MYLAPS TPCL Lapcounting device for car racing User Manual Manual

MYLAPS BV Lapcounting device for car racing Manual


1ContentsINTRODUCTION..........................................................INSTALLATION OF THE DETECTION LOOP.................2.1 Positioning.........................................................2.2 Installation of the detection loop.........................2.3 Testing the detection loop installation..................INSTALLATION/OPERATION COMMUNICATOR3.1 Installation of the communicator..........................3.2 Charging instructions..........................................3.3 Led indication....................................................3.4 Sleep mode.......................................................3.5 Cleaning instructions..........................................AppendicesAPPENDIX A - USEFUL TOOLS/PARTS/EQUIPMENT............APPENDIX B - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................APPENDIX C - CE AND FCC REGULATIONS.........................GUARANTEES & WARRANTIES..........................................FiguresFigure 1.1 System overview...............................................Figure 2.1 Detection loop installation overview....................Figure 2.2 Soldering the loop wire end...............................Figure 3.1 Communicator placement.....................................Figure 3.2 Fastening the communicator in the holder..............Figure 3.3 Charging cradle................................................Figure 3.4 Led indication...................................................3 4 4 6 8 10 10 12121314151617183 4 6 10 11 12 13
2Contact InformationAMB i.t. Europe AMB i.t. America Amsterdam  Atlanta The Netherlands  USA Tel: +31 23 529 1893  Tel: +1 678 816 4000 E-mail:  E-mail:  support@amb-us.comAMB i.t. Asia AMB i.t. Asia (Japan Branch)  (Australian Branch) Tokyo  Sydney Japan  Australia Tel: +81 3 5275 4600  Tel: +61 2 9546 2606 Email:   Email:    All rights reserved   Copyright © 2009 AMB i.t. BVThis publication has been written with great care. However, the manufacturer cannot be held responsible, either for any errors occurring in this publication or for their consequences. The sale of products, services or goods governed under this publication are covered by AMB i.t.’s standard Terms and Conditions of Sales and this product Manual is provided solely for informational purposes. This publication is to be used for the standard model of the product of the type given on the cover page.   AMB i.t.     Manual: Communicator Lite/Rev.01-09
31: IntroductionThe TnetX Pro system is designed to count laps for cars and motorcycles. The signal sent by a Communicator Lite (communicator) is picked up by the detection loop installed in the track surface. The communicator is mounted  on a car or motorcycle. The detection loop is connected to the TnetX Pro Host (host). The host timestamps the received communicator signals and sends this data to a connected computer. Figure 1.1 System overviewA:LoopB:Connection BoxC:ComputerD: TnetX Pro HostE:Loop End BoxAECDB
42: Installation of the detection loopTo install the TnetX Pro system, one needs to install one or more detection loops, connect the host and mount the communicator to the car/motorcycle. For optimal results, please follow the instructions as described carefully. Appendix B contains a list of useful tools for installing the detection loop.2.1 PositioningAll wiring of the detection loop must be installed according to the drawing below in order to avoid a serious degradation in the performance of the system.    Figure 2.1 Detection loop installation overviewTrackwidth20 mTrackwidth10 mMax 10m(33 ft)60 cm (2 ft)Max 10m(33 ft)3 mm (1/8")15 - 20 mm (5 /8" - 3/4")R=Termination box (470  Ohm, 0, 25  Watt resistor)10 cm(4")max. 60 cm (2ft)max.120 cm(4 ft)
5a)  The detection loop must be positioned in such a way    that the communicator is above the center of the    detection loop when the front of the cars/motorcycle   crossesthenishline.Makesurecars/motorcycle  cannot pass outside the detection loop. Extend the    detection loop outside the track if necessary. b)  One loop can be used for a track width of max. 10m    (33ft). For wider tracks use 2 or 3 (max.) loops. When    2 or 3 detection loops need to be installed, make    them of even length with 10 cm (4”) overlap. c)  With a seperate loop in the pitlane, connected to    the BNC connector marked, loop 3 (PIT) on the     host, passings registered in the pit lane can be     identiedassuchbythehost. d)  The detection loop is sensitive to interference,      sometimes emitted by nearby cables. When possible,    keep other cables 5 m (15 ft) away. Also, make sure    cars/motorcycles or other parts on the track will not    get closer than 5 m (15 ft) to the detection loop, to    avoid false inputs. e)  For dirt tracks, the detection loop is best installed in    plastic conduits at a maximum of 30cm (1ft) below    the surface. The maximum depth should be      chosen in a way that the cars/motorcycles      cannot dig out the detection loop. However please    respect the maximum distance between loop and    communicator, which is 60cm (2ft) for cars and 120cm    (4ft) for motorcycles. LEARNED BY EXPERIENCE When pulling the detection loop wire through the plastic conduit, it is a good idea to pull another non-metal wire through. This wire then can be used to install a new loop wire in case it gets damaged.
