Kano Computing 15G7000B Wifi Dongle User Manual 54M 150M 300Mbps

Kano Computing Limited Wifi Dongle 54M 150M 300Mbps

User manual

User’sManualWirelessUSBAdapter150Mbps 150Mbps 150Mbps 150MbpsUSB USB USB USBWIRELESS WIRELESS WIRELESS WIRELESSADAPTER ADAPTER ADAPTER ADAPTERUser User User User’ ’’’s sssManual Manual Manual ManualMTK MTK MTK MTKVersion Version Version Version1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
User’sManualWirelessUSBAdapter1Federal Federal Federal FederalCommunication Communication Communication CommunicationCommission Commission Commission CommissionInterference Interference Interference InterferenceStatement Statement Statement StatementThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:-Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.-Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.-Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.-Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.FCCCaution:Anychangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.ThedevicehasbeenevaluatedtomeetgeneralRFexposurerequirement.ThedevicecanbeusedinportableexposureconditionwithoutRFstriction.1. 1. 1. 1.Introduction Introduction Introduction IntroductionThankyouforpurchasingtheIEEE802.11b/gor802.11nWirelessUSBAdapter.ThisWirelessAdapteriseasytouseandeasytosetup.IfyouhavebeentiredofdealingwithallthosemessywirestoconnectalaptoporPCtoofficeorhomenetwork,thisWirelessadapterisanidealaccesssolutionforwirelessInternetconnection.AtypicalInternetaccessapplicationfortheUSBwirelessadapterisshownasthefollowingfigure:
User’sManualWirelessUSBAdapter2TherearetwodifferentwaystoaccessInternet:1.Withawirelessadaptor,receivingandtransferringsignalviaawirelessrouter,thenpassedtoanADSLmodem,thentolocalISP(Internetservicesupplier)throughatelephoneline.2.Withawirelessadaptor,receivingandtransferringsignalvialocalAP(AccessPoint)orsocalledHotpointdirectly.Tips: Tips: Tips: Tips:An802.11LANisbasedonacellulararchitecturewherethesystemissubdividedintocells,whereeachcell(calledBasicServiceSetorBSS)iscontrolledbyaBaseStation(calledAccessPoint,orinshortAP).2. 2. 2. 2.Package Package Package PackageContents: Contents: Contents: Contents:�150Mbps802.11nUSBWirelessAdapter.�AdapterInstallationdisc.�User’sManual.Warranty Warranty Warranty WarrantyThewarrantsfortheenduser(“Customer”)thatthishardwareproductwillbefreefromdefectsinworkmanshipandmaterials,undernormaluseandservice,fortwelve(12)monthsfromthedateofpurchasefromitsauthorizedreseller.Informationinthisdocumentissubjectedtochangewithoutpriornotice.3. 3. 3. 3.Installation Installation Installation InstallationToinstallthedriveroftheUSBadapter,pleaseuseadministratoruseraccounttologinbeforethefollowingsteps:Tips: Tips: Tips: Tips:thelatestoriginaldriverscanbedownloadedfromthewebsiteofRalinkchipsetmanufacturer.Thecurrentwebsiteishttp://www.mediatek.com/_cn/07_downloads/01_windows.php.Tofindacorrectdriver,pleaseidentifythechipsettypeappliedintheadapteryouhave.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter3ForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows XPXPXPXP ::::The system will detect a new hardware has been added, and start the “ FoundFoundFoundFound NewNewNewNew HardwareHardwareHardwareHardwareWizardWizardWizardWizard ” .Click on “ CancleCancleCancleCancle ” .1) Please insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive. The disc should auto start ,displaying the flowingwindow ,if it does not start ,open the browser window ,find the autorun .exe file in your CD-ROMfolder, click to run it.2) Ralink has integrated all the 150Mbps 802.11n drive into one file . Click to run the “ DriveInstallation ” .Notes:Notes:Notes:Notes: Because Ralink often updates software, the drivers contained in the disc might be changedwithout prior notice.1) Follow the instructions and prompts of the “ InstallShieldInstallShieldInstallShieldInstallShield WizaedWizaedWizaedWizaed ” to finish the driver installation:a. Select the “ IIII acceptacceptacceptaccept thethethethe termstermstermsterms ofofofof thethethethe licenselicenselicenselicense agreementsagreementsagreementsagreements ” , then click the “ NextNextNextNext ” .b. There shows a setup type window, you can select “ InstallInstallInstallInstall driverdriverdriverdriver onlyonlyonlyonly ” or “ InstallInstallInstallInstall driverdriverdriverdriver andandandand RalinkRalinkRalinkRalinkWALNWALNWALNWALN utilityutilityutilityutility ” and then click the “ NextNextNextNext ” .
