Microsoft RM-926 GSM cellular phone w/BT and WLAN User Manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy GSM cellular phone w/BT and WLAN

User Manual

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ContentsSafety 4Get started  6Basics 16People & messaging  28Camera 42Internet 45Entertainment 47Maps & navigation  50Office 51Phone management &connectivity 53Help and support  62Product and safety information  673
SafetyWe invite you to read theinstructions on this guidebefore using the device.SWITCH OFF INRESTRICTED AREASSwitch the device off whenmobile phone use is notallowed or when it may causeinterference or danger, forexample, in aircraft, inhospitals or near medicalequipment, fuel, chemicals, orblasting areas. Obey allinstructions in restrictedareas.ROAD SAFETYCOMES FIRSTObey all local laws. Always keepyour hands free to operate thevehicle while driving. Your firstconsideration while drivingshould be road safety.INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices maybe susceptible to interference,which could affectperformance.QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnelmay install or repair thisproduct.BATTERIES,CHARGERS, ANDOTHER ACCESSORIESUse only batteries, chargers,and other accessoriesapproved by Nokia for use withthis device. Do not connectincompatible products.4
KEEP YOUR DEVICEDRYYour device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.PROTECT YOURHEARINGTo prevent possible hearingdamage, do not listen at highvolume levels for long periods.Exercise caution when holdingyour device near your ear whilethe loudspeaker is in use.5
1274563811910121314Get startedKeys and parts6
1 Charger connector2Micro-USBconnector3 Headset connector(3.5 mm)4Screen5 Scroll key6End/Power key7Keyboard8Shortcut keys9 Call key10 Selection keys11 Earpiece12 Camera lens. Beforeusing the camera, removethe protective tape fromthe lens.13 Loudspeaker14 Antenna areaThe antenna area ishighlighted. Tip: Lock the keys whennot using your phone.Select Menu, and pressthe function key. Tounlock, select Unlock, andpress the function key. Tip: You can set yourphone to ask for the lockcode that you define. Thedefault lock code is 12345.Your phone uses S40software.Some of the accessoriesmentioned in this userguide may be soldseparately.7
Insert SIM card and battery1. Switch the phone off,and remove the backcover.2. If the battery is in thephone, lift it out. 3. Lift the SIM holder, andput the SIM in, contactarea face down.8
4. Line up the batterycontacts, and put thebattery in.5. Press the back coverdown until it locks intoplace.6. To switch on, press andhold   until the phonevibrates.9
Insert a memory card1. Switch the phone off,and remove the backcover.2. If the battery is in thephone, lift it out. 3. Slide the memory cardholder towards the top ofthe phone.10
4. Lift the holder. 5. Put a compatiblememory card in, contactarea face down.6. Lower the holder.11
7. Slide the holder to theoriginal position. 8. Line up the batterycontacts, and put thebattery in.9. Press the back coverdown until it locks intoplace.12
Charge the battery1. Plug the charger into awall outlet. 2. Connect the charger tothe phone. See 3 on page64. When done, unplugthe charger from thephone, then from the walloutlet.13
Change the volume1. While in a call, scroll upor down to change thevolume.2. You can also connect acompatible headset orother device to theheadset connector.123456789In callLoudspeak.3. To use the loudspeakeron your phone whencalling, selectLoudspeak.. You can alsouse the loudspeaker whenlistening to radio.14
Copy content from your old phoneEasily get your contacts,calendar entries, andother stuff to your newphone.1. Switch Bluetooth on inboth phones. To switchBluetooth on on your newphone, select Menu >Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth.2. On your new phone,select Menu > Settings >Sync and backup > Copyfrom device.3. Select what you want tocopy, then select Done.4. Choose your old phonefrom the list of founddevices.5. If asked, create a one-time passcode (such as123), and select OK.6. Check that the codesmatch on both phones.7. Follow the instructionsshown on both phones.15
BasicsExplore your phoneMenu... ...1. To see the apps andfeatures of your phone,press Menu.2. To go to an app orfeature, press the scrollkey up, down, left, or right. ...3. To open the app orselect the feature, pressSelect.16
Back4. To go back to theprevious view, press Back.5. To go back to the homescreen, press  .17
Display indicators  You have unreadmessages.  You have unsent orfailed messages.  The keys are locked.  An alarm is set.  Bluetooth is on.  The phone is connectedto a GSM network.  All incoming calls areforwarded to anothernumber.  The phone isconnected to a headset.  The phone isconnected to a device,such as a PC, with a USBcable.The type of mobilenetwork you're currentlyconnected to may beshown with a single letter,a combination of letters,or a combination of lettersand numbers. Forexample,  , depending onyour network serviceprovider.The icons may varydepending on your regionor network serviceprovider.18
Prolong battery life• Always charge thebattery fully.• Mute unnecessarysounds, such as keypress sounds.•Use wired headphones,rather than theloudspeaker.To save power, you can:19
Lower the backlight brightness Select Menu > Settings > Display > Backlight, andchange the setting for Backlight intensity.Set the backlight to switch offafter a short time Select Menu > Settings > Display > Backlight, andchange the setting for Backlight time-out.Use network connectionsselectively • Switch Bluetooth on only when needed.• To switch off automatic update of a mailaccount, select Menu > Mail > Options > Settingsand an account, and switch Update my Inbox: toManually.20
• If you're listening to music or otherwise usingyour phone, but don't want to make or receivecalls, switch flight mode on. Select Menu >Settings > Profiles > Flight > Activate.21
