Leidos Innovations NORMARC7011 NORMARC 7011 User Manual Installation and Commissioning Handbook Vol 2

Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management NORMARC 7011 Installation and Commissioning Handbook Vol 2

7011 Installation and Communications Manual Vol 2

© 1999 Navia Aviation AS 21466-3.0NORMARC 7000INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEMInstallation & Commissioning Handbook Vol. 2
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 1-1TABLE OF CONTENTSInstallation and Commissioning Handbook Vol. 2NM 7000 SeriesSECTION 1 SITE IMPLEMENTATIONSSECTION 2 LOCALIZERSECTION 3 GLIDE PATHSECTION 4 MARKER BEACONFor further information, please look up Installation & Commissioning Handbook Volume 1.
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION  2LOCALIZERChapter 1. CONFIGURATIONSTypical configuration 1 LLZ on course line 15989A3Typical configuration 2 LLZ off set 16584A3Chapter 2. SHELTER INSTALLATION MECHANICALSystem rack 16138A3Shelter installation 16266A4Chapter 3. SHELTER INSTALLATION ELECTRICALDiagram el. installation 14220A3Battery and tele installation 15975A3El. installation 15976A3Grounding 15977A3Chapter 4. EQUIPMENT INST. DIAGRAMSNM 3522          1-frekv          6-element 16585A3NM 3523B       1-frekv          12-element 16939A3NM 3524          2-frekv          12-element 15986A3NM 3525          2-frekv          24-element 16346A3NM 3526          2-frekv          16-element 16577A3Chapter 5. ANTENNA FOUNDATIONNM 3522          1-frekv          6-element 16385A3NM 3523B       1-frekv          12-element 16875A3NM 3524          2-frekv          12-element 16390A3NM 3525          2-frekv          24-element 16392A3NM 3526          2-frekv          16-element 16358A3Chapter 6. ANTENNA ASSEMBLYNM 3522 Antenna assembly 16386A3NM 3522 Parts List 2134NM 3522 Mechanical details 16373A3NM 3522 Cable duct 16384A3NM 3522 ADU/MCU assembly 16361A3NM 3522 ADU/MCU cables in duct 10288A4
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 6. ANTENNA ASSEMBLY (Continued)NM 3523B Antenna assembly 16874A3NM 3523B Parts List 2748NM 3523B Mechanical details 16876A3NM 3523B Cable duct 16857A3NM 3523B ADU/MCU assembly 16361A3NM 3523B ADU/MCU cables in duct 10288A4NM 3524 Antenna assembly 16389A3NM 3524 Parts List 2136NM 3524 Mechanical details 16413A3NM 3524 Cable duct 16416A3NM 3424 ADU/MCU assembly 16361A3NM 3524 ADU/MCU cables in duct 10288A4NM 3525 Antenna assembly 16391A3NM 3525 Parts List 2137NM 3525 Mechanical details 16414A3NM 3525 Cable duct 16417A3NM 3525 ADU/MCU assembly 16361A3NM 3525 ADU/MCU cables in duct 10288A4NM 3526 Antenna assembly 16362A3NM 3526 Parts List 2670NM 3526 Mechanical details 16430A3NM 3526 Cable duct 16429A3NM 3526 ADU/MCU assembly 16361A3NM 3526 ADU/MCU cables in duct 10288A4Chapter 7. OBSTRUCTION LIGHTOL 522 Installation 11463A3OL 522 Wiring 6348A4Chapter 8. NEAR FIELD MONITOR LLZNF-Antenna foundation 6245A3NF-Assembly 14256A3NF-Assembly w/Obstruction Light 16806A3Chapter 9. GROUNDINGLLZ-NF Grounding 8467A4LLZ-NF Aperture grounding 6346A4
