Medtronic 97745 97745 User Manual part 1 of 6

Medtronic, Inc. 97745 part 1 of 6

User Manual part 1 of 6

 Form MEDN-0500 version 3.0  NEUROMODULATION CONFIDENTIAL  DOCUMENT/RECORD This document/record is electronically controlled, printed copies are considered uncontrolled. Identifier Version  Author           Title:                                 Pages: (including this page)  APPROVALS Signed By Responsibility Date/Time (GMT)                                                                                                                                 NDHF1245-121586 4.0 Monica Tuy97745 User Manual DRAFT for Agency and Summative TestingMonica Tuy Technical Communications Approver 7/12/2012 5:42:48 PM257
CONTROLLER97745Pain therapy user manual for Intellis™ Model97715 and Model 97725 Wireless ExternalNeurostimulation Systems! USA   Rx only2013Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-04
Medtronic®, AdaptiveStim®, and SoftStart/Stop® aretrademarks of Medtronic, Inc., registered in the U.S. andother countries.Intellis™ is a trademark of Medtronic, Inc.! USA FCC InformationThe following is communications regulation informationon the Model 97745 Controller.FCC ID: LF597745This device complies with Part 15 Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmful interference and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT: Changes or modifications to thisproduct not authorized by Medtronic, Inc., couldvoid the FCC Certification and negate your authorityto operate this product.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-04
Label SymbolsExplanation of symbols on products andpackaging. Refer to the appropriate product tosee symbols that apply.Conformité Européenne (EuropeanConformity). This symbol means that thedevice fully complies with AIMD Directive90/385/EEC (NB 0123) and R&TTEDirective 1999/5/EC.Consult instructions for useMR Magnetic Resonance (MR) UnsafeManufacturerSerial numberPIN No. PIN numberEC REPAuthorized representative in the Europeancommunity+XXX °F+XX °C-XX °F-XX °C Temperature limitationNon-ionizing electromagnetic radiationIEC 60601-1/EN60601-1, Type BFEquipment97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-043Label Symbols
System meets the applicable Canadian(CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1) and US(UL 60601-1:2003) electrical safetystandard requirements.Chinese Standard (SJ/T11364-2006)Logo: Electronic Information ProductsPollution Control Symbol. (The date in thislogo means the environmental protectionuse period of the product.)Do not dispose of this product in theunsorted municipal waste stream. Disposeof this product according to localregulations. See for instructions onproper disposal of this product.For USA audiences onlyEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-044Label Symbols
Table of contentsLabel Symbols  3Glossary  121  Introduction  20How to use this manual  20Patient guides  22Patient identification card  252  Important therapyinformation  28Purpose of the device  28Purpose of the neurostimulation system(indications)  28Description of your system  29Therapies that may not be used with theneurostimulation system(contraindications)  33Risks and benefits  33Risks of surgery  34Warnings  34Precautions  4397745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-045Table of contents
Individualization of Treatment  483  Recovery and care aftersurgery  52Recovery from surgery  52Activities  52When to call your clinician  54Care schedule  554  Using your controller  58How your controller works  58Controller screen and keys  59Home screen  62Unlocking and locking yourcontroller  65Unlocking your controller  65Locking your controller  69Turning your stimulation on or off  70Turning your stimulation on for all painareas  70Turning your stimulation off for all painareas  72How to maintain neurostimulatorbatteries  75English  97745Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-046Table of contents
Checking the battery status of the controllerand neurostimulator  75Changing controller preferences using theMenu  80To access the Menu screen  80Changing the audio and vibrationsettings  84Changing the brightness of the controllerdisplay  86Changing the date  87Changing the time  88Changing the language  90Changing the number format  91Viewing information about the controllerand the neurostimulator  925  Adjusting your stimulation  96Introduction  96Stimulation features  96Adjusting stimulation settings  96Programming modes  100Changing parameter and stimulationsettings  101Increasing or decreasing a parameter(intensity, pulse width, or rate)  10697745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-047Table of contents
Adjusting intensity for all pain areastogether  108Turning stimulation on or off for individualpain areas  110Turning cycling on or off  112Changing a program for individual painareas  114Viewing and changing a group  115Using AdaptiveStim  117AdaptiveStim groups and positions  119Checking your body position  121Turning AdaptiveStim on or off  124Making adjustments to AdaptiveStim  1256  MRI examinations  128If you have an MRI appointment  128Responsibilities of the patient in preparingfor the MRI appointment  129At the MRI appointment  130Determining if you are in MRI mode  131Placing your neurostimulation system inMRI mode for the MRI scan  133Using your controller to activate MRImode  134Activating MRI mode  135English  97745Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-048Table of contents
