Midea Kitchen Appliances XC151KYY Microwave Oven User Manual XC151KXX P00A

Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Microwave Oven XC151KXX P00A


VG8XC151KYY_User Manual

SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLYRead these instructions carefully before using yourmicrowave oven, and keep it carefully.If you follow the instructions, your oven will provide you withmany years of good service.INSTRUCTION MANUALMicrowave OvenMODEL:XC151KYY
120V~  60HzSpecificationsPRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURETO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY(a)  Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since this can result in      harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to break or tamper      with the safety interlocks.(b)  Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or       cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.(c)  Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that      the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the:      (1) DOOR (bent)      (2) HINGES AND LATCHES (broken or loosened)      (3) DOOR SEALS AND SEALING SURFACE(d)  The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly      qualified service personnel.Model:Rated Voltage:Oven Capacity:Net Weight:If the apparatus is not maintained in a good state of cleanliness, its surface could be degraded and affect the lifespan of the apparatus and lead to a dangeroussituation.ADDENDUMXC151KYY1650W1050W1.8 Cu.ft.2XWVLGH'LPHQVLRQV&DYLW\'LPHQVLRQV´'  ´:[756´+[7615´'´:[9´+[472Approx. 69.5 Lbs1500WOutput Power(Microwave):Input Power(Microwave):Output Power(Convection):2
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING1. Read all instructions before using the    appliance.2. Read and follow the specific: " PRECAU-    TIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE    TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY"  found on page 2.3. As with most cooking appliances, close    supervision is necessary to reduce the risk    of a fire in the oven cavity.4.To reduce the risk of fire in the ovencavity:i). Do not overcook food. Carefully attendthe appliance when paper, plastic, orother combustible materials are placedinside the oven to facilitate cooking.ii).Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or plasticcontainers/bags before placing them inthe oven.iii). If materials inside the oven ignite,keep the oven door closed. Turn theoven off, and unplug the appliance.Disconnect the power cord, shut offpower at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.iv). Do not use the oven cavity for storagepurposes. Do not leave paper products,cooking utensils, or food in the cavitywhen not in use.5. This oven must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See" GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS" foundon page 4.6. Install or locate this oven only in accordance with the installationinstructions provided.7. Some products such as whole eggsand sealed containers-for example,closed glass jars-are able to explodeand should not be heated in the oven.To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire,injury topersons or exposure to excessive microwave oven energywhen using your appliance, follow basic safety precautions,including the following:8. Use this appliance only for its intended    uses as described in this manual. Do    not use corrosive chemicals or vapors    in this appliance. This oven is    specifically designed to heat or cook       or dry  food. It is not designed for      industrial or laboratory use.9.  As with any appliance, close    supervision is necessary when used    by children.10. Do not operate this oven if it has a      damaged cord or plug, if it is not      working properly or if it has been      damaged or dropped.11. This appliance should be serviced only      by qualified service technicians.      Contact the nearest authorized service      facility for examination, repair or      adjustment.12. Do not cover or block any openings on       the oven.13. Do not store or use this appliance      outdoors.14. Do not use this oven near water, for      example, near a kitchen sink, in a wet      basement, near a swimming pool, or      similar locations.15. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.16. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.17. Do not let cord hang over edge of      table or counter.18. When cleaning  surfaces of door and      oven that comes together on closing      the door, use only mild, nonabrasive      soaps or detergents applied with a      sponge or soft cloth.3
