Mobile Money Sdn Bhd 002 Handheld Computer with Printer User Manual

Mobile Money International Sdn Bhd Handheld Computer with Printer

User manual

Restaurant Operating Manual
Page 2ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.NOTE:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:•Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.•Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.•Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.•Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.FCCRFRadiationExposureandSARStatementsSARStatementThisequipmenthasbeentestedforbody‐wornSpecificAbsorptionRate(SAR)compliance.TheFCChasestablisheddetailedSARrequirementsandhasestablishedthattheserequirements. RFExposureInformationTheradiomodulehasbeenevaluatedunderFCCBulletinOET65C(01‐01)andfoundtobecomplianttotherequirementsassetforthinCFR47Sections,2.1093,and15.247(b)(4)addressingRFExposurefromradiofrequencydevices.Thismodelmeetstheapplicablegovernmentrequirementsforexposuretoradiofrequencywaves.ThehighestSARlevelmeasuredforthisdevicewas 0.055W/kg.
Page 31. INSTALLATION GUIDESTEP 1:Slot in SD CardCAUTION:•RISKOFEXPLOSIONIFBATTERYISREPLACEDBYANINCORRECTTYPE.•MAKESUREPOLARITYOFBATTERYISCORRECTWHENATTACHINGBATTERYTOHANDHELDCOMPUTER•DISPOSEOFUSEDBATTERIESACCORDINGTOTHEINSTRUCTIONS.STEP1:INSERTSDCARDINTOTERMINALRemovethebatterycoveratthebackofterminal,slotintheSDcardtotheholeasshowninthepicture.STEP 2:Attach the battery to the TerminalSTEP2:AT TA CH THEBATTERYTOTHETERMINALAttachthebatterytotheterminalasshowninthepictureSlot in SD Card into this holeAttach BatterySTEP2:AT TA CH THEBATTERYTOTHETERMINALAttachthebatterytotheterminalasshowninthepicture
Page 41. INSTALLATION GUIDESTEP3:CHARGINGTHETERMINALPlugintheadaptertotheTerminalandanothersidetothepowersocket.STEP4:POWERONTHETERMINALPoweronthebuttonontherighttopofTerminal.TerminalSTEP5:Howtoturnonthewifi1. PressTetapan2. PressWifi3. PressAccessPoint4. Choosefromthelist5. PressEdit6. Keyinpassword7. PressEnterthenitwillconnecttothewifi8. Toexitfromthatmenu,pressCancel
Page 52. TERMINALTerminal - Waiter Terminal - Kitchen Terminal – Drink StationThere are at least 3 Terminals in Restaurant:-1 Terminal with Waiter, -1 Terminal at Kitchen,-1 Terminal at Drink Station.
Page 63. ORDER TAKINGORDER TAKING : Waiter brings the Terminal to the table to take order.1.Press ORDER2.Press DINE IN3.Key in Table no, press ENTER4.Key in No of Guests, press DONE5.Two methods of key in Order:6.Press HOME to view all orders. If ok, press DONE.7.TAP Staff wristband/card to confirm order.8.Order printed out. Pass to guest.9.Terminal at Kitchen press to print out the food order. 10.Terminal at Drink station also press to print out the drink order.11.Kitchen and drink station to prepare food and drink according to the receipt printed. How to TAP Wristband/Card to confirm order?Waiter to place the card/wristband on the keypad of Terminal, until he hears the voice “BEEP”.(B) By Referring to menu display on the screen:1. Press ADD to add in order from guests2. CHOOSE FOOD/DRINKS from the Menu which displays in the screen3. Key in the QUANTITY for the order, press DONE, then press HOME4. Repeat step 6 to 7 until all orders are taken. (A) By Referring to code shown in the menu:1.Press code of foods and drinksEg 1 : 2 Roti Canai (Code: 011)Press 011**2Eg 2 : Nasi Campur (Code:0) / RM4.50Press 0*4#52.Repeat the steps above until all orders are taken.
