Koden Electronics RB719A Marine Radar RA55 User Manual C12 5 4Setup Menu 2

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA55 C12 5 4Setup Menu 2


RA51/52/53/54/55 INSTRUCTION MANUAL – 05    51 5.5.4 SETUP Menu Press the "MENU" key and select "SETUP" from the four displayed menus by using the left or right arrows on the cursor pad.  Highlight a specific item in the SETUP menu using the up-down cursor pad keys, and then press "ENT" to reveal the box containing further menu choices. MENU    Left/Right    (Select SETUP) Selecting the screen display (WINDOW) There are seven selectable screen configurations on the RA40/RA41/RA42/43/44: 1) PPI screen with navigation data and soft keys 2) PPI screen & SEMI3D screen with navigation data and soft keys 3) Two PPI screens, each of which can display a different range setting   4) PPI screen & large character navigation screen 5) Full-screen PPI display without nav data or soft keys 6) Full-screen of two PPI displays   7) MOB position data screen            Up/Down     ENT     Up/Down     (Select PPI)    ENT  (a) (Select WINDOW)          (Select PPI+SEMI3D)    ENT  (b)             (Select PPI+PPI)    ENT  (c)             (Select PPI+NAV)    ENT  (d)             (Select ALL PPI)  ENT  (e)             (Select ALL PPI+PPI)    ENT  (f)             (Select MOB)    ENT  (g) Functions Available On Each Screen SCREEN ITEM PPI PPI/SEMI3D PPI/NAV PPI+PPI ALL PPI ALL PPI PPI MOB RANGE ¡ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¥ X VRM1, EBL1 ¡ ¡ o X X X VRM2, EBL2 ¡ ¡ o X X X FL VRM2/EBL2 ¡ X X X X X RINGS ON/OFF ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ X ZOOM, OFF CENT  ¡ X X X X X ///CSR ¡ ¡ o ¡ ¡ X HDG OFF ¡ ¡ ¡ X ¡ X STERN M ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ X NORTH M ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ X GAIN, STC, FTC ¡ ¡ ¥ X X X TUNE ¡ ¡ ¡ X X X ST ¡ ¡ ¡ X X X GZ ¡ ¡ ¥ X X X SEL WIN X X ¡ X ¡ X TXON/OFF ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ X ¥ :   Independent control on both screens using SEL WIN ¡ :   Simultaneous control on both screen o :   Can only be used on a PPI screens X :   Cannot be used SEL WIN > PICTURE > SYSTEM CHECK CUSTOM >  WINDOWMARK . 75 .25 HU NAV ECHO SETUP SEMI3D / PPI PPI / PPI PPI / NAV ALL PPI ALL PPI/PPI MOB  PPI   SETUP  >>>>    0.23NM A
52    RA51/52/53/54/55 INSTRUCTION MANUAL – 05 Screen Modes and Operations (a) PPI Screen   All functions can be used on this screen.      (b) PPI/SEMI3D Screen Simultaneous control of both screens at one time with  controls, such as EBLs and VRMs. ZOOM, OFF-C, FL EBL2, and FL VRM2 cannot be used on this mode. The "SEMI3D" screen always displays the boat's heading at its center.     (c) PPI/PPI Screen The radar picture is alternately refreshed with a separate scanning interval for each PPI screen. While one image is being refreshed, the other is held static.  When cruising at higher speeds, we recommend using a single PPI screen for continuous real-time imaging.       ZOOM, OFF-C, FL-EBL2, and FL-VRM2 can not be used on this screen. RANGE, GAIN, STC, FTC, and GZ can be used independently for each by pressing the "SEL WIN" button.  The cross cursor will be displayed on the selected screen and the range indicator will be highlighted.             When adjusting GAIN, STC, or FTC in a dual screen mode, only the radar image of the screen being adjusted is refreshed. The other is held static. Approximately five seconds after you press "ENT" to save the adjustment, both screens will be refreshed in their normal sequence. Determining distance with VRM1 on LEFT screen 1) If the RIGHT range indicator is highlighted, change to the LEFT screen with "SEL WIN". 2) Press the "VRM1" key.  The VRM distance in the lower left of the screen will be highlighted. 3) Rotate the control knob to determine the distance to a target. In the dual screen mode, VRM2, EBL1, or EBL2 also work the same way. .75 .25 HU + PPI Screen .75 .25 HU S + 280  320  000   040  080 PPI/SEMI3D Screen  LEFT screen /--------/*******/--------/******/--------/******    t→ RIGHT screen ******* /--------/******/--------/******/--------/  Picture drawing (refreshed) Displayed previous picture (hold) .75  . 25  HU S   24  6 + G    55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT LEFT screen is selected .75  . 25  HU S   24  6  + G  55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT LEFT GAIN is active Left GAIN in reverse G    55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT 1  0.00NM Determining the distance with VRM1  on LEFT screen .75  .25 HU S      6   1 +
RA51/52/53/54/55 INSTRUCTION MANUAL – 05    53 (d) PPI/NAV Screen  Note: The ZOOM, OFF-C, FL EBL2, and FL VRM2 do not work in this mode.         (e) ALL PPI Screen The range, range ring interval and display mode are displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen.  To return to a normal PPI screen, press any key except "MENU", "RANGE UP", "RANGE DOWN", "BRILL", or "POWER".       (f) ALL PPI/PPI Screen The range, range ring interval and display mode are displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen.  To return to a normal PPI screen, press any key except "MENU", "RANGE UP", "RANGE DOWN", "BRILL", or "POWER". The radar picture is alternately refreshed with a separate scanning interval for each PPI screen. While one image is being refreshed, the other is held static.  When cruising at higher speeds, we recommend using a single PPI screen for continuous real-time imaging.    (g) MOB Screen When you press the "MOB" key, the MOB screen appears.  It displays both your present position and the position of your boat when you pushed the button.  Press the "MOB" key to clear the MOB position and return to the previous screen.  Press "ENT" to return previous screen but keep the MOB position data.     + . 75 . 25 HU S ALL PPI screen .75 .25 HU  S + NAV DISPLAY WAY P     123.4°       6.8NM COURSE    2.38NM XTE      <<< HDG    267.3°T SPD    12.8KT TEMP    20.8°C DEPTH    58.3M LAT    34°08.22N LON   138°02.53E PPI/NAV screen MAN OVERBOARD  MOB POS   37°08.42N  142°03.33E SHIP’S POS   37°12.42N  142°04.33E   PRESS MOB KEY TO DATA CLEAR  PRESS ENTER KEY TO RETURN .75 .25   HU  S .25  .125 + ALL PPI/PPI screen
