LM Technologies LM78X BLUETOOTH MODULE User Manual VVXLM78X FCCID UsersManual

LM Technologies Ltd. BLUETOOTH MODULE VVXLM78X FCCID UsersManual

Users Manual

LM Technologies Ltd.AT Command ManualApplicable for Firmware version 4.5X, 4.6X, 6.5X, 6.1XRevision Date Name Descriptionv1.0 21-07-2009 Kanwal Initial Draft versionv1.1 24-09-2009 Kanwal New AT command addedv1.2 15-06-2010 Kanwal Applicable to firmware v4.53, v4.61v1.3 22-03-2011 Sumeet Updates for firmware v6.51
 This device complies with the following radio frequency and safety standards.  Important to OEM Manufacturer: This following FCC Warning must be included in the HOST User Manual.  FCC Warning This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  NOTE 2: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  Note 1: This module certified that complies with RF exposure requirment under portable or mobile or fixed condition, this module is to be installed only in portable or mobile or fixed applications.  A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user
A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitting devices designed to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re-located, such as wireless devices associated with a personal computer, are considered to be mobile devices if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement.  A fixed device is defined as a device is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another location.  Note 2: Any modifications made to the module will void the Grant of Certification, this module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to end-users, end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device, only software or operating procedure shall be placed in the end-user operating manual of final products.  Note 3: The device must not transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or transmitter.  Note 4: To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational. For example, if a host was previously authorized as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without a transmitter certified module and a module is added, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the after the module is installed and operational the host continues to be compliant with the Part 15B unintentional radiator requirements. Since this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the host, LM Technologies Ltd shall provide guidance to the host manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements.  Note 5: FCC ID label on the final system must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID: VVXLM78X” or “Contains transmitter module FCC ID: VVXLM78X”.   The transmitter module must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the host product. LM Technologies Ltd is responsible for the compliance of the module in all final hosts.
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 2 of 18Contents1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................42 AT command Set .............................................................................................................................42.1 History .....................................................................................................................................42.2 Terminology............................................................................................................................. 42.3 Command format ....................................................................................................................42.4 Command Response................................................................................................................52.5 Host Events..............................................................................................................................52.6 Operation Mode......................................................................................................................52.7 Command Types......................................................................................................................62.8 Command Description.............................................................................................................62.8.1 AT.....................................................................................................................................62.8.2 AT+VER ............................................................................................................................72.8.3 AT+ENQ ........................................................................................................................... 72.8.4 AT+RESET.........................................................................................................................72.8.5 AT+BAUD .........................................................................................................................72.8.6 AT+STOP ..........................................................................................................................82.8.7 AT+PAR ............................................................................................................................82.8.8 AT+FLOW .........................................................................................................................92.8.9 AT+ECHO .........................................................................................................................92.8.10 AT+RESP.........................................................................................................................102.8.11 AT+MODEM...................................................................................................................102.8.12 AT+ROLE ........................................................................................................................122.8.13 AT+ADDR .......................................................................................................................122.8.14 AT+FIND.........................................................................................................................122.8.15 AT+RSSI..........................................................................................................................13