4. ADD ORDERADD ORDER: If the guest wants to add order, waiter to1.Press ORDER2.Press ADD3.Please follow Steps of Order Taking from 3 to 115. TAKEAWAYTAKE AWAY: If the guest wants to take away foods/Drinks, waiter to1.Press ORDER2.Press TAKEAWAY3.Please follow Steps of Order Taking from 5 to 11Order Receipt at Waiter’s TerminalKitchenPrint Date: 27/3/2015   14:14First Order: 14:13Last Order: 14:13Tb1: 03007 #0OR#: 03007 T-AWAYTime: 2:13PM1 Mushroom SoupC102    QTY:1KitchenPrint Date: 27/3/2015   14:14First Order: 14:13Last Order: 14:13Tb1: 03007 #0OR#: 03007 T-AWAYTime: 2:13PM1 Mushroom SoupC102    QTY:1Receipt at kitchen’s TerminalORDERPAX:# : 27/3/2015   14:14Waiter: Staff NorTb1: 03007 #0OR#: 03007 T-AWAYTime: 2:13PM1 Mushroom SoupC102    QTY:1ORDERPAX:# : 27/3/2015   14:14Waiter: Staff NorTb1: 03007 #0OR#: 03007 T-AWAYTime: 2:13PM1 Mushroom SoupC102    QTY:1
Page 86. CHECK BILLCHECK BILL: When guest wants to view bill, waiter to1.Press CHECK BILL2.Key in Table no or the Order no, press DONE3.Bill printed from Terminal1. \Sample of Receipt as below:
Page 97. PAY BILLPAY BILL: When guest wants to pay bill::1.Press PAY BILL2.Key in Table no or the Order no, press DONE3.Screen shows :4. Key in the amount that guests pass to you.5. Change will be calculated automatically in the balance column.6. Press Enter, then TAP Card to confirm pay bill.7. Bill printed from Terminal and pass to guest.8.Collect cash and pass the change to guest.1. \Total :Balance :Payment : 77.36Total :Balance :Payment : 77.3622.64100.00
Page 108. REPRINT LAST ORDERREPRINT LAST ORDER: When you want to reprint the last order:1.Press REPRINT ORDER2.Receipt for Last Order printed from Terminal
Page 119. OPEN BILLOPEN BILL: If all the foods & drinks already ordered and consumed, waiter to calculate bill and receive cash at table.1.Press OPEN BILL2.Press TAMBAH3.Two methods of key in Order:4.Press HOME to view all orders. If ok, press DONE.5.Screen shows:(B) By referring to menu display on the screen:1. Press ADD to add in order from guests2. CHOOSE FOOD/DRINKS from the Menu which displays in the screen3. Key in the QUANTITY for the order, then press DONE, then press HOME4. Repeat step 6 to 7 until orders are in. (A) By referring to code shown in the menu:1.Press code of food and drinksEg 1 : 2 Roti Canai (Code: 011)Press 011**2Eg 2 : Nasi Campur (Code:0) / RM4.50Press 0*4#52.Repeat the steps above until all orders are in.Total :Balance :Payment : 77.36
Page 129. OPEN BILLOPEN BILL: 6.Key in the amount that guests pass to you.7. Change will be calculated automatically in the balance column.8. Press Enter, then TAP Card to confirm pay bill.9. Bill printed from Terminal and pass to guests.10. Collect cash and pass the change to guest.Total :Balance :Payment : 77.3622.64100.00
Page 134. HANDHELD COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONCPU CortexM4RAM/ROM 256kbyte/2MbyteOS ARM Real-time OSLCD Colour graphical display 320x480InterfacesMifare RFID 13.56 MHz (Receiver Category 3) USB 2.0 interfaceWifi 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz Channel 1 to11Keypad Numeric 0-9, *, #, ENTER, BACK, CANCELPrinterPrinting method : ThermalPaper width 57.5mmPrinting width 48mmPaper diameter 55mmHead life 50kmNotification Buzzer & 2 LEDExpansion Slot Micro SD x 2Power supply DC 12 V, 2ABackup battery Lithium polymer 7.2V @ 3000 mAhOperating Temperature 5-40 Degree CelsiusRelative Humidity 20-80% non-condensingDimension 94 mm x 178 mm x 67 mmWeight 0.5kg

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