LG Electronics USA NS50PDP09 PLASMA TV/MONITOR User Manual NS 42PDP 09 manual

LG Electronics USA PLASMA TV/MONITOR NS 42PDP 09 manual


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PICTURE CONTROL49Select your desired menu option.Select PICTURE.Select Picture MMode.Select Expert CControl.Select Expert1 or Expert2.1MENU32ENTERENTER4ENTER5ENTERMake appropriate adjustments.6Picture Mode - Expert ControlBy segmenting categories, Expert1 and Expert2 provide more categories which users can set as they seefit, offering the optimal picture quality for users.7RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMovePICTUREEAspect Ratio   : 16:9Picture Mode  : Standard• Contrast 90• Brightness 50• Sharpness 60• Color 60• Tint 0• Advanced ControlRGEnterMovePICTUREEAspect Ratio   : 16:9Picture Mode  : Standard• Contrast 90• Brightness 50• Sharpness 60• Color 60• Tint 0• Expert ControlRGVividStandardCinemaSportGameExpert1Expert2FOff      GFresh ContrastNoise ReductionOffGamma MediumBlack Level AutoOffFilm ModeColor StandardHDWhite Balance NormalRed Contrast 50CloseE
PICTURE CONTROL50PICTURE IMPROVEMENT TECHNOLOGYPICTURE CONTROLFresh Contrast: Optimizes the contrast automatically according to the brightness of the reflection.Fresh Color: Adjusts the color of the reflection automatically to reproduce as close as possible natural colors.Noise Reduction: Removes interference up to the point where it does not damage the original picture.Gamma: High gamma values display whitish images and low gamma values display high contrast images.Select PICTURE.Select Advanced CControl.Select Fresh CContrast, Fresh CColor,Noise RReduction, or Gamma.1MENU32ENTERENTER5RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.Select your desired options.4EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)Color TemperatureMediumFresh ContrastF     Off GFresh ColorOffNoise ReductionAutoGammaMediumBlack LevelLowFilm ModeOffClose
PICTURE CONTROL51ADVANCED CONTROL - BLACK (DARKNESS) LEVELAdjusting the contrast and the brightness of the screen using the black level of the screen.  This feature is disable in DTV and RGB-PC mode.Select PICTURE.Select Advanced CControl.Select Black LLevel.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect Lo w or High.4■Lo w: The reflection of the screen getsdarker.■Hig h: The reflection of the screen getsbrighter.■Aut o: Realizing the black level of thescreen and set it to High or Low auto-matically.5RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)Color TemperatureMediumFresh ContrastOffFresh ColorOffNoise ReductionAutoGammaMediumBlack LevelF     Low GFilm ModeOffClose
PICTURE CONTROL52ADVANCED CONTROL - FILM MODEPICTURE CONTROLSet up the TV for the best picture appearance for viewing movies.When you operate Film Mode (3:2 Pull-Down Mode or Cinema Correction Mode), the TV will adjust 24 fpsvideo from movies to 30 fps video for display.This feature operates only in TV (Analog TV/CATV, Digital DTV/CADTV), AV1, AV2, Component 480i/1080i,and HDMI 1080i mode.Select PICTURE.Select Advanced CControl.Select Film MMode.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect O n or Of f.45RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)Color TemperatureMediumFresh ContrastOffFresh ColorOffNoise ReductionAutoGammaMediumBlack LevelLowFilm ModeF     Off GClose
PICTURE CONTROL53PICTURE RESETSettings of the selected picture modes return to the default factory settings.Select PICTURE.Select Reset.Initialize the adjusted value.1MENU32ENTERENTER4MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)EnterMovePICTUREERG• Contrast 50• Brightness 50• Sharpness 50• Color 50• Tint 0• Advanced Control• ResetScreen (RGB-PC)Resetting video configuration...i
PICTURE CONTROL54IMAGE STICKING MINIMIZATION (ISM) METHODPICTURE CONTROLA frozen still picture from a PC/video game displayed on the screen for prolonged periods can result in a ghostimage. You can use Orbiter to help prevent image sticking. The other two functions are for removing a ghostimage.GAn excessive ghosted image may be impossible toclear entirely with White Wash. To return to nor-mal viewing, press the any button.NOTE!■Normal: If image sticking is never aproblem, ISM is not necessary - set toNormal.■Orbiter: Orbiter may help preventghost images. However, it is best not toallow any fixed image to remain on thescreen. To avoid a ghost image on thescreen, the image will move every 2 min-utes.■Inversion: Inversion will automaticallyinvert the plasma display panel colorevery 30 minutes.■White WWash: White Wash removesghost images from the screen. Use spar-ingly. Watch the TV normally for a whilebefore using this feature to see if theghost image disappears on its own.Select OPTION.Select ISM MMethod.1MENU2ENTERSelect Normal, OOrbiter,Inversion or White WWash. 3ENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1NormalOrbiterInversionWhite Wash
PICTURE CONTROL55POWER SAVING PICTURE MODEIt reduces the plasma display’s power consumption.■Level 0 is the brightest.■Level 0 > Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 >Level 4■You can also adjust Power SSaving inthe Q. MMenu.Select OPTION.Select Power SSaving.1MENU2ENTERSelect Level 00, Level 11,Level 22, Level 33, or Level 44.3ENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL56SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROLAUTO VOLUME LEVELER (AUTO VOLUME)Auto Volume makes sure that the volume level remains consistent whether you are watching a commercial or aregular TV program.Select AUDIO.Select Auto VVolume.Select O n or Off.1MENU32ENTERENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetEnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetLR LROffOnE E
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL57CLEAR VOICEBy differentiating the human sound range from others, it improves the sound quality of voices.■If you select “Clear VVoice-On”,   SRSTruSurround XXTfeature will notwork.■You can also adjust Clear VVoice in theQ-Menu.Select AUDIO.Select Clear VVoice.Select O n or Off.1MENU32ENTERENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetEnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetLR LRE EOffOn
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL58PRESET SOUND SETTINGS (SOUND MODE)Sound Mode lets you enjoy the best sound without any special adjustment as the TV sets the appropriatesound options based on the program content.Standard, Music, Cinema, Sport, and Game are preset for optimum sound quality at the factory and arenot adjustable.Standard MusicGame SportCinemaQ.MenuClose316:9VividOffF  Standard  GOffEnglishOffAddAspect RatioPower SavingClear VoicePicture ModeSound ModeCaptionMulti AudioSleep TimerDel/Add/FavCH1SOUNDSelect Standard, Music, Cinema,Sport, or Game.2RETURNReturn to TV viewing.
