LG Electronics USA L4200AL 42" LCD Monitor User Manual Microsoft PowerPoint F User s Manual

LG Electronics USA 42" LCD Monitor Microsoft PowerPoint F User s Manual

users manual

1FCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply withinthe limits of a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radioor television reception (which can be determined by turningthe equipment on and off), the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by using one or more of thefollowing measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and thereceiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for  help.Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approvedby the party responsible for compliance could void theuser's (or your) authority to operate the equipment. Onlyperipherals (digital input/output devices, terminals, printers,etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may beattached to this monitor. Operation with non-certifiedperipherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TVreception.Only shielded signal cables may be used with this System.Canadian DOC NoticeThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of theCanadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes lesexigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur duCanada.CE Conformity Notice (for Europe)Products with the “CE” Marking comply with the EMCDirective(89/336/EEC) and LOW VOLTAGE Directive(73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity.Compiance with these directives implies conformity to thefollowing European Norms :• EN 55022:1998          ; Radio Frequency Interference• EN 55024:1998  ; Electromagnetic Immunity• EN 61000-3-2             ; Power Line Harmonics• EN 61000-3-3             ; Voltage Fluctuations• EN 60950                    ; Product SafetyLow Radiation Compliance (MPR II)This monitor meets one of the strictest guidelines availabletoday for low radiation emissions, offering the user extrashielding and an antistatic screen coating. Theseguidelines, set forth by a government agency in Sweden,limit the amount of emission allowed in the Extremely LowFrequency (ELF) and Very Low Frequency (VLF)electromagnetic range.TCO95Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO’95 approved and labelledproduct!  Your choice has provided you with a productdeveloped for professional use.  Your purchase has alsocontributed to reducing the burden on the environment andto the further development of environmentally-adaptedelectronic products.Why do we have environmentally labelled computers? In many countries, environmental labelling has become anestablished method for encouraging the adaptation ofgoods and services to the environment.  The main problemas far as computers and other electronic equipment areconcerned is that environmentally harmful substances areused both in the products and during their manufacture.Since it has not been possible so far for the majority ofelectronic equipment to be recycled in a satisfactory way,most of these potentially damaging substances sooner orlater enter Nature.There are also other characteristics of a computer, such asenergy consumption levels, that are important from both theworking and natural environment viewpoints.  Since alltypes of conventional electricity generation have a negativeeffect on the environment (acidic- and climatic-influencingemissions, radioactive waste, etc.), it is vital to conserveenergy.  Electronic equipment in offices consumes asenormous amount of energy, since it is often routinely leftrunning continuously.What does the environmenal labelling involve?This product meets the requirements for the TCO’95 Regulatory InformationNOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.NOTICEThe regulations are applied only to the products with theID LABEL indicating specific requirements.
2Regulatory Information cont.NUTEKNaturskyddsföreningen Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket SEMKOscheme, which provides for international environmentallabelling of personal computers.  The labelling scheme wasdeveloped as a joint effort by the TCO (The SwedishConfederation of Professional Employees),Naturckyddsföreningen (The Swedish Society for NatureConservation), and NUTEK (The National Board forIndustrial and Technical Development in Sweden), andSEMKO AB (an international certification agency).The requirements cover a wide range of issues:environment, ergonomics, usability, emission of electricaland magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical andfire safety.The environmental demands concern, among other things,restriction on the presence and use of heavy metals,brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs(freons), and chlorinated solvents.  The product must beprepared for recycling, and the manufacturer is obliged tohave an environmental plan, which must be adhered to ineach country where the company implements itsoperational policy.  The energy requirements include a demand that thecomputer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity,shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level, in oneor more stages.  The length of time to reactivate thecomputer shall be reasonable for the user.Labelled products must meet strict environmentaldemands, for example, in respect of the reduction of electricand magnetic fields, along with physical and visualergonomics and good usability.The following is a brief summary of the environmentalrequirements met by this product.  The completeenvironmental criteria document may be ordered from:TCO Development UnitLinnegatan 14,  S-11494 Stockholm, SwedenFAX +46-8 782 92 07E-mail (Internet): development@tco.seCurrent information regarding TCO’95 approved andlabelled products may also be obtained on the Internetusing the address:      http://www.tco-info.com/TCO’95 is a co-operative project between:Environmental requirementsBrominated flame retardants are present in printed circuitboards, cabling, casings, and housings, and are added todelay the spread of fire.  Up to 30% of the plastic in acomputer casing can consist of flame-retardant substances.These are related to another group of environmental toxins,PCBs, and are suspected of giving rise to similar harm,including reproductive damage in fish-eating birds andmammals.  Flame retardants have been found in humanblood, and researchers fear that they can disturb fetusdevelopment.  Bio-accumulative1TCO’95 demands require that plasticcomponents weighing more than 25 grams must notcontain flame retardants with organically bound chlorine orbromine.Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens, solder,and capacitors.  Lead damages the nervous system and inhigher doses causes lead poisoning.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95  requirement permits the inclusion oflead, as no replacement has yet been developed.Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in thecolor-generating layers of certain computer displays.Cadmium damages the nervous system and is toxic in highdoses.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95 requirementstates that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm(parts per million) of cadmium.  The color-generating layersof display screens must not contain any cadmium.Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays andswitches. Mercury damages the nervous system and istoxic in high doses.  The relevant bio-accumulative TCO’95requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm of mercury and that no mercury is present in any ofthe electrical or electronic components concerned with thedisplay unit.CFCs (freons) are sometimes used for washing printedcircuit boards and in the manufacture of expanded foam forpackaging.  CFCs break down ozone and thereby damagethe ozone layer in the atmosphere, causing increasedreception on Earth of ultra-violet light with consequentincreased risks of skin cancer (malignant melanoma).  Therelevant TCO’95 requirement:  Neither CFCs nor HCFCsmay be used during the manufacture of the product or itspackaging.1Bio-accumulative means that the substance accumulateswithin living organisms.Shipping PackageThe packaging material can be recycled, or you can save itto return the monitor to a service center for repair ordisposal.CFC Compounds in Distribution PackagingCushioning material used for shipping finished monitors arenot manufactured with nor do they contain any CFCcompounds.Design for Disassembly/RecyclingThese monitors have been designed for easy end-of-lifedisassembly and recycling. Fasteners are generally of thesame type for efficient disassembly. Components made ofdifferent materials can be easily separated and plasticshave been identified using intermational symbols to aid inrecycling.Monitor DisposalWARNINGIf you need to dispose of a monitor, ask a qualified servicerepresentative for the proper procedure. Improper disposalcould result in personal injury from implosion.
