Kyocera OASY1 Mobile Phone User Manual safty en

Kyocera Corporation Mobile Phone safty en

safty en

Safety PrecautionsSafety PrecautionsSafety PrecautionsSafety Precautions    ・  The  precautions must  be observed at all times since they contain  information intended to prevent the bodily injury or damage to property. ・  The following describes the meaning of safety symbols and signal words.  ■     PictographsPictographsPictographsPictographs DANGER   Indicates that death or serious bodily injury may result directly and immediately from improper use. WARNING   Indicates that death or serious bodily injury may result from improper use. CAUTION   Indicates that bodily injury and/or result from improper use.  ■■■■     SymbolsSymbolsSymbolsSymbols    Don't Indicates that it is prohibited. No disassembly   Indicates that it must not be disassembled.   No wet hands Indicates that you must not touch it with wet hands. No liquids Indicates that it must not be used near water, which means that you must not let it become wet. Do Indicates that it is an instruction-based compulsory conduct (must be acted). Unplug Indicates that you must unplug the power cord from the outlet.
 ■■■■     Precautions  for  the  Device,  Battery  Pack,  Adapter Precautions  for  the  Device,  Battery  Pack,  Adapter Precautions  for  the  Device,  Battery  Pack,  Adapter Precautions  for  the  Device,  Battery  Pack,  Adapter  and  UIM  (au  ICand  UIM  (au  ICand  UIM  (au  ICand  UIM  (au  IC----Card) Card) Card) Card) (Co(Co(Co(Common)mmon)mmon)mmon)    This  product  is  designed  to  operate  with  AC  adaptors  limited  to  6.2V,  1.5A maximum.  DANGER ・Use the battery pack and adapter specified for the device. Failure to observe this precaution may cause fire, burns, injury or electric shock. ・Do not use, keep or leave the devices in locations subject to high temperatures, such  as near fire, indirect sunlight  or  inside a car on  a hot  day. Doing so may cause fire, burns, or injury. ・Make sure to turn off  the devices and stop charging before you  get close to the places like a gas station where a flammable gas is generated. Doing  so  may  cause  the  gas  to  ignite.  Turn  off  the  power,  when  you  use Osaifu-keitai at a gas station (if the IC card lock is set, turn the power off after the lock is released). ・Do not throw the device into fire. Doing so may cause the device to ignite, explode, overheat or leak. ・Do not put the devices in a microwave oven or pressurized container. Doing so may cause fire, burns, injury or electric shock.   ・Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Doing so may cause fire, burns, injury or electric shock. ・Do  not  place  electrically  conductive  objects  (wires,  pencil  leads,  etc.)  in  contact with the external jacks. Do not insert those materials inside the terminal. Doing so may cause fire, burns, injury or electric shock. ・Do not throw the devices or expose it to strong shocks. Doing so may cause fire, burns, injury or electric shock. ・If something unusual happens, such as unusual odor, overheating, discoloration or deformation during use, charge or storage, be sure to: ●  Unplug the power cord from the power outlet or the cigarette lighter socket. ●  Turn off the power. ●  Remove the battery pack. ●  Contact your nearest au shop or Customer Center.
 WARNING ・Electricity  is in  a state, and  please  do not  touch the  connection terminal in  a physical part including a hand and the finger. ・Please  do  not  charge  it  in  the  state  that  the  OASY1  gets  wet  with.  It  causes trouble, the fire by the shortstop of an electric shock and the electronic circuit. The trouble  by  the  charge  at  the  age  of  the  water  wet  is  out  of  the  guarantee,  and repair is not possible. ・OASY1 is a model having a waterproofing function, but please stop use by any chance when liquids such as the water enter the main body of OASY1 inside from an outside connection terminal cover, a battery cover. It causes fever, ignition, the trouble when I just use it. ・When you drop and damaged OASY1, please contact au shop or the visitor center. ・Keep the device out of young children's reach. A young child may try to swallow it or suffer injury. ・Do not leave the device in humid, dusty or hot places. Doing so may cause fire, burns or electric shock.  CAUTION ・If you touch the warm part of these devices for a long period of time, it may cause    redness, itch, skin irritation or low temperature burns depending on your constitution or physical condition. ・Do not leave the device on a slope or unstable surface. The devices may fall and cause injury. ・Do not touch for a long time the apparatus (separate sale) for charge of OASY1, a battery pack, the designation that is in condition that a power supply is supplied from the outside. It causes the low temperature burn. ・Do not put it in the side of a corrosive medicine and the place where the corrosive gas is generated. It causes the disappearance of internal data by the trouble.