Personalise your home screen1. Scroll down on the homescreen, and selectOptions > Personaliseview.2. Select a bar and an item,such as Notifications.3. Select Done > Yes. Tip: To add more apps,scroll to the shortcut baron the home screen, andselect Options > Changeshortcut.22
Change your ringtoneSet a different ringtonefor each profile.1. Select Menu >Settings > Tones, andscroll to Ringtone:.2. Select Open Gallery.3. Select Tones >Ringtones.4. Select the ringtone. Tip: To switch betweenthe silent and normalprofile, press and hold  .23
Nokia StoreDownload mobile games,apps, themes, wallpapers,and ringtones to yourphone from Nokia Store.Select Menu > Store.Many items are free ofcharge; some you need topay for with your creditcard or on your phone bill.The availability ofpayment methodsdepends on your countryof residence and yournetwork service provider.To learn more about NokiaStore, go
Keys on the keyboard1234 56781Keyboard2 Function key3Shift key4Sym key5Space key6Ctrl key7Enter key8 Backspace keyTo start writing, select atext box. The keyboardlayout can vary in differentapps and languages.25
Write textSet the writing languageSelect Options > Writinglanguage and thelanguage you want.Switch to number modePress the function keytwice. To go back to lettermode, press the functionkey.Switch between charactercasesPress the shift key.Type in the number orcharacter printed at thetop right corner of a keyPress and hold the key.This feature is notavailable for all languages.Type in a specialcharacter or symbolPress the sym key, andselect the symbol.Type in an accentedcharacterWhile pressing and holdingthe sym key, press thecharacter key repeatedly.Copy and paste textPress and hold the shiftkey, and scroll to highlighttext. Press and hold thectrl key, and press C(copy), X (cut) or V (paste).26
Use predictive text1. Start writing a word.Your phone suggestspossible words.2. To see alternative wordmatches, scroll down.3. To confirm a word,press the space key.Switch predictive text onor offSelect Options > More >Prediction and select Onor Off.Switch betweenpredictive and traditionaltextWhile pressing and holdingthe ctrl key, press thespace key. You can alsoselect and hold Options.27
People & messagingMake or answer a call1. On the home screen,type in the phone number.To type in the + character,used for internationalcalls, press +.The + character onlyworks from abroad. The +character may not work inall regions. In this case,enter the internationalaccess code directly.2. Press  .3. To end the call, press.4. When someone callsyou, press   to answer. Warning: When theflight profile is activated,you cannot make orreceive any calls, includingemergency calls, or useother features thatrequire network coverage.To make a call, switch toanother profile.Call last dialled numberOn the home screen,press  , select thenumber, and press  .View your missed callsOn the home screen,press View. To call back,select the number, andpress  . Tip: To view missed callslater, select Menu  >Contacts > Log > Missedcalls. Missed and received28
calls are logged only ifsupported by the network,and the phone is switchedon and within the networkservice area.29
Save a name and phone numberAdd new contacts to yourphone.1. Select Menu  >Contacts.2. Select Add new.3. Type in the phonenumber, and select OK.4. Write the name, andselect Save.30
Send a messageWith text and multimediamessages, you can quicklycontact your friends andfamily.1. Select Menu >Messaging.2. Select Create message.3. Write your message.4. To add an attachment,such as a photo or video,select Options > Insertobject.5. To add a contact as arecipient, select Send to >Contacts. To type in anumber, select Number ormail.6. Select Send.See 5 on page 64, 6 onpage 64, and 7 on page64.31
Check your voice mailDid you let your calls go tovoice mail when youcouldn't answer? Listen tothe messages people haveleft you at a convenienttime.To use voice mail, you mayneed to subscribe to theservice. For more info,contact your networkservice provider.Before using your voicemailbox, get your voicemailbox number fromyour network serviceprovider. Check yourorder confirmation oryour network serviceprovider's supportwebsite.To set up your voicemail,select Menu >Messaging > More >Voicemails > Voice callmessages > Voice mailboxnumber, and type in yourvoice mailbox number.1. To check your voice mailwhen you just missed acall, select View on thehome screen.2. Select Options > Callsender.32
 Tip: To quickly call yourvoice mail, press and hold1 on the home screen.Listen to your voice maillaterSelect Menu >Messaging > More >Voicemails > Voice callmessages > Listen tovoicemails.33
Set up your mail accountDo you use more than onemail address? You canhave several mailaccounts on your phone.You must be connected tothe internet to set up amail account, and to sendand receive mail.1. Select Menu > Mail.2. Select a mail service,and sign in. Tip: If you don't have amail address, you cancreate a Nokia Mailaccount during setup.If you want to use yourwork mail, contacts andcalendar with your phone,you can also add a Mail forExchange account to yourphone. Select Menu >Mail, a Mail for Exchangeaccount, and type in therequired details.Add a mail account laterSelect Menu > Mail > Addaccount, a mail service,and sign in.Switch off the automaticupdate of the inboxSelect Menu > Mail >Options > Settings and an34
account, and switchUpdate my Inbox: toManually.Your phone updates yourinbox at certain intervalsto show your new mailswhen they have arrived.This may cause transfer oflarge amounts of data,which may result in datatraffic costs. To savecosts, you can switch theautomatic update featureoff and update the inboxmanually.35