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter4TipsTipsTipsTips ::::1).The Windows XP utilizes a " WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless ZeroZeroZeroZero Configuration(Configuration(Configuration(Configuration( WZC)WZC)WZC)WZC) " Service built into the operatingsystem. Many wireless network adapter cards utilize this service.2). Ralink the chipset manufacturer has developed an utility for setting up wireless connection. If youselect this item, you can switch between the Windows XP ’ s WZC service and the Ralink WLAN utilityservice later.c. Click the “ InstallInstallInstallInstall ” to confirm the installation, there shows the installation progress.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter5
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter6d. Click “ FFFF inishinishinishinish ” to finish the driver installation.ForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows 7:7:7:7:Once the wireless USB adapter be plugged into an USB port, the flowing message will appear onscreen .The following installation procedures are similar to those of Windows XP .Please refer to the installation steps forWindowsXP.ForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows 8:8:8:8:The installation procedures are similar to those of Windows XP .Please refer to the installation steps forWindowsXP. WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless ConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows XPXPXPXP ::::1)After finishing driver installation, insert the USB adapter to Notebook or PC that supports USB
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter72.0/1.1 interface.Remarks:Remarks:Remarks:Remarks: Make sure to connect the adapter to an USB port on your computer directly rather than anUSB hub. Although it might work when connecting with an USB hub, the likelihood of configurationproblems will be higher.2) The system shows a wireless utility icon in the Windows system tray, which locates in thebottom-right corner of your computer screen, and pops up a message that indicates a newhardware is found and installed, something like this:3) Before you begin, ensure WZC is enabled,by right-clicking on the Ralink icon in the task bar inthe bottom right corner of your screen.4)Inthe menu that appears, select “ Use Zero Configure as Configuration Utility ” to use Windownswireless management feature,Windows Zero Configure(WZC) helps to manage your WirelessNetwork Connection.5) R ight click the icon and then select “ View Available Wireless Networks ” to launch the utility, theWireless Network Connection window appears and displays your wireless network listed with theSSID you cho o se.Notes:Notes:Notes:Notes: Before configuring your WiFi access, you need to have your network ’ s SSID (service setidentifier), security key and authentication type handy. Check the documentation coming with your router,ask your network administrator to get the information.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter86)Ifyou don't check your network, click “ Refresh network list ” in the upper left corner.Ifyou arelocating within the valid range of hotspots or wireless routers, all available networks will berecognized and listed automatically. Click your preferred network, and then click “ Connect ” in thelower right corner.7)Ifthe network security key hasn ’ t been inputted before, Windows XP prompts you to enter thenetwork ’ s security key to access the wanted SSID. Type the encryption key that you wrote down earlierin both the Network key and Confirm network key boxes, and then click “ Connect ” .Tips:Tips:Tips:Tips: If there are free hotspots, simply select the network you want from the list displayed, then click