 ・Do not bend the UIM (IC-Card) or place a heavy object on it. Doing so may cause malfunction. ・Do not damage, scratch, unnecessarily touch, or short-circuit the IC. Doing so may cause data loss or malfunction. ・Do not injure the IC (metal) part of the au lC card. Doing so may cause malfunction. ・Do not allow the UIM (IC-Card) to get wet or leave it in places of high humidity. Doing so may cause a malfunction. ・When you play games or music with an earphone/microphone connected to the device, adjust the volume properly. Too large a volume may lead to defective hearing. Also, hearing difficulties may cause an accident.  ■■■■     Precautions for the DevicePrecautions for the DevicePrecautions for the DevicePrecautions for the Device    DANGER ・Be careful when using the device while driving. A penalty may be imposed for holding a mobile phone while driving. When you need to receive a call, tell the caller that you will call back later using hands-free functions, then pull off the road before using the phone. ・Do not turn on the light against the car drivers, etc. Doing so may interfere with driving and cause a traffic accident. ・Before  using  your  devices  in  a  vehicle,  ask  the  manufacturer  or  sales  agent whether the operation of the vehicle can be affected by radio waves. In some types of vehicle, using the devices may interfere with the operation of the vehicle's electronic equipment. In this case, stop using the devices immediately. ・Please turn off your device when inside an airplane.
 ・Radio waves emitted by the device may adversely affect implanted pacemakers and ICDs when used in close proximity. 1. A person with an implantable cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator should use or carry the device at a distance more than 22 cm from the site of implantation. 2. Turn off the power in crowded places such as peak-hour trains if implanted electronic medical devices may be in use near you. 3. Take care of the following inside hospitals. ●  Do not take your devices into an operating room, intensive care unit (ICU), or coronary care unit (CCU). ●  Turn off the power inside hospital wards. If the Auto power function is set, make sure to disable the function before turning off the power. ●  Turn off the power even in hospital lobbies, waiting rooms, and corridors if electronic medical devices may be in use near you. ●  For use inside medical institutions, please follow the instructions given at individual locations 4. Electronic medical devices other than implanted pacemakers and ICDs may also be used outside hospitals. Users of electronic medical devices are advised to ask the manufacturer whether these instruments can be affected by radio waves. ・Please turn off the power near electronic equipment that contains high-precision mechanisms or handles delicate signals. The terminal may interfere with the operation of sensitive electronic equipment. * Electronic equipment to watch out for: Hearing aids, implanted cardiac pacemakers, ICDs and other electronic medical devices; fire alarms, automatic doors, and other automatically controlled apparatus. Users of implanted cardiac pacemakers, ICDs, and other electronic medical devices are advised to ask the manufacturer or sales agent whether or not these devices can be affected by radio waves. ・Confirm neighboring security when you do a call, an email, photography, game or   internet , watch TV and listen to music. It causes a fall, the traffic accident when you use it without confirming security. ・Be careful about volume, when you use an earphone (separate sale). When it is hard to hear neighboring sounds, it causes the accident.
