LITE ON TECHNOLOGY WP300UP 802.11g Wireless Access Point / Workgroup Bridge User Manual WP 300U Bridge

LITE-ON Technology Corp. 802.11g Wireless Access Point / Workgroup Bridge WP 300U Bridge


Bridge mode User Manual

3The information contained in this manual has been verified at the time of thismanual's printing. The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes andimprovements in the product described in this manual at any time and without notice.All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Copyright  © 2003 All rights reserved. No reproduction of this document in any formis permitted without prior written authorization from the manufacturer.
4Chapter 1: Introduction  The WP-300U acts as a high performance 802.11g accesspoint and also support bridge mode to enable multiple wiredEthernet client access to wireless environments. The WP-300Ualso provides convenient WLAN access to office/family userswith connection speeds up to 54Mbps. Support Wi-Fi ProtectedAccess standard to provide higher level of security for networkdata and communication. Optional 802.3af capability enrichespossible application for installation. The WP-300U is also fullycompatible with IEEE 802.11b standard, so it connects with allexisting 802.11b-compliant devices.1.1 Features  Easy to use Web Browser-Based configuration  Built-in high speed RISC CPU for better performance.      It will help for better third-party review comment and              benefit the sell-through  Compact size for home user  Detachable SMA type antenna  Acts as the workgroup bridge between wired Ethernet      clients and wireless 802.11g  Support latest WPA security feature (Bridge mode      support WPA PSK only)1.2 Package Contents  Before installing the WP-300U, please verify that you have allthe items listed as below. If any of the items are missing ordamaged, please contact us. Also be sure you have all thenecessary tools and cabling before installing the WP-300U.
51.3 Description of Hardware   The following figures show the back panels of the WP-300U:  The Package  includes:One WP-300UPower adapterUsers Guide( Wireless Access Point & Workgroup Bridge)                    Warronty CardQuick Install GuideReset ButtonWhile the user has the trouble of negotiation withWirelessLAN, pressing the Reset button for systemrefresh, pressing the Reset button for system reset todefault settings.LAN PortsFor linking computers or other Ethernet devices, e.g. ahub/switchUplink/PC SwitchFor connect to the Ethernet port of hub/switch,select theswitch to ” Uplink”. If not, switch to “PC”.Power (DC 5V)Used to connect the external power adapter supplied withthe Access Point. Note that only the supplied adapter shouldbe used.
61.4 LEDs  The LEDs are indicators of switch activity and performance.Table 1 shows the location of the LEDs.  You can check eachconnection by viewing the port status indicators shown in thefollowing table.Table 1: LEDs IndicatorsLED Status DescriptionPower Green, On Power is supplied to the device      Off Power is disconnectedWLAN Green, On WLAN On       Blinking transmitting data to the wireless LANLink/Activity from the Access Point      Off No data transferredLAN Green, On Good  LinkLink/Act        Blinking Receiving/transmitting data at 100M
7Chapter 2: Installation2.1 Making a Connection1. Connect to a PC — Use a standard Ethernet RJ-45cable.2. Check the “Link/Act” LED of “LAN” port on frontpanel, it must be on.If not, to ensure that the cable is connectedproperly.3. Connect the power adapter.Attention:1.    The cable distance between the Router and PC/hub/Switch should not exceed 100 meters. 2. Make sure the wiring is correct. In 10Mbps               operation, Category 3/4/5 cable can be used for               connection. To reliably operate your network at              100Mbps, you must use Category 5 cable, or better              Data Grade.2.1.1 Setup Uplink-PC slide switch1.    For connecting to a PC, select the switch to  “PC”.2.    For connecting to a hub/switch, select the switch to              “Uplink”.
82.2 Verify the IP address setting  Your need to configure your PC’ s network settings to an IPaddress. Computer use IP addresses to communicate witheach other across a network, such as the Internet.1.  From the taskbar, click the Start button, select              Settings > Control Panel. From there, double-click     the Network connections icon.2.  Right click the Local Area Connection icon     Properties , select the TCP/IP line for the appli-     cable Ethernet adapter. Then, click the Properties     button.3.  Click the IP Address tab page, select USE the     following IP address, type    1.254 ( but, for this Access Point use)             in the IP Address field and in the               Subnet Mask field, then click OK button.