i)    Do not overheat the liquid.ii)   Stir the liquid both before and halfway through heating it.iii)  Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow necks.iv)  After heating, allow the container  to stand in the microwave oven for  a short time     before removing the container.v)   Use extreme care when inserting  a spoon or other utensil into the container.19. Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point      without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is      removed from the microwave oven is not always present. THIS COULD RESULT IN     VERY HOT LIQUIDS SUDDENLY BOILING OVER WHEN THE CONTAINER IS    DISTURBED OR A SPOON OR OTHER UTENSIL IS INSERTED INTO THE LIQUID.This appliance must be grounded. In the event ofan electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the riskof electric shock by providing an escape wire for theelectric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having grounding wire with  a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that isproperly installed and grounded.Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if thegrounding instructions are not completely understoodor if doubt exists as to whether the appliance isproperly grounded. If it is necessary to use anextension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord thathas a 3-pronged grounding plug, and a 3-slotreceptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance.GROUNDING   INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGDANGERElectric Shock HazardTouching some  of  the  internalcomponents can cause seriouspersonal injury or death. Do notdisassemble this appliance.Electric Shock HazardImproper use of  the groundingcan  result in electric shock. Donot plug into an outlet untilappliance is  properly  installedand grounded.(grounding)  plugThree-prongedThe marked rating of the extension cord shall beequal to or greater than the electrical rating of theappliance.4
CAUTIONPersonal Injury HazardTightly-closed utensilscould explode. Closedcontainers should be openedand plastic pouches should bepierced before cooking.Utensil Test:1. Fill a microwave-safe container with 1 cup of cold    water (250ml) along with the utensil in question.2. Cook on maximum power for 1 minute.3. Carefully feel the utensil. If the empty utensil is    warm, do not use it for  microwave cooking.4. Do not exceed 1 minute cooking time.UTENSILS See the instructions on "Materials you can use inmicrowave oven or to be avoided in microwave oven."There may be certain non-metallic utensils that are notsafe to use for microwaving. If in doubt, you can test theutensil in question following the procedure below.Radio Interference1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting from becoming entangled in    or  tripping over a longer cord.2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used if cared  is exercised  in    their  use.3. If a long cord sets or extension cord is used:   1) The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension marked electrical rating of the cord        set or extension cord should be at least as great as the  electrical rating of the appliance.    2) The extension cord must be a grounding-type  3-wire cord; and    3) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop        where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.1. Operation of the microwave oven may cause interference to your radio, TV     or similar equipment.2. When there is interference, it may be reduced or eliminated by taking the    following measures:    1) Clean door and sealing surface of the oven    2) Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.    3) Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the receiver.    4) Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.    5) Plug the microwave oven into a different outlet so that microwave oven             and receiver are on different branch circuits.5