62.2 Installation of the detection loop a)  Cut the slots in the track a maximum of 2 cm (3/4 in)    deep and 60 cm (2 ft) apart. Make sure the slots are    clean and dry. This will ensure a perfect seal when    the silicon is applied after the installation of      the wiring.    Put the wires of the detection loop in the slots and cut    the excess length of the detection loop wires.    b)  Widen the slot with a chisel where the small      connection box of the loop is to be installed. Place the    connection box vertically. c)    When all wires are installed, put the heat shrinkage    sleeve over a detection loop wire end. Then solder the    loop wire to the short wire end of the connection    box. When soldering the wires together, the solder   shouldowthroughtheentireconnectionand   not only around it. Now put the shrinkage sleeve over    the soldered connection and hold it over a heat     source to shrink the sleeve (also see the drawing    below). Repeat this procedure for the second wire     of the detection loop.     Figure 2.2 Solder the loop wire endd)  Fill the slot with silicone. Before doing this,      please test the loop as described in section 2.3.   Makesurenottooverlltheslotsandthatthesilicone  is fully under the surface of the track, otherwise tires    may pull out the silicone.  Shrink sleeveSoldering iron
7  If any silicone spills out of the slot, remove the excess    silicone by scraping the top with a small piece of    cardboard. This also ensures that the silicone is    pressed into the slot for a perfect seal.  LEARNED BY EXPERIENCEIf you wish, you may pad the slots with backing rod or nylon cord before sealing the slot with silicone. This helps to prevent the excessive use of silicone and is also useful when pulling out the silicone if the detection loop has to be replaced.SiliconeThere is a wide variety of silicone types available in hardware stores; it is important that the right type is used. Silicone that can withstand different temperatures as well as both wet and dry conditions (since weather situations can vary ), should beused.Ifyouareunsure,checkthespecicationsofthesilicone.  The following types of silicone have been shown to yield lasting results and are recommended by AMB:• DowCorning890SLisaself-levelingsiliconekit.Itis appliedasaliquidandllstheslotcompletely.• Purexisapolyurethane-basedsiliconethatretains  its elasticity under a wide range of temperatures.
82.3 Testing the detection loop installationOnce the loop has been installed, it should be tested to ensure that it is functioning correctly. We also recommend repeating the same procedure at the start of each race event. You can determine if your loop is functioning correctly by doing the following tests:a)  Connect the detection loop to the host and      computer running AMB i.t. timing software (also see    the seperate TnetX Pro Host manual).        Check the background noise, which is updated every   vesecondsintheAMBi.t.timingsoftware.The  background noise level should be between 0 and 40    points. A higher value may indicate interference     by other electrical equipment in the area or a bad    loop installation.   Try switching off any suspected equipment or      removing nearby objects and check for improvements.    Especially at night, short-wave radio transmitters may    cause an increased background noise. b)  If a detection loop has been correctly installed, a              communicator should be picked up at the same     distance along the entire detection loop. To test this,    stand at one end of the detection loop about 8 m (25    ft) away and hold a communicator approximately 120    cm (4 ft) off the ground. Walk slowly towards      the detection loop. The ‘loop’ sign at the display will   lledinwhenthecommunicatorisdetected.Mark           the spot where the communicator was detected.     Repeat the process for the middle and other end of    the detection loop and do the same coming from the    other direction. The detection distance from the loop    should be approximately the same for all positions (<    20% variation).