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter9“ Connect”. It tries to launch your Internet browser — you should be connected to the Internet.If there is a pay hotspot, signing in or up will require either to enter your login information-if you ‘ re anexisting customer, or to enter your credit card information for payment, it is just decided by you. Thenclicking the Connecting, your default Internet browser will launch and take you to the service provider’slogin page. Most providers have very simple and step-by-step instructions for you to sign up and then tobe connected. Another way to access the service provider ’ s login page is to simply launch your Internetbrowser, if there ’ s a pay network available, you’ll be taken directly to the login page.1) After the installation of Ralink utility, the system shows a special wireless utility icon in the Windowssystem tray,whichlocates in the bottom-right corner of your computer screen:1)2) w hen an USB wireless adapter is inserted into an USB 2.0/1.1 port of Notebook or PC ,t he iconchanges colors according to the wireless signal quality .3) Double-click the icon or right click the icon and then select “ Launch Config Utility ” to launch theutility, the RaUI window appears like:The Ralink wireless utility starts in compact mode as shown above, provides profile management,the available networks listing, a statistical counter display, Wi-Fi multimedia (WMM), protected Wi-Fisetup, Cisco compatible extensions (CCX), call admission control (CAC), radio controls, Ralinkdriver/utility information, and help functions.Clicking the expanding icon can change to the fullmode as shown below:
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter10In this utility, there are two applications can be selected : the Station mode and AP mode .����StationStationStationStation modemodemodemode (Client(Client(Client(Client modemodemodemode )))) ::::it is the default access way , the USB wireless adapter services as aclient to acess Internet through other router or AP.����APAPAPAP modemodemodemode ::::it sets the USB wireless adapter as an AP,which allows the other users can connect toInternet through your computer. Before using the mode, it must be available that an existed Internetconnection via wire Ethernet connection or by 3G wireless connection.Tips:Tips:Tips:Tips: Point the cursor to the Ralink icon location on bottom-right corner of your computer screen, rightclick the mouse, from the pop up list, you can select the station mode or AP mode.4) Below are the steps to connect to a wireless network using the Ralink Utility.a.a.a.a. Open the Ralink Utility by double-clicking on the Ralink Utility icon in the taskbar.b.b.b.b. The Ralink Utility appears ,by default connected to an available open wireless network. Check thename of the network to which you are connected. If this is the correct network, no father steps arerequired.c. To connect to an alternative network ,click the Available Networks button.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter11d.In the Available Networks window that appears, select the name of the network to which you areconnecting.Then click the connect iconand wait several seconds while the Utility sets up aconnection .e. The Ralink Utility automatically detects and displays the security settings of the network to whichyou are connecting in the Profi l e Setting screens.Ifthe Utility shows that WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSKsecurity is detected as shown Below , click the right arrow to save your settings.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter12f.Inthe screen that displays, in the ‘WPAPreshared Key ’ field ,type a security key, the same as thatused by the AP or wireless router to which you are connecting. Click the right arrow to save yoursettings and connect to the network.g. Once you are connected the Avaliable Networks shows the status of your connection.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter13ForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows 7:7:7:7:NotesNotesNotesNotes :WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows ZeroZeroZeroZero ConfigurationConfigurationConfigurationConfiguration (WZC)(WZC)(WZC)(WZC) isisisis notnotnotnot necessarynecessarynecessarynecessary inininin WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows Vista,Vista,Vista,Vista, WindownsWindownsWindownsWindowns 7777 ororororhigherhigherhigherhigher versionversionversionversion OSOSOSOS ,,,, youyouyouyou cancancancan useuseuseuse WZCWZCWZCWZC andandandand thethethethe RalinkRalinkRalinkRalink UtilityUtilityUtilityUtility totototo managemanagemanagemanage thethethethe adapteradapteradapteradaptersimultaneouslysimultaneouslysimultaneouslysimultaneously ....1) Click on the wireless networks icon in the task bar in the bottom right hard corner of your screen todiaplay the avaliable wireless networks.2) Click the “ Connect ” button to connect to the select network .
