Koden Electronics RB714A Marine Radar RA40C User Manual 16

Koden Electronics Co., Ltd Marine Radar RA40C 16


615.5.4 SETUP MenuTo be used for various settings and switching of the screen•Common operations for the SETUP menu (Up to the point when "SETUP" menu is selectedfrom the main menu)Press the "MENU" key and select "SETUP" from the displayed 4 main menus using the left-right cursor.  (The contents of the selected MENU will appear on a pull-down display inaccordance with the movement of the left-right cursor.)MENU •••→• Left/Right (Select SETUP)When the above-mentioned operations have been conducted, the items of the SETUP menuare vertically displayed.  Further explanation about the SETUP menu will be conducted on theassumption that this "common operation for the SETUP menu" has already been completed. Initiating the screen display (WINDOW)A function to switch the display method of the screen.  A selection can be made fromamong the 7 patterns of screen arrangements, from the ordinary PPI display to the 2-screenPPI display, etc.a)  PPI screenb)  PPI screen & SEMI3D screenc)  PPI screen & PPI screen   (Range can be operate in each screen.)d)  PPI screen & Navigation screene)  All PPI screen (PPI, all the screen display.)f)  All PPI screen & All PPI screen(PPI & PPI, all the screen display.)g)  MOB screen(1)  Use the up-down cursor keys to select WINDOW from among the pull-down display items,and press the "ENT" key.(2)  Select a screen to be displayed with the up-down cursor keys from among the above 7items that are displayed beside the WINDOW item.(3)  The setting will be completed when the "ENT" key is pressed after the selection.MARKWINDOW >SEL WIN >PICTURE >SYSTEM CHECKCUSTOM >. 75.25HU NAV ECHO SETUPSEMI3D / PPIPPI / PPIPPI / NAVALL PPIALL PPI/PPIMOB•••••SETUP•>>>>•0.23NMA
62Up/Down →ENT →Up/Down →(Select PPI• →ENT •a••select WINDOW• →(Select PPI+SEMI3D•→ENT •b•→(Select PPI+PPI• →ENT •c•→(Select PPI+NAV• →ENT •d•→(Select ALL PPI• →ENT •e•→(Select ALL PPI+PPI• →ENT•f•→(Select MOB• →ENT •g•-Limitation of screen operationSCREENITEM••• PPI/SEMI3DPPI/NAVPPI•PPI ALL PPI ALL PPI PPI MOBRANGE •••••×VRM1•EBL1 •••×××VRM2•EBL2 •••×××FL VRM2•EBL2 •×ו×××RINGS ON/OFF •••••×ZOOM•OFF CENT •×××××///CSR •••••×HDG OFF •••×•×STERN M •••••×NORTH M •••••×GAIN•STC•FTC •••×××TUNE •••×××ST •••×××GZ •••×××SEL WIN ×וו×TXON/OFF •••••×• • Independent control at time as two screen.•Switching the screen is necessary (SEL WIN)•• • It becomes simultaneous control at the time as two screen.• • It can be used only at the time of PPI screen.× • It can’t be used.- Screen modes and Operations
63(a) PPI ScreenAll functions can be used on this screen. D‚V‚T D‚Q‚T ‚g‚t { PPI Screen
64(b) PPI/SEMI3D ScreenIt becomes simultaneous control at the time astwo screen.Note: All controls, such as EBLs, VRMs effects bothscreen.The ZOOM, OFF-C, FL EBL2, and FL VRM2 couldnot be used on this mode. The "SEMI3D" screendisplays the center as ship's heading always.(c) PPI/PPI ScreenThe radar picture is refreshed two antenna scanning for each PPI screen. Un-refreshed screen picture is holded during the time.Note: The radar picture is refreshed with two scanning interval for each screen. Rightscreen picture is holded during refreshing left screen, left screen holded duringrefreshing right screen. When your ship navigates in high speed, use PPI screen toget fast refreshing picture.Note: Functions ZOOM, OFF-C, FL-EBL2, and FL-VRM2 can not be used on this screen.Note: The function RANGE, GAIN, STC, FTC, and GZ can be used for each screenindependently. The screen selected in "SEL WIN" that the range indicator displayed inreverse can be controlled.Note: The cross cursor displayed only on selected screen.-Operationa) Changing RANGE of LEFT screen1) When the RIGHT range indicator displayed in reverse, change to LEFT screen with"SEL WIN" function.2) Press ”RANGE UP” or ”RANGE DOWN” key to change the LEFT screen RANGE. D‚V‚T D‚Q‚T ‚g‚t ‚r { 280  320  000 040  080 PPI/SEM I3D  Screen   LEFT screen  /--------/*******/--------/******/--------/******    t→→→→ RIGHT screen  ******* /--------/******/--------/******/--------/   picture drawing(refreshed) displayed previous picture ( hold)  .75  . 25  HU S   24  6  { G  55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT LEFT screen selected .75  . 25  HU S    24  6  { G  55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT GAIN adjustm ent for LEFT screen L e ft GAIN indicates in reverse