Mail for ExchangeMail for Exchange can beset up only if yourcompany has a MicrosoftExchange server. Inaddition, your company ITadministrator must haveactivated MicrosoftExchange ActiveSync foryour account.Before starting the setup,make sure you have thefollowing:• A corporate mailaddress• Your Exchange servername (contact yourcompany ITdepartment)• Your network domainname (contact yourcompany ITdepartment)• Your office networkpasswordDepending on theExchange serverconfiguration, you mayneed to type in additionalinfo during the setup. Ifyou don't know thecorrect info, contact yourcompany IT department.During the setup, you candefine how often you wantyour phone to sync thecontent with the server.Only content definedwhen setting up theaccount is synced. To syncadditional content,36
change the Mail forExchange accountsettings.With Mail for Exchange, itmay be mandatory to usethe lock code.Use of the Mail forExchange is limited toover-the-airsynchronisation of PIMinformation between theNokia device and theauthorised MicrosoftExchange server.This device is able tocommunicate withMicrosoft ExchangeActiveSync enabledservers. The provision ofthis device to you does notgrant you, and you do notreceive, any rights underany Microsoft intellectualproperty with respect toany server software, orserver device, that isaccessed using this deviceor with respect to use ofMicrosoft ExchangeActiveSync apart from thisdevice.37
Send a mailWould you like to send amail while on the go? Withyour phone, you can readand send mail, even whennot sitting at your desk.1. Select Menu > Mail anda mail account.2. In the mailbox, selectOptions > Compose new.3. To add a recipient fromyour contacts, select Add.You can also write theaddress. You can addmore than one recipient.4. Write the subject andyour message.5. To attach a file, such asa photo, select Options >Attach.6. Select Send.Reply to a mailTo reply to a mail, open themail, and select Options >Reply.38
Get socialUse the Notifications appto see what's happeningwith your friends.Sign in to your socialnetworking services.1. Select Menu > Apps.2. Select My apps >Notifications. Tip: Add Notifications toyour home screen to seethe latest updates.Switch notifications offIn the Notifications app,select Options > Settings,clear the check box, andselect Save. See 9 on page64.39
Chat with your friendsDo you like chatting onlinewith your friends? If youare out, you can sendinstant messages withyour phone no matterwhere you are.You must be connected tothe internet to chat.Before you can use chat,set up a chat service onyour phone. You need aNokia account to chat.Select Menu > Chat >Chat, and sign in.If you don't have a chataccount, you can sign in toNokia Chat during setup.If you have added friendsto your chat contacts,they are automaticallyincluded in your contacts.You can also chat withothers than just your chatcontacts.1. Select Menu > Chat >Chat.2. Select an account, andsign in.3. Select Options > Chatwith.4. Select a chat service,write the username, andtap Options > Send.40
5. Write your message inthe text box, and selectSend. Tip: To quickly start achat with a contact, selectyour contact in your list offriends and Send.You can have severalconversations going on atthe same time. To switchbetween conversations,select one inConversations.Using services ordownloading content maycause the transfer of largeamounts of data, whichmay result in data costs.41
CameraTake a photoCapture the bestmoments with your phonecamera.1. To switch the cameraon, press the camera key.2. To zoom in or out, scrollup or down.3. To take the photo, pressthe camera key.The photos are saved inMenu > Photos > Myphotos > Images.Switch the camera offSelect  .42
Take a self-portraitIt's easy to take a self-portrait with your phonecamera.1. To switch the cameraon, press the camera key.2. Select   >  .3. Hold the phone with thecamera facing you, andfollow the instructions youhear. When ready, thephone takes the photoautomatically.43
Send a photo or videoSend your best shots toyour friends and family ina multimedia message ormail, or using Bluetooth.1. Select Menu > Photos >My photos.2. Go to the photo orvideo, select Options >Share, and how you wantto send it.Send several photos orvideos at the same timeGo to the folder where thephotos or videos are,select Options > Mark,and an option. To send,select Options > Sharemarked, and how you wantto send.44
InternetBrowse the webCatch up on the news, andvisit your favouritewebsites on the go. Tip: If your networkservice provider doesn'tcharge you a fixed fee fordata transfer, to save ondata costs, use a Wi-Finetwork to connect to theinternet.1. Select Menu > Internet.2. Select the address bar.3. Write a web address. Tip: To search theinternet, write a searchword in the address bar. Ifasked, select your defaultsearch engine.Zoom inSelect a section of thepage. Tip: To view the page ina single column of larger,readable text and pictureswithout having to zoom in,select Options > Settings,and switch Column view toOn.45
Add a website to your favouritesIf you visit the samewebsites all the time, addthem to your favourites,so you can easily accessthem.1. Select Menu > Internet.2. Go to a website.3. Select Options > Add tofavourites.Go to a favourite websiteOpen the Favourites tab,and select a favourite.46
EntertainmentListen to the radioYou can listen to FM radiostations using your phone– just connect a headset,and select a station.Select Menu > Music >Radio.Change the volumeScroll up or down.Close the radioPress the end key.Set the radio to play in thebackgroundSelect Options > Play inbackground.Close the radio when it isplaying in the backgroundPress and hold the endkey.47
Play a songPlay music stored in thephone memory or on thememory card.1. Select Menu > Music >My music > All songs.2. Select a song. To pauseor resume playing, press or  .Skip to the beginning ofthe current songScroll left.Skip to the previous songScroll left twice.Skip to the next songScroll right.Fast-forward or rewindPress and hold the scrollkey to the right or left.Close the music playerPress the end key.Set the music player toplay in the backgroundSelect Options > Play inbackground.48