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION  3GLIDE PATHChapter 1. CONFIGURATIONSTypical configuration 15990A3Chapter 2. SHELTER INSTALLATION MECHANICALSystem rack 16138A3Shelter installation I    RWY to the right 16212A4Shelter installation II   RWY to the left 16265A4Chapter 3. SHELTER INSTALLATION ELECTRICALDiagram el. Installation 14220A3Battery and tele installation 15975A3El. Installation 15976A3Grounding 15977A3Chapter 4. EQUIPMENT INST. DIAGRAMNM 3543     Null reference 16587A3NM 3544     Sideband reference 15988A3NM 3545     M-array 16375A3NM 3546     Modified M-array 16586A3Chapter 5. ANTENNA FOUNDATIONNM 3543 - 46 Antenna Foundation 7084A3Template Foundation bolts 16644A4Chapter 6. ANTENNA MAST ASSEMBLYNM 3543 - 44      10 m 16641A3NM 3545 - 46      15 m 16642A3Mast Section Assembly 16612A3Vertical Adjustment Frame 16643A3Assembly Adapter Kathrein antenna 16792A3Suppliers drawings supplied with mast.Chapter 7. OBSTRUCTION LIGHTSObstruction Light wiring 6344A4
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 8. NEAR FIELD MOITOR GPNF-Antenna Foundation 6798A3NF-Antenna Assembly 7058A3Chapter 9. GROUNDINGNM 3543 - 44 Grounding 6345A4NM 3545 - 46 Grounding 16475A4
NORMARC 7000 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING HANDBOOKINSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM1999 NAVIA AVIATION AS 21466-3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION  4MARKER BEACONChapter 1. CONFIGURATIONSNM 3561  1- Element Marker Beacon 7059A3NM 3562  2- Element Marker Beacon (Distr. Netw. inside) 7109A3NM 3562  2- Element Marker Beacon (Distr. Netw. outside) 16583A3Marker Beacon Mast w/Kathrein Antenna Adapter 14460A4Chapter 2. SHELTER INSTALLATION MECHANICALMB Equipment Shelter 13258A3Chapter 3. EQUIPMENT INST. DIAGRAMMarker Beacon Single Antenna 17174A3Marker Beacon Dual Antenna 17173A3Chapter 4. MARKER BEACON FOUNDATIONAntenna Foundation 6798A3Chapter 5. GROUNDINGMB Grounding 8468A4
                            Parts List Page 1 of 1F162CProductNM 3522 Title6 Elements /1 Freq.LLZ Ant. System Doc.no.2134 Issue6Prepared / DateARJ /171095 Approved / Date Assembly dwg.no.16386A3 Issue2Reference2134M06.DOC/PE3140Item Qty. Description Dwg.no. NM Type/remark1 6 Antenna element AE 493H2 2 Al.bar 16373A3 AF 1166A3 4 Al.bar 16373A3 AF 1166A4 18 Bed plate 16373A3 AF 1166A5 4 Junction plate 16373A3 AF 1166A6 4 Stay bar 16373A3 AF 1166A7 1 Stay bar 16373A3 AF 1166A8 18 Clamping angle 16373A3 FK 809B9 36 Foundation bolts 16373A3 FK 809B10 6 Stays w/safe.joint 16376A3 MS 692 *1*11 6 Stays w/safe joint      *2* 16376A3 MS 692 *1*12 24 Al.Stays 16376A3 MS 692 *1*13 6 Mast front 16376A3 MS 692 *1*14 6 Mast rear 16376A3 MS 692 *1*15 1 Protection cover Assembly *5* 16361A3 PC 512A/E16 2 Obstruction light Assembly 11463A3 