Materials you can use in microwave ovenUtensils RemarksAluminum foil Shielding only. Small smooth pieces can be used to cover thin parts ofmeat or poultry to prevent overcooking. Arcing can occur if foil is tooclose to oven walls. The foil should be at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away fromoven walls.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. The bottom of browning dish must beat least 3/16 inch (5mm) above the turntable. Incorrect usage may causethe turntable to break.Microwave-safe only. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Do not usecracked or chipped dishes.Always remove lid. Use only to heat food until just warm. Most glass jarsare not heat resistant and may break.Heat-resistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no metallic trim.Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Do not close with metal tie. Makeslits to allow steam to escape.Use for short–term cooking/warming only. Do not leave oven unattendedwhile cooking.Use to cover food for reheating and absorbing fat. Use with supervisionfor a short-term cooking only.Use as a cover to prevent splattering or a wrap for steaming.Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Should belabeled "Microwave Safe". Some plastic containers soften, as the foodinside gets hot. "Boiling bags" and tightly closed plastic bags should beslit, pierced or vented as directed by package.Microwave-safe only. Use to cover food during cooking to retainmoisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch food.Thermometers Microwave-safe only (meat and candy thermometers).Wax paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering and retain moisture.Browning dishGlass jarsGlasswareOven cookingbagsPaper platesand cupsPaper towelsParchmentpaperPlasticPlastic wrapDinnerwareMaterials to be avoided in microwave ovenUtensils RemarksAluminum trayFood carton withmetal handleMetal or metal-trimmed utensilsMetal twist tiesPaper bagsPlastic foamWoodMetal shields the food from microwave energy. Metal trim maycause arcing.May cause a fire in the oven.Plastic foam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside when exposedto high temperature.Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and may splitor crack.May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.May cause arcing and could cause a fire in the oven.6
  1  Microwave oven door with see-through window 2  Door hinges 3  Waveguide cover:    DO NOT REMOVE.  4  Turntable motor shaft  5  Microwave oven light    It will light when microwave oven is operating or door is open. 6  Rack holders  7  Safety door latches    The microwave oven will not operate unless the door is securely closed. 8  Handle10   Vent hi/lo/off pad  Press the vent hi/lo/off pad once for high speed, twice for low speed and three times to turn off the fun.11   Auto-Touch control panel12   Time display: Digital display, 99 minutes, 99 seconds13  Ventilation openings14  Removable turntable    The turntable will rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise. Only remove for cleaning.15   Removable turntable support    First, carefully place the turntable support in the motor shaft in the center of the microwave oven floor. Then, place the turntable on the turntable 16  9  Light on/off pad  Press the light  on/off pad once for on, twice for off.(use in convection and combination cooking on  the removable turntable )17  19  Menu label18  Light cover20  Grease filters21  Rating labelShelf  (use in microwave cooking)Round wire racksupport securely.BOTTOM VIEWFrontRearDEF.TIM.T.T.OFFHOTCOOK VENTSEN.SETTING UP YOUR OVEN7