92.3 Setup the Workgroup Bridge under WindowsStart Setup...1.  After getting the correct connection, start the webbrowserand type in the address field.  PressEnter. 2.  Enter the factory default User name field and Password      field are blank and click OK button.
102.3.1 Information   Basic information about this bridge. NOTE: You may have toreload this page to see the current settings..Figure 1: Information
112.3.2 Basic Wireless   On this page you can configure the basic 802.11g wirelesssettings. Any new settings will not take effect until the bridgeis rebooted.Figure 2: Basic WirelessWireless Network Type  Select ‘Infrastructure’ to connect to a wireless access       point, select ‘Ad-hoc’ to connect to another bridge or              wireless station.Wireless Network Name (SSID)
12  This is the name of the wireless access point that              this bridge will associate to. Leave this field blank to              associate to any access point.Desired BSSID  This provides manual selection for the desired Access             Point to join with. The SSID for the Access Point still              has to match. You can copy and paste the desired MAC             address from the Info page.Channel  This is the radio channel that is used in ad-hoc mode.             This setting has no effect in infrastructure mode. If you             experience interference (e.g. lost connections or slow            data transfers) you may need to try different channels     to see which is the best.Transmission rate (Mbits/s)  This is the speed at which the bridge will transmit              data. Normally you should select ‘best’ here, although              if your wireless network is unusually noisy or quiet you              may which to use a fixed low or high rate.Wireless Mode  Wireless mode allows the user to select whether thisBridge will connect to an 802.11g only network, an802.11b only network, or both types of networks.
132.3.3 Security and Encryption Settings   On this page you can set the 802.11g security and encryp-tion options. Any new settings will not take effect until thebridge is rebooted.Figure 3: Security and Encryption Settings
14 WPA configurationEnable WPA Authenticator to require stations to usehigh grade encryption and authentication. WPA Enable. PSK: Enter a text pass phrase up to 63 characters.  WPA Multicast Cipher Type: Currently TKIP is theonly permitted setting. WPA Pairwise Cipher Type: Currently TKIP is the onlypermitted setting. WPA Group Key Update Interval. WEP configurationWEP is the wireless encryption standard. To use ityou must enter the same key(s) into the bridge and theaccess point. For 64 bit keys you must enter 10 hexdigits into each key box. For 128 bit keys you must enter26 hex digits into each key box. A hex digit is either anumber from 0 to 9 or a letter from A to F. If you leavea key box blank then this means a key of all zeros. Enable WEP : Check this box to enable WEP. For themost secure use of WEP, also select “Deny UnencryptedData” and set Authentication to “Shared Key” whenWEP is enabled.  WEP key lengths: Select the WEP key size. Thislength applies to all keys. Default WEP key to use: Select the key to be usedas the default key. Data transmissions are always en-crypted using the default key. The other keys can onlybe used to decrypt received data. WEP key.
15 Deny unencrypted data: SSelect this to require peersto use encryption. This is only effective when WEP isenabled. Authentication: Select the type of authentication usedwhen connecting to an access point. ‘Open’ is used ifanyone can connect to the AP. ‘Shared key’ is used ifboth devices must know the encryption key.
16Figure 4: Advanced2.3.4 Advanced   On this page you can configure the advanced 802.11gwireless settings. Any new settings will not take effect until thebridge is rebooted.
17 Cloning Mode  This feature controls the MAC Address of theBridge as seen by other devices (wired or wireless).  If set to “Ethernet Client”, the MAC Address fromthe first Ethernet client that transmits data throughthe Bridge will be used. This setting is useful whenconnected to an Xbox or if there is only oneEthernet device connected to the bridge. Whenmultiple Ethernet devices are connected to theBridge, it may not be obvious which MAC Address isbeing used.  If set to “WLAN Card”, the MAC Address of theWLAN Card (typically written on the back of thecard) will be used. When multiple Ethernet devicesare connected to the Bridge, the MAC Address ofthe Bridge will not change.Fragmentation threshold  Transmitted wireless packets larger than this sizewill be fragmented to maintain performance in noisywireless networks.RTS threshold  Transmitted wireless packets larger than this sizewill use the RTS/CTS protocol to (a) maintainperformance in noisy wireless networks and (b)prevent hidden nodes from degrading performance.Maximum burst time  This is also known as PRISM Nitro (tm)technology. The technology uses fully standards-compliant methods that eliminate collisions in mixed-
18mode networks, while greatly increasing theperformance of both pure 802.11g and mixed802. 11b/g networks. The setting is for the amountof time the radio will be reserved to send datawithout requiring an ACK.  This number is in units of microseconds. Theoptimized value for 802.11g only networks is 1400,and the optimized value for 802.11g + 802.11bmixed mode networks is 650. When this number iszero, bursting is disabled.
