LINKSYS RE6300 Wireless Extender User Manual RE6300 Manual

LINKSYS LLC Wireless Extender RE6300 Manual

User Manual rev.pdf

  User Guide RE6300/RE6400
Introduction  This User Guide can help you connect the extender to your network and solve common setup issues. You can find more help from our award-winning, 24/7 customer support at Contents  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1 How to install the range extender................   2 How to access the browser-based utility ..........  5 8VLQJUDQJHH[WHQGHUVHWWLQJV«««««; Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup.....................  7 How to use Site Survey..........................  9 Cross-Band AC Power Pass-Through Wireless Music Playback Troubleshooting................................  10 Specifications..................................  13
Overview Front  RE6300   RE6400  The light on the front of the range extender gives you information about power, updating and signal strength.
Power Light Status/ description Blinking Green x Booting up x Resetting to factory defaults x Upgrading firmware Solid Green x Ready to use Solid Orange x Weak connection with the router Fix: Unplug the extender,  and move it closer to the router Blinking Orange x Not connected to the router x Other error Fix: Unplug the extender, plug it back in, wait two seconds, reconnect to your network  Side  Power Switch European versions only. Wi-Fi Protected Setup Button and LED Use Wi-Fi Protected Setup to automatically and securely add compatible wireless devices to your network. Refer to Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup on page 7. Reset Press and hold for about five seconds to reset to factory defaults. You can also restore the defaXOWVIURPWKH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ!)DFWRU\'HIDXOWVVFUHHQLQWKHH[WHQGHU¶VEURZVHU-based utility.  Bottom
  Ethernet (blue) Connect wired devices to your wireless network with Ethernet (network) cables. The green light turns on when an Ethernet device is connected and active on this port. The light blinks when the extender is sending or receiving data over the Ethernet port.  How to install the range extender Before setup, unplug or disconnect any range extenders on the network. 1.  Plug in the range extender midway between your router and the area without Wi-Fi. %HVXUH\RXKDYHDWOHDVWRI\RXUURXWHU¶V:L-Fi signal at that point on the device you will use for setup. The setup software will help you find the best spot if you have trouble. <Diagram> 2.  Wait for a solid light on the cover of the range extender. It could take up to two minutes. On a computer, phone or tablet, connect to the Wi-)LQHWZRUN³/LQNV\V([WHQGHU6HWXS´ <diagram2> 3.  ,IVHWXSGRHVQ¶WVWDUWDXWRPDWLFDOO\RSHQDEURZVHUWR /LQNV\V¶V6SRWILQGHUWHFKQRORJ\ will help you find the right location for your range extender if you have trouble.  You will be guided to place the range extender closer or farther from your router to improve the signal. If you nailed it with your first placement you will not see Spot finder screens.   <screenshot of Too Far page>  4. During setup you will be asked whether you want the range extender to update itself automatically. If you allow automatic updates, the range extender will download and install updates when released by Linksys. Automatic updates will take place overnight so they do not disrupt your network activity.   You also can decide to manually update your range extender at your convenience.
<screen shot>  Post set-up LED behavior mention here as well and in the QSG TIP You can also connect the range extender by using Wi-Fi Protected Setup. For more LQIRUPDWLRQVHH³8VLQJ:L-)L3URWHFWHG6HWXS´RQSDJH Special Feature - Music Streaming  Wireless Music Playback Stream music through your AC1200 MAX range extender to connected speakers. iOS devices: x  Connect iOS device to the same Wi-Fi network as your range extender. x  Swipe up from the bottom of your screen. x  Tap on Linksys Range Extender.
  Android devices For Samsung Galaxy x  Connect Galaxy device to the same Wi-Fi network as your range extender. x  Select Music app    x  Choose music file and tap Screen Mirroring icon   x  Choose Linksys Range Extender.  Your screen might look different depending on your device model and version of Android.  For other Android devices, stream music with MediaHouse, UPnPlay, Skifita, ArkMC, BubbleUPnP, Pixel Media, and 2Player 2.0. Windows  x  Open Windows Media Player
x  Right-click on music file and choose Linksys Range Extender.     This list of supported media players is subject to change with the release of new software or mobile apps. x  Windows users can stream music with Windows Media Player12.  x  Mac users can stream music with proprietary software or the SofaPlay app.. x  Android users can stream music with MediaHouse, UPnPlay, Skifita, ArkMC, BubbleUPnP, Pixel Media, and 2Player 2.0. x  IOS devices including iPhone, iPad or iPod can stream music with proprietary software or other apps such as, , ArkMC, Smartstor Fusion, , Mconnect, and DK UPnP/DLNA. x  The extender supports MP3, FLAC, WAV, WMA and AAC file formats, as long as those formats are supported by the device and app doing the streaming. x  The 3.5mm stereo port supports earphones and powered speakers.   How to access the browser-based utility After setting up WKHH[WHQGHUXVHWKHH[WHQGHU¶VEURZVHU-based utility to change any settings. On a computer or device that is connected to your range extender, open any browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.), and enter in the address bar.