Close the music playerwhen it is playing in thebackgroundPress and hold the endkey.49
Maps & navigationFind nearby placesExplore the world aroundyou – with Nokia Nearby,you can check for nearbyplaces, such asrestaurants and shoppingcentres.1. Select Menu > Apps >My apps > Nokia Nearby.2. To see a list of certaintypes of places, such asrestaurants, select thecategory. If you don't seethe category you want inthe main view, to see morecategories, select More. Tip: To see the place ona map, select the place,and in the place detailsview, select see map.3. To search for a place,select Search, and writethe place name in thesearch box. Tip: You can save aplace, so you can easilyfind it later. Select theplace and SAVE. To seeyour saved places, in theNokia Nearby main view,select More > Favourites.See 23 on page 66 and 22on page 66.50
OfficeAdd a calendar entry1. Select Menu  >Calendar.2. Select a date and View >Add.3. Select an entry type.4. Fill in the fields, andselect Save. Tip: To delete an entry,go to the entry, and selectOptions > Delete.51
Change the time and dateYou can set your phoneclock manually.Select Menu > Settingsand Date and time.Change the time zonewhen travellingSelect Date & timesettings > Time zone:,scroll left or right to selectthe time zone of yourlocation, and select Save.52
Phone management & connectivityShare your content using SlamWith Slam, sharing yourcontent is now easier thanever.1. Select Menu >Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > On.2. Select Phone visibility >Always visible to makeyour phone visible toothers.3. Select, for example, aphoto to share andOptions > Share > ViaSlam.4. Move your phone closeto the other phone.Slam searches for thenearest phone, and sendsthe item to it. See 4 onpage 64.53
Connect to a Wi-Fi networkTo help save on datacosts, you can use a Wi-Finetwork to connect to theinternet, whether you'reat home or at a library orinternet café.1. Select Menu >Settings > Connectivity >Wi-Fi.2. Select the network youwant.3. If the connection issecured, type in thepassword.Add a new networkMake sure Wi-Fi is on,select Options > Add newnetwork, and type in therequired info.Close the Wi-FiconnectionSelect Menu > Settings >Connectivity > Wi-Fi >Turn off. Tip: To quickly open orclose the Wi-Ficonnection, on the homescreen, press and hold thespace key.54
Back up content to a memory cardWant to make sure youwon't lose any importantfiles? You can back upyour phone memory to acompatible memory card.1. Select Menu >Settings > Sync andbackup.2. Select Create backup.3. Select what you want toback up, then press Done.Restore a backupSelect Restore backupand what you want torestore, then press Done.55
Restore original settingsIf your phone is notworking properly, you canreset some settings totheir original values.1. End all calls andconnections.2. Select Menu >Settings > Restorefactory sett. > Settingsonly.3. Type in the securitycode.This does not affectdocuments or files storedon your phone.After restoring theoriginal settings, yourphone switches off andthen on again. This maytake longer than usual.56
Update your phone software1. Select Menu >Settings > Phone > Deviceupdates.2. To check if there is anupdate available and todownload it, select software.The update may takeseveral minutes. If youencounter problems,contact your networkservice provider.After the update, go get your new userguide.Your network serviceprovider may sendupdates over the airdirectly to your phone. Formore info on this networkservice, contact yournetwork service provider.See 8 on page 64, 12 onpage 65, 13 on page65.57
PIN or PIN2 code(4-8 digits)These protect your SIM card againstunauthorised use or are required toaccess some features.You can set your phone to ask for the PINcode when you switch it on.If not supplied with your card or youforget the codes, contact your networkservice provider.If you type in the code incorrectly threetimes in a row, you need to unblock thecode with the PUK or PUK2 code.Access codes58
PUK or PUK2 These are required to unblock a PIN orPIN2 code.If not supplied with your SIM card, contactyour network service provider.Security code (lock code, password) This helps you protect your phone againstunauthorised use.You can set your phone to ask for the lockcode that you define.Keep the code secret and in a safe place,separate from your phone.59
If you forget the code and your phone islocked, your phone will require service.Additional charges may apply, and all thepersonal data in your phone may bedeleted.For more information, contact Nokia Careor your phone dealer.IMEI This is used to identify valid phones in thenetwork. The number can also be used toblock, for example, stolen phones. You60
may also need to give the number toNokia Care services.To view your IMEI number, dial *#06#.61
Help and supportTo help you get the mostout of your phone, you canexplore you can find:• Troubleshooting info• Discussions• News on apps anddownloads•Software update info•Further details aboutfeatures andtechnologies, and thecompatibility of devicesand accessoriesTroubleshooting anddiscussions may not beavailable in all languages.If your phone isn'trespondingTry the following:• Switch the phone off,and remove the battery.After about a minute,put the battery back in,and switch the phone on.• Update your phonesoftware.• Reset your phone. Thisrestores the factorysettings, and erases allyour personal content,including apps you'vepurchased anddownloaded..If your issue remainsunsolved, contact yournetwork service provideror Nokia for repairoptions. Before sending62
your phone for repair,always back up your data,as all personal data in yourphone may be deleted.For additional productsupport info, see thewarranty and referenceleaflet included with yourNokia device.Find the answers totechnical questionsrelated to your phone, andthe nearest authorizedrepair center addresses the list of MexicoRepair Centers, see theleaflet attached to thissales package. Tip: If you need toidentify your phone, toview the unique IMEInumber of the phone, dial*#06#.63