19Figure 5-1: Administration (1)2.3.5 Administration   On this page you can configure the IP address used by theWeb server running on this bridge. For “static” mode, the IPaddress settings are given here. For “DHCP” mode, thesesettings are supplied by a DHCP server on your network. Youcan also change the password, reboot the bridge, or reset allsettings to their factory defaults. If you have changed anysettings it is necessary to reboot the bridge for the new set-tings to take effect.
20Figure 5-2: Administration (2) Device name  This is the name that the bridge will use to identify itselfto external configuration and IP-address-findingprograms. This is not the same as the SSID. It is okayto leave this blank if you are not using these programs. IP settings IP Address Mode: Select ‘DHCP’ to get the IP set-tings from a DHCP server on your network. Select ‘Static’to use the IP settings specified on this page.
21 User name: This is the user name that you musttype when logging in to these web pages. Administrator password: This is the password thatyou must type when logging in to these web pages.You must enter the same password into both boxes,for confirmation. Security Reboot bridge. Reset to factory defaults. Commands Upgrade firmware  The upload may take up to 60 seconds.  Default IP address: Type the IP address of yourbridge.  Default subnet mask: The subnet mask specifiesthe network number portion of an IP address. The fac-tory default is Default gateway: This is the IP address of the gate-way that connects you to the internet. The factorydefault is
222.3.6 Help   This is where some helpful information will go. There isnothing here right now.
23Appendix I  SpecificationsStandard support      IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u, IEEE802.11b,  IEEE802.11g InterfaceWireless IEEE 802.11b/gOne 10/100 Mbps RJ-45 portMax. Band widthEthernet:Full Duplex: 200Mbps (100BaseTX), 20 Mbps(10BaseT)Half Duplex: 100Mbps (100BaseTX), 10 Mbps(10BaseT)Wireless: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, AutoFall-BackSDRAM 1MbitFlash 4MbitDiagnostic LEDsUnit: Power (Green)WLAN: 100M Link/Activity (Green)LAN: 100M Link/Act (Green)Wireless RadioData Rate: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 24, 36, 48, 54 MbpsSignal Frequency: 2.4Ghz to 2.5Ghz OFDM with BPSK, QPSK,    16QAM, 64QAM, DBPSK, DQPSK, CCKEncryption: 64bit and 128bit WEP data encryptionChannel:America/FCC: 2.412~2.462 GHz (11 channels)Europe CE/ETSI: 2.412~2.472 GHz (13 channels)Japan: 2.412~2.484 GHz (14 channels)France: 2.457~2.472 GHz(4 channels)Spain: 2.457~2.462 GHz (2 channels)RF Power Output: 16 dBm@ 11Mbps/ 12dBm @54 Mbps     (typical)
24Receiver Sensitivity: 54Mbps OFDM, 10% PER, -68dBm 11Mbps      CCK, 8% PER, -84dBmWireless Setting−  SSID−  Channel Selection−  Transmission Rate (Best, 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5,   2, 1) in Mbps−  Intersil PHY profiles  802.11g Max Performance,  802.11g only  802.11b/g Mixed  802.11b/g Mixed with Long Preamble  802.11b for Wi-Fi certification  802.11b only−  Fragment Threshold−  RTS ThresholdWireless SecurityWEP setting−  WEP Enabled (On or Off)−  WEP key Length(64-bit, 128 -bit)−  Default WEP key to use (1-4)−  WEP key (10 or 26 hex digits)−  Deny unencrpted data (On or Off)−  Authentication (Open, Shared Key, Both)WPA setting−  WPA  Enabled (On or Off)−  PSK (up  to 63 charactersof text)−  WPA Muticast Cipher Type (TKIP-WPA, None)−   WPA Pairwise Cipher Type (TKIP-WPA, None)Software / Firmware−  AP and Bridge mode support (Need different firmware)−  DHCP Client
25−  WPA Support (Bridge mode support WPA PSK only)−  MAC Cloning (WLAN Card, Ethernet Client)−   Web-based configuration via popular browser (MS IE,            Netscape...)−  Firmware download and upgrade via web server−  Reset to default by web server or hardware buttonForwarding Mode store and foreardAntenna Gain Max 1.91 dB
26802.11 standard802.11, or IEEE 802.11, is a type of radio technology used forwireless local area networks (WLANs). It is a standard that hasbeen developed by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Elec-tronic Engineers), The IEEE is an in-ternational organization that develops standards for hundreds ofelectronic and electrical technologies. The organization uses aseries of numbers, like the Dewey Decimal system in libraries, todifferentiate between the various technology families.The 802 subgroup (of the IEEE) develops standards for localand wide area networks with the 802.11 section reviewing andcreating standards for wireless local area networks.Wi-Fi , 802.11, is composed of several standards operating indifferent radio frequencies: 802.11b is a standard for wirelessLANs operating in the 2.4 GHz spectrum with a bandwidth of 11Mbps.Another standard, 802.11g, is for WLANS operating in the 2.4 GHzfrequency but with a bandwidth of 54 Mbps.    Appendix II Glossary