3TCO99Congratulations! You have just purchased a TCO’99 approved andlabelled product! Your choice has provided you witha product developed for professional use. Yourpurchase has also contributed to reducing theburden on the environment and also to the furtherdevelopment of environmentally adapted electronicsproducts.Why do we have environmentally labelledcomputers? In many countries, environmental labelling hasbecome an established method for encouraging theadaptation of goods and services to the environment.The main problem, as far as computers and otherelectronics equipment are concerned, is thatenvironmentally harmful substances are used both inthe products and during their manufacture. Since it isnot so far possible to satisfactorily recycle themajority of electronics equipment, most of thesepotentially damaging substances sooner or laterenter nature. There are also other characteristics of a computer,such as energy consumption levels, that areimportant from the viewpoints of both the work(internal) and natural (external) environments. Sinceall methods of electricity generation have a negativeeffect on the environment (e.g. acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste), it is vital tosave energy. Electronics equipment in offices isoften left running continuously and therebyconsumes a lot of energy.What does labelling involve?This product meets the requirements for the TCO’99scheme which provides for international andenvironmental labelling of personal computers. Thelabelling scheme was developed as a joint effort bythe TCO (The Swedish Confederation ofProfessional Employees), SvenskaNaturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society forNature Conservation) and Statens Energimyndighet(The Swedish National Energy Administration).Approval requirements cover a wide range of issues:environment, ergonomics, usability, emission ofelectric and magnetic fields, energy consumptionand electrical and fire safety.The environmental demands impose restrictions onthe presence and use of heavy metals, brominatedand chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons) andchlorinated solvents, among other things. Theproduct must be prepared for recycling and themanufacturer is obliged to have an environmentalpolicy which must be adhered to in each countrywhere the company implements its operationalpolicy.The energy requirements include a demand that thecomputer and/or display, after a certain period ofinactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to alower level in one or more stages. The length of timeto reactivate the computer shall be reasonable forthe user.Labelled products must meet strict environmentaldemands, for example, in respect of the reduction ofelectric and magnetic fields, physical and visualergonomics and good usability.Below you will find a brief summary of theenvironmental requirements met by this product. Thecomplete environmental criteria document may beordered from:TCO DevelopmentSE-114 94 Stockholm, SwedenFax: +46 8 782 92 07Email (Internet): development@tco.seCurrent information regarding TCO’99 approved andlabelled products may also be obtained via the Internet,using the address: http://www.tco-info.com/Environmental requirementsFlame retardantsFlame retardants are present in printed circuitboards, cables, wires, casings and housings. Theirpurpose is to prevent, or at least to delay the spreadof fire. Up to 30% of the plastic in a computer casingcan consist of flame retardant substances. Mostflame retardants contain bromine or chloride, andthose flame retardants are chemically related toanother group of environmental toxins, PCBs. Boththe flame retardants containing bromine or chlorideand the PCBs are suspected of giving rise to severehealth effects, including reproductive damage infish-eating birds and mammals, due to the bio-accumulative* processes. Flame retardants havebeen found in human blood and researchers fearthat disturbances in foetus development may occur.The relevant TCO’99 demand requires that plasticcomponents weighing more than 25 grams must notcontain flame retardants with organically boundbromine or chlorine. Flame retardants are allowed inthe printed circuit boards since no substitutes areavailable.Cadmium**Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and inthe colour-generating layers of certain computerdisplays. Cadmium damages the nervous systemand is toxic in high doses. The relevant TCO’99requirement states that batteries, the colour-generating layers of display screens and theelectrical or electronics components must not containany cadmium.Regulatory Information cont.
4Regulatory Information cont.Mercury**Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays andswitches. It damages the nervous system and istoxic in high doses. The relevant TCO’99requirement states that batteries may not containany mercury. It also demands that mercury is notpresent in any of the electrical or electronicscomponents associated with the labelled unit.CFCs (freons)The relevant TCO’99 requirement states that neitherCFCs nor HCFCs may be used during themanufacture and assembly of the product. CFCs(freons) are sometimes used for washing printedcircuit boards. CFCs break down ozone and therebydamage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causingincreased reception on earth of ultraviolet light withe.g. increased risks of skin cancer (malignantmelanoma) as a consequence.Lead**Lead can be found in picture tubes, display screens,solders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervoussystem and in higher doses, causes lead poisoning.The relevant TCO’99 requirement permits theinclusion of lead since no replacement has yet beendeveloped.* Bio-accumulative is defined as substances whichaccumulate within living organisms** Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which areBio-accumulative.EPA (U.S.A only)ENERGYSATR is a set of power-saving guidelinesissued by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA).NOM MARK (Mexico only)GOST MARKEPA  POLLUTION PREVENTERAs an ENERGY STAR Partner LGElectronics U.S.A.,Inc. hasdetermined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines forenergy efficiency.BZ03Internet Address:http://www.lg.ru»ÌÙÓχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÎÛÊ·‡ LGElectronics (095)742-77-77
Please read this manual carefully before operating your set.Retain it for future reference.Record model number and serial number of the set.See the label attached on the back cover and quote this information to your dealer when you require service.L4200AUser's GuideBenutzerhandbuchManuel d’utilisationManuale d'istruzioniGuía del usuarioGuia do usuárioGebruikshandleidingFelhasználói útmutatóP/NO. : 3828TUL227B(0401-REV00)Printed in Koreahttp://www.lge.comColor Monitor
iA1A4A5A8A9A10A12A14A15A16Safety PrecautionsAccessoriesUsing the Remote ControlConnecting the SpeakersName and Function of the PartsConnecting the MonitorConnecting the VCR/DVDConnecting the DVD(480i)Connecting the HDTV(720p/1080i)Connecting AV OutputsA37A40Selecting and Adjustment the ScreenName of the Buttons in the Screen Adjustment UnitOSD MenuHow to adjust the OSD (On Screen Display) screenWhen Connected to your PCAdjusting Screen ColorAdjusting Screen CLOCK/PHASE and PositionAdjusting the audio functionSelecting the OptionsAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode(Multiple Screen) FunctionsWhen Watching VCR/DVD/HDTVAdjusting Screen ImageAdjusting the audio functionSelecting the OptionsAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode(Multiple Screen) FunctionsControlling the Multiple MonitorsA17A17A19A20A21A21A21A22A23A24A27A27A28A29A30A33TroubleshootingSpecificationsInstallationandConnectionInputSelectionand TrackingMiscellaneousTable of ContentsENGLISHis a trademark of SRS Labs,Inc.technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs,Inc.