Feature-specificinformation1 The images in this guide may differfrom your device screen.2 Avoid touching the antenna areawhile the antenna is in use. Contactwith antennas affects thecommunication quality and mayreduce battery life due to higherpower level during operation.3 If the battery is completelydischarged, it may take severalminutes before the chargingindicator is displayed or before anycalls can be made.4 Operating the device in hiddenmode is a safer way to avoidmalicious software. Do not acceptBluetooth connection requests fromsources you do not trust. You canalso switch the Bluetooth functionoff when you are not using it.5 If the item you insert in amultimedia message is too large forthe network, the device mayautomatically reduce the size.6 Only compatible devices canreceive and show multimediamessages. Messages may lookdifferent in different devices.7 You can send text messages thatare longer than the character limitfor a single message. Longermessages are sent as two or moremessages. Your service provider maycharge accordingly. Characters withaccents, other marks, or somelanguage options, take more space,and limit the number of charactersthat can be sent in a single message.8 Using services or downloadingcontent may cause the transfer oflarge amounts of data, which mayresult in data costs.9 The social networking services arethird-party services and notprovided by Nokia. Check the privacysettings of the social networkingservice you are using as you mayshare info with a large group ofpeople. The terms of use of the socialnetworking service apply to sharinginfo on that service. Familiariseyourself with the terms of use andthe privacy practices of that service.10 Nokia does not provide a warrantyfor or take any responsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party apps providedwith your device. By using an app, youacknowledge that the app is providedas is. Nokia does not make anyrepresentations, provide a warranty,or take any responsibility for the64
functionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party apps providedwith your device.11 A cache is a memory location thatis used to store data temporarily. Ifyou have, or have tried to, accessconfidential info or a secure service,requiring passwords, clear the cacheafter each use.12 Before starting the update,connect a charger or make sure thedevice battery has enough power.13   Warning: If you install asoftware update, you cannot use thedevice, even to make emergencycalls, until the installation iscompleted and the device isrestarted.14 Nokia may use personal data forcertain uses relating to this service,as detailed in the Nokia privacy policyor other applicable terms.15   Important: This device isdesigned to be used with a standardSIM card (see figure) only. Use ofincompatible SIM cards may damagethe card or the device, and maycorrupt data stored on the card.Please consult your mobile operatorfor the use of a SIM card that has amini-UICC cutout.16   Note: Switch the device off anddisconnect the charger and any otherdevice before removing any covers.Avoid touching electroniccomponents while changing anycovers. Always store and use thedevice with any covers attached.17 Use only compatible memorycards approved for use with thisdevice. Incompatible cards maydamage the card and the device andcorrupt data stored on the card.18   Important: Do not remove thememory card when an app is using it.Doing so may damage the memorycard and the device and corrupt datastored on the card.19 Do not connect products thatcreate an output signal, as this maydamage the device. Do not connectany voltage source to the audioconnector. If you connect an externaldevice or headset, other than thoseapproved for use with this device, tothe audio connector, pay specialattention to volume levels.65
20   Important: Use encryption toincrease the security of your Wi-Ficonnection. Using encryptionreduces the risk of others accessingyour data.21   Important: Before sharing yourlocation, always consider carefullywith whom you are sharing. Checkthe privacy settings of the socialnetworking service you are using, asyou might share your location with alarge group of people.22 Some content is generated bythird parties and not Nokia. Thecontent may be inaccurate and issubject to availability.23 Contents of digital maps maysometimes be inaccurate andincomplete. Never rely solely on thecontent or the service for essentialcommunications, such as inemergencies.24 If the product contains maps ofeither of the below countries, theinfo corresponding to the country inquestion applies: Ecuador:INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO MILITARDEL ECUADOR; Authorization N°IGM-2011-01- PCO-01 (January 25,2011) Guatemala: Approved byINSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO NACIONAL– IGN Resolution No 186-2011.25 The list of countries andterritories included in the time zonesettings does not imply sovereignty.26 For additional product supportinfo, see the warranty and referenceleaflet included with your Nokiadevice.27 This phone may containpromotional EA games. Thepromotion is time-limited and mayexpire. Please verify the banner onNokia store for more info. Forphones with promotional EA games,the end user must access the EAgames download page through theGift games icon on the main menu orfrom the Gift banner on Nokia storefront page in order to downloadpromotional EA games. Thepromotional free download may nothappen when accessed directly fromNokia store.66