 ・When thunder is heard outside, stop using the devices immediately. Turn off handset and do not touch it. Failing to do so may attract lightning and cause electric shock. When thunder is heard, stop using the devices and move to a safe place such as inside a building.  WARNING ・ISW11K  is  not  complete  waterproofing.  When  it  is  for  use  without  protecting contents  listed  in  "waterproof  attention"  of  follows  1-4  and  P.xx  -  xx,  it  causes ignition, fever, an injury, an electric shock, the trouble. 1. Do not make use (including the key operation) underwater. 2.  Do  not  soak  it  in  a  liquid  except  fresh  water,  the  tap  water  of  the  normal temperature. 3. Do not hit a strong water current more than rule (IPX5, IPX7)(P.xx), and do not sink it for a long time underwater. 4. Do not put it on sandy beaches. ・Do not turn on the light near a person's eyes. The light may affect eyesight. Also, this may dazzle or surprise him/her and cause injury. ・Do not direct the infrared data port towards your or another person's eyes. Doing so may cause eye injury. Do not direct the infrared data port towards consumer equipment with infrared devices during infrared communication. Doing so may cause malfunction of the infrared devices and result in an accident. ・If ISW11K is broken, be careful with the broken parts and any exposed the device parts. However, touching broken or exposed parts may cause injury. ・If you have a weak heart, take precautions when setting the Vibrator or Ring volume.Failure to observe this precaution may affect your heart. ・In a dark room, do not stare at the blinking of the strong light and light of the screen. There is the person who extremely rarely wakes up symptoms such as the loss  of  muscle  cramp  and  the  consciousness  when  they  watch  the  screen  which they receive stimulation of strong  light, and  repeats blinking. Please  talk about the one with such an experience with a doctor by all means beforehand. ・Do not hit the lens of the camera with direct rays of the sun for a long time. By the collecting action of the lens, it causes ignition, the fire.
 ・Keep the external connector (earphone/microphone terminal) cap closed when not in use. Doing so may cause malfunction due to dust or water getting in.  CAUTION ・Never use the remodeled au telephone. When you use a remodeled apparatus, it conflicts with Wireless Telegraphy Act. The au telephone catches the technical standard conformity proof of specific radio facilities based on the Wireless Telegraphy Act, and, as the proof, "a skill proper mark" is displayed by the tablet seal of the main body of au telephone. When  you  take  off  the  screw  of  au  telephone  and  remodel  the  inside,  technical standard  conformity  proof  becomes  invalid.  Because  you  conflict  with  Wireless Telegraphy Act when technical standard conformity proof uses it in the state that became invalid, I ask to be never used. ・Before using the device, make sure that no metal objects (such as pins) are stuck to the earpiece or speaker. Failing to do so may result in a metal object causing an ear or head injury, etc. ・Do not swing the device by its strap or other parts. The device may strike you or others around you, resulting bodily injury. ・Do not hear it at the direct megavolume that or you use an earphone (separate sale),  and  stimulates  an  ear  successively  for  a  long  time.  you  may  have  a  bad influence on a hearing ability. ・Do not let magnetic cards, etc. come close to the devices. The magnetic data in cash cards, credit cards, telephone cards, floppy disks, etc. may be erased. ・ISW11K ambient temperature 5 degrees Celsius - 35 degrees Celsius (but the use that is temporary if is 36 degrees Celsius - 40 degrees Celsius is possible.) Use it in the range of 35% - 90% of humidity. When I become clear with trouble by the use at the extremely hot place more than ranges and a cold place, I do not have the repair by the guarantee. ・Use a phone after tearing the protection sheet of display off. It causes the injury when you use it with putting it. In addition, please warn it not to cut fingers when you tear it off either.
 ・Do not pull up microSD forcibly. It causes trouble, the inside data disappearance. ・Do not use microSD anything other than a designation product. It causes trouble, the  inside  data  disappearance.  Please  inquire  whether  you  see  this  book  P.XX about the au designation product to au shop or the visitor center. ・The Bluetooth®  function of OASY1 acquires  authorization according to  Japan and  FCC  standard. The  use of  the  Bluetooth®  function  may  be limited  in  some country / area. When you use it abroad, please confirm the conditions such as laws and regulations of the country / area. ・When you felt abnormality to skin, you stop use promptly, and please talk with a dermatologist. Depending on constitution, the physical condition of the visitor, you may produce an itch, a rash, a rash.