A1Please read these safety precautions carefully before using the monitor.Precautions in installing the MonitorIf you ignore the caution message, you may be slightly injured or the product may be damagedIf you ignore the warning message, you may be seriously injured or there is a possibility ofaccident or death.Keep away from heat sources like electrical heaters.- Electrical shock, fire, malfunction or deformation may occur.Keep the packing anti-moisture material or vinyl packing out of the reach of children.- Anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. If swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit thenearest hospital. Additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. Keep it out of the reach of children.Do not put heavy objects on the monitor or sit upon it. - If the monitor collapses or is dropped, you may be injured. Children must pay particular attention.Do not leave the power or signal cable unattended on the pathway.- The passerby can falter, which can cause electrical shock, fire, product breakdown or injury.Install the monitor in a neat and dry place.- Dust or moisture can cause electrical shock, fire or product damage. If you can smell smoke or other odors or hear a strange sound unplug the power cord and contact theservice center. - If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur.If you dropped the monitor or the case is broken, turn off the monitor and unplug the power cord. - If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur. Contact the servicecenter.Do not drop metallic objects such as coins, hair pins, chopsticks or wire into the monitor, or inflammableobjects such as paper and matches. Children must pay particular attention.- Electrical shock, fire or injury can occur. If a foreign object is dropped into the monitor, unplug the power cord andcontact the service center.Make sure the monitor ventilation hole is not blocked. Install the monitor in a suitably wide place (morethan 10cm from the wall)- If you install the monitor too close to the wall, it may be deformed or fire can break out due to internal heat.Do not block the ventilation hole of the monitor by a tablecloth or curtain.- The monitor can be deformed or fire can break out due to overheating inside the monitor.Install the monitor on a flat and stable place that has no risk of dropping the monitor.- If the monitor is dropped, you may be injured or the monitor may be broken.Install the monitor where no EMI occurs.Keep the monitor away from direct sunlight.- The monitor can be damaged.Safety PrecautionsWarningWarningCautionCaution
A2A2Electrical Power Related PrecautionsMake sure to connect the power cable to the grounded current.- You may be electrocuted or injured.Use the rated voltage only.- The monitor can be damaged, or you may be electrocuted.During a thunder or lightning storm, unplug the power cable or signal cable.- You may be electrocuted or a fire can break out.Do not connect several extension cords, electrical appliances or electrical heaters to a single outlet. Use apower bar with a grounding terminal designed for exclusive use with the computer.- A fire can break out due to overheating.Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Additionally, it the cord pin is wet or covered with dust, drythe power plug completely or wipe dust off.- You may be electrocuted due to excess moisture.If you don’t intend to use the monitor for a long time, unplug the power cable from the monitor.- Covering dust can cause a fire, or insulation deterioration can cause electric leakage, electric shock or fire.Fix the power cable completely.- If the power cable is not fixed completely, a fire can break out.Hold the plug when pulling out the power cable. Do not bend the power cord with excessive force or putheavy objects on the power cord.- The power line can be damaged, which may cause electric shock or fire.Do not insert a conductor (like a metal chopstick) into one end of the power cable while the other end isconnected to the input terminal on the wall. Additionally, do not touch the power cable right afterplugging into the wall input terminal.- You may be electrocuted.Do not unplug the power cord while the monitor is in use.- Electrical shock can damage the monitor.WarningCautionENGLISHPrecautions in Moving the MonitorWarningMake sure to turn off the monitor.- You may be electrocuted or the monitor can be damaged.Make sure to remove all cables before moving the monitor.- You may be electrocuted or the monitor can be damaged.
A3Safety PrecautionsCautionPrecautions in Using the MonitorWarningDo not put or store inflammable substances near the monitor.- There is a danger of explosion or fire due careless handling of the inflammable substances.When cleaning the brown tube surface, unplug the power cord and scrub with soft cloth to preventscratching. Do not clean with a wet cloth.- The water can sink into the monitor, which can cause electric shock or serious malfunction.Take a rest from time to time to protect your vision.Keep the monitor clean at all times.Take a comfortable and natural position when working with a monitor to relax the muscles.Take a regular break when working with a monitor for a long time.Do not press strongly upon the panel with a hand or sharp object such as nail, pencil or pen, or make ascratch on it.Keep the proper distance from the monitor.- Your vision may be impaired if you look at the monitor too closely.Set the appropriate resolution and clock by referring to the User’s Manual.- Your vision can be impaired.Use authorized detergent only when cleaning the monitor. (Do not use benzene, thinner or alcohol.)- Monitor can be deformed.CautionDo not shock the monitor when moving it.- You may be electrocuted or the monitor can be damagedDo not dispose the product-packing box. Use it when you move.Make the panel face forward and hold it with both hands to move.- If you drop the monitor, the damaged monitor can cause electric shock or fire. Contact with the service center forrepair.Do not disassemble, repair or modify the monitor at your own discretion.- Fire or electric shock accident can occur.- Contact the service center for check, calibration or repair.Do not spray water on the monitor or scrub with an inflammable substance (thinner or benzene). Fire orelectric shock accident can occurKeep the monitor away from water.- Fire or electric shock accident can occur.
A4A4Speaker kit / ScrewsRemote Controller/Batteries (AAA x 2)Diskette/User'sGuide/CardsPower Cord Audio Cable (PC)MonitorORDesktop Stand Type Free Mount TypePlease check the accessories in the product package.* The monitor and the accessories can be different from the figures shown here.15-pin D-Sub SignalCable DVI-D Signal CableENGLISHAccessoriesWall-mount Rack
A5Power On/Off ButtonBRT.W*•Input Select Button•AV Button(See next page)Sleep ButtonWhen watching AV/DVD/HDTV - The monitor will be automatically turnedoff after a certain period of time.Press this button repetitively to select anappropriate time durationPSM ButtonWhen watching AV/DVD/HDTV- Automatically adjusts the image.Press this button repetitively to setthe intended screen. (See A25)*There is not a function which is supported•Menu Button•Exit ButtonAuto ButtonPC: Automatic adjustment function(Operational for the analog signal only)Check ButtonSound Mode SelectSelect the sound mode: MONO/STEREOVideo Operation ButtonApplicable for LG products onlyVolume          ButtonMute buttonUsing the Remote ControlName of the Remote Controller ButtonsThere is not a function which is supported
A6ENGLISH*BRT.W1. PIP (Picture in Picture) ButtonThe sub-screen moves to the next mode whenever you press this button.: SMALL -> LARGE -> OFF2. POP (Picture out Picture) ButtonThe sub-screen moves to the next mode whenever you press this button.: POP ON -> PBP(FULL) -> PBP(4:3) -> OFFIf you press the button once,the following Input SignalWindow will appear. Selectthe signal type you wantusing the  button.This button will be enabled onlywhen you selected the AV signal.The signal type will be changedwith the followaing order. Set thesignal type you want.[Case 1]POP ON PBP (FULL) PBP (4:3)•Input Select Button•AV Button[Case 1]VIDEO1       VIDEO2        SCART1        SCART 2 [Case 2]VIDEO1       VIDEO2        COMPONENT1        COMPONENT2 DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)SCART 1SCART 2[Case 2]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 2
A7<Table of PIP/POP/PBP Function Support>SWAPSWAPWhen 'Input Signal 1' comes on in the main screen, only 'Input Signal 2' can be displayed on the sub-screen. Onthe contrary, if the main screen displays 'Input Signal 2', the sub-screen can display 'Input Signal 1' only. You canswap 'Input Signal 1' and 'Input Signal 2' using the SWAP button.1. Take out the battery cap.2. Insert the battery with correct polarity (+/-).3. Close the battery cap.• You can use a remote controller 7 meter distance and 30 degree (left/right)within the receiving unit scope.• Dispose of used batteries in the recycle bin to prevent environmental pollution.Inserting batteries into remote controller.CVBSCVBSS-VHS S-VHS SCART 1COMPONENT 1SCART 1COMPONENT 1SCART 2COMPONENT 2SCART 2COMPONENT 23. Swap ButtonYou can swap the main screen and the sub-screen when the PIP/POP/PBP function is used..PIPPOPPBPUsing the Remote Control
A8ENGLISHConnecting the Speakers - OptionalUse the screws to secure the speakers on the rear side of the monitor as shown in the belowfigure.