Your Over the Range Microwave Oven can be programmed after the minutes, even if they are both zeros.•   Suppose you want to cook for 5 minutes at 100%.Step Press. Press the START enter +30 sec padTo Set Power LevelUsing lower power levels increases the cooking time which is recommended for foods such as cheese, milk and long slow cooking of meats. Consult cookbook or recipes for specific recommendations.PRESS POWER LEVEL PAD NUMBER OF TIMES FOR DESIRED POWERPOWER LEVEL x 1  100%  HighPOWER LEVEL x 2  90% POWER LEVEL x 3  80% POWER LEVEL x 4  70%  Medium HighPOWER LEVEL x 5  60% POWER LEVEL x 6  50%  MediumPOWER LEVEL x 7  40% POWER LEVEL x 8  30%  Med Low/DefrostPOWER LEVEL x 9  20% POWER LEVEL x 10  10%  LowAPPROXIMATE      PERCENTAGE OF POWERCOMMON WORDS FOR POWER LEVELSMANUAL COOKINGfor 99 minutes 99 seconds (99 :99). Always enter the seconds There are ten preset power levels.2. Press number 1  to set the power.1. Press power level key once. 11. Power powerlevel   10 for 100% power,1 for 10%power The deault power is P100 3. Press number keys to select  500400  For example: the time . To Set the Clock•  Suppose you want to enter the correct time of day 2:30Step Press1. Press the  pad.(A.M or P.M.).setclock2.. Enter the correct time of day by pressing the numbers in sequence.230START +30 sec pad to confirm23. Press the Note: This model has a 12-hour clock, ranging from4.Press number 1 or 2 pad  to select AM or PM. START +30 sec pad to confirm5. Press the by pressing number pads.If  the time is not correct, the input is invalid.1:00 to 12:59, setting the clock  •  Suppose you want to time a 3-minute long distance . TIMER FUNCTION1) Press  "Timer on-off"2) Press number keys to input the cooking time you need.   The maximun cooking time is 99 minutes and 99 seconds.3) Press  "Timer on-off"  to start time count down. "END"  is displayed to indicate completion.4) Press "T " to exit the timer function.Note:  1) When timer function is in use, only hood.imer on-offTimer can not be set by cooking and pause state.When set or in the processing the timer,only press"timer"can exit.3)3 When countdown time has expired, the buzzer will   sound and  fan and surface lights can be activated. Other functions      cannot be used until timer function has been exited.5) 8
4.Setting Convection   and Grill100F,150F,275F,300F,325F,350F,375F,400F,425F,450F.Using with preheating conv/Grillusing convectionSuppose you want to cook food for 5 minutesat•with preheating275 FConvectionpadPress key to startpreheatconvStep Press/ rillGPress  pad once.275 FPress number/temperature keys toselect temperature..After preheating,the buzzerSTART/+30sec. using convectionSuppose you want  to cook food for 5 minutes at•without preheating275 Fconv/GrillUsing without preheatingStep Press      Press pad once.conv/Grillwill sound to remind you toplace the food in the oven.Press the number keys to setcookin time.50012.275 FPress number/temperature keys toselect temperature.Press number eys to selectkcooking time.pad5001.2.. Grill  Step PressPress  pad .conv/GrillPress number eys to selectkcooking time.padtwiceusing GrillSuppose you want  to cook food for 5 minutes •.The maximum  time  i s  9 9  m i n u t e s  a n d  9 9  s e c o n d s .5001.2.3.A. DEFROST BY WEIGHT 2) Press number keys from 0 to 9 to input the weight is 1.2 lbs, then press "1", "2" to input. The cooking  weight is   lbs .B. DEFROST BY TIME1) Press " " twice to choose    2) Press number keys from 0 to 9 to3) Press   to start defrosting.  Once half of the defrost time elapses              sound four times to remind you to 1) Press " " once to choose defrostDEFROST0.3-6.3DEFROSTSTART/+30sec.3) Press   to start defrosting. START/+30secfunction,the.Setting Defrost 5""    For example, if the food   If the     weight input is not in the range, it will The maximum defrost   time that can be              by weight function.  defrost seight.     return to the waiting state. Note:            After every procedure finish in weight buzzer will soud to remind you        turn the food over. input is 99 minutes and 99 seconds.input the defrost time. defrost by time function. in weight function , the buzzer will   turn the food over..Pressconv/ rillGpad to confirm.3456Pressconv/ rillGpad to confirm.34.59
