LoJack P5A Stolen Vehicle Recovery Transceiver User Manual 107747 Owners Manual

LoJack Corporation Stolen Vehicle Recovery Transceiver 107747 Owners Manual


Users Manual

OWNER’S MANUALStore this manual in a safe place —away from your vehicle.LoJack Stolen VehicleRecovery SystemTM
Follow these steps:1. REPORT THEFT – Immediately report the theft to the police in the town whereyour vehicle was stolen.2. VERIFY VIN – Ensure the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) listed on thestolen vehicle report provided to the police is correct and sign the report.  (Your vehicle’s VIN is located on your vehicle registration and on your LoJack I.D. Card.)The police will enter your stolen vehicle report into the Statewide LawEnforcement computer system.  This process activates your LoJack, enablingpolice to initiate the recovery process.3. CALL LOJACK – Our customer service experts will provide you with free, helpfulinformation and assist you with the following to save you time:•Ensure that your vehicle theft was reported correctly•Explain the process for reporting your theft to your insurance company so you are equipped with all of the necessary information•Offer you a special discount on a rental carVehicle Identification Number:(write your VIN here for future reference)If your vehicle is stolen…
Welcome  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Overview / How LoJack Works   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Questions and Answers    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Maintenance    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8LoJack Upgrades    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Selling Your LoJack-Equipped Vehicle    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Special Offer For Second Owners    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11LoJack Recovery Club    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Coverage Areas   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Limited Purchaser’s Warranty    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Friends and Family Offer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Change of Address    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21TABLE OF CONTENTS
Thank you – and congratulations on your recent purchase of the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System!You’ve made a wise investment to join a rapidly growing family of owners who have equipped their vehicles withthe only stolen vehicle recovery system used in partnership with police.  Over the past 18 years, police have recov-ered more than 90 percent of stolen vehicles equipped with LoJack – more than 100,000 vehicles worldwide.This owner’s manual is a handy reference providing useful information about your LoJack. Please take a fewminutes to read it carefully – and write down your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) – so that if thievesstrike, you’re prepared.  You’ll also find complete information about maintenance, your LoJack warranty, coverage areas, and more.  In order to keep LoJack’s presence in your vehicle undetected by thieves, westrongly recommend that you do not store this manual or other LoJack materials in your vehicle. Also, keepyour LoJack I.D. card in your wallet. Lastly, please complete and return your LoJack Product Registration Cardso that we can assist you if your vehicle is ever stolen.If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225).  Once again, thank you fortrusting your vehicle’s protection to LoJack – and drive safely.  Joseph F. AbelyPresident and COOWelcome!3
The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System uses a small transmitter that’s hidden in your vehicle.  After policeenter a stolen vehicle report in the Statewide Law Enforcement computer system, LoJack is activated andbegins to send a signal that police can track using LoJack Police Tracking Computers to recover your stolen vehicle.1. After you report your stolen vehicle to police, a signal from a radio tower activates the LoJack in your vehicle.2. The LoJack unit emits a uniquely coded signal.3. The Police Tracking Computer receives the coded signals coming from your vehicle. Those signals quickly pinpoint the vehicle’s location and lead police to a rapid recovery – usually within 24 hours and often within a few hours.Overview5Unit hidden invehicle by certi-fied technician.Registered inLoJack database.Customer reports theft to police.Customer notifies LoJack.Police send radiosignal from tower.LoJack unit emitsuniquely codedsignal.Police track signal and use itto locate thevehicle, usuallywithin hours.The vehicle is returned toowner.How the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System works:12345InstallationNotificationActivation LocationRecovery1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
