Ki Ryung Electronics SP-R1 Satellite Radio Receiver with FM Transmitter User Manual Sportster User Guide 062204 pmd

Ki Ryung Electronics Co., Ltd. Satellite Radio Receiver with FM Transmitter Sportster User Guide 062204 pmd

User Manual

SP-R1 Satellite Radio Receiver User Guide
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide2CONGRATULATIONS!  Your new Sirius Sportster™ SP-R1 portable Plug-n-Play Receiver kit lets youenjoy SIRIUS® Satellite Radio’s digital entertainment anywhere you’ve installed the SP-H1 Home DockingStation, SP-C1 Mobile Docking Station or the SP-B1 Portable Boombox (each sold separately). Use thismanual to familiarize yourself with all of Sirius Sportster’s features and capabilities.  For the latestinformation about this and other Sirius Sportster products, visit www.sirius.comBox Contents ................................................................... 3Safety Precautions .......................................................... 3Receiver Controls and Features .................................... 6Remote Control ............................................................... 7Activating your SIRIUS Subscription ............................. 8Basic Operation .............................................................. 9Changing Channels ................................................... 9Display Button ............................................................ 9Search Modes (Category, Channel, Artist, Song) .. 10Direct Tuning ............................................................ 11Setting Channel Presets .......................................... 12Recalling Channel Presets ...................................... 12Jump Preset Button ............................................. 12Searching for a Channel Preset (P.TUNE Mode) ... 13Preset Tune List Mode ............................................. 14Memory (MEMO) and SongSeek (S-Seek) Functions15Game Alert .......................................................... 19Table of ContentsMenu Display Options ............................................... 19Sirius ID ...................................................................  20Favorite Team .........................................................   20Jump Settings .........................................................   21Display Settings ......................................................  22Confirm Tone Options .............................................  23FM Transmitter ........................................................  23Channel Add or Skip ...............................................  24Lock Options .......................................................  24Audio Level ................................................... 25Antenna Aiming .....................................................  26Memory Options ......................................................  26Time-Based Features .............................................  27Factory Default ........................................................  29Troubleshooting ...........................................................  31Specifications ...............................................................  32Optional Accessories ...................................................  34Warranty .......................................................................  36
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 3Box ContentsUnpack your Sirius Sportster Receiver carefully andmake sure that everything listed here is present:Safety Precautions        WarningTake the following precautions to prevent trafficaccidents and avoid personal injury:•    Installation must be performed according to thisuser guide. Sirius Satellite Radio is notresponsible for issues arising from installationsnot performed according to the procedures in thismanual.•    Do not install the unit where it may obstruct yourview through the windshield or of your vehicle’sindicator displays.•    Do not install the unit where it may hinder thefunction of safety devices such as an airbag.Doing so may prevent the airbag from functioningproperly in the event of an accident.•   The installation and use suggestions contained inthis manual are subject to any restrictions orlimitations that may be imposed by applicablelaw—the purchaser should check applicable lawfor any restrictions or limitations before installingand/or operating this unit.•    Failure to follow these safety instructions andwarnings may result in a serious accident.1 x Sportster Receiver1 x Remote Control(Batteries Not Included)If anything is missing or damaged, or if your SiriusSportster Receiver fails to operate, notify your dealerimmediately. It is recommended that you retain theoriginal carton and packing materials in case youneed to ship your Receiver in the future.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide4          WarningTake the following precautions to prevent fire andavoid personal injury:•    To avoid short circuits, never put or leave anymetallic objects (coins, tools, etc.) inside the unit.•    If the unit emits smoke or unusual odors, turn thepower off immediately and consult your SiriusSportster retailer.•    Do not drop the unit or subject it to strongshocks.•    If the LCD display becomes damaged or broken,do not touch the liquid crystal fluid. The fluid canbe dangerous to your health. If the liquid crystalfluid contacts your body or clothing, immediatelywash it off with soap and water.          CautionTake the following precautions to keep the unit inproper working order:•    Be sure the unit is connected to a 12V DC powersupply with a negative ground connection.•    Do not open the unit.•    Do not install the unit where it will be exposed tohigh levels of humidity, moisture, or dust.•    When replacing a fuse, use only a new one withthe proper rating. Using a fuse with the wrongrating may cause the unit to malfunction.