65b) Adjusting GAIN of LEFT screen.1) When the RIGHT range indicator displayed in reverse, change to LEFT screen with"SEL WIN" function.2) Press the "GAIN" key, "G50" will displayed in reverse and ready for adjusting GAIN.3) Adjust GAIN with the control knob. Adjust STC and FTC in a same manner as GAIN.Note: During adjustment of GAIN, STC, or FTC, radar picture refreshing is fixed to theadjusting screen. Approximately 5 seconds errapsed after adjustment,  radar picturerefreshing is return to normal.c) Determining the distance with VRM1 on LEFTscreen.1) When the RIGHT range indicator is displayed inreverse, change to LEFT screen with "SEL WIN"function.2) Press the "VRM1" key, "       " will be displayed inreverse and ready for adjusting VRM1.3) Determining the distance with the control knob.Note: If operate the VRM1 on the RIGHT screen, VRM1will move to the RIGHT screen.Operate VRM2, EBL1, or EBL2 in a same manner as VRM1.(d) PPI/NAV ScreenNote: The ZOOM, OFF-C, FL EBL2, and FL VRM2can not be used on this screen.(e) ALL PPI ScreenNote1: The RANGE, RINGS interval, and Display mode aredisplayed on the upper-left of the screen.Note2: When press the key except "MENU", "RANGEUP/DOWN", "BRILL", and "POWER", return to PPIscreen. G  55/35 S  35/AT F  35/AT 1  0.00N M Determining the distance with VRM1   on LEFT screen .75  .25 HU S       6   1 {  D‚V‚T D‚Q‚T ‚g‚t  ‚r { NAV DISPLAY WAY P  123.4 ‹   6.8 ‚m‚l COURSE 2.38NM XT E   <<< HDG 267.3 ‹T SPD 12.8KT TEMP 20.8 ‹C DEPTH 58.3M LAT/LON    34 ‹08 D22N 138 ‹02 D53E PPI/NAV screen  { . 75 . 25 HU S ALL PPI screen 1  0.00NM
66(f) ALL PPI/PPI ScreenNote1: The RANGE, RINGS interval, and Display modeare displayed on the top of the screen.Note2: When press the key except "MENU", "RANGEUP/DOWN", "BRILL", and "POWER", return toPPI/PPI screen.Note3: The radar picture is refreshed with twoscanning interval for each screen. Right screenpicture is holded during refreshing left screen, leftscreen holded during refreshing right screen. Whenyour ship navigates in high speed, use PPI screen toget fast refreshing picture.(g) MOB ScreenThe MOB key has been pressed, the MOB position andship's position are displayed. If not, MOB position will bedisplayed with bars( --.- )Press MOB key to clear the MOB position and returnto previous screen. Press ENT key to return previousscreen with keeping the MOB position data. Switching screens on PPI/PPI screen ( SEL WIN )Switching to the desired screen for activation on a PPI/PPI screen display.The "SEL WIN" function is switches the activated screen to effect the operation such as,RANGE, GAIN, STC, FTC, VRM1/2, EBL1/2, and guard zone. The range indicator of activatedscreen is displayed in reverse.When "SEL WIN" is selected with the up-down cursor keys from among the pull- downdisplay items and the "ENT" key is pressed, activated screen will be changed to the oppositescreen.Up/Down →••• ......................................................the opposite screen activated•select SEL WIN• D‚V‚T D‚Q‚T  ‚g‚t  ‚r D‚Q‚T   D‚P‚Q‚T  { ALL PPI PPI screen  MAN OVERBOARD  MOB POS   35 ‹08 D42N  139 ‹03 D33E SHIP’S POS   37 ‹12 D42N  142 ‹04 D33E    PRESS MOB KEY TO DATA CLEAR   PRESS ENTER KEY TO RETURN  Range display on the active screen become a reverse display .75 .25  S  .5   .25 .75 .25  HU  S  .5  .25 .