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL59SOUND SETTING ADJUSTMENT - USER MODESRS TRUSURROUND XTAdjust the sound to suit your taste and room situations. Select AUDIO.Select Sound MMode.Select Treble or Bas s.1MENU42ENTERSelect Standard, Music,Cinema, Sport, or Game.3ENTERENTERMake appropriate adjustments.5ENTERSelect AUDIO.Select SRS TTruSurround XXTSelect O n or Of f.1MENU32ENTERENTER■SRS TTruSurround XXT: Takes advantage ofany multi-channel format without needing toadd extra speakers or equipment. Dialog clarity,bass enrichment, and the addition of stereoaudio enhancement produces an immersivesound experience from standard stereo material. 6RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetEnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetLR LRCloseEETreble 50Bass 50SRS TruSurround XTOffE E
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL60BALANCESOUND &LANGUAGE CONTROLSelect AUDIO.Select Balance.Make appropriate adjustments.1MENU32ENTERENTERAdjust the left/right sound of speaker to suit your taste and room situations.4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetEnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetLR LRE ECloseEEBalance         0 LR
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL61TV SPEAKERS ON/OFF SETUPTurn the TV speakers off if using external audio equipment.Select AUDIO.Select TV SSpeaker.Select O n or Off.1MENU32ENTERENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetTV Speaker : OnEnterMoveAUDIOClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetTV Speaker : OnLR LREEOffOn
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL62AUDIO RESETSOUND &LANGUAGE CONTROLSettings of the selected Sound Mode return to the default factory settings.Select AUDIO.Select Reset.1MENU2ENTERInitialize the adjusted value.3ENTER4MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetEnterMoveAUDIOAuto Volume : OffClear Voice : OnBalance 0Sound Mode : Standard• SRS TruSurround XT:Off• Treble 50• Bass 50• ResetLR LRE EResetting audio configuration...i
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL63STEREO/SAP BROADCAST SETUPFor Analog only: This TV can receive MTS stereo programs and any SAP (Secondary Audio Program) that accom-panies the stereo program if the station transmits an additional sound signal. Mono sound is automatically usedif the broadcast is only in Mono.Select SAP.Select Mono, Stereo, or SAP.Return to TV viewing.1Q. MENU32Q. MENUSelect Multi AAudio.Select other languages.Return to TV viewing.1Q. MENU32Q. MENUAnalog TV Digital TVQ.MenuClose316:9VividOffStandardOffF   English  GOffAddAspect RatioPower SavingClear VoicePicture ModeSound ModeCaptionMulti AudioSleep TimerDel/Add/FavCH
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL64AUDIO LANGUAGE SOUND &LANGUAGE CONTROLOther languages may be available if a digital signal is provided by the broadcasting station. This feature operates only in DTV/CADTV mode.Select OPTION.Select Language.Select Audio.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect your desired language:English, Spanish, or French45RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Menu EnglishAudio FEnglish     GClose
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL65ON-SCREEN MENUS LANGUAGE SELECTIONThe menus can be shown on the screen in the selected language.Select OPTION.Select Language.Select Menu.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect your desired language.From this point on, the on-screen menuswill be shown in the selected language.45RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Menu FEnglish       GAudio EnglishClose
66CAPTION MODESOUND &LANGUAGE CONTROLCaption must be provided to help people with hearing loss watch TV. Select a caption mode for displaying cap-tioning information if provided on a program. Analog caption displays information at any position on the screenand is usually the program's dialog. Caption/Text, if provided by the broadcaster, would be available for bothdigital and analog channels on the Antenna/Cable. This TV is programmed to memorize the caption/text modewhich was last set when you turned the power off. This function is only available when Caption Mode is set O n.Select OPTION.Select Caption.Select O n.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect CC1-4or Text1-4.4Analog Broadcasting System Captions■When selecting Off, Sub-menus forAnalog, DTV, and Digital Optionbecome disabled.■CAPTIONThe term for the words that scrollacross the bottom of the TV screen;usually the audio portion of the pro-gram provided for the hearing impaired. ■TEX TThe term for the words that appear in alarge black frame and almost cover theentire screen; usually messages provid-ed by the broadcaster.SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL5RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : CC1ISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Mode CC1CloseDigital OptionFOnG