Q: How does LoJack work?  Is it always "on"?A: Your LoJack is always in receiving mode, ready to be activated. If your vehicle is stolen, the police willautomatically activate the LoJack in your vehicle uponcompletion of a stolen vehicle report. Once activated,LoJack transmits a signal to LoJack Police TrackingComputers. Police cars and police aircrafts in LoJackcoverage areas are equipped with LoJack PoliceTracking Computers. Q: Does my LoJack require maintenance?A: Your LoJack is tested and certified at the time ofinstallation. We then recommend an inspection of yourLoJack every two years. An inspection costs $69.00* and can be arranged by calling 1-800-4-LOJACK. Q: How do I get service for my LoJack?A: Call us at 1-800-4-LOJACK to schedule an inspectionor to speak with a Customer Service Representativewho can answer any questions you may have. For faster assistance, please make sure your VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) is available when calling. Q: Does my car need to be running for LoJack to work?A: No. The hidden LoJack unit constantly draws a verysmall amount of power from your vehicle's battery.Should your battery be disconnected, LoJack's back-upbattery will provide power. Q: What should I do if my vehicle is stolen?A: If your vehicle is stolen, report the theft immediatelyto the police in the town where it was stolen. Onceyou’ve completed a stolen vehicle report, the policewill automatically activate the LoJack in your vehicle.After you contact the police, call a LoJack CustomerService Representative at 1-800-4-LOJACK for informa-tion on theft and insurance reporting requirementsthat will save you time. Q: What should I do if my vehicle is involved in an accident?A: If your vehicle sustains damage as a result of anaccident, call us at 1-800-4-LOJACK to schedule anQuestions and Answers6*Price is subject to change without notice.1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
inspection for your LoJack. This inspection is requiredto ensure your LoJack unit is in working conditionand to maintain your warranty coverage.Q: What happens if I sell my vehicle? Can I transfer myLoJack to my new vehicle?A: Your LoJack unit is not transferable from one vehicleto another, as the serial number on your LoJack unit isregistered to the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)of your vehicle. However, LoJack may enhance yourvehicle's resale value. See page 12 for more informationabout selling your LoJack-equipped vehicle. Q: Will my insurance company offer me a discount if I have LoJack?A: Many insurance companies offer a discount toLoJack owners. In fact, some insurance companiesoffer up to 35% off the comprehensive portion ofyour insurance premium for equipping your vehiclewith LoJack and an alarm. Present your InsuranceCertificate to your insurance agent to see if you qualify for a discount.Q: Can car thieves find my LoJack and beat the system?A: The LoJack unit is very small - about the size of adeck of cards - so it can be hidden in as many as 20-30different places in your vehicle. This makes it very difficult for thieves to find your LoJack. Q: Why is there no exterior marking on the vehiclestating it has LoJack? Wouldn't a LoJack sticker act as atheft deterrent?A: LoJack is not designed to be a deterrent.  One of themajor benefits of the system is that LoJack’s presence isnot disclosed to the thief. This increases the likelihoodof rapid recovery with minimal damage. You not onlyget your car back, but you may also get the extrabenefit of taking a criminal off the street. To helpkeep LoJack’s presence undetected, it’s essential thatyou do not leave your LoJack Owner’s Manual or anyother LoJack materials in your vehicle. 71-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
Recommended MaintenanceThe LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System wasdesigned to withstand the climate extremes anddaily wear-and-tear associated with regular motor-vehicle operation.  After your initial warranty expires(two years from date of installation), LoJack recom-mends an inspection of your LoJack unit every twoyears to ensure it is performing properly. You canschedule this inspection by calling 1-800-4-LOJACK.The cost of the inspection is $69.00* (Any additionalcost of repairs or replacement components is notincluded in the inspection cost.)Required MaintenanceTo comply with the terms of your LoJack warrantyand maintain warranty protection, specific incidentsand situations will require a post-installation inspectionof the LoJack unit to ensure proper operation.  Inaccordance with the warranty, your LoJack requires aninspection in any of the following circumstances:•The vehicle sustains damage in a motor vehicle accident.•New electrical equipment is installed or existing electrical equipment is repaired, such as cellular phone, radio, built-in radar detector, DVD player, or other similar video devices.•The vehicle has not been operated for more than one month.•The vehicle experiences battery or electrical problems.Contact LoJack Customer Service (1-800-4-LOJACK) toschedule a convenient inspection. Maintenance8*Price is subject to change without notice.1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
