Microelectronics Technology RU00-M03 RFID HP-SIP Module User Manual 43 RU00 M03 X001 01 A1

Microelectronics Technology Inc RFID HP-SIP Module 43 RU00 M03 X001 01 A1


Users Manual_rev 3.pdf

   Confidential Level(安全等級) □ Public(公開) █ Low(內部使用) NOTE: APPROVAL ON THIS PAGE SIGNIFIES THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT APPROVED □ Medium(中度機密) □ High(高度機密)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide          .       A1      ECO-  10-19-2018  AS ISSUED 江 東 曄 REV Change Order DATE  CHANGE INFORMATION  AUTHOR   Document No.: 43-RU00-M03-X001-01   Page No.:    1    OF    18 APPROVED BY   葉曜誠葉曜誠葉曜誠葉曜誠
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 2 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018                                                                                                                                                                                            REVISION HISTORY Document No.: 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  TITLE: RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 3 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018                                    Table of Contents  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide ..................................................................................................... 1 1.0   Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0   Regulatory Statement .......................................................................................................................... 5  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement ............................................................... 5 3.0   System Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 6 4.0   Pin Configurations and Descriptions ................................................................................................... 8 5.0   Package Information ......................................................................................................................... 10  Package Mechanical Outline ................................................................................................................ 10  Recommend Footprint .......................................................................................................................... 11  Recommend Stencil ............................................................................................................................... 12 6.0   Interfacing to the RU00-M03 ............................................................................................................. 13 7.0   Operating the RU00-M03 ................................................................................................................... 15 8.0 Regulatory Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 16   Figures  Figure 1: System Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2: Pin Configurations .............................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3: Package Mechanical Outline ............................................................................................................ 10 Figure 4: Recommend Footprint ..................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5: Recommend Stencil .......................................................................................................................... 12   Tables  Table 1: Band configurations............................................................................................................................. 4 Table 2: Pin Configurations ............................................................................................................................... 9
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 4 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    1.0    Introduction The RU00-M03 is a System in Package (SiP) that comprises a completely in integrated solution for EPC Gen 2 / ISO18000-63 (formerly 18000-6C) application. The SiP was developed to make embedding UHF RFID reader capability easy. The RU00-M03 builds on market-leading Indy reader chip technology and integrates all of the necessary components into a tiny package. It requires very few external components. The RU00-M03 comes in a surface mount package designed to work as a SMT (surface mount technology) component in a standard PCB manufacturing process. This document provides instructions to the end-user to ensure optimal performance in their OEM hardware. Details on the use of the RU00-M03 Development Kit are also included to provide an example of appropriate application.  Model Number  Supported Regions  Operating Frequency RU00-M03-X001  US  902.75MHz~927.25MHz EU  865.7MHz~867.5MHz RU00-M03-X011  CN  920.625MHz~924.375MHz JP  916.8MHz~920.4MHz Table 1: Band configurations Regions  configuration  in  different  end-use  products  is  limited  by  an  original  equipment  manufacturer (OEM)
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 5 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    2.0    Regulatory Statement  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B  digital  device, pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.    These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.    However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.    If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to  which  the  receiver  is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC  Caution:  Any  changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 21cm between the radiator & your body.
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 6 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    3.0    System Block Diagram An example of a RU00-M03 system-level block diagram for an embedded application is shown in Figure 1. Required connections:    VDC and GND are required to power the RU00-M03.    RF pin must be connected to the OEM antenna.    UART1 provides host communications to control the operation of the RU00-M03.    ENABLE pin resets the RU00-M03 when set low.    Recommended connections:    UART2 provides debug information.    HEALTH indicates successful boot of the RU00-M03. Connection to an LED provides a visual indication of whether or not an error condition exists.    STATUS provides an indication when the RU00-M03 is inventorying tags. Connection to an LED provides a visual indicator of the tag activity.    Optional connections:    GPIO allow the user to provide general-purpose user-controlled digital I/O    WAKEUP is a digital input which may wake the RU00-M03 from its sleep mode, the lowest power state of the RU00-M03 (TBD).    Antenna port can be added by multiplexer (Switch).