OL 522D17 1 Cable duct Assembly 16384A3 CDA 1044A/B *4*18 1 Flexible conduit à 25 m CDA 1044A/B19 23 Conduit nippel CDA 1044A/B *4* 6 pcs.20 23 Nut CDA 1044A/B *4* 6 pcs.21 3 Grommet CDA 1044A/B101 48 Bolt M10x60     DIN 933 A4 16373A3102 48 Nut M10         DIN 934 A4 16373A3103 48 Springwasher M10    DIN 127B A4 16373A3104 48 Washer M10     DIN 125 A4 16373A3106 134 Nut M12          DIN 934 A4 16373A3 146 pcs. *3*107 134 Washer M12      DIN 125 A4 16373A3 146 pcs. *3*108 134 Spring washer M12   DIN 127B A4 16373A3 146 pcs. *3*109 72 Bolt M12x40       DIN 933 A4 16373A3110 24 Bolt M12x100     DIN 933 A4 16373A3   36 pcs. *3*111 40 Bolt M6x16                  DIN 933 A4 16373A3112 40 Washer M6                 DIN 125 A4 16373A3*1*: Type depends on mast height, to be agreedwith customer.*2*: Applicable to 3,2-5M masts only.*3*: Quantity when 3,2-5M masts are used.*4*: Quantity and type depends of installation, tobe agreed with customer.*5* Type with bottomplate, to be agreed withcustomer (dwg.no.14744A3)
                            Parts List Page 1 of 1F162CProductNM 3524 Title12 Elements /2 Freq.LLZ Ant. System Doc.no.2136 Issue6Prepared / DateARJ /291095 Approved / Date Assembly dwg.no.16389A3 Issue2Reference2136M06.DOC/PE3140Item Qty. Description Dwg.no. NM Type/remark1 4 Al.bar 16413A3 AF 693A2 4 Al.bar 16413A3 AF 693A3 2 Al.bar 16413A3 AF 693A4 22 Support 16413A3 AF 693A5 8 Junction plate 16413A3 AF 693A6 6 Stay bar 16413A3 AF 693A7 1 Stay bar 16413A3 AF 693A8 22 Clamping angle 16413A3 FK 809A9 44 Foundation bolts 16413A3 FK 809A10 12 Stays w/safe.joint 16376A3 MS 692 *1*11 12 Stays w/safe joint      *2* 16376A3 MS 692 *1*12 48 Al.Stays 16376A3 MS 692 *1*13 12 Mast front 16376A3 MS 692 *1*14 12 Mast rear 16376A3 MS 692 *1*15 1 Protection cover Assembly *5* 16361A3 PC 512C/G16 2 Obstruction light Assembly 11463A3 OL 522C17 1 Cable duct Assembly 16416A3 CDA 1044E/F *4*18 1 Flexible conduit a 25m CDA 1044E/F19 44 Conduit nippel CDA 1044E/F *4* 12 pcs.20 44 Nut CDA 1044E/F *4* 12 pcs.21 12 Antenna Element AE 493H22 3 Grommet CDA 1044E/F23 11 Al.Bars for bedplate (option) 20373101 96 Bolt M10x60     DIN 933 A4 16413A3102 96 Nut M10         DIN 934 A4 16413A3103 96 Springwasher M10    DIN 127B A4 16413A3104 96 Washer M10     DIN 125 A4 16413A3106 232 Nut M12          DIN 934 A4 16413A3 256 pcs. *3*107 232 Washer M12      DIN 125 A4 16413A3 256 pcs. *3*108 232 Spring washer M12   DIN 127B A4 16413A3 256 pcs. *3*109 142 Bolt M12x40       DIN 933 A4 16413A3110 48 Bolt M12x100     DIN 933 A4 16413A3   72 pcs. *3*111 64 Bolt M6x16                  DIN 933 A4 16413A3112 64 Washer M6                  DIN 125 A4 16413A3*1*: Type depends on mast height, to be agreedwith customer.*2*: Applicable to 3.2-5M masts only.*3*: Quantity when 3.2-5M masts are used.*4*: Quantity and type depends of installation, tobe agreed with customer.*5* Type with bottomplate, to be agreed withcustomer (dwg.no. 14757A3)