9LoJack UpgradesFor an even higher level of security and protection for your vehicle, consider adding any of the following LoJack upgrades:•LoJack Early Warning – For an added layer of protection to your LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System, LoJack Early Warning alerts you by phone, email, text message, or alpha pager if your vehicle has been moved without authorization. That enables you to notify police sooner if your vehicle is stolen. ($395.00*)•Extended Recovery Warranty (XRW) – This warrantyenhances your LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System or LoJack Early Warning Recovery System by extending your LoJack 24-hour Limited Recovery Warranty for as long as you own your vehicle. ($149.00)•Guarantee Plus 5000 (GP 5000) – If your stolen vehicle is not recovered or is deemed a total loss due to theft, this warranty provides up to $2,500 for your reimbursable expenses and up to $2,500 toward the replacement of your vehicle from your dealer.** ($200.00)•LoJack Alarm Systems – LoJack offers a range of customized alarm systems that come with remote keyless entry or can integrate with your factory keyless transmitter. Features include intrusion detection, starter disabler, integrated shock sensor,code-hopping technology, and more. ($300.00*)Call 1-800-4-LOJACK to speak to a LoJack Sales Representative for more information.1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com**Price includes installation costs and is subject to change without notice.** Guarantee Plus 5000 is only available for sale through your dealer at time of original LoJack purchase.  See Guarantee Plus 5000 certificate of coverage for more details.
10When it’s time to sell your vehicle, be sure to mention to the buyer thatyour vehicle is equipped with the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System.When calculating your vehicle’s resale value, options and equipment such asLoJack can add value to the resale price. Also, be sure to provide the newbuyer with this Owner’s Manual and direct them to the special offer for second owners on the following page.  For more information on the valuethat LoJack can bring to your vehicle resale price, read the NADA OfficialUsed Car Guide or visit www.NADA.com.Selling your LoJack-equipped vehicle1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
11If you’re the second owner of this LoJack-equipped vehicle, welcome!We’re glad to have you as a customer.  We offer a special inspection package for second owners. This service costs $99.00*. * Prices subject to changewithout notice. It includes a complete inspection of your LoJack StolenVehicle Recovery System to confirm that it is in good working conditionand is functioning properly, re-registration of your LoJack in your name, anew LoJack Identification Card, and an Insurance Certificate that mayenable you to reduce your premiums on the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy. Contact us at 1-800-4-LOJACK to learn more about our second owner’s package. Special offer for second owners1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) •www.lojack.com
12LoJack is the world leader in stolen vehicle recovery,helping police recover more than 100,000 stolenvehicles worldwide. Not surprisingly, our biggest fansare our customers who’ve had their stolen vehiclesrecovered by police, thanks to LoJack.  We’ve createdthe LoJack Recovery Club to give you the chance toshare your recovery story.  To join, simply:•Visit www.lojack.com or•E-mail: recoveryclub@lojack.com or•Write: LoJack CorporationWestwood Executive Park200 Lowder Brook Drive, Suite 1000Westwood, MA 02090Submit your story and become eligible for monthlyprizes for Club members!RECOVERY STORIESGunpoint CarjackingOne night while leaving work, the owner of a BMWM3 was approached by a man wearing a maskdemanding that he get out of his car. Seeing that themasked man had a gun, the owner gave up the carwithout hesitation. He quickly called the policeknowing that they would get his car back with LoJack.The police tracked the vehicle to a notorious parkinglot where stolen cars are often dropped off. The BMWwas recovered quickly within an hour and with no damage. The owner was happy that he made the deci-sion years earlier to have LoJack installed in his BMW. Only 170 miles on the odometerThe owner of a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokeewith 170 miles on the odometer discovered that hisnew vehicle had been stolen while he was out havingdinner. Shocked to find that the vehicle was gone,the owner immediately contacted the police andreported it stolen. The police tracked the vehicle as itLoJack Recovery Club