Turning stimulation back on after the MRIscan  139Visiting your clinician to activate MRImode  1417  Using the recharging system withthe implantedneurostimulator  146Recharging the implanted neurostimulatorbattery  146Recharging the neurostimulatorbattery  146To stop recharging the neurostimulatorbattery  154Changing the recharging temperature andspeed  155Recharging the controller batterypack  1588  Troubleshooting  164Controller screens  164Warning screens  165Alert screens  173Notification screens  18297745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-049Table of contents
Possible problems and solutions  1879  Additional information  194How stimulation works  194Controlling your stimulation  199What your clinician controls  199What you control  199Possible adverse effects  200Changes in therapy  200Possible system complications  20010  Maintenance andassistance  204Accessories  204Labeling the controller  204Using the carrying case  205Replacing the type AA controllerbatteries  206Replacing the controller battery pack  207Setting up a new controller  208Cleaning and care  219Safety and technical checks  221Battery and controller disposal  221Neurostimulator disposal  221English  97745Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0410Table of contents
Specifications  222User assistance  223Declaration of conformity  22411  Appendix A: Electromagneticinterference (EMI)  226Contraindication  226Warnings  227Precautions  238Notes  242Index  24497745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0411Table of contents
GlossaryCaution - A statement describing actions thatcould result in damage to or improperfunctioning of a device.Clinician - A healthcare professional such asa doctor or nurse.Clinician programmer - A device used by aclinician to send instructions to aneurostimulator.Contraindication - A condition orcircumstance when a person should nothave a neurostimulation system.Controller - A hand-held device that allowsyou to turn your neurostimulator on and offand check your neurostimulator battery. It isalso used to adjust some of the stimulationsettings.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0412Glossary
Diathermy - A medical treatment applied tothe outside of the body that delivers energyinto the body. Three types of energy that canbe used are shortwave, microwave, andultrasound. Depending on the power levelused, diathermy devices may or may notproduce heat within the body. Thistreatment is typically used to relieve pain,stiffness and muscle spasms, reduce jointcontractures, reduce swelling and pain aftersurgery, and promote wound healing.Discharged battery - The rechargeablebattery is depleted and should be chargedas soon as possible. When the battery is ina discharged state, therapy is notavailable.Elective replacement indicator (ERI) -Notification that the INS is nearing or hasreached its recommended replacementdate.Electrode - A metal piece near the tip of thelead. Electrodes deliver electrical pulses tothe area where your pain signals will beblocked.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0413Glossary
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) - Astrong field of energy near electrical ormagnetic devices that could prevent theneurostimulator from functioning properly.End of service (EOS) - Condition of an ENSat the time it is no longer able to operatesuccessfully.External neurostimulator (ENS) - SeeNeurostimulator.Group - Collection of programs that worktogether for a particular effect or area.Implanted neurostimulator (INS) - SeeNeurostimulator.Indication - The purpose of theneurostimulation system and the medicalcondition for which it may be implanted.Intensity - The strength of an electricalpulse.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0414Glossary
Neurostimulation system - The implantedand external components of the stimulationsystem that delivers electrical pulses toblock pain signals as they move to thebrain.Neurostimulator - The power source of aneurostimulation system. It contains thebattery and electronics that control thestimulation you feel. An externalneurostimulator is carried outside the body.During test stimulation, it is used todetermine whether or not stimulation iseffective. An implanted neurostimulator isplaced inside the body. If stimulation iseffective during test stimulation, theneurostimulator is implanted.Out-of-regulation (OOR) - Theneurostimulator battery is unable to producethe levels of energy required for the currentstimulation settings.Pain areas - An area of the body where apatient feels pain.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0415Glossary
Parameter - One of three stimulation settingsthat adjust the electrical pulse: intensity,pulse width, and rate.Precaution - See Caution.Program - Stimulation directed to a specificpain site.Pulse width - The length or duration of anelectrical pulse.Recharger - The component of theneurostimulation system that is used torecharge your neurostimulator battery.SoftStart/Stop - This feature is programmedby your clinician. When the neurostimulatoris turned on, stimulation will slowly increaseto the programmed intensity. When theneurostimulator is turned off, stimulation willslowly decrease.Spinal cord - This is your body's informationcenter. Nerve signals from the entire bodytravel to your spinal cord, and then to yourbrain.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0416Glossary