675.5.4.3 Changing the color of screen (PICTURE)Changing the color of screen depending on weather and day / night environmentconditions will be effective for easy viewing .When "PICTURE" is selected with the up-down cursor keys from among the pull- downdisplay items, select "DAY" and press "ENT" key to set to day display. Night display appears if"NIGHT"is selectedUp/Down →ENT →Up/Down →(select DAY•→ENT  →  day display•select PICTURE•→(select NIGHT•→ENT  →  night display     βλυε       ψελλοω     ωηιτε     βλαχκ         γρεεν     ρεδ5.5.4.4 Fault Diagnosis by Self Check •SYSTEM CHECK)Verifying the problem point by SYSTEM CHECK when, for example, some abnormality hasoccurred.(1) Select SYSTEM CHECK from the pull-down display items using up-down cursor key, andpress the “ENT” key.(2) The system check screen will appear.While watching the screen , check the following:i)  Whether all items are marked “OK”. (If any item is marked “NG”, the indicated locationmay be faulty.)ii)  Press a front-panel key and see if the corresponding display on the screen ishighlighted.iii)  Turn the control knob and see if the lower-right indicator move to right or left.(3)  Press the POWER key to return to the previous screenDAY display NIGHT display 75. 25HU. 75. 25HU
68a) ROM----------------------------- Indicates the ROM status.b) RAM -------------------------------- Indicates the RAM status.•• Backup memory-------------- Indicates the backup memory status.•• Transmit trigger ------------- Indicates the signal line status for the trigger signal sent from the scannerunit.e• Bearing pulse------------------ Indicates the signal line status for the bearing signal sent fron the scannerunit.f) Heading pulse------------------- Indicates the signal line status for the bow signal sent from the scanner unit.g) +5V voltage---------------------- Indicates the reference voltage status of the video circuit and its voltagevalue. (at video circuit) (normally about 5 V)h) High voltage(at SU)---------- Indicates the status of th high voltage supplied from the display unit to thescanner unit and its voltag value (normally about 250 V) at scanner unit.i) High voltage(at DU) ---------- Indicates the status of th high voltage supplied from the display unit to thescanner unit and its voltag value (normally about 250 V) at display unit.j) Magnetron current---------- Indicates the status of the anode current flowing in the magnetron and itscurrent value.k) Tuning voltage -------------- Indicates the status of the voltage used for tunning and its voltage value.l) Cumulative usage time ---- Indicates the cumulative time your radar is used.OPERATE : Duration of time during which the power supply is turned on.TRANSMIT : Duration of time transmitting.m) ROM version ---------------- Indicates the ROM software version.n) Front-panel keys------------ As you press any front-panel key when the SYSTEM CHECK screen is on,the corresponding key is highlighted on the screen by displaying it in reversevideo.RNG URNG DBRILLAUTOGAINSTCFTC 1 2 34 5 6 7MOBPOWERn)Indicates the operation status of front-panel keySYSTEM  CHECK screenENTMENUIndicates the control knob status.Indicates the cursor status.CONTROL KNOBSYSTEM CHECKMEMORY CHECKa) ROM --------------------------------------- > ROM OKb) RAM---------------------------------------- > RAM OKc) Backup memory----------------------- > BACKUP OKSIGNAL CHECKd) Transmit trigger ----------------------- > (1) TRIGGER OKe) Bearing pulse -------------------------- > (2) AZIMUTH OKf) Heading pulse -------------------------- > (3) HM OKg) +5Vvoltage(at video circuit)------> (4) +5V OK 5.2Vh) High voltage(at scanner) ---------- > (5) H.T. AT SU OK  253.2Vi) High voltage(at display)------------- > (6) H.T. AT DU OK 253.2Vj) Magnetron current--------------------- > (7) MAG. CUR. OK 2.1k) Tuning voltage------------------------- > (8) TUNE OKl) Cumulative usage time-----------> HOURMETEROperation time --------------------- > OPERATE 12.0HTransmit time  ---------------------- > TRANSMIT 10.3Hm) ROM version -----------------------> ROM VERSION V1.00PRESS POWER KEY TO RETURN

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