Motorola Mobility P6JH1 Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Bluetooth User Manual Exhibit 8 Users Manual 2

Motorola Mobility LLC Portable PCS GSM Transceiver with Bluetooth Exhibit 8 Users Manual 2

Exhibit 8 Users Manual 2

36377. Battery (cont’d)B  attery charging status Type Charging in progress Charging competedTravel chargqer cable jack Red GreenThe lamp blinks in red• The charging terminal has a poor contact. Check if the battery is clean and try again.•The battery or other part is defective. Contact our service center.The lamp blinks in amber• The battery is being charged in a too hot or cold place.  The lamp turns to red and start charging when the room temperature is returned.B  attery charging timeType Standard battery (950mAh)Time Apprx. 160 minutes•The chaing time is depending on the battery status and the charger.• The charging time may increased if the rated voltage of the charger is low.B  attery operating timeType Standard hold time Voice call time Video call timeStandard battery(950mAh) Approx.  200 hoursApprox.  240 minutesApprox.  130 minutes• If you use a bluetooth function, the amount of battery consumption will be larger.• If you have more call time, it would be more convenient to charge a battery everyday.• In call time, using NATE, ⓜPlayon, WINC, MP3, takes more energy and shorten the operating time. •When receiving a call, it takes energy as much as sending a call.•Hold time becomes shorter in out-of-service areas.• Service time may vary according to change status, temperature (high/low), wave status in the place, background light and light status.※ Based on a new battery/Bluetooth mode off/no external memory -  The above service time of a battery pack is measured on the basis of the measurement of cell phone battery service time and display standard by SKT. Depends on the usuage, measurement may be different from the manual.L  ow battery alarm• If a battery is almost used up, its  ‘          ‘ will flash with a comment of ‘Recharge your battery.”•   Even if you press the button while  ‘          ‘  is flashing, the lamp of the screen and buttons will not be on.• Charge the battery immediately, the functions of the phone may not work normally.37 Basic Operation01 Power On/Off  ..............................  37    02 Video phone  ................................  39      03 Voice phone  ................................  45  04 Menu from the call history list  ....  5105 Missed calls  ................................  5206 My Menu settings  .....................  5207 Menu after entering numbers  ....  5302
3802 Basic Operation1. Power On/Off 2. Video CallPress : Power OnPress and hold : Power Off     Press the button around 3 seconds.󰥺 The graphic set by the user is displayed, then the phone switches into the standby mode.     Press and hold the button around 3 seconds.󰥺 A graphic dissapears and the power is turned off.Power On screenYou can download graphics from NATE, and change the setting in ‘Main Display’ of the ‘Display’ menu. (Download Wallpaper, see p.94) 󰥺 Call quality can be different depends on a base station.󰥺  Check if the receiver’s phone supports video call service. - If the receiver’s phone does not supports the video call service, call may be change to a voice call.󰥺  Use the stereo earset if you can’t hear the receiver’s voice because of the noises.󰥺 Depends on the usage preferences, battery consumption increases.Press the        button on standby screenNOTEYou can make a video call. (Only if the receiver’s phone supports the video call service)Press : Move to T LIVE menuPress and hold :  Dial to previous  video call numberT LIVE screenP ower OnP ower OffBefore making a video call T LIVE➊  VT Call History󰥺 Move to T LIVE where you can manage all video call functions.•Press          to check all, outgoing, incoming, and missed call history.• After entering the phone number press          to check the call info. and press          to use various menu functions.Press the       button on standby screen ▶ Press 39