9c)  Check the signal strengths of the communicators as    they are picked up by the system during a test with    motorcycles (also see paragraph 3.1 Installation of the    communicator). A good loop will yield consistent    communicator signal strengths of at least 100 points    with a hit rate of at least 10 points. The hit      rate may vary depending on the speed        of the communicator passings (slower passings      yield higher hit counts), but the signal strength should    be consistent (< 10 points variation).
10      3.Communicator Installation/Operation 3.1 Installation of the communicator The communicator can be recharged in a single charger or 34-position charger case.  Positioning the communicator The position of the communicator must be identical on all cars or motorcycles competing in the race. Fix the communicator vertically, max. 60cm (2ft) above the track for cars and 120cm (4ft) for motorcycles. Make sure that the communicator has a clearviewtothetrackwithnometalorcarbonberbeneathit. Maximum operating temperature should not exceed 122F/50°C.Figure 3.1 Communicator placement Please note that: The front wheel well is the preferred position.max.120 cm (4ft)max.60 cm (2ft)FinishLoopCommunicator placement optionsCommunicator placement options
11Installation of the communicator Fixtheholderonthecar/motorcyclewiththexingrodontopby using tie-wraps or screws. Fasten the communicator in the holderusingthesuppliedxingpin.Figure 3.2 Fastening the communicator in the holder WARNINGA detached communicator can be very dangerous!  Make sure the communicator cannot get detached. Use additional tie-wraps to secure the pin.
123.2 Charging instructions Communicators can be charged in an individual charger or in a charger case.Figure 3.3 : Charging cradle  - Plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet      and place the communicator on the charging unit.-Thecommunicator’sLedwillashredindicating    that the communicator is charging. - After about 16 hours a steady green Led        indicates that the communicator is fully charged.  Afullchargeyieldsaminimumof5daysuse.TheLedashingcolor and pattern indicates the remaining working days of the communicator. See the next paragraph for the complete information. 3.3 Led indication The Led on the communicator provides the information of the communicator status
13LED Flashing color/pattern DescriptionFlashing …times green Minimum … days left before the battery is emptyFlashing red (not in the charger) Less than 1 day of functioning leftContinuously red The communicator stops work-ing at any moment, charging is requiredNo Light Communicator is dischargedFlashing red (in the charger) Communicator is chargingContinuous green (in the charger) Communicator fully chargedNo Light (in unplugged charger) Communicator is in sleep modeFigure 3.4: Led indication     3.4 Sleep mode The sleep mode is designed to turn off the communicator’s signal and save battery life. It is necessary to use the Sleep mode when travelling by airplane to adhere to airline regulations. While in Sleep mode, the communicator’s charge-discharge cycle will last up to 3 times longer.Switching a communicator into sleep mode A charged/functioning communicator can be put into a sleep mode by placing it in an unpowered charging cradle or charger case. Switching the communicator back to normal mode Normal functioning resumes when the communicator is removed from the cradle or charger case.
143.5 Cleaning instructions Over the course of time, communicator can become soiled in various ways. Normal dirt can be removed from the communicator with a soft brush and warm clean water up to 50°C. Cleaning electrical contacts: We recommend to spray Isopropyl alcohol on the contacts of the communicator and on the charger. Rub the contacts with ear sticks to clean them on a regular basis.  Caution MAKE SURE THE COMMUNICATOR IS DRY BEFORE CHARGING.  CHARGE YOUR COMMUNICATOR ONCE EVERY 3 MONTHS.  DO NOT LEAVE THE COMMUNICATOR IN A POWERED CHARGING CRADLE OR CHARGING RACK MORE THAN 24 HOURS.  DO NOT CLEAN COMMUNICATOR WITH AUTOMOTIVE CLEANING PRODUCTS OR OTHER DETERGENTS.  DO NOT USE HIGH PRESSURE WATERGUNS OR OTHER (DISH)WASHING MACHINES TO CLEAN OR RINSE THE COMMUNICATOR.
