u ses  you r  wi re less  se rvi ce p ro vid er 's n et wor k a nd  th er ef or e  air ti me , d at a  cha rg es,  an d/ o r ad dit io na l ch ar ge s may  ap ply  in  acc or da nce  wit h yo ur  se rv ice  pla n.  Con ta ct  you r wir el ess  ser vice provider for  details.Your LocationLocation-based  information includes information  that can be used to  determine the approximate location of  a mobile device. Mobile devices  which are connected to a wireless network transmit location-based information. Devices enabled with GPS or  AGPS technol ogy al so transmit location-based information. Addi tionally, if you use applications that require location-based information ( e.g. driv ing di recti ons), such appli cations trans mit loc ation-based  infor mat ion. Thi s locat ion-based information  may be s hared wit h t hird pa rt ies , in clu din g  you r  wi re less  se rvic e p ro vid er,  ap pl icat io ns  pr ovi de rs,  Mo to ro la,  an d other third par ties providing servi ces.Emergency CallsWhen you make an  emergenc y call,  the cellular net wor k may  activate t he AGPS technology in your mobile  device to tell the emergency responders  your approximate loc at ion.AGPS has  limitations and might not work in your area.  Th er ef or e:•Always tell  the emergency  responder your location to  the best of  your ability; and•Remain on the phone for  as  long as the emergency responder  instructs you.NavigationNavi gationTh e f ol lowin g  inf or mat ion  is  ap pli cab le  to  Mo to ro la  mobi le  de vice s t ha t p ro vid e navigation features.Wh en  us ing  n avig at io n f ea tu r es,  no te  th at  map pi ng  in fo rmat io n,  dir ect io ns  an d o th er  na vig at ion al  da ta  ma y co nt ai n i nac cur at e  or  inc ompl et e d at a.  In s ome c ou nt rie s, c omple te  inf or mat ion  may  no t  be  ava ila bl e.  The r ef or e,  you  sh ou ld v isu all y co nf irm t ha t  th e na vig at ion al  ins tr uct io ns  ar e co ns ist en t wit h  wh at  yo u s ee . All  dr ive rs  sho ul d p ay attent ion to road conditions, cl osures, traffic,  and all other factors that  may i mpac t driving. Always  ob ey po ste d ro ad  sig ns.
65Smart Practices While DrivingDr ivi ng Safet yCheck the laws and regulations on  the use of mobile  devices  and their accessories in the  areas  where  you drive.  Always obey them.  The use  of these devices may be prohibited  or  restricted in certain areas—for  example, handsfree use only may  be required. Go to (in English only) for more  information.Yo ur  mob ile  d evic e l et s yo u c ommu ni cat e  by v oic e a nd  da ta —almos t a ny wh er e,  an yti me , wherever wireless service is  available and safe  conditions  allow. When driving a car, drivi ng is y our first  respons ibil ity.  If you choose to use y our mobil e devi ce while drivi ng, re membe r th e f ol lowin g tip s:• Get to know your Motorola mobile device and its features such as  speed dial, redial  and voice dial.  If  av aila bl e,  th ese  f eat u re s he lp  you  t o p la ce y ou r ca ll  wi th ou t taking your attention off the road.• When  available, use a  handsfree device. If possible, add an additional  layer of co nve ni enc e t o you r mo bil e d ev ice wi th  on e of  th e ma ny  Mo to ro la Orig in al  ha nd sfr ee  ac cess or ies  ava ila bl e t od ay.• Position your mobile device within easy reach. Be able to acces s your mobile device without removing your  eyes from  the road. If you receive an incoming  call at an inconvenient time, i f pos sible,  let your  voicemail  answer it  for  you.• Let the person you  are speaking with  know  you are  driving;  if necessary,  suspend the  call in heavy  traffic  or hazardous weather conditions. Rain,  sleet, sn ow, ice , a nd  e ven  he av y t ra ff ic c an  be  ha z ar do us.• Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving. J ot tin g do wn  a “to  do ” l ist  or  g oin g t h ro ug h yo ur  a dd re ss b oo k t ake s a tt en ti on  away  fr om y our  p ri ma ry responsibility—driving s afely.• Dial  sensibly  and assess the traffic;  if possible,  place  calls when your car is not moving or before pulling into traffic. If you must make a c all  while movi ng,  di al on ly  a f ew n umb er s, ch eck  th e  ro ad  an d  you r mir r or s, t he n c on tin ue .• Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may  be distracting. Ma ke  pe op le  you  ar e  ta lkin g  wi th  awa re  you  a re  dr ivi ng  an d s usp en d conversations that can divert  your attention away from  the road.• Use your mobile  device to  call for help. Di al 9 11  o r o th er  lo cal  emer ge nc y nu mbe r in the  case of  fire, traffic accident,  or medical emergencies (wherever wireless  phone se rvi ce is a vai lab le) .• Use your mobile device to help others  in emergencies. If  yo u s ee  an  a ut o ac cid en t,  crime  in  pr og re ss,  or  ot he r  ser io us  emer ge ncy  wher e  live s a re  in  da ng er , ca ll 91 1 o r  ot he r  loca l e mer ge ncy  nu mb er  (whe r eve r wir el ess  ph on e s er vice  is  ava ila ble ), as  you would  want others to do  for you.• Call roadside assistance or a special non-emergency wireless assistance number when necessary. If  you see a broken-down  vehicle posing  no serious ha zar d,  a b ro ken  t ra ff ic  sign al , a  mino r  tr af fic  ac cide nt  whe re  n o o ne  ap pe ar s i nju re d,  or  a  veh icl e yo u  kno w  to  be  st ol en , ca ll r oa ds ide  a ssist an ce  or  ot he r  spe cia l no n- emer ge nc y wir ele ss n umbe r  (whe re ver  wir ele ss p ho ne  se rvi ce  is a vai lab le ).Privacy & Data SecurityPri vac y & Da t a  SecurityMo to ro la  und er st an ds  th at  pr iva cy a nd  d at a se cu rit y a re  imp or ta nt  to  e ver yo ne.  