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL67Digital Broadcasting System CaptionsChoose the language you want the DTV/CADTV Captions to appear in.Other Languages can be chosen for digital sources only if they are included on the program.This function in only available when Caption Mode is set On.Select OPTION.Select Caption.Select O n.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect CC1-4, Text1-4, orService1 - 6.45RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : CC1ISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Mode CC1CloseDigital OptionFOnG
SOUND & LANGUAGE CONTROL68SOUND &LANGUAGE CONTROLCaption OptionCustomize the DTV/CADTV captions that appear on your screen.This function in only available when Caption Mode is set On.Select OPTION.Select CaptionSelect O n.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect Custom.5ENTERCustomize the Style, Font, etc., to yourpreference. A preview icon is provided atthe bottom of the screen, use it to see thecaption language.6Select Digital OOption.4■Siz e: Set the word size.■Font: Select a typeface for the text.■Text CColor: Choose a color for thetext.■Text OOpacity: Specify the opacityfor the text color.■Bg ((Background) CColor: Select abackground color.■Bg ((Background) OOpacity: Selectthe opacity for the background color.7RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : CC1ISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1Size A   StandardFont Font 1Text Color WhiteText OpacitySolidBg Color BlackBg OpacitySolidCloseFCustom           GMode Service1CloseDigital OptionF OnG
TIME SETTING69CLOCK SETTINGTIME SETTINGAuto Clock SetupThe time is set automatically from a digital channel signal.  The digital channel signal includes information for the current time provided by the broadcasting station.Set the clock manually if the current time is set incorrectly by the auto clock function.Select TIME.Select Clock.Select Aut o.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect your viewing area time zone.• U.S.A:  Eas t e r n,  C e n t r al,  Mountain,Pacific, Alaska, or Hawaii.• Canada:  Eastern,  Central,  Mountain,Pacific, New FF.land, or Atlantic.4Select  Auto,  O n, or O ff (depending onwhether or not your viewing area observesDaylight Saving time).56RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffEnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffYearMonth 2Date 21Hour 2 AM2008Minute 10Time Zone EasternDaylightSaving AutoCloseF              Auto G
TIME SETTING70Manual Clock SetupIf the current time setting is wrong, reset the clock manually.Select TIME.Select Clock.Select Manual.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect the Year, Month, Date, Hour, or Minutesoption.4Set the Year, Month, Date, Hour, or Minutesoption.56RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffEnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffYearMonth 2Date 21Hour 2 AM2008Minute 10Time Zone EasternDaylightSaving AutoCloseFManualG
TIME SETTING71AUTO ON/OFF TIME SETTINGThis function operates only if the current time has been set.The Off TTime function overrides the On TTime function if they are both set to the same time.The TV must be in standby mode for the On TTime to work.If you do not press any button within 2 hours after the TV turns on with the On TTime function, the TV willautomatically revert to standby mode.■To cancel On/Off TTime function, select Off.■Only for On Time function Select Input.Select TV, AV1-2, Component1-2,RGB-PC, or HDMI1-3.Select TIME.Select Off ttime or On ttime.Select Repeat.1MENU32ENTERENTERSelect Off, Once, Everyday, Mon~Fri,Mon~Sat, Weekend, or Sunday.4Select and set Hour or Minute.51ENTER342When Selecting T V:set the channel at turn-on.Adjust to sound level atturn-on.6RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffEnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : 6:30 AM (Once)Sleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffRepeat F     OnceGHour 6 AMMinute 30Input TVChannel TV 2-0Volume 30Close
TIME SETTING72SLEEP TIMER SETTINGThe Sleep Time turns the TV off at the preset time.Note that this setting is cleared when the TV is turned off.Q.MenuClose316:9VividOffStandardOffEnglishFOff     GAddAspect RatioPower SavingClear VoicePicture ModeSound ModeCaptionMulti AudioSleep TimerDel/Add/FavCH1SLEEPSelect Off, 1 0, 2 0, 3 0, 6 0, 9 0, 120,180, or 240 minutes.2RETURNReturn to TV viewing.
TIME SETTING73AUTO SHUT-OFF SETTINGTV will be automatically turned off, in case of no signal for 10 minutes.Select TIME.Select Auto SSleep.Select O n or Off.1MENU32ENTERENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : OffEnterMoveTIMEClock :Feb/21/2008/  2:10 AMOff Time : OffOn Time : OffSleep Timer : OffAuto Sleep : Off OffOnTV will be automatically turned off, in case of No Signal for 10 minutes.