•    To prevent a short circuit when replacing a fuse,first disconnect the wiring harness.NoteIf the unit doesn’t seem to be working properly:•   Turn the unit’s power off, wait 5 – 10 seconds, thenturn the power on again.•    If the unit still malfunctions, turn the unit’s poweroff, remove it from the cradle, wait 5 – 10 seconds,replace it in the cradle and turn the power back on.If the problem persists, consult your SiriusSportster retailer.FCC WarningThis equipment may generate or use radio frequencyenergy. Changes or modifications to this equipmentmay cause harmful interference unless themodifications are expressly approved in this UserGuide. The user could lose the authority to operatethis equipment if an unauthorized change ormodification is made.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 5Cleaning the UnitIf the unit becomes dirty, turn its power off and wipeit clean with a soft dry cloth. Do not use hard clothsor paint thinner, alcohol, or other volatile solvents toclean the unit. These may cause damage orremove indicator characters.WarningDo not operate the unit in a way that might divertyour attention from driving safely. As a driver, youalone are responsible for safely operating yourvehicle in accordance with traffic safety laws at alltimes.NoteThis equipment has been tested and found tocomply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These rulesare designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference. This equipment maycause harmful interference to radiocommunications if it is not installed and used inaccordance with these instructions. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one of more of the followingmeasures:•    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•    Increase the separation between the equipmentand Sirius Sportster Receiver.•    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the Sirius SportsterReceiver is connected•    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide612345897.  Preset Number Buttons (0-9): Sets and selects presetchannels.8.  Memory (MEMO) Button (S-Seek Function): Saves andrecalls artist names and song titles. You can store up to 20artist/song title combinations.9.  Band Button (P.Tune): Pressing and releasing switchesbetween preset banks A, B, and C, which hold 10 presets each.Pressing and holding enables “Preset Tune Mode”, which allowsfor viewing and listening of stored presets with turn of RotaryKnob.10.Remote Control Receiver: Receives signals from the includedwireless remote control.Receiver Controls and Features1.  POWER Button    : Turns ReceiverOn and Off.2.  Rotary Knob & Select Button:Navigates through display screens andmakes selections of items highlightedon the display. Rotating clockwise(CW)  increases or moves up in themenus. Rotating counterclockwise(CCW) decreases or moves down inthe menus.3.  CATEGORY Buttons: Navigatesthrough Category List Screen whichdisplays Sirius Channel Categories.4.  Display (DISP) Button: Changes textsize of artist names and song titles.5.  Menu Button: Used to access menuoptions to make setup and featurechanges.6. Jump Button: Used to quickly switchto a favorite channel then back to theoriginal program.7610
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 7Remote Control 1. POWER Button   : Turns Receiver ON and OFF.2. Channel Buttons: Navigate through channels and display screens.3. Category Buttons: Navigate through categories and display screens.4. Mute Button: Mutes audio.5. DIRECT Button: Accesses channels directly by number.6. SELECT (SEL) Button: Selects items highlighted on the display; hold-down to jump to the previously-received Channel.7. MENU Button: Enters and exits the Setup Mode.8. MEMORY (MEMO) Button: Saves & recalls song & artist information;sets Parental Lock code number.9. DISPLAY Button: Changes text size of artist names and song titles.10. BAND Button: Switches between preset bands A, B, and C.11. Number Buttons (0-9): Select channels directly and by preset.12. Jump Button: Switches to a favorite channel then back to the originalprogram.13. VOL+/ VOL- Buttons: Adjust the volume up & down.12546897101131213Installing Batteries in the Remote1. Remove the battery cover.2. Install two AAA batteries.3. Replace the battery cover.Note: Batteries not included.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide86. Contact SIRIUS on the Internet:    Follow the prompts to activate your subscription.You can also call SIRIUS toll-free at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (1-888-539-7474).4. Press the MENU button to enter the “Menu Options”mode. The “Sirius ID” menu option will now behighlighted.5. Push on the Rotary Knob to select “Sirius ID”. Thiswill display your unit’s unique 12-digit SIRIUS IDNumber. This SID number should also be availableon the Sirius Sportster Receiver packaging. Writethe number down and have your credit card handy.A space has been provided at the end of thismanual to write your SID.Activating your SIRIUS SubscriptionBefore you can listen to the Receiver, you mustsubscribe to SIRIUS Satellite Radio’s service.1. Make sure that the Sirius Sportster Receiver isproperly connected and that its antenna isoriented to receive the SIRIUS satellite signal (seeDocking Station Installation and/or Boombox UserManuals for details).2. Press the power button to turn the Receiver ON.After displaying the SIRIUS logo, the Receiver willupdate all the SIRIUS channels. The display willread “UPDATING CHANNELS” on the top line and“X% Completed” (0%-20%-40%-60%-80%-100%)on the bottom line until the update completes.NOTE: Don’t push any buttons or perform anyoperations until updating has been completed.Once updated and the SIRIUS channels arereceived, the display will change to “Call 1-888-539-SIRIUS to Subscribe” and will place you inSIRIUS Satellite Radio’s Preview Channel.Channel 184 is the SIRIUS preview channel. Youwill not be able to tune to any other channels untilyou activate your SIRIUS subscription.