A9Rear ViewRS-232C Serial portsPC signal inputsConnect the audio cable to the *LINE OUT jack of the PC sound card.AV Input portsConnect the power cordBack Cap- Open the back cap beforeyou install the monitor.INOUTVideoVideoName and Function of the Parts*LINE OUTA terminal used to connect to the speaker including a built-in amplifier (Amp). Make sure that the connecting terminal of the PC sound card is checked before connecting. If the Audio Out of PC sound card has only Speaker Out, reduce the PC volume. If the Audio Out of the PC sound card supports both Speaker Out and Line Out, convert to Line Out usingthe card jumper of the program (Refer to the Sound Card Manual).[Case 1][Case 2]
A10ENGLISHA10INOUTINOUTFirst of all, see if the computer, monitor and the peripherals are turned off. Then, connect the signal input cable.When connecting with the DVI signal input cable.When connecting with the DSub signal input cable. (IBM compatible PC)When connecting with the DSub signal input cable. (Macintosh)PCPCRear side of the monitor.MACMacintosh Adapter (not included)Use the standard Macintosh adapter since an incompatibleadaptor is available in the market. (Different signaling system)INOUTRear side of the monitor.* When connecting to awall outlet.Connecting the MonitorConnect the power cord.BCABCA
A11Connecting the MonitorWhen connecting with a DVI-D signal input cable.• Select DVI DIGITAL: DVI-D digital signal.When connecting with a D-Sub signal input cable.• Select DSUB ANALOG: 15-pin D-Sub analog signalSelect an input signal.Press the Input Select button on the remote controller to select the input signal. Or, press the SOURCE button at the front side of the monitor.How to connect to two computers.Connect the signal cables (DVI and D-Sub) to each computer.Press the Input Select button in a remote controller to select the computer to use.* Directly connect to a grounded power outlet on the wall or a power bar with a ground wire.NoteTurn on power by pressing the power button on the monitor. If the system is notpowered up, check if the main power switch is in the 'on' position. Turn on the PC. Main Power Switch Power buttonBABA[Case 1]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)SCART 1SCART 2[Case 2]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 2
A12ENGLISHVideoWhen connecting with an S-Video cable.• Connect to the S-Video input terminal to watch high image quality movies.INOUTConnect the video cable as shown in the below figure and then connect the power cord(See page A10).Connecting the VCR/DVDBWhen connecting with an RCA cable.• Connect the input terminal with a proper color match. (Video – Yellow, Sound (left) – White,Sound (right) – Red)ARCA Cable(not included)RedWhiteYellowRWYMonitorVCR/DVDVideoRCA Cable(not included)RedWhiteRWMonitorVCR/DVDS-Video Cable(not included)
A13When connecting with an RCA cable.• Select VIDEO 1 (CVBS)When connecting with an S-Video cable.• Select VIDEO 2 (S-Video)When connecting with a SCART cable.• Select SCART 1 / SCART 2Select an input signal.Press the Input Select button on the remote controller to select the input signal. Or, pressthe SOURCE button at the front side of the monitor.BCAWhen connecting with a SCART cable.CGAUDIOLDRVideoSCART Cable(not included)MonitorVCR/DVDConnecting the VCR/DVD[Case 1]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)SCART 1SCART 2Note
A14ENGLISHConnecting the DVD(480i)DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 2VideoWhen connecting with a DVD/audio cable.• Select COMPONENT 1 / COMPONENT 2Select an input signal.Press the Input Select button on the remote controller to select theinput signal. Or, press the SOURCE button at the front side of themonitor.Connect the video/audio cable as shown in the below figure and then, connect thepower cord (See page A10).• Connect the input terminal with a proper color match. •MonitorDVDRedRedBlueGreenWhiteRedRedBlueGreenWhiteAudio Cable(not included)DVD Cable(not included)[Case 2]
A15Connecting the HDTV(720p/1080i)When connecting with an HDTV/audio cable.• Select COMPONENT 1 / COMPONENT 2Select an input signal.Press the Input Select button on the remote controller to select the input signal.Or, press the SOURCE button at the front side of the monitor.* The HDTV terminal also supports SDTV (480i/480p).VideoConnect the video/audio cable as shown in the below figure and then, connect thepower cord (See page A10).• Connect the input terminal with a proper color match. •MonitorHDTV ReceiverRedRedBlueGreenWhiteRedRedBlueGreenWhiteAudio Cable(not included)HDTV Cable(not included)DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 2[Case 2]
A16ENGLISHConnect to the external device if you record the broadcasting.When you set the input signal of the main screen as 'VIDEO1 (CVBS)', you can transmit the signal that you'rewatching to the AV output terminal.If you set other signals than 'VIDEO1 (CVBS)', as the main screen, the signal type you set in the PIP input signalwould be displayed. (However, it is supported when the PIP input signal is 'VIDEO1 (CVBS)')VideoRCA Cable(not included)RedWhiteYellowRWMonitorVCR/DVDYConnecting AV Outputs
A17Name of the Buttons in the ScreenAdjustment Unit•  Press the button to turn on the power. Press the button again to turn it off.•  This Indicator lights up green when the display operates normally. Ifthe display is in DPM (Energy Saving) mode, this indicator colorchanges to amber.Power ButtonPower LED• Adjust the volume.•Use this button to directly controlbrightness and contrast of the PC signal(DSUB/DVI).•  Use this button to show/hide the OSD (On Screen Display) menu screen.MENU Button•Use the button to select an icon or adjust the setting in the OSD screen.OSD SelectAdjust ButtonSelecting and Adjusting the Screen
A18ENGLISHName of the Buttons in the Screen Adjustment Unit[For DSUB signal]•Select the icon to adjust on the OSD screen.•If you press the [AUTO/SELECT] button, automatic screenadjustment will be started.[Other signals that DSUB]•The current signal and mode information will be displayed.AUTO/SELECT Button• OSD is locked • OSD is unlocked.Use this button to lock/unlock OSD screen adjustment.(Activated when pressed together longer than 5 seconds.)DVI DIGITAL DVI digital signalDSUB ANALOG 15-pin D-Sub analog signalVIDEO1(CVBS) Composite videoVIDEO2(S-Video) S-VideoSCART 1/ 2 CompositeCOMPONENT 1/ 2 YPbPr (YCbCr)• Select the input signal SOURCE ButtonOSD Lock/Unlock ButtonMenu button  +•The unit that receives the signal from the remote controller.•Use this button to turn on/off the monitor.Main Power Switch[Case 1]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)SCART 1SCART 2[Case 2]DVI DIGITALDSUB ANALOGVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 2