27802.11bInternational standard for wireless networking that operatesin the 2.4 GHz frequency range (2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz) andprovides a throughput of up to 11 Mbps. This is a very commonlyused frequency. Microwave ovens, cordless phones, medical andscientific equipment, as well as Bluetooth devices, all work withinthe 2.4 GHz frequency band.802.11gSimilar to 802.11b, but this standard provides a throughput ofup to 54 Mbps. It also operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency bandbut uses a different radio technology in order to boost overallbandwidth.Access pointA wireless LAN transceiver or “base station” that can connect awired LAN to one or many wireless devices. Access points canalso bridge to each other.There are various types of access points and base stationsused in both wireless and wired networks. These include bridges,hubs, switches, routers and gateways. The differences betweenthem are not always precise, because certain capabilities associ-ated with one can also be added to another. For example, arouter can do bridging, and a hub may also be a switch. Butthey are all involved in making sure data is transferred from onelocation to another.  A bridge connects devices that all use the same kind of protocol.A router can connect networks that use differing protocols. Italso reads the addresses included in the packets and routesthem to the appropriate computer station, working with any otherrouters in the network to choose the best path to send the pack-ets on. A wireless hub or access point adds a few capabilities
28such as roaming and provides a network connection to a varietyof clients, but it does not allocate bandwidth. A switch is a hubthat has extra intelligence: It can read the address of a packetand send it to the appropriate computer station. A wireless gate-way is an access point that provides additional capabilities suchas NAT routing, DHCP, firewalls, security, etc.AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)   A chip-based security, has been developed  to ensure thehighest degree of security and authenticity for digital information,wherever and however communicated or stored, while makingmore efficient use of hardware and/or software than previousencryption standards. It is also included in IEEE 802.11i standard.Compared with AES,  TKIP is a temporary protocol for replacingWEP security until  manufacturers implement AES at the hard-ware level.DHCP   Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol automati-cally configures the TCP/IP settings of every computer on yourhome network.Encryption key  An alphanumeric (letters and/or numbers) series that enablesdata to be encrypted and then decrypted so it can be safelyshared among members of a network. WEP uses an encryptionkey that automatically encrypts outgoing wireless data. On thereceiving side, the same encryption key enables the computer toautomatically decrypt the information so it can be read.Ethernet   A standard for computer networks. Ethernet networks are con-
29nected by special cables and hubs, and move data around at upto 100 million bits per second (Mbps).ESSID  The identifying name of an 802.11 wireless network. Whenyou specify your correct ESSID in your client setup you ensurethat you connect to your wireless network rather than anothernetwork in range. (See SSID.) The ESSID can be called by dif-ferent terms, such as Network Name, Preferred Network, SSIDor Wireless LAN Service Area.Gateway  In the wireless world, a gateway is an access point with addi-tional software capabilities such as providing NAT and DHCP.Gateways may also provide VPN support, roaming, firewalls,various levels of security, etc.IEEE802.11  A set of specifications for LANs from The Institute of Electricaland Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Most wired networks con-form to 802.3, the specification for CSMA/CD based Ethernetnetworks or 802.5, the specification for token ring networks.802.11 defines the standard for wireless LANs encompassingthree incompatible (non-interoperable) technologies: FrequencyHopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), Direct Sequence SpreadSpectrum (DSSS) and Infrared. WECA’s focus is on 802.11b, an11 Mbps high-rate DSSS standard for wireless networks.IP Address   IP stands for Internet Protocol. An IP address consists of aseries of four numbers separated by periods, that identifies ansingle, unique Internet computer host. Example:
