Koden Electronics RB715A Marine Radar RA41C User Manual 15

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA41C 15


685.5.4.5 Changing the content of the setting (CUSTOM)Note)  Items in CUSTOM are for conducting settings and adjustments at the time of installation,which need not be conducted normally.-Common operations for CUSTOMUse the up-down cursor keys to select CUSTOM after ”the common operations for the SETUP”menu, and press either the "ENT" key.MENU  •→Left/Right →Up/Down →ENT(Select SETUP) (Select CUSTOM)Common operation for SETUPWhen the above operations have been conducted, 4 items, namely "KEY ASSIGN", "PRESET1","PRESET2" and "ADJUST", are displayed beside the CUSTOM item.Further explanation concerning the CUSTOM menu items will be done on the assumption that theabove "common operations for CUSTOM" have already been conducted. CUSTOM > SETUP WINDOW > SEL WIN  > PICTURE > SYSTEM CHECK  .75 .25 HU  SkNAV ECHO SETUP SETUP >>>  0.23NM ATKEY ASSIGN PRESET1 PRESET2 NMEA PRESET ADJUST    >
695. Changing the settings of soft keys (KEY ASSIGN)Conducting alterations and new settings for the functions of keys with number displays of 1-7.(1)  Screen display for the settingWhen KEY ASSIGN has been selected with the up-down cursor keys from among the CUSTOMitems and the "ENT" key is pressed, the setting screen is displayed.  (See chart below)(2)  Selecting functionsReverse the items to be set using the up-down cursor keys.  (The items become reverse inaccordance with the moving cursor.)(3)  Key settings(3)-1  Making new settings (Example 1)For allocating the selected item to a soft key, press the key to be allocated.  The selecteditem will be displayed beside the key, which indicates that the setting has been conducted.(3)-2  Changing the function of a key with an preset function (Example 2)When the allocated key is pressed, its function will be altered to the one selected in (1)above and the previous function will be canceled.The current settings for SET1-4 will be displayed below NEXT.  In order to switch thesettings SET1-4, use the right-left cursor keys.  (Double settings (setting 1 item for more 1 5 6 7 4 3 2KEY ASSIGNMENTEBL1 EBL2 RINGS PPIVRM1 VRM2 TUNE PPI/3DVAR RNG FL EBL2 ST PPI/PPITRACK FL VRM2 ZOOM PPI/NAVTARGET GZ SLEEP ALL PPISEL WIN OFF-C PICTURE ALL PPI2NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXTSET1 SET2 SET3 SET4MARK  @EBL1 @VRM1 @EBL2 @VRM2 @FL EBL2 @FL VRM2 @HDG OFF     @///CSR @RINGS @VAR RNG @TARGET @+MK LINENAV  @MODE @GZ @OFF-C @SLEEPECHO  @TUNE @ST @TRACK @ZOOM @S^LSETUP  @SEL WIN @PICTURE @PPI @PPI/3D @PPI/PPI @PPI/NAV @ALL PPI @ALL PPI2 @NEXTKey GroupsMove with up-down cursor Move with right-left cursorMark is displayed when the function is set to a key.        Operation panel Keys 1 - 7Soft Key Setting Screen
70than 1 key) are possible.)When settings are to be conducted for more than 1 key, repeat the operations (3)-1 to (3)-2.(Example 3)(4)  Completing the settingAfter the setting has been finished, press the ENT key to exit from KEY ASSIGNMENT.Example of an operation(The process up to the selection of KEY ASSIGNMENT from the SETUP menu is omitted.  Onlythe process after the above chart will be described.)Example 1)  Altering OFF-C allocated to key 6 in setting 2 to HDG OFF.Up/Down →     6   →ENT ----------------------------Key 6 altered from  Select HDG OFF The display beside key 6 Exit from  OFF-C  to  HDG  OFFchanges to HDG OFF KEY ASSIGNMENTExample 2)  Re-allocate SEL WIN to key 1 in setting 2.Left/Right → Up/Down →      1   →ENT -------------------Key 1 in setting 2select SEL WIN SEL WIN is displayed  Exit from is altered to SEL WINFrom SET1  beside key 1. KEY ASSIGNMENT to SET2Example 3) Alter key 1 in setting 1 from ST to HDG OFF and then reset key 1 in setting 2 as SEL WIN.Up/Down →     6   -------------- Key 6 altered fromSelect HDG OFF The display beside key 6 ST  to  HDG  OFFchanges to HDG OFFLeft/Right →Up/Down →      1   →ENT ----------------------------KeySelect SEL WIN SEL WIN is displayed Exit from is  altered  to  SEL  WINFrom SET1  beside key 1. KEY ASSIGNMENT to SET2

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