Beca us e some fe at ur es  of your mob ile device may  affe ct your  pr ivacy or data  sec ur ity,  pleas e fo llo w  th ese  r eco mme nd at ion s t o  enh an ce  pr ot ec tio n  of  you r  inf or mat io n:• Monitor access—Keep your mobile device with you and do not leave it  where others may have unmonitored access. Use your device’s security and lock features, where ava ila bl e.• Keep software up to date—If Motorola or a software/application vendor releases a pa tch  or software f ix f or your mobile  device that  updates the device ’s sec urity,  ins ta ll it  as soo n as p os sibl e.• Secure Personal  Information—Your mobile device  can store personal information in  various l ocations  inc luding your SIM c ar d, memory car d,  and phone memory. Be sure to remove or c lear  all  personal i nf ormati on before  you  recycle , ret ur n,  or g ive away  you r  de vice . Y ou  ca n a lso  ba cku p y ou r p er son al  da ta  t o t r ans fe r t o  a n ew d ev ice.No t e :  For  informat ion on how t o bac kup or wipe dat a  from your mobile device, go  to• Online accounts—So me  mob ile  de vice s p ro vid e a  Mo to ro la  on lin e a cco un t ( suc h a s MOTOBLUR). Go to your account for information on how to manage  the account,  and how  to use security features such as remote wipe and device location (where ava ila bl e).• Applications and updates—Cho ose  yo ur  a pp s an d  up da te s ca re fu lly,  an d in st all  from trusted sources  only. Some apps  can impact your phone’s performance and/or have  access to privat e  information including account det ai ls, c all  data, locat ion detai ls an d n et wor k r eso ur ce s.• Wireless—For mobile devi ces  wi th Wi -Fi  feat ur es, only  connect to trusted  Wi-Fi networks. Also, when using your device as a  hotspot (where available) use network sec ur ity.  These precauti ons will  help  prevent unauthorized access to y our devi ce.
66• Location-based information—Location-based information includes information that ca n b e  use d t o  de te rmin e t he  a pp ro ximat e l oca ti on  of  a  mo bi le  de vice . Mo bi le  ph one s which are connected to a wireless network transmit location-based information. Devices enable d wit h  GPS o r  AGPS t echnology  also t ransmit location- based  in fo rma tio n.  Add it ion al ly, if  yo u  use  ap pl icat io ns  th at  r equ ir e l oca ti on -b ase d information  (e.g. dri ving directions),  such applic at ions transmit location-based information. This location-based information may be  shared  with third parties, in clu din g  you r wir el ess  ser vic e p ro vid er,  ap pli cat io ns  pr ovid er s,  Mot or o la,  an d o th er  t hir d pa rt ies  pr ovi din g ser vice s.• Other  information your device  may transmit—Your  device may a lso t ransmit  testing and other  diagnostic  (including location-based)  information, and other non-personal  information to Motorola or other third-party  servers.  This information is used to help improve products and  services offered by Motorola.If  you  ha ve  fu rt he r q ue st ion s r ega r din g h ow t he  use  of  yo ur  mo bi le d evi ce ma y impa ct  you r pr ivacy or data secur it y,  pl ease contact Motorola at, or co nt act  yo ur  se rvi ce p r ovid er .Use & CareUs e  & Ca reTo  car e  for y our Motorol a mobile device,  please observ e t he foll owing:li qui dsDon’t  expose your mobile device to water, rain,  extreme humidity, sweat,  or ot he r l iqu ids . If  it  do es  ge t we t, d on ’t  tr y t o a cce ler at e  dr ying  wit h t he  us e o f an  ove n  or  dr ye r, a s t his  may d ama ge  th e  mo bil e d ev ice.extreme heat or coldDon ’t  sto re  or  u se  you r mo bil e d evi ce  in t e mp er at ur es  be low - 10 °C (1 4°F ) o r ab ove  60 °C (1 40 °F).  Do n’t  re ch ar ge  you r  mo bi le  de vice  in  te mpe ra tu re s below 0°C (32°F ) or above  45°C (113°F).microwavesDon’t  try to dry your  mobile  device in a  microwave oven.dust and dirtDon’ t expose your mobi le  device to dust, dirt,  sand,  food, or other inappropriate solutionsTo  cl ea n yo ur  mob ile  d evic e,  use  on ly  a d ry  sof t  clo th . Do n’t  u se a lco ho l o r other cleaning solutions.shock and vibrationDon’t drop  your mobile device.protectionTo help protect  your mobile device, always make sure that  the battery c ompa rt ment  a nd  an y co nn ec to r c ove rs  ar e c lose d  an d s ecu re .RecyclingRecyclingMobile Devices & AccessoriesPle as e d o n ot  d isp ose  of  mob ile  d evic es  or  el ect ri cal  acce sso ri es ( suc h a s cha rg er s,  hea ds et s, o r  ba tt er ies ) wit h yo ur  h ou seh ol d was te , o r i n a  f ire . Th ese  it ems s ho uld  be  d isp ose d o f  in  acco r dan ce  with  t he  na ti on al c oll ect io n an d r ec yclin g sche mes ope r at ed by your loca l o r re gio na l a ut ho ri ty. Alternatively,  you may  return unwanted mobile devices  and electrical accessories to any Motorola  Approved Service Center  in  your  region. Details of  Motorola approved national recycli ng schemes , and fu rt he r  inf or mation on Mot or ola recy cling activit ies can be  found at : kag ing  & Prod uct G uid esPr od uct  p acka gi ng  an d  pr odu ct  gu id es  sho uld  o nly  be  di spo sed  o f i n a cco rd an ce  wit h  national collection and recycling requirements. Please contact  your regional authorities for more detail s.