30ISP Gateway Address (see ISP for definition).   The ISP Gateway Address is an IP address for the Internetrouter located at the ISP’s office. This address is required onlywhen using a cable or DSL modem.ISP   Internet Service Provider. An ISP is a business that providesconnectivity to the Internet for individuals and other businessesor organizations.LAN   Local Area Network. A LAN is a group of computers and de-vices connected together in a relatively small area (such as ahouse or an office). Your home network is considered a LAN.MAC    Every wireless 802.11 device has its own specific MAC ad-dress hard-coded into it. This unique identifier can be used toprovide security for wireless networks. When a network uses aMAC table, only the 802.11 radios that have had their MAC ad-dresses added to that network’s MAC table will be able to getonto the network.MAC Address     MAC stands for Media Access Control. A MAC address is thehardware address of a device connected to a network. Peer-to-peer  network    A wireless or wired computer network that has no server orcentral hub or router. All the networked PCs are equally able toact as a network server or client, and each client computer cantalk to all the other wireless computers without having to gothrough an access point or hub. However, since there is no cen-tral base station to monitor traffic or provide Internet access, the
31various signals can collide with each other, reducing overallperformance.SSID    A 32-character unique identifier attached to the header ofpackets sent over a WLAN that acts as a password when a mo-bile device tries to connect to the BSS. (Also called ESSID.) TheSSID differentiates one WLAN from another, so all access pointsand all devices attempting to connect to a specific WLAN mustuse the same SSID. A device will not be permitted to join theBSS unless it can provide the unique SSID. Because an SSID canbe sniffed in plain text from a packet, it does not supply anysecurity to the network. An SSID is also referred to as a NetworkName because essentially it is a name that identifies a wirelessnetwork.Subnet Mask     A subnet mask, which may be a part of the TCP/IP informa-tion provided by your ISP, is a set of four numbers configuredlike an IP address. It is used to create IP address numbers usedonly within a particular network (as opposed to valid IP addressnumbers recognized by the Internet.TCP/IP     Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is thestandard protocol for data transmission over the Internet.TKIP    The TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), pronounced tee-kip, is part of the IEEE 802.11i encryption standard for wirelessLANs. TKIP is the next generation of WEP used to secure 802.11wireless LANs.TKIP provides per-packet key mixing, a message
32integrity check and a re-keying mechanism, thus fixing the flawsof WEP.WAN     A wide area network (WAN) is a geographically dispersedtelecommunications network. The term distinguishes a broadertelecommunication structure from a local area network. A widearea network may be privately owned or rented, but the termusually connotes the inclusion of public (shared user) networks.An intermediate form of network in terms of geography is ametropolitan area network .WEP    WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is 802.11’s optional encryp-tion standard implemented in the MAC layer that most radionetwork interface card (NIC) and access point vendors support.    Basic wireless security provided by Wi-Fi. In some instances,WEP may be all a home or small-business user needs to protectwireless data. WEP is available in 40-bit (also called 64-bit), or in108-bit (also called 128-bit) encryption modes. As 108-bit en-cryption provides a longer algorithm that takes longer to decode,it can provide better security than basic 40-bit (64-bit) encryption.Wi-Fi    An interoperability certification for wireless local area net-work (LAN) products based on the Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 standard.WLAN    Also referred to as LAN. A type of local-area network that useshigh-frequency radio waves rather than wires to communicatebetween nodes.
33WPAWPA is a standards-based, interoperable security specificationthat utilizes Temporal Key Integrity Protocol to provide im-proved over-the-air encryption of wireless data.
In order to maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines, this equipment shouldbe installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.Use only with supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna, modification, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.

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