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 9Display ButtonPressing the DISP button from the Default displaytoggles between the artist name/song title and largecharacter displayed text. In doing so, this willchange the character size and cause the field toscroll. This feature is useful when viewing thedisplay at a distance.NOTE: The displayed text will scroll only if thelength of the artist or title cannot be viewed in itsentirety.Pressing and holding the Display button will enterthe channel list mode.Pressing DISP will switch between these two display viewsChanging ChannelsTurning the Rotary Knob clockwise will increase, ormove up to the next channel. Turning the RotaryKnob counterclockwiseChannelNameAuto Sizing/ScrollingArtist NameClockBand/PresetBank NumberDefault Screen3-DigitChannelNumberAuto Sizing/ScrollingSong Title8-CharacterCategoryNameBasic OperationAfter you have successfully activated your SIRIUSsubscription, the Normal Operation (Default ) screenwill appear (Below): Use the Rotary Knob to selectchannels.•    The selected channel will automatically startplaying. The name and artist of the currentlyplaying song will scroll across the display.Signal StrengthMeter
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide10Searching Channels (Channel List Mode)It is possible to search for a different channel whilelistening to your current channel. Be sure that thedisplay shows the Default screen prior to thefollowing steps:1. Press and hold the DISP button for 2 seconds toactivate the Channel List Mode (top right). TheChannel List screen will appear, showing allavailable channels regardless of category:•     Pressing the DISP button while in the ChannelList Mode will change between Channel Name,Artist Name (middle right), and Song Title(bottom right). You can use this feature tosearch for a specific Artist or Song that may beplaying at the time.2. Turn the Rotary Knob to find the channel you want.Search Modes (Category, Channel, Artist,Song Title)The Sirius Sportster Receiver has four ways tosearch for and select music: by category, by channel,by artist, and by song title.Searching CategoriesIf you want to listen to a different entertainmentcategory, push the CATEGORY buttons to activatethe Category Select screen (top right):1. Use the CATEGORY buttons to scroll through musicand entertainment categories.2. When the category (ex. Rock) you want is displayed,use the Rotary Knob to search available channelswithin the category.•    Pressing the DISP button while in the CategorySearch mode will change between Channel Name,Artist Name, and Song Title to be able to previewwhat is playing on other channels before selecting.3. When the channel you want is highlighted, press theRotary Knob. The channel will change and thedisplay will revert to the Default screen for the newchannel.To exit this mode without changing to a new channel,press and hold the DISP button for 1 second.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 11Press and Hold theDISP button to enterthe Channel ListModePress DISP again toshow the Artist NamePress DISP again toshow the Song TitlePress DISP again to goback to Channel List3. Press and release the Rotary Knob to select thechannel. To exit this mode without changing to anew channel, press and hold the DISP button for1 second.Note: If you are in Channel List Mode and viewinga sports category channel list (NFL Zone, NHLZone), pressing the DISP button will togglebetween the team names and the current score ofany live play-by-play game.Direct TuningChannels can be directly accessed by pressing andreleasing the Rotary Knob and then using the 0-9keys to enter the desired channel number. Oncethe desired number has been entered, the channelwill change and the display will revert to the Defaultscreen for the new channel.  The receiver willchange immediately if three numbers are entered(ex. “0”, ”0”, “7”), but if just one or two digits areentered, the unit will wait for 3 seconds beforechanging the channel.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide12Setting Channel PresetsYou can store up to 30 of your favorite channels aspresets, for quick access. Presets are stored in 3banks, A, B & C, each containing 10 channel presets.1. Press the BAND button to activate the preset bankyou want. The selected bank is shown in the lowerright corner of the Default screen.2. Select the channel you want to preset (see BasicOperation and Changing Channels on page 9).3. Hold the numbered preset button you want to storethe channel in for at least 2 seconds.•   The selected preset number will flash and thenremain lit on the display to show that it has beenmemorized.•   If the preset button already has a channel stored init, it will be replaced by the new channel.Recalling Channel PresetsThe 10 presets in the active bank (A, B or C) can beselected by pressing the “0” – “9” buttons.1. Press the BAND button to activate the preset bankyou want. The selected bank is shown in the lowerright corner of the Default screen.2. Press the desired preset button “0” – “9” to recall thepreset. The channel will change and the display willrevert to the Default screen for the new channel.Jump Preset ButtonThe Sirius Sportster Receiver includes a specialpreset button labeled Jump.  It can be used forchannels that are accessed frequently andtemporarily such as traffic, weather, news or sports.This button allows you to quickly tune to one specificchannel and then tune back to the original channel.  Ifthe Jump button is used for a traffic channel, theReceiver will automatically display alerts when yourselected city’s traffic report is broadcast.Refer to the Jump Settings options section forinformation on configuring your Jump preset button.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 13 •  If your Jump Setting is set to traffic, pressing theJump button will immediately begin searchingfor your desired city’s traffic report.  The bandindicator on the display will change to the Jumpicon to indicate a Jump search is active.  