Stimulation - The delivery of electrical pulsesto the area where pain signals are blockedas they move to the brain. Stimulationblocks some pain signals from reaching thebrain.Stimulation settings - Refers to all thefeatures assembled to define the stimulationyou feel. The clinician programs allstimulation. You can adjust somestimulation settings within clinician-definedlimits.Test stimulation - The period of time when anexternal neurostimulator is used todetermine if stimulation blocks the painsignals effectively.Therapy - Treatment of a disease or condition.When neurostimulation therapy isprescribed, a neurostimulation system isused to deliver stimulation to one or morepain sites.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0417Glossary
Therapy settings - A specific combination ofintensity, rate, and pulse width parametersused to control the stimulation delivered bya neurostimulator.Warning - A statement describing an action orsituation that could harm the patient.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0418Glossary
1 IntroductionFilename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-04
How to use this manualUse this manual during test stimulation andafter receiving an implanted neurostimulator.Ask your clinician to explain anything that isunclear.•A glossary is provided at the beginning ofthis manual.•Chapter 1 "Introduction", describes how touse this manual, patient guides you shouldreceive, and information about the patientidentification card.•Chapter 2 "Important therapy information",describes when you should and should notuse a neurostimulation system, theneurostimulation system components, andthe risks, benefits, warnings, precautions,and patient activities related to yourneurostimulation system.•Chapter 3 "Recovery and care aftersurgery", provides information aboutrecovering from surgery, activity and careEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0420Introduction 1
information, and when to contact yourclinician.•Chapter 4 "Using your controller",describes the controller and how to performspecific tasks.•Chapter 5 "Adjusting your stimulation",describes how to adjust your stimulationusing your controller.•Chapter 6 "MRI examinations", providesimportant information about what youshould do if you have an MRIexamination.•Chapter 7 "Using the recharging systemwith the implanted neurostimulator",describes how to use the rechargingsystem to recharge your implantedneurostimulator battery.•Chapter 8 "Troubleshooting", describescontroller warning, alert, and informationscreens and how to solve problems.•Chapter 9 "Additional information",describes how stimulation works, possible97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0421Introduction 1
adverse effects, changes in therapy, andpossible system complications.•Chapter 10 "Maintenance and assistance",describes how to set up a new controller,care for your controller, and instructions onusing accessories. This chapter alsoprovides controller specifications andinformation about who to call forassistance.•Chapter 11 "Appendix A: Electromagneticinterference (EMI)", provides informationabout electromagnetic interference andhow it may affect your neurostimulationsystem.Patient guidesTable 1.1 on page 23 describes thedocuments you should receive during teststimulation and after a neurostimulator isimplanted.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0422Introduction 1
 Table 1.1 Patient guides for test stimulationand implanted neurostimulation systems Document ENSaINSbMedtronic Model97725 WirelessExternalNeurostimulator:Test StimulationPatient GuideDescribes thegoals, activities,components, andinstructions fortest stimulation.XMedtronic Model97745 Controller:Quick ReferenceGuide: Providesinstructions forcommoncontroller tasks.X X97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0423Introduction 1
 Table 1.1 Patient guides for test stimulationand implanted neurostimulation systems (continued)Document ENSaINSbMedtronic Model97755Recharger:RechargingSystem UserManual:Describes thecomponents ofthe rechargingsystem, includingthe rechargeablebattery pack andpower supply.XPatientIdentificationCard: Providesinformation aboutyou, yourimplantedneurostimulator,and your doctor.XaExternal neurostimulatorbImplanted neurostimulatorEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0424Introduction 1
Patient identification cardWhen you leave the hospital, your doctor willgive you a patient identification card. This cardsupplies information about you, your implanteddevice, and your doctor. Your identificationcard may allow you to bypass security devices.Carry this card with you at all times and bringthis card with you to all MRI appointments (seeChapter 6 "MRI examinations").If you move, change doctors, or lose your card,contact Medtronic for a replacement card.Refer to the Medtronic contacts at the end ofthis manual.! USA  A temporary identification card will beprovided at the hospital. After Medtronicreceives your implant registration from thehospital, you will receive a permanentidentification card.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0425Introduction 1