4002 Basic Operation2. Video Call (Cont’d)You can make a video call. (Only if the receiver’s phone supports the video call service) T LIVE (Con’t)➋  Video Message BoxVideo Messages :  If he/she fails to receive the video call, you can check his/her message and delete, connect to MMC, and connect to voice call by pressing        .MMC Connection :   you can check his/her video message.MMC Register : Register the user to MMC.MMC Direct Register : Register direct MMC service.MMC Cancellation : Cancel the MMC function.When fail to make a video call, you can check a video message, save,  and delete in the video message box.Menu descriptionPress        on standby screen ▶ Press➌  VTC Contents BoxUsing the VTC contents box function, you can manage recent  text messages.Press        on standby screen ▶ Press• you can set the fuctions such as protect/lock, delete(delete, delete all) by pressing         (Left).➍  Movie/Photo AlbumYou can manage a photo or a movie file.Press        on standby screen ▶ Press• Select and photo or movie and press          to set it as a default movie file. (You cannot set the file that is in the external memory.)➎  T LIVE SettingsSpk Setting : On/Off the speaker during a video callTo voice :  If the receive does not support the video call,  it connects to a voice callAlert VT call :  Informs you if the receiver’s phone supports the video callScreen Mode Control :  Set/release the display mode during a video callYou can set the preferences about a video call.Menu descriptionPress        on standby screen ▶ Press M  aking a video call󰥺  After conneting with the receiver, you can set the camera lens and speaks through  a speaker phone. -  Use the stereo earset if you can’t hear the receiver’s voice because of the noises.󰥺  If you press and hold         you can call directly to the most recent call number.󰥺  It connects to the video call, only if the receiver’s phone supports the video call service. 󰥺  Press        when you end a call.Enter the phone number ▶ PressFirst Enter the phone number PressConnecting video call screen41
4202 Basic Operation R eceiving a Video Call󰥺  If you press and hold                (Volume key) when receiving a call,  bell/vibrate switches.󰥺  After conneting with the caller, you can set the camera lens and speaks through a speaker phone. -  Use the stereo earset if you can’t hear the caller’s voice well because of the noises.󰥺  Press         when you end a call.PressPlacing a Video Call2. Video Call (Cont’d)You can make a video call. (Only if the rreceiver’s phone supports the video call service)or open the folder when you receive a callPress        or open the folder when you receive a call   I n-Video Call Functions󰥺  Press          to send selected picture/image to him.󰥺  You can express your emotion as a image by pressing         (Right).󰥺  Call still continues even if you close the folder.  (T LIVE Settings, see p.177)➊ Button information in-video callvideo call connection iconSpeaker phone On/offVolume iconMutebutton(Left)HimChg_ImgDuration timeMe(Right)  Speakerphone Off    Set speakerphone off/off.  Mute    block the sound to be sent to him/her.  vt chatting   •Live chatting service.   •In vt chatting press          (Left) to use vt call mode, speakerphone off, mute, rec_cap,           hide me, phonebook.   ※ Chatting messages are save into Live Box. (Live Box, see p.108)  Rec_Cap    You can capture/record him, or capture/record me and save into your phone.  Chg_Disp     Switch the screen display to main me/him full me/him.  Chg_Img    Select and send from photo/movie album and flashcon.  Set_Cam     Switch the camera between the internal/external camera and use zoom, bright, contast, effects, and rotate functions.  New Mesage    Send SMS (Short message).  Send flashcon    Send flashcon (moving emoticon).  Phonebook    Search and manage the phone numbers saved in the phone.  To Voice    Switch to a voice call.In-call functions43
4402 Basic Operation2. Video Call (Cont’d)You can make a video call. (Only if the receiver’s phone supports the video call service) I n-Video Call Functions➋ Video chatting ➌ Record/CapturePress         (Left) during a call ▶ Select Video Call• You can write maximum Korean 40 letters, and English 80 letters.• In-video call, you can use phonebook, turn on/off the speakerphone, mute, record/capture, and change image by pressing         .You can send a message in-video call. You can record/capture him/her or yourself and save it to the phone.Press         (Left) during a call ▶ Select Record/Capture• When recording the video call, press         (Left) to cancel or press         (Right) to save it into Movie Album.•You can find captured photo in Photo Album.• In-video call, you can’t use recorded his/her video as your main image.3. Voice Call󰥺  If you press and hold         in the standby screen, the last connected number in the ‘Call List’  is dialed.󰥺  If ‘All Lock’ is set in the phone, you must enter the password to place a emergency numbers  (111, 112, 113, or 119) or the speed dial number 1 and 9 (Mobile Security).Placing a Voice CallBefore Placing a voice call P lacing a Voice Call➊  Placing a call by entering a phone number• When you start to enter a number, the easy calling function runs to find the matching number  from the recent call list. You can select a number with         and place a call with        .  *Easy Calling: Easy calling service finds the matching recent call number when entering the phone number.•  You can change the number style pressing                (Camera key). (Dialing Font, see p.96)  Enter a phone number on the standby screen and pressEnter the number  you wish to callPress45