                            Parts List Page 1 of 1F162CProductNM 3525 Title24 Elements /2 Freq.LLZ Ant. System Doc.no.2137 Issue7Prepared / DateARJ /291095 Approved / Date Assembly dwg.no.16391A3 Issue4Reference2137M07.DOC/PE3140Item Qty. Description Dwg.no. NM Type/remark1 4 Al.bar 16414A3 AF 695A2 4 Al.bar 16414A3 AF 695A3 4 Al.bar 16414A3 AF 695A4 4 Al.bar 16414A3 AF 695A5 2 Al.bar 16414A3 AF 695A6 46 Bed plate 16414A3 AF 695A7 16 Junction plate 16414A3 AF 695A8 10 Stay bar 16414A3 AF 695A9 1 Stay bar 16414A3 AF 695A10 46 Clamping angle 16414A3 FK 809E11 92 Foundation bolts 16414A3 FK 809E12 24 Stays w/safe.joint 16376A3 MS 692 *1*13 24 Stays w/safe joint      *2* 16376A3 MS 692 *1*14 96 Al.Stays 16376A3 MS 692 *1*15 24 Mast front 16376A3 MS 692 *1*16 24 Mast rear 16376A3 MS 692 *1*17 1 Protection cover Assembly *5* 16361A3 PC 512C/G18 2 Obstruction light Assembly 11463A3 OL 522D19 1 Cable duct Assembly 16417A3 CDA 1044G/H *4*20 3 Flexible conduit à 25 m CDA 1044G/H21 80 Conduit nippel CDA 1044G/H *4* 24 pcs.22 80 Nut CDA 1044G/H *4* 24 pcs.23 24 Antenna Element AE 493H24 3 Grommet CDA 1044G/H101 192 Bolt M10x60     DIN 933 A4 16414A3102 192 Nut M10         DIN 934 A4 16414A3103 192 Springwasher M10    DIN 127B A4 16414A3104 192 Washer M10     DIN 125 A4 16414A3106 466 Nut M12          DIN 934 A4 16414A3 498 pcs. *3*107 466 Washer M12      DIN 125 A4 16414A3 498 pcs. *3*108 466 Spring washer M12   DIN 127B A4 16414A3 498 pcs. *3*109 278 Bolt M12x40       DIN 933 A4 16414A3110 96 Bolt M12x100     DIN 933 A4 16414A3   144 pcs. *3*111 104 Bolt M6x16                  DIN 933 A4 16414A3112 104 Washer M6                 DIN 125 A4 16414A3*1*: Type depends on mast height, to be agreedwith customer.*2*: Applicable to 3.2-5M masts only.*3*: Quantity when 3.2-5M masts are used.*4*: Quantity and type depends of installation, tobe agreed wiyh customer.*5* Type with bottomplate, to be agreed withcustomer (dwg.no. 14757A3)
                            Parts List Page 1 of 1F162CProductNM 3526 Title16 Elements /2 Freq.LLZ Ant. System Doc.no.2670 Issue4Prepared / DateARJ /291095 Approved / Date Assembly dwg.no.16362A3 Issue2Reference2670M04.DOC/PE3164Item Qty. Description Dwg.no. NM Type/remark1 16 Antenna AE 493H2 4 Al.bar 16430A3 AF 695B3 4 Al.bar 16430A3 AF 695B4 4 Al.bar 16430A3 AF 695B5 2 Al.bar 16430A3 AF 695B6 38 Bed plate 16430A3 AF 695B7 12 Junction plate 16430A3 AF 695B8 8 Stay bar 16430A3 AF 695B9 1 Stay bar 16430A3 AF 695B10 38 Clamping angle 16430A3 FK 809F11 76 Foundation bolts 16430A3 FK 809F12 16 Stays w/safe.joint 16376A3 MS 692 *1*13 16 Stays w/safe joint      *2* 16376A3 MS 692 *1*14 64 Al.Stays 16376A3 MS 692 *1*15 16 Mast front 16376A3 MS 692 *1*16 16 Mast rear 16376A3 MS 692 *1*17 1 Protection cover Assembly      *5* 16361A3 PC 512H/i18 2 Obstruction light Assembly 11463A3 OL 522D19 1 Cable duct Assembly 16429A3 CDA 1044i/J    *4*20 3 Flexible conduit