13was being driven throughout the city. The vehicle waslocated parked on a quiet residential street. Everyvehicle that the owner has since owned has beenequipped with LoJack. Still Working After 13 YearsYou never know when or where your car will bestolen.  One Corvette owner discovered his car wasmissing from the front of his San Antonio, Texas,home. Although it had been 13 years since he pur-chased his LoJack, he knew what to do: he immedi-ately notified local police who activated his LoJack. In less than an hour, police picked up the LoJack signal and initiated surveillance on the vehicle. Whenan individual approached the Corvette, police movedin and made the arrest. The Corvette was returned tothe owner with no damage.Two Time WinnerWith vehicle theft, lightning can strike twice.  For thesecond time in four months, the owner of a Buickwas victimized by auto thieves.  Since her LoJackhelped police recover the car after the first theft, sheknew what to do.  She immediately called police toreport the theft, activating the hidden LoJack. Within afew minutes, a Chicago police officer picked up thesignal and followed it.  He observed that the Buickwas parked and occupied.  The officer moved in andarrested the driver.  Thanks to LoJack, police wereable to recover the vehicle – with no damage – andreturn it to its owner. Recovery Across State LinesThe owner of a Ford F-150 reported his vehicle stolen tothe Riverside, Calif. Police Department, which activatedthe owner’s hidden LoJack unit.  A short time later, anofficer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police pickedup the signal from the stolen Ford, now parked in astrip mall.  Witnesses led the officer to the thief – onthe phone in a nearby barbershop. Caught with the F-150’s key and alarm remote in his pocket, the thiefsaid to his friend on the phone, “Honey, the truck hadLoJack. I’m out of luck.” He was arrested and the Fordwas recovered without any damage.
Coverage by county *Arizona – Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, and Santa Cruz.California – Alameda, Contra Costa, Imperial, LosAngeles, Marin, Merced, Napa, Orange, Placer, Riverside,Sacramento, San Bernadino, San Diego, San Francisco,San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sutter,Stanislaus, Ventura, and Yolo.Colorado – Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield,Denver, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo, andWeld.Connecticut – Fairfield, Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven,New London, and Tolland.Delaware – New Castle.District of Columbia – All.Florida – Broward, Clay, Dade, Duval, Flagler,Hillsborough, Indian River, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Nassau,Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, SaintJohn’s, Saint Lucie, Sarasota, Seminole, and Volusia. Georgia – Barrow, Bartow, Butts, Carroll, Cherokee,Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette,Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Jackson, Newton,Oconee, Paulding, Rockdale, Spalding, and Walton.Illinois – Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will.Louisiana – Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville,Jefferson, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, SaintBernard, Saint Charles, Saint James, Saint John theBaptist, Saint Tammany, and West Baton Rouge.Maryland – Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City,Charles, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, and PrinceGeorge’s.Massachusetts – All counties.Michigan – Allegan, Bay, Berrien, Calhoun, Cass, Clinton,Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kent,Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Muskegon,Oakland, Ottawa, Saginaw, Shiawassee, St. Clair, Tuscola,Van Buren, Washtenaw, and Wayne.Nevada – Clark.New Hampshire – Hillsborough and Rockingham. New Jersey – All counties.New York – Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange,Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, andWestchester.North Carolina – Alamance, Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie,Durham, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Mecklenburg,Orange, Randolph, Rowan, Union, and Wake.Pennsylvania – Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery,and Philadelphia.Coverage AreasAs of July 2004.14
Rhode Island – All counties.Texas – Bastrop, Bexar, Brazoria, Chambers, Collin, Comal,Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fort Bend, Galveston, Guadalupe,Harris, Hays, Johnson, Kaufman, Liberty, Montgomery,Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, Travis, and Williamson.Virginia – Counties: Arlington, Caroline, Charles City, Chesterfield,Dinwiddie, Fairfax, Fauquier, Goochland, Greensville,Hanover, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City, King George,King William, Loudoun, New Kent, Powhatan, PrinceGeorge, Prince William, Southampton, Spotsylvania,Stafford, Surry, Sussex, and York. Independent Cities: Alexandria, Chesapeake, ColonialHeights, Emporia, Fairfax, Falls Church, Hampton,Hopewell, Manassas, Manassas Park, Newport News,Norfolk, Petersburg, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk,Virginia Beach, Williamsburg.Washington – King, Kitsap, Lewis, Pierce, Snohomish,and Thurston.*LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System service is available in all or a substantial portion of each of theabove counties, based on population density, geography and distribution of police tracking computers.For recent updates to LoJack coverage, call 1-800-4-LOJACK.