Onceyour local traffic is found, the Receiver willautomatically tune to that channel.  You mayhave to wait up to 4 minutes for your desiredreport.  Pressing the Jump button while thereceiver is searching will cancel the search.Pressing the Jump button after the receiver hastuned to your traffic report will return to theprevious channel.•   If your Jump Setting is set to JumpSet, pressingthe jump button will immediately tune to yourdesired channel.  Pressing the Jump buttonagain will return to the previous channel.Note: The channel preset for the Jump buttonremains the same regardless of which presetbank is currently selected.Searching for a Channel Preset (P.TUNE Mode)It is possible to quickly search through all of yourpresets using the Rotary Knob.1. Press and hold the BAND button to enter thePreset Tune Mode (P.TUNE).2. The bottom right portion of the display will changeto highlight the current preset.3. Turn the Rotary Knob in either direction to moveup or down through your presets. The newchannel will start to play as soon as you stopturning the Rotary Knob.•   Only stored presets will be displayed, regardlessof what bank they are stored in.•   Presets will be grouped and displayed by presetbank and number (ex. A-1, A-2...B-1, B-2...C-1,C-2...) and rotate all the way around back tothe beginning.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide14Default DisplayPreset Tune List ModeIn Preset Tuning Mode you can view your list ofpresets showing Channel Name, Artist Name, orSong Title just like in the Channel List Mode:1. Press and hold the BAND button to enter the PresetTune Mode (P.TUNE).2. Press the DISP button for 2-seconds which will bringup the Preset Tune List Mode displaying up to 6preset channel names.•    Pressing the DISP button while in this mode willchange between Channel Name (right top), ArtistName (right middle), and Song Title list modes(right bottom)•    The name field will scroll only if the length of theartist or song title cannot be viewed in its entirety.3. Use the Rotary Knob to select the desired preset.4. Push and release the Rotary Knob to select thepreset. The channel will change and the display willrevert to the P.TUNE Display.P.TUNE DisplayTo exit Preset Tune Mode and return to ChannelTuning Mode, press and hold the BAND button.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 15P.TUNEChannel NameList DisplayP.TUNE ArtistName ListDisplayP.TUNE SongTitle ListDisplayMemory (MEMO) and Song Seek (S-Seek)Functions:This feature allows the user to capture and storeinformation about the programming (Artist/Song,sports team or traffic city) on the currently tunedchannel, up to a total of 20 listings. The unit alsohas the capability to continuously search allincoming Sirius channels and alert the user whena saved program is being played.Storing Song Titles1. While the Receiver is in the Default display mode,momentarily pressing and releasing the MEMObutton stores the current program datainformation within the Receiver’s memory. Amemory “Stored” pop-up screen, followed by “XUsed/Y Empty” will each appear for 1 second(below).
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide16If the current tuned channel is a play-by-playsports broadcast, pressing the MEMO button willallow you to select one of the teams playing to bestored in memory.In the future, as long as your receiver is turned on,you will be alerted when your team is playing in agame being broadcast.2. If the MEMO button is pressed to save a currentlyplaying selection, and all of the memory spacesare full, S-Seek Full will flash on the display for 1second, followed by a pop-up screen presentingthe Replace-Cancel options.This prompt allows you to make the followingReplace/Cancel choices:•    By selecting Replace, the memory list willappear, and you can use the Rotary Knob toselect the information that you would like tooverwrite with the new Artist/Song Title.  Afterhighlighting the selected title in the list, press theRotary Knob to delete the stored Artist/Song Title,and replace it with the updated information. Thedisplay will show the “Stored” screen.•    By selecting Cancel, the prompt screen woulddisappear and revert to the original screen.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 17Viewing Program Information stored in Memory1. Press and hold the MEMO button for 3 seconds toenter S-Seek Mode. The program informationstored in memory will be displayed one-at-a-timein page format.2. Use the Rotary Knob to scroll through the 20-pagelisting. This function allows you to reviewpreviously stored program information.Deleting a Song Title Stored into Memory1. Press and release the Rotary Knob while in S-Seek Mode.  A pop-up screen displaying twoselectable options - “Delete” and “S-Seek” - isdisplayed.2. Turn the Rotary Knob to highlight the “Delete”option.3. Press the Rotary Knob and a Delete confirmationscreen will appear.4. To permanently delete the program from your list,select “Yes” using the Rotary Knob and press theKnob in to confirm.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide18Activating the Song (S-Seek) Alert1. Press and hold the MEMO button for 3 seconds toenter the S-Seek Mode.2. Press and Release the Rotary Knob. A pop-upscreen displaying two selectable options -“Delete” and “S-Seek” will appear (below left).3. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “S-Seek”option.4. Press and release the Rotary Knob and a S-Seekconfirmation screen will appear. Select the “Yes”option using the Rotary Knob and press the Knobin to confirm (below right).Whenever the Sirius Sportster Receiver is turnedon, it automatically searches the incoming channelsto determine if a match exists with the programinformation stored in receiver’s memory. If one ormore matches are found, a pop-up screenmomentarily appears for 2-seconds and displays“S-Seek Alert”.  