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING74PARENTAL CONTROL / RATINGSParental Control can be used to block specific channels, ratings and other viewing sources.The Parental Control Function (V-Chip) is used to block program viewing based on the ratings sent by the broad-casting station. The default setting is to allow all programs to be viewed. Viewing can be blocked by choosing thetype of the program and the categories. It is also possible to block all program viewing for a time period. To usethis function, the following must be done :1. Set ratings and categories to be blocked.2. Specify a password3. Enable the lockV-Chip rating and categoriesRating guidelines are provided by broadcasting stations. Most television programs and television movies can beblocked by TV Rating and/or Individual Categories. Movies that have been shown at the theaters or direct-to-video movies use the Movie Rating System (MPAA)only.Ratings for Television programs including made-for-TV movies :■TV-G (General audience)■TV-PG (Parental guidance suggested)■TV-14 (Parents strongly cautioned)■TV-MA (Mature audience only)■TV-Y (All children)■TV-Y7 (Children 7 years older)Set up blocking schemes to block specific channels, ratings, and external viewing sources.A password is required to gain access to this menu.Setting up Your PasswordFor USA For CanadaCloseEnter Password** * *Select LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.21456780923■Enter the password as requested.■The TV is set up with the initial pass-word “0-0-0-0”.SET PASSWORD & LOCK SYSTEMEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelTV Rating-EnglishTV Rating-FrenchDownloadable RatingInput Block
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING75Enables or disables the blocking scheme you set up previously.Lock SystemSelect Lock SSystem.Select O n or Off.43ENTER■When you select O n, the Lock Systemis enable.Select LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809235RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OnSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockOffOn
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING76PARENTAL CONTROL /RATINGSChange the password by inputting a new password twice. Set PasswordSelect Set ppassword.Choose any 4 digits for your new password.As soon as the 4 digits are entered, re-enterthe same 4 digits on the Confirm.43ENTER1456780923Select LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809235RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockCloseNew ** * *Confirm * * * *
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING77CHANNEL BLOCKINGSelect Block CChannel.Select a channel to block or unblock.43ENTERBlock or unblock a channel.5ENTERBlocks any channels that you do not want to watch or that you do not want your children to watch. Select LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809236MENUReturn to the previous menu.RETURNReturn to TV viewing.Block/Unblock Move PageCHMove Previous RETURN ExitMENUEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput Block
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING78MOVIE & TV RATINGPARENTAL CONTROL /RATINGSMovie Rating (MPAA)- For USA only Blocks movies according to the movie ratings limits specified, so children cannot view certain movies. You canset the ratings limit by blocking out all the movies with the ratings above a specified level. Keep in mind thatthe movie ratings limit only applies to movies shown on TV, not TV programs, such as soap operas.Select Movie RRating.Select G, P G, PG-13, R, NC-17,X, or Blocking OOff.43ENTER■G (General audience)   ■PG (Parental guidance suggested)■PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned)   ■R (Restricted)■NC-17 (No one 17 and under admitted)■X (Adult only)■Blocking Off (Permits all programs)GIf you set PG-13: G and PG movies willbe available, PG-13, R, NC-17 and X willbe blocked.Select LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809235RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockGPGPG-13RNC-17XBlocking OffBlocking off : Permits all programs
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING79Select TV RRating-Children.Select Age or Fantasy VViolence.43ENTERSelect block options.5ENTER■Age (applies to TV-Y, TV-Y7) ■Fantasy Violence (applies to TV-Y7)TV Rating Children- For USA only Prevents children from watching certain children's TV programs, according to the ratings limit set. The childrenrating does not apply to other TV programs. Unless you block certain TV programs intended for mature audi-ences in the TV Rating - sub menu, your children can view those programs.Select LOC K.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809236RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockCloseAge GFantasy Violence
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING80PARENTAL CONTROL /RATINGSTV Rating General- For USA only Based on the ratings, blocks certain TV programs that you and your family do not want to view.Select TV RRating-General.Select  Age,  Dialogue,  Language,Sex or Violence.43ENTERSelect block options.5ENTER■Age (applies to TV-G,TV-PG,TV-14,TV-MA).■Dialogue-sexual dialogue (applies toTV-PG,TV-14).■Language-adult language (applies toTV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA).■Sex-sexual situations (applies to TV-PG,TV-14, TV-MA).■Violence (applies to TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA).Select LOC K.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809236RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockCloseAge GDialogueLanguageSexViolence
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING81TV Rating English- For CANADA only Selecting canadian english language rating system.Select TV RRating-English.Select E, C, C8+, G, P G, 14+,18+, or Blocking OOff.43ENTER■E (Exempt)■C (Children)■C8+ (Children eight years and older) ■G (General programming, suitable forall audiences)■PG (Parental Guidance)■14+ (Viewers 14 years and older)■18+ (Adult programming)■Blocking Off (Permits all programs)Select LOC K.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809235RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelTV Rating-EnglishTV Rating-FrenchDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelTV Rating-EnglishTV Rating-FrenchDownloadable RatingInput BlockBlocking off : Permits all programsECC8+GPG14+18+Blocking Off
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING82PARENTAL CONTROL /RATINGSTV Rating French- For CANADA only Selecting canadian french language rating system.Select TV RRating-French.Select E, G, 8ans+, 13ans+,16ans+, 18ans+, or Blocking ooff.43ENTER■E (Exempt)■G (General)■8ans+ (General-Not convenient for lit-tle children)■13ans+ (Not convenient for children of13 years and younger)■16ans+ (Not convenient for children of16 years and younger)■18ans+ (This programs is only foradults)■Blocking off (Permits all programs)Select LOC K.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809235RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelTV Rating-EnglishTV Rating-FrenchDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelTV Rating-EnglishTV Rating-FrenchDownloadable RatingInput BlockBlocking off : Permits all programsEG8ans+13ans+16ans+18ans+Blocking Off
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING83DOWNLOADABLE RATING■Based on rating table, your TV's OSD(On Screen Display) may differ slightlyfrom what is shown in this manual.This function may become available in the future and will be available only for digital channels.This function operates only when TV has received Region5 Rating data.Select Downloadable RRating.Select desired DownloadableRating option.43ENTERSelect desired option and block it.5ENTERSelect LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809236RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockHumorSportCrueltyLanguageSadnessGenreAgeCloseEE
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING84PARENTAL CONTROL /RATINGSEXTERNAL INPUT BLOCKINGEnables you to block an input.Select Input BBlock.Select input source.43Select O n or Off.5ENTERSelect LOCK.1MENUENTERInput the password.214567809236RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockEnterMoveLOCKLock System            : OffSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralDownloadable RatingInput BlockAV1 F      Off  GAV2 OffComponent1OffHDMI1 OffRGB-PC OffComponent2OffHDMI2 OffHDMI3 OffClose
PARENTAL CONTROL / RATING85KEY LOCKThe TV can be set up so that it can only be used with the remote control. This feature can be used to prevent unauthorized viewing by locking out the front panel controls.This TV is programmed to remember which option it was last set to even if you turn the TV off.Select OPTION.Select Key LLock.1MENU2ENTERSelect O n or Off.3ENTER■In  Key LLock ‘O n’, if the TV is turnedoff, press the r/ I, INPUT,  CH  D EEbutton on the TV or POWER,  INPUT,CH  or NUMBER buttons on theremote control.■With the Key LLock OOn, the display ‘     Key LLock’ appears on the screen ifany button on the front panel is pressedwhile viewing the TV.4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OnCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1OffOn!