54    RA51/52/53/54/55 INSTRUCTION MANUAL – 05 Switching screens on PPI/PPI screen (SEL WIN) "SEL WIN" switches the active screen to operate functions such as RANGE, GAIN, STC, FTC, VRM1/2, EBL1/2, and guard zone.  The range indicator of active screen is highlighted.      Reversing the screen (PICTURE) You can reverse the screen display for better viewing at night or to suit ambient lighting conditions.  Select PICTURE from the SETUP menu and press "ENT".  Select either DAY or NIGHT.  Up/Down     ENT     Up/Down     (Select DAY)    ENT     Day display (Select PICTURE)          (Select NIGHT) ENT  Night display   Slave Display Operation It is possible to utilize a slave radar display as a repeater for the RA4x(C) radars. However, there are limitations to this configuration. The master display unit must be set to the single PPI mode only, in order for the slave to operate properly. Additionally, the slave display will have reduced target performance if operated outside the range setting of the master. The slave radar display must be set to “MONI” in the “SETUP”, “CUSTOM” and “PRESET 2” menu. See Fault Diagnosis by Self Check (SYSTEM CHECK) SYSTEM CHECK helps you to identify a problem with your system.  (1) Select SYSTEM CHECK the SETUP menu and press “ENT”. (2) The self-check will take a few seconds to run.  OK indicates the item is operating properly.  NG means it is faulty. (3) You can test the functioning of the front panel buttons by pushing them.  If they are working properly, their corresponding icons will be highlighted.  Rotating the control knob will make a line move inside the box on screen. (4) Press the "POWER" key to return to the previous screen. DAY display NIGHT display  75 . 25 HU . 75 . 25 HU Range display on the active screen become a reverse display .75 .25   S .5   .25 .75 .25  HU  S .5  .25
RA51/52/53/54/55 INSTRUCTION MANUAL – 05    55                       a) ROM Indicates the ROM status. b) RAM Indicates the RAM status.   c) Backup memory Indicates the backup memory status. d) Transmit trigger Indicates the signal line status for the trigger signal sent from the scanner unit. e) Bearing pulse Indicates the signal line status for the bearing signal sent fron the scanner unit. f) Heading pulse Indicates the signal line status for the bow signal sent from the scanner unit. g) +5V voltage Indicates the reference voltage status of the video circuit and its voltage value. (normally about 5 V) h) High voltage(at SU) Indicates the status of the high voltage supplied from the display unit to the scanner unit and its voltage value (normally about 250 V) at scanner unit. i) High voltage(at DU) Indicates the status of the high voltage supplied from the display unit to the scanner unit and its voltag value (normally about 250 V) at display unit. j) Magnetron current Indicates the status of the anode current flowing in the magnetron and its current value. k)   Tuning voltage Indicates the status of the voltage used for tunning. l)   Motor power supply Indicates the status of the scanner motor power supply (normally    (6 kW/12 kW type only) about 40 V). m) Cumulative usage time Indicates the cumulative time your radar is used.     OPERATE : Duration of time during which the power supply is turned on.     TRANSMIT : Duration of time transmitting. n) ROM version Indicates the ROM software version. . o) Scanner type Indicates the Scanner type  ex. 4 KW OPEN p) Front-panel keys As you press any front-panel key when the SYSTEM CHECK screen is on, the corresponding key is highlighted on the screen by displaying it in reverse video.  RNG U RNG D BRILL AUTO GAIN STC FTC  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 MOB POWERSYSTEM CHECK screen ENT MENU Indicates the control knob status. Indicates the cursor status. CONTROL KNOB  SYSTEM CHECK       MEMORY CHECK a) ROM---------------------------------------- > ROM OK b) RAM---------------------------------------- > RAM OK c) Backup memory----------------------- > BACKUP OK   SIGNAL CHECK d) Transmit trigger------------------------ > (1) TRIGGER OK e) Bearing pulse--------------------------- > (2) AZIMUTH OK f) Heading pulse-------------------------- > (3) HM OK g) +5Vvoltage--------------------------- > (4) +5V OK 5.2V h) High voltage(at scanner)----------- > (5) H.T. AT SU OK      253.2V i) High voltage(at display) ------------ > (6) H.T. AT DU OK    253.2V j) Magnetron current-------------------- > (7) MAG. CUR. OK 2.1 k) Tuning voltage ------------------------- > (8) TUNE OK l) Motor power supply ------------------ > (9) MOTOR PS OK 40.0 V    m) Cumulative usage time ---------> HOURMETER  Operation time ------------------------ > OPERATE 12.0H  Transmit time  ------------------------- > TRANSMIT 10.3H  n) ROM version-------------------------> ROM VERSION V1.00 o) Scanner type-------------------------> 4 KW OPEN      PRESS POWER KEY TO RETURNKEY TO RETURN   p) Indicates the operation status of front-panel key

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