Leviton RZCPG Programmable Remote User Manual 1 of 2

Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Programmable Remote 1 of 2


User Manual 1 of 2

Programmer/RemoteCat. RZCPGUSER GUIDECompatible with enabled products!TM1 ON2 ON3 ON4 ON+–•••OFFOFFOFFOFF
INTRODUCTION .......................................................1 MENU NAVIGATION & ICONS .............................2–4STARTUP...................................................................5 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ...................................5Include Dimmers/Switches ....................................6TEXT EDITOR ...................................................6, 7Include Controller ...........................................7, 8Update Controller ............................................8, 9Create Areas ..................................................9, 10Set Associations .........................................10, 11Security ..............................................................11Install Complete.................................................12MAIN MENU SCREEN ............................................13DEVICE LIST ...........................................................13WHO IS.. .............................................................13AREA ..................................................................14PROFILE .......................................................14, 15EVENTS ........................................................15, 16SETTINGS ..........................................................16  DATE & TIME .................................................16  CONTRAST ....................................................17  BUZZER .........................................................17  LOCATION .....................................................17  SECURITY ......................................................18  BATTERY LEVEL ...........................................18  EVENTS SETUP .............................................18SYSTEM SETUP (Advanced Settings) ............19  NETWORK ...............................................19–22  ASSOCIATION ...............................................22  HAI SETUP ....................................................23  RTS DEVICES ...............................................23  UTILITIES .................................................23, 24TABLE OF CONTENTS
Leviton’s Programmer/Remote, Cat. No. RZCPG, is a multi-functional device. It uses Z-WaveTM technology to act as a programmer, zone or scene controller, remote and timer for setting up and operating your ViziaTM RF network. This manual will guide you through the understanding of your RZCPG functions as a setup controller. Once your network is installed, your RZCPG may also be used as a wireless controller for activating events, and controlling your lighting system.Your RZCPG comes with rechargeable batteries, a programmer/remote stand, and a power adapter.NOTE: Upon initial installation, you will need to charge your RZCPG for twelve (12) hours before programming and use.WARNING: Leviton only supports the use of the supplied rechargeable Ni-MH "AA" size batteries.INTRODUCTION11 ON2 ON3 ON4 ON+–•••OFFOFFOFFOFFRZCPGProgrammer/RemoteRZCPG StandPowerAdapterThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital Device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving Antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that  to which the receiver is connected.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician for help. FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT
The right soft key  brings you to the MAIN MENU screen from the HOME screen and is used for saving and completing tasks.The left soft key  is used to bring you back to the previous screen.The up  and down  arrow buttons allow you to scroll through each screen and will move the selection box  ( 1. Device List       ) to each choice.NOTE: Selections are made on each screen by pressing the center button on the RZCPG unless prompted otherwise.MENU NAVIGATION and ICONSNavigating screens and menus on your RZCPG is accomplished using the following buttons: x1Ba ck MAIN MENU1.  Device List2.  Who Is...3.  Area4.  Profile5.  EventsHome1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By MenuLCDDisplay(HOME screen depicted)Right Soft KeyArrowButtons(up, down, left, right)CenterButton"+" Button"–" ButtonLeft  Soft Key 2CENTER BUTTON1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu
The Filter           is used when you wish to view only checked devices, or only unchecked devices from a list. Use the right arrow button        to toggle between showing devices checked, unchecked or all (no filter).x1Back (3)Area #1Who IsBedroomBathroomHallselected 31  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenux1Back HomeAREA<< NEW >><<NEW>>  appears on various screens as a prompt to create something new (Area, Profile, Event, etc.)Leviton also provides various icons that appear on the screens to provide quick review of the state of your network, selections made and to assist in identification of devices (refer to Icon Description chart). 3x1Back (3)All DevicesDimmer #1Switch #1Switch #2 selected 1Who Isx1BackPROFILE<< NEW >>DoneSceneZoneSingle brackets designate that more than one choice is available. Use the left and right side arrow buttons to toggle between choices.x1Cancel SaveAll Devices1. All Devices2. < ON >3. Default Fadex1Cancel SaveAll Devices1. All Devices2. < ON >3. Default Fade1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By MenuCheck boxes            are used when multiple selections are available. Use the       and buttons to select and deselect from a list.x1Back (3)All DevicesDimmer #1Switch #1Switch #2 selected 1Who Is1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenux1Back (3)Area #1Who IsBedroomBathroomHallselected 3Radio buttons          are used when an "either/or" single choice is available. Scroll the selection box to your choice and use the  button to select.x1BackPROFILE<< NEW >>HomeProfile #1Profile #21  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenu
DESCRIPTIONEvent TimeUndefined deviceCenter buttonRemote ControlZone/Scene Controller (Single or Multibutton)DimmerSwitchThermostatEvent is SetEvent Disabled or All Events are DisabledBuzzer OFF (indication)Buzzer OFFBuzzer ONError IndicationEvent RecurrenceOne Time Event DateTime of Day or Dawn/Dusk OffsetFilter (data on screen is filtered)Power AdapterBattery PowerSingle choice (radio button) - not chosenSingle choice (radio button) - chosenMultiple selection (checkbox) - not selectedMultiple selection (checkbox) - selectedICON4
1.  Use the arrow buttons to navigate and set the date & time using the       and        buttons.2.  Press right soft key      (Save).You will be prompted to  START INSTALLATION CHECKLIST. Press right soft key      (YES). The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear.NOTE: Upon initial power up of the RZCPG, the VIZIATMRF logo will appear briefly and then the DATE & TIME screen will display, prompting the user to change the settings. NOTE: Leviton recommends setting the date and time before proceeding. Failure to do so will disable your events (refer to EVENTS  pg. 15). Set the date and time for your RZCPG as follows:STARTUPx1Cancel DATE & TIME Time: 09: 00 AM  Date: 06. 07. 2007Wednesday SaveINSTALLATION CHECKLISTx1BackINSTALL CHECKLIST1. Include Dim/Swch2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set AssociationsNext Stepx1Back3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set Associations6. Security7. Install CompleteNext StepINSTALL CHECKLIST51  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By MenuLeviton provides the Installation Checklist as a step by step tool to setup your ViziaTMRF network and recommends following these steps in order, specifically if you are a first time user. System design will impact performance, so it is necessary to include and update your devices in a specific order to ensure overall system performance and reliability. The Installation Checklist steps are shown below. When a step is completed, simply press the right soft key       to select NEXT STEP and the RZCPG will bring you to the next screen.    DATE & TIMEx1NOINSTALL CHEKLISTYESSTARTINSTALLATIONCHECKLIST
Include Dimmers/SwitchesPressing the center button to select Include Dim/Swch will bring you to the INCLUDE DIM/SWCH screen and put the RZCPG into Inclusion Mode. You will be prompted to press a button on your Dimmer, Switch or Plug-In Module. These devices require a simple one step process (button press) to include into the network (refer to individual device instruction sheet). Once the button is pressed on your Dimmer, Switch or Plug-In Module, the RZCPG will go through a communication process and assign the node information for that device. The TEXT EDITOR will display. You can now name your device. NOTE: The RZCPG is by default assigned #1. Using TEXT EDITOR you can either assign a name from a list of templates or assign a unique name to your device. NOTE: The right soft key       will toggle from Template to Abc to ABC to abc to 123 and back to Template again. This feature allows you to access the template names or to select capital/undercase letters and numerals to name your device. To use the pre-made Templates, with Template displayed, use the up and down arrow buttons  to select a name. The RZCPG offers a list of over 100 commonly used names to choose from. NOTE: The template names are editable for customization if you choose to alter them.STEP 1x1CancelINCLUDE DIM/SWCHPress button onDimmer/Switchx1TEXT EDITORSwitch #2LevitoSave? PressnSwitch #2TemplateTEXT EDITORx1TEXT EDITORSwitch #2LevitonBedroomAbcSave? Press6Using your RZCPG, follow these steps to set up your ViziaRFTM network:1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu
7To create a unique name or modify text, under ABC (or Abc, abc, 123) use the up and down arrow buttons           to change each letter or numeral and side arrow buttons           to navigate. The       and       buttons can be used to insert and delete characters.Once your template or created name is displayed, press the center button       .Your device has now been included in the network with your chosen name. The RZCPG will confirm inclusion with the name displayed and prompt you to continue to INCLUDE DIM/SWCH by pressing the center button        or to continue to the NEXT STEP by pressing the right soft key      .Include ControllerNOTE: The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear with the selection box around STEP 2 - Include Controller when NEXT STEP is chosen from STEP 1.Press the center button       on the RZCPG to bring up the INCLUDE CNTRLLER screen, where you will be prompted to place the controller in program mode.NOTE: Leviton Controllers require an inclusion process that differs from Dimmers, Switches and Plug-In Modules. Controllers must be placed into program mode before they can be included into the network (refer to individual device instruction sheet).Once your controller has been placed in program mode, press the center button       on the RZCPG. The RZCPG will go through the communication process and assign the node information for that device. The TEXT EDITOR will display where you can name your device (refer to TEXT EDITOR  pg. 6).x1Back Next Step    Node included!Node ID# 2:BedroomMore? PressINCLUDE DIM/SWCHSTEP 2x1ReturnINCLUDE CNTRLLERPlace controllerin program modeSee Instruction sheetBegin? Pressx1BackINSTALL CHECKLIST1. Include Dim/Swch2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set AssociationsNext Step1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu
Once your name is displayed, press the center button      .The RZCPG will confirm inclusion and prompt you to continue to INCLUDE CONTROLLER by pressing the center button       or to continue to the NEXT STEP by pressing the right soft key              NOTE: The confirmation process will take some time, specifically in large networks. Remain close to the controller until the confirmation is complete.Update ControllerNOTE: The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear with the selection box around STEP 3 - Update Controller when NEXT STEP is chosen from STEP 2.Press the center button  to bring up the UPDATE CNTRLS screen where a list of all the controllers in the network will be displayed. With the selection box around the first controller listed press the center button       . The RZCPG will prompt you to stand within 3 feet of that controller. Press the right soft key      (YES) to update your controller. NOTE: It is important that you remain within 3 ft. of the controller you've selected from the list. If you are unsure about which controller you are updating you can use the "Who Is" command (see pg. 13). Leviton controllers will blink during the update process, confirming you are updating the correct controller.Once the RZCPG confirms UPDATE it will display the updated node information. Press the center button        to finalize. x1Back Next Step    Node included!Node ID #3:Room ControllerINCLUDE CNTRLLERMore? PressSTEP 3x1Back (2)Who IsUPDATE CNTRLSRoom ControllerHall Controllerx1NO YESUPDATEPlease stand within3 ft from controllerand press YESto continuex1ReturnUPDATENode Updated!Node ID #4Room controller8x1BackINSTALL CHECKLIST1. Include Dim/Swch2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set AssociationsNext Step