An audible beep tone will beheard indicating that a match has been found. Thedisplay then reverts to the S-Seek Alert screen whichdisplays the current matches. You can now select theArtist/Song Title or game that you wish to listen to.No stored match alert is provided for the currentlyselected channel. To ensure that no duplicate entriesare stored in memory, the Receiver will check thestored input data to ensure the information about tobe stored is not already in memory. •   If one or more matches are found, a list appears.You can scroll through the list and select aprogram using the Rotary Knob. Your selection willbe tuned and the display will revert to the lastactive display mode. •   If a selection is not chosen within 10 seconds, thescreen will revert to the last active display andtuning modes.NOTE: Play of the current selection will continueuntil a new selection is made.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 19Game AlertThe Sirius Sportster Receiver can automaticallyidentify when your favorite team is playing.  When agame is found, the Game Alert screen is displayed,followed by tuning information for that game.  Usethe Rotary Knob to select and tune to the desiredchannel.See the Favorite Team setting in the Menu DisplayOptions section for information on setting yourfavorite team.  If your Favorite Team is set to NFLShield or NONE, the Game Alert feature is disabled.You can use the S-Seek feature to add Game Alertsfor additional teams.  See the Setting S-Seek Alertssection for more information.Menu Display OptionsTo enter the Menu Options page, press and releasethe MENU Button. The “Menu Options” list willappear on the display (below).Using the Rotary Knob, highlight the option youwish to adjust and press the Knob. The followingoptions are available:Sirius ID Lock OptionsFavorite Team Audio LevelJump Settings Antenna AimingDisplay Settings Memory OptionsConfirm Tone Options Time Based FeaturesFM Transmitter Factory DefaultAdd or SkipNote: If a button is not pressed within 10 seconds,the Receiver will exit the “Menu Options” functionand revert back to the Default screen display.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide20Sirius IDDisplays your 12 digit Sirius ID (SID) number. TheSID is unique to every Sirius Sportster Receiverand is required to activate your service. It isrecommended that you write this number in thespace provided on the last page of this user guide.No adjustments are allowed in this mode. To exitthis option, press the Rotary Knob or Menu Button.Favorite TeamThe Sirius Sportster Receiver includes the abilityto display the logo of your favorite NFL teamduring power on and power off.  The selectedfavorite team is also used for the Game Alertfeature, mentioned earlier.1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight and select the“Favorite Team” option.2. Highlight your favorite team on the list and pressthe Rotary Knob to select.  Select NONE if youwould like to disable this feature.Note: You can use the DISP button to togglebetween the team names and graphical logos.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 21Jump SettingsYou can access the Jump Settings menu bypressing and holding the Jump button for 2seconds or by pressing Menu to enter the MenuOptions list and selecting Jump Settings using theRotary Knob.There are two options available for Jump buttonsettings – Traffic and JumpSet.  The currentlyselected option is indicated by a jump icon.1. Traffica. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “Traffic”option.  Press the Rotary Knob to select.b. Scroll to the city for which you would like to heartraffic reports and press the knob.Use the Menu button to exit this menu withoutchanging your current city selection.Note: If the channel list has not yet beendownloaded from the satellite data stream, anUpdating City List notification will be displayed.Please wait 10 minutes and try again.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide221. JumpSetSelect JumpSet if you would like to use the Jumpbutton for any channel other than a traffic channel.a. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “JumpSet”option.  Press the Rotary Knob to select.b.  After pressing Menu to exit to the DefaultScreen, the Jump button can be programmedby tuning to your desired channel and pressing& holding the button for 2 seconds, asdescribed in the Setting Channel Presetssection.Display SettingsIt is possible to adjust the Contrast, Dimming andColor of the Receiver’s display. While in the“Menu Options” list perform the following steps:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “DisplaySettings” option. Press the Rotary Knob toselect.2. Select one of the following using the Rotary Knob:a.  Contrast Control: Adjusts the relationshipbetween the background and the text on theLCD display. Use the Rotary Knob to adjust thecontrast up or down. The bar graph at thebottom of the screen will move to indicate thechange.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 23c.  Color Option: You can set the color for the LCDbacklight and keypad LEDs.  Use the RotaryKnob to select which color you would like toadjust and then select from the two options.To exit the Display settings, simply push theMENU button.Confirm Tone OptionsThe Sirius Sportster Receiver will sound an Audio“Tone” alert when the unit powers ON and OFF aswell as when the S-Seek Alert is activated. Thedefault is ON. To change the tone options, performthe following:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “ConfirmTone Options”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Use the Rotary Knob to Select “ON” or “OFF”.Press the Knob to set the Tone Option.To exit the Display settings, simply push theMENU button.FM Transmitter OptionsIf you would like to use the built-in FMTransmitter, you must first turn ON the functionand select an FM frequency:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “FMTransmitter Options”. Press the Rotary Knobto select.2. Use the Rotary Knob to Select “On” or “Off”.Press the Knob to set the option.3. Press Menu to return to the previous menu.4.  Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the“Frequency Selection”. Press the Rotary Knobto select.5. Select an available frequency for the FMtransmitter.  You should test this frequency withyour tuner first to make sure there is nointerference.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide24Channel Add or SkipThe Sirius Sportster Receiver will allow you to skipselected channels when changing channels viathe Rotary Knob. At any time you may select toadd or skip specific channels. While in the “MenuOptions” List mode, follow the steps below to Addor Skip a channel1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “Add orSkip”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Use the Rotary Knob to Select the channel youwish to skip or add. Pressing the Rotary Knob willadd the text “Skip” next to the channel name toskip that channel. To add the channel, simplypress the Rotary Knob and the text “Skip” will beremoved.Note: This feature only functions in normalchannel search modes. You can always accessany skipped channel using the Direct Tuningfunction.Lock OptionsThe Sirius Sportster Receiver has the ability tolockout the use of any channel, or channels you donot want others to access without your permission.Like the Skip feature, the locked channel will notappear when the user changes channels with theRotary Knob. When the user tries to access thelocked channel using the Direct Tuning function, the“Enter Code” screen will be displayed and thechannel will not be accessed until the proper code isentered.While in the “Menu Options” List mode, follow thesteps below to Lock a channel:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “LockOptions”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Select “Lock/Unlock” from the Lock Options Menu(below left) and press the Rotary Knob to select.3. Use the Rotary Knob to select the channel you wishto lock. Press the Knob in to select (below right).
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 25Changing the Lock/Unlock CodeThe first time the Lock/Unlock function is accessed,the user must enter the default lock code. Thedefault lock code is “0000”. This code can bemaintained or changed. To change the default lockcode, perform the following procedure while in the“Menu Options” List mode:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “LockOptions”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Select “Edit Code” from the Lock Options Menu(below left) and press the Rotary Knob to select.3. Enter the default code “0000”.4. The “New Code” prompt will appear. Enter your newfour digit code using the 0-9 number buttons (belowright). You will then be prompted to confirm the newcode by entering your code again.5. The lock code is now changed.Note: you can use this same method to Edit thecode once it is changed from the default.Audio LevelThe audio output of the Sirius Sportster Receivercan be adjusted to fine-tune the audio signal levelfor maximum performance. This is important whenusing either the optional Home Docking Station orthe optional Mobile Docking Station. The followingsetting affects both the line output and FM outputlevels. To change the Audio Level, perform thefollowing procedure while in the “Menu Options”List mode:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “Audio LevelOptions”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Use the Rotary Knob to adjust to the desired audiooutput level. A 10 segment horizontal bar graph isdisplayed with a “-” sign to the left and a “+” sign tothe right. To store your setting and exit thisfunction, press the Rotary Knob.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide26Antenna AimingWhen using the optional Home Docking Station orthe Boombox indoors, it is important to locate theantenna in an acceptable location (See theindividual installation guides for more information).1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight “AntennaAiming”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Two 10 segment horizontal bar graphs will bedisplayed ( SAT and TER) with a “-“ sign to the leftand a “+” sign to the right. SAT indicated satellitesignal and TER indicates terrestrial signal – ifavailable.3. Adjust the antenna for maximum performance asper the manuals.To exit this function, press the Rotary Knob orMENU button.Memory OptionsIn this mode, the user can turn the MemorySearch Function (S-Seek) ON or OFF. In addition,all 30 Preset Memory Locations can be cleared.To change the Memory Options, use the followingprocedure while in the “Menu Options” Listmode:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “MemoryOptions”. Press the Rotary Knob to select.2. Select one of the following Memory Options:a.  Automatic Memory Search function - On orOff: Use the Rotary Knob to select between Onand Off by highlighting the desired selection.Then press the Rotary Knob to store.b.  Clear All Memory Locations: Press andrelease the Rotary Knob; a prompt displayscreen appears confirming - Clear All MemorySelect “Yes” or “No” and press the RotaryKnob.To exit this function, press the Rotary Knob orMENU button.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 27•   Time Zone: Since the Clock adjusts the timeautomatically, it is important to specify yourproper time zone. Use the Rotary Knob toselect the proper time zone. The following isa list of time zones available:(GMT-9:00) Alaska(GMT-8:00) Pacific(GMT-7:00) Mountain(GMT-6:00) Central(GMT-5:00) Eastern(GMT-4:00) Atlantic (GMT-3:30)Newfoundland (Abbreviated as Newfndlnd)•    Daylight Savings Time (DST) Observance:Activate this function if your area is subject toDST; turn the Rotary Encoder  to togglebetween DST Observed (default) or DSTNot Observed.b.  Alarm Clock: When this menu option ishighlighted and selected, you will be able toset the unit to turn on at a specific time. Thelast selected channel prior to shutdown will bepresent when the Alarm feature is activated.Alarm appears on the first line of the displayfollowed by the alarm options:Time-Based FeaturesThis Menu Option allows for adjustments of thefollowing items:Clock Auto ShutdownAlarm Clock Sleep ModeProgram AlertTo change the Time-Based Features, use thefollowing procedure while in the “Menu Options”List mode:1. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “Time-Based Features”. Press the Rotary Knob toselect.2. Use the Rotary Knob to select one of the followingTime-Based Features to adjust:a.  Clock: When entering this menu option, youcan setup the clock shown on the defaultdisplay, based on the format desired, and thetime zone in which you reside. The clock data isprovided via the Sirius Satellite data stream, andwill update based on the received signal. •    Format: The Clock Format option allows foreither 12 Hour (Default), or 24 Hour display