Product and safetyinformationNetwork services and costsYou can only use your RM-926 deviceon the GSM 850, 1900 MHznetworks. You need a subscriptionwith a service provider.Using some features anddownloading content require anetwork connection and may resultin data costs. You may also need tosubscribe to some features.Emergency calls1. Make sure the device is switchedon.2. Check for adequate signalstrength.You may also need to do thefollowing:• Put a SIM card in the device, ifsupported by your device.• Switch the call restrictions off inyour device, such as call barring,fixed dialling, or closed usergroup.• Make sure the flight profile is notactivated.• If the device keys are locked,unlock them.3. Press the end key repeatedly, untilthe home screen is shown.4. Type in the official emergencynumber for your present location.Emergency call numbers vary bylocation.5. Press the call key.6. Give the necessary info asaccurately as possible. Do not endthe call until given permission to doso.When you switch your device on forthe first time, you are asked to createyour Nokia account. To make anemergency call during the accountsetup, press the call key. Important: Activate both cellularand internet calls, if your phonesupports internet calls. The phonemay attempt to make emergencycalls both through cellular networksand through your internet call serviceprovider. Connections in allconditions cannot be guaranteed.Never rely solely on any wirelessphone for essential communicationslike medical emergencies.Take care of your deviceHandle your device, battery, chargerand accessories with care. Thefollowing suggestions help you keepyour device operational.67
• Keep the device dry. Precipitation,humidity, and all types of liquids ormoisture can contain mineralsthat corrode electronic circuits. Ifyour device gets wet, remove thebattery, and let the device dry.• Do not use or store the device industy or dirty areas.• Do not store the device in hightemperatures. High temperaturesmay damage the device or battery.• Do not store the device in coldtemperatures. When the devicewarms to its normal temperature,moisture can form inside thedevice and damage it.• Do not open the device other thanas instructed in the user guide.• Unauthorised modifications maydamage the device and violateregulations governing radiodevices.• Do not drop, knock, or shake thedevice. Rough handling can breakit.• Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth toclean the surface of the device.• Do not paint the device. Paint canprevent proper operation.• For optimal performance, switchthe device off and remove thebattery from time to time.• Keep the device away frommagnets or magnetic fields.• To keep your important data safe,store it in at least two separateplaces, such as your device,memory card, or computer, orwrite down important info.RecycleWhen this device has reached the endof its working life, all of its materialscan be recovered as materials andenergy. For info on how to recycleyour old Nokia products and where tofind collection sites, go, or call the Nokia ContactCenter.Recycle packaging and user guides atyour local recycling scheme.When you cooperate and deliver allthese materials to one of theavailable collection sites, youcontribute in helping theenvironment and help to ensure thehealth of future generations.All electrical and electronic productsand batteries may containrecycleable metals and otherpotentially hazardous substancesand must be taken to their respective68
collection sites at the end of theirworking life. Under no circumstancesshould you break open a battery orother related materials. Do notdispose of these products asunsorted municipal waste, as thismay cause contamination of theenvironment or risks to humanhealth. All Nokia products are incompliance to the applicableindustry international productionstandards and to all requirementsdefined by the competentgovernment agencies. For more infoon the environmental attributes ofyour device, see (in English).About Digital RightsManagementWhen using this device, obey all lawsand respect local customs, privacyand legitimate rights of others,including copyrights. Copyrightprotection may prevent you fromcopying, modifying, or transferringphotos, music, and other content.Digital rights management (DRM)protected content comes with anassociated licence that defines yourrights to use the content.With this device you can accesscontent protected with OMA DRM2.0, or OMA DRM 2.1. If certain DRMsoftware fails to protect the content,content owners may ask that suchDRM software's ability to access newDRM-protected content be revoked.Revocation may also prevent renewalof such DRM-protected contentalready in your device. Revocation ofsuch DRM software does not affectthe use of content protected withother types of DRM or the use of non-DRM-protected content.If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, use Nokia Suiteto back up both the licences and thecontent. Other transfer methodsmay not transfer the licences whichneed to be restored with the contentfor you to be able to continue the useof OMA DRM-protected contentafter the device memory isformatted. You may also need torestore the licences if the files onyour device become corrupted.Battery and charger infoUse your device only with an originalBL-4U rechargeable battery. Nokiamay make additional battery modelsavailable for this device.Charge your device with AC-11charger. Charger plug type may vary.The battery can be charged anddischarged hundreds of times, but itwill eventually wear out. When the69