 ■■■■     Precautions for the Battery PackPrecautions for the Battery PackPrecautions for the Battery PackPrecautions for the Battery Pack    Read the separate manuals supplied with the device and adapter carefully. DANGER ・Do not  let (+) and (-) of  the battery  pack short-circuit.  It causes  an explosion, ignition, the fever. ・Do not place metal items such as wires in contact with the charging terminals. Also, do not carry or store the battery with metal items such as necklaces. Doing so may cause the battery pack to ignite, explode, overheat or leak. ・Check  the  orientation  of  the  battery  pack  before  attaching  it.  If  you  have difficulty attaching it to the device, do not put excessive pressure on the battery. Failure to observe this precaution may cause the battery pack to ignite, explode, overheat or leak. ・Do not puncture the battery pack, hit it with a hammer or step on it. Doing so may cause the battery pack to ignite, explode, overheat or leak. ・Do not solder it directly, and do the resolution, remodeling. The liquid in the battery jumps out, and it gets into eyes and causes accidents such as the loss of eyesight and an explosion, ignition, the fever. ・If the battery pack leaks or emits an unusual odor, stop using it immediately and move it away from any flame or fire.The battery fluid is flammable and could ignite, causing a fire or explosion.   ・Do not touch with wet hands.  WARNING
 ・The  battery  pack  does  not  have  waterproofing  performance.  Do  not  allow  the devices to become wet with liquids, such as water, drinking water or pet urine. Do not use or charge the wet battery pack. Doing so may cause the battery pack to ignite, explode, overheat or leak. ・When an internal liquid gets into eyes, please be treated for the doctor promptly after having washed it with pure water enough without rubbing it. you might go blind when you leave it unattended.  CAUTION ・When an internal liquid attaches to skin and clothes, please wash it away with pure water enough promptly. It becomes the cause that skin gets a rash. ・Do  not throw  away the  unnecessary  battery pack with general  garbage. Please cooperate with the collection of the battery pack which became unnecessary to plan environmental protection and the utilization of resources. I collect the used battery pack in au shops. ・  Do not tear off a seal wound around a battery pack. It causes the trouble.  ■■■■     Precautions for the AdapterPrecautions for the AdapterPrecautions for the AdapterPrecautions for the Adapter    DANGER ・If the battery fails to charge in the specified time, stop charging immediately. Failing to do so may cause overheating, rupturing or fire. ・Do not touch the adapter when you see lightning or hear thunder. Doing so may cause electric shock.  WARNING
 ・Use the specified voltage and current. Using the adapters with incorrect voltage may cause fire, burns or electric shock. AC Adapter    : AC100V-240V . ・When you insert a designated AC adapter in an outlet, do not let metal strap or accessories touch a power supply plug. It causes ignition, a fire, an electric shock, the injury. Failure to observe this precaution may cause fire, burns or electric shock. ・Please insert the power supply plug surely to the root of an outlet or the cigar writer socket. When a plug is incomplete, it causes ignition, a fire, fever, the electric shock. ・The adapter does not have waterproofing performance. Do not allow the devices to become wet with liquids, such as water, drinking water or pet urine. Do not charge in the wet condition. ・Do not touch with wet hands. ・At the humid place including the bathroom, never use it. It causes an electric shock and the trouble. ・Do not charge the wet battery pack. ・Do not cover with cloth and futon and wrap it during charge. It causes ignition, the fire. ・Do not do the how to use more than the rating of an outlet and the wiring appliance. It causes ignition, a fire, the fever.
 ・Do not put heavy objects on the power cord of the adapter. Doing so may cause fire, burns or electric shock. ・Unplug  the  adapter  from  the  power  outlet  or  cigarette  lighter  socket  before cleaning it. Also, wipe off any dust on the plug. Failure to observe this precaution may cause fire, burns or electric shock. ・Do not leave the devices dusty. Doing so may cause fire, burns or electric shock. ・Always grasp the plug when unplugging the adapter from the power outlet or cigarette lighter socket. Do not pull the cord itself. Failure to observe this precaution may cause fire, burns or electric shock. ・Failure to observe this precaution may cause fire, burns or electric shock.

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