APPENDIX86APPENDIXTROUBLESHOOTINGThe ooperation ddoes nnot wwork nnormally.The vvideo ffunction ddoes nnot wwork.No picture &No soundNo or poor coloror poor picturePoor reception on some channelsLines or streaksin picturesHorizontal/vertical barsor picture shakingPicture appears slowly after switching onThe remote controldoesn’t workPower is suddenly turned off■Check to see if there is any object between the product and the remote controlcausing obstruction. Ensure you are pointing the remote control directly at the TV.■Ensure that the batteries are installed with correct polarity (+ to +, - to -).■Ensure that the correct remote operating mode is set: TV, VCR etc.■Install new batteries.■Is the sleep timer set?■Check the power control settings. Power interrupted.■Check whether the product is turned on.■Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.■Is the power cord inserted into wall power outlet?■Check your antenna direction and/or location.■Test the wall power outlet, plug another product’s power cord into the outletwhere the product’s power cord was plugged in.■This is normal, the image is muted during the product startup process. Pleasecontact your service center, if the picture has not appeared after five minutes.■Adjust Color in menu option.■Keep a sufficient distance between the product and the VCR.■Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.■Are the video cables installed properly?■Activate any function to restore the brightness of the picture. ■Check for local interference such as an electrical appliance or power tool.■Station or cable product experiencing problems, tune to another station.■Station signal is weak, reorient antenna to receive weaker station.■Check for sources of possible interference.■Check antenna (Change the direction of the antenna).
APPENDIX87There iis aa pproblem iin PPC mmode. ((Only PPC mmode aapplied)■Adjust resolution, horizontal frequency, or vertical frequency.■Check the input source.■Work the Auto configure or adjust clock, phase, or H/V position. (Option)■Check the signal cable.■Reinstall the PC video card.The signal is out of rangeScreen color is unstableor single colorVertical bar or stripe on background &Horizontal Noise &Incorrect position■Press the VOL or VOLUME button.■Sound muted? Press MUTE button.■Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast.■Are the audio cables installed properly?■Adjust Balance in menu option.■A change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noisewhen the product is turned on or off and does not indicate a fault with theproduct.Picture OK & No soundUnusual sound frominsidethe productNo output from one of the speakersThe aaudio ffunction ddoes nnot wwork.
APPENDIX88APPENDIXMAINTENANCEEarly malfunctions can be prevented. Careful and regular cleaning can extend the amount of time you canenjoy your new TV. Caution: Be sure to turn the power off and unplug the power cord before you begin any cleaning.Cleaning the ScreenHere’s a great way to keep the dust off your screen for a while. Wet a soft cloth in a mixture of lukewarmwater and a little fabric softener or dish washing detergent. Wring the cloth until it’s almost dry, and thenuse it to wipe the screen.Make sure the excess water is off the screen, and then let it air-dry before you turn on your TV.Cleaning the Cabinet■To remove dirt or dust, wipe the cabinet with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth.■Please be sure not to use a wet cloth.Extended AbsenceG If you expect to leave your TV dormant for a long time (such as a vacation), it’s a good idea to unplugthe power cord to protect against possible damage from lightning or power surges.CAUTION21■The specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice for quality improvement.MODELAC100-120V ~ 50/60HzNTSC-M, ATSC, 64 & 256 QAMVHF 2-13, UHF 14-69, CATV 1-135, DTV 2-69, CADTV 1-13575 ohm32  ~ 104°F (0 ~40°C)Less than 80%-4 ~ 140°F (-20 ~60°C)Less than 85%Dimensions(Width x Height x Depth)WeightPower requirementTelevision SystemProgram CoverageExternal Antenna ImpedanceEnvironment conditionWith standWithout standWith standWithout standOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityStorage TemperatureStorage Humidity42PG10 (42PG10-UA)NS-42PDP-09 (42PG1DD-UA)40.9 x 28.7 x 12.1 inches1040.0 x 729.0 x 308.0 mm40.9 x 26.6 x 3.2 inches1040.0 x 677.0 x 83.6 mm57.3 pounds / 26.0 kg52.9 pounds / 24.0 kg42PG20 (42PG20-UA)42PG20C (42PG20C-UA)40.9 x 28.7 x 12.1 inches1040.0 x 731.3 x 308.0 mm40.9 x 26.6 x 3.3 inches1040.0 x 677.0 x 86.0 mm58.2 pounds / 26.4 kg53.5 pounds / 24.3 kgPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS
APPENDIX89■The specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice for quality improvement.MODELSAC100-240V ~ 50/60HzNTSC-M, ATSC, 64 & 256 QAMVHF 2-13, UHF 14-69, CATV 1-135, DTV 2-69, CADTV 1-13575 ohm32  ~ 104°F (0 ~40°C)Less than 80%-4 ~ 140°F (-20 ~60°C)Less than 85%Dimensions(Width x Height x Depth)WeightPower requirementTelevision SystemProgram CoverageExternal Antenna ImpedanceEnvironment conditionWith standWithout standWith standWithout standOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityStorage TemperatureStorage Humidity50PG10 (50PG10-UA)NS-50PDP-09 (50PG1DD-UA)MODELS 50PG30(50PG30F-UA)60PG30(60PG30F-UA)48.2 x 33.4 x 14.3 inches1224.7 x 849.0 x 364.0 mm48.2 x 31.1 x 3.2 inches1224.7 x 790.0 x 83.6 mm91.4 pounds / 41.5 kg83.9 pounds / 38.1 kg50PG20 (50PG20-UA)50PG20C (50PG20C-UA)48.2 x 33.4 x 14.3 inches1224.7 x 849.0 x 364.0 mm48.2 x 31.1 x 3.3 inches1224.7 x 790.0 x 86.0 mm90.8 pounds / 41.2 kg83.3 pounds / 37.8 kgDimensions(Width x Height x Depth)WeightWith standWithout standWith standWithout stand48.5 x 33.4 x 14.3 inches1232.0 x 850.0 x 363.6 mm48.5 x 31.2 x 3.3 inches1232.0 x 793.0 x 84.0 mm93.2 pounds / 42.3 kg84.4 pounds / 38.3 kg57.7 x 39.7 x 16.2 inches1468.0 x 1009.1 x 413.9 mm57.7 x 37.3 x 3.4 inches1468.0 x 949.5 x 88.5 mm177.6 pounds / 80.6 kg160.0 pounds / 72.6 kg
■Configuration of frame 1st frameRepeat frame■Lead code■Repeat code■Bit ddescription■Frame iinterval: TTf The waveform is transmitted as long as a key is depressed.C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Lead code Low custom code High custom code Data code  Data code Repeat  code Tf4.5 ms9 ms 2.25 ms 9 ms 0.55 ms 0.56 ms1.12 ms0.56 ms2.24 msTf TfTf=108ms @455KHzBit ”0”  Bit ”1”1. How to Connect■Connect your wired remote control to the Remote Control port on the TV. 2. Remote Control IR Codes■Output waveform Single pulse, modulated with 37.917KHz signal at 455KHz   T1Tc Carrier frequencyFCAR = 1/TC = fOSC/12Duty ratio = T1/TC = 1/3APPENDIX90IR CODESAPPENDIX
APPENDIX91Code Function Note(Hexa)08 POWERRemote control Button (Power On/Off)45 Q.MENU Remote control Button43 MENU Remote control Button0B INPUT Remote control Button10-19 Number Key 0-9 Remote control Button4C - (Dash) Remote control Button1A FLASHBK Remote control Button09 MUTE Remote control Button02 VOL + Remote control Button03 VOL - Remote control Button00 CH Remote control Button01 CH Remote control Button1E FAV Remote control Button40 Remote control Button41 Remote control Button07 Remote control Button06 Remote control Button44 ENTER Remote control Button5B RETURN Remote control Button7E SIMPLINK Remote control Button30 AV MODE Remote control Button79 RATIO Remote control Button0E SLEEP Remote control Button52 SOUND Remote control Button4D PICTURE Remote control Button
APPENDIX92EXTERNAL CONTROL THROUGH RS-232CAPPENDIXRS-232C SetupThe RS-232C port allows you connect the RS-232C input jack to an external control device (such as a computeror an A/V control system) to control the TV’s functions externally.■Note: RS-232C on this unit is intended to be used with third party RS-232C control hardware and software.The instructions below are provided to help with programming software or to test functionality using telenetsoftware.COMPORREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)OPTICALDIGITAL AUDIO OUTAV IN 1AUDIOS-VIDEO12VIDEOYPBType of Connector; D-Sub 9-Pin MaleNo. Pin Name1 No connection2 RXD (Receive data)3 TXD (Transmit data)4 DTR (DTE side ready)5 GND6 DSR (DCE side ready)7 RTS (Ready to send)8 CTS (Clear to send)9 No Connection1659PCCommunication Parameters■Baud rate : 9600 bps (UART)■Data length : 8 bits■Parity : None■Stop bit : 1 bit■Communication code : ASCII code■Use a crossed (reverse) cable.
APPENDIX93RS-232C ConfigurationsEither cable below can be used.Set IDPC TVRXD 2 3 TXDTXD 3 2 RXDGND 5 5 GNDDTR 4 6 DSRDSR 6 4 DTRRTS 7 8 CTSCTS 8 7 RTSD-Sub 9 D-Sub 9PC TVRXD 2 3 TXDTXD 3 2 RXDGND 5 5 GNDDTR 4 6 DTRDSR 6 4 DSRRTS 7 7 RTSCTS 8 8 CTSD-Sub 9 D-Sub 97-Wire Configuration(Serial female-female NULL modem cable)3-Wire Configurations(Not standard)Use this function to specify a TV ID number. Refer to ‘Real Data Mapping’. Gp.97.EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1EnterMoveOPTIONLanguage : EnglishInput LabelSIMPLINK : OnKey Lock : OffCaption : OffISM Method : NormalPower Saving : Level 0Set ID : 1F            1GCloseSelect OPTION.Select Set IID.Choose the desired TV ID number. The adjustment range of Set ID is1~99.1MENU32ENTERENTER4RETURNReturn to the previous menu.MENUReturn to TV viewing.