67California Perchlorate LabelPer chlor a te LabelSome  mo bi le  pho ne s u se  an  in te rn al,  pe rma ne nt  ba cku p b at te ry  on  t he  pr in te d ci rcu it  bo ar d  th at  may  con ta in  ver y sma ll a mou nt s of  p er chl or at e.  In  such  ca se s, Cal ifo rn ia  la w re qu ir es th e f ol lowin g label:Pe rc hlora te Ma te rial  – spe cial handli ng may a pply  when the  ba tt er y is  recycl ed or di spo sed  o f.  Se e ouswaste/pe rchlorateTh er e  is n o s pe cia l ha nd lin g  re qu ire d  by c on sumer s.Hearing Aid Compatibility with Mobile PhonesHear ing Ai d Compa t i bilitySome  Mot or ola phones are measur ed for  compatibility with heari ng ai ds.  If the  box for  yo ur  pa rt icu lar  mod el h as  “Rat ed  fo r H ear in g Ai ds”  pr int ed  on  it , t he  fo llo wi ng  exp la na tio n ap pl ies.When some mobile phones are used near some hearing devices (hearing aids and cochlear impl an ts) , us er s may  de te ct  a b uzzin g,  hu mmin g,  or  whi nin g n oi se.  S ome  hea r ing  de vic es ar e  mo re  immun e  th an  ot he rs  to  t his  int er f er en ce n oi se,  an d p ho ne s a lso  var y i n t he  amount of  interference they generate.The wireless telephone industry has developed ratings for some of their  mobile phones, to as sist  he ar in g d ev ice  use rs  in  fin di ng  ph on es  th at  may  be  comp at ibl e wit h  th eir  h ea rin g devices.  Not all phones have been rated. Phones that are rated have the  rating  on their bo x o r a  la bel  on  th e b ox . To ma int ai n t he  pu bli she d H ear in g Ai d Comp at ibi lit y (HAC ) r a tin g for this mobile phone, use  only the original equipment battery  model.Th is  pho ne  h as  be en  te ste d  an d r at ed  f or  us e wit h  he ar ing  ai ds  fo r s ome  of  th e  wi re less  te ch no log ies  th at  it  u ses.  Howe ver,  th er e  ma y b e s ome n ewe r wir el ess  te chn olo gi es  use d in this  phone t hat hav e not  been tested yet  for use  wi th hear ing aids. It is  important  to try th e  dif fe r ent  f ea tu re s o f  th is p ho ne  th or ou gh ly  and  in  d iff er en t  loc at ion s,  usin g  you r he ar in g a id  or  co chl ea r i mp la nt , t o d et er mine  if  yo u h ea r  an y in te rf er in g n oi se.  Co nt ac t your  servic e provider  or Mot or ola for informat ion on  hear ing aid  compati bil ity.  If you have questions  about return or exchange policies, contact  your  service provider  or phone re t aile r.Th e  ra tin gs  ar e  no t g ua ra nt ee s. Re sul ts  wi ll va ry  de pe nd ing  o n t he  u ser ’s he ar in g d ev ice an d  hea r ing  lo ss. I f yo ur  h ea rin g d ev ice  ha pp en s to  b e vu ln er ab le t o  int er fe r enc e,  you  may no t  be  ab le  to  u se a  r at ed  ph on e  succ essf ul ly. Tr yin g  out  t he  ph on e  wi th  yo ur  he ar in g de vice  is  th e  be st  wa y t o e va lua te  it  f or  yo ur  pe rso na l n ee ds.M-Ratings: Ph on es  ra te d M3 o r  M4  me et  FC C r eq uir eme nt s a nd  ar e  like ly t o  ge ne ra te  les s in te rf er en ce  to  he ar in g d ev ices  th an  p ho nes  th at  a re  no t  lab el ed . M4  is  th e be tt er / hig he r of  th e two ra tin gs .T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to be more usable wi th  a  he ar ing  d evic e’s t el eco il ( “T  Swit ch”  or  “Te le ph on e Swit ch”)  th an  u nr at ed  ph on es.  T4 is the better/higher of the two ratings. (Note that  not all hearing devices have telecoils in them.)Hearing devices may also be  measured  for  immunity to  this type of  interference.  Your hearing device manufacturer  or hearing health professional may help you find results for you r  he ar ing  d evic e.  Th e mor e  immu ne  yo ur  he ar in g a id  is,  th e  less  like ly  you  ar e  to  experience interference  noise from mobile phones.Software Copyright NoticeSof tware Copyr igh t No t iceMo to ro la  pr od uct s may  inc lud e  cop yri gh te d M ot or ol a a nd  th ir d- pa rt y so ft war e s to re d i n semico nd uc to r me mo ri es o r  ot he r  me dia . L aws in  t he  Un ite d  St at es  an d o th er  co un tr ie s pr ese rv e f or  Mo to r ola  an d  th ird - par t y so ft wa re  p ro vid er s ce rt ai n e xclu sive  r igh ts  fo r copyrighted software, such  as the exclusive rights  to distribute or  reproduce the cop yr igh te d s of twar e.  Acco rd in gly,  an y co pyr ig ht ed  so ft wa re  co nt ai ne d in  M ot or ola  pr od uct s may  no t  be  mod ifi ed , r eve rse -e ng in ee re d,  dist r ibu te d,  or  r ep ro du ced  in  an y manner to the extent allowed by law. Furthermore, the  purchase of  Motorola products shall  not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any lice nse  u nde r  th e co py rig ht s, p at en ts , or  pa t ent  a pp lica tio ns  of  Mo to ro la  or  an y th ir d- pa rt y sof tware prov ider, except for  the  normal , non-exclusive, r oyalt y-f ree  license t o use that  ar ise s b y op er at io n o f  law i n t he  sa le  of  a  pr od uct .Content CopyrightCont ent Copyr ightTh e u na ut ho ri ze d  cop yin g o f  cop yr igh te d ma te ria ls  is co nt r ar y t o t he  pr ov isio ns  of  t he Copy right Laws  of the  Unit ed States and other c ount ries. Thi s device is  intended s olely for  copying non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you  own the copyright, or materials which you are authorized or legally permitted  to copy. If you are uncertain about your  right to copy  any  mat er ial , plea se  con ta ct your  leg al  advisor.Open Source Software InformationOSS Infor mat i onFor  instructi ons  on how to obtain a copy of any  source c ode being  made publ icly  available by  Mot orol a r el at ed to softwar e used i n t hi s Motorola mobi le  device, you  may send your