A19Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenOSD Menu – When Connected to Your PCAdjustmentTrackingAudioSetupAdjusts screen brightness, contrast and color that you prefer.Adjusts position of the screen, clock or phase.Adjusts the audio function.Adjusts the screen status according to the circumstances.PIP/POP/PBPAdjusts PIP/POP/PBP mode function.Icon Function DescriptionIcon Function DescriptionOSD Menu – When Watching Video/DVD/HDTVVideoAudioSetupPIP/POP/PBPAdjusts PIP/POP/PBP mode function.Adjusts the screen status according to the circumstances.Adjusts the audio function.Adjusts the screen video.NoteOSD(On Screen Display)The OSD function enables you to adjust the screen status conveniently since it providesgraphical presentation.
A20ENGLISHHow to adjust the OSD (On Screen Display) screen• Use the remote controller to adjust the OSD screen.How to adjust the screen automaticallyYou need to adjust the screen display when connecting the monitor to anew computer or changing the mode. Refer to the following section toset an optimal monitor screen.Press the AUTO/SELECT button (AUTO button in a remote controller)in the PC analog signal. Then, an optimal screen status will be selectedthat fits into the current mode.If adjustment is not satisfactory, you need to adjust screen position,clock and phase in the OSD menu.Pops up themenu screen Select a menuiconSelect a menu icon Adjust the status Saveadjustment Exit from themenu screen.Press the MENU Button, then the main menu of the OSD appears.To access a control, use the            Buttons. When the icon you want becomes highlighted, press the SET Button.Use the                         Buttons to adjust the item to the desired level.Accept the changes by pressing the SET Button.Exit the OSD by Pressing the EXIT Button.123456
A21Adjusting Screen CLOCK/PHASE and PositionAdjusting Screen ColorOSD Menu – When Connected to Your PCTo adjust the contrast of the screen.To adjust the brightness of the screen. Adjusting screen color. Press the       button to display thesubmenu for COLOR.CONTRAST BRIGHTNESSCOLORUSERREDGREENBLUE9300K/6500KSelecting a factory setting color set.  • 9300K: Slightly bluish white.• 6500K: Slightly reddish white.Set your own color levels.This function is suitable for analog signal input only. This buttonis for the automatic adjustment of the screen position, clock andphase.To minimize any vertical bars or stripes visible on the screenbackground.The horizontal screen size will also change.To adjust the focus of the display. This item allows you toremove any horizontal noise and clear or sharpen the image ofcharacters.To move image left or right.To move image up or down.AUTOCLOCKPHASEH POSITIONV POSITION NoteWhen connected to your computer and the digital input signal (DVI-DIGITAL), only ADJUSTMENT,AUDIO, SETUP and PIP/POP/PBP menu are enabled. Other menu items will be automatically adjusted.Selecting and Adjusting the Screen
A22ENGLISHThe best sound tone quality will be selected automaticallydepending on the video type that you're currently watching.• USER : Select this option to use the user-defined audio settings.• FLAT : The most commanding and natural audio.• MOVIE : Select this option to enjoy sublime sound.• MUSIC : Select this option to enjoy the original sound whenlistening to the music.• SPORTS : Select this option to watch sports broadcasting.To adjust uneven sound volumes across all channels or signalsautomatically to the most appropriate level. To use this feature,select ON.Used to select mute ON(means sound off) and mute OFF(meanssound on).Set the SRS WOW menu on.The SRS WOW function plays back the mono or stereo soundinput with the dynamic surround effects. It will provide rich andprofound sound tone. If you set the SRS WOW on, bass/treble willbe automatically adjusted.Use this function to balance sound from the left and right speakers.To raises or lowers Bass level.To raises or lowers Treble level.SSMAVLMUTESRS WOWBALANCEBASSTREBLEAdjusting the audio functionNoteWhen connected to your computer and the 'SSM' setting in the audio menu is one of FLAT,MOVIE, MUSIC or SPORTS, the available menus are AVL, MUTE and BALANCE.
A23Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenSelecting the OptionsTo choose the language in which the control names aredisplayed.To select the image size of the screen. (FULL/1:1)To adjust position of the OSD window on the screen.Press the      button to display the submenu for OSDPOSITION.LANGUAGEIMAGE SIZEOSDPOSITIONTo adjust the transparency of the OSD menu screen.Use this function to zoom in the screen. When you turn the monitoroff and on again, the default screen size will be restored.Press the      button to display the submenu for OSDPOSITION.TRANSPARENCYZOOMUse this function to reset the monitor to the factory default.However, language selection will not be initialized.RESETLeft RightUp Down Moving the OSD screen position horizontally.Moving the OSD screen position vertically.* If the zooming value is set to '0', verticaland horizontal positioning cannot beadjusted.NoteWhen connected to your computer, the Zoom menu will be disabled if the screen size is 1:1 orPIP/POP/PBP is in use.
A24ENGLISHAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the PIP(PICTURE IN PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the PIP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.PIP ON/OFFPIP SOURCEPIP SIZEPIP IMAGETo select an input signal for PIP.To adjust the size of the PIP screen. (SMALL/LARGE)To adjust the image of the PIP screen; Press the      button to display the submenufor PIP IMAGE. Use the             buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. Theitems of the sub-menu may vary depending on the type of the source.To turn the PIP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in PIP mode.PIP SOUNDPIP SWAPPIP POSITION Adjust the PIP screen position.PIP CONTRAST Adjust PIP screen contrast.PIP BRIGHTNESS Adjust PIP screen brightness.PIP SHARPNESS Adjust PIP screen sharpness.PIP COLOR Adjust the PIP screen color.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.