Continue this process until all of your controllers have been updated. Each time you successfully update your controller it will be removed from the list. Once all of your controllers have been updated, press the right soft key      to continue to the NEXT STEP.Create AreasNOTE: The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear with the selection box around STEP 4 - Create Areas when NEXT STEP is chosen from STEP 2.Press the center button       to  bring up the AREA screen. With  << NEW >> selected press the center button       to bring up the CREATE AREA screen. You can now name your new area by pressing the center button   (refer to TEXT EDITOR pg. 6). Once you name your new area, press the center button       to save the information and return to the CREATE AREA screen.Scroll to and press the center button       to select Add Devices which will bring up a list of the dimmers and switches you included in Step 1 to add to your new area. Scroll to each device check box and use the      and       buttons to either add or subtract each device from your area. NOTE: You can use the  4 ON button            on the bottom of the RZCPG to select ALL devices simultaneously. The 4 OFF button            deselects ALL devices. This feature will work whenever you encounter check box lists. 9STEP 4x1CancelCREATE AREA Name: Area #1 Add Devices...Savex1Back (3)AREA #1BedroomBathroomHall selected 1Who Isx1Back Next StepAREA<< NEW >>Area #1x1Back Next StepAREA<< NEW >>x1BackINSTALL CHECKLIST1. Include Dim/Swch2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set AssociationsNext Step1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu4 ON OFF4 ON OFF
Once you have checked the devices for your area press the center button        to save. The AREA screen will display with your newly created area and prompt you to continue to create a new area by pressing the center button       to select <<NEW>> or to continue to the NEXT STEP by pressing the right soft key     .NOTE: You can use the 1 ON button            and  1 OFF button            on the RZCPG to turn the lights ON and OFF in an area that has the selection box around it.Set AssociationsNOTE: The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear with the selection box around STEP 5 - Set Associations when NEXT STEP is chosen from STEP 4. Press the center button       to bring up the ASSOCIATION screen.  A list of controllers included in  Step 2 that support association will be displayed.Scroll to and press the center button       to select the controller you wish to associate an area or areas to.The CONTROLLER ASSOC screen will display with the selection box around 1. Button prompting you to select the button on your controller that you wish to associate an area to. Use side arrow buttons           to toggle if applicable.Scroll to 2. Area and choose an area you wish to associate to the button you've selected. This will allow the button on the chosen controller to control the desired area.Selecting 3. Area ON/OFF allows you to set an AREA ON/OFF or SCENE command to that button on your controller (for SCENE commands refer to Advanced Settings).  STEP 5x1BackASSOCIATIONRoom ControllerHall ControllerDen ControllerNext Stepx1CancelCONTROLLER ASSOCDev: Room Controller1. < Button 1 >2. Area #13. Area ON/OFFSave10x1BackINSTALL CHECKLIST1. Include Dim/Swch2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set AssociationsNext Step1 ON OFF1 ON OFF1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenu
Once you are done press the right soft key (Save) to complete. You will be prompted to continue setting associations or to proceed to the NEXT STEP by pressing the right soft key      .SecurityNOTE: The INSTALL CHECKLIST screen will appear with the selection box around STEP 6 - Security when NEXT STEP is chosen from STEP 5.Press the center button       to bring up the SECURITY screen. Press the center button       to select 1. Setup Password. Enter password using four of the eight buttons on the RZCPG  (1 ON, 1 OFF, 2 ON, 2 OFF etc.)NOTE: The password you choose MUST be 4 characters long.You will be prompted to, and must re-enter password.Scroll to 2. and use the side arrow buttons           to toggle between choices OPEN, RZCPG Lock and System Lock.Press right soft key      (Save) to complete.NOTE: Selecting <RZCPG Lock> will lock the RZCPG. When you return to the HOME screen you will not have access to the MAIN MENU nor any screens until you press the right soft key      and enter your password.Selecting <System Lock> will only lock System Setup, preventing one from changing how the system is configured until the password is entered upon prompt.11STEP 6x1BackSECURITY1. Setup Password2. < OPEN >Savex1BackSECURITY1. Setup Password2. < RZCPG Lock >Savex1Back2. Include Controller3. Update Controller4. Create Areas5. Set Associations6. SecurityNext StepINSTALL CHECKLIST1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand By Menu1  ON 2  ON 3  ON 4  ON OFF OFF OFF OFF x1 12:00 PM Mon 05.01.200 6 Default Pr ofil e Stand ByMenu

Navigation menu