APPENDIX94Command Reference ListAPPENDIXCOMMAND1 COMMAND221. Channel TuningDATA(Hexadecimal)COMMAND1 COMMAND2DATA(Hexadecimal)COMMAND1 COMMAND2DATA00(Hexadecimal)DATA01(Hexadecimal)DATA02(Hexadecimal)DATA03(Hexadecimal)DATA04(Hexadecimal)DATA05(Hexadecimal)physical   major major low minor high minor low attributeprogram high program lowma01. Power   k  a 00 ~0102. Input Select  x  b (Gp.95)03. Aspect Ratio  k  c (Gp.95)04. Screen Mute  k  d 00 ~0105. Volume Mute  k  e 00 ~0106. Volume Control  k  f 00 ~6407. Contrast k g 00 ~6408. Brightness k h 00 ~6409. Color k i 00 ~6410. Tint k j 00 ~6411. Sharpness k k 00 ~6412. OSD Select  k  l 00 ~0113. Remote ControlLock ModeTransmission / Receiving  ProtocolTransmission[Command 1] : First command to control the set.(j, k, m or x)[Command 2] : Second command to control the set.[Set ID] : You can adjust the set ID to choose desired TV IDnumber in Setup menu. Adjustment range is 1~99.When selecting Set ID ‘0’, every connected the TV iscontrolled. Set ID is indicated as decimal (1~ 99)onmenu and as Hexa decimal (0x0~ 0x63)on transmission/receiving protocol.[DATA] : To transmit the command data.Transmit the ‘FF’ data to read status of command.[Cr] : Carriage ReturnASCII code ‘0x0D’[   ] : ASCII code ‘space (0x20)’* In this model, TV will not send the status during the standby mode.OK AAcknowledgementThe TV transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this for-mat when receiving normal data. At this time, if the data isdata read mode, it indicates present status data. If the data isdata write mode, it returns the data of the PC computer.* In this model, TV will not send the status during the standby mode.* Data Format[Command 2] : Use as command.[Set ID] : Use the small character, if set ID is 10, it will send the ‘0’, ‘a’.[DATA] : Use the small character, if data is 0 x ab, it will send the ‘a’, ‘b’.[OK] : Use the large character.Error AAcknowledgementThe TV transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this for-mat when receiving abnormal data from non-viable functionsor communication errors.Data1: Illegal CodeData2: Not supported functionData3: Wait more time* In this model, TV will not send the status during the standby mode.* Data Format[Command 2] : Use as command.[Set ID] : Use the small character, if set ID is 10, it will send the ‘0’, ‘a’.[DATA] : Use the small character, if data is 0 x ab, it will send the ‘a’, ‘b’.[NG] : Use the large character[Command1][Command2][  ]][Set IID][  ]][Data][Cr][Command2][  ]][Set IID][  ]][OK][Data][x][Command2][  ]][Set IID][  ]][NG][Data][x]14. Treble k r 00 ~6415. Bass   k  s 00 ~6416. Balance   k  t 00 ~6417.Color Temperaturek u 00 ~0218. ISM Method j p (Gp.96)19. Power Saving j q 00 ~0120. Auto Configuration j u (Gp.96)22. Channel Add/Del m b 00 ~0123. Key m c (Gp.97)00 ~01k m
APPENDIX9501. Power ((Command: kk aa)To control Power On/Off of the TV.Transmission [k][a][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00: Power Off Data 01: Power OnAcknowledgement [a][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]* In a like manner, if other functions transmit ‘FF’ databased on this format, Acknowledgement data feedbackpresents status about each function.* Note: In this model, TV will send the Acknowledgeafter power on processing completion.There might be a time delay between command andacknowledge.02. IInput SSelect ((Command: xx bb)To select input source for TV. Transmission [x][b][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 10: TVData 20: AV1 Data 21: AV2Data 40: Component 1 Data 41: Component 2Data 60: RGB-PC Data 90: HDMI1Data 91: HDMI2 Data 92: HDMI3Acknowledgement [b][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]03. AAspect RRatio ((Command: kk cc)To adjust the screen format.Transmission [k][c][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 01: 4:3 05: Zoom 202: 16:9 06: Set by program04: Zoom 1 09: Just scanReservedAcknowledgement [c][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]04. Screen MMute ((Command: kk dd)To select screen mute on/off.Transmission [k][d][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00:  Screen mute off (Picture on)Data 01:  Screen mute on (Picture off)Acknowledgement [d][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]05. VVolume MMute ((Command: kk ee)To control volume mute on/off.You can also adjust mute using the MUTE button onremote control.Transmission [k][e][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00:  Volume mute on (Volume off)Data 01:  Volume mute off (Volume on)Acknowledgement [e][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]06. VVolume CControl ((Command: kk ff)To adjust volume.You can also adjust volume with the volume buttons onremote control.Transmission [k][f][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [f][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]07. CContrast ((Command: kk gg)To adjust screen contrast. You can also adjust contrast in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][g][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [g][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]08. BBrightness ((Command: kk hh)To adjust screen brightness.You can also adjust brightness in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][h][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [h][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]09. CColor ((Command: kk ii)To adjust screen color.You can also adjust color in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][i][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [i][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]10. TTint ((Command: kk jj)To adjust screen tint.You can also adjust tint in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][j][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Red: 00 ~Green: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [ j ][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]11. SSharpness ((Command: kk kk)To adjust screen sharpness.You can also adjust sharpness in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][k][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [k][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]
