Lee Technology Korea LTK-P1200 FM PILOT TRANSMITTER User Manual Instruction Manual

Lee Technology Korea Co., Ltd. FM PILOT TRANSMITTER Instruction Manual


instruction manual

QBTLTK-P1200, P1 pager Operational Description   Thank you for purchasing the Guestcall Paging system.The most advanced coaster paging system on the market!   QBTLTK-P1200 spec                                                                                                                                                                            z 
                                                                                                                                                                           şş           /                                            
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                
   8.Antenna Description                System Programming: To enter programming mode, press the “SETUP” button and enter the password “3690” followed by “enter”.  If the password is accepted, the display will show “use * to scroll to menu options”.   (Use the  “∗∗∗∗ / Menu” key to scroll through the different menu options or press “CANCEL” to exit the system programming menu.)    1.  Setting the “Out of Range” (for coasters only)       (Factory Default: OFF) With this feature, the coasters will play a Beep- sound for 10minute when taken out of range of the transmitter to inform the guest that they are out of range and will miss their page. The Beep-sound will stop, when they return back within range.    Be sure that all coasters are returned before turning out of range on or off.
TURNING THE OUT OF RANGE ON    •  Remove all the coasters from the charging unit or unplug the power supply that is connected to the charging base   • At the “Out of Range” menu, press the “#/Select” key to turn the out of range ON. • Press the “ENTER” key. After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up once to tell you that they received the new code. • Press “CANCEL” key to exit the system programming menu.            To test the coasters with out of range on, unplug the power supply, that is connected to   the transmitter.    After 45 – 50 seconds, all the coasters will play a Beep-sound since they are not receiving a signal from the transmitter.    Plug in the power supply back into the transmitter.    After a few seconds, all coasters will stop playing the Beep-sound. Return all the coasters to the charging base or plug the power supply.    The coasters are ready to receive the page with the out of range feature turned on.  TURNING THE OUT OF RANGE OFF    •  Remove all the coasters from the charging unit or unplug the power supply that is connected to the charging base   • At the “Out of Range” menu, press “#/Select” key to turn the out of range OFF. • Press “ENTER” key. After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up once to tell you that they received the new code. • Press “CANCEL” key to exit the system programming menu.  To test the coasters with out of range off, unplug the power supply, that is connected to the transmitter.    After 45 - 50 seconds, all the coasters should not play the Beep-sound since the out of range were turned off.    If all or some of the coasters are playing the Beep-sound, repeat the procedure above.  If none of the coasters are playing the Beep-sound, return all the coasters to the charging base or plug the power supply.    Plug the power supply of the transmitter.    The coasters are ready to receive the page with the out of range feature turned off.   2.    Set the Current Time • At the “Set Current Time” menu, set the hour then press “ENTER” key.     •  Set the minutes and press “ENTER” key.       • Use the “# /Select” key to select AM or PM.       •  After the correct time is set, press the “ENTER” or “∗∗∗∗ / Menu” key to return to the main menu or press the “CANCEL” key 2 times to exit the system programming menu. .          3. Set Pager Alert    (Factory Default: Vibration & Flash)  With this feature you have the option of changing the way your coasters alert the guest.   Be sure that all coasters are returned before performing this procedure.    To change the alert mode of your coasters follow these instructions:     •  Remove all the coasters from the charging unit or unplug the power supply   that is connected to the charging bases. • At the “Set Pager Alert ” menu, press the “#/Select” key to scroll through   the different alert options.   •  After making a selection, press the “enter” key . After sending the code,   the coasters will now respond with your new selection.     • Press “CANCEL” key to exit the system programming menu •  Return all the coasters to the charging base or plug the power supply.     The coasters are ready to receive the page with the new alert.          (3 type Option: Vibration & Flash / Vibration & Beep / Vibration only)          4. Range Test     (Factory Default : OFF) With this feature you can determine what distance your transmitter will cover.   •  Remove a couple of coasters from the charging stack. •  At the range test menu, press “#/Select” key to turn range test “ON”.     •  Press  “ENTER” to start the range test.    As soon as range test is activated you’ll notice the coasters flash once every 3 seconds (if you use pagers they will vibrate). Walk around your property. When you reach the point where the coasters do not flash consistently, this is your maximum range.