Step Press1Press Defrost  pad   Use the numberic keys to select the. Press   key to start cooking .START/+30sec.Suppose you want  to defrost  food for 5 minutes. •time• Suppose you want to reheat.Step Press1. Press the  reheat pad.2. Press START/+30sec. pad.. Press Reheat key once, self cooking after 2 seconds.For example, press once ,8.0 ounces appears in the LED.ress twice , ouncesappears in the LED.p 16.0reheatreheatNote:When the cooking is finished,the buzzerwill sound five times.6ing sequences, switching from one power level setting to another automatically.Sometimes cooking directions tell you to start on one power level and then change to a different power level. Your oven can do this automatically.•  Suppose you want to cook roast beef for 5 minutes at 100% and then continue to cook for 30 minutes at 50%.Step Presspower level pad 1st stage.powerlevel0Your oven can be programmed for up to 2 automatic cook-1. Press the then press number 1 for 100% power for01Multiple Sequence Cooking 7.. Enter cooking time for 1ststage.  500for 2nd stage.. Press the power level padfor 50% power for2nd stage.powerlevel5. Press the START +30 sec pad for 2nd  stage.2then number 534. Enter second cooking time 53000Note:a. Only Microwave cookingcan be programmed for multi-stage cooking. Defrost  and Auto programs cannot be set for multi-stage cooking.b. When the first stage finishes, the buzzer will soundand the second stage  will begin cooking.,grill convention and combinationtwiceSensor Reheat twice.5002310
    1) Press  once for light high."light hi lo") Press for light ."light hi lo"2twice lowPress for light .ight hi lo" 3) "l th times off 1) When the exhaust fan is off, press "FAN "  .2) Press   twice .3) Press  time .4)Press"FAN" four times for fan speed low.VENT FANFAN "  "an speed turbofor fan speed high FAN ""for fan speed medium5)Press"FAN" f times for fan speed .ive offonce for f(2) During  cooking state, press   to check(1) During microwave cooking state, press Enquirethe power by press number keys.Auto cooking and power  levelset clock10. to check the power level.You can change defrosting may not be change at this time.  the clock.hild lock on/offdemo on/offsound on/offscroll speed55website11.The Child Lock prevents unwanted oven operation such as by small children. The oven can be set so that the control panel is deactivated or locked. First, ress the user prefpad.Child Lock.pad, the number 1number 2pademo  DTo cancel, press theTo set,  pad.numberpress the 1Press the user pref pad, the numberP2,then you can set the demo by pressing number 1.sound on/offress the user pref pad, the numberP,then you can set the by pressing number 13 pad padsoundscroll speedress the user pref pad, the numberP,then you can set the   by pressing number 1 to 3.Press number pad4scroll speedwebsiteress the user pref pad, the numberP,then you can padse5e the website " "WWW.ELECTROLUX.COM•  Suppose you want to cook 2 minutes at 100% power.12.three seercon/off on/offpad.number 2To cancel, presstheTo cancel, press.pad.number 2the1 .Turntable on-off1)2).Turntable on-off   key once once forturntable offTurntable on-off key twice once forturntable on This  function only  can be used  onmicrowave function.1)Press 2)Press NOTE: •  Suppose you want to heat a cup of soup for 30 sec-onds.Step PressPress the START enter +30 sec pad.During cooking, adding 30 seconds to the cooktime can be add START +30 sec. The maximum99 minutes 99 seconds. In waiting state,pressSTART +30 sec means cook for 30 secondsat 100% power.8. 9.3  1 for slow, number 2 for normal, number 3 for fast.11
2. Press number keys 1-3 to select 3. Press START/+30sec. pad.the menu.:Press number key 1 for baked potato orPress scroll key " "one time for baked potato3.2 Press scroll                      or numberic keysto select the menu.",Press   key to start cooking.START/+30sec."For example• Suppose you want to cook .popcorn   2. • Suppose you want to cook .meatmeatPress scroll                      or numberic keysto select the menu.","Ex:Press number key 1 for american meat loafor Press scroll key " "one time for americanmeat loaf3. Press pad . 1 .Auto cookingThe oven has a number of auto cook recipesthat will help you to selcet the right programes.Including frozen meals,melt sofeten,pop corn,veggies,meats,poultry,fish,dessert,snacks,breadcasserole.You can do the following:Veggies"•  Suppose you want to cook veggies. For some menu, Press "Enter" to confirm, thenneed go to step 4and 5. 4 use the numberic keys to select theweight.5: Press "Start+30sec" key to start cookingNOTE:12 OzsEnter to confirm 4 use the numberic keys to select theweight.5: Press "Start+30sec" key to start cooking4Enter1212