A25Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the POP(PICTURE OUT PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the POP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.POP ON/OFFTo select an input signal for POP.To adjust the image of the POP screen; Press the      button to display the submenufor POP IMAGE. Use the           buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. POP SOURCEPOP IMAGETo turn the POP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in POP mode.POP SOUNDPOP SWAPPOP CONTRAST Adjust POP screen contrast.POP BRIGHTNESS Adjust POP screen brightness.POP SHARPNESS Adjust POP screen sharpness.POP COLOR Adjust the POP screen color.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.NoteThe 'POP IMAGE' menu will be disabled if the POP screen input is a PC signal.
A26ENGLISHAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the PBP(PICTURE BY PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the PBP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.PBP ON/OFFTo select an input signal for PBP.To adjust the size of the PBP screen. (FULL/4:3)To adjust the image of the PBP screen; Press the      button to display the submenufor PBP IMAGE. Use the             buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. Theitems of the sub-menu may vary depending on the type of the source.PBP SOURCEPBP SIZEPBP IMAGETo turn the PBP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in PBP mode.PBP SOUNDPBP SWAPPBP CONTRAST Adjust PBP screen contrast.PBP BRIGHTNESS Adjust PBP screen brightness.PBP SHARPNESS Adjust PBP screen sharpness.PBP COLOR Adjust the PBP screen color.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.NoteThe 'PBP IMAGE' menu will be disabled if the PBP screen input is a PC signal.
A27Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenOSD Menu – When Watching VCR/DVD/HDTVAdjusting Screen ImageThe PSM function automatically adjusts the screen imagequality depending on the AV usage environment. • USER : Select this option to use the user-defined settings.• GAME : Select this option to enjoy dynamic image whenplaying a game.• STANDARD : The most general and natural screen displaystatus.• DYNAMIC : Select this option to display with a sharp image.• MILD : Select this option to display with a mild image.To adjust the contrast of the screen.To adjust the brightness of the screen. To adjust the clearness of the screen.To adjust the color to desired level.PSMCONTRASTBRIGHTNESSSHARPNESSCOLORNoteIf the 'PSM' setting in the Video menu is set to GAME, STANDARD, DYNAMIC or MILD thesubsequent menus will be automatically set.
A28ENGLISHAdjusting the audio functionThe best sound tone quality will be selected automaticallydepending on the video type that you're currently watching.• USER : Select this option to use the user-defined audio settings.• FLAT : The most commanding and natural audio.• MOVIE : Select this option to enjoy sublime sound.• MUSIC : Select this option to enjoy the original sound whenlistening to the music.• SPORTS : Select this option to watch sports broadcasting.To adjust uneven sound volumes across all channels or signalsautomatically to the most appropriate level. To use this feature,select ON.Set the SRS WOW menu on.The SRS WOW function plays back the mono or stereo soundinput with the dynamic surround effects. It will provide rich andprofound sound tone. If you set the SRS WOW on, bass/treble willbe automatically adjusted.To select the audio mode.: MONO/STEREOUsed to select mute ON(means sound off) and mute OFF(meanssound on).Use this function to balance sound from the left and right speakers.To raises or lowers Bass level.To raises or lowers Treble level.SSMAVLSRS WOWSOUNDMUTEBALANCEBASSTREBLENoteIf the 'SSM' setting in the audio menu is one of FLAT, MOVIE, MUSIC or SPORTS, the availablemenus are AVL, SOUND, MUTE and BALANCE. Other menu items will be automatically adjusted.
A29Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenSelecting the OptionsTRANSPARENCYTo choose the language in which the control names aredisplayed.To select the image size of the screen.(FULL/4:3/SPECTACLE/1:1)To adjust position of the OSD window on the screen.Press the      button to display the submenu for OSDPOSITION.LANGUAGEIMAGESIZEOSDPOSITIONTo adjust the transparency of the OSD menu screen.Use this function to zoom in the screen. When you turn the monitoroff and on again, the default screen size will be restored.Press the      button to display the submenu for OSDPOSITION.TRANS-PARENCYZOOMUse this function to reset the monitor to the factory default.However, language selection will not be initialized.RESETLeft RightUp Down Moving the OSD screen position horizontally.Moving the OSD screen position vertically.* If the zooming value is set to '0', verticaland horizontal positioning cannot beadjusted.NoteThe 'ZOOM' menu will be disabled when the screen size is 4:3, spectacle or 1:1, orPIP/POP/PBP is activated.
A30ENGLISHAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the PIP(PICTURE IN PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the PIP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.PIP ON/OFFTo select an input signal for PIP.To adjust the size of the PIP screen. (SMALL/LARGE)To adjust the image of the PIP screen; Press the      button to display the submenufor PIP IMAGE. Use the             buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. Theitems of the sub-menu may vary depending on the type of the source.PIP SOURCEPIP SIZEPIP IMAGETo turn the PIP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in PIP mode.PIP SOUNDPIP SWAPPIP POSITION Adjust the PIP screen position.PIP CONTRAST Adjust PIP screen contrast.PIP BRIGHTNESS Adjust PIP screen brightness.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.
A31Selecting and Adjusting the ScreenAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the POP(PICTURE OUT PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the POP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.POP ON/OFFTo select an input signal for POP.To adjust the image of the POP screen; Press the      button to display the submenufor POP IMAGE. Use the           buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. POP SOURCEPOP IMAGETo turn the POP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in POP mode.POP SOUNDPOP SWAPPOP CONTRAST Adjust POP screen contrast.POP BRIGHTNESS Adjust POP screen brightness.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.NoteThe 'POP IMAGE' menu will be disabled if the POP screen input is video.