•  Press  the “CANCEL” key to stop the range test.    Press the “CANCEL” key again to exit the system programming menu. NOTE : The transmitter has an auto shut off feature that will stop the range test after 15 minutes.     5. program to pager Press Pager    #    to change the Number of Pager.  •  Connect the programmer to Hole-Pin of Coaster Pager.       At the same time , Enter Pager # to modification, and then press the “ENTER” key,   •  Verify OK sign:    Beep sound & LED blinking. •  Press only Pager #    to change the Number.           •  Base ID & Group ID    reserve a seat beforehand.(It is marked by numeral)            QBTLTK-P1 Handing out the Coasters: Give the guest a coaster. Note their name and Coaster number on the sign out sheet(Included). Tell the guest the coaster will signal when their table(or Food) is ready. The default page for this system is for the coaster to flash and vibrate for 3 minutes. After the coaster is finished vibrating it automatically goes back into standby mode waiting for the next page. You can hand the coasters out right from the charging stack (They will “demo” Page each time they are removed from the stack) or you can simply store them in a basket and hand them out. A fully   Charged coaster will function without being recharged for 8 – 12 hours. (The Charging Light on the chargerbase :    RED Color.     The Indicator of fully charged Coaster on the chargerbase    : GREEN Color)  Paging the Guest:  When the guest’s table( or food) is ready simply press the coaster number on the transmitter Keypad followed by the “send” key. For example. Press “11, ” and coaster # 11 will signal.  Out of range Feature With this feature, the coaster will play a melody to inform your customer that they are out of   range and will miss their page. The melody will only stop if they are within range. Default from the factory is Out of Range Off (Transmitter setting)C                        • Out of Range On    (After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up once to tell you that they received the ON code. -GGGGjGjGjGjG2   • Out of Range Off (After sending the signal, all the coasters will light up once to tell you that they received the OFF code.-hGhGhGhG–GGGG )    To turn the Out of range feature an follow these procedures: Remove all the coasters from the charging base or simply unplug the power supply that is connected to the charging unit. Please select the “Out of Range ON” in SETUP MODE of the Transmitter. After making a selection, press the “enter” key. All the coasters will light up to tell you that they have received the new code. To test the coasters, unplug the power supply that is connected to the LEETEK transmitter. After 45 seconds, all the coasters will play a melody since they are not receiving a signal from the transmitter. Return all the coasters to the charging base or plug in the power supply. The coasters are ready to receive a page with the out of range feature turned on. Follow the same procedure to turn the out of range feature off, but use the “Out of Range OFF” in SETUP MODE of the transmitter.    Alert stop Feature  To stop the page, from the transmitter press # “11”- enter    - 99 -send This will put coaster # 11 to stop the page individually (Do not put it to sleep all we need is to stop the page). To repage, press “ 11, send ” and coaster #11 will signal.
 message Code(Groupcall/ Individual call) GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGtGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGhGtGGwGGGGGGGwGGGnGGpkGGJSGGGGGGGGGGG[[GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGvGGyGvmmGGGGGGGGGGGGGGwGGpGwGJGGGGGGGGGGG\\GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGvGGyGvuGGGGGGGGGG66                             Vibe & Beep              77                             Vibration only  __ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG}GMGmG``GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGzGtG       Auto-Locate Feature This feature causes ALL coasters (that are not on the charging stack) to signal at once.     This feature is useful when you are closed and would like to locate any misplaced coasters around your restaurant.   To locate ALL coasters, press “1249 – send”.  Any coaster not on the charging stack will signal (Vibration & Flash ). Search your restaurant for missing coasters. Remember to check the parking lot and look in the bushes!   After finding all the missing coasters, put all the coasters on the charging rack to stop the “auto locate” alert. Never press 1249 send while coasters are with the guest – All coasters will alert at once!!!      GuestCall Guest Paging System Operation   1. When a guest arrives, remove a coaster from the stack.    It will alert for 10 seconds while you show them and explain what they will be looking for when they are paged.    Write the coaster number next to the person's name on the wait list.    2.    When their table becomes available, simply enter their coaster number into the transmitter and press "send".        Example of Host/Guest Greeting  Host: Good evening Sir.    Welcome to ______________.    How many are in your party tonight? Guest: Hello, there will be 4 of us. Host: Your name please. Guest: Smith Host: Thank you Mr. Smith, do you have a smoking preference? Guest: Yes, non-smoking. Host: OK Sir, that’s the Smith party of 4 for a non-smoking table, correct? Guest: Yes Host: We currently have a 30 minute wait for a table.    Here, please take one of our Coasters.    (Remove a coaster from the stack… it signals… hand it to the guest.) Host: Keep this coaster with you.    It will flash / vibrate just like this when your table is ready.    When it goes off, come back to the host stand and we will seat you.    You may go to the bar if you’d like and use the coaster for your drink or you can sit out front on one of our benches.    The coaster has a built in alarm that will “beep sound” if you have gone out of range and cannot be paged.    If it starts to beep sound, simply walk back towards the restaurant and it will stop singing when you get back into range. Guest: WOW! This is great.    What a neat idea! You guys really know how to take care of your guests. Host: Thank you Mr. Smith, we’ll see you in about 30 minutes.