English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0426Introduction 1
2 ImportanttherapyinformationFilename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-04
Purpose of the deviceThe Medtronic Model 97745 Controller isdesigned to program the following Medtronicneurostimulators:Rechargeable•Intellis Model 97715 ImplantedNeurostimulatorNonrechargeable•Model 97725 Wireless ExternalNeurostimulatorRefer to your patient identification card todetermine the model number of yourneurostimulator.Purpose of theneurostimulation system(indications)Refer to the indications sheet that is packagedwith the controller for the purpose of theneurostimulation system and relatedinformation.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0428Important therapy information 2
Description of your systemA typical neurostimulation system hasimplanted parts that deliver the electricalpulses to the area where your pain signals areblocked.Typically the implanted parts of aneurostimulation system include (Figure 2.1):a neurostimulator, 1 or more leads, and 1 ormore extensions (optional).97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0429Important therapy information 2
NeurostimulatorExtensionsLeadsElectrodesFigure 2.1 Implanted parts of a typical neurostimulation system (spinal cord stimulation shown).A typical neurostimulation system alsoincludes an external controller for controllingyour system. If you have a rechargeableneurostimulator, your system also includes arecharging system (Figure 2.2).English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0430Important therapy information 2
BeltBattery packPower SupplyRechargerRecharging system(packaged separately)Controller  Figure 2.2 Recharging components of a rechargeable neurostimulation system.Neurostimulator – The neurostimulator is thepower source (battery) for yourneurostimulation system. It containselectronics that generate the electrical pulses.During test stimulation, an externalneurostimulator is used to determine whetheran implanted neurostimulator is the rightchoice for you.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0431Important therapy information 2
Note: Your controller refers to theneurostimulator as the device.Lead(s) – A lead is a set of thin wires, coveredwith a protective coating. A lead has smallmetal electrodes near the tip. The electrodestransmit electrical pulses to the area whereyour pain signals are blocked.Extension(s) – An extension is a set of thinwires, covered with a protective coating, thatconnects the neurostimulator to a lead. Not allneurostimulation systems include anextension.Controller – A controller is a hand-held devicethat you use to select and adjust yourstimulation. Recharging system – The recharging systemis used to charge the implanted rechargeableneurostimulator battery. Components includedin the recharging system are: recharger, belt,battery pack, power supply, and systemcarrying case. Refer to the manual packagedwith the recharging system for moreEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0432Important therapy information 2
information about the recharging systemcomponents.Therapies that may not beused with theneurostimulation system(contraindications)Diathermy—Inform anyone treating you thatyou CANNOT have any shortwave diathermy,microwave diathermy or therapeuticultrasound diathermy (all now referred to asdiathermy) anywhere on your body becauseyou have an implanted neurostimulationsystem. Energy from diathermy can betransferred through your implanted system,and can cause tissue damage, resulting insevere injury or death.Risks and benefitsStimulation has helped thousands of patientsmanage their pain and improve their quality oflife. Your neurostimulation system may beused with other pain treatments. Stimulation97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0433Important therapy information 2
will not cure your pain. It can, however, reduceyour pain to a tolerable level and allow you toresume many of your daily activities.Risks of surgeryImplanting a neurostimulation system has riskssimilar to spinal procedures, including spinalfluid leak, headaches, swelling, bruising,bleeding, infection, or paralysis.If you are on anticoagulation therapy you mightbe at greater risk for postoperativecomplications such as hematomas that couldresult in paralysis.For information about possible adverseeffects, refer to "Possible adverse effects" onpage 200.WarningsWound contact—DO NOT use the rechargeron an unhealed wound. The recharging systemis not sterile, and contact with the wound maycause an infection.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0434Important therapy information 2
Trial systems (neurostimulation systemsthat are not fully implanted)—MRI should notbe prescribed for patients undergoing trial(test) stimulation or who have anyneurostimulation system components that arenot fully implanted. If an MRI scan is required,the clinician must explant all trial (test)stimulation components. MRI has not beentested on trial (test) stimulation componentsand may cause heating of the lead electrodes,resulting in tissue damage or serious patientinjury.Electromagnetic interference—Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a field ofenergy generated by equipment found in thehome, work, medical, or public environmentsthat is strong enough to interfere withneurostimulator function. Neurostimulatorsinclude features that provide protection fromEMI. Most electrical devices and magnetsencountered in a normal day are unlikely toaffect the operation of a neurostimulator.However, sources of strong EMI can result inthe following:97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0435Important therapy information 2