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 3 of 182.8.16 AT+NAME ......................................................................................................................132.8.17 AT+PIN ........................................................................................................................... 132.8.18 AT+DCOV .......................................................................................................................142.8.19 AT+CONN....................................................................................................................... 142.8.20 AT+DROP .......................................................................................................................152.8.21 AT+BOND....................................................................................................................... 152.8.22 AT+ACON ....................................................................................................................... 152.8.23 AT+ESC...........................................................................................................................162.8.24 AT+AUTO .......................................................................................................................162.8.25 AT+RCFG ........................................................................................................................ 172.8.26 AT+SLEEP .......................................................................................................................172.9 Default Factory Settings ........................................................................................................18
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 4 of 181 IntroductionThis document describes the configuration commands to control the operation of following LM Bluetooth devices:1) LM048 adapter2) LM058 adapter3) LM048 SPA adapter4) LM400 module5) LM780 module6) LM071 module7) LM072 module8) LM048v2 adapter9) LM058v2 adapter2 AT command Set2.1 HistoryThe AT command set was developed by Hayes to control the operation of telephony modems. The command set has been extended to control bluetooth device primary operation such as inquiry, connection setup/ disconnection etc. Other AT commands are also available to control the serial port setup and other user friendly features.The Bluetooth device powers up in unconnected state and can be configured using UART interface similar to telephony modems. The device will act as Bluetooth slave by default and can be inquired/connect from other Bluetooth master device in neighborhood.  The AT commands can be used to change the default behavior and settings for the current as well as future power up cycles.2.2 TerminologySymbol Description ASCII value (Hex)<cr> Carriage Return 0x0D<lf> Line Feed 0x0A<cr,lf> Carriage return and line feed 0x0D, 0x0AXXXXXXXXXXXX 12 hexadecimal BD address sequence2.3 Command formatAll the AT commands except the “AT” test command use the below command structure:<header><name>< parameters> <cr>
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 5 of 18<header> - Each command will start with “AT+” character sequence except “AT” test command.<name> - Command name as shown in below table listing all the available commands.<parameters> - The parameters are required for most of the commands. The parameter may be character, integer and character sequence (BD address, Pin code, Name etc) depending on the command operation.<cr> - This character terminates the command packet and signals the device to proceed with command execution. 2.4 Command ResponseThe AT commands will have the response in the below format:<parameter,value><command_response><parameter,value> - This sequence will be part of response to the commands sent in query format.e.g. STOP1 where STOP is the parameter related to serial port stop bits and 1 is the parameter value.<command_response> - The command response can be any one of following types:¾<cr,lf>OK<cr,lf> - If the command has been sent to Bluetooth device in correct format and is applicable in current device operating mode. ¾<cr,lf>ERROR<cr,lf> - If the command has been sent in wrong format/command is invalid/ command   is not applicable in current device operating mode.¾<cr,lf>  - If the command response has been disabled.2.5 Host Events Host device connected to Bluetooth device will receive an event sequence on occurrence of Bluetooth related events.Different <host_event> are:¾<cr,lf>CONNECT “XXXXXXXXXXXX”<cr,lf> - The event sequence will be received on a successful connection attempt either by local device or from a remote bluetooth device.¾<cr,lf>CONNECT Attempt Fail<cr,lf>  - When the attempted connection attempt from the local Bluetooth device fails for some reason.  The reason for connection failure will not be listed.¾<cr,lf>DISCONNECT “XXXXXXXXXXXX”<cr,lf> - On the disconnection of the current active connection, the sequence will be received.¾<cr,lf>Inquiry Cancelled<cr,lf> - When the inquiry operation from the local Bluetooth device is pre terminated using the AT command, the event will be sent to host device.2.6 Operation ModeThe device will always be in one of the below operating modes:Online Data Mode Data transfer mode when device is in connected state.Command Mode Accepts AT command for device configuration.Online Command Mode Accepts almost all AT commands for device configuration in connected state.