APPENDIX96APPENDIX12. OOSD SSelect ((Command: kk ll)To select OSD (On Screen Display) on/off.Transmission [k][l][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00: OSD off Data 01: OSD onAcknowledgement [l][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]13. RRemote CControl LLock MMode ((Command: kk mm)To lock the remote control and the front panel controlson the TV.Transmission [k][m][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00: Lock off Data 01: Lock onAcknowledgement [m][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]If you’re not using the remote control and front panelcontrols on the TV, use this mode. When main power ison/off, remote control lock is released.14. TTreble ((Command: kk rr)To adjust treble. You can also adjust treble in the AUDIO menu.Transmission [k][r][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [r][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]15. Bass ((Command: kk ss)To adjust bass.You can also adjust bass in the AUDIO menu.Transmission [k][s][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [s][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]16. BBalance ((Command: kk tt)To adjust balance.You can also adjust balance in the AUDIO menu.Transmission [k][t][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Min: 00 ~Max: 64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’. See page 97.Acknowledgement [t][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]17. CColor TTemperature ((Command: kk uu)To adjust color temperature.You can also adjust color temperature in the PICTURE menu.Transmission [k][u][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00: Medium   01: Cool   02: Warm Acknowledgement [u][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]18. IISM MMethod ((Command: jj pp)To avoid having a fixed image remain on screen.Transmission [ j ][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 01: Inversion  02: Orbiter04: White Wash  08: NormalAcknowledgement [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]19. PPower ssaving ((Command: jj qq)To control the low power function on/off.Transmission [ j ][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 00: Power saving off (Power Saving Level 0)01: Power saving (Power Saving Level 4)Acknowledgement [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]20. AAuto CConfiguration ((Command: jj uu)To adjust picture position and minimize image shakingautomatically. Auto configuration only works in RGB-PCmode.Transmission [ j ][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]Data 1: To setAcknowledgement [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]21. CChannel TTuning ((Command: mm aa)To tune channel to following physical/major/minor number.Transmission [m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data00][ ][Data01]  [ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr]Digital channels have a Physical, Major, and Minor channelnumber. The Physical number is the actual digital channelnumber, the Major is the number that the channel shouldbe mapped to, and the Minor is the sub-channel. Sincethe ATSC tuner automatically maps the channel to theMajor number, the Physical number is not required whensending a command.Data 00: Physical Channel NumberNTSC air: 02~45, NTSC cable: 01, 0E~7DATSC air: 01~45, ATSC cable: 01~87Data 01 & 02: Major Channel Number Data 01: High byte                    Data 02: Low byteTwo bytes are available for the Major and Minor, nor-mally only the second byte is used. Data 03 & 04: Minor Channel Number Not needed for NTSC.
APPENDIX97Data5:The table above lists the binary code which must beconverted to Hexadecimal before sending. For example:The binary code to tune the sub source to an NTSCcable channel is “1000 0001”, which translates to “81”in Hex.* 7th bit : For which source do you want to change thechannel.* 6th bit: Use a two part or one part channel. Most casesjust use 0 since it’s ignored when using NTSC.* 5th bit: Use 0 with NTSC since it can only use the phys-ical channel number. Normally use 1 for ATSC since mosttimes it doesn’t  matter what the physical number is.* 4th bit: Set to 0.* 3-0 bits: Choose signal type.* Tune Command Examples:1. Tune to the analog (NTSC) cable channel 35.Data  00 = Physical of 35 = 23Data 01 & 02 = No Major = 00 00Data 03 & 04 = No Minor = 00 00Data 05 = 0000 0001 in binary = 01Total = ma 00 23 00 00 00 00 012. Tune to the digital (ATSC) local channel 30-3.Data  00 = Don’t know Physical = 00Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1EData 03 & 04 = Minor is 3 = 00 03Data 05 = 0010 0010 in binary = 22Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 03 22Acknowledgement[a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data00][Data01][Data02][Data03][Data04][x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data00][x]22. CChannel AAdd/Del ((Command: mm bb)To add and delete the channels.Transmission [m][b][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data 00: Channel Delete Data 01: Channel AddAcknowledgement [b][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]23. KKey ((Command: mm cc)To send IR remote key code.Transmission [m][c][  ][Set ID][  ][Data][Cr]Data Key code: Refer to page 91.Acknowledgement [c][  ][Set ID][  ][OK/NG][Data][x]StepNTSC AirNTSC CableATSC AirATSC Cable_std ATSC Cable_hrcATSC Cable_ircATSC cable_autoReserved...Reserved100110011x1200001111x1300000000x14xxxxxxxxxxReserved501UseNo UseUsing PhysicalChannel601TwoOneTwo/One Part Channel701MainSubMain/Sub Picture 001010101x1*Real data mapping0 : Step 0A : Step 10 (SET ID 10)F : Step 15 (SET ID 15)10 : Step 16 (SET ID 16)63 : Step 99 (SET ID 99)64 : Step 100

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