Function ( Key ) Menu Range of Weight/Serving 1.baked potato 1~4 potatos2.baked sweet potatoes  4 Servings 3.broccoli-cheese gratin  4 Servings 4.candied sweet potatoes   5.canned veggies 1~2 cans6.chinese hot and sour soup  8 Servings 7.creamy vegetable soup  6 Servings 8.fresh veggies 4~16 OZ9.frozen veggies 6~16 OZ10.garlic roasted peppers  8 Servings 11.herbed potato fans  8 Servings 12.potato, tomato and onion casserole 6 Servings 13.rosemary garlic potatoes  4 Servings 14.wilted spinach with bacon  4 Servings           Veggies   1)Veggies 4 Servings13
Function(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.american meat loaf 8 Servings2.barbecued spare ribs 4 Servings3.beef franks 4 Servings4.beef roast5.chili rubbed ham steak 4 Servings6.ground meat 0~24 OZ7.hamburgers 1,2,3,4 each8.herbed pork roast 4 Servings9.hot dogs 1,2,3,4 each 10.jerk pork 4 Servings11.maple glazed pork tederloin 6 Servings12.meatloaf - dressed up13.sirloin steak korean style 4 Servings14.southwestern burgers 4 ServingsMeats15.spinached stuffed pork chops 4 Servings2)Meats3.0 Lbs,4.0 Lbs8 Servings14
Function(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.barbecued chicken 4 Servings2.buffalo chicken wings - baked 15 appetizers3.chicken breasts 4~16OZ4.chicken kabobs - caribean 4 Servings5.chicken nuggets 8,12,16,20,2OZ6.cornish hens - northern Italisan 4 Servings7.roasted chicken - rosemaryPoultry8.scrambled eggs 1 eggFunction(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.fish/seafood 4~16OZ2.flounder - sherry 4 Servings3.fried fish - oven 4 Servings4.salmom steaks - spicy 4 Servings5.scrod with garlicky bread crumbs 4 ServingsFish6.shrimp 4 Servings3)Poultry4)Fish4 Servings415
Function(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.baked apples - new england 4 Servings2.chocolate chip cookies3.chocolate decadence cookies 12*2 cookies4.cranberry-orange relish5.fudge brownies 16 brownies6.lemon cookies 30*2 cookies7.lemon custard bars 24 bars8.oatmeal raisin cookies 14*2 cookiesDesserts9.pecan crisps5)DessertsFunction(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.appetizers2.finger foods 1,2 Servings3.frozen/fresh sandwich 1,2,3 each4.hand held foods 1,2 Servings5.pizza bites 1,2 Servings6.pizza fresh 4,8,16 OZ7.pizza frozen 6~12OZSnacks8.soup 1,2,3,4 cups6)Snacks18*2 cookies3 cups14*2 cookies1,2,3,4 Servings16
Function(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.croissants 1,2,3,4,5,6 each2.fresh rolls/muffins 1,2,3,4,5,6 each3.frozen french toast 2,4 Servings4.frozen rolls/muffins 1,2,3,4,5,6 each5.hot cereal 1,2,3,4,5,6 Servings6.pasta 8~24OZ7.rice 1~2CupsBreads,grains8.tomato-spinach risotto 4 ServingsFunction(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.beef stroganoff 4 Servings2.casserole 1,2,3,4 cups3.chicken chili - white 4 Servings4.chicken potpie 8 Servings5.lemon and shrimp risotto 4 Servings6.oven roasted meatballs with pasta 6 Servings7.pasta and three tomato meat sauce 6 Servings8.pasta with tomatoes & broccoli rabe 4 Servings9.rice and chicken 3 Servings 10.seafood pasta 3 Servings11.tuna noodle casserole 4 ServingsCasseroles12.vegetarian medley 3 Servings7)Breads,grains8)Casseroles17
Function(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.Butter 2 tbsps,0.25 cup,0.5 cup2.Chocolate 1,2 cups3.Cream Cheese 3,6.8 OZMealt,Soften4.Ice Cream 4,8,16,32 OZFunction(Key) Menu Range ofWeight/Serving1.dinner plate 8~16OZ2.frozen breakfast 4,6.8 OZ3.frozen entrees 8~24OZFrozen meals4.frozen kids meal 1,2 Servings9)Mealt,soften10)Frozen meals11)PopcornFunction(Key) Range ofWeight/ServingPopcorn 3.5,3.0,1.75 OZ18
CLEANING AND CAREEXTERIORThe outside surface is precoated steel and plastic. Clean the outside with mild soap and water; rinse and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use any type of household or abrasive cleaner.DOORWipe the window on both sides with a soft cloth to remove any spills or spatters. Metal parts will be easier to maintain if wiped frequently with a soft cloth. Avoid the use of spray and other harsh cleaners as they may stain, streak or dull the door surface. EASY CARE™ STAINLESS STEEL(SOME MODELS)Your microwave oven finish may be made with Easy Care™ Stainless Steel (some models). Clean the stainless with warm soapy water using a clean sponge or cloth. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft clean cloth. DO NOT use ANY store bought cleaners like Stainless Steel cleaners or any other types of cleaners containing any abrasive, chlorides, chlorines or ammonia. It is recommended to use mild dish soap and water or a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar.TOUCH CONTROL PANELCare should be taken in cleaning the touch control panel. If the control panel becomes soiled, open the microwave oven door before cleaning. Wipe the panel with a cloth dampened slightly with water only. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not scrub or use any sort of chemical cleaners. Close door and touch Clear/Off.INTERIOROR HARSH CLEANERS OR SCOURING PADS. For heavier WAVEGUIDE COVERThe waveguide cover is located on the ceiling in the microwave oven cavity. It is made from mica so requires special care. Keep the waveguide cover clean to assure good microwave oven performance. Carefully wipe with a damp cloth any food spatters from the surface of the cover immediately after they occur. Built-up splashes may overheat and cause smoke or possibly catch fire. DO NOT REMOVE THE WAVEGUIDE COVER. ODOR REMOVALOccasionally, a cooking odor may remain in the microwave oven. To remove, combine 1 cup water, grated peel and juice of 1 lemon and several whole cloves in a 2-cup glass measuring cup. Boil for several minutes using 100% power. Allow to set in microwave oven until cool. Wipe interior with a soft cloth.TURNTABLE/TURNTABLE SUPPORTThe turntable and turntable support can be removed for easy cleaning. Wash them in mild, sudsy water; for stubborn stains use a mild cleanser and non-abrasive scouring excess water or spills should be wiped up immediately.Disconnect the power cord before cleaning orleave the door open to deactivate the oven during cleaning.sponge. They are also dishwasher-proof. Use upper round wirerack of dishwasher. The turntable motor shaft is not sealed, so soapy water,  rinsed and dried.interior surfacessoil, use baking soda or a mild soap; rinse thoroughly with Cleaning is easy because little heat is generated to the . To clean the interior surfaces, wipe with a soft cloth and warm water. DO NOT USE ABRASIVE hot water. The round wire rack and shelf can be cleaned with hot 19
Disconnect the power cord before cleaning or leave the door open to deactivate the oven during cleaning.FrontRearTo avoid risk of personal injury or property damage, donot operate oven hood without filters properly in place.Cleaning the exhaust filtersThe oven ventilation exhaust filters should be removed andcleaned often; generally at least once every month.1. To remove the exhaust ventilation filters, pull the lever,then pull filter downward .The filter will drop out .Repeat for the 2nd filter.2. Soak the ventilation filters in hot water using a milddetergent. Rinse well and shake to dry Do not use ammonia. The aluminumon the filter will corrode and darken.3. To reinstall the exhaust ventilation filter, infix the hooks intothe holes of base plate, then pull the lever and toward ovento lock. Reinstall the 2nd filter using the same procedure.Surface lightsVentilationfiltersSurface light replacementTo avoid risk of personal injury or property damage, weargloves when replacing the light bulbs.1. Unplug the microwave oven or turn off power at the maincircuit breaker.2. Remove the bulb cover mounting screws at  lightpositions under the microwave.3. Replace bulb with 40 watt appliance bulb.4.5. Plug the microwave back into the power supply or turnthe power back on at the main circuit breaker.Re-install bulb cover and mounting screw.20
For best performance and for safety reasons, keep the ovenclean inside and outside. Take specialcare to keep theinner door panel and oven fron frame free offood and greasebuild-up.Never use rough scouring powder or pads on themicrowave. Wipe the microwave oven inside and out with asoft cloth and and warm(not hot) mild detergent solution.Then rinse and wipe completely dry.Wipe spatters immediately with a wet paper towel,especially after cooking greasy foods like chicken or bacon.Clean your microwave oven weekly or more often, ifneeded.Follow these instructions to cleanand care for yourmicrowave oven:Cleaning suggestionsKeep the inside (cavity) ofthe oven clean. Food particlesand spilled liquids can stickto the oven walls, causingthe oven to workless efficiently.Wipe up spills immediately. Use