4602 Basic Operation3. Voice Call (Cont’d) P lacing a Voice Call (Cont’d)➋  Placing a call to a number stored in the phonebookPress          (Right) ▶ Select a number ▶ Press• You can search the numbers in the phonebook to place a call. (Search Number, see p.168)• If you press          after selecting a person, the ‘representative number’ of the selected person is dialed.➌  Placing a call with speed dialPress and hold the last digit of the speed dial number• You can easily place a call with the speed dial number stored in the phonebook. (Edit Speed Dial, see p. 171)  Speed dial number 17  Press           and then press and hold  Speed dial number 173  Press           and          and then press and holdExample➍ Placing a call with electronic dialing• You can have the phone to memorize several numbers according to the voice announcement when you use ARS.• You can cancel the electronic dialing by pressing         at any time during a call.Enter the number you wish to callEnter ‘P’ or ‘T’ Enter a phone number ▶ Enter ‘P’ or ‘T’ with        , and enter the number to be dialed electronically ▶ PressP  The numbers entered after ‘P’ are transmitted only when you press      or          (Left).T The numbers entered after ‘T’ are transmitted automatically in a short while.Buttons for electronic dialingPlacing a Voice Call R eceiving a Voice CallFor an incoming call, open the folder or press       to receive the call.󰥺  The phone rings or vibrates depending on the setting. In order to switch ring or vibration to mute, press and hold                    (Volume key).󰥺  You can hang up the phone by pressing          .You can download graphics from NATE, and change the setting in ‘Main Display’ of the ‘Display’ menu.-  Depending on the size of the graphic, it may take some time to loading up. (Download Wallpaper, see p.94)NotePress or open the folder to answer the call47
4802 Basic Operation3. Voice Call (Cont’d) R eceiving a Call (Cont’d) ➊  Receiving a call with a stereo earsetPress the stereo earset key to receive the incoming call.• After the call is finished, press          or press and hold the sereo earset key to hang up the call.• If a call is incoming as the stereo earset is connected, the stereo earset rings regardless of the ring/vibration settings.  Once a call is connected, it continues even if you close the folder.➋ Receiving a call settingPress      (Left) ▶ Press      ▶ Press     ▶ Press           • For incoming calls, you can answer the call depending on the mode  you have selected.Open the folder : Open the folder to receive calls.All key   :  Press any key except         to receive callsSend key   :  You can receive calls only by pressing Auto connect    :  in 3 sec.    Menu description I n-Voice Call Functions➊ New MessagePress the button during a callYou can use various eonvenient functions during a callPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press• You can send short message (SMS) only. (New Message, see p.160)Press        during a call and select the menu. ➋  PhonebookPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press• You can use the phonebook menu during a call. (Phonebook menu description, see p.169)• While you are searching the phonebook, you cannot edit the number or use some of the menu function such as ‘call me free’.* Call me free -  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge.➌  MutePress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press• You can mute your voice over the phone during a call.• To release the function, select Release Key Tone.• When you use the function,          is displayed.• This function is released automatically if the call is finished.➍  DTMF OffPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press • You can block the key tone during a call.• To release the function, select Release Key Tone.• When you use the function,          is displayed.• This function is released automatically if the call is finished.➎ Send My numberPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press• You can easily send your number to other’s phone during a call.• Your number is displayed while the phone is sending the number, and after the number is sent, the phone returns to the call mode.➏  Hold All OnPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press• You can hold the call temporary.• You can also press         (Right) button to hold the call.49The call is connected automatically in 3 sec. after the ring.