68re qu es t i n wr iti ng  to  t he  ad dr ess  be lo w.  Ple ase  make  su re  t ha t t he  r eq ue st  incl ud es  th e mod el numb er  an d th e s of twar e ver sio n n umb er.MOTOROLA MOBILITY, INC.OSS  Ma na ge me nt60 0  Nor t h US H wy  45Liber ty ville, I L 60048USATh e Mot or ol a we bsi te also cont ains information re ga rd in g M ot or ol a' s  use  of  o pe n so ur ce .Mo to ro la  ha s cr ea ted t he web sit e t o s er ve a s a  po rt al  fo r in te racti on  with  t he so ft wa re  co mmu nit y- at -la r ge.To  vie w  ad dit io nal  in fo rmat io n r eg ar di ng  lic en ses,  ack no wl ed gmen ts  an d r eq ui re d co pyr igh t  no ti ces  fo r o pe n  sou rce  p acka ge s u sed  in  t his  Mo to ro la  mo bi le  dev ice , p lea se pr es s Menu Key >Settings >Abo ut pho ne >Legal informati on >Open s ource licenses. In additi on, t his  Motorola  device may i ncl ude se lf- co nt ain ed  ap pl ica tio ns  th at  p re sen t s up ple ment a l no t ices  fo r  op en  sou rc e p ac kag es us ed  in  th ose  a pp lica ti ons .Export Law AssurancesExpor t  LawTh is p ro du ct  is co nt ro lle d u nd er  th e e xpo r t r eg ula ti on s of  th e U nit ed  Sta te s of  Amer ica  an d Canada.  The Governments of the United States of America and Canada may restrict  the exportation or re-exportation of this product  to certain destinations. For further information contact  the U.S. Department of Commerce or the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and  International  Trade.Product RegistrationReg i s trationOnline Product roductre gistrationPr od uc t r eg ist ra ti on  is  an  impo rt an t s te p t owa rd  en jo ying  yo ur  n ew Mo to ro la  pr od uc t. Registering permits  us to  contact you for product or software updates and allows  you to su bscr ib e t o  up da te s o n n ew p ro du cts  or  sp eci al  pr omot io ns.  Re gi str at io n i s n ot  re qu ir ed  for warranty coverage.Please retain  your original dated  sales receipt  for your records.  For warranty service of your  Motorola  Personal Communicati ons Product y ou will  need  to prov ide a copy of  your date d  sal es r ec eip t  to  co nf irm wa rr an ty  sta tus.Thank you  for choosing  a Motorola product.Service & R epairsIf  you  h ave  qu es tio ns  or  ne ed  a ssist an ce , we'r e  he re  to  h elp .Go to (United States)  or (Canada), where you can select  from a number of customer  care options. You  can also contact  the Motorola Customer  Support Center at 1-800-734-5870 (United  States), 1-888-390-6456  (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired), or 1-800-461-4575  (Canada).Motorola Limited Warranty for the United States and CanadaWarrantyWhat Does this Warranty Cover?Subj ect t o t he exclusions c ontained  below, Mot or ola Mobi lit y,  Inc. warrants  its  mobi le telephones (“Products”),  Motorola-branded or certified accessories sold for use with these Pr od uct s (“ Acces sor ie s”),  and  Mo to ro la  sof t wa re  con t ain ed  on  CD-ROM s or  ot he r  ta ng ibl e media and sold  for use with these Products (“Software”) to be free  from defects in materials and  workmanship under normal  consumer usage for  the period(s) outlined below. This  limited warranty i s a  consumer's  exc lusi ve  remedy,  and applies as foll ows to new Motorola Products, Accessories, and Software purchased by consumers in the United States or Canada, which are accompanied by this written warranty:
69Products and AccessoriesExclusions (Products and Accessories)Normal Wear and Tear.  Pe ri od ic ma int en an ce,  re pa ir  an d  re pla ceme nt  of  p ar ts  du e t o normal wear  and tear  are excluded  from coverage.Ba t te r ie s .  On ly b at te r ies  wh os e f ul ly ch ar ge d  cap aci ty  fa lls b el ow 8 0%  of  th ei r r at ed  ca pa city  an d  ba tt er ies  th at  le ak  ar e c ove re d  by t hi s li mi te d wa rr an ty.Abuse & Misuse. Defects or  damage that result from: (a)improper operation, storage, misuse or  ab use, accident  or  ne gl ect , such as  ph ysical damage  (cr acks , scr atches,  etc.)  to th e  sur fa ce  of  t he  pr od uct  r esu lt ing  f ro m  mi sus e; ( b) con ta ct  with  li qui d,  wa te r,  ra in,  ex tr eme h umid it y or  he av y pe rsp ir at ion , sa nd , d irt  o r t he  like , e xtr eme  he at , or  f ood ; ( c) u se of the Products  or Accessories for commercial  purposes or subjecting the Product  or Acce sso ry  to  ab no rma l u sag e o r  con di tio ns;  or  (d ) o th er  a cts  which  a re  no t  th e f au lt  of  Mo to ro la , ar e  exc lud ed  f ro m  cove ra ge .Use of Non-Motorola Products and Accessories.  