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 7 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018       Figure 1: System Block Diagram
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 8 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    4.0    Pin Configurations and Descriptions The module is 35-pin surface mount package (SMT compatible). The pin configurations are shown in Figure   Figure 2: Pin Configurations
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 9 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018     PinNumber Pin Name Type Description1 VDC Power Power Supply2 GND Ground Ground3 UART2_TX Output UART Debug Transmit Data4 UART2_RX Input UART Debug Receive Data5 GND Ground Ground6 UART1_TX Output UART Console Transmit Data7 UART1_RX Input UART Console Receive Data8 GND Ground Ground9 ENABLE Input Active High Enable Device10 GND Ground Ground11 VDC Power Power Supply12,13,14,15,16 GND Ground Ground17 WAKEUP Input Active High Wake up Device18 GPIO1 I/O General Purpose Input/Output19 GPIO2 I/O General Purpose Input/Output20 GPIO3 I/O General Purpose Input/Output (*1)21 GPIO4 I/O General Purpose Input/Output (*2)22 STATUS Output Status Indication23 HEALTH Output Status Indication24 GND Ground Ground25 CLK_OUT Output N/A26 DTEST0 Output N/A27 DTEST1 Output N/A28 GND Ground Ground29 ANT2 Output Monostatic antenna port 2 (*3)30 GND Ground Ground31 ANT1 Output Monostatic antenna port 1 (*3)32,33,34,35 GND Ground GroundUFL1 ANT3 Output Monostatic antenna port 3 (*3)UFL2 ANT4 Output Monostatic antenna port 4 (*3) Table 2: Pin Configurations  (*1) Pin 20: GPIO3 can be configured to SWDIO (Serial Wire Input/Output) for programming
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 10 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    (*2) Pin 21: GPIO4 can be configured to SWDIO (Serial Wire Input/Output) for programming (*3) Antenna connections may be used via ANT1 (pin 31), ANT2 (pin 29) pads with 50Ω line on the   bottom of board and via U.FL connectors on the top of board named ANT3(UFL1) and ANT4(UFL2). 5.0    Package Information  Package Mechanical Outline  Figure 3: Package Mechanical Outline
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 11 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018      Recommend Footprint   Figure 4: Recommend Footprint
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 12 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018     Recommend Stencil \   Figure 5: Recommend Stencil
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 13 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018     6.0    Interfacing to the RU00-M03  Power and Ground   All circuits on the RU00-M03 are powered from inputs at pin 1 and 11. The RU00-M03 operates with any supply voltage between 3.2 and 5.25V. Because the individual supplies within the part are regulated on the RU00-M03, a large amount of supply filtering is not required. A high value, low ESR tantalum capacitor (150uF or greater) is recommended and should be accompanied by a 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitor close to the pin. All 16 available ground pins of the RU00-M03 must be soldered to the user PCB per the recommended assembly guidelines. If the PCB utilizes separate analog/RF and digital grounds, it is recommended that the RU00-M03 connect to the analog/RF ground. Providing a highly conductive path from the SiP ground to a continuous ground plane (by use of numerous vias to the ground plane) and as much ground conductor area as possible on the outer layers of the user PCB will help to reduce the RU00-M03 temperature rise during operation.     Communication   The RU00-M03 has two UART ports, each of which utilizes 3.3V CMOS I/O over a pair of pins. The UARTs are compatible with a standard RS-232C serial port through an appropriate level translator IC. The user’s host processor issues IRI commands to the HOST UART (RX pin 7, TX pin 6), which can be configured for any standard UART data rate for 115.2k, 230.4k, 460.8k and 921.6 kbaud. The default rate is set to 115.2 kbaud. The DEBUG UART (RX pin 4, TX pin 3) is available to provide status information from the RU00-M03 microcontroller. The DEBUG UART is not required for RU00-M03 reader applications and should be operated at a fixed data rate of 115.2 kbaud. Please see the RU00-M03data sheet for detailed I/O specifications.   RF   The RU00-M03 is configured for monostatic operation, which requires only a single RF I/O pin for full duplex communication. The output must be routed to the antenna via 50 ohm microstrip or stripline on the OEM PCB. No coupling capacitor is required given that the RF pin is AC-coupled internal to the RU00-M03. To maximize the radiated power (and corresponding communication range), the length of the transmission line between RU00-M03 and antenna should be made as short as possible.     GPIO
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 14 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    There are four user-configurable digital GPIOs on the RU00-M03. The signals are number GPIO1 – GPIO4 and occupy pins 17 – 20 respectively. Each GPIO operates at standard 3.3V CMOS logic levels with a minimum output current capability of 4 mA per pin while maintaining guaranteed noise margins. Appropriate interface circuitry and layout as well as handling of the OEM hardware should be applied. Please see the RU00-M03 data sheet for detailed I/O specifications.    Enable Pin 9 of the RU00-M03 comprises the ENABLE signal. The RU00-M03 is held in reset if the signal is held low. The ENABLE signal is bidirectional and is pulled down to 3.3V by ~10kΩ resistance internal to the RU00-M03. Any external connection to this pin must maintain a low impedance (<<10kΩ) other than when an external reset signal is applied. This allows the RU00-M03 to exert control of the reset line during power up and other situations that require it.   Health and Status   RU00-M03 pin 22 is a dedicated digital output that indicates the HEALTH of the RU00-M03. After the RU00-M03 is successfully booted and in its operational state, the health output switches to low. Otherwise, the output is high. The OEM can digitally monitor this signal or use it to drive an LED for visual indication of the RU00-M03 health. Pin 23 is a dedicated digital output that indicates the tag inventory STATUS of the RU00-M03. When the RU00-M03 is successfully inventorying one or more tags, it will generate 0.5ms minimum high pulse. The output remains low when no tags are being inventoried. Like the health signal, the OEM can monitor it via firmware or use it to drive an LED for visual indication to the device user.