•Serious patient injury or death, resultingfrom heating of the implanted componentsof the neurostimulation system anddamage to surrounding tissue.•System damage, resulting in a loss of orchange in symptom control and requiringadditional surgery.•Operational changes to theneurostimulator, that can cause it to turnon or off, resulting in loss ofneurostimulation and the return ofunderlying symptoms.•Unexpected changes in stimulation,causing a momentary increase instimulation or intermittent stimulation,which some patients have described as ajolting or shocking sensation. Although theunexpected change in stimulation may feeluncomfortable, it does not damage thedevice or injure a patient directly. In rarecases, as a result of the unexpectedchange in stimulation, patients have fallendown and been injured.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0436Important therapy information 2
Refer to the following table for informationon the effect of EMI on you and yourneurostimulation system. Additionalinformation and instructions on how toreduce the risk from EMI are located inAppendix A of this manual.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0437Important therapy information 2
 Table 2.1 Potential effects of EMI from devices or procedures Device or pro-cedureSeriouspatientinjuryDevicedamageDevice turnsoff/onMomentaryincrease instimulationIntermittentstimulationBone growthstimulatorsX X XCT scans XDefibrillation/cardioversionX X X XDental drillsand ultrasonicprobesXDiathermy,therapeuticX X XElectrocautery X XElectrolysis X XEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0438Important therapy information 2
 Table 2.1 Potential effects of EMI from devices or procedures (continued)Device or pro-cedureSeriouspatientinjuryDevicedamageDevice turnsoff/onMomentaryincrease instimulationIntermittentstimulationElectromagnet-ic field devices(eg, arc weld-ing, power sta-tions)X X XHigh-output ul-trasonics / lith-otripsyXHouseholditemsX XLaser proce-duresX97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0439Important therapy information 2
 Table 2.1 Potential effects of EMI from devices or procedures (continued)Device or pro-cedureSeriouspatientinjuryDevicedamageDevice turnsoff/onMomentaryincrease instimulationIntermittentstimulationMagnetic reso-nance imaging(MRI)X X X X XPsychothera-peutic proce-duresX X X XRadiation ther-apyXRadio-frequen-cy (RF) / micro-wave ablationX X XEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0440Important therapy information 2
 Table 2.1 Potential effects of EMI from devices or procedures (continued)Device or pro-cedureSeriouspatientinjuryDevicedamageDevice turnsoff/onMomentaryincrease instimulationIntermittentstimulationTheft detectoror security de-viceX X XTherapeutic ul-trasoundX X XTranscutane-ous electricalnerve stimula-tion (TENS)X X97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0441Important therapy information 2
Case damage—If the neurostimulator case isruptured or pierced due to outside forces,severe burns could result from exposure to thebattery chemicals.Neurostimulator interaction with implantedcardiac devices—When a neurostimulatorand an implanted cardiac device (eg,pacemaker, defibrillator) are required, thedoctors involved with both devices (eg,neurologist, neurosurgeon, cardiologist,cardiac surgeon) should discuss the possibleinteractions between the devices beforesurgery. To minimize or prevent devicedamage or interactions, your doctors shouldplace the devices on the opposite side of thebody from one another.•Defibrillation therapy from an implanteddefibrillator can damage theneurostimulator.•The electrical pulses from theneurostimulation system could affect withthe sensing operation from the cardiacdevice and result in inappropriateresponses from the cardiac device.YourEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0442Important therapy information 2
doctor should program yourneurostimulator to a bipolar configurationand a minimum rate of 60 Hz. The cardiacdevice should be programmed to bipolarsensing.PrecautionsSystem and therapyBattery charge level—Check battery statusand charge the battery regularly. Batterycapacity will continue to slowly drain, evenwhen the neurostimulator is off. If the batterybecomes completely discharged, therapy willbe lost.Clinician programmer interaction with acochlear implant—If you have a cochlearimplant, the external portion of the cochlearsystem should be kept as far away as possiblefrom the clinician programmer or the cochlearimplant should be turned off duringprogramming to prevent unintended audibleclicks.97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0443Important therapy information 2