Def ec ts  or  da ma ge  t ha t r esu lt  fr om the  use of non-Motorola branded or certified Products, Accessories,  Software or other pe ri ph er al  eq uip ment  a re  ex clu de d f ro m cov er ag e.Products Covered Length  of CoverageProducts and Accessories as de fi ne d a bo ve,  un le ss o th er wi se pr ov ide d fo r b el ow.One (1) year from  the date of purchase by the f ir st c on sumer  p ur cha ser  o f t he  pr od uct  u nle ss otherwise  provided for below.Decorative Accessories and Cases . Decorative cover s,  bezels, Ph on eWr ap™  cov er s a nd  cas es.Limited lifetime warranty f or  th e  lif et ime o f ownership  by the first  consumer purchaser of t he  pr o duc t.Monaural Headsets.  Ea r bud s an d bo om he ad se ts th at  tr an smit  mon o so un d  th ro ug h a  wir ed  co nn ect ion .Limited lifetime warranty f or  th e  lif et ime o f ownership  by the first  consumer purchaser of t he  pr o duc t.Products and Accessories that are  Repaired or Replaced.The balance of the original warranty or for ninety (90) days from the date returned to the consumer, whichever is l onger.Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defect s or  damages  resul ting  from serv ice,  testing, adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration, or modification  in any way by some on e o th er  t ha n M ot or ola , o r  its  au th or ized  se rv ice  cen te rs , ar e  exc lud ed  f ro m cov erage.Altered Products. Products  or Accessories with (a)serial numbers or date tags that have be en  re mo ve d, a lt er ed  or  ob lit er at ed ; (b ) b ro ke n se al s or  t hat  sh ow e vide nc e o f t amp er ing ; (c)  mismatched board serial numbers; or  (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola housings,  or parts, are excluded from coverage.Communication Services. Def ect s,  da ma ge s, o r  th e f ai lur e  of  Pr od uc ts,  Acce sso rie s o r Software due to any communication service or signal you may  subscribe to or use with the Pr od uct s Ac cess or ies  or  Sof twa re  is  excl ud ed  fr om co ve ra ge .Soft wareExclusions (Software)Software  Embodied in Physical  Media. No warranty is made that the software will meet your requirement s or will  work in combinat ion with any  hardware or softwar e ap pli cat io ns p ro vid ed  b y th ir d p ar t ies,  th at  t he  op er at io n o f  th e s of twar e  pr od uct s will  be  un int er r upt ed  o r e r ro r f re e,  or  t ha t a ll  de fe cts  in  th e  sof twar e  pr od uct s wil l b e co rr ec te d.Software  NOT Embodied in Physical Media. Sof twar e  th at  is  no t e mbo die d  in ph ysica l me dia  (e .g.  so ft wa re  t ha t i s d ownl oad ed  f ro m  th e I nt er ne t) , is  pr ovi de d “a s i s” and without warranty.Who is Covered?This warranty  extends  only to the first  consumer purchaser, and is  not transferable.What Will Motorola Do?Mo to ro la,  at  its  op tio n,  wi ll a t n o c har g e r ep air,  re pl ace  or  re fu nd  th e p ur ch ase  pr ice  of  an y Pr od uct s,  Acces sor ie s or  So ft wa re  t ha t d oe s n ot  co nf or m  to  t his  wa rr an ty.  We  may  use  functionally equivalent reconditioned/refurbished/pre-owned or new Products, Acce ssor ie s o r p ar ts . N o d at a,  sof twa re  or  a pp lica ti on s ad de d  to  yo ur  Pr od uct , A cces sor y Products Covered Length of CoverageSoftware.  Appli es onl y t o p hys ical  defects in t he  me di a t ha t  embo di es t he  co py  of  t he  sof twa re  (e .g.  CD -R OM,  or  f lop py  dis k).Ninety (90) days from the da te  of  p ur cha se .
70or Sof tware, i ncludi ng but  not l imited  to personal c ontacts,  games  and r inger  tones,  will be  r ein st all ed.  To  avo id  los ing  su ch d at a,  sof t wa re , a nd  ap pl icat io ns,  ple as e cr ea t e a  ba ck up p rio r  to  re qu es tin g  ser vice .How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Info rma tio nYou wil l receive ins tr uctions on how to ship the Products, Accessori es or Softwar e, at  your ex pense, t o a Motorola Authorized Repai r Cent er. To obtain servi ce, y ou must inc lude:  (a) a copy of  your  recei pt , bill  of sal e or  ot her c omparabl e proof of purchase; (b) a wri tten description of the  problem; ( c) the name of  your  ser vice provider,  if  appli cable; (d) t he name and location of  the i nstal lation faci lity (i f applic abl e)  and,  most  importantl y; (e) y our ad dr es s an d  te lep ho ne  n umbe r.What Other Limitations are There?ANY I MP LIED  WARRANTIE S,  INCLU DING  WI THOUT LI MITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABI LIT Y  AND F ITNESS FOR A  PARTI CUL AR PURP OSE, SHALL  BE  LIMITED TO THE D URAT ION  OF THIS LIMITED WARRA NTY, OT HERWISE THE REPA IR, REP LACEMENT, OR REF UND  AS  PROVIDE D UN DER T HIS  EXP R ESS LIM ITE D WARRANTY IS THE  EXCLUSIVE REMEDY  OF THE  CONSUMER,  AND  IS PROVIDED IN LI EU OF AL L OTH