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 15 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    7.0    Operating the RU00-M03 Once the required hardware connections are made to the RU00-M03, the unit can be operated with simple software routines running on the OEM’s host processor. The host software issues commands to configure the reader, set the reader’s idle mode and to start and stop various Gen2 RFID reader operations.    An example of the sequence of events starting at reader power-up is:   1. Apply 3.2V~5.25V power to the RU00-M03.   2. Establish a connection to the device via the host software.   3. Configure the reader. Critical parameters are:   a. Region of operation   When configured for a specific region, the RU00-M03 can operate only according to the air interface standards for that region. Key communication parameters are not adjustable by the user but are inherent in the RU00-M03 firmware. The FCC regional operation is the default for the device.   NOTE: The OEM is strictly forbidden to operate the RU00-M03 in a regional mode other than that in which the device is located. Applicable agency certification must be obtained by the OEM for their product to operate in the region in which it is located. The modular certification of the RU00-M03 in the U.S. may only be utilized by OEM’s that follow all guidelines set forth in this document.   b. RF output power   The RU00-M03 output power must be set to a level between 10 and 30dBm. The default power is set to the reader’s maximum allowable of 30dBm.    4. Initiate an RFID operation.   Gen2 RFID operations including Inventory, Read, Write, Lock and Kill are initiated with a command.  5. Set the RU00-M03 standby mode.   When the RU00-M03 is not executing an RFID operation, it assumes a low power state until another RFID function is initiated by the host.
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 16 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    8.0  Regulatory Guidelines OEM shall follow the below design guidelines for KDB 993369    1. Trace layout and dimensions including specific designs for each type:   a. For the chain 2 and chain 3, it can be connected 50 ohm UFL mapping connector to external antenna         b. For chain 0, it is connected via microstrip trace, please design guide as below.    c. For chain 1 and chain 4, it is connected via microstrip trace and insert a single pole two through switch. The parameters in portion of transmission line are same as chain 0. The RF Switch is also 50 ohm characteristic and isolation is at least 20dB. It is equivalent to passive part. It always transmits one path at one time during operating.
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 17 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018     The RU00-M03 is designed for 50 +/- 10% Ohm characteristic impedance, and the connection between RU00-M03 and antenna should all be designed for 50 Ohm characteristic impedance. For connection to external antenna via connectors, user should design the PCB layout for 50 Ohm characteristic impedance using microstrip, stripline, etc.             For example, user can design Microstrip according to PCB stack up (shown in below figure) by tool TXLINE (Transmission Line Calculator) to get PCB path width for RF is 7.5mil.  The detail parameters such as operating center frequency, RF impedance, dialectical constant, trace width, height of PCB Copper thickness. Please see the below figure.    2. Appropriate parts by manufacturer and specifications.   All parts from RF I/O interface of module to antenna shall meet characteristic impedance of 50 ohms +/- 10%.   a. The connector on OEM’s PCB with interfaces to antenna must be 50ohm characteristic impedance
Confidential Level(安全安全安全安全等級等級等級等級)::::Low(內部使用內部使用內部使用內部使用)  RU00-M03 RFID High Power SiP Quick Guide  PAGE: 18 43-RU00-M03-X001-01  DATE:  10-19-2018    as well. The following connectors are allowed. - Ultra UMCC Jack : Hirose electric, model U.FL-R-SMT-1 or equivalent - SMA Jack : Aliner Industries, model 20-001DW-T or equivalent. - Other 50ohm characteristic impedance equivalent RF connector   b. It supports to add multiplexer (RF Switch) between transmission line and connector on OEM’s PCB. - RF switch: Skyworks, model SKY13270-92LF or equivalent. c. The cable between qualified antenna and connector shall use 50 ohm coaxial pigtail from connector of PCB to antenna.   d. The OEM must strictly use only with the following antennas or antenna types with maximum gain as shown.   - American RFID solution, model HD-500 circular polarization antenna with 6dBi gain - Microelectronics Technology Inc, model RFID0900 circular polarization antenna with 6dBi gain - BroadRadio, model BRA-07 circular polarization antenna with 3dBiC    3. Test procedures for design verification. -OEM shall follow transmission line design rule for characteristic impedance of 50 ohms +/- 10%.   -OEM needs to measure transmission line width on PCB to ensure the impedance is 50 ohms +/- 10%  4. Production test procedures for ensuring compliance The 50 ohm transmission line and connector are passive parts, it is an attenuation in system. Once OEM has confirmed the impedance in design verification, OEM can measure output power via connector instead of transmission impedance measurement.    -Connect cable with connector on OEM’s PCB to RF power meter or equivalent.      -Execute OEM’s product to transmit output power and measure output power.

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