5002 Basic Operation3. Voice Call (Cont’d) I n-Voice Call Functions (Cont’d)➐  New CallPress         (Left) during a call ▶ Press •The multiparty or conference service is available.• you can swap between calls by pressing        and when the second call is connected, the first call is automatically placed on hold.• Place one call on hold and while the active call is on, press        and then select Join all to setting up a conference call.            ※  If you are not registered multi-call service from SKT, new call  service is not  available. Contact SKT Customer Center for further information.➑  Using SpeakerPress         during a call• When you use the speaker,           is displayed. Press          to release the function.• When you use the speaker, the microphone must face the user at a distance of not farther than 30 cm.• This function is released automatically after the call is finished.➒  Voice in callPress                     (Volume key) In-voice call• You can adjust the voice in call.➓  Placing the second callUsing various ways you can make a multiparty or conference call.Placing a call from phonebook①  Press        (Left) during a call ▶ Select phonebook ▶ Select the number▶ Press②  Press               (Multi-Access) during a cal ▶ Select voice/video call ▶  Select phonebook ▶ Select the number ▶ PressPlacing a call from the recent call history Press               (Multi-Access) during a cal ▶ Select voice/video call ▶  Select the recent call number ▶ Select the number ▶ PressPlacing a call using new call menu Press        (Left) during a call ▶ Select New Call from the menu ▶ Enter the number ▶ Press4. Using Menu from Call History/TimeMenu from Call History/TimeSearch the number from the Call History list ▶ Press         (Left)󰥺  For restricted numbers, you can only use Time Info, Repeated Calls on, and Delete functions.󰥺  e-mail function is available only when sender and receiver have registered e-mail. New Message  Send a message. ⓜMessenger  Real-time messenger service. (ⓜMessenger, see p.163) Cyworld  Connect to the mobile homepage. (NATE mobile homepage, see p.81) Send/Connect •Send a e-mail : Send a e-mail to the number you have entered.        (e-mail, see p.163) •Voice message : Record and send a voice message to the number you have       entered. (The receiver gets the text message for detail) •Call me free :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge. •Number via message :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge. Time Info  Check the call duration. New Contact  Save the phone number in the phonebook, if it’s not saved in the USIM card. Repeated Calls on  Manage all repeated calls. Block Number  Block the selected number. Delete  Delete all or delete the selected number.Menu descriptionSelect the number from the call history list and press this button51
5202 Basic Operation󰥺  If you press            when  ‘Missed Call’ message box is displayed, you can check the list of incoming calls.󰥺  With the slide closed, press and hold the                    (Volume key) to check the missed calls.󰥺  To check missed calls from the menu go to ‘Phonebook’  ▶‘Call  HistoryTime’▶‘Received Calls’..󰥺  By pressing          , your call will be connecting to missed call number.5. Missed CallIf you fail to receive a call, following image is displayed on the screen.6. My Menu SettingsYou can register up to 12 frequently used menu in My Menu.My Menu preference Select the icon registeration  completed󰥺  Press            on the standby screen to check My Menu, Register or Delete.󰥺  The menu will not be deleted even if you copy to My Menu.Select a menu ▶ press       (Left)  ▶ Select ‘Yes’ ▶  Press      to select the icon7. Using Menu after entering a numberIn-call menuEnter a phone number on the standby screen ▶ Press        (Left) New message  Send a message  ⓜMessenger  Real-time messenger service (Mobile Messenger, see p.163) Cyworld  Connect to the mobile homepage (NATE Mobile Homepage, see p.81) Send/Connect •Send a e-mail : Send a e-mail to the number you have entered. (e-mail, see P.163) •Voice message : Record and send a voice message to the number you have entered.      (The receiver gets the text message for detail) •Call me free :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge. Search Number  Search the number from phonebook Hide My Number  Hide my phone number to the receiver Go to Calendar  Move to the date on the schedule calendar corresponding to the number enteredMenu descriptionPress this button after entering a number on standby screen.You can use the following simple function in relation with the phone number.53
5455MEMOEntering Text01 Entering text mode ...................  5602 Using menu when entering text  5803
5603 Entering Text1. Entering text modechange text modeEntering text on memo E  ntering text mode➊  Writing consonants󰥺 Select a mode by pressing           (Right) in the text mode.󰥺  Use          or           to move the cursor and enter letters.󰥺 Press          to delete a character, press and hold to delete all.• Press a key once to write the first consonant marked on the key. Press the key twice to enter the hard sound of the consonant.• You can enter the sound consonant by pressing the first consonant plus         , and if you press          again the first consonant is delete.W  riting KoreanEnter the text and move the cursor ㅈ  Press            once ㅊ   Press            and ㅉ  Press            twice ㅋ   Press            andExample ㅏ  Press             once.     ㅑ   Press             and             .  ㅓ  Press             twice.    ㅕ Press             twice and             .  ㅐ  Press             and             .    ㅢPress             three times, or press             ands             .  