Koden Electronics RB715A Marine Radar RA41C User Manual 11

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA41C 11


565.5.3 Echo Menu xxx •••keys to pressAdjustment options to be conducted on the echoes displayed on the screen•Common operations for the ECHO menu   (Up to the point when "ECHO" menu is selectedfrom the main menu)Press the "MENU" key and select "ECHO" from the displayed 4 main menus using the left-right cursor.  (The contents of the selected MENU will appear on a pull-down display inaccordance with the movement of the left-right cursor.)MENU •••---> Left/Right (Select ECHO)When the above-mentioned operations have been conducted, the items of the ECHO menuare vertically displayed.Further explanation about the ECHO menu will be conducted on the assumption that this"common operation for the ECHO menu" has already been completed. Sensibility adjustment (GAIN)(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select GAIN from among the pull-down display items, andpress either the "ENT" key or the right cursor key.(2)  Select MANU from the MANU/AUTO display beside the GAIN item using the up-downcursor keys, and press the "ENT" key.(3)  The present state of GAIN is displayed in reverse on thescreen left as•G 35• and an adjustable state is entered.When the control knob are operated in this state, thefigure alternates within a range of 0 and 99 and the GAINcan thus be adjusted.(4)  The adjustment is completed by pressing the "ENT" keyafter adjustment.When  AUTO action is to be entered, select AUTO in (2)and press the "ENT" key to complete the setting.G  56The setting value is displayed duringMANUAL operation.AT is displayed during AUTO operation.(The same applies to STC, FTC and TUNE.)MARK.7 5.2 5H U    L NAV ECHOSETUPECHO>>> 0.23 NMGAIN >STC >FTC >TUNE >ST >•MANU•AUTOAT
57Up/Down --> ENT  -->  Up/Down(Select GAIN) |->(Select MANU) --------------------> Control knob --> ENTSet to MANU mode| (GAIN adjustment)|->(Select AUTO) ----------------------------------- --> ENTSet to AUTO mode5.5.3.2 Removing sea clutter (STC)Refer to the section, “Sensibility adjustment (GAIN)”.Up/Down  -->  ENT  -->  Up/Down(Select STC) |->(Select MANU) -->   ENT -->   Control knob  -->   ENT  Set  toMANU mode| (STC adjustment)|->(Select AUTO) -->   ENT -----------------------------------Set to AUTO modeNote:  When you select MANU mode, GAIN and FTC will be switched to MANU mode, too.Note:  When you select HARBOR mode, FTC will be switched to MANU mode. Removing rain and snow clutter (FTC)Refer to the section, “Sensibility adjustment (GAIN)”.Up/Down  -->  ENT  -->  Up/Down(Select FTC) |->(Select MANU) -->   ENT -->   Control knob  -->   ENT Set toMANU mode| (FTC adjustment)|->(Select AUTO) -->   ENT -----------------------------------Set to AUTO mode5.5.3.4 Adjusting receiver tuning (TUNE)Refer to the section, “Sensibility adjustment (GAIN)”.Up/Down  -->  ENT  -->  Up/Down(Select TUNE) |->(Select MANU) -->  ENT --> Control knob  -->  ENT Set to MANUmode| (TUNE adjustment)|->(Select AUTO) -->  ENT ------------------------------------Set to AUTO mode35
585.5.3.5 Echo expansion (ST)Expanding the echo to the direction of the distance. Two types of echo expansion exist, select ST1 or ST2 from the menu.(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select ST from among the pull-down display items, andpress the "ENT" key.(2)  Select ST1 or ST2 from the display beside the ST item using the up-down cursor keys,and press the "ENT" key.Up/Down --> ENT --> Up/Down -->••select ST1• ............... -->   ENTset ST1|->••select ST2• ............... |->   ENTset ST2|->••select OFF• ............... |->   ENTST OFF( expansion rate ST1<ST2 ) Displaying locus of target (TRACK)(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select TRACK from among the pull-down display items,and press the "ENT" key.(2)  Select 15SEC, 30SEC, 1MIN, 3MIN, 6MIN, or CONT from the display beside the TRACKitem using the up-down cursor keys, and press the "ENT" key."TRK 15S" is displayed on the left side of the screen and track mode is entered.  15Sindicates the length of the track, and displays a maximum of 15-second-long sailing track. .75 .25 HU  + ST1 .75 .25 HU + The picture to display echoes  expanded in the direction of  the distance ST1, or ST2 display, no display on OFF state ST function is OFF Indicated setting value onmanual mode,
59 Note: When PPI+PPI or ALL PPI+PPI screen mode is used, TRACK function can be usedonly on CONT mode.up/down --> ENT --> up/down ........... ->••select OFF•-> ENT TRACK OFF|---->••select 15SEC• ......................... -> ENTset 15sec. track|---->••select 30SEC• ......................... -> ENTset 30sec. track|---->•select 1MIN• ........................... -> ENTset 1 min. track|---->•select 3MIN• ........................... -> ENTset 3 min. track|---->••select 6MIN• .......................... -> ENTset 6 min. track|---->••select CONT• .......................... -> ENTset continue track5.5.3.7 Enlarging selected areas (ZOOM)The video image centering around the cross cursor is doubled as it is displayed on thescreen.(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select ZOOM from among the pull-down display items, andpress the "ENT" key.(2)  Select the ON using up-down cursor keys from the ON/OFF display beside the ZOOM item,and press the "ENT" key.(3)  A small cross cursor for setting and "SET ZOOM POINT" are displayed at the screen centerand at the bottom respectively, and the magnification point is to be set.  Use cursor keys tomove the cross cursor to the point to be magnified, press the "ENT" key and the setting iscompleted.  The area around the cross cursor is displayed in 2x magnification, with blinking"ZOOM" displayed at the screen upper right, indicating that a ZOOM display is beingconducted.    To cancel the ZOOM function, either select OFF in (1) or begin operation of range. disappear after selecting time real echo locus of target moving direction the length of the track.75.25HU+TK 15SEC
60Up/Down --> ENT --> Up/Down  (Select ON) --> ENT --> Up/Down & Left/Right  --> ENT ZOOM Setting(Select ZOOM)    | (Move cross cursor)|--> (Select OFF) --> ENT ----------------ZOOM canceledNote 1)  VRM2 and EBL2 do not follow the ZOOM function during a floating state.Note 2)  Normal screen returns when you change the range scale.Note 3)  ZOOM function is usable only in PPI screen.Note 4)  ZOOM function is unusable in OFF-C.Note 5)  Center of ZOOM can be set any desired position within the set range. Increasing sensitivity (S/L)The pulse width is automatically changed as you change the range. However, if you wantto increase sensitivity, you can choose sensitivity from two pulse widths. The short pulse(SHORT) gives you sharp images with high distance resolution. The long pulse (LONG) provideshigh sensitivity and shows targets in large size for easy identification although distanceresolution is reduced.(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select S/L from among the pull-down display items, andpress the "ENT" key.(2)  Select Pulse length(SHORT or LONG) using the up-down cursor keys from the SHORT/LONG displaybeside the S/L item(3)  The setting will be completed when the “ENT” key ispressed after the selection.         Up/Down  -->  ENT -->(Select SHORT) -------------------- -->ENT    Set to short pulse|-->(Select LONG)--> ENT -------------- Set to long pulse.75.25HUSET ZOOM POINT.75.25HU    S.75.25HU+indicated S orZOOMblinking "ZOOM"

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