LM Technologies LM410 LM410 BLUETOOTH CLASS 1 MODULE WITH SMA ANTENNA User Manual LM410 Datasheetv1 1

LM Technologies Ltd. LM410 BLUETOOTH CLASS 1 MODULE WITH SMA ANTENNA LM410 Datasheetv1 1

User Manual

LM410Page 1 of 9 +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com LM410 Class 1 Bluetooth SPP Plug n Play ModuleExternal SMA Antenna,  2x10 pin connectorProduct: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-131  General DescriptionThe LM410 is Class 1 Bluetooth2.0 + EDR module with external SMA connector. The Bluetooth funcon is based on CSRBlueCore 04 chipset which implements full speed Class 1 bluetooth operaon with a support of upto 3 simultaneousconnecons while running full Bluetooth stack in the module. The interface to the host system is UART. This module issuitable for serial port applicaon which require 100-600 m range (depending on the antenna) and comes withBluetooth 2.0+EDR compliant SPP firmware.The default firmware is mulconnecon firmware v7.xx series and supports up to 3 simultaneous conneconsBoom View Top ViewSide View
2  FeaturesLM410Page 2 of 9  +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com 3  Packaging Options• Used in LM Technologies Ltd Bluetooth Ethernet access point (LM300)• CSR BlueCore4 chipset• Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR support• Full bluetooth data rate upto 3 Mbps• Supports 3 simultaneous SPP connecons while running complete bluetooth stack in the module• External SMA antenna connector• Hexadecimal Command set• LM300 Manager Windows Applicaon for Module Configuraon• Mulpoint SPP firmware support - 3 simultaneous SPP Connecons• 3.0 to 3.6 V operaon• CSR Bluecore 04 (BC04) chipset• Support 802.11 Co-existence• RoHS Compliant• Small Outline: 44 x 26 x 14 mm (without S MA Connector), 55 x 26 x 14 mm (with SMA connector)• Interoperability with laptops, PDAs, Phones etc Tray PackagingPart No  400-0200Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-13LM400 with BT2.0 + EDR mulpoint firmware v7.xxApplication• Serial Communicaons• Serial Device Server4  Block Diagram   LM072 BC04 Class 1 Module H/W Flow Control Host 20 pin Header UART SPI PIO VDD SMA Connector External SMA Antenna
LM410Page 3 of 9 +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-135  Electrical CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum RangParameterMinMaxUnitStorage Temperature-40+85°CSupply Voltage (VDD) +2.7 +3.6 DCVSupply Voltage (PVCC)+3.0+3.3DCVAll other pins VSS-0.4  VDD + 0.4 DCVRecommended Operang CondionsParameter Min Max UnitStorage Temperature  -10 +70 °CSupply Voltage(VDD)+3.0+3.6DCVSupply Voltage (PVCC)+3.0 +3.6 DCVGeneral Electrical Specificaon Parameter Descripon Min Typical Max UnitCarrier Frequency2.4022.480GHzRF Output power Measured with 50Ω ant   1516.518dBmRx Sensivity--88-86dBmLoad Impedance No abnormal oscillaon 5:1Input Low Voltage RESET, UART, GPIO, PCM -0.3 - 0.8DCVInput High Voltage RESET, UART, GPIO, PCM 0.7VDD - VDD+0.3DCVOutput Low VoltageUART, GPIO, PCM  - - 0.4 DCVOutput High VoltageUART, GPIO, PCM VDD-0.4 - - DCVAverage Current Consumpon Receive DM1 114 mA
LM410Page 4 of 96  Pin Assignments +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-13Pin Definition for Header J2 3214 5 6 7 8 9 10VDDTXDRXDSPICSBRSTLPIO5SPIMOSI SPICLKDTRGNDPin NoPin nameDireconDescriponSignal Level 1VDD Input DC Input (3 ~ 3.3V) Power2TXD Output UART Data output TTL3RXD Input UART Data Input TTL4SPICSB Input SPI Chip Select TTL5RSTL Input Reset (Acve Low) TTL6PIO5 Input/output Programmable IO TTL7SPIMOSI Input SPI Master Output Slave Input  TTL8SPICLK Input SPI Clock TTL9DTR Output UART Data Terminal Ready TTL10 GND Ground Ground
7  Factory SettingsThe factory sengs of the COM Port are as follows:Baud Rate:  115200 bpsData Bits:  8Parity:    NoneStop Bits:  1Flow Control:  HardwareLM410Page 5 of 9 +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-13Pin Definition for Header J3 32145678910PIO4 RTS PIO3 PIO2 PIO7 CTS SPIMISO PIO6 PIO9 PIO8Pin No Pin name Direcon Descripon Signal Level1PIO4 Input/output Programmable IO TTL2RTS Output UART Request to Send  TTL3PIO3 Input/output Programmable IO TTL4PIO2 Input/output Programmable IO TTL5PIO7 Input/output Programmable IO TTL6CTS Input UART Clear to Send  TTL7SPIMISO Output SPI Master Input Slave Output TTL8PIO6 Input/output Programmable IO TTL9PIO9 Input/output Programmable IO TTL10PIO8Input/outputProgrammable IOTTL