Example W riting English and numbers➋  Writing vowels• Enter an initial consonant, a medial vowel and a final consonant in accordance with Korean orthography. If the final consonant does not meet Korean orthography, it is moved to the initial consonant of the next character.   -Initial consonant:‘ㅎ’is initial consonant in ‘홍’   -Medial vowel: ‘ㅗ’is medial vowel in ‘홍’   -Final consonant: ‘ㅇ’is final consonant in ‘홍’• To enter a second vowel on a key, press the key twice. ( If it’s‘ㅏㅓ3’, ’ㅓ’is a second vowel. ) • To enter a diphthong, press the key in order of the strokes, or enter the basic vowel and press            .• Press            again to change to basic from diphthong.➊  Writing English characters and numbers• Press the key once, twice and three times in order to write the first, second and the third English character on a key.• Press            in the English mode (upper or lower case) once and twice  to enter ‘@’ and ‘.’.L  Press             three times.  O  Press             three times.  V  Press             three times.  E  Press             twice.  .  Press             twice.  ➋  Writing numbers• Press the number button to write in the number mode.• Press and hold the number button in any other mode.Example57
58592. Using menu when entering textSelect the text modeEntering the text in memo󰥺  You can select and enter generally used symbols. (^-^, Mail, Genera, Graphics1, Graphics2, Ruled Lines, Measurement Symbols, Circles, Paren-theses, Japanese1, Japanese2)󰥺  Press          to select a symbol, and press         to scroll pages.󰥺 Press the key of the desired symbol, and then press         [OK] to write the symbol.Select a menu by pressing      (Left) button in the text mode.E  moticonsYou can use richer menu (character color, picture/character emoticons, and phrases) and symbols when writing in the message mode than in text mode (New message, see p.160)Note T Service01 Roaming ........................................  60 02 M Service Center .......................  6103 T Service .......................................  6204 NATE     .........................................  6305 W          .........................................  6306 Game Box ....................................  67 07 Moneta  .........................................  6708 Melon    .........................................  6909 T MAP   .........................................  7610 WINC(Mobile Address) ............  8011 NATE Mobile Homepage ........  8112 T Interactive .................................  8104
6004 T Service1.  RoamingGlobal roaming screen S  elect systemYou can use your own phone abroad without subscribing for any service.CAUTION• If you wish to change the setting for the global roaming service, please contact the Customer Center. -  Changing the settings at your own discretion may disable the phone.• Select the other wireless service provider from the system when a call does not fuction properly.For international call, press and hold         and insert international telephone code(+).PressPress󰥺  You can select the roaming service system provider of each country.󰥺  The default password is ‘0000’.Press       (Left) ▶ Press       ▶ Press      ▶ Press      ▶ Enter passwordAuto Select :  You can check if mobile phone services are available for such place and it automatically connects to the availble service system.Manual Select :  You can select after searching the available roaming services. (If you have selected unavailable roaming service system, you cannot make a call. Select other service or change to place a call.)Menu description R  oaming auto dial󰥺  When placing a call from abroad, you don’t have to enter the international call access number and national code.  -  You can place a call from the number in the phonebook or the call history list.󰥺  The roaming auto dial screen is displayed on the standby screen when  you set the roaming auto dial function.Press       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ Press2. M Service Center󰥺  You can connect to [NATE] directly by pressing **114 on standby screen.󰥺  You can query bill, view information on supplementary services, service rate and membership, and use the real time service.󰥺  When you select the area, you can get area information, location, and  phone number.Press       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press        M Customer Service start-up screenYou can contact SKT Customer Center to receive various customer support services.61
6204 T Service3. T ServiceT service menuPress      (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press Sorisam  You can retrieve the voice messages which were received when you couldn’t answer the calls. Video Message Box  You can save and check the caller’s video message. Auto Connection   If you cannot receive a call before the receiving signal (ring/vibration) is expired, the call is redirected to the designated number. Call Forwarding  The incoming call is automatically connected to the registered number. Jungbosam  You can receive the messages on the selected news, sports news at the designated time. Traffic News   You can receive traffic information on expressways, highways, railroads, air traffic  and Seoul local traffic. Password Call  You can set the password to prevent others from using your phone. Number Plus  You can receive a separate receive-only number other than the SKT number. Edit T Service  If an SKT supplementary service number is changed, you can change the access number.Menu descriptionYou can subscribe, cancel subscription or use PressPress Press4. NATEYou can access NATE to search information or download various content such as games and ringtones.Press        (Left)  ▶ Press        ▶ Press        ▶ Select NATE󰥺  Press [OK button] to connect NATE.