talk and standby times are noticeablyshorter than normal, replace thebattery.Battery and charger safetyAlways switch the device off andunplug the charger before removingthe battery. To unplug a charger oran accessory, hold and pull the plug,not the cord.When your charger is not in use,unplug it. If left unused, a fullycharged battery will lose its chargeover time.Always keep the battery between15°C and 25°C (59°F and 77°F).Extreme temperatures reduce thecapacity and lifetime of the battery.A device with a hot or cold batterymay not work temporarily.Accidental short-circuiting canhappen when a metallic objecttouches the metal strips on thebattery. This may damage thebattery or the other object.Do not dispose of batteries in a fireas they may explode. Obey localregulations. Recycle when possible.Do not dispose as household waste.Do not dismantle, cut, crush, bend,puncture, or otherwise damage thebattery in any way. If a battery leaks,do not let liquid touch skin or eyes. Ifthis happens, immediately flush theaffected areas with water, or seekmedical help. Do not modify, attemptto insert foreign objects into thebattery, or immerse or expose it towater or other liquids. Batteries mayexplode if damaged.Use the battery and charger for theirintended purposes only. Improperuse, or use of unapproved orincompatible batteries or chargersmay present a risk of fire, explosion,or other hazard, and may invalidateany approval or warranty. If youbelieve the battery or charger isdamaged, take it to a service centrebefore continuing to use it. Neveruse a damaged battery or charger.Only use the charger indoors.Additional safety informationSmall childrenYour device and its accessories arenot toys. They may contain smallparts. Keep them out of the reach ofsmall children.Medical devicesOperation of radio transmittingequipment, including wirelessphones, may interfere withinadequately shielded medicaldevices' function. Consult aphysician or the medical device's70
manufacturer to determine if it isadequately shielded from externalradio energy.Implanted medical devicesTo avoid potential interference,manufacturers of implanted medicaldevices recommend a minimumseparation of 15.3 centimetres (6inches) between a wireless deviceand the medical device. Persons whohave such devices should:• Always keep the wireless devicemore than 15.3 centimetres (6inches) from the medical device.• Not carry the wireless device in abreast pocket.• Hold the wireless device to the earopposite the medical device.• Switch the wireless device off ifthere is any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place.• Follow the manufacturerdirections for the implantedmedical device.If you have any questions aboutusing your wireless device with animplanted medical device, consultyour health care provider.Accessibility solutionsNokia is committed to making mobilephones easy to use for all individuals,including those with disabilities. Formore information, visit the Nokiawebsite (inEnglish).Hearing Warning: When you use theheadset, your ability to hear outsidesounds may be affected. Do not usethe headset where it can endangeryour safety.Some wireless devices may interferewith some hearing aids.NickelThe surface of this device is nickel-free.Protect your device fromharmful contentYour device may be exposed toviruses and other harmful content.Take the following precautions:• Be cautious when openingmessages. They may containmalicious software or otherwisebe harmful to your device orcomputer.• Be cautious when acceptingconnectivity requests, browsingthe internet, or downloadingcontent. Do not accept Bluetoothconnections from sources you donot trust.71
• Only install and use services andsoftware from sources that youtrust and that offer adequatesecurity and protection.• Install antivirus and other securitysoftware on your device and anyconnected computer. Only useone antivirus app at a time. Usingmore may affect performance andoperation of the device and/orcomputer.• If you access preinstalledbookmarks and links to third partyinternet sites, take theappropriate precautions. Nokiadoes not endorse or assumeliability for such sites.Operating environmentThis device meets radio frequencyexposure guidelines in the normaluse position at the ear or at least 1.5centimetre (5/8 inch). away from thebody. Any carry case, belt clip, orholder for body-worn operationshould not contain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stateddistance from your body.The sending of data files ormessages requires a quality networkconnection and may be delayed untilsuch a connection is available. Followthe separation distance instructionsuntil the sending is completed.VehiclesRadio signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in vehicles. Formore info, check with themanufacturer of your vehicle or itsequipment.Only qualified personnel shouldinstall the device in a vehicle. Faultyinstallation may be dangerous andinvalidate your warranty. Checkregularly that all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle is mountedand operating properly. Do not storeor carry flammable or explosivematerials in the same compartmentas the device, its parts, oraccessories. Do not place yourdevice or accessories in the air bagdeployment area.Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch your device off in potentiallyexplosive environments, such asn ea r p et rol  pu mp s.  Sp ar ks  ma y c au sean explosion or fire resulting in injuryor death. Note restrictions in areaswith fuel; chemical plants; or whereblasting operations are in progress.Areas with a potentially explosiveenvironment may not be clearlymarked. These usually are areaswhere you are advised to switch your72
engine off, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storagefacilities, and where the air containschemicals or particles. Check withthe manufacturers of vehicles usingliquefied petroleum gas (such aspropane or butane) if this device canbe safely used in their vicinity.Certification information(SAR)This mobile device meets guidelinesfor exposure to radio waves.Your mobile device is a radiotransmitter and receiver. It isdesigned not to exceed the limits forexposure to radio wavesrecommended by internationalguidelines. These guidelines weredeveloped by the independentscientific organisation ICNIRP andinclude safety margins designed toassure the protection of all persons,regardless of age and health.The exposure guidelines for mobiledevices employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate or SAR. The SAR limitstated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over10 