You will be prompted to enter a user name and password. If you did not change them during setup, leave the user name  blank and HQWHU³DGPLQ´LQWKHSDVVZRUGILHOG,Iyou customized the SSID and password, enter those credentials.  If you are connected to your local network, but not to the range extender, you will need WRHQWHUWKHUDQJHH[WHQGHU¶V,3DGGUHVVLQ\RXUEURZVHUWRDFFHVVWKHH[WHQGHU¶Vsettings. TIP ,I\RXDUHXQDEOHWRDFFHVVWKHUDQJHH[WHQGHU¶VVHWWLQJVGRRQHRIWKHfollowing: Find the UDQJHH[WHQGHU¶V IP address E\JRLQJWR\RXUURXWHU¶VDGPLQLVWUDWLRQSDJHDQGlooking for the range extender under connected devices.  Or  Windows XP: 1. Enable UPnP: a)  Click Start, Control Panel, Add or Remove Program, then click Add/Remove Windows Components. b)  Select Network Services, then click Details. c)  Select UPnP User Interface, then click OK.  2. Open Windows Explorer. Click My Network Places on the left panel. 3. Look for the RE6700 icon on the right panel. (You might be required to change the firewall VHWWLQJVWRDOORZWKHGLVSOD\RIQHWZRUNHGFRPSXWHUV5HIHUWR\RXURSHUDWLQJV\VWHP¶VKHOSfor instructions.)  Windows 8, Windows 7, or Vista: 1. Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Windows 8). Click  Network. Look for the RE6700 icon  on  the  right  panel.  (You  might  be  required to  change  the  firewall  settings  to  allow  the GLVSOD\RIQHWZRUNHGFRPSXWHUV5HIHUWR\RXURSHUDWLQJV\VWHP¶VKHOSIRULQVWUXFWLRQV 2. Right-click the RE6700 icon. Click Properties. Click on the address link in Device webpage.  Mac OS X: 1.  Open Safari. Be sure that Bonjour is included in the Bookmarks menu and Favorites bar. a.  Go to Safari Preferences > Advanced and be sure each Bonjour box is selected. 2.  Find Bonjour in the Bookmarks PHQXRU)DYRULWHVEDUDQGFKRRVH³/LQNV\V5DQJH([WHQGHU´ If you have changed your network name and password, choose the network name and enter the password you created.
 Using range extender settings Click Help RQWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKHVFUHHQIRUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHVFUHHQ¶Voptions. Changes to settings will not be effective until you click Save at the bottom of the screen. You also can click Cancel to clear any changes.
Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup Wi-)L3URWHFWHG6HWXSPDNHVLWHDV\WRFRQQHFW\RXUH[WHQGHUWR\RXUQHWZRUNDQGconnect other devices to your network through the extender. Wi-Fi Protected Setup light activity <WPSButtonOnly.PNG>   WPS Light Status/ description  x  Solid  (10 seconds) x WPS connection was successful Blinking slowly (two minutes) x WPS connection in process Blinking quickly (two minutes) x When WPS cannot establish connection or encounters a problem Fix: wait a few seconds after LED stops blinking and try again  Connecting the extender to an existing access point If your access point or router supports it, you can use Wi-Fi Protected Setup to connect the range extender to the access point or router. Log in to the browser-based utility and click on WPS in the left navigation bar. Choose from the setup methods below to connect the extender.
 NOTE If you have an access point or a router that does not support Wi-Fi Protected Setup, note the wireless settings, and then manually configure the extender.  Connecting with the Wi-Fi Protected Setup Button Use this method if your router or access point has a Wi-Fi Protected Setup button   .   1. Press the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the extender. If you have a dual-band router you will do this again to extend the second network. The 2.4 GHz band will be extended first. 2. Click the Wi-Fi Protected Setup EXWWRQRQWKHURXWHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen (if available), OR press and hold the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the router for one second. When the connection is complete, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup light on the extender will be solid. 3. ,I\RXXVHGWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen, click OK in that screen within two minutes.