Component compatibility—For propertherapy, use only Medtronic Neuromodulationcomponents that are prescribed by yourphysician.Equipment modification—Do not modify thisequipment. Modification of this equipment canresult in damage to the device, causing thedevice to malfunction or become unusable.Patient control devices may affect otherimplanted devices—Do not place patientcontrol devices (eg, patient programmer,controller, recharger) over another device (eg,pacemaker, defribrillator, anotherneurostimulator). The patient control devicecould accidently change the operation ofanother device.Patient device handling—To avoiddamaging the device, do not immerse it inliquid; do not clean it with bleach, nail polishremover, mineral oil, or similar substances;and do not drop it or mishandle it in a way thatmay damage it.English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0444Important therapy information 2
Patient device use—When operating apatient control device (eg, externalneurostimulator, patient programmer,controller, recharging system), use specialcare near flammable or explosiveatmospheres. An interaction between theflammable or explosive atmospheres and thebattery in the device could occur. Theconsequences of using a battery-powereddevice near flammable or explosiveatmospheres are unknown.Programmer interaction with other activeimplanted devices—If you have aneurostimulator and another active implanteddevice the radio-frequency (RF) signal used toprogram either device can reset or reprogramthe other device. To verify that inadvertent programming did notoccur, clinicians familiar with each deviceshould check the programmed settings beforeyou are sent home from the hospital and aftereither device is programmed (or as soon aspossible after these times).97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0445Important therapy information 2
Contact your doctor immediately if you noticesymptoms that could be related to eitherdevice or to the medical condition treated byeither device.Patient activitiesActivities requiring excessive twisting orstretching—Avoid activities that may putundue stress on the implanted components ofyour neurostimulation system. Activities thatinclude sudden, excessive, or repetitivebending, twisting, bouncing, or stretching cancause parts of your neurostimulation system tofracture or migrate. This can result in loss ofstimulation, intermittent stimulation,stimulation at the fracture site, and additionalsurgery. Spinal cord stimulation patients, inparticular, should avoid excessive bending ofthe torso.Component manipulation (twiddler’ssyndrome)—Do not manipulate or rub yourneurostimulation system through the skin; thisis sometimes called “twiddler's syndrome.”Manipulation can cause damage to yourEnglish  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0446Important therapy information 2
system, lead dislodgement, skin erosion, orstimulation at the implant site.Scuba diving or hyperbaric chambers—Donot dive below 10 meters (33 feet) of water orenter hyperbaric chambers above 2.0atmospheres absolute (ATA). Pressuresbelow 10 meters (33 feet) of water (or above2.0 ATA) can damage the neurostimulationsystem. Before diving or using a hyperbaricchamber, discuss the effects of high pressurewith your doctor.Skydiving, skiing, or hiking in themountains—High altitudes should not affectthe neurostimulator; however, you shouldconsider the movements involved in anyplanned activity and take precaution to not putundue stress on your implanted system.During skydiving, the sudden jerking thatoccurs when the parachute opens candislodge or fracture the lead, requiringadditional surgery to repair or replace thelead.Unexpected changes in stimulation—Electromagnetic interference, changes in97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0447Important therapy information 2
posture, and other activities can cause aperceived increase in stimulation, which somepatients have described as uncomfortablestimulation (a jolting or shocking sensation).You should reduce your intensity to the lowestsetting and turn off your neurostimulator beforeengaging in activities that could be unsafe foryou or others if you received an unexpected joltor shock (eg, driving, operating power tools).Discuss these activities with your doctor.Individualization of TreatmentPatient management—Best results areachieved when you are fully informed aboutthe therapy risks and benefits, surgicalprocedure, follow-up requirements, and self-care responsibilities. Maximum benefits fromthe neurostimulation system require long-termpostsurgical management.Patient selection—The neurostimulationsystem should not be implanted if:•your symptoms are not of physiologicalorigin,English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0448Important therapy information 2
•you are not an appropriate candidate forsurgery,•you cannot properly operate the system, or•you do not receive satisfactory results fromtest stimulation.Use in specific populations—The safety andeffectiveness of this therapy has not beenestablished for the following:•Pregnancy, unborn fetus, or delivery•Pediatric use (patients under the age of 18)97745 2013-04  English Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0449Important therapy information 2
English  97745 2013-04Filename Date TimeUC200xxxxxx EN4.625″ x 6.0″ inches (117 mm x 152 mm)Medtronic ConfidentialPPManual.xsl - PatientProgrammerTemplate.fmVersion: 05-01-2012M948515A001 Rev X 2013-0450Important therapy information 2

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