Koden Electronics RB716A Marine Radar RA42C User Manual 19

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA42C 19


79CHAPTER 6.  MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONMost of maintenance of this radar should be referred to qualified personnel. Ifradar has any problem, contact your dealer and tell us that problem.There are high voltage circuits inside of this radar.Do not attempt to open the rear cover of displayunit or disassemble internal parts. When you openthe radome, power must be off.Even power switch is OFF, this radar is still sup-plied power inside.The following table shows the maintenance by user. Please check periodically.Tab. 6-1  Maintenance*:  Use grease for plastics for RA40C/41C. If you use other type of grease(not for plastics),it may break antennaConcerning ConsumableThe radar uses consumable as listed below that require periodic replacement.(1) MagnetronThis part is mounted in the scanner unit. If distant echo images havebecome less visible, the magnetron probably may have degraded. In such acase, replace it. Consult your distributor for replacement of this part.Period of the replacement : 3000hour(typ.) (500hour guarantee)(2) LCD back-lightThis part is mounted in the display unit. If the display screen is ex-tremely dark and its illumination cannot be corrected by adjusting bright-ness, the LCD back-light may be faulty or may have burnt out. In such acase, replace it. Consult your distributor for replacement of this part.Period of the replacement : 15000hour(typ.) (1000hour at 0•)Inspection Interval Inspection Item Method of Inspection and Maintenance3-6 months Rust and loosenessin scanner unit Check whether the scanner’s fitting bolts arecorroded or less.Display screen ofLCD display Clean filter and LCD screen surfaces with asoft and wet cloth.6-12 months Grease* applicationto antenna drivegearApply an even coating of grease* to the entiresurface of the antenna drive gear with a spat-ula or brush.Check for contactof connectors Check whether connectors are contactedproperly. If any connector is improperly con-tacted or stained, correct it by using a contactrestoring chemical agent or by polishing orreplace with a new one if necessary.Antenna motor brush(RA42C) Check the length of brushes.  If the length isunder 6mm, change them to new one.!WARNING
80(3) Fuse The fuse is built inthe power supply cable.If the fuse appears to beblown, check the fuse. Ifblown, replace itfollowing the procedureshown in Fig.6-2.Note:  Before maintenance of scanner,  you can hang a radome(upper) using cordthrough hole as follows.Fig. 6-3  Method for replacing fuse Push Power supply cable Wire(White) Turn counterclockwise and pull Fuse Spring Push and turn clockwise Replace new fuse To display unit Fig. 6-2  Method for replacing fuseFixing screwHoleA:  Top viewCordCordARadome(Upper)Radome(bottom)

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