 TIP You can also access WPS in the browser-based utility by clicking WPS in the left navigation bar. &RQQHFWLQJZLWKWKHUDQJHH[WHQGHU¶V3,1 The Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN (Personal Identification Number) can be found on the product label on the back of the H[WHQGHU<RXFDQXVHWKLVPHWKRGRQO\LI\RXUURXWHU¶Vadministration utility has a Wi-Fi Protected Setup menu.  1. (QWHUWKHH[WHQGHU¶V3,1LQWRWKHDSSURSULDWHILHOGRQWKHURXWHU¶V:L- Fi Protected Setup screen. Click Register. When the connection is complete, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup light on the extender will be solid. 2. Click OK. Connecting devices to your network through the extender Choose from the methods below to connect devices that support Wi-Fi Protected Setup to your network. Delete the screen below  NOTE Repeat the instructions for each client device that supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup. Connecting with the Wi-Fi Protected Setup Button Use this method if your client device has a Wi-Fi Protected Setup button.
 1. Press the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the client device. 2. Click the Wi-Fi Protected Setup EXWWRQRQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen, OR press and hold the Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the side of the extender for one second. When the connection is complete, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup light on the extender will be solid. 3. ,IXVLQJWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen, be sure to click OK within two minutes or you will have to start over. Connecting ZLWKWKHFOLHQWGHYLFH¶V3,1 Use this method if your client device has a Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN (Personal Identification Number).  1. (QWHUWKH3,1IURPWKHFOLHQWGHYLFHLQWKHILHOGRQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen. 2. Click Register RQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen. When the connection is complete, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup light on the extender will be solid. 3. Click OK RQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen within two minutes or you will have to start over. ConnHFWLQJZLWKWKHH[WHQGHU¶V3,1 8VHWKLVPHWKRGLI\RXUFOLHQWGHYLFHDVNVIRUWKHH[WHQGHU¶V3,1 1. 2QWKHFOLHQWGHYLFHHQWHUWKH3,1OLVWHGRQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen. (It is also listed on the product label on the back of the extender.) When the connection is complete, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup light on the extender will be solid. 2. Click OK RQWKHH[WHQGHU¶V:L-Fi Protected Setup screen within two minutes.
How to use Site Survey Site Survey gives a snapshot of all neighboring access points and wireless routers within range of the extender. To open the Site Survey page: 1. Log in to the browser-EDVHGXWLOLW\VHH³+RZWRDFFHVVWKHEURZVHU- EDVHGXWLOLW\´on page 5). 2. Click the Wireless tab. Click the Site Survey page. 3. Select²To connect to a wireless network, click the button next to the wireless network name (SSID) in the Select column, and click Connect. 4. SSID²Displays the name of neighboring wireless networks. 5. GHz²Displays the  radio  band  (in GHz) of the  neighboring wireless networks 6. Signal  Strength²Displays  the  relative  position  of the  neighboring access points  by indicating the power of the wireless signal received: dot only = 25%, dot + one wave = 50%, dot + two waves = 75%, dot + three waves = 100%. If no waves are displayed, your extender is too far from the upstream access point or the signal is blocked. Try to keep the signal strength between 60% and 100% for optimum performance. 7. Security²Displays the mode of security in use by the neighboring APs. If a network supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup icon is also displayed.
To connect your extender with an access point or router in Site Survey, you will need to know the password or passphrase of the network on that device. 1. Select the network name (SSID) that you want to repeat with your extender by clicking the corresponding button in the Select column. 2. Click Connect. When prompted, enter the password or passphrase used to secure your wireless network. The type of security information required in this screen must PDWFK\RXUDFFHVVSRLQWRUURXWHU¶VZLUHOHVVVHFXULW\VHWWLQJV TIP: For dual-band networks, be sure to connect to both bands, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.    3. Click Save. Your extender wireless parameters should be configured. The wireless interface will restart, and the extender will connect to the access point or router you have chosen. __ Cross-Band
Cross-Band is the simultaneous use of both bands for high-speed data transfer and uninterrupted streaming and gaming.  __ Troubleshooting NOTE Your RE6700 works on 2.4GHz and 5 GHz networks. You cannot get your extender connected Check the position of your router and extender  x  For first-time setup, you may need to place the extender closer to the router. $IWHU\RX¶YHVHWXS\RXUH[WHQGHU\RXFDQXQSOXJLWDQGPRYHLWWRWKHILQDOlocation. x  To reduce signal obstructions, try alternate locations for the router and extender. x  Avoid placing the router and extender near metal objects, masonry walls, and reflective surfaces such as glass or mirrors. x  Avoid placing the router and extender near other electronics that may cause signal interference. ,I\RX¶UHXVLQJ:L-Fi Protected Setup to connect, wait until the Wi-Fi Protected Setup indicator stops blinking before trying to make the connection again. You cannot access your range extender To access your range extender, you must be connected to your own network. If you currently have wireless Internet access, the problem may be that you have accidentally connected to a different wireless network. )RU0DFLQVWUXFWLRQVVHH³7RIL[WKHSUREOHPRQ0DFFRPSXWHUV´RQSDJH 12. To fix the problem on Windows computers:  1.  On your Windows desktop, right-click the wireless icon in the system tray. The icon might look different depending on which version of Windows you are running. 2.  Click View Available Wireless Networks.