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter143) If your network has wireless security Configured,enter the required setting. The following is an example only,your network setting may differ.4) The success of your connection is indicated by the wireless network icon.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter15NotesNotesNotesNotes ::::The steps of using the Ralink Utility to connect a wireless network is the same as those describedinWindowns Xp .In addition to station and AP mode,there is the Client + AP Mode to be selectedinwindows 7 as well.WhichWhichWhichWhich means:means:means:means: other wireless devices connect to -> Soft-AP of the adapter -> the adapter (Client mode withInternal ICS sharing )-> connect to other AP or Router -> Internet.This mode lets you use the adapter both as a Soft-AP and client at the same time. Switch to this mode,you can leta wireless adapter be connect to a wireless (Soft-AP) with Internet connected, and let other adapter be indirectlyconnect to Internet via the Soft-AP wireless network.ForForForFor WindowsWindowsWindowsWindows 8888 ::::1) Click on the networks icon in the task bar in the bottom right hard corner of your screen to diaplaythe avaliable wireless networks.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter162) Click the “ Connect ” button to connect to the select network .3)Ifyour network has wireless security Configured, enter the required setting. The following is anexample only, your network setting may differ.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter174) You can select turn on sharing or connect to device or not.5) The success of your connection is indicated by the wireless network icon.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter18NotesNotesNotesNotes ::::The steps of using the Ralink Utility to connect a wireless network is the same as those describedinWindowns Xp .In addition to station and AP mode,there is the Client + AP Mode to be selectedinwindows 8 as well.WhichWhichWhichWhich means:means:means:means: other wireless devices connect to -> Soft-AP of the adapter -> the adapter (Client mode withInternal ICS sharing )-> connect to other AP or router -> Internet.This mode lets you use the adapter both as a Soft-AP and client at the same time. Switch to this mode,you can leta wireless adapter be connect to a wireless (Soft-AP) with Internet connected, and let others adapter be indirectlyconnect to Internet via the Soft-AP wireless network.WPSWPSWPSWPS SETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGThe WPS is equipped with PBC and PIN two kinds of connection mode. Make sure your router supportWPS function,1) PBC ModeEnables the router ’ s PBC mode. Press the WPS button on the router about 2 seconds , When the
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter19router ’ s WPS status indicator led starts to flash that router WPS is already enabled.You can also visit therouter ’ s Web settings page to enable the PBC mode.1Use Ralink Utility to connect .a. Start-up Ralink Utility ,click the “ Profile setting ” icon and then select ” add WPS Profile ” button.b. Select “ Push-Button ” WPS Method.and then press to next.c. When the router ’ s WPS status indicator led starts to flash and then click “ Start PBC ” button intwo minutes.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter20d. After a successful connection it creates a Profile .2Use the WPS button on the wireless network adapter to connect.a. When the router ’ s WPS status LED indicator starts to blink and then press the WPS button onthe wireless network adapte r for about 3 seconds until the LED indicator of the adapter blinks. .b. After about 30 seconds, the connection will be successful ,then p lease view the connectioninformation on the Ralink Utility. After a successful connection, it will be randomly assigned to a APname and password forAP.2). PIN Modea. Start-up Ralink Utility ,click the “ Profile setting ” icon and then select ” add WPS button.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter21b. Select “ PIN ” WPS Method.and then press to next.And select the router ’ s SSID in theWPS AP List.1Type PIN in AP modea. Select “ Type PIN in AP mode ” in the PIN Entry Method.And then write the Pin Code to therouter ’ s WPS Web settings page and save it.