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 6 of 182.7 Command TypesCommand Type Parameter Command Device Information Test ATFirmware Version AT+VERSettings AT+ENQReset Restore Factory SettingsAT+RESETSerial Port Baud Rate AT+BAUDStop Bits AT+STOPParity bits AT+PARFlow Control AT+FLOWCharacter Echo AT+ECHOCommand Response AT+RESPModem Signal AT+MODEMBluetooth Type Device Role AT+ROLEInformation BD Address AT+ADDRInquire devices AT+FINDRSSI AT+RSSISettings Device Name AT+NAMESecurity AT+PINDiscoverability AT+DCOVConnection Connect inquired deviceAT+CONNDrop connection AT+DROPBonding AT+BONDAuto Connect AT+ACONMisc Escape Sequence +++Escape Sequence handlingAT+ESCMode switch AT+AUTORemote Configuration AT+RCFGLow power Mode AT+SLEEP2.8 Command Description2.8.1 ATThis command allows the connected host device to check the availability of the Bluetooth device.The connected host device must have same serial port settings as configured for the Bluetooth device. SyntaxAT<cr>
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 7 of Response<command_response>2.8.2 AT+VERReturns the device firmware version2.8.2.1 SyntaxAT+VER<cr> Response<cr,lf>FW  VERSION: vX.YZ<command_response>Where X: Major release of device firmware              YZ: Minor release/updates of device firmwaree.g. FW VERSION:  v4.502.8.3 AT+ENQList all the device information and all the settings along with their brief description. The settings include serial port, Bluetooth related and other misc settings. SyntaxAT+ENQ<cr> Response<command_response><cr,lf><Parameter Setting, Brief Description><cr,lf> for each parameter.e.g. device role setting will be listed as “<cr,lf>ROLEM, MASTER ROLE <cr,lf>”. All other settings and other device information is listed in similar manner.2.8.4 AT+RESETThis command is used to restore the default factory settings and perform device reboot. The default factory settings are listed in table [reference] SyntaxAT+RESET<cr> Response<command_response>2.8.5 AT+BAUDThe command allows setting the baud rate for the serial UART port.  The current baud rate setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+BAUDb<cr>where b – varies from 10 to 20 for different baud rates. The baud rate varies from 1200bps to 921 Kbps. e.g. To set 19200 as UART baud rate, the command is AT+BAUD14<cr>b Baud rate (bps)10 1200
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 8 of 1811 240012 480013 960014 1920015 3840016 5760017 11520018 23040019 46080020 9216002. Response<command_response> AT+BAUD?<cr> Response<cr,lf>BAUDb<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, b- current baud rate setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>BAUD14<command_response>2.8.6 AT+STOPThe command is used to specify one or two stop bits for serial port communication. The current setting can also be retrieved sending this command in query format. AT+STOPn<cr>where n – can be 1 or 2 depending on no of stop bits used.n Stop bits (no)11222.8.6.2 Response<command_response> AT+STOP?<cr> Response<cr,lf>STOPn<command_response>  if the command is successful. Here, n- no of stop bits. E.g on default setup, the response will be  <cr,lf>STOP1<command_response>2.8.7 AT+PARThe command is used to specify the parity type of serial port. The current setting can also be retrieved sending this command in query format. AT+PARn<cr>where n – varies from 0 to 2 depending on the type of parity used.N Parity Type
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 9 of 180None1Odd2Even2. Response<command_response> AT+PAR?<cr> Response<cr,lf>PARn<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, n- parity type.E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>PAR0<command_response>2.8.8 AT+FLOWThe command is used to enable/disable the RTS/CTS flow control for the serial port. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+FLOWc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the flow control.cFlow Control‘+’ Enable‘-‘ DisableNote, this command will cause the device to reboot. Response<command_response> AT+FLOW?<cr> Response<cr,lf>FLOWc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current flow control setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be  <cr,lf>FLOW+<command_response>Note:1. In LM048 SPA adapter with firmware series 4.6x, AT+FLOW refers to DTR/DSR flow control and no RTS/CTS handling is supported. For all other products, AT+FLOW refers to RTS/CTS flow control.2. In LM048v2 and LM058v2 adapters running v6.5x firmware, this setting can be used in conjunction with AT+MODEM command to choose different configurations of RS232 lines. See Section AT+ECHOThe command is used to enable/disable the echo back of command characters from the Bluetooth device. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+ECHOc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the echo back feature.