• Data call rate and information service fee are charged when you use NATE. Visit M customer center or contact SKT customer center.• If you download content from wireless internet (NATE, june, ⓜPlayon, Game Box, etc.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, ‘lack of memory’ message is displayed. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone. (Managing Memory, see p.126)• If the memory is full, you might not be able to use some munu functions on the downloaded content.Note      (Left)  Move to NATE browser menu      (Right)  Move to previous page Navigate  Press-select/run Press and hold-NATE start up page Move to previous page End NATE Favorite   You can register and move to frequently accessed web pages. History  Shows the list of recently accessed sites. Move   You can enter a web page address and move to the site. Tools   Provides you with useful tools you can use for NATE service.Description of NATE button Description on menu63
6404 T Service5. WYou can enjoy various content such as wireless internet, chatting, real-time TV, i’s box, etc,. M  enu󰥺  You can go to W menu directly by pressing         button standby screen.Press       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ PressW main screenMobile Web Internet M  obile Web Internet󰥺  You can search or insert URL address and acess various contents. 󰥺  If you want to zoom in/out the screen press                   (Volume key).Press       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ Select Mobile Web InternetYou can enjoy mobie web surfing with the same screen on the mobile phone as on PC.• You can download any contents while using internet until the memory gets full.• W service screen and content are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the service providers.• The Mobile Web Internet service does not support payment, internet banking, file opening/execution, file attaching/downloading, music play and Active X control.• To use the Mobile Web Internet service, you need to subscribe for the plus data rate service. Note that all excessive data service fee can be charged depending on the rate service you select.Note e  -mail Press        (Left)  ▶ Press        ▶ Press        ▶ Select e-mail you can manage your email, image, photo, file attachment by using e-mail feature. (e-mail, see p.163) M  obile MessengerPress        (Left) ▶ Press        ▶ Press        ▶You can search numbers in the phone or enter numbers to use the real time messenger service.(Mobile Messenger, see p.163) j  une VideoPress        (Left)  ▶ Press        ▶ Press        ▶      You can enjoy various types of content including TV, movie, music, game, sports and ringtone, and download multimedia content using the premium service.• june service screen and content are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the service providers.•  The default june content provided are not recoverable if you delete them at your own discretion or by mistake.• You can check the downloaded june content in the june content box. You can download any june content from the web until the june memory gets full•If you fail to download a full content, you can resume downloading.• You can receive calls while using the june service. When the call is finished, june screen is displayed.• TSM(Memory Manager) is a service that allows you to delete the old contents and download new content when the memory is full.•  If you download content from wiress internet (NATE, june, ⓜPlayon, Game Box etc,.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, TSM (memory manager) is started. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone. (excluding protected june downloaded content live ringtone content and live screen content)•  If you download content, an information service fee is charged.Note65Select Mobile MessengerSelect june video
6604 T Service5. W (Cont’d)You can enjoy various content such as wireless internet, chatting, real-time TV, i’s box, etc,. R  eal-time TVPress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ You can watch the ground-wave and cable TV.󰥺  Press          and set the current channel to the default or select the schedule and time to view the program schedule specifically.󰥺 Press          to select the channel, and press          to watch it.󰥺 You can adjust volume by pressing                    (Volume key).※for the real-time TV service. Note that an excessive call rate may be charged if you don’t subscribe for SKT’s rate system. See the rate system guide or contact SKT Customer Center for further information. i’  s boxPress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ select i’s boxSaved or captured photos or movies, you can make the movie as UCC and register to the i’s box to share with other users.※  You need to register the service first in order to use it, and a call rate and an additional information service fee are charged. t  ossiPress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ select tossiTossi is essentially a microblogging service that  you can send  and share  your emotions in a simple form.※  A call rate and an additional information service fee are charged. For more informations and rate guide, see tossi homepage ( j une Contents BoxPress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶You can manage, save, and play downloaded music contents or MP3 files. (june Contents Box, see p.105)※ Contents sill play even if you close the folder.󰥺   After selecting GXG connection icon, press        to connect to NATE game site and download many different types of games.Press       (Left) ▶ Press       ▶ Press 6. Game Box You can play 3D games downloaded from the mobile internet or computer.Game Box main screen※  If you want to send GXG game using PC, download from GXG homepage ( install it.※  Service fee is charged when downloading from the wirless internet. For further information, please contact Customer Center.Press       (Left) ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ 7. MonetaUsing USIM card, you can process a payment  transaction such as bank, credit card, transportation card, stock services, and etc.Moneta main screen󰥺   For more information please visit Real- time TVselect june  Contents Box