Limited Parts and Labor Warranty — We warrant that if the LoJack unit which is installed in your vehicle, (exclusive of the backup battery system) or if the LoJackShock/Perimeter Sensor which is installed in your vehicle,proves to be defective in material or workmanship withintwo (2) years from the date of installation we will, at ouroption, either replace such LoJack product or products, orwill provide without charge the labor and the parts necessary to remedy any such defects at a LoJack operatedinstallation center.  LoJack’s responsibility is only to replaceor repair the LoJack products and not for any additionalpayment, regardless of the nature.  For a period of ninety(90) days after installation, LoJack will provide parts andlabor or service to repair or replace any part of the backup battery system which proves to be defective in material or workmanship.  Limited Recovery Warranty — We warrant that if, withintwo (2) years from the date of installation of the LoJackunit, the Purchaser’s vehicle is stolen and not recoveredwithin twenty-four hours from the time that report of thetheft is officially recorded by the law enforcement agencyhaving jurisdiction, LoJack Corporation will pay you anamount equal to the purchase price paid for the LoJackunit up to a maximum of $695.  For purposes of this warranty, the price paid does not include fees for anyfinance, lease, tax or other charges.  This warranty appliesonly when both the theft of the vehicle and the report ofthe theft occur within the boundaries of a jurisdictionwhere the LoJack System is fully operative at the time ofthe theft (see the LoJack Coverage Area page for coverage as of the date of this Owner’s Manual, and see coverageinformation at www.lojack.com or call 1-800-4-LOJACK for updated coverage information).  This one-time pay-ment of an amount equal to the purchase price of theLoJack products described above shall be the complete and final remedy available to Purchaser in the event ofnon-recovery of your vehicle within twenty-four hoursafter the report of the theft to the law enforcementLOJACK LIMITED WARRANTY16
agency having jurisdiction.  In connection with any claimunder the LoJack Limited Recovery Warranty it is theresponsibility of the Purchaser to provide (i) dated/time-stamped proof of report of theft from the appropriate lawenforcement agency; (ii) dated proof of purchase of theLoJack unit; and (iii) confirmation by such law enforcementagency that the vehicle was not recovered within twenty-four hours following the report.CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONSThe LoJack products covered by this warranty are perma-nently installed on the original owner’s vehicle and cannotbe transferred to another vehicle.  All LoJack warrantiesare limited to the original retail purchaser and are nottransferable.  Purchaser must comply with all the terms ofthis warranty.  To obtain service under the LoJack LimitedWarranty, you may contact LoJack’s Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-4-LOJACK. You must present yourvehicle and dated proof of purchase to a LoJackInstallation Technician.  LoJack products as to which payment has been made pursuant to the LoJack LimitedRecovery Warranty and units and parts which have beenreplaced become the property of LoJack Corporation and,at the option of LoJack Corporation, may be removed from Purchaser’s vehicle or deactivated. Upon recovery of a stolen LoJack-equipped vehicle, LoJack Corporation may, at its option, require a physicalinspection of the LoJack unit and other LoJack products to verify working condition and revalidate this warranty.A LoJack-equipped vehicle which has been stolen andrecovered shall not qualify for the LoJack Limited RecoveryWarranty unless the LoJack unit has been inspected andthe warranty has been revalidated.  Any LoJack productwhich malfunctions after the expiration of the warrantyperiod will be removed or repaired at the owner’s expense. This warranty does not cover any LoJack products that mayhave been installed, removed, serviced or modified by anyone other than an authorized LoJack Technician.  Thiswarranty does not cover damage that results from faultyor leaky batteries, accident, misuse, abuse or damagecaused by conditions in the vehicle, or improper voltage,or from fire, flood, lightning or other acts of God.  Thiswarranty does not cover the loss of the contents of a vehicle if it is stolen.  This warranty shall be null and void 17
