Koden Electronics RB714A Marine Radar RA40C User Manual 18

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA40C 18


25CHAPTER 4.  FUNCTIONS AND NAMESFunction and name of each partThe RA40C/41C/42C radar consists of a display unit to display video images on ascreen and a scanner unit configured with an antenna to radiate radio waves and othercomponents.  The display unit has on its front panel eighteen(18) push-switch keys andone cursor key that lets you move a cursor in any desired direction.  A combination ofthese keys allows you to utilize all functions of your radar, providing a comfortable, easyway to operate.4.1 Key layout                                                                                                 Key No. SET1 SET2 SET3 SET41 EBL1  EBL2  RINGS  PPI2 VRM1  VRM2  TUNE  PPI/3D3 VAR RNG  FL EBL2  ST  PPI/PPI4 TRACK  FL VRM2  ZOOM  PPI/NAV5 TARGET  GZ  SLEEP  ALL PPI6 SEL WIN  OFF-C  PICTURE  ALL PPI27 NEXT  NEXT  NEXT  NEXTTab. 5 Function of soft key (Factory setting)*Every time Next key is pressed, soft key group switches as follows. Cursor key     MENU key     ENT key 3 1 HU  s RANGE UP RANGE DOWN BRILL AUTO GAIN STC FTC MOB  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 POWER ENT MENU MOTOR 1:58 + POWER key Soft keys(* ) RADAR OFF Scanner  Motor fuse Control knob RANGE Up key RANGE Down key BRILL key( Contrast Brilliance, keys backlight) AUTO key GAIN key STC key FTC key MOB key  SET1 →  SET2 →  SET3 → SET4
264.2 Rear panel                                                                                                 !!!! Power supply connectorUse this connector to plug in the power supply cable. Standard NMEA interfaceterminal is included in this connector. Refer to Section 3.7 “ Connecting Cables “and Section 3.9 “Connecting External Equipment to Display Unit “."""" Grounding terminalUse this terminal to connect grounding wire. Refer to Section 3.7 (3) “Groundingwire”.#### Option connectorUse this connector to connect NMEA, an external monitor, external buzzer andGYRO I/F. A dedicated cable or dedicated module box is required to connect thesepieces of equipment.   Refer to Section 3.9 “Connecting External Equipment toDisplay Unit”.$$$$ Scanner connectorUse this connector to plug in the inter-connecting cable to connect the scannerunit. Refer to 3.7 “Connecting cable “.4.3 Radar screen•Single screen•                                                                     SCANNER  POWER  OPTION  Ship’s position EBL2 VRM2 Indicate soft key 3 1 HU   L 1:58 + RADAR OFF EBL1 VRM1 EBL2 VRM2 FL EBL2 FL VRM2 NEXT A HOLD ZOOM OFF-C LAT/LON  35°08 D42N 139°02 D53E  2  129 D8° 212D34NM  0.23NM  HDG  129.0 °T SPD   12.0 KT  G 59 S AT F AT ST1 GZ IN TK 15 S  WP 134.4 °   12.5NM  +LAT/LON 35°08.42N 139°02.53E  1  129.8° 1   12.3NM Tune meter Picture hold Zoom Off-center Range Range ring interval Display mode   Heading angle Cruising speed   Enlarging echo Guard zone Track  Way point    EBL1 VRM1 Pulse width Course error     Gain STC FTC  Cross cursor Cross cursor position (LAT/LON or Distance/Bearing j !Power supply connector"Grounding terminal$Scanner connector #Option connector
274.4 Radar screen (Dual screen)                                                                         ex) PPI/PPI screen4.5 Radar screen (All PPI screen)                                                                   Tune meter Picture hold  Indicate soft key SPD 12.8KT  GZ R IN  WAY P 134.4° HDG 129.2° GZ L IN  12.5NM +MK 38.4° ST1  LAT  35°08.42N 2 129.8 ‹  5.28  TK 15S  LON 139°02.53 ‚d 2 3.62NM 6  1.0_ HU L .75 .25 EBL1 VRM1 EBL2 VRM2 FL EBL2 FL VRM2 NEXT A HOLD  0.23 XTE >>> 1  129.8° 1  12.34NM  AT1 G  59 / AT S    AT / AT F   AT / AT Range(Left screen)  Range(Right screen)   Range ring interval  Range ring interval         (Left screen)       (Right screen) Display mode  Pulse width  Cross cursor Course error EBL1 VRM1 + Cruising speed  Guard zone(Right screen)  Way point Heading angle  Guard zone(Left screen) Cross coursor position  Enlarging echo  Ship’s position  VRM2 (LAT/LON or Distance/Bearing) Track  EBL2 AUTO (Left/Right) Gain (Left/Right) STC (Left/Right) FTC (Left/Right)  3 1 HU L GZ  IN 1:58 + RADAR OFF OFF-C HOLD ZOOM Off-center Picture hold Zoom  Range Range ring interval Display mode Guard Zone Pulse width Cross cursor
284.6 Radar screen (All PPI /PPI screen)                                                           4.7 Navigation screen                                           It is necessary that navigation equipment such as a GPS is connected to yourradar, this screen displays the position and cruising speed of your ship, seawatertemperature, and other navigation information.Note: Heading angle will be displayed "COG" when Course Over Ground data isused.Note: Cruising speed will be displayed "SOG" when Speed Over Ground data isused.  Picture hold   Gurad zone(Right screen)  Guard zone(Left screen) 6  1.0_ HU  L  GZ  IN .75 .25 GZ  IN  HOLD Range(Left screen)  Range(Right screen)   Range ring interval  Range ring interval         (Left screen)       (Right screen) + Display mode  Pulse width  Cross cursor NAV DISPLAYWP 134.4°°°°COURSE12.5NM  >>>HDG 129.0°°°°0.23NMSPD 12.8KTLAT 35°°°°08.42NLON 139.02.53ETEMP 20.5°°°°CDEPTH 93.2MST’BYWay pointHeading angleCruising speedCurrent positionSea water temperatureDepth of waterCourse error@@(XTE)
29> Indicates starboarding the helm    (right)< Indicates porting the helm (left)Deviation from course Indication mark0.00 -- ><0.02 -- > or <0.04 -- >> or <<0.08 -- >>> or <<<0.16 -- >>>> or <<<<Tab.6  Indication of deviation from course

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