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter22b. Press to next then press “ Start PIN ” .c . After a successful connection it creates a Profile .2Type PIN below modea. Select “ Type below mode ” in the PIN Entry Method.And write router ’ s PIN Code i n the “ PinCode ” .You can view router ’ s PIN Code in the instructions of the router or the label on the back of therouter.b. You can press “ WPS Profile ” to view WPS Profile.No change is reconmend
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter23c. Press to next then press “ StartPIN” .d . After a successful connection it creates a Profile .Note:Note:Note:Note:
User ’ s Manual Wireless USB Adapter241.Ifthere are multiple routers simultaneously open WPS function, it may cause the connection tofail.2. When the router using WPS to connect ,you can only connect a client one time. When the routerusing WPS connection multiple clients, you need to repeat the WPS operation.ForForForFor moremoremoremore detailsdetailsdetailsdetails aboutaboutaboutabout thethethethe RaUIRaUIRaUIRaUI utility,utility,utility,utility, pleasepleasepleaseplease readreadreadread thethethethe helphelphelphelp informationinformationinformationinformation ofofofof thethethethe utilityutilityutilityutilitybybybyby clickingclickingclickingclicking thethethethe tatatata bbbb5.5.5.5. TipsTipsTipsTips forforforfor Wi-FiWi-FiWi-FiWi-Fi usersusersusersusersWith a Wi-Fi connection, you can roam about 150maround the access point (depends on differentenvironment), so find a spot where you can work without any interruption. Then see how much work youcan do, such as:�Easily and quickly receive and transmit files within your local network — no problem for big files.�Access your email and surf the web with the same speed as that connected with network cables.�Synchronize data between devices.�Take advantage of wireless printing — send files directly from your laptop PC to a wireless printerover Wi-Fi connection. WarningWarningWarningWarningWi-Fi offers greater speed and range than Bluetooth, but it drains your portable device batteries a lotfaster than Bluetooth does.Infact, if you use a Wi-Fi connection regularly on your laptop PC, you'llundoubtedly notice that you need to recharge more often.Ifyou need to conserve battery life — on along trip for example — turn off your Wi-Fi connection when you don't actually need it.
User’sManualWirelessUSBAdapter257. 7. 7. 7.Security Security Security SecurityBecausewirelessnetworksrelyonradiosignalstotransmitdata,theyarenotassecureaswirenetwork.Wirelessnetworksaresusceptibletovirusesandbreacheslikeeavesdroppingandneedtobeprotectedinordertobesecure.Therearemanysecuritymeasurestosafeguardwirelessnetworks,protectthedata,andkeepunauthorizedusersout.Hotspots,ontheotherhand,areoftenfreeofstandardsecuritypracticesinanefforttomakeiteasyforanyonetoconnect.Itmaybefoundthatsomepayhotspotsadministeredbyserviceprovidersofferhavesomelevelofsecurity,however,whenusingahotspot,it’salwaysagoodideatobeproactiveandtoemploysecuritymeasuresofyourown.8. 8. 8. 8.Key Key Key Keyterms terms terms termsWi-Fi: Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi:Shortfor“wirelessfidelity,”agenericlabelthatreferstowirelessnetworksornetworking.Hotspot: Hotspot: Hotspot: Hotspot:AspecificgeographiclocationinwhichanaccesspointprovidespublicwirelessbroadbandnetworkservicestomobilevisitorsthroughaWLAN.Throughput Throughput Throughput Throughput::::Theamountofdatatransmittedinasetamountoftime.Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth::::theamountofdatathatcanbecarriedfromonepointtoanotherinagiventimeperiod(usuallyasecond).Chipset Chipset Chipset Chipset:Agroupofmicrochipsthatexecutevariousfunctions(likememory)tosupporttheCPU.Tx Tx Tx Txpower: power: power: power:Thetransmitpowermeasuredattheterminalwithoutantennabeconsidered.Shouldtheantennagainbeconsidered,theEIRPvalueismentioned.1T1R: 1T1R: 1T1R: 1T1R:thestreamchannel.1T1Rmeansonetransmitterandonereceiver.Single Single Single SingleBand Band Band Band::::Normallymeans802.11b/g/n,whichoneworksin2.4GHz9. 9. 9. 9.Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications(Typical): (Typical): (Typical): (Typical):ProtocolandStandardsIEEE802.11b/gor802.11nInterfaceUSB1.1,USB2.0FrequencyBand2.412~2.4835GHz(Dependsondifferentcountries’regulation)DataRateFor802.11b/g:Peakrate54Mbps,Peakthroughput:27Mbps.For802.11n1T1R.Peakrate:150Mbps,Peakthroughput:90MbpsDataSecurityWEP64/128,WPA,WPA2,802.1X,WPS

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