Microhard Systems 04P10 MHX920 900MHz SPREAD SPECTRUM OEM TRANSCEIVER User Manual New3 MHX 920 pmd

Microhard Systems Inc MHX920 900MHz SPREAD SPECTRUM OEM TRANSCEIVER New3 MHX 920 pmd



The MHX-920 is a long range - high speed 900MHz Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumModem.  The MHX-920’s rate can be optimized for long distance communication over60 miles. MHX-920 radios offer the fastest communication over the longest distances.MHX-920 OEM Industrial Wireless ModemApplications:- SCADA (PLCs, Modbus, HART)- Telemetry- GPS Vehicle Data/Tracking, DGPS- Electric, Oil, & Gas Utilities/Metering- Display Signs- Traffic Control, Loop detectors- Transparent low latency communicationIf you thought our MHX-910 was good - you’llbe amazed with the MHX-920.  There aremany radios that make claims - just run ourradios side by side and see what happens.The MHX-920 features robust, high speed, low latency, secure data communications. The MHX-920 has a full dataserial port and a separate diagnostics port for real-time diagnostics; which does not interfere with data communi-cations. MHX-920 offers excellent noise figure, superior interference rejection, very agile frequency synthesis,digital modulation, and matched filter detection. The MHX-920 can be user optimized for speed and distance.Features of the MHX-920•Transparent, low latency link providing true 230 kbps continuousthroughput to support protocols such as MODBUS•License-free communication in the 902 - 928 MHz ISM band•Industrial Grade - extended temperature specification•Supports point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, Store and ForwardRepeater, TDMA, Multimaster•Maximum allowable transmit power, (1W)•Low power consumption in Sleep Mode and High Voltage         Option•32-bit CRC, selectable forward error correction with retransmit•Separate diagnostics port - transparent remote diagnosis andonline network control•Backwards and Footprint Compatible with MHX-910 andSpectra-910 radiosMHX-920 HV OptionPreliminary Specifications subject to change without NoticeRev 1.0
MHX-920 Specifications (preliminary)Microhard Systems Inc.#110, 1144-29th Ave N.E.Calgary, AB, Canada  T2E 7P1email: info@microhardcorp.comTel:  (403) 248-0028Fax: (403) 248-2762Contact InformationMicrohardSystems Inc.TMwww.microhardcorp.comCopyright 2003 Microhard Systems Inc.Specifications subject to change without notice.Order OptionsCore Voltage IO voltage(user selectable)Current (mA)TransmitReceiveIdleSleepAntenna ConnectorEnvironmentWeightDimensionsApprovalsOption 100Option 1104VDC to 5.5VDC, 7VDC to40VDC(See option 100)3.3VDC to 5.5VDC, RS232/485/422 Levels(See option 100)4 VDC    12 VDC    30 VDC   (High Voltage Option)  1200           600           220    220              95             40      60              20                8         1                1                1MCX, Reverse polarity SMA(See option 110)-40 °C to +75 °CApprox. 80 gramsApprox. 3.5” x 2.1” x 0.7”FCC Part 15.247, pendingIC RSS210, pendingHV OPTION - High Input voltage(7V to 40V) with optional RS232/RS485/RS422 DriversReverse Polarity SMA ConnectorFrequencySpreading MethodBand SegmentsHopping PatternsHopping ChannelsError DetectionData EncryptionRangeSensitivityOutput PowerSystem GainData Port IntefaceSerial Baud RateOperating ModesSignals InterfaceDiagnosticsRejection902 - 928 MHzFrequency Hopping16 user selectable128 user selectable50 to 128 user selectable32 bit CRC, retransmit on errorDynamic Key Substitution+60 miles  (line of sight)-108 dBm1mW, 100mW to 1W (30dBm)140dBRS-232/RS485/RS422 TTL orDrivers Level300bps to 230.4kbpsPoint-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint,Store&Forward Repeater, TDMA,Multimaster, Peer to Peer, Trans-parentRxD1, TxD1, RTS, CTS, DCD,DSR, DTR, RxD2, TxD2,RSSI1,RSSI2,RSSI3,Tx LEDs, Rx LEDS,Reset, Config, Wake-up,RSmode, User Analog InputForward & Reflected Power,VSWR, Current, Battery voltage,Temperature, RSSI, Real-timeevent logging and remote diag-nosticsExcellent Strong Signal Interfer-ence & Rejection CharacteristicsPreliminary Specifications subject to change without NoticeRev 1.0

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