   3.  Select your network name. Click Connect. In the example below, the computer was connected to another wireless network named JimsRouter. The name of the correct network, BronzeEagle in this example, is selected.   4.  If you are prompted to enter a network key, type your password (Security Key) into the Network key and Confirm network key fields. Click Connect.  <RXVKRXOGQRZEHDEOHWRDFFHVVWKHUDQJHH[WHQGHU¶VEURZVHU-based utility.  To fix the problem on Mac computers: 1.  In the menu bar across the top of the screen, click the Wi-Fi icon. Linksys Connect has automatically assigned your network a name.  In the example below, the computer was connected to another wireless network named JimsRouter. The name of the Linksys E-Series network, BronzeEagle in this example, is selected.
 2.  Select the wireless network name of the router you want to connect to. 3.  Type your wireless network password (Security Key) into the Password field. Click OK.  <RXVKRXOGQRZEHDEOHWRDFFHVVWKHUDQJHH[WHQGHU¶VEURZVHU-based utility. You have intermittent connection problems Plug in the range extender midway between your router and the area without Wi-Fi. Be sure you KDYHDWOHDVWRI\RXUURXWHU¶V:L-Fi signal at that point on the device you used for setup.
Specifications RE6300/RE6400 Model Name       Linksys RE6300/RE6400 Model Description      Dual-band Wireless-AC Range Extender Model Number       RE6300/RE6400 Standards  IEEE 802.11ac, 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.3u Ports          Gigabit Ethernet, audio Buttons  Reset, Wi-)L3URWHFWHG6HWXS3RZHU(European model only) LEDs  Power/Wi-Fi Protected Setup, Ethernet (link, activity) Antennas        2 external (non-detachable) Wireless Security  Wi-)L3URWHFWHG$FFHVV:3$:L-Fi 3URWHFWHG$FFHVV:3$:(3 Security Key Bits                          Up to 128-bit encryption  Environmental Dimensions        2.64´[1.49´[4.13´67 x 38 x 105 mm) Weight        5.12 oz (145 g) Power         12VDC/1.0A  Certification  FCC, ICES-003, RSS210, CE, Wi-Fi (IEEE DEJQ:3$:00 Wi-Fi 3URWHFWHG6HWXS Operating Temperature  32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) Storage Temperature                -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Operating Humidity                   10 to 80% noncondensing Storage Humidity                       5 to 90% noncondensing  Specifications are subject to change without notice.
 Visit for award-winning 24/7 technical support  BELKIN, LINKSYS and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of companies. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Licenses and notices for third party software used in this product may be viewed here: Please contact for questions or GPL source code requests. © 2015 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.        Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one of the following measures:  -  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
 FCC  Caution:  Any  changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Operations in the 5.15-5.25GHz band are restricted to indoor usage only.   Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment  complies  with  FCC radiation  exposure limits set  forth  for  an uncontrolled  environment. This equipment  should be installed and operated with minimum distance  22cm between the radiator & your body.  Note: The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to all US model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi product marketed in US must fixed to US operation channels only.  Industry Canada statement: This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR-210 d'Industrie Canada applicable aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.  Caution : (i) the device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems; (ii) high-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices. Avertissement:
(i) les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5 150-5 250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à ů͛ŝŶƚĠƌŝĞƵƌĂĨŝŶĚĞƌĠĚƵŝƌĞůĞƐƌŝƐƋƵĞƐĚĞďƌŽƵŝůůĂŐĞƉƌĠũƵĚŝĐŝĂďůĞĂƵdžƐLJƐƚğŵĞƐĚĞƐĂƚĞůůŝƚĞƐŵŽďŝůĞƐƵƚŝůŝƐĂŶƚůĞƐmêmes canaux; (ii) De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux (c.-à-Ě͕͘ƋƵ͛ŝůƐŽŶƚůĂƉƌŝŽƌŝƚĠͿƉŽƵƌůĞƐďĂŶĚĞƐϱϮϱϬ-5 350 MHz et 5 650-5 850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL. Radiation Exposure Statement: This  equipment  complies  with  IC  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an  uncontrolled  environment.  This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 27cm between the radiator & your body.  Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations: Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 27 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.

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