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 10 of 18c Echo back‘+’ Enable‘-‘ Disable2. Response<command_response> AT+ECHO?<cr> Response<cr,lf>ECHOc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current echo back setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be  <cr,lf>ECHO+<command_response>2.8.10 AT+RESPThe command is used to enable/disable the command response from the Bluetooth device. Different types of command response may be received by Host device and are listed in Command Response.The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+RESPc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the command response.c Command Response‘+’ Enable‘-‘ Disable2. Response<command_response> AT+RESP?<cr> Response<cr,lf>RESPc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current command response setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>RESP+<command_response>2.8.11 AT+MODEMThis command is available only for v6.5x firmware. This is the default firmware in LM048v2 and LM058v2 adapters. This command is used in conjunction with AT+FLOW command to enable/disable various RS232/Modem Signals. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+MODEMc<cr>Where parameter c is used to disable or configure Local Loopback or Remote Transfer settings on the adapterC Modem Signals‘-’ Disable‘L‘ Local Loopback‘R’ Remote Transfer
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 11 of Response<command_response>The meaning of the modems signals is described in section AT+MODEM?<cr> Response<cr,lf>MODEMc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current modem signal setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>MODEM-<command_response> Modem Signal MeaningThe modem signal setting is used in conjunction with AT+FLOW Settings to enable/disable RS232 modem control signals as per the table below.FLOW CONTROL(AT+FLOW)MODEM SIGNAL(AT+MODEM)RS232 SIGNALS DescriptionFLOW- MODEM- Tx, Rx, GND 3 wire configurationFLOW+ MODEM- Tx, Rx, GND, RTS, CTS RTS CTS signals are used for data flow control between host and adapter, and NOT transferred to remote side wirelessly.FLOW- MODEML Tx, Rx, GND, RTS<->CTS,  DTR<->DSRRTS looped back to CTS, DTR looped back to DSRFLOW+ MODEML Tx, Rx, GND, RTS, CTS, DTR<->DSRRTS CTS signals used for data flow control between host and adapter, and NOT transferred to remote side wirelessly. DTR looped back to DSR. This configuration is equivalent to LM048 adapter running v4.5xfirmwareFLOW- MODEMR Tx, Rx, GND, RTS(R), CTS(R), DTR(R), DSR(R)All 7 signals used. All RS232 control signals (DTR, DSR, RTS and CTS) transferred wirelessly to remote side.FLOW+MODEMR Tx, Rx, GND, RTS, CTS, DTR(R), DSR(R) All 7 lines used. Only DTR, DSR signals transferred wirelessly to remote side. If RTS, CTS signals are not used, then this configuration is equivalent to LM048 SPA Adapter running v4.6X firmware.
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 13 of 182.8.15 AT+RSSIInquire RSSI value for current bluetooth connection. This command is available in online command mode when the device is in connected state. AT+RSSI<cr> Response<cr,lf><RSSI><command_response><RSSI> - can be STRONG/AVERAGE/WEAK depending on the received radio signal strength.2.8.16 AT+NAMEThis command is used to specify a name for the adaptor. You can specify a friendly name using 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, space and –, which are all valid characters. Note that “first space or -, last space or –isn’t permitted”. The default name is “Serial Adapter”. The current device name can be retrieved bysending this command in query format. AT+NAME=XXXX<cr>Where the parameter ”XXXX” is a character string with a maximal length of Response<command_response> AT+NAME?<cr> Response<cr,lf><NAME><command_response> if the command is successful. Here, <NAME> is the  device name . E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>Serial Adapter<command_response>2.8.17 AT+PINThis command is used to specify a PIN code for a secured bluetooth connection. The default PIN is "1234". Paired Bluetooth devices should have a same PIN code. The current pin code setting can be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+PIN=XXXX<cr>Where the parameter ”XXXX” is a 4-8 digit string. Response<command_response> AT+PIN-<cr>This command will cancel the pin code security for Bluetooth connections. The remote Bluetooth device must also cancel pin code security in order to connect successfully with local Bluetooth device. Some devices e.g. Mobile phone do not allow connection without pin code security so disabling pin code security will prohibit successful connection with these devices. Response<command_response>
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 14 of AT+PIN?<cr> Response<cr,lf><PIN><command_response> if the command is successful. Here, <PIN> is the pin code in use . E.g on default setup, the response will be<cr,lf>1234<command_response> .Incase, the pin code security is disabled the response will be <cr,lf>NULL<command_response>2.8.18 AT+DCOVIt is used to specify whether the adaptor can be discovered or connected by remote devices. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+DCOVc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the discoverability status.c Status‘+’ Discoverable‘-‘ Non-discoverableNote, this command will cause the device to reboot. Response<command_response> AT+DCOV?<cr> Response<cr,lf>DCOVc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current discoverability status setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be  <cr,lf>DCOV+<command_response>2.8.19 AT+CONNThis command is used to establish a connection. It is available only when the local Bluetooth device is in the manual master role. AT+CONN<cr>Connect the local bluetooth device to specified bonded bluetooth device. It is available only when "AT+BOND=xxxxxxxxxxxx" is executed.. Response<command_response><host_event> where <host_event> will be connection related event and depends on the connection attempt result. AT+CONN= XXXXXXXXXXXX<cr>Connect the local bluetooth device to the bluetooth device address specified by XXXXXXXXXXXX. Response<command_response><host_event> where <host_event> will be connection related event and depends on the connection attempt result. AT+CONNn<cr>Where parameter n is list index of the remote device found through AT+FIND? command.n- varies from 1 to 8.