A32ENGLISHAdjusting PIP/POP/PBP Mode (Multiple Screen) FunctionsTo adjust the PBP(PICTURE BY PICTURE) of the screenDVI DIGITALAfter selecting ON in the PBP ON/OFF menu, the following menu items can be adjusted.PBP ON/OFFTo select an input signal for PBP.To adjust the size of the PBP screen. (FULL/4:3)To adjust the image of the PBP screen; Press the      button to display the submenu forPBP IMAGE. Use the             buttons to adjust the item to the desired level. The items ofthe sub-menu may vary depending on the type of the source.PBP SOURCEPBP SIZEPBP IMAGETo turn the PBP sound on/off.To switch the main-screen and sub-screen in PBP mode.PBP SOUNDPBP SWAPPBP CONTRAST Adjust PBP screen contrast.PBP BRIGHTNESS Adjust PBP screen brightness.* The sub-menu can differ according to the type of the input signal.The 'PBP IMAGE' menu will be disabled if the PBP screen input is video.Note
A33Connecting the cableConnect the RS-232C cable as shown in the picture.* The RS-232C protocol is used for communication between the PC and monitor. You canturn the monitor on/off, select an input source or adjust the OSD menu from your PC.Baud Rate : 115200bpsData Length : 8bitsParity Bit : NONEStop Bit : 1bitFlow Control : NONECommunication ParameterINOUTINOUTINOUTOUTRS-232C Cable(not included)MonitorPCControlling the Multiple Monitors
A34ENGLISHCommands Related with User Control1. Reset(1) Send Command(2) Reply from monitor01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum06h 6Eh 00h F0h 00h2. Assign Address(1) Send Command01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum06h 6Eh 00h F2h xxh(2) Reply from Monitor01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum6h 50h xxh F2h 00h3. Presence Check(1) Send Command01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum06h 6Eh xxh F7h 00h(2) Reply from Monitor01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum06h 50h xxh F7h 00h4. Set Parameter(1) Send Command01 23 4 56 7Length Flag Address Command Parameter Value#1 Value#2 Checksum08h 6Eh xxh 03h(2) Reply from Monitor01 23 4 5Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum06h 50h xxh 03h 00h
A35Controlling the Multiple Monitors FUNCTION     COMMAND(HEX)    PARAMETER1(HEX)      PARAMETER2 (HEX)MAIN POWER ON/OFF 01h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONMAIN INPUTDSUB ANALOGDVI DIGITALVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)DVDHDTV0Fh00h 00h00h 01h00h 02h00h 03h00h 04h00h 05hSUB INPUTDSUB ANALOGDVI DIGITALVIDEO1(CVBS)VIDEO2(S-Video)DVDHDTVUSER(WRITE) REDGREENBLUE10h00h 00h00h 01h00h 02h00h 03h00h 04h00h 05hPSMUSERGAMESTANDARDDYNAMICMILD03h04h05h06h08h09h0AhCONTRASTBRIGHTNESSSHARPNESSCOLOR9300K6500KUSER(READ)02h0Bh00h 00h00h 01h00h 02h00h 03h00h 04h00h 00h~64h00h 00h~64h00h 00h~64h00h 00h~64h00h 00h00h 00h00h 00h00h 00h~FFh01h 00h~FFh02h 00h~FFhSOUNDPIP SIZEUSERFLATMOVIEMUSICSPORTS0Ch1Bh00h 00h00h 01h00h 02h00h 03h00h 04h(3) ParameterTREBLE 0Dh 00h 00h~14hBASS 11h 00h 00h~14hBALANCE 12h 00h 00h~20hVOLUME 13h 00h 00h~64hSRS WOW 14h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONMUTE 15h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONPIP 18h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONPOP 19h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONPBP 1Ah 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONLARGE 00h 00hSMALL 00h 01h
A36ENGLISHENGLISH 00h 00hDEUTSCH 00h 01hFRANÇAIS 00h 02hESPAÑOL 00h 03hITALIANO 00h 04hKOREAN 00h 05hAUTO ADJUST 22h 00h 00hPHASE 23h 00h 0h~64hOSD HOR. 25h 00h 00h~64hOSD VER. 26h 00h 00h~64hTRANSPARENCY 27h 00h 00h~0FhOSD LOCK 29h 00h 00h/OFF, 01h/ONRESET ALL 2Bh 00h 00hZOOM 35h 00h 0h~0ahLARGE 00h 00HSMALL 00h 01HFUNCTION     COMMAND(HEX)    PARAMETER1(HEX)      PARAMETER2 (HEX)1Ch1Dh(3) Parameter ..........ContinuePBP SIZERIGHT/TOP 00h 00hLEFT/TOP 00h 01hLEFT/BOTTOM 00h 02hRIGHT/BOTTOM 00h 03hPIP POSITION21hSTANDARD 00h 00h4:3 00h 01hFULL 00h 02hSPECTACLE 00h 03hPC 4:3(1:1) 00h 04hSCALINGLANGUAGE 2Ah
A37• Install the monitor driver, which is provided withthe monitor, or download it from the web site.(http://www.lge.com) •  See if the plug&play function is supported byreferring to the video card user manual.Did you install the driver?'Unknown Monitor' message appears when the monitor is connected.• See if the power cord is properly connected to theoutlet.•  See if the power switch is turned on.•  Adjust brightness (     ) and contrast (     ) again.• If the monitor is in power saving mode, move themouse or press any key.•  The signal from the PC (video card) is out of thevertical or horizontal frequency range of themonitor. Adjust the frequency range by referringto the Specifications in this manual.* Maximum resolutionD-Sub : 1600x1200 @60HzDVI-D : 1280x1024 @60Hz•  The signal cable between PC and monitor is notconnected. Check the signal cable.•  Press the 'SOURCE' menu in the remotecontroller to check the input signal.Is the monitor power cordconnected?Does the power LED is turned on?Power is on, power LED is green butthe screen appears extremely dark.Does the power LED look yellow?Does the 'OUT OF RANGE' messageappear?Does the 'CHECK SIGNAL CABLE'message appear?No image is displayed• The control locking function prevents unintentionalOSD setting change due to careless usage. Tounlock the controls, simultaneously press the Menubutton and  button for 5 seconds. (You cannot setthis function using the remote controller buttons. Youcan set this function in the monitor only.)The 'CONTROLS LOCKED' messageappears when pressing the Menubutton.'CONTROLS LOCKED' message appears.TroubleshootingNote* Vertical frequency: To enable the user to watch the monitor display, screen image should be changed tens of timesevery second like a fluorescent lamp. The vertical frequency or refresh rate is the times of image display per second.The unit is Hz.* Horizontal frequency: The horizontal interval is the time to display one vertical line. When 1 is divided by thehorizontal interval, the number of horizontal lines displayed every second can be tabulated as the horizontalfrequency. The unit is kHz.