15Appendix A: Usefool tools/parts/equipment           Useful Tools- Multi meter (Range at least: 1 Ohm - 1 Mega Ohm)- Wire cutter / stripper- BNC Crimp tool for RG 58 & RG 59- (Butane) Soldering gun- Blade knife- Coax stripper- Screw driver (normal and Phillips)  Useful Spare Parts- BNC couplers (3 pieces)- BNC connectors (5 pieces) for yellow coax- BNC connectors (5 pieces) for brown coax- Shrink sleeves- Spare loop (for tracks up to 20 m (65 ft) wide)- Electrical tapeAdditional Tool for new loop installations- Chalk line to get a straight line on the track surface- Caulk gun to apply silicone. Please contact AMB i.t. if you would like to receive detailed specicationsonanyoftheaboveitems.Youcanndourcontact details on page 2 of this manual.
16Appendix B: Technical SpecicationsCommunicator Lite Numbers available  : unlimited Dimensions  : 73x50x22 mm      (approx. 2.9x2x0.9”) Weight  : 100 g Housing  : Water- and shockproof Max. speed  : 260 km/h (160 mph) Timing Resolution  : 0,1 sec Temperature range  : 0 - 50 °C (32 - 122 °F) Operating time  : min. 5 days after full charge Charge time  : min. 16 hours for full charge Charge indicator  : LED indicates remaining      operating time in days Signal transfer  : magnetic induction  Communicator position  : max. height cars 60 cm      (2ft), max. height        motorcycles 120 cm (4ft)    AMB Detection Loop Track width   : max. 20 m (65 ft) Coax to TnetX Pro Host   : max. 100 m (330 ft)AMB Communicator Chargers Individual charger  : 12 VDC / 0.05 A  34 position charger case     : 12 VDC / 1.0 A Specicationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
17Appendix C:  CE and FCC RegulationsCE information: This device complies with the EMC directive 89/336/EEC. A copy of the declaration of conformity can be obtained at:AMB i.t. BV Zuiderhoutlaan 42012 PJ HaarlemThe NetherlandsFCC information:This equipment complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This equipment may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this equipment must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
18Guarantiees & WarrantiesAMB i.t. guarantees that, for a period of twenty four months from the date of dispatch, hosts manufactured or sold by AMB i.t. with defects caused by faulty materials and/or workmanship and/or design, will be repaired. If repair is not possible or economical for AMB i.t., AMB i.t. has the choice to refund the purchase price of these goods or to deliver new goods.  AMB i.t.’s liability shall be strictly limited to replacing, repairing or issuing credits at its option for any goods returned within twenty four months from the date of dispatch. AMB i.t. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to costs of removal and reinstallation of goods, loss of goodwill, loss of protsoruse.Iftherequirementssetforthaboveanddescribedbelowarenotcompliedwith, the AMB i.t. warranty/guarantee shall not apply and AMB i.t. shall be discharged from all liability arising from the supply of defective goods.  EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS SECTION, AMB i.t. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, NATURE OR DESCRIPTION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT, AND AMB i.t. HEREBY DISCLAIMS THE SAME.  Please see the AMB standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for the additional terms in connection with the sale of goods and services covered by this manual.  Remedies and damagesAMB i.t. shall not incur any liability under the above warranty unless:a) AMBi.t.ispromptlynotiedinwritingupondiscoverybythecustomerthat  such goods do not conform to the warranty and the appropriate invoice    number and date of purchase information is supplied; b)  The alleged defective goods are returned to AMB i.t. carriage pre-paid; c) ExaminationbyAMBi.t.ofgoodsshallconrmthe    alleged defect exists and has not been caused by misuse, neglect, method of    storage, faulty installation, handling, or by alteration or accident.

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