grams of tissue. Tests for SAR areconducted using standard operatingpositions with the devicetransmitting at its highest certifiedpower level in all tested frequencybands. The actual SAR level of anoperating device can be below themaximum value because the deviceis designed to use only the powerrequired to reach the network. Thatamount changes depending on anumber of factors such as how closeyou are to a network base station.The highest SAR value under theICNIRP guidelines for use of thedevice at the ear is 0.69 W/kg. Use ofdevice accessories may result indifferent SAR values. SAR values mayvary depending on national reportingand testing requirements and thenetwork band. Additional SARinformation may be provided underproduct information mobile device is also designedto meet the requirements forexposure to radio waves establishedby the Federal CommunicationsCommission (USA) and IndustryCanada. These requirements set aSAR limit of 1.6 W/kg averaged overone gram of tissue. The highest SARvalue reported under this standardduring product certification for useat the ear is 0.99 W/kg and when73
properly worn on the body is 0.72 W/kg.Nokia support messagesTo help you take maximumadvantage of your phone andservices, you receive freecustomised text messages fromNokia. The messages contain tipsand tricks and support.To stop receiving the messages,select Menu > Settings > Nokiaaccount > News and Offers.To provide the service describedabove, your mobile phone number,the serial number of your phone, andsome identifiers of the mobilesubscription are sent to Nokia whenyou use the phone for the first time.Some or all information may also besent to Nokia when updatingsoftware. This information may beused as specified in the privacypolicy, available at and other noticesThe availability of products,features, apps and services may varyby region. For more info, contactyour Nokia dealer or your serviceprovider. This device may containcommodities, technology orsoftware subject to export laws andregulations from the US and othercountries. Diversion contrary to lawis prohibited.The contents of this document areprovided "as is". Except as requiredby applicable law, no warranties ofany kind, either express or implied,including, but not limited to, theimplied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose, are made inrelation to the accuracy, reliability orcontents of this document. Nokiareserves the right to revise thisdocument or withdraw it at any timewithout prior notice.To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, under nocircumstances shall Nokia or any ofits licensors be responsible for anyloss of data or income or any special,incidental, consequential or indirectdamages howsoever caused.Reproduction, transfer ordistribution of part or all of thecontents in this document in anyform without the prior writtenpermission of Nokia is prohibited.Nokia operates a policy ofcontinuous development. Nokiareserves the right to make changesand improvements to any of theproducts described in this documentwithout prior notice.74
Reverse engineering of software inthe device is prohibited to the extentpermitted by applicable law. Insofaras this user guide contains anylimitations on Nokia'srepresentations, warranties,damages and liabilities, suchlimitations shall likewise limit anyrepresentations, warranties,damages and liabilities of Nokia'slicensors.Nokia does not provide a warrantyfor or take any responsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party apps providedwith your device. By using an app, youacknowledge that the app is providedas is. Nokia does not make anyrepresentations, provide a warranty,or take any responsibility for thefunctionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party apps providedwith your device.Downloading of maps, games, musicand videos and uploading of imagesand videos may involve transferringlarge amounts of data. Your serviceprovider may charge for the datatransmission. The availability ofparticular products, services andfeatures may vary by region. Pleasecheck with your local Nokia dealer forfurther details and availability oflanguage options.FCC/MEXICO NOTICEThis device complies with part 15 ofthe FCC rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) Thisdevice may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received,including interference that maycause undesired operation. Anychanges or modifications notexpressly approved by Nokia couldvoid the user's authority to operatethis equipment.Note: This equipment has beentested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radiocommunications. However, there isno guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television75
reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one ormore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.• Increase the separation betweenthe equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technicianfor help.TM © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.Third party product/names may beTM of respective owner.The Bluetooth word mark and logosare owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.and any use of such marks by Nokiais under license.Java and all Java-based marks aretrademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sun Microsystems,Inc.This product is licensed under theMPEG-4 Visual Patent PortfolioLicense (i) for personal andnoncommercial use in connectionwith information which has beenencoded in compliance with theMPEG-4 Visual Standard by aconsumer engaged in a personal andnoncommercial activity and (ii) foruse in connection with MPEG-4 videoprovided by a licensed videoprovider. No license is granted orshall be implied for any other use.Additional information, includingthat related to promotional, internal,and commercial uses, may beobtained from MPEG LA, LLC. (in English).76

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