ER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL  MOTORO LA BE LIABLE, WHETHER  IN CONTRACT  OR TORT  (INCL UDIN G NE GLIGE NCE ) FOR DAMAGES I N EXCESS OF T HE  PURCHASE P RICE OF THE  PRODUCT, ACCESSORY OR SO FTWARE , OR FOR ANY I NDIRECT,  INCID ENT AL, SPECIAL  OR  CONSEQUE NTIAL DA MAGE S  OF ANY KIN D, OR LOSS OF  REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF  BUSI NESS,  LOSS  OF INFORMATI ON OR  DATA, SOFTWARE  OR  APPLICATIONS OR OT HER FI NANCI AL LOSS ARISING OUT OF  OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR  INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES OR SOFTWARE  TO THE FULL  EXTENT THESE  DAMAGES MAY BE  DISCL AIMED BY LAW.Some states and jurisdictions do not allow  the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential  damages, or limitation on the  length of  an implied warranty,  so the  above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.  This USA1- 80 0- 73 4- 58 70Canada1- 80 0- 46 1- 45 75TTY1- 88 8- 39 0- 64 56warranty gives  you specific legal rights,  and you  may also have other rights that vary  from state to state or from one jurisdiction  to another.Motorola Limited Warranty for the United States and CanadaWarranty(Use this  version of  the “ Limited Warr anty ” statement  for  standard BOOST iDEN phones.) (In ser t  th is wa rr an ty  sta te ment  i n N A BOOST  pr odu ct  gu id es  - i DEN  ha nd set s.What Does this Warranty Cover?Not e:  F OR IDEN SU BSCRIBER PR ODU CTS, ACCESSORI ES AND SOF TWARE PURCHASED IN THE  UNITED STATES OR  CANADA.Subj ect t o t he exclusions c ontained  below, Mot or ola Mobi lit y,  Inc. warrants  its  Motorola iDEN Di gital  Mobil e and Portable Hands et s ("Products"),  Motorola-branded  or cert ifi ed acc esso ri es s old  f or  us e wit h  th ese  Pr od uc ts  (" Acces sor ie s")  an d  Mot or ol a s of twar e contained on CD-Roms or other tangible  media and sold for use  with these Products ("Software") to be free from defects in  materials and workmanship under  normal  consumer usa ge  f or  th e  pe rio d( s) o ut lin ed  be lo w. This limited warranty is a consumer's exclusive remedy,  and  applies  as follows to new Products,  Accessories and Software  purchased by consumers in the United  States or Canada, which are accompanied  by this written warranty:
71What is Not Covered? (Exclusions)Normal Wear and Tear. Pe ri od ic ma int en an ce,  re pa ir  an d  re pla ceme nt  of  p ar ts  du e t o normal wear  and tear  are excluded  from coverage.Ornamental Decorations.  Ornamental decorations such as  emblems, graphics, rh in est on es,  je we ls,  ge ms to ne s a nd  th eir  se tt in gs,  an d  ot he r d eco r at ive  ele men ts,  ar e ex clud ed  f ro m  cov er ag e.Bat te r ie s . On ly b at te r ies  wh os e f ul ly ch ar ge d  cap aci ty  fa lls b el ow 8 0%  of  th ei r r at ed  ca pa city  an d  ba tt er ies  th at  le ak  ar e c ove re d  by t hi s li mi te d wa rr an ty.Abuse & Misuse.  Def ect s o r  da ma ge  t ha t r es ult  f ro m:  (a ) impr op er  o pe ra ti on,  st or ag e, misuse or  ab use, accident  or  ne gl ect , such as  ph ysical damage  (cr acks , scr atches,  etc.)  to th e  sur fa ce  of  t he  pr od uct  r esu lt ing  f ro m  mi sus e; ( b)  con ta ct  with  li qui d,  wa te r,  ra in,  extreme humidity or heavy perspiration, sand, dirt or the like, extreme heat, or food; (c) use of the Products  or Accessories for commercial  purposes or subjecting the Product  or Accessory  to abnormal usage or  conditions; or (d) other acts which are not  the fault of Mo to ro la , ar e  exc lud ed  f ro m  cove ra ge .Products Covered Length  of CoverageProducts as defined above. Ninety (90)  days from the date of purchase b y t he  fi rst  co nsu mer  pu rc ha ser  of  t he  pr od uc t u nle ss ot he rwise  pr ov ide d fo r b el ow.Accessories as defined above. Ninety (90)  days from the date of purchase b y t he  fi rst  co nsu mer  pu rc ha ser  of  t he  pr od uc t u nle ss ot he rwise  pr ov ide d fo r b el ow.Products or Accessories  that are  Repaired or Replaced.The balance of the original warranty or for ninety (90) days from the date returned to the consumer, whichever is l onger.Software as  de fi ne d a bo ve.  Applies onl y to physical  defects in th e  me di a t ha t  embo di es t he  co py of the software (e.g. CD-ROM, or fl op py disk ).Ninety (90)  days from the date  of purchase.Use  of Non-Motorola Products and Accessories.  Def ect s or damage th at  result  from th e u se  of  No n- Mo to ro la  br an de d  or  cer t ifi ed  Pr od uct s,  Acce ssor ie s, So ft wa re  o r o th er  peripheral equipment are excluded from  coverage.Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defect s or  damages  resul ting  from serv ice,  testi ng, adjustment, install ation, maint enance,  al teration,  including without li mi tation,  sof twa re  ch an ges , o r mo dif ica ti on  in  an y way  by  someo ne  o th er  th an  M ot or ola , o r  its au th or ized  se rvi ce  cen te rs,  ar e  excl ud ed  fr om c ove ra ge .Altered Products. Products  or Accessories with (a) serial  numbers or date tags that have be en  re mo ve d, a lt er ed  or  ob lit er at ed ; ( b) b ro ke n se als  or  th at  sh ow e vide nc e o f t amp er ing ; (c)  mismatched board serial numbers; or  (d) nonconforming or non-Motorola housings, an te nn as,  or  p ar ts,  ar e  excl ud ed  fr om co ve ra ge .Communication Services.  