A38ENGLISH• D-Sub analog signal – Press the “AUTO” button inthe remote controller to automatically select theoptimal screen status that fits into the currentmode. If adjustment is not satisfactory, use thePosition OSD menu.• See if the video card resolution and frequency aresupported by the monitor. If the frequency is out ofrange, set to the recommended resolution in theControl Panel – Display – Setting menu.• D-Sub analog signal – Press the  “AUTO” buttonin the remote controller to automatically select anoptimal screen status that fits into the currentmode. If adjustment is not satisfactory, use theClock OSD menu.• D-Sub analog signal – Press the  “AUTO” buttonin the remote controller to automatically select anoptimal screen status that fits into the currentmode. If adjustment is not satisfactory, use thePhase OSD menu.• See if the Zoom value is set to 0. If it is, youcannot adjust the H/V Position value.• If the screen size is not full when connected to thePC, execute the PIP/POP/PBP to change to fullscreen mode.• You cannot adjust brightness and tint in thePIP/POP/PBP Screen menu for the sub-screenamong PIP/POP/PBP menus. Therefore,brightness can be different for the sub-screen.Is the screen position wrong?Do thin lines appear on thebackground screen?Horizontal noise appears or thecharacters look blurred.Unable to adjust thehorizontal/vertical position in theZoom menu.Screen size is automatically adjustedwhen connected to the PC.Brightness differs in the main andsub screen when connected to thePC.The screen image looks abnormal.• If you use a fixed image for a long time, the pixelsmay be damaged quickly. Use the screensaverfunction.After-image appears when themonitor is turned off.After-image appears on the monitor.
A39• Set the number of colors to more than 24 bits (truecolor)Select Control Panel – Display – Settings – ColorTable menu in Windows.• Check the connection status of the signal cable.Or, re-insert the PC video card.•  Several pixels (red, green, white or black color)may appear on the screen, which can beattributable to the unique characteristics of theLCD panel. It is not a malfunction of the LCD.Screen has poor color resolution(16 colors).Screen color is unstable or mono-colored.Do black spots appear on thescreen?Screen color is abnormal.• See if the audio cable is connected properly.• Adjust the volume.• See if the sound is set properly.• See if the Sound is set to On in the PIP/POP/PBPmenu.•  Select the appropriate treble sound.•  Select the appropriate bass sound.• Adjust the volume.No sound?No sound is available when thePIP/POP/PBP mode is engaged.Sound is too dull.Sound is too low.The audio function does not work.• See if the PIP/POP/PBP function is in use. If thePIP/POP/PBP function is in use, the screen sizefunction may not work.The screen size function in the OSDmenu does not work.The screen size function in the OSD menu does not work.Troubleshooting
A40ENGLISH42 inches (106.68cm) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCD Anti-Glare coating42inches viewable0.681mm pixel pitchHorizontal Freq. D-SUB : 30 - 83kHz (Automatic)DVI-D : 30 - 66kHz (Automatic)Vertical Freq. 56 - 85Hz (Automatic)Input Form Separate TTL, Positive/NegativeComposite TTL, Positive/NegativeSOG (Sync On Green) DigitalSignal Input 15 pin D-Sub ConnectorDVI - D connector (Digital)Composite videoS videoSCART 1/SCART 2 or COMPONENT 1/ COMPONENT 2Input Form RGB Analog (0.7Vp-p/75ohm), Digital,S-video, CVBSMax D-SUB : 1600 x 1200 @60HzDVI-D : 1280 x 1024 @60HzRecommend 1360 x 768 @60HzDDC 2BAC 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 2.8ANormal :300WStand-by/Suspend≤5WDPMS Off ≤5WPower switch Off ≤5WPower cut-off switch off :     0WSpecificationsNOTEInformation in this document is subject to change without notice.DisplaySync InputVideo InputResolutionPlug&PlayPower InputPowerConsumptionRMS Audio Output 10W+10W(R+L)Input Sensitivity 0.7VrmsSpeaker Impedance 8ΩAudio
A41SpecificationsWidthxHeightxDepth[1]  105.7 cm(41.61 inches) x 69.70 cm(27.44  inches) x 29.45 cm(11.59 inches)[2] 105.7 cm(41.61 inches) x 65.30 cm(25.71 inches) x 11.91 cm(4.69 inches)[3]  125.9 cm(49.57 inches) x 69.70 cm(27.44 inches) x 29.45 cm(11.59 inches)[4] 125.9 cm(49.57 inches) x 65.30 cm(25.71 inches) x 11.91 cm(4.69 inches)Net[1] 34.65kg (76.39 lbs) [2] 30.25kg (66.69 lbs)[3] 37.25kg (82.12 lbs) [4] 32.85kg (72.42 lbs)Operating ConditionsTemperature 10˚C to 35 ˚CHumidity 10 % to 80 % non-CondensingStorage ConditionsTemperature -20˚C to 60 ˚CHumidity 5 % to 95 % non-CondensingDimensions&WeightEnvironmentalConditionsKensington Security Slot- optionalConnected to a locking cable that can be purchasedseparately at most computer stores[1] WH[2] WH[3] WHDDDD[4] WH
A42ENGLISHPreset modeHorizontalFrequency(kHz)VerticalFrequency(Hz)PC Mode – Preset ModeHDTV ModeComposite Video Input YPbPrPreset modeHorizontalFrequency(kHz)VerticalFrequency(Hz)12345678910640 x 350720 x 400640 x 480640 x 480640 x 480800 x 600800 x 600800 x 600832 x 6241024 x 76831.46931.46831.46937.50043.26937.87946.87553.67449.72548.36370706075856075857560VGAVGAVGAVESAVESAVESAVESAVESAMACVESA111213141516171024 x 7681024 x 7681280 x 7201360 x 7681280 x 10241280 x 10241600 x 120060.12368.6844.77247.7263.98179.9875VESAVESAVESAVESAVESAVESAVESA 75856060607560Preset modeHorizontalFrequency(kHz)VerticalFrequency(Hz)12345720 x 4831280x 7201280x 7201920x 10801920x 108031.5045.0044.9633.7533.7259.9460.0059.9460.0059.94Power LEDMode MonitorNormal OperationPre-power Saving StatePower Saving StatePower Switch OffPower Cut-off Switch OffGreenAmberAmber--D-SUB : Mode 1 ~ Mode 17DVI-D : Mode 1 ~ Mode 15
A43DVI-DT.M.D.S. (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling) No.                 Signal123456789101112131415161718192021222324T. M. D. S. Data 2- T. M. D. S. Data 2+ T. M. D. S. Data 2/4 Shield T. M. D. S. Data 4- T. M. D. S. Data 4+ DDC Clock DDC Data Analog Vertical Synchronization T. M. D. S. Data 1- T. M. D. S. Data 1+ T. M. D. S. Data 1/3 Shield T. M. D. S. Data 3- T. M. D. S. Data 3+ +5V PowerGrounding (return for +5V, horizontal sync and vertical sync)Hot Plug Detect T. M. D. S. Data 0- T. M. D. S. Data 0+ T. M. D. S. Data 0/5 Shield T. M. D. S. Data 5- T. M. D. S. Data 5+ T. M. D. S. Clock Shield T. M. D. S. Clock+ T. M. D. S. ClockSpecifications

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