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide28•   Set Alarm: Use the Rotary Knob to select “SetAlarm” From the Alarm Clock Menu.  Selecteither “Alarm Off” (Default) or “Alarm On” fromthe Menu and press the Rotary Knob to set.•    Alarm Time: Use the Rotary Knob to select“Alarm Time” from the  Alarm Clock Menu. Usethe Category buttons and the Rotary knob toset the time (hours, minutes) you want toactivate the Receiver (Default is 12:00pm).Press the Rotary knob to store the Alarm Time.c.  Program Alert: When this menu option ishighlighted and selected, you will be able toprogram the unit to switch to a selected channelat a specific time. Press the Rotary Knob toenter the Program Alert Menu, The followingadjustment options are available:•    Program Time/Day: Turning the Rotary Knobtoggles between Time and Day. If Time isselected, use the Category buttons and RotaryKnob to set the hours and minutes. AM or PMwill switch automatically when the AM or PMthreshold has been exceeded.  When thedesired time is displayed, press the Rotary       Knob. If Day is selected, the screen displays adefault day of Monday, with selectable choices ofMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Use the RotaryKnob to increase (CW) or decrease (CCW) thedesired day in a circular motion (default value:Monday).•    Channel: Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll through alisting of all the Sirius channels. When thedesired channel is highlighted, press the RotaryKnob.•    Program Alert On/Off (Default is Off): Rotate theRotary Knob to toggle between Program AlertOn or Program Alert Off. When the desired alertstatus is highlighted, press the Rotary Knob.d.   Auto Shutdown: You can program the unit toautomatically shut off after a 1-hour period withoutany user intervention. After 59 minutes ofinactivity, a beep tone sounds and a displayprompt appears on the screen, “Cancel AutoShutdown”. To activate the Auto Shutdownfeature, use the Rotary Knob to select it from theTime Based Features Menu and press the Knob
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 29Factory DefaultThis Menu option will restore all original factorysettings. To activate this feature, perform thefollowing procedure while in the “Menu Options”List Mode:1. Press Menu to enter the Menu Options List.2. Use the Rotary Knob to highlight the “FactoryDefault” option. Press the Rotary Knob to select.“Restore  Settings” will pop up on the Receiver’sdisplay.3. Use the Rotary Knob to select “Yes” to restore allsettings or select “No” to return to the MenuOptions List Mode.Use the Rotary Knob to select the desired SleepTime. When the desired time is highlighted,press the Rotary Knob. The Receiver will nowturn off after the selected time has elapsed.      to enter the menu. Once in the Auto ShutdownMenu, use the Rotary knob to select either“Enable” or “Disable” the feature.•     Cancel Auto Shutdown: If you want totemporarily deactivate the Auto Shutdownfeature once the beep tone sounds, press theRotary Knob. The Auto Shutdown sequence willreset to 1 hour.e.  Sleep Mode: You can program the unit toshutdown after a selected period of time. Thescreen displays Sleep Mode on the top line, withoptional time settings as follows:Sleep Off15 Minutes30 Minutes45 Minutes60 Minutes
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide30If “Yes” is chosen, the unit reverts to the originalfactory settings for the following parameters:•   All Presets revert to empty•   Auto Dimming On•   Display Contrast to 50%•   Display Mode to Auto•   FM Modulator to On•   Audio Output Level to 50%•   Access to all skipped Channels (Lockedchannels remain locked)•   Memory Search On•   Memory Locations are erased•   12 Hour Clock Format•   Eastern Time Zone•  Daylight Savings Time Observed•   Alarm Off•   Program Alert Off•   Auto Shutdown Off•   Sleep Mode Off
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 31TroubleshootingFAULT PROBABLE CAUSENo SoundNo signal on receiver display   Audio static or loss ofclarity“ANTENNA NOTDETECTED”messageReceiver does not  turn on1.  Audio Cables not connected2.  Incorrect FM modulator frequencyCheck for obstacles over or aroundantennaVehicle antenna not connected to radioFM modulator frequency contains staticAntenna or cable is faultySatellite antenna not connectedBlown Fuse, power cable not properlyconnected1.  Check cables at Receiver and radio2.  Select another FM modulator     frequency.Change location to eliminate nearbyobstacles (bridge, etc.)Check vehicle antenna cableSwitch to another FM frequencyContact system installer or vendorCheck satellite connection to receiverCheck fuse, check power cableREMEDY