LM410Page 6 of 9 +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-138  SchematicC0402C0402C0603C0603C0603P40P41FLMD0P06P05P20P21P22P23P24P25P26P27P140P120R0603L0402UART_INUART_OUTUART_RTSUART_CTSSPIMOSISPIMISOSPICLKUART_DTRUART_OUTUART_INRESET_LUART_DTRUART_RTSUART_CTSSPIMOSISPICLKSPIMISOPIO3PIO2PIO5PIO4PIO4PIO3PIO2PIO7PIO6PIO8SPICSBPIO5PIO9RESET_LSPICSBPIO6PIO7PIO8PIO93V33V33V33V3C5100NU1LM07234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394021AIO0AIO1PIO0PIO1PIO2PIO3PIO4GND1PIO5PIO6PIO7PIO8PIO9RESET3V3GND2GND3USBDPUSBDNPCM_SYNCPCM_INPCM_OUTPCM_CLKUART_RXUART_TXUART_RTSGND4UART_CTSSPIMOSISPICSBSPICLKSPIMISOPIO11PIO10RFIOGND5GND6GND7+V_PAGND0R110KC3100NJ210 way12345678910J310 way12345678910L12N7C11P5 C21P5J46 way123456J1SMA END MOUNT12345HCCCCC4100N
LM410Page 7 of 9 +44(0) 207 428 2647 www.lm-technologies.com | sales@lm-technologies.com Product: LM410Part No: 410-0200 for BT2.0 F/WDatasheet Rev1.1/13-11-139  Pinout from LM072 Module Pin NumberNameTypeDescripon1 GND Ground Common Ground2 PVCC Power Power Amp. Power supply (3.3V)3AIO 0 I/O Programmable Input Output4AIO 1I/OProgrammable Input Output5PIO 0 I/O Programmable Input Output6PIO 1 I/O Programmable Input Output7PIO 2 I/O Programmable Input Output8PIO 3I/OProgrammable Input Output9 PIO 4 I/O Programmable Input Output10GNDGroundCommon Ground11 PIO 5 I/O Programmable Input Output12PIO 6I/OProgrammable Input Output13PIO 7  I/O Programmable Input Output14PIO 8 I/OProgrammable Input Output15PIO 9 I/OProgrammable Input Output16RESETCMOS InputReset Input of Module, Acve Low17 VCC Power Module input Supply, 3.3V DC18GND Ground Common Ground19GNDGroundCommon Ground20USB_DPI/OUSB Data Plus21 USB_DN I/O USB Data Minus22 PCM_SYNC I/O Synchronous Data Sync23PCM_INCMOS InputSynchronous Data Input 24PCM_OUTCMOS OutputSynchronous Data Output25PCM_CLKI/OSynchronous Data Clock 26 UART_RX CMOS Input UART Data Input27UART_TXCMOS OutputUART Data Output28 UART_RTS CMOS Output UART Request to Send (Acve Low)29GNDGroundCommon Ground30UART_CTS CMOS Input UART Clear to Send (Acve Low)31SPI_MOSICMOS InputSerial Peripheral Interface Data Input32 SPI_CSB CMOS Input Chip Select for Serial Peripheral Interface (Acve Low)33SPI_CLKCMOS InputSerial Peripheral Interface Clock34SPI_MISOCMOS OutputSerial Peripheral Interface Data Output 35 PIO 11 I/O Programmable Input Output36 PIO 10 I/O Programmable Input Output37RF_IOAnalogueAntenna Interface38 GND Ground Common Ground
 This device complies with the following radio frequency and safety standards.  FCC Warning This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE 1: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  Note 1: This module certified that complies with RF exposure requirement under mobile or fixed condition, this module is to be installed in mobile or fixed applications.  A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitting devices designed to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re-located, such as wireless devices associated with a personal computer, are considered to be mobile devices if they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement.  A fixed device is defined as a device is physically secured at one location and is not able to be easily moved to another location.  Note 2: Any modifications made to the module will void the Grant of Certification, this module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to end-users, end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device, only software or operating procedure shall be placed in the end-user operating manual of final products.  Note 3: The device must not transmit simultaneously with any other antenna or transmitter.  Note 4: To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational. For example, if a host was previously authorized as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without a transmitter certified module and a module is added, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the after the module is installed and operational the host continues to be compliant with the Part 15B unintentional radiator requirements. Since this
may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the host, ASK PROXIMA CO., LIMITED shall provide guidance to the host manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements.  Note 5: FCC ID label on the final system must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID: VVXLM410” or “Contains transmitter module FCC ID: VVXLM410”.  The transmitter module must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the host product. LM Technologies Ltd. is responsible for the compliance of the module in all final hosts.  That separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to Part 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.

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