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 15 of Response<command_response><host_event> where <host_event> will be connection related event depending on the connection attempt result.2.8.20 AT+DROPThis command is used to drop connection from master or slave device.  It is only allowed in online command mode when the device is in connected state. AT+DROP<cr>Drop current connection when the device in online command mode. Response<command_response><host_event> where <host_event> will be dis-connection event.2.8.21 AT+BONDFor security purpose, this command is used to specify a unique remote Bluetooth device to be connected. In the master role, the local device pairs and connects with the designated remote slave address. In the slave mode, this command is a filter condition to accept the connection request from the master device. The current bonded device address can be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+BOND=XXXXXXXXXXXX<cr> Response<command_response> AT+BOND-<cr>Restore the status in which the local Bluetooth device can connect with any remote device.There is no device bonded with local device. Response<command_response> AT+BOND?<cr> Response<cr,lf><XXXX-XX-XXXX><command_response> if the command is successful. Here, XXXX-XX-XXXX is the Bluetooth address of bonded device. . E.g on default setup, there will be no bonded device, hence the response will be <cr,lf>0000-00-0000<cr,lf><command_response>2.8.22 AT+ACONThis command is used to enable/disable auto-connection feature in the master role. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+ACONc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the auto connection feature.c Connect Type‘+’ Auto Connect‘-‘ Manual
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 17 of 182.8.25 AT+RCFGThis command enables or disables configuration from the remote device by executing the remote access hand shaking protocol. Please ask for separate document for remote configuration details.The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+RCFGc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the remote configuration.C Status‘+’ Enable‘-‘ Disable2. Response<command_response> AT+RCFG?<cr> Response<cr,lf>RCFGc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>RCFG+<command_response>2.8.26 AT+SLEEPThis command is used to enable/disable auto-power saving feature of RS232 driver as well as low power modes of Bluetooth device. The current setting can also be retrieved by sending this command in query format. AT+SLEEPc<cr>Where parameter c is a character used to enable/disable the auto power saving feature.c Status‘+’ Enable‘-‘ Disable2. Response<command_response> AT+SLEEP?<cr> Response<cr,lf>SLEEPc<command_response> if the command is successful. Here, c- current setting. E.g on default setup, the response will be <cr,lf>SLEEP-<command_response>
AT Command Manual v1.3@2010 LM- Technologies Ltd  www.lm-technologies.com Page 18 of 182.9 Default Factory SettingsParameter Default Value(v4.xx firmware)Default Value(v6.5x firmware)DescriptionBAUD 14 14 19200 bpsSTOP 1 1 1 stop bitPAR 0 0 NoneFLOW + - +: Hardware,                -: DisabledECHO + + EnabledRESP + + EnabledMODEM Not supported - DisabledROLE S + Slave deviceNAME Serial Adapter SerialAdapterXX Device name. XX is last 2 digits of Bluetooth AddressPIN 1234 1234 EnabledDCOV + + DiscoverableBOND 0000-00-000000 0000-00-000000 No BondingACON + + Auto-Connect ESC + + EnabledRCFG + + EnabledSLEEP - - Disabled

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