a damp, clean clothand mild soap. DO NOT use harsh detergents orabrasive cleaners.To help loosen baked-on food particles or liquids, heat 2cups ofwater (add the juice of 1 lemon ifyou desire tokeep the oven fresh smelling) in a 4 cup measuringglassat High power for 5 minutes or until boiling. Let stand inoven cavity for 1 or 2 minutes.Remove the glass turntable trayfromthe oven whencleaning the oven cavity or tray. To prevent the glassturntable frombreaking,handle with care and do not putit in water immediately after cooking. Wash the turntabletrayinwarmsudsy water or in the dishwasher.Clean the outside surface ofthe microwave with soapand a cleandamp cloth. Dry with a clean soft cloth. Toprevent damage to the operating parts of the oven, do notlet water seep into any vents or openings.Wash the oven door windowwith very mild soapandwater. Be sure to use a soft clean cloth to avoidscratching.Ifsteam accumulates inside or outside the oven door,wipe with a soft cloth. Steam canaccumulate whenoperatingthe oven in high humidity and in no wayindicates microwave leakage.Never operate the oven without food in the oven cavity;this candamage the magnetron tube or glass tray. Youmay wish to leave a cup of water standing inside the ovenwhen it is not in use to prevent damage if the oven isaccidentally turned on.Disconnect t he power cord before cleaning or leave t he door op en t o deactivat e t he oven during cleaning.Somespatters canberemoved with a paper towel, othersmay require a damp cloth. Remove greasy spatters with asudsy cloth, then rinse with a damp cloth. Do not useabrasive cleaners or sharp utensils on oven walls.To clean the surface ofthe door and the surface of the oven thatcometogether upon closing, use onlymild, non-abrasive soaps or detergents using a  spongeorsoft cloth. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry.Never use a commercial oven cleaner on any part ofyour microwave.Removable Turntable and Turntable SupportTo prevent breakage, do not place the turntable into waterjust after cooking. Wash it carefully in warm, sudsy wateror in the dishwasher. The turntable and support can bebroken ifdropped. Remember, do not operate the ovenwithout the turntable and support in place.Do not use cleaners containing ammoniaor alcohol on the microwave oven. Ammonia or alcohol candamage the appearance ofthe microwave.Clean the outside ofthe microwave with a sudsy cloth.Rinse with a damp cloth and then dry. Wipe the windowcleanwith a damp cloth.How to Clean the InsideHow to Clean the OutsideWalls,Floor, Inside Widow, Metal and Plastic Patrs on the  Door.Case22
Disconnect t he power cord before cleaning or leave t he door op en t o deactivat e t he oven during cleaning.Wipe with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly. Do not use cleaningsprays, largeamounts ofsoapand water, abrasives or sharpobjects on the panel—they candamage it. Somepaper towelscanalso scratch the control panel.It is important to keep the areacleanwhere the door sealsagainst the microwave. Use only mild, non-abrasivedetergents applied with a clean spongeorsoft cloth. Rinse well.Ifthe cord becomes soiled, unplugand wash with a damp cloth.For stubborn spots, sudsy water may be used, but be certainto rinse with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly before pluggingcord into outlet.            To cleanstainless steel surfaces, use a hot, damp clothwith a mild detergent suitable for stainless steel surfaces.Use a clean, hot,damp cloth to remove soap. Dry with a dry, cleancloth.Iffood soil remains, try a generalkitchen cleaner, such asFantastik®, Simple Green®or Formula409®.For hard-to-clean soil, use a standard stainless-steelcleaner, such asBon-Ami®or Cameo ®.Apply cleaner with a damp sponge. Use aclean, hot,damp cloth to remove cleaner. Dry with a dry, clean cloth.Always scrub lightly in the direction ofthe grain.After cleaning, use a stainless-steel polish, such astainless Steel Magic ®, Revere Copper and Stainless SteelCleaner ®or Wenol All Purpose Metal Polish®. Followtheproduct instructions for cleaningthe stainless-steel surface.Control Panel and DoorDoor SurfacePower CordStainless SteelDo not use a steel-wool pad;it will scratch the surface.23

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