Def ect s,  da ma ge s, o r  th e f ai lur e  of  Pr od uc ts,  Acce sso rie s o r Software due to any communication service or signal you may  subscribe to or use with the Pr od uct s,  Acces sor ie s or  So ft wa re  is  exc lud ed  f ro m  cove ra ge .Software  Embodied in Physical  Media.  No warranty is made that the software will meet your requirement s or will  work in combinat ion with any  hardware or softwar e ap pli cat io ns p ro vid ed  b y th ir d p ar t ies,  th at  t he  op er at io n o f  th e s of twar e  pr od uct s will  be  un int er r upt ed  o r e r ro r f re e,  or  t ha t a ll  de fe cts  in  th e  sof twar e  pr od uct s wil l b e co rr ec te d.Software  NOT Embodied in Physical Media. Sof twar e  th at  is  no t e mbo die d  in physical media (e. g. s oftwar e t hat  is downloaded from t he int ernet), is pr ovi ded "as i s" and wi th ou t wa rr an ty.Who is Covered?This warranty  extends  only to the first  consumer purchaser, and is  not transferable.What Will Motorola Do?Mo to ro la,  at  its  op tio n,  wi ll a t n o c har g e r ep air,  re pl ace  or  re fu nd  th e p ur ch ase  pr ice  of  an y Pr od uct s,  Acces sor ie s or  So ft wa re  t ha t d oe s n ot  co nf or m  to  t his  wa rr an ty.  We  may  use  functionally equivalent reconditioned/refurbished/pre-owned or new Products, Acce ssor ie s o r p ar ts . N o d at a,  sof twa re  or  a pp lica ti on s ad de d  to  yo ur  Pr od uct , A cces sor y or  Sof twa re , in clu din g  bu t n ot  li mi te d t o  pe rso na l co nt act s,  ga me s a nd  r ing er  t one s,  wi ll be  re in sta lle d.  To  avo id  los ing  su ch  dat a , so ft wa re  a nd  ap pl icat io ns  ple ase  cr ea te  a  ba ck up  pr io r t o  re qu est in g s er vice .How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other Info rma tio nTo o bt ai n s er vice  or  in fo r ma ti on,  pl ea se  call :
72Motorola iDEN Customer  Services: 1-800-453-0920 or  954-723-4910TT Y:  87 7- 48 3- 28 40Or visi t us o nl ine  at to repairYou wil l receive ins tr uctions on how to ship the Products, Accessori es or Softwar e, at  your ex pe nse , t o a  Mo to ro la Au t hor ize d Rep ai r Ce nt er.  To o bt ain  se rvi ce,  you  must  in clud e:  (a)  a copy of  your  recei pt , bill  of sal e or  ot her c omparabl e proof of purchase; (b) a wri tten description of t he problem;  (c) the name of your  servi ce provider,  if applic able;  (d)  the name and  location of the installati on facil ity  (if appl icable) and, mos t i mportantly;  (e) your  ad dr es s an d  te lep ho ne  n umbe r.What Other Limitations are There?ANY I MP LIED  WARRANTIE S,  INCLU DING  WI THOUT LI MITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABI LIT Y  AND F ITNESS FOR A  PARTI CUL AR PURP OSE, SHALL  BE  LIMITED TO THE D URAT ION  OF THIS LIMITED WARRA NTY, OT HERWISE THE REPA IR, REP LACEMENT, OR REF UND  AS  PROVIDE D UN DER T HIS  EXP R ESS LIM ITE D WARRANTY IS THE  EXCLUSIVE REMEDY  OF THE  CONSUMER,  AND  IS PROVIDED IN LI EU OF AL L OTHER WARRAN TIE S, E XP RESS OF I MPL IED.  IN  NO E VENT  SHALL  MOTO ROL A BE LIABLE, WHETHER  IN CONTRACT  OR TORT  (INCL UDIN G NE GLIGE NCE ) FOR DAMAGES I N EXCESS OF T HE  PURCHASE P RICE OF THE  PRODUCT, ACCESSORY OR SO FTWARE , OR FOR ANY I NDIRECT,  INCID ENT AL, SPECIAL  OR  CONSEQUE NTIAL DA MAGE S  OF ANY KIN D, OR LOSS OF  REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF  BUSI NESS,  LOSS  OF INFORMATI ON OR  DATA, SOFTWARE  OR  APPLICATIONS OR OT HER FI NANCI AL LOSS ARISING OUT OF  OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR  INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES OR SOFTWARE  TO THE FULL  EXTENT THESE  DAMAGES MAY BE  DISCL AIMED BY LAW.Some  states and jurisdictions  do not  allow the limitation or  exclusion  of incidental or co nse qu en tia l d ama ge s, o r l imita ti on  on  t he  le ng th  of  a n i mp lie d wa rr an ty,  so t h e a bo ve limit at io ns  or  exc lus ion s may  no t  app ly  to  yo u.  Thi s war ra nt y g ive s yo u  spe cif ic le ga l ri gh ts,  an d  you  may  also  h ave  ot h er  ri gh ts  th at  var y f r om st at e t o  sta te  o r f r om o ne jurisdiction t o anot her.Laws  in  the United States and other  countries  preserve for Motorola certain exclusive ri gh ts  fo r c op yri gh te d M ot or ola  so ft war e s uch  as  th e  excl usiv e r ig ht s t o r ep ro du ce  an d di str ibute c opies  of the  Motorola  software. Motorola software may  only be  copied into, us ed  in,  an d  re dis tr ibu te d  wi th , t he  Pr od uct s a sso ciat e d wit h s uch  Mo to ro la  sof t wa re . N o ot he r  use , in clu din g  wi th ou t l imi ta ti on  dis asse mbly  of  suc h M ot or ola  so ft war e o r e xe rci se of  t he  ex clus ive  ri gh ts  re ser