if it is determined that the report to the law enforcementagency of the theft of the LoJack-equipped vehicle wasfalse or erroneous.  LoJack reserves the right to makechanges in design and improvements upon its productswithout assuming any obligation to install such changesupon any of its products previously manufactured orinstalled.EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE, NO OTHERWARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND LOJACK CORPORATION EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALLWARRANTIES NOT EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN.THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE ON LOJACK PRODUCTS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE.  IN THE EVENT THAT A LOJACK PRODUCT PROVES TO BEDEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP WITHIN THEWARRANTY PERIOD, THE PURCHASER’S SOLE REMEDYSHALL BE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED ABOVE.IN NO EVENT SHALL LOJACK CORPORATION BE LIABLE FORANY LOSS, INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE WHETHERDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISERESULTING FROM BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS WARRANTYOR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE,WITH RESPECT TO ANY LOJACK PRODUCT, EXCEPT AS SETFORTH HEREIN.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you mayalso have other rights that may vary from state to state.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, or do not allow disclaimers of implied warranties or limitations on theduration of implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.18
POLICE OPERATIONThe New York State Police will monitor theLoJack frequency under a (5) five-year agree-ment with the LoJack Corporation. Uponthis expiration, this agreement is subject toreview for renewal. The State of New Yorkand the New York State Police are not parties to the sales agreement and they donot warrant, guarantee, assure, or otherwisemake any representations regarding the use,accuracy, reliability, or operation of theLoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System orany of its component parts.The Rhode Island State Police, with state-wide jurisdiction, and various municipal lawenforcement agencies participate in theLoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System pursuant to a five-year agreement renewedin 2004. A listing of municipalities withLoJack police tracking computers is con-tained in this owner’s manual. The partici-pating Rhode Island law enforcement agen-cies do not sponsor or endorse the LoJackSystem, are not parties to any sales agree-ments pertaining to the LoJack System, anddo not warrant, guarantee, assure or other-wise make any representation regarding theuse, accuracy, reliability, merchantability, fitness for use or operation of the LoJackSystem or any of its component parts.19This offer does not apply to new vehicle purchases. This offer only applies to vehicles that have been owned/registered for at least 30 days.Cannot be combined with any other offers. Coupons can only be redeemed through LoJack directly; cannot be redeemed at car dealerships orother distributors. Coupons are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash. Only original coupons will be accepted. One coupon per vehicle.*Price of LoJack System is MSRP = Manufacturer’s suggested retail price.
Change of AddressIf your address has changed since you purchased your LoJack, please complete and return this card to LoJack. Thishelps us keep our records up-to-date and provide you with valuable information about service, maintenance, andupgrades in the future. You can also furnish this information by visiting our Web site at http://www.lojack.com.FIRST NAME LAST NAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY/TOWN STATE ZIP CODEVEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) Found on vehicle registration, LoJack ID card, or on vehicle dashboardDAY PHONE MOBILE PHONEE-MAILPREVIOUS STREET ADDRESSPREVIOUS CITY/TOWNPREVIOUS STATE PREVIOUS ZIP CODEPlease indicate your previous address:Mail to:LoJack CorporationWestwood Executive Park200 Lowder Brook Drive, Suite 1000Westwood, MA  0209021
LoJack CorporationWestwood Executive Park200 Lowder Brook Drive, Suite 1000Westwood, MA  02090www.lojack.comFor customer service, please call 1-800-4-LOJACK (800-456-5225)NOK 07/04107747TM

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