6804 T Service7. Moneta (Cont’d)Using USIM card, you can process a payment transaction such as bank, credit card, transportation card, stock services, and etc. M  embership & LifePress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶This service is only for SKT member.-You can download various and convenient  informations to your  USIM card. (Membership card, retailer, event, membership coupon, IC chip service, etc.)󰥺  You can also connect by pressing and holding         . M  oneta homePress       (Left)  ▶ Press         ▶ Press       ▶ Select Moneta homeyou can process a payment transaction such as bank, credit card,  transportation card, stock services, and etc. P  referencePress       (Left)  ▶ Press       ▶ Press       ▶ PreferenceBy pressing and holding          , you can set the button and set the  payment card.  Press and hold setting  Select the function that you want to run when press and hold the button.  payment card setting  Select the card when you use to pay. MBANK   Use bank services such as financial summary, bill payment, transfer, loans, etc. Credit Card  Manage credit card information. MSTOCK  Use market rate, and various stock services. Transportation  Supports transportation card (T-money) and top quality  station informations. Membership & Life SKT member service.  (Membership card, retailer, event, membership coupon,  IC chip service, etc.) Authentication  Use and save authentication in the phone. NATE Finanance  Use NATE stock/financial service. NATE Home  Connect to NATE home.8. Melon With the wired/wireless integrated  service  provided by Melon, you can search content, streams or downloads MP3 music content.󰥺   You can save, manage and play the music content downloaded from June or Melon.󰥺 You can select the content you want to play by pressing          [Select] .󰥺 You can download the music content as long as the memory capacity allows.󰥺  You can receive a call while playing the music content. The phone returns to the music play mode after the call.󰥺  You can control volume with                  (Volume key) as the content is being played. The phone  continues playing music even if you close the slide while the phone is playing music content.󰥺   You can select a section to be repeated by pressing          . If you press          again, the selected section is repeated.󰥺   If you press          (Left)[Menu], you can use the multi-tasking function to change settings, to access  wireless internet, or to manage text messages while playing music content.󰥺  If you press          (Left)[End] while you are connected to wireless internet, the previous screen is  displayed.󰥺     Once you purchase content, you can download it with no extra charge for 1 year from My page >  List of purchased content, or from Melon (    Press ▶ Select Melon M  elon box69Select  Membership & Life
7004 T Service• If you download content from wireless internet (Nate, June, ⓜPlayon, GXG, Melon, etc.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, the lack of memory mes-sage displayed. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone. •   You can listen to music content with bluetooth. See bluetooth and the user manual of the device. (Bluetooth, see p.127)•   A content service fee and a data service fee are charged if you use Melon service. See the rate system guide or contact SKT Customer center for further information.Note718. Melon (cont’d) With the wired/wireless integrated service provided by Melon, you can search content, streams or downloads MP3 music content. M  elon box➊  Melon player screen and keysThe last played content folderPlay allmove to  previous song(Left)Menu select(Right)PlayChange list by all/singer/album/genremove to next songRegistered album folderAll the content folders stored in the phone Delete all list   You can delete the list of content from the last played list. Delete all   You can delete all the content except the proctected content. Sort    You can change the order of content by genre, title, date of downloading and singer. Extend Validity of all content   You can extend the validity of the music content. Search   You can search music in Melon or Melon box with keyword or by genre. Manage message   You can use e-mail, mobile messenger functions and send/read messages. Delete list   You can delete two or more content lists. Add to my album   You can save the selected content in My album. Delete   You can delete the selected content or all the content (except the protected content). View content information   You can view information on the selected content. If you press           (Left) [Menu], you can rename file, set/release protection, delete, access wireless internet or manage message. Lyrics   You can download or update lyrics in Melon. Wireless Internet   You can search information on selected content in melon. Add album   You can add a content album folder to My album. Rename album   You can rename the alubum folder in My album. Move album   You can move content between albums. Add to favorites   You can add an album folder to the favorites list.  Manage favorites   You can change order or delete the album folder in the favorites list.Using menu on the Melon player window

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