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide32SpecificationsAudio Output .................................................................................................................. 2.2V (Peak-to-Peak)Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) .......................................................................................................... <0.3%Signal-to-noise (S/N) ........................................................................................................ Greater than 75dBFuse Requirement .................................................................................................................... 3A Slow BlowPower Supply..................................................................................................10-16V, Negative Ground, DCReceiver Dimensions ............................................................................. 110mm(W) x 70mm(H) x 28mm(D)..................................................................................................................... (4-3/8” W x 2-3/4” H x 1-1/8” D)Receiver Weight ........................................................................................................................... 261g (9oz.)Remote Control Dimensions .................................................................. 49mm(W) x 104mm(H) x 23mm(D).......................................................................................................................... (1-7/8””W x 4-1/8”H x 7/8”D)Remote Control Battery Requirements ........................................................................................... 2 x “AAA”Note: Features and Specifications subject to change without notice.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 33
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide34Optional Accessories for your Sirius Sportster ReceiverAdd one or all of these accessories to maximize your Sirius experience.SP-B1 Portable BoomboxThe SP-B1 is a portable docking station andaudio system for the Sirius Sportster Receiver.With the built-in amplifier and speakers, the SP-B1 delivers rich, powerful sound indoors oroutdoors.Includes the Following:• Portable Boombox with built-in amplifier andspeakers• Auxiliary input for other audio devices• Adjustable indoor/outdoor antenna with 20’ ofcable• AC adapterSP-H1 Home Docking StationThe SP-H1 is a compact docking cradle thatpositions the receiver for easy viewing andoperation. Designed for quick and easy self-installation, it includes all necessary cabling toconnect to your home audio system.Includes the Following:• Compact tabletop/desktop docking cradle• Audio cable for connection to any stereobookshelf system• Adjustable indoor/outdoor antenna with 20’ ofcable• AC Adapter
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 35SP-C1 Mobile Docking StationThe SP-C1 is a compact docking cradle that positions the receiver foreasy wiring, viewing and operation. Designed for quick and easy self-installation, it includes all necessary cabling to connect to your caraudio system.Includes the Following:• Mobile docking cradle• Adhesive vehicle mount for easy installation• Audio cable to connect to radio with auxiliaryinput• Car power adapter• Magnetic antenna with 21’ of cable
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide3612 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTYSirius Satellite Radio Inc. (the “Company”) warrants to the original retail purchaser of this product that should this product or any part thereof,under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship within 12 months from the date of original purchase, suchdefect(s) will be repaired or replaced with new or reconditioned product (at the Company’s option) without charge for parts and repair labor.To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, the product is to be delivered with proof of warranty coverage (e.g. datedbill of sale), specification of defect(s), transportation prepaid, to the location shown below under WARRANTY RETURN.This Warranty does not extend to the elimination of externally generated static or noise, to correction of antenna problems, to costs incurredfor installation, removal or reinstallation of the product, or to damage to tapes, compact discs, speakers, accessories, or vehicle electricalsystems.This Warranty does not apply to any product or part thereof which, in the opinion of the Company, has suffered or been damaged throughalteration, improper installation, mishandling, misuse, neglect, accident, or by removal or defacement of the factory serial number/bar codelabel(s). THE EXTENT OF THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENTPROVIDED ABOVE AND, IN NO EVENT, SHALL THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY PURCHASERFOR THE PRODUCT.This Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties or liabilities. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN WARRANTY.  ANY ACTION FOR BREACH OFANY WARRANTY HEREUNDER INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY MUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN APERIOD OF 48 MONTHS FROM DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. IN NO CASE SHALL THE COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANYCONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WHATSOEVER. No person or representative is authorized to assume for the Company any liability other than expressed herein inconnection with the sale of this product. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damage so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specificlegal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.WARRANTY RETURN: To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, please return product to an authorized SiriusSportster retailer or call Customer Service at (800) 869-5187; proof of purchase and description of defect are required. Products to bereturned to an approved warranty station must be shipped freight prepaid.
Sportster SP-R1 User Guide 37IMPORTANT INFORMATIONSIRIUS ID (SID): __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __PSN:__  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __Customer Service: 1-800-869-5187
© 2004 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.1221 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10020(800) 869-5590sirius.comSP-R1-OM (Rev. 1, June 2004)

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