à 25 m CDA 1044i/J21 58 Conduit nippel CDA 1044i/J    *4* 12 psc.22 58 Nut CDA 1044i/J    *4* 12 psc.23 3 Grommet CDA 1044i/J101 128 Bolt M10x60     DIN 933 A4 16430A3102 128 Nut M10         DIN 934 A4 16430A3103 128 Springwasher M10    DIN 127B A4 16430A3104 128 Washer M10     DIN 125 A4 16430A316430A3105 324 Nut M12          DIN 934 A4 16430A3 328 psc. *3*106 324 Washer M12      DIN 125 A4 16430A3 328 psc. *3*107 324 Spring washer M12   DIN 127B A4 16430A3 328 psc. *3*108 192 Bolt M12x40       DIN 933 A4 16430A3109 64 Bolt M12x100     DIN 933 A4 16430A3 96 psc. *3*110 88 Bolt M6x16                  DIN 933 A4 16430A3111 88 Washer M6                 DIN 125 A4 16430A3*1*: Type depends on mast height, to be agreedwith customer.*2*: Applicable to 3.2-5M masts only.*3*: Quantity when 3.2-5M masts are used.*4*: Quantity and type depends of installation, tobe agreed with customer.*5* Type with bottomplate, to be agreed withcustomer (dwg.no.17168A3)
                            Parts List Page 1 of 1F162CProductNM 3523B Title12 Elements /1 Freq.LLZ Ant. System Doc.no.2748 Issue2Prepared / DateARJ /140497 Approved / Date Assembly dwg.no.16874A3 Issue3Reference2748M02.DOC/PE3140Item Qty. Description Dwg.no. NM Type/remark1 4 Al.bar 16876A3 AF 544B2 4 Al.bar 16876A3 AF 544B3 4 Al.bar 16876A3 AF 544B4 2 Al.bar 16876A3 AF 544B5 34 Support 16876A3 AF 544B6 12 Junction plate 16876A3 AF 544B7 8 Stay bar 16876A3 AF 544B8 1 Stay bar 16876A3 AF 544B9 34 Clamping angle 16876A3 FK 809G10 68 Foundation bolts 16876A3 FK 809G11 12 Stays w/safe.joint 16376A3 MS 692 *1*12 12 Stays w/safe joint      *2* 16376A3 MS 692 *1*13 48 Al.Stays 16376A3 MS 692 *1*14 12 Mast front 16376A3 MS 692 *1*15 12 Mast rear 16376A3 MS 692 *1*16 1 Protection cover Assembly *5* 16361A3 PC 512J/K17 2 Obstruction light Assembly 11463A3 OL 522D18 1 Cable duct Assembly 16417A3 CDA 1044K/L *4*19 3 Flexible conduit à 25 m CDA 1044K/L20 41 Conduit nippel CDA 1044K/L *4* 12 pcs.21 41 Nut CDA 1044K/L *4* 12 pcs.22 12 Antenna Element AE 493H23 3 Grommet CDA 1044K/L101 96 Bolt M10x60     DIN 933 A4 16876A3102 96 Nut M10         DIN 934 A4 16876A3103 96 Springwasher M10    DIN 127B A4 16876A3104 96 Washer M10     DIN 125 A4 16876A3106 238 Nut M12          DIN 934 A4 16876A3 262 pcs. *3*107 238 Washer M12      DIN 125 A4 16876A3 262 pcs. *3*108 238 Spring washer M12   DIN 127B A4 16876A3 262 pcs. *3*109 142 Bolt M12x40       DIN 933 A4 16876A3110 48 Bolt M12x100     DIN 933 A4 16876A3   72 pcs. *3*111 80 Bolt M6x16                  DIN 933 A4 16876A3112 80 Washer M6                 DIN 125 A4 16876A3*1*: Type depends on mast height, to be agreedwith customer.*2*: Applicable to 3.2-5M masts only.*3*: Quantity when 3.2-5M masts are used.*4*: Quantity and type depends of installation, tobe agreed with customer.*5* Type with bottom plate, to be agreed withcustomer. (Dwg.no.16871A3)

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