ved  f or  Mo toro la , is  pe rmit te d.Patent and Software Provisions:MOT OR OLA will  de fe nd , a t  its  own  exp en se,  an y su it  br ou gh t  ag ain st  th e  en d u ser  purchaser to the extent that it is based on a claim that the Product  or parts infringe a pa te nt , a nd  Mo to ro la  wi ll p ay  th ose  co st s an d  da ma ge s f ina lly  awa rd ed  ag ain st  th e  en d use r  pur ch ase r  in a ny  suc h su it  which  a re  at tr ib ut ab le t o  an y su ch c lai m,  bu t s uch  de fe nse  an d p ayme nt s a re  co nd iti on ed  on  th e  fo llo wi ng :•That  MOTOROLA will  be notified promptly in writ ing by such purchaser of any  notice of suc h cl aim;•Th at  MOT OROLA will  ha ve  sole  co nt ro l o f t he  de fe nse  o f su ch  sui t a nd  al l ne go ti at ion s fo r  its  set t lemen t  or  co mp ro mise ; an d•Sho uld  t he  Pr od uct  o r p ar ts  be co me , o r i n M OTOROL A’S opi nion be likely to become, th e  sub jec t o f  a c laim o f  inf r ing emen t  of  a  pa te nt , t ha t s uch  p ur cha ser  will  pe rmit  MOTOROLA, at its option and expense, either to procure for such purchaser the right to con ti nu e u sin g t he  Pr od uct  o r p ar ts  or  to  re pl ace  or  mod ify  th e sa me so  t hat  it  be co me s no n i nf ri ngi ng  or  t o g ra nt  su ch  pu rch as er  a  cre di t f or  t he  Pr od uc t o r  pa rt s a s depr eci ated and  accept its r et ur n.  The  depreciation will  be an equal amount  per  year over  the lifetime of the Product  or parts as established by  MOTOROLA.MOTOROLA will hav e no li ability with r espec t t o any  clai m of  pat ent  infri ngement which is ba sed  up on  t he  co mb in at ion  of  t he  Pr o duc t o r  pa rt s f ur nis he d h er eu nd er  wit h so ft war e,  apparatus or devi ces  not  furnished  by  MOTOROLA, nor  will  MOTOROLA have any l iabili ty fo r  th e u se  of  an cil lar y e qu ipme nt  or  so ft war e n ot  f ur nis he d b y MO TOROLA  wh ich  is at ta che d  to  or  su ed  in  co nn ect ion  wit h t he  P ro du ct  or  an y p ar ts  th er eo f.  In  no  ev en t s ha ll MOT OR OLA b e l iab le  fo r  an y in cid ent a l, sp ec ial  or  co nse qu en ti al d ama ge s ar isi ng  fr om an y cla im o f p at en t  inf r ing emen t  or  al leg ed  in fr in ge me nt .Laws in the United States and  other countries preserve for MOTOROLA certain exclusive rights for copyrighted MOTOROLA software, such  as the exclusive rights  to reproduce in cop ies and  dis tribu te  copies o f  such MOTOROLA  sof tware . MO TOROLA  software may b e used in only the Product in which the software was  originally embodied and such software in  such Product  may not be replaced, copied, distributed, modified in any way, or used to pr od uce  a ny d er iva ti ve  th er eo f.  No  ot he r u se  in clud in g,  wi th ou t l imita ti on , a lte ra ti on , modification, reproduction, distribution,  or reverse engineering of such MOTOROLA sof tware or exer cise or right s in such  MOTORO LA softwar e i s permitted. No li cense  is gr an te d b y i mp lica ti on , e sto pp el  or  ot h er wi se u nd er  MO TOROLA  pa te nt  ri gh ts  or  cop yr ights.
73 Copyright & TrademarksMotorola Mobil ity,  Inc .Con sume r Advocacy  Office60 0  N US Hwy  45Liber ty ville, I L 60048www.motorola.comNote: Do  no t s hip  yo ur  pr od uct  t o t he  ab ove  ad dr es s. If  yo u n ee d t o r et ur n  you r p ro du ct  fo r re pa ir s, r ep la cemen t,  or  war r ant y s er vice , p lea se  con ta ct  th e  Mot o ro la  Cu st omer  Sup po rt  Center at:1- 80 0- 73 4- 58 70  (Un it ed  Sta te s)1- 88 8- 39 0- 64 56  (T TY /TD D Uni te d S t at es  fo r  he ar ing  impa ir ed )1- 80 0- 46 1- 45 75  (C a na da )Certain  features, services  and applications are network dependent and may not be av ail abl e i n a ll a re as;  ad di tio na l t er ms , co nd iti on s an d/ o r c ha rg es ma y ap pl y.  C on ta ct  you r se rvi ce p ro vid er  f or  de ta ils .All  fe at ur es,  f unc tio na lit y, a nd  ot he r  pr od uct  sp eci fi cat ion s,  as we ll a s t he  in fo rma tio n co nt ain ed  in  th is g uid e,  ar e b ase d  upo n  th e la te st  ava ila bl e in fo rma tio n a nd  be lie ve d t o b e ac cur at e  at  the  time of  p rin ti ng . Mo to ro la  re se rve s t he  ri gh t t o  cha ng e  or  modify  any information or  specifications  without  notic e or  obl igati on.Note: The images in  this guide are  examples only.MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo  are trademarks or registered trademarks of  Motorola Trademark Holdi ngs, LL C.  Googl e,  the Google logo, Google  Maps,  Google Talk, G oogle Latitude, Gmail, YouTube,  Picasa, Android and Android Market  are trademarks of  Google, Inc.  All other product or  service names  are the property of their respective owners.©  2011 Motorola  Mobili ty,  Inc.  All  ri ghts reser ved.Caution: Motorola  does not  take r esponsibilit y for  changes/modi fi cat ion to t he transceiver.Bluetooth ID: XXXXXXXPr od uc t I D: Mot or ola X (XXxxx)Manual Number: 68XXXXXXXX-X

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