LG Electronics USA MS840 LG Smart Phone User Manual

LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. LG Smart Phone


Manual 2

FCC Hearing-Aid Compatibility (HAC)Regulations for Wireless DevicesOn July 10, 2003, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission(FCC) Report and Order in WT Docket 01-309 modified theexception of wireless phones under the Hearing Aid CompatibilityAct of 1988 (HAC Act) to require digital wireless phones becompatible with hearing-aids. The intent of the HAC Act is toensure reasonable access to telecommunications services forpersons with hearing disabilities.While some wireless phones are used near some hearing devices(hearing aids and cochlear implants), users may detect a buzzing,humming, or whining noise. Some hearing devices are moreimmune than others to this interference noise, and phones alsovary in the amount of interference they generate.The wireless telephone industry has developed a rating system forwireless phones, to assist hearing device users to find phones thatmay be compatible with their hearing devices. Not all phones havebeen rated. Phones that are rated have the rating on their box or alabel located on the box.The ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary depending on theuser's hearing device and hearing loss. If your hearing devicehappens to be vulnerable to interference, you may not be able touse a rated phone successfully. Trying out the phone with yourhearing device is the best way to evaluate it for your personalneeds.M-Ratings: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements andare likely to generate less interference to hearing devices thanphones that are not labeled. M4 is the better/higher of the tworatings.T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and arelikely to generate less interference to hearing devices than phonesthat are not labeled. T4 is the better/ higher of the two ratings.
Hearing devices may also be rated. Your hearing devicemanufacturer or hearing health professional may help you find thisrating. Higher ratings mean that the hearing device is relativelyimmune to interference noise. The hearing aid and wireless phonerating values are then added together. A sum of 5 is consideredacceptable for normal use. A sum of 6 is considered for best use.In the example to the left, if a hearing aid meetsthe M2 level rating and the wireless phone meetsthe M3 level rating, the sum of the two valuesequal M5. This should provide the hearing aid userwith “normal usage” while using their hearing aidwith the particular wireless phone. “Normal usage” in this contextis defined as a signal quality that’s acceptable for normaloperation.The M mark is intended to be synonymous with the U mark. The Tmark is intended to be synonymous with the UT mark. The M and Tmarks are recommended by the Alliance for TelecommunicationsIndustries Solutions (ATIS). The U and UT marks are referenced inSection 20.19 of the FCC Rules. The HAC rating and measurementprocedure are described in the American National StandardsInstitute (ANSI) C63.19 standard.When you're talking on a cell phone, it's recommended that youturn the BT (Bluetooth) mode off for HAC.For information about hearing aids and digital wireless phonesWireless Phones and Hearing Aid Accessibilityhttp://www.accesswireless.org/hearingaid/FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Controlhttp://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/hac_wireless.html

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