GuestCall Troubleshooting  Charge light will not come on           a.  Make sure there is power to the outlet b.  Try changing the position of the coasters on the stack.    Make sure they are seated properly with the numbers facing front. c.  Using a damp rag, clean metal contacts on coaster that will not light   d.  Check all connections on charger bases. If only one stack of coasters will not light on the charger,   There is probably a bad connection.    Move wires and be sure they are all plugged into back of black coaster charger.  If you try all this and the coaster charging light will not come on you most likely have a blown power supply.    Transmitter will not display anything   a.        Make sure there is power to the outlet b.    Check all connections.   If you try all this and the transmitter still wont power up your power supply may be bad.    If display is still blank, call NTN.  No range on coaster pagers   a.        Be sure transmitter is not near any large metal objects, fire walls, etc.   b.        Be sure antenna is connected properly and not broken.  Coasters are not paging or paging in a manner you did not program Review Coaster modes and enter the code for the mode you would like.    It probably has changed.    Coasters are not answering the page or acting strange Make sure the Coaster has a full charge.     THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS : (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.    *Remember that the capability of your system will be affected by: Foil backed wallboard, Metal mesh, wire reinforced glass, metal sheeting, large mirrors, suspended ceilings, lift shafts etc. These can all reflect and thereby reduce the signaling capability of the transmitter. A little forethought prior to installation, coupled with a few tests, can normally avoid most of these problems.        1.  Read through the instruction manual. Answers to most questions can be found there. A trouble shooting section further assists you in diagnosing the problem.  2.    statement required by 15.21 : The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Warning: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by COMPANY  may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. 3. CAUTION : Never use any cleaner other than alcohol for the maintenance of this equipment. Organic solvent such as benzene, toluene or acetone may spoil the plastic parts of this equipment.  4.RF Radiation Exposure This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment must be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.
5.Do not subject this equipment to: 1)Mechanical shock 2)Excessive humidity or moisture    3)Extremes of temperature      4)Corrosive liquids  6.Warning ! No user serviceable parts Alteration or modification to any part of this equipment,without    the prior written consent of the manufacturer, Will invalidate all manufacturer approvals and warranty. No adjustments can be undertaken except by qualified  And licensed persons as defined by the FCC Rules and Regulations. Operation of altered equipment can result In fines, imprisonment, and /or confiscation of such equipment.    WARRANTY  LEETEK  warrants this product against any defects that are due to faulty material or workmanship for a one-year period after the original date of consumer purchase.  This warranty does not include damage to the product resulting from accident, misuse or improper electrical connection. Power supplies are warranted for 60 days. We recommend the use of a surge protector with all equipment. If this product should become defective within the warranty period, we will repair or replace with equivalent product, free of charge.  We will return your product, transportation charges prepaid standard shipping mode, provided the product is shipped prepaid to: LEETEK, #24-2 Samjeong-dong,    Ojung-gu, Puchon-city, Kyunggi-do, Korea  No return will be received without prior authorization and the proper RMA # posted to the outside of the shipping container.  {GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGU/    Ship malfunctioning components to the following address:  #24-2 Samjeong-dong, Ojeong-gu, Puchon-city,Kyunggi-do, Korea 82-32-678-8605  GGsll{lrGOsllG{ljouvsvnGrvylhUjvUSGs{kPsll{lrGOsllG{ljouvsvnGrvylhUjvUSGs{kPsll{lrGOsllG{ljouvsvnGrvylhUjvUSGs{kPsll{lrGOsllG{ljouvsvnGrvylhUjvUSGs{kPGGGGU{U{U{U{UUUUGGGGYWWXgUUYWWXgUUYWWXgUUYWWXgUUGGGG{a_Y{a_Y{a_Y{a_YTTTTZYZYZYZYTTTT]^_]^_]^_]^_TTTT_]W\_]W\_]W\_]W\GGGGma_Yma_Yma_Yma_YTTTTZYZYZYZYTTTT]_Y]_Y]_Y]_YTTTT_]W\_]W\_]W\_]W\GGGG

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